Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, April 07, 1843, Image 1

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'v"l'soft ll oa&' - '
l• •
I._Na 177.
.N. lr. CORXRR OF WOOD 4- Firwr sre.
''..rititsitg„- . —rive DOLLARS a yeer;yelisble in
Simile copies TWO CENTS--for Wile stills
Wrte, and by sews Bays.
'Mitt Mercury and Maunfactdrer
,1541thell WEEKLY, at the same °Mee, on a dmahle
sNgtham sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year. In ad.
Sialie copies. SIX CENTS.
Tarots of AdVertisiilg.
*on Invert on, 0.50 One month, ,11.3.00
gwiwtestirtione. 0.75 Two room!, 0.00
- Plitninelssertlens, 1,00 Three months, 7,00
...neursek, 1.501 Font months, 11.00
41fterilnoltn. 3.00 Slk months, 10,00
Tureilmolo. 4.00 One year,
_ _.
. , . • (ISO eflillrill. T. Squares
Itqa:ment,tiii $13.00 Six months, /123,00
DA& year. 4.5,00 One year, 35,00
_ rrinirgror advertisement in prorrirtlnn.
.. (tAkiltfla of fukr lines Six DOLLA.II.S a year. •
Ott 'Port Orrice. Third between Market and Wood
Riddle, Postmaster.
riAdstroft Bring. Water, 4th door from Wood st. Peter-
son's 6111111141111490 r Jnhn W Mock, GoHector.
Tait A isoiy. Wood between Firit, and Second
`llllsyststs—Sames A. Bartram, Trenenrer.
- .oouttrit Tottssaty, Third streri, nest door to the
inapt Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
strAfdatito-earlltroa. Fourth, between Market and Wood
-lassikla-41exauder flay, Mayor.
ailmasearris EarnAnos. Fourth. near Market st.
PIT a a a.hetween tlarket and Wood streets, on
ralrd Fourth feet
Maltryiltllll4l' &MI St A.II.7I , 4CTURICRII•XD FAR ?IVA le Ps•
..,prate Rpm. (Cornier!) , Sarin; Fund,) Fourth, between
Irmod and tlllarket stteets.
• irtfeaarhaa, Fifth street. near Wood.
• , IiOTGLS.
, • -
WelificrirlarkZlo. ll ^ttsg. Water efreet, near the Bridge.
tory.. corner of Penn rind S.. Clair.
3111vicisiorrs' Hoist., corner of Third nnd Wood.
ab ollrigrucAra nosy...corner of Third and Smithfield.
Ysti*P;p:licaTas. corner -of Penn street and Canal.
tresitito Bats, Liberty street. near Seventh.
, 1 111saaatate M Lassos( tionsa,Litseriy St oppwqie Wayne
. 840amrstrairr IttAMSIOA Hover.. Penn St. opposite Canal
COUNSELLOR AT f.A.W.--01rtre ream
Jed ewell's offices on Grant at., neatly opposite
the Court Dottie, next rooms to John D. Mahon.
80, --f ret floor. }Wit 10
IL ELLIOTT, M. D.— Office removed to
11- 81. Clair street, between Penn and Liberty Sly.
Pittsburgh. s 10
UGHUGR'TOV Eat. Attn. new al !AM'. North East corner
Of Smithfield and Pour h sirnear. sep 10-1 y
t , ANDL . / TEMA • , Attornrys an.
.tinsellort at Law: Office in the Diamond, hank
Ohl Conn finnan. Pittsburgh. erp 10
• -
Qiitictrx d IFINDI;k Y. Attorneys at La*, Fourth It.,
rttir iht Ittityor*A face, Pltthatlth. sap 10-1 y
608. H A MILT( IN. Attorney at Law. Fin 11, %al wern
Wood and unit hflaid ale ,Pittahurllt. Pr p 10-1 y
• O'HARA. ROBINSON, kliornev al Law
Oit.te an the norl h e he Itinniontl.het wee ,
ellatket and Union it reeti. p Ore FPI , 10
___„ _ • _ _ _ _ _
04S i t
Dtritallt AWI A‘t orney at LSOI: lender.,
i• I sroiesainttat tottlic.ts to illt. politic. Office cor
-11 rthitet.l Mgiekrt Streets.'obove 0. 1.01y.i 4- CO . !
1110411Pi0.4.01/0. Pa._ ...n 10
ReSTAtt !V %N. Attorney.. at La.°, n
frAfritle4 from the Diamond, to A Dorney'gßow,
:lira y *Woof Fourth street, Itetween Market and Woo
streets RFT lf)
haa removnd ttie of to the earner of Fourth
Street end Cherry Atlry, between Sniltbrleld and Grant
retts„ re h. pplll
irIiCOSOZ W. LA ENO. Attorney tit Lnw, Offire
1 1,311 - ,ttn..54 tenth street, neat tho Them re, Pitis:nirg,h,
rep rt —1 y
ITORJrZY Jr LAW. —Orrice in Bears' Finndine
Poen* st reel., • P itt shr rs h Nov. 5. 1942.
OWN J. MlTCligliti..-A
_itnroey at Law, office
!RP comps of Smithfield and 31}1 Fts .
,gr . Coliettions made. A I Wiliness entrusted to Ills
Ore win be promptly atislidpd to.
fib 16--Iy' . _
pioy - SiorroW, Alderman; cofi e north
aide of Fifth hetikeen Wood and Smithfield
ML Pittshareh. ep 10
t,DR.B. R. 11001 ES, Office hi Second streti, next door
to M ialvt op 4 Co's 611 m ., Wartiliottße !tt , ll 10-1 y
jotteks r. in it Ilookoel:er,.. Hole" , so
Piper Manuraeturrs, No. 37. Market Ft. PPEI 10-11
TOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water sr..
near the klononentuda ffnn.e, Pins) arch. Cep:lo7ly
Ttiiiiiiiil I Yourt . FitANCtS 1.. tOUMI.
THOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture IVare
Room', (-wrier of Hand at. it Exchange Alley.
Fenton* wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it Id
hiir ativantase to zhve nis a call. being' frilly sdl Idled that
'we - can please as to quality and price_ . seP 10
__ _ .
murros HAMS.—Just rcceitled 160 choice Mel
yin Harm, well cured and for wale cheap by ihedn
10a aretall, by IgAAC I1AFt111S;
yell 10 tio.g,Viltli
Q. trrAL BAG A k ..—k siiipley of Landreth's Fresh 'll
- 131g11, and ogler different varieties of Turnip
Pen i, Jost received and for sale at RILOCCED PRICt# at the
Drug and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWIIIIN,
sup 10 No. 194 Liberty alma, head of Wood.
WIIIIIVCLOSEYA Bunt and Shoe blanufacto
. ry, No. &I Fourth St., next door to the U. States
Sauk. Wier Prunetla, Kid and Satin Shoes made in
olOttatntanner, and by the newest French patterns.
'sop II)
1714111.01113 TOOLS, connistin• of Hoeg, Parley Sonder
1 ...111J1- .Tranaplaniing Trowels, ' Edding Tool., Budding
•WaeMel Pt d) Molten. Pruning Shears. etc., kw 'a
ttired and far Ole My I. L. SNOWDEN.
NO 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
NIVIIIISTRA'rteBIANgg , for proceedings in 4t
tackment under the late law, for sale at title Office
IFIOIII BkLE.—Lois on the Nato liast carnet of Cost
beseand lllgh erred. Apply to
kip 116,11. DARLING 1 . 0114 Mgrket, neat 4111 tt.
14)0 LEIB. Landreth', French St%oar Hcat Heed.ittet
recolvad and for tate at the Deli* and geed
-Sided di' P. L. SNOWHEIO,
oat id 184 !Anti) , street, head of W oud.
I - , laitat cued in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on
guattpgirer,and In the forms approved by the Court.for sale
Olt (Weep( the Mercury And Democrat. Imp 10
IfIIIIBA.RD, Lidice' fashionable hoot and
:shoo Manufacturer. No. 101, Third ' , teat, between
itudMusithfield streets. Pittsburgh sep 10
f- , r - -
b . 41 PAT? BRSON, Jr.. Birmtnghatn, sear Pittsburgh,
. , ~ Manufacturer of Locks. tangs* nod Bolts; To-
Zulksr, Pi 111 ood Timber Bus wiq [loosen Strews tor
limn MIMI. ie. up 10s-ly
JOEM WCLOSKEY. Taiior and Clcth ler. Liber.y
between Sixth and 11rzin alley, Swath side,
. .11pretgi GE 4. CO., WhoScsahr Grocers and
Clennsindos Merchant:a= Second street, between
est iuliKuilibiletd it.; tinder:O. sep 10--) y
6.4 A • GORDON, Co. u os , aad Verwardiog
• lierobanta„ Water at., ritesburght 10'4r
'Wholesale Grocers., Commission and Pro-
dace Merchants,
limit DtaJeri it Patstriarik Ma;ntfactures
lt :co, 43 Wood itreet.-Plltablltgit
Cotton Yarn Warehouse )
N 0.43 Wood street.
Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarnk
March 17,'43.
TTIONNION 11•X1141... ............ JA1411.9 TUBA BULL
HANNA 4- TIJRNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No.
1414, Wood RI., where may be had a general supply
of writhre: wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books,
school books, 4.c, Q.c. Rep 10-1 y
RC. TOW li..4lF t l!pi CO., Wire Werkers add
. Masufactairers, N 0.23 Markel street, between 2d
and 3d streets. sep 10-=ly
EXCHANGE 110 TEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair
street!, by McI(IBBIN ay SMITH.
sep 10-1 Y
ward I-111.211e5. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25. Wood At.. Pittsburgh. 11111 10 y
EW GOODS.—Prestonk Mackey, whi,lr!ale Btld
retail dealers in En7lish, French, and Domeatir.
Dry Condo!. No. !IL Market It , Pttishnrgh. Fell 10
JoliN winnurr, Wholesale Grocer Recticlng
COWIN., And Dealer In Produce and Pltishurgli
Manoractured Arlicicf, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pine•
htrgh. sen 10
Wttt.tAta 11. Wlt.t.wes Icon S. DILWORM
Grocers Produce. and Commission Merchants, and
leaters In Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29,
Wood street. sen 10
oft! IYV
QIIERIFF & KEAN, sl.i.uracturerg of Copper.
kJ Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware, No 80• Front st , Fit ts•
Intreh. !louse Spouting and Steamboat work promptly
executed, sep 10
MAKER, No. 7, S. Clair stroct,
supply of Land' eth's Carden Seeds, &ways on
hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of
Fen 10 184 Liberty street. head of Wood.
1110EMOVAL—Mailhew 10111.$1,110111Cr and flair flre,ts
l'r, Ii rellloVoftl 10 COlll . l 11F1 rert, ”ay
Orsnifice,Wllefehe will he happy t 0 wall Orin permanent
Or tramiient ensiiimers. Ile iiilictisa share of public int•
r0112 1 2e. "P 10
3PFARL %NH, Uphisterer and Cabinet
.Af—ker. Third ot. betreca ood Market streets,
respectful itirtrins his friends and the public that lie is
prepared to execute all ot drrs for Sofas, Sideboard. Rit•
reaus,CM.irs, rattles, nedFlecids, Stands, liair and Spring
Mattrasst4', Curtain*, Carpets, all ,:orie or Upholstering
wort:, which he will warrant equal .o any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. srp 10
ItEaf 0 V. 4 L: nhscriher= have removed to 1% a.
ler between Wlltul and Smiiltiiekl streelP, rvh,?r.
theywillruntinnetl,eWltmexale Grog rry and Unmoor;
it ton tap.ine..s and would re.riei I lolly . thr patron
age oft heir friends i W RUE II fl IDEE 4. Co.
D I. A. W. PAT r •71ict. ou gn,ill, 11eId street
FC p 10
ill) Word Strtet, Ofttrtostrith.—ft. A. Itanetnan,
.%det It:Pater and CO.ntlitßoiol4 SitTC/iunt, is now prepared
to receive and ..11 all Linde of Goo.:e and llerettandiae,
at I are and eaparintsq tonno, No. 1111, Null it East
COtlicr of 44'ond and I dltl Si retie. Fittsbureh.
Reatttar sales of Dry nonds. Furnilure, rocerie , and
other it rticic4, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardwart..Ctolery, Pry Goods, and Fancy articles, ou
Tuesday. Wednesday, a nd Thursday evenin.gs.
Books. kc ,every Sato rday cv.niug.
Liberal advances made on i,3o4,aigninents when wanted
12 gtiCR ENI 10.
Messrs. John D. Davis. Esq.,
•• Flagaley 4- smith,
•• nam o loo, sow 1,, 4. VO.
F Lorenz .1. Co.,
•• J. \V. Burbridte 4• Co..
•• E. 111'6ee 4' Co.
Capi. James M•Gnrgill, Pittsburgh.
C. Ihin.en. Ecri,
Joon M 'Fadden Esq.
Logan dr Kennedy.
J. K. Moorhead k Co.
•• Jai/. P. Stuart. E.q. I .
• •
cwt. Jo.. %lay.
MrVay. flanon, k Co.
•• Wirinm gymms, ). Wheeling
G. Henry • Louisville
Smith. ilagaley 4- co Phila
see 111
18 X‘L‘ LI • • Vl (4, J • C ,O
R.u. ROAD C.ns. front l'itt , plinroit, via Redford,
etiombereiturg. tiarri-luitit and Lour:l,lpr, to
ttltto, ronnerting with thr Mail !rain of ear, to N V.
4-r. Only 150 rnilett.togln.l and one night out.
Also. the Direct line to liaitliuctre.
hire In Philadelphia 110.
Baltimore, 9.
Leaves daily at 8 'Atonic A. M.
Ofliee serond . door hernw the Merchant; hotel Wand Et.
fefi 13. 1 t143-Iy. ProprioarlL
tONV/./trefNO:— Haying been afflicted fur nearly
two years, with a hard swelling on the tap rarity knee.
wtJEh prtiduceti ttillrh pain, ind deed varldos appllcn
titles recommended by the FactillyZ—rtil io vain war
Cured completely by the use of one bottle of Or. Rrand•
retb's Lina ineni. or External Renirdyc,
Witness m!• hand JAMES TAYLOR,
Ohio tp A lie2hen y co. Pa. Jan. 10th.1840.
Dr. Btandreth's Etlei dal Rettirdy , or Linament; sold
dt bleoffice. No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE--
50 tent it per bottle. feh 8.
20 Cline's Tea.
20 !taxes Tutmecii.
15,000 lbs. !Amp and Loar§ugst.
Botes Raisins,
10 Poem) Candle..;
10 Siarch.
IQ kegs Ground Ginger.
2 •• Nutmegs.
100 Barrels Green An Arc
If eeelted on consignmeini and for sale cheap for, cash,
If. Slate: Lille tOarebotire, banal na.in, Liberty e t.
mar 10,-1543.
rplik dffdersighed hate associated thetnscives togetit•
cr fir one yeat - from the lat lantiary, Ist 1843.un.
der the syle of Define 4 MCA tot the purpose on.
ly of receiving and furwarding.Cttods.
H, ;_
mar 10. C Mc'ANULTt.
rd a Snitply of thoke Louisville Lime and good
Beans by the bbl wholesale or retail to cult customers.
mar. 16 I, R,.44R1115, No 9, Fifth in.
SULI.BR AND 1110L.88SA'8.
65 "Anl4"' N. 0.
halo. Menasses:
Jost recalled per Steam boat_A Aland, and lot sale by
mar 3. Water at., Waimea Wood and nano lifted
s)14“ 11.11 CIA N. 0. .0104118811111:Jiat reatirte atikapi
CIPUMP boat Lftela ilett.-amt Wm&
r. W.-111111,1111:411C4 Ca' '
Water at: bellows Wood Babibleeli
10a Bs:sal° Coffee.
tir oc 4.
received this day from New York. a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure fOr Coughs, Colds and Con
Au mrulon; and is ready to supply cuidoincrti at whol esa l e
or retail, at his Atcdictii AgeTtsirt Sti Fourth it.
nov 12
DAAnD VLAIIIt, siiortaills -trot Magi,—
I,llli remOVed to flo„14 Market street, between
Secona and Third streets; *here iivou!d . be happy
to see his old eustotifers.tind all othrrs who fee) dispoli.
ed to patronize hint. Ile uses nothing, hut first rate
stock, and employs the best workmen;of and as he gives
los constant personal attention to busibetts, lie trusistilat
he Wilt deserVearal rcceiVe a fair share of patronagb.
sea 10
A Hunker respectfully Informs his friends and the
public that they can always find the best quality of tee
ereatns. together with a 1 kinds of confectionary and
rrnits. in their oestMn, at his establishment—No. 11,
Fifth street, betwe e. Wood anti Market.
N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with
cakes, or anything in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread. Imp 10
HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Mott street,
New York, was afflicted with Elysperla in its moat
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head•
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating,
impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the stomach,
furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vom kings, dizziness
towards night and testieness. These had continued up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Win.
Evans. 100 Chatham qt reef, and suhmiti In; to his ever
successful and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient
was completely restored to health in the short space of
one month. and grateful toe rite incalculable benefit deriv.
ed, gladly came forward and volnnteered the above state
For sale Wholesale and Retail by
it. E. SELLEIS, 1 Gerd,
No 20. Wood Street. below Second.
J•,:. N. KILN
Cheap for Cash.
Prices Reduced.
Short Reel Yarn. Long Reel Tarn.
So. 5 at 16 eta. per lb. 500 at 9 cts per dz.
6 at 161 ditto 600 tit It ditto
7 at 17 ditto 700 at 7 ditto
It at 171 ditto 801) at 6 ditto
9 at lit ditto • 900 at 5 ditto
10 at 19). ditto , 1000 at 4 ditto
11 at 19 . ditto ' •
12 at 194 ditto !Candlewick at 16 et , . per th.
13 at 20 ditto .00ITI 11:111iT17, 9 ditto
14 at 21t1 ditto 'Family do. 121 ditto
IS nt 21 ditto Carp't Chain • 2i) ditto
16 at 22 ditto Corn To. foe • 2.5 ditto
17 at 23 ditto Stockinz Yarn and
IR at 24 ditto t'overiet Yarn always on
19 at 25 ditto .hand
20 at 26 ditto jrnitim Warp , made to order.
Ordrrs promptly :mend. 4 to. If left at J. h C
raint..r'-. Logan 4• Kennedy'F, or tIIP l'opt offirr•, nddrrs
feh 2?: J. K. NIOOR HEAD 4• Co,
Pon 1111 N. 0. Sirtar,
23, O. NI,
40 Tierces Rice.
20 p,tds No :3 Mar.kerri.
10 de Nn 2 do.
Tieree,. Eiwrili Oil. Jii,t refeivrd prr S R Exprcsii
Mail rind for ,alf , hp J. W. BUR IIR11)313 Co
mar 4. wivii VViinrf ;yid Sinitlifipld
C r itr. Cr has remov• d R o
i-hitttt ;tic Tialorioz
ritattlialiment to the Morionti.nliela limier. 3,1 door
flan] brit st. on •mit idiel.l at.w here!old customers and
all other , Who May (Ivor Mtn with h Call may 11.11611 i eon
having Ilat.h work llama in a snnerint Style. From hie
Mar, e pc. rienea,if t the imAkness in 11114 ell, a many
other f.tofionati4e rine? In Europe and .Atcrerica. lie feehr
confident quit lin Can givn. Wati,tfaciton to all who may
ohmie to favor hint a llu titr.lr cnr•tniii. 'Ark' attention
to husinres and cuperinr ,vorkittatithip Inn Wipe, to merit
and receive ala idle of phltlic pit rain aye. ife 'e'en,' keep' lIC
on hand a =u poly of ; rods and trlnintinvi!ttiiia'tle for the
customer traJi.i which Will he timid at Very redo; pd
N B. The stthscrWer ik'ett alimre of the extent
that ilitt system is practised od the plibtic In thta
country. by tidveetlsements; particularly by pet-Sons W Od
may jos! , yhe railed it rittlero 011 tire trade, who itettet
served .10 hour to the bilminess, sod who knots so tht
about it that they could not crook it sputtot and
they ore barefaced ettouoli In advert iee thete serves assay
tors a la mode, and by the aid of old ecet,fien , es.
pairs. &r. 4, 511th as are ebrerally hw J by quark.. in
veil their medicine...they often sneered in palming MY On
tin unsurpert in.. rustomer someold troth for the ohnU•
Me 'inputted article. Such people's ad vertlSentenis are
only calculated to gutl the I uldlr and are t o more mill.
tied to credit than the ltcl itiOUS yet I:moll:Mitt puldicat lons
about the areal Cull—itter among the Lilliputians, which
I presume utmost every schoolboy has read and lattohed
at. I would soCffeot 10 those who wish to have tt eir
rioting made in first rate style to make a Mlle inquiry
and they wit: find that this is the place where they ran
l l tar arcornmod.itcd; B. I).
1 in 7 —31 r:
Tilo=t- la mode Monslottr., or rather .11ort•tagut.i,
who have opened an 8 by 10 were .hop late) v, and who
evince witch envy and tIl like to Ion: or lengthy adver.
t keine nis ore Informed t hat lhe ahove (fulsome, an I hey
Tyro. ii) has no reference to thew. whatever. The p.•r=on
tiltinled to lo their present ernphiyer, an Jll_rru•rinr. who
kcet, a slop ' , hop in this city. The cou n t sa id) is
h 1 2 1 ly B . 111 smtt4 1(11.11,1Q of loyalty from his I,h
snl , N and nn (10(11 , 1 wi!t toward i hent ny giving
them a A . B . BUZZARD, to make. Such exqubnies of rank
with Whom none ran corn petr, had better Scull them.
selvr• inlo notice some oilier way, on a little precaution
might prevent an etpltarsloh. 11.
TO THE PUBLIC, and parrirefirriv to nr7 forincr
patrons of Ibis cite:—Lavine retired from the
practice of Medicine, I may he permitted to say, that it
hal fallen to the lot of 1.0 few pyritous to have enjoyed
so liberal or laree a share of oltsr rehire! practice as illy
own hoe been for tin. last 30 or 40 years.
The experience of that long period of active life, and i he
fact of my having licen twice, since 1830, assocletcd with
Dr. 11. A. Wilson, in the practice of tnetlicins, fin both a
period of five years.) enables we to Judge Dilly or the
merlin °rids pills. '
So entivenient,soeffictent, and yet so safe, did I esteem
these pills, that for the last five yenta in my practice for
the cure of chronic discareg,of whatever Mims, and those
of females In particular, I have used more of them than
all other medicines.
Like every of her medicine. this must fail in some in
stances, but In mt hands there has been tees diKtppnint.
mph; and Mote stitisfaction in I:tr 11(1Minist rat ion of thi s
ohe reihedy titan vr all others; its good efitets sometimes
quite astonishing roc.
If my patient required a sate aperient, Medicine either
wfore or after parturition, the Wilson's pLls were just
the thing I wanted.
tin dytTeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or inactivity ofthe liver. constituted the
disease if patient. the pills were fast the thing
If I treated a case regitirlng en emmenagdgue, the
Wilson's pills were butt il4lhiret 1 wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance. or other
Indleatin; a diiturhanee tif the circulatory
and sicreiiiry iyitems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn
or life,' the Wilson'S pills were Just the thing I wanted.
Thus, without resp.ret to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I hate hnd It under treat
ment, particular indicathma or syinpions arising.. were
nl^•ays mo•t promptly and most happily met by the
That so great a ntimher ordiseases, and someltnes ap.
patently Opposite ones, in xvilith l haste used these pills,
should he ceded more readily by them than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so Is 'Seim to my mind as that a great many
persons should I,ecome thirsty from t.s many different
entities. and yet all require that common and greatat of
all blesalno, *eat to quench their thirst.
In concitisticin, it Is duet he enntation of Vie medicine
and the clxibile, lofty ditaided4 and tineonditlonally, that
the Wilson's piths are theonly combination I have ever
met with In my king coarse. of practicc ‘ that really pos.
euresanything curative or specific for Sick headache,.
Yours 4e., DR. MILO "A DAMS.
The above PHIS designed partieolatly the the sick
Heed-Ache. Dyspepsia. Cersapitben or the itoteete
pre pima by the heeprishoe , J1:111111111i. wed•Ter .
sale,irbolesais and man, st M20 , 0 1 / 1 11 IA Penn stmilat,
below lea rbiTyi - • Qott
- -V::
For sole hp I
1. • 4- A. GORDON.
-•• ...,
DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female ' Pine. These
Flits are strongly recommended to the notice of
the ladiegt as a safe and efficient remedy in removing
those estinfslaidts peculiar - to their sex, from want of ex
ercise, olgAtteral rtgltlity,. Of ilin,Pystem. They obviate
co.ttivenesli, and. cattitt erne* .all .Hxsierical and Nervous
affections., These Piilh have gained the littton and
approbation of the fonet. oroiooot Physicians ti e Uni!
tad Stalekorid manyldothere. For ante Wiicifeltalb
laelall. by
self ill
W3l. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, LiSsety St.,
opposite the head ef Smithfield at., Pittelugh.—
Tlie subecilherharins tioupt out the stock of the late
Thomas gatTerty, , deceasei, has commenced hOsln'ess
In the old stand of Mr; R., and is prepared to exeruie
all descriptions of work in his line, In the hest manner
and on the shortest notice. He keeps cor stonily on hand
a large Mittoriment bfshoe flndlogs of alt descriptions and
of thc hest quality. He solicits the patronage of the nab.
He and of the croft
yen 10
and Arles for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The subscribers marrufarture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, C and Entitle Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Tron Axles, Sliver and Brass plated Dash Prames, Brass
and plated. Huh Banns, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and Binges. 4-c ,A•c.
Iwo 10
D. SELLCRS, IC D., office and dwelling lb Fourth,
near Ferry street. sap 13—ly
The attention , fttto.e who have been somewhat ecep.
tient in reference to the numerous certificnies pnitelshed
in favor of Dr. SVVltvne•p, Compound Syrup ttfVVild cher
rv, on areonnt of the persons heir, unknown in this sec
tlon of I Flnie ie attrpret fully directed to the follow Lir
certifies! hr writer of which has hero a citizen of this
borough forseveral years, and iF knots II a= a gentleman
of Inievily and responstlibliy. I,
To the Agent, Mr. J. KIRov.
I have need Dr. Surnvnele Comp and Syrup of Will
Cherry for a cough. with which I have been eeverPly o f
en c l e d rOe shoot fonr month., and I have no henitni lon
In canal that It lathe, mruit effective medicine ihalt have
been able to protons. It eroewola all nnonsi ne”. and
aareen wellwith my diet.—and mantalns n regular and
good appetite. I can freely recommend It to nit others
, 'lmitnrivtaliticted. J. Mtann - a,Borough of Clitimherslite.
Morrill,. 1 R4l). pe p 23
rot .ale by WILLIAM TWA N No, 53 Market ctrret
11101FRSONS dairntil or promirloe. Frith, Shade. and
3 Ornamental Tree., or Shrobberv, from Pliiladrl.
is or New York, are refloated to make applietittoo as
coon as pos.lide. nt the f)rn± nod Feed Store of ll.e rah.
orrilur, where ran he had ratalogne., •rnrytitrusiv. er th e
tr.".“ exrellent ..artetia. F. L. SNOWDEN,
ep 31 No I£l4 Liberty gireet,head of Wood
Iti A RHO , : M ; STIFAA:Tk - tf: IF .—Patrle-k fllty , field rt -.
iV i sperjfkly argil:tint!! hi: friends nnd the ouldir zen• .
era I Iv, tlui P beg rom meored flip Marble hosineircnt ilip.
corner nf h and Liberty -iti:., w here will he roni.t-antly
on lin nd,i 1 StOPPR, innatri pieerrs, monuments, peed'
and Toot stortee, table rtafi for en!, W are, and every
nrt k:i
ipnner-I:dein! lie the littiitlnem. tie will warrant IQs
work to lie ivell done, nail 1114 Olin a will he moderate.
lie rPSpOP I fly 11 y :lA, 4 11 '161 r P of nohlir patron:l7.e. see 10-
lUNltsrrne.r.r.. r•ort•e-4or to H. Posh•
V V Ln ta . lo fool M7tkpr. Lihotly sl., 2tl door from
. •
- 214 %11ee. The gihßrriher remit - Tit - idly inform* the
toddle that he ha , continenced the ahnce linciners in the
Flutu forgnerly ner4tiied I y Mr. Henry M'Closkey,
tkijiifr.i.rneter niffin red to altendlo ME orders in WI
Gt. oTt , o , i tiers with ap.pnirh and nit the mart re:icon:Ole
term.. From his log. exnerienee In the manufacture of
rniihittruilde Prim., he feel, confident thnt all nrllcter.
from erialillritment mill f..lve ratirfartinn to his pa
Iron:. A Qll.ll te of putllic patronalte recpeeili ly collritt
ed. PIT ro
BD sEF:Ds A f CAA cupply of flsri Seeds, con
sjetin :7 of runnrN, mn ~,3 R am 'mkt received I.y
fel, 3. F I. SNOWDR J N, 148 Liberty rt.
h. DONAt)I\
rorta',l, flat form Scales 1111 win els, lb Weigh 2,500 !l.s, at
$55 O.
do do do 2,005 at $45 00
do do do do 1.311001 :5 00
do do An edo 1,0110 at 30 110
do do do do ?MO at 2.5 00
-With raking levers an addition of t; to each scale.
Dormant sealrs for the it , T of WarCllollsrS, Flouring
Milts. etc—the same pr ices as above.
lso.Witite's Patent f!ounter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements. and a variety of oilier counter scales,
which they will sail for (' Pn A lo $l5,
also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Stilts. Saw Mills, Salt Works. R•c„ double and singe
_eared slide lalhes,fOot and lat her lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chaihr, planing machines, door
and Barb machines. !fall's pat,ni horse power, with or
withoht thrashing machinc , , a superior article: circular
Cato shafts, machines (br sawing lath, Tinner's ma•
Chines . and toots °fall deircriptionc, also for making black
log boxes, a stißerfor drtlcle; governors for steam engine•
s.tocks, taps arid Mkt ciffte mill,. bedstead or joint hots
and tonthlnety fdr Making tilt game. cotton factory ma
chinery made tir repaired printing press plattens turned
and printing pressci repaired
JAMES MA'', Aga:.
rep 22—tr VOUNC: 4. BRADBURY
JOHN B. GUTIIRI E , Auctioneer and Commis-
Mott Slerultunt,No.lo6,cornerof Wood 4- Fifth sti.
Pitisbargh: llasAric licenappoimed hne of the A ticlibn•
ecrs lot the City of Pitsbargli. tenders his services to jot,
bets, MITI ufactitiqs and dealers, who may hi; ill o=cd
io make trial drihisinarket• Ile k prepared to make
advances on cOnslgnancnis of all saleable commodities,
any trusla-to satisfy , corresvcindenll bq quick sales, and
slicedy.land favorable rethrnS.
That the varintis interests. wttlg.h map , ht codideil lb
him, Atoll be adequate'', protected, he brings to the aid
of 1116 own experienct in business and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the services or Mi. Slytest.
Fmucasiocz; heretofore advantageously known, as an
imparter and denier in Hardware and CuilerY, With
wham a Oenmatient engagement Is made.
Metsis. dl. ilarnan,Pris'l.4q.
** Bank. I
Darlington 4- Peebles,.
,* Robert Galway. I t
e* James M. Cooper,
i:imes May,
4 ' R. M. Riddle. ORtsburgb
• wm Robinson, Jr. Pres't
of Exchange Bank.
Ramritod,Smith, Co.,
** John D. David,
Samuel Chnich.
o 3. IC. Moorhead.
Jan. 417. Brown 4- co.
** John H Blown. it CO
i• Smith 4 ItiLetny.,
TArdly 4 . fl , went,
** John U. Rithlte:
Wid- B 4 MATT i" Attorney at LOW. Pittsburg h. re.
Office In 4th street. opposite Barks's Building.
Wiet.tast E. A ems Bag.; wilt give his attention to my
imred Opeincet. sod I ttrePo,_ inset& Wilk tit tAt Pai r ,"
izakt ' f t leilaio= WA Litt FOR Alt D.
sq I*-It
R. E. 5E(.1.4112, Agent.
No. 20. Wood Siren! ,belotiv Second
Rt. etatr at.. near it e 111teeherly Bridge
mnroved i•lay
!heir 51act,Int
I. between ma
-s,irePt. two
, ore flail, Pitt,:
lnufnetnre and
Ind the follow
ng scales(w hot,
ly noml mted of
No. 1, Port
tole Platform
to "vigil 3aUtt
1 111111ths.all 41.53 t.
For publishing a TOW Daily Paper in the City of Pitts
'bur:o, 'to 'bi entit red the
TESubscrlbers baying made arrangements to merge
the American lilanufacturer and Pittsburgh ltlaieu
ry Inict ohe Johrtal, have toncliuled to publish h daily
Paillerivith the title of the Daily-No. - nil , : !'o : 4.
P 1 a leliding object of air. °Pon" will be tlted:nseMlita•
doh and defence of the pont Ihal Vrltthlples that bate bete
tofore been maintained by thh Editors, in their re4'pectivc
papers..and t heir best etforth ,still be deiroied to the
advancement and success of titan dactrines.•
in politic., the paper will he thoroughly
demortal Ic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
cal dld lifSiorY • pf , passing Political event., Forelan
. Dontestic Intelli:ence, and brief notices of, all mat
ters and occurrences that come properly wit hip the sphere
ore Politic Journal, to make their paper sufficiently In
ereiniq to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it
respective 6l hal•ty coli.rderat ions.
In addition to Political and .eneral news that will
he found In the , 'Morning Post," the Fditors will take
pains to furnish the businesss community with
the latest and most hittresting CoMMERCI4L Ircretti
alma from all parts of the country, and to have prepa•
red such accounts of the Markets and the Slate of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants anti Business
Men in their several callings.
Terms.—The Post will be poldialred en a large,impert•
at sheet of tine paper, (manufactured especlalli:fcir. this
Journal) at the unusually !Ow rale of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum,payable In advance. It will also be MAO by
newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. .
Advertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
CO.-TWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post,
who wilt be enraged on the most liberal terms
Autrust 3k 1R42. IV, H. SMITH.
itl' Morrison k Co. London, for sale only by S. N
Wickersham, corner of Wood vtreet and Virgil,
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
i■ sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. eel) 10
ill'Closkeyls Clothing Stare
No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
rip fiE suhiterilier is just receiving nt his well known
establishment, the largest. most varied and cue•PrsT
icrocx. or 00005 that has ever been offered in this city
Every article wag selected by Mincelf in the eastern ci.
ties, and purchased al the LOWEST CASH PRICES, and he is
hen:fare enabled to sell hls articles much lower•thrtn
they ran be had at any other estatiPshmeni west of the
His articles are all made by eiper:enceit workmen,
from the latest manufactured goods and in the most
Melees confident that all persons who wILI call at
fit+ esintilishinent and examine his rot .k will he aattsfied
that BETTER .11-41/1 IQ 8 can he obtained at the
than at any similar est ablislime - tiT in the city,
His stock consists In pact of •
Coats,Pantaloorka, Vests, Drateers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Stii , penders,
And every other article of Clothing of the besi s c yle
From his varied stock of cloths. he J 6 imaged. to
1%1 AK FibI.OTFIES TO ORDER at the shortest
In a style unsurpassed by any other Pittsburgh hotre.
and warranted to fit.
Ills stock of Spring and Sumner,- Grads is superior to
any previous Importations and he has an hesitation In
sayinr that for excellence, beauty and cheapness they
cannot be equalled in the west.
The sith.criber would once more return his thanks to
hip friends and the public for the unprecedented pat ron•
age bestowed on his e , tablishment, and believing that
Ills customers had found it to their advantege to deal
with hint, he would repent his Invitation to all those
who wish to puretia , e Clothing of every descr',ption at
lowest priees,to call at No. 151, Li RERTT STRERT.
yObeerve Metal Plate in the Pavement.
Feb 22
Passage and Remittances;
It ,
4 0) 143' ,ire 4
► ik ik I'
011-21.100 , Z VI if*
New York and Liverpool Line.
PERSONS resirous of sending for Ii el friends to
come from any part of Great Britain, ore respect
fully inntreteil that the subscriber in at all times pre
pared to make such eeraprtnrnts• Ile is prepared
to remit motib , by drafts, which arc made payable at
anti point throughout the United Kingdom on presenta.
lion; having been tar the last 12 years engaged in the
business, he feels ennlident that his arrangements on
both sides the Atlantic are such as will give satisfaction.
The Ships contpriing the above line, are r.II (tithe first
class and are commanded by careful and skillful masters,
lerivi,g Liverpool once each week during the season.—
ror furille.: particulars apply it by letter to
No. RI South street. New Ynik.
nt Messra Datzell f Flemlne,, Water street Piis'lt,lll
March 3--2rarl.
S. 310/t ROW )
ANUFWCTOR PR or Ten, Copper and Sheet Tyler
IVI Ware, No. 17, Fifth et., between Wood and Mar—
Keeps constantly on hand a 2ood Nem t ment of wares.
and el/Akita a shard of poet' patronage. A lso.on hand,
the ft:Mowing reeles: . Shovels. Pokers. l'onga. Gridiron",
Skillets, Teakettles, Pots, Oven", Coffee Mille sr e. Mer
chants and others are invited to tali and examine for
themes's', as he is dotormtno6, toren chant for cash or
approved paper.
mar-14-1 -
;Ph I ladel
- replo
Wits, %mien Wbe # Matti
Jan 2 1243.
_ "''
K~~'F' ~ . ' +,-...•-~.,.p - e ms
~'+~ F
Death of the Hon. Geo. A. Waggaman.
The several New Orleans papers of the
!4th ultimo announce the death . iif the lion:
GEORGE A. WAGGAMAN, from ;wounds red
ceived some days ago in a duel. We copy
notices of this lamentable! event 'from tvt,ti
of the 13a,pers
- From the New (Meting Bee or Mamh
The Hon, Geo. A. Waggarnan expir&l
yesterday at a quarter past one o'clock..—;.'
This result was anticipated soon
duel, and for the last three days yvas, quite
certain, as mortification had 'begun its
work of death. From a post mortenA
ination of the body it was discovered that
the femoral artery had been co;rfpleteli
severed, as declared by Yiis attending sue";
geon when he received the wound,.
The deceased was made 11:;vare Of hit`'
apprpdching dissolution seve . r daial, Itgcf t
He met his destny with compositr . e , ..and
firmness, and breathed his last autroutirtert
by his Wife, cii . ilthen, 'and,a number off' hit
His funeral will take place to..day aE
half past 11 o'clock from the Senate Cham
ber at the State House. -
From the N. 0. Hein] of ST,arch 24.
Beath of eorge A. Waggantin, Onei
of the brightest stars in the political and
social'firmament has gone out. judgei
Waggaman is dead. ;As a man, he wet
beloved 14.alkwlici had the pleasure of so•
cial converse with hiM. Ncne knew hid
but to iove hirri; and his enemies-Rte
gret that so good ainan should premature
ly die.
Judge Waggaman has h€,ld various
portant trusts, and has honorably 'dischar4
ged therm ; At one time he was district
at tot ney, then judge of the parish of Batoti
Rouge; threetirr-2s a State Senator; undei
three adininistrations Secretary t;f State; a
distinguis.hed Senator in the United Stated
CongirSs; and, at the time of his . death;
was a Senator from the parish ofJetferson ;
After fifty three years of devotion to hi
country, .not only in civil stations, built
u.'pon the tented field wheri . a foe threaten
ed this fart cit 4 j,, the : dui:Op of life is
out—he is no morel
' From the £o Atheart.linim. '
— 6
Extract of a lever from a high!y - reapecta- - ,
bie *gentleman . tif.Alabama—lbrinerly of
this Stete—dated,
Mansorr, Perry Co., Ala', 'Feb. 20, 1843.
"I see from your late papaya. 'that the
good 'people 'of - your town and cliarleston;
have all become Mesmerised. It is reaili
Wrrioct!ithatandirig tfi s f
respectable array of names ment ioned;
mutt insist, in this matter, at all events;
that seeing is believing.' I was reading
an account the other'day in my ufficr.; wheal
Mr, A—W—, an old friend;, and at
most excellent and truthful citizen, kailog,
heard what I read, related a snake idtity ad
confirmatory of the fact of a perfept sympaz
thy bet Ween the Mesrueriand Mestn-;
rizee. As the st ory goes to Nave th .
iity of what is wally called 'charming
Eby Snakes] and. Mesmerism, td
put .you to slap with, a briel recital of it,;
'He says that Many years ago 11e ,wad
travelling in Mississippi, and found on thri
road side a rattle snake. The road 'watt
narrow; and it is Important to say that the
snake was on the right hind. Mr.
distnounted, and 'proctied a stick to ltikthe'
snake, struck it a blow, so as to disebleje
and to his astpnishment, heard . a pairitigi
on the left hand side of tire road at thelliv , "
shins the blow..was inilicted•op the . arrOUJ
The Patridge was eight or ten 'feet froai ittii:
snake,.and he immediately went to
packed it up, intending to secure it first; Sett
_diSpatch the serpent. He'recollected
however, - having heard that the elia'rin 4)rt
the bird was communicable, by contact with
it, to any other living animal, and deposit:
ed it in the .plice vvhence. he had taketi it;
and resttmed his 'labor of love' upon ilia
'charmer.' To his great astonishment; I'd
ohs o ved that every blow on the Pnikei
seethed to tell on the patridge . ; which' tint
tered at every one: and as the work of deitli
progressed with
,the snake, it seemed 'rd
proceettpari pastu with the bird. When'
the snake writhed, the bird fluttered, and'
when the snake was dead, the bird ablin':
lutely fell on its hide, made sundry gri:pis;
and expired almost simultaneously wtift
the—illestnerizei., I suppose 1 should say!
'The story is undoubtedly true; and as
I am at the end of my sheet, I leave you td
pliolosophite on it.'
Vs the arrival at New ()Heat.; the
Rtpatti ship Neptune, the editos ofttCe Bed
have received
,Galveston dates to the 13th
and Floustan zo the 15th inst. ,
The weather in Galveston hasbeen as
fickle and digagreeable as in this region.—
the cornet too has raised no little c4riosi-;
tjr in our sister republic.
Gov Runnels. of Mississippi, had reach
ed Galvesom in gond health. Meetings
have beeh heli in several . counties ; at
which teSolutiOns were p1936d faur of
getting up another expedition across thel
llio Grande, and a memorial adopted re-'
questing the President, to invite Tolunteent
to Pin them in that enterprise,
We find the following paragraph. 114
epecting one of nor citizens. in the Hous
ton Telegraph of the I.4tbirtattitet:
Gen. Felix Huston.—Werivl‘e Wien in 4
formed that Gan. Felix littatort Lai
c.ently expressed an intention to aid.""
conducting ad eipedition against U°
The news of the battle pt **Aimee"'
ealgoirlis4.o o 4;b4 Rib*" r- -
many of hie old to**
~` :,;;'
Tel a 4.