ESNi `d f... VOL 1.-NO. 196 PUBLISHED BY JI(US. PHILLIPS & W. IT H, N. W. CORNER OF WOOD 4- FIFTH 8718. *CR 11114.—Fly DOLLARS a Year, !mythic i n advwsme.. Singte copies TWO CENT:3--.for sate at the *nyder of the office, and by News Boys. The ',Mercury and Maunfacturer pahlislie4 WEEKLY, at the same office, oo a aJoble . liediatts site.ti, at TWO DOL.LIRS a year, in ad. 'traaee. Siazle ropie4. SIX CENTS. 41- Tereus of Advertising. 'rig R WARE OF TWELVE LI Ngs OR LESS: ,He Insertion. 0.50 1 One rannth, SZA9 "Tviirfifoertions, 0.75 1 Two trooff, 6.0) ft/ft Insertions, 1.00 Three monlii, 7.00 One week. 1,501 Four monlha, 8,00 Two weekf, 3.00 al: months, 10.00 : 1011eree 'week*. 4.00 One year, 15,00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS C 1101051,111.11 IT MELSCIIIt. Awe Square. roe Squarei ilre months; $ i 3,00 Six months, $2.4,00 13lee fcar, 15,00 One year. 35,00 -Irrtrareer adverilrentents in prorortlon. CA,RO.4 or four linen ?ti DOLLARS a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&O. Ctre Poet Orrice Third lietwmn Marker and Wood iftreebi—R. M Riddle. Port master. Haosic. Weter,Ch deer from Wond k. Peter ein's heildirret— tinier John Willoek, ll;rry TittlflllltY, Wood hei wee.n Fir and Second trolls—James 1. flartrain. Treagstrer. I;ott•rr Tt.trd street. next door to the no td Pt eshytertan Church—S. R. Johnston, Tren wirer,c MaTOV/1 0 Yrtea. Foorth, het ween Market. and Wood *Kra—Alexander flay, Mayor. Mitellater's 6e . Foerth, near Market RANKS PITFSWIRCIR, holWetil ‘larket and Wood streets, on ritird and Fourth •=treep. Melt aura' •KP N 01 , 11 , 11e.TCRICRe .en P•lt PIRRS' HE. latsir Sawa, (Cornwriv 4 .4tring Fund,) Folll'lll, 1.0.Wi ell Vand and Market st, Ettottanoa, Filth street. near Wood. HOTEL.'4. !Snow, Water titreet, near the firiil , 2e F:tmolottate lloret., earner of Penn :111,i Si. Clair. Ildlettomayrra' linen, corner of Third and Wood. A illigte&N iIOTCL,COTIICt ul Third and Smithfield. (Nies* s.Tltt• corner of Penn ,trepl *nd c ana l. , Emit t.r., Liberty street, near Seventh. Mtwess Harems !loess, Lilteriy St orinn.ite. Wayne R•o•numure Allelllll HOVIIIC, Penn Si. Ortpoaite Canal utotsita.r. wOO DS 7 ATTORNEY AND W i COUNSELLOR AT L rt•mo te4ll to Itakeweli's oaken on Grant ,t., nrnily onnos:ile tope sew Court noun, next rooms to Jolt.. D. Mallon, dog ,—Flynt floor. tn. 10 _ ELLIOTT, iII. D.—Office removed t• LL St. Clair street, bereell PeRll tlitd Liberty St,• • Plushy, tk. s i , 10 HETCIII TO V Re, Atto.nPv at Law, North Ca-t corner .0150141 . 01.1 d and Foor , ll flirreff. sep 10—ly MCCANDLESS & M'C LU 11E, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law: Office it; 'be Diamond, hark Of the AM Coast [louse. Pittsburgh. sea 10 HUNK k FINDLAY. Aitorneys nt Law, Fourth PIO. sear tite mayor's Office, rltiAlinrell. Rep 10-11 y THOS. HAMILTON, Attorney at Law, Finn, between Weed and dmithfield sta., Pittsburgh. app 0-1 y VIITIR. O'HARA. ROBINSON, ‘t tor ne y at Law; • 0111 re on the nor, h tide of t Ile DiatnOttdlwiwee.l Alsorktit ant U4llllll al rect.... Up siaira Fr p 10 A I: DIIRD l ••," ney at Law; tenders PS • 10 , 0 prakwaional service:. to 111. on talc. Office cur. err of !Nth gaud Market Streets, above It. Lloyd 14. Co's Aw►e,rytiterelt, Pa. cep 10 VY•3T6R 4. itUri! 1.:1 AN. atevrnegg at L. ofhrt• reurre4l Irmo the Dutouttot. in -.‘tterney%Row," Italy sidreof Fourth street, between Market and Wong! .reta POP 10 1% 2 BUCKITIANTER, ATIRNEY AT LAli', .II • has realliVeli hiS ottko the corner of. Fourth lore** amt.:berry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant 'FORCE W. I-9YMa. AttJtnev al Law, (Mire PIIn. 54 Firth street. near theTtleatre,Pilte:turgli ee* 27-1 y Wk . :ADE ‘A' VG CON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. —Office ie ItearA• ftnilding reurtb sl rest, PRlAbilrei. Nov.s, 18,12, JOLLY J. MITCHELL--Atioroey Jt Law, (ace corner of Smithfield and stll rta .l'ilt.burglt. w r Collections made. A I nuctatts.i entrusied to are will be promptly attended to. feb 16—ir RE LOVAL. —R. Morrow, Alderman; offi e north side or nt:. between Wood and Smithfield t'ittstiartb.: '— FeP 10 DR. S. R. 1101. AI EA, Othile to Second street, nem door to Malvpiy,k ,Cq's Claw Warehouse sep 10-1 y jjNlSrtizi q . 24 roliiii.674, ISook, , eiterf, ri iwerg an taIP Pnrwr Manufacturers, No. 37, RI arkri Ft. PeP 1071 y TOFIN ANDERSON, Sulaid - 10d Foundry, %Voter st.. sear the Slotion:zabeln Hnnto, filar tire h ten 10-1 y S - [MIN TICIOS , . 11 1 YOUN(... alt. CO., Enriiitnre Warn 1.,0 Romani, rliiir or ; rand ft, .4. Exchange Alley. Persons wis1)10 (6''pOtetio , e Forottore, will find it In heir tiitlynota;e to :iv_e Itt_a_La LI. 1,6117 folly :;atigtietl that we ear. pleamecoo . tomusliitr Aid price. cep 10 iCiestoLsit D. C0!.rMAM.....• • LOYD R. COLEMAN COLEMAX 4- CO.,,GonecA, Agents, Forwarding nod Coombs/Alton Merchants :.Tree $1 reel, Vick? burg *Ws They tesireetfullyto.izt i cOnsiguntents. VWEBiI CLOSEY,S Runt and Shoe Ma oulacto• ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the LT. States .kank& Ladled Pruneila-, Kid and Sat+n Shors made in !Se nnatest inanner,and by the netwest Freni - h pattern!. vep 10 4GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of floes. Fancy Spades r Trptsplanting Trowels, Editing Tok, term Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., inst re• teived and for dale by P. L. SNOWDEN. Sep JO 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. IGISTRATE3'I3LANK3, for procredite!s in At tacksteat ender the late law, fur sale at this Office VOR SALE.—Lots on the North Eat corner of Coal . Lase and 111:11 street. Apply to sop 10 BENJ. DARLING POs, Market, near 41 h st. JOII LB S. Landreth', French Sugar Beet rSeed,Jttst Al received and fur sale at Ihe Drug and teed F. L. ssownr.N. 184 Lupe, ty F t reel, head of Wood laep 11‘t1 BLINKBPETITIONS, NOTICES, 6:C.— . 16 Se eke In 'Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on g ood papee,and In the forms approved by t he Court ,for sale al the Oflke of the Mercury and Democrat. vep 10 - 1, - 470L HUBBARD, Lldies' fashionable boot and v v shoe ilanerneturer. No. 101, Third s'reet, between Wood and Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh Rep 10 AB.rITTERSON, Jr..l3,rmi ng ham, 'tear PO sburp, h , J jPa., Idannfactrarer of hocks, Singes and Bolts; To. ti - deo - . onic, Midland Timber tkrews; Houses Screws for goithig sep 10—ly :10/IN WIDLOSKEY , Tailor and Cletliler, Liberq 11l street, between Sixth and Vir;in alley, Smith side. W. BMWBIMB tt CO., Wholesale Grocers and comositesion _Merchants— Second street, between Wood &pi Smithfield att., Pittsburgh. set, y jj 0. 4 A. GORDON, Cominiselon and Forwarding .;" Merchants, Water st., Pittsburgh, seri iti—ly Birmingham & Co. cinnuataux 4.11111 iVitW dRDING .VRR. • MOOTS. No. SU Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. ref in 6-.. r a see *big_ and Shipping 5 teats per 100 lbs. osi riardisses and sales n per tent. siITIV43 ~.. , . ft -..... A , •.. ,-,-",-,. , --- , -^. ~-...* t''. - ' 4-7:'-`7 -4 7 7- ' 7 " 7-7 °'''- `.-7; f" 2 1 , :tr , . , ; r-5*7747 - 17 . ,.,..! , ..„,. - . ,, ":.:.' , ; , ..-...,7' i r" , 77,7, -- : - :,' • 1 7:'-'7f.. , ,, i.'.:„..WtriT-ii , -7 1 , :r,,;37 , -%.„,'.4. ,. ....,.._',„ ',,t 7 , , ,„:„ . :• , , , , i, „ , : „.. ''' . :...171 , ......,.. ,. .... ~ ~ :. - ' ' ' - • . • . .., * . fil • . .. .. , . . ..r .......,„ _ ._ . . . , ~. . _ .. ~ _ . ..,.., ... ~.. _ , •., , 4 ; . ... _ .. MAILMAN, JENN INGS & Cu, Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro- . . duce .%lerchunt., And Dealers it Pittsburgh Man ufnctures war 17 No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh MAILMAN, JENNINGS &Co. s Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 4.3 W. , od street. Agentsfor the sale of the Eagle Cation Factory Yarns March 17, '43. TIIONP9ON RANKS J•KILH TURNIIVI L. FIANNA TIMNBUI.I.'S Paper Warehoore. No. 14, Wood at., where may he had a eent-rni of wrapploz. printing. wall paper, blank hooka. school hooks, ke, b c. rep 141--ly 11, C. TOSVNAEND CO., Wire Workrrs and a • Jlknicifacr steers, N 0.1.3 Market fit reel, between 2d and 3‘l streets. sep 10--1 y EXCHANGE HOTEL, Comer of Penn and Wit. Clair St McE IHOIN trurni. sep ROWNSVILLE JUNIATA 111.0 N WORKS.__Gd wa.d llttehes. Manufacturer of Iron and Naiis M'archntaite N 0.25. Vl'onti Put.tlntrgh. Rep 10 —ly NIEW GO 91)S.—Pre..lon k Mackey, w nt.lPAale and retail (leaky'. Frensh, al4 Dooms! le Dry (10.1,1:, No :1, Nlarket ~t sep 10 - 10117 4 1 ItynEVCTT, tliholelale Grocer Rertif•lng Ilimtlier, And ne:Oer in Prndure and Pittsburth Mannfloured Artiele, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitis• Ssrzh. sep 10 %vu.f.i.ors Irne S. uu.woßlif 'WILLIAMS & V Grocer:: Produce :Ind C.en mission M erclia roc, and lealerA In Piilshurgn Manufactured arilele : :, No. 29, Wood street. sen 10 lOW. ft. Stutnirr hi , . N. KICAN QIIERIFF & liis.tN, Matiurneturerq of Conner ) ,, J Tun, and Sheet Iron Ware, No Rlt. Prom st , Funs- Suur2b. !louse Spouting and Steamboat work promptly F 41,10 ,• . Inh AVID SA N DS, IA ATM & CLOCK (.;._4 • a 7 M .11i ER, .' hipcit, ) i N. 7, Si. Clair iir...ei, Pint ,::. D 1.:.11.ER IX IV RTC - MI ES, C LOC KS. BR EA STPIXS FINGER RINGS, C1f. , 11,,V - S. KR IS, CO.IBS. vc. s4tp 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A niu noppty of Lainheih's Garden Seeds, always on hand,a I;d for sale al his agency, the Dna; store of F. L. SNOWDEN, Fell 10 184 Liherti sireel, head of Wood. lEmov AT.—Man hew .1 g, Mar% r and I r 16, Cr. has removed to For, rill wi rent, o pprom et he May on: office, where ire will I,r happy Iciwait upon permanent or transient ruwiumerg. Ile "tulle a share of public iml• rona , ze. wep 10 JOIIN 31'FARL N UpholoLrrer and Cabinet .41-ker, Third rt. basrern Wood 4 Aforhet retpectfnl inftwnts his friend,. and the public that In 1P prepared to execute all ordets for Soros. Sultitoottlt Bn• reatts,Citait, 1%0.10t, ftedttteatto,Stantit, flair and Spring Mattratset, Curtains, Cornett, all -oils of Cphokteritt; wort:, wide!! he will o arrant equal .0 any matte in the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 ~~E.IIOYALt—TItr sulisrritiers have rrutriv• d ter het wern Wood and Smithfield sireetii, where hey will roniiiitie Ille Wituireale forery and Commin idon rind would re=peetffilly ...hell 11 , e patron. age of i heir J EWE:BRIDGE 4. cu. Dee 3 DI. A. W. PAT l'F.ll SON. IT on 8171010 k : 4 i ,rrroq, near Sixth. .sep 10 18 43. F.►nE nr.nungt). 11 14 mAii.Ng l'Totrigig a vn Rot. Coalior•ap, from Patittitltur4ll, via Bedford, rtiandrentleng, Ilarri•tntrg tied I.anca•ler. to Mulatto, phia, connecting with the Malt train of l'att4 to N V . tr. Only 150 ..s• .41a:0111 not one night out. Alto. the Direct line to Baltittiote. rare to Philadelphia Ralf 1 mor• , LeAV.,I daily al A. M. Office Ferninil floor Mervin...l4 Wen.! MEN GI: ABA NI. %VAC/NI fel. 2.3. 184:3-1y. Proinkinrx. SPE.9g FOR THEAISELVPS--TRITTII CONVIXCLWP— Ritel fur nearly limo years, will. a hard swelling on the co of niV knee. wideh nturh 1 , 3.11, 111(1 V 1111.111.1 lions recominottlled I.? Ihr Faciil...--;.11 h, va , n w.. cored romplrlety I'y Ihe nee of one bottle of lyr. Branil• Linatorro. or exiernal Remedy. Wit O. in!. hand .1.1%1ES T V LOR 01110 ip ,11 , e211env en, rn. Jan. 10111. in 11). 1)r. Brandrelie., EV/nov.ll Rem/ ily nr ),moment; 4,141 a , kW ()thee, No. 93 Wood Aireet, 1 1 11i4megh, PR ll' 511 renis prr holt if'. fel, 8. BU(33R A NI.) AIOL.,ISSE 65 Just rcrcivcd per S. leant boar 1 sl.ta m!, •el for sale by W .11411:11lt I mar 3. Water A., het weru Wood and Sam IMr.lll JCS 7' X 7.: CEI VEI). Twe:vc boxe s of Ura sig., and Lemons, of the t r ittcsiquality. for sale ‘tilittlasale and relrill. by leb 22 WANTED.:4 boy of from 14 Id 16 yea,2l Of ne. A ['lineation I o bc made before t he first r,f March to F L SNOWDEN, felt 3„ 184, Liberty bend of Wood gt. SALT. 00 MILS No 1 edll on hand and for ?ale I v UT' IS t IGR 4.• ism; 2.1 Water A ,het wren Wood add Smithfield. 9ln afiti LIN cotton nsgorted n01.,,,1/TtPILY 2.11110 . fiat i 2.00 0 ) . 6 NN'i,k, 1,11110 " C•trlo-t and 50(1 , k Cotton Twine nolo tit.. KaAte Facto ry. For elle by HALLMAN, JI:NNING-' , ..SL. Co, Cotiott Yarn %Vareitottc , -, 11141 17 No. 13 Wood riurvel. a SACK:, dried Apples. 41.1.1 22 Mds do. do 10 Sacks dried Peari:Tß, 41 Saks Feathers, just received ;lei gleamboalo West Point and it a rishit reti,a Intl for Fa le eery lam for cash by 11./1 I L.41.9A", J Exxixa s CO , mar 21. 4 i Wood sr. CO l'A It . IFI Ft SII I P JAMES H". 11.1111.i:5N j JOHN JENNINOS have entered iato partnership fur the porpGse of transactinc o WholcpateCroc,ry; hodure nod Commis, sion busintss under the firm and style at • lIAII.MAN. Jr.ISININGS Q Co.,at No 43 %Maid street, opposite the Merrltan Ho lel, w here a supply of Grocertes and Pills burgh M aufaaured A rticics ran alway,: t,e bad on libe al terms. March 17 '43- SUGAR RICE 4- MOLASSES la IMPS rrirne 14,0, soo t ,. AO 10 Tietees !Ike. 19 Ws. No. 3 Maclmre!. For sale tow tu close consignment, by mar 14. JAMEtz MAY New and Chcnp Temperance Documeu Is. JUST recd from N• York. a fresh supply of the latest temperance documents, viz:—Bacchus Prize Essay permanent Trooperanee Doctiumn.s, Arthur's Tales. Six Nights with the Washingtonians, hound, Jewitt's Lee. turee, Hitchcock's Friice Essay, Cold Water Dialogues and Magazines Dialogues, Hymns, Songs and Pahles,-.- COltiCFslo , ls of an lnehriate, Lteecher's Sermons, Bar_ berry Howard, Dead ‘hild, Journal r.l' 3000 Youth's Ad vouate for January, Belo nary, March and Aril, for Sabbath Schools youth's Temperance societies,and I he Temperance public. For awe at 1 cent each, of 121 a vow to subscribers,. b# ISAAC HARRIS. Agent and Com. lit erchl, No 9 Sib at. Ap2s. • DANIEL M. CURRY, Attorney at Law, 06 mon 5 , 115 t letween SS ' arid Smithfield. ..0 8: pEA- - 51.'3 lIOA RllO CANDY — TurrLr has recrived this day from New York, a fresh sr ppty °- the al aye crlebraled cure fur Cdimhs, Colds and Coll Amour ion; and is ready to supply cusiomersat wholesale or retail. at his Medical Agency, Eli Fourth st. nov 12 DAVID CLARK, :let, oltrAiooabla Boot Maker,— lino removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he wou'd be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronise hint. lie wies nothing but first rate *tech, and einpluys the best of workmen; and as lie gives Ins constant personal attention to business, he truststriat lie will deserve aid receive a fair share of patronage. sen 10 01'111 ICE UONFECTIONALLY.— ii A Ilunker respectfully informs his friends and the mimic that they eau always find the best quality of Ice Creams. losellier with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits. to their •PP.` on. at his establishment—No. 'IL Fall' street, belwc u Wood and Market. N. B.—Parile..6npplied on the shociein 'twice, with cakes. or an)thing, in his line. Also families furnished won Bread. step 10 F4Y ANS , S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—AititA. HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street. New Turk, was afflicted with Oyspepoa in its 111031 aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head. ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, hurt. horn, pain la the chest and stomach always after eating, Impaired appetite, sees:oton of sinking at the s , ontarh, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent soothing's, dizziness towards night and testlencia. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consultiog Dr. Wm. Evans. 100 Chat ham street,. and submitting to his ever surcesnfnl / l id agreeable tootle of I real mem, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of Oneonta; and grateful tor the incalculable benefit deri•. ed. gladly came forward and vont nteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLEIS, Agent, seri 10 No 21). Wood street, below Second. No. 5 at 16 chi. per It, 500 at 14 cis per dz. 6 at 161 ditto 600 at 8 (16110 7 at 17 ditto 7110 at 7 ditto it at 171 ditto 800 at 6 ditto 9 at 18 ditto 900 at 5 ditto 10 at 19/ ditto 1000 at 4 ditto 11 at 19 ditto 12 at 191 ditto eandimk-k at 16 et* per Ili. 1:3 at 20 ditto coin • 9 ditto 14 at 2'l ditto randly do. • 1.2/ ditto 15 at 31 ditto Carp% Chain . 21) ditto 16 at 22 ditto Vitro Tia inn• 25 ditto 17 at 23 ditto Stocking Yarn and 18 at 24 ditto l'overkt Yarn always on 19 at 25 ditto tband 211 at 26 ditto ,Cotion Warp. made to order. rtrdera promptly totrntittl to. If loft at J C Painior', Logan k Kennedy 'P. or 'lto Pool offiro. adtlrrs Mt, 1.7. J. K. ftri N. U M/ 230 Brti,s N. U. M ;asses 40 Tierce.. slice. 1161:i No :3 MerkPrei, 10 do No 2 do. 7 Tierer, Srortto Oil. .111 , 1 received per R R Expruie Ntnil Atilt fur wile by J. W. PURIM I Dr: E. t Co* mar 4. We ier FI IRi wren %V4x.ttl and Binh It field. 11111IP. Cr remov lies rialorin g IL Est atitishnient to the 1l onoh:arielil 11001... 3d door from first mt. on simit Wield st.w here Weald rthdrinterilt and all others who may favor blm with a call may depend on having their work done In a superior Flyle. From his Inn: experience In the in this city, anti in malty other fashionable cities in Europe and America, lir feels confident that lot ran :ive lerlikrarlion 10 all who may plrnse to 4 vor him with limb, ctrelono. Rv st rlrt allenliOn to Irthineva and supetinr Vorklllll,l4loll be 11011, 0 In rorril and receive a share of ',Mille pftlr tttt aft. Ile lrlrn,l krrming nn lin nd ft y tor •zftftils am' trimnior t zvvolla',le for The trade which will be sold al very rethiced prim 11. DON Ali I Y. 7111(1 THE PCrBI.IC, and racier-vile/or to my furore , JL patroos of thid irnm the prartice of Medicioni, I itiav pernotted 10 say, that It ha. , Lille,' to the lot of I ut few person. to have etifo, i4l no Wirral or lar.Je a share of oliatreliwal practice as toy ua ii hac been for tit tart 30 or 40 years. The eat... Henr i, 01 that lona period offi , livo life, and fart of my ha'ir'y hecil t wire,‘lnro 1820 as printed wtth Dr. R. a. Wiltion. lit the plarllre of moilicine, (In lin , li a tieriod of titre veara.) (inutile* me to juke fully of the of his So enovenient,,ltneffirient. and yet :ot We. did I rrteen, th.ree ptll•,that for the loot five yenta In my aractire for ihe core of chrohie d Isearev,of whatever name, and threw females in patlicutar, I have used more oi them than all nt her mill trines. Like every other medicine, this most fail In Rome In stances, but In my hands there has !pen less disappoint. meat and ntore satisfaction In tar Rd nil oiNt ration of I bis one rrmedythan of ail otherte, Its good effects sometimes quite astonishing me. If my patient required a safe, aperient medicine either fore or after pnrittrition, the Wilonn's pi Is were Just the thine I wanted. a dvmtentic acid condition of the atonin c h. , on d,h ie d cost ivrin FA or inari ivity oft hr tivrr coo , i anted the dig,a4c if my patient. the pills wete jn,tt the thing wantrd. If I Irealrd a cage regnirinz an eonneennogue, pillA were Just the I wanted. If palpitation, headache, fimMed countenance. or other intlicalin; a disturbance of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the .turn of the Wiition's pills werejust the thing I wanted. TilliA. wUhnut resplet to the name, n disease might happen to wear at the. unto I have had It under treat await, particular indications 01 sympions arising. were al• — ays moat promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pills. %V 31., THORN, 53 Ma, ket That so great a number of diseases, and porno Imes a p. patently apposite ones,ln which I have used these pills, should be rutted more readily by them than by any other remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, hut why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a great neatly pOrdllflS shanld leecOnte liiirsly n o ,„ 14 many dilfrnrut CalleP,R, and vet all require that common and grealc.L idr all blessinmt, water to quench their t lust. TO concht,:inn, it is due the emulation of I'm medicine arid the pubile, to say decidmity and uncontlit lona ily, that the Wilson's turns are the oely combination I have ever met with In my long course of praellcv, that really pos• eesresanythting en rat ive or specific for sick headac he, The nbove Pills ilea:atoll particularly for the sick Ilhcd.Arlie, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Rowels ice., prepnied by the proprietor Dr. R. A. ‘Vilson, and for sale, wholcKtie andretall,al his ilwelllng In Pvnn street, below 111a-but),Ort 1 • US77 C or the, Knife was formerly resorted to in all N..-/cases of buras,scalds and wounds, where mortifica was apprehended, The necessity for filth sharp prac• tire exists no Inoger. The Magical rain Extractor, front Comstock 71 Maiden Lane is a far more efficient prevcn I lee of mvrtifiratiuo than cold steel or nitrate of silver. The application of this wonderful c.miptiond instantly removes the !oral pain.and lithe wound, scald, burns or bruise has trot Hared some vital organ go as to render c ure imiugsihte, it will in a very suer! PIIRCU of time restore the oart attested to a bound and healthy state without leaving tire cicatrix behind. This preparation is alsa a certain remedy for inflamed e)es.casiceroits sore., u cera, broken breast and sore nipple and all ebrasions and eruptions of the skin. Its success as a cure for rite piles is unparalleled and the vourliers for its c.ira live properties are from tire m,rst respectable and en. 11-blened sources.—herald. For sale at Tuttle's, 86 Fcur;li street: pH EXOMEXON IN Cil —East lodia. Heir Die—colots the hair and will not the skin This Dye Is In the form of a Powder which in plait] matte. of tact may be applied to the hair over night, the first igle I ur nit): the lightest nr grey hair to dark brown; and by repeating a second or third night, to a jet btack. Any oersou may, therefore. with the least possible trouble keep his halt any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance tbsit the poivder if applied to the akin will not ciilor It. There is no coloring in this statement, as any one may easily test Thews facts are warranted by lie rite:lllst who rasnafacibtes it. For sate al TuTTLE's, R 6 Penult attest, where a I uge asecuttnent of Patent Medicines may always be had al either wholesale or retail `O.o • tforsai !86 Rare k etWeet 1•' • PITTSBURGH, APRIL 29, 1843. Cheap lbr Cash. UNION CO TTONF.ICTORY. Prices Reduced. Fkort Yarn. Long Reel Yarn. Removal. Yours ke , D R. GOODE'S eclebrated Female Pills. 'I base arestron;ly recommended to the notice of the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy in reniovins hose coniphilnts peculiar to their sex, from went of ex ercise, or general debilttr;Of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous alrecitons. These Pills have gained the sanction and appronal ion of thefrom-eminent Physicians In the UM el States, and man ? Mothers. For sale Wholesale and letail. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. sep 10 No. 4.0. Wood St reet,below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe .Maker. Liberty St., opposite Aead of Sniff Ajletd at., Pittsburgh.— 'l9,e subscriber having bought out the stock of the tale Thomas Rafferty, decenaed, has commenced business In the aid stand of Mr. R.', and is prepared to egeente all descriptions of work in his line, in the hest manner and on tile shortest notice. Ile keeps cut stonily on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of all tleerlptlons and of the hest finality. lie so:1:Its the patronage of the pub• lir, and of the craft. WM. ADAIR. sep 10 pITTS BURG H MANUFACTORY.—Springs and Axles for Carriages se Eastern Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach. C and Eliotlc Springs (warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated Huh Rands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lampe, Three fold steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges, ice D.EIEr.LERS.M D.,office and dwelling In Fourth, • near Ferry street. sep 13—ly The:titration 'irt no. e who have been somewhat scep tical in reference to the numerous certificates , published In favor of Dr. Swavne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry, on account orlhe persona hein: unknown in this see tinn of the State, is respect luny directed to the following rem ificate. the writer of which line been a eh Igen of this hormizli for several years, and is known as a gentleman of Inter.rity and responsibility. To the ..Igreut, Mr. J. Riney. "I have used Dr. Pwavne's Comp mid Syrup of Wild Cherry for a 'ouch, with which I have heeti severely a t /- Meted for about four months, and I Frivol - no hesitation In saying that it Isilte most effective medicine that I have been able to prneure. It compose. aIJ uneasiness, and aerres well with my diet.—and mantalns a tmular and rood appetite. I car freely recommend It In all others similarly afflicted. J. Mt it spit, Borough or . ChamhendOr. March 9. 1q49. pep 23 Forger by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE, ANT) ORNAMFNTAL F.RSONA deal sof prororin• Fruit, Shade.. and P Oronntenta Pr. or Fihrliblwrv, from Philadell. 01-in or Npo , Vor equertert to make noptirption tts Porto np poppittlP. • hr erns and Fred Ptorr of the "ob. grriber, where coo he hrtd.rntatogorP,stnioltroptv. of the most excellent .artellr*. F. I. SNownEN. sep 31 No 184 Liberty street. head of %Voce A e M HP A IrT,lll Y.— Pa t rick raw field re. veord fully nerinaints his friends and the public 7.en.. really. That lie ban commenced the Marble boldness:ll I lie corner of Fifth Bad-Liberty sts., where will he constantly on hand. tomb Allatisat, mantel pieces. monuments. brad and foot .tone., table stubs for cabinet ware, and every article annertainlny to the Itst•lneas. Ile Oil) warrant Ills work to be well door, and hie cha rs. es w ill be moderate lie respect fully asks a share of ontillexatronne. Imo 10. INII. tal'F.F.l.g, (successor 16 "toskev' Pash maa..le Root Maker.l.lltert Met door from VI-21/1 Rttry. 'OM. subscriber respectfully Informs lite initlici hal lie has coruntence.d the ahoy, Nish/ems in live formerly occupied by %Ir. Henry ArCloskey. and that he is new prepared to attend to all orders in hip I inc. rtflusslness w eh and nit the most reasonable tertria. P stspertence In I br t ,dantifiteltr ravbionable Root le feel. confident char all tin.. from hl.. estaidtsbnicht will dye satisfaction to his pa trims. A abate of pultlie patronage respect folly solicit. ed. seri 10 till I? .13 SE f:I)S A f es., snooty of Itsri Seeds, eon lushe r , of rionnr .1,14 jjanc:)n.l received by fel. 3. 1 SNOWHEN, 143 I.llwrty st. Porta! , lc Plat for. ?cafes on wheels, to weigh 25001 b ,, at 1155 Otl. do do do do 2.005 at 4.15 00 do do do do 1.5900 35 00 Jo do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do do do 500 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition of $3 to each scale. Dormant scales for the are of Warehouses, Flouring Mills. 4•r..fliesamr prices as above. A Iso, White's l'alenl Counter Scale, with 0. Young's improvements. and n variety of oilier counter scales, which they will sell for from 0 to $l5, They also manufacture Steam Engines fur Flouring Mills. Saw Mills, Salt Works. .tc„ double and sins's gea tell slide lot hes,foot and other lathes fur wood turning umdtinra for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door and sash marhines. pat• nt ho,e power, with or without thrashing machines, a superior an lete: circular saw .shafts, marhivea for sawing lath, Tinner's mu• c Mile , and tool. ofall descriptions.also for making block lioNes,a superior article; governors fur steam engine storks. taps and dies, coffee hujlls, bedstead or joint hots and Man blurry for making the same. cotton factory ma thin, y made or repaired; printing press plattens turned and minting presses repaired , J NI ES NI AY, Agent . gOUNG ¢ BR ADBURY M. E. A VSTIN, Allorney at Law. 1'0(011r:0. Pa. Office In 4th street, opposite Burke's Building. Wthi.l h as E . A vemq, F.sq,, will give hisattention to my unfinished business, and I recommend him in the patron age of illy friends. WALTER FORWARD. asp 10—ly DR. 511L0 ADAMS pI'I"I'SRU RG II CIRCULATING AND ft EFERENCE I.IIIR ARV of Reilgiriuv,tiistolicalyolliical,and Mis cellaneous Works, will be open every day, Sabbath cx. cepted. 'tom 7 o'clock, A. M,,,until 9, P. M., In the Es• change Building,corner of Si. IClalt street and Exchange alley. wriere?unctual attendance will he civet) by cp 10 1. OF.MMIL. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! M7r - t _Tr.a FRO.M PITTSBOROLI To BALTMORE Alteb PIIILADELPIII4. United States =prowl Line Leaves Pillsbnrch daliy, at 2 o'cio,k. e. ya, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence In splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and from there by ut imperpr finis , eight whreled cars, to Baltimore, tVashilmton city and Philadelphia. The ahov, Line is rtpresented to the travelrng public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange meets to convey passengers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of it! Only 73 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that In superb new enachr s. fargi4 ,Rat $lO. ioi6ce in the Monongahela House. A. 11ENDEPSON 4. CO., Stage-Froprieto JONEE & COLEMAN. tienr ti e Eridar LOOK AT THIS TREE NEW ROUTE. RAILROAD, al - d 3 For publishing a new Daily Pape• in the City of Pitts DAILY MORNING POST THEenbseriberr having made arrangements tot erge the A mecica.p Manu la et ti rer and. Pittsburgh Itt ercu• ry into one. Journal, have gonc(olied to publish a daily paper with the tit le of the, Daily Jl!,,rwirg rose. The !coding object of !Ile ~ P oev" withJte the d!ssemina• lion and defence of the political principle); that have bete tofore been maintained by the Ed itorr, in their re;pective papers, and their. best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success or those doctrines. Although, In politics, the paper wilt he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, ity giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and fork notices of all utat• tern and occurrences that come properly within the inhere ofa Public Journal, in make their paper sufficiently In cresting to entitle. It to the patronage of the public, it respective of party considerations. In addition to the {rat and 2rnernl news that will be could In the .'.Morning Pest," the Editors will take pains tat furnish the businesw community with the latest and most interesting Commeact•t. asses from nil parts of the country, and to have prepa• red s uchncconnts of the Markcts and the State of Trade as will be advantageous to our Mcrcliants and Business Men in their several callings. Tema.—The Fosir will he pnblislied en a large imperi• al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this !outwit) at the. unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annuin,payable In advance. It will also be sold by news boys at the low rate of Two CENTS a copy. Advertisements wilt be inserted nt the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers or the city. IMF-TWENTY artier tads are wanted to Fell the Post, Who will he engaged on the most liberal tern's THOS. PIIILLIPS, August 31, 1/242. W.ll. 'SIITH. gY hlorririon ¢ Co. London, for Palo only by S. N Wickersham, corner of Wood street nod Virein alley Pittshureh I'a. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who Is sole amenl for WeAcrn renosylvanla . cep 10 "Passage and Remittances, New York and Liverpool Line. PERSONS ?estrous of for tl el.. friends to come from any part of Great Itritain. :re respect hilly informed that she subscriber is at all Intim pre pared to make t.ut h eino:, nI I t,..• He is in (Tared to remit moolios by drufts, which arc made payable at any point ilirou:bout the United Kingdom on presents.. lion; Navin, been for the last 12 years engaged in the business, he feel- ent , fhleitt that his arraneements on troth sides tire A•lantic are such as will give I.:WO - action. The Ships compr;.ing the above line, are all °film first Ono, and are commanded hy careful and skillful masters, h.avitit Liverpool once enrh week during the season,-- For further particulars apply Ithe letter to JOIN tiERDMAN, O. 61 Sow sorrel, New Ynt k, or to at !ile.isrii D4.v.e1l 4. Fleming';, Water street Piis'ltgli March 3--2n.d. , mproved Play iannfaritired he 'heir Madam 1. het Wren h /WWI. IWO Mee flail, Pitts nofortwe and Ind the follow ug !tcalev(whol, y coati oved 01 to 10): No. 1, Port able Platform it:attain. 0 Weigh j5Uu pulado,al 00. S. Itiottnow, iNUFACTURER of Tin, Copper and Sheet Trrir I.VI Ware, No. 17, Fifth st., between Wood and Mar- Keeps constantly on hand a 20nd assortment or wares, and PoltcliN a share of pnblie patronage. Also. on hand, the foltqw lag ~trier: Shovels. Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Skillet , , Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, Coffee Mitts ke. &ler eliants and others ate invited to call and examine for thentselva. t I lie is determined to sell cheap for cash or approves• er. ntari --tr DOli 111 JIT and Cap Mannt. , llaler. 14$ o, between In Marko; and Sixth. an 10- fitn. Mauufacturcr of Tin Copper and Sheet Iron if-are. No 61 Liberty, between Market and 6th atreots WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Pitts_ burgh. and the public in general that lie conlinties incarr y on the above bushims in all ila variou s branches :tithe atove stand: where he wilt always keep a gener al rwortnient of all articles in his line, all of whirl, will he made in the same manner and of good materials, and will he (thtp.seil of on the most moderate and ac corm:iodating teram. Country Merrnants and other dralers will find it to theiready.intaste to valiant] ciatritne Ills stock before pur. chasing el,ewecre. • . . . . Stramboats, , Honses and pottier', roofed with euppi!r. ► lend and Pon on the ~linriest not ire; Gutters and Conductins made and put up with despatch as usual. apr 5. TFIE GREAT CENTR -ROO E, VIA NATIONAI. BOAT) AND BALTIMORE •nn 01110 RAIL. RO%D COMPANY. 1 . 41.. A. • frglil:.. .;•• NEW line of U.S. M• CO.ICiIRS for WiLekington City, Baltimore, Philadelpkia and New York. This lire is in full operation and IcavesPittehnrgh daily at 6 o'clock A. via Wrtsiiingion Pa. and national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a speedy and comfortable route, it tieing a separate and distinct Pittsburgh and rumherland line, facilities will he atrorded which have not been heretofore enjoyed... Ex tra coaches furnished al the shortest notice, wito the privilege of eGing through direct, or taking cne night's rest at their option. For tickets, app:y at our office at theMononaliela House. 1.. W. STOCKTON• Feb. 3d—di f AWL FOR SALE.—A smut Clinker built Yawl, Y (licliaogliten's build) for sale low for cash. A p ply to - BIRMINGHAM 4. Co. ap No BO Water at. Superfine . Ir ja r. B pin; nd fur . 1000 ap 10. Water st., between 'Mood 2%4 eraitiatield PROSPECTUS! ',aro*, to be e.tieled the TO AND FROM GREAT BRITAIN. , ~_dk ~4. .......,.. & , ...... /gist -„,,,,.....,...... .z,„,,,...... ....„ ti. I) t i•ttN President of N. R. Stinre Co ?LOUR PRICE TWO CENTS• DAILY HORNING POST- Legislative Caucus--New York. The Democratic members of the Legis lature of New \ T urk, assembled on Mon— day evening last, in the Senate Chamber at Alb ,ny, when Lieut. Gay. Dickinson was called to the Chair and Mr. Ely of the Senate, and Mr.. Sanford of the Assembly', were appointed'ecretaries. • , Mr Hunter, of the Senate, from the joint committee appointed to prepare au address and Resolutions, submitted an ad dress; which was read by Mr. Ely. The reading df the address having beeti cot:eft/did. Mr. Hulbard submitted the following iesuintionS, which with the address were unanintous'Y adoPted:— Resolvid, That we are in Tabor of a National 'Convention, 'for th'e nona - inatiott of candidates for President and Vice Pres; ident, tObe,held at Baltimore on the 4th Monday of Nol ember, 1843, as recommen ded by the democratic party of the Statei of Tennessee, Missouri and Virginia. Resolved, That Mar:io Van Btiren, by his unbending adhe'rence io sound demo cratic Principles, notwithstanding the pow erful combination of interests arrayed tiv , gainst his administration,_ has entitled hita - . self to the coriaaence and respect of every friend of equal rights. Although fairer , - borne in the contest of 1540, by a tempo rary cop centiation of discording inlerpsts, he has maintained with unflinching ness, thosc cardinal principles of democrat ic fiiitivlOich lie at the very foundation of our freeinstitutions, anal to which he has devoted:durtag hi s wit'elelife; and that while we support with 'genii faith and cordiality. the person who matbe nomina ted for Presititutt Of the United St ales, by the Rrpn catstNational 'ConCentio,n, we feel it a 'di - xi - VI:0 • xyress our conviction that Martin Tau ,Buren is the choice of the Democracy orate State of New torli. Resolved, That the course 'pursued by Governor buck, justifies the cong•ienr• reprised In him by 4 ,14 i. c.onitituerits; and that the unfounded assaults mad e upon himin regard to his official con duct; as - Canal C.;tomm'i , sioner, not id. th slightest deg,rett impaired our confidenc. in the purity f his character as a mango in the integrity of his conduct as a publi . Fre. • • . • esolved, That the dey‘lopmeuts of the last ten years, have fully vindicated 6: Wisdom and foieOght. of Atukew Jackson in placing his constitui . iUnitS;Vato on th. Mays% :lie toad 12.111, and frir re• chart ring the bank of tire - Milted states The piincipht established by the first veto has t , aved the Goyerninent of the United • Stales frons- a debt of . two o millions of dollars, and the Bank I'i:to ha eradicated a corrupt ii stitutlon, wt ch spreadiug its branches to the remotest bor der or the Union, audacious) y soulit to control the taiwer from which it d eriv ed its existence, and to overawe and dictate tet ms to the war worn soldier who had . been placed at the head of tkie gwernThent by the free surfrageS of thz-A - rherican Peo - ple. R6solved, That we are opposecf to a Bank of the United States in ally and tves •ry form. Thatwe, , ate also opposed to the 'limier exclirqur plans and govern-. Iriaent banks, which have been engendered by the late congress, and we are gratified to know tlikt the Scherne of ,an..EX . c.hf . quer Bank, matured and brought forward 'by the President and cabinet has received its quietus by the unprecedei Led vtite,of 139 to liouse of gepr.sentritives; and we trust this dangerous government after such an emphatic condemnas Lion, from' boih,Pelitical parties : will be re ceived by i's own god-lather in the same light that lie admits the flank, of the United States no.w appearis to hiin, as ati `ubsoleto • Resolutio'lls here also adopted iii favor of the Itidependcnt TresSiiiy andagait;st the assumption and erg ects. On motion orStr. Jones, it was or ere that the nart es of the democratic M'e!rrsbers of the Senate and Assembly be attached by the secretaries of the meeting to the Resolutions and Address, except where any, meir.ber hiniselr shall othetwise die rect. The meeting then adi tuned. . Credulity of • ifilleriteB' in 171.2.-10 the year 1712, Mr. Williston having calcu lated the return of a comet, which was to make Its appearance on Wed iesday. the 14th of October, at 5 minutes after-'5 in the morning, he gave notice to the public ac c./rdingly, with, this unifying addition: that a total dissolution of the,worldky fire was to take place on the Friday Allowing.— Thu reputation that Mr. W, had Ling maintained, both as a divine and a philce. (viler. left little doubt with theyopulace of the truth of his prediction. A number of Persciis in and about London seized all the barges and boats they could 1 ,. )• hands on in the Thames,very rationally concluding that when the conflagration took dace, there would be more safety on the %mien A gen. deman, who had neglected hirnily prayer more thap five years, informed his wife that he was.determiiied resume that lau dable practice the came evening, but she, having engaged a ball .ai her house, persua, ded her husband to put it off till they saw Whether the comet appeared or not. The South Sea stiek immediately fell to 5 per cent, and India Stock to 14. The captain of a Dutch ship threw all his powder into the river that the ship 'night not be endan gered. The next morning the comet- pprared.' reLturding to the prediction, and before