.a-1 'PUBLISHED BY IMO& -PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITE', Nt Ff. CORNER OR woo') ¢ FIFTH ampa.--FIVE. DOLLARS a year, payable in trihralaut. Ringlet copies TWO CENTS—for sole at the Sirpntor.of the When, and by News Soya. , ktet Mercury and Manufacturer • *midislied WEEKLY, at the same °Meet on a double 1101101111/1 -sheet, at Two DOLLARS a year, In ad. trance. Sinle copies. SIX CENTS. Terms of A imit SQUARE OF TW Si. insertion. 0.60 Ihr,atesertioss. - 0 . 75 few. lerartLoas, 1.00 alCirsok. 1.50 I 1114,1 Inskg. 3.00 Sll4o l 6lnft. -._•.'9° YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. adanasantl AT Pt TAW:MT. ORA iflitTS. nee RiritgrOil umilles, SIO.OOI six months, $23.00 Mt " - 25.00 Oaa year. 35,00 irrimraer advertisements In prornrOon. elligliflor Rear lines Su Dotadats a year. PUBLIC On Posy flames. Third hetweea Market and Wood strea4-11.. M Riddle, Postmaster. thletkue Water.4th door from Wood st. Peter. stsa's qajor John Wittock,Cottemor. Cme Tatum:me, Wood between Firt and Remind loireas•—faiies A. eartraM, Treasurer. I:edxyT t 'Lakin:lax', Third street, next doer to the Tehd Pwaterwerian Oilitrcb—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. viatol's ()rotas, Poisrlh. between Market and Wood atmeists—Alexamier He,, Mayor. Illetonsires Etc . Fourth, near Market st. B'NKB Ptersumisis. between Market and Wood streets, on rated and roartli streets. 1111111 - 116.1fTs' OM 14 •NntinTORIIIII` •ND PAR KEN s' DR- Wort 14.1 m. (formerly Staving Puml4 Fourth, between If set 4 , 1 d Market mired/. Esc xxxxx , triflh street. near Wood. blovnitoarteht finest, Water street. near the Bridge. .IRamitsmaa floret., corner of Penn and St. Clair. Illancimirra• Borst., eurner of Third and WoOd. Aitallte4at liotic.eorner of Third and Stull — infiralte 4 1"trt4. corner of Penn t •ft e. a n d Can iienta• street, near Seventh. , 41ifte,Litits Miasmic Howie, I.ilieriv St onnn.:ite iParne Mao•Dettairr Ma.widon Rorer. Penn SI. Oppnvle Canal ItOUERT 14.001)S, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW.-01E..e ri•in.l .1411,30141tewell'a orli , e, on Granl st neatly naposile OM Sear COON !Owe. utit /cows In .101111 P. Uahnn, fot,--Tiron Boor. ..c. 10 ftiOS. He ELLIO'FT, H. O.— office remooede e St. Clair street, between Penn and Liberty Sr s • ra4barek. P r 10 frail T 0 ,4 F.H. An°. nev at Law. North Est.t corner af ti; mit !fold and Four , h 1 mem cep 1 0-1 y CALKDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and unsellors nt Law: Office in the Diamond. back 4 • 1C 060 i e old engirt House, Pittsburgh. sep 10 HUNK Y. Attorneys at Law. Fourth ct., •ear the Mayor's Office. Pith:hoc-ch. cep 10-ly THOS. HA 1I LToN , Attorney et Law, Fin h, het wee!' Wood and Smithfield sig.. Piucnnrch. l.tep 10-1 y WX. O'HARA ROBINSON, Attorney al Law; Office on lite ion ii Aide ',line Diamond .hetwee.. .. V 11.likel. and Union si reel!, up sinirft F p 10 fit Le DURBOIAW, Attnrney at Law; tenders • Ilia 111r01 . 0111.1.111310..rV1C.. , 10 1111_ 11111111 r. (Mee Co, laievirt tiro h w.r.l Market Atreet et. :at.) ve D. Llny l k Co's "Orteri: rra , ....e . rtep t EYATga 'II NA N. Af ranee!, at LAW. om,e remnoed from the D.:lnland, to ttorney'A ow," natty *We of Fourth street, between Market and Wnnd Vomit ftep 10 BUCHtMIAATER, ATRNEY AT LAW, /11. MIA removed big Witte to the corner of Fourth street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant treete.Pitt4ltureh. cep 10 GE0R17.6 W. LA IWO. Attorney at Law, Offire Ns. 54 Fifth street, near the Theatre, ritts',u rgh. ep 27—Iy FIRA1)14: IV liG lON, 77 . 0RXEY AT L. 93".. —Office is Rea rp' 11,.i1d nr. Tburittrtreet, h. Nov. 5. 1842. JOIIN J. MITCLIELL—Atinn.ey at Law, wri t , corer of R_ uthGetd and 51_ Fta .Pittsburgh. Oatirseibans made. 1 I nosiness entrusted to I.lp ware will he promptly attended to. - 4et, 16-1 y• It E itovA.L.- R. Morrow, Alderman; nth a north aide of Fifth it., between Wood arid Smithfield Vidtahorith. "en 10 Dit IL 11.41 0 4 M ES, 0115 re In second rI urt, neil door to Melvany fr Co's Clan Warettoo.e rep 10-1 y - I Ott:lMP. IN iP01.11.1 TON, Hooltgelterm, Priffierp an Paper MaarfaeturPrk, No. 3?, Market at. sep 10-17 join omosatioN, gm.thfirld Foundry, Walrr wow ohs Mbnonatrola Hoetsr.Plltta web . SP P 1 0- y "mesas a Tnum . FRANCIS 1.. trOUNG. TAO& B. YOUNG, & CO., Furniture Ware lion/as. ',wrier of Hand ■i. t Ezehaviee Alley. f I WI wishing to purellage Furniture. will flan it in laaltrilahraahltaa In siva ■a a call. twin( fully .al Wien that *rasa Wiwi as as staality and Price. two 10 WITS% HALMS.—Just received lerOchoice Mut. • Nu Same, wdl cured and kor saleebeep by ..locido en se retallAir ISAAC II A RR IS, sop le N 0.9. Pitt h ititir% SAGA.- A en py'y of Landreth's Fresh iall• TIM la Saga. and other different varieties of Tornio jar received and for sale at aaorcso PRICES at the rarßl lad Seed Ature of F. L. SNOWDEN, Mo. LP.ert• inreet, head of Wood CLOSEY,S sow and Shoe Manuring* • yr, Na SS Pram St., nest donr to the U. States but. Lull.. Seeneeta, Kid aNd Satin Shoes made ;a atte netteit *matter. anis by the newest French patterns. `no, it 141r11114 TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Trarinplattilnit Trowel:. &tinny Tools. Budding ahrel. Piro id nig Knives, Pruning illie.ars. etc., put re solved-04 for ILI it by F. L. SNOWDEN. Alit le 144 Liberty street, Weed of Wood. A1":471'. 1 4::', 1 .`"::41:70,Pr,.,": :71 1 " 4` 10R riALE—Loie On the North East corner of Coal Lime and lII%h street. Apply to ie Ravi. DARLING rom, Market, near 4111 et. LOO Landreth'o Prench Solar fleet seed. Just reediVeli and for sate at the Drug and Seed F. L. SNOWDEN, Liberty tireei, head of Wood. tom it •w UP rllillC PETITIONS, NOTICES, drC.— I~tii. 4 9 be used in Etankrunicy proteed 'Ago, printed on joN Otoperaed in the form., approved 4 , i he court /o r va l e aitMlSAMeceortne Mercury and Democrat. e ep 10 WM HUBBARD, Ltd r .ashiera boot and .eillee . fithoufamturer. No. 101, Third street, between W Smithfield Streets. Pittsburgh rep 10 ATTERSON, Jr.. Birm p i t ', l a ur e l, APW., Nanafactures of Locks. Hinges and Bolts; To. Baasta,2•BarddillawiThaber, Screws; iloasen Screws for UM* 1111 b. afte. seP 10—fy t um jper a oSKEy, Tailor and Clothier, Liher.y greet, between Suth and Virgin alley, South side, stip io Inc gut gjuixat 4. co., Witch:oats Grocers and ICsenstarken Merchants— Second street, between - and Senktiftsht sls....ritdaberlb• scat 16-11 .: 106 t . ol . iss 9oßoo"l, * coominion sod 'Pomading *m "'eta dvertising. LVE LINES OR LENS: One month, .5,00 Two monis. 8.00 Three asootha, 7,00 Four meats, 8.00 81z nwinttre. 10.00 One year, 15,00 100 840$ RIO COFFEE, 20 Chains Tea. tO Boxes Tobacco. 18,000 tbu . Lomp and Loa f Sugar. 20 Boxes 10 Bpnrm Cs ndter, 10 Starch 10 Kegs Ground Ginger. 2 '• Nui meg!. 4 Indies). 100 Barrels Green An^les, Received on consignment and for solo Olean for cash, II DEVINE. U. States Line warehouse, Canal Ba•in, Liberty st. mar 10,1843. COPSRTNERSHIP. trilll.E7llldergigilert have nssodeted theitt.elves tretzeth er for one, year from the lvt Sanaare, Is , 1343. un der the !Kyle of Devine 4- Nle %nutty, for the purpo.e on Iy of receiving and forwarding Cood4 H, DEVINE. soar 10. C 1 Me*A NULTY OUISVILLE LIME AND BEANS. Just Ird a supply of choice Louisville Lime and good Beans by the bbi wholesale or retail to suit cusinmers. mar. 16 I, HARRIS, No 9, Firth et. AND MOLSSSES, 65 000 S. N. 0. Sugar. 40 bbla. Molassee, Just rerelved per Steam boat Ashland, and for sale by • • W.BURBRIDGE 4. Co. mar 3. Water at., between Wood and Smithfield 300 BBL 8. X. 0. a OLISSZO; just reed per steam beat Litt/s Ben, tad for sale by J. W. BU2J/RIDGS # Co. - Water sr: ..1"4_."4111 Wcg44. 1/1111116.114 fob 27. OMIT - -1110KNING'.POST HAILMAN, JENNINGS & Co, wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce Merchn And Dinars ir. Pittsburgh Ataitufectures No, 43 Wood street. Pittsburgh. HAIL.NIAN, JENNINGS &Co., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, N 0.43 Wood street. Agents for the sale of tbe Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns TROMPOON AMA ....I•KESTCRNBUI L. HANNA k TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104, Wood st.,where may be had a general supply uf writing wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, 4-c, fe. scp 10—ly C. TOWNSEND 4. CO.. Wire Workers and afanagfact , No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. sop la -Ay 1 4 12CCH ANC E HOTEL, Corner or Penn ■nd tt. Clair .Ud streets,by ►IcISIBBIN 4. SHITH. sep 111311ROWINSVILLE JUNIATA IKON WORICB.--Ed ward /lathes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehnome N 0.43. Wood si.. rittsburth. seP 10 —ly VVE WGO ODS• -- Pr"ton Mackey, wiwtesale and retail 41.alerot In Enclish, ?real*, at d Ifoortealle flry Conde, No !:I. %larkt!! et , Pirtstraith rep I() TWIN X'DEVITT, Whohmile Clutter RectifOng JP Dimino'. And Dealer in Produce and Pitishurzh 11annt.deiured Articres, Aro. 224 Lificrty Strait, Pitts• isrik. Pep 10 Wtt.tatss 11. Wit.t.tatss lons S. DILWORIH WILLIAMS & DILWORTII.—W holm le Grocers Produce and Commission Merchants, and fealPrs In Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29, Wood street. sep 10 JOHN B. AITIRIF, JAS. N. Kirin QIIERIFF dc . KEAN', Manufacturers of Copper. Tin, and Sitret Iron Nigro., No 80. Front it., Fiur lar=k. House Splinting and Steamboat work promptly txrented, rep 10 &DAVID SANDS, i ATCH ear CLOCK MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, t'itts huvett, Dh: 4 L /.: R IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, BR E.ISTPINS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, CONES. 4,c. Pep ill GIRI)EN SEEDS.- A no, A tin nply nt Cnrden Seed•, nis, aye on hand, and For Sale at In age nry ,t hr piny wore of P. 1.. SNO%V }F. , ;, 184 I,lhrric ci re.q. ite:111 of %VllO,l 13 cilov AL _%t,tin,.w t, er, removed to Foorth•or, ‘f ay ors ollice. w lierr tie !1),V:111 1111011 lierttin,.ent traiiiiefil coo oo,crs fie It Share of public oro. rOila2P. , eP 111 I OLIN r A 111, N D., Upholsterer and Cabinet .tlf..ker. Third et. between :rood 4. -Market streets, respecl fel Inflrnis his friends and lln puhlir iirai I,e is prepared In execute all Older, for t=nlas, Hisi realm Chillrs. ratites, Red-leads, Stands. llolr and Snriiit: Maur:vises, riirpe•l6. all ' , arta of I !oioi.u . rh,2 work, Whirl) Ile will 4sarraht equal .o an) wade In the rlty, and on reasonable terms. nrp 10 111,A3..410VAL!--Thr , sttl, , crthetq have retrytv d to ‘`, ter hetn'et.tt Whod anti Stnithtiehl glreebt. Wt“ rf they %vitt rootintie the \V hffle , ale Gr ,,, ery rind C011.11.1:3 Mott htt.illet , C JIMA/7 , 0W re.tre, I fui I y cats ii tie p:it r n" age of their friettda 1 W. 13U It !: Df3 t• (1 her :3 DP. A. P I'ER SON ':r;,,• or Simi near Skill. COMNERCI 11. A UCTION I{OO3lS, .40 I Ito Word Jitreet, Pitt.shorgi —ft A. 1:...t00t, octioneer and Cteoton•-ion, ol • is 00. , ItreP..trtl to receive and indv 0r(:,,,,.., y., d Alerci mn d a , Inge and raottrinte• looms, No. I 111, Norio Lase Corner of Wood and S7kr.eri. Puirrorn-,0. Regular sales: of Dry CoodF, furniture, ,orerie- an, other art 'dell, on SI ondays and Thorsda v of each weel: Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goode, and F.,nry ailclee, or Tlletzday,l,l'ednesda , nd Thu ',An evenio;:s. Hooke. ke„ever ev Liberal advance; made on Co.lhigilitientF Why,' wattled it ErI3.P.KNt Me•s3rs. John A. Davi,..4. Esq., ltatialey 4. smith, pamron. Foci; It, 4- c o •• F Lorenz 1 Co., •• .1. %V. Rurhri.i_e 4. Co., S. NI'F. et . A. co. C a pt. James ll'Gargill, C. Ihnioen, G•q. .4 Jo.•n M 'Padden Fnq. Lnen.l 4- Kennedy. J. K. 11norhend q• Co. inn P. Sltinri. Eoq. Rohe Ga!way. Erg. May. !McVay. flamna, 4' Co. William Synomx, S. G. Henry, Smilh.Ragaleytk Co 8 43. FARE REDUDED.—U. S. Matt. latex OF ,4 7..0111 ♦ND Rain. FOF.D CARS, from P.llFAiirrh, via It.•dfnrd, CORMiberPOOr2, Harr'Atiorg and La master, to Millildal. phi.,. connecting with it, Mali train of Cara to N Y. 4-r. Only 150 mileciataging and one night out. Algn. the Direct line to Baltimore. Fare to Philadelphia CO. Baltimore, 9. Loay.lt daily at a o'clock A. M. unite !wood door helow the Merehanta lintel Wood at. IHENHEGL.,GRAII AM. WAUGH 4' Co. (eh 23. 1643 v. Peoprirtore. F4CTS SPIFAK FOR THEMSELVES--TRUT.FILI CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly too yearn,wllli a hard tiveillng on the cap ofmr knee. width produced much pion, And tairel various applica Hone recommended by toe Faculty_ ailln vain war cured completely by the ewe pf one bottle of Dr. Brand• reth'sLlnamcnt,or external Remedy. Witrogra sor nand JAMES TAYLOR, Ottki In Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th,1840. Dr. Rrandreth's External Remedy or Llnament; sold al his office. N 0.98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-- Sft cants per bottle. feb 8. MOLASSES. 00 Bscs Rio Coffee. oct 4. For sale by '¢ A. GORDON PEASP3 HOARHOUND cANDY.—Toprce has received ibis day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs. Colds and Con gumption; and is ready to supply cuidomers at wholesale or retail, at his Medical Agency, Bti Fourth at. nov 12 DAVID CLARK, "Miami:We Boot Natter,— ilea removed to No, $4 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he wou:d be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel diaper!. cd to patronize him. Re uses nothing hut first rate stock, and employs the beat otworkmen; and as he gives Ins constant personal attention to business, he trusts' hat he will deserve ar,d receive a fair share of patronage. pep 10 March 17, '43 ICE CREAM, ¢ CONFEeTIONA RY.— A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the best quality of Ice Creams, together with all kinds of confectionary ■nd fruits, In their rennin, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, betwe.o Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished min Bread. sep 10 EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILL L S.-ARRA HAM J. CLENCH, residing at 66 SiOli street, New York, was afflicted with Clyspep.is In its moat aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head. ache, great debility. fevii., Costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain in the chest and stomach aiwats after eating. impaired app,the, serration of pinking it the gontach, furred tonsue, nausea. with frequent vOltiltlllfe, dizziness inward. night and restlenesa. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, When, on cominhing Dr. Wm. Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to his ever successful and agreeable mode of treatment, ths patient was completely restored to health in the short apace of one month, and grateful Willie incalculable benefit deli,. ed, gladly came forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON F.BCTORY. Prices Reduced. Alort Reef Tara. 1 Long Reel rar,t. So. 5 at 16 cis, per lb 500 at 9 cis per da 6 at 166 ditto 600 at R ditto 7 at 17 ditto 700 at 7 ditto 8 at 17) ditto 800 at 6 ditto 9 at I ditto 900 at 5 ditto 10 a: 191 &tin 1000 at 4 ditto 11 a: 15 ti 'tin 12 nt ‘l,llO 41mile wick nu 16 rig rp.r 11 13 ,t (un n tit,•, ; • 9 (thin 11 At .211 drain Familt do 121 ditto 15 nt YI alit() .carp't Chain thitn 16 :1! - 22 ruinq!,•l•,, T ~, i”. • 25 ditto 17 al 23 dine ss:wkin z Yarn and In at 2.1 rith, Covvr I, 1 Yarn ohs ny9 on 19 :II 23 doto ,21:1711 '.:11 a , 26 dill" roll,. Wart. marl/. in nrilokr. orders prnmpf 10, I: !PH at 1 4- (• 4- Kr oneo 'O. or •hf• l'oot office. addrpg fel, .27, NI(OIRIIE91) Co. 11011 4 N. .2 Sonr, J 0259 11111 i; N. U. ;z-•r+ 40 Tiprees 110, 3(1 11 , ,14 No I”arlo`rri, 10 do No 2 do. 7 Ti,.„.,•,. Ju-t prr 'S 11 Ex m.,1 ;IN.I far by J. ‘V. Co mar 4. water al 'lv , ' ween I,Vonit /INF retzior II hi s F.e.1.10;00 , n , rialOrint C-hihii-Inneet 10 the ‘lo,o,2;loeni . 1,000., .$ll .100! from fir, .I.on • atir hanl4l al herr 10sohl en , loiner, and .111 01hvr- she mac ro;nr hlm Is lin a nail 'nay 11.1,, , 1ni on n:;vinv. Ihi n ork done in a pi , riot SI V 'e. ...11,.. due: in P.:111,11, A II Vrira, ire ire'' , 01,1 all Willi n.BO Isi. 111•4 intrnr Iri,ll voni it its( mienlion to Irioilill•Vg and 1.1111.110 T llhe h. 1 0 111, HI patronagr. Ilrirlrnd krrpii.r on 11411.1 ru. nmer t wltl he sold at very reibirril pritpa N R Tip. sulisetilier Leto, well aware 1.1 the I hhl 11.4 py::::vni is I:rnelti , eil on the public is this ennui r, I.y partienlal Iv L 1 .1,, am, pi,. may j I, c I•C ...I the I rode, who Os ver . ,!n: nor trio know sn IF. ;,/,. Si II (11111 !V., r . 14011 nn, cro.JA h, grid Ihl I ‘J.if fdrvil r'nnu_lll 11 .1 , 14 , 1 , 1.1' 1hm5. ,,, •.• 'fit 1,1 11 1 111 11v 111/. 11111 Id old rertifirVe, reirs, ynP S r kv are ce ei ity I.y 11.1,11 . 1. 1 In . 1.. 111. , i1 1111'1111'i 1.1 palll.fn, riff on 11111111.11 pYf!ltl_ 111. nnlrr t 41 ,111- II :ISh folf inv lin pfir , I'll anirle So, pf.tipie's nilvitrlkenientv tire only ea leala:ed to gull 11, I sidle and are: o more r nii Ilea In r relit :hat, till fir l itiont yet Isl.:II:1111e pill:lira:lone stint' [lie :2reat Gulf—jeer anion! the I illipuf iaes. winch fie , allit• every lino read nod n'. 1 woold 10 nose ti lio ish to linve tt tit eloihts made in lir , rate nit le to ninke a little inquiry and I hev w iIL find that this is the place where they ran he arrant:red:lNA: C. 11. Jin Sic rill sbo rgh Wheeling Louisville Phila !f - Those la tnnde Mnnt , iottro, or rat her ..V•v-regues, who %lOW. opened anti tty 10 Owe .to. lately, and who wine-' ettch envy and di.litte to knit or lengthy ndver ieements are informed I hot the Hl.ove ((olsome, at they tern, it) hae no reference to them whatever. The perwm ulltaded to Is their present employer. on alltreo•rine. who krrivi a slop 'hop in 111 m l -fly. Th. count Ns said) .e hie ly n'e wed wdtt Fitch tokenr of loyalty from hie pie ntt, eIIi cis., and nn &mitt will reword them try uivinv them 13 few at - rwt Ds to make. Farb extol/Liter of rank with whom none con corn Fete, had heifer Scut/ them• selvt s into notice some other way, as a l ittle precaution n Wit prevent an esploAlon 0 THE PUBLIC. and particularly to my forme, ;mires: of this eity:—Having retired front the Practice of Medicine. 1 mar he permitted to say. that It has lallen to the lot of lut few persons to have enjoyed so liberal or lar2e a share of obstreir teal practice as my own has been for th last 30 or 40 Years. The experktnce of that lons period of arilve life. and ibe Diet of my having linen twice, since 1830 asaocleied with Dr. R. 4. Wilson, In the practice of medicine, (In both a . period alive years.) enahlea me to judge fully of the meths ofhls pay. So convenient, so efficient, and yet In sate. did I esteem these pilla, that for the last five year' In my practice for the cure orchronie diseases, or whatever name, and those of iestales in particular, I have used more of them than all other ntedleines. Like every other medicine. this must Mil in some In stances, hut in my hands there has been tees disappoint. ment and more satisfaction in cie administration of I Isla one remedy than of ail others; its good etfccts soasetinies quite astonishing m•. I (my patient required a safe aperient tooSieine either ...core or after parturition, the Wilson's pt.ls were Just the thing I wonted. If a dyspeptic acid condition cattle etcartach, coashinsd with costhrestcss Of Inactivity ettlse liTer.eonst Retell the disease 31" nay patieet, the pills were just the ttring I wanted. If I treated a came requiring am ematenagogve, the Wilson's pills were just the third: 1 wanted. I r palpitation, headache, flashed countenance, or other rhffteulliem, indiewinc a disturbance of circulatory and meet...tory systertif , annoyed my patient at the .turn of tire,' the Wesson's pills werefuen the thine, T wanted. Thum. without remn.mt to the name, a disease might happen to wear at the num I have had It under treat meet. particular indications or my mptons arlsina, were al nto•t promptly and most happily met by the Wilmon'm That to great a Timber of diseases, and sometimes ap. Parentiv opposite ones, in which !have used these pills, should be cut ed more readily by them than by any other remedy. may at first seem strange and contradictory, but why it is so is as clear 10 my mind as that a areal many persons should bricome thirsty from im many different catmes. and yet all require that common and greatest of all blessings, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, ills due the -eputation of the medicine and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that the tVilson's pills are Met:only combination I have ever met wills in my longcoursit orpractice, that really pos eessesanythleg curative or specific for sick headache. Yours* DR. MILO ADA MB. The above Pills des4ned particularly for the sick liaed.Ache, Dyspepsia. Coast'pallor' of the Dovrebt prepared by the preprietot Dr. It. A. ;Pilsen. &Ad for saieoreelesale aid retail,Stbisdweillog in Pepe greet, below lielbery. Octl R. R. SELLF:4S, Arent, No 20. Wood street, below Second Ventoval. MIEEO n. DON Ac; D R. GOODE'S Csfebratsd rentals Pills. These Pith , rite strongly recommended to the notice of the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy In removing those complaints pecollapio their sex, from want of ex ercise. or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Uni ted Slates, and many - Mothers. For sale Wholesale and lletall. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street.heloW Snood. VITAL ADAIR ; Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite tits *ad of Smithfield at., Pittsburgh.— subscrtherhaving bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business in the old stand of 11r: R., and is prepared to execute all descriptions of Work In his tine, In the hest manner and on the sbortestmotlce. Re keeps torstantly on hand a large assortment ofsboe findings of all description" and of the best (math!. Re eoliths the patronage of the pub• Ile and of the trail. WU. ADAIR. Imp 10 V I DITTISBURGHMANIIFACTORY.-411prinis X sal Jain fir Carrivos at lister,' Mee*. The sohnerihrri fnemnferture•iend keep, eonetantly on heed Coach, c and gliptle Paden (warranted,) lonlare rum Altea , tilliveirand arsseplatni Dash Pram... Brim and Plated Relb Ronda, Slump Joinfa. Patent (,rather, SlVrer and Pram Lannon. Three mold Pieta', Malleable Iron, Door flandlell and ((Imes. Ate . &T. inagri Pt.ehitr it.. tiefir.# e ilierbeny *ride, D.SELT.I3B. td D., office and dwelling la Fourth, -1 • nett refry St rem. sep 13-1 y LOOK AT THIS. The attention Intro.* who have been somewhat seen. tics! in reference bit the numerous certificates pntillshed in favor of Dr. Rwaitne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher ry, on :termini oft,* persons helot , unknown in this see lion of the State, Is respectfully directed to lb. followina certlfleate.i he writer rif which his been a eh leen of this finrnuah for several years. and Is known as a gentleman of Intrrlty and responsibility. To tka Agave!, Mr. J. KIRIIIT I hnve used Dr Bwavne's Comp and syrup or Wtid Cherry (bra cone,, with which I have been severely N i flirted for shout fear monthit, nod r have no henitatlon In *.,101l that it lathe moat effective medicine that I have been able In fir/mire. It cmrintwea all unensineas, and acre,. well with me diet.—and mantains n regniar and r nort ann•ttte. I car freely recommend It to all others ci mita rl v nfrirted. J. MINNICK. Borough or cira mberell'e. March 9. 1040. Rep „Ti Pot .:Vehr ra.r M Tllollti r So. 53 Market siren!. FRUIT, SHADE, AND ORNAMENTAL TREE?. DI:RS . ONA ilcurourt of proeuring FruU , Shade. and Ornamnotal Trrew. or Stiriiiihers, Iron, Plitludef. pl la or Nl•tv Writ, arc recorairri In make oholi , olioo es .no n a. po,olite, at Ihr Dru • and Ford Fiore of the subs scruicr, wiirre can hr rntalogurc, cf the !) ,,, sfcgcrllcrir varlet leg. F. 1.. SNOVVI/F.v, srp 31 No IR4 Libe rty Farrel, bend or Wood 7111 rt M slrrAt:Tort v.—ratrirh enwfield re ,V I :peel fulllYarquaints frienrin ands be milder f!en yra Ily l hal he has rnminehreil the Marlile hilyiner.n at !he sorner of Pi fi ztc. where will he ennstanik nir 1,., till tionlinuone.. inardrl Mere,. tonniimenta, head anti into .lanes, table for rahjeri ware, and evert' :rri Jo He will warrant tie wort: lolto.veil dmie, and hi , rliareri will he modernie Ile re. per: ftiga•kea. I ne of oot.tie 1 1 11r31171Ze. Sep 10- XVSI S =or la H. nreloskey; tO it is Pool Maker, Llherty sl , Zd floor from V; - , lit ttPo t Tim so li,o-rMer resnricl folly inhorn,s t lit tr. , hr lax romnieneed the :thrive hil , ine,s in the ,lion formerly nersiolsid M'Closk and 11rtt he I, new prepared in attend in :ill orrleig in ilk l and Out lite roma rennimahle .rit Prnin hi.. Inns en !writ - men in Ihr niamilitriore of Pa , lthinalile Pooh., lie feels ( - modem that nil nrilries i'rnm hi< peualillnlinieni w - ill elite swim - aril/in to hin pn iron.. .4 , t)4re ol pundie ronnte it reepescr -,s4irer4 p 10 Tr iTiD SEEDS Ar et ❑ pply 01 Ph, t ti;;;LI nr C:111nr:. ,nn rtane: Oat rocdv,',lll* F L SNOWDEN, 14R Lihrrtv st. Porta '4r Plot form Scale! on v.:Mehl, to weigh 2,500 it*, at $55 00. do do do do 2.005 at 13.15 00 do do do do 1.500 M 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 tip do do do do 500 at 25 00 With rakin_ layers an addition of Si to each scale. Dormant Feafes for tit. 0 ,- e of Warehouses, Flouring Mills. *cootie same prices ns above. Also, While's Patent Coutiter Scale, with 0. Young's improvements, and a variety of oilier counter stales, which they will veil for from Fl to $l5, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills. Saw Mills, Salt Works. rte„ douhle and singe :eared slide tat hesfoot and other lathes for wood turning machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door and sash inaellines. Hall's pat. nt horse power, with or wit hoot thrashing machine..., a superior article; circular saw shahs, marhives for sawing lath. Tioner's ma chines and hoots oral! deseript Inns, 11:F0 for making Mark log boxes.* satsserlor article; governors for steam engine• ,torks, tangoed dies, ecteko mitts, bedstead or joint hots and machinery for malting the same, cotton factory not chinery made or repaired: printing press platten. turned and printing presses rapatrod. JAMER MAY, Agent. sep fl—tf YOUNG 4 BR ADBURY J OHN B. GUTHRIE, Acetinneer and Commie. sion Merchant, X 5.106, corner ef Weed 4 Fifth att. Pittsbeiege: Having heenappoinied one of the Auction. eery fot the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his service. to job. ben, manufacturers anddeaters. wee snag be disposed to make trial of tells market. He Is fwepared to make advances on coneignment• of all saleable commodities, and trusts tosatisty correspondents by quick sales, and speedy rand favorable returns. That the various interests which may be confided to him, vital! be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of Ills own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the venires of Mr. 13 1.11[CILL PAIINICITOCC heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made. Rattan TO Messrs. M. Tiernan, Presi. of M. 4. M. Rank. Darlington 4 Pee Mes, Robert Galway. James M. Cooper, James May, R. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh tt Wm Robinson, Jr. Pres% I IA of Exchange Rank. Hamptoo,Smith, 4. Co., • • John D. Davis. Samuel Church, " 3. K. Moorhead, Jas. W. Brown 4. co. • John f Brown. 4. Cot Smith 4. II Jolley. Yardly ¢ d 'wen. John 8. ItidtHe, John Dates'', - - WM . - - • Wk. ACTIN. Altomay at Law. Pit Mhorrh.Pa. in 4th street. opposite Barkee Bonding. Witcleit R. A moms, Evq. i will eve hisattentien to my hneniehed Wiliam. and I recommend him in tlmpotron ege of mettle-nit WALTER FOE WARD. sett 10--ilr _~,~ r PROSPEC'rUB' For publishing a nit') Daily Paper in ilia City of Pitts burgh, to he entitled the DAILY MORNING POST. 91HE Subscribers hair* made arrangements to merge the American ManONcturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry into one Journal. have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daily Making Ppit. The leading object of the "Pore" siilbe the dlttsemlna• (lon and defence of the political principles that have bete tofore been maintained by the Editors, In their respecilie papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doe! rineS. Although, in politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the inhere ors Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently in cresting to entitle It to the patronage of the public, Ir respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will be foutd In the "Aforming Post," the Editors will take pains to furnish the hosinerss community with the latest and most battening Cotrxiaet►t. and from ail parts of the country, and to have prepa red such areounts of the Markets and the State of Trade as will he advantageous to our Merchants And Business Men in their several -callings. Terns. —The Parr will he published on a large imperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially Aar this Murrill) at the ncusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum.pavable In advanee. It will also be sold by news.bovu at the low rated' TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisentrite will he inserted at the lowest rates chareed by the other daily papers of the city. Oty-TVV ENTY active Inds are wanted to sell the Post, wito will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W. H. SMITH. Anvil 31, 1842- gY Morrison ¢ Co. London, for sale only by R. N Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Pittsbur2h Pa. and B. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole anent for Western Penn,. lvania. sep 10 ll'Closkey's Clothing Store FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW 900DS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF RE.WY AIDE CLOTHING THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 I..;bertv streFt, one door from the Jackson Foundry. 'THE Pithoriber jut recr.ving his well known eatablihhinntit, thr Inr:tr , t, atiost vnrird and CHI.ArfST SI OCK Of Goring t hat has ever heel, offered in this city Every Aoki,. %T. - a+ se!ccied Dr liiin4,ll in lot ea , ent ri, tie... and purcha-ill at thr OWLST CAna NIMES, and be if , 11Prefore ctialtird to hill 11:A art.clrs much 10,1er Um. 'l.es ran he had at any other wrst of (no =EI HN article. aro al; made by oxpor.ottrod workmen, front the laieFt mannfa , hlreco.sis enl in the must NIODERN FASHION. Ile fee's confident that all nersoua who will call at hl: r.tabli:thwent and examiPe 111.9 work will he that B ETT Eit R t WIG a I %S can ld‘ coo:lined at t h e 4511 REE i3IG DOORS than at any gindh,r eg , nhqghinenl In the chy. II:, steel; en , ktg in part of • Gals. Pantaloons. T - cs!s, Drawers, Shirts, Cravats, Stocks. G/qt.cs, Suspenders, And every oilier article ortiollliva of the brat 911 le ri v;.rio.ti semi: or is prepririd to lIAK I:1101'11ES ORDER at the shelties' nntire. in a giyle ungurita•ned by any amber Pittsburgh house. and warranted to fit. Ihr..lock of Spring and Summer (7, oda is gurTerinr to n y—p+.44,w, "rk. .tte bus nu Say inr t hat Ate exreileuee t teauiy and cheapness they cannot In equalled in the went. The sub,cril.or would ()nee more return hle thank; to his friends and the public for the unprecedented pallor'. ace hesloWf'd on III; e i, itililkitimerit, and brilievlor i that rttoolint ts had f-und it Iu Ihrir adVllhlrge In 11 , 10 with hint, he would repeat hi: inviialion to all those who wish to pitrelia...e of uvrry 4 . ,s,r7rtion at !owes! Dricos, to cull al No, 151, I.i atality FTRKIIT. Improved Hay to nurairg ti red he they,. Nldehin, H, between him KO rf't Iran Inre inltiarttlre and and the fno'nw• lug scales w hot, ly cum; °vett of netal): • JOHN kI'i:LOSKEY r (r 1•P rve Nlntal Plate in int' Paytinent. Fell 22 Passage 811(1 Remittances, To AND FR,III GREAT BRITAIN. gib 4 ,4410- --• New York :Ind Liver]) and Line. P EI: says ef,roti. of o•lkni for ei; fr 0.00.; in Coo t• f , OM :I , l' pit ri Prom r.. peit fully informed th it the sn'eleritn.r is nt tline't nre pared to make r orb enriiet t,, I.lf. He is vend red to remit monies by drafts, which ere made payable at any point throughout the United Kingdom on nre.enta lion; linving been for the last 12 ye,,rs entveted in the hosineos, he feel. eon fident that his arreneertwelQ on both sides the ic ate Finch as wi I give sailer:WMn. The Rh,pa con,pri.iee the above line, are n , l of the first erase/and are commandedliv careful and skillful masters, tesivlil Liverpool once each week during the Fea.oti.— For further particulars apply ii by letter to JOHN lIERPMAN, N 0.61 South etrret, New York, or to J. KIRKPATRIcK, at Menrs Millen 4. Fleming's, 'Water street Piietigh. Marti, 3--2md. No. 1, Port hie Nail - Ur:II Zi 4/W.4 Oil A o V% ;LOA., Jt..)s* W. S. Ni 0 R ROW, MANTIFACTUR FR of Tin. Copper and Sher: Trot' Ware, No. 17, Fifth et., between Wood and Mar— kel: Kerpreonstantly on hand a !end Regal tment of acres, and solicited share of nutitic tritrnnaee. A Igo. on band, the folhwine r Melt": Shovel, Po kers. Tones. Gridiron., Teakettles, Pon:, Otrrnr, Coffee Milia Ste. 111Pr chants and other. are Invited in rail and exttintna for themselves, na he is determined toren cheap for cash or approved paper. mar. 14—if S Phliadera I sep 10 BLOOMS. - Cr• ins o izto , e and for oa.e hi 3, W.BtrintIDOIL 'Water between Wood k Beiftb ]ant liA2 THE LITERAR ' POST. DA&3 st/SID SiaiLZIL A goon Lassos. When Darby saw the setting sun, He swung his scythe and hone he run, Sat down, drank off his pint, and said, 'My work is done. l'il go tc bed,' 'My work 'is done !' rerart..cl Joan, 'My mark is done !' your cenbtaiit tane; But hapless woman ne'ur can say 'My work is done' till judgment day. Here Darby hemmed, and scratcLed hti liei To answer what his Joan had said; But all in vain, hitt clack went onti".;.- At early dawn, ere Phoebus rose, Old Juan resumed her tale of woos, When Darby said, I'll end the Balla, Be you the man and I the wife, Take ynu the scythe and mow, while l I Will all your boasted cites supply.' `Content, quoth Lad; tgicre ms my titled.; This Darby dict,And oat s i te went. Darby rose, grad - seized 'the Wont, And whirled the dirt around 'the rental having done, he scarce knew howl Ho hied to mirk the brindle cow— The Brindle cow whisked round her tail In Darhy's eye, then kicked the pail; 'The clown perplexed with grief and plich Swore he'd ne'er try to milk again; When turti g rimed, in sad amaze, lie saw his cottage in a blaze; Fur as be chanced to brush the room In careless haste, he fired the broom, The fire at last suboned, he F %tura The broom and he should meet no more; Pressed by miefortur;e and perplexect, Darby preprred for breakfast next; But what to get he scarcely knew, The bread was spent the butter Wei; His hands Gedaubed with paste and !buil Old Darby labored full an hour, But hapless wight ! he "could not make_ The bread to take form of loaf or calrlle;= As etery door wide open stood, In pushed the sow in quest of food - , And stumbling onward, with her 14nuct O'erset the churn—the cream :sift oat. Ns Darby turned, the sow to beat, The slippery cream betrayed his feet, lie caught the bread 'rough in /AA fall, And down canto Darby, trough ail all; The children, wakened by the clatter; Start up and cry, 'La ! what's the rant; er Cid Jowlet barkLd, and Tabby mewed, And hapless Darhy bats led aloud, 'Return, my Jean, as 11, retoftue, phy the hou-wirc's part 13t) more; Sine , • now by sat txpeirence taught, Compared to ti.ine ury work s nahght, 11 , ncefuth, as bmint-ss ealis, I'llrake', Whilst you r•iiali rim -k, end cook and bake; And ;weir niiiro tram: tho brie Our fates have ma- ke thou art ve thy hon.-si Mora Cy suoid•rig, as I've tiime each our proper task ail. nil— For,;ive the past, and t y r., trend ' From the flan - 146.g Argus. To tire Dernocra tic Party of 'PennsgliAufti. It is with pleasure tir:t we devote but' cottinics to repelle:g the •rniscrearit attach . upon the politica: intev.rity of the Execu..t centamed in the 'Keystone' of the let instant. After one of the cominclors of that paper was forced, btlt little more than a week since, to acknowledgd, before several members of the Legislature, that he had been guilty of deliberate falsehood in making certain representations in refer ence to the canvass r State Printer, We would have thought that he would have hesitated before lie thrust hitn , elf befor. the public, branded, as he is known - to be ‘ by the cortc:etimatiott of his own lips. Before we proceed to comment upoU I tliA article to which we have referred, we will draw back the veil, and let stranger+ to the character of that press take a snivel' of 'lie 'patriotism' of its proprietors In its Ilakt d formoy. The Itiond ers of the public Treasury to the amount of riot lest Urtu fificen thousand dells)' a year, the (I , veitior of this Commo n wf alt!t, to pro.* V't t the int'erf st s ii the State, has from titbit ' to brie reconoriended the election of State Urinter, so gusrded as to attest piracy.— The present Leg islature, in accordance %lilt his 'repeated suggestiona, passed a la% fir that purpose. Up to the enact. , merit of that law—up to the hour When they ascertained that the Executive would out lend his aid. to enable them to prey upon a Treasury in wliftse Vaults they had a'ready made frightful havoc—no paper in the Commonwealth was so servtle ie its flattery of him, no press as sycophantic. as disgusting. Whilst the toil and sweat • of the talc payers Sowed easily and fully into the hands or these 'patrifee.' the Ex eitulive, the Legislature, and all connected with hi th of the departments, were treat - . ed with delicacy, a loving kindness, that the sordid thirst for money knows so well how to intimate. But, mark the change I —The moment these glaring frauds were exposed, and the Executiv.4 favor is with drawn, then the s princip'es' of the paper are being tampered With—then corm/Jett. ces their devotion to the party—then ttitr• natural alliance? are 'scouted-, and the pea- We fire called upon to support their plun ders—and following close upon the beets of all this 'patriotism,' come staternents, which, f true, should damn to everlasting infamy their authors—statements that Should exclude from the honorable associ. ation of printers, men so base, 56 101 to every dictate of honor. and elevated senti ment, as to make them—statements that would not only shew a betrayal of a sacred trust, but embrace an ingratitude -a,' black, as to make humanity shudder at the °cert. ; I aional instances of depravity it presents.-- . -: It is knotvn to all, that the editors of the Keptene had so far sticeefel tl in dectiv... ing :he G•tvernor as to their true character, as to wow' themse!ves to sorns extect into his ronfiflence, That t. sir conneNi w th thesad.s,iraibtrati:‘n cornmenc, d n bet 2aty, and has ended in Wealth, pr ,, ,tOre4 in the way set forth by th e committee isk pointed by the Ivtl,-.2is'a.ure f-xarrine into the prices, p . aittfri e pr g. VIA facts that willstPrilly to the ciples' of this joeiw a i ac, rte votedto 411 . 11,.: welfare 'of the Deabeeratic patty: -. Xi* _,_..,,,., y a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers