APRIL 25, 1843. Good Again. e success of she Factory Girls in the 111 'like has aroused the working men ibredghout the city to a sense of the duty 111thieb - lb e y owe to themselves and families theY seem sanguine of success in lip. *gaily putting an end to the grinding *stem which has for yews been practised vissii - Them by their employers. They have ,tAierbtofore hardly dared t 3 say aught against Ahcoae disposed to oppress there, for fear of Making their condition worse; but times Stye changed somewhat, and their labor i s ism dernacd,which prompts them to as . swabs spirit of independence for some ihrte peat unknown to them. -"The price of labor is the first to fall and thirOsst to rise;" and it is only by the united ants of the workingmen that employers 44111. be induced to give even the price a . , Awarded to them by the natural laws of sup.. .7,tly and demand. By a united e f fort on jheir part they might accomplish almost 1 . 44 thing they undertook. The world ; 'millet get along without labor; the mu-- , S.;•inent the workingmen lay by their imple" inents of industry, the whole machinery of society must atop. Capital how controls , eirerything, but it has usurped the influence : , ;48 - tpribperly belongs to labor. Let the • producers of all wealth firmly stand Otit for higher wages and fewer hours, and they can and will succeed Of all the holes in the city, Virgin alley '`"-.' : -..-Nitween Wood and Liberty streets, is the oat infamous. There are found huddled' !together human beings of every age, col . and sex, presenting a scene of wretch. f - liminess which fide the soul with horror to -IL-contemplate. Scarcely a night passes but :••::ihn watchmen make a haul of some of the . - _-_kisofortunate•ereatures w:.o have been dri ,'-tfren there because they are excluded from - ,