Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, April 04, 1843, Image 2

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Juaiata and Union,
Lehigh and Carbon,
Lycoming, Clinton and Potter,
Wayne and Pike,
Northampton and Monroe,
Philadelphia city,
Philadelphia county,
Jefferson, Venango and Clarion,
Susquehanna and Wyoming,
Warren and McKean,
fifohlect to the decision of a National Convention.
Our Next Governor.
The Spirit of the Times of the 30th ult.,
has a prudent and well written article on
the subject of the next Ounernatorial nom
"'t +4k It refers to the worth and stand
ing of rs-- Muhlenberg, Shunk and
Rush, in terms of the warmest praise; but
at the same times,tates it. reasons for con
sidering, the nomination of either of them
bad policy. We cannot admit that the objet
dons made to the nomination of either Mr.
Muhlenburg or Mr. Shunk, are well fo wl .:
ded. In the case of the former gentleman,
no honest democrat will attempt to revive
the had feelings of 1815, or detract from
thehigh fame which he has acquired by hi s
eteady and consistent support of democrat
ic principles, in the many and importan t
public stations whic i li he has filled so cred
itably to himself and advantageobs to his
constituents and the country. •
In tl is part of the State, we believe,
there is but 'one opinion. as regards the a
bility and eae:ted merits of Mr. `HUNK
His talents and long service, have made him
intimately acquainted wi,h public matters,
big unswerving attachment to republican
,prineiples; won him the confidence of the
party, and his firmness in the discharge or
his duty during the turbulent times of the
"Buckshot War," has shown that he is pos. ,
f sufficient •`vig or and decision"
to meet any occasion where such virtues
are required.
But we commenced these remarks for the
pewpose of introducing the notice taken by
Timers of Judge Vitiates, of this cunroy.
: . -and, respond to the reasons given in favor
Otitis nomination, After speaking of the
gentlemen menti.ened above, the Times
4 •The Hon. Wm. Wilkins is also much
spoken of by the papers in the western part
of the State. Of him Ne shall speak anon.
There are several other gentlemen who ..sigelow, who was sent to the penitentia•
have been nominated by their friends as Iry from Lewis county, Missouri, for deal
candidates.for the next Governor, in various ing in the business of counterfeiting, actu ,
parts. of the State—men who have served 'ally castseveral peices of counterfeit coin
well - and faithfully their party, but in most i n his cell
'ls prison a few weeks since, and
instances the probability of their nomina—
tion is small, at this time. I gave them to a convict whose term of see-
On looking over the list of candidates vice was about to expire, to enable him to
carefully, (and we have thought the subject / pay his way until he found emo
. over long and seriously,) it seems to us that I __________________
ph ymont.
Liberated slaves gozng to Liberia—A
!Wire itrbut one name su ffi ciently strong to
give us a certainty of success—that there is suitable vessel is to be chartered immedi
but one name, which, in our opinion will ately to proceed to New Orleans, and sail
carry -a weight, an influence, and at the thence, with about seventy liberated slaves
same time be obnoxious to no good demo
left by the late excellent Mrs. Reed.
crat—a name endeared to the people of
Pennsylvania, and which a convention can daughter of Capt. Ross, of Mississippi,
assameiwitbout creating' murmur of de- 1 and certain others from Kentucky, foi
served dissatisfaction—a name convected Liberia. This vessel will subsequently
with the Democracy, and identified with its , touch at Norfolk, Va.
tritilphs and pi inciples—a name which is' --- ---
itself a pledge to the people of Pen nsylva. The Banks of N. 0. refuse to issue any
nia of a devotion to the principles of Dem• more notes, Theaer money of the
ocracy, and an honest, efficient administras ' p p
-.:tion of the government. We refer to the ' Btate is thus greatly reduced in amount;
name of the Hon. William Wilkins, of but the 'hard' will increase i n proportion
Pittsburgh. . t ,, the dt.rrease of the rags.
We think that Mr. Wilkins' name might
be placed bef ire the people of our State Bb
a candidate for the next Governor, with the
Wier, that on his uomittation and electio n ,
they may rely with entire certainty for the
permanency of Democratic principles, and
an bonsai administration of the afTlirs of
the Commonwealth. We think he might I
be offered as the Reform candidate—mean-
in,g not a reform in words or promises—
but in fact and in deed. He might be of.
feted as the one term candidate. On these
grounds his name might be suggested to
the Democracy. Mr. Wilkins, has been
hug a servant of the people, and without
Reproach. As a member of Congress, e
!stied, but not serving, as a Senator from
Pennsylvania in tl e Senate of the United
States, he has, as the representative of
his country in Russia, ever performed his
duties to the satisfaction of the people of
the State.
No higher evidence of the strong bold
be has gained on the affections of Penn
sylvania, by his public conduct, his consis
teary, his devotion to the principles of the
See First Page.
2 party, and his independence can be given
I than +his nomination by a Democratic State
2 Convention, as the first choice of the State
1 for Vice President against Mr. Van Buren.
2 With the utmost respect for all the oth,
5 er candidates named, we colfess that we
I should feel disposed to place before the
2 eonvenion, if nominated before the people,
2 the name of Mr. Wilkins, as that of the
2 able, honest, reform, One term Democratic
2 candidate, for our next Governor."
. . . -Istsitresi'-.).._
In sassier to - manrincpatries as to the
tight of a landlord to piastre and distrain
-goods within 30 days after their removal
from his premises, a friend informs us that
the law is as follows:
If. at the time the goods are removed,
no rent be in arrear, the landlord cannot
pursue the goods under any pretext what
..'n outrage committed upon a woman
ever, whether of their having been fraud
by her husband.—The Brooklyn Herald
ulently or clandestinely removed, or other
relates the following: About half-past wise. Thus, for instance, if the tenant had
eight o'clock las paid the quarter due on the Ist of Janua
ry, and removes previous to the Ist of A
pril, the landlord -cannot follow and dia.
Brooklyn. She was walking in compa•
train the goods at all, whatever may have
fly with a young man, when her husband
came up behind her, pulled her ahe been the character of their removal.
If at the time the goods are removed,
back and cut her throat with a razor.—
here be rent due and in arrear, the land
ord has a right to pursue them by his war-
We could not learn names owing to the
lateness of the hour when the information
was received. rant, for such arrears of rent, at any time
within 30 day s after their removal, provi-
The News of the 29th ult. gives the
full particulars of this dreadful affair, which dad he can establish, by di-interested wit
run as fellows: about 9 o'clock last night, nesses, that such removal was fraudulent
a newly married young man, whose wife or clandestine.
had been nn a visit to her Irieni As to what constitues a fraudulent ors in the
; sne aval:—
country, was waiting at the Fulton Ferry ;
„i German Settlement n clan
i Distress.— No de le ti gal re pr m esumption of such arises
expecting every moment to receive her, as ; The Bloomsburg, Pa. Register states that ! from an open ,notorious removal in the day
she was to arrive that evening in company , "an association of Germans, about three ! ime, notwithstanding it should b
with her brother. The husband, after ye e made
ors ago,
wa purchased a large body of wild I withuut the dge fte landlordt
ng sorne time, was informed ban !anis, situate, as we are informed, partly ; l is no part of the teknowlenant's o duty to keep h l si
acquaintance that his wife had come to in Luzerne, and partly in Bradford coun- goods on the premises until it suits his
Brooklyn in the boat that had arrived pre., tie ,, , and induced a number of their coun• ! landlord's caprice or convenience to dire
vious to the one he had himself come over ,
t hemtermsthat
trymen to sett le upon on l train them, nor to apprise him as to when
in. The husband burning with anxiety to were deemed highly eligible.—About 50 1 he (tho tenant) will remove them. No
meet her started off up Fulton street at families commenced a settlement in 1841; such obligation of fealty exists, any more,
full speed, and succeeded in overtaking to which a large number were added du - t han from any other debtor towards his
her, and without further ceremony delib- ring the last spring and Rummer. We ; creditor. It is the landlords busines'e to
erataly pulled back her head and—kiss. are now softy to learn, the situation of he vigilant:—The Power is in his hands,
these poor people is shocking to the
ex. ; and he can exercise it at h•s own disc: - e •
ed hei.i. Before she had reconiz , ol her
rude assailant she uttered a wild terrific t'reme. In the mid-4 of a wilderness, nine i tion,
shriek fell lifeless into her husbands
arms, It is needless to say that she is in miles from the nearest settlement, with j Proof of a removal of goods in the night
a fair way of recovery this morning,
scarcely an apology fir a road, provisions
' time, or by a back way, or in any other
covert manner, or aler a specific [atomise
exhausted, and without money, they are ' t
pa. said to be in a state of starvation• It is o the co ntrary,
. or false representation
Great Storm at the East. Boston
reported that the whole live stock of the , mad s . to
. induce the landlord to Postpone
pers of the 28th ult. give accounts of a late
J distraining ; or other act of secrecy or de
settlement is reduced to a yoke of oxen,
destructive storm of rain in that country.
: ception—would he required to support an
Preserved from necessity, superior even allegation of fraudulent or clandestine r an
Tr anscript says: 'rho storm yester •
to the pressing calls of hunger." !move!, sufficient to justify the landlord in
day was very severe. Rain fell in torrents
pursuing the goods.
durtng the 414 and evening, and many of ion Sunday night.—On Sunday j On this '
subject a very different impres •
the streets of the city wer e flood e d. It is night about 10 o'clock, an old frame *hop ; sem prevails. probably having its origin
between sth Etreet, and Diamond *Hey. 1 from f d• ' 'the'
feared that much damage and loss of prop.
; con (Jun ing- the .aw a.. to coy
arty melt have occurred in the country.— back of the Presbyterian church, ' was ; and cnuntvof Philadetphia Writ the gene-
We learn from Col. Hatch that at Paw- . burnt with a lot of lumber. Further inju.,
1 tecket great darnaee was done to factories, ry was prevented by the engines. The
!ral laws of the State.
Temperance officeeseekers.
bridges, dams and roads, by the flood , members of the Vigilant (new organize- I
Passengers who left this city it 4 P. M. : tion) who turned ant rind worked with all !
most yesterday For New York, via Providence 'their former enthusiasm , claim the banns' j, i ,,,,
Vit t le h ve n .i c . i e duuht .a. but. manty,,very ina ir n , y,o ce l f iu the
rs are
pol:tiYcians7PerWe know men who can n o t
and Stonington, returned at ten last even- 'of having thrown the first water. As we j pna,ibly have any real syinpathy no ti the drunk-
not being able to reach Providence. , were not et the fir e we rennet say as . to i•tta, whose btlfiShneBl Is notorious; who spend
The rain and thaw in many places had 'that, but know that all the Companies did ,
flooded the track to the depth of two feet , their duty as usual. it ,sir days and night in the cause ef Temperance
it is now guile common far eandidates for office to
I sfrcet a devotion :n it wi.cne•er ihey find them-
In some of the deep cuts, large quantities
The Treaty in , M aine.— joint coesmit •! sr lvel truoitz iti lii •n•l+, but at the same time do
of earth have fallen completely covering
i tve of the two house s of the Maine Legis- ' not scruple sotto whenever a vote luny lie gain.
the rails.
this subject the New York News
. !attire was appointed on the 'subject of the ed
: llP:rebY•
A large number of hands were put on to
: remark.:
hound try as settled by the recent treaty. ;
Tnere are qnite to-) many who seek . drive in
clear the road, who worked all night, and six
or this
compnaing half,
our tam starve saicictics; and to accomplish their
it is now free. The storm has washed
;object, new rocictics are tinned.away some portions of the track on the made an elaborate report, concludin g with
down, A 3
I(evail l ' r v ia h n ich wl n to ng w h a t o t t o s b i a li P ne t d e:ono ! t c
several strong resolutions against the terms : a T ini:C r i a l l a r
i n i
Stonington railroad, so as to render it i in
of the treaty, as being irsattsfactory to the ! busted in office. At pretcnt we have inn main
passible for a few d vs.
~,, cictie,. we could name th-ce or ftur that ought
people of Maine, and very much to their it. be i „ ' one.
The Stonington Railroad was not passi• .
disappointment. The remain ler of the There is scarcely a society hut that as in debt—
on account of' the rails being covered
and s,,rne ill - them have not a probability of pay.
committee dissented, but presented no re ,
with large quantities of sand, which would
log, we should judge.
11 l h OWl nes•
Death yanA va anc e.— n et.
probably be removed in three or four days. port. The Assembly rejected this report ;by a vote of 72 t o 34 ,
day, the 15th instant,Mr. Hiram Hastings
' Rhode Island E'eetion.—The e!ect in in o little Rhody comes of to-morow,
aged a b out twenty, was f o un d l e 'd I
e , lt v ,
nea r 1 i the snow, about two miles from
be important, as it involves important prin.. Windsor, Vermont, and near the foot of
ciples in the economy of government. The '
rights of men are assailed by wealth in ; the Asrutney mountain.
that State, and the contest to-morrow is to Chippendale is to take the managemen t
decides which is the strongest. The Pros. i tho Theatre in Cincinnati.
idence Express speaks encouragingly as tol
the success of the friends of Suffrage.
Apt String" is the name given
to C .14T, , !-si.irial district in Kentucky
running Ft tm Maysville almost to Louis
The Alaffit is in New York.
A very decided decrease has been man•
ifested io the slave trade of the island n
The rumored fracas between Messrs
Spencer and Upaher at Washington; is
pronounced a hoax, by the papers of that
daother Crash.--,Tbe Northampton
bank at Allentown, has gone the May of
all Banks—i, e. gone to smash and rob..
bed its note holders.
Morgan Withers, indicted for stealing
ten thousand dollars of the Bank of Ken..
tacky, was in Louisville on the 28th ult.,
The police were in hot pursuit of him.
i llfilleriarn and Atadnesc—On I:44tilay
r afternoon in New York, a phyinctan na
med James G. Thorn, teaiding at 420
Pearl Street, suddenly lost his senses and-,
became a raving maniac. He common..
cad tearing the clothes from his body, and
rushed into the street nearly naked, declar
ling he would set fire to the house. Of
fleece were sent to arrest him, but before
their arrival he had set the place on fire,
and the firemen were extinguishing the
flames—he raging round the streets.—
With much difficulty he was brought to the !
prison and locked up.
A man named Luther Harrington, as
gent for the 'Midnight Cry, at Boston
walked into the police office of that city on
Friday, and informed the clerk that he
considered him in the flattering light of a
'fiend fresh from hell.' The fanatic then
requested a cup of water; and, haying
drunk it, discharged the cup at ihe head
of one of the officers, whom he also pro
nounced to be a late arrival from Tophet.
He was evidently deranged; another vic..
tim to Miller and hie crew ,
A preacher named Dowling, in Rhode
Island, is assailing the friends of Suffrage
from the pulpit. Is kt any wonder that
Infidelity is gaining ground in the world,
when minis:era of the gospel make open
wer upon the natural rights of men to go
vern themselves.
eallt of an U. S. Senalor.—The Hon.
Samuel Mcßoberts of Illinois, died on
the 27th ult. at the residence of Judge
Hall, eincinneti. He was a democrat.
A. L. Pickering is at the People's
Theatre, Cincinnati.
Within a few weeks tw) physicians of
Boston have lost their lives from poison
imbibed in the examination of bodies,
through some slight wound on the fin.
More Millerism.—Three men, two
white 4• one blark,have been conveyed to
the Insane Hospital of Boston, having be,
came deranged by attending Miller meet.,
The Rhode Island Negroes.—Th e ne•
groes of Piovidence, R. 1., held a meeting
on the 28th ult., at which they declared
themselves favorable to the Algerines.—
The following resolution was passed unan
Resolved, That we believe that it is the
indispensable duty of all goodleitizene to do
all that lies in their power` to sustain the
existing government, and vote the Rhode
prox, with James Fenner at the
Dr. Franklin.—This distinguished
Philosopher and statesman died April 22,
352,000 in specie was received at New
Orleant"on the 14th ult., from Havana.
Land Spoiled.—_A great deal of land has
been rendered unfit for cultivation by de..
poaitrs of sand duting the recent freshet of
the Red River.
4ad Milleri te.
Oa Friday last, an individual who professes to
be a physician, residing in Boston, was called in
to assist the child of* neighbor which had been
taken very suddenly with spasms. Instead of :en.
dering medical assistance, he not only, in a reli
gious frenzy, declined offering aid to the child,but
also struck the mother who held it in her arms
and knocked her against a cinor,because as he alle
ged, they were vile, unbelieving sinners.
The friends of Gen. Cage bare called a publid
meeting in Trenton, N. J.
The snug in Franklin, Mass., is only fifteen ft,
There are 2300 children, of both sexes in New.
ark, N. J., belonging to the various temperance
- A'ernintg .~: I he following
moot appears jn the Cincinnati papers;
Messrs• Editors—Mr. Duvall, of Phyla, decla
red last evening in the presence of a number of
gentlemen, that he heard an infant child, only one
hour old! say, that 'on the FIFTEENTH DAY
OF APRIL nest, the snow would fall FIFTEEN
FEET deep, the same would turn to OIL, and
WORLD ! ! ! 1 "
loax a 8 we expected. 7 —Tlie outrage
rumored to have been, committed in thet
Aroostook county, Maine, turns out to be
a hoax; or "Moog news."
In ERIATE, yesterday, petitions having been tr.
ferred, Messrs. HILL and Ewes repotted pivat•
bills from the house. Mr. Hat read io pluce,
bill erecting part of Atount Pleasant township,
Westmoreland county, int.) a separate school dis
trict. Mr. iIEADLY, a supplement to the act in
corpurating the Mount Carbon and Port Carbon
rail road eumpany, which was, when up, read and
The Senate then proceeded to Executive busi
ness, the cioinination of N A TRANIRL B. ELDER, to
be President Judge of the 12th Judicial district,
composed of the counties of Deu, bin, Lebanon
Schuylkill, and Carbon, was confirmed—yeas 24,
nays 3.
The bit! providing for the cancelling of it 50,..
000 monthly of the relief issues—sale of the state
stocks and payment of the domestic creditors, was
then again taken up, and the bill variously amen
ded finally passed.
The house having refused to recede from their
amendments to the bill districting the State for
Senators and Repiesentaiivee, and appointed a
comn.ittLe of conference, the Senate appointed
Messrs. Dirnock, Stewart, Black, Mothers and
Bigler, a committee on the part of the Senate.
'1 he supplement to the act incorporating the
N. Branch Canal company, passed final reading—
yeas 14, nays 8.
The an.endments of the House to the Senate's
amendments to the "Reform Bill" were under
consideration, duduring the %hula afternoou.—
The features of the bill had been entirely chang
ed by the liouse,and being amendments to amend
ments, were susceptible of no further alteration
or amendment by the Senate The amendments
mere welly concurred in. The bill provides for
the most thorough reform in all departments of
t c Guvernm •nt, commencing with a reduction
of 25 per cent, in the salary of the Governor.
IN TDS House, Messrs. Elwell, Parke, Brew ley,
Carson, and Rurnfort, were appointed a commit
tee of conference on the Sena•orial and Represen
tative apportionment bill—the h.•use having in-
sisted upon its amendments none incurred in by
the Senate.
The following Lille were severally read and
The bill relative to the collection of taxes in
the counties of Lehigh and Cumberland.
The bill to prevent the Fate of ardent spirits
within fi,ur miles of the Great Wei.tern Iron
Works in Armstrong county.
The supplement to the act providing additional
revenue to the commonwealth, and fur lobar pur•
The bill at.thorising the Governor to incorpor
ate the Delaware Canal company, passed commit
tee of the whnlr, and was under consideration for
some time on second reading.
Mr. Rush reported a bill to enable the banks of
Philadelphi a to di clam dividends. Mr. Janice
repotted a hill to limit the tiit.e for commencing
criminal prosecutions. Mr. Elwell: a bill to au
thorize an exchange of certain stocks of this r orn
monwoalth. Mr. R-binson—a b.ll to repeal the
first section of the act relative to tavern license.
Mr. Kerr of Mercer, a bill ertcting parts of Bea
vet, Beitter Tod Mercier, into janew county to be
called “Liberty." Mr. M'Culloch— a bill regolat
ing election districts. Mr. Barrett—a bill relit.
rive to the appropriJtiona of school taxes in CIIAC
of divisions of townships. The bill to incorporate
the eistriet of Penn, in the county of Philadelphia.
was take n.up and finally passed.
Retort Courteous. —At a meeting of both
political parties at Campbell Court House,
Virginia, on the opening of the canvass
some days ago, Major Garland, Co - wetly
the representativ e of the district in Con
gress, was called upon to speak. The Ma
, jot- rose and thus addressed the crowd:—
"Gentlenn , n, I was elected to Congress
by the Democrats. I adhered faithfully to
my principles, grid for a I doing,. they turn.
ed me out of their ranks. 1 was then elect
ed by the Whigs—carried out the principles
wh , ch they elected me to carry out, and for
doing so, they kicked me out! Help your
selves, gentlemen, huth parties."
_ he Richmond Star save that a new Mil.
lerite paper, railed the "Righteous Alarm
Bell. or Warning to the Wicked to fly a—
round, and be Spry," will soon bu started.
11. NVilde, . formerly a member o
Congress, was on Saturday. on rnolion of
yr. ?41eMalion, admitted as a practitioner
at the Baltimore Bar.
A lively country girl had a beautiful lov
er, whose name was Locke. She got out
of patience at last, and in her anger declar
ed that Shakspeare had nut said half as
many hard things as he ought to about Shy
Tke Trial cy ilfercer.—The Philadelphia
Spirit of the Times of Friday, has the fol
lowing remarks on the probable result of
young Mercer's trial fur the Alleged mere
der of Heberton:
• Oil? Mercer be Acquitted?—We think
so. The evidence of the defence will be of
the strongest character. It will appeal to
the Jury as men, as. moralists, as fatbers,aa
brothers, with a voice that will not go un
heard. This will make the Jury reluctant
to convict. Nothing else will be wanted
then, but. on their pact, a reasonable doubt
of guilt to enable them conscientiously to
acquit. That doubt, (easily produced on
willing minis,) will be occasioned, firstly,
by the prisoners probable insanity at the
time of the deed; and secondly, by the evi
dence of the man on board the boat, who,
when the pistol was fired, saw a person
jump ashore and run leaving his tracks,
which still remain, through a coal heap.
We think, therefore, that Mercer will be
acquitted. And he should be. He is a
noble, brave, chivalric, glorious hearted
fellow, and may the tongue blister, and
the hand wither, that for avenging a hor
rible outrage upon an innocent and de
fenceless girl, should sentence him to
death, and curry that sentence ihto execu
NOTICE.—The members of the Eagle H Be
Company, return their thanks to WM. BARR, Eq.
Street Commissioner, and Mr. J. &Bros, fur the
kindl manner in which they treated them at the
late fire on Sth street.
March 4
FRATI:Erts_7 racks
sale ° WO by Feather, ink received sad
per Steamers Little Ben and Fr 00... aid
J. G. it A. GOSDOM.
april 2
93 Wood al. oar 27.
ire regitested to state that-Vrefes
sor Bronson Ins procured the services of
a performer n the Piano, to accompany
Mr. Mash's.ingiu g at the Ordtoreso This
From the Pa Reporter; March 31
F. D. D
'ion of a local application with en inii.rnal speeit.
fic, works like a charm in cases of rheumatism,,
gout, contracicd muscle and paralybia. Mem%
Comstock & Co. 7 1Maiden Lane, have in their
pcavaision a cerifi, ale fro fruti Ethan C, Coraitigy a I
respectable eit , zen 0 Quebec, statirg that rile,
having been a bed ridden cripple for upwards or
focrt en years he was enabled to rise up and walk
by appl) tug the Linament to his shrunken
and taking the Elixir in conformity with the dt.
rectiona. The core appears to I , order on the arl.
Vaeulous, but attestations cannot be questioneta—
In eases of gout and contraction of the araidise
and ligament ofthe Liniment and Elixir have bees
tqualy beneficial.—[Express.]—For sale only at
TUTTLE'S 86 - Fourth street.
Prof. Bronson, assisted by Mr. Nush, gives lb.
Fifth Lecture this evining Monday, and the Sth
Tuesday evening at 74 o'clock, in the °mem*
(Tneatre,) interspersed with Reeitationsendit
er s
ing, and dissections of the Manikin.
are the Inflexions; the two mentotioit
and a full explanation of Ventriloquism. "pith siv
simples before and behind the screen. Reoktotiolui
Rulla's Address to the Peruvians, Lord
Daughter, Marco Bozzaris, Natural
Love, Bunker Hill, Maid—y,l' Sta:shicte, National
Glory, &e. &c. Songs—A Life on the Ocean
Wave, Erin is my Home. I love the Free, Thic
spot where I was born, Old Sexton. My Mother'
Dear, Miss Myrtle, Old Watermill, She woe
Wreath, My Boyhood's Home, Old English G.
tleman, &c. Admission 25 ents.
N.8.--The avails of 'these evenings, •Iter pay
log expenses will be handed over to M. Allen fin
the use of the Poor.
cep I-9 :s
S FAH.V.E.FTOC Auction
II .
Ce., Suecessors to J. s
• tie, at the old stand corner of sth and Wood B.OuttsOa.
having complied with the requ initluns of the new Anne
lion Law, are prepared to make advances on Cisitilbri
ments and to sell on favorabie terms. They hope by
continuing to make ready sales and prompt relent& to
receive a fair portion of business.
On Tnesday morning at 10 o'clock, they will sill a
large assort went of Sens nabfe Dry Coeds; end le thee.
ter noon at 2 o'clock, an extensive lot or it ousoboid and
Kirchen Furniture, 8. FA HNESTOCIt 4 , Co.
April 1t 1841
ittsh April st 1843.
In retiring from the Auc P tion bu Li Pittsburgh
I 1 take treat
pleasure in recommending to the public Messrs. &Mine/
Fa linestnck it Co., who have complied with the require
ments of the new Auction Law and will do hominess at
my old stand. J. B. GIITBRIB.
a pril 3 1R43.
1843 f
Standart, ingrahain d tea
CLIMICLARSI. 9 . 11;i1).
. 2k. GENTS for the Merchants Tianaportat lon Company
Compoved of the Merchants Line. Brie Canal. '
Washinaton Line.
Ranter. Palmer 4 , Co'r. Line of Steamy roars alad vet.
ne.ln on the Lakes,
Ckveland Liee Penns, ivanla and Ohio C 41141.
Proprietors of the Metchania Line Ohio Canal.
Wicatz g ENSWORTII, Ne. 9, Coeoilea-81fp.N Y.
R. HuNTER 4. co. Albany.
Om. Carr, Ramon.
Mitres, P 11.31111 4. Co. Buffalo. _
M. T. WlLtaarts 4. Dow, Cleveland.
Ron Joan R. Auden, do.
CaaaLam sll.Ctoincs, '
J. P. Dream Beaver.
RIIMINGIIIM 4. Co., Plitshainlit4'
on 1 1843-Iy,
vi-RsintAnyregpecirony Informs her Needs oaf
ITXthe public that she has opened her &MaoVitt tar,
oily xi reel., near the corner of St Clair-pen:ranee on At
Clair street oe through‘the Iron City Clothiag stain; 3#
door from the corner.) she he leave to return thesis
fir ihe great phare or patronage heretofore received, and
pledges herttett to pay the moat devoted attentiom tut/awe
entrusted tn her charge.
Tetras °frontal, to suit the Times.
do ling, Iltading, Writing k plain Fewing per q't e 2,00
do do k arithmetic trie
do do tto Grammar andGeography3,oo/
rip 1— lat.
FOR TAE W.,18.41311-.
fil RIVER.
l/iE new light draught strainer JUNIATA ,Th 'writer.
A Maurer, will commence on Tuewhiy, at ID &duet
A M; to run as a regular Packet between Pittsburgh
and Wabash River. For freight or passage, apply OW
hoard, or to ATWOOD AND JONES,
air 1, 1843.
BFILS 5 rears old copper insulted Monongahela,
sNJnye V 1 lilskey on consignment, and for Hee tor
Water between Wooaend
Qffice of Me ..911(heny Bridge Co. I
Pittsburgh, April Ist, 1843.
A N Election for <ne President, ten Manervinto.
ne Treasurer and Secretary, of the "Co 1111•-
pany for erecting a bridge over the Allegheny
er, opposite Pittaburgh,in the county of Ae:
ny," will be held at the Toll House, on M onday.
the Ist day of May next,to commence at 2o'cloeiro
P. M.
April IN—dlw6Le3t Trrestiret.
ANEAT convenient Coinage built frame bouse.ailla.-
ate a short distance below Ore canal In A Ilezheur
clty• Enquire or
mar RE:
JUST RF:CEIVED.—An excellent anon mentor Col%
fee Mills, cheap garden Noes, 8 hovels, Spade, Axes..
Ha trbets, Dung and Pitch Porks,Angurs,Lottisvtlie Woe,
white Wash; sweeping, scrubbing, cloth and dialog
Brushes, writing,letter and wrapping paper,Englinicao4
country Quills, corn brooms and wisp,, paper hauling.
and borders, window sash and glass, Tubs, Buckets and
Churns, country Carpet, table salt, and other article& for
sale on accommodating terms Cornish, good negotiable
wiper, or barter, to snit consignees.
Agent and Corn &ler. No 9, bah at
1. IeXAT
21126.1 MAT dr. THOPSON,
GENERAL AGENTS and Com NA mission
efer to; Nerehmitns,
Messrs. Torben. Royer 4. McDowell .
g , W. R. Campbell 4. 170.Pi!Inherit.
.. Cope. Todhunler. 4. Co. / n , its.
Morgan, Clincher f Co- S ' "
wows, Yeatman k Co, . t Louis.
~ Woods , Christy kCo '
Refer to.
2 01000 4 ref
prerlisStet:rn.ge°l7lnreunadnd ' lu re s ! :ale I
for cash, by
mar 34
C ' IMOLAI D. CoLetts.-- •• • " Loin R. Count's
OL EMAX 4- c .en era Agents, Forwa rding as dt
Commission Merchants Levee Stress, Vicksburg
Miss They relpeeifully so iel eonslyhmenic art
s R. 1).11.111EL iIeME.fL. Office on ?fhb attee!,
I between blood and Emit hfield streets, rittabergeb. •
der. 10-Iy.
21U, Et
aLs. fresh Faintly Floor. POP rale by
star 14.
SOL IN ES mitz
64 TON'S Tennessee t Iron.
Fos sate low to close consignment, 6,
mar 14.
JAMES! kat'