_m_,.... APRIL Z 3 . 1.4443 'il(eetatett the other day,' that the ex axple of the Factory Girls of Allegheny, seamed likely to have the effect otarouss log in the men in our Factories and Iron Nina a spirit of resistance to the imposi tions practised upon them by means of the eider system. Our prediction is already verified, and we have now to notice anoth .. , ,eic unanimous "strike" by the hands enga. edit) the Hecla Iron Wnrks, located in -Birmingham, and owned by Mess. Woud, inwards M'Knight. On Weinesday last,we believe the hands in those works, assembled at the door of the ofE:e, and stated that they wished to see if.some reform or change in the order eyatem could not be had. They were told So make known their demands—when they • asked, simply and briefly to be paid for :their labor in cash. Notwithstanding their •ffates now, as compared with what they were in "good times," as the saying is, are one third less, they sought no advance, but only asked that they might be permit• ted to purchase their necessaries and com• fens where they could buy them cheapest. *This was peremptorily refused, unless they would submit toll further reduction of wages; they could not yield to this equire• merit-and so they quit working.and appear disposed to remain idle if their just de. mends are not granted. It. is alleged by the hands that t hey have on an average, about 30 per cent. ; snore for goods bought upon the orders fur nishe. d them, that they could by them for they had the cash to go where they please. Besides this severe loss, they complain that they are often subjected to insult and annoyance from those who dole out the miserable pittance the working man can procure upon his "order." We are sincerely glad the workingmen have taken this stand. It is beyond en. durance that they should be plundered of l 20 per cent. of the reduced amount of wa ges they now receive. It will not do for 'employets to say that they cannot afford to pay cash. Messrs. Lyon and :Shorb. eif the Sligo Works, have not, we are told . paid anything else than money to their 'hands, and they perhaps have had as much experience in the Iron busiress, as any other men in Western Pennsylvania.— They deserve credit for their conduct in this matter, and we hope their example and their success, will invite all concerned in the trade to a like just and lionDrahle course P. S.—Sinee the above was written the lends at be Hecla Works, passed by nur mice in an orderly rocessio.t, with a hand of music at their head. They seem firmly 4etermioed to stand out to the lust for their just tights, -During the It'gh wind yesterday, a man's hat wis tolcrn rein such a hurry, that after r :cing it for two 'flumes tie let it go with a most h-art licit curse. Almost drozytecl.—A named Atkins or Aikimo fell riff aflit in tow of one of the Tow BoAle . ye,lerday ittoininz and sank to the bottom at once, but wts rescued when he raisod to the !surface. The Iron Steam Ship now presents a furtnida. hie appearance. They keep the gates: locked all uhe time to prevent rpectalors (ruin annoying the workmen, in which they are perfectly right. though it curtailkot?es incrinatio.i m ist confoun . A tow assocciation.—An ABA .Cl2llOll has been erigturnscd iti din city called ttle‘Producer's Gen cal Intelligence Association. , The objeet,we un derstand, is to collect and diffuse all inform:ll.l , a in relation to clic present eundiLiuu and future provocts ()file producing classes. Going II strong.—The Sus is replying to sumo charges in the 'Spirit of the Age' in relation to a proposed cafe of that paper to the pablishvrs the4astee makes the following terrifii‘y dise!aimei: ...So help us heaven, we w)tifd rather lay our head wader:the goillAtne, and suffer it to be severed from caerboBy,tlvan to see the Sun s this fair fabric four creation, pass into the deadly grasp of such anmcomaly rm the face of the earth, as J. Heron Foster." Not True.—We have heard it ream' ked that there was another turn out in Arbuck le's- Factory Afoot th-3 time the girls were g.dng to work 'co Monday morning. The proprietors, it was said, discharged the flag.bearers wad the leaders in the late strike, when the ether girls immediately quit work aad demanded that their pro 4cri• tied associates should . be r.tained. There rs no truth in all this.; owe girl left on ac .count of something that was said to her but there was nothing more about it. The Factory masters have enough to answer for without manufacturing stories against them. A few copies of Blisbeine's pamphlet on Fourierism are expecteal in town every day. They will he for sat .3 at the "Spirit of the Age" office. The Workiultnen's Committee meets w-night at the usual place. The Allegheny wharf below the Agua ductia cwered with pig metal. Not True.—The repOrt that an attempt was made on Thursday evening to destroy by fire the warehouse of Mr Graff, of the Union Transportation Line, in Pittsburg, • destitute of foundation. No such thing eeorred.,Phila. Chron. Thus it will be seen that we were right er all; the Phtiadelphit papers blow erythieg. .~.~-_- .. -.-. , o Public Notice.. Tn the Fanners, Mechanics, and Workingmen of Allegheny Co.---Tne Committer} by you appoint ed in public meeting in the new .- Ctlqrt House on the Bth day of last inmate, with instructions to prepare ineasiires for future - action, respe.:tftilly o..treat you to assemhle in your respective townships of the Co and wards of the Cities, on Saturday evening, rx9th int,t., and there elect in each, two delegates with instructions, to meet in Convention on the Ist Wed nesday of next May, prepared to adopt such ma - ures as will hereafter 18:Ut e an organized and wel diterted action of the wealth producing, interest. The newspapers published in this city and in Al. egheny are requested to give this notice publicity in heir columns. JOHN FERRAL, `tit 19 Chairman. Christian World. mos. 11. :STOCKTON, EDITOR. With the January number commenced the :Id. vol. of this [rut), valuable publication. It Is devoted to the ad. vancement of all Christian interests, and Is the organ of no party or sect. The plan of the work contemn:lies or iginal q• independent expositions of the religion of Christ as found in the Bible. Ori4lnal sketches ol'alichurches and benevolent Ins:buttons, each represented by author fly of its own Original Reviews, Po , try, and General Intelligence. rt has a choice circle of correspondents, native and foreign, of all eccle-iastical connections and all extensive selection of the most valuable miblicatirms, both native and foreign. Tire names 01 forty original contributors, hair or them ministers of the, gospel, repre• senting eleven Christian denorninatinns, have already appeared in ils co'unins; and in its present improved style of puhlicaliOn its popularity is rapidly Mei easirz, It is published monthly, each No. containing 24 f. , t3Vo pages, beautifully embellished with a series of Sartain's snout!, Mezzo' i nts ilhntrative ofsrenes in the life of our Saviour, at tire reduced price of One Dollar a year, si copies for $5. Published by Drew Sehemmell, 67 N:3,1 st. Persons wishing to subscribe direct. are Informed that oric of tire publishers can I,e fon ad at Per ford's during !lie v eek. Any person obtaining live subscribers to the w.rk shall receive a skit, ropy grafis, or a copy of the yogi's - red like..css of In, editor. Missing nos. of for trier volumes supplied gratis by Lipp') lag as above. ap 24-2 w. TUAT ECT..I V -.+ small rein assortment of Dry 10 Goods. Carpet Chain, hardware. Spades, hoes, hay and bung Forks. Cotfee Mills, Britshes, Cooper's %Vary. etc.. for sale low fur cash or apm peed exchange to np 22 Coto Nler't, No 9. 51h st. of kr of thc Orphauz' Coon of L Iloglieoy coon Darragh nppoinlo d ao Andlior to null.' the a. 01111 L of Philip F.lieribir and !'tier Shepli.r, Guardian s of Washinutnn Fin OF I's and Gli2,hotli Flowers. minor children of 'Fliontas Flowers - . deceaceil. Notice is hereby given 'hat the audror pror,cii to audit this account at the office of Mahon and Wash lowan, In Itakowel.'s Buildings ill the city of Piilshurzti on Tuesday the 23d day of May. 84.3. at 3 o'rlor k p.m. aft 23--3 t CORNIELIU6 DARRAGH. ittpi — fluccsukrisix..—.Ali persons who may he affected with Rheum atistn, Gotit. Concentrated cords or Limbs, can find a .are and effectual remedy. by Hewes' Nerce a.d Bone Liniment nod Indi.in hundreds in this city and vietaity, who have been taboo-ins , fir years under the pains i.IIIIOF, dreadful complaints, and have been under the hands of the twist skillful hootois without meek-in:l any benefit. have tried it, an.l eeen cured by the use of only one bottle o' each of for above. The itennine can be proelired only at 11: l'T Fourth street., Pillklitirttli. ap 21) I LIST R ECEI VED. ❑ largr , upidy of Dr r7:wayar's Syrap or Wild Cl:erry ,and for pair whole qa le and road hy M THORN, ap 21. No 53. Slarkri 1010.3. Baron (lams, •Ak 24 Bar.:s Featbe:s. 10 barrels Sur - I r Home MrOaseeri, O:1 ronsi2nalebt : laedinz from S'irainer P!pa. and (or sale on liberal ierms,ty H. t LSIA N JEN NI el• to.. p2O 4:1 Wood Ter . NEW YORK DYER. ("AGE ffl M would respertfully inform his friends ‘.....1and lite pithilc to nerald hat he dolt Ladies' Arcs ee, INthit, old I‘lantels of I very de,ription, Mark—anti warrants it em ft, j l To .11alf , and to Int.k urinal 10 10 IN 204.1 k. Ile titrs Luny rol tt, of all deserintion: on and rarpet vier. Adot, rie[lll, and fr , lolf , tie rOll,, of leinen%i elothi tn!:.co at. To ret.ein new Mr. 11. IL,llern him=rlf Illy; he ran [dente the pnt•lie, a; lie has done an nven,ove 1,11.111,-s in Nr,v let• twenty years. All work done on moderate tern. at lei. eqUitligliment in Sill sl.l , etween Wood nett Suolidieki ne tr Ihe Theal re. CERTIFICATE UT' Tbi , is tri terti'y that 0-4;F: 11111E-=', &rue wurk fiir u?, bi h has fully ZIII , AVC red our expectation?, and we cuesider 'jilt a curnpctci.t ityer. S. ti niphill , AVin . B:irn• s. J B. Shuck tr, David ILI!, P. F. David ft V . PS, French, jr., Andrew Furdy, W. B 11.6e', Win. Poricr, tl H. Smith, Ill•nry J.iv ii , A. jr., Jußepli Vera, G••iir2e BarneQ tip li. FASHIONABLE BOOT MAI:ING, lo p PER ItY mken this method of informinu the !intik. Lill in :eller:II 11,111 he In Carry on III( n have hip , inesse in the SI 011nanAllei t Horst Ilcitnianti, No 1 Water street, where, Pl ilh strict personal attention he hopes to please rill who will favor him wi h thr it pa tentim4e. Frnm his lons eXpnrirnce in the Inisine"s, flatters himself I oat hi, work cannot he excelled in oral at least west of the htolnrtai, ; hot it la If .etes's to Imam —a fair trial is the best evidence. To cult the times he manufacture, Bonin at various pri. ces: from an low as fire dollars up to his best on t!i , v, which he atrord• at stven dollars per pair. amill Jun REMOVAL P CAITFIrLD i1:19 removed his n orkle I.l o aklish meal to Wood Ft. opposite Fabnes‘ork's Store, tyllrre he will keep constantly on hand Tomb Stones, MonnmeMsem, op 19—lye MORE ATTRACTION! BETTER BMW \ INS THAN EVER OFFER ED BEFORE. AT TUE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, .Vo. 132 Liberty street. TIE a•tention of all persons who wish to pnr_ ehase gPrItyPI, fashionable and first rate clothing, at lower priee± than ever before offered in this city, is called to 11.1. FXIt t ivy sleek of Ready Made Clothing, now prepaiii, for sate by W. J. DA VITT. at the Iron City Clothing Store, No 132 Liberty street, near His stot ii rompoced of Engli,h, ['rent h. German and .qinerican manularturrd Goods. boughs for rash and snade inlo•gargienls duo ingt pression in hissinesq,and conseirtenliy can be sold.at the very lowest priests, It i+ only neces'snry for she fin lin, to rail and examine for hemselves to lie asßured that such bargains were never berme 'tr" l " 4, rrnd that by putel vial at this house In preference in a iing elsewhere hey will realize a great saving •^ it sir exPeodittrres for clothing. iii" nrifri" lii Ilia store are new and mann f.sciured from fresh Goods, nnrrhasers rely rely on get. ling fiat tale articles a. 4AM as knOref. denied bargains. Confident t h at no rival esiablishisietii ran otter super for indocernessis to pun Liast,r.. be respr.cliully solcils a share ofpuhlie oat ro.sage , ind ple Ural every PrOlniso made in his ad ves tisenteni will he fitilliftilly re. deemed. D 9 V I 7'7" ap I 9 - 3t Arint. • COTTON. 1,;) C.11.11-z rwtmi—For sale lor Icy ryd mar 23. J.% 111 sNIA Y , D STR.ITOR' S NOTICE. persoll4 little led to the esmie of Oliver P. Blair /X. fate of the city of P itishur.h.decea:ed, are hereby ocalti.d to make payment to the under , i2ne.l administra for and all havine claims a7.aingt said estate are reques ted In present their accounts properly nut henti:ated (or f.ettlement. rnn r 23-13 t VRESH FLOUR.-96 I,hlFlnFt rereivett for Fate low for cash. %UW AN,JENNINGS 4- Co. op 24, 43 Wood FOR CINCINNATI. 11111 E (anti running passenger steamer SWIFTSURE• Rohlnson inastel, Rill depart for the ahove and in termediate ports this morning, Monday, April 23, at 10 o'clock. Thisissat, to add to the safety of passengers has Just been fornighed wilt. a new itet of Bolters, and is also provided wits Evans! Safety Guard. Foi freigbt Or passage, apply on board or to BIEMINGIIAM ,t co, U Water air •• Currency notes, 5 nonc,tiak.. Vliyoutinz hank. 111 Pittsh'2ll "itate Scrip 41 Country do do 4.1:t5' CerkA o. hank, 79 Lewistown. ISAIC IiARP.IS Rent :11,d 1 Towanda. JOIIN W. ELAM. Adminisiraiur ORR /CUD DAILY, BY • LIAR ILEUM, ZICLIA)4OI • Ditill N. PENNSYLVANIA Hank of Pittsburgh. par Merch. ¢ Man, bk. par Exchange bank, par Ilk. of Germantowc Casson I ank, La.ricaslt r bank, dls. Bank ofThesier Co. par Parmers'bk Bucks Co. Doylestown Ilk do " 1 Bk of N America Phil. " 1 Ilk of Northern !Abet lics,'• Commercial hk. of Pa. " Par. ei• Mechanics irk " kenAngton Irk. Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill Irk. •• Southwark bk. .• Western hk.. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 1 Ilk of I'cnn par Man. 4. Mechanics bk. pnr Methan les bk. par Moyamensing bk. 3 Girard ba.,k, 451 U. States hank. 50, Ln inbermeme, Warren, Frnnk. bk Washington, par Miners Irk of Poi tsvile, 5 Ilk of Mont zomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, Erie Bask. 5 flarrklmrati bank, 4 Far. hk Lancaster, 1 Bk of 11Iddlelown, 4 Bk. of Chambersl.urgh, 4 Carlisle bank, 4 Rk of Northumberland, 5 Columbia bk d Brid g e co. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co• 15 Bkof ['Tinware Co. par Lebanon bk. 4 Celt sloirgh bk. 4 York hank, 4 Fa ',rovers bk. of %%; a y oc,:ho h, 5 Niuttnt pleasant Ilk Far. 4 - Mech. hk of Stou. Belmont bk of St. Claire. vine, Marietta kk.'Demand owes, do rorrenr y notes, It eolorntonon hk N ew Li, hon Demand, 11 do Post notes!. i~I of in null prvecie poy• hntiks, 1 Arch. k Traders bk of 3 Ciiniun hk or c„lombx:r:, 11(,Innel nnteF. If !IL Lawrence ra.hier) ZaneFt , ire I,k FOR SALE OR TO licvir. TO BE LET LARGE and well tint.he6 Dwellinz Douce eitlln Z.ble or a hoard nz bonze, cont al nine eleven comfort anle rooinq, with kitchen on the first floor, with want bonze %r. ,i•u:oed to the 'nor.' husinenn pail of the cil y nod, belween and .1111 'Veers.] Rent low. Afro. the store room No 51; attached to the almv, hirh Nil he rented with the dwelling or rep a rate. Pll-1 - .S.SiOII 'IIVOII i MM. (11.11 e: Lot of fior craft Ohio Ti; /rnn for r J• P. sTu All T, No a; frond L. I,Npitir Lf FUR RENT.. —A eoooorltinle new brueicToell 1,011,,5 , t0a1e in Co:11 Lane iwar For term,, which will he 010,1ernte.npply 10 JOHN WiI.OSK EV. Three Bei Door; Li l, erty 4t. TO L J'-[. . d. 3r) 11 3.1 sip ry nY I!". loti/siinz nrcopied 1. R. Z_ Itan , ul.ln nn Ao, ion At ore.-- know ••Ne..3init h's Lone rorner or ‘voo.l and 311 -In 114 Inquire of ft. Nlnt rnW, j ail ?1. ()Ts 1•1)11 Four I,ni. Ilantitio-ter, ()nu :ml a fourth 1 rrniq of Lod on lint,' 11111. Lo 1.• not. 41, 4:, 52. 13. 54, 131, 132 and 181. in 12tioli's pint! of 1,44. on 11111 Alto, Lou= not 26 and 27, in oi Lots on High street , near Ihe new l'otirl For tor., apply to Z. V. REMINGTON VOR lEN ~Y/) pn