r=zn 06-p.mrsaca VIDOR% public Notice. To the Farmers, Mechanics, and Workingmen , of Allegheny Co.—The Commit-Ens by -pm appoint- I ed itt public meeting in the near Comm. House on the Bth day of last month, with instructions to prepare -/. Theatre. measures fur future action, respectfully e,,treat you 'The.. friends of the drama were last night to assemble in your respective townships of the Co an wards of the Cities , on Saturdayevening, the gratified by . the performance of two new . 29 d th inst., and there elect in each, two delegates with 11.0 d beautiful dramas never before repro- instructions, to meet in Convention on the let Wed -le'iY of x secure p repared an to organizedadopt and well e w a: l - 1 t; seated in Pittsburgh. In the first The wi ll .lressls n e ho t r , h a y a i fe Betrrack ROOl7l, Mr. Latham appeared to directed action oldie wealth producing interest. The newspapers published in this city and in Al. great advantage and added to his well egheny are requested to ghe this notice publicity iii merited popularity. But it was in the heir columns. JOHN FERRAL, ap 19 Chairman. Daughter that the interest of the audience -- vrascentered, the feeling and impressive performance of Mrs. Flynn drawing pow» erfelly upon the sympathy of the audience It was one of the most pathetic pieces it has ever been our lot to witness, and stamped her in the opinion of our theatri. cal community as the best actress that has tver appeared in our city. We ate hap py to perceive it is announced for repro lit,ion this evening in conjunction with archer excel:ent pieces, forming a list of at. traction that cannot fail of filling the the- MMIM ''' acre. Contemptible Implsition. • The Editor of the San received the following through the Post Office: •Ilarristiurg, Apt ill 6, 1843. Russell Errett, Esq.—Dear Sir—lt gives me pleasure to inform you that the Gov. has been pleased to appoint Le-wis , as associate judge fur this county. Yo•irs, &c Sratno. AUL.Mictlleba to state that there is no truth in wovAti it. The writer is known, however, and wa may give his Duna to the public soon. Interesting Procession. Yesterday afternoon, the girls of two of the Ccitton Factories in Allegheny, who discontinued work on account of their em- ployats attempting to reduce their wages, walked in procession, and created quite a .—aleosiition among all who witnessed the nov el spec tante. A number of small banners were - borne in the procession with appro— priate inscripti , ms, one of which was the memorable whig promise or: 1810—" Two .dollara a day and Roast Beef." The feelings of sympathy fur these girls, who are forced to adopt this mode of enlisting pubic sentiment in their cause, is univer• - sal, and it is hoped that the employers will abandon their efforts t.) reduce the wa ges. " The R. H. Committee nave appointed a Corn mittee.to enquire the coat of Spikes• We cm.ve that the •New Orginizitiun' be that co:omil:ee. the Wheeling Times eayi tho Pittsburghers are quarrelltog like `oats and dogs.' N.w who• ever heard of owe quarrelling? • A "Hoax. —We heard yesterday that ou the night b fore anattempt was made to burn.one of the trauportation warehouses; but. on enquiry asceitaiued that there was no truth in it. Run 91—A horse yesterday in sth at. frightened it something, probably a "sight in. the sky," ran off, in which he was injured considerably. Good for him. For the Pest, The new Issue of City script. It is not denied that the city scrip issue(' 'under the recent ordinance of Connell.: passed in February last, is all dated in September 1841, and declares upon itr - fae.e to be issued under the Ordinance of June 4th,1841. ' Now, it is well knoxvn that the full amount of scrip authorized by the ordi. nance (4'lBll was issued at the time, and does not therefore, a very grave question arise as to whether the City, after redee os ling the amount authorized by that ordi nance, will be bound to redeem a single dollar of the forty thousand, now issuing and beating upon its face the authotity of the ordinance of 1811, instead of that of February 1843! It may be that those concerned in this matter consider they are playing off a piece of cunning for which some of them already have gained some notoriety, but it strikes us that eventually considerable difcutty may arise out of it. Now is the proper time to have the ques tion settled, and it is to be hoped that some member of Council who has the into' rest uf the public at heat t will see tn it. A curizENT, Large Ideas.—'Mr. Speaker,' said a dis tiaguished orator in a western Legisla. latee, 'I have been accused of vascillation myis political principle-I. Me vascillate! e who first drew the breath of life be neath the gigantic foliage of the forest oak! oho was cradled in an earthquake and suckled by the Mississippil—me whose playthings in childhood were the bear and alligator, and who in maturer years deli4ht. asei to grapple with the furious torrent ns it rushed wild and headlong from its moun tain home, and to sport with the tornado sad the double engine steamboat!— e vassillatel—Mr. Speaker, the idea is pre— posterous!' THEATRE. Fa night of the engagement of %ti,•s MEL TON, Mrs. FLYNN. and Mr. LATII AM. Second night of the DAUGHTER Tbigitvoniptx, w7ll be vrfo med thc,Corno•iy .of the TWO FatEN Di AND THE TWO 31iTERS. After which the DAUGHTER IN" whiffet. conclude with the fauccal operetta of . . . TWO OF A NAME. A stodgier of Songs during the evening for which ■w *Da ofthe Day• Thisrs_open at 7 o'clock, Performance to cam enenee at half past 7, ti/PWer BOW, 50 cent. I Second Tier, 37j- cents 25 " I Gallery, 12i teats Commercial 24Tet330. ALIILW:Iar3I U. 20 feet water in the channel Reported by Susat.v. dot iTcnaL, General S. B. I Agents, No 5, Market street. ARRIVED. •Michigan, lloics, Beaver. 'Cleveland Hemp hi'l,do. L the .Mall Gssk l BMA West Point Grace Lcuisville New Haven Page Wabash Cutter Collins Cincinnati DEPARTED. *Michigan Boles Beaver *Cleveland Hemphill dn. Warren, Ward, Warren. Mclntire Sca!lo ZAinsville Arcade Benoit Cincinnati I May Flower Iltitcliistm St. Louis Belmont P•te \V I t •eling Montezuma Martin Cincinnati All bows marltud thus [v] are provided with Evans Slny Guaid. BUSIN ESS.— 'he appearance of the Monongahela landing for afew days past is a most cheering incite ition of therestoration of business. The space from the water's edge up to Water street, has been laPrally covered with merchandise and prodnce,and much of it is from id ices that have never had any intercourse of this kind with our city heretofore. A letter was received by a house in this city from correspondents in Zanesville, an endorsement on which stzted,that they had shipiud from that place QOO barrels of flour, to be forwarded t the eastern markets via Pennsylvania Canal, as they found that produce could be carried tm our state improverwmts cheaper and more expedi'iously than by any other route.— This is a cheering prosreet for our public wcrks, and the transporters now have in their own hands, the means of securing to themselves the whole of the carrying trade betwel n the east a•td the west. If they will be satisft!d to t Ike a reasonable re ward (or their labor and enterpris ,, , no oth er route can compete with them. The following we cops , fr. - An the New Orleans Bulletin's Price Current, of March . 1 Specie.—American gold is more abun dant than last week. It cin ho bought from importers at 3 S prem. Brokers of fer and retail at 1 prem. Exchange.—bince our last weekly re• port we have had a fair impor:ation of specie, and more is known to be on the way. To this cause principally is to be attributed the gradual and steady improve ment in exchange. Only see; exchange regulatetl by natu ral laws—by the immutable laws of ?lade, and that too, in the face of the oft repeat- Ed assertion of the soap lock dandles of federal whiggerv, that we "must have a National Batik to regulate the exchanges." The stupidity of some people is indeed glaring —Chambersburg• Times. PITTSBURGH MARKE Reported for the Morning Post by teaac Ha.tie. FRIDAY MORNING, April 21, 1843 During the week past their bas been a very large and active river business doing, and to see the arrivals and departures, the loading and un loading. and the draiing of so large a quantity of all kinds of goods to and (loin the canal, ware hou,es, and wholesale and retail stores and man ufartorie-;—so much western and south , rn pro duce arriving, and Ili in again to see our large wholesale stores so full of new grood-r, such sel sosahle varieties of cheap stock and sales begin ning.goods in boxes and packages sold and mark ed, looked like our good old flouri,-hing times come back again, and to the merchant and man -0:'-d,itsiness quite cheering and encouraging. M reh luta and gentlemen wanting t Fell or purcha-e and, replenish their stocks, are coming in from every quarter, and we hope a few days of warm set Ced weather will very ;lino!, enliven bUSITIesq. Flour—Large quantities are now in marke and sales for a few days past have been (from' gnats) at $2,75, 2 80, 2,871 a 2, 90, per bbl in lots of fifty to a hundred bbl..; from stores, si,ooo,and by retail at 33 121 u 3,2s;—and for very choice white flour, at retail, 3,00 per bbl. Grain—Wheat 50, Rye 25, Oats 14 to 16,Corn 22 s 25, per bushel. Groceries—Sales large and constant. One avreltant sold, within ten days 52J bags of R o Coffee, at 9 a 10 c., and considerable sale., in small lots at 91 a 10, and by the hie, at 10 to 111 per lb. One sale of 70 'Olds. fair N. 0. sugar at .5 cts. at six months; other large sales, tic :owing to quality, at 41 a5l per lb by the hhd.. and in bbls. at 5 a 61; Molasses his ripen; saes in lots I of about 203 or 300 bbls. ut 191 a 20 cts per g: I- I lon, currency and on time, and by the bbl 22 a 25 per gallon.. Provisions—Sales of 10,000 lbs good country bac'in at 31 cts per lb cash; other lots fur cash and trade at 3 a 34; 20,000 lbs fur Iron—pound for lb , 40,030 pork in bulk hug round, 2 621 per 100 lbs.; sales of city cured in lots, at $l,OO per 100 lbs, hog round—sales of Cincinnati hams at 5, city cured 51; It hhds bulk pork hams and shoulders 51 1 .-Beef cattle have risen; farmers ask 3 a 41 1 , according to quality; about fifty head of good in lots, sold at 40') per 100 lbs. Butter—aood fresh roll, has risen, and is in demand; in bbls at 71 a 8 eta. Cheese has advanced; sales from wagons fur good at 5 cts per lb. Ashes—scarce and in demand. Scorchings 31 to 4i, Put 4.1 to 5 ets; Pearl S to 5i Cotton Yarn—Plenty and constant sales at lost, prices, No. 5, 13 a 14 cts per lb. far short reet,and 4 a 8 per doz for long reel. Feathers—small sales at 20 a 21 cts lb. Fruit—Sales of Dried Peaches at 1,00 a 1.121; Apples, 40 a 44 eta—Raisins, plenty 1,75 a 2,25 per box. Iron—Blooms,46 a 50 dolls, per ton; 80 tons Tennessee blooms sold at 46 50 at sir months; Pig Metal-75 tone .it 17,50 and 40 tons at 17 dots cash currency, and salsa of about 300 tOO% in ots, for barter, and on time at 18 a2O par ton. EMMES •1 3 / 1 . NFL 4tYt .41%'1) EXCHAI\CRUIST OItRICTIDDAILT. Di &LUC" sauna, Aucamtair atcasa PENNSYCITAICIA. Bank of Pittsburgh. par Merch. 4. Man. bk. Par Exchange bank, par Bk, of Germantowc . " Easton lank, Lancaster bank, dis Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. " Doyiestown bk do " Bk of N A mcrica Phil. " Bk of Northern Litiertiea," Commercial bk. of Pa. " Par. 4. Mechanics bk " Kensington bk. Philadelphia hk. Schuylkill lik. ,t Southwark bk. Western bk. Bk. or Pennsylvania, 1 Bk of Penn Ti par Man. it Meetittnice bk. par Me' hanies nk. par Moyametising bk. 3 Girard ba.tk, 45 I.l.:Ftnies bank, 50 Lumbermen'', Warren, -- Frank. bk Washinzton, par Miners bk of Pot tsvile, 5 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, Erie Bank, 5 Harrlsburgh bank, 41 Far. bk Lancaster, Bk of Mlddlelown, 41 Bk. of Chambersburgh, 4 1 Carlisle hank, 4 Bk of Northumberland, 5 Columblabk 4- Bridge co. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co. 15 Bkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. CrlLysbnrgh bk, 4 York hank, 4 Far. 4. Drovers bk. of Waynesbur2b, 5 Currency notes. 5 Honesdale, Wyoming bank, 10 4i 41.5 79 3 81) Plitsb'glt Stale Scrip Country do do Berk» to. banK, Lewistown Towanda 01110. Mountpleasant hk Far..- Mech. hk of Steu Belmont bk of St. Clafra ville, Marietta bk. Demand notes, • do Currency notes, 13 Columbiana hk New Lip, lion Demand, do Post 1111i , ..9, 1# Cincienati specie mu le,/ ,auks, Mech. h Traders hk of rinciomoi, I.k of Colonll.u., Demand notes, If Lawrence Caihierl Zane=cille hk FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO BE LEI' 4 L. 9110 and well furnished ()welling 'louse Anita hlee for a boarding house, coot oiling eleven comfort • able rooms. with kitchen on the first floor. with wash house c. !limited in the most husinrAA part of the city. (1f nod, between 31 and 4111 stree .] Rent low . the store room No 56 attached to the ahoy dwelling, which ca., be reviled with the dwelling or s on. orate. Po ,, e.SS lon given immediately Lot of hoe ~ ,f t Ohio Pig Iron for low Enquire of op 17 To Let, E A' ( Pstfi cir; i2O A nil Market elicet lietween 3d:and 4Thic. Rem 1160. A three story brick itou.e and on :11n , ket he twee.] 2,.(1 andad st ono,ite N JJofines Ex.lc 3 ng , after. Rent low. Two iong rooms on Market street suitable for Pr ine office.. or Ftoriety rooms. Alsn.a convenient 4d st offire with entrance on Market street. Rent of e $6O. A dry anti well li2lved cellar helot , : the cap and ha &to , eofNi r Nardi, Market st. Also, a cellar on 3rd st nearly oppmthe the Post Office Esquire of ma r 30. FOR R EXT.- —A comfort:into new tlwei house,sitnate in Coal Lane near 7th tree For terms, which will he inoiterate,app. to JOHN NCL.OSK EY. Three Hi!. Door. Liberty . de e 30 -0". TO LET. rrilE 3d dtory of the building occupied by It. A Bat.mnan as an Auction store.--heretnfore know , •Scsniitti's Long Room," corner of Wood and sil streets. Inquire of B. Morrow, sth st. jan 23. lors FUR SA L.P.,—Four Lois in alaticiieqer. One 1. 4 and n fourth Acres of Laid on Holmes' 11111. Lois 41, 4.2.52. 5:3. 54,131, 182 and 184. in Cook's plan of Lo.t.A, Hill Also, Lots nos 26 and 27. in Cook's plan of Lots on Hight strePi, near the new Court douse. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON FOR RENT. AND po,sesston oven on the lit of April next; a brick house on the hank of the Alleglionv river, two stories hilt. 4 comfortable romn3, besides ceiter and kitchen. it is very pleasantly mitnuted just out side tn. city line, with n full view of the city of Alleg.heny, and within 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the city—reit very low. mar 13 TO LET. ONE 'trick dwelling' house, containins a larle two !mortars, 4 1001119 'lust tire, w.th 8n• ished garretolinine room and kitchen. with car. riageu.,use,4c. This house Is pleasantly located with yard in front and rear, on the canal hank, corner of Chesnut street, leading to upper Itrichte, now in tlieoe . cupancy t,f Mr. McClura. rent tomtit the times-- Enquire ni Or. Whittaker, Allegheny CItY • mar a, JJI.S. WA XDROF d'idirD Offers an extensive assortment of Fruit and Shade Trees,S h rubbery Plants. at their Nursery. or their Flotillas Greenhouse, foot of Markrt street. The public is respect fully'invileti to examine the collection wlitle they remain their fur a few days. a ti 17---(1:31w3t 711 HE public are cautioned against receiving a note 1 for two 11110 , 11 Ni dollars, payable four, months after date at the Ey:flange Bank, drawn March 6. 1843, Ity George G 'silo, and endorsed by Wm lS Hays. The ahuve note with sev,ral other papers were ahstracted room the wink of thesuiucrlbier in Cincinnati on the 1.4 itint. ap 31, 1343-3 t WM B. HAYS. Ohio fiver limpraventent. PROPOSALS ui Ibe received until the 12 th of Nlay 1843—fur furnishing and delivering by casting, as may be direrted, Into line of darn: Front 15,000 to 20,000 tons of rough stnne,at White's Ripple and the Trap. 12 miles below Pittsburgh. Fruit 20 000 to 30,0,b) tons rough stone. at the head and foot of Bidniterhassets Island, near Pa rkersburg Virginia. F r om 5.000 to 10 0110 tons of rough stone. al head of Buffington's island..2l4 miles below Pittsburgh. roe transporting and deli•ering, by casting, as ma) be directed into line of dams: All the stone quarried and now lying at the quarry (on the left shore of the river, about opposite to the mid dle of the Island.) into the deli at the head of Brown's Island, 7 miles Waive Steubenville Ohio. All the stone quarried and now lying at ,he quarry 'oil the right shore of the river.) into line of dam at head of Minor) Island, 3 miles below Steubenville. All thestone quarried arid lying at the quarry—.on the right shore—into dam at head of Captina Island, 18 mires below Wheeling Va., and for quarryin g wanted and deitto, y ering such additional quantity as may r.implete same dam. Thequarriesin all eases are but a short distance from line of dams. Propose's must be accompanied with satisfactory refetenecs. Address Capt John Sanders, Corps of En , gineets, Pittsburgh Pa. Office Ohio River Improvements , Pittsburgh , April 12,1843. Advocate and Gazette, Pittsburgh; Wheeling Times and Argos, W heeling; Union and Herald. &eatienvitle; papers at Marietta and Paraetabarg. witt copy iMe of May, and charge this office. ap 13. EVICZ:I Wooster, Massilun, Sandusky, Ceauga, Norwalk, Dayton, Scioto, Post notes, Chillicothe, Fran. bk Columbus, Lancaster, Hamilton, •Granville, Com. bk. Lake Erie, Far. bk:of Canton, Urbana do 35 li 34a4 30 45 80 30 INDIANA. Slate bk. 4. Branches State Scrip, 35 KENTUCKY. All banks, ILLINOIS. bk .4. Branches, 60 iSltawneetow•n, 70 VIRGINIA. ( Bank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange hank, N. WPM ba nk Mer. 4- Mee. dn, MARYLAND. I Raltintore Ranks, leounlry.Banks, DELA WARE. 'All Banks, . , NEW JERSEY. All Ranks, par and NEW YORK. City Ranks, pt eGuntry banks, (safety fu 4,) a Red Bark, I to NEW ENGLAND. !Swoon Banks, 'Country .• LOUISIANA Orleans Ranks. EOM!. • NORTH CAROLINA 'Ranks, 2 SOUTH CAROLINA :Ban'ok, PIS COLUNI ISLA ALABAMA Good Itnnks, TENNESSEE All Banks, Ilk. of St. Clair, 10 Do. dn..l 11. Stnit h Good banks Eastern Exchange. Philadelphia. New York. Baltimore, Boston. xve.tern Exchange. itinelnitll, par Lottisvitle. par Cleveland, dis Nhveling., par 'GOLD AND SILVER, par TUART No 50 Wood 51 E. D. GAZZA 51 No 51, Thud at m EA BLAKELY House Ageni.slllWa I.OST n ARIEL M. CURRY, Attorney* Law. 0 -11-Fbee on .sth It - between Wood and Smithfield. a* H. AltD di - HUNT — FT — sti, sts Liberty street. a le+v doors below Steluir. apr 6 1134. 46 SACKS dried Appies, 23 bias do, do 10 Sacks dried Pearl:es. 41 Barka Feathers, just received per steamboats Nest Point and Ilarisburelt.and for sale very low for cash HAILMAX, JENNINGS 4-CO, 43 Wood et. FOR SAFETY. a I L 4 l 0 Travelers should select Boats provided with Frans' Safety Guards, for preventing Explosion of Steam Boilers. IT would he well for the traveling community to beat in mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may tie at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making such selec ion Is contribu ting towards a general introduction of an Invention ad• milled by all men who understand the principles of the I, Stettin Engine, to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters You have cm talnly, in the hundreds of explosions that nave already taken glare, their almost daily orcurreitce, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a soften nt warning. and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard float, and In every ease to give it the preference. They have went to an addit Cora Ire prose I hal dour liven may be secure Ought yon tint therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of and I. cur pteferenre show that . yen appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop this aw ful sacrifice of lumina life. They do not charge more than of het boats; their aecommodat ions in oilier respects ate caul!, many cases superior; and as there is ire leaviiie every clay, why will you run any rick, when it Is no COIN letely in your own power to avoid those disasters. Alt limits marked thus' fsl in the List of Arrivals and Dciartiires. iu another part Of this paler, are supplied with Ilir Saftqv Guar . Mat of Beate provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, MENTOR. AGNES, NI ICHIG IN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT. m AIIQUE UTE, BR EA Ii w k I ER WING() PARK, CASPIAN, M EsSENG ER. CFCII,I A, MONTGO M FY c % NTON, NORTH BEND, rIcERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, NARAGANSETT, DUKE .IORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY. !APR PSs MAIL. ORPHAN BOY, 1 , ;(1.11.1 0111(1, FOR MosA, ORLEANS, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, G A LEN A. QUEEN of the SOUTH .1. H. BILLS, ROWINA, .1 EIVESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN,. WWI _ ++w. 8.1 - v rurfr: , - LADY OF LYONS, TALLEYRAND, VICTRE F, VALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. A'ql LA ND, W.EAKWATER, MISSURI MAIL, CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, COLUMBUS. CUTTER, EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA, GENt.. BUOOK, TOBACCO PLANT. J IMES RO S S, mar 2.21 BLANK LEASES. A new and much Impreved form of Blank Leases, for ale at the office of the "Morning Poet.•' regular 'Morning Packet FOR BEAVER. "...N.-I-61'; Tor fast tannin. , and well known Steamer CLEV.I LAND, SHARP lisArnti.t„ Master, 'ill depart daily from Pitt s . Intrehat 9 o'clock, A tl„ :id Beaver :it I o'clock P. M. For freight er pass.ige, aply on board, or in BRAINGIIO/1 & CO. No 60 Water street. N re_vinc tail packet to Cleveland, Ohio Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the Ohio Canal, connecl:ng gilt steaini ., r C.leveland at Ren ver,will he in operation nmediatcly on Openina or nov a Ilan, Mar '6—ir. PO % ELL'S BABANI OF ANNISEED— A preparztion made itEngland, and used through out the whole easter part of the United States, for the speedy and ertain cure of Conglis,O o , cts Asthma, &e., it rands unrivalled, thepa - ree be ing only 25 centver bottle, place,t.n withm the 0 5 any wanting ,seine for those diseases. Thols , .e is an that children cry for it, after nes t a peniz it, and mo . hers of families should b.: I it_st the house, as it is an excellent article . ir-Ine car , of the Whooping at Torriz's 86 Fourth. Gough. To be twi'"lY street. W.-.r, m,- Arc lIE LT REE, W HOLES - ist! IROCERS, EcTI FYI NG DisTILLEai ;flip WINE AND LIQUOR N Ts. 1600erty street, (opposite Gth.) AYE. (or ' * 1 1 1 14 „:!1 ' = s l ,- 3 ..3 N Elt, a; s ontinentr:rnrerie+, Wines, LI ti eh they 'sell or, .tecom 3.).1.1:11t 3 __qt3,lw FqNEW ORLEANS friE NE AVID SPLENDID STEAM BOAT DIVE BR tNCIT, C. WELLS, , itagVIII leave for the attove and inlerme. thole I , todinag.luesday next A pril that 10 o'clock A NI, For FrOor ras,sage, haviog , upet ior accont toodationg.aPPlbosrd, or to roar 30. JANES MAT ATION SALFS FA MOCK & Co., corner of \Vood M .. • and st l i . ets—on Tuesday morning next 10 o'clock, a tend general assortment of Dry Goods, C(11 1 4)4'10018, Cassimores, Cassinets, Brown and Did Shirtings, Prints, Fianels. ItilMonds, CliCarnbroorns, Buttons, Sewing Silks, Patent id, Corset Laces, Suspenders, Spool Cottpn, I s 1 Manure Forks. At 3 o'clncl4, 80 doz h., Goodyear' and Garver-nd Manure—Sale positive— Terms Cash l soy. ap 15. Rent. A CONVENT4ee story Krick dwellin: linen sittinteurs near Fourth• Bent ,9125, npr 10. to J fit 1 41 E 3 MAY, on CO F 0 1 0 ( to I es window Basil. 1 1 wrapping, letter and tv init., 500 for cult or appr. BBLS 5 )111JBye his ~x.ar =- Kr' ;. Ate ie .::? l ,. T ° y'~ .x??~~' h- =CM •Ule Lime. 300 dos. ail sizes II sizes window G ins, 30 reams thus Paper; 40 doz corn broom s r hangings and borders to suit et to snit eon•lanees ISAAC HARRIS. d Corn 51ercht, Na 8. Fifth pt _ [SKEY. capper divined Mononahela nsignmenl, and far sale by 3, W. BEIREMIDGE, between Wood dud Finntedo CANAL BOAT FURNITURE. ti AVE on 113111 at thr More Na. 3 IA ood 0,- ' l, a Luse quantity of Mat; rase. Pillows. QuNu Dunk FfdlliCll, P Ingle and double kr. 4t Aur Canal B 01118; for sale at rearonable ap 7 —3t W M. NORGE. liplioleler• WILLI 111 DOHERTY, 11.4 T and Cap Manufacturer. 148 Liberty at, between Market and Sixth. • REMOVAL. r.l DURBORA IV, ATTORNEY AT L has re. removed his office to No 63 Fifth street. be tween Wood find Smithfield ste.inext. door to Alderman Morrow, apr 7. Dinah:lo 2 ln &CO .. AG'TS Foil STEAMER CLEVEL And. Cleveland Line. March 32. '43. 3. W. liurbridgp & Co. AGENTS for the sale of Beatty a Powder. Water between Wood and Smithfield. March 20,1243. For Rent. - VOR a te.rm of years. Two building lota on the hank of the Allegheny river. nrijoining the f!ty line. Apply at the. house Agency, Penn .rtreer. sth Ward, mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY, COTTON. nALE. , , cul ton—For sale low. by Us,/ mar 23. J AMESMAV, FLOUR 1000 RBIA. Superfine Flour in *int'''. and for see tiv J. W. BCRRRIME. 4- Co. Water et., between Wood and Smithfield THE GREAT CENTR AL ROUTE. vt• NATIONAL. ROAD AND BALTIMORE •au OHIO RAIL ROAD COMnA NY. • . , ATE line ? yr. ...• ' - (WU. M: II Coaehnn for Washington City, Raltintore. Philadelphia and New York. This line 1P in full operntinn and leavesPlttahnr2h daily at 6 o'clock A. M., via Wnslitozion Pa. aid national told to Cumberland. connecting here with the rail road Co's. t o all th e above places: Travellers will find tills a •needv and comfortable route, It being a separate mid Piitsbutah and cume.erland line. facilitle. will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. En Ira concbes furnktind at the shorlegt notice, with the nrivileer of Bring through direct, or taking cne night's rest at their opt ion. For tickets, apply at our office at theMnnonzahela House. L. VV. STOCKTON• Feb. 3d—dtc. President of N. R. Stare CO. R. M. 13.4, WSON. Illottufacntrer of Tin Copper and Shee Iron Ware. N. Liberty. llct,cen Matket and filh streets WOULD revpertfilllv inform the citizens of Pitt:- bur:Oh and the nnhfic In General that he rnrd love , " In carry on lh ahnve litittine=s in all Its varinu; branchei: al the alrove etand: where he will alwavm keep n zener al mt , orttneni of all :Wiring in hi= line, all or whirl ) will be made in the came rnnnner and nrznod maleriabt, and will he 111411 ised of on the most moderate and ac pammranlc,!icrnia. CI - wintry sterrrinnt. and other rlrnlorg will find it 10 theirtidvnntnee in call and exarn'ne his stock before pur cinnnn.s. el=etverre. Sion mlinat..-rion.e. nd rnrticeea roofed with ronper ZiVC7. I IP. lead and iron on the shnrte.t notiee; Gutter, and Conductors made and put up with despatch as usual apr 5. 1543: Standart. Inl.raham 411. Co. ' FORW A f?D INC AND CO.ll. .511.:Ri'llA.VTS. CLVVIZI. OM. OH:O. AGENTS for I hn Morrlin otsTyrin.norialinn Comp:in Col; of lin Mr re ha tittz Line, Erie Cana I. ‘y;,4l‘in.t on line. Hinter. Palmer 4- Co's. Line of tam 5 , 1:11,t^ rI, velnnd Line Pennsylvania and Ohio Cann , . Prnorlotnr. of the Merchants Line Ohio L'aoa. r: RYE ft To— WILKIE * ENSWORTII. N 0.9, COenl'es Slip, N Y Flurcrca 4- Co. A Hinny. ILrINTER, PALMER ro.thiffaln. • ' l % 1 -vrt.i.a_cms &•_llo . ve , , Cleveland. I?ner inn, M. A TARN, dn._ rTIARLRII do. , . J. S. thracy. Renver. Tham7Nott44 4- co., Pitishur g h HO 1 11141-Iv. R. D...1.1111F:l. Arc M Offire nn Fiflh sir'''. Between Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. der. 10-Iy. DRIED PE3CHES, 1.00 BUSHEI.S Dried Peaches, For Rale low by JAMES 11 AT inir 14. Ml= IldclEAlir dr. TELVIVIPSON, G ENERAL AGENTS and Commloslon Merchant ST. LOUIS, Me. Refer to: Messrs. Turbot. Rover ¢ MrDowell. .. W. it. Campbell 4- 1.0. Pil!aburg, 4. Copp. Tod bunter. 4- Co. .. Mnrean,r rntrber 4. Co. Pr.ila. Wowls. Yeatman (f C o, Woods, Christy 4. Co. l St Louis. Feb. 4.—d3m PI.AN PITION %IOLASizr.S. reeetvei per Steamers Little Pen and Fulton. and for .1. G. t A. GORDON 12 Water street sale by mar 27 TO LET. A NEAT convenient Cottage hnilt frame henne.attn• me a short distance below the canal In A Ileabeny city Enquire of JAMES M A Y. mar 28. FEATHERS -7 sacks Feathers into received and for sale low, by II \ IL‘I.l V, ENNINc,S4 ro. 4,3 Wood it NERVE AND BONE LINIMET, AND IN- D! AN VEGETABLE ELIXIR—This combina- tion of a ' , leal application with an interrwl speci fic, works like a charm in cases of rheumatism. Emit, contracted muscle and paralysis. Messrs Comstock & Co. 71 Maiden Lane. have in their fras,ssion a certificate fru u Ethan C, Corning, a respectable citizen of Quebec, stating that sfler hiving been a bedridden rripitle fur upwards of fourteen years he was enabled to rise up and walk by applying the Linament to his shrunken limbs. and taking the Elixir in conformity with the ch rections. The cure appears to border on the mi raculous, but attestations cannot be questioned -- Irt cases of gout and contraction of the muscles and ligament ofthe Liniment and Elixir have been equaly heneficial.—{Express ]—Far sale only at TUTTLE'S 86 Fourth street. House Agency. No.o west of the Market fleusP, Penn st. sth Ward, Pittsburgh Pa,_ T HE subscriber having for a number of years heen en• gaged In renting cry property, collerting rents &c, and wiQlting to extend his hu.iness In this way. renmet fully offers his services to those persons owning, or who may have charge of prope•ty no Executors. Administra tors or fua•dians, in the coy or subnrhs, and who may not have leisure to attend to it hemselves, to rent d.vell Warehouses. Farms, Lot., kr, Also, to collect rents. dividends, Ground rents 4e. A register Is kept' where a description of all properties for rent will be en• teted free of charge, reference Is respectfully offered to the following gentlemen for whom the subscriber has been agent for some years past—Messrs M 'thee! Allen, P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh; Jas, Sluart.Esq European Agent, Phllad.; Mesa John Brown, jtisininglisin; B. atehenan:Cineinanth Daniel Potter, Steuhenvillmiozeph Millar. Lawrenceville; Jnme , Jones Earl Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Daniel Depotron, Sewickley, feh 23. JAMES BLAKELY. 6 38 BBLS dried applectind 15 bids dried Peaches, r retired and /*reale by HAIL MAX, JENXINGS ¢ CO, 17 43 woodst. I=l FRUIT. . L.A.UatIAILX. NUT 'O JOWL. -A lady went to No. it SW den Lane fora bottle of the celebrated Pierre vrnd Liniment, to apply to an ancle that was how and itaile I y inflamed. Ily some stupidity the servant procured Dalley's•Pain Extractor, which the lady used rather Ikea to fend it back, without knowing that It was Intended for such ease. The lady called there this day, June 2110.10.y1ed ibiet the salve of Dailey had cored her entirely, and she pare chased more, to have always on hand In easeofuni in cident. It will take out all burn without polo, and axerctild men rhonid keep it by them. ned rave the tot:nista Of their families• The unfeeling ere not expected to &R. Express Cometock 4 Co.. propriernr. 71 Malden Laney!few York, and at Tcii•t.e'a, 86 Fourth Ft., sole saes& the riitighorgO. BRIGADE ORDERS. THR enrolled M ili tia residing within the Wooden( MiSi diet Brigade of the fifteenth Divhdon rem:GOMM& liiia,wilt meet for training and Inspection; as f)NOlist to wit: The 28th regiment. by Cot. William Espy. Ist Battalion, on Monday the Alb day of May. 2d Banallion on Tuesday the 9th dny &Voir. 111/2d Batt:Minn Allegheny counts Volunteers %Vedas.. day the 101h.commanded by Major John L. Flenolltsur 61st Regiment. commanded by Col. Wm.Doosieseir Ist Battalllon, Thursday 11th day of May. Forks Cavalry and Forks infantry, will parade with the Ist Battalion. 24 Balla Mon, Friday 32th day of May. 7th Battalion A lit ghemy Co. Volunteers, on estardity 13th. commanded by Major Code,. The 106 , 1 t Reaiment. commanded by en:. D. %Worry. Ist Battalion ow. Monday 15INI:1y of May. 2d Battrillnit on Tuesday 16th day of May. .sth Battalion Allegheny en, Volunteers, on Wednesday 17 ill day of May. Pittsburgh Legion. commanded by Col. Troviilo, Of M onda v 22d day of May. fid Battalion Allegheny en. Volunteers, Major An. dress, on Monday 2'2,1 day of May. he )ark•on independent Blues; Capt. Etay,on ilea• day 22d day of May. T tie Buotinitne Gra”, Capt. Geo. Hays, on Monday VA day of May.- At nnrh Wages as the officers of Reelment or sattlabli may direct. 147 th Retlhhencl commanded by Col. Hamilton. Thursday the Ifoh. The Birmingham Guards , wit parade with the 14'ftli The !I'M Ite7iment, commanded by CoI lobo Wa on Friday t 12th. BRIOADD INSPECTOR'S tl►sloE. April 10115.1843. TFIONIAS JI'KOw 4. Irrilade Inspector, tat 8,15 th D. F. op 1 IR-411w21. CAUTION. fillAEpubllcareramloned not to purchase; the follow In notes, recently lost or mislaid by the =burl A note dated iilttrrh 4. 184.4. payable 90 &patter date, drawn by Philip R. Rinraid, and endorsed by Black dr , Meeloan. Two doe hill. from Foreman b• co., and receipt frost Geo. Cochran. for en vmert of Inrumnre ?Miry. No um ran he made of the nbove rote or due hilts any ni p hot the owner,. ag narment ham been eiorp The finder wilt roofers favor on the antwerl a retureirethent to their Shoe e. Mn. 9" Markel nrnr sth. BLACK 4 McCLEAN. n lA—ir Farm% lo tengle. rIyT I R oniiernltionit will Tenon iwn Farm► nitustril Fact hoer townnlilo, with t hn nere►nary tenenente. nnd from 75 to 1( 1 0 nen , * rlnornit nn vitt+. Alf*, line faro) ni , nninii In Arnie Pper lownithlti AllerhPny wlth from 50 to 75 nerr . n e'rn red. TI e nheire iirperl h od nrnnortv in to rearrlnnblv 7nrd roroir, Inning nh WI 15 w , 7 1 ,‘ from thr nil n of Pilinbilrnh. nrirl witl,ln torn mlifia nf Ole rono'n Conn , . nnrl will hr Innnrol on reimonable tiirins for from 1 to .hrne yearn. to ennil !prom.. March 1311.—tr TUST r; Fr`F: fVF/) . _ n , Orn 110 :Iftont "r • («F. Mittc. Snadeß. Met. ll , zvehet*, now, and LIM* whiln owrecoL,.4 sernhhinl, cloth nod tht*ting wrnonto7 pnocr.nn.thth •.4 ronniry Quills. corn broom* pa r tutorinre *nd ' , order* window pay), and eln**, Tnh*. rtlcket* mwd Chorna, count ry Carpel. I o',le *nit. nod other tartlet*. for .nte no :arrommndritine term* ('bash. good neroelatthr paper, or barter, to suit consignee*. 15;111A47 HARRIS, Ageni and Cnm %ler. NO 9. sth it. Ivhds. N. 0. Fills r. this dayrerelverl per stootmer N wsr Vnrk , and for sale by J. O. .f 7 ORDOff.I &sr 10 No. 12 Wnter it W I 1.T.1 Aal fr. VVA T.T,, plain and pane, Pere.' la and Pietnre Frame ..Ifanarattarer, .Ne: Fbnrtk Street Pirreburek. —en moms Flrnallea Varnish 4.e, foe A Mon, ntwava nn hand. Lim k TURN'. Ste. mom rn Iv framed In order. Repairing done r.r the abort. eat nnlfte. Partirtulpr nit entlon pant to reglldlng and Jobbing elm oro de•rrip`inn. Peron. fitlinr nn Pteam Boat. or bowies will find It to lielradvontrytt to call. .ep 10 Auction. SFARNEFTOC Co.. Pueee•Rors to J. R.flittb• If 4. • rip, nt 11. niff +nand corner (45i h and WOO 4 eq. hnolnernmnlied with the requi.flionsor the near AMP,• Lion Lnw. "re orvnared to make advance. nn Consign. mento and In sell on fnvorable terms. They hope by ronlinuins to make ready Paion and prompt returns, 10 receive a fair portion of Imalneas. Pltlshorrh, April 111. 1843. In retlrinT rrnm the Auction tusine.s. I lake r • nten.turn In , Prommendint to the pohile Mestrm. Fohnettork k Co.. who hove templed with the require ment. of the new Auction Law and will do It•inen. at oid tonnd. J. B. (lUTFIRIII. 'writ =4.3. T risr RFrETVRD from New York-3000 conk* of the Vouth'a Temnernnee Advnrala and 500 erudel ne the Jonrna I of the Arnerienn Union for Nnreh, The honnd Youth's AdVnentes rich 29 nos. Sibhett's wev , ern Review . for A nro. Alen on hand every day The Daily PoQt. 'Thronlele., Sun . 1 MPH igyneer. Iron COT. th.r,nry and Manufaiturer, Waaltinonn Rnnnur *c for gale cheap. ISAAC R AMR'S Arent apr 5. and Coto Mer no 9 Flatlet. COUNTY COMMISSIONER A T the enitelletion . rif n numner of friends of nII pel olTer myself t. t the tOe• eiAeret ion of m)lfellow•ritlzena for the office et County Commireloner. Thnt Inv itentimente may not be mlinse. drrotnnet, flitter n. to nntilical or private effairm. I make free to'IMV that f have been nil my Tito a reaste a t Re, nithlienn.ln the true weans nfthe word. A. the con my ie Peetcwlial amliarrn.vcel In its financial nnlnt, and the reductinn of tnlarlet of all'`lic °Mecca has received the npnrahallnn of lens mainritleennhc people, the under_ whined would not ehnithl he hero fortnnnt • m to he elect. teii, in anti manner attPmpt to re,tt flit, eituiti•v re• form; thmild It 'reach the office of Panatv ermmitniencr. apr 6: SA MUPT, HURLEY. FAMILY FLOUR. 39 aRLs whitp 1.1'1);•nt Flour. Just received from Valley Milts and for war ley S. %V. Ri_TRIIRIDGE ap 12 Water st between Wood it Smltted. Ahl AIRICAN PIONEER " - UST reef rd from the pohlialier at Cincinnati, 443 eoplea or hot excellent and mitlut Historical work, the Anieri n Mnn.er.pnhiisited in monthly Nos at 32 a year. 7 r a first 12 nitmhsrs hound in the nrspent vol time at s., wrrlptinn prtre, lOr vile. and imtlicrir On a thrinkrailly rsrrivstl. tit rtannis' General ./Igency and 1 reitigence ogre, No 9. Fifth at, aP 12 NnTIC F. le Steals Boat Oro*ers.—The Fl/bsefitter. con.ntmennt , of the rliffirtiltv "r it, times. has rerlii• red the pr're of hie SAfeis Gaoled fee tee prerettlisa of the explosion o! sitars boilers, to $l5O per host. It Is 'wiped that all 4, at nwrer. wtll !walltwara.lvis of these reattOnrible fertna. not IV on arrow:, of life perfect safely they. afford, NIT al..° In point of eertnnmr• Rollers with the apparatns B.tttelit.”l will wear aholl ss ire as lonp as those trot prov;drd %kb them. Maret , n-3m e. EV A ti 1111 FOR ST I,(11,1•;: GALENA & DUBUQUE. 'earn hoar NORTD REND wit; leave for the above nnd tan.litter, en Wednrotty nect the 9th at 10 r,',:t0 , 1; tt. or [reit+, or l'aholge apply on board or to sp 17 trigs May. The North Bend in supplied with Evans' Mae!, Guard, 1,0 Isaveuttokosesorion of toilers. BARTHASI !OUR!!