Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, April 04, 1843, Image 1

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TIVALMS.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payola in
iMaee Single copies TWO CRNTt3—for _ sale at the
olotittet of the office, add by News Bays.
Mercury and Manufacturer
'a;puiplislied WEEKLY, at the same office, on's doable
medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad.
since.. Single copies. SIX CENTS.
.. • Terms of Advertising.
one Insertion, 0.501
moots, One month, $5OO
rstr ofensrtione, . 0.75 Two oms, 6,00
nuns Inegtions, 1.06 Three monthe, 7,00
OSie "week. ''. 1.501 Pour months, 8,00
Tiro weeks, 3,00 Six months, 10,00
rintilni weskit. 4.00 One year, 15,00
'— ' 4 " ll "ineoCiUtßoLY ASIVERTISEMENTS.
OR. Sinters. Two Squares
(kr artntbs, •i 3.00 Six months, $23.00
feaa-for, 25.00 One year, 35,00
i ttrLarier advertisements In prorortion.
Minder (bur lines Six Dottsas a year,
Ctrl Pere Orme. Third between Market and Wood
streets—R. 11 Riddle, Postmaster.
,44immilloasig. Water, 4th door from Wood at. Peter
aon's buildints—Major John Wlllock, Collector.
VITT r&ZAIIORY, Wood between Fir. 4. and Second
dreatts--farnea A. Bartrant,Treaturer.
• Convey TR/A.101(Y, Third. street, next door to the
llitrit Presbyterian Chureh—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
1 1 1 aeon 's ornoe, Fourth, between Market and Wood
nereinitli&-Ate.rander Any, Mayor.
• arficnitrres ExenLarae. Fourth, near Market at.
prerssualts, between Market and Wood streets, on
•tilltd ant Pourth streets.
10114lhellt. (formerly Basin: Fund,) Fourth, between
Armldeind Market streets.
Escalator., Fifthetreer, near Wood.
llogrosasktteu• [loose. Water street, near the Bridge
,Eactuaase Horn., corner of Penn. nd St. Clair.
lilineca.earte Hero., turner of Third and Wood.
AleilleaW flotat..c.orner of Third and Binh hfield.
.Ultrtil•Srsersi, corner of Penn street and Canal.
&Alin, Liberty street. near Seventh.
UMW, Maxima Heves, Liberty St. opposite Wayne
Elaoataatrarr Naomi,* Hots'. Peon St. opposite Canal
11.11 , COUNSELLOR AT LAW.-01111te reino
/ tipllikeiTell's offices on Grant at., neatly opposite
Inc sew Coon House, next rooms to John D. Mahon,
ILsq i--Plest floor. spp 10
.TWOS. ELLIOTT, 111. D.—Oles removed to
S. St. Clair strut, between Penn sail Liberty St,r,
s . p 10
LIMN TONER, Altoona,/ at Law, North East corner
1.11. _Or datithlield and Fourth streets. sap 10-1 y
NrcA.NDLESS & M'CLURE , Attorneys and
eounsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond, hock
if the otd Court House, Pittsburgh. sep 10
HUNK f FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fcharth at.,
sear the Mayor's Office, rittsbarah. sep 10-1 y
tiAltil‘TON, Attorney at Law. Find, Lei wre
Wood and Smithfield sts,Pittsburg.h. rep 10-1
AVM. O'HARA. ROBINSON, Attorney at Law;
t- V , °Mee on the northside of Diamond.hetween
dailirkeLand Union streets, upstairs pep 10
DURBORAM Attorney at Late: tenders
.3rMill - 11 , 1111fOressionalserviees to the 'public. timer cur
spy of rillte and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd 4. Co's
uloin.,Pittshurett, Pa. sep 10
ENTER it RUcHAN AN. Attorneys at Law, office
removed (ruin the Diamond. to •tAttorney'sttow,"
tidily aide of Fourth street. between Market and Wood
L • has removed Ills ofice to the corner or Fourth
street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
attnetll,Pittstturgh. . Pep 10
j rit_ICOROE W. LAYNO. Attorney - at Law, Office
10.54 Firth street, near the Theatre, Pitufaurgb
lap 21—ly
ATTORNEY AT LAW. —Office in Rears' Rnflding
roarth it reel, Ott sha rch. Nov. .5. 1842.
JOFIN J. MITCHELL — Attorney at Law, o ffi ce
corner of Smithfield and sth sus .Pnishurgn.
.14r Cot Melons made. Al business entrusted to ids
are will be promptly attended to.
reb 16--1 y
RE OVAL.—R. Morrow, Alderman; offi• e north
aide of PM at., between Wood and Smithfield
Me, tsburgh. sep 10
DR.'S. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door
to,Molvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10.-ly
JOtiNSTuN 4. STOCKTON, Booksellers , Primers an
Paper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market st. sep 10-17
JOHN ANDERSON, onutlifield Foundry, Water st..
near !he Monongahela House, Plitaturgh. sap 10-1 y
/[MHOS. B. YOUNG at CO., Furniture Ware
Booms, uurncr of Hand st..lt Exchange Alley.
Persons wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to
heir advantage to give ns a call, being fully satisfied that
ere can please as to quality and price. sep 10
MUTTON HAMS.—Just received 160 choice Mut
1.V.1 ton Hams, well cared and for sale cheap by ihe do
ten or retail, by ISAAC HARRIS,
asp 10 N 0.9, Filth at
ftITTA BA.G A.. —A supp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ra
pt Baga, and other different varieties ofTurnip
Seel, jest received and for sale at RILDUCED PRIG'S at the
Drag and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN,
step 10 No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
WEBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe ?donut - am.
ry, No. 83 Fourth Bt., next door to the U. States
Sant. Ladies Prnoella, Kid and Satin Shoes made in
ite neatest manner, and by the newest . French patterns.
se, 10
GAR De."l TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades
Transplanting Trowels. Edding Tools, Budding
Knives; Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., Just re
!stead and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN.
sep ID 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
jN kGISTRATES . BLANKS, for proceedinza lu dr
taekweat coder the late law, for sale at Ms Office
L l llOll . BALE.—Lora on the North East corner of Coal
Lane and II street. Apply to
imp 10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th st.
100 LBS. Landreth's French Sugar Beet deed. Just
received and for gala at the Drug and seed
184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
more of
alp 10
o be used is Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on
goaftsper,and in the forms approved by t he Court„for sale
at the Dike of the Mercury and Democrat. mop 10
WM. HUBBARD, Ladies! fashionable boot and
♦ V shoe Manufacturer, No. 101, Third greet, between
Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh seplo
JPATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh,
LB Pa., Manufacturer of Locks. Hinges and Botts; To.
tacos, Putler, Miii and Timber Screws; "loosen Screws for
*Ming Milk., 4.c. Sep 10—fy
• Tor BreLosK.Ey, Tailor and Clothier, Liter..
'lttteet, between Bizth and Virgin alley, South
BIMBRIDGE 4• co., Wholesale Grocers and
Conteilation Merchants— Second street, between
WoW od Baltlideld sts„ Pittsburgh. sep 10--ly
It A. GORDON. Comintlasion and Forwarding
Water st,, Pittsburgh, rap JO—ir
''''Blllf .M104:-NING ....POST
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro
duce merchants,
And Dealers ir. Pittsburgh Jilaatifechtres
No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Cotton Yarn Warehouse,
No. 43 Wood street.
Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns
March 17,.'43.
H ANNA 4 TYRNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No.,
104, Wood at., where may lw had a general supply
of writing wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank book
school books, 4.c, 4c. sep 111-1?-1
C. TOWN.IENO k CO., Wire Workers and
. Manufacturers, No. 23 Market street, between 2d
and 3d streets. sep 10--ly
_EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and I. Clair
el reels, by IIIcKIBBIN b SMITH.
sep 10--1 y
ward HiitheA. alanufaciurer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25, Woodst., Pntaburgh. sep 10 —ly
GOODS. —Preston it Mackey, whi..icsale and
N E retail dealers in English. French, ar.d Domestic
Dry C:0011,1. o. Mal kel .I'lloolllNi'. cep 10
JOIIN WDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer liertif% lug
Distiller. And Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh
Manufactured Articles, Xe. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts
burik. sep 10
W 11.1.14,1 H. tVtt.t.tasts Jetts S. Dit.worti
Grocers Produce and Commisclon Merchants, and
leaters In Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29,
Wood street. sett 10
Jong R. Sumer J•s. N. RICAN
QIIERIFF & KEAN, Manufacturers of Cooper
Tin, and Sheet troll Ware. No 80, Front et., Fiits.
burgh. /louse Spouting and Steamboat work promptly
executed. sep 10
lOW . I—K MAKER, No. 7, St. Cioir ~ t reet, Pills.
pep 10
supply of Lambeth's Garden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sale at his agency, the Dru; =tare of
184 Liberty st reel. head of Wsrd.
EMOV AL—Mati hew Jones, Bather and Hair press
er, has removed to Fourth at reet, opposite' he May
ors office. where he will he happy lo:walt upon permatien'
ur transient customers. lie solicits a shale of public at
set) 10
JOHN 111 , FARL%Nll, tiphot.ir ..d Cabinet
Jif-her, Third at. betiveta Wood 4- Market streets.
respectful informs his friends and the public that he is
prepared to execute all otters for Sans, Sideboards
reaus, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands. flair and Sprimi
Matlrasses, Curtaimr, Carpets, all .nris of Upholstering
work, which he will warrant equal :co any made in the
city, and on reasonable terms. sep-10
REMOVAL! --The subscribers have removed to 1.1 a
ter between Wood and Smithfield streets. whet,
they will continue Hie Wholesale Grocery and COMIMS
stun business and would re4pect fully snitch the pat rou
age of their friends. J. W. DUE:BRIM C 4 Co.
Dec 3
D.. A. W. PATTERSQN...;` 4 4iee an &nit field sireet
near Sixth. see 10
110 Weed Street, Pittsburgh. —R. A. Hausman.
Auctioneer end Cotornksion Merchant, to now prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and o erchandize,
at his larze and cap:wimp; looms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streeis, Fittnbur.2h.
Regular sales of Dry Coods, Furniture, Crocerie- and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each wick.
Hardware, Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday. Wednesday, end Thursday evenings.
Hooks. kr.. every Saturday cv rratig.
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted
Rayless( as.
Messrs. John D. Dav 4,, Esq.,
Ragaley 4. Smith,
Hampton. Smith. t Co.
F Lorenz 4- co.,
J. W. Bornrioge 4- co.,
S. 141*F.ee S. Co.
•• Capt. James M•Gareill, Pittsburgh
C. !Nilsen, Esq.
Joan M'Fadden Esq.
` Logan 4- Kennedy.
.1. K. Moorhead 4- Co.
`• Jas. P. Stuart, E-q.
Robert Galway, Erg.
Capt. Jas. May,
McVay. Hanna, ¢ Co
WV:lam Symms,
S.G. Henry,
Sinn Bagaley 4- Co
8 43.
F ARE REDLTDED.—U. S. Mitt. Luse or STAGES axD
RAIL ROAD Cans, from Pdtsshurgh, via Bedford.
Chambershurg, IlarriAlmrg and Lancaster, to Philadel.
phia, connecting with the Mall train of Cars to N Y.
4.e. Only 150 milesstaging and one night out.
Also. the Direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to Philadelphia $lO.
Baltimore, 9.
Leaves daily at A o'clock A. M,
Office second door below the. Merchants Hotel Wood st
feh 33 , 1843 —ly. Proprietort.
CONVINCING:- Having been afflicted for nearly
two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee,
which produced much pain, and used various apprlca
Lions recommended by the Faculty -ail in vain wa,
cored completely by the tine of one bottle of Dr . Brand
reth's Linament. or External Remedy.
Witness my hand JAMES TAYLOR,
Ohio tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840.
Dr. Brandreth's External Remedy or Linament; sold
at his office, No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE
-50 cents per bottle.
feh 8.
100 8.805 RIO COFFEE,
20Chasts Tea.
20 Boxes Tobacco.
15,000 lbs. Lump and Loaf Sugar.
20 Boxes Raisins.
10 " Sperm Candles,
10 " Starch.
10 Kegs Ground Ginger.
2 ‘• Nutmegs.
100 Barrels Green Apples ;
Received on consignment and for sale cheap for cash
U. States Line warehouse, Canal Basin, Liberty et.
mar 10, 1843.
111 BE undersighed have associated themselves togeth
er for one year from the Ist January, lst 1843. un
der the syle of Devine ¢ MeAnulty, for the purpose on.
ly of receiving and forwarding Goods.
mar 10. C A. Mc'ANULTY.
T o urs put, E LINE AND BEANS.- Just rereiv.
1-Aed ■ supply of choice Louisville Lime and good
Beans by the bbl wholesale or retail to suit customers.
'mar. 16 I, HARRIS, No 9, Fifth st.
65 MIDS. N. 0. Sugar.
40 bbls. Molasses.
Jost received per Steam boat A sbland, and for sale by
1. W. BUR SRI DGE 4- Co.
mar S. Water at., between Wood and Smithfield
300 0. JIOLASAINtjust reed per 'ream
boat Little Bee, and for sale by
fob ti% Water M. between Wood 4 Smithfield
100 Bagsßio Cottee.
ott 4.
received this day (rota New York. a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con
gumption; and is ready to supply euNtomersat wholesale
or retail. at his Medical Agency, 86 Founh at.
nov 12
c..ARK, flee. "ashionable Boot Maker,—
hlas removed to No, 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where he wou:d be happy
to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos.
ed to patronize him. He uses nothing but first rata
stock. andempluys the best of workmen; and as lie gives
tits constant personal attention to business, tie truststhat
he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
sap 10
F RIJITet, ICE CREAM, 4- coNrEeTioNAßy.
A thinker respectfully informs his friends and the
pnblic that they ran nlways rind the hest quality of Ice
Creams. together with •I; kinds of confectionary and
fruits, In their .es , on, at his establishment—No. 11,
Fifth street, betwc it Wood and Market.
N. B.—Parties ill pplied on the shortest notice, with
Cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread. •co 10
HAM J. CLEMER, residing at g 6 Moit street,
New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia In its most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head•
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating,
impaired appetite, sevsation of sinking at the stomach,
furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomit inga, dizziness
towards night and rest leness. These had continued up.
ward of a t welventonth, when. on 'consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting to his ever
successful Ind agreeable mode of treatment, the paticn;
was completely restored to health in the short Spare of
one mow h. and gratefUl for the incalculable benefit deriv.
rd. etadiy came forward and volunteered the above state
For sale IVltolesale and Retail by
.5/t o rt pc,/ rg.vr.
So. 5 at 16 cis. per lb
6 at 16i ditto
7 at 17 ditto
R at 171 ditrn
9 at 13 ditto
10 at 19A onto
It a: 19 ditto
12 at 19{ ditto Candlewick ai 16 et". per 11.
13 at 20 dOlo ,Com Railing • 9 ditto
14 at 2111 ditto !ramify do. • 12a ditto
15 at 21 ditto ,Carpi Chain • 20 ditto
16 at :2
17 at 23
IR ut 2.1
19 at
:20 al 16
rrt Orders promptly allendrd to. If left at J C
Painter's, Loran Kennedy's, nr 'he l'nst other. addres
feb 27 ' J K. MOORHEAD 4- Co.
501111 DS N. 0 Sitgor,
250 1301. S N. 0. Mciaii.ses
40 Tierces rice..
20 RbH No 3 Mackerel,
10 du Not do.
7 Tlerees Sperm tBI. Fereii:Cd per S B Exprro: ,
%Ind and for sa „II J. W. BUR BR 11.;?.....} Co'
mar 4. VV:iter 0 between %Voodatil Smithfield
filtlF: -.unser er ha+ remov. d his Fashiortalde Tittforine
I. Do a bitslll,,eot in the ylonon,ahela house. 3d door
from first et. on • mil Might MAI, here Ii sold customers anti
all others who may favor him with a c lI may depend on
having t licit work dieing In ~a superion style. Flons*ia
lone experience in the business in this city, ant: In many
other fashiouaide clires in Europe and A inerica, he feels
confident that tin can give satisfaction to all who may
ph age so favor him won t ltclr ctielom. By strict attention
to business and superior .vor kma nehip lie hope, to merit
and receive a share of publicpatronage. Ile friend keeping
nn hand a supply of ennil, and Trim tilt for the
custroner train tvhirli meltwiltt,esoldat very reduced priieu
N. B. The subscriber being well aware of the extetti
that the arm. system is practised on the public in this
country, by advert e.ement.; particularly by persons who
may Jos , ly be called Int rulers ou ille trade, who never
,an hour 10 lie business, and who kilos' so little
about it that they could not crook a spunge cloth, and
they are barefared enough to advert lee themselves as tat.
tors a la mode, and by the aid of old certificates, coifs,
puffs, d• c. kc such as arc sererally used by quacks to
nett their medic t nra ,t hey o lien succeed In palming oil' on
tile unstaspeclin, rusionier some old trash for the genii.
Inc imported article. Such peopie•s advertisements are
only talent:tied to puff the muldie and are ~o more roll
tled to credit than the fictitious yet laughable publications
about the great Gut i-iver among the Lilliputians, which
I presume almost every schoolboy has read and laughed
at. I would stig2est to those who wish to have tt sir
clothts made in first rate style to make a little inquiry
and they wilt find that this Is the place where they ran
he netteommodated: B. D.
.1 in 7— Jar
Those la mode Nlonsiours, or rather Non-tagnee ,
who have orened an 8 by 10 piece shop lately, and who
evince such envy and dislike to long or lengthy adver.
lisements.are informed that the above (fulsome, an they
terra it) has no reference to them whatever. The person
ulluded to is their present employer, an ..94reo-nine, who
keeps a slop shop In this city. The count ells said) is
highly pleased with such tokens of loyalty from his pig.
my sullerts, and no doubt will reward them by giving
then, n few arzzAans to make. Sorb exquisites of rank
with whom none ran coo pat, had better Scull them
selves Into notice some other way, as a little precaution
might prevent an explosion. D.
T O THE PUBLIC, and particularly to my former
patrons of this city:—Having retired from the
practice of Medicine, I may be permitted to say, that It
has fallen to the lot of I tit few persons to have enjoyed
su liberal or large a share of obsiretrical practice as my
own has been for tli• last 30 or 40 years.
The experience oft bat long period °fart ive life, and t he
fact of my having been twice, since 1830. associated with
Dr. R. A. Wilson, in the practice of medicine, fin both
period of five years.) enables me to judge fully of the
merits of his pills.
So convenient,so efficient. antyet so safe, did I esteem
these pills, that for the last five years in my practice fur
the cure of chronic diseases, of whatever nams, and those
of females In particular, I have used more ot them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine, this must fail in some in
stances, but in my hands there has been less disappoint.
ment and more satisfaction in the administration of this
one remedy than of ail others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing Ole.
limy patient required a safe aperient medicine either
*fore or after parturition, the {Nikon's pits were just
the thing I wanted.
Da dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or inactivity ofthe liver. constituted the
disease of my patient, the pills were just the thing I
If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the rturn
of life,' the Wilson's pills werejust the thing I wanted.
Thus, without respset to the name, a disease might
happen to wear at the time I have had It under treat
ment, particular indications or symptong arising . were
always most promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
That so great a number ofdiseases, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills,
should be cored more readily by them than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so Is as clear to my mind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty from +.s many different
canses,and yet all require that common and greatest of
all blessings, water to quench their thirst.
In conclusion, Ids due the teputation of the medicine
and the nubile, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the Wilson's ptlisaretheonly combination I have ever
met with in my lonscouree of practice, that really pus.
eessesanything carativeor specific forslck headache,
The above Pills 4e/signed particularly tor the sick
Haed.Ache, Dyspepata.Coastipalloo for ;its Bowels Jtc.,
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wftgea. and for
sale, wholesale and retell,at ehrilltag fit Rent stmt.
below Mader,'
-~ . ~, - -
For Flale by
R. E. SELLERS, gen.,
No 20. Wood mi roe!, below Second
or Cash.
ON 11 , 1CTOR
Lang Reel Yarn.
500 nt 9 cts per dz
600 at R ditto
700 at 7 illtlo
800 at 6 ditto
900 at 5 ditto
1000 at 4 ditto
.nuo !coon Tk% In.! • 25 ditto
(hilt) ;Stnckin2 Yarn and
roverlt t Yarn always on
dnto hand
ditto rottiot Warp.. made to order
D R. GOODE'S Celebrated rentals Pills. These
Pins arestrongty recommended to-the notice of
the ladles as a safe and efficient remedy In removing
those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex
ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate
cogtiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affigclions. These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians In the Uri!.
led Slates, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and
by R. E. SELLERS, Agent.
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, lielow Second.
W M. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St.,
opposite the head of Smithfield et., Pitt/birth.—
Tbe subscriber haying bought out the stock of the late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
in the old stand of Mr: R., and Is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work In his line, In the best manner
and on the shortest notice. Be keeps eortitantly on hand
a Jorge assortment ofshue findings of all descriptions and
°film best quality, Be solicits the patronage of the pub
licand of the croft. WM. ADAIR.
sea 10
F .
ITTSMIRdtt MANUFACTORY.—Springs and .421 es for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (warranted,) Juniata
iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Btaff3
and plated Huh Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. kc .4*c
/Reg to
jorms d rnI.ENIA V.
St:Clair st., men r e A ilerheey Brldae
HD. SELLERS. M. D., °Mee and dwellint! in Fourth
. near Ferry street. sep 13-1 y
The attention - nriho.e who have been somewhat seep.
deal in reference to the numerous certificates puhlished
in favor of Dr. Swavne • s Compound Syrup of Cher
rni,, on aeronaut ofthe persons tnks; unknown in this sec
lion of the State, IS respectfully directed to the followinz
certificate, the writer of which ins been a citizen of this
borough Forseveral years, and is knonn, n as a gentleman
of intezrity and responsibility.
To !Jae Agent, M • J. li..tarty
I have used Dr. Swayne's Comp nand Syrup or Wild
Cherry, for s cotteli, with which I have been severely o f
aliened for about four moonlit, and I have no hesitation
In snylng that it in I he most effective medicine that I have
been alit' to procure. It composes all uneasiness. and
azrees well with my dirt,—arid manlalns n reeutar and
Bond appetite. 1 can freely recommend it .to all, of IWO
similarly afflicted. J. MlNnult. Borough °Mini mberpli'ff.
March 9.11411. , Sep 23
Forsalehy WILMA M THORN No . 53 'Market strl•et.
pRSONS dairons of procurtne Fruit, Shade. and
Ornamental Trees, or Shrubbery, from Phitarlel.
WAR or New York, Fire !equaled to make appliration,Ate
soon as possilde. at the Dim! and Seed Fiore of the nib.
ccriber., where can be had ratalopes, eratullousiv, rf the
most excellent varieties. F. L. SNOWDF,N,
sep 31 No IR4 Liberty to reel, head of Wood
XI A n rd ‘NITFAcTort v.—Patrick Cawfield re•
LT pert fully acquaint. hist - riper!. and the public zen
erallyohnt he has commenced the Marble boldness at the
rorner of Fin!) and Liberty its.. VriVere will he constantly
on hand. tom!, stones, mantel pieces. monuments. [trail
and frWl stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every
article annertalnlns, to the business. Ile will warrant his
work tube well done, a nd - .hie eitar±es will he moderate.
tie teepee., fit Ily asks a share of nubile pat rottaize. see 10.
sT . r. E, c=iircePFnr to 11 1'elnitkey) Fash
wan Ii flout Maker, Liberty L. 2d door from
Vi - 21a" Alley, The subscriber respectfully inform, the
pnblic hat he has commenced the above business in.tlie
sliopeAkoperly occupied by Mr. Henry Ill'etosttoV,
and that he is now !tromped to attend to all orders In his
line orliusieess witfrolecpatch and nn the most reasonable
terms. From his low: P , rwrienre in the MartufaCl tire Of
raxlikinntile Brims, he feels confident that all article,
front his vslaltllshitient will rive ..allvfartion to his pa
from.. A shore of public pairona ge is reaped( fully solicit:
Ft`p ICI
I /RD SEEDS A f esii QuprOy of 13.50 Peels, ron
sfillci et Cftlilli, Mr, an.l Rope; jest received by
feb 3. F L SNOWDEN, 14R Liberty st.
Portable Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,500 lis, at
855 00.
do do do do 2,005 at 8.15 00
do do do do 1,5(10 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at 30 (10
d o do do do 500 at 25 00
With raising levers an addition of $3 to each scale.
Dormant scales for the u•e of Warehouses, 'Flouring
Mills, kr.,t he same prices as above.
Also,While's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
I improvements, and a variety of oilier counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to $l5,
They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Milts. Saw Mills. Sa It Works. ti-c„ double and ain>•'e
geared slide latbes,foot and other lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular
saw shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner's ma
chines and tools ofall descriptions,also for making black
ing boxes, a superior article; governors for steam engine.
stocks, taps and dies, coffee mills, bedstead or joint hots
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma
chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned
and printing presses repaired.
J A MES IM A Y, Ag,en'
sep 22—lf
TORN 13. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis
Pittston Merchant,Xo.lo6, corner of Wood 4- Fifth els.
sburgh: Having beenappointed one of the Auction.
ems fot the City of Pitsluirgh. tenders his services to joie
berg, uinnufacturers and dealers. who may be disposed
to make trial of this market• He is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts tosattsfy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy land favorable returns.
That the various interests which may be confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SAMUEL
FsEnnurroca; heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, Preati. of M. 4' M
Darlington 4. Peebles,
Robert Galway,
James M. Cooper,
James May,
44 R. M. Riddle.
Won Robinson. Jr. Pres't
of Exchanze Bank.
Hampton, Smith, 4- Co
John D. Davis,
Samuel Church,
J. K. Moorhead.
Jas. W. Brown 4. (o.
John H. Brown. 4- Co
Smith* II matey,
•. Yardiy ¢ Misters,
John B. Ithldie,
John Woolf.
W M .E. A treTt* . Attorney at Law. Pittsburgh, Ps.
°lice tp 416 street, opposite Burke Building.
Wnt tax E. Aasait , Evq. k will give his attention to my
hasifen, and t recommend him in he patron
age of, my frlenik, WALTER FORWARD.
sop 10—ti
mproved Play
, nufactured
hmr Starhint
,h street, two
Ice Hall, Plug
nufacture and
.nd the ((wo w
tg scoles(v hot.,
I composed of
No. 1, fort
de Platform
:Meson IA
uttcls,at 4665;
I seP 10
For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Pitts
burgh, to be entitled the
7 iEiziihscribere having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Itiereu•
ry into one Journal, haveconaluded to publish. a daily
paper with the title of the Daily ifprnirf Po. t.
The leading object of the “Flowr" will be he drssemina•
lion and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been maintained by the Editors, In their respective
papers. and their best efforts will still hedevoted to tile
advancement and success of those doctrines.
-Although, in politics, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence,and brief notices of all mat
ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere
ofa Public Journal, to make their papel sufficiently In
cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it
respective of party considerations.
In addition to the political A fsd general news that wilt
be found in the ..Morning Post," the Fditor3 will take
pains to furnish the bosinesss community with
the latest and must hitt-Le-Sling ComatattmAt, IXrSLLt•
1216NC1 from all parts of tbe country, and to !Ave prepa•
red such accounts of the &lariats and the Staten(' Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several calllng,se
Terms.—The Post will be published Qua imperi.
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
lournsl) at the unusually low rate of FIVE IiOLLARS
per annum, pa yoltle In advance. it wilt also ir,..poki by
news.hoys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a ebriyq '
.Bdoertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates
liarged by the oilier daily papers of the city. .
tey-TWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Poet,
Ito will be en;aged on the most liberal fermi , '
W. 11. SMITH.
A u 31, 1842
B Y Nlo..rlson k c o London, for sale only by
Wickersham, corner of Wood streut and Vlrain
alley Plitstifirs.ll Pa. and 11. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
la note agent for Western Penns!, Ivanla. sep 10
...._ ____
M'Closkeyls Clothing Stere
No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
rilllE suberiber is just receiving at 1113 well known
1 establishment, the larerst, ninst varied and CHE•PEST
STOCK or GOOD, , that has ever been rffered in this city
Every nri se4,eted by hi.n,elf in the cavern ci.
ties, and purchased a , the t owEs - r CASH PRICES, and he is
therefore enrildrd t o sell ' articles mach lower than
they ran be had at any other estaldtshntent west of the
4is articles are all made by experienced workmen,
morn the latest manufactured goods and in the most
. .
He feels confident that, till persons who will call at
hi: egi ablis ment and exiitnine his teock wilt it satisfied
that BETTER R.A RG 41Nst ran he obtained at the
than at any similar establishment in the city,
His stock CO. , f isis in part of
coats. Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders,
Amt every other article of Clothing of the best style
From his varied stock of cloths he is preparrd to
MAKE. CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice,
in a style unsurpassed by any other Pittsburgh house,
and warranted to fit.
stork of Spring and Summer !gods is superior to
any. prrvintis ininnrintions and he lins no hesitation In
saying that for excellence, beauty and cheapness they
cannot he equalled in the west.
The subscriber would once more return Irk thank , : to
his friends and the public for the tillpfetelirllled patron
age bestowed on his estahlishment, and believing. that
ills costontets had fund It to their advantrge lo deal
with him. be would repeat his invitation to all those
who wish to purchase Clothing of every deser4ition at
lowest prices, to rail at No. 151, Li CERTT STRUM.
ttfr Observe Metal Plate In the Pavement.
Felt 22
Passage and Remittances,
I q'
Af• -
it po• a 11 11. 11. P 1 pk ,
-.L.,&_...... , -
New York nod Liverpool Line.
P ERSOJY'S eesirous of sentliwz, for tl•ei: friends to
come from any part of Great Britain, are respect
fully Informed that the subscriber is at WI times pre
pared to make such erigni.Ti minis' lie is prepared
to remit monies by drafts, which are made payable at
any point throui:liout the United Kingdom on prese ita.
tion; linvin2 been for the last Li years engaged in the•
business, he feels eorifillent that Ills arrangements on
both sides the Atlantic are such as will give satisfaction.
The Ships comprising the ahove title, are nll °film first
elassand are commanded by careful arid skillful masters,
leaving Liverpool once each week during the season.
For further particulars apply if be letter to
N 0.61 South street. New Yotk,
at Messrs Dalzell Fleming's, Water street Piis`bgh
March 3-2md.
14.1.14tElFACTUR FR of Tin, Copper and Sheet Tror
I.IA. Ware, No. 17, Fifth et.. between Wood and Mar
Keeps constantly on hand a zootl atsot iment of wares.
and solicits Et share of public patronage. Also. on band,
the following !nicks: Shovels. Pokers. 7'onge, Gridirons,
Skillets, Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, Coiree 111ilis ¢e. Mer•
chants and others are invited to rail and examine for
themselves, es Ito is tleteradned toren cheap for caul' or
approved paper.
war- 4--t
BLOOX ions . looms in slore and for iiie y
Water bet ' , Peen wood Prnul,
Jan 2 1A43
} t
. ;ka'.- r -. r ~~'
Degrees of Drunkenness.
'First, Fresh; second, Emphatic, thud Glo
rious; fourth, Uproarious; lastly, insksi
ble:—Frolios of Pnck;
That ruby cheek, and sparkling e'e,
Prove jolly jolly Bacchus Li possession;
Premonitory to a spree,
They murk the aspect of a Fresle4n.
He fitly the goblet /o the brim,
Drinks and refills,
Until Lis happy senses swim,
And his head reds
He thinks his et ery thought-is attic,
And soon from fresh becomes •
As jn a crowded hcuse the throng-,
Faseto the door are borne along,
Shoulder to shoulder, hip to bi.P.
All the ideas by liquor Wrought
Are, in a chaos sudden brought
Upbn the burning
Jostling, pushing',
Outward rushing,
The crowd-each other's steps embarraini
So ono word o'er another tripe, •
Upon the emphatic bibbler's
Though premed, not half expressed, rn irsiat
Yea stray,: his meaning to attain,
His words tut put himself in pain,
And serve the listener to embarrass';-i
Forthwith he rises to the agusil-Ice,
As if each word were in lades;
With . gestures odd, and rap raised hand
He emphasizes if : A nd and.
Till to all pretew, 'tis notorious,
That he has reachtd the order
A; diffinilties but incite
The impeluous mind to further 'daring,
His sworen tongue though„oft the
Yet will he continue swearing.
While deeper his potations grow,
Ile damns the fool who • • I
A man to drunkerreas should drink; •
In politics his opposite party
Is visited with - curses hearty;
Till his noise shows he has from gtorieui
Gene a.atep further, to
- uraospione. ' •
4 Wake snakes!"Huzz3 :' waste and eunftlihin
By words and shows, and noisy revel,
Wa-sail and wino in sal profusion
Have with his senses played Inas
Windows are smashed, and glasses broken;
Too drunk to speak, no longer spoken
His oaths - are be l med . , such a rate on •
As to astonish even Satan,
Until with liquor gorged full
He drops him down
Hera 'Bacehi, plenuF,' full of wine
Behold the 'human form diNiee!'
Like le,ilhor bag of ages back', -
His hide is but a liquor sack..
Senatorial and Repreentalito Apporilona
meat Bill.
Below we give the bill to apportion the
State into Senatorial and Repieeiebtative
districts .35 it
_passed the "'owe on , Sfotri
day.- The dmendments to the Senate bill
wEte trivial and unimportant, and the pre•
sumplion therefore is, that it will bectolie
the bill.
AN ACT to .fix the number of Senatiiii
and Representalives and to form the State
into districts in pursuance of the ereigefoiti
of the Constitution.
SECT. I. Belt enacted, 4-c. Thai. tittii
the next enumeration of the taxable iiihab.
itants and an apportionment thereon; the
Senate, at a rati o 0130,576, shill *consist tit
thirty—three me:titera and be appoi•'titified
as fol;ows, viz:
I. City of Philadelphia,
11. County of Phile.delphix,
111. Montgomery,
IV. Chester and Delaware,.
V. B. rks,
VI. lit/016.
VII. Lancaster and Lebanon, 2
VII. Schuylkill and Lehigh, 1
IX. Northampton, Carbon and Mot-
X. Pike, Wayne, Susquehanna anti
Xl. Bradford and Tinge, i
XII. Lycoming, Clinton and Union; i
XIII. Northumberland and Nil
XIV, Luzerne and Columbia;
XV. York,
XVI. Perry, Juniata aRI Cumber:
XVII. Franklin and Adams, I .
XVII[. Bedford and Somerset;
and XIX. Mifflin, Huntingdon and
XX. Clearfield, Indiana and Arm-,
XXI, Westmoreland and Camila,
XXII. Fayette and Greene,
XXIII. Washington, - 1
XXIV. Allegheny and Butler; 2
XXV. Beaver and Mercer, 1
XXVI. Crawford and Venangn, I
AXVII. Warren, McKean, Yoder,
Jefferson and Clarion, 1 ;
XXVIII. Erie, 1
That uniil the next enumeratiorl of tax.
ables and apportionment thereon, the
House of Representatives, at a redo of 11,.
746, shall consist of one handred metes
A r mstrong;
Bei ks,
Crawford, d
Centre and C”egtfieW,
r Cumberland,
Dauphin, ,
. ,•;'.:,
'l*, --- •/ ., ',. , 1,. ''L