Fait PRESIDENT, JAM -ES BUCII4.NAN 4110feet.0 the decteon of a National Convention. ILY MORNING POST. -e TULSQAY, APRIL 18, 1843 74r ,44:g Lill4: w*. H. INITII CDITORB OID TIROPRISTORI EINE For the Morning Post. -4:ntlesstsr s. ECtorsr-1 observe in your paper of pliterday the 14th inst., a communicationoigned 'ai4larman Damocr.t,' together with aortae cram " ifittents from you, coneerninz myself, of which 1 wosld not have taken any notice, as I despise all ,:fisteitymous scribblers, who from the beginning ' ,Isitsrtiware of their vile deeds and thereinre owed Is fight with open beaver;ifthey were not cal °spited to create among those who are u.tac ...4lwatutsd with 'me some preju lice! against r loreet. as well as the piper I intend to publish.— ring at present no other med ium in th 4/ English lengstge thro,tgh which to refute malign int and -,,tortdisruus insinuations of such n tture rs th ree 4104siniii both in raid n onmunicition and cdm tinitits, l Nape you_ will alfrrd me an oppartuoily itodo it through the columns or pour paper, -c. Whither t have reason to regret my firmer pa course, I certainly must know best; bet *battier others can ft id, in fact, cause to doubt itty honesty and uprightness and ju Ige only frog nppearances, Ido not know. Tu those cut as .4i:slated with my politicsl lies 1 would mention, that 1 edited for the first 3 ur 4 years of my biting in this country German Democratic papers, f -., , , Altat I afterwards, oil account of lackinz support, - ,,slastamsenced the publication of a strictly neutral which I still publish. It is true, that I printed In my office, during the last two months of theists Prevd ntial canvass, a Harrison paper, bid-being only the printer and having had noth• int, to do with its editorial thy trim •ist. I should ibtilt my labors for the liarri,toa cause very latter. _cifiaar. Bat, suppose 1 had pabliehed and it'd) a paper, should that be a reason to res. tietive me with unkindness in the ranks of the 113mocratic webs, esp.:daily w:ieti 1 co 03, at hpva stated already in my tiruipeetm4, wall a warm heart to the support ofH.rnoaracy7 Have sidiers, who avowed even at rec nt occasiosoi, their former adherence to federal principles been recei.. ved in like manner? I think nit. W heth sit would be pru lent, and alviiable to exclu from the Dmancrakie. pirty a'l this wit, hate rzally voted the Llvrisin ticket in lad), when the same w fried by such a large anajo icy, I shall -ays to your own dkcretion. If I emrld believe in tile least. that the princi ples of intoloranc as laid dawa in sti I C..l , llffill • vacation and your rein irkwere till principles of Dernecracy,or of the gre at mass of the Dom 'crea te parry, I would never have anythi tg to d with the storm But as I suppose, that my undertaking is considered only by a few,as dcroga.ory to their istlfith and ambitious designs, I shall nut trouble, aviger much about their slanderous insinuations of mercenary or dishonest intentions on my part. It seems to be err lent ti it the: were got op to injure "The Datn•rdratic S:nti tel" in ein • bryo. 4 10, As to this publiiation,its c tntrol will he entire • ly . in my own hands. Nu 'cotton' nor 'cigar' spurning, no `warps'nur 'cavendish'4 ill hive any influence in its editorial dopira in :nt. lam oppo • Hd to Selfish and. designing men, and shall strict ly adhere to the principles laid d torn to the pros pintail—to superi t only the deserving. Therefore let iriv paper make first its appearance, and judge Itin4, whether it will be a humou4 as represented and, or deserve the support and re, tr.,' of the Democratic party. 7 a n sorry, gentlemen, to Els compollscl to this eclat : slim), and regret at the same time that I have not been received by you, as a eolaborer in Abe same cause, with more anc at least seittnisg disintere-redness. I a• , stire you that Sault always be happy lo 'mew dm' any ne v pobli- Salim of yours, by which in any way a goal esistaa can be henefitted. even if nut 'requested,' with el cheerfulness, and without any hints of criminate. i`t ' r_~-~~- ~: Yours, erm., vicT_lß SCRIB.k. We cheerfully award to Mt. Scribe the ..privilege of defining his position through our columns, and congratulate him on the prudential change that his opinioua have V .. aidergnoti since 1840, when, as he ad ' • he was engaged in publishing a Har ; '' risen paper, and of course did his share i . --'r. n circulating the vile slanders that were then propagate' against the lemocratic ' partY. Although Mr. Scriba wrote the letter I,r the purpose of defending him*elf -'L... agetinet the charge of being one of "them 4 , gamer old coons," his own admissions fur eitth the strongest corroboration of the 4- , charge made by a "German Democrat," F." Viril :. via: that he (Soriba) puhi tm thed a Harris 7. paper in 1840. But perhaps the coons : -.'•, , z "'-- they treated him as they did M t jor Irons: after t: ' ' ,had received the benefit of his labors t, refused to pay him. They regaled them solves en the "feasts of reason" that were famished by Mr. Scriha, as they did on - the roast beef and potatoes of Major Irons; they bad their patriotism stirred up as of 'r'• factually by his appalls in "choice Dutch," 1 04/dssollPfit could have boon dune b the r( aring of Pajor Itt s cannon, and perhaps, after ttria, Mr. Scriba is compelled to realize the utter wotthlessnegs of Whig promises. , 'by - finding that his printing and tresr and tear of conscience. remains nn. liquidated. Wonder that our friend Scriba should abut -4'2: • • we the coons in disg3st and enrol him pst itelfamong the Democrat., who, however 4 r..;, pour they may be, are generaii) honest. ilia remark shout avers and "corms whieh we presume alludes to his Countrymen, Hr. George Wey,nii, was quite unnecessary, as we do not suppose that that gentleman would attempt to ea- aware any control over Mr. Scribes new . 2; enterprise. We can no: exactly smoke - ' 4 ,ltherotiect of the remark, but there may ctL l '; Mee been some occurrences between Ht ;, - lir. - Scriba and Mv.Weyman, which would .the seventy of the- insinuation.— , fteetfon" allusion is all India* to us. ;: 111114 petbein when the "Sentinel" ap. the corners sod edges unbro. 'This difficulty, however, rally obviated by this ma, , z.t of this with ive it, will vary from $4OOl see First ',age. If chid is the case, we do not pt a-a it *ill threw some light on the mat ter. Mr. Scrib l complains that we did not noticri his proposals for the Sentinel Att an earlier day. A m )merit's refiaction will convince him that there is no just ground for such complaint. We knew him to have been engaged but a short time since. in the publication of the vilest trash and most uofounded fals-hoo la against the democratic party, 'that were ever put in print; we knew that in 1840 the whigs re garded his efforts as effective means in misleading that portion of his country men who had no other sources of informa tion than what they found published in Getman mere, 4mot having seen any thing that would indicate an abandonment of his former errors, it was reasonable for us to suppose that he was still the "same old coon," and that the "Democratic Sentinel" was only another item of whig deceptions, by which they hoped to mislead the peo• ple. But Mr. Scriba informs us that he has forsaken his former tvil ways, and that he is now a Dem o crat that neithe "cot• ton" "cigars" nor •'cavan , lish" can "warp," from an h.to-st advocacy of republican princioles. If the democratic party is wil ling to receive him with these promises of attonement. w 4 ty we have no ohj tcti q n to make, and can only hope that his nibs. rence to dem Icracy may be governed by more patriotic mo. iv ot than thane that in• duced him to be a Harrison "Sentinel" in 1840. The dear little Deacon has drodpe I the Theatre controversy, and in his papr of yesterday assailed the Poet-furiously be cause so ne of the guests at the Jefferson Supper offered toasts that did not indicate the writers to be friendly to President Tyler. The appearance of Government advertisements in the Post, has agitated t he pout little soul (?) of our neighbor to a terrible degree, and should they be contin ued, the consequences may be as fatal to him as was the same feelings to his fabled prOLOL) pe the dog in the manger, Let us explain the cause of the Deacon's envy .The administration some time since discovered that n paper conducted by a renegade mason was not a proper medium fur the government advertis-ments; the Deacon was consequently deprived of the official pap on which he expected to grow tat, and for which he evinced a willingness to soft soap the administration. A portion of this patronage has been given to the Post, and the Gaz.ete has suppressed its envy as long as possible. but now it is beyond endurance, rod taking the hint from the Chronicle, it makes a desperate effort to impress upon Mr. Tyler the be lief that the Post is reprehensible fur all the harsh expressions that may be uttered against him at all the public gatherings in western Pennilvania. Thus the Deacon thinks he will trip us up, and if he must starve he Nill not do so without injuring others, if his skill in lying and miArepres sentation can accomplish it. The Gazette and the Chronicle, if we can place any reliance in the pictures they have drawn of each other, are a pretty pair of Censors of cur conduct, and when the motive and the object that impelled them to show such indignation against the Post, because C. Barnett and others are not friends of Presi dent Tyler, are remembered, these ohjec • tions will receive all the consideration at head quarters they are entitled to. A Spanish Slaver escaped with lmpu. nity.- -A letter from on board tl.e U. S. ship Vincennes, states that on the 20th February, they overhauled a schooner with three Spanish Custom House Officers on board, having Spanish papers and Spanish colors, which prevented theit sei. zing her. She had 550 Slaves ot. board— thirty lost had died—two jumped over. board in frantic despair—she was 29 days from the Coast of Africa, making for Cuba. Tho vetted was built in New - Yu:k in 1835 or 1836 ! Slaves Wanted in Alger/it—Some of the manufacturing establishments which have dismissed their workmen for an in. dependent expression of their polities' opinions at the polls like freemen, are now advertising for others to fill their places. The owners pr:lhebly expect toreapgreat. er profits from slave labor. The Legislature—We learn from Har risburg that - Governor Porter has vetoed the printing bill. It is also feared that he will vetoe the Rail Roid bill in whichtbe citizens Of Pittsburgh are so much inter,. ested. we sincerely hope that this ru mor m ay nu be true. A girl in Boston, who ligd frequently btteu insulted by a soap-lock, prepared herself, the other evening, and being ac costed by him, threw a lot or cayenne pep per in his eyes. Barque Niagara, which cleared Satyr.. day from BostJu fur. Loudon, takes out 400 bales of cotton of American tisanufac. tins! BEETEM Ourserto 01 awns. •Soonra• of the Sun lay Alercuey once wrote the fallowing beautifully sentioa r en tat poetry in a lady's album; since which time he his been so beset with albums that h- is obliged to chirp fair •pplican's a penny a line and a kiss fcr each air lady, on this apogees page Allow my radiant ihourhts to spread heir selves like maple 'lasses riser A slice of rye and injun bread. Your rosy chant , . will soon decay..► Those hiiosfltl j 'ye that childhold bring ny Time will soon be borne ■way— So go it lady, saiite you'ee young! Ihe Whigs have elected their Mayor in Albany, N; Y. by about 200 majority. We hope Not. —The St. Louis Repub lican of the Bth ins.. says. 'Col. Johnson has bast every thing he possessed in unfor. tunate speculations' The Birth Day of Jefferson has been celebrated in every Stare except Rhode la. fend, Miller, the end of the world prophet. i• still lying dangerously ill at his residence hear Whitehall, N. Y. A Mortcon is lecturing against Miller ism at Boston. A Frene't paper clys states that Chris. topher Columbus, the discoverer of Ameri• ca, was born on the Island of Corsica. Slanderers are like 4 fltes; they leap all over a man's good parts to light upon his Col. R. M. Johnson was at Louisville, KY., on the 4th in•t. Hasty Marriage.—Tno editor of the Richmond Star sa)a that young folks ought to court at least a week, and old folks a month, before they conoubialate. florrible! —Wd wish it to he peril •ular. Iv unilerston.l that the following is not ours: When are fishermen iosects? Wye give it up? Why, when they are c3chin eels, (cochinea6) to be sure. Gen Worth arrived at St Augustine on the Ist inst. The Virginia iWin•lrela a-e in New York There was excellent sleighing at Nor caster. Mass., on the 12. h. Morris' majority in New York is d 063. 4 Beg Snake A Snake ha 4 been brought to New York from South Amer ica measuring 20 feet in length and as thick round as a rt.sn's body. Professor Maffit bas been lecturing in New York on Temp 'ranee. Rents have advanced in New York du ring the last two weeks, b , )th instores and houses. The Hon. Walter Forward has g •to Boston. Oz:TThe you h whose throat ants cat by .an un known • in; is, we are happy to /earn, in a fair way tu rec nem.. As yet the murderer Was es caped discovery. So says a late New Orleans pa 'ls r m • L its intelligence from th Sands•ich isi4n is is or a very satisfactory character, fur the progress of educat'im and religion. A negro slave at New Orleans, stole some clothes on the sth instant, and was so much afraid of getting punished that he went into the yard and hung hieelf by the neck, and he was thus found dead. tate of the counterfeiters recently arres ted in Philadelphia tried to commit sui cide in prison on Wednesday, but he didn't accomplish his object. $536,582 in the 'hard' itself, arrive) at N. Orleans on the fourth instant—their banks are oppresse I with too much specie. they They get up queer play-bills in .the 'Ores cent City.' The fhllowing is an item from nne of them: 'Moils: Paul, the modern Hip. pnpotamus, will (by request) balance the Commercial Bank and its accounts on his chin, and lift a granite pillar weighing five tousand pounds, by the main force of his eye..winkere. This must be seen to be be.. lieved. Think of this.—We find the following confession in the Cincinnati Enquirer:,- “During the present season, one house scone, the Wm. Tell, in Upper Marks Space, have sold at retail, exceeding five hundred barrels of oysters!!" A-dishonorable may of getting out of a scrape.--The Whigs of New York are in a great quandrary about the result of the late election. They can't invent an hon• a rable excuse for their defeat, and so they bellow out "perjury," "brute fotce," "blockading the p ills," "double voting. &c., IA bile at the same time they are una ble to point to a single instance wherein the Democrats have resorted to unfairness in the canvass. But it is charae:eristic of the party to charge upon their enemies the , fiery cnmes which they themselves are . guilty of. 1~Nte;iVe~l~f~« PenesyltraniaLligisitstiiio is not the only delibetstive body that Settles i differences of opinions by a reference to 'fisticuffs. In the New York Legislature on the 10th a Mr. McMurry eftet a war of words went to the seat of a Mr. Lee and slapped him in the flee. Mr. Murry was reprimanded by a resolution, having plead bad health and consequent irritabi'ity es an excuse, he was mildly treated. Our citizens used to suppose it truly ridiculous for the late editor to excuse his abusive course en the plea of his vile "temperament, but by the decision of the N. York Legislature, all 'eh outrages hereafter will have a high precedent to sustain their propriety. Sits of.—The members ol the Mimes ehuaetts Legisliture all Pit in solemn ses sion with th-ir hats nn,and the editor of the N. H. Telegraph, who recently looked in upon them in their den, gives a ludicrous diarription of their appearance. lie lays there were genuine and ram beavers in the erowd—Buz hats and Noce Albert hats— broad brimmed Ilts and narrow brimmed hats—cocked up hats anti lopped down hats —Pugar loaf hate and bell top hats; high hats anti low hats; black hats and white hate; and rusty hats and 'shocking had I hats,'—all mixed up together, and looked down upon them from the galleries they do 1 •ok bad enough. There may be some tremendous mart fellows under them, b you never would think it. Justice to theme ; selves requires that they 'dolt their beat The Boston Post has the followingt Sam Jonsing—l'm 'stonished. Pete. at de want of Ease in de cnnundrum cotornittee,—nane was dejected. Pete—laded! What was it? San—Why is SAM I.olTlAille3 (km.. Dinah, like a kin.' of cloth dey tuAe in Lowell Pete—Nigger n) vess d it. Sam—Cos she's al unbleached she. t Uwe. Pele—Well, Sit her, an I, instead of one cup, you'll be a cup. le. Ireland and Repeal.—A Dublin paper of March 6, says: —"The great event of the day is the discussion that. his taken place in the Dublin Corporation. It is an event, from which to date a distinct era In the history of Ireland's struggle for nation. allty. It is i npossible to read the great ispeechAs wilhout being fully convinced that Ireland should exercise the power of legislating for herself. Repeal has advan ce] more within the last two months— 'since O'Connell gave Irelaryl his new year's gilt—than it did In the rrevintis twelve months. The pubileatien of his and this discussion in the Corpora tion, will give to it an impetus which, in creasing as it goes, will soon be irresista. hie." On the 2nd inst., Mr s. MART 1 - 1111.11 All Wire of J.) tin Hnzham of Philddelphia, in 95 . h year of her nee. tho l.&raaalt.a BUT PIO JOICZ. —A lady sent to No. 71 Mai . den Lane for a Willa of the ceehratr d Nerve and Bone Liniment, to apply to an mule that was hurt and had - le inflamed. By some r.taaiditv the servant procure l Bailey's Pain Cstraetor,whteh the lady used rather than to send it back, without knowing that tt • MRS intruded for such ease,. The lady called there this day, Jane 201h,snyln: that the Salve of D.tiley had cured her entirely, and she pure chased more, to have always on hand in case of any ac eidenl. It wit 4nke out all barn without pain, and merciful men rhotibt keep k by them. and slave the torment. of their (emitter The unfeeling are not etpected to do it. Comstock 4 Co.. proprietors. 71 Malden Lane, New York, ■nd at Touts s, 86 Found at., sofa agent for Pittaborsit: BRIGADE ORDERS. enr.itied Militia residing within the bounds of the IL first Brigade of the fifteenth Division Pennsylvania M Dila, will meet for training and Inspection; as follows to wit: The 28th regiment, by Cot. William Erpy. lit Battalion, on Monday the Bth day of May. 24 flattalilott on Tuesday the 9th day of Ma►, 21 Rat (anion Allegheny minty Volunteers Wedges day the 101 h, commanded by Major John L. Hamilton• - 61st Regiment, commanded by Col. Wm. Ilioglass -Ist Battallion, Thurntiny 11th day of May- Forks Cavalry and Forka Infantry, will panda with the Ist Battalion. 24 Rattallion, Friday 32th day of May. 7th Battalion Alteglietty•Co. Volunteers, on Baturlay • 13th, commanded by Major Co.m. The IP6th Regimitut. commanded by Col. D. Curry. • Ist Battalion of Monday 1511Iday of May. 2d Battalion on Tumidity Ilith day of May. sth Battalion Allegheny co, Volunteers, on Wednesday 17th day of May. Pittsburgh Legion. commanded by Col. Troy!lto, on Monday 22d day of May. 3d Battalion Allegheny co Volunteers. Major An• dreg:, on Monday 22d day of May. The Jackson Independent Blues; Capt. Hay; on Mon. day 22d day of May. The latignesne Grays, Capt. Geo. Hays, on Monday 22d day of May. At each places as the officers of Bailment or Battalion may direct. 147th Re:intent; commanded by Col. Hamii ton, on Thursday the 113th. The Birmingham Guard+ wl!l parade with the 147th Regt...ent. The B7th Regiment, commanded by Col John Watt, • on Friday the 13th. BRIIIAOII iNSPECTOIL'S O►ncc, April 10th.1843. THOMAS M'KOWN. ltrliade Inspector. let B, 15th D. P. M. op 1 18—dliw2t. CAUTION. /INAS public are rani lotted not to purchase the follow JL lag notes, recently lost or mislaid lty the stameri here •im A antedated March 4. 1943. payable 90 days after date. drawn by Philip R. Kincaid, and endorsed by 'Black 4 McClean. Twodue bills from Foreman 4. Co., and receipt from Cleo. Cochran, fbr payment of insurance Policy. Ne use ean be snide of the above note or due bills by any ate but the owners, as payment has been stopped, The tinder wilt confer a favor oa the enbseribers b returning them to their Shoe sto it. No. 9 t Market st, near sth• BLACK 4- McCLBAN. an •18-It. YAWL ISORSALE.—A new Clinker Wit Ynwl, (SteNaughien'a build) for rate low for eat. Ap. ply to BIRMINGHAM 4 Co. ap 18' No 00 Water et. FOR CINCINNATI. L:IVRg:VCERVIIGH, INDI•sNA, Fill The new and last mink% Steamer LITTLE MAIL. Gmratt.t., ',tamer, 1 tl, part for the above ports and intermediate Landings, on ThuriMay the 20.6 inst. ,at 10 o'. dock, A. M., for freights or passage, apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO., a„), 18 No tot), Water street. L!sr: , ir $N • -* RE T. KIST- FFICWAT PlTTSHeitaft; -PENNSYLVANIA ; AP.RI6 15th - 1843.. otr- Pe, sons tailing fir Petters on Ais list, will p/ea.e ley tie, are advertirerl. Adsms Clsti Anderson Fanny Abercrombie Mss Ellt 6 Appleby James Abbott Geo W. Anrhota George Arlan David D Atte Charles Ashton Hatton Banks Rev Joseph Baiiy &mid Baldwin 0 Bachteil Joists G Belay Al.' • Ba clay Airs Margret Batsman Nichabut M Barnes Henrietta A Baronlly David Barton Baml Bausman Sarni Barndoller John Barrel Rae Jetrish ret Sam) Barrens Francis Bateman Hugh Bell Andrew M Butler J R Iltitos Isabella Burgess Robt Spurn Wto Bell Aokow Bell Basil Bed James Beaty M.s Rebeccca Beadel T Mattel Mary BurpssJacub Sorrel P F Brown Geo Brown Richd Brown Rev Geo Brown H Brown Charles Brickle Capt John Br May Mar. ret Briscoe A 2 Brooks John Br nsh J M Br. oks Corsah Bulger R BallW m M 2 Blean John Blanchard Aaron Blair Mss E izabeth Black Robt 2 Black master John Boynton Alois so Baulon berm B Ile Margret Bowdich Murtha Botelar Ag Clagett Best John Berry John Bills Sherman Blake & Co C Cameron Lew - s 0 Cochran John Ca , lin John 2 - Cochran James Carothers Mrs Emily Carper Nathan' Caikey Wm Cook Deborah Carrot Wm Cogswell Wm. Cart Mrs Eliza Cowan Miss Mary Calhnon John K Cowan Roht Campbell Win Costa Emanuel Campbell Wm W Crag Jrueph Campbell Archibald Craig Th.intas Chatnpe Ellis Craig Wolietn Chadwick Jas Creighton ii.za A 4 hri-ty Robt Crosuy Lydia Champion Joseph Crane Charles Chaves Jana Cunningham Miss I Chessman k Spalding Curtin Andrew Chapman Win Cronaughan James Clark Beni Dailey Misr Catharine Dixon James Dailey Wm Dixon Mr Dales Wilson G ' Dona Mimi Wm Miles Jo in S D..bint P Darting tlarritl' D edge Win E Dania.), Sarah M , D .oglts Townes Div' it.t . .M s D.fligi.se Miss Ann Utvis Jae , ib Dodge Calvin Davis Itofltrt Deeds Lew s Donita Stephan Deveranx Juni, Dravo F it Das lin Cuba, itt 1 Dunlap John Dean MN; ElizabethitneDutin Win De iiii isms . E ij tit Dann Peter Doeltin. Mary Jane Dattham Isaac. H ilium .16, Henry Duneaing %V 'Waal E Eillinl Mrs Garonne M English Mrs Mary du Mrs Mary Ann Es p ey Miss Mary Ann Eakins Mrs Evarts John Dr timer) J..lin Ewi.tg Dr F.s.ler James Ferguson John Fowler Jbhn Pletcher E Egiditis Forster J E Flint M s Jane Frew James Foster Rebecca do Jac .b Margarrt Frail) F A 2 Forsythe J a ni• a N F.Anris Winos Fow l er Miss Sarah Fritik Palatial A Firm s•e & Campbell Freeborn John Gall D Grant II W George Th. a Grimes Johnston Galltell Morgan Groyan Dr Garr Dr W Grier Miss Martha Gamble Henry Grover Solomon Gage George Grace Simon B Gardner Mrs Greenlee Mrs Susannah Gardner Wiliam 2 Gr iffeth Thomas Gable John C Grilleth John Geddis John Gray Rev W Gillis Miss Emeline 2 Gray M A G•llerpri Noble Gray James Gills pri Miss Jane Graham Thomas Glim John II Graham Elsner Goddard Abram S G aham W B Guttman Miss Anna Gain P Green John Hamilton Robed Hughes Semi Hamilton Taboinall Nadel Jacob Hagerty Many Hull Mr Huiltnan Mai Elie ibet'a Hutt John Hamheit J & J Hull Charles Harrey Henderson Hals Ilanry_ H 11165011 James Hunt Mass Jane Hare C W Hutchinson Charles Harding John S Haynes Micheal Holds Cattur Haynes Mich! Heart M Hill Jaws IlasrkinJnhn Hiti'er MarUl Haeet Win Highgatir Mrs Julia Haglet Capt E C Holmes Rush Ilays Win • Howells Mrs Felicia Hem ingray Robert Irons John Iryhte John 2 logiam Miss Eliza lratstirl Jas P Jamison Geo W /ones Elreabeth Jackson Jonathan Junes Col L Jacobs Adam Jones J rho W Jeffries D Jones Thomas Justus Wm Jones Jacob • Jurey John Jones 8 C inrvine Evelina M Jones Owen Johnston W F Jones Mrs Chas El Johnston Thomas Jones David Johnston W H Jones Margret Johnston Robt B Kerby Jamee Kiby Miss Nancy Kennedy Thames Kissick Band' Kelly Michael Kids Peter Kerr Joel F King Charles Kanbiir Isaac Karen Isaac Knox Mrs Sarah KohssenJohn D Knox John Lake Mary Ann Lynch Jun Loran Datil Ludwig John Latimer Lydia Ann Lockhart lease Laurence Joshua Lewis H W Letting F Leavitt Miss M j Lee Mrs H Leoni George Leach-Miss Martha A Loyd J C Maxwell James 2 Montague Wm Marks Miss Eats Montgomery Hop ?Armies John Morgan Morgan Marlatt James Morrison Arabella 2 Messeileimer 8 Moore 'rhos Mercer Wm Moore Guerge Myers John Murdock Andrew 2 Myers Jacob Mi!berry John T Meek Miss Eliza )Iyline Benj C Meriain Ma retail Murry James Mane Miss Harriet 2 Merry rwrick Mull Robt Mitcoell Miss Mary A Miller George M hcheh My.iam Mt ler & Smith Morley Miss Lucy Jane ller Rubt Morgan Elizabeth illitehell Eiizs Moorhead Mrs Charlotte Mc Mcßride Mary MrG , natal David • Mc 11 atoey Samuel M. Gine I James Mclirsan Nancy Mclot.re Jams McClure James II MeEllroy Thus S McCloskey J 11 McKee Thos McCauley John MciCelvy James McCartney George McKee Wm McDonald Jiffies MeNanerten 'rhos Mc/Jewell James MeNaueten Eliza McDonnell Thomas McMillen Nal, - , _ -, D ing - in John . .. ,_ Mc I ,', I I New Maio *shirr McCormack Mrs R - litilirssiimi It V ' McCully L-triss McGhissin &wok . McCully Tht , niss McCitt kr, A T M%toy Wilt McGinley Edward McClean N McClelland WM' Nesmith Mrs flutist Norris litosEarab Nisbet Miss Naury Nimorr issues Nei is Airogier,- Norton Harris New ell Thc•nair Nock Wm Ntile Mrs Sarah O'Donnel Patrick 0 Neill James Ottawa John 2 P Poynter Richd G Pryor Jame. Paltrier Robt Pope Alex Patton Milts Susan E Potts Joseph K Patm Jame. Pt MAMA Jawed Pat ergo° Gen R _ Kinky. Eliothedi Patterson Robt Phelps Wheeler Patterson John Phelps nuorktep Patterson Elizabeth A Pinkerton J r Pet ker Res Edward Potter Carotin - I Park er Margret Price Abel Pettit Ricod Phdpot Mire Pierce Walter QUilliiU Win Ray C hi Rein tilty gaol g Revell Miss Mary Ross Was _ Rame Sand Rose' W B ' Rea Henry 'Wiling Mitchell Rca John ilibiesna A P Reyd Margret .1 %Warn George ReYnnith John Inehart Fred A Reynolds George Idd:e W E Rittenhouse Edward cheraon Alvin Ri:ey Ann Alters H K Rom .J oseph 2 Ansel Saint Rogers darn! A 2 Sanders John eventnel Reuben Scott Miry Ann M _ lawn, t Miss Jame 111 Scott John 3.earart James - cliweimber Mary A Itesvan Miss X A Seese Lnyd ;lowan Jefforson Sewall Mrs Caroline ;trickling William $ Sell Joseph ;tress' Thomas t.egner Magnus Swords Thomas . Seville Mrs Snyder Me t L. Seaburgh Thomas 3pargo Mrs Sarah. Sharp Mai Mary ;peps!. Sarah Jane Shay MR Mari ,{peer A Shaw J W apeer Mu Shriner' Henry s:een Salmi Sheridan Thomas Itei rit Isms A Shellelibss ger Jacob territ Garles Shields Captain Imith tinj A Short A unlit ViE Shook Mrs Christina , p ith E Short Henry mith ItNird F Sincl a r James ninh Anti. S Simpson Mrs {milli Mililaii Simpson Mrs Susan buith Milelvira Simm•ins George Seder JO4l S i Ivei thorn John Sisithers lui if &tiler Win Bosh 13es Sinither Miss Ann S Smik G lon limeiburst Thomas Tither Adam Tarney J a mrs Jhompson John Thomas Da•id 2 Tnayrr ll,,rae 6 T er Mai tin Vehnilye Wm H 2 Valentine Haien+ I Waker John Wai.aee John E-q Ward Capt W 2 Wadsworth Deism, Watson Andrew Wails Jesse Weals Mr E Well% or Eli Williams steel Sample Wi _Name /Air W loon Alex 'oder Wilson Miss Jane Wilson Miss Ma g 1%1 Wilson Miss El.atior Jesse Wilson George WVOlle. Thomas Woods James Wray Dr Robt Young W H Yowl Johnson Zrigler John ti Ohio River Inaprovelt PIIWPOSALS Ni.l be received until the 1843—for furnishing and delivering bgrag i , an may be directed, itrici line Of dainli From 15.0110 to 20,000 tons of rough igehl.Vidiells Input. sod the Trap, 12 miles below Plitstl From 20.000 to 30.000 tons rough itontra bead and foot of Blunnernasaels !didn't lira , 1 0114alrj Virginia. From 5.000 to 10.000 tons or rough donated of Bullingum4 'Wood, il4 miles beto* Putauu _ For transpoifing and deliterini by castiut eMy be directed into line adonis: Alt the stone quarried and now lying attewrilr (on the left shore or the river, about vivant., rid.. die of the Island,) into the dam at the headroarats island.? miles above Sivabeaville Ohio. All the stone quarried and now lying at Arty the right shove of the river,) Ulu limn of dialleadOr gllngo Island,3 miles beluw Steubenville. All the stone crarried and lying at the quatgalki right shore—lnio dam at head of qu a rryin gCamint antes below Wheeling Va.. and for a ering such additional quantity as may complete same dam. The quarries In all cam are but a abort dire 410 line of dams. froposa's must he accompanied IR Ith leioty references. Address Copt Jolla Sanders, Cif itt. :lacers, Pittsbor:h Pa. Office Ohio Shier Improvemen Pitt+burgh, April 12,1 Advocate and Gazette, Pittsburgh; Wbar and Argue , Wheeling ; Union and Herald, St y papers at Marietta and Parkersburg. will cot 7 lg of Mar, and charge this office. .. diDMINISTR3TOR'S NOTA ALL persons iudemed to the crate of Olirr faiti late of the city of Pitisharyh.deceased, aleybly notillert to make payment lathe underoignal views or,and Alt having claims against said estate ae tom„ ed to present their accounts properly authenicap in It i latent. JOHN W. BLII in ta r 20-6 t. Adlhlnn PIG IRON, 60 TONS Soft Pis Iron, hot blast, for sal by mar 28. WHISKEY. zit BRA 5 years old topper distilled Shwas* lOgißye N blskey on consignment, aird ar ea•s" J. W. aumerboz, sp 1. Water between Wood ar.Fmith ILouR, 25 BBLS. fresh Family Ober, Per nib, mar 14. JAMS SAY. PIO IRON. 64 ToArs Tennes*ee Pig I riA a. For Sale lOW £0 eloirecoblignalrrat mar 14. MO NAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LAE& M R. J. W.. bl rm, and bliss BAK EW EloPlPeettlei• • il ly Info rtn their fib nil' and the publth 'e . sualt Qoatter will commence on blunilay, 16. filz;t weeks nolke w il l be required bekile the r of 1 41 1104+ up 12-9 t V4()Et sale oo accommodating terms 100tdda 4094 Lavin Me Lime. XXX ail *WO, vitiator, Oozes all riser forindoorPs;sll rag wrapplog t lei 'rand writing roper; 40 Jiro broom& and * 1 , 1 ,500 pieces paper booglaV_lnniktdiniol6 • ', l .. for cub or approved boast to wit era-I4 14IAAC .101. tiptJ At sad Can Nattily, rlabet , .t 7 Oliver tam* Oliver at 10" Orr Timmons nci. Try Deg 1'; utinek Trunot.k Trmvor Mitary Vnnw•ickle Wets Chriber Weuby Jove Wear F it hire Inane White David • White John .riii n t VI Intern** WI WiHannigan Wertz Miss lbaslll Wi4ce War , Wiggins Aut W4ihryer Mel X Wolcott eni ti Oct) t t M 2 Wing Henry Wiliam Hob! W eight John - Wray John Young John owl Andre Zemmesiv Mni U M RlDDLejty