Z;MMM . . lion. and would not compromise otir prin. lea, to ibtain the favors of either the to or general government. We know that our pecuniary interests may be saeri feed in the unholy crusade which has been going on. but if such should be the tesult, we re'y on a virtu sus, gallant and ens bought people for support. We nay be defeated by the unholy efforts which are making to prostrate us, but.thank Heaven, the people cannot be defeated. We rely upon the Democracy for support in this trying crisis, and pledge ou.selves to stand by Cie fame, the reputation and honor of republican Pennsylvania. The people of Pennsylvania understand well our pasition, We have sacrificed m ich in the honest conviction that we were d ing right in sustaining the prrs-nt state admintsa tretion, and as proof, that we have sustain ed it ardently and zealously, we need hut refer to the columns of our paper during the last four years. We &lan continue to support that administration in all its dem. ocratic measures, but we will repel all ef forts to make the columns of tke Keystone teem with TYLERISM ! tans, glowing with the beauty and power and majesty and glory of Joice TYLER. have been presented to us in manuscript, directly by the hands of DAVID RITTEN• HOUSE Poe Ten, which we felt called upon," by every consideration of duty and patri otism, to reject from our columns. Al 'though we were ready to serve his Excel lency, in every thing which would advance the cause of d-mocracy, we never could submit to having our paper used as a yehi, cle for distracting the demociatic party, wiih a view of making capital for President Tyler. If we had done su,our press would, inieed,have been subsidized,and we would 'have been regarded as traitors and minions ,of Executive power. But that the de. mocracv of Pennsylvania and the Union • • . 1 for themselves, we publish be low one of the co:nmunications referred to, which communication came to us directly from the hands of the Executive of this State. We do n'it charge him sr, ith being the author of it, as it was not in his writing, and we are not able to say who -was the author, but vie do charge him with attempting to lead us astray from the twat en track of democracy, with a view doubt. lesa of b . nding us to the desperate for. tunes of Pre.i , lent Tyler. Our position is strsh, and the position of the patty is await, that the whop truth is demanded at ' our hands, and we lay it before the pithhc regard'ess of consPcppme,e-.1. pace ourselves at the bar of public npini m. and will abide the n 'erring decision of that high_tribunal. DEIAtt set., wig) pleaßtire that several of the leading journals .'f the d have hoisted' the name r f JOHN TYLER as a Candidate for the next Presid , ttcy, and have esi hjated with hi n some ~f th e mo s t distinguished names ia the democra it: p tr. ty for-Vice Pre , itlent. I cannot but with pleasure NIA to these .movements in favor of a man who dijaerves, in so bigh,a degree, not only the confi. &Hee, but the deep gratitude of a free and indetiet*nt people. I urn here at the Feat ,:cf.Othilliftrnent. from the northern counties ~...is'rifP4tinsylvania, and it plea-ze= mi to oh= serve that even the hot POLL fiCIA NS. •it present t , sse mhled a t ugh, can. 'not deny to President Tyler that respect witickkis-stern and unfllnchinLt patriotism brae a right to claim. Pei nsylvdnia doubts less feels a preference for her "favorite son," and will most asituredly cast her firet vote in his favor; but I hope the DEMOCRACY OF PENNSYLVANIA WILL CHEERFULLY CAST HER VOTE - FOR MR. TYLER, should Bu. chanan fail to receive the support of any other State besides his own. The very attachment of the person of James Buchanan, is a strong proof of th.• high esteem in which Petinsylvani:. hDlds the President. The similarity of Twiny *Vials of character between the Senator and the President with which I will prove the hut; of my assertion, there is the same pri vate honesty and virtue, the same spotless -character as gentlemen and christians, the same noble spirit of kindness and friend. :ship, so familiar with the sons of Virginia and Pennsylvania, the same esteem and reverence for our constitution and of the rights of out citizens, and the same love for country and honor, not stained with unbe coming desires for party strife, and ex,. elusive party elevation*. -No impartial Man can deny the fact of such being the case, for their very similarity of character both gentlemen are beloved and estee ned hi Pennsylvania. BUT THERE ARE OTHER REASONS, and FAR MORE IMPORTANT' ONES WHY PRESI.. DENT TYLER SHOULD BE ELE - VATED BY THE - PEOPLE TO THE PLACE WHICH HE NOW HOLDS BY THE WISE COMMANDS OF A - NEVER ERRING PROVIDENCE * Look to the course which Mr. Tvler has chosen to take during his long pnliti cal. career. Has he not been honored by the people of that proud and unwavering State, Democratic' Virginia, with all the honors in their power: has he not, on a former occasion, returned to the hands of his fellow citizens; an office received by their hands, which he could not hold with out either disrespecting the will of his man dators, or the opinion's entertained by him self, is he not the only solitary statesman of modern age. who from the beginning ..of his political life to the very minute of this hour, has always though, a U. States Bank unconstitutional? has he not always been considered as a scholar of the Jeffer lonian school, and why should he not de -nerve an elevation by the People; when Providence has marked him already, as one who deserves such an elevation'? Pray, shall he he condemned for his Etc-. -ceptatice of a nomination by the National Harrison Convention? The maniresto of Convention contain. , a deekration of *nrtl'y of praise and imita±nt! and whateiter the secret principles of the leaders of that Convention were, John Ty.. let; had - nothing in Common with them.— He thought both political parties either corrupted to the very Ilealat or gulled by uttprintrprie leaders; he considered a ehan4e a Gevetnment, as necessary as the physician considered the change of air, for his consurnpted patien', and what pat- riot had not the same opinion ? The Vice President is at once elevated ; to the Presidential Chair; the very first measure of his official career, is a strong! lesson TO INTRIGUING OFFICE! HOLDERS AND OFFICE HUNTERS, and his veto of the National Bank was e nough to deprive him forever of .the support of the Whig party; he knew this as well as any person did, and his.- natural course, and that of every other politician, would have born, to join the Democratic party, anxiously waiting for him. He did however, nut so: he signs the repeal of the Sub-treasury bill, because the people had acted on ttiat question; then he signs the Bankrupt bill, and unites with his whig enemies, the Van Buren party in Congress. can any person doubt that Mr. Tyler was not aware of the consequences? Can any person dobbt that he k new only too well that both parties would rare the mar cry ag ins: him 1 Cel I airily wit. Awl mere th7n this!, I ent , •rtain the sin cere;opittioa that Mr. Tyler was rather a 1. - verse to tlie passage of the bankrupt law, 'and would have vetoed it. had he not been mish d by a too fine sense of honor. This may sound singular, hut it is nevertheless corre. t. The President had vetoed the tank bill. The general cry was, that he would unite with the opposition, and ev ery emu waited fir another veto on the bankrupt hill. Stich was ttie p . w .i t ; on o f Mr. Tyler, who wanted to be the people's and not a party President. AND LOOK TO 111 S COURSE SINCE THEN. HAS HE NOT' AC TED FEARLESSLY AND PATRI. OT IC 3 Does he court the lavor of the areat political leaders of tooth parties in Congress 1 Does he bow beneath their mighty influence? No, no; he walks with the conscience of a good and honest ser vant of the people —the walk which is known from times of old; he throws self into the arms of an intelligent people, that they may decide fur themselves. AND SHOULD A GRATEFUL PEOPLE NOT RESPOND TO SUCII A CALL? Pennsylvania, far known as an honest,virtuous and noble State,will re spond in due time. SHE BEGINS TO CAST OFF THE SHACKLES OF RECKLESS PARTY DISCIPLINE ANDOF CUNNING POLITICIANS; and she will re ward his accidental excel, lency'w;th a vote far beyond the reach of any party accident. Yon may hear from me again. A DEMOCRAT. PGR PRESIDENT, JAMES BITCHANAN, subi", to the derifilon of a Nat ionnl Convention. DA ILY MORNING POST TIS. PHILLIPS WI. 11. SMITH, CPITORA AND PR,,PRIKTORS THURSDAY, APRIL 6 1813 See First Pitge The Proposed Rail Road Our readers will observe that a public meeting will he held at the new Cout I House on Saturday next, for the purpose of considering the proj-ct of constructing a Rail road from Pittsburgh to Curnhi.r berland. Since this matter was first spo ken of, we have not heard a voice raised s gainst its practicability, or its great neces sity,for the purpose of preventing the whole of the carrying trade, heretofore enjoyed by Pittsburgh, from being turned into an other route. But one opinion is express ed of its necessity, ard all agree that no other i.r provement will answer the pur pose. The Mo tongahela Slack Water, might for a portion of the year, bring the trade to our city, but then for three months every season it would be suspended by ice aarl other obstructions, 4-that too, at a tin e when the business season is just commenc ing and the heaviest contrac's for trans— portation are made, During the greater Fart of the time that the Slack Water would be available. our canals are open, and all goo is from the east destined to pass thro' our city, would come by that route. The ntil ity of the WAdamized Road, is consid ered by many very problematical, and the eneral opinion is that it would n it be suffi cient to secure to Pittsburgh, beyond the reap ) of competition, the large amount of business been drawn from us by the .I,lml by the Cumberland Rail ro lint not a doubt is entertained of the entire stieci ss of a Rail road, such as is proposed, arid the confidence of the citi. zens are s•o goat in its utility, that if mat tern were perfected fur its commencement s the means could he raised immediately, We understand that several gentlemen are engaged in collecting information on this subject, which will be laid before the meeting on Saturday, and at the same time the necessary steps will be taken to make a practical start in the matter. Business. —Our wharf has a most busi ness like appearance at present, and a sight of the immense quantities of pro duce and merchandizQ that are spread all along shote, is sufficient to revive the droopfng spirits of the most desponding. Th ere is at present a fair preaPert efa fine business se asoa. Atr-cious Murder of a Wont*ii.; Nashville papers give the particulars of an an p.ovoked murder committed in Putnam county in that state,ou the pettrin of Mrs. Riney, It up pears'that a man named Rowland maddened by dritt!t, repeatedly threatened to Icill samebody,and to carry out his threat, gut up at a late hour of the night, and chased a lodger at his house b 3e name of Sills, with an axe; but defeated in his at• tempt he returned to the house and repeated Ws threat, at which instant, all who were in the house run out to make th it escape, Sills not hav ing yet returned: but the poor unfortunat! Mrs. Raney was overtaken about sixty feet from the door, and murdered in the most henious manner im , ginable. He Itoorked her down with the pole of the axe, and then turnedthe edge with which he severed the head from the body, cut one large gash in her face, sunk tl e axe in her buck in two plaees, and cut off the p dui. of One shou'der. Be ing now well satisfied that h had completed his bloody deed, he covered I er up with snow, threw his axe in the fire, prepared fur his defence a num• bet of clubs and handspikes, and bid defiance to the State of Tennessee. lie was, however, arres ted and brought before two justices of the peace who committed hint to jail to await further trial at the next term of the Circuit Court for Putnam county. Such a fiend, s uch a devil incarnate should be hung as soon as possible. Good netvs for :11 Thanics.—The Bos• ton Bulletin says:—Mechanics are likely to be soon employed in this city, and at good wages for their labor. We have been informed by a contractor, that there IA ill soon be a demand for all the unem ployed masons, carpenters and other me chanics, as contracts have been completed for erecting something like one hundred buildings in this city, du: ing the next six months. We briefly notice this encoura, aging sign of the times, amongst many oth• era. to show that however loudly people croak, they cannot stifle the merry soands that ring from the mechanics tools. Living Without Drink —Dr. W. A. A lccut says that during the year 1842 he drank nothing; and has not yet returned to the use of drink. Once, in July, in order to make an experiment, lie worked hard at haying. The first day or two, be■ ing very hot weather, he fe•t a return of thirst, which he allayed by gargling his throat with water, and eating bread erum.. bled in water. After two days he felt no more though he worked Fuird.—The ob• ject of the experiment was to prove, for the benefit of his friends to temperance. that if our food is simple and plain, we I need but very little drink. His diet was breed, fruits and succulent vegetables. No doubt tf it.—.l paper says that . the increase of crime iu our lar,;e i ities is at tributed to the translations of vile French novels, in a cheap form, that have recently flooded the United Stat,s. Professor Mors •, obtained a grant from Bongress, for his experiments ol the electro-rn;tonetic telegraph, advertises for 10,000 lbs of lead pipe, to enclose his The Comet al St. A ugultine, is describ ed by the editor of the News, as seen by the naked eye, to he some two feet i f , width and one hundred yards or more in length, with a star at one end of it ! The Cor-ner's Inqurst, in the case of Carlies, have crime to the conclusion that he was shot by a postol by some person unknown, Most sage conclusion ! The Washington Globe publishes the marriage of a Dr. Burke, in his 8.3,1 year to Mrs. Mary Lynch, in her 79th year— all of Washington. "Iflove be n flame, and wedlock fire;" Then an old stick is hes', beeause it is drier" N. Y. Aurora. What a pity it was to "Lynch" the poor Doctor; there is some consolation in the fact, the lady was "Boiled" in return. Park Benjamin, editor of the )7ew York New World, intends soon to embark for Europe Mesmeric Definition of Love.--Dr. CoDyer, at one of his lectures, thus de• scribes this tender emotion. "It is the euphoneous oscillation of the spheres of two approximating bodies, whose magnetic condition seeks to coaka se." The Kentuckian says that in the 10th 4listrizt, Alessrs WI W Southgate, W K Wall and W Marshall, Whig., are candidates for C I W Tibbats and Col John 0 Beasman, Dem ocrats, Eve candidates. If •hey all run, the elec tion of Col Tibbats is certain, and the District could not be represented by a more efficient, tal ented and honorable gentleman. A Family poisoned.—A recent number of the Grenada ( 4iss) Regi.ter informs us that the whole family of Mr. Morehead, residing near the Yazoo Pass, were lately poisoned by eating peach es dried on a painted board. One of his daugh ters was to have been married on the very day she was so suddenly •aken from earth. Doing of the Negroes.—On the 20th ult. Mr. Hiram Beady an old resident of Columbia, Mo., was murdered by five of hie negroes, while retur. ning from a clearing. A female slave gave the first blow with an axe, when the others rushed to her assistance, and the unfortunate men was soon a corpse. For Oregord—A:meetingcf those who int.nad to rtigrate for-Oregem neat May hai been beta In St. Louis. frisionain..; - -The legislators of Wiscon sin,appear to be sadly deficientin feelings of of proper respect for Guy. Duty. The Chi. cago Democrat says that when his Meg.. sage was read in the Legislature, Col. Crocker, a democrat, rose awl pronounced the first sentence of the Message a lie.— And Major Wilson, a whig, followed him and pronounced it all a lie, and expressed his astonishment that Col. C. could won, der at fa'sehood in any thing emanating from Gov. Doty, Gas.—Several nubile meetings have been held in this city. for the purpose of impressing on the Company the neces sity of adopting some modo by which per, sons using gas, can ascertain the exact a mount for which they are bound to pay. We are informed by gentlemen on whose veracity we can depend, that no reliance can be placed on the present mode of measurement, as their bills fur some var. ters, have nearly doubled those of previous quarters, notwithstanding they had reduced till number of their burners. If this is so, and from our knowledge of the gentleman we can not doubt it, there must be UM:le-- thing wrong, and the Company should, in justice to the citizens, have the matter in vestigated. There ate other grievances co.ineeted with this subject of Which we hear many complain, that might be in" quired into at the same time. .We refer the public to the proceedings of a meeting on this subject, which will be found in another column. Horrors of Me West lnclia Earthquake.—At Point Petrie, about 4500 bodies have been dug out of the ruins, and upwards of 2000 of the woun• ded were at the Hospital. Five slight shocks have been felt since the one which proved so destruc. 'l7',One of the gentlemen whose name the Bay State Democrat has published becau , e he stopped taking that paper, says his only objection to this act on the part or the Democrat is, that it exposes the fact that he was ones a 'wipes her to it. The 7. emperance Societies of Baltimore are to have a great parade to day. The faults of a great wan cannot be hid. E% ery eye i% upon the on in en eel;pie. When old aicarish For, the great merchant of Liverpool, was asked by what means he contrived to r.alize so large a fortune as Le possessed, his reply - was—`Friend, by one article alone, in %hich thou mayst deal too, if thou pleaseat—ctvility . 7 K'n liCky —Col R. M. Johnson is a candidate for Congress in opposition to Garrett Davis. The body of a murdered man was found near Opelousas, on the Ist intit. The supposed 'mutterer bad fie to New Orleans and an tifrwer was in pursuit of him. •Y.,ur frierrrshie is very dear to me,' as the reef (haw Paid when le bad to pry his endorse ments for hi. n , ielther. At s merlin , / of the Ga 4 consumer , : of ri,ts burgh, hell ngreealtly to notice at the Western Exchanae, ' r. Joan McLain was appointed chairman, and Mr A, Wilcox secretary, ardi on motion, a committee was [tripoli led to draught res , itutinns &c:, who reported the following pre amble nod resolutions, which were untinimous'y adno•ted by the meeting, Whereas, The eitizons of Pittsburgh who are consumers of Gig, have for n long time labored under rrrtny and great disadvantages whii 11 in most instances arise from tit , neglect, or ;ncnm• petenre of the company whet have the exclusive snne•intrndence and management of the same; and Wheren., the ennsumers of Gas who have signed •he call for this meeting and many others, whose names are, not includi.d, have from time, to time laid their well grounded complaints before the agents, as well as before the Board ofTrustecY, without receiving any satisfliction nr redress frt m either, we deem it proper and expedient, that a more public expression of our sentiments be laid before nor fellow citizens without delay. And Whereas, The consumers of Gas Light as furnished by the Pittsburgh Gas company, are paving an exhorbit ant price for the same—Resolv• ed, That the Gas Company are in duty hound to reduce the price of Gas to a reasonable and just rate, to compare with the present low price of labor and of the materials that it is made of, And be it further Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting, that the Gas company, (through their agents,) were dilatory in the performance of their duty to customers, and refuse, when request. ed, to examine their metres and other fixtures when called upon, with a view of ascertaining their correctness—and they also tertian to give a satisfactory explanation, why they most uniform ly render hills of the largest amount—when th e consumers pays the most attention to economy in its nue! Resolved, That nr,less the Pitts'urgh Gas corn. piny comply with the tenor of their agreement with the consumers, we have no faith in the die, osition of the Board of Trustees to do justice to those who have adopted that convenient mode of lighting up their premises. Resolved, The Gas company do not pay neces nary attention to the 2nd end Sth articles of their Rules and Regulations. Namely, article 2nd— 'Gila will be supplied by metre, and if the metres shonld he found c'eficient, they will be immediate. ly changed; and in case of their ceasing to regis. ter, the quantity consumed will be ascertain• •d by another metre, or by the amount charged during a previous corresponding period.' Article Bt&.—'The quantity of Gas consumed will, in all cases. he ascertained in the manner prescribed in the 2nd article of these Rules.' Resolved. There is no better, more convenient, or cheaper light than that of Gas, if the price of it, and the fixtures were supplied at reasonable rates, and by cor,ect measurement. Resolved, We have no faith in the certainty of metres in general; and that it is an uncertain mode of measurement; and that the consumer is liable, if governed by the indication of metres to pay for a much greater quantity of gas than is ac. tually consumed. Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine the gas apoaratus invented, and for sale by Mr. Walker at I*. John tioffer's, and also at the 'A merican House.' Resolved, That we will never submit to the arbitrary measure of any company or aasocia• tion, without first .using all necessary and proper exertions in order, to relieve ourselves from what we deem to be oppressive. Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be.published in one or more papers. Reeobted, We adjourn to a return and more -general meeting: 'l =WA Gas Meeting. Pittsburgh, April St LrAmeititendiill. and /an E. Kendall, have established an agency at Washington ) kir contracts with flit, duff •rent departments attic government procuring ; rohtlll'ictta'ry, ar my and navy penbions, Ste. Morsasns.—The Boston POA iytt—A 14torinVn elder baptised sixteen iddividnala at the marihe railway, the other day. A corleepondent says that Idler tlit sinners had been Washed, they went off in cabs, singing.... 'I. am bound for the kingdom." I Rich Scoundrel.—The Boston B alletin is ,al . Way. dealing in the 'terrifies.' Here's the las'. —We have received full particu!ars of an outrage recently committed in this hitherto quiet and mor al city. by a person who has lived half a century —accumulated wealth—retired from bu loess—a rich widower and scoundrel. The sudden and mysterious removal of a young lady to the East• ward cannot conceal from the public eye the out rage to which we refer. Q ::)—At Woodbridge, England, a farmer was re. cently convicted in the penalty of fifteen dollars, for hiving killed a hare upon land in his own oc • cu pal i m B iston lad es are adopting the fashion of carry ing canes. Look out for your heads. RIVER NEWS. 6 feet water in the channel ARRIVED. *Cleveland, Hemphill, Beaver. *Michigan, Boles. Beaver. *Marquette, Turpin, Brownsville, Cecilia, Clark, t.llti? Yard. Columbiana, Murdock, Ship Yard. Narragans tt Coldwell N Orleans West Point Grace Louisville Arcaee Bennit Cincinnati Zainsville Duvall Marietta Belmont Poe Whee ing Mingo Chief Devenny do 0111 a, Bowman, Browm.% Me. DEPARTED. • Michigan Boyrs Beaver *Cleveland Hemphill, do Allegheny, Dean, C ncinnatti. May Flower, Hutchison, St. Louis. North Queen, McLean. Wellsville. Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville. Etna, --, Brownsville. Eveline, Jack, Cincinnati. Orpheus. Bally, Nashville. *Alps, Todd, Cincinnati. Columbiana, Murdock, Wheeling. Mingo, Chia Deviiiney, 'Wheelicg Pinta. Vandigrift, do Oella B minim Brownsville Boats marked thus * are provides with Evan's Safety Guard, to orevent the explosion of steam boilers. River at Cincinnati nearly up to the houses along the bank, and was still rising on the Ist inst. Nashville, March 28, A. M.—The Cumberland is in goud navigable condition-6 feet water on the al:oats and rising. Miami Canal —Receipts yesterday were heavy, consistine of Flour, Whiskey, Po•k, &c. LA:" . I' NIGH :'s OF ()RAI O,(Y AND MUSIC FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE Cl l'Y POOR. Prof Bro•,son and J It Na..th,will give their last Lecture, , , Recitations ~nd S.oging, with Piano ac companiment, (by Mr l'ay!or of Philadelphia) this & to morrow eveninea: in the OR ET9R BAN at 7i o'clock The subjects may be found in tl,e la: t. two sections ut the Circular. PUBLIC SIEE'I ING The undersigned having been appointed a Com 'Mot, e, at a nubile meet.ng of their fellow eitizees at the new Court House t ti the 18 h of last mouth for the purp ee of nth piing rteasures in reticence to the ennetru , lion of a MeAdamised Road from Pittsburgh, to interse.t. the Nati. nut Itnau at Uniontovi n, finding themselves ermined in any further steps upon the subjeet, by the impress on that publie„oi imon appeals to he decidedly in fa vor of a col net lion welt the town of Ct mlierland by means of a Ra Hied, deem it proper to rem rn mend a general in , cling to the pi °plc Pitta. burgh and alb ghet y, In as.tttuin I,lth'ic senti ment hunting the h ghly importer) , & interesting gilestinti of collo( (Awn with the 8..1. i more an Ohio railroad. The tinders grted therefore beg lease to call a met ting of their (*.How eitiz•nsiof Pittsburgh and Allegheny cities, and of Alltc.htny and adjoining counties, to be ti Id at the new Court House at 2 o'clock,on the afternoon of Saturday the 15 ft inst. Win. Wilkins, Wrr. Eichbuum, M. Alen, Tl , os Bukewell, P. Mu!vany, John B ssel, W. M. Edger, RoLt Beer. apr NERVE AND BONE LINIMET, AND IN DIAN VEGETABLE EL.IXIR.—This combina tion of a local application with an internal speci fic, wotks like a charm in cases of rheumatism, gout, contracted muscle and paralysis. Messrs. Comstock & Co. 71 Maiden Lane, have in their p ss_ssion a ceitifirate fru n Ethan C, Corning, a respec'able citizen bf Quebec, stating that after having been a bed riddcn cripple fur upwards of fourteen years he was enables to rise up and walk by applying the Linament to his shrunken limbs, and taking the Elixir in conformity with the el!.. rections. The core appears to border on the mi raculous, but attestations cannot be questioned In cases of gout end contraction of the muscles and ligament of the Liniment and Elixir have been equaly beneficial.—[Express )—For sale only at 1 UTTLE . B 86 Fourth street. 'Jr • FOR LAFAYETTE AND WABASH RIVER. The new steamboat CECILI A, Ceo Clarke, Master, will leave for the above and intermediate landings on Saturday next the Bth inst. at 10 o'clock A. M. positively. For freight or passage apply on board or to apr6 JAMES MAY. ErTim Cecilia is supplied with Evans' Safety Guard to prevent the explosion of boilers. LICENCES. WVIIOLESALE Dealers and Retailers of Goods, Wares, Merchandise, Commodities or Effects of whatsoever kind or nature (whether foreign or domestic) TAKE NOTICE, That in compliance with the art of thmeral Assembly approved the 7th eay.of April, A. D. 1830, the Also. elate Judges and Commissioners of Allegheny c unty,wlll meet at the Commissioner's office, in Pittsburgh, en Mon. day the 24th of April. 1843, at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of taking up tile returns of the several cOnsta. hies of the county, made to the Clerk of the court of Quarter Sessions, at March Term 1343, and to place each of the Merchants that have been so returned, dealing as aforesaid, into that class which may appear to be right and Just as provided in the 10 h section of an art entitled "An act to provide revenue to meet the demands of the Treasury and for other purposes,' passel the 4th day of May 1841—when and where you may attend if you think proper either in person or by agent, and chew ~he amount of your annual sales respectively. JOH N M. SNOWDEN, WILLIAM PORTER, Assneiste Judges. JOHN MORRISON, JOHNJOHNSTON, JOHN FORSYTH, Commissioners. emproisroires Omer, j •-• A nep2empoomnp;,2 1843. .2pr 6 d4rlr3t COUNTY COM•MISSIONEX . AT the solicitation of a outlaw, of frtet 01. a all itical whirs. I is.," rrifully offer myself to li.e too. o't u y fellow-citozens fer tire carte r 1 County Cornmis'sioner. '1 tint s. i tin runs si ay nut be when. deretood, hrr a. to political or private offolos, I mate 'free toy shy lint I have been nll my toe a eonstsleet putitieott, iu lhe true !rove Of lie word. As the ',Slttery' Is somewhat embarrassed In its financial affairs. and lb. reduction of salaries orpubile crficers has received the approbation of large majorities oft he people, The leader !opted would not eh( uld he IT fortunate no to Leber: led, in any manner attempt to resist this Witty,' re form; should It teach the office of County crnimisefeeerr. apr 6: SAMUEL HUBLEY.- CAUSTIC or the Knife was formerly resorted to basil cases of burns, scalds and wounds, where mOrtitlea• was apprehended, The necessity fir such sharp Pad rice exists no longer. The litagleal Pain Extractor, frost Comstock 71 Malden Lane is a far more *trident peanut. live of mortlficationplian cold steel or nit rate of atittri The application of ills wonderful compound instantly removes the local pain,and lithe wound, scald, Wen en bruise has not injured some dial dean so as to render care Imi °sande, it 14 ill In a very viol spate of tinal restore the part affeeted to n sound and healthy state, without leaving the cicatrix behind. This preparalkni is also a certain remedy for inflamed ey es. cancerous's/raj ulcers, broken breast and sore nipple and all 'bruin*, and eruptions of the skin. Its success as a cute far the piles is unparalleled and the vouchers for Its Vara. tine properties are Prim the pl. at respectable and en lightened soureee —Herald. For sale at Turtle's, 8, . RUNAWAY APPRENTICE. ABSCONDED from the employ of the subscriber en the 28th nil; an Indented apprentice to the farming business, named John IlfcWherter. Ile alas aboat 16 years of age, fair haired, about five feet three or four }p. cites high. Any person ret ruing said boy to the Alb. reriber shall receive six cents reward for their troulKs hut no charges. The public are cautioned against Iron. tug him or employ ing him at their peril. apr 8-31. JOHN MchITCHAEL. Vocal Concert at the Philo 11E14 Fourth Street. Ilil S MELToN. from the principal Theatres of London. Dublin, New York 4.c.; and Mr. LA THAM, from Dublin, London and New York ke , rm. peel tally anronnce a Concert of Vocal. Mach, fer ei day evening., April llh on which occasion Mr. G. W. TAYLOR from the Philharmonic Concerts, Landon and Philadelphia. will preside at the Piano Porte. dry-'rickets 5.1 cents, to be had at the Hotels and Mimic Scores. R. M. DAWSON, Illauufacturer of Ti,. Copper and 37Atet Iron Ware, No 61. Liberty, between Maiket and 6th streets Wo (LLD resprrtfully Inform the citizens of Atts.- burgh. and the public In :eneral that he cottidawas to carry on th above business In all its various forinitcheal at the akove stand; where he wilt always keep a 'Lem al avortment °flail articles in his Vine, alt of letattb will be made in the same manner and of good inigierislo, and will be disposed of on the most moderate islid at. eommodatin: terms. Country &lemmas and other dealers will tind it le theltladvantaee to calland examine hit Nock bekteeitur. chasing eleeweere. Steamboats. Houses and POi ticee! roofed yrs rotifer. zinczi.te. lead and Iron on the shortest not r otifer. and Cunductots made and put up with despatch a• anal, a pr 5. Auction FARNESTOCK 4 , Co., Suecessors to J. Jai*. • rie, ni the old !nand corner of sth and Wood ii,.. having complied with the requisitions of the new Aar lion Law. , re prepared to make adynncea on reasiiir meaty and to sell on favorable term,. TIT burg by continuing to make ready paler and prompt re a receive a fair portion of buslnerm Pittsburgh, April Ist In retiring, from the Auction rosiness. I falba shut pleasure in recommending to the public Mears, Feiner Fabnevock 4 Co.. who have romp led with the reilielre mcnts of the new Auction Law and will dr, healers* ist my oid stand. .1. IL. GUTH62B. april 31P43. SCHOOL. - MRS BR ADY respect fully I. forms her Menu tad the public that she has oriental her Srbont Mr Ll* erty street, near ih« enraer of Clair (entrance OR Si Clair street or thronalt the Iron City Clothint. stmts. :td door from the eorner,) she he leave torenrn therlior for the great Atm re of raft ,01,4 2 e heretofore reoehred, roedcea nerneir to pay the 0 , 011 devoted attention totbaSet entrusted in her charge Teeing ofTeilion :sir the Tires. Spelling, Reading Writing & Main Setvire per q'r $2410 do do do 4. arithmetic 230 do d 0 do Cram - ear andGeography3-00 ap 1— lw \VHISKEY. SFIRL 4 z 5 rears old cooper distilled Monongahela I.lllye Whiskey on consignment, and for 'We by J W. BURRRIDGE. Water he i wean Wood and Smith'/. o . fflre of the Allegheny Bridge Co. I PittFhurelt, April Ist, 1843 AN Election for ne Presidenti—tbn Manarets, Treasurer an i Secretary, of the "tom pony for eremitic a hridee over the Allegheny riv er. opprsile PittAurch,'n the county of Alleghe. ny," will be heM at the Toll House, on Monday. the Tat day of May next,to commence at 2o'clock P. M. JOHN HARPER, April I:—dlw&vt3l Treasurer. WEATHERS-7 wicks Feathers just received asid for ante low, by HAILMAN, JENNINCS le Po. april 2 43 Wood at. - .4DMINIS.TR.rITOR'S NOricik, AL'persons indet ted to the ee'ate or °Haar Pr'ilisdr late of the eity of Pittehoreh. deceased. •ro hereby notified to make payment lathe undersigned adroloortra• or,nnti 111 having cialtne against said estate are review ed to present their accounts properly authenticated for tthnttprit. JOHN mar 2.3 —it • Atiminirtrator. PIG IRON. • GiA,TONS Soh ri„ Iron, hot Wet', for pale by 111 , mar 28. JAMES MAT COTTON. l 4 BALES Gunn — For sale low. by nd mar 28. JAMEB.IOI.T, • a. st'hix. ALEX. P; TII01110111111• szczair a THOMPSON, G ENERAL AGENTS and Commission htertirlsailly ST. LOUIS, As. Refer to: Messrs. Turhett, Royer 4. 111cDowell.1 rioshare. • W. H. Campbell 4. co. •• Cope. Tod hunter. k Co. Pt.ile. Morgan,Crutrher 4- co. 4. Woods, Yeatman Co, St Louis. Woods, Christy 4- co. Feh. 4.—d3m BACON. A.O 2 0 1 000 , 1 ; B: e B a a n c i o cr n gl e oir n o t a . s i t i d n ) d tat , oret I .w ele for cash, by BIRMINGHAM ir co. mar $.4 Menonss D. CoEmus.-- • LOYD it. COLEtu. COLEMdNiQ CO.,rlener t Agenie,Forwardleg sad Commission Merchants Levee Street, Vhdisburig Miss They respectfully so ict t consignments, k" 1011,- FLOUR. 2 5 li n fl ii L r 9. l f 4 resh Family Flour. Fo i r A s m ale bymay. PIG IRON. • 64TONSTennewee Pig Iron. Portrait tow to close conslgnment,by mar 14. JAMES MAT. 66 MILS. PLANTATION MOLASSES. received per Steamers Little Ben and puttdyt, and fW . J. G. - 4.-A GOllOOll 12 water sire sale by mar 37 TO LET. - ._- • ANEAT convenient Ate p snort dlstooce below the salmi lai4 city. Enquire of -. _ _roar ~.-. _. ':.;