Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, April 08, 1843, Image 2

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    But to the article in question: To the .
Democracy of Pennsylvania we would say
that the statements of the Keystone, iu
&recce to the Governor, are utterly
That David R. Porter is in league with any
man. or is a pa2ty to any combination that
his rorks ohiect the divisioa of the Re
publican party, oritsttransfer to any india
vidual, we are authorized to repel in the
most unqualified manner. The coalition
set forth by the Keystone, between the
Governor and John Tyler, was a trick got
up to influence Whig and Democratic votes
at the election of a State Printer. The
plot was simply this: The Keystone, ge.
porter, and Gazette, had combined for the
purpose of obtaining all the printing pat.
round. of the Government. They had en
tered into an article of agreement. mutual•
iy stipulating to share the spoils in propor
tion to the value of their respective estab
lishments—to oppose and prostrate the
State administration—to advocate the
claims of one candidate for the Presidency,
to the exclusion of all others; and it was
understood, to advance the interest of a
particular individual as the next candidate
for Governor. At the first balloting fir
Printer, this combination, represented by
the Editor of the Gazette, ereceivel fifty.
two Democratic votes for Printer; at the
second, on Friday last, it received but 46
votes, and a large number of those were
anti-masonic. Meeting with this second
defeat, and apprehending that John H.
Dirrmik, the independent Democratic can
didate, would succeed at the election on
Monday next,a plan was devised,by which
they expected to defeat him. The devel
opetnent of that plan we find in the last.
Keystone. An assault was to be made
trgAm the political integrity of the Governor
—the cry of a transfer to Tyler was to be
-raised—the whole Whig strength was to
be united on Mr. Bretton, in opposition to
him who was alleged to be the Tyler can
ajdate-_:-.4,he Dem icrats were to be ft i ghten•
ed into their support by alarming them in
regard to 'Tylerism,' and in the confusion
that was expected to result from the exPm
tuition of this plot, the Keystone anti its
associates were to succeed in obtaining the
public printing. Such, Democrats of
Penneylvania, is a condensed history of
the late movements of the Keystone against
the Governor. Representing no faction in
the party—indebted to no administration
for its favors,and calculating on supporting
our establishment independent of all
patronage—commi ted against John
Tyler, and in favor of the gallant Cass—
we break a lance in favor of your Execu
tive, with no expectation of reward, and
from the sole conviction tlu he has been
- the - e*?ject of the most atrocious treachery
scan - AMning ingratitude.
Friirn the Pa. Reporter of April 4.
IN &MATE, yesterday, Mr. DIMOcK, from
the committee of conferrence on the Sena,
%ROW and Representative Appointment bill,
Wide report, districting the state as follows:
3r -'ids. Members. Counqes.
I. 2 Phil's city,
11. 3 Phil's county,
1 Montgomery,
IV. 1 Chester,
1 Becks,
1 Bucks,
2 Lancaster,
, VI.
1 Schuylkill,
1 Susquehanna,
Wy owing,
1 Bradford,
1 Lyco:ning,
1 Luzerne,
---- 13.295
1 Northumberland, 4,472
XV. 1 Mifflin,
XVI. 1 Perry,
Arm 1 York,
XVIII. 1 Franklin,
,PX. 1 Hui tinge 7,430
1 Bedford. 6,763
XX. I Clearfield,
XXI. 1 Westmoreland, 10 . 353
Somerset, 4,428
1111. 1 Fayette,
1 Washington,
XXIV. 2 Allegheny.
ZXV. 1 Beaver,
iXVI. 1 Crawford,
Vit. 1 Erie,
XXVIII. Warren,
The Senatorial ratio is 11,623.
Adams 1 Jefferson, Clarion
Allegheny 4 & Venango 2
Armstrong 1 Philadelphiano. -8
Bedford 2 Philadelphia city 5
Beaver 2 Mongomery 3
Bradford 2 Lancaster 5
Berks 4 Schuylkill 2
Bucks 3 Lehigh & Carbon 2
Butler 1 Northampton and
I Cambria 1 ' Monroe 3
Crawford 2 Luzerne 2
Centre & Clear- Susquehanna and
field 2 Wyomiug 2
Coaster 3 Wayne & Pike 1
Columbia 1 Tioga 1
Northumberland 1 Lycoming, Clinton
Cumberland 2 and Potter 2
Delaware I Mullin 1
Dauphin 2 Union & .Juniata 1
Erie 2 Perry 1
Franklin 2 Somerset 1
Fayette 2 Mercer 2
Lebanon 1 Washington 2
Greene 1 Westmoreland 1
Huntingdon 2 Warred & M'Kean I
Indiana 1 York 3
The Representative ratio is 3,876.
The Senate immediately went into eons
sideration of the report, which was discuss
ed for some time, and Rosily adopted, as
... ..
Yeas—Messrs. Black, Cochran, Crabb,
Dimock, Farrelly, Fegely, Gorgas, Hill,
Kidder, Mather-, Spackman, Stewart, Sul.
livan, Wilcox-14.
Nays —Messrs. Bally, Bigler, Charro
nays, Craig, DaNie, Headley, McCully,
McLanahan, Mullin, Penniman, Crispin,
Subject to the decicion of a National Convention
US. PHILLIPS 4s. Wm. rt. 6141111, lEDITORS 614 D PRIMUS , ORS
A Disappointinettl.
Quite a sensation was created at Con
gress Hall, Philadelphia, on Saturday last,
by finding the arrival of John Tyler and I
son, registered on the books of the Hote
The Times says that quite a number o f
the Presidents friends called to shake Lim
by the hand. His arrival was the subjei t
of general conversation, and hip busii:ess
here of general conjecture. Stuidevant
for once put on a singular and mysterious
smile; and it was only after the crowd
had grew so great, and Mr. Tyler was corn.
pelted to show himself. that he was dis—
covered to be sure enough, a, but nut the
John Tyler in question. Office exps.etant
Stock fcll 50 per cent. He turned out to
be a very gentlemanly and estimable mer—
chant of Richmond, Va., beaiiug the same
name as that of the President.
• 17,559
Russell, the vocalist who bled the whigs
so liberally in 1840, with his Tippecanoe
Melodies, has returned to this country and
is now giving Concerts in the eastern cities
If he has come among us the second
time, with the hope of being engaged to
sing another coon candidate into the Pres
idency, he will be sadly disappointed.
There is no .melody in whiggery now; its
death song has been sung ..long,long ago,"
•and •the party that in 1840 made the Union
ring with its vocal powers, has now scarce
ly strength enough to fill a penny whistle.
—Mr. Russell sung for a "change," and
we have had a "change," but such an one
as brought no harmony to the poor whigs.
—We should like to be present at a repi
tition of one of 'Mr. R's "Tippecanoe and
Tyler too" Concerts, and mark the differ
ence in the enthusiasm of the 'universal
whig party" now compared with that of
11,19 S
Rejected Conundrums.—The following
ate some of the conundrum,offered recent
ly in Boston for the prize cup:
Why should some of our citizens never
want for bread"! Because they live on
Why is the_bottom of a stove like West•
xinster abbey;: Because it contains the
ashes of the grate, (great.) [Ancient.]
Why is dat castanet nigger dar as great
a man as Wellington? Because him beat
de bony part, (Ruonaparte.)
Why are the Virginia Minstrels to-night
like a selfish man taking a drink—do you
give it up—because they take a bumper
themselves, and give us an empty cup and
the heel tape.
Why is Gen. Jackson like the Ciocinna•
ti pork tnerchanti
Cause he's death on packing /i,i/ii,(Packo
Why are we three niggers like the sun?
Because we keep dark at night, and come
13,6 f 5
out bright in the morning .
Why are the ladies here to-night, like
18,610 : children pleased after crying" Because
5,335 *' 'they smile in tiers, (tears.)
—23,945 .
6,670 i Sale of Public Works. —Last Saturday,
7,356 ' the bill lor the sale of the Delaware Divi
-14,026 sion cf the Canal passed the House of
7,516 Representatives, by a vote of 52 to 32.-
,„ 17 5 i The price is fixed atone tnillion eight hum.
"t I
7, ; 85 1 deed thousand dollars.
1,089 -
See First Pitgv.
insanity from wait of eiViloyintiii.z.-
During the drenching rain. on Tuesday
morning, says the Quincy Aurora, an in
dividual of the name of Heustis was obser
ved bareheaded in the greets with a child
in his arms. braving the fury of the storm,'
and pro - claiming 'a great and terrible judg—
ment is at hand.' His cry was mistaken
for an alarm of fire, and a scene of confu
sion followed,till it was discovered the man
was actually insane. No ciase could be
assigned for his derangement, except that
he had been living in great destitution for
want of work,
The Editor of the Midnight Cry, the
Miller piper published in New York, has
published a letter in the Express, in which
he says he receives aubvriptions for only
three months at a time; that there is no
t ruth in the story of the death of a Miller
ite while endeavoring to ascend into heav•
e n from a tree; and that a clergyman of
Washington has embraced all the essential
1 doctrines of Millerism.
.Ft perfect Sympathy.—The Spirit of the
Times tells a story of a Magnetizer in
Ohio who after much labour magnetized an
individual, (exhibited to the audience his
trembling hand, tI never was SO nervous in
my life—l'd give a shilling for a glass 01
brandy and watei.• To which the sleep
er in sympathy responded: 'I should like
to have some of the same myself.
Won't have a Regulator,—A bill was
passed at the last session of the Ohio Le—
gislature. to establish a Bank at Dayton,
but wh n the subscription books were o—
pened, not one dollar of the stock was ta
ken. This looks Ike returning to good
From Mexico.
It was rumored that S.tnta Anna had
sent ngents to Houston, to treat for peace
between M.xico and Texas.
One hundred aid eleven Texian
ners, who were taken at Uier, and who
effected their escape, had been retaken.
From all accounts, the Mexicans are
preparing additional forces for the siege of
Campet - chy. Seven hundrid troops sailed
from Vera Cruz to re-inforce the army at
Cam peachy. The Mexicans were prepa
ring fur a valorous and well concerted ass
Curious Pr9cessiun. —The lady editor
of the Boston Transcript publishes the fol•
lowing order of a pro,-ession which is
shortly to march through the streets of
Female patrons of Mrs. Gove's lectures on
enntomy, four deep, without courts.
Student& in tho M Guide' am{
'Directions for Young Mothers.'
Admireis of Brown's new system or En
glish Grammar, in which active verbs
are represented by hooks and eyes.
Sympathizers .vith Amy Darden, who vain
ly solicited Congress to indemnify her
fur the loss of a cream-colored
»tare in the revolutionary war.
Advocates f , r sleeping on corn-stalk beds.
Clairvoyant females who examine the sick
It i, said that a splendi I buildiriz is under way
at Worsester, Mass., whic'i is intended for the
organiz Ilion of a college of the Jesuits. to be de
voted to the education of you'h in the higher
branches of classicAl learning and science. A
highly ace rn ,li•Med and !calmed Jesuil, from the
'eternal city,' is to be the sopeior, and it will be
opmed fir students with great ppud and splendor
in October next. With in a year or two past
thqre seems to It tve co•nrnenced a rem irkable re
vival among the Ca , holics in this country, partic
ularly in th Nf.ssi,sip,3l V rlley, where
Chu - ches and Cathed:als are being hu It in many
(N. Y.) paper contains a deseripAon of an ingeni
ous invention, which has recently been introduced
into that eity,stiled the Patent Sulfpaying Tobacco
Box, intended for the use of persons in hotels, and
other public houses, where tobacco is in demand•
On depsiting a penny in the buz, and pressing a
spring, a little drawcr shoots out containivel a
a small paper of tobacco. But the drawtr wil
not move, nor the call tpr tobacco be answered,
loiwnver hard the spring may be prebsed, until the
penny is dropped Into the sub treasury of the tim
The truly pious man a ands no chanae in the
race with a mean, shuffling political gamester.—
The trickery of the black leg, out his skill, gains
the game!
A good man rarely findr favor with Power; th
sneaking, intriguing, lying, cunning politician al
most always gains the prize.
The Demagogue is honoured by the uffice ; the
worthy man would do honor to it.
Ltirge donations to charity, du not constitute
piety, any more than large profession' constitute
friendship. Both aro of en mere amass.
Reason and Fancy.— Reason is like the sun, o
which the light is conttaut, uniform arid lasting
fancy, a meteor of bright, but transitory lusture'
irregular in its motion and delusive in its direcu
A man who is placed in a position to which he
k unequal, will be very apt to fall below that po
sition to which he ig equal.
There is a frrnile Circus rides in Paris.
native of Bohemia. who throws 42 sums
rnereetg in succeae.i.nr. ••^
loa:41, and 6 successive bank sunime 'sets
on a horse going 'at fall speed .
.- ---
Fatal 41fraylk fight took place is the i snou, ILDITO . 111111PCSIN * '
CaniPeach.V. — kt the.: bitnet iccounts op ' . Gentlemen=-By publishing the &noir.
to the 11th ult. the Mexican army wern, s tree ts of Augusta, (Geo.) nu the 29th 'ult., in g , g you will much oblige me.
12.000 strong, and had possession of t he between,Mr. R.. : Harding, clerk of the At" Respectfully, yours.
heights commanding the city, whence they senal and Wm. H. Platt, Esq., in which DAVID LYNCH.
bombarded it daily. A fleet of eight sail the former was mortally wounded. The ..- .
and a large iron steamer, were anchored Chroeicle says: Agreea bl y Pitt township, April 7, 1 1 343.
to a call by John B. Guthrie,
off the bar, annoy ing . the town from th it Platt, who felt himself agrieved by t h echairman of the Committee ettbse ,
u cnduct of H., who delied an -
quarter. The people of Yucatan were not P revi "
in rodues o
tion to him, accd H. c
fro n m his' viations for the Centennial Celebration
dismayed. Their arms wahin the walls rear, and, on Hardin ' d facing round, he of Thomas Jefferson's birth d.y, it was-de.
numbered 10,000 men, and nightly sor- was shot directly through the body, the ,
tided that the names of the distinguished
to be invited, should be selected by
ties were made oo :he besiegers, in which ball lodging in his clothing behind. Hard- •
fired soon after, but his shot not taking' said committee, and that the letters of in. -
no quarter was given on either side tug
i vitation when printed, should be left in the
effec,t, ren, when H. exploded a cap,
General Lamas, who treacherously at
and fired at him sgain, but missed: where -I hands of the chairman of said left
_ . ,
tempted to deliver the city into the hands upon, Platt returne d , af h •
ter eying run until that decision should be made. 1
regret that this regulation has been vice.
of the Mexicans, had been arrested and some fifteen or twenty yards, and assault-
l fated by one of the Canal officers , whocall
sent in irons to Vera Cru z. ed H. with a bowie knife; but the timely ed in 'he absence of Mr. Guthrie and took
interference of some gentlemen, who tip - absence
the whole of said letters, and sent t hem to
.9ttempt to break Jail.-Moffitt, the bur- preached, arrested him. Harding is con-
whom he pleased, in disregard of the wisite.
;Or, made a successful attempt to break sidered beyond the hcpe or recovery. es st f eel ings cf the members of said enni;.
the N. Y. j sit on last Sundry night, but Plait was arrested immediately after the
m ease. Therefore , as my name is attach*
affray; and committed to prison fur exam
did not get q rite clear. He cut ah de ied to said letters of invitation, I hereby
through the 'Liar of his c-11, und'r his b.: ,1 I protest against so high-handed-a, meastifor
The "Harry of the rkest."—The Cin. and believe it was resorted to fur the pur.
and by tearing:his be.l clothing into strips 1 o ne of inviting individuals whom I know
Sun says that since the new steamer Har- P
of about, three inches ie width, he made to have no regard for the Democracy of 1
Oct to lower hi asellinto an empty cell be• ry of the West dropped down to that
from the ship-yard, the c tmbers, and who believe that five or six
landing c itizens
lon, the door of which was open, and then men should dictate to, and manage the
reached the top of the edifice when he con• generally have paid her a visit. She is Whotoleihoc,racy - Orthe State: .- ----
universally pronounced the best beat ever DAVID LYNCH,
sealed himself on :a water trunk until morn
ing, when he was disc otered. built on the banks of the Ohio. She is
owned at St. Louis, andiis intended for the
.11nother nonfire.—The Illinois State
, St. Louis and New Orleans trade. Her
Register of Saturday last says, Governor :
i hull was built by Litherbury . anti Lock-
Ford committed to the flames, in the press
. wood, Cabin, by Johnson and Morton, and
enee of the people, $500,000 more :n
her painting done by Miller. Her length
Stale indebzedness, received from this
on deck is 274 feet, brendth 61 do., hold 8
Bank of Illinois, at Shawneetown, in part
do., cabin 168 feet long, flag staff 75 feet
pay of the stock held by the State inl high. She has six boilers, and will carry
that institution. This m ikes a sum up- _
ward lifter° millio i five hundred thousand i 700 tons.
dollars, in amount, of our State indebted.
ness liquidated and burned, ender two
l aws alone, passed by the legislature this
Michigan. —rue D:truit Free Press,
in answer to the charge against the Dem
ocrats of having chartered the banks in
Michigan, says: •'the democratic Legisla
tut e provided th it when any batik sus
pended specie payments, it should go out
of e xistence; but when the whigs came in.
to power, they repealed this wise safe
guard, and authorized the banks to go on,
do bust less, and issue paper, while in a
state of susrasi )1 as to specie payments."
peer Poßad in.—l tie Statesman :n
speaking of Mr, Wright who has ben
elected Mly )r of Colurnhus, Ohi says:—
The Mayor elect, is, p singular
nondescript compouti:i —a Tyler•at: ti• Un
ited S'a'es [3 ink II ml 1I )ney-Clay man.
and withal one cu our best and most popu—
lar citizens.
The Smthern tk. art ft. 'of a
now paper whi , th j e,ttalilisbed i i Moul
t o n Lawrence Co. Ai t., which goes strong
for Van Boren.
The Worcester states that 'li
ism has jugt sent eleven persons insane to
Ow Worcester Lunatic Hospital.
Captain Rouston, a wealthy English gen ,
tleinar., who recently visited New Oilcans
in his ten gun yacht, is much pleased with
Ttxas. and has purchased land and erect•
ed buildings there.
Joe Smith has pr,hlished a letter in the
last Nanvoo Ti , nes, in which he s - tys:
efore, hear this, 0 earth, the Lord
will not c.)rne to reign over the righteous,
in this world, in 1813, nor until every thing
fur the bridegroom is ready."
Arrangements aro making for the erec+
tion of a mai:bine shop in Cincinnati for
the mauufacture of gun Larrels.
Tennessee.—The Democrats of this
State are "up and at them," with all
wonted zeal, and feel sanguine of a victo•
ry next August.
buy .—Law is like a pocket with a
hole in it, and those who therein risk
their money will b. very like to lose it.—
Boston Post.
Thera tire al Tay* plen,ty of hats at the
hole to catch the change.
A soJiety is b?.ing formed in Nevi" York
the object of which is to give such advice
tnemi4rants a 3 shall prevent them from
being imp sed upon.
That Rurror.—The Madisonian contra
dicts the silly report of a fistcuff bitwe en
Messrs. Spencer and Upshur.
Snore—in Cincinnati on the 3d inst,
and in Vicksburgh on thd 25th ult.
The N. Y. Scandar d is offered for sale
Hubbard's majoriiy in New Hampshire
is 1505.
Naked man came into the world, and
naked must he leave it—rich enough only
to purchase a mausoleum, which fur a
short time may preserve his nrne, e nd
then like himself, sink amidst universal de.
cay, and be forgotten.
Prudent Women.—Phidias made the
statue of Venus and Bits with one foot
upon a tortoise, to signify two great duties
of a virtuous woman, viz: to stay at home
and be silent.
ii 6ebolves us to pay respect to old age.
becausa we are all desirous of attaining to
3 rich Gold and -
Silver Mine.-4 Win
chester, Va., paper states that a gold and
silver in•ne has been discovered, about 18
milts from that place, at Cedar Creek,
%%liich promises to be the richest in the
world. It is an t•xtensive bed Of ore' abou t
twenty miles in length, and six or eight in
breadth. The Virgini n says that from
about ten or twelve pounds of ore,three and
a half pounds of silver were procured, be
sides some gold and copper. The ore %%es
discovered accidentally, and it is intended
to examine it the as soon as the
weather will permit.
Improving.—The editor of the Mon
trea Herald —whose rabid and gasconailing
d .nunciations aping the people and in
stitutions of this country has convulsed so
many Yankees with laughter instead cf
rage—thus speaks of the blessings now
enjlyed by Victoria". subjects in Cana
"Under the precious ad ninistration that
it is our special privilege to live, a t order
is zra it ally m i .,- -and - t tot and
murder stalk unrestrained abroad. There
is no seciKity for either life or property—
there,is no authority for the 'suppression
of outrages; l.O punishment for the com
mit,sion of criml. Day aftet day adds
some new instances to the records of mot..
r And anarchy; and they, in whose hands
the power of the law is vested—they w:to
have been appointed the conserva:ors of
the peace, afraid to offend a faction with
whom bloodshed and violence are virtues,
have basely and knowingly abused their
authority, and, hv winking. at the commis
sine of deeds which disgrace a civ.lized
cunt); ry, abetted and enotio raged the
gross st crimes, and calts I down upon
themselves the reproaches and contempt
of every good citizen and honest man."
Perished i.l Snow.—The Vermont
Chronicle says that on Wednesday the
15th ult.. a young man about 20 years of
age, by the name of Hiram Hastings, was
found buried beneath the snow about two
miles from the village of Windsor and near
the f tot ofAscutney mountain. On the •LL permit's Indebted to the estate of Arthur Meth
preceding evening he bad been to the son, late of Ross township, deceased. are redassalleil
to make payment to the undersigned. Aud all man
house of a sick neighbor for the purpose having claim! , neatest said estale.wiltpleatleprotent_
of administering to his wants, if necessa- properly nuthmticatedßifocruad:turistmem
E nt EG .
ry, and on returning became involved in a apr CATH'NC, MEE.GAN, Adavoix.
snow drift and filially perished. Wetr oo ar... , H w y w Nl, ,l D .la tin ir tists , Ltbe.rptycstrear.
Veto Sustained. --We learn by a gena
flamer' who arrived 'direct from Harris• l
burg in yesterday's stage, that the effort to
pass the Canal Commissioner's Bill by a
vote of t wo third:4, was defeated. If this
information is correct we rjoire in it,from
a sincere conviction that the interests of the ,
public works forothe coming season, re
quire that no change should be made in'
the mode of conducting them at this ina
portant. juncture.
Calhoun and the Presidency.—The
Washington Specta tor has raised the name
of John C. Canoun for the Presidency,
subject to the deci,ioit of the Democratic
Convention, to assemble in May, 1844, as
recommended by the States of Maryland,
Michigan, Kentucky, Louisiana, New
Hampshire, Nlassachusetts, Alabama and
M ississippi,.
The studiods, the contemplative, the
valetudinarian, and those of weak nerves,
if they ailt at health and long life must
make exercise in good air a part of their
We have been advised to use
)rds, and hard arguments; but it is quite
common to reverse the order, and use
bard words and soft arguments. Men rail
when they cannot Tema.
The undersigned having been appointed 'Coln
mitteo, at a public meeting of their fellow citizens
at the new Court House on the 18th of last month
for the purpose of adopting measures in referent*
to the conctructinn of a McAdamised Road from
Pittsburgh, to interse.:t the National Road at
Uniontown, finding themselves arrest d in any
further steps upon the subjeet, by the impression
that public opinion appears to be decidedly in fa
vor of a connection with the town of Cumberland
by means of a Railroad, deem it proper to recr.m.
mend a general meeting to the people of Maw
burgh and Allegheny, to ascertain public. sendi
ment touching the highly important & interesting
question of connection with the Baltimore ani
Ohio railroad. 4
The undersigned therefore beg leave to call a
meeting of their fellow citizens of Pittsburgh and
Allegheny cities, and of Allegheny and edjoinicorg
count its, to be held at the new Court House ati 2
~•clock,on the afternoon of Saturday the 15.1sitit.
Wm. Wilkins, Wm. Eichbauru,
M. Alen, Thee Bakewell,
P. Mufvany, John B ssel,
W. M.. Edgar, Mkt Beer.. -
ir S.
DIAN VEGETABLE ELlXlit—This combine•
lion of a local application with an internal spotlit.
tie, works like a charm in cases of rheumatisM.
gout, contracted muscle and paralysis. Mesa*.
Comstock & Co. 71 Maiden Lane, have in their
p se.ssion a ceitificate fro n Ethan C, Corning, a
respectab!e citizen of Quebec, stating that tler
having been a bed ridden cripple for upsvattle.af.—
fourteen years he was enabled to rise up and walk
by applying the Linatnent to his shrunken Jim,*
and taking the Elixir in conformity with the dt.
rectums. The cure appears to border on the m.
ractiluus, but attestations cannot be questior.ed.:—.
In cases of gout and contraction of the monies
and ligament of the Liniment and Elixic htvo bows
.qua ly beneficial.—[Express )—Fir sale only ; at
I uiTLE'S 86 Fourth street.
/110 the Honur able Judges of the Court of C I
1 Quarter Sessions cfthe Penecinand for th.. 00
The petition of Messrs. Reeve and Smith, of the ipt
Ward, city of ritistiurgh, in the county aforesaid, luta.
hly slieweth,
That your petitioner bath provided himself with ase•
ierials for the accommodation of travelers and others. DC
his dwelling house in the Ward aforesaid, and pray*
that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to
p a Folic House of Enter tainment. And 'ample
titioner, as in duty bound, will pray.
We, the subscribers, citizens of the First Wo rd,
certify, that the above petitioner Is of good repute (et
honesty and itimpentnce. and is well provided with
hou-ze room and conventencel for the accommodation of
strangers and travelers,and that said tavern is necessary.
Win Thorn D Richey John LaCerty
Thos to s.on Bobt Brown J Wilson
!doses rawdy Michael Tracy Andrew Crime
Fra Nten.iteon Henry eassiday Nath Hulloed
np 8-3 t
DANIEL M. CU It RY, Attorney at Law. o 6
fice on 5 , 1 k st. between Wood and Smithfield. ap
No. 160 Liberty street, (opposite 6th,)
HAVE for sale 59 libils N. 0. Sugar, prime quality.
259 hhls N. 0. Motarsee, prime quality, with 1;1F
anti aosortnient of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cordials,
ke., which they will sell on accomniodallog tea la&
apr 8-311d,1w
. removed hie office to No E 3 Fifth StfPft be.
tween Wood and Smithfield ata. next door to 41,1earolailt.
Morrow.apt 7. lad.
1r Hl; new tight drauebt steamer JUNIATA , Thacker
JL Master, will leave on Saturday morning at 10 o'cieidv ,
for the above and intermediate landiogs. For fret:Wet
passage, apply on board, or to
(" 1 .4 USTIC or the guile was formerly resorted to la all
I-leases of horn., scald? -
and wounds, where mortifies
was apprehended. The necessity for such sharp pros
tire exists no longer. The Magical Pain Eitractor, fro*
Comstock it Maiden Lane is a far more ifficient primed"
live of twirl ifitatlon than cold steel or nit rate of silvers
The application of this wonderful cumpound instantly
removes the local pain,and lithe wound, scald, bores or
bruise has not Injured some. vital organ so as to render
core imi onibie, it si ill in a very snert space of thin
restore the part affeetcd to a si and and !Ashby stale s
w ithout leaving the cicatrix beiiind. This preparation is
also a certain remedy for inflamed eyes, cancerous sorer.
ulcers, broken breast and rare nipple and alt ehrasiOSS
and eruptions of the skin. Its success as a cure lot
the pile* is unparalleled and the vouchers for its ears
tire properties are (rim tire meat respectable and les.
lightened sources.—Herald.
For sale at Tuttle's, 86 Fourth street:
BBL 5 years old copper disltlled bloscragabels
7/191.1ftye Whiskey oa consignment, and roe sa% by
Water between Wood and ballth'd.
FOR LA.FAYE - 1 rt..: AND
The new steamb nit CECILI A, Ceo Clarke, UMW'
oil I leave for the Almre and intermediate landing. o*
Saturday neat the Sth Inst. at IQ o'clock A. M. posttlivelf.
For freighitor passage apply on beard or to
— a pre — .• -rritreintir. ,
B:rThe Cecilia Is suoptie r d pith Eausep3looy PUNA
o prevent the explodes et bonen.