• On the vote for Mayncoth, Mr. Plumtre declared his resolution of divi3ing against. Mr.Cochrane t houghttliat a larger num ber would support a motion for a commit tee of inquiry. than would divide against the grant; he respected the Roman Catho , lie Church. The vote, on a division, was affirmed by 120 to 40. .7ecouchnient of her Majestu.—Every preparation has been made at Buckingham Palace in anticipation:of this highly inter. esting , everit, .which is expected to take plac,t before the exriration of the week. FRANCE. M. Widen Prarroo, one of the principal leaders of the Liberal patty in the Chain. bee of Deputies, has given notice of a mo• lion to reduce the jurisdiction of the Court of Peers within constitutional in other words, to transfer from the ha'ds of that Assemblv, to the Assize Tribunals, the power of trying all those "crimes" (so called) which were mentioned in the fa muus September Laws. Hilt treason is to be an exception; and these who are guilty of it will still remain respnnsible to the Court of Peers, All matters connected With - the public Press, political, libel, and secret associations, are to be referred to Common Jurors. Such is the outline of ,M. Barret's bill, It will, of course, be re jected by the Conservative Mi.sistry.which ;mains in power contra' y to the wishes of the nation- The nuptials of the Princess Clementine and the Prince of Gotha, will take place at Fontainbleau on the 20th instant. No fetes m ill be given, us the Royal family are still too much r.ff ord fir such rejoicing in cimsequence of the death of the Duke of Ut leans. The King and Queen of the Belgians will be present at the cerernan: . . The Minister of Marine has dispatched orders to the Maritime Pre fects (Port Admirals) of Toulon, Brest, and Rochefort, to send n quantity or lery to the Margeesas Islands. The Seinaphore d c Marscill es of the 3 I instant brings news from AlOers of the 30th olt. General Gentil remitted from Mosta ganem from his expedition i the mwmtains if the Leni-Zeronabs on the 25th, 1 , 61) 6 - ing with him 712 prisoners, 900 oxen, and 3000 sheep or goats. in an encagt ment they had with the Arabs on the lOW at the Marabout of Sidi Lekhhal, the French are stated to have killed about 300 men, hay, ing lost themselves only 11 killtd and 18 wounded. is curious enough,' remarks the Com merce, that M. Marochetti should be corn inisbioned to i xecute at the same time e questrian statues LA Napoleon and Weling• ton.' • CHINA AND INDIA. Intelligence from Canton comes down to the 21st of January, horn which it_appears that the Imperial Commissioner Elepoo hatl.arrived there on the 10th, but it was doubted if the neg:tiations respecting the tariff would commence until alter the be— ginning of the Chinese new year which was on the 30th of January. Sir Henry Pottinger had It-ft Hong Kong for Canton on the 17th in order to pay a visit cf cer". emciny. ' Col. Macolm left Bombay on the leth of February,on board a steamer, in or. der to deliver the ratified treaty to the Plen ipotentiary. The British Plenipotentiary applied to KE for indemnity for the acts of the mob at Canton, and the latter replies:—'l do not know who is the thief; and I cannot ex• plain to myself whence has arisen so great hatred against the English. There it is where the emuete going. Although my troops are well exercised and prepared, nevertheless, when any trouble arises. I should be very cautious for fear,if I acted with temerity att.! precipitation, I should only cause between you and me an intoler able grievance. . As in these past years you have burned Our villages, plundered our shops, carried away our money, and to whom Ehall I ad dress myself to obtain reparation ? Ake the English merchant., dare they to demand reparation but with a certain fear, In fact he refuses to make indemnity. It appears that the Ameers of Hyder bad, while making arrang3ments to collect a large army, continued to play 'fast and loose' with Major Outram, whom the In dian Government had in December sent to them in order to :nake terms. It must be recollected that these A meers, who were long regarded as tributaries of the A ffghan Empire, had within some years enjoyed a sort of independence of all suljection.— Their principles were thos,! of Eastern • Despots who govern the country for their own special advantage. On the 15th the residence of the British Political Agent, or Minister, was attacked; it was galla7ttly de• fended by 1.00 men for several hours; but • at length their arnunition having been ex. pended, the British soldiers retired e.l!l t a small loss to the steamers, then at the head of about 27,000 mon, at a distance of about 20 miles from the capital of the Ameers.— ~, „ • • hastened at the head 22,000 men to attack the British force. On the 17th a battle took place, which can only be com - pared to - the celebrated one at Plessey, in which, after a severe struggle of three Vieurs, the Ameers were totally routed, and their troops dispersed. The loss of the British troops was considerable. The A meers on the following day surrendered themselves prisoners of war, and Hydera bad was occupied by the conquerors. The capture of this most important position is of immense value; the valuable and fertile di-tricts along the Indus can now be res tored to industry and the arts of pet ce. Lord Ellenborough has arrived at Delhi, and the imperial city has been quite fright:. ened from its propriety. His entree, though taking place nn a Sunday, was a magnifi cent sight. The procession included no less than 70 elephants, and almost as many native Princes and Chief., whose splendid apparel, and the glittering uniforms of their followers, contributed to dazzle the eye, if not to bewilder the brain of the spectator. -• A grand regatta, by women, is to take plait* Vinice on Ow ?sth of May, • • PnR PRICSIDENT, JAMES RUCH A.NA:N subi r , to the decision of a National Convention. DAILY MORNING POST. TVs. PIIILLIPs WM U. SNIT'S, EDITORS &ND PRotßULTotes THURSDAY, MAY 4 1843 see First rage. National Convention. The manner of choosing delegates to the Democratic National Convention, is much talked of just now, in various parts of the country. It is urged by the friends of Mr. Calhoun that delegates should be selected by the people of each congressional district, in their primary capacity. To this pro position there can be no tenable objection. It would unquestionably be tha most dern• ocratic rn7ide of choosing representatives to the National Convention, and we, for one, would prefer it. But we canr.ot see that the supp oters of Mr. Calhoun in South. Carolina, have any right to inriat that the Pennsylvania democracy shall elect their delegates i t arty particular rno 'e. It seams to us not unlike an attempt to (Halite to a soverrtgo State in a manes that concerns herself chiefly— n wish to inflinge upon tie conefOcd and undoubted ligh:s of her citizens. A rrquest that wonl b ear this construction, comes wiih an , speH:tlly had grace from South Car.blina, vti'mse watch. ful care for the perpetuity of State Rights, has led her into manifold dangers and diffi. cultics. We dermictats o! - PerinFylvnia would never dream of demanding from our ethren in other State: th ‘t thet u!d submit to our direct ion, in any matter which concet ns themlt-Ives mot e than it (19es us. If the system of election by distt its were the only mode by which a convention could be "fairly constituted," th , re might besome apology for the imperious manner in which the friends of Mr. Calhoun ask for its gen eral adoption. But we do not think that it is indispensably requisite to the prop,'r and fair formation of a convention. We have not heard, until now, (except from the Whigs) any complaint of the manner in which delegates were chosen to , ur na tional conventions; and the district system has not been followed. We do not like to attribute interested motives to people, but we cannot help thinking that the hope of getting a dele gate or two for Mr. Calhoun in N. Volk, where he has some friends, and the fear that by the old method of choosing by States, he would not get a single delegate in Virginia or North Carolina, has induced his supporters to iosist on the system of choosing by districts. But in Pennsylvania he has nothing t o gain or lose by any particular mode of electing delegates. Of the few democrats in this State, who arc not c(,mmitted for Mr. Buchanan, none have un t ie a (lemon.. stration for Mr. Calhoun. Therefore, we hope his supporters will permit Pennsyl vania, at least, to pursue her own course --they may rest assu red that every thing will be done fairly and honorably. aryl that no injustice will he done to Mr, C.alhotr! or any other candidate. DE MOCRAI IC BANKS ! H The following are the Banks created by the last legislature, a large majority of whom were elected as a: ti-bank men. The Southwark Bank, The Farmers and Mechanics Bank, The Bank of the Northern Libetties, The Farmers Bank of Reading, The Farmers Ba-k of Bucks County, The Bank of Montgomery County. Not only have these banks been charter ed, but that wholesome and efficient prin ciple, of individual liabitl y, was rejected in every case! Is it any wonder that men have become sick of polities 7 Where the people are betrayed and insulted, their interests dis regarded by men in whom they place con fidence, they are ltnh to trust their politi cal leaders any further. We sincerely hope that every wan who vfned with the Whigs for the creation of these banks may be laid on the shelf in. future, by an insulted constituency. If the p-opie wish to be honestly represented in the councils of the state and natinn, they must do their own work,--manage the political movements of their respective districts themselves, and hoist patsy traders out of 'heir ranks. Horrible.-0,1 Tuesday week,Mrs Sam uel Rosebush, of Belleville, Canada, wen t to her barn to look after a sickly heifer that was there, and from there went into the woods to see her husband. She left a female infant in the cradle, and a girl of 4 years old in the bed, in charge of her son a child of six years old. On her return, the house and two of the children, the two girls, were burnt; nothing remained to show that a human being 11:,d been de stroyed but one leg. The preacher who married the Siamese Twine, is catching it pretty generally from the newspapers; and the ladies, who have entered into a state of quadruple blessed• ness with Messrs. Eng and Chang, are spoken of in terms by s means complies watery. flit Sorbs or E. 'Hot Coffee and strung," makes a cold ...pulse and weak nerves Drink milk. The Canadian Fwers are rejoicing over the fine wea . ber which has visited them. Eaciern papers seem a.3touisheki ak tic amounts or cotton shipped to the east by way of Pitt s . burgh. I 0 U are the vowels which create more disa greeable sensations in the minds of honest men, than all the rent in the alphabet. The lion. John C. 'White of Tennessee, who was sre:er of the U, S. House of Renresen calves, has declared his intention of being a can dilate for re-election. The receipts of cotton in Mobile this year so far, exceed by about 40,000 bales the entire re- , exipts of last year. This is some sign of the pro.. cress of the trade and the growing importance of Alabama. Southern Ladies i favor of a Tariff.'—Thin may seem strange, Lu' it is (rile. Five hundred I ,dies -)f liobile have pet,ti:med the authorities to lay a tax on bachelors, for the protection of Amer• lean manufactures Ibtels —ln all huge cities we notice the Hotels are malting a ge0. , r.1 reduction or the p, ice of b iariling, in conformity with the spirit of the age Men who are accutoined to patronise large es. tablisliments, I; to the more humble, ciii ill or. lord to pay the 011 prices while their incomes are co radored. :-Aeo it n- Tallmadge ildends Ini grating. to The ‘vest Fprinz or slimmer. He is n , ed up in New York by his trading tie.; and shou'd he go west we hope he may cam me 1,2:! his career anew, an I try if he ea:i't be h mvst, like his eolle.s.za.. silos Wrigld. Coinnze —IL is stated that there are six steam presses in c on=tant motion, Fn as to supplt• the Built of Rog Lind with the pie in t.si:lodrize 1 , 4 -t:v•r bars and gill ingots, which they send t be struck th.. currency ante red'on. Anil this upon an avcrag2, is upwards of 1'30),000 per AN Elephant zot mad with his keepet the other day in Philt.delphia, and knocked him down with his trlnk. A hoax tv.is aot op in New Orleans, on the 15th, to the effect that a terrible earth (peke had occurred at Havana, which de- strnyrd nearly the whole city, and 60,000 of the ini alaarits. COL. Harris has withdrawn from the ed itorial department of the Nashville Union, for ihe purpose of making a tour to Eu- THE Mormons annnunce a new paper which they intend s)on to publish at the city of Nauvon, under the title of '•The Neighbor.' THE Providence Express, the ()ram, of the friends of suffrage in R!i de Island, has been discontinued. rnE eoaeh factory of Mr. PatterFOD, of Milton, Northumbei land co., Pa , was to tally destroyed by fire last week, with all its contents. Tun ffingor-Whig says,that to fix upon the day when GOD W 11; df stroy tl e earth, appears like idle trifling or wild fanat icism. Foca persons, suspected of having rob bed the Cathedral at Baltimore. have been arrested in Washington, and con,rnitted to priion 'rim appearance of the comet is said to have caused great alarm among the popu lation of Yucatan, especially the Indian portion of it. A COTEMPORARY begtOB to suspect that the comet's tail is nothing but snow, and that the loose particles occasionally fall off for our benefit• SCARCE.—' Where are you going?' asked Jack of an acquaintance. 'To see a friend.' 'Well I'll go with r ou, for I never saw one yet.' Bumnizios.—There were 948 new buil dings etected in the city of Baltimore from the Ist day of October, 1841,t0 the Ist day of December, 1842. • Nothing renders an illiterate person more ridiculous than to affect hard words. Tim most foolish tlii.ig in the woad is to be, to bow to the rich till you ale unable to stand erect ih the presence of an honest man. A man was robbed cf 4000 dollars at a Concert in New York the other evening, A queer piece fur pickpockets, truly, IT is stated that only seven lives were lost in the Tha.res Tunnel during the pro gress of that great work, and that nearly 40 men were kilted then tho new London Bridge was built. The way they do in Mobile.—Uld Joe Cowell waq to take a benefit at the Mobile Theatre a faw d.tys dtnce. In his card he says:—"At the close of the performance, of mime, Mr. Cowell will be c. - 211erl out ; if not lie will go out, and have a spice• did TIN CUP prevented to film by one or the com mittee of gontkmen who have long admired his private worth and public services—to whom he will make an exteinpolaucous reply. expressly prepared for the occasion." 'Jubilee Trumpet' is the title otslnew paper. lately started up at Pittsburgh. After a short blow out, it will probably blow up.—Ex. What has Dr. Brodie to say to this? It is a lick at his pills we should think. . _ Our exchanges -are bei t ieHolug to change 1 - .. VITCGINIA. EL r ' lON. - their tune in relation to the weather. It is 1 For Congress 'the folloiriug dentoural ' nes, beginningare,eletedt Atkinson, Droitteo6le, jo to brighten f / tp, all aruund, and Lucas, Taylor, Hopkins mad Steenrod, no class are better !teased than editors; 1 The follbwlng IN htge are possible elected: nay, not even the ladies. Goggin, Newton, Chilton and Toler. A man named Jordan has been arrested and held to bail in Boston, fir threatening the life of a lady with whom he was in ye because she preferred another Carlyle bas just finished and sent to press a new work, entitled Past and Pre sent,' upon which it is said he has bestowed much labor. COOL.—The ettitor oldie Crescent City tells the following story with the utmost sang froith---'A kitten was kittened in Casacalro street, yesterday, with eighteen hundred and forty.threa tails. It was na med 'Wier,' as the phisnomontin is suppo ,sed to refer to the end of the world. Mr. Iluyi—lfeavy Verdict.—The suit of the United States vs. Jesse Hoyt. formerly collector of this port, was decided on Friday in the United States District Court, in favor of the plaintiff, and a judgment rendered against the dvtenduet for two hundred & twenty thousand eight hutitired,& thir ty-seven dollarg, and odd cents. The emit was in. stituted $2'26,0U0. The first pint relied upon by the counsel for Hoyt, Wild his private easb.buok, which he had 'iistitute.l t i pra cut a4iinat any crs rors wade in the tr-r-tver's account. By this it appeared thit tiny t had oi.bursetl $4.5,000 inure th in hr hld rech.ved. Ja Ige Thompson, in his (diarg- in tho jury, attached hal: iaportance to this, ss the deposit in ineys, the bun is paid un d. r priit , st, and 1113 tFeasii.y n ites wire uut en. sere t in it at as—and it could therefire olio uu claims as a t!st-bols 'or the cash t rahsactioh, 1r oilrcr principal point of cierentie was the de. posit qu: , :tion. Mr. Hoyt has a claim against th e 15.10J.000 Par money ant cliared t.. tiiin by government It wh.oi thay w.trit their itimmiLitely, to depoiol a tin.n c llurtor, e:ti•'aft d is be more 610 sullicieilt to pay tile ruin ~ arpl when the amount of deities filially terminate!, it is tilt n fro,H t w del/o.th jand, and Lie lei:minder r_turoeii to the dodos' - tor. 1 s deposit m ,n - ;y paid ;n iht; trea-ury de partment, an 1 if the rttipar went ti d r twine t ;hi. whole and at t.ie va tie time nquired collector to pay back tbe surplu , , tic ctaiin o r a dim;ik ch irqe ;night be su•laiiied by Mr. Hoyt._ 8u , ,0n the e mtr,ry, too gnvurntinvit did n u t mak. , ,up its account I.t r. [h.) t untilntt r thi• iJutii;s were a tuai l y paid, ant e'ntrged hint, not Cur the whale sum nepo , ite,!, but i,nly the e c • sum of dtities paid from t iia fmitt. 111.• treanrt int de.6,4 in, an 1 r.•duc,i, the I'UI , hIrTICIIIS of Mr. 11.. y% 1nt.:1a...111e 1%V.. 11.111- r.!ii and ti , tr thnosand do Jars &trial, the tio.e he the hi a mere Intle nt tour oEdrsdud d ..1 its a year, as pri.vh.led fir l y law.— Y .Idrora The stir( t:es Mr. Iloyt arc Je,ii 041i!‘ ,T . J. ( ) Uobeil. Lorit.iz 11, yt , Leo.' i, Thurston, and Fit l'hic4t, a git ir tittia; for StllM,ollit. •I•he (+'it:ern•nent, iietiev,t, wilt now proceed to pit tc.teittu the u,, nol'nrtz can I! lAA Me I ofJ .sse Hoy ; alid vit!tc' he-: fruin CIL oi it r intnas V. t!:.111 'CO , ' Head him or sterns th it thl next CoggreS, WII be no ter the necessity of g tting, ti ding a+ well as it can without the aid of the sex y eta and lueubrations of John M. Butts, n deteto crat havilg been chosen in hi+ Waco. For this inisiortine there will he no remedy but patience. Mr. Botts!, was one of th( se distinguished charac• t rs who gave a peculiar echo , o the !ate Con gres.s, by p.m rs:t.ng a emirs, of personality and of patr bi.for“ vonipnrttiv little known in lime I.rg,t , lative el' the nitiou 1 . S•anlv should also foil, tl e nrxt Conares, may he quite a (lull affair, as t:ie amusements disiin• guisl ed the list, and may s(d. s /bed) to work to dispatch the business of the nation.—Pennsyl vanian. Meeting of Contrnis,ioners Commissioners appointed by au act o' the Legistatnro, to :•ispose of ihe Delaware Divisi n ofth Pennsylvacia Ca • mil, met on Saturday evening, CApril 29,) at the Ex :hangs, and were orvaniz,d by appointing Bert. jatnin W. Richards, Esq Chairman, and Mr. Packer, of Northampton, Secretary. l'he Commissioners 'passed a resolution that they will open books for the silo of this stock, or the first day of June next, at the Merchant's Ex change, in the city of Philadelphia. The officio ace iunt of the proceedings will he found in 011 r advertising columns —Pennsylvanian. The Richrn mit Whig says, that at the recruit deetion in Virginia,":he whi g s 'nude no rev' ar tally in the st ire" nod that many of them were lye! ,c to wresting the r us of gr,vernment from tire dein.wrils until another ye a hard chl'soLL— This was a very ixcelleni thought in thes,! gentle:nen. It was one of the most ra , ion ideas that has c one from the whi t ; !'party for a lung time. If they would e one to the conein - shin when aretion day arrives, that it is best to let the d , m;crats govern for the ensuing year, it would save themselves some trouble, and fre , quently prove L •neficial to the country.—Penn aylvanian. Quarter Dimes.—A corres.pondert of the New York Journal of Commerce soazests the expedi ency of a government coinage ofquarter (limes.— They would obviate the necessity of lo.tding the pockets with cents, and often would be just the change neede. l . A dine and quarter dime would be the best sul:stiinte f'or a York shilling, a Yan kee nine-pence or a Pennsylvania "levy," unles,t there should be a coinage of American 1-Bths also. IMPROF. SILLMAN'S LECTURES ON GE. OLOGY will be continued on this week, on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, end or. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday's of the two fol. lowing weeks, in the 3d Presbyterian Church, commencing at half past 7 o'clock. Tickets may be had at the stores of C. C. Henry & Co., Wood street; \V. W. Wilson, Market st and other men hers of the an 26 FOR RAVENNA AND CAMPBELLS. PORT. THE canal boat American Cagle, Clark, master, wilt depart for the above andh.termediale ports on Toes. day the 2nd, of May, In low with the 8 8 Cleveland. For freight or panne apply on hoard or to ap za. BI RMINGH AM 4. CO. Wise is elected. In the Legislature the democrats will 'have a majority, though the whigs have gained one Senator and 5 delegates. Business still continues to improve in Boston, and a'l the New England cities. The Allegheny Councils have agreed to subscribe $lOO,OOO to the Rail Road, The price of Gas has been reduced 10 pe ent. Comnurrial "INDEPENDENT TIDE W ATER LINE.", DEPOT CORNER or LIBIRIE AND WAYNE STREETS. ARRIVALS. From April 19, to May Ist. inclusive. April 18 Sailor, J Wesl-131. oms. 18 Eliza Jane, %V Tindle—lrotonis. 19 General Stewart. A Field—Salt. 20 GeneialPike, J She'd on —lrun, nails and Grnceri' e. 21 May flusecr, Thos Kinghton—Dry Goods, Groccrica, &c. 21 Shamburg, S Dickey—Dry Goode, Groceries &c. 23 Su;lericir,..l Rutledge—Coffee, Groceries &e. 23 Tecarnsell, Ele , ail—Nni!s Iror, Croce- 24 GI t tietts, P Freelandr—Ccff.:e, Dry Gm.ds, Groverict,, 24 • Pactfic, J R.ckvorth—Blooms. 24 David R Purser; A Baden—lron and 25 * A t!ar.tir, S H Furgeson—Dry Goods Gra( & c. 25 Aurora R Graham—lron, Dry Go ids, Groceries, &c• 26 Ben Franklin, M J MorriFon—Salt. 26 Sai:or, J West—Dry Goods, Groce ries, 27 Atlantic, J Denison, Dry Goods Groce ries, & . .c 28 Eliza Jane, W Tindk—Dry Goods Grecei ten, & c. 29 S Pickew 2 •NI J Bird—Blooins. 28 *Persertrente, J Pictiwurth . —Blooms. 2J :11.‘y fh.ver, *1 hos Kingston—Coffee. Grcccr les, &c. Slav I 're( tunsch, E'eoad—Grucerics Dry Goode, &c. 1 Stivrior, J Rutledge—Coffee, Iron, Dry G ode, &C. Illarkl`d thus * were partly con,igned to °tip r DEPARTURES April 19 J W...9 . —Tobacco, floor, and 11'Indmy Phil , ' Quid N York. 19 Eliza Jan,. V Tindie—Ogton, Tabac Flour and Groc.rics, or Pnils and 13‘itimore, &c. 20 (;!„1 S. , wart. A Feld—Bacon, ei.ttbn, Lard, Cai..tings, &e. (or Phila Harrisburg &c. 2l l;anl Viko, John SliiWon—Flour, for Nea. York. :12 ayfl ,wer, Thos Kinzslon—Flour, and Gruccr lor Priila and Suitshlirz. 22 3 .ani mrg, S Mekey —Flour, New :2 I S'uperior,J R oled;e—Flour and Hemp Hai and St w fork. 24 'returns I), Eluoad— Flour, Clover and Tininthy 5(.0, GrSecrits &c. Phila New York, Glaucus, R Freeland—Flour, Peaeliel, IVoe,l .\ 1%, Pink. '25 Pay.ific,J Piet:worth—Bacon, Foreis hire &c. llo!lidaysburz. 2.5 David R Porter, A Braden—Floor, Oil, Sugar. Bacon, Grocerieß &e. Baltimore Phila. I. N Ynrk. 26 Allan! ic, Sll Fnigeson—Flour, Ncw 2E Aurora, R Graham—Floor, Hemp, Lard, Dultnr, &c. P oda and New York. 27 lien k.rankl'n, 31 J Morrison—Flour, New York. 27 Sailor , J West —Eour, Hemp, Fcal - ers &c. Phi !ft. 28 Atlantic, James Duncan—Flaur, New York• 29 Etizt Jane, W Toadle—Flour and H crap, Pnha. 25 Shamburg, S Dickey—Flour and Hemp, Phila. 29 Alabama, John Baird—Candles and snap, Wiverstreet 2.1 Pert.er,renco, John Po•kahlth—F.onr, and Gr.,ce,io.3, II ):11d tysburgb and N York. v I NI ay tlovvvr, Tons Kingston—Flour and :••: York and Ph la, I Teewn,eli, El. ..ad—Flour. Hemp, Grip eerie:s Sc. N York, Phila &c. 1 Super ior, J RuCedge—Flour, Hemp and Bacon, N York, Phila and Johns,own. 10 feet water in the channel. All B,.ats marked thus (n are provided with Evans sally Guard. Reported by SIMILE & ITCIIEL, General S. Agents, No 5, Market street. ARRIVED. Ilemphill, Beaver, •Michigan, Buies, do *Columbiana Murdock Wheeling Belmont, Poe, Wheeling. Lehigh PricL Cincinnati L •dia Elope K nawa Ma , suchuse , ts Benoit. St. Louie Pinta Vantl;grdt Sunfiah No th l,j rucn 1-leLaln Wellsville DE PA RTE D. • Iticliigun, 1 1010 13e,iver. *Clevelat.d, liemphi I, do .*Colutribitinu Murdocd R heeling 1 , ,r rest Haz'ett Franklin Lehigh Price Ci!tclunati Arcade fi , nnit do Liu le Alad, Etna, Morgantown 11 , •unette Irwin St. Lows STEAM mr .,•:-... BOAT ADVEItTISEIIENTS. REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. TIE steamer EXPRESS, Parkinson, master, will de part far the above and Intermediate ports on Sunday the 7th MA. at 11 o'clock a. at, For freight or passage apply on board or to BIRNIISCHANI 4. co. REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. TlVlEstearner SWIFTSLIIIE, Robinson, master, will 1 depart for 1.; , t, above and interrnedlateports,onThurs day the 4th insl at l l O'clock, a. al. For freight or pa.sage apply 0.. board or to may 4. B 1 R.V Co. FOR ST. LOUIS. rpriE at amer M kSSACHUSETTS, Wnnett, master, JL wit; depart for the abnve and Intermediate port■ on Saturday, 6th Last at 10 o'clock a. m. For frettht or passage apply on board, or to may 4 !HRMINGHAM & CO. REGULAR CINCINNATI PACKET. Fr BE steamer CUTTER, ConinA, master will depart for the above and Intermediate ports on Frlday,May &at 1.1 o•etoch.a. ea. Por freight or pitmtge apply on nerd, or to BIRMINGHAM ¢ CO. PROF. SILLIMA N's SIXTH 'LECIT.744.„. THURSDAY EVENING. AMY 4. ..4,-`i"V Subjects-4.Ani flak below the rnavtne• original cora li—Tr ilobiteg—A in mon itcs-01 tho. cera—Wormß—Fidas, &c. • P. S. The Lee ores for the I lel week, will 041 c on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evening*.. May 4. THEATRE. For the BENEFIT of , Mr. LATH AM: r. THA M , Miss MELTON, DAN MARBLE. • This evening, May 4,1E43, will be pili4iettll PAUL PRY: .Y Paul Pry Mr. Latham After which THE VERNION TEM. Deuteronomy Deotifut, Mr. Marble, To con, lude ~P AY TO MY ORDER." Thibaut Mr. Latham. Madame Thibaut Miss Matto.. For songs &c see hills The Dram of the DESERTED VILLAGE WWI rehen real . Dom open at 7 o'clock, Perfurmanco to coos. ounce at hallpaFt 7 Lower Bogen, eeta4l second Tier, 37i ,capte t'itt, 25 " Gallery. • 12i cents et tt ttion Salem 'lO CITY AN U COUN CItY AthRGHANTS. Extensive sate of Dry Goods on Friday mornia; ocri 10i.'at . lock, 25 Ita'es Brown Sheeting, 6 cases Prtnts, ncsorted patterns, 75 pieces Mack, !line, olive. levis, green Bro GtatiNt. The-e Cloths are or n very superior quality, and Motet from the importer at New York. 40 pieces Cassinetts assorted, blue, Mark and steel VIII. rd, Tickings, Table cloths, Itittiands, and a g.eat twiggy 01 other goods. S. FRIThrESTOCII 4' may 4 Auctioneers. curner of sth 4. WOO 4 at. PORTRAIT OF GEN. JACKSON. Lost one Taken. A FINE Likeness of General ANDREW 'ampere. 01- 7,r:teed on steel, by M. J. Danforth. of New Test. in now for st's in thin ens , . The 1. - Mowing eertilGlis frot h some of the m ,nt di-tiami shed men in thevoostiry in a snflicient guarantee for the excellence of t6b per- The following is by theec Sceretwir of tk•Altay. tuna rir sairri time tit daily habit or cella- . ver4iiig with General Jaekiinti, and becoming critically (atnifiar with the (cat u ce nr hii face, the expression or • 41,, countenance, the air of his person and his es al attl. tilde w hife gittni!, f have, ri hugitittioa in itayittr lttat the. likeness Just Taken lie Mr. liodge Is beyond all Co. parinon superior to any of the vet y many I have had I. eupvtunitvni and gives a perfect reniesentatioa . of Gene at at Mi. , ;hue. April 1113-13..' J. K. PAIILDING. By tke Jr Pre.vids4t, Val Ogres. I ini4t rutty elnenr in the preeebill deseriplkkit oft•. Mr Age's I i nes/ oF Gel JaCliS.3ll To M* low( W. DODGE 9ill:-1Ve have c.trefully etamineJ the likenesv of ("len Jack-ion Whir.;. you have r !cent ly completed, and. pro ionsee it, vett h ist he , •ta ion. superior beyond ittl comparison to any ever taken nr.lie venerable Chiellautil Si this is the /art he wilt ever sit for, the engraving it the standard li , :exees of tde °exerts!, mu^ be valuable. Very respectfully, JAMES' DUNI AN %N, W I LLI -IM 4 R. ICING, J C. CALHOUN, 1 Members A V. BROWN, CAVE JOH N -;ON. -of ROBT. L cAßoniErtg, WM W. GWIN, I Congress, THOM AS W. GI LMER, F. %V. PICKENS, May 4--st BAltx or Pirraaryaos. /If . May 2. 1343. The President and Directors of this Bank haie tido day declared a dividend of three per cent on the eettl• fleates of the capitat stock for the laid ale month.; pop., able, to stockholders al their 16;41 renrescnutives Olt fbr ' after the 12t It Inst. JOHN SNYDER,. may 4—td Caahtei.t! Exrnoma RANK. Pinsloofah, May 2, 1843. 5 . The Directors have this tiny declare. a dividend Of tkr es per out or the profits or the lt-t six months. payable to stockholders on and after the )2th inst. may 3—id M. HOWE, Cashier.' M Incruststo AND litastoa•ciritatts . Bauxf Pi ttsburgh, May 2, 1843. '• The Directors of this Ea t.h have this day dretarrd dividend or three rer ernx , ,cut ol tie profits of* last six months, payallltt on or niter the 10th. inn: 3 W. H. DENNY; entfilet., - LEAD. 200 PIG S LEAD now landing from ssesokbood Ashland on co nsignmenl and for sale by may S-31. A ttEELEN, DISSOLUTION. T"Eparinership heretotore e x isting - between J. Spencer and W. Jackson, ix this day illsisolved. mutual content- All persons ;r:debled lo,lttedste- grip are requested to wile with J Sorriest, sad all baviat claims will present them as above. J. SPENCER, may 2-3 t J, J ACKSON . Sefaid WM. ELDER, Attorney at Law:Office M st reel, eLcond door above the corner of fimithfleld op 29. north shin A CARD. IRAVI'. on hand a lane and welt assorted stork a UP BOLSTER VAVAR E. sot able for the sprint lid - summer husineat, and am prepared at short notice t6fitt all orders entrusted to me. My stock is entirety nee" made of the best materials. will be sold at price* tOseit the limes. Merchants will find me well prepared their orders on the best ternia, for any description oaf,. Milsiery 2oods Lir their customers; and the citizens Ind any article 1 , 1 toy line, will he promptly seised, sad their favors thankfully received. WM. NOBLE. Oholsteret. No. 4 Wood st , Pearthc char. 10 TIERCES RICE. 10 Roxes Loaf Sugar: • 5 WU. Crushed do.; Just received and roe *l. HAILMAN, JENNINGS A. Co. 43 Wood 20 BOXES Busse! and Robe rtion'a No. 5 LUMP TO B CCO. 20 Boxes a,corted do. Alst received, together with a general assortment at every thing In the Grocery line, and for sale oa the !moil accommodating terms. II A 11.1 1 ,1 AN, JENNINGS 4. Co. 43 Wood at. TAR. 163 KEGS NORTH CAROLINA TAR, on eons*. menrAnd for +e3 low for cob. II Al LAI.% NdENIYINCO At Ca. Wcod or, 50 HALF ones - rs youtqc fiTSON TEA. 60 Boxes Imperial and Cunpowd,r;Jrgt TOIIIOIOII4 and Corral, taw for rapt'. HAILMA:sI,JENNINHA ♦ Co, 43 Wood IC, IoRims. A Li? m 2 Carious in4l.o‘ 2 Caste Middre:juAt mitred aid ti . .‘ $O4O St A 114 MA Jr44ti citit ar l 29 VIIWItt q"lre Phebe *se $ IC VAN BUQES. YOUTS. ¢e., _._";'~~