- - tfE . C4:lot , !ti WAR RH OitSie. roar Stt.eitia dears/rem tail U. S. Beek. Ira Tr Pills.. fietlirlekee, respectfully inform., the public that b ell.nemovett his ready made coffin warehouse to lite ilittert; recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berford,directly appozite hie old stand, where he Is always xrepared to at• end, promptly to any orders in hie line, and by strict at tention to all the detaita of the !oldness of an Undertaker he hopes to merit public .ionfoient.e. He will be prepared at Act nocas to provide Hearses, Biers, C laces and scary roontAlte on the mo,a liberai tem & con s from the cvuntry will be promptly attended to. ills residence I in the same building with his ware Incin:te, where [hove who geed his services may lind him &tiny time. , arrseexces: : W. w. la wut, A 4 1, .10,1416 LIDDLIB. 41/110% Pa.1701/1. w. m'cLoots, 1111/.40 MARAIS. op 10 TTHOSE wimsc occur TIONEI TEND TO PRouuoß OR. AGGRAVATE DISSASE.—This slams of indi tad:tale is very nu iieraus. They are those who work in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers. work. men In feather storm stone cutlers, bakers. white lead manufacturers, are all to.irr. or %R. subject to disease ac. - cording to the etrenoth of their conciiiiiiion The only aseilioti to prevent disea.e, is the occasional use of a medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete• rbros humors, and espele them by the bowels. Tonics lit any form are Injurious, as they only :at oft the evil Aar to Make it more fatal. The use of Etrandrellee Pills will insure health, lieciuse they take all impure matter Oat of the blood; and the body is not weakened let' itrenißthenect by their operation, fir these valuable Pills AO ntit force, hat they aa4ld nature, and are not opposed. bat harmonize with lier. Wirth! nt Or. Itrandrr•thN Oiled. Na. 93 Woad street, Plttbarlu. Price 25 cents ter box. with full directions. M AOC—The onto pare In Pittsburgh where the neVUI %IR Pills ran he nittagned, la the Doctor's own Bee, N 0.98 Wood Mtreet. IMP 10 ISSOLUTIOV OF THE UNlON'—Tier et.p i t. nerehip exietine 1,01 VW•f! II James E. K Inourn and harld J. ♦lorrian thl+ dty di+salved by mutual consent The eenditinna t,e .Inly noticed, with the ekinnt tires er hnth mirtiett annexed. and 13 irry Hall will he cow I eller' •pen by the autt:eritier until oilier arrangements ale per raved. R•rr sale. nn the prpinr , o, 110 IN , . chrtfre wlntrr ap plea, If app11,...1 for in'nr•lir.pli. RN , sep 23—tr No 9, Market, and 74. Prnekt at VM. 811)1)LE, Su ,4rrn,, De'ti,t.llAY returnhd IA t ,vm 1, No 137, Smithfield Si rect. where he r -art he consulted any b.or during Ille da v. • 'so 11) front. lie has re .1 ,ve iii • ezin ilisitment rroni his old -tand, in 'third siriser, in I lir eorner OF Picini nil. , 13 wIthfletti, in I lie h.lioineel siory .1 I III.• Nionontrinei:, Houle; where he on 11 tlul a general as POrlinft. ll or Fashioaabic CJodi , silliable for Gen fenieft's wear. Ho hopes, by ,lo•h: altl . l - a? i to, It, R .ltrt re. of nu.iness W.era II y Whim at Ills old stand. N. II Ilavind 111.1.10 arlottldziht,its in New York a..., Piffle:100111a, with lhe ino-t eTnhor,, fo• the reception of Park and rn,o.her- May rely on having I heir ord,c, ex ,, h.ed a~•ontfog t„ the tat est st yle. GEORGE .11:17013 Sept 10 S. WHITE LIME. a •su vf ,T; 175 8 . 8 a L . ,, , A.G' , RDON, N n 12 ti•nirr•tre,t. La I what nt.IK ,r) bit. 7 (atoll) Josh's dulcinta to hini ne.tltt, To make yours 'ot.k s•r, wit 0 grit, rr at!, fortt , , brottglit you !.01 l!, Tans‘V",ll. Pis the brat new inn‘'f , , I) I tin 1,, ks ssl, • And since they hn ev I r led I :11, .111 (411,5 E away But to DT ovvit I rot best, to in ire !eel it shine, hook again, my dear o', to t he!nitre of wine. Then try t• Is great tooth wash, The Tenherrl loath wash, And see if this Tooth Wash of Thorn's Is not fine. Raving -tr:e,l ilr.. , Tliorit's Tea Berry Tooth t+l'3sh, and bertonte art - plaint ed with the Ingredients or its comp° /hien, I cheerfully say, I ennsider it nap or !Ile RR re , tl. a it is one of the most peasant Troth Was , PP now in it or% Pittsburgh Sep. 15, I B-12 DAVID hake pleasure in stating,having made u., af•'Phorr:', Tea Berry Tooth Wash," tri . t it is fill, of the 1 , -7 ilea trldces in use. Being In a liquid form. it ennui or= neat RIM with convenience. White it eliar,.es the enamel anti - removes the tartar from the teeth, its pert it ale yPlits a fragrance peculiarly deelral.te. J. P. I'IB It I:TTe. M. D. The undersi:ned have used "The it's Compound Ten Berry Tooth Wash."and have found it to bean extreit.e• pleasant dentifrice, exercising a mow sanitary ants over the Teeth ;Ind preseryln: these Indic pansable members front prentatii re decay. preventing t he accumitlation Of Tartar, and purifying. the Breath. llse. in gthuroughly,tested its virtue., we take niengoire In re, eamMendins it ~ to the public, lieliceing it to be the best ar ticle of the kind new In use. ROBERTSON, JAMES P JACK, NOWT H PEEBLES, CHAS S SCULLY, C D.SRRs4O/1, W.Ar m'CANDLESS, AI,A/OORHp, J AB S cR)IFT. HZ LINO wiLLY, L S JOHNS, Prepared and sold by INI THoRN. A potbeca• Cy and Chemist, Na 5,3 Market street, et all the nrincipa Bruaiss',T's ttshugh; -cad t ute Med ical A gen ay, Fourth Ftrr•pe. AN'TERING CUR6--------performrd by De.Stra rne7 aßpaawd Sltratp of Prinks r r eiritriaart.or Ff'ild Cher ry. Flavin: d itt.e thi.invatuaite syrup In my s o o ty, which emir, If cared me child. The Pymploma were wheezing and choking. or phirl!m. dflteuliv of hreathin2. Mended with eau,tant cotigh, spasntn, coovolsionn, id' which I had given tioall hopes or it, recovery until I was advised in make trial oh 110+ invaluable medicine . Ana, !rein: theetrects it had upon my child, and cpn• ,clueliuir to make the Fame trial upon mv,mr, whlrlt 'rely relieved ate o(a cough that I wan afflicted with for teeny years Any iterenti wi.nlitz to see not can fa at my bonne in Beach Street, above the Market, Kensington. J. WILCOX. DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP tiF WILDCHERRY. We rat! the atlenlio* 01 the public to the numerons certificates wider) have keen In cietiolation In nu• paper gad some others of this city, lii2htro recommending Dr. dvraysa's Compound lilvriirt of Wild Cherry .—We have Kan the original eertifiestes, and have no doubt hut they COMP from truly grateful bearts.esprr=sive of the lienefits Which they have received from lint valuable compound. MI have acquaintances who have frequently used the *horn medicine. who ran speak with confidence of Its loots,—Satarday CAI-snide. raILLOw ClTtzurs:—Witt; sincerity I would advise one and all, l'oih sick and well, alwat re to have a hettlaof Dr Swstesit'sCompound Syrup or Weld CeirrrY In year house—it is Invaluable In eases of emergency, Mich as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attack, of violent C 0 111441, which Is often the cause of spittini Or blood. Vishist Nervous 'Affections, which occasional" come host )right, and various other causes, producing great Wars. sudden coeds from Improper exposure, which ant °nen let run to an alarming, extent, for want of steam belies ready at liand;—and as I have used Dr. Compound Eyrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly sly &Mar, and always with marked success—l can iiroun . . me it with ron6dence. as being one of the best utetikines whlr't has ever been offered to the PN I Vhc. - -Seeierstay Chet:mid/. Ihhkby Wm. Thorn, Wholemie 4' Eellil, only areal No.S3 ifachetlereet. rep 10 REV. JOUR ISLAM D. D. REV. itopiarisittcz, n. D. Itt9, UNCUT. WILLI/MO, D JOSEPH RCP. //AM N. DAWN, Div. E. P. E9/1/T. S p. RI CE P : cirt, DO A r IlrllF inn safean I re. I al" rn rr rnr ("ouzo/,. CO/4. ..4.t ma. Sore Titrnaf, Pll/.3 c. , :d It ruknest of the ” fl Uh. o " ,, i. CouZh. frriftion of Thrust,, and thr a Thrust, marry titiPant, In I lin Cunsompleon v r.l P—nr.naarn i and , totcl Rmait 11. T. PRICE, l 'ttnfm , tiont•t t Ptah Ir.' ''•• 'egh , tt)' Ctly. awl the ph ei ar nru,n4lte i.ls r/r .-11. c r art 1,1( for Prft,t•', rotn pm] r l COngli l'and v !toy 17--• _ It Ollr,RT POTLTER..Ittorn (4 qt On 1!)t , corm., of roil :111,1 811:1(iltiPtii sip ~ r . 10 Looking . Glass IVlanufactory. / khd II useForniihin g . kr a rPhou.t., 104 Wilvd t 4 !tect, twat sth. 7IME SnlNrrirrr hsvirs frau I , lrd his arran:rinsnts Y. tit 1,. nest .ylanal. i. nosy Do e!narrd In offer In Is /IR frtel tl lip inticl•r, aln rl.r anal ron.hlrte nesnttment and Iluuc e lornl.,iiins m(rOwa sr.t priers to auif (he tinsels ) Piss and rtlanl,l Glnsces in Gilt and \lalintralty l'r: , rnes, °rine annovsl and sure , tor worktn.m. n'a•ore sv!lli 1.2..3 4 nn.l n”.li t Ilai C;'ll*.titi" ctr ilin,n want in: chenn Li panned kV:liter-rind Tram .r. of I v,wry lu n.t r, K Vo , k4. in %lel 'et or dort..is, !lurk nid Ca r vine ir,d F., I s e t ig t Ir C'l,"s Frfit t,r3 C Sr ..) 411,1.1r:111 ManTifririti tit, rll.. nr ologle German Slyer Ter% 6.01 T3'.!e, r 1.1:0 , 41 :in!! Bing , ras,d'..Q.ir • , ntifret • dn. i.t nr 1, I..lrons. rot in..: Sperm of I.ti , of Oil. I .1 %V I, F. r..nde I)at , erw; ) Shrivchn and Wil't a V..,11-11' nt • ntlitteri.n. In men rt.-in.:II: of wh!c', .v1..1 he 0,fr...ret.1 :it the. :owes cabli .It Portrait, NT i.,ll,tirr.lnfl nihrr rrantinr. dnnr• at thr r r Irl. li, 11, I.•x •Z'f, F,inrs for Fla eln - I ,lllly 1,1 1 ,1.1 fw, 3 t' da 1. Ileadaelle D. fi 11..'s .I.VTI .S I' I: pTic rats. 4P C nito kniton , lionimitils as a most extratirdtna rcoliity for thin affliction an well as the Menu riiveri ilite ram of heir curio:: UySpgp iA. Will those mrVerifie only ask :moor: their friends if they have nol known of ihe positive effects of said Pills. nod II they do tint hear Item more Warmly prayed (and deservedly ton) than any ollier, then let them net loiy them. In ilPar few renl/11 k all filmy or intaxlonlion in excluded, •ind nothltie will 1w sail of th•tr merlin at any time lIV r a tot f itrly proved by reipecla ,he menders of elfr rOlefeee ay Read rae rwiow in zSiren „ vre•perla -jcin-n of .411„gi..., v rul,and nil e7.ted by Or e s of the Cr,urt of rointi.,,, l PlPas or lieghv"Y to. A f.I.EGIIENv CITy, JIM] iry 9. 134.3. Da. BROM Dear Str—l have for a number of yea, past been af flicted with a f:rvere and almost constant Headache. a rising from derangement of stomach and bowels arid al. though I have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re. cormitendKl fur lis cure, have never derived any mate rial benefit until I used some of your truly valuable An. ii Dyspeptic Pills. I have not taken quite two boxes and consider myself perfectly relieved from that diatresting romplaint. I have no hesitation In recommending your Pills as the best medicine 1 have ever used. Yours, Respectfully, I am acqua.nted with M J TURNER. r. Turne-.1 ave no than In certifying that I consider the stintmnents ofhest,' Mr T. respsciina Dr. illrodle's PAIN. as entlfled to the moll perfect and entire confidence. HUGH DAVIS. Per sale. Wholesale and Retail at the gr.llahlan Pll Establishment Pitteluirgh Pa ;an by all authorised a. genie throaghnut he Union. AHe'y city Jan 9 lark; Adams' Patent "Eaughphy" H.B rp: now been Wore the pub is 3 years dn. rinz which time several thousands have been sold and in daily use, We are c iiifilent or being stistriti i rd In sayint: they are the best colrre Mills in the United States, any way piu , fis Several innilificalions are madeto snit the Clue) , ni wives nod the purses of _.t Platform Scales. tzettutt,e anidea, ni• FI SIZ,!9, and etto-t improved vturietimeonstatqly at, band and forßnient vc I y reduced alien" by the marnistetnrer . L R . LIVINGSTON. mar 2. —tf Front between Ro.e and Grant !NEW ESTARLISHAIENT Upholstery 'Furnishings. %viz' subscriber respectfully informs his Frienos and JL the Public thnflie has just opened the store No 30 Fifth street, near the Exchange Bank, and adjoining Mr J D Williarns'Grncery—where he Wends to mann fhoure In the bent style, and have ready for sale a full assortment of the first quality of Upks/stery Furnish ins:, sue has flair, Shuck end Straw Mattrasser, Feath er Bed.,,Sacklnr, te.whieh he wl•I sell for Cash at near iy 100 cer cent !moth:in former prices. &LSO; Sofas. Chairs, etc Upholstered, carpets wads, and Cut loins arranged aner the newt ai faabions—All or Which he others to parent° In d wanner unevutlad he this or unsurpassed In any other city. mar 20 ly JOBN T. STEWART. • ABSOLUTE Liao, ALL, 10 ann . TRIALS. anti all successful prove IP lILF DALLE AMOICAL PAM' EX. TRACTOR Inestimable. it not only eureeoulcker, lint gives no additional pain, nor leaves altar. Fire Is NMI. Lively rendEted harmless. ($lO has been offered six months to any person returning an empty box, and saying iliat all agony on anointing Is not extracted a few mln• oit ,, s, yet not ono from thousands of trials since has claim ed the bonus) Parentsanxious to cuardagaltungenera I inlnries, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or even small pox pustules, (It possessing the enviable power to replace tfiecellutary organs destroyed,) can do so by ob• u • nining l'.ls Inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt cases lu the city - ran he seen, and one entire face burnt over and wounded three distinct times In the same spot while heal Ina*. yet in no ease cart be traced the least eicatrite or rnark I For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are also importantteven sore eyes, all inflamations and bro ken breasts would be unknown. The toilet and nursery, - or el , •nring the skin of pimples. removing chaff, etc„ vi lii Ind it indispensaide. One using only will forever Fetal. I ugh it the .nverelgn HEAL ALL quality. Attar IWO no ;lee, brads of r;inllles allowing torture for months, and .initmdely di-iorted features, can never wipe away re. nroachdostly littered by a disabled child, for neglecting to triumph "ver the. Entered aceordlne to act of Congress. A. D. 1891, by cometleur 4. Co On he Clerk's mace of the District Cou rt of the United Stales for the Southern District of New I York." Warranted the only :smiler. Comstock 4. ca., wholesale Druggists. N. York, hays he. come the sole wholesale items for Mr. Dailey, In ilmarl ea for 20 years. All orders must he addressed to them. The senolne only to ha had at TUTTLE'd Medical Agency, 8.6 Fmtrth street, Nov 15 Pittsburgh Lard Oil .lbtanufactory. .„ .411,"7" --arks k40:1 hand a superior article tif.!irrl warranted to burn at any temoerature, end lual to the hest %sliver strained Pperm Ott, %althea! on;•hatve rinalues. and one !bird cheaper, man. d by Ihe siihseriher at the old Wand, Third st., n.arly °pc - m.411e the Post Office- M. C. EDGY. Jan .1.18.43 PIT • I'SCURGII Tflo: 4 . A !TILL! ER 4 • ,4 4 h. the zroFs Or dozen n 1 the n.n.nraclnrv--- Mniknhle Caglittge made to order. 7 . 411=1. OCIPTO VAainliSe .4(211 • etrflew isoporiaut it is that you .commeisce "Abaft logs of lime with Reaenexris's Pmts. They mildly list surely removetti Impurities from the blood,and poem of sick nears can affect tlaehuman frame, that these cele brated Pills do not relieve as much se medicine caa do. Colds and coughs are more benehtied by the Brandreth Pills than by lozenges and canales. Very well, per leaps.as pallai Ives, but worth nothing as eradicatora of diseases from the human system. The lieseriarre Puts cure, they do not merely relit ye. they cure diseases, whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills. CURE OF .4 CANCEROUS SORE, Pato Bora, January 21, 1843. Doctor Banjuntin Bran drath—Honored Bic Owing to you a in of gratitude that money cannot pay, I nue du ed todebt make a public aeknowledgembett of the benefit my wife has derived from your Invaluable pills. About three Years this winter she was taken with a pain In her ankle, which coon became very much inflamed and swollen, so much so that we became alarmed, and vent for the doctor. Martell hhiattendance the pain and emelt ing increased to an alarming degree, and In three weeks r . otn Its first commencing it became a running sore She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.— Our first Doctor attended her fur six months, and site received no hebelit whatever, the pain growing worse. and the sore larger all the while. Ige said If It was heal• ed up It would be her death, but he appeared to lee at a loss how 1.1 proceed, and my poor wife still coatinued to staffer the most terrible torture,. We therefore sought other aid In a Botanical doctor, who said when he first raw it that lee could soon care ihe sore, and give her ease at once To our surprise he gn ye her no relief, and acknowledged that It baffled all his skill. Thus we felt afeer having tried during one whole year the experience of two celebrated physicians In vata, In absolute despair. My poor wife's constitution rapidly tailing in the prime of her years from her continued suffering, Ceder these elrctimatances we come - laded that we would try your UniversalVegetthte PHlceleiermlned to fairly test their curative effeets. To my wlfe's great comfort the first few d 0... afforded great relief of the mein. Merlin one week, to the astonishment of our. serve r and every one who Knew °film ease. the swelling and the ineammai ion began to cease so that she felt (vette espy. and woiebi sleep rnmfortabiy, and, sir, after six use she rep. Abl e to eo through the himse, and again weed to the management of her family whirl, she had Tim d•ene for nearly 14 months. In a little over Iwo m.iiitha from Ilea time she first commenced the use of your ineatuabie Pills, her ankle was quite sound, and her health bet•er than It had been In quite a number of years before. I send von this statement alter 'wo years lest of the cure. eneablrring it only an aet of .feestice to you and the public tae large. We are, with nmrh era itude. Very rexpeet TIMOTHY 4- E(.IZA A. LITTLE. P. S. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore can errytio , And finally haul tioanori could ten done. Hitless the whole of the G , alt wa • rut off, and the hone scraped._ Thank a kind Prov,denc e , this made ue rexort to your pill., which saved its from all Nuttier misery, and for will , ll we hope t hr thankful. T. 4- E. L. inf - Suld al 25 cool, per hos , with chrprtions. O•serve• ?lie new labels• earh havin g upo n it two sic natures of Dr, Viand,' each hot of the genitin.' haA sit xi:confutes—three Recjointo drantireth and three II Rrandrerli upon 11. drsrtliiter hlilt Wore in Plllsborzli 11,e the rani Nan 'ante olltained. Ie the Doctor's own olive, N 0.9 I. Wood street, het wren '1 , 1 , 1 D amn, d t tr y Mark I lie go.nuilie ilraudrei tt Polls can never he obtained in v e rn.: score. The ("Now t nz are, be Only aeents appointed by Dr. rt. fort he Frile of his Vegetable Universal Nil,: in A itegt,ny rnont% J11(14011 11:: TTORAyAW :4 s _gr T l ritrhli«ld nvar 7111 • t CllllO 1:•,:s maffr nit 111.1.1 p ale Ivrea.. l'ettelelog :%or wid , ,ive ,of nlil I ip net or von.. rd• rApr . .•ai ,, (l d for 11, I'mipni of . Ma , 7 —lv it eiviova 1. .IfeC,9l/.1/o.y. I ON-1R F: 1? 00 T A's N/JOK ICE R, irirndm rr,peri fully ihr , irit• his and Ihe phlitir, that he has rrrtinvrtl hie r•Wi lo Ihp fie 1.1. iitilidl,l24 nit Mark,i ir , nordont Iria n li p c rrter 01 3rel Ns rrri. • Pr. Rmt SPr.K, Whore het,. prepared as lierr , of..r r in receive. uriler. 'lor of Pioni• maid Shop,, rind to make them in a no' pa , is,ti by any estahlf:hMent in ,h r city. rlir I rii,a are moderat e lo coil lip tim.p, and the worknilihritip 010;! hl. .rrr, will IT tea ranted. A par roiviz-i, respccirnlly reqfleiled. nvir 2:3_3wef It. E. :4 Elt FT, DENTIST, office, Smith fief& berrete, Scre,rd ,and Taird Sta., flours of f nfni 9 A al till 4 P. M fie. E. 0.1. ifilfact- rcn Procelain and 'iliueral teeth. (t , nlicla can be nu proi-d by 111. Inn or no=te fret iv. Block', f,f teeth with a beam Ifni cum in full nets, or of 1 , 114, will be 'node In order OF the shortont notice, by firwardin± no enact linorenslon of the mouth. alto, for •ale a few machines with ornery wheel.. for :rinding and Milo.: mineral tenth no useful to the nem int—all willoe Fold low for CO.'.. dec. 23. _ ._ pLI'S cured by the i cc of Dr. Harlich's Comound Stirelin.t finning and German Aperient PIP, p Dr. Dear Air—Shortly alley I received the Alnifry (loin ymt for the sale of your inerllcio•. I looined au arqnalulance wi a lady of this place. Whin v..as seveiely afflicted Willi I lie Po. or ton years this lady wan subject to frenurn t painful attacks, and her phy.ician rouniitered her cane no romplicaled, that be eery fiefdom menet Med medicine for her. Throtteli try persuasion, she commenced using your PIII, , and was perfectly cured. Yours, .4.c. JAM Eri R. KIRBY Oeinher :3, 1840. Chrim . herr.bu!, Pa. VrOfFree and General Depol. No. 19 North EiVit lr Street, Philadelphia. And by Simnel Frew, corner of ',Merin , and Wood trreela Plte,hureb . nep 10 NDEPENDENT TIDE ♦VATER LINE OR carrying Nterehantlfze and Produce to and from F Pitishurgh, Philadelpilia, BAllicnore, New York and Roston, by the Pennsylvania Canal and Rail road, on entirely temperate principles Stock of this line consists of new large Tidewater heats expressly for Ihis rattle. with all tbe modern Im• movements in lo.t holltling; of a snort abundant "apply of first rote carrion the Porten Railroad; and a full sup ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats he. (wean Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which wi'l be conducted by sober, inditst rious and experienced captains and supethitendemis Charges will be paid on all goods intended to he shlimed from Pin s lhtry hto Philadelphia, na'ihnore, New York or Roston, and consllned to James Dickey 4. r:o., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne sig. unit will be promptly attended to and forwarded with despatch. Alt Goods anti produce intended to be shipped from Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Hurl.- an Canal land consigned to Hart, Andrew and Sir:Never, will be received at their warehouse, first wharf above Rare street, Philadelphia, and shipped directly from thence without additional handling or expense; a line of Howoif packets connects with the line at this pin'. Shippers are Invited to examine the stock of this line and judge for themsMves, before shipping by any other, as their Interest will be advanced by shipping by it, pruprlelors being determined to exert themselves to the utmost of their ability for the interest of their custo- Men+ ap.d prozperity of their line. I nanrance can be erected cheaper by this line than any other, as the route Is considered the safest. PROPRIETORS. Hart, Andrews McKever, from Philadelphia and Bal. 'Mime to frotlidayshnrg. Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh, AGENT i g. Hart, Andrews t McKever, Philadelphia. Elder, Getston 4- Co., Seldom - re. Henry L. Patterson. Hollidaysburg. !met Patterson, Johnstown. James Dickey 4. Co. Pittsburgh. Jan 13--Iy. COnVeyaileing. J AXES BLASZLY;..ootiouito to execute altktode of writiass.,Loeb so needs. kkwtaages. Apprestlect la. demure., Articles of Partnership. Letters of Attoroey. Witt/Ape. it , ,,ta a osatkad legal mairser, sad at baWal eraser dialys e **. his ski Mae Pisa street, listoriks ward market house. fob, 2s. PRISCTT.LL nricE. No 92, Wood Mrret, Mr. John Roh , tt Bonen • Rirmon.2harn. C. C. R Rowford—M*Reespost. Prrsoly II I. John Johnoinn—No,,lesino.n, Che..ginan gpooldinz -Siewartstown k Connell—Clin.on. Roller! ttmlih rolor-r_Tarentoin. Georc,. Power—Foirvn w. R Conn- lon 11:11 ip. flan fel Ne , zies—Eat 1.0 foly . riitv 3,r1 Thomp.,on--Wi,kl,,si.urgh %Vol. 0 Romer— 5110. --- -- - - - - t CN duet, WA R Het we E sz if fiti lt rnsf — . . i tmliftaisf Pntri st its. Two doors from the corner of Wood street. Con. inanity on hand an assortment 0(100 ready. made COFFINS, of every size and description; costered onm, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black ...Walnut, Poplar, and PineCoMns. ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered that friends may requite. A credit :Iven In all cases, either of coffins or carriages, requested. HENRY SHARES, Undertaker. sep 10 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL IN. TRUM ENTSI T. ./ifcCart Sy, Cutler and Surgical I """ v ient -Maker, Third street, utterly eppesits tilt Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in• strumests made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissor. always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. R. A Ilarticles warranted of (behest quality. and jobbing done as usual. sap 10 A LLEN KRAMER, gzekaage Broker, Mo. 46, Col• war of Weed and finit Street,. Pier/burgh Po.— Gold, silver, and Solvent Rank ruses, bought and sold• Rigid cheeks on the Eastern cities', for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. PitesburgA.Pir, Wm. Bell 4. Co., John D. Davis. F Lorrne.J. Painter it Co., Joseph Woodwell, Ja meg May Philada/phia, Alexander Bronson k Co., John H. Brown k Co. Cinder/att. 0., Jamey M'Candlers. St. Louis, Ale., J. R. lll'Donald. Lestiseills, W. H. Pope, Eari. Pres', Rank Ky. sep 10 REMOVAL. be tti riet the public, 1 hat lie has removed from lite old stand. to the earn , r of Penn and St. Clair el a., opposite the Ea change Hotel, w here he has Riled up a large Piano Foal: Wait Roost. and now offers for sale the most splendid assort met.t of Ptatros ever offered in tMe market. Hie pltinna consist of diTerent patterns, of anperior Rose Wood and Mahovny, henntiftilly finished and mo deled, and ronvitneted threatrhntit of the very heat nia• terialgovhieh.for tinrahility.•nd plants of lone. as well as touch, he warrants to he superior to any ever seen here. A■ he has enlarmed his manufactory, and made arra nee mei& to supply the Increm.lng demand for this Insult mt•nt, he respectfully retitle:nix those Intending to pus. CilllPll to mill and t rantine his asxortmenl heforepttrelia min: elsewhere. Oa he is determined to sell L O 'WICR. for rash, than any other establishment east or west of the F ni.ume, Co7ner of Penn and Si. Clair streets. pep 10 Opposite the Exchange Hotel, Pint:buret,. P.t. I=l WARRANTED GENUINE.—Dr. Wilitant Evan' Camomile Nils, r PRIItICATZII.-I,r , fer from the lion. A I.'ll'in M'Clnl• lan,Sulllvaii Counts, Cosi l'entiessee„lllenibetorCongress. VAstuivoTorr, July 341. R3B. Sir—Sines I have been in this [fly I have used c ome of vote Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and sails faction, and believe it In hen ma-t valuable remedy. One of my :ronytituents, Dr. A. C.,rilrn, of Caumpbell count v. Tennessee. wrote to ins to =toil him .Dole. whiCh I did, and he has fitiilo3 ed it very surres•fully in his practice, ,ar d says It is Invaluable. 31r. Johnson,) our agent at titlt place," think• you wont.' probably like an agent In Tennessee. If 50,1 would ierommend Dr. A Carden, as a prom's per nt, t.)ntliriate for the sale of your celetnated medicine. Should you 1 , 1111r,i,-iO ll hint he Is willing to act for son. You ran •end 11 ,, medicine by water In the rare of Robert King 4' Sons. Knoxville count V. Tenney see, or by land to Graham 4- noivoon, Tazewell, Ea,' Tennessee. I ha•e no Annld but if you h ai l & ,,,,, I , in several counties iii East Tennessee, A areas deal of medi rine, would he sold. I and going to take Some of it home Air my own MM. and that of my friends, and should like to hear from you whether von would like no agent RI RIIIIIIVII/e,Sii,livan County, East Tennessee; r can art Some of the merchants to art for you _OF I Imo near there. YCLItA recpertfully, A Rlt AHA M SCCI.ELL AN, of Tennessee, For sale 1 Pholes:11e and Retail, by D R. WI 1.1.1 A M EV A NS'S SOOTHING SY It Hr 'rhos Infallil.lt remedy loas preacto vitot hundred when Ilonuglot past recovery, r,Olll ronvoilsion, As Root 1 aa the syrup la conked an Or. pun.. the r 10110 l Will re', v itr. T hi, preparation ti -o inntoreni, so t•llirtirimill, and sot Ipleasant, that too clual a i I ccfoise to let /IS :!urns he rub hell with it. When I,ll:4fit,: it e at one n ee of roll, month, Ow. there is no artim.aratice of levitt. one halt!te of lb. a sat•no Pllallid IN' 11-Pd to 111111.11 t he TrOrPS. Parents stint' L' i et . t . T . Ire svil 11041 flub .yrilp hl in to htirxery Where !herr i are youna cloltolcen, for of a child 4 v:tkr, la 11,P rvizal ma]. 1 Pain in Mr Total!. lap Syron itrunr./ratr.ly ::Ivea t . ,!,1 .y npentl: Vie port-, :tad hralla: I he ~2nni.;ll,prel.l. p.1,1•11F ,h 2 g.,,,,,, non, Vr.ye,s. Retail he 4 , c , For Sala It !:alp-a IP and R. E. SCI.I,ERS. teapot, sep 10 N.I. 2(1. Wm-r-1 .Irt•rf . I /e 1,1... S,,,Tal I ' - _ lit OUO//:•;. Corns a.-d CO.N - SCLUP TI 0..\ - —TIN! sea -on for the above rottiiilitiuts IS now at hind, IA a I twrtont wipe, are •IlLi.cled , ti the i nelemrr•cy of i lie weal her nor resperofoolly looforoneol Iloilo Gory ran nail. CoVR‘T'S BALM or tart: which lit Hell known to have roaral T aar'S&NDS, who were in 1 loft latt tor-ges of Co a • irlimptlon. Cvr iificates ran lIP procured of lip Pionolertit Ca fee. war 23, 1843 T4TLOICN BALSAM Or LIVERIVOIT IA another rrmrd for Lire* Complaints. Coup hs and Colds. II comes hizh Ii recon mended by all who have ii4ed it. and In pleitsa n to take.a lid niecrly in effecting a core. PICAIOCII 1104 R HOUND CANDY.--TitiA is a highly valtialitc and pleasant medicine ;it will effect a pn.itive and remain cure for Covzhs.Calds, Con swept:ol2,am! is an effectual cure for the WHOOPING Covens. This is a very pleas ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children never to take et; Its cure is sure and positive. The stitiscrib.r has a certificate of Agency direct limn J. Pease 4 . noll, so there can he no mistake. All persons who are effected are iNVIIOrI lo call and wot delay, for the tin eto lake medicine In at the commencement. All the ahoy,. 111PilieiliPS can always be procured at IS HOLEXALic olt RETAIT at TUTTLE'S .411ED1r41. AGENCY: 86. Fssrta &crime T"E 11 I E-S.—Their Is a large class of Females In his City who from i heir condoned *ID In!, to which their occu ions oblige hem,a re attested with costiveness which gives ruse to palpitation at the heart on the leas, ex ertion, sense of heaviness extruding over the whole head. Intolerance of light and sound .nn inaliiiity of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling In t he bow. els, sometimes' sense of sulrocation, especially after meals when any exertion Is used, as going quickly un stairs; iempre fickle; these are symptoms which yield a ones to a few dowritof the Brandreth Pills The oeea. Weikel use of this medicine world saves deal of trouble and years of auffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brdndreth Pillepat before dinner, are of ten found highly bsnefielal; many use them very advantageously In Ibis we y; they aid and auk, dig Psi inn. rooore the. bowels to a proper entolitlon.entiven the mirth., Impart clear flees In theromplexion. purify the Wood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. Rohl at Dr. it - andreth's Office. No. 98 Wend street, Ploshumh—Price 25eent3 per hoe, with full directions. MARK—Theonly place In Pittsburgh, where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, it the Doctor's own Of Tice, No 98 Wood street. L iv i E ic . , . ,, cc: erm ipi. pou A n ir s T r e e : , ),,,, r,d ie h n T n t, ,, , erutine p u is t r [Jr. a , F r . . Mr. Win. , Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa ~a entiArely cored l of the above distressing disease His symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss of tippet ite, vomitine, acid eructations, a distension of tile stomach, sick head-ache, furred tongue. countenance changed ton citron color. Iliffis rutty of breathing. disturbed rest, atiended A lilt a cough, crew debility, with ill her sympiottos Indleatina great de rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard, had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief. until twin: Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which icrinina. tel in efTertlnd a pelert cure. Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. For pale in Pittsburgh by Salient:l Frew, corner of Liber ty and Wood streets. fep 10 • B ARON VON HUTCHELE3. fiRRR These Pills are composed of herbs, which exert a specific action upon the heart, give impulse or strength to the arterial system; the hiood is quickened and equalized in Ira circulation through alt the vessels, whether nf the skin, the parts situated internally, or the extremities; and as all the secretions of the hudy are drawn from the blood, there Ise consequent !acreage of every seccellon, and a quickened action of thielvorhent • and exhalent, or filschargln2 vessels. Any morbid action which rosy have taken place is corrected, all obstrut, lions are matured, the blond is tinned- and the body Pe Imes a k sit It:Vette. F or ale Wholesale and Re tail by R E SF LLERS. Agent. egp r.a Wood st. below Second DALLErS todIN EXTRJICTOR Is certainty the most valuable ointment for Burn., Bores, se.. ever Invented: no matter how badly a person may be burnt or guided—this will beat them immediately, without leaving ivy ec.ta. Every family should have a box In thek house, no vise should be witboet Ever y ode who has tried It recommends IL To be had only at - TUTTLE'S: $6 Foerth meet »! dee* R E ELI ERS. Aunt. Nn. 2n. Wood .i rert,hrlow RE.IIOVA HOLOSHIP & BROWNE H AVE removed their Paper Siore from Market street io N 0 .04 Wond street,pne door from the corner of drh. where they k.-ep on hands their usual as. went. of WA LL PAPERS, for papering par:ors, cn• tries,tharnbc;rs. 4e. and also PRINTING, WRITING and WRAPPING PAPERS, BONNET BOARDS, ¢c r all of whith they offer for sale on accommodating term,. feb 14, 1843.-4 t f INDIVIDUAL ENTER-PRISE. VErZTED STATES PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For lA. Triensportation of Merchandise and Prsrincs Between PITTSBURGH AND PI -MLA DEL ?NIA 11XD PITTSBURGH AND BALTIMORE, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. D EVINE 4- McANULTY respectfully inform the pule lic that they have completed their arrangements for the above Line on INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDEbT PRINCIPLES. The public has long wished for Individual competition in Transportation on the Public Works, by which alone it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced to Its lOweet rates; that wish will now be realised; the Stateof Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail Roads. Individntes owning Portable Boats are enabled to hid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to cow. pete with companies. This line Iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Section Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command them and well known al enterprising, industrious and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat over every other mode ofTeansportation, are 100 well ' known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf fice it to say, that the detention, foss,separatirs and dam age to Goode. Invariably attending taros Transit/points between Plttol.nrgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable Boat most effectually removed The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage trio, or beinT well ssatiistsdaad cool In Sansfer; which pre, vents Fiorr frois searing., and Bacon and Tobacco frog► sweating. Devine* aleAnu'lv, standing as they da,lreiween the owners of goodaand the Boatmen who tarty them, and orptally Interested In prolerilad the interests ofilion, will make no protnigew to the public linty wiil not faithfully perforn.. They are now prepared to receive and forward Pro duce to Pluladelphia. Bahltnore, New York, and Poston in the shortest time, and pleke themselves to enter into no combination with other Lines,hut always stand ready io early out the principlesof their Line, and contract for freight on *every lowest terms. To give nodoulned•secursty to owners and shippers of goods an open policy of Insurance has been effected. by o hich all merchandlz” shipped by this Line will be rosined without an! additional expense to the owner. Devine 4- Me A atilt v will reelivn all pruditeeconsigned to !hem at Pith-burgh, pay frel2ltt .I.ld charges to Steam floats and forward the glom wuh,ntt delay to Philadei. phia, Wittiniore. New York, and Poston without any charge fur advancing or commbrsion„ DEVINE McA NULTY. Ag'ots.. Canal eosin, Liberty street, Pith:burgh. TIIOS PORRIDGE, Agent, 272 Market street. Philm'elplaia. 'MORE CHASE Agents, Nardi If), 1342 75 Rowley's Wharf, Baltimore. 'ARE REDUCED. 0. ntic GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE, via NATIONAL ROAD AND BALTIMORE AND 0/110 RAIL ROAD COMPANY. 4 ,IHt TA ir3,141:4",', • ; 71. 31:1'7 j~~EYe line 0111. S. Mi il Coaches for Washington COL LI Baltimore. Phi:adelphia and New York. Thhi line is in full operanon and leavesl'ittshurgh daily at 6 o'clock A. M., vla I, Vashinglon ?a. a ill national mild to Cnitiberlnod. connecting here with the rail road Co's. in nil the above places: Travellers will find this a Apr, dv and comfOrlithie rOUle, It being a separate and If min...l 1 . 11151.tp;•1 1 and r tlM! , erialrld line. facilities will he afforded which have not peen heretofore enjoyed. Ex Ira coaches fund-lied nt the shortest notice, wit° the orivileg: of ening through direct, or Inkling cne night's rest at 111 db-option. Fare from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, $lO.OO Piltobli'l to Relay house, 510.60 Thence to I,Va.shincton 2.00 y 12.00 Pittaiiiirt. , h to Philadelphia, 13.00 For through tickets, tipil'y at our iitrice at the corner or rx , r.an g ., no( el, rat r r46ee al the Mnnonganela L. W. STneKTONI• Feb. 3,l—dif. Precedent of N. R. Binge Co ‘.- will ye Itve al :ills 'pm ; (lying rate?'(-0 44 4 4 I?: E. HU.IIP TIRE NS VEGET3 OLVTMENT, FOR PILES. FISSURES, 4•c. he II:id nt Turrcc's Modica, Agency, R 6 Fourth et, in only at:eill in Pit burgh. F,n, 22. FEW MORE STILL. 011. a• SKF:y the old original, has on hand the assortment of Clothing ever offered we!, ‘ty , rock is Ltrge, and lam disposed to sell at the ow,. r noßsiitle price My rock is heavy, and as the sea. on i., advancing. I will sett at lower prices Than ever. sk Only the pleaintre of a call, feeling confident that ok is sufficient. flew .re of Connterfells. Remember TIIREE BIG DOORS,. and the SIGN IX THE VP:WENT . ibov 23.184 1 taken oat tenera on the elate on John Wilson • late of the City of Pittsburgh, deed. All Nit sone Indebted to the carate,or she as id de -eased. are requested to make Immediate pay uvi to me at toy residence in Penn at. near Marliury.avd hose who have clAima arc requested to present them duly probated. Jan 19 -A,w. J P VV . ILSON, 111/L4mAr Law; Otll , re in t v RakeeveWs Rnilitlnga, 'early oppnahe the New C nun llncive nn Grew siren. Rep p Ti 1 1101)LATI NG AND REFERENCE LI BR A RV or Religiouv,tllatoeleal,Poll.lcal.and Mis cellaneous Worka, will he open every day. Snlchath ex. cented, "rem 7 o'clock, A. M..until 9. P. M., In the E 2 - change Buildma,corner of St Clair streetnnd Exchange. Riley anerelunctual nitendance Yrlo bettiven by ' , en 10 J. OEMMIL PIZICINGTOWS Unrivalled !Blacking, M A \ UFAirIURED and sold wholesale and retail WITH Brazil' one door below Smithflelt net 21-1 Y Jl3l N RU I , l'E it W 4 eios Alai-chant, lanciseille. It Y.. will intend In lb , pale or Real Dry 00(1411,G • °reties Parni.ura. ¢e. Raan raa les eye, y Tise.day. Thu Way. and Fri day mornings. at 10 tecloak..A. M. on reesivlmeers C2Ol advances made Pep 10 NEWALA MODE. ur.dersienrd respectfully Inform the yublietha 1 after several years experience In the best shops in t the eastern chic". they have opened their New *la mnde In Third it., one door frnm Market, and nearly oupeenter the post office, whete they are prepared to exeeute alt orders in the tallorine line, in n manner UMettrpageed by any other establishment in the city. ;latrine mad e nrranxemenis for the eceptinn of the most modern Fly'e nr ()lenient,, cent letven wishine eloillea made In a super for style, would lied It to their interest to give them a call. We wish the puhils to understand that this la not In ended to rank anion! the fulsome gull advertisements of 0 day; for as to style antworktnanshlp they challenge mperhi"n. Nlnrch d— d 1 y pi RE PROW' IRON CHESTS. PITTSBURGH, OCT. .0. 1842. J. DeNNING —on Fri.:ay, the SIN h °flag month. about 9 o'clock at nicht...the Pia olon.Croositi!,. and Folds Man ufactory, owned by Day. Dilworth k Co. with a larce quantity of dressed and sodrersed lumber, war all consu med by fire. The Iron Safe which I bousto or you some time hack was to the most exposed situation dorine the tire, and woe entirely red hot —I am pleated to Inform you it was opened at the elope of the fire.and all the books, papery, ite.pnved;—thkla the best recommendation I can give of the utility of your sees. oct24—tr SCIILLY k MONTAGUE TRWHAS LC COTT • FIRE subscriber has Jost received bla %naval *my . U. Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting la part ere following klads--all of the last 'Tarimp g wancatelli genuine: Bearags Egg Plant, Parsnip, Beets, Endive, Pens, Leans, Kale, p er . Leek, Pumpkin, Bmera. , Wttues. Redtstl, Borate"! . 9 - vl titer Melon, Rhubarb, Cat logo, N'tisk, ea Salary, Carrot, - nsturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach, S quafh,Celery, Okra, Tomato**, Curled Cress, . Onion, Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley, Corn, Mustard, (white and brown) &c. &C. &C. Together with • variety of Pot 4.• Sweet herbs and Fewer' seeds, grOrden for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, kr._ from Carded, en and others will be received and prompOy atttaieti ^.' 10. F. L• SNOVIIMS„- Jan 1 i No. 184 Lltstity. bead of Weed di, HATS -W. 4 N. Dottanes inform their frieorleallil the public that they tame commented imaaoliseali. Hag NSW aid that testy have now ready fot balked their Store.l43 Liberty street, between Market Nate* street, as assortment of the very b.tst Nato, whieb iLlese • are anxious to dispuse ofon th. cheapest and wait resebie s , able terms. Their stork consist of the very best kW,. v4.—Rearer, Otter. Neatria,Casturn.aliort Nat ped Rasa sin. For and Filk Hags. W. 4. ht. Doherty are both regular bred Hatters, they have had extensive experiences' Journrytnen la Mehl/ estaidislinnenta in the country, it.eir Hats are all plow under their own Inspection, and they suers the poiNis that nothing hot the very hest articles on the row rob .mnabie terms will be offered for sale. pep N.. FIT. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Halter. Coes . reeiloner and Fruiterer, Federal street. start.* Diamond. Allegheny city. Every vartely of Confectionary and Ornamental Cakes, suitable for weddines and parties, raattafaelarelt from the hest materials, at short notice. see 18 is rr r undersigned ittfers for obi JU his thrm, lying in Boss Township di miles Irons the City of Pittsburgh, containing 114 ofland of whiell 60 ate cleared and unde• fetter, I mlsln 20 acres Of meadow, 2 :cod Orchards of Apple s 't few Peach ask Cherry trms—the improvements are a ~trge Cram* hosts containtug /I) rooms well furnished, calculated for a Tit vcrn of private Dwelling, a frame Pam 2R by 60,atorny hawlmnnt. and staidincotheds lid other out hciusessuill able for a tencineiti;--2 good Gardens surmunded currant bushes and a well of excellent water, with pomp In at the Omit door. In relation to the Plthilturg" and Allegheny market, here is ma place now offered Ob. sate with morelnduremcnt to those wishing to purehis• near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for further part mularsapply to the proprietor all his Clothing h'Ellore, Liberty street, corner of Virgin A lley. A WREE L. N.B. If not sold beforeL NC he left of OctoberMITCHEL, nest. Is will he divided into 10 and 20 acre Intl; tonal pues-na• seri. die 10 ,Ames HOWARD ll CO., Mennfnclitrers el mat _Paper. No. IR, Weed Stersr, Pi h, Have,always on hand an extensive aasorintent of Balla Claud and path PAPER HANGINGS, 'Velvet and Imitation Borders, of the West style 'and handsome patterns, for papering halls, parlors and chambers. They manufacture and have or hand at all times— Printing, Writing, Letter. Wrapping and Tea r3flff,ad net anti Fullers' Boatds—all of which they offer for sale on the most accommodating terms; and to whist, they invite the attention of merchants and others. A LSO-- than k Books of ail kinds and the hest quality, School Rooks, etc. always on hand and for sale as abate s N. B. Races nd Tattlers' Scraps' taken In exchange., R. I. XAGRAW... . ....... : ...... ere. F. lIIAMILTOMA 'VIAGRA W kHA sll LTOV, Attorneys at Last. hair, removed their OtEre to the reeddenee nr H.S. MR. *tn or, on Foot rt two dnnry almve Smithfield. vett in Cincinnati, /fernery 1.5. 1840. D r.. 9 waint—Dear , • I,:— PCIII4I me to take tkiblaretyyr of vi ruins to you at this time to ewes, any apprt.halks and to recommend to the attention of heads of ramified and cohere your Invaluable medicine—the Compoliat Syrup of Prunus Vireltilana. or Wild Cherry Bark. to my travels of late I f.ave seen In a e , eat many Insisocel the wonderful effects of your medicine lo relieving dill. /heti of very obatinate complaints, Foch as Coughing,' Wheezing, Choak tag of Phlezni, Al/AllMlliir attacks, 4.e. kc. I altnald not have written this letter. howevet, a t Present. nithough I have felt II my duty to add my teat!. mony to It for atone time, had It not been for a tote le. stance where the medicine shove alluded to was mat re• mental in restoring to perfect health as .only Child." Wilnfe ease was a lamp. hooch to. inn family of my se. quaintance. "I thank Heal', n." said the floating math. yr, "m v child is saved rrom the lowa of death! 0 how reared the relentless ravner But my child is safe! M safe!" fleyand all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of 1 IN lid Cherry la the aim' valuable medicine In this or any other con°, ry. lam certain I have witnessed more sham -. one hundred cases where It has been attended with coo. pteie possess. I em using It myself In an obstinate at. hark of Bronchitis. In which Ii proved effectual to a K. reedlnely snort time. considering ii.Pseverily of i he rase. I can reromenil ii in the fulleel cnntlde(qhe riffle superior . virtues; I would advise that no family should be whhout .t; it Is very pleasant and always beMrSeisii—worth (fouhle and often ten times Os pike. The rablie are.*. sured t here Is no quackery atnint It. a. JAexeori. b. D. Formerly Parlor of the First Freshytertoo north. N Y. fn Sold Ay WM. THORN. arha i thatirt it retail, oily atem tsharrts. No. 53. 11a•ka inreo.4. Polk 10 A . BOON 10 THE HUMAN RACEl—.Diecover what will destroy Life. fled you are a treat use. .4 Diseever what will itroloar Life, and the eterht w.it call you hapeeter." • There are faculties. 144114 and iotellirete/. Want ve la with which eertsfe herbs have apaity„ and over wide& asy have 'freer." Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Lielesede, alowhenik4; ich, by liwestraordinary power., aluir2o/ Pais .or thew Sprains, Ptiff Plitews, Vi hire Portriliore..- Rherratathr Paine, or Pitratess, Stiffness of the /Watt, To morg. Hoirainrel Ptiff Neck Fore Throat. Croup. Contractions, of the muscles. Pcrolkilouf es. turoements. Teuder Feet, lad every deorriptkin of .1a pry affecting the Exterior alive Rowan Plante, are pored or 'really relieved by hie re .1f bp ev estell iratiietty ei stedy. etiring airs.—The followinx teller from Ma/or C. era! Sao/ford, as to tile qualities of the External Imo. dr. 'maks volumes: Naw Your. ref , . 9,1949, Dear frlr—Wril you ohliee we with another holt. of vont excellent Liniment/ It is certainly the hmit of th. kind Iha ye ever seen. It has eared entirety my- send knee.ahnet which I mosso uneasy.and I have found it productive of losint4 , llate relief in several eases of eller• nel Injury in my family. A few evenings ' , lnce, yonnxest child was seized with a violent attack of Croup which was entirely removed In twenty volatile*. by rub+ Moe her chest and throw freely wills the Eztanili R. NI, f . d.v . lit ink yon nulto in monorail's... this Unitises, for Teneral use. Instead of roodnlns Ph, are not, as yb • have heretofore done, to your partletolar arqnaltitalseel. Yours truly, C. W. BANDFORD, Do. R. Rilainitilrn. 241 Broadway. N. Y. y, New York. and at bar r,11 . 111' Fall. at 241 Broader' office ,Nn. ga Wood srreet,PitlJMtrgh. PRICE -50 rents per bottle with directions. ategio • PITTSBURGH LARD OIL MANU— C nßouh,,.,,iner would FA reepeei fuI . Iy TORY• Inform the eillateUl of Pittpbureh, A Ileghenv aild their viefrflient, that he ram eemmenee,, manufacturing the article or Lard 011 and Candles. He intend' , making but one quality, wilkil w 11 equal the hest made in the Union and mat rarpassadil be the best winter strained P pp rfn oil either for machinery or burning, without its nffenpiee nrrtnertle., and OR' 0ne..*;,..,.. third cheaper. TBF .NBVE IS ARR.INTED 76 - BURN IN .&(T TEM PERATURE. The sultan. ' her wishes to imprees dlstinelly on the nubile rabid that it fa not nerewary to pnre hare any new fa meted lamps that are daily palmed Upon them as being requinit.lol,: fe th e lard oil In. Person's wishing a pure and brilliant Ifirbi ran obtain it by calling at the old stand,3d street, start, opposite the Post Office. U. C. EDN The artection of Wholesale dealers, Churches 111114. Y. chints,s respectfully pouched. namr.B.—All the barrels will bear the ataballbetimalli Jaw t 13411.-0. BBLS. rairpouttaf, *ay Perel.l4 lime* 7 rot gait 17 j G. .41. IllakOmar
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers