MIZINEEMBIE ailluamad tam. liae Ito:titles after the loss of Petroldea, to forget his pritite antipathiee, and agam buckle on his rmm for battle. Us would be a welcome &volunteer.' Most of the Meticats famiies that ac. .cannpardrid Gen .Woll in his retreat from &Aar, bad returned, A party of Indians, supposed to be 'Cherokees, hat committed depredations in'therneigkborbood of Gonzales and Aur dn.. Later From Haiti* By the schooner Cordova. from Jacmel ilayti, we learn that the revolutionists mere carrying all before them. A pro. Visional government had been established, With General Herard at its Head--by whom the annexed decrees, or proelama• lion. had b- en issued. We have on news of the capture of Port-au.P dace. In fact, form that part of the island ate no later than before received. IIAYTIEN REPUBLIC, In the noose of the toaereign people. ORDER OF TRY. DAT.' Charles Herard,'sen., chief executive of the will and the resolutions of the soy align people-- In consideration that, under the gov eriment of the tyrant Boy er,the pi.rts have been closed=one of those miserable and oppressive measures tending to multiply the privations of the people—has ordered as follows: atm 1. The ports Aquin, Anse 3' , Hainault, and Miragoaine, are open to foreign commerce, from and after the pro mulgstiun of this c resent order of the day. ART. 2. The direction of the cusiom }Memo ann the administration of the finan• tea *hall be confided to a functionary who shall take title of particular administrator, and shall have under his orders, and at his disposition, two clerks, of the rank of principal commissary To this adminis tration will be united the regulations of ,ary.! -ART. 3. The duties on importations are maintained, but them mode of collecting the . duties in money and exchanges is a bolished until the nem regulations. ART. 4. The present order of the day *hail be printed publicly and officially wherever it may be necessary. Given a t the general head quarters at Aquin, the sth March. 1813, in the Ist year of the regenetation of Hayti. 11ERARD, . You would he astonishod to see how the Cumberland Road has stood the test of this severe winter, and 'he immense a mount of travelling which has Ewen done upon it. It is far from being in a good condition, to be sure, but compared with other roads it is quite "passable." We arrived at the Dip t f that dreaded eminence, Laurel Hill, about 2 o'clock this morning. The weather was extremely cold, it snowed fiercely, and altogeth er it wa. "sic a night as ne v er poor sinner ' was abroad in." There was just light e , Dough to show that there was a lealful des cent within a few feet of us, but of the precise nature of its terrors. we could not fudge,When we came to descend, howev er, the real peril came; ascenditiv was n3th , ing. The road we went down was cov ered with ice and snow, but a skilful dri - ver and a good team brought us safely thro' A driver named Hendrichson, who came down the hill ' s few hours before we did, ,had his leg broken, by collision with anoth er stage which was meeting him; his hor. Ises ran (ft when near the foot of the moun. Fur the Post- I lain, and he was unable to stop or con- Protestant Association trot them. The poor fellow was lying at The Seger Girl Mystery.—The mur- sh ee p. Editors:—Your Pro tcstant cotillion& on his his house near the place where he received der of Corlis, it is confidently, - asserted, Ant Din r ii i e s r t : o k o e a ,as orLthri:llt of i aordgeern.tlienmcaotrmtoenttatg his his hurt, and from some cause or other, it has caused such investigation as ;;ill lead seat. The question bad been decided by a vete— the inaj seemed he was likely to be without surgi •to the disclosure of who was the murder. ority overwhelming. Again,the presiding -Meer remarked that those who voted against for , cal attendance for 12 07 14 hours after his er of Mary Rogers. ming an association to defend out tsith„ were pro accident. hably not Protestants. It wa., at least, 'probe Messrs. Heckman, Defora, and Morris bi,,. In looking at the feat NI road over thin are the Select Committee to examine into this et it ique on Dr, Wilson is more elaborate, ithne d c!,et nr tai l n ly a t l e l m h p u er c a r t i e ti a c !: s l o r s es t p i e le c . t! i u r l i ; li tu es t a : e .7 r mountain, I was led to reflect udon the au- the new charge of bribery and corropticn• perior skill and courage of the drivers who They have made a report which sub. These w organzinerge: the association remain untouched.— nightly cross it in its Present state. An I stow iates the charge prefered against Mr. 7 1. That Pape•te expect salvet;en by woriut—Pro- English coachman would scarce drive it in Ovei field. 1.-tants by th • Imputed ri g hteous:le:a ofChrist re daylight, and at night he wyttid think the The Philadelohia Forumsays that no Pe t i- ,1•1 1 ,, 7 , I r d . i r t . l :t ‘ cr peope worship images, Faints, attempt to surmount it would be more than re engagement has been effected with the angels and relic:—the latter—G , M in Christ. 3. The Rom in Catholics do not allow their pen his life was worth. comet, and that it will appear but a few I hardly know whether it is politic to n w 'tights more. We shall then, e suppoqft, ~to generally to read the Bible—the. Reformers re - ow c-anmend the reading. of God's book. rot urn to the old starrin s, t g )9 ern. - [N. 4. The Pope's religion does not promote moral allude to the immense transportation now 17. Aurora. ity, so einc,oatly as the Protestant. Compare , doing by the national road, for it may an Of course, we shall. Dries the Aurora Louisiana with Allegheny co., Pa. swer fur an advertisement to the route.—l want anything more brilliant?—[Phila. 5. Their faith persecutes to the death the dia eiple• of Christ for their godliness—ours does have heard the number of wagons carrying Forum. mi. Compare the Spanish Inquisition, wi th the goods between Cumberland and Wheeling We're opposed to stars—they can'tt Pittsburgherestiyitry. Not one of these argu estimated at Item 3to 501 i. I counted com-it about here. I merits is touched by 'Protestant.' . i Bit Dr. Wilson said more for Protestants than Cowardly Assault.—A them for a few hours, as we met them. kt , rnsan Esqui.l they deserve. lie affirmed, that they never put I- think they averaged nearly 9 to ev 1 men to death for their religion; whereas, they and col of New York was lately attacked while i burnt Michael Servetus for his faith. and chopped cry wile, as far as I went; 4 or 5 stages lac crossing the street, by a squad of rowdies 1 dr.the heads of Quakers with the axetrof our pil den down with people, pass each way eve. and grim fathers. 1 answer— whose names were unknown, most ry day. Of course most of the goods and horribly beaten. it was not the minister of4Pe Protestant faith— John Calvin—but the Senate of Geneva that or passengers pass this way because the Penn- . dared Servetne to the sta'.!e. Now, let `Proles. Forrest and Miss Clifton are playing in sylvania works are clostd to an unusually tent' prove that the corporation of Gamaira was a new piece called the - Patrician's Daugh. Protestant. In 1529, the R __etormers protested e late period, fur heaven knows there is nosh 1 gainst a decision of the diet of Spires° Servetus ter, at the Chatham Theatre, N. Y. in;; to draw either this route if there was ' `was burnt 1553 t Let 'Proreetant' prove, if lie can, that the civil any othet. The stages are - good enough It is said that Judge Story intends to sail riders of Geneva, in 24 years after that event,and to be sure, but after you leave Uniontown, for Europe in a few days. He will be in 12 atter Calvin WBB settled as the pas f toral the taverns, considering the amount of bu. accompanied by Dr. Sewall, of Washing. ? e t :rage l o s f 4 a n con g p re e g rh a a t i p o: p i n uit t e h .f e ta l n a rtge will it:aye Johnu - sin e s s they do. are miserably kept, and ton. . Calvin then governed the senate of that large city, ------------- - that averment would be about as true as that Dr. their prices exorbitant . The freights to Rebuilt.—The Bridge over Chartier's Wilson governs the corporation of Pittsburgh. ------------- I Wheeling are now $ 1 . 75 a hundred—to I C ree k , w hich was swept from its place 2, The Senate of the Genevan republ.e. affirmed Melancholy Occurrence. —The New Brownsville $1,25, and t o Pittsburgh 1,50. during the recent high waters, has been that they put him to death for blasphemy accord ing to a statute of the Popish prince Frederick York Express says:—" Pass' d Assistant whether it was owing to the fatigua and rebuilt or repaired in such a way as to be /1.11 Burgeon Richard W. Leacock, of the 11. , ball f ee lin g 3 Calvin endeavored to procure a commuta• S. brig Somers, committed suicide on Fri l occasianed by riding 30 hours Af, -t .../r Crossing. . Ition of the puni , iiment and could not. How many day evening; at six o'clock, by s h oot i ng over bad roads—or to the chilly, gloomy A negro was shut in Mobile on the inarlyrs did Qi.een Mary burn after John Rodgers i in Smith 6. let flow many did Papists burn in the idettself. over the right eye with a pistol, in i day. in which we reached it, I never d:d 19th u lt. w hil e in the act of stealing, I Spa ,ish auto da e 7 the4un room of the Somers. He has !set ftoin a town so deeply dreary as this ------------_ I When .Pr ite.tant . tells the names and accusa-- been attached to her ever since she has A young hoau 13 night a hat at Legay's Cuoibei lin I The countr around is hil. , tions of thoso Q takers, wao.ie heart', our pilgrim beentinommis-ion, was an estimable of- ; ''' • y tie other day. and before he had worn it fathers chipped off, we will d, the best we can to fuser, a nd ommis - ion, stood high iti his profession and ly an I I ,olis pour and bursa—it is cover- an ham . in Washington street, he received cortect Dr. Wilson's e c rror. l ), l ir t e ordes James VII, was '2B ',elm of age, and a Dative of Nor. of which hat. - how, ver, is to be seen in feting him her hand, &c.—Baston Post. 1 B ut the rpe..ker beceine 'wrothy.' Well that folk, Virginia. Cie streets, which were disgustingly mud- Distress in Camden.—The Montreal kept his temper.-- folk, er was wrong. Ha should have p . Mr. Leacock's bealth has been impair- , i But let us be charitable. Perhaps he was only oy. A few building which have been put ed for a long time. from having contracted Transcript says that there are in Montreal ; earnest, in opposing socinianism, as worse than Popery. If that is it, let. him continue that ear• the coast fever whilein the Grampus on up in consequence of the rail road having at their present 802 persons depending for i rmatoc., in all time to come. AA beclabt cruise to the coast of Africa• a depot here, relieve its appearance some- -.noun in the house of Industry. I *Winer pp. 9 and 960 tMas. vol. V. p. 472 I TAUB. vol. IV. 363 lOW. p. 464. It is a most remarkable coincidence what, but still it is a dull and miserable (says the Evening Post), that John Car- looking place. There is an immense a rta committed suicide in a similar manner, mount of buiiness done in it however, and onboard the brig Boxer, while lying near- Pittsburghers cannot see the trade by the ly in the same spot that the Somers {IOW le, On the 31st of March; 1842, exactly one national road, Without being. doubly anx• sear previously. ious fi ii the speedy making of a road by some ! ate from Pittsburgh to Uniontown. the Q . tticability of a Rail road, and the certai :y that it can soon be made, iniuce me a ik it much the best. To the people and the army CMzlsNe AND SOLDIERS !—A revoliv.ioo unexampled in the annals of the world a revolution altogether moral in its oper ation—has changed the face of Hayti— Tranquility having been restored to the domestic hearth, 1 have been called 1)% the people to be placed at their head, to ex. acute their resolutions, and to re•establish their rights too long trampled upon. - --blyariul, move I with patriotic e motions. -and rec,ollictions of nat orieli dsgrace. has answered to the popular cal. I have alaised the twn.colored standard. We have risen as cne man to march to the Conquest or the future, and the establish menu of a new order of thing.; and, puts! ting ourselves face to face with the op- pressor, have declared to him The t,s'iticl of despotism has too long I)!ialited our SitYirits. The per to o l of our silff:rings has terminated with the establishment ors new e onstitution,pzuviding fir the I eloraiwitoi y, ea, the abolition of the presideney for life, the•encautagement of agriculture. of industry, Of commerce, and the iii U3l lad the founding of new institutions." These results we will secure, for in God is our trust. Curses and mi,fottunes on all who shall date to oppose ! Citizens, Brothers and Friends ! Re gard the series of important events which have already occurred, and which seem to pressage so many more. An army repul sed; more than eight regiments rallying 'n defence of the popular cause; Faubert and .111saelais put to flight; colonels, generals, Wilikaenators made prisoners. The fate ,of litirstyrant has been inscribed by an invisi• blethand on the wall of hie palace. Soldiers! I rely upon your zeal. Fol. low on in the career of patriolism and glory. Second my persevering efforts.— In a little while )nu shall see illustrious legislators destroying the monstrous eye. ,which has devou red your subetarce, invigorating commerce and agriculture. dissipating the:darkn , es of ignorance, and founding institutions no longer on the un stable sand of the sea shore, but on a broad and immovable rock hit), sth Niarch ' 1 %, -- v ibe Boston Post speaking of mechanics, re. I rarior,giat the late pecuniary revolution which U. &Notated the laid, has left a valuable testimo ny fibers as a m In looking over the list lkillaithiwids we find but few of them, and air a Illtaftlnable fact that their assets wars 50 per ct. nintw an the assets of thus( - • ut A les-- '41.4"1"14 PGA PRILSIDENT, - 4 JAMES BUCIIA.NAIV, datject to the Modulen of .a thitlonal Conventilla. DAILY MORNING POST. Tip. PIIILLI2II 4• I'M H. lIIIILTZ,IIDITO I I II LIM PROPRIWTOIII Letter from one of the Editors. Cumberknd, Md. April 3. 1843. Dear P.--We arrived here this evening, after a tedious ride of 36 hours from Pittsburgh. Our coach, howbver, was not crowded, our company was of the most agreeable kind, and save the detention here till tomorrow morning, we have little to complain of. The chief caiise of our delay v , as. the displacement of the Bridge at Chartiers Creek, near the city, the repairing of which hae been neglected in a very 'reprehensi— ble manner. The (Hicer in charge of the Washington Turnpike, whoever he is, de servei severe censure for his cegliaence. The-lime lost by the want or that hri lge rend red it out of the question fu us to reach this piece in time for the cats this morning, and so our drivers were in no hurry. HERARD. AINE iiin FRIDAX, APRIL 7,1843 See First Page. If I b 11 owe et the rate of bar handrad and fmif Jight milts a minute, when first diseharted from the moots of* cannon, bow fast will a add. idling sited dog ran with ado kettle. one pound tat imam, tied 40 rib tail. The - Mtid br De:l*(4,-4 ii ten:.. l Steam Canto Beat,4-.The Syracuse tleman of Edgartowo, Mass., a-ievr days Journa'. states that "Mr. john Dutcher, of mince, while at work on the wharf saw a Niagara county has just finished at Syra large spider sailing on a chip not far from elute the model of a boat calculated to the wharf. The tide was set out of the run on the long level of the canal from harbor and the wind blowing on shore. It that village to Utica. The boat is to be was easy to go out to sea, but to regain the 150 feet long; 22 wide; propelled by steam shore 'Hoe opus, hie - labor est.' The spi- i at the rate of 12 miles an hour, without der having gone to one side of the chip, injury to the banks of the canal; capable and then to another, after completely of carrying 300 passengers, and only draw viewing his situation, found any further re- leg 15 inches of water." treat cut off, and placed himself in the elan. ire of the chip. In a abort time the tide had carried the chip, with its passenger' neat ;.o the outer corner of the wharforben perceiving that the chip would soon drift beyond it, immediately commenced spin ning, a web. The threads bf his web (the wind favoring) were successful 'y blown against the wiled, and firmly adhered to it. As soon as this was accomplished, the spider warped his boat alongside, and so 1 , escaped destruction. The Sailor's Party.—lt is said that the sailors of New Yurk intend organizing fo r the coming election. Their po'itical prin• ciples are for naval reform, trial by jury, sailors' rightv, and protection fro:n the dan ger of being hung up at the yard arm with out trial aad withont evidence. There are about 3,000 sailors always on hand in that city. The Billtimore Clipper "learns that sev. eril ladies and gentlemen-of that city have it in contemplation to present to Coin mander A. S, Mackenzie, of the U. S. Navy, a pair of gold epaulets, as a tribute of respect for his firmness and ability as an officer and his character as a man. A considerable portion.ef the moneriteces airy to defray expenses has already been subscribed." Sweet Alse.—A man in Salem, names Sweet, was sentenced to ten days impris onment for disturbing public worship.— As soon as sentence was pronounced, a very handsome woman went up to him and kissed him in open court! .1 Stout Striag.—At a rope-walk of Mr. Kerr, above Kensington, they are spin ning a rope for the Inclined Plane at Schuylkill; the dimensions of the cord are: —length 2,000 yards, eircurnfenence 9 inches; weight nine tona. The larger ripe in the world. Good win's "Pathfiader" takes with the democrats in the east. Send it to us, with the back numbers. Another gold mine bas been discove red in North Carolina. A colored preacher named lames Hey burn. was accidentally killed in Clew York on Wednesday. by some cotton bags falling on his head and shr.ulders. Mr. Calhoun intends visiting New York shortly. -Tboliegishittin s4jfatiniiimis tlie, lab instant. The other side—W e find in the Harris burgh Argus of Tuesday, a reply to the article of the Keystone against Governor Porter. As those who have read the de• velopments may like to see the defecee we will copy the article from the Argus to. morrow. Those who have observed the course of the Keystone for the last few years will be struck with the truthfulness of the picture which is drawn of it by it= ce tern oral . The Louisiana L-tgislature—bath hon ses—has passed a bill to d away with the New &leans wharfage tax, and, it only requires the Governor's signature to be• come a law,—it would soon get that. Business in Phila:lelpiia —Bieknell's Reporter of th t 4th s iyi, "The cheerful condi ion of allairs noticed in our lass, still coutinues." Tha week closed with a buoyant and cheerful feeling. • A large 'amber of Wes'ern and Southern merchants are a mong us, and a large amount of money has been paid either on old accounts or for new purchases. We have also had a good many new faces in our eity—Abose of individuals who hive taken the places of old storekeepers, &c. Money, we re— peat, is abundant. First rate paper can • be negociated at 5 and 6 per cent. per an. The note Brokers complain of the want of business, as nearly all the good paper is absorbed by this Banks." About $130,000 in specie were import ed.into New York, during the five days ending on the the 25th ult. Ten thousand letters end fifteen bush els of newspapers were ready for the Cal edonia at Boston on Friday week. The Ohio Legislature ut its recent tics sion, incorporated eight banks, the Direc tors of which are to be personally liable. This wandering star was seen by professor A—, March 9. Tne weather prevented distinct °beer vatlon, until the 27th. The nucleus was then, P. M. 6h. 45m. 1 deg. east of 17, an nnarranged star, a little west of Orion. The comet paned, one degree east of %I, in the same neighborhood, and became invisib'e 2i deg. south of etas 68, in Orion. lts riirht arreenaiuts 51,declinatien, 6 deg. Mercury I.f Fahrenheit. A. M. same day, 27 deg. snow. at 10 A M,29th P 51.9 h. 30m.comet's nu e'en' 21 deg. east, and 1 deg. south of star, 17, Tbe nucleus fa se remaskably tratsparait, (its possohelinen niast4sise bean very near she es that eqn.loallMPoulaillisSksisseael is set attain. lOle' W. ilk A. Al%glumly Isethate, Maten.s, 1843. _ _ . _ . _ __ _____ __ • Better Irtwaes. ' ' COUNTY COM M "ISSiON ER. The Boston Bulletin sartn.--We are firm itt the I A T the aoliellation of a ouster 011. w, en 'or sod pot. opinion that the light. oPbetter titu is' is really s-C3Lidettliclalnparitmles.ilitre,prt tinily carer e . 3o 4nr r • she tee. about to shine on every department of, trade. We coun„,°..lo„,r.y ,47::111:671r:°,!",,i151'en i t' : r ; C : , i te i C e. e. k rj probably hate a good opportunity to be among dcretond, either as to political or private anise. I amilliq the first to discover this light, as we are constant- f p r u e b e n t e ln Y n !:: e i iirtil:..." teen t a h ll e l word.i'k a : 7. : t i e • it. -...; a r i ly remarking every taiga of the times,' and we 1. sotnenlifit emharrusted in Ita financial allfftialltaitwitiah observe in nearly all our exchange pap,:rs, encour - raerdi:ric,:bia°llo4):o°l;l:ri.e:m°,ljPonr;'tlieicsollslthem bule.r"*"11100 she aging remarks on the Spring Trade. The Troy alined would not should be te so Commis as 1111 - kitalr; Whig has a well-timed article on this subject ' led, in any m attempt toYetHlat This witaffalrp tip Corm; should It reach the office of Courtly * which takes, we believe an impartial view. This ape 6 t SAMU E L iA . c VIr journal remarks, that. accounts received from va rious sections of the Union, lead to the ballet that the worst of the • frard times' is over. We may' herefore. anticipate a moderate revival of busi. ices& Those merchants who have withstood the disastrous shock which credit and commerce have suet...fined so repeatedly since the year 1837, must be sound, and cons - quently in a situation to trans • act whatever business may fall to their share, with advtntage to all concerned. The banks in our principal commercial: cities, and in our country generally, with few exceptions, arc in a trout itet.l thy condition. Their discounts fir the last two years have been very light, and their present cir culation is extremely contracted. They are there fore, in a situation to grant to the merchants, all the facilities they may desire, when business she 1 For the Poet. The Comet. Th.: Llgislaturo of Massachusetts have reject.. ed the Urentiue Convent bill. The Net. Intel gencer cries 'shame!' Poverty.—Naturo makes u> poor only when we want neceasa:ius; but custom gives the name of poverty to the of want ouperfluttles. Memory.—The two offices ofrnom•rry are collec lion and &swab:llion. By one, hum tges are ex cumulated, and by the other. producea for use. Vanity is tha bisetting sin of many; and Dea cons of the while railing against vanity, exhibit this vice in the ino.t disgsting tonne. 'Ali is vanity," says the Pie 'cher ! A charitable man, on Wel right Neese, is he who givesnot for ostentation, Lilt from love; who gives not to ga,n the applausee of men, but to glorify his God, who is Lott ! PATRIOT. —A pat.ficu is h',!, whose public con duct is ro,,,ulated by ~ric s ngla rnoltve, viz: the love of office. If you wish to spit a weik but well-intenion - ed man. mace turn a Deacon; and he ui very likely tweorne and iti• tolerably C•NS luaus. Roma:neer tie DREAM A newly married lady, wilt) Wit 4 very fond of her husband, a.)l wahst inim4 the ecLrdm; ugh ness of his person, oo.:e slid to a friend, 'Wnst do you think; my husbind his gone and laid out fifty guineas for a large baboon an purpose to please mil 'The dear li.tle man!' trio! the other swell it is just like him . ' Let not other man's fadltt distress you. If you cannot gain one man's friendship without slander ' . tog another, it hardly worth your having. Rea der ! this paragraph is intended for you. A Curiosity —N co'ored man has recently been admitted to the btr in L indon. Snow at Portland, Me., 10 feet deep. Spirits of turpentine is an effectual rem edy for destroying cockroaches. The Northumberland Bank h Is issued a batch of 11100 notes. It is 50 per cent. dis count in Philadelphia. LAST NIGH I'S ,OF ORA 1 Y AND MUSIC OR THE BENEFIT OF TH F, curt POOR. Prof Bronson and .1 11 Nash ,w ill give their last Lectures, Recitations . nd Singing, with Piano sc.. companiment, (by Mr Taylor of Philadelybia.) this & to morrow evenin2s. in 'he OR ETOREAN at 71 o'clock The subjects may be found in the last two sections of the Circular. PUBLIC MEETING . The uneersigned having been appointed aCom (flint e, at a ontilte meeting of their teltow citizens at the nt w Conn lluu=e t n the 18 h of last month for the punt , se oi ad , piing rteasurea in retirence to the cotietruttion of a SlcAdamised Road from Pittsburgh, in interise..t. the National IZoau et Unionteun, finding themselves artested in any further steps upon the s.ubret, by the impress on that public()) intuit appeals to be decidedly in fa vor of a connection with the town of Cumberland by means of a Rail-oacl, deem it proper to recom mend a general meeting to the pi rple of Pitts , - burgh and Allegheny, to ar.,rtain pul toeenti ment totichine the h'ghly important & intere,ting question of connection with the ELltimorc Ohio railroad. The undcrsigced therefore beg leme to call a meeting of their fellow citia.ms of Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities, and of Allegheny and adjoining counties, to be In Id at the new Court House at 2 o'clock ,on the afternoon of Saturday the 15. h loot. Wm. Wilkins, We. Eichbaum, M. Allen, Thos Bakewell, P. Mulvany, John Beech, W.M. Edgar, Robt Beer. a.r 5. NERVE AND PONE LIN IMET, AND IN DIAN VEGETABLE ELIXIR —This combina tion of a local application with an internal speci fic, wof ks like a charm in cases of rheumatism, gout, contracted muscle and paralysis. Messrs. Comstock & Co. 71 Maiden Lane. have in their p evasion a oettifi, ate n Ethan C, Corning, a respec'able citizen 1,1 Q tebec, stating that sitar having been a bed riddt n cripple for upwards of fourteen years he was enabled to rise up and walk by applying the Linainent to his ahrunken limbs, and taking the Elixir in conformity with the di rections. The cure appears to border on the mi raculous, but attestations cannot be questioned lit cases of gout and contraction of the mnseles and ligament of Inc Liniment and Elixir have been (quill) , beneficial —[Express ]—For sale only at Tirrrt.E.'s 86 Fourth street. AD 4ISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LL .i Indebted to the estate of Arthur Mee- Azait, of R. 0 42 town4htp. deceased. nre I ecincsted to inak• • /went to the undersigned. And nit pen halfin: me against said estatematiptease present them proper auth indented for aditi4ment RICHARD MECGAN, Admin'r. MEE.GA N. Adm'trix. ap --6'• AUC NON SALES. rillHfs Morning (rrlday) at 10 cOelock, corner of X Wood and sth strains, a large lot of Cloths. Casa/ inert, Calming% brown and bleached flbeetingr. Boyer for Prints. with a general variety of seasonable Dry Gloode. OBOCERTES AT2 O'CLOCK. P. Al. Slags best Rlo Coffee. 10 bbis ft. 0. Sugar, 20 boxes Sicily Lemons. Books by catalogue on Saturday even lag at early Gas Light. SAMUEL FA MN ESTOCItit Co: . Auctioneer*. REMOVAL. A J DURDOLOIT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, has removed his omee to No 63 Fifth street. be tween Wood and Smithfield ate. next door to Aiderama s.now. apr 7. 1143. WARD 41c 'RUNT, Thobisgs. Lleerty strew, a few doors below &Clair. apr 6.1834. ittpurrs FOR rnr. WABASH wings. sew la draught steamer JUNIATA .Tbiato. Hamer, will hree ea haterday ineralept allikwhleek brit shere sad iteleiroada horaloge. Der berg% or pesere. apply sat beard, Or 10 Apr 7 ATWOOD AHD )ONES. CUST/C or Ms kelp was formerly rearms ma wit eases of burns, scalds and wounds, where inetdilknite was apprehended, The necessity far suck slearP-lIIIMIr tine exists no longer. The Magical rain Eltramor. Mar Comstock 11 Idabien Lane La a far more tire of mortificallon;than'eold steel or nitrate le !h The application of this wonderfnl compoosd removes the local pale,and lithe ;round, seed, Wpls. et bruise has not Injured some vital or:an so as Usti/Oder cure imrosslide, it v. ill in a very 'hen span of thong restore the part affected to a 'curd and healthy slew, without leaving the cicatrix trhind. This pteparstioo also a certain remedy for inflamed (les. wiener' MO.' utters, broken breast and sore nipple and all shadow sod eruptions of the skin. Its success as a teR5 •diar the piles is unparalleled and t fa-vottchcrs for Ili sow live properties are from the must respectable _apd of lightened sourer_.--lierald. , For sale. at Tuttle's. 66-Frrtrlh Areal: RUNAWAY APPRENTICE. ABSCONDED from the employ of the subeeribeir the 38th oll; no indented apprentice to ihe business, named John McWherter. lie wu aboalk 'l6 years of age, fair haired, ohoui Ave feet three or tun lu• elms high. Any person ret ruing said boy to the tub. retiher shall receive six emits reward for their 0481 h hut no charges. The pul , lic ore cmitioned aping leg him or employing hint at their peril. oPr 6-3i* JOHN McMICHAEL. Vocal Concert at the Phil. Ht 11 Fourth Street. M 15 5 MELTrtN. from the principal Theatre. er London. Dublin, New York frc.; and Mr. LA THAN, from Dublin, London and Nev. York rea. spectfnlly anrounce a Concert of Vocal. Mom. f•r ri dry teenier, dlprit 71It on which occasion Mr. G. W. TAYLOR from the PhPharn.onie Cenreris. London and Philadelphia. will preside at Inc Plano Forte. PART FIRST. Song—" The R.l.ve Old Oak," Mr Latham. Cawatina ,frnin A Btrlteire de Sivlttlitt,; Una yore Poco ft, Mira Melton. Comic Fahle—uThe GrearyMognilardsthe live Bottle.' Mr Latham. Irish Melody, “Rory O'Marer Ml a Melton. Dr hen a little farm we here: kliss Melton and Mr Latham. Cavatina--..Larso al Fatima." the celebrated song of Figaro from ttellaehar of Seville, Mr Latham. • PART SECOND. New Song--.. The Mariner to his Ship," Mt Latham New comic Fona--...lohnny Sands" by Slnelalr‘ "Vise Melton. Extravaganze.--Tne King of OtatteWs Tee:* Mr !Althorn. Song ....flays when we were yotine (ac companied by herfwli) Miss Melton. Comic Elfharion.--.. ...Taking Tea In tits Arbor" Mr Latham. COWIE Bann —..The Old Maid" Mies Mct:on. Finale— -Theet4Mithra Melton and Mr Latham. rTirkets stl cents, to be had at the Vets tog Music Stares. R. M. DAWSON, Mauufacturer of Tin, Copper and Shut Iron Ware, No 61 Liberty, between Market and 6th streets WOULD reopectfully inform the citizens of Pim- Furth, and the public in general that he Mabel, to carry on th above loudness in all its various homages at the***** stand; where he will always keep a petter. al assortment octal articles in his pine, all 'or iiirk will he matte in the same manner and of good materleht, and will he disposed of on the most moderato an/ ae. eemmodatlng term*. Country klerenants and other dealers will fled IR is I heitidirintUge to call and examine his stoat befOfepli. chasm! elseweere. Slestutuluis..ROucel , Ord to, !lure! roofed with.jettp/V. ainezi.ie. lead and lion on the shorten untleci Grim and Coudtietot a made and put up,wlth despatch a. Uffel. apr 5. A ucl ion. S• F.? FINE ! j TOC 1 r CO.. SUreeswOr3 10 ffilityth- rie, at 11. old :nand corner of 54 h and Wood *L. having roinplied WWI the requisiii , ine of the new A ttte• Lion Law 't re prepared to make advancer. on rensipt 'Penis and In Sell on favorable term,. They hops by continuing to make ready Fake and pronint•reinrae, In rt ceive a fair portion of business. In retirtn, from the Auction I uninro. I take great pleasure in recommentline to the puhlic Fahoiesinek 4- Co,. who have romp led with the require ments of the new Auction raw and will do hasinets my old stand. - J. B. CAJTHRIES anviI 3 12,13. MRS BRADY respectfuly informs her friends" sod M flOhlie that she ita 4l opened her School In Lib erty street, near the coraer of itt Clot?' (entrance OR IN. Clair street or through the Iron City Clothing ',twee Sd door from the corner,) she begs lea're lb 'Curti thank" for the great share of patronage heretofore recelved,sied pledges herself to pay the inoBl devoted atienllou lotbane entrbsted to her charge. Terns °Fruition to suit tie Timm Iteading.Wri Ong k plain Fewlbg per q'r $2.00 do do do k a rit 11 met ic LSO do do do Grammar andGeogra soar ap 1-1 r+•• WHISKEY. 5y h .5 1 : year, old for ltirtr o ta 0 J. W. BURBRIDGE, Water between Wood and F 13111141, 05cs of the Allegheny Bridge Co. t Pittsburgh, April let, 1843. AN Election for tme President, ten Mertsrers. me Treasurer ani Secretary, of the "CrMs• Pon!' for erecting a bridge over the Allegheag Eh er, opposite Pitisburgh,in the county of Alleghe ny," will be held at the Toll House, on Monday. the let day of May next,to commence at 2o'elock P. M. JOHN HARPER., April 1:--dlw&vo3t Treenail,. COTTON. DALES Cotton—Pascale low. by hd mar 23. 7/15103.111AV. a pp FOR LAFAYETTE AND WABASH RIVER. The new steambnite ("EMI A. Coo Clarke, Mostefe will leave for the above and intermediate. landtoo OW Sainniny next the flth inst. at 10 o'clock A.M. pos lOViell. For freienior passage apply on board or to JAMES 6 JAMES MAY. rfThe CeePtri ivsopplied with Evana",Safety Goad t o prevent the exploton of boners. LICENCES. W HOLESALE Dealers and Retaileen of Goods Wares, Niereliandise. Commodities or Effects or whatsoever kind or nntore (whether foreign Of domestic) That in compliance with the art of General Assembly apriroved the 7th (fay of April, A. D. IE3O, the Am. crate Jnd:ea and Commissioners of Allegheny e unty,wilf meet at the Commtirsioner's office, in Pittsburgh, es Men day the 24th of April. 1843.01 10 n'clock A. M., fortho purpose of iskint up the returns of the several consta bles of the county, made to the Clerk of the court of . Quarter Sessions, at March Term 1343. sad to place mar of the Merchants that have been so returned, duties" aforesaid, Into thatclau which may appear to be, flight and just as provided in the 10th section of an act elptillielf An act to provide revenue to meet the demands of Ow Treasnry and for other purposes." Passed the *k gar of May 1841—when and where you may atteed r if yea think proper either in pans or ky seat, audsbew .he amount of your annual sales respective/. 3011 N 11. SNOWDEN, , WILLIAM PORTE* Associate J JOHN MORRISON, JOHN JOHNSTON., . JOHN FORST/11, , . Coosnisuotwm. Ceinstssespoeiessiat,•,t - • 1 --4- AftbesurissallTh Mail& IS& V 7r. apr 6 dkw3l . ritt.humh, A prlt 14 1843 SCHOOL. TAKE NOTICE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers