NALHi COFFIN WAREHOUSE, Fear 1111; two deers frees tag U. S. Bank, Wat Tr Mtn. Undertaker respectfully infornits the public that h • its removed hie early made coffin warehouse to the tildlng recently scrupled by Mr. R. G. Berford,directly OPTlghlifehis olds Ind, where he Isalways arepared to at• ratidisruniptly to any orders In his line, and sty strict at hem" to en the d eta il s o f the beSilleSS of an Undertaker SA hopes to merit public confidence. He will be prepared at Aid.nocrits to provide Hearses, Biers, C . litres and eery requisite on the most liberal le, ins. Calls from the _gauntry *lithe promptly attended to. HL residence is In the saute huilditiq with hie ware httieut, where those who need tits Services msy Sind him 'many Owe. RifloßtNct: W.W. IN WIN, JUDOS WIND/at. 4)1/01111 IP• i.VoLont, %limo nAtteteli, sep O THIO4 W O OriTUPATIONB 'VEND TO PRODUCE Oft 'MC RAVATE DISEASE.—Thin Masi f indivldnalsls very numerous. Thry aroilinse Wbn work in an unhealthy al mnsphere. Printers.4nrk woo In.-feather ewes, stone cutters, bakers, white lead asveafeeiurere, are all in .rs. pr 'eau, subject to disease ac eardinsto thestrensth of their constitution. The only ewibod to present disease. Is the occasional use of a madielne which abstracts from the circulation all dnlete- I Mtmnrs, and expel.. therhsby the bowels. Tomes In any form are injurious, as they only : - ..att °tithe evil day to make it more fatal. The nee of Eratulre•ii's Pills will insure health, because they take all impure mailer Itrylitilf the blood; and the body Is not weakespa but Mientathened by their operation, f r time valuarde Pill tit ant force. but they asskt nature, and are not opposed. bet harmonise with her. dell at Dr. ftrandreth's Off e. No. 93 Wood street, Pitislouren. Price 25 cents per box - , with fall tt!tect ions, MARK—The only place In Pittsbn rah wia-re the MENU, NE Pills ran be obtained, Is the Doctor's own gem. N 0.92 Wood street. sep 10 WM. RIDDLE, Sgricon Denfist, has returned to his old stand, No 107, Street, Whirs b. can he consulted any hour during the day, ois Ma profession. neu 10 175 DHLS. 111 E LIME, a superior a t !iv It!, ior sale by" J. G. - A. Con DON , No. 12 Water kt reel. La.! what makes your teeth so unusually white? Akaoth Josh's dulcinia to him t'other To makeyours took so, with a grin, replied lost., I've brought you a bottle of Thorns' Tooth Wash, 'Fla the best now In use, so the gentlefolks atty. / 4, And Snot they have tried ibis, east alt others away. Bat to provelt the best, to make the teeth shine, Look again, my dear r al, at the lustre of turtle, Then try II Is great tooth wash, The Teetserry tooth wash, Amd sea if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's is not fine. Davin% trled Dr. -Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,' Iliallievi r rne acquainted with the ingredients of tts ectuttni tollion,l cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as It bone oribe most pleasant Tooth Wastes now in use, Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID HUNT', Dentist. I take pleasure in stating. having made use of-Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," stet it is one of the best der• . triton in use. Being In a liquid form, it rotnb.nes neat. *els with eouvenfenee. While it the enamel iteldestmovea the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yob's - ILDagrauee peculiarly desirable. J. P. Ti SUCTTS. M.D. The undersianed have used "Tito. n's Compound Tea Reel Tooth Wash," and have found it to be an eXt ell.C. fyr pleanaht tieptifrice, exertlslng a most salutary influ. sues over the Teeth and GIMIS; presery in: those intik. pegmatite members from prematu?sidecay. preventing the ammintilallun Of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Day. ' r ing thoroughly tested Its virtues, we. take pleasure in re. istimMencling it to the public, belieeing it to be the best ar• Stele of the kind now In use. . M POKER 4 PRON, JAMES P JACK I.OlrT JV PEEBLES, CHAS B SCULLY, C 13.111RRACIII, WM MtCAND LESS, M MOORHEAD. J.RS S CRAFT. L RING WALT, L S JOHNS, Prepared and sold by WILLIAM THORN, A poi beca• ry and Chemist, N0.5:3 Market street; Pittsburgh; and at all the prlncipa Brim:lets', and Tuttle's Medical Agen. ay. Fourth street. sep ENT/NG Cif REperforrited 6yDr.Swayne's 'ailierntriii Syrup of Prisnua Virginiana,or Wild Cher -JAI. Baying made use of th Is Invaluable Syrup In my fatuity, :Arlile4 entirely cared my child. The synininins were wbeezieg and choking of phlegm, diflirulty of heat i attended with constant cough, spasms, convul , ions, kc, wbkh 1 had given opal! hopes of its recovery until _was advised to make ttial of this invaluable medicine. lifter seeing the erects it had upon my child, and con• eliding ;€l, make the same trial upon myself, which en. telly tel me ofa cough that 1 was afflicted with for ,many years. Any person wishing to see me can ca at whaler la Beachetreet, above the Market, Kensington. J. Witzez. DIL SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. We call the atientkin of the public to the numerous eartlicates which have been in' circulation. In our paper Sled setae others of this city, highly recommending Dr. Illtravlnes Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have nee tee erionei certificates, and have no doubt but they Owe from truly grateful hearts., expressive of the benefits Waikiki they have received from that valuable compound. We save acquaintances who have frequently tined the AWN Medicine. who run speak with confidence of its vielluest.—Seturday CA FOR ids. riLLOW CITI7.IIIf fl: —Willi sincerity I would advise yen. one and all, both sick and well, always to have a bettleof Dr Swarea'sCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry Aksitikr bonier-it is invaluable In cases of emercency, tech as lIIMIng of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent 11Nmagbing, which Is often the muse of spitting , of bloom Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come from fright, and various other causes, producing great MIMS. sodden colds from Improper exposure, which *e often let roe to an alarming extent, for want of mMsa being reedy at hand;—and ns I have used Dr. Swamis', Compound Syrup Of Wild Cherry repeatedly is my ramilir, and always with marked success—l can recommend it whit confidence, as being one of the best medicines which has ever been offered to the ..111blie.—Saturslo# CAronicit. illaidd by Wm. Thorn, Wholesale 4' Retail, only amen' Milvit;tistmarth. Nu. 53 Market Street. rep 10 lANNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON CHESTS. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 22, 1842. J. Dasinno—On Friday, the 30th of last month, about &chick at nltht,tbe Planing.Grooviny, and Sash Man ataetary, owned by Gay, Dilworth tr Co, with a large gpailffityerditesed lad Indreased lumber, waa all consu. ups. by Ira. `The Frost Safe which I bought of you some time hark Rq 111 tM Most exposed situation during the lire, and inns entirety red hot-1 am pleased to Inform you it was libifireed et the close of the tire,and all the books, paper., teasseedl—thtels the beat recommendation I can give of the ettNky of your sates ort24-1r PIZEICNOMONIS Unrivalled Blacking, imrANUTACTURED and add wholesale and retail dr,LTAllizia exam, one door below ll'infthflelek as 21—iy. f7Tipi SU EavcroaTu. _dioutiondar and Cottons. tlM.illeralawt, Lela/glue. N Y., will attend la HIP it e m pkwite, Dry.k 410/91,G. °caries, Pu rnii are, e- Ateselerpons every Thursday. and Fri at 10 'clock ,A . ad Cash vamees mode _ . IS Er p TO 4frilt oirnOw t 7. Br.ltr.D.D. Vit. ROBERT BRUCt. D. D Stirti. WILLIAII*, /091P111 KERR, REV. i•WeR Y. LIA.VIfY, LLV• I P. SIWItT. Dear Sir—l have for a number of yew.- pact been af flicted with a severe and almost constant Heartache, a rising front derangement of stomach and trowels and al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re commended for its cure, have never derived any mate. Hal benefit until I used some of your truly valtialiin An. li Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite Iwo boxes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that complaint. I !mire no Ihe:ritat inn in recommending your Pills as the best medicine I have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, .1 R.TURNER. I am acquamted with Ur, 'Plume-, I bairn rho hesila lien In certifying that I consider I lie statements of N r, T. respsciing Dr. Brodie'A Pits, a . 9 entitled to tire most perfect and entire cord-Wetter. 111 1 011 DAVIS. For sale. Wholesale rind Retail at the 91 - Montan Pill Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; ani by all authorised a gents throughout he Union Alley city Jan 9 Adams' Patent "Baug - hphy" Mills. Li - AvE now been before 11 lite niible 3 years dn. 111/ which lime several lhodsands have been sold and in daily use, We are confident of being sustained in saying they are the best Cairre Mills In the United Stales, any way you , fix it.' several modifications are mildew snit the fancy of wives and the purses of Fairbanks' Patent Platform Scales. These genuine articles, of all sines. and most improved varieties, constantly on hand and for salt. at vs:ly reduced prices by the mactifactnrer 1. It. LIVINGSTON, mar 2. —(1 Front het ween Ron and Grant stA. NEW ESTABLISHMENT Upholstery Furnishings. THE subscriber respectfully informs his Friends and the Pit! .tic that tie has just opened the store No' SO Pirili street, near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining Mr J D Williams'Grocery—where he intends to manti• facture in the hest style, and have trade for sale a full assortment of the first q'tality of Uphols term Farris .4- inga, such as Bair, Shuck and Straw Slattrasees, Feath er Iledv,Tarklng4, tr.which he will sell for Cask at near ly 100 per cent less than former prices, 41,80:Sofas. Chairs, etc Uthkolitered. carpets made, and Cui mina arrangedaDer ttinerveat fashions—Ail of which h i s offers to execute in a manner anectaaled In Bets or unrurpaased ha any Whir city, _ mar Al ly JOHN T. STEWARTt THOMAS CD COTT • AVSOLUTE HEALALL. 101000 TRDla.ll.LLSEre, prove TRACTOR Inestlmatde, It not Only euresquicker, but gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scot! Fire Is post Lively rendcted harmless. (810 has been offered Bil months to any person retn rides attempt) , bor, and -.lying ;bat all agony on tine/Idling 13 not extracted i a few into toes, yet nut ofie frbm thnusaada of trials shire has claim ed the bonds.) Patents an xinu. to geardagaiustgenera ifijnriev, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, ,or t ven small pox pustules, (it possessing the enviubie power to replace I becellutary organs destroyed.) can do ao:hy ob. looting (-Is inintitatile salve: Many deer.ty burnt. cases is the city ran IT seen, and oneentire face burnt oiler and wounded three distinct times in the sane spot while heal in:, yet in no case can at traced the least ciratrice or mark' For all kinds of hurts its rap d sonthing effects:ire ilso important; even sore eyes, all inflantations and bro ken breasts would be unknown. The toilet and nursery, or clearing t be skin of pimples, removing chafe, etc., v. ill find it indispensable. One using only will forever esial 111414 thesovereign HE.011.-4LL quality. After this no tier, heads of bonnie, allowing torture for months, and ultimately distorted features, can Dever wipe away re. proach, justly uttered by a disabled child, for neglecting to trittnipto over Fite. ..Entered according to act of Congress, A. D. 1841, by omi -'ck 4.Co,ln the Clerk's ,'tile...' oft tie District Court of the Untied Slates fur the Southern District of New York." Warranted the only genuine. . - Comstock 4. Co., wholesale Urn:gists. N. York, have he come the sole W holcea le :teems for Mr. Dailey, in A rrotrl cu for :20 yea tR. All orders most be addres.peil to them. The getin Me only to he had at TUTI'L F.'S Medical Agency, 86 TI h street. Nov 15 Pittsburgh Lard Oil Manufactory. ' .. e.-7. • '........e.t. ter _ - , ~----- --- --- ti., ..., .‘ -- . -- 4 - .. - ------ .....--, 4 ,:. • -''''''. . - 1,1• 1 / 4 ., :a: ''.' .1 . , ‘:. 01 - : - „, '-- t.'•itilt.-‘; sINEI k dW A ': - M,.....,__-_7- - 2_= - 7:, 4111t* .~ ---_ ~~ 'r; CONS7'.I.7VTL y hand a superior article or Lard Oil, warranted to burn at any temerature, and equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without its offensive qua'llies, and one third cheaper, man. niacin red by the subscriber at the old stand, Third st., nearly opposite the Post Office• M. C. EDEY. Jan .4,1813 PRI CE I S ..00 t 1 OH - C.ANDV rYiHld is a ?are and certain cure for Coughs, Colds IL .8,1 hma, Sore 'Throat, Pains and Weakness of the Breast Whoopin; Cough. Iloarsenese, irritation of the Throat, and litany lilge.l.l , WS !nailing in the Cunsoraption Tiy it —nn'y tier roll—prepared and sold Whole• sale:lntl Retail ley 11. 'l'. I" 11 ICE, Confectioner, Federal st—Alleglietty City, and the principal Druggists of Pitts. horn-It. Be ~.ure you ask for Prirv's Compound Cough Candy nov 17—f f. IL.OBERT P()RTEIL, Attorney at Lem—Office on the corner of Pori M and Smithfield srs. sec 10 PITTSBURG(' Looking Glass Manufactory, And House Furnishing, ‘ v arehouse, 101 Wood Street, near 50. rill 11 E Subirrilter havlng coin' Ivied hie arrangements JE at lini Hem stand, i: not' ot rpnrrd to olrer lo bin friends, and the pantie, a large and complete a,norlinneni of Looking Glasses and Ilonste.furnlidting Illaroware, (at prices to suit the tunic, ) Pier and Mantel Glasse, In Gilt and Mahogany j Cranteg, of the Most approved and an perlur cc or kris n- ' chip- Toilet Gla., , es with 1,2, 3. 4 and 5 drawers. Common. stained, ti find. and p liar framed G t a.sei: suitalVe for Merchants. (or iho , e null inr arnip 21.1,,,..) Japanned IV:01cl , and Tra in of all rotor, an t i itaii,,,, , ! Ivory lian.ile Kitive-and Fork, to cot as or dawns, Mirk fail [lane handle TAW, cutlery. t Ca Tying Knives and Forks, elo . I Dixon'. Prilldnia !%1 Ma I lea mid CofTre Sn - 11,4 (of • 1 1 petit Weal-It.) A merican Mattitfarto ::. In, In sett., or Flit;,le pler es, 1 German Filver Tea and T3l/le Spoon., Filver plai - d and ItraSi . randlcr , i , k , , Snlitrtn, do, Firm:iota Metal Lamp , . for tingling Sperm or Lard Otl.l titans and 'Virg Fire Fends , a, (varimi, patterns.) Eire shoveln and Tong:, !land Irons, ,tt, With a variety of other articles too nurneronv to men— lion, all of which will tie offered at the lowest cash pri Portrait, Minidiure,and other Framing done at the shortest notice, repairing of all kinds attended to: Look. InrGlass plaies,hy tne box'or single light. Prints for Fra. ming con.tantly on band reh 2.3 • TIIOS. A HILLIER. • Headache!' Headache ! Dr. BRODIE'S .I)vmr DYSPEPTIC PILLS. A P.E now known to thousands as a most extraordina ry remedy for this affliction a; well as the incon trovertible fact of their curing DYSP EPSI A Will those suffering only ask among their friends if they have mit known of the positire effects of said Pills, and ii they do not hear them more warmly raised (and deri'l'Vediy too) than any other, then let them net tiny them. In these few remarks, all fancy or imagination is etrltled, and nnthing will be said of their merits nt any time but what can Ire fairly proved by respectable mend era of Our community. Read the following certificate given by a reTectalttr citizrn or Alloglieny rity, and nitrated liy ot,e of tlirjudg. es of the Court cflinmnion Pleas or Allegheny co A LLEGIIIIGNY CITY, Jatll/./ty 9, 1843. DR. BRODIE, jan l 3— ly luiNhands Sold by the gross or dozen nt the no no fact ory,--- Malleable Castings made to order. - - Conveyancing. 'AMES BLAKELY. continues to execute all kinds of eIP writings, such as Deeds, Mortgagee, Apprentices fn. dentures. Articles of Partnership, Letters of Attorney, Willrotc. 4--, in a neat and legal..enanner, and at ballot ormer charges, at his old stand Penn street, near the sth Ward market holm. • kb, 25. DtrTO LICVAasIDMii - fc:r How important It le that you comment* without lots oflime with Sitakultrxm's Pitta. They mildly but surely remove all impurities from this blood,and no case of sickness can affect the human frame, that these cele brated Pills do not relieve as much as medicine cam do. Colds and coughs ate !bore benehtied by the Brandreiti Pills than by lozenges and eanales. Very well, per t)", papal ives, but worth nothing as eradicators of diseases front the human system. The BRANORITti Puts cute, they do not merely refl. ye, they cure diseases, whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. t CURE OF 4 CANCEROUS SORE, Sint Sitio, January 21.1843. Dostor Besjestia Braadretk--Ilonored Sir: Owing to you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I em Induced to make a public aeknowledgemlitit of the benefit my wife has derived from your Invaluable pills. About three yeats this winter site was takett-wlth a pain In her ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and FO much so that we became alarmed,, and *ell' for,tite doctor. During hisatlendance the pain and swell ing increased to nn alarming degree,and In three weeks Gum its first cemmenclag it became a running sore She could get no rest at night the pain was so great Our fira Doctor attended her for Fix months, and she received no benefit whatever, the rain growing worse, and the sore talker all the while. He said if It was heal. ed up it would be her death, but he appeared to be at a loss how t) proceed, and my poor wife still continued to suffer the most terrible tortures. Wet herefore sought other aid In a Botanical dociot, who said when he first saw It that lie could soon cure the sore, and give her ease at once, To our surprise lie g: ve her nn relict, and acknowledged that is baffled all his skill. Thus we felt after having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians In vain, In absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly tailing in the prime of her years from her continued suffiirloz, Crider these circumstances we concluded that we would try your Universal Veget tide Pills,delermined to fairly test their curative effects. To my wife's great comfort the first few Ames afforded great relief of the oin one week, to the astonishment of our selves and every one who knew of the ease, the swelling and the indarnutation began to cease so that she fell quite easy,and woithl sleep comfortably, and, sir, alter ria weeks' use she was able to go IlirOugli the house, and again attend to the management of her family. which she had not done for nearly 14 months. In a little over twit mouths from the time she first commenced the use of your Invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite sound, and her health !lever than it had been in ( - mile a number of years before. I send you this statement after •wo years test of the cure, considering it only an act of justice to you and the public at large. We are, with much gra itude, Very respectfully, TIMOTHY 4- ELIZA A. LITTLE. P. S. The Botanical Doctor pronounced lit sere can reran., and finally said no good could be done, unless t whole of the (halt was rut off, and the bone scrapsd.— Thank a kind Providence, this made ui resort to your pills, which saved its from all further misery, and far which we hope t lie thankful. T. 4- E. L. inr=lohl at 25 cents per box, Iv ith directions. Observe lie new labels, each having upon it two sig natures of Dr. Brandretio. So end) fins of the genuine has sic signatures—three Benj.iminmilgandretli and three It. Brandreth noon It. The only place' In Pittsburgh where the real Bran Pills con le Is the Doctor's own Once, 9:1, street, between sth and Diamond ley Mark t lie getinine Bra ndreili Pills can never lie obtained in any drug store. The followinz are the only azenis appolnled by Dr. Brandrei h. for the sale of his Vegolable Universal Pills in Allegheny Como): PRINCIPAL Orrtet:. No 911, ►flood street, rittriburgh Mr. Johti Robert thineon—Birminetiarn. C. F. Weill—Elizabethtown. IL Rowlaril—M'Keemport.. rre6sly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. John Julinslon—Notilegloivn. Clieggrortn Span Win! —Stewartstown .APttell 4 Connell—Clin.on. Robert Smith Porter--Varentum. Georze Power— Fairy oi iv. David R Coon- Plum toivnlliip. Daniel Ne2lei —PaEI (MTN y. UV/aril ThiIITIIP.On --Wilk inshore' Win. 0. Ilunier—Allen'A Mill Judson & Flonegin, ATTORNEYS AT 1411 , , Smithfield nua r 7111011ot. Colle lions made on mode ale terms. Pensions Cdr widows for old soldiers under the lote uet of Von ?rt.s,,, °Moen rd. ropers nod drawings for the Potent °f rit., lu-Prar,.l- mar 17-Iy. eliaoval. - wrA.41,110.V. E. 4 SII 1 R LA: P. 00 T AXII SllO hl .114 A ER. iv o rr .iliect fully inform friend, mid i lir pnldir, that hr Ilan removed bib, a>lah I.hinent to the new 1111141111:4 011 :1:1 , 1(pt at. one door I runt Ihe ri ruler or 3rd ' , I reel oltiott'ut. n here, he 14 preparedlol7,l4. . ....,:', a to rernine ordrrn !for the mantifacture ft — it. Shorn, and in make them in a style not _rtt*ltnY rothid i'llment i n [lir (qty. ; Oren are An In Pull t he ohne", and the workninneldp ofall his articles will br wa A share of public patronage is reenneeirtitly reqnested. mar 23-3wd. D R. E. m imiturr, DENTIST, Ojficein Satith. yield, between Second and Third Sts., flours o budiisißs from 9 A. M. MI 4 P. M. Dr. E. M. matinfael"res Procelain and Mineral teeth. Dew boa ran he stlitplit'd by the 10N.I or Matte teeth. Blocks of teeth with a beautiful elm In full set, or parts or suns, will be made to order at the Piloting notice, by form:intim. , an exact Impression 01 the month. O len, for sale a few machines tvitheineey,.Wieels for erindine and mineral teeth so DUNI to the Dentist—all willbe sold tow (or rash. der 23. • . TILES cured by the go of Dr. Ilarloch ompnund Elirengilieniog and Oermatt Aperient Pit's Dr. Ilarlich—Denr Sir—Shortly rifler I received llip Agency from you for the sale of your medirine, rot med an acqnattuance Will a lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles, poi eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case no complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and wan perfectly cured. Yours, JAMES R. KIRBY October 3. 1840. Chamberstmg, Pa. 117POffice and Ccneral Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets Pittshurgh. sep 10 INDEPENDENT TIDE WATER LINE. um: carrying Merehandize and Produce to and front Pittsburgh, Philadelpiha, Baltimore, New York and Boston, by the Pennsylvania Canal and Rall road, on eel iiely temperate principles. Stock of this line consists of new large Tidewater boats 'Juin expre , :sly for this route, with all lite modern im provenu•nts in boat building; of a supetahuntiant supply of first rale ears on the Portage Railroad; and a full sup ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boals'he,,, ( wren Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which will lie conducted by sober, industrious and experienced captains and superintendents. Charges will he paid on all goods intended to be shipped from Pilightirt la to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York or Boston, and consizned to James Dickey 4• co., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne :its. and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch. All Goods and produce Intended to be shipped from Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Rari tan Canal,land consigned to Hart, Andrew and McKever, will be received at their warehouse, first wharf above Race street, Philadelphia, and chipped directly from thence without additional handling or expense; a line of Boston packets connects with the line at this poinr• Shippers are Invited to examine the stock of this line and Judge for themselves, before shipping by any other, as their interest will he advanced by shipping by It, the proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the utmost of their ability for the interest of their custo mers and prosperity oftheir line. Insurance can be effected cheaper by this line titan any other, as the route Is considered the safest. PROPRIETORS. Hart, Andrews 4. McKever. from Philadelphia and fiat ilmore to libllidaysbnrg. Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh.. AG ENTR. Hart, Andrews ¢ McKever, Philadelphia Elder, Gelston 4. Co., Baltimore, Henry L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg. Jessee Patterson, Johnstown. James Dickey 4• Co. Pittsburgh ----- tlt/COFFIN WA BEHOIISE.—.Are, 79, Fevrell Street, Between/rood sadsad Smith fi eld it.. 'wo doors from the corner of Wood street. Con. sternly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made COFFINS, of every size and description; covered ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black ....t'al nut, Poplar, and Pine Collins. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured: and all services • rendered that friends may requite. A credit given in ail cases, either ofcutbas or carriages, requested. ..2IENII.Y BEA RES, Undertaker seri 10 - - QUI? /11 INSTRUSIENTS! SURGICAL IN• srrumFlNTS! T. McCarthy, Cutler and Surgical Instrument Alaker, Third ttr6ef opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OP THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) rhyslcians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in• straments made hy the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Allarticles warranted of the best quality. and jobbing done as usual sep 10 A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor. seer of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.-- Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold. Sigh! cheeks OR the Eastern rifle!, for sale. Maris, notes and hills, collected. marettexcits: Pitteburgh•Pa, Wm.-Bell ¢ Co.. John D. Davis, F Lorenz, J. Painter* Co., Joseph Woodwell, James May, Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4 , Co.. John C. Brown * Co. Oitisiatiati, 0., James 51'Candless. St. Louis No., J. R. APDonald. Louisville, W. H. Pope. Cm Pres't Bank Ky. sep 10 310VAL,—The undersigned begs ienve to inform the public, that he has removed from Ilia old stand, to the corn , ' rof Penn and St. Clair opposilethe Cx change Ilotel, where he has fitted up a lar4e PIANO Fort" - v WAR is ROOM. anti now offers for sale the moot splendid Zl . NOrlittent of PIANOS ever offered in lid= market. ftit Matins conslst of different patterns, of superior Ro:e {Mood and 31ahogan v, o.antifully finished and mo deled, a tot con.l itiled bout of the very best ma terialc, tvhlclt,for dor:it:Oil v. and quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to he superior to any ever seen here. As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange meats to supply the iticreasiog demand for this Instrut otrot., he respect full v rytitit•sttt those Intending to por. chase to call intit.vitnine his as , ort meat before porchtt Rim: elsewhere, as lie is determined to sell LOWlett, for CRAII, than any oilier establishment east or wept of the mountains. BLUME, Cororr of Penn and St. Clair streets, sep 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel. Pit (Om re h. PA A RRA NTED GENUINE.—Dr. William Evans's Camomile Pills. C aRTIFICATIS.—Leiter from the Hon. A It•lt'in lan,Su Wyatt County , Cast Tennessee, NI emberof Congress. WantIINGITOW, July 3d. la3B. sir_sior c I have been In this city I have used some of your Dyspeptic medicine with Winne benefit and sat is faction, and believe it to ben most valuable remedy. Doc of my :onstiluents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county. Tennessee. wrote tome to send him same. which I did, and ltt has mployed it very succea , fully in his practice, ard says It in Invaluable. Sir. Johnson, your agent at this place," thinks you would probably like an agent in Tennessee. If so, I would recotnmend Dr. A Carden, as a proper per-on 11 officiate for the rale of your celelnated medicine. Should you commission Will he is 'MI , IIIIIIC In act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the rare of Robert King fir Sons. Knoxville untidy. Tennes. sec, or by land to Graham 4- Houston, Tazewell, East Tennessee. I have no doubt but if you had agents In several counties id F.m.t Ten nessee, a great deal of medi• tine would be sold, lam going to take some of it home for my own use. and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether you would like an agent at Montville. Eutliva n County. F.asl.'l'ennessee• I Can get some of the merchants to net for you as I live near there. Years respectfully, ABRAHAM NI CLRLI.AN.of Tennwssee. For sale Wholesale and Retail, by R E . S.ELI.ERS. Agent, No. 20, Wood strnet.helow Second. sep 10 D R. WI 1.1.1 A M EV A NS'S SOOTHING SY ft This infillilde remedy has preserved hundreds when thought pail recovery, convulsions. As soon as the Syrup is rubbed on the ow., the r hild will recr v. cr. This preparation is so innorent, so rflicarinits, and so pleasant, That no child will refuse to let its 2ums be rub bed with it, When loin:lts:lre at the aipi of Fehr months tho' there is no appearance of teeth. one bottle of the Syrup should he ilied to open the pores. Parents shim til ever he without the O:t flip in the nurirry where are young childreit,6,r if a rhild wakes in the ni:111 Palo to the grams. the 7` yrup immediately sives ease. by ornitil.ig the pores, and healing I y pre', ill • in: ('noun nom., Fevers, 4u. For Sale ll'hole;nle and Itetail by R. E. FEL LERs. Attenl, Rep 10 No. 20. Wood street, blii(siw Second mar 23, 1343 GOCIOBS, COLDS and CONSUMPTION—The sea alali for the above complain's is now at hand, vnd all PerixiMl who are robleried to !lie inclehiency of the weather arc respectfully informed that thektan rind. COVMRT'II BALM OP Use which is nell4olnrn lo have cured THOVSANDS, who a re in the - last singes of Om • fiamption. Certificales run" he produrrd of Ito wonderfo' CUM.. TAYLOR`ei 1 3 / 4 1.FAM or LIVICRWORT is another remedy for Liver Complatols,Cavhs and Colds. If comes hizh I!, rt'cnn mended by all who have in , eti it, and is pleasant to take. and speedy in effecting a cure. PICASE'd 1110•ItnorND CANDY.--This is n highly valitalite and pleasant medicine ;it will effect a positive and certain cure for Coughs. Colds, Con.sunaption.and is an effectual rare for the W nom an Coenlls. This isa very ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children never refuse to take le; its cure is sure and positive. 'The stihscrilwr ins a certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease 4. son, so I tiers ran be FM mist ake. All persons who are etferted. are invited to cal/ and not delay, for the tinelo take medicine la at the commencement, All Ilw above medicirirs can always be procured - at Wnot.EsALs oR RETAITaI 7'UTTLE'S MEDICAL fIGENCE 86. Fourth street T FE LES.—There is a large class of Females in I MA this City who from their continued sitting, to which t heir occupEllons oblige I hem,areatlected with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart 001 he least ex• ertion, sense of heaviness extending, over the whole head. intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the how els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few dosesof the Brandreth Pills The °era. sional use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and year , of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth PtllsJust before dinner, are ofen found highly beneficial; many use them very advantageously in this wny; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition.enilven the spirits, impart clear nese to the complexion, purify the blood. and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Sold at Dr. 11 . andreth's Office. No. 98 Wood sheet, Plitsburgh--Price 25 centi per box, with full direction.. MA RK —The only place in Pittsblirgh, where the GENUINE Pitts can he obtained, is the Doctor's own Of. fire. No 9B Wood street. sep 10 L IVER COM PLAINT cured by the use of Dr. liar. ileit's compound Strengthening and Aperient rift. Mr. Win. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa., entirely cured of the above distressing, disease. this symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss of appetite. vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache, furred tongue, countenance chanced too citron color, dim. rutty of breathing. disturbed rest, attended whit a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until using Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which termina. ted in effecting a pecfeet cure. Principal Office. 19 North Eightlt Street, Philadelphia. For sale In Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of Llher ty and Wood streets. sep 10 A RON VON HUTCHELEI 'HERD PILLS,— i These PUla are •omposed of hell's, which exert a specific action upon the heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system; the blood Is quickened and equairzed in Its circulation through nil the vessels, whet her of the skin, the parts situated internally, or the extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are drawn from the blood, there Ise consequent 'acreage of every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent and exhalentor discharging vessels, Any morbid action which may have taken place Is corrected, all obstrut dans are mate - red, the blood is p urtfied. and the body ranmes a k gittleitt aZate. Fora ale Wholesale and Re tali by 1t E SF LLERS, Agent, sap le "AI I Wood Et. below Second. 03-D4izzrs PAIN EXTRACTOR is certainty the most valuable ointment for Barns, Sores, ,te.. ever Invented: no matter how badly a person may be ,burnt or scalded—this will heal them immediately, wlthout leaving any ecAft. Evtry family should have a box in their house, no une should be without it.—Every one who has tried It recommends it. To be had only at TUTTLE'S; 86 Fourth street. dee 8 IN DIVI DUAL ENTERPRISE, UNITED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For /he Transportation of ./Iferchandize 'and Produce PITTSBURGH AND PHILAD.Z. 'lll4 AND lITTSB(7RCH AND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. D EVINE aIcANULTY respectfully Inform the pub. 4. lic that they have cotti:4leled their arrangements for the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLES, The public hos lung wished fur Individual competition in Transportation on the Politic Workg, by which alone it can he freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to Ilslowest rates; that wish will now be realized; the State oflPennsylvania having, placed Trucks on her Salt Roads, ludividums otvnlng Portable Boats are enabled to hid or the Carrying Trade and successfolty to cont• pole with eompao i's. This line isroinnosed of Twenty new, Tour Beelion Borinhie Boom, owed l's the Captains who env/mond I lrrtn . and well known al enterprising, Industrious and txr.crienced Boatmen. The surerlority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode orr'aneportalinn, are too well known to shippers generally, to require III; suf tice it to way the detention, losa,ecriaration and dnas• are to Goode, invarjahly attending three Transhipiients between Pittsburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable Boat molt effectually removed The Portable float ri isse ,, ses the great advantage too, of being welt ventilated and cord in Sammer; which. pre. vain= Flour from souring, and Baton arid Tobacco from sweating. Devine* AlcAnii'lv, standlnz as 'hey de.lietween the owners onzootls a lid the float men who carry them, and vgaally ititrreAed in proieriinz the, interinos of botA, will make no pi unii,es to the politic they will not faithfully perforiu. They are now propared to receive and I , rwaril Pro dare to Pinta& Iphia, Baltimore, Now York, and Poston in the shortest limo. and plede,e thentsclve4 10 enter into no combination with other ',keg,' ut always sound ready to ear?' y out Jim principles of their Line,and contract for freiant nn the vory lowest tertiw. 077 -. 1 . 0 give atolonitied.seettray to owners and shippers of good+ an open policy of It,,tranee par been effected. by which all rue, eliandlzl shipped by thiA Line will be itemted wit hrut and additional expem:e to the owner. Devine 4- Me %nutty will receive all prudweconsigned to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges lo Steam Boats nod forward the Aline W l lllOl7l Ileby to Philadel. Rillimore. New York, and Boston withoUt any charge fur advancing or rommksion. DEVINE 4- McANULTY, Ag'nts., Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittsbn rg i ). THOS BOR DC E, Agent, 272 Market Rirrul,Ptiilat'elphia. MOORE 4• eIIAS E Agents, Narelt 10, 1;42 7.5 flowlev's Wharf, Baltimore. its' "Why will ye Iwe al this pww dying rate?" " - I) 44 4 4 R: E. HUMPHREY'S VEGET.I BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURL'S, km at 3 letlical Agency. R 6 Fourth st, the only agent in Pioshurgh, Fe l , -2 A FEW MORE STILL. OHN Arc - L- SIC EY. the old or!gittal, ha" on hand the ort splendid a• - = ,, ortment or Clothing, ever nfrered Wet' My+lock i.Lngr,and I ant disposed to Nell at the ow,. I possllde price My wok Is heavy, and as the sea. on I. advancing, 1 will sell at lower ',flees titan ever. I tsk only the pleasnre of a call, feeling confident that a ok is .nOlitient. pew, re of Counterfeits. Remember s TITHER RIG DOORS. and the SIGN IN THE. EJI NT. nov 23. 184 W ILMA-11 ELOPIR. A Itimiry at Law; Otfi.e in Rakewn!r.i tialtiiiii2t., nearly 01,110,01 e the New Corm !louse. nn Giant ?L•eet. cup E. - N L' IV A L A Al 0 t)E. VIII' F. tirelersivird respectfully inform the it lir Ilia after several years experience In the hest chops in the eastern Mt ies.they have Opened their New a la mode in Third st., one door from Market, anti hearty oppos;lei he pmt °Mee, whelp they are prepared lo exec tin alt ordeis in the 'allot itp2 line, in a manner unsurpassed he any miter in the city. It avinl made :Irratseaments for the , ftrPlitioll of the most modern sly'e frminns, 2entlemen rlothra made in a sit per. ior style. wouid find it to their interest to give them a call. I'Ve wish the puhtle to understand that this is not in ended lo tank nmonz the fujsome gull advertisements of e day; for as to style and workmanship they eltallevge moetit I n. Morel; 4 di t., SCULLY 4- MONTACUE. IR IEIIOIVA HOLI)SHIP & BROWNE tyIVE removed their raper - Store from Market Ft reel to NII. J 4 Wood st reel, one door from the earner of 4th, where they k.epnn Nandi their •irirtroeil 11':1 1.1. r.‘ PERS, for paperite4 piir:ors,en rhambers..{•r. and a ISO rFt INT! NG• tV and W (TING PAPERS, RON N El' ROA R 4-c. 11 1 4 ‘‘ - hirh ihev oiler for sale on accommodating le rnii, h•h 1-1. 134.7. --(Ili BR ANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES TIIE METHOD OF PREPARING THE BIZANDRETIIIAN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS Caveat entered 9th Jaime, ]P43--Patent granted to 6Piij4iiiiii B. a rvireih,2(lll JatiUary, 1843. Time extracts of which ilraiviretim', Pills are cotn no!.ed are obtained by this now patented process, wilhow boiling CIF sr)" applicytion of bear, Th „ ac tive p iuriple or the herbs is Ilitissecttieil the same as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE• The Public shored be cautious of medicines rec cmmnemlei in advei timients stolen from me, in which the CoNTEMPTIB LE ROBBERS steals my lan guage• merely alterini, the name. Time will show these wholesale deceit eri. iii their true light, THE MEDICINE OF TIIF. PEOPLE. BR ANDRETH':•' , PILLS are the People's Medi, e, Droved by tin•it , atl, who daily recroin mend thew to the afflicted. The BR ANDRETH PILLS are growing every dav more popular, their vii tues are extending their usefulness. The sick of both sexes are daily deriving benefit from them No case of disease but they can be used a ith advan tage. Blotches nr hat d lumps of the skin II ey speed• ily cure, so with erysipelas, so with salt 'uint), so with indigestion, so %% ill] roughs and colds, so with costiveness, so with cancer, so widl hot parched lips and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this medicine, and they will find thee require no other. So'd at 25 cents per bait, with directions. Observe the new 'abets each having upon it Iwo signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the genuine has six signatures—thre e Benjamin Brand relit and three B. Brant-17.N! ) upon it. The ONLY PLACE: in Pittsburgh where the REAL Brandreth Pills CAN as: ORTA4NED, is the Doctor's own Office, No 98 Wood street, between Fifth and Diamcnd Alley, Mark, the GENUINE Biandrelfi PHs can never be obtained in any DRUG SToRF.. The following ale the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sole of his Vegeta ble Universal Pffls in Allegheny County. Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Pittsburgh. Mr John GlassAlleshetty. Robert Duncan—Birmingham. C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. Jchn Johnson—Noblestnwn. Chessman & Spaulding—Stewartstown. Asdell & Connell— Clinton . Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum. George Power—Fairview. . . David R. Coon—Plum Township. Daniel Negiey—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilitinsburgh Wm. 0. Honter—Allon i a Mills. Bct ere n Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its extraordinary power., abstracts Pain or Sorene.y; Dins Sprains, Fliff Sinews. White Swellings, Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffgas, Stiffness of the Joints, Tumors, Unnatural flardne*Stiff Neck sore Throat, Croup, Contractions of thiC, muscles, Scrofulous en largements. Tender Feet, and every description of in _ Jury affecting the Exterior of the Human name, ant cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be 'official:ly extolled remedy. CYRTIFICATZ.—The following leiter front Major Gen eral Sandford. as to the qualities of the External Ream dy, speaks volumes. New YORK, Feb. 9, 1842, Dear Sir—Will you oblige rue with another bottle of your excellent Liniment'? It is certainly the best of the_ kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my yews knre, about which I was so uneasy.and I have fornd Is productive of Immediate relief in several eaves of exter nal Injury in try family. A few evenings since, my youngest child was seized with a violent attack of Cronp, which Wall entirely removed in tioexty Isixottea, by rub bing her chest and throat freely with the External Rem. edy. you ought to manufacture this Liniment for general use, instead of confining the Dye of it, as yes have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances. Yours truly, C. IV. SANDFORD. Da. B. BaAnnarre. 241 Broadway, N. Y. rrrror vale at 24t Broadway, New York, and at his office,No. 93 Wood at reel , Pittsburgh. PC ICE-50 cents per bottle with directions. sep 10 PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU— FACTORY. rrinEsuhsrriller would reepert fully inform the citizens Pitishurs.b, Allegheny and their viririties, that ha has crmmenced manufacturing the article of Lard OK and Candles. lie intends making but one quality, vs hie) w!ll equal the hest made in the Union and not surpassed by the best winter sit rained sperm oil either for machinery or burning, without its offensive properties, and one third ckoaper. 7'H£ 4BOYE 1$ WARRIINTED TO itartlf. Z.V. ANY TEMPERATURE. The subvert her nrOfiesla Impress distinctly nn the pablte mind that ttlanot seeentary to purchase any new fa ngled lamps that are daily palmed upon them as tieing regaisite to I, nrrilhes - lard oil in. Persons wishing a pare and brilliant liglag can obtain it by calling at the old srand,3d street, neatly opposite the Poet Office. M. C. . • The atfection of Wholesale dealers, Churches and BOLT chinists respectfully solicited. N. B —All the barrels will hear the manufaeturee. name. Jan 2; 1343-41". ZO B i E or t. ie Sp b t y 'rits Tairpent3ined .thitisiturßeeeiv.frd r - ma S. URI suhperiber ham port rrceived 1 is annual nppt? o Landreth's Garden Seed 9, conmsting In port efth following kinds—all of the !net year., crop 4. warrlisted renolne: Bearags Beets, LeanF„ Leek, W twee, Maier Melon, :tusk, asturtimn, Sqtm.h, Tospatoes, Turnip, Core, &c. &C. &C. 7'ogether with,. variety of Pot 4- Sweet herbs an d dower seeds, trOrderx for Seeds, Shrubs; 'er, ex, kc. from Gordon: ers p h d others wisl be received and promptly attended F SNOWDEN, No. IR4 LtM rt y. Pend of Wood 114. 4 M. DOEIKRTTI.PIOrtII thesr friends at/ the public that they have commenced rnanaraeta ring flats. and t hitt they lI2Ve now ready for rale, it their Store, 148 Liberty street, between klarket taditY street, an a , sorintent of the very It., , st lists, which ILity are anziousto dispose of on the cheapest and most reason, tilde terms. Their stork consist of the very best kinds, v:z.—Beaver, Otter, Neut ria , Castors. short Nal pea - Rol , sia. Fur and Sill: Hats. W. 4 Doherty are both regular bred Hatters, they hove had extensive experience as iturneyinen iu l ke hev eqra,J6ll)nents in the country, heir flats are ell got Nit tinder their own inspection, and they assure the pubtle that nothing but the very best articles on the most tea sonaltle terms will be offered (or sale. !rep 10 L. T. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Raker, Cop. feetioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near the Diamottil„dllegheny city. Every variety of Coufertinna•y and Ornamental suitable for weddinzs and patties, manufactured rrnro tti hest materials, at short notice. now 16 111.% l• OIL n.i,L.ll.—The uuderstgned titters Corselet his rarm, lying in Rms Township 41 miles from the City of Pittsburgh, ronta‘nins. 114 arrea ofla nd of which GO ate cleared a ruin ode* fenre, mlsto 20 servo of meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of A pate, ♦ few Peach cod Cherry trees—the improvements are a La rge frame horse containing ifl mums well furnished, calculated for a Ta vent u. private Dwelling, .1 frame Porn 23 by Malone It=etn.,tt, and stabling, sheds t nd oilier out honeessoil aide for a tenrifient!-2 fond Gardens surrounded with currant bushes and a well of excellent water, with • pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there. in no place now offered for sate with morr. inducement to those wishing to purchase near Pittsburgh, lie terms will he made moderate, far farther aai t 'rulers:lN - 0y to the proprietor at his Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. LA %VP ENCE MITMIELL. N. B. If not sold before the Ist of Oct3ber next. It will be divided Into 10 and 20ocre Ints to suit purcha sers. dal 10 A5l ES HOWARD O C„ Manufacturers of Wall d i Paper, .No. Jr., Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa,— Have always on hand an extensive assortment of Sant Glazed and Warn PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and Imitation Borders, of tha la'est style and handeonte patients, for paperinx balls, parlors and chambers. They manufacture and have or hand al all times Prlntlnx. Writing, Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper,Bort• net and Pullers' Roards--all of which, they offer fur sale on tile MOM aecommodalinx terms; and to which tbey invite the a tient .on or merchantn and others. A LSO—paiik Rooks ofa,l kinds and the hest qualit,s, Selina! Rooks, sir. Ow:is/son hand and for sale mistimes. N. R. Rases nd Tarners' Straps' taken In exebentSP. A. S. DIAORAW SEO: P. RBIIILTOR. M AG RA W 4 HA 11 I LTON.Attorvega at Lair, have removed their Offtre to 'the reftideme of H.S. Ma. 21acy, on From', S 4, IWO (loots abote Smit Mit Id. pep TO. Oindevati, February 15. IR4O. tic. SWATNY—Dear . .I“,...retthit me to take the !hefty of wilting to you at '41401%190 exert's, my a pprtbation and to recommend to the attention of heads of families and Others your invaluable medicine—the rilnirtoetid :`:yr tip of rtlitillVirgin)Ana. or Wild Cherry Bark. la my travels of late I 0,104k,ea in ag, eat ninny instances ' the wonderful elrects ofYour medicine in relieving chi!. flreit of very obstinate complaints, such a, coughing,, rhoaktre of Pltlev to. Asthrnatir Whit ks. 4r. 4-r. 1 should not have written this letter. however ,a 1 me,ent, although I have felt it my duty to add my tent. tuotty to It for some lime, had it not been for a late I. stance where Ilse medicine above a lluded to was rnsirie mental In restoring to perfect health an "only whose ease was almost hopetcvs, in a family of my Sc. qua,intanee. ••1 thank heaven," said the dealing moth_ rr,onty child Is saved from the jaws of death! 0 hoer I feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any other country. lam certain I`. ave witnessed more Asa one hundred cases where It has been attended with eon& i plate success. I ant using it myself in an obstinate at. lark of Brews/titre, in which it proved effectual in a vs.. reedinsly Retort time, considering the severity of the rase. I ran rernmend It in the fullest confidence calls superior virtues; I would advise that no family without it; it Is very pleasant and always Iteneficlal—worth double and often len lbws its pike. The public areas. sured there is no quackery about it. R. hensom, D. D. . . Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian • Chinch. N. Y. Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale 4. retail, only areal for Pittsburgh. tio. 53. Market street; PPP 10 A BOON TO THE HUMAN R ACM—. Dincover , what will destroy Life. and you are a great 11111 1 / 1 1. "Discover what wilt prolong Life, and the world will call you Importer." "There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, with;" as, . tritk whieh certain herbs have affinity, and over whioli they have power." Egg Plant, Parsnip, Endive, Peas, Kale, Pepper,. Pumpkin, Broscols„, Radish, I:lorerritei - Rhubarb, Cal bale, SalA*, Carrot, Cauliflower, Spinach; Celery, Okra, Co , led Crepe, Onicm, Cucumber, Parrley, Mustard, (white and brown)