, try TllOB. PHILLIPS & w. H. SMITH, Jr. COAXER OF WOOD 4- FIFTH BTB. DOLI,ARS a year, payable In *detract. Single copies TWO CENTS—far sale at the ratter Of t`& office. and by News Bays The Mercury and Manufacturer oublislied WEEKLY, al the same office, on a double isseibue ahem, at Two DOLL trzs a year, In ad. 'Alice. dingle copies, SIX CENTS Terms of Advertising. ' PRR SQUIRE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: 3nirt Insertion. 0,50 re mon th , zioo 1 p ' Pero Inwrilonr, 0.75 Two montr, ❑ 6.00 Three Inwailons, 1,00 Three months, 7.00 Owe week. 1,501 Four months, R,(10 .• Two weeks. 3.00 Six months. 10,00 Three 'reeks. 4.00 One year, 15,00 YE iRLY ADVERTISEMENTS. CR411141 LLLLL Cr PI IMICFRIC. _Otte ersars. nor Scorers, ;rflttut. - SIS.OO Six months, o.te year, 25,00 One year. . rry-Latrgrr advroluements in prorortfon, ICARnAor "me line. SII nOLLARN a year, ......--_____ I' U 8 I. IC OFFICES, &C. Cltee rose Orrice Tldrd between Market and Wood Streets—S. kt Riddle . Postmaster. cusets• H loss, Wuter.gth dour from Wood M. Peter. asn's htuldlnis—Hajar John W Mock. Collector. thy? TagAsofty. Wood between Firm and Second treets—James A. Bartram. Treasnrer. Coons Taassoity, Third street. next door to the Tithe. Pteshyterm Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. Mayn t's nrrlce, Fourth, between Market and Wood 41 /otreiep tlerander Hay, Mayor. Mitaesswes Escussos. Fourth. near Market et. BANKS prreanang.ltetween Market and Wood stress, on - rnlrd and Fourth stl , eta. alit IRVIN . &NI. tignrio7TCßelle •ND FARMERS' DE• !lull (I"nrm.!rly S4ving Fund,) FOllllll, betwten Aron.l and Market streets. Rtostiotat. PiA h street. near Wood. MOTCLR. WM) ttttt 1,4 flociar, Water alreet, near tine Bridge. axe tt Tt tt 110 rat., corner of Penn and r 3,. Clair. lieraen arra' floret, corner of Third and Wood. A lislitcax floret...corner of Third and Smithfield. ...meeriAltritD grairst, corner of Penn street and Canal.• firadao earns, Liberty Wee,. near Seventh. • 'Stuarts MiTillION 11001 M, hilveriy St onno.tte Wayne Rtt nn uawr alorsrom Hots:. Penn Si. °pintail!! Game. sOU RT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND II id COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Offwe remit rea W Bakewell's °thee@ on Grant st., orally opposite lee new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon, slag .—Firoit floor. son 10 TaOS. IL ELLIOTT, AL D. osice renT;mWo o S. Clair sereil; Ipetween Penn and Liberty Si,., Pittsbur g h. s t , 10 HUM! TOOTER. Attorney at I.aw„North Eno ranter of StaithitPld and Fourh streets. sap 10—ly M'CANDLESS & MICIATRE„ Aitorite;s and Counsellor's sit Law: Office in iha Diamond. hack t hot *l4 COO rt Douse, Pit ishurili. sep 10 QUUNK f Of:tit% AY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., sear the M•yor's Office, rltishlir:h. nen 10-ly - /THOS. HAM I i.l't IN. A torney al Law. Fitt het ween Wood and Smithfield sts.,Plttithur:h. pomjo—ly myna. ICOHEARA ROBINSON, A ttorncv at Law; Offire on the aorth.lde tti the Dia Inottd.ltelwoett illarket anti (Titian strnnts. upstairs rap 10 AI. DURBOIRAM, A , t °tory . at Ls or; t tit MI • hi• oicifessiattal services to tilt polltie. Office cur• er a Fifth and Market Streets. above D. !Joy., k kaare.Ptitahareh. Pa. gen 10 EVSTER 811131 tN IN, Atharney• al Law, oflire removed from the Diamond, to • sit itorney'*Row," Hdy +ideal' Fourth street, beiwein Markel amid Wood 4neeta nen 10 BUCKMARTER, ADRNEY AT LAW, ham removed Iris °Memo* the corner of Fourth wined andeherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grans sireele.Pitisloureh. Pep 10 GRoinE N. L.4lrAro. Attorney at Law. Office Nn. 54 Fifth street. near the Theatre, rhifour:h. ■ep 27-17 READE W ASH INGTONIy Arrosurar AT LAM —Office in Rears' Bnilding Ilreallb N reef, riU oburih. Nov . 5. 1842- JOEM J. MITCHELL— Attorney at Law, office comer Of Smithfield and sth its . Pittsburgh. Mieellons made. A I business entrusted to Ills are will he promptly attended to. reb 16--1 r 11101 r - R. Morrow, Alderman; otfi e north alJe of Fifth st„ between Wood and Smithfield Pit tahn re h. sep 10 DR. 8. R. HOLM 88. Office In Second street, next door to klelvany * Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly /I.lllllNtitirritN f $ rOUKTON. Booksellers. Printers an Taper Manufacturers, No. 37. Market st. Pep y TORN ANDERSON, Bmdhfield Foundry, Water pt.. near itk Mlnfednzatieth !loupe, Phutnreh. pep 10-ly IFISOMAI TnuN . FRANCIR t.. VoUNG. PllllO9. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Warr JL &omit*. uuroer of Hand PI. ¢ Exclianim Alley. PerseuiLwriabing In purettaae Furniture. will find it to heir eduasttare in :ire ea a tan. teatYrlly •Aticlied that we eau please a., in quality and prier. mil 19 Kacwocem D. C LOYD R COLDNAPI ArIOLENAJV 4 CO..rie tor t Agents, Forwarding an d 00etsniftion Merebanu Zo - ver Street, Vickihors ilia They revect fullyso.lei t elaucliVrninis. n 22- WEBB CLOSEY,B Boot and Shoe Dlanufaeto• ry. No. BS Fourth St., next door to Ibe IL Slates .vank. Ladles t ra, etla , Kld and Satin Shoes made in lea ireldteat almoner, anti by the newest French patterns. turp 10 TOOLS, consisting of Floes, Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, &Wing Took, nodding Lehrer', Pruning Knives, Pruning Sltears, etc., Pis' re• sitiveld and for mile by F. L. SNOW DEN. tarp 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. taIST It A T [IL NK S, for procerilin:a in At 44alititat ander rite late law, for .ale at t hii Office pOilt SALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coa Lane and 1111:h street. Apply to imp le 11111,14. DARLING ON, Market, near 4t hst LBS. Landreth's French :Sugar Beet seed. just received and for I e at the Drug and Seed 41ste of F. L. SNOWDEN, leo IS 184 Liberty street, head of Weird. B LANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.- o be used In Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on Beetifeloerdlud In the forms approved by t he Court,for sate at LW °ice or Ike Mercury and Democrat. Pep 10 WM. BBARD, Ladies' fashionable boot and HIT Irboe Manufacturer. No. 101, Third r reet. between Wood sod Elialtbfielli BMOCs, Pittsburgh seri 10 ir4B. PATTBRAON, Jr., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh, Pa„ Manufacturer of Locks, Binges and Bolls; To• imam, ra*er.4lllll and Timber Screws; Housen Screws for Mt NOM, It.c. seri 10—iy J O AMLOSKEY. Tailor and Clothier, Liber.y 10 btespt, between Stith and Virgin alley, Booth side, W. BUIBRIDGE 4. CO., Wholesale Grocers and Coonsisidem Merchants-- Second street, between Welsi and Sasitbfitild sts., Pittsburgh. scllo--ly I G. 4. GO4OON, Commission and Forwarding • iFentba s t s , Water st., Pittsburgh, sop 10-1 y & CO. CHIMUNION 4XD FORWARDING AMA MUM. No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Rarattriag *O4 111111pplog 5 teats per 100 tbs. ViiNdeIISOSN I K PartMles aai atlas 21 par seat. eassilVlO PUBLISHED BY . , t, ,,, A - _ . . ~. § :: ~. _ .. ..,.;:::::,.. ... 0::: HAILMAN, JEN - N INGS & Co Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchants, And Dealer• it Pittsburgh Atatoisfuctures No, 43 Wood street. Mt tAurgli. MAILMAN, JENNINGS &Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, 1 sf reef . Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotion Factory Yarns THONTSON HAMRA •• • •...1•111ES TORNIIOI L. ITANNA 4- TIHINSUI.L'S Paper Warehouse. No. lj lA, Wood et., where may he had a general 4 apply ul wrhin2 wrappluz. printing. wall paper, blank hooks. school hooks. 4 - c. 4-r. sr p 10--19 C. TOVVN..4END k CO.. Wire Workers and afenenfactotssrs, No. 23 Market street. brt weer 2d and :id streets. ,1 1) 10 --ly I: I 4 IXCH ANC E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and s't. Clair reelA, by 111c1SIBBIN .4. SMITH. rep lo—ly B ROWNSVI LTA: JUNIATA IRON WORKS --Ed wa , d Hushes. Manufacturer or troll and Nails Warehouse N 0.2.5. Wand At.. Pittsburgh. seri 10 —ly E GOODS.—PreAnn t Mackey, tvit,,lesate n lid .\ retail dealers In English, French, at d Domestic Dry roods, No. al, Market et , rittehrirelt. sea 10 TOIIN iIirDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rectirsing Dieriller, And Dealer In Produce arid Pltisliurgrli Manufactured Artlelee, No. 22.4 Liberty Street, Pitts. Isice/A. cep 10 wii.E.l4* 11. Wmr.r.ors Inns S. Iht.woßan VVILLIAMS DILWORTH.--Wholesair Croters Prnilnee iod Commisslnn Merrl a ni., and Jenler4 In PinAhurgoi Pdannfael ured ariiclee, No. 29, Wood iarert. pep 10 loon B.Sio,:nter N. KcAx QIIERI FP dr. KEAN, Thinufnetarers of Conner. K. 7 Ttn, and Sheet Iron Warr. No 80. Front et., burgh. House Spouting and Sicamboat work p. - omnilv exfctited. nen 10 81 D AVID fAIi SLII D N S ; ‘ 7 i. A . 3 t T i C ,I , H i , Kr o ■~rrci, •,,, burgh, • DEALER IN WATCIIF:S,C LOCKS. BREASTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS. KEYS, COAIBS, 4.c. Sep ilk LANDRETIM4 GARDEN SEEDS.— A full supply of handteth's Garden Seeds, always on hand, and for sale at his agency, the !hoz stare of F. 1.. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street. head of Wood. Fep 10 - R EMOVAL —Matthew Jones, Rattier end flair Drecs el% has removed to Fourth street, opposites he litay Mg office, where he will he happy to;wait upon permanent or transient customers. Ile enflr.il sa share of public pal. J OHN RL t ND, Upholsterer and Cabbie( .111-ker, Third at. hewer," Wood* .farket erects, respectful informs his friends and the public that be is prepared to eNeente all orders for Boras.Sidrhoarits Ru rcaua, Tables, f1e.1.0 cads, Stands, !lair and Sprit: klatiraw..., Curtain.. Carpets, all aorta of tlpholateri n: wort:, whirh lie will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable tryst's. r , r , 10 It EMOVAL:--The •rnh•=eriher. have removed to lt'a ter het green Wnod and Smithfield at recta, wher • they will continue the Whole:mite Crorery and Commis Firm htt•tittr,s aad would re.pert folly .nlicil the pat ran. av,e of 1 heir friends J W. hUltitEt E§• Co. Dec 3 DE. A. W. PAT PERSON. L s rfice on Smithfield street !war Sixth. sem 10 `J cog 43. F ARE REDUDED. U S. M•tt. Liss or Sticks Alin RAIL no.r.c.Rs. from Pdf, , Anir 2 ll, via Bedford. Chan,bernburg, 11.irri.dnirg nod Lane:utter, to Plidadei phla, connecting wtili the Mail train of rata to N Y. kr. Only 150 miles curios and one night out. Alan. the Direct line to Baltimore. Pare to Philadelphia $9. Baltimore, 9, Leaves daily at I? o'clock A. 111, Office second door bef o w the Merchants Hotel Wood Ft 111 ENDELL , GR AHA M, WAUGH 4- Co let 3,3 , 1843-Iy. Proprietors. F ACTS SPE.9K FOR THEMSELVF.S--TROTE CONPINCING:- Having been atilleted for neatly Iwo yearn, with a hard swelling on the cap of me knee. widen produced much pain, ind used various applies lions recommended by the Faculty allln vain wa mired completely by the lIPP of one bottle of Dr. Brand. Linament, or Exiernal Remedy. Wittiest mr hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio ife Allegheny en, Pa. Jan. 10th, 18411. Dr. Brandretten Exteitinl Remedy or Linament; sold at Idealize, No. 93 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- 50 cents per bottle. felt 8. SUt3.9R AND MOL.9S.S'E 6 5 111103, N. O. Sulfur. 40 !ibis. Molasses. Just received per Steam boat Ashland, ard for axle by .1 w.eurtrnDoEt co mar 3. Water between Wood and Smithfield J UST 12 ECEI VF:D. Twelve box es of Oranges and Lemons, of the finest quality. for sale whole.rale and by WM. THORN, fel. 22— IL 5.; Market at. W ANTED, a huy of From 14 to 16 years of age. Application to be made before the first of March to F 1. SNOWDEN, 184, Liberty head of Wood td• SALT. Qr . IA MILS No 1 Sall on hand and for gale I y tin/ k/ I. %V. BUR BR IN: F. ¢ CO.. Mal 24 VlPaler st., between Weiagd add Smithfield O 000L139 Cotton Yarns, assorted 9 Nos. 2,000 . .2,000 " Candle Wick, 1.000 " Cnrpet Chain, and 500 " Colton Twine From the Eagle ramp y. For as rby ['AMMAN. Jr:NNINC“ & Co Cooon Yarn WArahniine, No. 43 Wood sireer. mar 17 46 SAO( S dried Apples. 23 Mae do. do 10 Backe dried Pearl:pc 41 e'a , loi Fraincra, just received per elenroboals West Point and ilartsbu relLn lid for vale nor, low for rash by 114 !LIMN, JEXXING 4- c o mar 21. 4 3 Wood at. COPARI AEFISHIP. (41. MES 11411.47.1. Ar JOILA^ P JENNIXOS J have entered IUTO partnership for the purpose of transacting a Wholesale Grocery- PioducP nod Commis. atop business under the firm and style af II ILNI AN. JENNINGS 4- Co.,at No 4,3 Wood street, opposite the Merchan s' Hotel, where a supply of Groceries and Pills burgh M a %factored Articles ran alway- be had on !the al terms. March 17 '43- SUGAR RICE 4- MOLASSES. HHI)S Prime N, O. Sugar. r4r 10 Tklces Rice. 19 bbla. N 0.3 1 1 facln-rel. For sale low to close consignment, by mar 14- JAMES MAY New and Cheap Temperance Documents. JUST ree'd from N• York. a fresh supply of the latest temperance documents, Vi 7-• —Bacchus Prize Essay, permanent Temperance Documents, Arthur's Tales, Six Nights with the Washingtonians, bound, Jewitt's Lec tures. Hitchcock 'a Prize Essay, Cold Water Dialogues and Magazines' Dialogues, flymns, Songs and Fables,— Confetti° ns of an Inebriate, Beeeber's E-erromm, ear. berry Howard, Dead Child, Journal 4- 3000 Youth's Ad vocate (or January, February, March and Avril, for Sabbath Schools youth's Temperance sixtelier.and the Temperance public. For sa'e at 1 cent cacti, or 121 a year to robseribern, by IBA4C BARRIS. Agent and Com. Marclet, No 9 sth at. ap 2S D ANIEL M. CURRY, Attorney at Law. 01. rice on 5 , 11 at tetween W,s.dand Smithfield. .ip H pEASE'S fIOARHOUND received this day from New York. a fry ell supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Cain RlMipliOrl; and is ready to supply cwooincts at wholesale "retail, at his ,Medical 4 41eaclei 86 Fourth at. nov 12 D AVM CLARK, :let. oltitheonable Boot Maker,-- this removed to No, 34 Market street. between Second and Third streets, where he wou d be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel ;Minos: ed to patronize him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his constant personal attention to business, he tritststhrit he will deserve at.d rtcelve a fair share of patronage. ern 10 March 17, I:1111's. ICE CREAM. k co:vrEeTiurvAßY. tinker rpectuly Inorms his friends nd the puldic that h they can alwa f ys l rind f the hest quality a of Ice Creams. together with a 1 kinds of confectionary and fruits. in their .anon, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, betwe-n Wood and Market. N. o.—Partles supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or any thing in his line. Also families furnished wi;tt Bread. *en 10 IRVA NS'S CAMOMILE PILLLS.—ABIi A HAM J. CLEMER, residing at 66 Molt street. New York, was afflicted with Dyspep3la in Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head. ache, great debility. fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain lo the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sevsation of sinking at the stoat:tell, furred longue, nausea, with frequent oomitings, dizziness towards night and restleness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on cimpulliug Dr. Wm. Evans. illOChatham street, anit - submiiting to his ever successful 'lnd agreeable mode of treatmcut,the patient was completely restored to health in the short ■pace of one mum and '2 rntnru I for the Incrticulahle benefit (Iciy. ed. eladin came forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. BELLE IS, Agent, No M. Wood turret, helow Second. Cheap ‘TNION COT' Prices Short Reel Yarn. No. 5 at 16 eta. per lb 6 at 161 ditto 7 at 17 ditto 8 at 171 ditto 9 at 18 ditto 10 at 194 ditto 11 at 19 ditto • 12 at 191 ditto Candlewick at 16 cis per lii 13 at 20 ditto 'Corn Ratting • 9 ditto 14 at 201 ditto 'ramify do. •1. ditto 15 at 21 ditto , Carp's Chain • 20 ditto 16 at 22 ditto ICut'n To Me • 25 ditto 17 at 23 ditto Stocking Yarn and 18 nt 24 ditto 'Coverlet Yarn always on 19 at 25 ditto ; hand 20 at 213 ditto rottoit Warps made to order. 0::!)- Orders promptly attended to, if left at J. 4- C. painter':. Logan 4. Kennedy's. or the Post office, addrean lett "7 J. K. 11100RIIEAD *Co 50 HHD N. 0. Suear. 230 Rims N. O.la.Fes 40 Tierce* Clee. 20 rtio, No :15141H:ore!. 10 do No 2 do. 7 Tierces Sperm Oil. lust received per S A Exprre# Mad RIM far Fair by J. W. IIIIRRRIDGIF: 4- Co• mar 4. Water 01 lief wren Wood and Smithfield. frill F. •tiliseribe'r has moms d Jun Fashionable rialoring JL astatilialinient to the Sionongahela house. 3d door from first pt. on %mit hfield st.w here 'lipoid customers and all others who may favor him with a cal I may depend on having then work done in n superior" Style. From his b•uz experience In the 1111.41(.0y in I nk city, and in ntany other f.t.bionatile cities in Europe and A inerica, he-feels emifident that tin ran give, satisfaction to all who may pleases o favor him with t brie custom. Fly strict attention to bii.iiiess and superior , vorkmaiiship lie hope s to merit and receive a share of politic patronage. He 'Elena keeping' on hand a supply of ; pods and I rimming, suiteile fur the Ugl cutter traJe which will be sold at very reditred 13. DON %Ili', O THE PUBLIC, and particatfarty to my forme , patrvv• of (his citr—Having mired from the nract Ire of Medicine. I may lie permitted to say. that it has (alien in the lot of i ut few persons to have enjoyed so liberal or large a share of obstretrical practice as my own has been for th. last 30 or 40 years. The experience of that lone period °forgive life, and i he fact of my having been t wire, since 1830. associated with Or. R. A. Watson, In the mortice of medicine, (in both a oedod of five years.) enables me to judge fully of the merits of his pills. so convenient, so efficient, a nd yet vii F 3 ft., did I esteem these pills,( hat for the last five yea is in my practice for !he cure ofchronic diseases, of whatever nom, and those of females in pail Icular, I have used more of them than ill older medicines. Like every other medicine, this must fall in some in stances, but in my hands there has been less disappoint. meat and more satisfaction In t.ic administration of his one remedy than of ail ol hers; Its good effects sometimes guile astonishing me. If my pollen( roquired a safe aperient medicine either fore or afler parturition, the Wilson's pt.ts were just the thing I wanted. If a dyspeptic acid condition of the ittomaeh, combined with coal iven• ss or Inactivity of the liver constituted the disease af my patient. the pills were just the thing I wa Wed. If I treated a case requiring an eniruenagogue, the Wilson's pills Were just the !him., I tvanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory and !We rriory systems, annoyed my patient at the turn of life.' he Wilson's pills were jest !bathing I Wanted. TilliP, without resii,et to the name, a disease might happen to wear at the time I have bud II under treat ment, particular indications of symptons attain:, were at ^ays moat promptly and most happily net by the Vt'llson'e pills. Thai s° great a numlter ordiseases, and sometimes cip. narently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills, should be muted more readily by them than by any cubes remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a groat many persons should Itecome thirsty from t.s many different catutes.and yet all require that common and greatest of all Messing, water roquench their thirst. ' In conclusion, it is duel he epurtation of the medicine and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that the tVitsnn's pills areuse only combination I finee ever met with in my lonsconrse of practice, that really pos eesres a nything curative or specific for sick s tioradache. Yon rs 4-c., DR. MILO A DA MS. The above Pills designed particularly for the sick Flacd.Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Bowels 4-e., prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A, Wilson, and for sale, wholesale and retail, at his dwelling in Penn street, below Alla-but 5 Oct 1 i I .IUSTIC or tee In,ife was formerly resorted to in all ‘-"CIISQ.I, of burns, scalds and wounds, where mortifica was apprehended. The neeerreity for such sharp prac i tire exists no longer. Tile Magical Pain Extractor, from Comstock 71 Malden Lane is a for more efficient preven live of mortification than cold steel or nitrate of silver. The application of this wonderful cdmpound instantly removes the local pain,and Ville wound, scald, burns or bruise has not injured some vital organ so as to render cure inn ossible. it will in a very snort space of time restore the part affreted to a sound and healthy stale without leaving the &atilt tehind. This preparation is also a certain rrmedy for inflamed eyes, cancerous sores'. Weer's, broken breast and sore nipple and all ebrasions and eruptions of the sk;n. Its success as a cure for the piles is unparalleled and the vouchers for its c.tra• live properties are fr-ito the rot st respectable and en Irghtened sources.—Herald. Fur sale at Tuttle'a, 86 Fcurlh street: PHENO.NEJVON IN CHCJIISTRY —East liodia Hair Die--eolots the hair and will not the skin This Dye is in the form of a Powder which In plaih matte. of tact may be applied to the hair over night, the first night turning the lightest or grey kir& to dark brown; and by repeating a second or third night, to a }et black. Any person may. therefore, with the least possible trouble keep his halt any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that the powder if applied lot he skin • ill not color it.. There is no coloring in this statement, as any one may easily test. These &cis are warianied by the chemist who manufactures it. . . For Sale at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth street, where a large assortment orPatent Medicines may always be had at either witoterale or retail "Antlferpt ! 86 Fettra street 1" PITTSBURGH, or Cash. ON F.ICTORY. educed. Long Reel Tara. 500 at 9 cts per dr. 600 ;it 8 ditto 7110 at 7 ditto 800 at 6 ditto 900 at 5 ditto 1000 at 4 ditto Removal. D R. GOODEIs Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills nrestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladles rbs a safe and Video' remedy In removing those complaints peculiar IT their sex, from want of ex. preen!, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness!, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Unb :erl States, and many Mothers. For sate Wholernle and 'legal,. by R. E SELLERS, Agent sep 10 No. 20, Wood St reet,below Second M• ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the head of Smithfield •t., Pittsburgh.— Te sutrtcritrer having bought out the stock of the tale Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the old stand of Air. R., and Is prepared to execute all descriptions of work in his line, In the hest manner and on the shortest notice. He keeps cot stonily on hand It large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and °film hest quality. He solicits the patronage of the nub. lie and of the craft. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 101111ITTSBI MGT' PI A NV FA CTORY.—sp, • and ,Arles for Carriages at E. 4.11/ PTICet. The suhsc-}ihers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Conch,C and Eliptic Springs (warranted') Juniata Iron Axles, Sllverand Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Ruh Bands, Slump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brew Lamps, Three fold steps, Malleable Iron, Boor Handles and Binges. tc'e• JONES & COT.EIHAN. fir. Ctatr nt.. near r r e Atirellerry Bridge. HD. SELLERS, M. D., o ffi ce and dwelling In Fourth, 1 .111 • neer Perry street. sep 13—ly LOOK AT THIS. The attention 'flo-e who have been somewhat seep. Deal in reference to the numerous certificates published in favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher rv, on account of the person?, twins unknown in this arc lion of the State, is respectfully directed to the following cert Ideate, he writer of which has been a citizen of ibis borough forseveral years. and in known as a gentleman of integrity and responsibility. To the Arent, Mr. J. KIRSY. has 4 osed Dr Swayne's Comp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a coital', with which I have been severely al flirted fir shout four ntnnths , and I have no hesitntion in saving that it lithe most efreelive medicine I lint I have been aide to procure. It composes all uneasiness. and agrees well with my diet.—and mantains a regular and gond appetite. I can freely recommend It to all others similarly afflicted. J. Mtattuar, Borough of Chambersh'e. Morel, 9. 1R49. Sep 23 For Neje by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. pF , R.SONS desirous of proeurine Fruit, Shade. and Ornamental Trees, or Bhrohherv, from Philadel phia or New York, are requerted to make application as noon is P 011141114.. at the Dry,: and Peed Fiore of the sobs seriber, where can he had raisin:lw., ttrainitanaly. of the most exeellent ;re, F. i.. SNOWDEN. Imp 21 No IR4 Liberty street, head of Woad ATILLIAm C. WALL, Plain tind Fancy Portrait w and Piastre Frase Xanufacterer, No. - 87, Poortk Street Pittsburgh. —Canvass Brushes. Varnish kc., far Artists. always on hand. hooking (classes. kr, promptly framed In order. Cepairing done at the short eel notice. rnrlitnlarnllention prild to regliding and Jobldil ofev rry deperirolnn. Person, filiny up Fierim Boat. or hou.e. will lint! It to heirailvantrle to call. opp 10 F WSI. STEELE, (successor to H. &Petoskey:, Fash io.ia',le Root Maker, Liberty Pi.. 2tl door from Vi-sin Alley. The subscriber respectfully Informs the puldielhai he has commenced the above business In the shop Crrnerly occupied 1w Air. Henry llVEloskey, and that he Is now prepared to attend to all orders in his Ilnr nrhusinew with de•patrh /1114 OP I he most re*.onrime term.. From hl Inn, experience in the manufacture of Fashionable Roots, he rontldent 'hot oil articles from establishment will itive sotiitfortion to him no trons. A shareof public patronage Is respectfully solicit, ed. sep 10 /RI) SEFDS A r esu wunple or Sari seed., rnn * 1011 (1.1 of Canna mn 104 Rms.: jn.l received t.y F L SNOWDEN, 143 Libertv st. Porta!,le Platform Scales on wheels, to wolgti 2,500 1155 00. 11s, at do do do do 2,005 at 445 00 do do do do 1.500 at 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do do do 500 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition of 43 to each scale. Dormant senies for the rve of Warehouses, Flouring Milts, kr—per:lnm prices as above. A isn,White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young,'s improvements, and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for from 8 to 815, They also manufacture Stearn Engines for Flouring Mills. Flaw Mills. Salt Works. ti-c„ donhle and singe geared slide tat hes,friot and other lathes for wood turning machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door and sash machines. Hairs patent horse power, with or without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular saw shafts, machines for sawing lath , Tinner's ma• chine> and tools ofall descriptions, also for making black ing boxes,:t superior article; governors fur steam engine stuckg. laps and dies, coffee mills, kedalcad or joint hots and machinery for making the saute,- cotton factory ma ciainery made or repaired; inhales peels platten* turned and printing pregmeggpairitd• JAMES MAY, Agent. ` cep 22—i f M. E A URTIN Attorney nt Law, Pittsburgh, Pa. • Office in Mil street,Opposile Burke's Building. k'tt.t.ux E. A I'VTIN. Esq.i Wili 2ive his attention to my unfinished business, and I recommend him lo the patron age of lay friends. WA L 41311 FORWARD. Rep 10—ly PI TTSFIURGH CIRCULATFNO AND REFERENCE LIBRARY of Re' igloue,Distot Ical,Pollt ical.and MIS. cellaneous Works, will be open every day. Sabbath ex. cepted. 'rpm 7 o'clock, A. M.,unt II 9. P. M., In the Ex change Ruilding,corner of Rt ereetand Exchange alley, wnere nctu a I attendance Will be given by Pen SO J. ceMmir.. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! FROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line Leaves Pitts'.nrgh daPy. at 2 oictork, r. a, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and horn there by RAILROAD , in superior new eight wheeled cars, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The atiov, Line is ripresented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for enatfort and erpetillion, Wising made arrange. ments to convey passengers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.-- Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 mites less than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new coedits. Fare to Bangui° e, CO. Office In tie blenengabela House. A. HENDERSON 4. CO., Stage Propr teta nit - d Improved Flay mannfitetnred be t their Slnehlnt 'et. between Dln iflh trept. two mnee flntl , Pitts lanturnettire and 'end the follow scales(whol y composed of mrtal): No• I, roil able Platform IScales 011 to weigh 3500 .oulids,at 165,- 00. fOUNG BR ADBURY PROSPECTUS For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Pitt• burgh, to be entitled the DAILY MORNING POST. T HE Subscribers having made arrangements to merge the Ante, Iran Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Iffercu• ry Into one Journal, have concluded tit 'pitblish 'a dilly paper with the title of the Daily Afernist Pair. The leading object of the "Porn" minim Cite tEssemlna. non and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors. In their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, io politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope. by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence. and Itrlef notices of all mat• ters and occurrences that come properly within the sobei'e ofa Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently In cresting to entitle it to tile patronage of the public, respective of party rongiderai ions. In addition to the political and general news that will be found In the “.Morning Post," the Editors will lake pains to furnish the business!: communliy with the latest and m o st hot resting Commiaeist. IXTZLLI. GrlfC2 from alt parts of the country, and to hdi.e prepa• red such accounts of the Markets and the Stain ot TOM as will be advantageous to our Merchants and BusinesS Men In their several callings. Terses.—The Porr will he pnblisbed on a large iinperi. al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this Joann!) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum,payable in advance. It will alio be Sold by news.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS n copy. Advertisements will he inserted at the rosiest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. rrr WENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Poi who will he engaged on the most liberal term* . THOS. PHILLIPS Alms' 31. 1842. W.H. !tit. B Y Al Aoi-rison 4. c o London, for sale only by S. P. Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole s=ent for Western Pennsylvania. pep 10 Passage and Remittances, TO AND FROM GREI AT "'ATTAIN. - , f t ,•.*: . ,g 4 t , 41011.1 , 4 11 i IL , sv - y,ok New Fork and Liverpool Line: P ERSONS (estrous of sending for Mei: friends to come from any part of Great Britain, ate respect fully Informed that the subscriber is at all times pre pared to make such eugagsmcnir He is jirepiired to remit monies by drafts, which are made Jsayable at any point throughout the United KlugdOna'.On preatenta. lion; having been for the last 12 years entiged In the business, he feels evullilent that his arrangethente on both sides the Atlantic are such as will give satiefactliin. The Ships contpri&ing the above line, are all °title first class and are commanded by careful amid skillful rriaiter4. Iravilig Liverpool once each week during . the season.:— For further particulars apply Irby letter to JOHN HERDMAIIfI N 0.61 Booth street, New Yolk, or to J. KIRK PA TRICK, at Messrs Hargett 4 Fleming's, Water street Plis'bgh. March 3-2md. S. YIORROW, M.I.ArurACTuR ER of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iror Ware, No. 17, Fifth s(., between Wood and Mar— -1 kel: Keeps constantly on hand a good nssot tment of wares, and solicits a share or imbue patronage. A Iso.on hand, the following /Metes: Shovels, Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Skillets, Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, Coffee Milk kc. Mar chants and others are invited to call and examine for thentsel►a> tt ho is determined losell cheap Cur cash or approves , .. r er. mar 1 ~ —if WILLIA II DOHERTY, 111 AT and Cap Mannt. , turer. 148 Liberty at, between 1.11. Market and Sixth. an 10— Am. It. M. DA ‘v 111auttfacturer of Tin. Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. No. 6I Liberty, between Malice( and 6th streets W OULD re.perifttlly inform the citizen!, of Pitts— burgh. and the nahlic In eeneral that he continues tnrarr V on t to , above littaineta in all II various branches :lithe ale ove wand: where he will always keep a gener al assortment of all articles in his tine, all of which will be made in the tame manner and of good materials, and will he digronted of on the most moderato and se eommodatina terms. Country Stercnnnts and ' , titer dealers will find it to their:ndyantnee to call and examine his stock before pur. chasing elFewerre. Bleamboats..Housesand eorticees roofed with copper. zinczi.ee. lend and Iron on the whortest notice; Gutters and Conductots made and put up with despatch a• usual. apr 5. TDE A:HEAT CENTRAL ROD E, vi NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE •AD OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY. N" 6 EN/ line of U. St. Mail Coaches for /Vitali sist em city, Baltimore, Philadelphia end New York. This line is in full operation Snit leavesPittshnrgh daily at a o%lock A. II. t via Washington ?a. ald national road to Catnherland, connecting here with the rail road Col , . to all the above-places; Travellers will and this a speedy and eerittfortahle route, it heing a separate - eed distinct Pittsburgh and editit , erland line facilillee will be afforded which have dot heretofore eit3oyed. Ex tra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, tvito the privilege Of going through direct, or taking one night's real.! their Option. For tickets, apply at our ()fere al theSinnonfahela FiOnse. L. W. STt•CR'TON• Feb. 3d--dt f. President of N. It. Stage Co. VAWL FOR SALE.—.I ntw Clinker built Yawl (MeNaug,hten t r build) for rale low for rash. Ap ply to B1111411s1(41.1§1 4- co ; BP 18• No 60 Water rt. FLOUR. 1000 a NILS. !open., MO : in store and for l* Os , i W. 13‘ TBBJtIDGE / Co. dP 10 Waterai., betwesii Wood aod gaitlineld 4,4F."'- Tat LrrettAßy posr naperarme. I sawthe drutikirdith, abaniuned Sunk deeply in the Sinter of hum wo, For squalid wretchedness had setitaseet, And stamp'd hini for its own, debased and vii., His babbling words and half niktiffititetas Proved, clearly proved, that judgme Alui memory banished front the inward 'Man. His bloated visage, and hie blood-shot eye. Told plainer f.tr than wdrdis can tell, That nature injur'd koon must fall a prey To bdkstly, worse than beastly, vile indulgence. His trembling hands and feeble tottering limbs, Seeru'd careless to obey, or to'inktort, 1 heir fihy load of imtrid nest, stuff. • His clothing too, worn out and "duab'd with mud, Show'd he was lost to bfb societie of Motel men, And lit stetting on to misery's cold grave: Back is the piciiire, if we leave him here; But now prepare to view a blacker shade. I saw th 3 drunkard st'llggroring to his home; In fAncy's mazy I ntarked and traced him there: The night was told, he ehivered as he went. There sat his wife tittraide her naked - bitood, ttrho feared, and wished, and dreaded his return: As some pooit slave awaits ha demon:lord; Perhaps to meet the frown, the oath, the kohl' As pas ion happens to Inure, or devils dictate. A gleam of light came flickering from the bens, And:"sho s ;veli the abject povery within: Like the fag glare of an unfounded hope, Of his reform, which nude could 'ri s attit eztlect. The little light displayed her shattered frimile,, Oe'r which fell griefilad like a simoon passed; 'Till her once lovely form did now convey A tale that *ell might harrow up the soul. Ah tender wo• mar. lovely in distress, The poorest child of Ada's ruined race, Is doubly blessed above a drunkards wile. But she Was - poor besides; but one dry 'erdift That lay span a little bench in view, Was all their breadstuff, all their bill of fare. Her means of' living had been carried off All to the ale-house, ; nd there bartered for The vile, the 'cursed, the bewitching sturn That made him mad and sunk him in disgrabei hut hwth! a - staggering noise is heiird aptircittChi Thb door flies repen, a'nti lie tumble.; in. Imagination must here du the rest, As fur the sake of poor hutzlanity, My soul grew sick,l could not write it thliti;th Again I saw him on a 'shbbathraoid But 0! how c'hang'd was that same drunkeii His clothing neat and clean, his eye adorned The human face divine, which glassed with joy; His hand was steady, and his step was firm, And independence se'emed to smile on him: As though he filled his proper place again. In the great scale of animated nature. I gazed on him, as thu' lie had In en dead And now 'tiermittect to return again, g another trial on our plane': • II paused and looked, rubed my optic rihriee, But no mistake, : fur it was really he. Wondering, I spoke, and did inquiii the change. "I went (said lie) to hear the temperance men; I joined the cense, and I have kept it firm. All my endeavors trospered ever since, I'm now reformed, I'm temperate--I'm balmy; Good morning Sir, Pm hastening to time Church, My wire and children have passed on before." Wo parted there and as 1 came away I sighed a bles s ing un the TemperanCe-Pfetke. Jso. H. HUSTER. Trotting and Pttcing Itstices=4 Louisiana Coarse.—The trotting race in hierness yEa., terday vt as really an exciting hfl'air, and well trimpen - sakd fur a 'visit to this Louisi ana rotpte. the contest was for a purse of sso—forfeit 35--mile heats. The en. tries were Mr. McGivney's g-. m. Lar Clinton, a 1 - eputed 'ciack' from New York, and P. G. Ctrase'a ch. h. Crowder; the bul ly trotter of Ne* Orleans. At the blast or tilts trunipet they bib eame to the post, drawing sulkies of weight Bet Ween 65 or 75 pounds. Lady Clinton's drier was somewhat the heaviest. Both heats were well performed, the sulkies driving at a ; rapid pace s ln a lapped pusitiun froth the I work 'go' until they nearly reathed the half milepost. Duni - T . ole first heat Lady Clinton broke frecp.rently, but Crowder kept on the even tenor of his way without. 'get• ting up;' winning the first heat in iei46.— In the second heat both occasionally broke their pare, but Crowder reboVeritig soon er than Lady Clinton at each 'break.' won the heat in 2:47. This may be considered very good time, takiltg all cirturnstarrees into consideratiOn. We are pleased to witness a spirit kwake upun the subject of trotting end pacing that must ensure the success of that depart. ment of the turf ir the south, ifcultivated with the Erector that now prevails. t'reVious to the above, a rase of green pacing horses came oir bet Ween J. Jones b. h. Pilot ;old F. G• Chase's b m. Fame. —Both heats were won by the former in 3:25i and 3.35, very gond time fol• entrain.. ed nticultivated pacing nags. There will be two races to-day. For the first for pablog horses; mile heats. Imo der the saddle, the entries Are M. Zow's b. m. Maid of Louiaiana, and J., Jones' b. h. the second race, for pacing horses, mile hhits. under the saddle, there are two entriPis—C. Draper'. b. m. Lady Missouri, and F. G. Chasese ch. g. Tippecanoe.—N. 0. Pit. 'Hail td the king!' aR the fellow s a id j when he threw a handful of hailstones at the head of his Majesty. [N. This is almost as good as, the fellow who addressed Mr. Silas Snow with, 'Flail Mr..Sno* if it raios, you'll be coist.'Bee Loh times. • :~~~: ~, MEM For tlaa Post. ...i x.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers