Oa Agerence to our advertialag columns will ba found ti Contsift , of VOcal Music, announced for. Friday e've.ning, at Philo Hall: .The names of Miss Melton and Mr Latham as Professors of the highest order, is sufficient to ensure a large and fatattionable audience. Message,— We w ould ask the at , tention of our readers to the Governor's Mdtaaace, retoing the Cgnal Commissioners Bill, wbich will be found in our colums thie morning. Editor Shot.—We regret to learn that Maher Gardner, editor of the "Old Do— Asisaion." published in Portsmouth Va.. Vies shot_ dead in o fracas IA ith a person Conk, on the 30th inst. A Romantic story! The Boston Times gives the particulars *fa s-most remarkable case of absence of ittiod OP a lady and gentleman, the former voluptuous beauty of the Dudu order, *nit the latter a fine looking six footer, -with it pair of whiskers and brass boot *ifs, who stopped 13 t a hotel in Andover, Mass, about four weeks since, and having • • engaged apartments, made themselves ve ry comfortable therein. The young coup le 'appeared very happy, and their felicity soon increased by the appearar ce of a fine infant, after giving birth to whom the 11'84 was pronounced in common parlance, is be "as well as could be expected."— :As soon as she was better than could be 'expected, the husband and wife set out in II hired ieeigh to take the air—not the heir apparent-I,r that interesting was left in the charge of the landlord's ,datughter. Now Mr. and Mrs. Gorman (suih were the avowed names of the cou ple) being cursed with treacherous mem . orbs, forgot to come bark, and we nest heir of them figuring at a hotel in Port mud, still forgetful of the little resporsibtli ty ilia' was left at Andover, 'with no use :Apr bis little baruls, but to scratch his little eyes.' and also unmindful of sundry other limp aits responsibilities figured up in chalk on the landlord's door. Now the land lord, being a very benevolent f, !low, with a very eteglent memory, came to Portland with . the express purpose of refreshing tint of the young couple, hut as their il!. luck would have it, he al rived just in time to be too late, and the ill-s•aried couple Went ('$ without having the pleasure of an interview. As they came to Portland in . ..public conveyance, 60mithing actions must have befallen the horse and sleigh. The landlord is very much distressed in mind, and ,ympathises sincerely with the ynung couple, who, in addition to their , Other heartrending misfortunes, are sup posed to be unmarried. The omission of the marriage ceremony is supposed to have been unintentional on the part of the be ide groom. He is a very absent gentle.ran, certainly—so absent pet haps he'll never wine back again. And what's to becom e of the unfortunate infant—for the land ,lord:like Sir E. L. Bulwt r, •don't like bas .The whole affair is heart-rending. It is said that negotiations are on foot to bring over to this country Mr. Temple ton, a celebrated tenor singer, and Mad. ame Garica, who is said to be equal to her sister Madam Matibran, for the Park -Theatre. New York. They wilt pr oba. •bly arrive in May. The Secretary of the State of New York has published a document declaring that the appropriations for the Erie R. R. and other improvements, were illegally ' And uneonstkutionally made, and that the State is not bound to assume either princi_ pal or interest of the debt. • Messrs. Erffrons:—Permit, me through thscolunans of your paper. to call the lion of the Overseers of the Poor, to a sub ject which has often befrre attracted a pa.. sing notice in my mind, and which seems tome, to be mere worthy of a candid ex arlioation, than it has heretofore received. I mean the management of the City Poor House, in Allegheny. It has occurred to the writer, that the manner in which our Poor House is now amodueted, and the evident want of proper attention bestowed on the inmates, are =tatters which bhould call fel an immediate reform, on the part of those whose duty it in fat look into such matters. It must be evident to every person, who has the least fanowledge of the present management of she Pt* House, that the present occupant Of that place, does not discharge his func'. iions in a very hecoiniug manuer. Aside EMS the fact, we ascertained some time since, that proper attention is not given to the sick in this place; we also hear, from altose who have been inmates, tales of the "oat emitting character. Indeed we haz ard nothing in saying that if the attention of die Overseers of the Poor was properly di reeled iowacts this establishment, add an investigation made into the matter corn. plaine4 of, many, very manner reforms bight be erected, both as regards the well tolltiNg of the inmates, as well as a saving of at least one half to the Tax Payers of the City. A TAX PAYER. PIUNTI G OFFICE , Tule proprfetois of the Nloarisite foam and M lERCURY AND fitAiverr.creatit respectfully Inform their friends and the paironsof those papers„ that they have a large and well chosen assortment of SOB •31ClitllEm /BMg) AZ.3I OULUAII USANUMMAI Necessary to a Job Printin g Office, and that they are prt. LETTER PRESS PRINTING, Books, Pamphlets, Handbills, au thaw of Blanks, Stage, Stessabeat, and Cm' Boat Bills, with app" prince Cats, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and he public in general in this branch of our business. Pittsburgh, Sept. 39, 1842. PiiiLLIPS SMITH, FOR LAFAYETTE, WatasA ri'er. The new Steamer CECIL! A,Gtonne CL•RK. Master, $k ill lenve for the ahove and interme diate landings, on Monday next, April 3, at 10 o'clock •. x, F..ir freight ur passage apply on hoard. or to mar 30-id JAMES MAY. IfUC NEIV AND SPLENDID STEAM COAT OLIVE BRANCH, C. IVELLs, Master, will leave fur the alcove and interme. diatc landing?, on ThurFtlay pcn, April 0111 at 10 u'rlock A Al. ror Frci¢ht ur Pa.,!.age. tt.vin; s ape! tor accon, modationg. a pilly on board, or to mar:3o. J 'li›.z MAY Birmingham & Co., AG'TS raaSTEANIER CLEVELAND AGES T:: for the ,ale of Natl . % Ponder . iVaier st between Wood and Match 30, 1 CELEBRATED LIVDR PILLS, Stand Unrivalled by any Medicine known fur the cure of the SY IPTI rALS OF A DISEASED LIVER. General lrC sof .1 ITO itC sick rtef•S of the ormi tick, rain itr the hrad, ,le ulcers, lit ck arc( hider setts._, of I.%•eariness., with 'he p't F.y titghts, coAttve 11 , $S Of howik, cd its some cast::: tiv,lnnsencss, dly cough, low spars, with d einehn ithdt to every duty, are protnitivnt 111 1,1 mg of u eased suite I,ivi r. The Idscr is, hcwr:rr, often much derang d, when the trio,t for tritdaWt symptom.: are ah.ent, and bre, , ines sally out 0! order before it is hnoii n. Thi- reb-braced m ili , jor bat. been la w,bbc for about govt-n years. an I ha, acqoro,l a pop.la.. ty for coring the I ye: co,op;nint, I.lt Ph i. not wr• pa! , ••••••d by :Joy renb.d . br(n fire pu6lit 11 hell for 3 . tripton , sab.or titettiiitilt , l ; I re I re , Pod, and di.. di refo , oos -trictly 1,•1'1 t, I, the Itr ,, itt ;clot t , w,lliog to rt•food ,‘o be..efit from ,he 0. , e of the pffiA. Tttn fttl!owittz Ilfirdte Irttm Rt. v. G. 1,. S ftithe Nit:l6.lElog " 4 "/ ""'. I the ;bur tit inn off I),.se rintil.uly atT ctrd. Gentlemen—Tin s f ew .11,04 Will iuG.nn v 01,11 during . Test .prise 1 w•.s affe , lnd .4 o.e Liver, d by the 10-A md vT,Ted to Todd, T INC .1 dour `Liver I 11 , 1 so. ,ted before using it tit" a ty,st 1 tt .tt le4 my 11.11,1 h4 , 141i11. 1 feel nei.tel, veer , i.. of The benefits Iha.e rt eeived f-etn thn intljorwe, II) e• e.dieend it to Other, laboring under simnar l i m p:, feeling roilfidrot that they Tt t I find trt a cheap and FRICCCSrifUI remedy. FOR TU 31 Olt til NO POST Boaz AND 30D N. -W. Corzier of Wood*l;V*Sts. pved to execute OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ills of Lading, rirculars, Bill Heads, Cards, Blank Checks, Hat Tipsy The Cecilia is prr.vidul with Eul Safety Guatd FOR NEW ORLEANS rid Cleve laced Lint'. Nardi '.13. J. W..l3nr bridge & Co• SHINN k. SELLERS :"..‘- , .. 7 :-... - 7. , .; _____ ! - 'F.• - 2...: - FF---.. , (--- . . , ESE OZ?As an Anti Bolin., or Pitrotive 1111 110 , y int As. rpis , e , l, and sh be used it 1 hi e ct thr ctAti 01 the Ite•pectully your,, Pitt•. Dec, :40, L 736. G. L. SISSON Shinn & Sellers' celebrated Lir r Pills not a Quack Medicine; I'he fo:lo.o.inz to-Idn mtsi ird it Dr. Pa'tt.llo, nl Pniismotith, Oh n, c'olo'red pity ici in, and att practitinner, le !-lllT,e,ent pr..of fur the tiring: inc, ed it . that Shinn St Sete s' Celebrated Liver left. do, and c., , to 'tete tit , triffl c•ett. Mesa , s. S'.itt & Sr hers—Gentlemen—lt atl no's me g.eat pl.• t , urr lu sac ibat I li ye Ilia le ierea trials of y-tir Crd,brated L,ver l i t, awl 1 1 1 1 r1 lherll better pu'apteri to the priim.e for which they um designed, (Liver ditteat3.s,) than any tnedie;ne er combinatuni of medicines I hate ever used. They are in gloat demand here, and act well. Yon.s, R. EL PATTELLO, M. D. Portsmouth, Ohio, .1 ne 15. h 1831. Read the fo!tozaing tes'imony and disbeiirve if you Cat michaeltown, Greco(' co. Sept. 2U, It 4.2. Mr. R. E. Seller.---• Fur several years I wns the subj.:et of a most unyieldiiii , attack of the Liver complaint. It would he useless 'or me to attempt to give you an account of m, sufrering, as it could only be felt, not describd. But sntS was the se verity of my disease, that fur days and weeks to g,:ther, 1 knew not whether I should ever r coy- er my usual heal h. I continued in t'iis wretched condition, until the Christian Advocate felt into my hand and upon cnmparing the symptoms of a diseastd liver as !liven in ihe advertisement Kith my own, I found that they corresponded in nearly every particular. From that cireumr.tarice I a as induced to try your justly popular Liver Pills, and you may he assu red that it is with ihe greatest pleasure that I in form you that the Liver Pills have been of more service to me than all other reh.edies I have ever used, and I now enjoy better health than I have done for the last eight years. Signed, :MACS' HORN ER. iiitoad, Warren co. Pa., Dcc,, - 24, 1841; Messrs. Shinn & Sellers:—l eiljay reamnable wealth atoresent, and I must say that I have .:o. ived more benefit front your pills than from any other inedirine, anal I believe them to be the hest pill we have ever had in this p irt of the rotint.y. When in Pittsburgh last Spring, I bought a half d.-z-n box• es of your pills, and when I reached Notre I frond my wife ve y wait the &J.:tors attending her.— The disease did not Fl hate until I gave her several doses of Me Liver NI; since that she has gained much, and is now able to attend to her usual work lam not of your pills, and desn e ynu send me half a dozen boxes try 'nail; th e half of the la•t lot were dish Muted amongst my neighbors. I have bought your pills now for toree years and shall continue to do so as long as I run luinher twPiitslngh, as I con sider them'the best pill that has ever come before the public. Yours, truly, JOHN BROWN. Prepared ONLY, an:l sold wholesale and retail, by R. E. SELLERS, (Successor to Shien & Sellets.; No. 20. Wood et, below Second, Pittsburgh March 7. MALE TEACHER WANTED. Agentleman qualified to teach the usual branches of a good English education, is wanted in the Third Ward School of the City or Pittsburgh. Applicattons made in writing to the Secretary or President (Mr. Adams) at any time before the 25111 of April, will be considered. By order of the Board. THOMAS . HAMILTON, Sec'y, mar 33'43 lwd4tv Gazette copy once a weet in daily three weeks. BAN* N 014.1CCTILDCALILT,, ft Aq.1.111 111.11A1t11, PENNSYLVANIA. Bank of Pittsburgh. par Merett: 4- Man. bk. par ] Exchange bank, par Ilk, or Germantowr. " Easton tank, Lancaster bank, die I} Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. Doylestown I,lt do Bk of N America Phil Bk or Noribern Liberties,•• Commercial hk. of Pa. •• Far. of 51erhanies bk. KeilAnglon Philadelphia Lt Schuylkill hk Southwark bk Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 7,1 Bk of Penn par Man. 4- Mecbanies bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moyamensing bk. 3 Girard ba.,k, 451 U. Stales bank, 50 ! Lumbermens', Warren, -- t Frank. bk Wii‘ilthorton, par Miners bk of Poi isvile, 6 Ilk of Montt:ornery Co. par Mon. Irk Brownsville, 1 Erie Bank. 5 narrkiniret bank. 51 Far. hk Lancaster, 1 Bk of Middletown, 4,11 Chant, Bk. of troburgh, 411' Carlisle hank, 41 Ilk of Nor !motherland, 6 Columbia bk 4. Bloke co. 2 , Ilk &tn.:quell:lrina Co. :25 Ilkof Dela were Co. par Lebanon bk. 4; Crn sbnri!b Ik. 41 York hank, 41 Far. d• ttrovers lik of 7 •• Cult rency notev, 7 Ilnnr•d 111 c, oinint., hank, 1(1 r110.b . g.11 1-tats' ",.crif , .5 a 51 Country (10 do c.,1; ; Rrrke (o. bans, 79 kewoslown. 7 Towanda. 80 llhnot plea ht hk 11 Par. * 11,ch. hk of s'leu. Belmont Ilk at. cialrs Ntarklia bk. lirmand noira, / do C . .? rtror y 11r)trs, 1 enlll,lll. , ann I R :New Li. hon Ile , 11 In Po,t 1 , :',11r1111131, .pole pay Ina ~ :rnks• k Tra,!erc hI of 11nrionati. 5 Cli..f hk of C.! Demand mar., i rwrievitle, Lawrence I l.k 1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT. To Let, IVIII.I, nnithrgt siorr root. an 111:,kri ow, Mr Carirt'a 111. W (look 5 , 10 f, Rrnl. %I 21e, A thvelu's.l l .on- , on !Market airrel Lrt r,rvn 3,1 an Re"' $11;41 A il.rre .VorS t.ric;.; hoti-eand Hair On SlarAvt to t% i.l wt te..l:, ortrusli, N if °lnn, k's. carc =CI 'l'n•n r0.,t0. on 11 - arkei oltrel 91111:110v for Pill, glib.lolo4. Is 1,0 ranre - WI Markel ST ret•f. Relit of y and grII 1.210 rd cellar lo•ioy, oh, rnr , an I ha %I/ Markel f 1 11.0, n crllar on 3r/1 I nearly onnn•ito thr PO , l 1 /fhcr I ma, TO LE T Y the Store nod Tippertofua If t he I,OIIC/ 1 V 1, 10 ., ;11V11 si.beileee i emu occupied by . I: •'Tino.o,tr. A Aiwa itory Itrir k on t ttm• ...orrer of ;it 13 and roion FtrrPl.. ,111.11 air for n novrillog House. nod f; ft:CPI y 1:1:1111ifl. of JAM FA, M A fri,. 21. 2 w d :1 FUH R - A r woloria Mr new to trlc th%el 112, howw,s , loaie In Co .1 Lane mar 711..trw l'or t which a 11l Ice molerate.3pply to /011 N M'CLOSK EY. o;vr.io- -1 C. Three B 1: Itoor, I.llwri y ot_ TO LET /VHF: Al, .00r% of the building occupied by R. A 11.4114rt11n ft, an Anrilon storr.--tiereinc,rt. know arr , Nr.rroritir'w I.onz C01,10,1' of Wood and :AI rcpt.. e of ft. Morrow. sth Kt. pin 2.1. oTs run s Loir ut Manche-ire. o ne end a foarlli Aer,o4 of Laid nn Holms' Hill. Lots nnc. 41. 42.:12, 5:1. 54,181. 182 and 134, In Cook's plan of Lat+, on llolgne+ 11111 Alen, LOl3 no, 26 and ,In Cook's Wan of Lots on High street, near the new Court Clouse For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON Fop 111 Agency. No. n west of the Mlirket Ilons, Penn s 51.11 Want, Pinishurgh :tolici [her haying for a ritititlier of years been en• In reining cr . t properly, collecting rents and wI-111,11 10 ..111,111 hie busine ss in this way. 1 , e :9 -wet . fully I ,i•rvirili in thorn persons owning, Or Wilt) may nave of properly as F:iecutors, Adminklra tors or Gila In the city or suburbs, and who may riot have leisure to ntiend to it themselves, ro rent dwell. Warelinti,el. Farms, Lots, kr., Also, to collect renta. GOMMd rents kc. A register is 'kept where a tiesTrito ion of till prolit riles for rent will been• leted ft ee of charge, reference Is respectfully oifered the following gent tempt) for whom the stiliscriiter has hell agent for 'mine years pa , l--Nlessrs Michael Alter, P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh; Jas. Stuart, r;sq En-one:in Agent, Pliliati ; Moss. John Brows, Birmingham; B. lilel,enan, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter Steubenville; Jn.cllll Millar. Lawrenceville; Jame-Jones East Liberty; Riffle! Rasher, Mifflin township; Dar.tel Deptit ton, Smirk ley, 23. JAMES BLAKELY. FOR RENT. 4.11^/) PD , WSI , IOII given on the 1.4 t of April next; Itrirk house nu the lank of the Alle.zlieny river, sun Fitiries comfortable room, hexidea cellar and kitchen. It is, vt:ry pleaitantly *Hunted just mill:4le the city line, with a full view of the cil y of A Ilegheny, end within 20 minutes' walk of the heart or the vcry low. rigor 13 For Rent. TILE room occupied by Alderman Stewart, on Penn st., ne nn office—rent $36 per year. Also, two rooms occupied as a Grocery store, on Penn strect—rent LA per year. TO LET. T wo store rooms and dwellings on Penn street, (5111 ward.) Rent very low. Apply at the House A2eiley, Penn rd. sth ward. March 15. JA 11E:4 RLAKRLY. TO LET. ONE brick dwelling house, conlainine a large hall, two parlours, 4 rooms upstairs, with fin =ll9 jelled garret, riMing room and kitchen. with car. riage house, t}e. This house is pleasantly located with yard in front and rear, on the canal bank, corner of Chesnut street, leadlne to upper bridge, now in the oc• eupancy of Mr. McClure, rent to suit the times-- Enquire of Dr. Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar 8, For Rent. FORa term of years. Two building, lots on tile bank of the Allegheny river, adjoining the City line. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street, sth Ward, mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY. Birmingham & Co. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING .MER CHANTS, No. SO Water street, Pittsburgh Pa. Terms--RecePring and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs Commissions on Purchases and sates 21 pet cent. mar 22, '43 ~:., ::; iiiaMl Wooster, 731 Manikin, do Sandusky, do Ceatma, do Norwalk, do Xenia, do Dayton, do Scioto, :30 Post notes, I Chillicothe, 31 Fran. kk Columbus, 11 La.,caster, 40 Hamilton, 45 Granville, 80 Coin. bk. Lake Erie, 30 Far. bk: of Canton, 45 Urbana 67 INDIANA. State bk.it Branches 15 Mate Scrip, 35 KENTUCKY. All banks, 15 mate bk ¢ Branches, 60 Shawneetown, VIRGINIA sank of Virginia, 1 do Valley, 1 Far. bk. of Virginia, I Ciebange lank, 1 N. West, hank 11 Mei% Mee. do, 11 ANI) Baltimore Mituks, Country Rank., DELA WARE All flanks, NCW .1 ERSEI All Banks par and 1 NEV YORK Cl.y ry hanks (Wet 1 Red Bark, fio 1 NEW ENGLAND. 14.1410 n Rotas, p: f Country •• LOUPRI A N A Orlra n* Ban kp. = 00,1, 3 NORTII CAROLINA Rank, 21 SOUTH CAROLINA Barikg, PIS. COLUMBIA flanks. AI.tnAMA Cord Ra ,, kA. 27) TF.NN Etankv, 4 MICIIIGAN Ilk. of St. Clair, 111 Do. dn.) N. Smith 1.-04.1 ft% Good I•a nk. , Rtu It Va.tern Exchange Phii;ortpt,ta, 7s;r9r York. Ca it Ooore, Brnoon tVeNtern Exchange. par (li/ dip pat ,GnLI) ," SI I.V CR, par E.ll cAzzAm No I. Ttimlr JA4IE:3 BLAKELY, !loose A:ent,stltWarti /AMES BLAKELY, Nome Agent, sth and 231Adsdo. • do 10 Sacks dr led Peaches. 41 Sa.ks heathers, just received per steamboats West. Point and flarisburgiLand for sale berg issvfor cash 11.41LN4M, JENNING *co 43 Wood it. OTICE to Steams Boat Owsers.—The subscriber, In consequence of the difficulty of the HIDES, has redu• crd the price of hie Safety Guard' or the prevention of tAa czplosiou of *tease boilers ,lo 4150 per boat. It is hoped that all twat oviners will avail themselves of thee reasonable term, not only un account of the perfect safety they afford, but also in point of economy. Bailers with the apparatus attached will wear abou ware as long as those not provided with them, March 6-3 m C. EVANS FOR SAFETY. Trace!era shtuld •elert Boats provided with Frans' Safety Guards, fur preventing Ezplosion ttf Steven Boilers. ITwnuld IT Weil rtlr t he Ira Wing communit yto beat in mind that their secority depends entirely upon their own encouragentont of boats that have or may he at the expen-e of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making sorb peter', ion Is vont ribu - tut: towards a gene-al introduction of an invention ad• milled by all into who understand the principles of the Steam F.ogine. to lw a sure preventative against those dreadful dl-a, , ets You have re tautly, in Ihe de of explosions MAI already taken plate. their almost daily occurrence. and lite thousands of lives that have atrrady leen hat, a ItUniett nt warn in:. and Inducement t o make inquip for a ....lately guard Boat, and in every rase to give it the preference. They hate we' l l to no atittitioolll u- pease that sour lives niay he secure Ought yon nett therefore in meet them with it roe responding degree Of .Ito, and Its your prefercncr show that suit appreciate I heir lauaal to endeavors to slop thin ftW. rut sactlfirs of i.ouu.n.o tuft- They do not eliary, , more 11)1111 cutlet boats: their art - ornmodat tons in Other respects air q" , I. aid in many ea-es superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh t very 04), wity will you run any !ha, when It t: so eon., curly in your own power to avoid those disasters. Au boats inarl.,r4 thus :111 in the Lisi of Arrivals and list tiriurrs. ,r 1 SOOT her part of this pa f .cr, are supplied with the gaiety 41,1 - tr I.9>t 41 Beats prssoled 1,41,1 the WO, Gard. ALPS, MENToII. AGNES. )11(711IGAN, AM%VIII, NI A R I I:TTA. BuL iLTA NI A taterrrE, BIZ E \kW TIIR. CNGO PARK, CASPI AN. MESSENGER. )NTGOMEY ANION. NORTII BEND, NEP ITN F., CA N ;GAN SETT, 'KE ORLEANS. NI -%(; BR A, Dl'itUEssc. l/S I.Y. ENI'IO. - ss MALI ORPHAN BOY. E( LI PsE WHO, FoR AlosA, EE A!k;s, r P11"1, PENELOPE., G l'A NA M GA LEN A. (I.I'EEN eerlh e SoUTII, J. IL BILLS, 10)14'1NA. .1 FAY C.Ss. R A RITA N.. IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN }i[TEN, S I: AT( H; SAVANNA, LADY oF LYONS. TA ELE VRA NO. VICTUFSS, VA: LEY FORGE, WEST IVI NfI. 111.4 r 22.• BLANK. LEASES. A nem and moth Improved form of Blank Lease, for rate at the office 0111,e ..Morn,n i , roac• • • Hoiratlir M•lrning Packet FOR BEAVER. - The r.meunolor, anJ well known ii - -1 , ;-`1t . S , f 3111 C, CLEVELAND, tlrmrsitt.L, Momer, will derail daily from mil; bawl ct 9 o'clock. A. PI„ and Braver :it I n't lock P. M Bor . (tel:ht or kiiply on bolt& or to HIRAIING 1.% & CO. No GO ‘Vcoer parcel. N (I.—The rezv Ist canal parket to Cleveland. Ohio; Greenville and Meadville I's ; and Massillon on the Ohio canal, rotinrcl:iez with steamer Cleveland at Ilea ter.tvill he in 0 ft , ' ration Immediately on opening of any ;Clan, mar 'G—ir. FE Al II ERS:•••:000 pot] ads Feathers, a ar I_ tide just received and for by 11.111.MAti,JENNING34• Co 43 Wood str,•ei I_llo/IE-Vo.trENO.V /.,1( 61K-41/STR l'—.East iedia Ihr--roio. s the hair and will not the skin This Dye I+ in the form of a l'oulter which In plailt matte. of tart may he apelted to the hair over Ilia first night turnlnc tile ii attest or grey keir to dark brown; and by rencalin2 n second or third nicht., to a Jet !Mick. Any person may, therefore. with The least posaittle trouble, keep his bah any dark shade tr a peril:et black, with the positive assurance that else powder if applied to the skin stin riot crater it. There, It no'emlorine in this statement, as any one may eksity test these tarts arc warranted by the cite nisi who manniartures it. ror rate at TUTTLE'S, Ilti Fourth street, where a Large asgarltneuil of Patent Ntedicineft may always be had at either wholesale or retail , Don't forget ! 86 Alpicrth sheet I" SUGAR RICE 4- MOLASSES. mans Prime N. 0. Sugar. 1 10 Pierces Rice. 19 bbl 4. No.:1 Mackerel. For sale low to close consign tmzet, by mar 14. J AMES MAY WIRT LECTURES... THF: LECTURE: CCJW 31Ir F; OF 7111 4 : WIRT INSTITUTE takes pleasure in announcing that the Lectures heroic the Institute will be resumed an Tuesday evening, 28th instant,by PROF. RICHARD S. McCOLLOUGH, of Jefferson College, Cannenseurg, Ps, It is contemplated that Nor. McCullough will deliver a full course on the "Rise, Progress and destiny of 4s. trononty." The Committee. in presenting this course, of from six 10 LICHT Lectures on it most Interesting Mil Jett of thought, s udy, and scion ific research, feel ab. cured that their exertions will Meet a Ith the eeKerttl ap• probation of the patrons of the"Wiri Instlturetectures." We deem It proper here to expresso ir thanks 'for the patronage extended to this course, and to Aware the inehlic. that whatever delinquency may have occurred in the fulfilment of our original pro:pectua, it cannot be at. trihuted to any want of attention or exertion on the part of the Committee, but to the fact that c rcumistanres which could not be controlled prevented those who had consented to lecture fro.. fulfilling their engagements. Tickets for the course on Astronomy, $l. tt a sinte lecture, S.C. HUEY, JOHN S. COSGRAVE, W. W. WILSON, JOHN B. SEMPLE, WM. B. SCAIFE, mar 22 'IG IRON. 64 TONE Tennessee Pig Iron For sale low to close consignment, by us r RECEIVED, and on band. a good assortment of Nails, Window glass and Sash, Writing. Leiter and Wrapping paper, paper hangings, Shovels, axes and handles, Bushels, Peeks, ke. • Brushes. Corn Brooms and Wisps, augurs, Castings, Churns, Cockers,, Wooden Bovrb„ Carpet and Carpet Chain, for sate on ac ceiminodating terms for cash, Pittsbnreh manufactures or Coontrp produce. ISA AC HARRIS. Ag't mar 25, and Coin. Ilderclet, Fri• k AND *ASPS. —Tro hebscriher halloo ha Rd .roll eggptyof hair . riAtid rOb,i hiknOaw filed; and expects Ina fr., days a fall supply of Roam, for ' , ale by the 41 4 7..rn o r megte, low for car'. o, exchht,2 , d for gouda 10 SUR. cooeighee I. mar 15. C. , mmiAsiost Met 9 Fifth at JUS! , RECEIVED, Tweive !nixEs of. Oranges and Lemons, of the finest qualliy, for sale wholesale and reta►l, by WM, THORN, feb 22—i f. 5.3 Malice St. • FAMILY FLOUR—Just received a few barrels of Superior Flour, made expressly for family use. For sale by ISAAC 'CRIT In Store 50 barrels sup. flour.BEol4B Llb, I. MACKERELANDCODPIII—In store, 4 casks of Cod(WI; also, 5 barrels No 2 Mackerel, and 15 ball" barrels, will 1* sold very low, apply ro mar 16. ISAAC CRWIE, la Liberty it. ANTED, a buy of from 14 to 16 years of age. Application to be made before the first of March M L sNowberi, feh 3. Is 4, Liberty head of Wood et. Qls.N, O. Sugar, this dayreeelved per steamer Newt 0 Vork,and for sale by J. C.* A. CORDON. No. 12 Water at 20' 0 00 LB Cotton Tarns, assorted Nog. 2,000 11)4. Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Colton Taring From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by ITAILMAN, JENNING.z& Co Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wood street. mar 17 A PPLES.—Just received troin Ohio, per wagons, 35 ti barrels of green *Wes, consisting of ••Pennoeks" -Maim.' Also, 50 bushels of di led apples, for sale by ISA ACCRUSE, Who teeny roma:m*4 , oc ha , • Timothy and Clover seed of the best quality mar 'l6: FAMES W. Hill 4. JOHN P JENNINGS •l have entered ;ails partnership for the purpose Of transacting a WitolesaleGroce.ry; Produce and Cnmania, Aron business under the firm and style of AILMAS. JENNINGS Sr Co.,at No 43 Wood street, opposite the Merchants' Now, where a supply of Groceries and Pitts burgh Manufactured A rtietes ran always be had on like al trans. March 17 '43- 117 ILLIA NI C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame ~Vannjaelnser, X. 87, Fourth Street Prersbargk. —Canvass Brushes. Varnish 4-c., for Artists, always on hnnd. Looking Glasses— 4-c, promptly franked to order. Repairing done ~t the short est notice. rartieular attention paid to regibling and jobbing ofev Cry descrip.ion. Pet - sows fitting up Fleas' Boats or bouts will Clod it tt liciratlventrle to coll. seri 10 BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE lIETHOD OF PREPARING THE IrANDRETIIIAN VEGETABLE EX— TRACTS Caveat eiltriell 9th June. 1 I:34l—Patent grantril to Benjamin Man he,}..°2lhh January, 1813. The extracts of which 11raiiiiietli'4 Pills are. com p....A a rr obtained tav tit,s n , ,W patented prner.ss, without boiling or any application of Iten . 11 , 1 toriple of the herbs is Thu , secure] the same as it is in the The Public should bP cautious of medicines rec commeede t in ad, ei 8:olen Gum me, in winch the CONTEIIIIrI tnt.l7 Roll6k. R.l steals my lan gnege. merely anerin 4 the name. Time Hill bilow ihr,e wholesa!e decei'ers in their true light. THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE Bit AN DREl'll'S PILLS are the People's Med i i iiie, proved by thon , ands who daily terCOITI.• mend the di to the afflicted. The OR A NDR ETII PI LI.S are srnwiog every day more poptal ir, their vii tui.s are exteuding t heir usefulness. The sirk tir both sexes are daily deriving benefit (rim them. No case of disease bin they can he used with ailyah. ittouhean t haid lumps of the skin they speed ily • ore, so with erysipelas, so wilt salt rheum. so wi , h cou g hs and rolds, so with cos•tvenes., so wi i, ca neer, so n I'll hot parched lips and canker in the mouth. Let the afflicied use this nedieine, and they will find they require no other. So'd at 2 cents per to-ix, with directions. (Pke' ve the new 'abets eark of Dr. • " es " " of the genu i n e bai.sia signattite*--three Benjamin Brand- ITIIT am, thee B. Bratuireili upon The riar.i. Pi.4cD in Pittsburgh where the REAL Brawlreth fills CAN BE'ORT.NINt 0, is The Doctor's own Ofti-e. No 9.3 Wood street, 'between Firth and Minn , nd Alley, jlldik, the GENUINE Be andr e th Pi Is c an nt•rer be tibtit.ed in any DRUG snies,.. The ("flowing are the ONLY AGENTS appoint ril by Dr. B Brandreth, for the Salertif his Vegeta -1 ble Vniversal Pills in Allegheny Pi indite! Office, No. 9 Wood st. Pittsburgh. Mr Jnhn Glass—Allegheny. Robe, t Duncan—Birmingham. C. P. Diehl—Elizahethtown. Rowland—McKeesport. pressty Irvin—Pleasant 11111. Jchn Johnson—Noblestown. Cheacm in S. Snatilding—Stewartstowrr. \sdell & Coin Robert Smith Porter—Tarentinn. George Power —Fa David R Coon—Plum Township. Daniel Negley —East. Liberty. Edward Thompson —Wilkin.bitrgh. Wm. O. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES ' ! • ' e • •=-‘9 4 .. ; IitFROM PITTSBURaII TO BALTIMORE .SXD PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line Leaves Pliist web dairy, at i o'clock, V,. via Steam. host in Rrnwilsville, thence In splendid new coaches to over 'tire great Mutt:teal fitted, and front there by It A L - 11 0A D 5 in superior new eight wheeled cars, 'to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The ahoy, Line is rmresetited to the't raveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio R iver and Eastern elites for comfort and exriedition,having made arrange ments to convey pa4sencers through In two days, and ao night travel, either by Stage or Railroad CafS.-- Tilifft or it! Only 75 miles Sidge travelling, and 56 mile. less than the Wheeling route, and that in superb new coaches. Fare 1 hrouth, CO. Office in the slonottgallela litiuse. A. HENDEPSON K CO, - tar —dtlm Stage Proprieto,rs. - - WAN -Mb, airsnon as plumate, places for a Minikes of Mechanic!, Hookkeeneri, Saleamew, eterWs, and boys In Mors, sclic4l teachers; fur laboring men, women, toys and girls for ail kinds of work. leo, for coachmen, Ideate and 'canal no.tt men end boys, collect. on., fi f e. Arso, wanted, n moTtkluee on Wad property worth four or dye tiMes the amount-4500,700.1000, 4-e. Par rale, twelve cheap tracts of Land; mad for rent, several small pieces of property, Apply at BARRI!? Agency and lotelJigeneo Office. No. 9.5t11 et. GROCF:RY STORF....ST AUCTIO.V. WILL be BOW ,nt the store of Stevenson k Aiken, Corner of Walnut and Penn streets, on 'Satur day, March 25th, at 10 o'clock, •. ts., their entife stock of Groceries: also, tixtures,counters and shelving. Sale positive. Terms—cash. currency. mar 23-2 t A. A. RA USItS tN, A'uct'r. Commit/ft 300 B BLS No 1 Sal t i () s o y !: a ß n i d , R a n o ti n f l o rt r e lle 4. I c y ° mitt 44 Water st., between Wood add Smithfield JAMES MAY TOBACCO AND SEGARS. nukes tAnderson's' pound lump Tobacco of superior IL/quality, together with 10 1 4 boxee best Havanna emrs for sale low to dose, by ISAAC CRUSE. mar 15. , 148 Liberty rt. Bacon.just reeei ved by wagon BAC 1500 Lfbirces.. new Ohio, for sale by r~ - ~; COPAR i NERSIIIP. LIVING N'EGETA I3LE SALT. ISAAC CRUSE DRIED Pk/IC.IMS. 100 BUSawls Dried Pelletier.. For site low try 7AIiEB NUT. mgr 14. REVENUE CUTTER FOR 'VIE LAKES. TRExinty Darstt nester. Vlashinelon, 16th starch. 1843. - S EALk. - 1) PR f oPosJlLs will he rer efieti Nt s 11* pnrlment, troth the 'l7th df AVM nett, fttelitiflghkg the Hull of an Iron Steamer, 'to be Used us Thivoutill Cutter on Lake Erie, or the following drlrtenkfaall i oar, one hundred and forty (140) feet on deek;tvegiiry•thriata (23) feet beam, end ten (10) feet hold. 'Model, efrawtep and moulds for building to be furnished by the 'Papua ment. It Is expected that these boats will St 'Militia ru. fereece to Hunter or Ericsson's Propeller. The Its. usedin construction must lie American, and - bt 'Met wary be a t quality, (Ina is to he painted with two godd el:latest red teed. (brie before the work Is put up and'the otbor after). Thelvholi cirsaid Icon work shrill be Wittgbeit, alter it I; wrought and 'fitted - to its appropriate place,and preiviohs to Its being finally put together: paymmit Witt he made actording to this nett weight per pobhil,intilo ding coal hunkers, water "tanks and galley. Therchato plates, hohstays and all Iron work necessary to lite bull, spars, rigging, sails and guns w 111 he Inclatd In 'The pro. posals, and the price for such work will'he gepgrately stated. A spar deck of tv bite 'pine, 2/AY secured from underneath, With the ..Wood scretirlblta" caulked and planed. ilerthdeck of aih or 'yelfoh , `Mae. 211 by Ranches, Spiked and bolted to the berthdear. at. so caulked and pinned. Cr-Wog plank of - white calk 1. the flooring 'leads, 15 Inches thick, therice yellOW rittne. 4 inches thick, to the lower deCk clamp., all oll.thlth4,lll . beestimaled by the square superficial 'feet. ' F rhe dials and welaht used in the construction;to beaptltti.ed and The work he inspected by such efficer'as the 2 56.• crelar, of the Treasury may appoint, and the avOi l ir itt he done according to the direct ion of I he - stiPerintetliittat. The vessel to be completed tvifhln eittrionlbs fjeiblbe day or delivering CI e mohtdi 'and prams of The workmanshlfitn be Inspected, pfevicios IP difl**- ry, by two competent judges; one to lib chosen Ilyllltll oT the parties of title contract, Who, In the Went •tirtielt disagecement, shall select a thitil,.eho hre to iiitietairt whether thetvork - has been executed in all tesptdtli ill cording to the proposal and agreement. J. c. sr tNcleit s eerelai l y dr the 'rtehinint Thar 2,1-•—tall FROPOSALS FOR STEAM 'ENGINEft, TREAFMIT *d. ington . 17th March, 1843, SEALF.I) PIeOPOS.iLS will be received at thistd pnrtment until the 17th April next, foralt engines, boilers and propellers, onstibctedAlpian the Mils 'known as "hunter's tkvo . (2) of snit enginell..lBsll* ern and propellers so r dellYered on Lake Brie, as if signaled by the Aetretary bf 'the Treasury; the cithries an Fitch place or places hn 'the 'sea 'Coast. as the im t e 'the 7'reathry May direit, also, two (2) englree, ' beere and {lmpellers upon the plan known aststriesson'stflist." to he delivered at !Anne place on the eels eoast, 719 tHeSe r retary of the Treasury may direct. The'enginecbessa and propellers to he madc'of the very hest 'Material's. to hear the proof of Inspection of such percon'Or OfftVosas its may be selected tiy the Secretary of the Trettiffr'y.— The boilers to have not lens than se'ven`linridted . Mlllll feet fire sniface; Workirig pressine,eighty ($0) - ►ldti(ds lo the rattans inch; proof, tab riundred and fortyl24o) pounds. Six eighteen inch cylinders, with three (3) reek stroke. The whole to he delivered as directed, Withiss five moi.the from the time of receiving the drawints and plans of bniteling. The proposal's wlll state the riffeefor which the engines. boilers and prOpellers will he ileliver• ed and pot into complete operation. Bbt as Ctrs - appfl• cations of the engines wbrklusg . to either oTthe salt plats is a patent right, the proposal's will alncretAte ft% price asked, ise/stdMg the authority to use the pate& right. and also the price exclusive ofsaid authority. J. C. Srlitiljt.R. S:cretar y 'of 'the Treasury. ntr !2-rd 7 Farms to Lea St. F 1 undersigned will lease two Farms sltuatrd la East Deer township, with t he, necessary lenenents. and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. Aliso. lona farm situated In West Deer township A ile2hetry eonnty. with from 50 to 75 acres cleared. Ti e Uhove dttlitrihthil property is In renoonality eocid repair, la y i )ut 15 miles from the citv of PViintmr.h, nod within (WI) mites of the Penn's Canal. and will 'Teneciroo'rethronalile tiretts flir'frotrOt ihree'years.lo . eond . teMirlit 7 BA BT•R MintlitY, kareli . l3th—if. JiMIIINISTR.drOI?'S NO ALIT persona inde' , l - ed to the evate of Otiver P. 'Utah - late of the city of Pittrimrah.dnceased, are'llerehy. notified to make payment to the undeforgned fiditiin'tstra• or,and oil haaina claims azain.t saki esoite are ft,kneo ed to preamit their Scrbknte protierly antheritirattel-& ---- ttlnment, - 4 - 1 :“1 - 11 mar PIG IRON. .60 TONS Soft Pig Iron, het blaSt, for Plitetit mor 28. JAIMP.SMAY COTTON. lip is AVER Cuttontorsale tow. by . ArJ niar J SitS )14 AY, 11. R. Ii`KAY ritc,7lA.lr & Trronitriort, G ENERA -I. Al 3 ENT'S and Commission Verchants, - Ltkrts, aro. Reel. to: Algiers. Tlithelt. toyer 4- Mettowel. 'ill 'rebus:. •• W. H. Campbell k co. Copt.Todhutiter. it CO. I 'p ia ,. •• Morgan. Crotcher ik Co.' • Woods, Co,i Woods, Christy It Ch. reb:4.—d-3m BACON. WI 00 81 LBS Baconillonrdand) just refadted • per'ateanter - Eteline, and far Daft lett BIRMINGHAM 4-M. for cash,hy l'olcittnAs D. (bLtx&J' COLENAV t CO.,riener.t A gems, Foewardint and Conunfislon Idea ehanit Z,evee Etteet.Vklabarg Mile They respect fa Ity so '‘el t constyhtnentt. het— DR. .D.RJVIEL ArcNEAL. Office on Fifth attest netween Wood and ttinit afield streets, Plttstifinkt. 'dee ID-Fy. FLOUR. 2~BEILS. recoil Family Flour. Frir saneliy mar 14. AML'S MAT. PIG IRON. .6 'TONS Tennessee Pig Irvin. Ak. For sale lots to 'clacconsigenthaOiy Im/ft 14. 7 A SI Eli MAY. • 66 BBLS. PLAN l'AitOri MOLASSES. reciting per Steaniera Little Ben arrd rultetraa4 !kw J. G. it A:GORDON 12 Water Area% sale by Yen 21 • TO LET. ANEAT convenient Cottage littilt `froule housetolto hie a short distantelieloia the `ea'rial In A Mitten, 'eft) , Enquircof JAMES MAY. 'mar 28. JI7ST RECEIVED.—An excellent aesothrient of C. fee kJ ills, cheap garden Hoes, Shoieli, Spades, A :ea. Hatchets, Thiug and pitch Porks,Augars,Louleville Lime , whife Witsh; sweeping, scrubbing, cloth and dusting Bruelies, writ ing,lei ter aulLinapping paper,Engllsh and country Quills,'corn brooms and wisps, paper hangingas and borders, window Fathead glass, Tubs, Buckets and Churns, country Carpet. table salcdod other articiss for sale on accommodating terms for ODR, good nezatialkie paper,'Or barter, to slit consignees. mar St ISAAC HARRIS,. 'agent and Com Mer. 9,5511 tit, 1 543 I Standart. Itr4rahare, di, Co. 'FUR WARDI NG .1 ND COAL RC/L/S7T. Cccser„ino. Onto. . , ADENTS for the Merchants Ttansportnt inn Contittnie Composed of the Merchants Ltne, Erie Canal. Washington Line. . , !limier. Palmer 4. Co's. Line of Stenos Boats aid we.. Feli on the Lakes, Ch_veland Line Pennsylvania and Ohio Canal. Proprietors of the 41eschanis Line Ohlts a Bream To— Wicart ErovroaTti, N 0.9. COent;Pa. N R. HUNTER 4. Alhany. ett.irr, Huwriß,PALxsa 4. co. maul°. m. T. Wuktare* 4. Dow, Cleveland. Holt Joan M. Ax.x.sx, do. CHISLICB M.G1D1.466 1 do; - 1. S. DICLYT, Beaver. tjRNIIINFGHaIt 4. c o ., F.ll.p k tiri4 . ap I 1843-Iy. . 4 ;.t. • ♦LEZ. P. TilbirVll9lll LOYD R. Coetitax