;T:7 7777 .7" produced his death, as from the morbid state of h"s sytem, consequent upon his loos:. manner of living, it required hut. little to render any injure fatal' At the reduest of the girl, a legal investigation was had by the Coroner and Recorder, and the above facts elicited; while to save her feel ings, the names, Ar.c. of the parties were, and are still withheld from the public. pr,R PRESIDENT, JAMES BUCIIINAN ; sohjectto the dechlon of a National Convention. DAILY SIORNING POST. Till. PHILLIPS k vl9l. H. SMITH, KUITORa 4040 PROPRIICIORS MONDAY. APRIL 1813 Wholesale Robbetty—Seventy five Thou sand Dollars Slolen,—The most daring and extensive robbery we have heard of occurred itt Columbus, Georgia, on the f4th inst. On the evening of that day, just as the officers of the W extern Insurance and Trust Company of that city were about closing the vaults and the bank for the night, three or more persons entered the banking house in 'disguise, secured the of ficers in such a manner as: to render th'em unable to give an alarna,4md then proceed ed to rob the vaults, This they did, and then escaped. As near as can be aver. tained, the following amounts were taken: $9,000 in American and Georgia gold; $12,500 in notes of Augusta Insurance and Banking Company, Brunswick Bank, Mechanics Bank of Augusta; and Bank of Charleston; $l,OOO in Central Bank notes; $1,175 in Columbus Bank notes and other --claims on said bank; a package of memo randa of moneys in the hands of a , ents of the bank amounting to $2,400; various packages of special tkposites, composed of • $lB,OOO in notes of the Bank of Charles. ton. 614;000 in notes'of the Bank of Da -rtin, Georgia, and $lO,OOO or $.15,000 in various other bank notes. A reward of .5,000 is offered for the recovery of the money, or a proport ontte reward fir any amount recovered, or for any information which may lead to the recovery. This is certainly one of the most daring robberies which has occurred in this or any other country, and we trust that our constabu lary and police force, with every good cit izen, will be on the lookout fur the deter" Lion of the perpetrators. It is somewhat singular that the source from which we de rived our iliformation gave no description of the persons of the robbers. They were. however, disguised, and under such circumstances, a description would be dif- Mat to make Jwful Depravity.--The Washington Examiner of Saturday gi ves an account of a most lamentable occurrence that took place in Morris township, about ten miles Prom Washington, Pa.; 0 ► Thursday evening a man as' au'ted his wife with a pair of tongs, and after most hot ribly mu tilating her head,eommitted suicide by cut ting his throat with a razor. Mrs. Clark was living 24 hours after the occurrence, though no hope was entertained of her re covery. Clark died immediately. He is said to be a man of most violent temper, and who had been guilty of frequent acts of brutality towards his family. At the com mencement of this lamentable elf tir two of his children were in the house, but through fear fled to the most convenient neighbors. who upon arriving at Cla►k's house found him dead and Mrs. Clark lying upon the floor id a state of insensibility. 1111)ocioue murder of a young Married Woman in Baltimore county, Md. —Mrs. Melinda Horn, aged, 18, wife of Adam Horn ? suddenly disappeared about four weeks ago from her husband's residence on Hanover turnpike about 23 miles from Baltimore. MI attempts to discover her were ineffectual, until Monday afternoon, when a party of the neighbors while search. ittg for her, found her body horribly muti Gated and enclosed in a coffee bag, in a ditch at a short distam•e from her d welling. The legs and arms had been cut off and were found wrapped in a coarse cloth in the upper part of the back buii : ling of thu 'house in which her husband,resided, Sh had been martied about a year and, was enciente at the time of the murder. Sus picion fastens on the husband. His treat-- meat of her had been very harsh, so :ha she was compelled to leave him last fall,— He left home yesterday morning, was seen on the road carrying a small bundle; and there is no further account of him, He is a tailor by trade, abut 45 years old, pock. marked; had on when he left, a blue frock coat, grey pantaloons and black hat. A suitable reward will be given for his appre hension. Pope Acquitted. Godfrey.Pape, editor of the Kentuckian, whose trial for the murder of Bliss, has just closed, has been acquitted. The assistakeement of hie acquittal was received by loud plaudits by the ladies and get,tle- men who thronged the Court Room, The Kentuckian says:—'•Tbus ends thiS exci ting affeir; and maugre. all the efforts to in. fuse a subtle poison into the public ear, the Accusation falls to the ground. It is a source of comfort to the father, the wife, the son and husband is fully restored to their love; and that the laws of his country have done him justice, end wiped the stai from his scut. heon, attempted to be fixed there by those who love him not. ino wants a Wife?—W hat white man wants a colored wife? That's the question. There is 0 , 1 African Princess of immense wealth in Paris, who is anxious to give herself away lo some white ' m:in. From the following extracts of a lettsr in Le Covrrier des E!als Unis, we Altonld im agine that her prospects in Paris were not partirularly fla:tering:— " rile famous black - heiress, with all her million., and all her diamonds, has not yet found a suitable husban I. &Irons hesitate, counts reflect, marquises draw back, and dukes shudder. There are means less re pulsive of geiting rich. A bill posted obi all the wails of ParH off,:red a r-ward of two hundied and fifty thousand francs for the recovery of the lust coupons of inter est, belonging to the late estate of Mar t inis of Hertford. The beautiful ebony girl has retired to a cony r.t. Persons are permitted to see her in the parlor accom panied by her lawyer, who gives to can didttes the most ample details of her large dowry. Yesterday a viscount of my ac quaintance, v ry poor, but young, boldly presented himself to her. After his-visit, on quitting the convent, the lawyer, with an inter rogating lonk. said to him "Well," replied the viscount, "I had rather go and look fm the coupons of the Marquis of Hertford." Dan Marble tells a story about a Yankee tailor dunning a man for the amount of his bill. The man said he "was sorry, very sorry, very sorry indeed, that he couldn't pay it." 4. Well," said the tailor, '• 1 took you for a man that would he sorry, but if you are sorrier than 1 am, then I'll quit. From the way the Western Empire, at Dayton, Ohio, i 3 walking into a fellow named Schenk, we would not be surprised to hear of another editor getting his quiets us with something more powerful than a "bare bodkin." If our memory serves us, this Schenk is the same prrson who assail. ed the editor of the Statesman in IS-10, and got well flogged for his blackguard, Mr, C. C. Parsons the original dtlinea• tor of the peculiarities of "Rowing Ralph Stackpole," is preaching nightly to a Aleih . . odist Congregation in Cincinnati. France and England have entered into a treat• for the mutual surrender of fugi• lives. It has never been done berme. The New York correspondent of the National Intellfgencer says-- "Major Noah is about. to start a neutral paper.' The people in New Orleans have found a turtle shell that weighs 3,009 pounds.— That must have been the big t.rtoise that the world used to stand on. A whale recently - wade his appearance in Long-Island Sound, and some of the inha bitants on shore were so mach surprised that they thought the end of the world.(and the biggest end) had come, sure enough. England waking up.—They have had several shocks of earthquakes in that coun try lately. We would rather hear of a Chartist-quake there; it would be more hew neficial. The Democrats of Prnffit's district in Indiana, have nominated Robt. Dale Owen for Congress. The splendid country seat of the late Chancellot Sanford, at Flushing, N. V., which cost more than a hundred thousand dollars, was sold at auction, at thu New York Exchange, on Wednesday,by James bI. Miller & Co., for $15,400. The pur chaseris R. Beatty, EN, Indian Murders.--Three whites were cruelly murdered by Indians at. Fort At kinson, lowa, on the 27th ult. Two more, who were wounded, were not ex• pected to live. The Indians were taken. There is a Rhondandron Tree in the Public C .nservatory at Boston, which has now more than 2000 8 ewers expanded, forming a truly magnificent sight. Three large and brilliant meteors passed over Detroit. Mich., on the 3d inst. One 'thehe exploded with a sound resembling discharge of a heavy cannon. A lawyer, in a letter to a brother counsel lor of Lowell, after speaking of the very hard times among the profession of his place,said, "We had a fight and a knock down in nor village yesterday which knock , ed five dollars into my pocket. Do pray that the work may go on!"—Boston Bul ietti,t. Another hen has laid another egg, in New Jersey, inscribed "end of the world —1843!" Very well. The hens we sup pose must have it their own way.—[New Bedford Bulletin. We don't see what is to hen der them. —[Lowell Cow The Rainers are in Louisville. They I will probably visit this city again. The Hon. W. Forward was in N. Y. on the 19th inst. An association has been formed in Boer ton, called 'The American and Foreign Sabbath Union,' the object of which i a to' endeavor to promote a better observance of the Sabbath. Lluisiana.—A bill dividing the state in to distriels for the choice of members of Congress has pissed both branches of the legislature. Theatricals in China,—The Hong Kong newspapers announce the introduction of theatricals into China by Messrs Datron quoy & Co. , Took Laudanum.—A man in N. York on Monday, because he did not agree with his wife. A singular mode of settling their differences. Another unsuecesslul anal' pt was made last Friday to erect a Mayor of Portland.— [lard to please in that quarter. Mrs. Kean.—Nl re, Kean, late Ellen Tree was lyin seriously ill at Bath, Eng., per last atlrßs. Boat Sank:—T he steamboat Robert Fultet, Capt. Haley, on her way to Apal• chieola lately from India, ran upon a snag in making Virginia P,,int, and went to the bottom. No freight. (I?'"rne Virginia elections for member. ft..;ongre ss take place on Thursday, 27th hist. The Pennsylvania Reporter gives the tollowit:g synopsis of the annual appropri• ation bill fur the support of the Gotrern went from December 1, 1842, to Novena - ber 30, 1843: Fur the expenses of Govern ment, 8250,000 00 Payment of Pensions and Gra tuitits, 47,000 00 Militia exp-nses, 20,000 00 Cull-ges, Academies and Fe• male Seminaries, 13.500 00 Common School purposes, 250,000 00 House of Refuge, 5,000 00 Institution for the instruction of the blind, 410 8,000 00 Itiati'ution for the instruction orthe deaf and dumb, 11,000 00 Repair of Public Grounds 300 00 State Library, old debts and repairs, 2,000 00 Nicholson Commissioners, 4,500 00 Eastern Penitentiary, 8 000 00 Western 5,000 00 Interest on 4th May iesues, 30,000 00 Interest on certificates to Do. mcstic Creditors, 72,000 00 Temporary loan under act of April ';3B, 15,000 00 Miscellaneous, 5,000 00 Pa‘ merit of Lock keepers, Collectors and IVeiglrinas• tees, 50,000 00 Canal Commissioners and ex penses, 6,:_80 00 Extraordinary repairson ca• nals and rail roads, 50.000 00 Total, 5562,680 00 This is a less sum than hag ever tt”reto fore brew appropriated to the same objects, and shows a commendable reform in many of its items. Tribute to Father Mathew.—The follow• ing testimonial of Father Matthew's servi ces in the cause of Temperance, was borne by Earl Fontescue, in a letter enclosing a £5 contribution to the 'Mathew Testimo— nial.' He could not have spoken better if he had been a plain minister, instead of an earl. "Few men on record, in any age or country, have wit Hit the same space of time, contributed as much as he has to the moral improvement of their fellow crea tures; none. I am sire, ever devoted them• selves to any good work with more uutir big zeal or more unaffected and single•- minded benevolence." lire in Maysville. --OA Niondry night last a destructive fire occurred in Mays ville. Eagle office,types, cases, with some paper and books, were destroyed. The following persons are the suffeasrs: The latge 3 story brick row belor.ging.to Messrs Harper & Peter Lee,and nrcupied by Messrs Cutter 4. Gray, .Grocers; Mess. Collins & Brown as printing office; Jos. Frank, tinner; and R H Lee, cotton store. The loss is estimated at $25,000. Some of the parties were protected by insurance. A rain fortunately saved the destruction of the town. Starvation in Michigan.—The follow ing is an extract from a letter dated MONROE, April 1, 1843. "The whole . State is completely 'starved out fur want ofsfood for cattle and sheep; hundreds are starving daily. All the fod der of every kind is fed out in many coun ties west and north. The farmers send clear from Saginaw to Detroit atter teed, Through this section they are feeding out their wheat and potatoes. We have had all the good wheat the mill could grind since Mr. left. All the farmers care about, however, is the oft - slings, the flour is now no consequence; some of them merely have wheat choppad, and feed it out in this manner. Should this cold weather last a week or two longer the farmers will hava to haul home again the wheat they have stored to sell. Price of Hay 75. eta. per ewt.; Oats 31 cts ; Shorts 12ic, In Adri an, Bran 123-c; Shorts 31 c; Corn Meal 81,00 per cwl, d.a." str LATE FROM EUROPE. MOUVAL OF THE BRITTANI A. The steamer Brittania arrived at her wharf in East Boston at. 11 o'clock Weds nesday morning—thus making the passage in little more than 14 days. She made the trip from Halifax in 36 hours, being the shortest on record. The commercial news received by the Britannia, is highly satisfactory and—en couraging. Trade in the English manu. facturin2 districts has greatly imprord. Cotton Market] extremely buoyant, not withstanding the stock on hand at Liver pool on the first inot, was one hundred and! thirty thousand bales more than it was at the same period last year. The arrival. however, of the steamer Great Western, at Liverpool, on the Ist inst., with advice& of an unusually heavy crop had an unfavor. able effect upon the market, and American descriptions declined about per pound from the previous quotation. Commodore Porter. the United States Minister at Constantinople, died there on the 3d inst. Mr. Featherstonhangli came passenger in the steamer. The President's Message, on the Ash. burton Treaty, and the closing of Con— gress, was received by the Great Western: the Mt bsago created some excitement,and tho London Times handles it without gloves. The Thames Tunnel was opened on Saturday, the 25th ult. Robert Southey, the poet laureate of England died on the 21st of March. He left a property of about 850.000. The lessee f the Covent Garden Thea. tre has brought an action against the cele. brated Fanny Ellsier, for not fulfilling her engagement. Damages are laid at 83,000 The Commons discussed the Ashburton Treaty on Tuesday night the 21st. Lord Palmerston attacked and Sir Robert Pet-1 defended the treaty; both speeches were marked by usual ability. Th., debate was renewed, by adjournment on Wednesday evening, only two or three speeches had, however. been delivered, when the house was counted out. Thus prematurely en ded the dis'•usFion of the Treaty of Wash• ington. Mr. Hume has announced his in tention of movinz a vote of thanks to the Government arid Ambassador for their wis dom in concluding the treal. which he considers and eulogises as one of peace and amity. In Ole I3ritish House of Lords, the Earl of %Vicki Lisve notice, on the part of Lord 13r rWiarn, thPt on the 4th in-t. he would move a vote of thanks to Lord Ash borton, for concluding the recent treaty with America. In the House of Commons, April 3d Sir IL Peel stated, in reply to a question from Lord J. Russell, that he had received despatches from Mr. Fox with a copy of the President's Message and the coramus nication of Mr. Webster, snd that he would lay them before the Hotiset The G. vitro rnent had not given iinalructions t•I Lord Ashburton that modified Lird Aberdeen's despatch of December 1841—by its prin ciples they were determined to adhere, In the Prerogative Cmot, three codicils to the will of the late Marquis of Hertford one of them leaving 100,000 dollars U• S. bank stock to Mr. Wilson Croker, were declatud in France the power of M. Guiz rt seems to be now perfertly consolidated, arid better feeling exists between that country and England than has of late years been maniftst. The .11adeletne,' by Can:va, in the Au• guado Gallery, was sold at Paris on Tues day for the sum of 59,500 f, to the Duke de Sarraglia. It is said that this treasure of art is to be taken into Italy. A letter from Barcelona, annOunces the discovery of another cousin:B , y amongst the troops of the garrison of Nlontjurich, and that twelve non-commissioned officers had been arrested, and sent to Madrid for high treason. The Cincin. Times of the 18th sa 'dlcling Pa rbon Parsons left this city this morning, having closed a v•ry succes,ful engagement at the Ninth street Methodist Church." MIAMI CANAL.—We had no receipts yesterday. FLOUR.—Stock on hand light and pri ces declining. A few sales made yesterday at $2,90. [folders are not disposed to sell under $3,00. Whiskey—Was in gond demand yester day at 14c.—Cin. Sun. THEATRE. Lit week of the engagement of Miss MEL TON, Mrs. FLYNN, and Mr. LATHAM. .First night of the nperatic crimcdy of ENGLISH IN INDIA. With a great cast. A great variety ; of Songs T•) conclude with TIIE YOUNG WIDOW A number cfs o ,,gs during the evening for which see bills uf the DVI. Doors open at 7 o'clock, Perforai‘ mence at half past 7 Loser Boxes, 50 cents Second Tier, 37i Pitt, 25 " I Gallery. .1.2 i cents E. H. Heastings, 1114 ECM:MING BECULATOB and Surveyor. °lrmo 1111.1 n 4th street, next door to the Bank of ap 24-1 m RESH FLOUR.-96 bide just received for safe low JU for cask. LIAILMAN, JENNINGS 4- co. l i Z a t FOR CINCINNATI. THE fast running passenger steamer SWIFTSURE- Rohlnson - ittastei, will depart for the above and in termediate port e this morning, Monday, April 24, at 10 o'clock. This I,xrat,to add lo the safely of passengers tar Just been furnished w lib a new set of Rollers, and Is also provided vrii;) Evans' Safety Guard. For freight or passage, apply on board or to BIRMINGHAM co, a ap 24 Walla su or tut Post. - Moan. Editors:—AB Mr. V. Scribe has seen proper, to answer an anonymous corn• munication, signed by a German Dem ocrat," and not a charge made against him in my paper, I consider it my duty, to ex plain to your readers the reasons he had for doing It is well known to every person, that Mr. V. Scribe is the editor of a German Whig paper, which he is pleased to call a neutral paper—the High Sheriff Mr. B. Weaver, the County Commissioners and and other Whigs in office to whom he has introduc,ed himself as a faithful Whig, will prove this statement. Had he answered my charges in his paper ikpublishe4 there such a letter, as he did in your paper, the- Whigs must have been offended by the mean conduct of Mr. Scribe, and, of course would have stopped his paper. But not to cffend either party, he swallowed all I wrote in my paper against him respecting the publication of a Democratic paper, a::d even when I said he was an infamous liar, he did not say a word in defence; and such a man dare say that he is a Democrat!— "O shame where is thy blush!" When he mentions 'll his letter, that he edited a Ger man democratic paper for 3 or 4 years, he forgot to state that he was then an appren tice of Mr. Ruby, in Chambersburg, and that he would as readilyhave edited aWhig, or even a royal paper, if' his master, who fur unately was a Democrat, had been a %'hig or a Royalist. When Mr. Scriba bought the "Frei. hefts Fri red," he perceived, that he would succeed better by carrying water on both shoulders; but when he came to Pittsburgh with a view to suppress the democratic pa• per in which he and others of the whip unfortnately succeeded, he placed him self under the control of the whip, and has supported them ever since. In 1838, as well as in 1840, be fought for Rimer and and Gen. Harrison, and published the ;i• les. slanders against the Democratic party. —He acted as Secretary at several whig meetings, held at the Union Factory, at that time known as the Harrison Factory. Should he have the i tepudence to show his face at any German democratic meeting, he till certainly have to make him-elf scarce very soon, and whatever candidate he should propose, the Germans will 1 .,a a gainst him to a man. The gentleman who wrote Mr. Scriba's communication in your paper, made me ac tually laugh at his protestation of a warm heart, honesty and eptightncss! Like Di ()pea with the Lantern, to find a faithful man, yier would have to search every cor ner if you want'al to get information of Mr. Scribe's haracter, &it is to be hoped that he will do all in his power, to make the public at large acquainted with him. With respect. JOHN G. BACKOFFEN, Editor if the Pittsburgher Courier. ( out nurrial Nekatf. 1G feet water in the channel Repotted by SIIEBLE & 1TC116.1, General S. B Agents, No 5, Market street. ARRI VET). Fulton, Fursyth , St Loui-,I *c o u IlurdoJt, Wheeling.. 8.,11 Air, Barclay. New Orleans. - Pinta, Vandegriff, Sunfish Little Mail, Gaskill, Brownsvile, Belmont, Poe, Wheeling. A~lcghenv Belk, Hanna, Warren. *ll.dian Queen; Rriekt_ll. Ship yard. a.Missouri Mail, Littleton, do Express, Par ktnson, Cincinnati. I lerald. w• on St Louis. La• eaVer, Kltnefeltcr, Wabash. *Michigan, 'toies, Beaver •Clevela-d, fiemphig, do DEPARTED. Ming-, Chief, De , inny, Wheeling. •Ida, Dunsuni, Franklin. •Montgoinery, Gregg, Cincinnati. Micliugan, Bole., Beaver *Cleveland, Hemphill, do. *Valley Forge, Baird, St Louis. Minatrcl, Ingram, Wabash. Little Mail, Gaskill. Brownsville. - Alpine, Cockbut n, Bronsville. Utica, Klinerelter, St Louis. *Columbiana, Murdock, Wheeling. Express. Parkinson Cincinnati. Pulaski Hanna, Franklin. Cotton.—The Queen of the South arrives yester day from Mobile with eight hundred bales ofeotten on board• We understand that is all intended for the manufacturers of our city. Such immense quantities as this of the raw material comiag to our city to be munufactured into goods, shews that the better times are indeed returning, and is an assurance that the skill and industry of our population will have busy times once wore. The Yaz to Whig of the 7th inst., says:— "The Yazqo river has been falling slowly for some days past; but the largest class Of boats that enter the trade can yet ply with all ease, several of which are still making regular trips to the towns and landings; a— bove. It is said much cotton yet remains to be shipped. The Wabash.—The Terre Haute (la.) Courier of the Bth inst., says the Wabash is in fine navigable order; some ten or a dozen steamboats have been at our wharf.•,leaving a large quantity of freight for this place— and have now passed on up the river to ports above. There is also a great stir among the flat boats loading and startingoff tor the south. MiIZUCI The river at Cincinnati is higher than it has been this spring, and iniill rising. ST. LOUIS, APRIL 15.—The River.— All the upper rivers are now open and in exellent condition for navigation. The rise in the Missouri, as we learn by the la. tan, is very great, and at the latest accounts was stilt increasing. The Mississippi has risen with astonishing rapidity singe day be yesterday, and is still going up. It iWwrly as high as we have ever seen I t at thMeasou of the year. 43 Wood Bt. GENERAL ('OM viITTEE OF FIN- A NCE. Messrs SIIALCR, MINN?, B.xewLca . E D. GAzzau,Tapt - This Comilla cc wilt n ert at the I . wird of Trade Rooms, on Tue day, 231 h hitt no 3 o'clock. 1 p 22. w nom ssortor., Clew. II Iv IRT LECTURES Pro'. B. Silliman of Yale College, Having e•rived, will deliver la Lectureintredwc- tory to a course on Geology, before the Wiri stitute, on Monday eiening, 24th Kist ..at 71 o', clock, in the Third Fresh) let ian Church. This L. (tare will be FREE to the public! Notice of succeeding Lectures, will be vaen.at the conclusion of the fire-Lecture. Subscribers and others who design attendirg this course of Lectures can obtain tickets of SA ML (.7.4iHUEY, No. G 6 Wood street, W. W, WILSON, Markel street, JOHN S. COSGRAVE, 114 Wood JOHN B. SEMPLE, 50 " " W. B. SCAIFE. 44 PODlie N otice. To the Farmers, Mechanics, and Workingesel of Allegheny Co--The Committee by you_appeint ed in public meeting in the new Court House on the Bth day of last month, with instructions to prepare measures fur future action, respecttfulty o..treet you to assetn . )le in your respective townstups of the Co and wards of the Cities, on Saturdoy evening, the 29th inst., and there elect in each, two delegates with inbouctions, to meet in Convention on the Ist Wed tiesday of next May, prepar dd to adopt such zees. ores as a ill hot eafter aecu, e in organized and well ditected actiou of the weal,h pruduc.ng interest. The newspapers published in this cijy and in Al. I egheily are requested to gi , e ihis noti , e pullet?) , in heir columns. JOHN FERRAL, ap 19 Chairman. Christian World, THOS. H. b'TOCKTON, EDITOR. With the January number commenced the 3d. Top. of nil , tru'y valuable publication. It is devoted to me ad. vancement of all Christian Interests, and is-441 e or •n of no party or .§ect. The plan of the work contempin es . ignial ¢ independent expositions nine religion of Chrhst as found in the Bit.l . 0, sitetcues of all churches and benevolent ins' buttons, cach represented by author• fly of its own Original [reviews, POI try, and General niciligenee. It has a I hoiee circle of correspondents, native and foreign, of a❑ eccle.iastical connections and an extensive selection of the 111051 valuable publications, both native and foreign. Tue names of forty origiaat contributors, half of them ministers of the, gospel, repre senting eleven Christian denominations, have alteady appeared in ils cortinins; and in Its present improved style of publication Ira popularity is rapidly increasing, It is published mnothilt, each No. containing 24 octavo -- pages, beautifully embellished with a series of Sartain's supurb Mezzot I Ms illut•tramive as - eel:es in the /ire of our Favicur, at the reduced price of One Dollar a year. six copies for S 5. Published by Drew it Schentmell, 67 N3d at. Persons wishing to subscribe direct. are informed that one rt the publishers can he foa nd at Rerford's during_ the a eek. Any person obtaining live • uliscribers to the work shall receive a sixth: copy gratis, or a exioy of the enerared likeness of the editor. Missing nos. of for mer volunws supplied grains by applying as above. ap :4 —2 w . JJ UST'RECEIVED—A small retail assortment of Dry Goods. Cat pet Chaln, Hardware. Spades, Hoes. Hay and Dung Forks. Coffee Mills, Brushes, Cooper's Warr, etc , ror sale low for cash or approved exchange to mil comagrices. taxer. lIARRis. Agent and *p Z 2 Cotta Mer'i, No 9. Srir st. Y order of the Orphau's Court of 411eglieoy cam. C• r ietioA Darragh appointed au Audilot to audit the account of Philip Simpler and Feist Ebetilcr, Guardia's!, or wa sThigtois Flowers and Eliailieth Flowers. miner children or Thomas Flowers. dereaced. Notice is hereby given that the audi - or will proceed to audit this account at the cffice of Mahon and Wash. Javan In Sakewetl's Splitting!: in the city of Pittsburgh on Tuesday the 33t1 day of May. 1843. at 3 o'clock p us. np 2.3-3 i con NELIUS DA RRAGB. ErnitITVATISNI•—A II persons who may be affected with Rhemnall,:m. Gout, Concentrated cords or Limbs, can find a pure stud effectual remedy, by using H e rr en . Nerve and Bone Liniment and Indian Elixer Hundreds In this city and vicinity, who have been laboring for fears under the pains of those dreadful complaints, wed have been under the hands of the most skillful Doniurs without rerelvinz any benefit, have tried it, and tree cured by the use of only nue bottle Cl each of the above. The genuine coo he procured only at 'I LITTLE EI, £6 Fourth street. Pit tsburlr It. au* IDST RECEIVED,z ,large , upply or tlr Swayue's al Syrup of Wild eterry,and Cur sale wholesale aad wail by WM. TIIORN, ar• 21. No 53, Market st. 4HHDQ. Bacon If!anti, 24 Bags Feathers. s HI barrels Rujitit Howe blolasser, On consignment. lamtlng front. steamer A Ins, mid-(Sr sale on ilberat,terns - ,6y BAILMAN JENNINGS It Co.. P 30 43 Wood *tee NEW YORK DYER OSEB. NIMES. would respectfully inform his friends Vend the public ingeneral,tliat he dies Ladles' &etas, Habits and Mantels of every description, black sod warrants ltent not t o smut, and to look equal to new goods. He dyes fancy colors of all descript hint on-allk and cotton yarn. Also, cleans and re Cores the COWS erxentlemen's clothing. so as to re,,emble new goods, &Ir. H. flatters himself tht t he can plenae tie public, as he has done an extensive liiisines in New YOI k lip !Weeny years. All work donavon moderate terms at his establishment an Sth 1.1, between Woad and Emithaeld netr the Theatre. CERTIFICATE Thii is to ccrtiry that OSEE 1 - 11141E9 hoe done work for us, which has fully answered out expcctatiuns, and we consider him a competent dyer. S. Hemphill, Wm. Barnes. J. B. Shutt!cif, David Hall, B. F. Mann. David Nies, Joseph French, jr.. Andrew Purdy. W. B. Boica, Wm. Porter, H H. Smith, Henry Javens, A. Shocker, jr.,Joseph Vera, George Barnes . ap 20th. FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKING. BPERRY lakes this method of informin g the public In general that he continues to carry on the above business In the illoaotsoenat♦ Hocsx Htniartnos, No 1 Water street, where, ait h strict personal alleluias he hopes to please all who will favor him wi h their pa. trona g e. From Ills long experience in the huslnetis.h e Batters himself that his work cannot be excelled In neat. ness and durability, at least west of the Mountainr, but it Is useless to boast—a fair trial is the best evkletate. To suit the times be manufactures Boots at various prl. ces; from as lo w as jive dollars up to his best q uality, which he affords atseven dollars per pair. apt° 314 REMOVAL PCAWFIELD has removed his n a Otte Esinhlkilk• ment to Wood st. opposite Fahnestock's Dtot; Store, where he will keep constantly on hand Tonal , - 4 Stones, Monuments elc. ap 19-Iyr MORE ATTRACTION! BETTER BARGAINS THAN EVER OFFER+ ED BEFORE, AT THE IRON CITY CLOTHING STORE, No, 132 t Liberty street. THE alention of all persons who • with to pee + chase genteel, fashionable and first rate clothing, at lower prices than ever before offered in this city, is called to the extensive stock of Ready Made Clothing nuw preparing atai for sale by W. J. DAVITT, at the Iron City Clothing Store, No 132 Liberty street, near . St Clair. His stock is composed of Engli.h , French, German and American manulacinred Goods, bought for cash and made into garments dor inythe epresslcn In business,asid consequently can be sold at th e very lowest prices, -K is only necessary for the public, to call and examine for themselves to be assured that such bargalMlNCte.oolref before offered, and that by purctasing at Ms house in preference to going elsewhere They will realize a grad , saving in their expenditures for clothing. 43 all the artleles in 1112 store are new and mane floured Gun, fresh Goods. purchasers may rely on get. Una flrct rare articles as sell ssarnorec denied bargains, Confidynt that 00 rival eStablisliment can offer semi,. for induceinents to purchasers. he 'respectfully soliehe • share ofpublic patronage, and ple:iger himself that every; promise promise made in his advertisement will be feitticidtp egyi deemed. - W.ll, J. D4rtlrl4, kl 19— St ~~ru .~v, '~ ;; .. ~..~F~r~.