Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, April 22, 1843, Image 1

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    „p A ,
, ; ,, , z , ,
Tir.R.ms.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, pay . aisle in
advenee— Single copies TWO CENTt3--for sale at the
Doubter or the office, and by News Boys.
The Mercury and Manufacturer
e published WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double
smidiumn sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ad.
rasteoe, Fienile copies. AIX CENTS.
Terms of Advertising.
.tat. anima& OF TWELVE U. 4rt LESS:
ltse Insertion, 0,50 i One rnaiiis s
t .„ $5.00
two Insertions, 0.75 1 Two monis,..
Three Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 0 6.0
One week, 1.3 7.0
0 Four months, R.OO
ea, weeks, 3,00 Six months, 10.00
Niece weeks. 4.00 One year, 15,00
Ono Steers. Tee Sfitaret
AM anent hg, •IR.OO Six months, $23,00
Uae year, 25,00 One year. 35,00
' rrLarg.r adwertlaementa in prorortion.
0e...; RDA of four li nes Six DOLLARS a year.
etre rest °env% l'hird between Market and Wood
streets—R.. M Riddle. Postmaster.
Oureost Rastrsts, Water, 4th dour from Wood st. Peter.
!dings— %tapir John W Mock, Collector.
Oyer TACMICIRT. Wood between Firg and Second
tenets—James A. flartram,7reastirer.
Conyers TRIC•SUIRY. Third street, next door to the
Thia - Pieshyterian Chtirclt—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer,
Matriit'sOirrice, Fourth, between Market and Wood
---inill—Alexander flay, Mayor.
ilinstelfater's 132CROIGIC. Fourth, near Market at.
iliteessmnon.,lrtereen Market and Wood streets, on
a Paled nod Piorartii streets.
AMOY Rain. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Araliod and. Market attests,
Creasman, Filth street, near Wood.
Mexosaunct s . Hones, Water street, near the Rrldge
esewanot floral., corner of Penn and Si. Clair;
Rinnenaprre florck, corner of Third and Wood.
Astritcaor llosst.,torner of Third and Smithfield.
= Msrmeno eorne,r of Penn street and Canal.
!Banta, Liberty street, near Seventh.
Aktuatat Ma.nston !loops, Tallied) , St oppoalle Wayne
R vast M LIMON Rouse. Penn St. opposite Canal.
COUNSELLOR AT LAW.--mfv e remo
red to Bakeurell's Mitres on Grant st., neatly onposile
In. new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon,
d.N.p.Flrst floor. son 10
:rims. IL ELLIOTT, K. D.—Office reworedt e
.aL - St. Clair street, betseee* resin Led Liberty Si,.,
s p 10
Ili roc ti TONER, Atto'nev at Law, North E 3 ,1 corner
ALL 0 05001.1)11'0d and Fourin awe's. aep
.11111 P ICA.NDLESS & MCLURE, Aitornei;s and
CUL Qualmnon at Law: Office in the Diamond. hack
torthe ofd Court (louse, Pittsburgh. lull 10
HUNK 4- FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth st.;
'near the Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh. Pep 10-ly
/111103. HA MI 1.1' , /1.1. Attorney at Law, riff b , Imlwmen
ri Wood and Smithfield sm., Pitlitintrelt. smi 10-1 y
- WM. 0 1 114 RA ROBINSON, I iorr.ev at Law;
v V (Mice on the north side of the Diautond.hetweeq
/WOW and Union streets, up stairs PPP 10
A .,- DURBORAW, Attorney at Lan , : lenders
• hie prolessionat service,: to In.. pethfic, Office Cur.
er or Fifth and Market Streets, above D. Llort 4 Co',
alretre.Pitts!,urelt, Pa. • a.p 10
E ysTER ¢ ItU , :II\NAN, Attorney, a t Lao, ogre
ronnpred from the Diamond, to Attorney%R ow,"
hasty sideof rututh street, between Markel and Wood
ip I rept
B h U u C r., K n a u l n, A , S l T hi E s
o lt n l cA, Tte'RthNe EcoYrncAToriFtirVll!
strew and cherry Alley, hetween Smithfield and Grant
G ECARRE Mr. LAY:ArO. Attorney at Law. Office
' Ain. 54 Fifth street, near the Theatre. Piiisaurgh.
4rroAmacr Jr LAW. —Office in Bean,' B ,, llrling
Foarth Mreet, ritexhurr.h. lour. 5. 18.42.
ORN J. MITCHELL--Altort.ey at Law, tact
corner of Smithfield and sth Pis .
fr Collection' made. A 1 business entrusted to his
are wilrhe promptly attended to,
[eh 16--1 y
1 1 E 4 7. 1 ? r t f A. F L i ; IL , — h I s ;
h o
e r r
w ove
n A vv ide o r o m d a a n n ; d o s ifi ni e h
i t: r o w /1 1d b
OIL Plitsburzh.
R. B. R. iiOL$J ES. Otfire I n Second street, next floor
to ilulvany 4. Co', Glass Warehouse 1 , 4. p io—ly
ukoisT. IN 4. 1.4 ruCK.I'ON. Itookseiters. Printers an
.Puper MasauracturOre. No. 37. Market st. sop 10-1
ANOEBStiN, BmytWield Foundry, VVnter pt..
OAP nrar the Monoilyahrla Hoti4e. Piet. nr.,h Fen 1 0-I y
f HOL B. YOUNG At CO., Furniture Ware
.11. IROurog, turner of Hand al. 4. Exchaner Alley.
PerillOni wishing to porelia‘e Furniture. will finn it In
ihnetiradvantane to glen um a call. being fully ,atisfied that
we ean please am in quality and price. men JO
20 000LE18 Bacon (Ilogroond) juid received,
per aleanier Eveii..e, and for sale low
14:leash. by
mar 24
VionoLas D. COLVIAM • R. Cot.rmAs
COLEMAN CO., r iene. - .1 Agents, Forwarding and
Commission Merchant* Lf Vte St reel, Vicki burg
Alin They respeettullyso.tet t consist.ments. n 22-
W EBB CLOSEYA Root and Shoe Rinnufacio
ry, No. 83 Fourth Bt., nest door to 111..17. States
_dheks Ladies Pruuella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in
he neatest °metier, and by the newest French patterns.
step 10
G ARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades
.Transplantlng Trowels. Eliding , Tools, Budding
•Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., Jost re.
sseivod and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN.
sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
AGIATILATES'IMANKS, for proceedinda in .04t
toe/lewd under Umtata law, for sale at ink Office
• B SALE.—Lots on the North Cast corner of Coal
Lane and 11411 street. Apply to
sep 10 ftONl. DARLINCITON, Market, near 4th at.
1.00 LDS. Landretles French Sugar Beet tzeed,Jusi
received and for sale at the Drug and Seed
184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
Sore or
Kr 10
1 o be rated in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on
coodpaper,and In the forms approved by I be Courf,for
dit , lbe Office of the Mercury and Democrat. Pep 10
WM. HUBBARD, ladles' fashinuable boot and
shoe Manufacturer. No. 101. Third urea, between
Weed sad Surifisrleld streets. Pittsburghi sea 10
TAIL PATTEIIt3ON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh,
- sir Pa., illanufacturer of Locks, Binges and Bolts; To.
Moen; Puller, 11111aad Timber Screws; Sottisen Screws for
itellin Mills, ,4c.
sep 10-1 y
011111 APCLOSHEY.Ttdiar end cirt lifer, Luber.,
street, between Sixth and Virgin-Q:ll*N South
R, 10
ir W. BUILBRIDGE 4. CO., Wholcsale Grocers and
Comatiation Merchants— Second street, between
Weld and B ekhtieid sts. Pittsburgh. sep 10--ly
C. 4 A. GORDO:V. Coatiatsakpn and "forurardlag,
RP. Merchants, Water at., Pittsburgh, sap 10--1 y
mat 24
20,000 les Cotton
2.000 Iht4. Ratting,
2,000 " Candle Wick,
1,000 " Carpet Chain,
500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto.
ry. For sale by
Cotton Yarn ‘Varehonae,
No. 43 Wood ...
A PPLES.--Just received from Ohio, per WftgollS. 35
A barrels of 4
ireeit apples, multi-ring of ”Pennocks"
“131aIrs.'i Also, 50 bushels of dried apples, for sale by
Who keeps constantly oc. Aar i Timothy and ACCR
seed of the best quality
—mar 16.
COPAR T N E RSHIP. rjjiES WNili.4P4j°4;)l
lFi. 7 l f t7S have enteredatoarltrshl;orlte;upoeof
transacting a Wholesale Grocery; Produce and Commis,
/don business under the firm and style of lIAILMAN.
JENNINGS 4- Co.,at No 43 Wood street, opposite the
Merchan s' Ho tel, where a supply °IC roceries and Pills
burgh II nufaciured A Metes can always be had on Übe
el terms.
March 17.'43-
12 HMOS Prime N. O. Sugar.
10 Tierces
19 Obis. No. 3 Macherel.
For sale low to close consignment, by
mar 14. JAMES MAY
Birm Jr, Co.
0114NTS. No. 60 Water street, Pittsburgh Pa.
Terms—Receiving and Shipping 5 cents per 101Nba
Commissions en Parr ksatsd Woo 21
That P 2, 4i
. ,
. ~•
- - .--_--..--,
. . ,
, ,
. I- -
.. - .. .
- -:
- 1 .:
- . 7 ....,:;=1 _ ::.•:, :...: T.l` '-:
. ...
. :' I
Wholesale Grocers Merchantu'
s, Comm and Pro
.find Dealers it PitisburgA Alankroctitres
No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
II 1.1,N1 AN, JIKA'NINGS & Co.,
Cotton Yarn Warehouse,
Agents for t 43 Wood et reel.
he late of the Eagle No
Cotton Faciory Yarns
March 17, '4l
THOMPSON HANNA. ................. TURNON. L.
H ANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper 'Warehouse No.
104. Wood sr., where may he had a central supply
of wrOinz wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank hooks,
school hooks, 4.c, 4c.
sep 10--ly
CO., Wire Workers and
I IL, Manufacturers, No. 23 Markel street, between 2d
and Lid streets.
sep 10-1 y
E iixc ANC E HOTEL, Corner of Penn and 9t. Clair
st reels, hy MeICIRSIN 4. SMITH.
pep 11)--ly
_ _
B Row
woßits _ ed
tra , d Hur.hrs. Manufaellirer of iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25. WoodPulshargh•sep 10 —ly
E 1V GOODS. PreAlnn h Mackey, and
retail deafer. In En2tish, French, and Dontrelle
Dry Conde, !,1, 1 !:1, market .t , Pittsttr2ll. Ferri()
To ITN 3rDevrrr, Wholesale Grocer flectir,fiz
Dimiller, And Dealer In Prnduce and Pittsbur!kli
% l annrietured Article, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt,
S irth.
sep 10
ditt.Lirot 11. WILLI 4111 DitAr01:1H
VILLIAMS & DlLWORTlL—wholesnle
(:rue' Produce nudeoinerousion Merchaulg, 3 'id
lenterß In Pnjvlm rgh NinunfaclOred articles, No. %.19.
Wood street.
inriN ft .StieniEr
or cooper
).-.7 Tm. nod Slifiei Iron War", Nn 2(1. Pruitt it , Fitts.
hurigh. (louse Spouting and Steamboat work p•ointylv
pep 10
1 W., Au MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair wee', NUR
sep 10
supply of Landteth's Garden Seeds, alw
hand, and for sate ai his agency, the Drugstore ofays on
?en 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
R EMOVA L —Matt hew Jones, Rarher'sud flair DrPsa.
r, has removed lo Pnnrth streel, o rPosile , he May
ors office, where lie will be happy to:wall upon permanent
ur transient customers lie solicit, a share of public pat
s eplll
JOAN M'FARL4 ND, Upheburree and wer
-41-her, Third at, betorech Wood 4- .41 ark et stre et reslwciful informs his friends and !lie public th tit,
that he is
prepared 10 execute all orders for Sofas. Sideboard. flo
realms. Char irs. Tables, fled+leads. Sta rids. Ilelr and F.prinz
Matlrosses, Curtailia, Carpels, all •roris of Uplioloterin:
work, which he will warrant equal .o ally made In the
city, and on reasonable 'Ems. pro 10
t E 1/0 VAL!--Tlae eabseriher.lnve retnov• d to
ter 100 wren Wood and Flnil hflekl st rt. ell.. where
hey will eonlinue the %V holreale Grorery and Cnruno...
sion InFOneiol and would eelteelfully stolen the ealroo.
age of their friends J W. BUR E I'o.
Dec 3
DR. A. W. PAT E SON. re on Smithfield et rt , tt
near Sixth.
len 10
18 l qr^43.
F ARE REDUDED. -If M•ii. Itria or STA Gall •.4 D
1:0•D CARP, front r.t 1 . 44 (1r:1i, vl.l Redford,
Cliambershiirr., IlarriAllitre and Lao -aster, to ploladei.
phis, Coll 111,1 with the Mail criin or Cars 1 0 NV .
4.c. Only 150 tiatlrs,tavi t : and one !light out.
A No. the Direct lion to Rallimote.
rare In Philadelphia $9.
Lenore daily al 8 o',lo e k A . M .
Offi c e seco n d door lwfow the Merrliaolx note! Wood
ME:NOE:LI,Gt ILA M. wAtirm 4- co.
lk 33.1843-Iy.
NOW it•lorn.
CO.VVINVINn:- Flavin: been afffieted for nearly
Iwo years, with a hard swelling, on the COt) of my
ividcli produced much pain. 'Arid ti+ed various app , ica
I ions recommended by the FAN/ lit --all in vain w 3
,ared completi ly tr y lip use o f one Millie of Ilr . Brarpt•
relies 'Anal/tent, or External Remedy.
Witness haw] JA AI ES TAYLOR,
Ohio tp A ileghen v en. Pa. Jan. 10111,184 n.
Dr. Rrandrelh's Eve' oat Reitirds or Linament; sold
a! big office. No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Ell I IT-.
.54/ CeniS per bottle.
felt 8.
S U .9R i! XD L./1 SSE S.
N. 0. Stienr.
40 M.N. Moluto , er.
Just received per Ream hoot Asliland. a, for vtle by
J. W. 01:It lift IMF. 4 .Water heiwerit Wood and Simi field
J CS7' REC El VED. Twelve hovey of ()ranges an d
Lemony, of ilie filien! qua 111 y, for vale vvlinh.r..te and
relall. by
Wat. N,
leb 22--If.
53 Mat bet
F"—lust received a few barrel! of
Superior Flour, wade erpreAmly for family line. Fur
sale by
ISAAC citilsc, 148 Lib, St.
I o Store 50 barrels sun. flour.
.9 F I X:
o F: 4
fi ß a f::
.1.11 a la s , JV D .
:1 2 —
14 -1 ri pi4 s p i store,
a 4 n r d a- 1 1( .5 s
Lair barrels, will be gold very Inw, apply io
16. ACCUUnE, 148 Liberty et.
r jorrEn,a hoy or from 141.) 16 years or age.
Application to he mode before the lifFt or March to
3. 184, Liberty head or Wood St.
30Lk SIMS No Salt on hand and for pnle I y
IU, W Elt"R RR I E - co
Walyr at , between Wood add Smithfield
New York, was afflicted with Dyspep , la in its most,
aggravated form.
ache, great debility The symptoms were violent head..
. fever, costiveness, conglt, heart:
burn, pain in the chess and stomach always aficeeatinti.,
impaired appetite. sePskll lon of sink In; at the slonisrli,
furredtoncae, nausea, with Mega/eat voniltings, dizziness
towards night and resileness. These had combated Up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consultiag Dr. Wm.
Evnns.loo Chatham street, and ruhmliting to his ever
suecelsfal and agreeable mode of I real ment, the patient
was completely restored to health lit lie short spare of
pnetnoni ii. sod grateful for the unralculable benefit deriv.
ed, sladly came forward and volanteered the above state
For sale Whole:ale and net:lit by
Cheap for Cash.
Prices Itednced.
Short Reel Yarn.
Loot No . Reel Yarn.
No. 5 at cta. per lb .500 at 9 cis perch
6 at
7 at 161 ditto 600 at 8 ditto
17 ditto 700 at 7 ditto
It at 171 ditto 800 at 6 ditto
9 at 13 ditto 900 at 5 ditto
10 at 194 ditto ' 1000 at 4 ditto
11 at 19 ditto I •
12 at 191 ditto Candlewick at 16 et, per lb.
13 at 20 ditto 'Com Ratting i• 9 ditto
14 at 211 i ditto 'Flintily do. • 14 ditto
15 at 21 ditto Carp't Chula • 20 ditto
16 at 22 ditt i , Corn 'l'n lair • 25 ditto
17 at 23 Aut o Sttockln; Yarn and
111 at 24 ditto Coverlet Yarn always on
19 at 23 ditto :hand.
20 at 26 ditto ;Cotton Warpi ade oriler.
o;}'o;}'Orders promptly attended to, if lef fl at to J
4. C.
Painter's. 1.111:9 an 4• Kennedy' , , or the Poet office, addreett
fp h
J. K. moon 1.:. 4 1 D 4. ro
50 11110 S N, 0. etnear.
P_ 250 OBIS N. 0. 51( ia•aes
.40 Tierre.t Rice.
20 Mile No 1 Mackerel,
10 do No 2 do.
7 Timer. Cprrn r tlil itiq received per S B Forprrite
Thin and fur sate by
.1 W. Milt BRIDGE 4. Co•
mart.Mt ter wren Wood and Smolt field.
MA It RI.F. M A xur.ic roil v.—
l. rollick Caa field re
sprofullyaroualais Ids friends and 1 hr politic gen
erally, that be has commenced the Marble ho•loir F c al the
.corner or Finh and Liberty eta., where will he enrist a at ly
In n hand . tonal, 'tone., mattiel pieces, monitments, head
and foot stones, table Oaf., for cabinet ware, and every
article aphelia Inlay to the Imainess. He will warrant MR
work to he well done. and his rha mgr. a will be modern le
Iteitioval. 1 fie respectfully aska a th:,,, or oliGlir patronage. cep 10.
f EIDE .111 , 1,111er 11,1 c remov.d tits Fashionable rialoring : 1 47%1. STEELC, (-ite , esso r to H. Al Iloskey, rash
., 1 : 0 ,1.11.11a 0 , 1 1 10 Ihe Alotiongaticla house. .10 door i II IP loin de (loot Maker. Liberty al., 2cl door ftorn
f,,,,, ii,.l ,T
.nn I.:no Wield st.where hisold customers and iVi %ll , ' illeYy. The subscriber he itilly informs the
all others a 1;0 may favor him with a call may dr pend on '.pliblir t hal he lias commenced the ahovr bniriness In the
having their work done lii a sttpormr Sty 'r. Fr 0413 iils shop fortnerly oretipird try Mr. Henry liCeloskey
lune raperlence In the lutsineas in I liii cif y, and In marry road that lie Is now prepared tn attend to all ardent in hi,
Other fashiouable cif las In Partin,. N rid A iperiei i , ha 141 s ,line oflussineas will, despaleh and Oa ihe most
confident that bit can :IVP 11 :1 1 irliali01 1 to all who may i teints. From Mx 16n2 exnerieuee In tile manufacture of
please to favor blip with iliri r climpia, fly ,111,-I attention i Fashionable Roots. he loth en. napo I hm all articles
10 liagjpli. i i,a and imperiiii Nufk l lllllolalin lia tin 10 / 10., i1 i (mow Ili- P olllll oiglilliel t i a sit :lye sat i•fort tan in hix pa
and receive a sharempiihh e p o i ulna:, urriyi,nit keeping 1 Irons. A chore 01 pulilic patronage is respectfully solicit.
on hand a , ilipply of 200414 and I riinal tri itiffia'ile fur ;he ! ed.
Pep 10
co.i . nincr tr.:J., tv liieli a ill he culd at very redo, e.l pi i.r.. 11---7-05751cEDs A 1 ~,, ,tuoply of 11Fri Feedd, ro — n
li ____ J)°N . AGI) V. i UP , :IN! int of Ca 'ln ri, fur, and r t a op; Jost received I.y
F' 1. EINOWrIEN, 148 ' , Own,/ at.
firif. ,
T//F. PUBLIC, a , od 7 articular/Pi lo ay former I ""
IL pa', toy, rof t Ai, err.:—Haver,g retired 1 1'0111 the 1
prartic.... of Medicine. I may be perptittrd in say, that ii !
has (Alen to !tic lii of ! Ili 1 - ,.. pereon, 10 tin yr enjoy( d
as liberal (Jr 121_e a share of obstretrical practice AO my
own has h..et; for 111 Is. 30 or 40 years
'Flier xperienre of 11.:11 lone period of art rye lire. and ;he
fact of my having been twice, since 1830. aasociair rl ii•Ji It
Dr. R. A. Wilco°. itt the pi actlce of medicine, ;in both
period of live %rare.) enables Inc tu judge full a
y of the
merits ofhls pills.
So convenient, no or,. tent. and
.1 ht ie. dill I esteem
fie AP 110140 hat Alf he last five yeatit my prnei Ire for
lie cure o r hromr diseaseit,nr whatever maul, and Tho s .
if females in partictttar,l have used more of then' titan
ill other medicines.
Like every over neetlicine, this must fail in some in
stances, Lin in my hands there has been testy disapprmA,
mem and more satisfaction In t..e administration of This
one remedy than of ail Others; Its ;nod effects sometimes
quite a..tout-hing me.
If my patient required n safe aperient medicine either
• fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt Is were just
he thing I wneil.d.
11 a dyspeptic acid condition of the stornneh, eorphil,d
with cosi I ven• Bs nr IllartiVily oft be liver comtlit WPC! the
of my patient. the pills were just the thing I
I vented a Cane requiring as eni ntrnagogue, the
Wilson's pilln were just the time:, I wonted.
f palpitation, heartache. flushed co untenance. or other
difficulties, IndieatlnTa disturhance of the circulatory
and weerefOry systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn
of tife,' the Wilson's pills werejnat the thin: I wonted.
Thus, without resnJet to the name, a disease misht
happen to wear at the mite 1 hive hod It under Treat
ment, particular Indications or symptoms arising, .ere
al'.•ays mo-t promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
That so great a number ofd I . :eases. and sometimes ap.
parenily notto:iie ones, in which I have used ulupae OH,
Phntlid be rutted more readily by them than by any oilier
remedy, may at tiro seem ~[range and contradictory, but
why it is an Ix as clear to my mind as that a :rent many
persons should ' , repine thirsty from :s ninny different
causes and vet all require that conittion and greatest of
all blessings, water to quench their thirst.
In conclusion, it is due the contrition of the medicine
and the public, to say decided!) , and uncOndlllonally, that
the Wilson's pills are Ineonly combination I have ever
met with in my lone Fannie of practice, that really pod
eearesanythlng curative or specific for Rick headache,
Yours 4-c., DR. 1111.flADAN6.
The above Pills designed particularly for the sick
Haed. Oche, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Rowels ke.,
prepated by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for
*Ale, wholesale and retail, at his dwelling in Penn street,
below Illa-buty,
dir `I./JUST/Car Lae Knife was formerly resorted to in ail
1..../eases of burns, scalds and wounds, where mortifies•
was apprehended. The necessity fsr such sharp prae•
tire Clint! no lon2er. The Alaxlcal Pain extractor, from
Comstock 7t Maiden Lane is a far more efficient preven
live of mortification than cold steel or nit rate of silver.
The application of this wonderful compound Instantly
removes the local pain,and Vibe wound, scald, burn■ or
bruise has not injured some vital organ so os to render
cure imr ossible, it xi ill in a very snort space of time
restore the part affected to a sound and healthy state
without leaving the cicatrix behind. This preparation is
also a certain remedy for inflamed eyes. cancerous sores,
ulcers, broken breast and sore nipple and all ebrasions
and eruptions of the skin. lts success as a cure •for
the plies Is unparalleled and the vouchers for its cdra•
Live properties are from the most respectable and en
lightened sources.—Herald.
For sale at Tuttle's, 86 Fourth street:
Nair Dis--colote the hair and will not the akin
This Dye is in the form of a Powder which in pia lh matte.
of tact may be applied to the hair over night, the first
night turning the lightest or grey hair to dark brown; and
by repeating a second or third night, to a Jet black. Any
person may. therefore, with the least possible trouble,
keep his bait any dark shade or a perfect black, with the
Positive assurance that the powder if applied to the skin
wilt net color It. There is no coloring in this statement,
as any one may easily test. These facts are warranted
by the chemist who manufactures it.
For sale at TUTTLEI3, 86 Fourth street, where a
large assortment ofParent Medicines may always be had
at either whole Pele or retail
"DeaVerirat ! 86 Poured meat
00 Coffee. For sale by -
• • 4- A. GORDON,
York, a qi tre i :4 4 1:s o :
PrEecile 6 ivF;r:dSt day ß I f i r ° o from New
the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con
sumption; and is ready to supply customersat wholesale
or retail, at his Medical Ji gencry 8t; Fourth at.
nov 12
o'ashionaldo Boot Map es _
Ilan removed lo No, 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where he wou:d be happy
to see his old customers • and all others w,ho feel dispos.
ed to patronize him. He uses nothiqe but first rate
stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives
his constant personal attention to busluesks, he trusts that
he will deserve abd receive a fair share of patronage.
se t , 10
A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that thry ran always find the best quality of Ice
Creams. tolether with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits, in their Mit oti, at his estattlishmeht—No.
Fifth street, helwc n Wood and Market.
N. B.—ParlieA mipplied on the shortest notire, with
cakes:Or anything In his line. Also families furnished
wii n Bread.
nen 10 '
No 20. Wood gt reel , hclow Second
inkß• GOOD[' S Celebrated Female Pills. 'Hine
the Pille are strongly recommend to th notice of
ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in e
those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex
ercise, or general debility of We system. They obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Hui
tad Stales, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second.
`vat. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe difaker, Liberty st.,
aPPeeite the head of Smithfield Pittsburg.—
The subscriber having bought out the stock of th e hate
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
In tile aid stand of Mr. R., and Is prepared to execute
ill denrlpt tons of work In his line, In the hest manner
and on the shortest notice. He keeps got strint ty on hand
g large assortment ofshoe findings of all deacrlptlons and
ofthe hest gonlftv. He scaicltr the patronage of the nub•
tic and of the creel.
sep 10 WM. ADAIR,
and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The mthoreribera manniariure and keeps constantly on
hand Conch,C and Eliptic Spring (warranted.) Jonlala
iron Aslrv, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Rrass
and Waled Huh Rands, Slump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and flinges..ts
fed 10
(1 D. RELLERS. M. D., office and dwelling; In Four! 11.
a -1
• near Ferry street. sep 13—Iy
Tbr. attention , ft r who have been somewhat seep.
?teal In reference In the numernur certificates published
in favor of hr . Swayne's Compound Syrup r , f Wild Cher
ry.on account of the persona being unknown in this see
tiny) of tit.. State, is respretlntiy directed In the following
rem ificate, he writer of which has been a eitiern of this
l‘nrnueh forreveral years, and is known as a gentleman
of integrity and responsibility.
To the floeut, Mr. J. Inner.
I have used fir Swayne's Come nrd Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a collet', with which I have been severely o f
Aleted for about four month. and I have no hesitation
In saying that it fettle mosl effective medicine that I have
been able to procure. It composes all unensinevy, and
agree. well with my diet,—and mantalns a regular and
rood appetite. I car freely recommend It to all others
similarly afflicted; J.Mtinica, Borough ofChambersh'g.
March 9. 14411.
ep 23
For ante by WI Lid A M THORN No. 53 Market s street .
P ERSONS deeirona or procuring FruJi , Shade, and
Ornament a l Trrim or Shrubbery, from Philndel.
.phis or New York, ar e requeried to make application as
loon as alrbe Dru t and Peed Fiore or the rah.
acribgr, where can 6e bad ratalogure, Errainhousiv. Or the
owe( excellent .arsellem. F ~A N ow DEN.
Imp 21 No 1134 Liberty 'firer!! . bead of Wood
Pori.V.le Platform Seale!, on wheels, to weigh 2.500
$55 00.
to do
do do do do 2,005 al 4.15 00
do do do do 1,5110 at 3,5 00
do do do 1,000 at 30 110
do do do 500 at 25 00
Willi rni, , ln: levers a ri addition of $3 to each scale.
Dormant scales lOr the
' Mills, kr.,l lie same prices as u• - e of Warehouses. Flouring
Also, Willie's Patent Counter Scale, it h . Young's
improvements, and a variety of otherw coun o ter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to 315,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mills. Saw Stills. Salt Works, Fcc,. dotilde and sing e
geared slide fat hes.foot and other !allies for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door
and sash machines. Hall's pat, or horse Power, with or
without thrashing machines, a superior article; circula r
says shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's not
chines -and tools ofall descriptions.also for making black
log bores, a superior art ictet governors for steam engine.
storks, laps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or joint bola
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma
eh inery made or repaired; printing press plallens turned
and printing presses repaired
W AI. E. AUSTIN, Attorney nt LAW, Pitta)or:it Pa.
Office In 4lli street, ottpoPtte Rurke's
Wtta..t • n E. AUSTIN, E-q., ?..Ire Myst tention to my
unfinished business, And I recommend him In the, patron.
age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD.
pep 10-1 v
LIBRA RV of Rellaious.Histoolcal,Polll iCaLlrld M is.
crllaneous Works, will be open evert , day. 84;ilxith ex.
cepted, - ram 7 . o'clock, A. M „ uni it 0 4 P. M., In the EX
change Building,corner of St (Clair street:lnd Exchange
alley, is nere punctual attendance will be given by
see 10
.1. GEMMII..
. I gt
r 7 _
United States Express Line •
Leaves Pittslmrsh daily, at 3 o'clock, P. Me via Steam,
boat to Brownsville, 'hence in splendid new coaches to
there by Cumberland, over the peat National Road, and front
in superior new eight wheeled ears, to Baltimore,
Washington city and Philadelphia.
The show Line Is rtprvsanted to the traveling public
as being unequalled between the Ohio River and Enstern
cities for comfort and expedition. having made arrange.
meals to convey passengers through in two days, and
no night, travel. either by Stage or Railroad Cars...—
Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling. and 56
miler less than the Wheeling route, and that ht superb
new coaches.
Pare through. SID.
Oilne in t he httmongaheis Ileum.
State Peepreetore„
-4al - 43
St.eritlr et., near I , r A lleg hen y Drldor
Imt. , nved Pfae
to ntirael mred Le
IhNr !‘il a C rata
.1, hrtwren Tin•
,rftt Ft tem, tw o
11.1 e Hatt , rit tp
intiraritir e and
nA the fnunw
y comi °red of
Nu. 1. Putt
lie Platform
let Ull
I\Cly II ;jaOV
uud,,a~ sbJ.
. FR or , Copper Ware, No. 17, Film ...I., Tan
between w and Sheet Sheet fror
and Mar-
Keeps constantly on hand a zood nem, tine'', aware'',
and solicits a sham of ouhlic Patronage. Also. on hand,
the foll7wing F Shawls. Pokers, Tones, Gridirons.
Skillets, Teakettles, Pols, Ovens, 9otree Milts 4.c. Me,
chants and others are Invited to call and examine. for
themselves, as he is determined torefl cheap for cash or
approved Paper.
Jan 2 NO.
For punishing a new Dolly Pope , . in the CU of Pitts
bunch, to be entitled the
T fitau bac ri hers having guide arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ;
ry info one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with tirelilfeofthe Daily Jtforning Post.
The leading object of tne••PosT" will be the dlssemina
lion and defence of the political principles that have here
Wore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective
Rapers, and their hest creels will still bedew:lied to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
Although. in polities, the paper will he thorosaghly
democratic, yet the Editors; hope. by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, "'reign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat.
tees and occurrences that room properly within the snhere
ofa Public Journal, to make their pane, sufficiently in
cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it
respective of party enosiderarlons.
In addition to the moo Ira and acnera I news that will
be found in the ...hforning Poet," the Vditors will take
pains to furnish, the hnsinesss communhy with
tile latest and most Ifficresting Conmettriat INTeLLI•
°RUCs from all parts of the country. and to have prepa•
red such accounts oft he Markets and the. Slain of Trade
as will beadvantneenus to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several callings.
Teems.—The Parr will he noldished en a far.e tinned.
al sheet of line paper, (maimfactured rnporially for this
Journal) at tits unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum,payable in advance. It wilt also be sold by
news.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a ropy.
Advertisements will he in=erted at the lowcal rules
char:7rd by the other daily papers of the city.
I - TWENTY arrive lads are wanted to sell the Post,
who will he engaged on the most littera, terms
August 31, 1R,12. W. Fl.
inn, fr are only by S. INi
Wickersham, rornor of WOO O d P
slrrel a
alley Piirehuran Pa. and H. liarwond, Reaver nd Virrh,
la sole agent for VlleFfern Popinaviyania. Fep 11)
Nl'Closkers Clothing Store
No. 151 Liberty stree l t, oneD R
door from the
Jackson Foundry.
r R E subscriber is Just receiving at his well known
11 establi, hment. the tersest, most varied and CIINAP/OIT
MICE or Goons that has ever been offered in this city
Every article we. selected by him:elf In the eastern cf.
ties, and purchased a , the towtyr essa mucks, and he is
therefore enabled lo sell Ws articles much lower than
they ran be had at any other establishment west of the
lila articles are alb made by experienced workmen,
(loin the latest manufactured goods and in the moat
He feels confident that n:1 persons who will call at
his e s tablishment and etamine his atm k will lie satisfied
I Iia%B(t;TTF,J R4R G 4 N's ran he obtained at the
than at any similar establi EEßlG
shme n t DOOßS
In (herby.,
ills stock co siltyln part of
Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders,
And evert , other article or rim,' ing of the best style
From his varied stark of cloth, he is prepared to
MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice.
in a style onsnrpnracti by any other Pittsburgh house,
and warraftted lost.
Ms stork of Spring axe/ Simmer Prods is superior to
any prrviou: Importations and he has no hesitation in
saying that for exrPlienca beauty and citeapne,s they
cannot he equalled in the west.
The attn9crittrtr would once more return his thank. to
Ills friends 5511 the public fort he Unprecedented patron.
axe bestowed on his establishment, and believing that
hiscustotrireq had fmind it to their advantree to dent
with him. hr,would repeat hi. invitation to all those
who w1,,1t to purchase Clothing of every tiescrlption at
lowest pricer, to call at No. 151, LI BKRTY STREnT.
gc:r Observe Metal Plate in the PJOHN
Feb 22
Passage and Reiniltances,
i t.
f li.
P .4.... 4 . 'iv
4,14,1 1 / 4 . n, D. oh. 0
.. Lai .a..•-• Nitltt
- --
Nell.* York and Liverpool Liner.--
13 E ItSo.lis ("estrous of „ending for tl e), friends to
rows from any part of Cleat firtlain. err respect
fully Informed Om the subscriber is at all times pre.
Pared to make I.u, It Plum:pine his* He Is prepared
to remit monies by drafts, whirl, art made payable at
any point ihrouzliout the I nited Kingdom on presenta
lion; Lavin; been fur the last 1, years enzazed In the
hustnee4, lie frets eopfitlent that his arrangements on
both tides the Atlantic are such as will give satisfaction.
The Ships comprie.ing the above line, are Oil of the first
cleft , and are cominanded hy careful Ind 4klllfut inasters.
Icavirg Liverpool once each week dodos the seasou.—
ror (bribe- pant cellars apply It by letter to
N 0.61 S.liiiil Rim/4, New Volk.
or to
Alevirs Matzen 4- Flemin g .. , Water street Plis'hith
March 3— , 21.n.t.
r I Nil IS Line is prepared ;o commence business on the
operiltig of the canal. It is eotoposed (we.st of Col
umbia) of Pirri Class Portable Boats, chartered forthe
6P:11%011, each boat being In charge of its respective stover.
The line 110 s at a heavy expense taken a POLI , T or In
sert tack from one oft he most substantial and prompt
OffiCPA In thC Milled SI:11PR, covering all good; shipped
by it, (fres of expense to tan owners of the /roods )
pc's st d
V a lu e notice at th place of shipment of the ae
of their goods.
The me: of rcpt....lit:will he no low as by any respon
sible. carriers, and the facilities for giving s atisfaction to
rustomers In alt respects are surpassed by no line on
the canal. Shipper. to and from the east a-e respect
fully Invited to call,
fhe business will be conducled.by
90 Front street and L MIKE & THAW,
anal Basin, Pittshinro.
Font of nor k stret. Philadelphin.
COS. HARNISH & New Voile.
A: L. LOW, Columbia.
March 4
00MS -
(toms Its `rove an or Pa
VlVater l etsitasto Wood It Stnith
Comdition of the iLorking Classes.—'
The condition of this part °fele English
community may be inferred from the fol•
:Towing remarks made in the House of Corn
mons by Li Ed Ashley, upon intruducing
his promised motion fbr an address praying
for her Majesty's immediate consi deration
of the best means of diffusing moral and
religious education among the working
After enlarging on the general imports
ance of education, and the great increase
of population during the present century,
he drew the attention of the House to the
present state of crime and ignorance, and
of moral and intellectual degradation, in
Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, end
other pupulous districts, among the lower
classes, especially the younger portion of
theta-drunkenness, cursing, promiscuous
intercourse of the sexes, were frightfully
prevalent among the youth. They knew
fit) religion—no God; the only knowledge
possessed by great numbers of them wan
that of the exploits of Turpin and Shep.
paid. There was evidence which estabu
ed the fact, that not less than 25,DeGater.
liag are annually expended in ardent spit.
its; and it was proved by medical men that
a large portion—pe r ha
ps all— Of all the
cases of insanity are preauced by the in•
temperance thus widely prevalent. He
was aware that what :ie asked would occa
sion Borne expense; but if we %route/ r.ot
consent to tax ourselv-s for the prevention
of crime, we must be taxed more heavily
still fur the punishment of ~it. The ex.
pense of 4 one convirt fur one year would
edutate•more than 1,00 children. He at
tributed much of ;he existing evil to the
truck system, to the payment of wages at
public houses, and to tfre miserable condi•
lion of the people's habitatio The
present state of thongs could not continua
.or twenty year more, without pr, t rb se i n i,
a convulsion which must 0.17-1-Fihrow Eh";
who'e fabric of society, , It. was remarks•
ble, that the better educated of tie poor
u ere not found among the insurgent s in
the hoe di fur:barn-es. This country awed
a heavy debt to its poor, wf.ose faults were
mainly imputable to t!re neglects -of aw n
above them.
•ir The It 11,
Ic.n. aniel Webster• was in- New
York, on Saturday, on his return . from
Massachusetts. He would realm in that
city three or !Out days before be would
le.;ve for Washington.
He attend e d a meeting of the N. York
Histories' Society, lit Saturday' evening,
and he and Al,r Gallatin made speeches on
the occasion. The 'Jay Mrsp,'a large map
of North America, was, *suspended above"
the Chair. Mr Gallatin then rommenced
reading a long sad e aborate dissertation
on. the !Joyrider) question, in .11re course
which he gave the history of th e ...f a y
Map,' and described it with great minute•
ness an I clearness. It seems that this map
was one of those laid before the Commis..
siiiners who chew up the treLty of Paris in
1783. en it thy, disputed bouricary ig rep.
resented by a rad line marked•.'rrlr. O.
wold's line,' in the handwriting of Mr. lay.
Prize liglit.—Th e Phi adelphie Led.
ger of yesterday contains an account of a
brutal p ize fight, betwe e n an Englishman
named Freeman, and a Philadelphian from
Spring Garden, named Ru k. fur a wager,
ill which the latter after one hundied-and
sixty-niue rounds, was declared victor.—
n e fight lasted two hours and ten min
utes, and was wicessed by a large num.
ber of p - rsoris It - occurred at a - place
called The Fox Chase,' in Montgomery
!county, Pa , 011 Saturday afternoon...—
Both the men were terribly punished bed, be
ing total'y blind, and it was at, no ne. tone
that Freeman could not recover
from the effects of his bruises. We
that the brutal actors in this affair m trust
ay be
severely punished for this infraethii l of the
, rowth of ihei'v e ,commerce Me
, akes.—Coloriel J. J. Albert, of the U n ited
States Bureau of Topograpl,ical
nee's at Washington, has- beet) for some
time eagaged in Collecting an'l crass -if) ing
lakes. v.;
the statistics of the commerce of the great
with a view to the exhi I ition of the
growth awl progress o f the 'Great West.--
A friend just from Washington; -says th)
New York Trtb /net giv. us the folfilw—
ing striking fate, ()brained ftom Canute,
A., and wl ich may be fully relied on:
In 1836. •In 1641.
Exports, 82.324.328 832,342 581
Imports, 14,137,026 33.483.441
Thus will be seen that, while the .trad
of other parts of the Union has been great
ly diminished from its 'palmy state' in
1836, the trade of the great lakes hes near
ly quadritplect in five years !- In 1836, the
Imports of the West were mix 'times the
value of its exports; in 1841. the latter
practically b)tlance the former, Stich is
'the unprecedented growth and ext..usi,m
of the mighty West.
The re'eraes f0r1842 are not yet per.
r Cr. •
"Where are you going?' asked Jaek, o f
an arqueintance• "To see a friend."
"Wen, I i to with you for Z never Saw
3ne yet,•"
The grain fields changed Burpris7nglv du.
ling the past few days—they nos, if,ok
green and refreshing. The bfiv hf a e , f;(1 7
harvest is therefore revived—Zrtitcdsltt
latelligence r .
Mrs. a Shttv to at mt Bowery. Theatre
playing in ''Leve't Sacrifici" sad
"Love Chase.'' , • '-
- W. -. 4 * . 4-17: