&If 10•10.11.WEVC3 thS.E.I. APRIL 26, 1843 Prof. Mina n. — . lbis distinguished gentleman, who is now delivering a course of lectures before .the Wirt Institute, delivered his introductory lec.. trite' on Monday evening to a perfectly crowded house. Ile lectured again last night, it being the first of his regular course. All who have heard bin first lectures seem delighted with him. Another Buckshot Wor Mr. Henry Halderman of Lancaster coun. tY, has given notice that if the State will no, receive its taxes from him in State Scrip, be will resist the tax collector, an 1 he dares the commonwealth to attempt to enforce payment in any other manner than the one suggested by him. He memorial ized the legislature on the subject, and he intends, if ever he should be forced to o pen hostility, to use the memorial and his meceudy published letter in justification of his conduct. The Pennsylvanian states that he alleges that in consequence of a delay at the Auditor General's office iu making out his ceitificates of atock,he was prevented from ohtaiuing a payment of 20 per cent. when that amount was paid on the claims of other creditors of like char. aster. It may be that he has suffered some wrong, but hia letter is not of the most .. Msttxsing character as coming from a citi• see of a country enjoying a popular gov,. eminent, and which it is to be presumed will redress glievances when duly made known and considered, although it can never be expected in any government that all its agents will at all times act upright ly. Mr. Halderrnan is well known as a man of great wealth. The Lancaster Union and Sentinel, an Anti-masonic paper, accompanies the let ter,-with the observation that it vi ill in all probability induce other creditors of the *tide to adept the same course as determi wed upon by Mr. Haldermati. "It may also suggest the idea to those overburthen • ti with taxation to pursue a similar cottre." These intimations are in a Ppint and taste no more commendable than exhi bited in the letter itself. - Anton Batchelder, who, in a fit of delirium immune, teat fall, murdered his wife with an axe. an Providence has been found guilty, and reenm. mended to mercy. Why? Insanity, we aup ..do. Gammon—The account of the robbery on the *railroad near Havanna . It was .got un' by the little Mobile Herald. Naughty boy! Commodore Moore, with the Texan squadron, hoe gone to yea. There will he some nice work tin the gulf—perhaps. The Bank of Illinois has commened the pay .inent orepoeio on its notes, at the rate of 2u cents up theilullea. Upwards - of $.200,t 00 in specie arrived at Ncw -Orleans on the 11th inst. The Italian opera is making a great sensation Ti a N, ;‘ , O i lc a n & When is it coming here. U S ship Fairfield was at Marvellles, March The Court Martial at Furl II:11'1'41ton hap ad awned till next week. Dabney, the Virginia bank defaulter, has been tdieebarged, A snag struck "ono of the Hudeon river b Ate 'lately, but did no other damage thin knocking vUto iirlaiskere off a dandy. Tin San Autoato A man who shipped on board this vcs awl as a sailor, at N.Orleatis, last SUR - 17110r, is now in Boston, who escaped from it oti .account of inhuman treatment, 4- who says •that while on board ho heard the officers •apeak of the capacity of the ship to be• come a pirate, and the chance afilirded by 'that life of obtaining speedy fortunes.— They were indignant of the Government not affording them money and supplies; that the crew knew nothing of the disaf fection of the officers while he was on :board; and that the Captain at one time -said if he were a pirate h • would blow all OntoAkton3s before he would be taken.— •What gives the story a degree of autheo .deity, was the knowledge of it in Bos• *on, long before the San Anti nib was .mbesed. :The lad way to raise a Fight.— Yester. Asy a loafer, who wanted a little bodily ,exescise, stationed himself in the middle ail:the street. (corner of sth and Wood) and (here stood as firm as granite, until a dray - sman unavoidably touched him. He imme. i pot diately terra up is the most indignant manner, and demanded satisfaction in the way cif a fisticuff, (the stones being all fast io the-street) but when the drayman show. ed signs of fight, he mizzled off in as easy a. anoae •as the exigency of the ease would allow. Greet file bmke out on the Newburn N. C., which des troyed about one knocked buildings. It ,originated in a sawmill. *Pat,latkefdlits is centsreee nit deaf and dumb?' 'Certainly not, sunny: but why ask that question? ' s ewage they keep making so many mations ' Tue.day, the 25th iost., a fter a pro. 'meted MS& 11•NE/01 FORRESTER, Vo ire or L H. Forrester. Eli., in the 23th year of her slre4 The friends of the deceased are respectfully ins ailed to attend the funeral from her late rebidence st.eet. near Smithseld ,at 3 o,eleek this afternoon. E. H. 'least-lags, 11)114.CORDI NG REGULATOR and Sonr.lor. Office Allis 4th tarett.'nest door to the Rank of Pittsburgh. 1141 Z 4 Public Notice. To- the FarnterF, Mechanics, and. Workingmen lof Allegheny Co.---The Cormadies by you appoint ed in public meeting, in the tie• . v Court House on the Bth day of last month, with instructions to prepare measures fur future action, respectfully entreat you to assent` 3 le in your respective townships of the Co 'and wards of the Cities, on Saturday evening, the 29th inst., and there elect in each, two delegates with instructions, to meet in Convention on the Ist Wed nesday of next May, prepared to adopt such mai ures us will hereafter secure an organized and wel directed action of the wealth producing interest. The newspapers published in this city and in Al. egheny are requested to give this notice puLlicity iu heir columns. JOHN FERItAL. up 19 Chairman. Christian World. Tilos. 11. STOCKTON,EDITOEL Willi the January number commenced the of this truly valuable publication. p is devoted to the ad. vancement of all Christian Interesta, and Is the organ of no party or sect. The plan of the vvork contemn:Ales or iglnal 4- independent es - positions of the religion of Christ as found in the Bible. Original sketcnes of all churches and benevolent Ins. Buttons, each represented by author By of lie own Original Reviews, Pottry, and General Intelligenee. It has a choice circle of correspondents, native and foreign, of nil ecclesiastical connections and an I . SICOPiVC selection of the most valuable rublicallons, both native and foreign. The names of forty contributors, half of I hem ministers of the gris t le!, repre senting.eleven Christian denominations. have already appeared In its contains; and in its present improvtd style of f mhlivatiou its popularity is .ritEdly increasing, It is published monthly, each No, containing 24 octavo pager, beautifully embellished with a series of s:tartaiti's twin!, Mezzoti nts illustrative of scents in the life of our Payton . , at the, reduced price of One Dollar a year, Piz copies for 85. Published by Drew 4' Schemmell, 67 N ;id st. Persons wishing to subscribe direct, nre Informed that one of the publishers can be found et Perford's during the v.cek. Any person obtaining Gvn subscribers to the wurk sball receive a sixth ropy gratis, or a copy of the engraved likeness of the editor. Missiog tins. of fur tner volumes supplied gratis by uppl) log as above, ap 24-2 w. JUSTRECEIVED A stool retnil rt,sorttecut of Dry Goods. Carpet Chain. Hardware, Spade;, (jeep, Flay and Dung Forks, Cotree Brulthea, Conper'e Ware, etc., for sale low for cash or approved exchange to suit con.igneca ap 22 13,Y. order of the Orphan;' Court of Alleghouy COLIII •ornftlium Darragh appointed an Auditor to nada the account of Philip edieplor and Peter Sheplrr, Guardians of Was hiodton Flowers and Eli:Alm:Eh Flowers. minor children of Thomas Flour erg. elereaced: Notice is hereby given that the nmil,or will proceed to audit this account at the office nf hialion,and Wash• ington. in flakeweirs Buildings in the city of Pittsburgh on Tuesday the 23d day of May.ll33.at 3 o'eiock p.m. an 23-31 CORNELIUS DAURACH. r4r-nneratartsx—All peraone who may he affected with Rheumatism. Gout, Concentrated cords or Limbs, can find a sure and effectual remedy. by using Hewes' Xeres and Bone Lioieseot and Indian Elixer Hundreds in thin city and vicinity. who hate. been laboring for years under the pains a hit's! dreadful complaints. and have been under the hands of the moat skillful nnotnrs without receiving any benefit, have tried it, and eeen cured by the UPC of only one halt le or e nd, ortb, a h oy ,. The genuine can he procured only nt TUTTLE'S. b 6 Fourth street, Pittsburgh. op .10 UST RECEIVED, n ifirge FllppiY of lir Sweyne's ral Syrup of WWI Cherry,aad for saln wholesale, and retail by WM. 111011 N. op 21. No 53, Market at. 4IIIIBS. Baton Barns, 24 Bags Feathers. 10 barrels Sugar Moose Molasses, On eonsigninent, landing rrorn,Stearner A Irv, and (or sale on liberaliiertus,hy HA ILMA N JENNINGS 4- Co.. ap 20 43 Wood wee NEW YORK DYER. rhSEE !limes. would respectfully inform his friends Ni...jund the pubile fn g. oeral,that he dice Ladles' dresses, Habits and Mantels of r very description, black—and warrants Item not to smut, and to look equal to usu. goods. He dyes (rine) , colJrs of nil deseript inns on silk and enrpet yarn. Also, cleans and restores the colors of gentlemen's clothing. w, ns to resemble new good., Mr. If. flatters hirnstlf thrt ht. ran rderine Ike public, ee h e b e , d o me an t sien i tlire business in New York fu r went y years. All work done On moderate terii,e at his establishment In Silt st,l-etweeti %Vood and attic f ha Theatre. CERT' FICATE `ST 'Phi? is to coolly that HIMETi htu done work for us, has fully answr red our expectations, and we consider him u competer:t dyer. Hemphill, WM. Barns. J. B. Shurtleff, Da•id Hall, B. F. Mann, David Imes, Joot,,h French, jr., Andrew Furdy, W. B. Boles, W i n. Porter, H H. Smith. Henry Javens, A. Sltookr!y, Jr , J.1801)11 Vera, Gr- , .rere Barnes . rip 20. h. FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING. PERRY tnkcs this method of informin g the hnldir LP in r enerni tbat he continues to Carry on the above Inv er ness In the MONO:MAMMA florsx UMI.PINOS, No 1 Water et reel, where, with strict personal attention he hopes to please all who will fnvor him wi h their pa. tumor." From his Inn : experience in the he flatters himpelithal his work cannot inc excelled ill neat nes; end durability, nt least west of the Mountains ; but it Iv to boast —a fair trial to the beet evidence. To soil the times he fonournctures Boots nt varloun pri. coo; from ns low es flee dollars up to his best g amily, which he afford. , ntseven dollars per pair. ap2 o 3p, REMOVAL plf F/El,ll tins removed his trarlite F.'n klish ment to Wood et. opposite Felines' ork's D. tr 2 Store, where he wilt keep constantly On hand 'Tomb Stone,. Monuments elf_ ap 19—Iyr MORE ATTRACTION! BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER OFFER. ED BEFORE. AT TUE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, No. 132 Liberty street. a tuition of all persoes who wish to pur -1 chnt , e genteel, fasnionahle nod first rate clothing, et lower prices than f ver before otTernii in thi s riiy, is trilled to the extensive stork of Heady Made Clothing now preparing ar.d for 9nle by W. J. DAVITT, at the frog City Clothing Store, No 132 Liberty street, near His SIOCk is composed of English ,French, German and alnierlean nianufactuird Goods, bought for cash and mane into garments dur ingthe pression In hnsirtess.aind minsegoently can be POid at the very lowest prices, It is only necessary for the [white to call and examine for themselves to he assured that Mich bargains were never before offered, and that by pureasing at this house in preference to going elsewhere ,Ithey will realize a great saving in their expenditures for clothing. As n"lire artlrlen in lila store are new and mono facture,' from fresh Goods, purchases may rely on get. tln fir " " le " 11 ' 1 " astell aM lintirre dented bargains. Confident that no rival establishment ran oiler super ior inducements to purchasers, he respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, and pledges himself that every promise made is his advertisement will be faithfully IP. deemed. W.V. J. DAVITT alt 19— St Agent. YAWL FOR SALE.—A ni.w Clinker built Yawl LMcN aughten's build) for Fate low for cob. A p ply to iiIRMINGHAM ¢ Co. ap 18• No 60 Water a. JiDMINISTR.BTOW S NOTICE. ALL persona indebted to the civet*. ololiver P. Blair hue of the city of Pittellurgh.deceased, are hereby notitled to make payment to the undersigned admintstra for and all having claims against said estate are reques ted to present their accounts properly authenticated for t.ett lenient mar 23-61. F REVI FLOUR.-96 htdd just received for sale low for r 3 -611. II kILMAN,JENNINGS 4- CO. ap 24. 43 Wood si. ..= =w Pa FOR CINCINNATI. riviE fast running passenger steamer SIVIFTSURE. Rohlnson tnastel, will depart for the above and in terntediate ports this morning. Monday, April 24, nt 10 o'clock. Phis best, to add to the safely of passrneers has just been furnished with a nese set of Boilers, and is also provided wit:l Evans' Safety Guard, ror freight or paasagi;, apply on board or to BIRMINGHAM 4. Co l aP 24 • Water rtr leuc IlAaras, .92ant and Coat Met't, Nn 9. sth t.t. JOIIN W. MAI R, A dminisi rator BANK Pi arm AND =VII A NOR LAST OKRICTID DAILY, CV ALLYN swum. raccuaiveit fSC [Kt PENNSYINANLS. Rank of Pittsburgh. Par March. 4. Man. bk. par Exchange bank, par Bk. of Gerrnantowt Easton tank. Lancaster bank, (Es Sauk of Chester Co. Farmers' bk Bucks CO Doylestown bk Bk N A Morita •• Bk or Northern LibettleN," Commercial l k. of Pa. Far. 4f Mechanics bk Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill bk Southwark I*. Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 1 Rk of Penn T. pat Man. 4. Mecbantes bk par Methanles bk. par Moyamensing bk. 3 Girard bn..k, 45 U. Stales mi l k, 50 Lumhertnens', Warren, -- Frank. lik Washlegton, par Miners bk of Poitsvilt. 5 Ok of Menttremery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, Erie Bank, 5 flarrisburgh bank. 4 Far. bk Lancaster, 1 14k of Mtddletown, 4 ilk. of Chambereburgh, 4 Carlisle bank, 4 flit of Northumberland, 5 Columbia bk 4. Bridget°. Ilk 6119quohnnnn Co, 15! Ilkar Delaware Co. par Lebanon hk. 4 Get tyeburch bk. 4 York bank, 4 Far.¢ provere bk. of Wnynegbur:,!h, 5 •• •• Currency notes. 5 4; 4115 70 3 Bt. Wyoming hank. PittsWO) Sotto I ,l rrip Country do do tierks Co. hang, Lewi9town, Towanda. 01110; Mountplengnnt hk Far. 4. Mech. bk of Sten tH , Ti vine, Belmont bit or St. Clain'. ville, Martetta bt. Demand onto , . do Currency mom It Columbiana IA New LIR bon Dann nd, 11 do Poet notes. Cincinnati specie pay• I ng hankli f tdech. ¢ Trines Mc of Cincinnotl. Clinton hk of Cniurnhca, Demand notes, Circleville, (H. Lawrence Caoti ie I} Zanesville '4. 1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO BE LET Al-IRGE nod well furnished Dwelling House sotto e fora hoarding house, tont aining eleven comfort • utde . roonis, with kitchen on th e fi rst floor, with wash house kc. Mutated in the most loisiness part of the city. [lt nod, 1 , e154 een 3I nod 4111 Pt recto.] Rent low. Al.o, the etore room No 56 attached to the fibOVO which rfln le rented with the dwelling or Se orate. ro,seireion Lot of Ono of Ohi o pi g f rom ( o f sole low Enquire or J P. ST UA op 17. No 5(.; rf'ood at FUR REXT.--A roinfortanle new Arica dwell- Ina houle, situate In Coal Lone near 7th greet For teriu4, which will he rno.ternte.epply to JOAN !“21.0NKEY. tee SO--tt. Three Ills (hors Librfty at. TO LET. 3,1 et"ry of the building occupied hp R. A. JL Itun6mnit pn Auction store--herviiitore known od -Nesmith's Loot! Room.' cooler of Wood and sth loci:111re of It. morrow, sth Intl 23. y (lir+ Ft ;it LE.— Four Tot.o In Mnfirbe.ter. tint 41 a (mirth Byre.. of Laid i.n llolmes' 11111. Lot nos. 4L 42.2 ;1 IN, lt;2 11;4 in C,:ok's pint of LoIA, on Ilolnlv•+ 11111 Mail. Lots urn' :21,3 Find '27, if Cook's an of Lots on Ittgh street, near the new tour 110uan. For teromnriply to Z. W. REMINGTON ner.lit it Bt. ENJ • Ir. -VD tinqAt.l64;or, earn on tho 1.1 of Ariel! ne2t; L brisk hone.: on tin. i•nnk "foe Ailenheniy river. two etitries high, 4 coinfortnti!o roorne, !teen ier. cehar and lON-rain. II ioesirgoily JOB/ Ott! Pick the city line, iv iii, a fin I vit.tv of 1 he city of Allegheny, and :chitin 20 ininti!e,' waft of the heart of the city —rcur very low. JAMES BLAKELY, nine 13 Agent,SthlVn TO LET. ONE brick *livening house, containing n Inr:c E . hall, two parlours, 4 rooms up st=are, with fin. 'VI fatted garret, dining room nrul kitchen, with car. riage unnse, kr. Timis noose is pleasantly located with yard In front and rear, on the canal batik, corner of Chesnut street, leading' to upper brid=e, now in thane. ritpalicy Mr. McClurg. rent to on it the times— EnqUire 111 Dr. Whittaker, A tiestipmmy Cite. mar 11, 4XI) CO • Mmivbester Nurrery, offers an extensive nsgortment of Fruit and Shad• Tress, Shrubbery Plants. at their Nur,ery. or their Float inn flreenhousc. foot of Market street. The public 19 re+peCifii:ly'invlted to examine the collection while they remain their for a few days. no 17--d3tw3t 11 1 / 1 E public are cautioned against receiving n note for Iwo hundred dollars, payable four mont ;Is after date at the F.1d1a112.0 Bank, drown March 6. 1343. by George G , 1(13111. :111(1 endorsed by flays. The above note whit several other papers Were abMraetetl from the trunk of the subscriber iu 011611110 i on the lot inst. ati 81. 1843-31 WM It. HAYS. IM==Mll=== 1 - 3,1.0P05A LS wi I he received until the 12th of May . 1. 1843—for furnish inn and delivering by eeetine. may he directed, into line of - dams: From 15,000 10 20 OW tons of rough strine,at White's Ripple and ths 'Trap, 12 mitres beiore Pi itaereh Fro.n 20 000 to 30,000 tons rough stone. at the livo and foot of Blunnerhassetg Island, near Pa rkerbh tug Virgi , From 5,000 1010 0110 tons of rough storm, at hbnd o Buffington's Islnntl.2l4 rialtos below Pittsburgh. For irsiisporiing and delivering by casting, rw may he directed into line (titian's: AlI the stone quarried and now lying nt the quarry (on the left shore of the river, a nom opointite to ttio mid dle ()film Island.) into the darn at the head of Brown's Island, 7 miles nhove Steuheitville Ohio. All the stone quarried and now lying at the quarry 'on the rteht shore of the river,) 11110 lineof dam nt head of Mlilnon Island . 3 miles helow Sletthe ovine. All the stone quarried and lying at the quarry— on the right shore—into dam at bead of Caption Island, 18 miles helot Wheeling Va., and for (parrying and deity. ering such additicnal quantity as may lie wanted to complete same dam. The quarries in all ca.es are but a short disintice from line of dams. Noposa , v must be accompanied with PM lieractory refeimires. Addres. Cnpt John Sanders, Corpa of in sineets, Piitsintrah Pa. Office Ohio River Improvements, • Pittsburgh, ••A prii 1l .1843. .Ativocnto and Gazette, rittstinrgli; Wheeling Time and Arvi.i, Wheeling; Union and Herald, Slonhenville papers at Marietta and Parkersburg. will copy till 121 of May. and charac thin office. ap 13. For Relit. A CONVENIENT three story brick dwellinff house Pl_ situate on ROBl3 street near Fourth• !lent $125. apr 10. Apply to JAMES MAY. FOR sale on accommodating terms 1001dils good Louisville Lime. 300 doz. all sizes window Sash. 100 boxes all sizes window G lass, 30 - reams wrapping. letter and writing Paper; 411 doz corn brooms and wisps, 500 pieties paper hangings and borders a, suit. for cash m approved haste, to suit con-knees ISAAC tIARRIS, .agt and mom Mertilt, No 8. Firih at WHISKEY. 5 wears old copper distilled Rfooon*iela 410 Rye Wlikdcey on consignment, and for sate by J. W. StritBRIDG Er. Water between Wood and t,tuttb'd. Wooster, 11 frletarilun, do Sandusky. do Geauga, do Norwalk, ,lo Xenia, do Dayron, do &foto, 35 Poet notes, 1* Chillicothe, 341i4 Fran. IA Colaruhrw, 11 Ln.,caiter, rflamilton, 45 Granville, 80 Coru.bk. Lake Erie, 30 Far. bk: of Canton, 45 Urbana 67 INDIANA, State hk.¢ Oroaclita n liate Scrip, 36 KENTUCKY. All banks, ILLINOIS. State Mc Branchea, 60 Shri wneetown, 70 VIRGINIA Hank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Etchange bank, N. Won. hank Mer. kalec. do. MARYLAND Baltimore Banta, Country Hullo, DEL 9 WARE All Banks, NEW JERSEY. All Banks, par and I NEW YORK CkyAv. Country hanks (Rarely fund.) a I Red Bark, I to I NEW ENGLAND. Boston Banks, ta_r Country 4 LOUP] A NA Orlen n 9 !Inn ks.. cnotl NORTLI CAROLINA tlnnica, 2; SOUTH CAROLINA 111 S. COLUMBIA Banks. AL.IBAMA Good Ranks, 20 TgNNMRSEE. All Banks, 4 MICUWAN Bk. of Bt. Clair, 10 no. do. J it 11. BroltEt 2 CANADA Good hankx, Rto 1( Eastern Exchange New York; 11011iinore, Western Exchange. 'Cincinnati, par Loulavide. par Cleveland, 1 dip Wheeling, Par I GOLD AND im.ve.R. par LOST *OOK ANDIOII RINTING OFFICE, AT. Cornrr of Wood 4 , Fifth Sta. Tun proprietois of the Moan IMO POST and 61 ZUCCRT Mmtorscrressa respectfufly inform their friends end the pnironsor those papers, that they hare a large and well ehosen assortment of •_111r411:111011BE rillr1115C3110"3IEC AnT) 02'31M2.W.iteD-RISEE33 ( 2 Neeeranry to a Job rrintlag Office, and that they are prt pared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Dille of Lading, rreularg, I 111 Head', Cardg, • Ennok Cheeks. flat Tips. Roots, Pamphlets, Ilnodbt flu, au ttfttbs of Btantts, Stage, Steamboat, wed Carta/ Boat Bills, with appro. p Halo Cute, Printed on the @hottest notice and moot reaeonable terms. We respectfully nett the patronage of our friends and he public to general In ihio branch of our busier:lv. Pittobnrgh. Sept, 39. 1842. PII I LLI PS 4- SMITH. fIiII4IIEL M. CURRY, Attorney at Law. Of rice on s.ih st twtween Wi'iod nod Smithfield. op t. WARD & HUNT, Doxitists Liberty street, n few doors hulow epr 6 11134. SACKSdroed Apples, 23 1,14 s do. do 10 Sticks dsksdPeuehrs. 41 Seelig Feathers. just Keels,' per steamboats West Point and ❑arleburch,end for pale eery too for cash IMILMAN,JJENNIXOS 4-co 43 wood at. FOR SAFETY. Travelers should select Boats provided with Frans' Safety Guards, for preventiag Ezplosioa of Steam Boilers. IT would be well (or the traveling community to boat to mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every Individual making ouch selee inn is rontrihu. tins towards a general introduction of an invention ad• milted by all men who undetet rind the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters You have ce• lately, in the hundirdi of explosions that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lire* that have already been lost, a Euffiri,mt warning. and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every ease to give It the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure Oneitt you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of iittelatily, end by your prefereure show that vim enpreclate their laudable endeavors to Plop thin nye ful enrii6c.3 of Mimeo life. They do not charge more tban otlict !.oats - , their accommodations in other respects are, quql. and in many eases superior; and se there is one TeZlFilig Pittpliurgii every day, why will you Ton arty risk. When it is so comiletely In your own power to avoid titre disasters. All boat, marked thus lel in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Goer List of Boats priv , ided with the Safety Girard. ALPS, MENTOR. A o IN ES, AN, AM ARANTIL :MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, M A (ICE I'T'. BREAK Al ER muN(:O PARK. CASPIAN, MEsSENGER. CFA lAA, MONTGo MEY CANTON, NO:, - Tll PEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE. CADDO, - NARAGANSETT. DUKE or Mt LEANS, NIAG AR:, DilquEsNE, OMITS, FxpßEss MALI , oRrtuAN BOY, EeLlpsE, WM), FOR !VIOSA. in:LEANS, FORT PITT, PENELO['E, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA. Q('EEN of the SOUTH, 3. H. BILLS, RoWINA, 3 EWESS. RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, 1 N DJAN QUEEN, S A i: A 7 ()GA., ILPTINOIS, SAVANN LADY oF LYONS, TALLEYRAND, VIETRE S. VALLEY FORGE, NV EsT NV i7' D ASHLAND, BADGEWATER, Mls'soUßl MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS. CUTTER, EDWri HICKMAN, EMMA, GENE. BROOK, TOBACCO PLANT. J:1 Mrs ROSS, ADELAIDE. BIZ UN ETTE, COLUMBIA NA. mar 22- BLANK. LEASES. A, new and moth 1111prO7Pli form of Munk Lenses, for snlc at the office of the “Morning rout." itt......4ll ltegular Mllorning Packet - FOR BEAVER. The fast running and well known '''S t Sicanier CLEVELAND. Lon.ar iluarniu„ Magill., will depart daily from ['MA. lough at 9 o'clock. A. M„ and Beaver at I o'clock P. M For frilgln or iralsage, apply on horird, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO. No GU NVater Rtrect. N. 11.—The rest lar canal packet to Cleveland, Ohio Greenville and kleadvilic Pa ; and Rasaillon on the Ohio Canal, connact4ig with strainer Cleveland at Ilea vermin he in operation Immediately on opening of nay- Atoll, war 16—tr. PO % ELL'S BALS AM OF ANNISEED— A preparation made in England, and used through out the whole eastern part of the United States, for the speedy and certain cure of Coughs, Co!ds Asthma, &c., it sands unrivalled, the price be ing only 25 cents per bottle, piaci*, it within the means of any one wanting medicine for those diseeses. The taste is so pleasant that children cry for it, after once tasting it, and mothers of families should keep it in the house, as it is en excellent article for. the care of the %Vhooping Cough. To bo had only at Terma's 86 Fourth. street. JOHN KENNEDY & CO VIAVE commenced the manufacture of BRVSIIII, at JUL No fiat Wood streei,netir Fourth' Pittatairgli, where they will manufacture and have constantly On hand, ev• ery dereript ion of fancy and common Blushes, commis in Bair, Cloth. ?bth, Nall. tooth, Shaving. Paint, Var nish,Sash-tool, Sweeping, Dusting, Whitewash. Scrub— bing Horse. flatters, Tanner and Carriers, Brick point tug, Artists pencils c. fit addition to the shove, they will keep a general sort teen tof variety goods; such as Combs of every d eripilon hooks and eyes. pine, thread , tapes, Bonn wires a nd canes, quills, fine soaps. shaving apparstn, pen kni yes and rcissora, fishing rods, line?, hooks, flies reels. silk gut, 4c; shoe thread, shoe pegs, sparrables and shoe findings generally. The above goods have all been purchased In the F.astern cities within the Jail month for cash, which with our own manufactured articles, we are prepared to sell whotesaleand retail on as Mb rat terms as acy house In the city. Merchants front the country and the citizens generally wanting anything In the above line of business, are res. pectfuliy invited to call and ezau.lue oar Air It before purchasing elsewhere . ' ‘4s.!apifi WILLIAM DOITERTY, Arund Cep Mneut..r. tarer. 143 Liberty at. between Market and limb. ail 10— Cm. ---- 1 - I.EMOVAL. . removed his office to No 63A ::, bURBOR.AW. ATTORNEY AT L itVI: !mitre. Fifth street, he tweet, Wood and Smithfield etc ,neXt (MOT to Alderman Morrow. apr' 7. Birmingham dk. Co., AG'TS STEAMER CLEVELAND, And Clevelan Line. March 33.'43. J. W. Thicbridge di. Co. ACENTS for the safe oT Beatty's l'owtlor. Water between Wood and Smithfield. March 30. 1843. For Rent. FORa term of years. Two building! lOU on the hank of the Allegheny river. adjoining the tray line. Apply at she ilOl/ft Agency, Pcnn meet, 5111 Word, mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY, COTTON. ICALEB etAton—Vor Ernie lot? 1.7 hal mnr 23• JAMES MAY, FLOUR. 1000 BMA. Superfine Irn nr. In Flora and fur se-le by I. W . B,IIIIIRIDGE 4.• Co. np In , Water M., between Wood and Smithfield THE GREAT CENTRAL ROUE, vt♦ NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE •nD OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY. ~ .-.,-,f • 1--"a•:!=rr.`_,,...,.;, -, 1 -T•: 71 .•4 --A: :i. i 4 ! , :... V•s'ff '4:: • .-. • : - _ . .....-- r• , - , NE Fr line of U. 6. Mail Conches for Washington City, Baltimore, Phi:adelphia and New York. Thie line le in mil operation and leaves Pittsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., .1u Washington Pa. anti national road to Cumberland, connecting :hate with the rail road Co'a. to all the above places: Travellers will find this a Wetly and comfortable route, It being n Reiterate esti distinct Pittebutgh and rurnhertand ❑no, facilities will he afforded which havo not been heretofore enjoyed. Es• tilt conchal furaiehott nt the shortest notice, who the privilege of going through direct, or taking one night's mat et their option. For ticketo , nPP'Y fit our office at theglonooret ela L. W. BTOURTON• Pre.tdent of N. R. Stage Co. Finufte. Feh. 3,l—iltf R. 111. DA. WSON. Alautifacturer of Tin. Copper and Shed Iron Ware, Nn 61 Liberty, between Motkot and 6th affects WOULD respectfully Inform the eltisene of Plus burgh. and The oolitic In general that be eentlnger mean y on the nboire boldness in all Its varion g branelieg et the ols owe stand; where be will eldraya keep a gener nl mmortment of alt &riffles in his line, all of which will he made in the same manner and of good untwists, rind will be disposed of on the most moderato sad at enmmodottua term. Country ederenantp and other deniers will And It to the4idvantnee to call and ezattthin tan stock before par. chaning pipeweere. Stentnhontn, flotteen and eo•ticren roofed with copper, ainezlJe. lend and Iron on thn ultortemt notice; Garters and Condneturamade and put up with deepntch a• npr 5. 1543! Standart, Luraham dc. Co. FOR WARDING AND COX. -MERCHANTS. rccirec•en. firr.o. AG ENTS for the MerchnntaTtanspartation company (Inn pond of the Merchants Line, Erie Canal. Wavhinginti Line. Hunter, PnIMPT Cn'e. Line of Steam Dostss-Pane vela on the Lakes. Ckveland Line Ponnertvnnin and Ohio Canal. Prontletors of the Pdtrehnnie Line Ohio Cann!. RETVII TO— WILTON 4- Exp-a-ovrti. N 0.9, roent'et Stitt, N Y R. iIIINTEIA Aihnny. one Crum Boston. firsvett. PALMER. Co. Tittfrnto. M.T. WILLIAMS 4. Dow, Cinveinnd. ;ins Jona M. ALUM. do. CTIAMIAS M. Glom's, do: J. S. DICRAY, Denver. Distattnorwt 4- Co.; Pittsburgh op 1 11143-Ip. ICOR. DANIEL Mc.l f EXIL, Offiee on Fifth marie hot weim Hood and Smithfield Weals, Pitialmeah. ifre 10-11• DRIED PE3CHES, 100 BUSIIF.LS Dried Perietiee. Fur shie low by JAMEIi VAT 11. B. INCKAT. ALEX. V. TOOMPIIOII 1 &cit4l.7& 1 2110141.1" SON. / GENERAL AGENTS and CominiPrinn Meretient•- ST. LOUIS, Xi% Refer to: Me re. Tnrbett, Rover 4- Itirnm ' en- Pittsborg. •• W. 11. Campbell 4. Co. Cope.Todhunter• Co. i 11 1 ,1 ) , Morgan,ernteher Po. o Woods, Yeatu-inn Co l St Louie. o Woods, Chri.dy Co, Fell. 4,—(13m 6f. nnr.s. PLAN CATION MOLARAREI, received ) per Summers Little Ben and Fulton, and for onto by mn• 27 TO LET. A NEAT convolent Cottage guilt Creme haoim,elto• Li- ale a short ilisiance below the canal In Allegheny city Eimeire of /AIMS MAY. mar FgATRETIS-7 Barks Fealhers just received and to sale low, by HAILMAN, JENNINCS 4. ro. 43 Wood et NERVE AND BONE LINIMET, AND IN DIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR.—This cOmbina lion of a local application with an internal speed fie, woks like a charm in cases of rheumatism, gout, contracted muscle and paralysis. Messrs. Comstock & Co. 71 Maiden Lane. have in their p , ss,ssion n ert - ifi ate fro T 1 Ethan C, Corning, n retpec'nillit rAtizon (4,1,61 1 ,n, o n iw g th a t after having been a bedridib n rripple for upwards of fourteen years hewas cnablott to tit.° up and walk by rs pol log the Linamcnt to his 31tclinken limbs, and taking the Elixir in conformity with the tit. !Talons. The cure a. ears to border no the mi raculous, but attestatior.: cannot be questioned In cases of gout and not radian of On mnscles and ligament ofthc Linime ' and Elixir have been equaly heneficial.—[Etpres I—Far rule only at TISTTLE'd 8G Fourth street. House .I , rencv. No.o west of the Mar....t tiousp, Penn 81. sth Ward, l'itts.burgh Pn. fp FIE PO hseriber having fora number of years been en. it gaged In renting ciry property, colleeting rents he, and wishing to extend his busiiif-ss in this way. rupee. fully offers his services to those persons owning, or who may have charge of 1110Fle•IT an Executors!, Admlnistra tors or Guardians. in the city or 5U193 ,1 *. and who may Dot have leisure to attend In it fheniseives,to rent dwell. logs, Warehouses, Farms, Lots, 4.e. Also, to collect rents. dividends, Ground rents ke. A register is kept where a description of all properties for rent will be en• tered free of charge, reference Is respectfully offered to the following gentlemen for whom the snliscrii , cr has been agent for some years past—Mmuirs Michael Allen, P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh: Jas. Stuart. Esi European Agent, Piffled.; Mess. John Brown, Birmingham; D. MeLenan. Cincinnati; Daniel Potter Steubenville; Jo.eph M illar. Lawrenceville; Janie , Jones East Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin town,Mip; Dasiel Deputron, Sewickley. feh 23. J 'IMES BLAKELY. FRUIT. 38 B LS dried n . p t el: t 7e i l: d 2. o s n i d , b r lg ar dLie , d , : e ar HAIL MAN. JEXXINGB er CO 1 43 wood fit. PIG IRON. TONS Soft Pig Iron, hot blase, for pole by \6 Al roar 3.43• 3AMESMAY 1 rectprotnend R. E. 51'0°1;44a to lb. former mimes ' alb,. toaraOrn. Z.-W. 4E31 I NGI ON • BRICKS FOR SALE. i ar in--2u , First rnle Allegheny Erlek. 250,000 Also, 20 000 feet clean Lumber.— I LOUR. - Apply at HOEVELER 4 Brn'a., . freak Felsriiy, Mar. For sale by ap 25-3te Fourth at. Bead. 25 BBLB 14 I 1 4 4 r N. • IAIIEB MAY. famoaA But soar NO Jolts. —A hadyseitt ID NO den bans for a bottle of the celebrated Nerveand Nor Liniment, to apply to an wide that we. hart thst bode Iv inflamed. By some stupidity the servant procured Dalley'e Pain Extrarter, winch the lady teed rather than to send It back, anneal knowing that It was Wended for such C 86495. The lady called there this day. Rare 20th. slim! Mut the Salve of Dailey had mired her entlre/y. and Was Ora r.hascd more. to Lae always on band la coo of any ai eident. It Will take oat all hnrn without pain. aid ativilie men should keep It by them. and save the torments of tbrjr familles. The unfeeling are pot expected tad° It. --Express. Comstock 4 Cn., proprletors. 71 IflnSden Laic. Mew York. and at Torrtars, 116 Fourth st., sole opal for rtilabotelt: ritErß enrolled Minna rrteldtng within the bowiliie of the Oral Brigade of the fifteenth Division Peonlytventa M Min, will beet fer training nod ine'peetfott;ew fONOWb to wit: Tim 28th regiment, by Ont. *nnaulr2Po/* Na y, 2dßattslloa, on Monday the Bth day of MoY. 2il Beata Mon oo Tneslay the 9th day or may. 24 Beenattion Allegheny enmity Volunteers Wednee. day the lOils,etittimanded by Major John L. Hamilton' 61st Realm/int, commanded by Col. War. Dolmen's. Brittelllon, Tharrday 11th day 01 May. Yorke Cavalry and Parke infantry, will parade with the 14 Battalion. 2A Banal:Ion, Friday 12th day of May. 7th Battalion Allegheny Co Volantoere g on iitrinriay 13th. commanded by Major Caw,. Tho mon Regiment, commanded by Cot. D. MOotry. -Ist Battalion oa Monday Lithday of may. 2:1 Battalion on Tuesday 16th day of May: sth Battalion A/legheny co, Voliinteera, on 07ednallii/ 17th day of May. Pittsbargh Legion. commanded by Col. Troville, On Monday 22d day of May. • :td Battalion Allegheny co. Volunteers, Major An- Vezn. on Montidy 22d day of May. e Jack.on Independent Slang; Capt. flay, on god. day 22d day of May. T , ieTliprreluo Graye, Capt. Gel. flays, on Monday WM gay of May. At nth Waage as the otricere of Regiment or Butt ailbtt may direct. 147th Benterent: counnaoded by Col. FitirolitOtti Thursday the 18th. The Birmingham OnardP will parade with the 147th: Regiment. The 87th 'Regiment, commanded by Cot John IWett. on Friday the 13th. BIZIOADI3 ASPIt*OSCA OPrtCa. _lt , "II 10th 1043. April 1011). . THOMAS 3iICOVVR. Drigaik Inepenetor.lot 11,151 h P. P. M up i 18—dItor2ci Farms to Lease. THE eaderelgoed will Witte two Farms attested lb East Deer township, with the nacceitary team:mats; and from 75 to 100 acres cleared no each. Also, one farm situated in West Deer towoehlp Allegheny county,, with from 50 to 75 acres c'ea red. Tte above desert elf property Is to reeaormb'y good repair. hiving abAll LI miles from the ^ley of PlLtobareh, and within two mtl6, of the Porten Canal, end whl be leasddion reasonabie terms for from 1 to :tem+ yearn; to goad tenant*. DARTBARI hit:IRRY. March 13th—tf. N, O. Buser. th is dayreceived per steamer New 8 York, and for sale by J. O. 4- A. GORD ON dee 10 No, 12 Water WiLLIA le C. WALL, Plain and /rangy Portrait r and Pisistre .irrants Afanufaclitarnr, restriA Strut Pittsburch. —Canynna ilrashen. *ruttish e.. for A Mats, shiers on hand. Looklnz Cleanest Or promptly framed to eider. gepalrlog dope et the eboi4. eat endue. • Sitttleninr lotentlon paid in rezilditig and jobbing Ofroi ery denerip•ioa: Penman fitting op Steam Coats or houiles,witi find it to belt advantage to emir. sap 10 .A.UNIES , 77OC IT 4. C.., Pnowiesors to J. B .Csith• CO• rte. at the ola *rand corner if 5113 and Wood it*, having complied with the recinialtiona of tbc new AUc• . tian Law. ere prepared In walla advances on 03111100; memo mod to Nei fo•orabie terms. They [mite Ay epntinotrtst to make ready Palestina plotnia rotated, to receive a fair portion of tasPlnewb ulenettre fn recommending to the pahile. Mestere. 9otituei Fahatiptoek 4- Co., who have compiled with the refintro memo, oftlie new Auction Law and will do boeineint at my old eland. 3. n. ouTti aprit 31843. Jr,sT RECEIVED from New York-3000 carrion dif •the Tooth'. ,Tempereinee Advoente nod 500 toptnii of the Joernel of the American Union lkw Myatt, The honed Yonth'e edvneatee with 29 noe, Milan's 'Teivern Review for Anti!. Aloe en hand every dal/ ohe Deily Poet, Cbroatele, Sun i Tutelligeneer, Iron Clty,, Mercury end Mnuataccorer, Weehinuton Benner ¢e for wile cheep, IPA AC BA RRIS, Agbni. apr b. and Com Mer uo 9 Fifth eie J C. tt A CORDON 12 Water street BRItIADE ORDERS: Auction Pittsburgh, A prli let 1843. In retiring froth the Anktion tugineos, I tote greet COUNTY COM,MI SSION ER. A T the solicitation of numher of friends of all pot partiee.l reepettfUlly Deer myrtelf t t the son. si,inintion of my fellowcitilens for the offies t.l Coaniy Commistfinser. That my sentiments may not be mint,. dertunnd,eithet ee to political or private nffnirs, I rosiker free testy that I have been all my life a consistent He. onbllene, in the tree ss else of the word. A. the eonnty is coTrIP what embarrassed In its financial affairs, and the •edueffne of Weeks orpnblle officers has reeelved the approbttlnn of large mcjorlties °Min people, the under signed would pot phonld he he so for: non* q AP to be elec ted. In any manner attempt to rest& this FalatarY re' form; shoold it reach the office of Comity Crmmtetioiter. opr 6: SAMUEL HUBLEY. FAMILY FLOUR., 0 MILS SuperfineW he Floor, 3 hat re.elved from Valley Mills r.nd fro. wile ). J. W. ntlUlitIV6E. Water sr beiweeo Wood 4. Ornate. AM iIIICAN PIONEER TUST rem - ed from the pahlliiher at einelnanit, 46 ED enplev of lint etrt Ilent ntin net mai Pistoriettl *iv rk the Amen' n Pioneer. rinhitAheil In monthly Noi at In n yenr. T ce elm 12 nnmhers bound In the prevent so/ ume nt it, iveripl i on price, for mite. nod cinllverlpt foe thnnkfnlly received. at Mamie General agency end In. tellgenee office, No 9, Fifth ct, ip 12 ATOTICE to Steam Boat Ownori.—The subserlf~cr, la enneequenee of the Mir - malty of the limes. harvidtr• red the price of Ms Safety ()nand for the preventing 6,/ the explosion of neon boilers, to 1.50 per hoot. I t is hoped that nil h.at owrers Will avail themselves of there reasonable Irma, not may un account of 01143 perfect entety they atYord, hat also In polnt of economy. Boilers with the apparatus attached will wear aboa w ire as long its those not provided with them.. March 6-3 m . C. EVANS The petition of D R. Miller of the 4d Ward Pittsburgh, in said county, rrttOeriltilly showeth— That he is well provided with house room and other conveniences fitr the a ccommcdation of siren. gert and travellers. And he prays your honors to grant him 'were° to keep an Inn or 1,,05e of Pub lic Entertainment. And he will finis, ilke. f)AVIb R. MILLER. The flatlets:grad eitizena of the third Ward Pitts burgh, respectfully ce , tify, that D R. Miller,the t o e: , have named applicant, is a gentleman or OA repute for honesty and temperance, and i., well provided twirl loose roam and conveniences for the accornmods— lion hrd lodging of strangers and travek,r s , an d said tavern is necessary fur the arc( mu:lodation of the pnblir. John gea nal', Ja :Off $ lit o utOot ti , T C McDowell, John Indwrig, Joseph Jordon, James Cherry, J D Lelmer, War Gilmore, Wm Biddle, JamesMcUnhey, A lex Copping , . Z Cho fee. imp 21,--3til&w. R. "E:7111eGIVINI (Surcesmor to Z. W Reiningion j QuRVICIING. Regrahttnig, Levelling and Measure ment of all *lnds, will be attended to as heretofore; at the old office of Z• W. Remington. Tenn stmt. near !laud. R. E. EI'COWIN. •
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