r"...Y.,::. '• -,- -1' • k - ,F.7777.7.77177 7 - 7 '7"r1t . ir ,...,, r ,...-, .. 1i .: '; *" ..i , ;:;.7 - ..,.." ; 7 " . • , ;• .:: ,:. ,:'---".."-'''','€: ".' i', ',l'' ''„.., .” '• .. .. , :.r,1... ~._.. .:. _.,,,.... ' r...,: -. •'. ' . ''. • - 4.!> , ,-- , ;• I.f u lg 1)Y MA if sowri yt . *WAREHOUSE, Roue V. tato dos from tit Cr M. auk. W Tr Craftriatar re.roectrully inform. ilia fluidic that h ' n , Prenloved hie rally made coma warehouse to the 1•111.11 of rerenily re npi d by Mr. R. G. lerford,dlreelly 40Pa.11e hie oldin end, where hels always arepared to at. ' promptlyt.ranyordershi his line, and i.y loran* at." triniton to ail the details of the losdness of an Undertaker 4 Witar lsehowsio merit online imiifi.lenee. tie ictit he fire.riated k''' - ' ' Ari- - at att. ' 'ROJAS to provide Rennes, fliers, C lases and e-7-4,.. T%-iio.,), reioisile oil' t lie ino.it liberal +mum. Calls from the ::..- • .."' etbiattry wilt he proinoi I y attended tor k- "L 1 . 111!• retiitener Is in the same httildlnt with his ware . 1 . ...:'' - 114naditi, where Moot who need his services tri.iy find him .. 41 ' AtisnY . time. ZZZZZZ .c...: ~„,._.....i. ir.;ZI 411101 ff , Itr. SOHN BLACK. D. D. 1/'':.` 4 * .; 'C''" - Mleiltelltl4. UV. ROSIIRT 11110CII. O. D. 1,174 . .?" . tt' ' • .;:z ".. • ~, , ,...to l lx„. , . It Par Toll. ILLS. lIKCILL WILLIA.KII, D. ,; „,,ilt *. ' - " , "' r ''' '' - iliso W ' ilms 11.11. Y. JA.lite I. Di.lil3, '''.w •I. `,.'". '., , -.' •. alp If) try, t. r. scrim O I'HOAR 1104 OCCUPATIONS TIM) TO PROOLICR OR kW; RIVATE DOE ti:-E.—:This elan of individ,tals Is very numerous. They are those wAe werrk in an +patent:l)y nimosohere. Printers. work- Arise ln feather stores, atone rioters, linkers, white lead sallettfacturers, are all or lESS WlltliArl to disernite ne• Clar . dittylLthe 'lmola of their cnnstititlion. The only holt In' PrnlrNit disea. , e. is the occasional use of a e which s'istracta from the tin- - 0010h all delete rra. taryttirtreili. Ahern by the bowels , . Tonice lion are inparions,.avillev nnlv .di off the evil mike it more With The use of IS rendre , l'ills are hellth, hecnnailliey take all impure matter tof the We .. . 13 and the hotly In not weakened hot strenetirsecil by their operation, fir these vainatdc Pills tirostrit force s hut .I hey assist natere, and are not °pp.:sea. Vial harmonise with her. tl.l at Dr. tirandreth't Ofilce. No. 93 Wood street, PRlStetrah. Price - 25 cents per hos, with full directions. 7: MAAR—TiIe only place In Piltsburgh where the trENITI iE Pills can he oldsined,is the Doctor's own Of. yij c , Ike. N 0.93 Wood strew e - , r~; ^.~~ . >w~ fir., ~'s ~s. `~ .- le .4, c. :u * 1,11; • iftlukt-t1i.,... 2. , . , _ _ ,rt,s,„.;ssgeniant•e-. Width - It etaic * tite-'hashot e d r'' , ' *....* '' Ilberttirita :7- T !" . ,..?.'-'4 . .4.... Pee tom • eglit,.t yorr ame r e ds 0.. ...!,s.jt. ,....- .... - env Ito uradurvil lm t hit? i tt4 l :le. t 'VP. T 4 l iiIPTTIS. M.D. i i,....".....1._.Trit Cornoonht < „ i mh m t ft memhenll4-:.," _ .... . I rt itaiurf of Tt ri mt./Lust purifying the tnstint. Hay .".i og 'thorughly: thued its stittip.s,vt,' take pleat tic in re. 7i....., ir ..,,,,. the - ph:die, Irelteetng NAG be this bettiar• -- ..tr is :, ....' Itic klild new in use. h" ' TiNI: R TSON, S D JAME'S P, 1 .4C1r. _' . 1 ' ...AOR'T II PEEBLES, CHAS 8 SCULLY. , . p bARRAOH; WM IIYCANDLESS. vi ,ItRitIORIIE4D. JAS SCR"? FT. - a 4 RING WALT, L'S JOHNS, Prepared and suld by WiLLI i M THORN. A pot !leen • y-and Chemist, No. 53 Market street,' Plush° rgh; and at all Ihe principa Druggists', and Tuttle's Medical /Igen. Cr, Fourth street. Pep - NTEREST/NG CUR EPerfervard brDr•Swarnee Osrepsaind Strap of Press* Pirgriniarta, or W(/d Cher. ey./lasing made line of Ibis invaluable Syrup in my family, which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing, ntierided with ronstant conch, spasms, convulsions, 4-c. of which I had given until' hopes of its recovery until I W+l,4 advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine. Afrer se..in: the effects It had upon my child, and con . .chiding to make the same trial upon myself, which en. lr.ly relieved me ofa cough (hat I was afflicted with for many years Any person wishing to see me ran ea at !muse In Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. Wit.coz. DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP trF WILDCHERRY. We call the attention of the public to the numerous certificates which have been In circulation In our paper nod conic others of this city, highly recommending Dr. Swersa's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have seen the original certificates. and have no doubt hut thee • come from truly grateful henrist.exprerstve of ho benefits which they have received from that valnable compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently used the stove medicinr. who ran speak with confidence of Its virtues. -. Saturday Chronicle. re.z,Low Cmzeast—Wlth sincerity I would advice yon. nne and all, i•olh sick and well, always to have a i.nitte of Dr Sw•vmes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry to your house—it Is invaluable In cases of emergency,roch as Spitting of Blood, Asthma. attacks of violent coughing. which Is often the cause of spitting of blood, Vtokmt Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, 11nd various other causes, producing reef alarm. sudden colds from improper exposure, which ars often let run to an alarming extent, for want of means indite ready at hand;—and as I have used Dr, Switvais Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeattily , 3 my family, and always with marked success—l can recommend it with confidence. as being one of the beat 'amity medicines which has Over been offered to the —Sat strainy Ckronitte. m. Thorn. Wholesale 4. Etet ail, only anen t N0.:13 Market Street. Pep 10 '.':INNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON EsTs. PITTSBURGU, OCT. 22, 1842. J. lemna—On Fr Way, the 30th of last month, about ac Planlng.gronvlnz and Flash Man •:f.:pinry, owned by Day, Dilworth k Co. with a l ame ut , iticrofdressed and - Indredsed !Ember, was all consn. ri by Ore. The iron , gore which I botuht of yon some time, back was most exposed situation during the flrr. and red hot —I am pleased to inform you It was opened at the close of the 6rr.and all the books, pape rs , Jirr....ivc,.; —this is the best recommendation I can give of 'Lc ultrity vf your safes, -124-11* Zr IN TON'S Uariralled Blacking', - -r, 'I7FAc7 CR En and sold wholesale and retail Sraszr one door below Smithfield. .7l—:v. r I • Alen .41er ckan.!. Lexiseille. KY.. will attend- lo F,-talc, Dry Goads,G.ocerisw, Farigiarr, :. c . • rz ea rti e r . salrto cr y Tueeday, Thursday. sed,Pri 10 .)'elock. AA. Cagh a drakes tilde ‘‘), cignme:•lB. e Cp to Them) 11.1 m.:, Cozs Feathers. 10 imerets Bogie /limas 111 , , An consignment, landing from !steamer Alp., amt for p:n on liberal :ernt.,ll II ILSIAN eN SINGS 4 Co.. tO 43 Wood street. REMOVAt v- r CA IP VELD lint recnrwril hin irmiee Ee9l,l!fli • event in' Wnivi (t. Is!tete .11.• • will • idly" CPI hind Toni b Init*,..4lo2nilicarg'i•'t, .••:7;: ,7 .0"-. ip-lyr i~ . .. ` ~ 7; ~. ' .-z .. - ... h o it nti?unity while? tim l'ot her night, ith n grin, replied loch, Thorns' Tooth Wash, the gvnt !erotic"; Pay. I hie. cast all others away, inn Le the teeth shine, H ihe instre alinitur. tooth wash, h wash. h or Thorn's }soot tine Ten rierry.Tonth W)gb,' he Ingredients of its tempo. isidni It-one of the. Urea, at' Tooth Wn;t4es nnw in ucit. nww.414y1 . 4) AUNT, Da.l3aolnc, Dear Sir—l have for a number of year; past been af flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a rising frnm derangement of stomach and bowels rind al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medici-le re commended for Its cure, have never derived any mate. rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An. II Dyspeptic Pins. I have not taken quite Iwo hazes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that distresmig complaint. f have no hesitation in recommending. your Pills as the best medicine I have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, J. IL T atilna.nled with Mr, Turne-, D. have TUR n NE o hesita !lon In certifying that I consider the statements of air T. resenting Dr. Brodie's P;Ils, as entitled to the most perfect and entire confidence. HUDH DAVIS. For sale, Wholesale and Retail et the 9rodontan Pill Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; anJ by all authorised a gents throughout the Union. Alle'v cif,. Jan 9 iN4.i Adams' Patent "Hanghphy" RYE now been before the pub , ic 3 years du ring which timr several thodsan,ls have been sold and in daily use, We are eohfiaent of heing sumained in saying they are tAe best Coffee Milts in the United States, any way you •flz it.' Several modifications are madeto suit the coney of wives and the purses of husbands Sold by the :rots or dozen et the manufactory.—.. Malleable Casting, made to order. THOMAS w COTT • • Platform These genuine ankles , or ail sizes. and S c a les. mpeno e o varieties.constantly on hand and foraMe at very proved prices by the acuraci rer. L R. LIVINGST(N. mar —if Front between ito.4, and Grr A nt sta. NEW ESTABLISHMENT Upholstery Furnisbiltigs. brEsobeerNer respectfully informs his Fri en d s an d ibe Filmic that he has lost opened the store No. 30 Fifth street. near the Exerninae Bank, and adjnining !Ur. 3 1). Williams' Grocery—where he Intends to mann. facture to the best style, and hove ready for sale a full assortment of the Brat quality of Upaelsterg Alrareisk. ins*, such as flair, Shack and Straw Atattrasses, Feat!). Pr Beds,ltarklnr, 4.r.whlch he wit?, sell for Casa at near I y 100 per cent less than former 'prices. ALSO; Sofas, Chairs, etc, Uptrnlstered. carpets mad., and Cut tains arranged ober the newtst fashions—All of which he olTers to execute in 1. manner unequaled la thieor unsurpassed In any otb..er tn.!. mar 20 ly JOUN T. STEWART. A USOLUTE HEAL ALL 10101)0 "'ALS and "an saeoasski prove DAL LE rs JAW 010.11 L PAIN' EX. TRACTOR inestimable. It n toul t r eunsquicker, but gives no addit:onal pain. nor leaves a ern r. Fire is posi lively rendes ed harudens. (11.0 has been offered six mouth. to any person rlturninti an emply box, and saying that all agony on anointing in not extrneted I a few nun at, s, ye , tint one from thousands of trims since has claim ed the bonus.) Parentnanxinus to guard againalgenera ininrien, and nave tin . fortune and life, and prevent their offspring frrutheingdisfguredby burns. or e ven nninli pox rinstules. (11 possessing the enviable power in replacelherellatary organs destroyed.) can do so by oh" tntningt . ,is inimitable salve. Many deexly burnt cases iu the city cnn I.e seen, anti oneentire Dice burnt over and wounded three distinct 'lines in the same spot while heal ing. yet in no ease can be traced the least cirtitrice or markt For all kinds of hurts its raird soothing effecritare ttat important;even sore eyes. nil inflamedlone and tiro ken breasts would he unknown. Thesoilet and nursery, or Hearing the skin of pimples. removing chafe, etc.. a 11l Reid itnYnitispensahie. One using only will forever Vile it thesovereign HEAL-Att., quality. After this no tice, heads of families allowing torture for months, 'ad ultimately distorted features, ran never wipe away re proach, justly lettered by a disabled child, for neglecting to trin mph over fife, , :Cntered according to act of Congress, A. D. 1 114 1 , by ronisi , ek 4- Co Oa the Clerk's office of the District Court of the United Stales for the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only genuine. Comstock rer Co.. wholesale Druggists, N. York, have hc come the sole wholcealer agents for Mr. Dailey, In Amer' ca for 20 yenta. All orders must I.e addressed to them The carmine only to he had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agency, RS Ftierth wee, Nov 15 Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory. -, ~._ .... Y.— ----, - - 11...e...,... -.. • v S . -: A i:al .-_, AIM_ -=- _...timi t io,..---.::•. I CONST.INTLY on itrukil it .rri .nr article cf Lard Oil, %warranted to burn at any leinercitire, and moat to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, wit how its offensive qualities, and one third rt.eape.r. man. al:toured by the subscriber at tile old stand, st., nPnrly opposite the Post Office. M. C. CDI:Y. stn 4,1833 ?' CEs • . O TIGE - CAND • - gnu 19 is a safe and certain enrC rer Costgls, Colds Asthma, Sere Throat, Pains and Weakness of She litssastWkloping Con'ek. noarseneks, frritatioo of tke Throat, and many duseasea leading, in 'tie Consumption Tv) , It—only 61 per roil—prepared and sold Whole• saleaad Retail by 11. T. PRICE, Confections - , Fegcral 41..Allegiteny City; nod the prinelpril Drunista of Nits. Be -ere you seer for PriciesCOMpounit Conitennily. no. 17--or I ORERT PORTEt4hitormey at Lam.-0 1.11., on the eornerof Forth and Sndi Mien! sts. sep 10 PITTSDURG H Looking Glum 'Manufactory, - And Honse Furnishing Warehouse:, 104 Wood Street, near .sth. • Sohaerjhry having comriefriVisla arra ovra,ntt , itt hi* nee !yaw", b.' now wept red to ofrer tb Ito tte , mot le, a Intze amt r on. Mkt! amenrtown I ;fa. nui , e for nistitha—iiroware. triiVi ' Verde! itliee4e* lis CAL sites, o?Ute , :sioistiptirOveil and superior *espial tv,ity • e n ye. an. .rix • n fif is or .Birk and Bone lin nO in -Table Cutlery, Criritio's Knives and Forks, DiXon's Brittnnia Metal lea und. Coff,e Setts (sir nerlor quallty.) American Manufariu ;do, 111 Fens, or single pieces. German Silver Ten. and 'Ni de SpOnnis. Fitver plated and Brass Vandles , irks. Elnuffeis Brit ranin Metal Lamps, for burning Spero or 1.4.4 Oil. !tress and Wire Fire Fenders. (various patterns.) Fire Shovel, and Tongs,. Raid Irons. 4.e, With ■ variety of Otherßrt.C, 1 1 es 100 00 meroun to men tion, ail of which will he offered it Ilse lowest cash pri N.R. Portrait,Miniaturemnd other Framing done at Or aboriern notice, repairing of all klnds attended tn. Look. losGlass plntes.by Inc box or single light , Print• for Fro. minx constantly on band reb 23 14, Headache ! Headach e ! Dr. BRODIE'S ANTI DYSPEPTIC PILLS. A P.E now known to ihoioninds ass most eztranrdinm ry remedy for this affliction ns well as the Incon trovertible feet of their cnring DYSPEPSIA. Will those xufrerlng only ask among their friends if they have nut known of the positive effects of said Pills. and If they do riot hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly too) than any other, then let them net imy them. In these few remarks, all fancy or imazination Is excluded, and nothing will he said of their merits at anv time but what can lie fairly proved by respectable members of our community. Read the following certificate ;ken by a respectable citizen or Alloglieny city, and attested by 01:11 , .01 - the judg. es of the Court cf Common Pleas of A Ilegherry co. A LLEOUINY CI - ry, January 9, 1343. „,_ THOS. A HU.LIER F OR carrying Merchandise and Produce to and frons. Ploshurgli, Phitadelpilia, Baltimore, New York and Roston, by the PeOnsYlvania Canal and Rali-Tera4, on entirely temperate principles. Block oft his line consoles of new large Tidewater boats 'min expre , viy for ibis route, with all the modern int. provenients lit boat building; of a su pet abundant supply of first rate ears on the Portage Railroad; and a full 8112 p ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boat, he. iween Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which will be conducted by sober, iiidlist Haus and experienced captains and superintendents Charges will he paid on all goods Intended to he shipped from Millibars h to Philadelphia, Illi!I imo re, New York or Boston, and consigned to James Dickey 4- co., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne sin. arid will be promptly attendetito and forwarded with &lin:itch. All Goods and produce Intended to be shipped from Ph,liadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Rod trn Canal.land consigned to Hart, Andrew and Mcßever, will be received at their warehouse. first wharf above Race west. Philadelphia, and shipped directly from thence without additional handling or expense; a 'Neer Boston packets connects With the line at this point- Shippers are Invited to examine the stock of this line and Judge for themselves. heforeshlipping by any other,' as their interest will be advanced by shipping by lt, the proprietors being determined lama themselves to the utmost of their ability for the Interest of their calla mere and prosperity oftheirline. Insurance can be effected cheaper by thin line than any other, as the route Is considered the safest- PROPRIBTORB. Hart, Andrews 4- hicKever, from Philadelphia and Bal. flame to ilolltdaysiarg. Henry L. Patterson,from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh, ' - AGEMTa. Hart, Andrews if MeKever, Philadelphia, Elder, Delano * Co., Baltimore, Henry L. Pattereon, Hollidaysburg, Jessee Patterson, Johnstown. Jame. Dickey li• Co. Pittsburgh Jan 13--1 y Convepanciiiag. J A. AIRS .1 3 LAKELY,Iirnt lanes tit execute all kinds of wrltlngs.stich it.lDeeds, Mortgages. Apprentices In. dentures. Articles .or Paripershlp, Letters of Attorney, Wilbiotc. 4. ,In a neat and legal manner, and at half or ureter charms, et his old stand relit street, nearthe sth bard market house. (eh, 25. - ' ArarTRII I IVAA4DS. Lit litoicirtstot that ygo commence woken' loss ornate with . 81tatepertit's Pttv.a. They B,lldly im surely remove all imperilled/ frovntbe blood,and no ease of sliktuvat can alfert tin human . frame, that these celt Mated Pills do not relieve as much an medicine can de. Colds and coughs nee more benetated by the Brandretia Pills than by lozenges and candirs. Very well, per as paliMivea, hut worth ncititing_gis vatlicatori of diseases from the human system. The Belkottarn Pttut cure. they do not merely Whim; ihav cure diaeascoi whether chronic or recent, Infectirius or otherwise, will certainly he cured by the use of these all sufficient CURE OF A CANCEROUS SORE. Flag Stan, January 21.1843. Doctor Benjamin Breadeeta —Honored Sir: Owing le you ti -debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I ain induced to mime pnhlic acknowledgemhnt of the beuefit my wise ben derived from your Invainahle pills. About three Yeats this winter she was taken with a pain In her .which soon became very much inflamed and swollen, eO much so that we became alarmed, an d sent for the doctor. During hisa tienda nee the pain and swell , in: increased to an alarming degree, and• in three weeks f,om its first commencing it became a rennin sore.— She could get tut:crest at night the pain was so great.— Onr first Doctor aitended her for six months, and she received no bef,ellt whatever, the rain growing worse, and the sore larger all the while. Be Paid If it washeol• I ed up it would be her death, buttle appeared to be at a lose imier ta proceed, and my poor wife still continued to suffer the tuost terrible torture,. We therefore sought other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he firm Saw it that he could coon cure the sore, and give her ease at once. To our surprise he gave her no gelid, and acknowledged that it hailed all his skill. Thus we felt after hattieg tried during one whole year the experience of two Celebrated phyalcians In vain, In absolute despair. My poor wife's constOntion rapidly failing in the prime of her years from her suffering. Under these circumstances we concluded that we would try your Universal Vegetible Pllls.determined to fairly test their curat lye effects. To my wife's great comfort the first few doses afforded great relief of the pain. MIMI) one week, to the aitonishment of our 'selves and every one who knew of the case. theswelfing and the inflammation began to velment that she felt quite easy, and would sleep comfortattly,and, Mr, after six weeks' use she was able to go through the house, and again attend to the management of her family. which she had not done for nearly 14 months: In admit:, over two tits from the time she first commenced the use of yonr invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite sound, end her health berer than it had been taquitea number of years before. I send yon ibis statement after •wo years test of cure. coneidering It only an act of jesting to you and the public at large. We are, whit ninth era nude, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY 4' EI.IZA A. LITTLE. P. S. The . Rotrtuiral Doctor pronounced the sore can• eurous, and tinnily said no zOnd could he done, unless the whole of the flesh was rut off, and the bone served.— Thank a kind Providence, this made us resort to your pills, which sayed us from nil further tnisery, and fur which we hope t • he thankful. T. 4' E. L. {)}-Sold at . 425eente per box, with direction". Olmerve the new ittliels,ertch having upon it two sig. 'natures of Dr. Brandreth. fle each hns of the genuine hap eix signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three ft. Itrandret it upon it. • The only place In Pittsburgh where the real Rran death Phis eon he obtained, is the 'peewee own office. No. 03. Wood street. between sth and Diamond a ley Mark the genuine Brandretit Pills can never be oMalited in any drug more, The following are the only agents appointed by Dr. B. Drandreth, for the sale of his Veiretobla Universal pills, In Ailegheiy county: R t C Pa. OTICICZ. No 9R, Woad street,Pittsburib. Mr. John Gears—Alleglieny, Rohm Duncan—Birmingham. C. P. Irelil—Elizabeihtown. Rowlar.d-10'Keesport. *Prewy Irwin—Pleasant 8111. John Jolinsten—Nohiostown. - 4,:h4man t Pint4olns -Plewßrlslown• Arden ¢ Connell—Cllnion. 4 Robert Smith Porier—Taitenium, Georg.. Pow•!—FAiw,vor. 113vtd R Conn- Mum verirrtisblp, _Dante" Neelet,—Eut Wm: o,llAiser...Miten't M 911, war 23, 11143 _ . • olocrill , lff (1011VrI flea.orei*H-r+ii - , R e via ova/. - A,,,,cdrirAfew. fitoirAfttar . SI/OP Affih - ER, seared respectfully InfOrrn'llli t o . jetniP nnd the tolo , irr, that he has removed Mr eslah., Imre; io the new buildings on Market m, one doir orn the et•rnPr of 3rd ‘treet. opposite De. SatOlien. here he Is prepared n. 4 heretofore to reerdre orders tfor the manufacture of Hoots and shoes, andter make them In .tyke not Put ria , s , ll.l, any establisiamenl In lhe CITy. His r vices are modr rote tomtit the thins, and the work manahip oral! his anodes win be w& - molerl. A share of public patronage la respectfully reqeeated. mar 2:3--3wd. I 11. E. ill ER nirr, DENTIST, 0./fieefa sesame .1.7 field, between Second . and TAird Si,., Roars of bu-tittsys from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. Dr. E. M. manufact - resProeelain and Mineral teeth. Dentists can be supptied by the 100 or alagteteeth. Blocky of ti-r , lh with a tirattilrol ram In Yall mete, or ports Of silts, will be made to order At the shortest notice. hV forwarding au exact Impre;.loO Or the mouth. Also, for sale a few !earldoms wlt h emery Wine'. for grinding and fittin_ mineral tomtit so aeeful to the nelf 1111 " — a" wi/ It* sold low for cash. dec 23. P ILES cured by the tee of Dr. Harlieh's Strengthening and Otrman Aperient Pips Dr. IMMO—Dear Sir—Shortly alter 1 received the Agency from you for the rain of your medicine. I formed an acquaintance with a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Plies. Fat eight or ten years title lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician roorldered her case so coMplicaled, that lie very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she en m meneed using your Print, and was perfectly cured. Yours, ttc. JANES R. KIRBY October 3, 1840. Chanibersbog.Pa. rrOffice and General Depot, No. 19.Plorili Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty anti Wood streets Pittsburgh. sep 10" INDEPENDENT TIDE WATER LINE; Intat!ghir, Tnpfor the - Paten! of.: B . A RON VON H OTCRELRA 9RRB. PiLLEL.—• These Pills are composed of herbs, whtelt ekert specific action upon the heart, give imitable or etreuglh to the arterial system; the blood is quickened and equalized In its circulailmi through all the re mils,; whether nf theakin. the parts situated internaily f or the extremities; and as all the treerefkins of the body are drawn from the blood, there is a consequent lameneitett every levet ion, and a cm ic kmied action of the absorbent' and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action which may have taken place fi corrected, all obstrot• liana are ear/toyed, tbr blond 'is s willed. and the body . remotes a b tsttkPal state. Pori ale Wholesale .and SOLI R E SELLERS, Agent, sap 111 sta I Wood St. . below NecOlid, DCr-DALLErs PAIN ZXTRACTOR Is eertainly, the most valuable ointment for Burns, Sores, 4-e., ever Invented: no matter how badly a person may be burnt or scalded—thin wilt heal them immediately, without leaving any wait. Every family 'MOW have a box - *lx their Wrenn, no Ine should be without it.—Ever who hag tried it reeesatneris it. ,To be beid fewi r : 3 l, TUTTLE'S; 86 Fount wool.. • -,,, 1148 IM=MMI iptat WARZHOUSIL.—N., 79,. Ater.* - Brest i s Beitsorrat Wend and flw*Ajfatri no. Taro doors from the corner of Wood street. Coe gently on band an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every size and deserlptlon; covered ories. with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and rine Colßns. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furntshed; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may reunite. A credit given in all raqes, either ofcoMns or carriages, requested. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker. cep 10 SURGICAL, I NSTRUM ENTS! SURGICAL IN STRUM ENTSI— 7. McCarthy, Cutter and Surgirsi Insfrassent Maker, Third street. nsarty opposits the Post 04411, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians. Dentists and Draughts can have their in• struments made by the subscriber of. a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N.O. Allarticler warranted of tllll4lC3t quality, and jobbing done as usual. sett 10 ALLEN KRAMER, Exthaore Broke., No. 46, Car. lei,. of Wood sad Third Streets. Pittsburg.% Pa.— Goidr Silver, and Solvent Rook notes, hnught and sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities., for sale. Drafts, notes and bilis, collected. CrlpttNesr: Pittsburg/I.Pa, Wm. Bell It Co.. John D. nilViP, F Lorenz, J. Paimerk Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May Miriadetplaia. /11exander,Dronson er Co.. John H. Brown 4- Co. Cincinvesti, 0., James M'Candless. St. Loxis. Ale, .1. R. 51 • Donala. Leuisroins, W. H. Pope, Esq. Pree't Bank Ky. sep 10 REMOV A L.—The undersigned begs len ve to inform lire public, that he has removed from his old stand, to the tOrarr of Penn and Bt. Clair els., opposite the Ex change flotel,where lie has fitted up a large PILLNO FORTT. Waite Rook, and now offers for sale the most splendid assortment of Puling ever of f ered in this market_ plenos consist of different patterns, Of superior Rose Woodland litahognny,bentitifiilly finished and mo deled, and constineted throughout of the very heat ma• tercels, which, for durability, and quality of tone, as welt as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has en!arTed his manufactory, and made 14 rninge !petits to supply the increasing demand for this Instri merit, he respectfully requests those Intending to nor'. , chase to rill and. caftans! his avorlinent before porcha sing elsewhere. as he is determined to sell LOWICR. Inc cash, than any other establishment east or west of the motintaini. - F. BLUM E. Corner nf Penn and Rt. Clair streets, lien 10 Opposite the Bicbarite Hotel. PR tshursh„ Pa WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. Wftuam Evan Camomile Nita. Crtrincnrcs.—Leiser from the flon. A When, %Mel. lan,Sutllvan County, Est Tennessee. Menthe/of Coneress Wnsmnotnn, July 3rl. IR3B. Sir—Sines I have been In this city I have 'toed tome of your Dyopeptle medicine with infinite benefit and sails faction, and believe it to ben moot valuable remedy. hoe of my :onstlittento, Dr. A. Gorden, of Campbell county. Tenneroce, wrote to me to Fend hint some. which I did. and he ha■ mployed it very otteeesofally In blspraclice, and says It Is invaluable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at thts place," thinks you would probably like en risen, in Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden. ao a proper perms tg offlchite for the male of moor celebrated medicine. Should you commirilon him he Is wilting to net for you. You can send the medlchteby water to the came( Rotten King 4. Sono. Knoxville moonily. Tenney PIT, or by land to Graham k flonelos. 'Tazewell. Eno Tennessee. I have no doubt bat If you had agents in several enuntlra lit East-Tennetteee.a great deal of 'nett!. tine would he sold. lam going to eke sate of . 1i home for my own use. and that of my friend', and should like to hear Dem yod whether you would like an :tont at Illuntvllle.fittlivan Count tr. Kim Tennessee: I ran get tome of the Inerritinto to met far you ns I five near there. • Ycurn reopeetfally. AIM M'CLELLAN,af Tennessee. F6r tale 'hotesale and Retail, by D k. WIL LIAM Slirik (481513 1 *le Ur This incalutie remedy h " prwer welt 4undtddf whew ifitsuglialset secov•r vo)siffitsrAfOrcln, • hen tnistelistsiNesit.thieThse ' **hit enohi tato' there in ee appeorstee of teeth.' 1 3 00 *lli or the syreit should be tlserino open the "ppttia,- rarer's* 'shoo I r settro li. without 'he nyrup is the ppiper'y *bereifete are young eltltOren, for it* Wight With pain In the :PM,. MO Ifileilitf et) , iyl.l by open%s theporen. :Ind b Ins the item.; thr , 4 , 40. orerent• Conyultionn, revers, 'Far &Lie nWii Retail by R. R. RELLERs". Agent , se plO T Na. 20. Wand wen, belnn.-speood- C ovell s. (OLDS eweepirsemortox —Th t , aca son fur the above rompla into is Maw al hand, and all persona Who are onhjetted to Uri inclemency of itle weather are revecifilily Intimated. that they can ttnd. Covalver BALM el Lim, Which is V 1 eI I kriontnto have eared Tnaassisea, who . wort le the ./art stages or a,.. niseption. Oen !Sett& ran be prothseed of Its wonderfei caret. • TRYLoR's BATAAN or lavalteeints le another remedy for Liver Complatill . Cam: kis insi Colds: It conies high• ty rectur mealier/nay on von* sed 3. and le pleasant to take,andSpeedy , In effeeti ' r. PRAWN Homt sous, Castor.' Mats a.tafgbly valuable and pleasan," mediernetft will edict at positive andrertain Vie i cure for Coughs, Colds, CosssißsliismAnd it an effectuat care for the - Watoovtiras Covonsi t : ..fihts lee very pleas ant medicine, allare fond of it 4 emittadldren never 'ethic to take at; its cure Is sore and pimative. The suhscriher has a certificate of A :coley direct &in J. Perak. 4.• son; Cu there can ha PO mistake: Alt ferment who are effected, are invited to can aid rot detire,, for the Ilwe to take medicine isst the commencement, All the above medicine': ran aliraye be procured at WilottßALß OR RETAIrat • TUTTLE'S MEDICAL AGENCY. B. Foßcti :OM, T FEII A LKB.—T here lea large class of Pansiesl. this City who from their continued sitting, to whi li ch their oceu pat km' oblige iliem,are affected with costiveness which gives rite to palpitation at the heart on the least ex anion, sense of heavinem extending over the whole head, Intolerance of light and sound.an Inability of Axing the attention to any mental operations, rumbling la the bove. els, sometimes a sense of suffixation, especially eller ;Meals when any exertion is used, a: going quickly' np imam tempre fickle; I hem are symptoms whit!, yield 'di once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pitte The vete, Mona' use of this medicine would Imre a deal Of trouble and years of suffering, One, or two, or even thrreof the Brandreth Pillsiust before dinner, arc orms found highly beneficial; many use them very edvantageOltsty In this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore thoherwets to a proper condition, en liven the spirits, Impart. -clear ness to the comriteson, purify t lie blood, and promota general feeling of henit ii and happiness. Sold at Dr. B - andreth's Office. No. 98 Wood. Iliffet, Pituthdreh—:Price 25 centi per hos, directions.. ) MARK—The only place in Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Nils can be obtained, Is the DpeteeStt OWin fee. No 98 Wood street. Rep 79- L IVER. COM PLA INIT cured by the ule of Dr.' Her. itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient pills. Mr. Wm. Riehards, of Pittsburgh, Pa„ entirely cured Of the above distressing disen.e. tiler symptoms were path and weight in theist). tide, loss ofappatile, vomiting, acid eructations, it distension of the stomach. sick headache, furred tongue, coo menu nee Clila need tea citron color. dißk culty ofbreathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great debility, with, other symptomatudicating great de rangement of the ihnetlons of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several - Physiclam., but received no relief, until using Dr. Flarlictes Medicine, which termina. ted in effecting a pe•feet cure. Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Street. PitiledelPhia. For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frei', eorreer of Liher ty and Wood streets. • tmpl() „~: ~'~_ .14'P - 1 . :- ~•. R. E r RELTtRS, A Warur reet.belny; • _ ~; r .. ~~ INDIVIDUAL ENTERrIUSE. UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For tks Transportation of Merchandise and France Between PITTSBURGH AND PHILADEL.'HI.4 AND FIT7'SBURGH AND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. DEviNt; 4 - McA NULTY respectfully inform lhe pub• lic Ihal they have completed their arrangements for the above Line on NDIVIPUAL AND INDEPENDEDT PRINCIPLES The public has long wished for I ndividtml competition in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to its lowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the filmic uf Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Roil Roads. Itutividua.s owning Portable Routs are enabled to bid for tile Carrying Trade and successfully to com pete with compan'vs. • Tins line iscomposed of Twenty new, roar Section Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command them nod well known as enterprising, Indust(ious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Bost over every other mode of Teansportation, are too well known to shippers generally, to require continent; suf fice It to say, that the detention, Ives,seperatiert and dam. age to Goods. invariably attentilne three Transhipments between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphla are by the Portable Boat most effectually removed, The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage ton, otheina well ventilated and coot in Summer; which pre. vanis Rearrjrans soaring, and Bacon and Tobacco from awesolna. Devine It kfcAnn'ty, standing:as they de,hetween the owner.: of goodsand the Boatmen who carry them, and etiaolly interested In proteillne the Inters/OA of bark, will make no promises to the public they will not faithfully perform. They are now prepared to receive and forward Pro dote to Philadelphia, Baltimore, Sew York, and Boston in the shortest time, and pledge themselves to enter into no cambium inn with other Linen,tut always stand ready to carry out the principles of their Line, and contract for freight on the very lowest terms. ItC-To give nndoubted•eeenrity to °Wears and shippers of goods an open policy of ',lenience has been effected. by which all merchandlas shipped by this Line • will be Insured without any additional expense to the owner. Devine A• MeA nut, y will receive all prudfice consigned to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to 6team Boats and forward the name wilhout delarttr"Philadel. phis. Baltimore, New York, and Emden without any charge for advancing or commission. DEVINE .N• McANULTY, Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsburgh. THOS BORBIDGE, Agent, 172 . Market at ref 1. Philadelphia. MOORE it CHASE Agents. N'a reit 10,1&42 75 Howley's Wharf, Baltimore. PILES!! will ye live at this pm), flying rater 4:0 R: E. HUMPHREY 'S VEGET.d. BLE, OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, To tie had at Tormes Mrafical Agencf. 86 Fourth "I. the onif gentin Pittsburgh. FehT2. A FEW MORE JOAN SKEY.Ihe oldoodPrial. bee on htinil lie I 00 splendid esvorlinentleof Clot hip?, ever uttered Wes • • -•-1.-••1•-,...,-.1140 nen disposed to sell at the 17,,posdhlie wka My stock is heavy, and as Mesita. Riaiikisne!ffir, t will salt at TaW , ar prftesSitan eves._Y sok .only tApti•alincit or a ealt,ifOrlll*a,OOMPltasiVitta took Is .tallinig Beware of Cottatatfrits; RedlFosW tli , s7/(//EA:4(O-Z/DORS.liiind-tatt ~Ste. or TIM - 'awe 2%1114 .item tirereos 'o h .purr fierereert VOctil add ttUiib is Street!, Pittsburgh. der .10--IP. • - NEW A LA &lone.. rilrtE ar.tierelenrd reipscxlittly ill - I'OlT th e imbllethn . /..• attar several years experience In the best shops in ihetarternxitles. they have opened their New a lit mode In ThlrErst.oris door froni Marliel. and nearly opposite' tbe 'pent ollict;whein they ore prepared to execute all °Mesa fir the tsitoring line, in n manner nasurnmsed by any olber eetabliehmenl in the city. Having. made 4rrangementis for the teception of the most modern st 3.0 e or fasnions, gentlemen wiehhig clothes made in n super Inc style. would find It to their Interest fa give them a t•-• W apish the pithile to underainnd that this is net In• limbed to rank among the foisome :MI advertisements of the day; for ns to style andi+orkmanship they challenge comfit:o Itlon. Starch 4- di y: • EMOVAL, HOLO R SHIP & BROWNE J'AvE removed their Paper Store from. Markit street to No. 64 Wood street, one door from the corner of 4th. where - theY ki-ep on hands their usoal as sortment of WALL PAPERS, for papering, pariors, en trien,thamhera, ke, and also PRINTING, 'lv RITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, 4 - c. an of which they offer klt sate 04 accommodating to fen 14. 1843.—d1f BRANDRETH'S PILLS,_ SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE DRANDRETHIAN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS. Caveat entered 9th June, 1842—Petent granted to .13 44 ,j mn i n mend:ea:aft January, 1843. The isctrects of which Breathed) Pills are COM posed fre 6btained by this naw patented process, without• boiling nr any application of heat. The, ac tive principle of the herbs is thus secured the same as it is in the • VN.i'MG VEGETABLE The Pistilitiiiipiilabe cautions of medicines sec commended:An edvertamentg mole') from me, in which theiVssulfinrriate. Roaass t s steals lily, lan.- grtage'Onereffhltenng the name. Time will show these wholesale deeel , ers in their true light,, THE MEDICINE OF THE. PEOPLE. BRANDRETH'S PILLS are the Peopho s ...,, Medicine, proved by thotpand, who daily rectum mend them to the afflicted. The BR A NDR ETH PILLS are growing every day more popular, their virtues are extendii.g their usefulness. The sick of both sexes are dafry deriving benefit from them. No case of disease but they can be used with advan tage. Blotches/4 held lumps of the shin they speed- Hy Line so with erysipelas , CO With salt rheum, so with indigestion, so Kith coughs and colds, en with 1 costiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this medicine, an a l they will find they require no other. Sold at 2.5 emits per,box, with directions. Observe the new labels each having upon it two 'signatiwasof Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the genuine has six signatures--thre e Benjamin Brand reth arid three B. Brandrelli upon it. The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the DEAI, iß r a n d re th Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's i ow l , Office, No. 98 Wood street, between Fdth and Dismeod Alley, Mork, the GENUINE Brandreth 'Pitts can-never be Qbtaired in nay DRUG tTuEE. The following are the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed by Dr. 11..Branciretb, for the sale of his Vegeta. 4sle Universal Pills in. Allegheny County. - 'Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Piftsbrrrgh. Mr. John Maas—Alle j theity. Robert Duncan-:-Birmingham. C.'F. Diehl-Elizabethrown. If. Riniilind--MelCensport. Pressly Irwin,-Pleasant Hill. 'chit Johnson--Noblestown. Cheinnan 11p Spatniting--Stelvartstown. Aidelf &Cottnell—Clinton. ntel. Smi th. Porter.-Ta r en tu no . kinege Porree--Fainrient. . avid R. toon—Plum Township. .7:Daniel N;Yeny—Ettet Liberty. esisintriipsnii—illqtkiniburgls. Win. 0 . lititrier•-fAltbir 'Mil* - . , , .._ scur.t.y it , MONTAGUE ITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANI : . FACTORY. T TIE subieriber would respectfully inform thecirtmens cf Pittsburgh. Allegheny and their vieirities that I has eimtmenced manufacturing the article or Lard Oa and Candles. Tie intends mak itIZ hut one quality, with* will equal the heat made in the Union and not sorpaseort '- he the best winter strained sperm 01.101 her for anaeinkaWar or burning. withont Its offensive properties, and - am., ' third cheaper, TRE ABOVE IS WARBANriit - BURN IN ANY T.EMPER.BTURE. The her wishes to Impress distinctly on the public mind Ithipta it is not necessary to purchnse any new fancied latteplefilleni - are daily palmed npon them as Lein; requisite to bon lard oil ln. Persons wishing a pure anfi can obtain it by calling at the old stabef,3d street, infanta - opposite the Post Office. M. CI *PST. The attention of %cholerale dealers, Churches led ebinists respectfully solicited. N. 8.--Ati the barrelff will hear the manoketureeet name. Jett 2 Isa--st. Ie BELS. Spirit* Turpentine, ibis fiay rteefirpf gig for bate by J G. 4- A. CORDON. mar 8. 12 Wats? igimpti . . ! FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING: U PERR Y takes this method of Informiag Ms gielibe LP in general that he continues to carry OS. lb.. shove business in the blososoAtrzta 'Bop; Inalkallsire: Not Water weet, sr bre, in it tt oriel pribiskg .iitteralins ''• he bopes to please all who will favor blak.liblnf stir Ali , .- tronaze. From his lone experleiee is tie 111. Igik - . flatters himself that his workeastiot be rano/ .. -..-) nessand rforabllity,at least west of thy likcsatek* It In llattiralo beilst—a fair•triat Is tbankilit eillillube -:.• To sett the times be masofsetarr Boot ten; tient as Jow as flu. iolari 'qp Alt II I which be elm* atoll* dolled/1 - • • ' ~„ . . q ... , F INE subscriber has Just received Ids 'none nit/4/,‘D IL Landreth's Garden Seeds, cOetsistior la part talrle foilowing kinds—all of the last years crop 4- erartneeed (maniac , Bearage r,aie Plant, racettip. Beets, Eitdive, riraii, .' Leans, Kate, Popper. Leek, Pumpkin, Brosisett. - Wttuee, Radian, li!irmir, Mater Melon, Rhubarb, Cat Nile, Nusk, o Salesry, Carr* asturtittrn, Cauliflower, 813411.• Squash, Celery, Otte;.' Tomatoes, Coded Clete, •Opion v . Turnip, Cucumber, 'Parsley, Corn, Mustard, (white and tprcir*) &c. &c. &c. To;ethe► varlet y of rot it Sweet betho.os..4.lfOarie seeds, Ccy•Orden; for Seedir,Sbrobe; Tn es, kr- from CoMOON era and others will be received and promptly atielimiell F L• t3NOWDEN, 184 Liberty. bend of WastiL Li T. PRICE, Wnotevaie and Retail Baker, ea*. 11. feeiloner and Fruiterer, Federal street. UM MO Diamond,.ditegheny coy. , ~ Every vartruy of Eottrectionavy and Ortliiii*Xo Cases, suitable for widdinss and parties, maustbellsrlist from the hest materials, at short notice nog ! ii . tltAl tqllt :; ALE.—Tie undersigned (*feral* N. F ton farm, lying in Ross Township 41 miles frowlllis City of Pittsburgh, conta'ning 114. acres of land of wble.llll 60 are cleared and under fenre,' I in 16 to 30 -acnes er meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of Apple. 1 few Peach sad Cherry t rces—the Improvements are a ougs reams bow* containing 10 roums well furn failed, eatewhood ,for aft. vcrn m private Dwellings frame Pars 26 by 60.sumner ilasemnt, and stabling, sheds r rid other net houssilliset• able fqr a tenetnetti;-2 good Gardens surrnstuierl, pith currant bushes and a well of excellent water, whh it pomp in at the front door. In relation to Ow Plubbinilt and A Itexheny market, there Is no place now oflletted. sale wit h mnrelndnrement to those WishiSig KO to( nit near Pittsburgh, Ihe terms will be manic modey*!., . farther pa rt len larsapply to the proprietor at lite Cloth*, Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. • • LA W BENCE At ITCUELL. N. R. If not sold before the Ist. of October sem It will he divided into 10 and 20 acre Inds team . li ! reha t . Serf,. dal fe JA 11 ES HOW ARD m CO,. Atartufitstsreri jpit Paper. jr., 18, Wood Street.. ritteinord 4l 4F... Have always on hand an extensive airsorfnient of Eta) r Glazed and Om PAPER HANT:INGS; Veined sad Imitation Borders, of the Ircest style and- Wm/loam patterns. for papering halls; parlors and ehainbiri. They mantifactiire and have or hand al all Outer Printinu.. Writtns. Letter, Wrapplns and Tea riellweAltss • net anti Fullers' Float de—all of which tbey offer fur sale.' on the most atqwenodattnr, terms; and to whieb tbey invite the attg~ of merchants. and &them. ALSO—Blank Rooks °fail kinds end the hearituality. 'School Rooks, rte. always on hand and for sale asstrose. N. 11,' Ragst nd Tat:aers• Scraps• taken to assestotee pronro MAGIIA W 4 ft% M I LTON, Atter:is!, at 1,4111. 111140. , removed tlwir Office to the revldenve 'I I nw, on Fonrt% st, two doors above Smithfl6l4. ra vitzer Bat Roy , i, %KO: 4*. •'. .. Iteyond ail (loath!. Dr. Swayne's Composind Symp. at VA lid Cherry Is the nicmt valuable medicine In thugs ill,c other country. lam cerlstin.l t are witnessed erotetialia one hundred cases where tt has been attended wiritestas:', were Filer ess'. I. am using it myself In an ofialkliaate it_ tart: of Bronchitis, in whirl, It proved efil.etaaf 101 l tit. ceedlngly snort time, considering the severity of deo dist, I ran reromend it In the fullest confidence °lite ottptiefiss virtues; I Would advise that no family sahaultfbe without it; it In very pleasant and always beneficial-I,6grap double and often ten times Its price. The 'public are an sued t here is it ct quackery about It. R. JACKSON. Lit Formerly Castor of the First Presbyterian Chattel,. Sold by WM. TIIORN. wholesale 4. retail, °tar 'relit for Pittsburgh. No. 53, 51a , Itet street. Pep 10 , _ A 800 N TO THE HUMAN sake nut destroy Life. dad you are a great sat. Discorer What lOW ?rotor, life, and :As - world wit/ call yea hapostor.”. "There are faculties, bodily cad istelleetzat, tallkie es . wit h toheeh certain kerbs kayo affinity, and ever ilklek they hare power." Dr. B. Brandreth's - External Remedy, or lintilentr which, by Its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pile' OP Sorenes , v; thns Sprains, Stiff Sinews, White SweAleam, Rheumatic Palos, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Illtahlt• Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck core Croup, Contractions of the muscles, Ferofatolay.en. larcellents, Tender reel, and every description ttf ju- Jury affecting the Exterior of the Human risme, tire cored or - .greatly relieved by his never-to ea, airjferalts extolled remedy. Ctrartricaxs.—The following letter from Ids jibir Oen eral Sandford, as to the qualities of the Externs' Reme dy, speaks volumes; Now Yonx..Ft.h. 9. 1842: Dear Sir—VVillyou oblige me with another balite:** your excellent Liniment, It Is certainly the heat 'or fhtt• kind I have ever Peen. It has cured entirely lay sates knee, nhont whkh I weaver uneasy.and I , hate leftist : fa productive of Immediate relief in several eaves ot eater nal Injury in my family. A few evening. Pince, la" youneest title was seized with a violent attack arratilt,. which was entirely removed In- tweitly y rub, hint; her chest and throat freely with the External Bop, edy. . I think you ought to mannfattnre this for eeneral nsc, instead of confining the use offs. se Pele have heretofore done, lo your pitrilenlar arqultiolaates.. Yours truly,. C. W:BANDrolltil.' Ea. B. Bas.xnarra.24l Broadway. N. T. error File at 291 ltroarlway, , Naw York, arr. as Kb offlce,No, 93 Wood si reel, Pittahumh., rr: tez—sa ego* per bottle with directions. 'apt"' - P 74 , E* ~ .