• - g , ''' 4' Ailwfalrle Blo3ll4llffikl POZW: APRIL 15, 1843. (+ '(7s Ray WM II Smith, of Charleston, S C wit' preach in the English Lutheran Church, in 7tb Bereft. on to morrow (Suoday Morning at 10 'o'clock The Workingmen's Committee met on - Thursday evening last. Present. Mcll— Young and Ferral, A quorum not appearing no action could be taken on the business which called them together. Ad journed to meet on Monday evening at 8 o'clock precisely, at the residence of John ral. Tha citizens of Pittsburgh aid vicinity will bear in mind that the Rail Road meet. tog will be held this evening ut 2 o'clock P, M., at the new Cou rt house. Jefferson Supper. This festival took place on Thursday evening, and passed off to the great satis— .4etion of all who were present. All ap• peared to enjoy themselves to the extent .of their desires, and nothing occurred du ring the whole evening, to create any oth. ler thus the most pleasant feelings among Abe-- rarge assemblage. The Hun. Win. Wilkins was President of the evening, end .Imin assiPted by the usual number of Vice • -Presidents and Secretaries. The taste and liberality desplayed in preparing the entertainment, was creditable to Mr Thompson, Toe ;Zerati in by the Hon. Charles Sh iler, was in his best style, and wan listened to with much attention, and no doubt, satisfaction, by the large compa ny. In speaking of the life of a man, ev ery action in whose political career would be a theme for eulogy, it was impoeible fur the speaker, in the limited time allowed on such occa.ions, to du in ire than refer to some of the most prominetit principles advocated by Mr. Jefferson. -His ard,lit and patriotic e fru i s in the revolution were briefly but eloquently alluded to; his efforts in favor of extended privileges to the peo ple, antl'his labors against the aristocratic illiberal po icy that estalished the. alien 4- sedition lass, sere appropriately noticed, and lust, but most important to those pre.i: tint, in a business point of view, his wise and discriminating principles in ft.vor of protecting and encouraging the skill and enterprise of our domestic manufactures. wire warmly seploved by the eloquen t apeaker. It would be impossible for us to eye even a sketch of M r. Shale' 's address ip our paper of to day, but we hope that he will gratify the public by furnishing .ev,ith a re.part of it for publica.ion. Gen. ..J. K. Moorhead. Judge Wilkie s. S. W. Alltick,. Esc( , antd tither gentlemen present, same called irp l y .cAnnplimentary toasts, 'bait the space accaptioi by the “shout -i_apeeches" of the ic•itimpany in our paper this month]; will not permit us to do more than refer to their r marks. The toasts which we puhish will be fourid interesting, and the letter of Mr. Jefferson. which for ms an appropii rte part -of the proceedings, will he highly prized ty all who have a feeliti:z of veneration f o r the patriots who organized our govern• (neut. - The city .f A llegheny and the Seminary—The Councils of theei V of A114 , 11:•ny at. Th.fr setting on Thursday nig'ir, took into con-i Icr tio.t the policy of buying. the Western Theological Semi nary; which it is understood, can be had for the Prignal coat—abort 52.5,000. They elm to no &firth.; conclusion though it is yet:rally under stood by the members that they will pu-chaso the property should the proprietors in .tte further overtures to them for the sale of it. It has been in litigation fur the last t. , m years, and the author ides of Allegheny kna..v of no other mode at set - ling the dispute than to buy the whole claim. Some lime ago the citizens+ were anxious to make Alt parchaiie, but 1103,000 was the price deman ded at that time. They have come down consid erably since. We are told that it is the intention of the Coun shou l d they effect the purchase, to razo the building and make a grand Promenade or the girounli! 0, fie: It will be dear pleasure to the citizen+ of Allegheny. We cannot see why the splendid edifice could not be devoted to some pur pose of practical utility, RIVET; NEWS. 13 feet water in the channel ARRIVED. (Michigan Boles Brave r *Cleveland Hemphill do. •Cutter, Collins, Cincinnati, ' May Flower, Hutchison, Louisville. *Montgomery, Gregg, Cincinnati, North Queen, McLean, Well villa, Pinta, Vandegrift, Wheeling, *Columbiana, Murdock, do Little Mail, Gaskill, Brownsville, Alpine, Cockburn, do, DEPARTED. °Michigan, Itoies, Beaver. _ • *Cleveland Hemphi'l, do. °N opt u ne, Hick, Saint Louie, A.lgmqnin, Rooms., do Belle of Pittsburgh, McCullough, Cincinnati, utter,. Collins, Cincinnati, Oats, Bowman. Brownsville, Meta istarkeeibtis • are provide* with Evan's safety diYd. to oreweet the eat:hasten °catmint hailers. River at Cincinnati--falling,but still in a good stage for the largest beats. Upper Miessetippi.—Boats had left St• LOW* for Uppper Mississippi on the 4th PUBLIC MEETING.: The undersigned having been appointed aCom.- rnittes, at a public meeting of their fellow citizens at the net Court noose on the 18 h of last month for the purpose of at:lifting measures in reference to the conetruction of a bleAdamised Road from Pittsburgh, to interse4 the National Road at Uniontown, finding Memselves arrest c in any further steps upon the subject, by the imprese.on that public opinion appeals to be decidedly in fa sur of a connection with the town of Cumberland by means of a Rail-oad, d scut it proper to rec. m• mend a general meeting to the people of Pitts. burgh and Allegheny, to asetrtain public senti ment touching the highly important & interesting Tiestiou of connection with the Baltimore ani Ohio kailroad. The undersigned therefore beg lca%e to call a meeting of their fellow citizens of Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities, and of Alli..gheny and adjoining count its, to be hi Id at the new Court floes°. at 2 o'clock, on the afternoon of Saturday the 15. h inst. Win. Wilkins, Wit. Eie 31. Alien, Tbos Ba kowell, P. Mulvany, John B ssel, W. M. EJgar, HoLt. Beer. apr 5. BOON AND 033 PRINTING' OFFICE 3 N. W. Corner of Wood 4. Fifth Sis. THE prOprielOiSor the NIORNINO POST find MaRCUIST ♦xo MANUFLCTPRat re.ipeciiiilly inform their friends and the pal rOnsol !Ito.: papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of *IF 41101, SUE r3fr - 162 - 361P°3111E" 9 ZV)s) , '72 3M . g45.1 1;5 Necessary to a Jab :'ritti Ina Office, and that they are pr pa:rd to execute LEI TER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVEftle . DCSCRIPTION. I Bolos of Lading, rioculor. I 801 l Cards, Mark Cloorhs, Tops flookg, Pamphlet. lialitlbillc, Itftos of 'Vaults, • Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat [fills, with app., priate Cuts Printed on the shortest notice and mast rt•ao /la hie lerine. We respectfully ask the patronage of fur I [tends and be public In general In iht< branch of nor l,usnnxs. Pittsburgh, Sep:. :39. 1842. PHILLIPS ,S• FOR NEV OR LE.% N.S TIIE NEIN AND SPLENDID sT M COAT OLIVE, 1:(t\ CH, C. Writs. Icave G,r 111. , n nd intermn. diale landirrs. on Saturday ors,Apra; 1 5 11, ,n1 10u*c lock A M. For F•eizta Or Parsnz..... hdy urn , or ncrom• modal inns. apply on bna rJ, or to mar 30. JXXI ES M Y SHINN &; SELLERS' CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, Stand Unrivalled by any Medicine knwea for the cure of the -111111 M7 7 4, LIV E R C"fIiLAIN-114.- ' , Nrr .1 i ) 1 , 1:4 ()F A DISE\OFD Ii VEIL. fi ! ral In ss 'lf eppCUle, stcL I;CSS r , f the in the I•ad, ul:'ers, b:.ek nrui slder. 119: I.{ w.a riness, with sle. pit S A C we 1 . q9 of buwe Is, followed in somr eiscs by lons , lICAN, -light, diy cough, low s;dri's, with di-inel ,ti. o ; to every dutyore prominent sytop•oms of a di , . eased slide of the Livcr. The I.kcr howe7er, often much derange d, when the most Coro - lid:1 1 ,!e ivtniamn4 are ttbsunt, and brc •no s nu' of Or fir r ill Ire it is k o. celebrated 1,1 di , Itt , 1,,. he n .1•1 01 Rr , oll(.4even vr , t s. ft:tq t ty I,•• iunag th.• I v., C.,. ttp:-,111., b Cl. iv tritt , r p•igwd reitt , t , tl ft,itt•t. t 1,W,..• fle,i the ilip• 0 Its r ; r.•sen;l, 1111•1 Ow di rertio,s ,trictly I 114,, e • the t(n it p , rl . tlt - tp re(1111.11he mort-y, bei.r6( Is derIVCI:i from ow we of the p lIT'As An .A. 1 .1 111 P,w4ative rill. they 'ire s,r,•"-e , l, , 10,11 br ti",..d n 1,1-tr . e ct the C., tn. „, on pol: the dap. 'l'l l ll rdhlwill4 Cl . l , ifir:We I- rrwil h 51111, of the I , l.eth.td st rit (14:.rc1:, 51111 WO, lity die t i ttentino of ,!1,15.1, -itttilAtly att. Ord. •e• rev/ 11.1 r, innam vnu that (it/ring 1 ;1.4 spring I was afrevied xi.h Wsrase ~r the Liver. io heated the wine. to ',lade wie of )01Ir 4 1.'1:Cr 4io en, and before ti-ing It elf it hrtx I k % 14, my 11 , 11.11 !Isiah!). I feel homel, !beret': ire in e.insid, alio:, el he h refits I e rerei ed the liimirte, to re. c if l() o hers I th/qiiig tiu(l , !.r RIIIIIhtr alit c reeling eneh.iem ili tt they %%id .t che.ip and siiceei•siti'. remedy. y Pitt , . Dec, 30, , ":30. G. L. SISSON Shinn & SeVert' celebrated Liv. r Pitts not a Qu'icf Medicine; The folowing, te,,lqn mini Ira n Dr. P:rttello, ot - Porttnotuh, Oh 0, a ,gttidusurd and an old p actitnninr, tlic:ent proof for iiie ototr inc t etto too,,, that Salmi & Br.Ue•s' Celebrated 1,11,er Ptds. do, and ca o, reiie , e the aft wed. S , in & Selle. ,—(eutl. , meo—h me g , ea( pielsure to say that 1 have tha.ie iepea ed trial3ofy.,ur Cei,brmed Liver P.l.s, aud find them better adaptei to ,be for which (b e y designed, ( Liver d0.e.03 ;toy niediHoe coin'lioatioit of med..ciues I have eyer used. They are iu g , o4Lficroan,t here, and act well. Yuma, truly. R. D. PA TT ELLo, '4. D. Poqsmonth, Ohio, ion', 15 Read the following testimony and disbelieve if you can. Cal michaeltown, Greene rn. Pd. Sept. 20, 1632. M r , R. E. Sellers—For several years I was the subj:ct ci a most unyiel att irk of the Liver complaint. it would be useless Car ine to attem pt to give yin nn account of tn 7 suffering, as it could only be felt, not describ:d. But such was the sc• verity of my disease, ihat for d lys and weeks to gether, I. knew out whether I should ever recov er my usual heal h. I continued in Lois wretched cond;tion, until the Christian Advocate fell into my hand and upon comparing the symptoms of a diseased Lver as given in the advertisement with my own, I found that they corresponded in nearly every particular. From that circumstance I isas induced to try your justly popular Liver Pills, and you may be assu red that it is with the greatest pleasure that I in form you that the Liver Pills have been of more service to me than all other ren,edies I have ever used, and I now enjoy better health than I have done fir the last eight years. Signed, MARY lIORNER. rittsfied, Warren co. Pa., Dec., 24, 1841. Messrs. Shinn & Se enj ty reasonable wealth atoresent, and I must say that I have derived 'port benefit from your pills than from any other mediAine, and I believe them to be the best pill we bare ever had in this p.trt of the country. When in Pittsburgh last Spring, I bought a half dorm box es of your pills, and when I reached home I found my wife vety ill, with the doctors attending her.— The disease aid not abate until I gave tier several doses of itie Liver Pill; since that she has gained much, and is now able to attend to tier usual uof It lam nut of your pills, and desire you send me half a dozen boxes by mail; the half of the last Lit were distributed amongst my neighbors. I have bought your pills now for three years and shall continue to do so as long as I rim lumber to Pittsburgh, as I con sider them the bebtpiM Matisse ever come before the public. Yours, truly, JOHN BROWN. Prepared ON V, Rol Bold wl'oletaale ani retail, by R. E. SELLERS, (Succ.i4toi to Shinn & Senate.) No. 20, Wood it; below. &MY; riViburith• March 7. BANK AND 1121C114.N01C LIST. 01111.1eCTILD DULY: If ►LLZR XXCHANGIC SWUM PSNNSYLVANIA Bank or Pittsburgh. par Mercb. Man. bk. par Exchange bank, par Bk, of Germantosvc Easton tank, Lancaster bank, dis I Bank or Chester CO. Farmers` kk Ducks Co Doylestown bk do t' Ilk of N America Ph IL Ilk of Northern Liberties," Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. 4. Filer:hanks bk. Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk. - Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk. t• Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, L 4 Bk of Penn Ti.. par Man. k Mechanics bk. par Met:hanks hit. par Moyamenslng bk. 3 Girard NIA, 45 1 U. Stales bank, 50, Lumbermen,.', Warren, -- Frank. bk Washington, par Miners bk of Pottevlle, 5 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, Eric Bank. 5 Harrlsimrgh kink, 51 Far. bk Lancaster, 11 Bk of Middletown, 4] ok. of Chomliersburgh, 4 1 Carlisle hank, 4 Bk of Northumberland, 5 Columbia bk 4 Bridge cc. 2 Ilk Susqlteliannti Co. 15 Bkof Delaware Co. par Lehnnon bk. 4 Cenyslntrgh bk. 4 York hank, Far. 4- Drover.. Lk. of Waynesburg h, 5 1 •• Currency notes. 5 IV ymning bank, 111 Pit 15h%! 11 !talc grip Con Ittry do ,to 41 Perks Co o Leo:1510W II 5 / 1 Towanda. `ilt.nntpiearani hk Far. f Mech. hk of Sten. 11 Delmont bk nt Et . Claire. 11 Marirlia bk. Demand notes. • 11 • do Cllr relic,- notes, rotontlonna 1.1( ;New Lim bon fern m!, do Povi I .7itir intit! specie pay In! 6:lnks, llrrik. Trnders kk of MEESE Ctioho, I,k of I',.loimhuN, n,o3nAnntr, I I rirrh•vi!lr, (11. Lawrence Ca.hirr) .11 7,alletvi7e Lk FOR SALE OR TO RENT. 'Aro Le 1, AiWELL finished store Multi nn Markel lA. over Mr CWll'l'9 new Rook more. 11,111.13120. A dwetling hon., nn Market 80,c( between 3d and 4th Brut $l6O. A three story brick hot-rand •tore nn Market tit. be 'wren ontniite N llotnics Etocatigi• iffire. Rent low. l',vo 10,12 rom* on ‘l - trknt street rtiiial.le for Prlnt lIVZ officer., or lets rO4IIIIIA. A 1 ,.,,,+ 1•1!, 11 il on 'Markel Tl iv. I. Re f it of 61.1, A dry and wrll crllar helm• the rap And Iry Nlarkri el. also, a cellar on 3rd sa nearly , yito,lle Office. fttinirrof FOR Ri:Xl'. —A roittintiniite iletv hurl; 4 E 1,14 Itou+ , •,.•mate in Co.ll Lane ttPtir Tilt ttiter.i t Or I• , rm-, which wilt IN' ino , lerate.nipply Co Jo , IN 'II'4'I,OSKEY. Three Big Door, Litterly dee 3o— II TO LET. filt/F: 3d atnry of the buildinz orropied by H. A. itaimann u. an Aurdon siore.--bereiofure known as ••Netottlih'n ruroe.r of l'food and 5111 Inquire of R. Siorrow. sth st. Inn 23. oTs Fon 8 . 1 L 1; —Four Lois in 31aoctieslist,, tlnr Rtl and n fourth .beep of no Flohnes' Mil. Lots ro)ss 41, 43k5t. Si, 54. 181, IR2 and 134. ill Cookie roan of f.0t,i,0311 3.01,n0's 11111 Moo, I.nt. one 2.' and 27, in ( plan of f,ots on iiithraireei, near ills u.sw Court oose For terms apply to ' Z. W. It Em swroN 'el,lll 11loopie Agency. No. (; west of the Market House, Penn St. %Vara, Pilt•bill%flt Pit. fr/1r .tot .eriber Itavio;; for a inimiter of years been en. anted retitiog ei'y property, rollert tint ten , : ,\-r, .n.i extend his nes:: in this wny. re.prel fully orfcrs his serytres In those persons owninz, or who :nay have ehar2e of prianc•ty as F:secntorn,Administra torn or Iltin &owl, in the city or t , tiburbe, owl who may not have tekitre In attend to it ilittuinelyes.io rent d.vell nags, Warehouses. Forint; Lot+, ke. Also, to r.olleet rents, dividends, t: round rents A register I, kept where a description of all pronerhes for rent will been Inted free of rharL;e, relerence it respertfulty . offered to the fotlowiez e.euticinen for whom the stilitcriber has kern agent for some years pa , ..1-11esers Michael Allen, p.. , T,t• ,, rwirl: and James S. Craft, Esq.. fillshtir. 2 l.: Jas. Fou.irt, E. , 1 European A:.7 0 111, iiii:lll ; John Itriawn, eirwiosliaiii; B. mcl.enan, Dante: Potter Sienlienvil'e.Jo-eplt Millar. Lawrenceville; ionic- Jones Enit I.it.erts; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; par.tel Deptittl/11,Sewif kley. fet. 2.1. JIM Es 111.. a ELY% I.'o It R AND on the 1 , 1.0 f Aoril next: a brick nn rhe nk orilie A Ilmthenv river. Iwo stories lliq li. 4 rota form bie rnnmq. besides cellar and klichen. It le very plefteantly &Unwed just out side the ally line. with n fn9 VII,W of Ilurcity of Allegheny, and hiu 20 minute.;' walk of the heart of the city—rent very \ 1I ES BLAKELY. mar 13 Mime Alent,SthWa To LET. ONE Brick dwelling house, containing a large hall, two parlours, 4 tonal* up st.ilra , with 'fin• n il knell garret.ilming room and kitchen. with car. rage Thlg bonne IS pleasantly located with yard in front and rear, on the canal bank, corner of at fret, !enclitic to tipper bridge, now in the oc• cupaory, f Mr. McClurg. roill !Osia tic nqii:re of Dr, Whittaker, Allegheny City. war a, TO LET ; T,tihccrihrr will lea , c to Rood tenant for one 1 year or longer, the dwelllnc house and lona which he now occupies, situate below Manchester. at a con . venient distance for a gentleman dulng business in eith. er city, The dwelling house is commolloue. Bond stahllng and carriage liouQe on the premiere. and the land (near 6 acre , ) In fine order for cultivation. Polvesslon given immediately. GEO. CONNELL. rip 11-3:. For Rent. ACONVENIENT three story brick dwelling house situate on Ross street near l'ourth• Rent $123, npr 10, Apply to IA M ES MAY. NERVE AND fIONE LINIM ET, AND IN DIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR —This combina- tion of a local application With en internal speei. fie, woks like a charm in cases of rheumatism, put, contracted muscle and paralysis. Messrs. Comstock & Co. 71 Maiden Lane, have in their p ss-ssion a certificate fruit tthan C, Corning, a respec , ablo citizen of Quebec, stating that after having been a bedridden cripple for upwards of fourteen years he was enabled to rise up and walk by applying the Linainent to his shrunken limbs, and taking the Eliiir in conformity with the di. rections. The cure appears to border on the mi racillous, but attestations Cannot be questioned In eases of gout and contraction of the numb - a and ligament oftho Liniment add Elixir have been equally benefieial.—{Exproaci—Fir sate obly at Tur?t.E'a 86 Fourth street. Wooster, Mass'lon, do Sandusky, do Getman, do Norwalk, do Xenia, do Dayton, do Scioto, ' :35 Post notes. 1 Chillicothe, 304 Fran. kk Colo othus, La..easter, 30 • Hamilton, 4.5 •Granvine. 8U Coto. bk. Lake brie, 30 Far. bk: of CHOIOII, 45 Urbana NOTICE to Steam Boat Owners.—The subscriber, In consequence of the difficulty of the times, leas redo - the price of lite Safety Garreifor th.e peresatior of the explosion of *teem beirers,.ro 41150 per boat. It Is hoped that all than owners will avail themselves of these reasonable terms, not only on account -of the perfect safety they afford, but olro In point or economy. Boilers with lice apparatus attached will wear abou wire as long as those not provided with them. State bk 4. Branches, 60 yjarth6._flo C. EVANS IShawneelown. 70 INDIANA State bk. - Branches 11. slate Scrip. 35 _ KENTUCKY. An banks. It ILLINOIS. VIRGINIA Hank of Virginia, 1 do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange bank, 1 N. Wrxi hank 1 Mer. 4 - Mee. do. 1 MARYLAND Bahlmore Ranks, Coutil ry Ranks, DEL 4 WARE All Banks, N CW JERSEY All Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK. chy Rank,. par Cannery hanks, (safety futtd.) a 1 Red Park, S tb 1 NEW ENGLAND. Roston Bunks, Country .• LOUISIANA Orleanl Ratikp, 3 NonTii CAROLINA Rank, 24 SOUTH CAROLINA Ranks, Ii I'IS. COLUM RIA At. BA M A Good Ranks. 20 TENNESSEE. All flank., 4 MICIIIGAN Rk. of St. rink, 10 Do. dn..l (• H. Stoll It 5 U‘ NA (nod hank, Eastern Exchange. rldladelphla. .i 'N'ew York: ti Itoltniore, i Itosimi. 1 . I Western Exchange. cnichnmti, , pal Lnukvitle, par Cleveland. 1 /11v ~N lireltnv. lair ,GOI.D .° :1(1 SILVER, 11l E.ll GIZZAM So 51, Thtrd 1) Ali I El. 11 - . CETARYt Attorney at Law. or fire on .5111 st between Vtiond and Sattlitfiet.t... nn H. %VA IILI dt. HUNT, Antiiti . Liberty - stiee..ii ie* doors below StelLir. apr 6 1834. R E MOV A L. RR. G. R EICH HELM has removed IA; office to Venn a 7Ftreet, No. 103, seven doors above Garrison alley. apr 10 46 SACK S dried A poles. 23 bids do. do 10 Sacks dried Peaches. 41 Seeks Feathers. Just received per steamboats West Potat and Harishurgh,and for sale eery how for cash by lIAILNAN, JENNINGS 4-co , mar 21. 43 Wood st. FOR SAFETY. Trovefere abould eeleet Boars provided eith Frans' Safety Guards, for preventing Erptesty,' of Steam Boilers. IT would he well for the I ravelitig. community to heat In mind that their seem Ity depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the ripen-e of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual milking such !e'er'. ion is contribu ting. toward• a general introduction of an Invention ad• moted by all 1114.11 Wll,l undetstand the principles of the Steam Engine. to he :I sure preventative tigainst those ettilful di-a , ters Volt have ce talitiy, to the litinifrrds ores n'osicni that nave already taken ninee, their almost daily occurrencteond lie thousands of lives that have already In:en 1 , 4.1, a sufficient warning. and itirtneetnent to make Mowry for a Safety guard Pont, and in every rase to give it the referenre. 'Phey have went to no ndlllrional rt ionvu. that tour lives may be se-nre Ought you not therefore to meet then, with a corresponding degree of ,ihe•stity, and by yi.ur preference show that vt.o appreciate their its thdable endeavors to stop aw fnl sacrifice of hunted life. They do not charg- more than lithe, boats; their accommodations in oilier respects ate eon it, and to many cases superior; and ns there ha one !caving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any rlsk.Wheil It is so corn tetely in your own power to avoid those 'disasters. {h boats marked Dins [.] In the List of Arrival. and De; ttrt ire.. en n 'miller part of ibis pai.er, are impplied ith the :4afvty r List of Boat• proeLted with the &kitty Orard ALPS MENTOR. AGNI : SMICIIIG ‘N, A M AR %,. NTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT. MARQUETTE, BREAK WA I ER MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, 1M Es ENG ER, CECIDIA, MoNTGOMEY CANTov, NORTH BEND, EVER°. NEPTUNE. CADDL% N IR AGANSETT, DUKP. 0 1 ORLEANS, NI %GAR A, D rqUESN E. OSPREY. 1:X PR w..ss,' SIAM., MOHAN BOY, Ecl,l l , sx 0 110. FOR MosA, DRLEAN'S, FORT Purr, PENELOPE, G Xl.l ANT, PANAMA. O ELENA. QUEEN of the SOUTH, J. H. LULLS, „_*,i, ! ,,„,..... OWINA. JEWESS. .4 - oitti . RITAN: IDA,, ,:- , :',1, - .111 ANN, Q I NbIAN QUEEN, 1 ATOG k, ILLINOIS. SAVANNA, LADY OF LYONS, TALLEYRAND. VICTRESS VAI LEY FORGE, WEST WI NE). AsH LAND, B , F.AKWATER, MISSURI MAIL. CLEVELAND, OLIVE BRANCH, CoLUM HUI. cUTTER, EDWIN HICKMAN, EMMA GENL. B (101 i, ToBACCO PLANT 1 ( Ii ES 120:s, IWIT 221 --- BLANK LEASES. A lIPW and muckiiiiproved form 01 Blank Limufe4, for "fro, of 11M. "AforMoz Post." .....bisßegular. Mornintr. Pa cket ..11—____ __ FOR BEAVER. 7'lle f.,si eitnnin2 and well known -!-,, , r Sluntuer CLEVE LANI), Stir,mt. 14 . 7 , mi:rt.. Master, will depart daily from Pitt.,• belrgli rit 9 o'rlof k, A ?,t„ and [leaver at I o'clock P. M Per in i4ltt er pa.,.,;:e. amity on hoard, or In BIR 11 I NOll \II & CO. No 60 Water ntrret. NI [t.—The rent or canal packet to Cleveland, Ohio Greenville and Nleadville Pa ; and M assillon on the Ohio Canal, conneet:tie tell h steamer Cleveland at Flea ver.tvill he In operation Immediately on operiiiil of nav a 'lon, mar ,I.3—tf. - LIR ER5:.....2000 pounds Feathers, a prime ar tide just received anti fur talc ley FIAILM.Usi,JENNIVMS 4- Co 43 World st reel SUG.IR RICE 4- MOLASSES. 9 !lUDS Prime NM, Suzar. lewd 10 Tierces Rtee. 19 bids. N 0.3 Moclierel. For sole tow to close consignment, by mar 14. .1401Eg MAY. PIG IRON. ■ a ■ ! TONS TenopFsee Pig iron For ?ale low to I/ riosc consignment, by frb 10 JAMES MAY Birmingham & Co. . COMMISSION AND PORWARDING AMR CHANTS, No. 6u Water street, Pittsburgh ra. '!'cant—Receivinz and Shopping 5 cents per 100 Ms Commiaslons on Purchases and sales 2.1 per eent. mar 22, '43 COUNTY COMMISSiONER. A T the solicitation of a numner of friends of all poi_ ninical parties, I respectfully coffer mylielf ti the con. slderat ion of my fellow•cillsens for the office of County Commie Loner. That my sentiments may not be !Hisao. derstood, either ea to political or priVate affairs, I roase free to', say that I have been all my life a conmetent Re. publiean, In the true sense of the word. Ac the county is somewhat ctull,frratsed In its financial affairs, and the reduction of salaries of public officers has received the approbation °Clergy ms)orit les oft he people, the under signed would not should he be en fortunat e as to be clee• led, in any manner attempt to resit this salivary re. form; should It reach the office of County Crmuuslioner. apr G: SAMUEL HUBLEY. FAMILY FLOUR. 3 0 8111.5 Superfine white Whrat Flour, Just rereived from Valley 11111 Is r.nd for axle by J. W. BURBRIDGE ap 12 Water et between Wood 4 , Sot AMERICAN PIONEEtt. aIUST rectiired from the publisher at Cincinnati, 46 copies of that excellent and useful Historical work, the American Pioneer, peldished in monthly Noe at $2 a yeas. The diet 12 numbers bound in the present vol Utne et subscription price, for sale. and suteeriprione thankfully received, sr thesis' General Amer.! , and In teiligenet office, No 9, Filth st, up 12 EZMIMi •*t_ litAtEN • currik FOR THE LAKE& TRLA.tqvi Dieviatictxr, Viraihingfon, March, 1843 I S"LP: I3 'PZIDOO.F.V.S wilt lie receiVed at this De l ' un " e. 17th of April next. fOr lultding the Hull of an Icon P.,itanicr, In bc used as a Iteventre Colter at. 1.,..ke Erie, of the following dimensions, say, one hund:cd and forty 046) ! . .et On derk,tiventy.three feu beam, and ten 00) et hold. r.; wings land si,onl,ls for building to be furnished by the repart• meal. It Is expected that these boats will be built in te fereece to Hunter or Ericsson's Propeller. The Iron construction must be American, and of the very and is lobe painted with two good coats of fonebefure the w nk is put up and the other after). The whole of sal 1 Iron work shall be weighed, I fifth it I , wrought and fit etl to its a ppropriate place,and previous to Its being finally put together: payment will ! be made according to this nett weight per pound, inclu 1 1 ding coal hunkers, wafer tanicsand galley. The chnin plates, bobstays and all iron work necmary to the hull, I spars, rigging, sails and v. uns will be included - in the pro posals, and the price for such work will be separately stated. A spar deck of white pine, 4by 6 in., to he laid, secured from underneath, with the "wood sere* bolts" caulked and p'aned. Perth deck of ash or yellotv pine. by 6 inches, spiked and bolted to tile berth deck. al. so caulked and pinned. Ceiling plank of while oak t o the flooring heads, 5 Inches thick, thence yellow pine. 4 inches thick. to the lower deck clamps, all of which wil I be estimated by the square superficial feet. The male 114152nd weight used In the construction, to be approved and the work to be Inspected by such officer as the Se cular: of the Treasury May appoint, and the work ICI Ire done necording to the direction of the superintendant. The vessel to he completed within six months f rcm the day of delivering ti e moutds and plans of htliiding• The workmanship to he inspected, previoos to dens.- ry, by two competent Judeep; one to lie chosen by each of the parties of the contract, who, in the event of their dimarcenient, shall select a third, who are to determine whether the work has been executed in all respects, tic cording to the proposal and agreement. mar 22---1 all PROPOSALS FOR STEAM ENGINES. &e TerAanav DreaRTNENT. Wasington.ll7th March. 1843. SrALEn PROPOVLS will he received at this De port men: until h' 171 It A pelt nest, for six strnm engines, boilers and propellers., constructed upon the plan known es•"Homer'[' Plan," Iwo (2) of ,mit engines, hoil erg and propellers to he delivered on Lake Erie, as tie signaled by the Secretary of the Treasury• the others at such place or Wares on Atte sea ennst.ns the Secretary of the Treasury, may direct, also. two (2) englr.►s. boilers and erepellers upon the plan known as—Erieslan's Plan," to be deli=erednt tutor playa nn the pea coast. ['tithe Be rrelary of the Trea , ury may direct. The engine, hollers and prop.llerg to he made of the very best motet la's. to heart he proof of inspection of such person or persons at may be selected by the Secretary of the Treasury.— The bolters to hove not less than seven hundred ('00) feet lire Surface; working pressure. eighty (80) pounds to the son:tre Inch; proof, two hundred and forty (240) pounds. n inch cylinders. with three (3) feet stroke. The whole to he delivered a• ciirect&i, within Jive month* front the time of receiving the drawings and plans of building. The proposals will elate the price for which the en2lnes. boilers anti propellers will be deliver. rd and rut hilt) complete operation. But as the appli cat long of the etteitteQ working to either of the said plans Ise patent right, the proposals will also owe the price asked, includi , ir the authority to toe the patent right, and also the price exclusive of said authority. ntr Farlll% . to Lease. 9 - 111 F, ,in.ipr.tvied will lease two Farms situated r., Elst Deer towitsbin, wit h tits necessary tencnen Is, and from 75 to 100 arres clenred on each. Also, one farm sheeted in 1.1:r,t Deer tow mdtlp A Ile2heny county, with from 50 to 75 acre s cleared. TI r nbove described property la In reroonalily Bond rem.lr. laying oh All 15 miles from the Pity of Pitisbor2h, and within two mites of the renn'a ("anal. and will be lensed on reasonable terms for from 1 to .bree years, to rood tenants. March 13t h I UST RECEIVED.—A n excellent na3oriruent of Cof •fee Milt.. e heap ea Mon Hoes, Shovels, Spades, A xos llntrheig. Dane and pitch Pork:4, 10::urs,Loulavilte Lime white Wash,' sweeping, arruninne. cloth Ur* duoing itruAhes, writine,'et ter and wrannial paper,Enelish an rolintrY QuIIIR, corn brooms and 14. ISPS. paper and borders. window saph and glass, Tubs, iitickets and Churns, count r y Carpet, tatle 5:111. and miter article'. for Pa le on accnmmadmtint , terms foreash, good negneinble paper, or barter, to suit eonsigneer. Qhhds. N, O. Stlvir, this dayrecenved per strainer N e w Vnrk, and for sale by J. st coreb der In. Nn. 12 Water it W ILMA M C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait uwd Picture Frame Manufacturer, No." 87, Fourth Street Pitts burirk. —Canvass Brushes. barnin h ke.. for A rtists, aiwn vs on hand. Lookkjg Masses. kr prcimptly fronted to order. Repairing done t.t the short eat notice. rorticatar attontlon paid to reOldlog and jobblog ()rev ery denrlp. inn. • Perform fittin: tip ?tenni iktlitior houses will find it t. heirtitlvantpleio (01. rep 10 Auothw 1,7 FARNES Tocr galteeftsory to J. ti .G9tlt. • rle, at Ihe old stand etiiner 01511) and Wood vis., having complied with the rennivltionv or t h e new Aue• tion Law, •' re prepared to make advance. on COnplizn• mentv and to Fri N.,' favorahie term,. They bripe by continuing to make ready valet, and prompt returns, la receive a fair portio n of toi.iiiesir. April 1at1843. in rruirin2 from the Auction tusiness. I take erent idensure in rerommendin.3 to the Tuthill: Mee