INOlarillffe 1P012361'. APRIL' 6. 1843 Miss ,Melton's and Mr. Latham's Con• ten - -The public will enjoy a rich treat in the Concert that will be given by these distinguished vocalists on tomorrow eVen■ ing it Philo Hall. The reputation which they obtained in Dublin, as singers of the first order of talents, has been ably sustain. ed.% all the principal cities of the union Where they have performed, Vials eatab. listed them in this country as universal -favorites. Protestant .Bssociatiox.—The reply of "W." to the remarks of a "Protestant," on the organization of the Association, pub lished in our paper some time since, will a -ar to-morrow. The Committee on Toasts for the Jef erson aupperkezr....requested to meet at the office of Thomas Hami!ton, Esq., on Fri. day evening, at 7 o'clock. Prof Bronson gives his last lectures on Oratory and Music nn this and to.morrow evening fur the benefit of the Poor. See advertisement. Theatre—We never scw so much anxs iety. about the Theatre. Every person is enquiring about when it opens; they ex pect something extra, arid we feel confin dent that they will not be disappointed- The %VorkingMen. The Workingmen's Convention ap pointed with instructions to devise a plan •to increaPe useful knowledge, and secure efficient representation of workingmen's .interests, met at the appointed time.— Present Messrs. Burt, Norton, Mcilwaine, and Feria]. Mr'Ferral on behalf of the , \osurkicotnmittee, reported progress on use rod knowledge, which on motion was ap proved. The committee then took action on the best means to secure to working wage's interests a faithful and efficient rep. re ntation in the political councils of the State and Nation. Adjourned to meet on next Monday evening, at els- past 7 o'clock, at the residence if John Ferrol, , Much wanted in this City —a public sawr for the free use of a'l persons who wish to call meetings of any kind, deliv• er a lecture on any sulject, or preach any religious creep. There is now no room in the city that can be had at any thing like a payable price, an 1 in consequence there are mint/ meetings prevented, which .verukl be productive of great good.— Workingmen who can not aff 'HI to pay five or ten dollars for a splendid hall for n few hours, would find such a room of great . : itavantage to them. The old Court liouae could be fitted up at a very trifling ex , pence and made to suit the purpose,— Seats and a speaking stand should be pro vided, and the room in other reArcts Eit• ted up. It would not only be beneficial to the citizens, but to the Councils, whose -attention we call to the subject. Public Mreling.—A meeting is to he held in the Court House on Saturday the 18th inst. for the purpose of adopting rfieisurea in reference to the construction oft McAdamised road from Pittsburgh to Uniontown. The Pittsburgh boatmen had a row on The 16th instant. at which several persons had the claret started.—N. Y. Surora. The row must have come oft - some oth er place,—probably Cincinn .ti—certainly not Pittsburgh. Wirt Instieute.—P ro 1% McCullough will deliver the Fourth Lecture this Even in:. A rich compliment.—The following is going the rounds of the papers. When we consider the number of suicides and lunatics that hare been made in other cities by the preaching of the Mil. ladies, we think this a high compliment to the cdizens or Pittsburgh: • -Fitch, the editor of 'the Second Advent of Christ,' puhlished in C leveland, has been kealous ly preaching the Millerite doctrines at Pittsburgh for two weeks past, without waking a sibgle con• minion, or causing a single suicide, Lard.—Those of our readers who have any eeeaai•n for candles, will do well to remember - that tits best arc not made of lard —N Y Sunday Mmes. We have found this out by sore experience,and we recommend persons who want greasing to tty them for one night. They are fur sale at several •laces about town. The `Ratirist.'—A new paper of this title made 1 eta appearance yesterday. It fill , - the vacuum made by the involuntary exit of the `Man About Town, though not possessing the same scurrility. We observe a corner of it is devoted to 'rlo-operatiod,' the Co Operator having died of the common dis - ease called humbug. - •We owe as apology to the Workingmen for not saeticing the proceedings of their committee meet ing yesterday. Many other matters were also sieglected, which shall he promptly attended to in figure H ai any perseri seen any thing of the Pittsburg Comet within the last few dap? If th e y h ave we "trope they will let us know about it. The Yankee totnets hove aH disappeared,but we think ours is 'too good tb louse so soon. No Alarms. We have had no false alarms of fire for two Sights. The alarm maker is out of town. thee. Gwilstia i putling against two Lorsar,draws iteid.honeie at the Circus. lie is one of tbose liaterens to the aineseesent et the public that on mires tired of. The Comet. 310 ON AND a 03 PRINTI G__ OFFICE , N. W. Corner of Wood 4- Fifth Sirs Tar proprietois of the Moasiau POAT and Midterm., AND IN ANDFACTVAIR respectfully inform their friends and the paironsof ihose papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of allrfollll3ll r3111Cr1iC3110"..10.9 AND OUXIM3IREA,UAraII.Z.M. Nate Paltry to alob rrlnting Office, and that they are prt leleec LEITER PRE S SPRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bills of Lading, Circulars, Bill Heads, I Cards, I Blank Checks, Hat Tips' Boots, . Pamphlets, Handbills, 211 'MOS of Blanks, Stags, Steamboat, sad Caaal• Boat Bills, with oppro prints Cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and he public in general in this branch of our business. Pittsburgh, Sep:. :Pa, 1842. PHILLIPS 4. SMITH, ----- FOR NEW ORLEANS. FIE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAM BOAT OLIVE BRANCH, C. WELt.s, M aste , . will leave fur the above and interne. diate landings, on Falueilay next, April 15tb,rit 10 o'clock A M, For Freight or Passage, having Fupeitor accom modationcapply on board, or to mar3o. J %NIES MAY. Birmingham & Co ~ AG'TS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND And Cleveland Line. March 22, '4:3 S. W. Burbridge & Co• GENTS for the sate or Beaux's Powder. Water st between Wood and Stoltlifir Id. March 30, 11143. SHINN SELLERS' CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, Stand Unrivalled by any .I.l(:dicifie known for the'c . 'Ere - of the ...-- - r7i : • 7 -.. 1. .. t R-.7',',..: ,„ -,-,r,r il ..,... ~ 7 C 6 . ezr •H po : sr " -•'; . u .... r # 4 1114 , '.. "..Z.....:.44;' SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. General loss of a ppci tie, sickness of the stom— ach, pain in the head, shouleers, and sides sense of weariness, with sleoph ss eights, costive net's of bowels, followed in some eases bylnoseness, dry cough, low spirits, with disinclination to every duty,nrc prominent symptoms of a dis eased state oldie Liver. The Liver is, howetter, often much deranged, when the most forrnidablt symptoms are abt.ent, and becomes sadly oi l , o f order before it is known. ,This celebrated in dkioe has been in public use for about seven yeas, argure - 1 a iropela,i. ty fur curing the t vvr comp:amt, hick is not cur passed by any remedy befog e the public. When the symptoms aboN e mettlioned are I recent, and the di rections trictly fnllowed., the prop' '...tor IF, perfectly willing to refniut lie nionPy, if tio benefit is lerived from the me of the pills. I:Cr As an Atifi Billions or Purz,ritive Pill. they are not strpAssed, and should be used m place of the cum moopills of the day. Tho fu lovritig certificate i> from Rev. G. L, Sis son, ofthe Methodist 11'.1).•c•tittil Glittren, alio worthy. ibe attention ()ribose similarly affected. Gentlemen—To. r•-• few Imes will inl nn you that during last Fprll7l lav,,s affected ttitlt dis , a , e of the Liver, indicated by the loss of atmetite. Pe log ad vised to made use of your 'Lver (TA,' I au , an. a... 1 before using Irdlf tt boa I resm. ed to my it -mil health. I (eel bound, Merril .re iu con.ide ono.. of the benefits I hat e reerived f• the in , to le. c •mtne.. (1 nto when. hiPlrllig under xitnilHr atll c lion-„l",ehttg rotifidelit that they not it a cite , . p and secreinf ill remedy. Re..pectrully voitr=„ , Pitt-. I)ec, :'O, 1,t!'31.1. G. L. S 16:SON. Shinn Et" Sellers' celebrated Liz, r Pits not /1 Quock The fo.lwA log to-t,n) Dr. Pa•tello, nl Portsmouth, (frh 0, a g 1411131 Pd phy I , ld p. actitedier, is ,tolleietit proof for the mosi inc. edit 101.4, that Shinn & S.-ne s' Celebrated Liver Pith. do, and can, e the atil wed. MPSFVF. Skin & Sellei s—Gentlemen—D atTncis me g , w.t pIPISIIte to say that 1 have made repea eit trials of your Celebrated Lkoer and find then. better adapted to the porpo , e for which they are designed, (Liver diseases,) that, any medicine or combination of medicines 1 ha, e ever used. They are in cat demand here, and act well. yon.s, truly. R. H. PATTELLO, M. D. Portsmontb,,Ohio, .1 ,, n , 15'h 18313. Read Ilse folioming retiimony and disbelieve if you can. Cat michaeltown, Greene co. Pa. Sept. 20, 1842. Mr. R: E. Seliers--,For several years I was the subj:ct of a most unyieldiug attack of the Liver complaint. It would be useless cor me to attempt to five you an account of to/ suffering, as it could only be felt, not deserits , d. But such was the se• verity of my disease, that for days and weeks to gether, I knew out whether I should ever r. cov er my usual heal h. I continued in this wretched condition, until the Christian Advocate fell into my hand and upon comparing the symptoms of a diseased liver as given in the advertisement with my own, I found that they corresponded in nearly every palticular. From that circumstance I a as induced to try your justly priptilar Liver Pills, and you may be assu red that it is With the greatest pleasure that I in form yon that. the Liver Pills have been of more service to me than all other ren.edies I have ever need, and l now enjoy better health than I have done for the last eight years. Signed, mArir HORN ER. Piltefteld, Warren co. Pa., Dec.,24,1841, Messrs. Shinn & enjoy reasonable wealth aturesent, and I must say that I have tlerived more benefit f om your pills than from any other medicine, arid I believe them to be the best pill we I have ever bad in this part of the county. When in Pittsburgh last Spring, I bought a hall doz-n box• rs of your pills, and When I reached home I fo Lid my wife veiy lit, with the doctors attending her.— The disease did not abate until I gaVe her several dotes of the Liver Pill; since that she has gained much, and is now able to attend to her usual walk I aril otit of yiitor pillte and desire you send me half a dozen boxes by mail; the half of the la-t lot were distributed amongst my neighbors. I have bought your pills nark' for tnree yeais and shall continue to do so as long as I run lumber to Pittsburgh, as I con sider them the best pill that has ever come before the Yours, truly, JOHN BROWN. Prepared ONLY, and sold wholesale .aod retail, by R. E. SELLERS, (Successor to Shinn & Sellcts2) No. 21. Wood st, below &cone, Pittsburgh. March 7. MALE TEACHER WANTED. A gentleman qualified to teach the usual branches of a good English education. is wanted in the Third Ward School of the City of Pittsburgh. Applications made in writing to the Secretary or President (Mr. Adams) at ally time before the 25th of .Ipril, will be considered. By order of the Board, THOMAS HAMILTON, Sec'y roar 2:3 '43 —1 wd4w Ga tette copy once a weelk4n daily three weeks. MILITARY MEETING The Comthissioned officers of the several Vol. unteer Companies of the zmunty are requested to meet at the house of D. Fickerson, in the Dia. mond of the city Gf Pittsburgh, on Saturday -the 84h inst: at 12 '.'clock M. for the purpose of rink. ing arrangements to Fuld an Encampment in the month of June etiraibt apr 5. :llulirit+r4 BAN NOTgc AND irOCCItAN4;IE OMINCTZAII4III4, I! ALUM glettAllirt lIRGICIti PENNSYLVA MS+ Hank of Pittsburgh. -•par March. 4- Mtn. bk. Par Exchange bank, par rik. of Germantowc Easton tank, . - Lancaster bank, Ms Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers'bk Bucks Co. Doylestown bk Bk of N America Phil. Bk of Northern Liberties,. Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. 4. Alai:hanks bk Ken=ington lik, Philadrlplila bK Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, Bk of Penn T T .. par Man. it Mechanic, bk par, Mechanics bk. pan Moyameneing bk. 3 Girard 45 U. States bank. 50 Lumberniens . , Warren, -- Frank. bk Washington, par Miners hk of Pot tsvile, 6 Bk of Monyzomery Co. par Mon. hk Brownsville. !, Erie Ba 5 flarrisluirgh lurnk. Far. hk Lancaster. I}, Rk of Middletown, 9,41 Bk. of Chambersburth, 91 1 Corlisle bank, Bk of Northumberland, 6 Columbia bk k Bridge co. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co• 25 Bknf Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 4.1 Cettysliitrgh bk. 41 York bank, 41 Far. 4. Drovers bk. of ‘Vayneshurgh, 7 " Currency nnie , i, 7 llonpsdale. IV) nininq hank, 10 Pdtsb'zli :stale 1 4 crirs 5 n Country do do 6,16.! Tiorks Co. burnt, 74 Lewistown, 7 Towanda, 80 01110. 1110mitpteacant bk Far. k Mech. hk of Steu Belmont bk a St. Clairs Marietta lik. Demand du Currency nMes, ly Columbiana bk - .sw Lis bon Doom n•;,, do Post notes, :incin'•,ali specie pay Ind hunks, 3 r . Trailers hk of Clneionsti. 5 Clinton bk of C o lumbn9, Demand notes. I Circleville, U. Lawrenre Ca.Mier) Znnesville bk. FOR SALE OR TO RENT. To Let, AW finiAed slwr room on )11;10:et :bt. over Nlr Corti-Cs new lionk store. A dwelling hon=e on Market street between 3i) an 4th .tts. Rent $l6ll. A three ,lory brick hov=e and store on llnrket at. be ween :11.1311m reef oKositc N II ohnes Ex ra office. Rest low. l'wo lout: room; on Market street sniialde for Print inc. officer.. or So, irty ronins. Atrn.a convenient 2,1 store n it 6 cot rance on Market street. Rent of earl A dry and Hell lighted cellar hrlow ihe rap arid ha store of qtr Nardi, Market si. Also, a cellar on 3rd si nearly oppnaite the Pont Office Enquire of mar 311 4-mik t FOR RE,ArI.. —A tiotnfortahle olwel ink 110114 , 00in:0e in Coal Lane near 71114ree CAA. - rtlf ternt 4 . winch Will li moderate. apply I J 011 N 't I.OSK EY. Three Ifig !Wet'. Liberty 4. der 30--11. TO LET J.l Atrry or the building occluded by R..\. Ran:otan as an A union siorr.--b,retnrore known -Nezoll We Lon: Rootn," crier of Wood and stll Imitpre of R. Sin rrow. 5111 A. jell 23 TS FOR SALE.—Four Lots in Maticnt , ter. Oite I and 3 (mirth Arm. of La. 1,1 on Holm,' Hill. Lot, tins. 41. 42,52, 53. 54.181, 182 and 184, in t7onl.'s plan 01 Lots, on Holine': Hill Also, Lot. no 2E, and 27, in Cook's Wan of Lot: on High street, near Ihe new roil rt douse For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON set. 111 House Agency. No. 6 west of the Market !louse, Penn Rt. sth Vt'ard, Pittsburgh Pa. riviE soliscriber having for a number of years been en gaged In renting cry properly, collecting rents lee, and wishing to extend his business in this way, respect. fully offers his services to those persons owning, or who may have charge of property as Executors, Admittistra tors or Gua•dians, in the city or suburbs, snit who may nut have leisure to attend to it , lictitselves,lo rent dwell. togs, Warehouses. Farms, Lots, kr. Also, to collect rents. dividends, Ground rents 4•c. A register is kept where a description of all properties for rent will been. feted free of charge, reference Is respectfully offered to the following gentlemen for whom the soliscriber has been agent tr some years pa-t--Messrs Michael Allen, P. Mecorintrt, and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh; Jas. Stuart, Esq En-opean Agent, Philad ; Mess. John Brown, Birmingham; B. alcLenan, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter Steutienvitic;Jo-epli Millar, Lawrenceville; Jame-Jones East LittPrly; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Daniel Deptstrun, Sewickley, feb 2:3. kMES BLAKELY. FOR RENT. AND po4Res4inti e ivrn on Orb 1,1 of A I next; brick lionse on the 'mot attic Alle?,lteny river, two tories, 4 comfortable rdoms, besides cellar nod kitchen. It is very pleasantly situuted just out side the city line. with n full view of the city of Alle,sheny,nnd veil bin 20 mitintes' walk of the heart of the city —rtnt very low. JAMES' BLAKELY, mar 13. House A gen 1.5 t It Wa rd. For Rent. /VHF: room occtipied by Alderman Stewart, on Penn st., as an office—rent $36 per year. also, two rooms occupied as a Grocery sture,on Penn street—rent $.16 per year. rriwo store rooms and dwellings on Penn stree (sth ward.) Rent very low. Apply at the Clouse A 2ency, Penn et, Sift ward. March 15- J AMES BLAKELy, rnONE ',rick dwelling house, containing, a large hall, two parlours. 4 tonms upstairs, with fin ished garret, dining room and kil chen. with car. riage house, ke. This house is pleasantly located with yarA in front and rear, on the canal bank, corner of Chesnut street. leading tO tipper bridge. now in the oc cupancy t..f Mr. McClurg. rent to suit thetimes— Enquire of Dr, Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar 8, For Rnt. TIOR a term of years. Two hoildinp, lois nn the hank of the A llegheny river. adjoining the (2 ty Apply at the house Agency, Penn street, sth Ward. mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY. Birmingham & Co. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING NE R CHANTS, No. 6U Water street, Plttsi.urgh Pa. Terms—Receiving and Shipping 5 cents per 100 Ms Commissions on Purchases and sates 2.1 per sent. mar 23.'4.3 JUST RECEIVED fiorn New York-3000 conics of the Youth's ,Temperaoce Advocate and 500 copies o f the journal of the American Union for Starch. The bound Youth's advocates with 29 nos, Sibbett's Western Iteirieur for April. Also on hand every da the pally Post; Chrdhiele, Sip Trod City. Metcraiy snot maniutititieet, ,rglitililtion Ban ser4e rOt irate cheap. iitt 5. !Wooster, Monitor), ( Sandusky, Gentian, Norwalk, Renta, Dayton, Post notes, Chillicothe, Fran. bk Columbus, Lancaster, Hamilton, Granville, Coin. bk. Lake Ede, Far. bk:of Canton, Urbana INDIANA. State bk. - Branches 14 State Scrip, 35 KENTUCKY All banks, ILLINOIS. Siaie hk 4. Branches, 60 Shatvneetown, 70 VIRGINIA Bank of Virginia, do Valley, 1 Far. bk. of Virginia, 1 Exchange bank, 1 N. Wes!, hank 11 Mer. do, 11 MARYLAND Baltimore Ranks, Conniry Banks, DEL -1 WARE. All Banks, NEW JERSEY All Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK. par Country hanks,' ' (safety fund.) # a 1 Red Back, ;to 1 NEW ENGLAND. flu!ton Ranks, p: Country LOUISIANA- Orleans Ranks, :nod, NORTII CAROLINA 'Banks, 26 SOUTH CARP,Li NA flanks, 2 MS. CIDLUM DIA ALABAMA Good Bankq, E:slN ESSEE All Banks.• MICHIGAN Rk. of St. Clair, 10 Do. dn. J H. Broil h 5 CANADA nood banks. ato 10 Eastern Exchange. Philadelphia. tiew York. Baltimore, Boston. ,Western Exchang.e. par [MilkVille, oa r IC levelamf, .( di" Wheeling, par r^' , 4ll SILVER, par E. 1) O IZZA No 51, 'l' ifirli At J A ‘1 ES BLAKELY, Ageni, 51h Ward TO LET TO LET. ISAike Ralf!, agent sad Coe lief no 9 Flints. 41Ur8ACICSdrifd A pptit, 23 Obts do, do • 10 Sailre dried Pear 41 Sark* Feathers, just received per steamboats %Vest Point sad Ilari.burgh,and for sale serf low for cash H.HILJI4A,..IENNIMIS Cb 43 .Woolst. NOTICE to Steam Boat .Otoners.—The subscriber, 'ln consequence of the difficulty of the times. has redu• ccd the price of Int:Safety Guard for the prevention of tits explosion of steam boilers, to $l5O per boat. It Is hoped that all boat owners will avail themselves of then reasonable terms, not only on account of the perfect safety they afford. but also In point of economy. Rollers with the apparatus attached will wear abou wt ce as long as those not provided with them. March 6-3 m C. EVANS FOR SAFETY. r im rik, 1. ij- Travelers should select Boats provided wit)! Evans' Safety Onarde, for preventing Explosion of Stearn Boilers. IT would he, well for the traveling community to beat iR mind that their security depends entirely upon they,: own encouragement of boats that have or may he at the expen-e of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making such select ion Is contribu ting towards a general introduction of an Invention ad mitted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a shire preVentailve against those dreadful dhasters You have ce talnly, is the hundreds of explosiciti that nave already taken glare, their :111rOgi daily bectirrettee, arid the I housands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Roat, and in every rase to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of iiheiality, and by your preference show that yid' appreciate their laudable endeavors to stop t aw ful sacrifice of tinning Ilk. They do not charge more than other boats; their accommodations in other reipects ate equal, anti in ninny cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk. when it is so corn ietely in your own power to avoid those disasters. Al, bouts marked thus I.] in the List of Arrivals and DVI nrtures, in another part of this paler, are supplied with the Safety Guar . List of Boots provided with the Safety Guard. ALPS, MENTOR. AGNES, NIICHIG IN, AMARANTH, MA R !ETTA, BRILLIANT, ' 1 ! A RQUETTE , BREAKWATER Ai uNGO PARK, CASPIAN, Al E. - SENGER. C EGI LI A, MONTGOMEY C I ,NTON, NORTH BEND, cicr,Ro, NEPTUNE, CADDO, N AR %GAN S ENT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY. FXPR FSS MAIL, ORPHAN BOY, I.:( 7 1.1 PSE OHIO, FOR \IOSA. ORLEANS, FOR I' PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, G ALEN %. QUEEN