sties among them. In one district there are eighteen, fourteen of whom are of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Jefferson's Birth Day. Thomas Jefferson was born on the 21 of April, 1748, eld style. The approach of his cecturiai anniversary made it nieces Pacy to consider what was the true day of the tauuth on which it would occur, and strange as it may seem, the question gave rise to some difficulty. First, the 12th was fazed upon, because, (1 presume) when • pope Gregory introduced the new style, in 1582, ten nominal days were omitted, and the day following the 4th of October was called the 15.1); so that the 2d of April O. S. would be the 12th N. S. But the cen. tonal years 1700 and 1800, which are leap years in the Julian Calendar, are comm un yea's in the Gregorian Therefore in the 18th century the two styles differ by 11 days, and ink the 19th by 12. Nuw as we are at present in the 19th century. it his been inferred that 12 days should be added to compensate for the difference of styles; and accordingly that the 14th was the birth day of Jefferson. This was atso an error ; because the change of the styles was made in the English Calendar not in the 19th but in the 18th century, when w')at would have been the 3d of September 1752 was called the 14th,-11 being the number t be added. The following 2d of April 0. S. was consequently the 13th N. S.. which was from that time fimward the birth day of Jefferson, and has been accordingly the day always kept in Virginia. I have madellahe foregoing remarks fur the purpose of satisfying the admirers of Jefferson, that, notwithstaadmg two fats.. reckonings, they were about to celebrate his centurial anniversary on the true day of its occurrence. X. ---------Particular: of the Trduble upon the ....._- , Border.— A British Officer Arrested. We have just been able to obtain the par ticulars of the arrest and rescue of an A merican citizen by a Britrati officer. It seems that a Dep-ity Sherif of New -.., • Brunswick, by the name of John C. Cr a ven, held a precept on a civil suit against r -- ` Daniel Savage living in Aroostook Conn ,.. _ ty, with which he proceeded up the river :--- - •i., and made Savage his prisoner, and then ': returned to Madawasca, where he remain : vi lik , ed during the night in a house near the , -•:-.:,-- . British Block House. The Americans, -: - on Fish River. thought it tfi•ir duty promptly to rebuke such His lietion in their territorg. A small but brave numher of them under the command of a Consta ble, with a wart out, started in pursuit, for the purpose of releasing. Savage and att. resting. Craven, if they could catch him on the American side of the river. The company proceeded down the river, about twenty m'les, to Joseph Hebert's arid • there awaited the movements of Craven. In a short time Savage app-ared among them, baring made his escape, and in a little while Craven also appeared in pur suit. fie was arrested, bought befote Justics Wheelock, arid boJrid over f,r his appearatace at the District Court to be holden in this city ill May next. —Bangor Whig, NEW ORLEANS, March 27. Late from Havanna.—By the arrival yesterday of the steirnship Alabama, Capt. Winlle, we have received full files of H 4-4 Intone papers up to the 21st inst, together with letters giving detiils of the passing events on the Island. The comet has been seen at Havanna, and has taus d not a little specalatian a mong the editors. The Italian Opera Company did not arrive by the Alabama, as was expected; but among the pasvm!ers was Signora Oastellaa, the prima donna of the Its;isn Opera in Mexico last season. She is a brilliant singer. and we have heard that she will give concerts here, probably in conjunction with Max Buh:er. • A letter to the Picayune dated Havanna March 21st, says:— Mr. Garrison i. getting on mist eners getically and successfully with his race course. He has the assurance of a very liberal patronage from the *obleza; and the erection of the necessary accommoda. Lions goes on with vigor. He has had letters informing him that there will be horses on here from New York, and that 14Ct. Singleton, of South Carolina, is on 1 the way here with his racing stud. , • Max Bohrer, the violincellist, has been • " concerts here, and Otto Motty is eying with his cups and balls. Notwithstanding the vigilance of the British on the coast of Africa and here, for there is a British guard -ship perma nently stationed in the bay opposite the city, the importation of negroes from Af ries is said to be of no unfrequent occur name. it is known that a cargo of 600 • were landed on the north coast of the h and same miles fro n lure last VI-3,l'i. ,~'= • England in Trouble.—There is an As- Itrologer in New York named Nelson, who, i bie published card, threatens terrible things to England. He swears that a Ow inspection of the heavens has satis fied him that England's struggles are vain, for stets in their courses' fight against the British power. On the 19 :i day, the ponderous planet Herschel enters Ai ies, the ruling sign of England. It is now nearly eighty-four years since that potent, planet entered that equinox, viz: in May, 1759. Shortly followed the death of the king, and a seties of bloody wars ensued , . 7 ,--ftr which England still pays the penal— ty its her huge debt. Earthquakes, plagues of insects, 4-c., occurred during! the seven years Herschel abode in the I sign; nor may we doubt that he now opens' blaitlt page of England's history ! Shall I.e not be a scourge in the hand of heaven, it, repay that country for her cruelties to the poor, And her wanton slaughters in aris. China "dal Affghttnistani Frret tko Penney/Damian 01 Friday the bill authorizing the sde of me mite line u idle public works, piss ed to a third reading, only 28 voted against it. The bill fixes the price at sixteen mil. lions, to be paid in state stock at par; shares COI When we c insider the present depreciated sine if Peon'a. st k, we cannot but reg ird this as one of the fi nest ch tnces sp!culatam that was ever presented I stock-j i'ahers. and one from vv'tich they will realize I irger dividends Clan were ever declared in the palmieat days of "bank facilities." if this act should bec mac a law, the spia,:u lators should erect a m•inument to perpet• uite the glory of the present legislaiure; hand ft down to future generations, as a remembrance for the libaral manner in which they give away to cap italists, the improvements that have saddled the peo ple with a debt of f aty millions to con - istruct, and from which they are now be ginning to receive a small return. Orly think, tax-payers, of e magnificent Line of Canal and R. ilro3l, to he trans ferred to the grasping ha ids of specul itors fo r the sum of sixteen millions depreciated K ate stock. And from what source is the remaining 20.000.000 to be psi I ? Why from the hard industry Of (he producers, the farmers and the mechanics. Their in dustry must wipe out the enormous d •ht, while all the benefits that wi!l arise from the improve nents in the construction of which it was incurred, will go into the pockets of stockjobbers. Among all the infamous acts of the pres ent Legislature. we do not know any more deserving the execration "f the people than the one truth irizing the sale of th , . main line of improvements. In it justice to the people, it is only equalled by the charter.. ing of the U. S. !Bank; and should it be cousurnated, those who were instrumental in bringing it about, will ere long receive that meed of indignation from a plundered people, that such an act will justly merit. Black Tungue.—Dr. John Kirkwood of N. Madrid, Missouri, states that the dig ease which has prevailed thers of late. and which was by some called the 131. ck Tongue, is the epidemic winter f •ver of that country, modified by certain atmos. p'leric changes, and characterized, io ad. dit ion to its usual symtonas, by local pain of a neuralgic character, and, in some ca— ses, slni throv; bit e,t n c tie his the Wad: oess of the tonpo tormsd a symp. torn of the disease. m tti g nant s ,re throat was in some cases the - most urgent symptom the tongue in some patients becoming en larged and SI w , illen; hut in no instance— even in fatal cases ,did blackness of tongue super vents. Grealfircia Utica N.Y._ A fire broke out on Wedt—sdny m irnin about 2 o'clock in the large Rid Car Hous t, bel mging ing to the Utica Co 'Tally, was e ntirely destroyed; the large hotel of Mr. Given, the buildings on the west side of Canal street, belonging to Sir• Peter Banker; oc cupied as a Lob icco factory, &2. and the smith's shop in the rear of Giver.'s on the corner of Canal and Liberty streets, are also destroyed. Seventeen railroad cars; and three hor ses in ;fir. Given's stable, were also burnt The Bank of Illinois, having signified her determination to accept the provisions of the late law passed for her case, will forthwith go into liquidation. It is sup prsed she will pay about the sane per cent of specie on her notes that-the Silva Bank. is paying. Peoria Press. PO PILUIDaNT, • JAMES BUCHANAN Subject to the decision of i National convention. DA TL `MORNING POST. TIM PHILLIPS 4 AVM. H. SMITH, EDITORS LICD PROPRIETORS TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1843 See First Page. Usury Laws. A new bill has been reported in the Legislature of N. York amending the U— auryLlws. It is liberal anal to our mind. just in its provisions. It abolishes the present Ittv ioflictin; a penalty for _taking more than fixed rate of interest, while at the s tme time it de nies all legal aid to the recovery of more than the present filed rate in that state, viz 7 per cant. In other words, the par ties may agree upaz any rate they please, without dagger of any penalty, but if the debtor does not choose to pay without a suit, no u t tre than 7 per cent cau be re• covered on the trial. This affords certain- ly a saffioient protecti in against extortion, and it his th m-irit of b ng a step to wards the establishment of the great demo c: atic prinisiple that privite individuals have a right to jud4e for themselves of the m st expedient rn_ith id of promo:ilia' their own interests, so long as they practice neither fraud nor deception upon others-- a principle alike commended by consider.. etions of natural right and of the general welfare. It is to be hoped that the bill may pass, so that other states may witness a fair experiment of :he po icy of freeing mankind at large, from subjecii ri to L ,g -islative guardianship, in in itters that con cern only their own pi ivate interests, Sole of the Main Line. Rhode ishtiol Elm:thou Thet Proiidence papers of Thursday give returns from all but two towns,-- From the result published below, we in. fer that the Algerins have carried the State. It could not well be otherwise; Iw h en we consider the means used to keep democrats from the polls, and to intimi— date those who wait, from voting the lib eral ticket. 'lie polls were closad at 5 o'clock in the evening, an hour before the workingmen were done their labors, and then every voter was obliged to endorse his na ne on the back of his ticket, by which means the wealthy employers were enabled to discovet those who voted a• gainst their wishes. Threats of proscrip 1 tion were freely used, and hundreds of poor men who knew the heartlessness of their opponents, stayed away. for• fear that by voting as honesty dictated, they should be deprived of the means of gaining a living for their families. Bit if the people are defeated now, they must ultimately t r i umph; truth cannot be crushed for even by such means as have deprived a majori ty of the people of Rhode Island of the r ights of freemen, and thetime will soon come when right will prevail over might, & the haughty tyrants who have so long ruled the people with the harshness of task nas• ters, wi I be driven from place and power. The following is the vire as published in the Providence Chronicle of Th..irs day. (Inventor Senate. H, Senate. H Fennrr, Da rpentet Whit; Dem 431)5 6002 S 16 7 19 1438 635 7 II 1348 732 7 1177 691 4 583 3 Providence, Newport, Kent, Bristol, 8356 7110 24 49 7 19 Vona; %lercer after his Acqnittal. The E v .ning Vlercury cl , sn.ibes the in terview of young, Mercer with his family, immediately after the acquittal. "Shah fell nn her knees before her br alter, as soon as h! entered the apartment, and im plored his forgiveness fir the peril and suf. fering to which he had been subjected on her account. Ti,! in ether embraced her son, (.vhn n silo re,gard , ql almost as one re stored fro n the grave,) with that joy and lacluess which find no utterance in words• Tne youth, on his part, discovered all that intensity o: . affeation which forms the most agreeable trait in his ellariefo% He hung on his si,ter's nisit and assured her of his perfect forgiveness, begging her to consid. er herself blameless. and attribwing the afili , tions they hail j ust passed thro - ugh to one who had made a full and fearful stone. inent for his guilt. informant, wh ;is not used to the melting mood, lel; the room co npletely overwhelmed by the artless cu,- play of filial, fraternal and parental em otions he h id witnessed." Pennsylvania Inior.ivainieut4. Arra/lye/71CW y the following resolution a I I p:eJ nu the Gt t inst. by 01 . 1 naar..l or C tail CAu•nlsta••ncrs, it kill be seen that th e.itire eh irge or fare on our C trials Railways betweLin PhiladAphia an I Pittsburgh, in the "Ex. prose" or fast Pac•kut hoe, it to be nine dtllari only, fur cath pasienger„ Toe proprietors of that line have accede 1 to the tortes of the resolu tion, an f we h up,; they wi'.l give the public prompt and full assurance that they 'rely upon the permit nency of this arrangment, so very impwlacit to the prosp rity of our city and the public, works, With the fare thus reduced to lhr..e dollars less t Ilan that of the "Express" lust year under the draw back syste 11, no other route can compete with us tor the travel; and with it, our reduced rates of freight must secure to us tha trade to which we are entitled. 'Ne deem thus a proper occasion to remind our hotel kee e ers and all oth ers interested in this subject, of the incessant of. forts made in Wheeling and Balti.nore, to divert both trade and travel trim the Pennsylvania route• One halt the api-it evinced by .those places could nut fail undo: present au.pices to place us far be yond the reach of competition. CANALCOMMISSIViEIte Room, Harrisburg, April 6, 1943. On motion, it was Resolved,'That harea'ter b , ate tomed by three or more horses, and designed exclusively fur pas sengers, running between Ph ilaielphia and Pitts, burgh, shall pay a toll of one Cent per mile, in addition to the five mill+ per mile on each pas senger. Provided, That the companies or per. sons running said boats sh tll not charge mire than nine dollars on each through passengers so carried between those cities. And, provided, Foal the charge on way passers between Harries burg and Pittsburg shall not excsed seven dollars —between Harrisburg and Hollidaysburg four dollars, and between Pittsburgh and Johnstown three dollar: Extract from the minutes. ' THOMAS L. WILSON. Secretary, We also learn that in addition to the draw back of 20 cents a barrel now allowed on flour, a simi . lar draw back is alloyed on pork cleared at Pitts. burgh and passed on the state improvements to Philadelphia. The above reduction has been made by a resolution of the Canal Bard, adopted on the 7tn inst. This is a further evidence that the present Caminiasioners are determined to do all in their power to B:cure an inereaiadtrale on o•ir public improvements. .Izother celeeill wonder. —Some per. sin while in iklit.4 Lunar observations at Fart Leaven worth, Wissarri, the other d iy discovered a cross in the rnaon, which di vided that luminary in fun:- pieces, like a pie quartered. Tile person who tells the story, did nut see it himself, and yet he ven tures to give a diagram allowing exactly how the thing appeared. • Drowned. —A. W. Fell, mate of the ship Rothchild. fell into the drink near Apals dhaenlit, Fa., and was drowrwd, with four apprentices who were with him in tho ttoat. aiMMME:a If Gov. CI - Wand is not elected by the people he will be by , the legislature in which there is a dedded dem. majority. The N. Y. papermays that of 4 Congress men the democrats have 3 and the whigs one. 1-iu rra! I A man named Wright, in Greenfield, Mass., got druilt the other day and went to bed, taking his youngest child with him. ' The m )ther, fearing injury co the child, • i trted to get it away. The father was °bail ( nate—the woman called in a Mr. Moody to assist her, and Wright stabbed him mortal. ly. The Legislatsre of Maine passed a law at its recent session, to admit every per son of gmd moral character to the practice of the law in that State. It passed the Seia to with only oie opposing vote. Every hon. est man in the State is a lawyer now . So t is irt New liamp3hire and slme other 'States. Eighteen of the 26 Gave rnors in the United States are Democratic. s Tongue—nice calculation. —[t has been aszertai ied that a w•mm's tongtte moves 16?0 'troll a miont•. 0, horrible. Tre.tinry notes .intitan ling on the Ist of April, $11,687,387. Signor Nagel an,! Dempster are givin g concerts in N VI. tllij it Tuchinan is also there The stockho'der:4 of the Tremont Thee Ire have voted not to sell t iat building for a church. . Natural curl )alt has seen a talsitec)on, with pi ik eyes. He says the coon. are gro win; paid all fiver the coun— try. The following ativerti3einent app ears in a London paper. `For sale, an excellent young horse, which would suit any lady or gentleman with a long tail!' Murdoch, the actor, is teaching pulpit eloquence in Boston. Jacob Kellar, Eig., of 111 , itnifjoy Town ship, Aiidins Cuun , y, Peunsylvanis, con• mi ted suicide by hanging himself, on %%redoes(' noing !wit. • it is easie to bring up a dozen chit dren right, than tef►nn one grown-up block head. A Question for drithosaticians.—A cor• reeporotent of the B ism(' Bulletin wishe, to.,know to what sum the 'widow's mite' wouitt a . noinit. at the present tine, it it had ben put at interest eighteen hundred years ago. A ynan4 la I, while .I:tending a threshing machine at Esp...rance, S.lhoh.trie 1 - ntinty, a week nr two since, in the act of pitching the sheavos, slippe I an.l fell, hi. head stiiking up the teeth iir the machine, and was drawn in and crushed to atoms. On t'le `22 ult. nearly $150 . 0)0 evei •,lrrived at Ndw Orleans. Tui!din.r.--They: were 943 new btolitiig or tt:d in the city or 13 iltiolare fron Lilo Ist day o 0 !tuber, 1341, to tto LA dry of December, 18/2 Why. - e the Steritt's atitteriis .11/ U iRI!PI till ed in the rtm to like en net•?—Forum B:caLiu t;key have ail g)1 'ails , we pr , :,ti me, as we ob4ervq that each , )aa h is a stereotype l 'N. B.' attached to it. Resolute —Ttse Texans are La IktnT about allot!) er invasion of Mexico. The Philad3lphia B inks refute to receive quart ers, levies and tip 3 eviept at 23, 10 and 5 cents,— ['his is direct rob'tery of the poor an i we hope the BAn'ts of Pittibdrgh will n cellos in the foot•atepa of those in the east. Sleighing—There is plenty of it still about Pottsville, Pa. 0?od Prim— Uwe por.raits by Rembrandt ,were lately eolJ at tirntseli for $15,0•)0. fferic) —The treaty with country is veri tied . Jamaica —tn earthquake was felt at Kingston nn the 7th ins!. Britlnsirs Business—The Western Railroad co ha-i expended $35,000 during the past winter, for clearing the track of snow, Fail•cre— John Mont, an English burglar, at tempted on Sunday night, to escape frou N Yci y prison, but was ciught in the attempt, Stewart, who murdered the pour woodman by setting his dogs on him, at Cypress Band, Arkan ea-i, has been arrested. Home—Keep your store of smiles and your kindest foelings for hone; give to the world only those which are to spare. Th Catholics are preparing to build a very large Monastery an I clollege near South Bend la, Negro Longevity —A colored man named Jo. aeph, the property of Mr Richard Wilder, of Hertford, NC, lately died in the 118th year of his age, Joseph's wife is still living at the age of 116, Substitute for smoked srlaes.—A southern editor took a 'glorious howl of nogg' from a lady lahich enabled him to see the nucleus of the en net Booth is in New York cluing up Rich aid in his own style. cotemporary hogiris to suspect that theearnet's tail is nothing but snovr, and that the loose Particles occasionally fall off. for our benefit. VON .MteniOtiod of a Moiaiimi 'Bd. wards.--Mbis romantic inaivitiost who is now in Sing Sing, atempied to eitapirfrom his dresillikcell on the sth inst. A fellow• prisoner raised an alarm that he had seen him jump into the river. The bell rung and diligent search was made for him in vain. Aboct 9 o'clock, the agent sent up an order for the Sing Sing Guards to turn out and render their assistance. '['he beating of the alarm drum was heard in the silent hour of the night; and in a few niotnents the village was astir. The Guard matched to the prison , to patrol the outskirts of the establishment, in order to prevent the Colonel's escape—provided he had committed himself to the river.— But at daylight the Colonel's whereabouts was notdiacnvered. Aa soon as they could see, they set to work to drag the river where the Col` one 1 was suupposel to h Iva jumped off, but they could not catch him—where upon it was cunclucled he had gone for good, either by land or water. Hut, to the surprise of all,,the kaoper of the shop where the Colonel worked, in looking into a closet that was used for storing linings for buots and shoes, discovered the gentle. man who had caused so much trouble , nicely ensconced in one corner; with a good supply of crarture c trifort—having a bottle of brandy, with crackers and cheese to make himself comfortable uutil he could make his final exit. So it will be per ceived, the Colonel was not so successful in getting out as he was in getting into prison. A contractor's agent has been arrested on suspicion of supsying the Co. , lone! with th , t articles found with him, and aiding him to escape. Th'.3 Gazette re,eats its slander on the respecabi ity of the Company r hat will shortly appear at our Theatre, and with characteristic unfairness, r , fuses to correct its falsehood, respecting Mr. Bronson being tor led nut of the Theatre. Our neighbor does not, U seems, consider an eff4rt to de• str'v the reputation of those who are per • fect strangers to him, as being im:noral, and in his anxiety to excite public prejudice against them, he does not hesitate to violate the first principles of moralil. MASSACHUSETTS ELECTION. In the 2d Zd and 6ihdistlicts, there is still no choice. Mr. Hudson, whig, io probably elected in the sth. and from the lierkshire district we have nothing deft nite, A miogular coincidence in the death of the •great and good Washiogion,' that he died in the last hour, in the last day of the we %, in the last month in the year, in the last year of the century; viz: Siturday night, 12 ii'cloek, December, 1799. Prize Conundrums.—The following brought each a silver cup from the Vir- Minstrils now in Boston. , Why a negro in dog d P like a good of whiskey pinch? Because he is not, strong., and not to sweet.' Why is the mawizer of the Tremont The atre like a earlesq maul B catt , e he frost, tii4 mom , y afriirs to a ehild. [Grew'. ge [I. Child, treasurer.] Two of the ruffians who Lynched Bill folitil,m on the prairies, have been sent to the penitentiary. They founi it no hoax if the papers did! At the l ate Fireman's parade in Phila delpha, the Fite Engine brought over from England by Benjamin Franklin, was ex hibited. It is said to be over une hundred years old. The Bangor Courier says—'We have news from Oldtown that the Indiana have abandoned the island for the present, ex— pecting a great freshet.' The Flying Machine man is in New Orleani delivering lectures oa flying.— Entraneo nothing. The chief Tiger tail is dead. Flour in Cincinnaii.—Advanced from 2 50 to 2 73 including inspection, stuck on hand sery light. Whiskey 134 and is quite active. RIVER NEWS. 13 feet water in the channel ARRIVED. 'CI eland , Ilemphill, Beaver. •Michigan, Boles, Beaver. Algoquin Kountz N. 0. Brunette Irwin Louisville Allegheny Dean Cinzinnati Louie Mail, Giskill Brownsville Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville. DEPARTED. 'Michigan Boyes Beaver „*Cleveland Hemphill, do. Belmrnt, Poe, Wheeling O Ila, Bowman, Brownsville Pinta, Vandegrift, Whoeling BUSINESS AT THE WHARF.— The appearance of the wharf presents a cheering contrast with that of this time last year Yesterday we counted twelve boats receiving and discharging freight, an-I by reference to our list of arrivals and depar. tures,it will be seen that it is large. The price of freight has not advanced much, if any, but 'tilt steam boat stuck isgetting up• . _ • The :Cumberland river is in good liaviga. We order for the largest class of boats. Served him right"—The Sheiiresjc ry in the case of Roes vs. Defy - Mottle New York., for eeduction of plaint•ff'a daughter, have ar.gessed da at *lO, 000. being the full amount la .d in the de. claratiun. Messrs. Upshur and Porter will, it i• said visit each navy yard and fortification in the Union during ihe summer. DIED—On Saturday, the Bth inat, at 9 o'clock A. M., ROBERT H. DOUTHITT, in the 414 year ,tf his age. He was interred in the Methu. dist grave yard in the 5:11 wardon Sunday the 9th at 4 o'clock P. M. Q ::7-The offic e rs of the 6r t Battalion 106 Res latent Pennaylvadia Militia will meet at the Tomtit - House, Allegheny, un Wedneeday evening the 12th inst. DANIEL M CURRY. ap 11 Col Corn 106 R PUBLIC MEETING. The undersigned having been appointed acorn. mittee, at a public meeting of their fellow ciliates ut the new Court House on the 18th of last month for the purpose of adopting r weenies in refers to the conetruction of a MeAdamised RQi corn Pittsburgh, to intersea the.-lirationul Roan at Uniontuan, finding themselves arrest a in any further steps upon the subret, by the imprescon that public opinion appeals to be decidedly in fa vor of a connection with the town of Cumberland by means of a Railroad, deem it proper to ream. mend a general meeting to the people of burgh and Allegheny, to ascertain public semi. ment touching the highly important ert•intereatinig cpietoiou of connection with the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. The undersigned therefore Leg leave to ea a ineeting of their fellow citizens of Pittsburgh sod Allegheny cities, and of AllEginny and at:kilning count ies, to be !hid at the new Court House II 2 o'clock, on the afternoon of Saturday the 15th first. Wm. Wilkins, Wn-. Eichbautn i M. Alien, Tbos Bakewell, P. AI olvany, John B reel, W. M. Edgar, Bolt Beer. a pr S. NERVE AND BONK LIN IMET, AND IN DIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR .—This combina tion of a 10c..1 application Witt' an internal speci fic, wo, ks like a charm in cases of rheumatism. gout, contracted muscle and paralysis. Messrs. Comstock & Co. 71 Maiden Lane. have in their p es asion a certificate fru n Ethan C, Corning, a respectable ctt zen of giebec, stating that sites having been a bedridden cripple fur upward& ice fourteen years he was cnablea to rise up mod walk by applying the Linament to his shrunken limbs, and taking the Elixir in conformity with the dr. reetiong. The cure appears to border on the mi. moutons, but attestations cannot be questioned.— In cases of gout and contraction of the muscles and ligament ofthe Liniment and Elixir havo been (qualy beneficial.--[Express.]—Fsr sale only at UTTLL'i 86 Fourth street. CANAL BOAT FURNI TUBE. I HAVE on hand at the store bri3 Wood rrcet s a large quantity of idattrasses. Boit F. - ameo, P. Ingle and double Cots, dke. ¢e ; sultablelbt Cum, Boats; for sate al reasonable oilers. ap 7 —St %Val. NOBLE, Upholster. TO LET. E subscriber vrtil lea‘e to a good tenant for oat, year or longer, the dwelling house and land which lie now ocenh ea. **tome below Allancheiter. at a eon . venient dimance fora gentleman doing hu hen In WM. er ri.ies. The dwelling house Is memo loos, good mitabling . tutl rarringe house on the prem.'s. a, and the land (near 6 acre:) In fide order fur Cultivation. Potsersion gives immediately, GEO. CONNELL. aPII-31. QE:, %LED PROPOSALS. wits titslectiredby ..the sob— NO amber. until Wedne.sday the 12th or April, kill 311 eels of Brass Screws, such as is now kisser by the fire companies of this city; the screws In be wide br the he.t material and suhjiict to the hispectionottbe e-mniltiee on Conference and imtpecticht of Fireman's .I.4oeiationituf this city. Also, two new IVheel4 for the A rehheny Engine; the wheel. , to he modeof the best material, and to be fur. nts,,ed as directed - by Capt. Holmes or rn , d company. W. V ROBINSON, Preet. F. A. FLOUR 1000 1113 LS. Bartertine in store end for 'fir by J. W. BUR FIRIDGE*Co. Water al.. het weep Woad a , id Samillield THE biIEAT CENTR %L ROUTE. vt• NATI °NAG Roth AND BALTIMORE ♦en OHIO RAIL ROAD COMPANY. au, E fin.: of U. :4. M. it Coaches for Washing tint City, 1 Baltimore. PAiladelpAia and New York. This lino is In full operation and leaves Pittsburgh chilly at 6 o'clock A. al., via Washington- Pa. a-1111 national road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road Co's. to all the above places: Travellers wilt find this a ape. dv and comfortable route, it tieing a separate aid dastinrt Pittsburgh and Cumberland line, facilities Will he afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex tra coaches furitiquid at the shortest notice, the privilegr of going through direct, or taking cue night's rest at their option. For tickets, apply at our office at theMonOttgatiela House. L. W. STOCKTON , Fen. 3d—dlf. President of N. R. Stage CO. WLLLLtM DOSE RT Y 9 n i Arend Cap Manufacturer. 148 Liberty at, between Market and Sixth. up 10— 6m. REMOVA T. J. DURBORRIV, ATTORNEY AT L W. has !IL. removed his office to No 63 Fifth street be tween Wood and Smithfield sts. next door to Alderman Morrow, •pr 7..1843 OR ST. LOUIS AND MISSOURI RIVER. The trubsinntlal end well known Stew* ALGONQUIN, Hiram /Counts, Master, will depart ibr the above ant Intes mediate ports on Wednesday the 12th inst. at 10 o'clock, A. M. For freight or passage. apply on board or to BIRMINGHAM # CO. apr 10. No 60 Water st, N. B—The Algonquin has certificates from the Mutual Insurance, Western Marine and Fire Insurance compan. les that they will insure on her es class No 1. CARRIAGES AT AUCTION. By BAWL FAHNESTOCK & CO., corner of ;rood antl.sth street■, on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'ciosii one superior (nearly new) two horse family earrings with harness, of Boston manufacture. One single horse York wagon with harness. apr 10• REGULAR ST. LOUIS PACKET, f A SSA CH MEM, Isaac Bennett, Master, wilt depart for the above *ad to. terrnedlate ports on Tuesday the 11 Inst. ar 10 Wed eteh A. M. For freight or passage apply on boatd, or ap 10 BIRMINGHAM 4 CO., No. 60 Water at. WHISKEY. SBBLS 5 years old topper Slstaled Monontaheta 44 , Rye WltiFirey on consignment, and for sate by I. W. kIRORIDGE. • Wafer between Wood and Vinfiled COTTON. li a• BALES Cuttah—For sale low, by ti mar -28. JA,MESMAY. FOR LAFAYETTE AND WABASH RIVER. The new the CECIL ( Clarke, Master, will leave for the above and intermediate landings ow Tuesday next the nth Ned. at 10 o'clotk A. M. poihtrely„ For fr , d2ht or paeaage apply on board or to ape 01 J.-131 FS MAY. C".ecllla la suppiled with Evans' Safety GUM to yr evrrk I hp oxfvlov,,,, of k,O For Rent. ' - A CONVENIENT ibree ra.c.r,y brick dw.tbiliug i *um clltiateun Eon kticet neai goutti). Root 41 , apr lel, • Apply to 3A5161* • •j Z. '