APRIL ‘S, 1843 tg 0:21.4 11 order to give our readers a com— plete report of the interesting proceedings of the Irwin Dinner, we are compelled to omit our usual variety of editorial matter, -TOW, &c. New Auction Lam.—We refer the pub- Soto Messrs Fahnestock & Co.'s Auction advertisement. Mr F. is a man of busin. OM, and having been engaged in Mr Guth' ries extensive auction establishment for tits past year he has a perfect knowledge of de business, and will no doubt be able to render entire satisfaction to all who may transact business at his store. Prof. Bronson's Lectures.--As will be dean by his advertisement, this is the last "• - lipaddLciessor Bronson's entertain amnia at L&oTel'arean. The charitable will be gratified to observe that it is the :Attention of Mr B. to appropriate the pro vends of Monday and Tuesday evenings to The benefit of the pror. "11ristoerewy Row."—Two of our morn Ingcotemporaries have annouced that Ar latocracy Row is to be demolish e d ; and lament over the fate of poor Bind Sam- It really looks queer to see editors take such an interest in the affairs of that spot. Temperance.—The Temperance fever iSge:ting up again: From twr. n;) , to thin. IT names are added to pled2e book . relach night of meeting. This doing a gaol business considering the material they have to work with, the regular drunk :4lMA having all been picked up last set son ion. W. W. Irwin.—We learn that this gentleman leaves this afterniinn for the en .the way to his place of destination ill the old world. .61upertdous Thejr—Ti,e Pittsburzh :Morn t g host ,as laid claim to the comet, and talks us filippantly about "the Pittsburgh comet" as Cap. aia Tyler dues about his cnns. , ienee.—Cin Eng. his indeed strange if we have not as Much right to the comet as Cincinnati has to all the. mobs, eartbgnakes and sights io the 'skies. Melancholy. —A child about 4 years old took a fit on last Saturday, in Di.irn, , nd al— ley, opposite Mr Fergusou's shoe shop. It was carried is by the fureinan, Mr Mackey, where it expired in a short time. Bank of Cairo. —The Peoria Press says that this rotte4 ectieeni made an asrign - zo"nt of ail its pn. FQ ty, estate : ml effects 'in the early par' of I , SL month, :,td Wisiiigenienis are being made to redeem vs tulles now in circulation, at par, in pay ment of pr, ouerty now at iro—that city bring the ptineip,tl debtor to the batik. This may all be very true, but we reckon that.those who hold -mall accounts of ifs -notes will never see the day of redemption 'Cm them. If the bank has any pr6peity, it may be that some of the larger bugs will light upon it, and there the matter will end. It is worthy of remirk that some of those who managed the Cairo Bank while it wasswindling the public, ate now strong advocates fur the assumption scheme of W. Cost Johnson. Although the public have lost heavily by the Cairo, Bank we lave -no doubt but the tnaitageis made sufficient to enter largely into the !speculation that the Johnson swindling iproject would afford. .:Legiakture.—Our news from Harris burgh is only up to Thursday last. A bell 'from the Senate for dividing the State into :Senatorial and Representative districts pass •ed,the house on Monday with slight am .endments. it is supposed that the Senatp will agree to the amendnients and it wil l become a law. Allegheny and Butler elec t two enators, and it gives Allegheny four 'members. We will publish the bill to. morrow. The National I ntelligencer of Th irs day 'says:—The .report of t' e shooting of five eeamenon board the U. S. s hip John Ad el cannot be true. It had us uriju probably in ti e fHct of the John Adams 'having received on board from a whaling *hip five seamen, charged %% ith mutiny. We have seen another report also in circulation of Captain Voorhees, of thy .211avy, having shot L'entenant Boyle. 'cilia -report is cet•taint'y false, and probably has no other foundation than some injur y sus rained by Lieutenant Boyle in one of hi s - bands by the accidental hischarge of a fire arm, in consequenc e of sitich he is said to _ he on his return home. The Bahirnote Patriot, in speaking of the latte► report, bays: The rumor which is abroad, is to the ef fect, 'that . Capt. Voorhees, who is in cum , mord of the frigate Congress in the Medi. terraeean, had some difficulty with one of his midshipmen, and in consequence of some violent insorbinate language, fired a pistol at him, the ball of which struck the midshipman, and glanced and struck anoth er. A letter from Genus, of the 24th ult. _which states that Lieut. Boyle left there for the U. States on the 27th January. makes no mention of any auch affair; and as this letter is about as late news as could well -be received, it is concluded that the Itixtie rumor is unfounded. Painful and improbable Rumor from NVashington. The Phila Euquirer of the 30th ult has the following rumor from Washhtton: "Quite an excitement was prod uc id i n the news circles uf our city last evenirg by the arrival of the painful, and, as it seems. to us, an improbable rumor from 'Wash ington. The ivory runs thus:—That on the an ival at the seat of government, of the de cision of the Court Martial in the case of Capt McKenzie, a Cabinet meeting was held for the purpose of discussing the matter. The decision was found to be fa vorable to Mackenzie. That in the course of the Cabinet debate, the Hon John C Spencer, late Secretary of War, aid now Secretary of the Treasury, and father of Spencer. the alledged mutineer, said that if Com Mackenzie sere not dismissed from the navy, he (ihe Secretary) would resign his place in the Cabinet; that the Hon A P Upshur, now Secretary of the Navy, i-aid that if Mackenzie were forced to resign, he would instantly abandon his place in the Navy Department. Where upon, so proceeds the improbable narra tive, high words ensued, the parties be came excited, and a personal cogisi( n took place, in the course of which, Mr Sp , lacer was somewhat injured. _ - FOR LA Y err E, /rat ash river. 'Elie fli!W Steamer CECIL! A , Clonot et,Anx„ r leave for the above and intertne• diare lantlincii, on Slciolay next, April 3, at It) o'clock •-u, (' "r irright or passage apply on board, or to 3(1-td JA \I ES NIA Y. The 3 eri!ta is provided with Evans' Safely Guard. FOR NEW ORLEANS r E NEW AND SPLENDID STEAM BO 1T OLIVE BR %NCH, Aaster. gave ntr the Hislryt` and diate lattrlinff , , on Thursday next. Apra) 6th at i 0 0 . .106; M, For Froi..tht ur l'assaae, having suite, tor :tutu', m mini inns.a pply ou board, or to mar :3(1. DAME' MAY Birmingham & Co ~ AG'TS FOR STEAMER CLEVELAND And Cleveland Late. March 22. '43. J. W. Burbridge dr. Co. AGr.NTS for It , nle of IlentiN's Vox% der. RatersT weer' Rood and 3mitlilirld. Ala ,h 30, C 43. SHINN SELLERS' CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, Stand Unrivalled by any Medicine known for the cure of the - ' ' . p ills OF A s ED LIVER. General 10,8 nf,tppetilc, sickness I.lthe stout - pain in the head, 01, ul, ers, t, ek and side!. II h g' ts, e, ;live nvss of how, ls,ll.llowed in smile ,•Isen by.loosrmvss, c , mgli, low spirits, with disinel , n,tkii Lo every duty, are proinirie;t syinwows o r : I di , - eased stale ill ilic Liver. The Liver inue!i der tug 11, trio the ino,t for ulid.iiitc :ire tili-ent, all bee 'lots s..u.lv out of ord , r bvfore it is known. 1 . 111. 11•101r4 , / , 1 to di' t. he , a iti 1,1 , 1 for d-Odi 11:1 4 a-.p.red a p0;• ,, 1d ,, ly (111 otz I`,e I vvr c 0.111) II C:11 is •Ur ittiV re-m• Whea the dt• s I lIIM t• 1.,. prpoi ;pro, i= p,t th w , 1 , 0 , 14 to r , f0 , 1 , 1 ."on. , ,icr,%ed ti , e the pIL. KrAl 411 l'arermve Pill. m.y ire nut !..“ ri,.l c .e.i, sh .t,;(1 be tist . tl ;du ,e W11111)11/. of tie d" . Th 1- loon Itev.(;. 1.. Si, fl[,, of the Nlt•lii•llliSt 1;;I ' , ld ~o d %%11.01) sl (;,,c•eno.n • 'V I y;n: that rho nig sprina I w.,s ~11lie v.•r. i,, .odted by the I .•s llelp.g ad vi,ed to triad,' 11.4 e Of `Liver I did so, and lielo,e or a tIOX I mmy qui I heal'il• I,'el boun 1, c , fo•ttle atioti of the I, nefits I lia , e rem ed the to• 4 . . CAllilletid II tiorlF!,- similar aril C• tit)ll-. 1 ,. .•:1114 Oiklidel I I lied II a Cheap aml succe. , :sml I mmaiv IZ,•po, t.ui V your-, & Pitt, Dec, G. L. :31:-,S(1N Shinn & Scllcr•e' celeinaf,nl Liar Fills not a (2,(aCk e rine; ' l ' follow I Ic•I In moil u Dr. Pn lrllo , 1;1 Portsmouth, (lb n, a g ,- Idtiv,•d and an uld prctiti , mer, soll.c,ent pr .or r.,r ii,r 111.+ , 1! inCirdn. Ihal : , inn & St . V.t! Ct . lehraled I;lNcr Plus do, at., C:il reiiesf, 010 atil;C , Pd. 1 1 eS ,,, '• & Seile ,, -601111 , atruds me3'e-et p1,..50,0 In sl% that 1 ir.ve made reneved t,ials d 1,i%0r I'dk, awl find thew 11 , iter a 'apt,l to dn• purno-e 10, w hieli they /ire (I.lsrf (11 4 ,1 S .s.) II an at , )' Hied!' .11C or cotiOlioatioo of in, illeihns I vale ever used. Tits) are in gi cat deinand herr, and act ~rrll. Ynto s, R. U. PATTELLU, M. D. Mio,J,JII , ! 15 h 11.'331•;. Read the lollowing les!iinooy and disbelieve z/ you C tin. Car luichaelto ti n, Greene Co. Pa. Sept. Mr. it. E. S , l'er;—Fiir i=evc al yl ors I was the nn ,et cra '11,4 unvifj int , atl lek of the Liver complaint. It wini'd be lin- me to rotempt In Bite y u an aiinnunt nrin,i -A'. ring, as it cowl my be fill, it Bat -.lc I thy! verity „lilydi•if•ase. ti r o 14,r d.,ys a Id vkk,ks trt.ther, I krir: A. wlictlivr I , hou'd4rver r Inv a+11:11 11.•:1: It. coati:Hind in t its wretch candd too, until tin ,n Adv wale fe:l into try hand and upon entn;atritvr ;he ,yinatimis of a I live,. as .!i...ett In the advertisement alts my own, I found that they enrresinnided in nearly every parti , 2ular. From that itm-lanea lit induced to try your justly paprilar Liver and you may he n'isU red LI L A I( is with Ilia jzre.atast pl , asure that I in- Form you that the Liver I' :Its have been of more servi e to me titan all other reh.edies I have ever used, and I now enjoy better health than I have done ti,r the last silt years. Signed, HOR fl ER. Pitt ' , field, Warren ra. Pa., Der., 24,1841. Ifes,•rs. & St her,: —I chi , y rea-onable wey , th ar,iinsrint, anti I must say that I hate i.e, iced ,sore benefit I,ton your ',ills than from any other merti , ine, and I believe them to be the best pill we hay:: ever had in tins part of the count y. When iu PittA last Sprin t , I bought a halt box• is of your pirs, and I reached twine I found my wile veiy ill, with the, doctors attending her.— The disease old not abate until I gave her several doses of the Liver Pill; since that she has gained much, and is iinw able to attend to tier usual work I ara nut of your pills, and desire you send me half a dozen boxes by mail; the half of the last lot were distributed amongst my neighbors. I have bought your pills now for toree years and shall continue to do so as loog as I run lumber to Pittsburgh, as 1 con• udder them the best pill that has ever come before the public, Yours, truly, JOHN BROWN. Prepared ONLY, and soh: wholesale and retail, by It. E. SELLERS, (Successor to Shicti & Sellers.; N 0.20. Woo at, below Second, Pittsburgh. March 7. -111AkVA OREROTRD DUiLT • YT ♦LLYR IILJUILKR, IBILOIRR PENNSYLVANIA Bank of Pittsburgh. par , Mirth. ¢ Man. bk. pal Exchange bank, par Bk. of Germantowx " Easton lank, • Lancaster bank, die Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. Doylestown bk do " Bk of N America Phil. Bk of Northern Liberties," Commercial bk. of Pa. " Far. 4- Mechanics bk. " Kensinty.lon bk. Philadelphia hk. Schuylkill bk. Southwark bk. Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 7t Bk of Penn Tl. par Man. a/. Mechanics bk. par Mechanics hk. par Moyamensing bk. 3 1 Girard ba.,k, 451 U. States hank, 50 1 Liimbermens', Warren, -- Frank. bk Washington, par M mere bk of Pot Invite, 6 Rk of Montqomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, ;i Erie Bank, 5 Harrlshurzli bank, $ Far. I.k Lancaxler, 13k or m Bk. of Chambersburgh, 4{ Carlisle. hank, 4j Ilk of Northumberland, 6 Columbia lac k 141,1... men. 2 Ilk Sumnellanna Co• 25 Rkor Delaware Co. Par Lebanon bk. 41 Celt ysinirgli bk. 4} fork bank, 41 ar.k Drovers bk. of Waynesbureh, 7 Currency notes, rle,dti "ming honk. 10 Pit 10021 i 5 n 51 l'ouelry do do kiatif Rerks ( o 6anrc, 71) w fst nw Towanda, M.untpleaea and hk Far. ..1- Mech. hk orStcu benville, Beforont bk GT" St. Claire trifle, Marietta bk. nentand MICHIGAN Bk. of St. Clair, 10 notes, 11 Do. do./ ,* 11 Smith 5 do Currency notes, 14 CANADA rolumhiana lik New Lie Good hanks, 81ti 10 hon Demand, 1.1 Eastern Exchange. An Post times. 11.Philadelphla. 4 Cincinnati specie pay- New York. 1.1.7 hanks, 14 Baltimore, i Mech. k Traders bk of Boston. i Cincinnati. 5 Western Exchange. Moon 1.1( of Colurobte, ICincinnahl, par Demand norm.. 11 Louisville. par Circleville, (11. Lawrence Cleveland, 4 die Ca#liieri 14 W' .1, , Zane.ville Lk FOR SALE OR TO RENT_ To Lel, kV (toothed store room ~n Market st. over Mr l'arirf . /4 mew Book store. fit nt. 131211. A dwelling on Market street beiiveen 3d and Re. 160 A three :Oro y brick holi=e and .tore Oil Nifirkel te. .IMI oniolte N flolotcs' Exo , ange Rent low. TWO itIO;, rOOoIR On Nlirkel ,ortow soiitlle for Print. 0tf,,,. nr 7 4 0. rel y rnoinc. A ko, mourn I.'lll 2d s 0.% 0111 , , entrJ ore on Mon het street. Rent of earn st;o. A dr,/ and weir le!hied cellar Irelcw the rup and hat store ul %:r Nardi. Market nt. Alen, a cellar on 3rd st nearly opturirtre the Put orrice. Er quirt I TO LET. 1, D , 11 rr,.. uporr or 16r career 5,h iipiea JCL% it A1.?1I„giwo SIMI V Hrirk flout , 0,1 Ihe• rurrrr of jtle Union streets fo- a (Inv..llif, Iloncr and Grocf•ry Store. ri.rliry of JAMES !t! .1Y . 21. 2 .v d. Fon R _ ;\ ~,,, (ru1a, • 1,...ew 1.,1rk 1, 4 110114 , , , i1011e in (',ll Lane near 7111,treet ' 7 1L1 6 . !" rur r Which wilt Ile mu,lcralr.opplrlo I r 30--i I TO LET. f'~,t3 ,dery 01 Inc hoildinz °erupted by ft. A. L Itan,or, a. an Inr.loo store--heretnfore known `•,,; I, IIIIIW, 1,1111 ROOM,' corner of Wood and 5111 lenwre of R. Morrow. ,1111 st. jan 2.3. ir ors I'on s ‘LE.--Etior Lots In Manchester. itOf.- 1 1011Ith Aura or Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots tot. 41 . 42 . 52 .53.54,181,182 and 184. In Cook's plan of L.d. on Holme'i Hill Also, Lois nos 26 and 27. In Cook's p'an of Lnts on High nireei, near the new ("nor' House ror terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON House gency. No. 6 we,t of the Market [Plume, Penn st. sth ‘V'ard, l'itt%hurf.th Pa. Ir.rr 11.er having for a number of years Item) en• gaged In renting rii y property, collecting rents 4.1., and wi-hing To lend his Lip:int,: in this way. respect gully oil, rq , er1:1 , •••14 in those persons owning, or who inav charge of iimpe•ty 33 Executors, AdminkiriX torn or Ili the city or suburbs, and who may not hare itivolre to ni lend to it i heifirelvesoo rent I liZ9, ;V:1 re Farms, Lots, fc•e, Also, to collect rents, dividends, Ground rents ,;-c. A rev,inter is kepi where a description of all primer! leg for tent Will ice en. term, free of charge, reference Is re , perlfullv offered to the following gentlemen for whoa, stitrseriher has heel, agent Car runty years pa..t--hlessrs Michael Allen, P. Mel 'ormick nod Jame, S. Craft, Esq., lan SI 11,irl, F;i:3l Ho•opran Agent, ; 11,33. John Brown, Itirniingliam; R. lel.elnin, Elecinnidi; Gamed Patti., 31iitar. Lawreneeyille; PIMP. Jones Liberiy; Daniel Rather, Mail) township; Dart tiepin ton, Sewirkley. lilt 21. J 151 ES BLAKELY. VO It REN'le r . A 1"/ ? - po , inosnlon on .4 lor .peril next; it hrirk hone nu the !link orthe Ailetzlienv river, .torie.llll• 4 li, 4 comfortable roornn, besides cellar and k lic lien. II in very plena:wily , iitunteil)l3,l nul side coy lino• with n lii lview oftbecilyof Alleigl , ny, and walk of the lipari of Hoc eily—rtnt very low. J 11Ei; BLAKELY, niar 13. Ilonne For !tent. T HE ronin Ocroiii..(l Aldornian Siewart, on Penn st., anon office—rent $36 per year. Ilgo, two roman ortupled a 3 a Grocery store, on Penn street—rent $36 per year. To LET. rriwo store rooms and dwellings on Penn street 1 (5111 ward.) Rent very low. .11)01 v 01 the llonso Agency, Penn st, 511) ward. Mart 15- ]411E•ll rtI.II{FILY. TO LET. ON brick dwelling house, containing a large hall, two parlours, 4 looms up st tirs, with fin : 11"1 tithed garret, dining room and kitchen. with car. riage This house Is pleasantly located with yard in front and rear, on the canal hank, corner of Chesnut street, leading to upper bridge, now In theoc cupancy uf Mr. McClurg, rent to suit the tiniee— Enquire of Dr. Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar 8, . For Rent. TIORa term of years. Two building lots on the hank of the Allegheny river, ndjoining the Cay line. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street, sth Ward , mar 2. IA hIES BLAKELY. Birmingham & Co. COMMISSION AND FOR WA R D iNO NKR CHANTS, No. 60 Water Street, Pir.st.tirsh Terms—Receising and Shipping 5 cents per 100 lbs Commissions on Parch/amend gala 21 per eent. mar 22, '43 • G X WAIT Wooster, Masailon, Sandusky, Ceauga, Norwilk, Xenia, Dayton, Scioto, Post notes, Oh Itlicotlie, Fran. hk Columbus, La..caster, Hamilton, •G ranoifle, Coin. hk. Lake Erie, Far. bk: of Canton, Urbana INDIANA. State bk. 4. Branches State Scrip, KENTUCKY. All banks. ILLINOIS State bk 4- Branches, 60 Shawneetown, 70 VIRGINIA. Rank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange hank, N. Wesi, bank Mer. 4 . 11ec. do, MARYLAND Baltimore Banka, Country Ranks, DEL A WARE. All Banka, NEW JERSEY. All Banks, par and NEW YORK. Clay }Luke. pa Country Itnl.e, (safety fund.) a 1 Red Bark, I to 1 NEW ENGLAND. Boßion Ranks, pt:r Country .• LOUISIANA Orlea nR Ran IcF, Rood, 3 NORTH CAROLINA Bunkß, SOUTH CAROLINA Ranks, 2 HS. COLUMBIA ALtBAMA Good Banks, TENNESSEE All Bank,. par ,GOLD A 'JD sit.v ER, par E. fl t;AzzAM No 51. Third At j1)11N 11 '11.0SK ET. Three filz Doors Likeriy JAMES BLAKELY. floube. Agent Sin Ward 23tibls do. ' do 10 Backe dried Peaches. 41 Sacks feathers, just received per steamboat• tVest. Poiut sad Llarishargh,and for sale eery low for cash by HAILAMN, JENNINGS 4 - 00 , mar 21. 43 Wood et. NoricE to Steam Boat Orrnere.—The subscriber, hi consequence of the difficulty of the times. has redo ced the mire of htsBafety Guard for the prevention of the milk* ien ofeterm boilors,to $l5O per boat. It Is hoped that all bnat owners will avail themselves of these reasonable terms, not only on account of the perfect safety they afford, but also In point of economy. Boilers with the apparatus attached will wear :thou wire as long as those not provided with them. March 6-3 m C. EVANS 40 95 80 30 FOR SAFETY. • eo Traveler's *koitld select Boats pranisiell with Frans , ' Safety Guards, for preventing Egyhreren of Steam Boilers. Ir 'would be well for the traveling comionnviy to heat In mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of limits that have or may he al the eXpinte of procuring the above apparatus. And that every Individual making curb select kin to rontribu- ling towards a general introduction of an itivemion ad• milted by all nierwho understand the principles or the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters You have ee leanly, it, the hund.-ed< of - explosions that have already taken plareoheir almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives flint have already been lost, a sufficient warning. and indurement to make inquiry for ■ Safely guard Boat, and in every rase to give it the preference. They have went to nn additional expense that your lives may be secure Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of itheiality, and by your preferenre show lilat yt.o appreciate their laudable endeavors to slop till. aw rut sacs-Bits of human if.:. They do not spurge more than olhet Wats; !heir acrommodet lone le other respects ate coin', and in many eases superior; and es there w one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why wilt you rut any risk, when it le so corn !tidy In your own power to avoid ththe digesters. All boats marked tht, [s] In the List of.trrienle and Departures. in another part of this pater, are eupplied with the Rarely Guar . List of Boats provided with Ike Safely Guard ALPS, MENTOR, AGNES, MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MA RQuETTE, BREAfiwATER. MENG() PARK, CASPIAN, mEs•sENGER, cErILIA, moNTGOME,Y CANTON, NORTE! BEND, CI('ERO, NEPTUNE, CADDo, N 1R AGANSETT, DUKE ~I ORLEANS, NIAG ARA, DrCLUESNE, OSPREY, 1 .- XPIit , :KS MAIL, oRPHAN BOY, ; . :(1,11 , F, will), FOR MoS.A. ORLEANS, I:4)1:•1• PIT r, PENELOPE, 1; k LENA. QIIEEN of the SOUTH, .1. 11, BILLS, ROW( NA. .lEWEss. R ‘L'IT kN. w A - SAItAlt ANN, I \ EMAN QUEEN, 'S‘BAToG k, ILLINois, r 4 kir INN 1, I\DY oF LYONS, TALLEYUAND, vicTitEs‘'; V xi LEY FoRGE, WEST WIT;i1): inir 2'2- BLANK LEASES. A, new and modit Improved form of B%lllk Lraro,, for ale at the office or Mont ljegutar Niornina racket FOR BEAVER. •. - -4. • The r:,dt tannin: and well known STramer CLEVELAND. SHARP FIRMIIIILL, Master, will depart daily iron) intreli at 9 o'clork, A. and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. 11 For (reighl or patti.ttpt, apply on hoard, ttr to & CO. No GO W.llrr N rt.—The rent tar canal parker in Cleveland, Ohio; Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and M :uFFullout out the Ohio Canal. connect:ie.: with ineamer Cleveland at Iten• ver.will he to operation immediately on opentnq of nay. :tattoo, mar 1 13-If. r i lgt t Eatt.tiviitv - 21100 ponnitti Feathers, a prime ar 1 Cele .111,4 received and tl,r ate Ity IENNIVCS 4.• CO 4J Wood si ref" • Fl.,VO.3lEfirOX f.lh" Cif I— /•. as 1 Flair Dir--rolo, the hair and will not the skin Thii Dye in the form 01 a Powder which In plait matte. of tact may lie apidied to the hair over night, the firet night taming the 11211 test nr perry hair to dark hrhwn; nod by repeating a second or third night, too jet hark. .h fly person may, therefore, with the lea , t ponWilc trouble, keep his hail ally dark shade or a perfect Mack, with the primitive assuratitti tinit the pa wrier if applied to the skin win Ira/ color it. There is no eolorinz statement. ns any 011 P may easily test These riv:s are wartanted by the rite oist who manufactures it. Por , ale at TETT ME'S. $6 Podrtlt street, where a larae asgorltnent of Patent Nictikineg may always he had at sillier whoksa•e or retail •Don't forget ! Fourth hirer? f" .SUGdiR RICE 4• MOLASSES. H DS Prime N.O. Sugar. ..tryt 10 Tierces (rice. 19 hills. N 0.3 Mackerel. For sale low tu close consigenrmi, by mar 14. J A NIF.S 'll It A I L It 0 A 11, In superior new eight p , hceleil care, to Baltimore. washinvor city and Philadelphia. The :ihnv, Line is ritre , enied in the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio It iVer and Ehsterit WIRT LECTURES..-THE LECTURE Cr..lt cull., tor comfort and e‘pedltion, having made arrange .MITI'EE: Oh' 7 . 11 E if'IRI . I. I I'STIPUTP: mats to concur Ila.-voe,•ra through in two dnyS, and lakes pleasure in announcing that the Lecturrs hefore tin night travel, saber by Stage or Ilatlrond Cat s.— the Institute will be resumed on Tuesday evenin;, 28th Think of 41 Only 75 miles Stage trivet hag, and lit; instant, by miles le , s than the - W hi cling route, PROF. RICHARD S. MeCULLOUGEL we , % coach, s. and el at in superb. of Jefferson College, Cannonsbetre. Pa. Vi re throu2h. $lO. , i 14 contempt:lied that Pi of. McCullough will delivr.r Office In the Mott ongithela hangs, a full course on the i. Rise. Progress Cad - destiny of As. I A. ll CSDEP SON 4. CAL., trosonty." The Committee, in presenting this coarse, j uinr :I —dint l age Pr..prtetors ._________________ of front nix to Lecinres on a roust interesting f•Olt PC I of thought, a tidy, and seien ific rest-aid', feel us. ill red that their exertions will meet e ith the general up piohatton of the patron: of the" Wirt Institute Lectures." We deem it proper here to expresso r thanks for the patronare extended to this course, and to , assure the public, that whatever delinquency limy have occurred In the fulfilment of our or:ginal pro , pecius, it cannot be at. i trihuled to any want of attention or exertion on the part of the Committee. but to the fact that c rcumstances which could t*tt he controlled prevented those who had GROCh:RY STO , t F., if r .9 UGT/0-17. consented to lecture fro., fulfilling their engagements. , 'Tickets for the course on Astronomy, $l.- ~ a single lecture, .1,- •,, , ,4...) C, . WILL he sold , rat the store of Stevenson el• A iken S. C. HUEY, corner of Walnut :110 Penn gtree(4, on Swor d ty, March 25rh,nt 10 o'clock, A. sr., their entire stark JOHN S. COSGRAVE, W. W. WILSON, of Groceries: also, fatures,coneters and shelvlUg,. Sale JOHN B. SEMPLE, positive. Terins—eash. currency. %VAL B. SCAI FE, mar 23-2 t R. 1. BA USA! AN, Ailet*r. Committee. ------------ mar 22 SAM: PIG IRON, 300 BBL No Snit on hand and for =ate I y 64 TONG c Tenne consignmentssee Pig I ron. For sale low to BUR tlft I DGE CO., feb ,by ' roar 34 Wafer. st., bet wren Wood mid Smithfield J -- TOBA.CCO AND SEGARS. UST RECEIVED, and on hand. a good assortment ' 0 ftnxes 'Anderson's' nd of Nails. Window giass gind Sash, Writing , Leiter Ir./quality, together with pou 1B lo lip of **Perim' I 4 1,-,x,4 hPIII FiaCilflllll hip and Wruppin! paper, parmirikantings, Shovels. IIXP! and ears (or sale low to rit Ils^ll, handles, Hu;helS, Pecks. ¢e:, Brushes. Corn Brooms and - mar 15 1 o3e, liy iS 4B .it , c :( A 0 C e.tv . t Wisps, Augurs, Castings, Ch•rns, Bllcketa, Woo len Bowie, —................_-- carpet and CArriet Chain, kv., for !Me on ac- BArON. . . . cromrnodming ternrafor rash, Pitt slinrgh manufactures or 1 ~..,rOOO Lbs. new Blifilit, plat receive(' by wago n Country produce. 18A AC HARRIS, Ao. !JL tJP froth Ohio, for sale by mar tiu and Com. March% i .. ,mpri,,,,,uskoa di a, fl. EC - 4WD kaspii,-:-.' The antiscrTher hatronlittlida /h. the tr ur t ty• -eMonvo t ,--www ar—welN Frail mi l iply of fiat, half round turd round handsaw Ales; and expect, ilia few days a foil supply of Rasps for sPir by the &ere a or angle, tow tor C.:, It or , !Xelyn . Q,dt h er Mary g he Burner,n y' e o b . , her p lil , 2erin , 18b.. No.' iSiL for .grwds to suit I :.on , iglite I tt.k !IRIS. agent and friend .1. B. Love, Ilivorre • Vhsankt mar 15, vs matrlmesil, Ginimissiol i Met 'lit, 9 rtftit '.4 ' John Earner. And now to wit, Mareh 28in, 4411, • - On motion of Mr Toorr,theCourt appObit ih.) ) J K linear/son, E‘q. ao Aide/man Of MMMM HIV of Pitiahursh, rommissonar to that I te.itionny on the part of the plaintiff; sot , order that fifteen days norke be gliten to defendant by three publications In the Daily Morning Posdof the city of Pittsburgh. fly the Court A. BUTTON, Pro To ;loan St.rater abate named: 'Take Not lee—Thar In pursuancenf the above order or Court, the depositions of witnesses to he read In evidence on the trial of Ilia above C.:IIIPC wilt be taken before J K flendcrrhn. EO.. ar his office on Idmithfietd street, rittshursh. on Friday, the 14th day of April next, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. pt. or -said day; When and where you may attend gyms think proper. MARY BURNER, mar Si—St. 'by her next friend 1 .11 Lak., Of, Jusl. REcEivED, Twelve bases or Oranges still Leinnntr, (A - the finest quality. for sa!e ‘yholesale and retail, by feb 32—tt". i 3 Market . F AMILY 'FLOUR —Just received a few harrele of Superior Flour , made expressly for family use. Fur sale by ISAAC CRUSE.I,I4B Lib, St. In Store 50 barrels sap. flour. M 4 CKEREL AND CODFISH'—In sinre, 4 ca,ks of Codfieli; also, 5 barrels No 2 Mackerel, and 15 hart barrels, will be sold very low, apply to mar 16 ISAAC cßuse.l43 Liberty Q blide.N, 0. Sugar, this dayreceivel perstestmer N York, and for sale by J. C. 4. A. CORDON dec 10 No. 12 Water Fit 20 000 LEN: Cotton Yurns, assorted 2.000 164. Ratting, 2,000 " Caudle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine From the Eagle Facto .y. For sale by HAILMAN, JENNING-z & Co, Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 ' -yr tn4r 17 APPLES.—Just received from Ohio, per wagon', 35 barrels of green ripplev, ronvl,t ing of " Pen flocks" 4 "Stairs.' ALIO, -SO bushels. of dt led apple', for sale by IRA AC CR LISS, Who keeps ronslanify oe has r Timothy and Glover seed of the best quality mar') 8. JAMES W. 1441/ XXV' 4- JOE.A.e' P JE:x.wAras have entered faro partnership for tie purpose of trrtasaciins a Wholesale Grocery; Produce and Cotnints elan business under the firm and style at HAILMAN' JENNINGS 4 Co—at No 43 Wood street, olipoOte the Merchants' Hotel, where a supply of Groceries and Pitts nurah Manularturrd Articles ran alway.. he had on Übe nl terms. March 17 '43 I LLIA M r. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Pieture Frame .Idanwfacturer, .Vo: 87, Fourth Street Pitts&argh. —Canvass Brushes. Varnish 4c. , forArtists,nhvacson hand. Looking Clasees. promptly trained to order. Repalrlng done z.t the short eat notice. !articular attention Patti to regilding and jobbing ofev cry dostrlption. Persons fitting op email' Boats or houses will find It tr• heir advantrye lo call. sep 10 134.A . NDR,ET El'S PILLS, SECTREi) BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE B" ANDRETHIAN VEGETABLE EX TR crs Caveat enterer! 9th June, 131:- Patent granted to Benj ttnin IS an It e , h,2oth January, 1843. The extracts of winch Bramiteht s Pithy 'are corn posed are oblain,rl by this flow patented proCPss, without bwling or any applicption of heat, The ac tive principle of the het bs is thus secured the same as it is itt the LlN ' t NG VEGETA 131,E• l ' he Public shon'd he cautions of medicines rer— carlimende i in adctolismnits s(olen hoin me, in which the CONTEMPTIBLE.: Ronnll steals my lati— goage. merely a Itertn.; the name. Time will show these wholesa'e decei' ers in their true light, TILE It EDICINE OF PEOPLE. B:t ANDRE Pfl ' A PIUS are the People ' s ioe, proved thmt - ltid , who daily reccom mend the : to the afflicted ' rho 13;:.1\ DUET!! PI U.S. are gec•n - e day iiincr popular, their i,tues are nVer.dil.gi tt , elalness. The sick of 'Mtn cp.Xl , are daily deri , iiig beitent front then] No cite of chscsse hut diet . rail he ozed ui(l) advan tage. Eiotches nr !moll io•mps Ihe , rk+u they speed dv cure, so with erripelat, so widt salt rheum, so so volt) cottL.hs sod c olds, o ith wi'h C trier so II irened raid cauker in the mollin Let lb, cc I use this uIC'L ei,,e, /Old !hey find nit , v no oilier. .S ' n;rl a , 25 Cones prr h 'x, a ith I el . ierilge e each I aymg Imo. it 1,0 (doatiires 01 ea I, koc (f the tienulne ha,. six - igoaloi CC— t and ,'re B. Brrni , lre,ll rile ONLY PLACi. In wit •to the tt':.tr. Ilrau'L,•ih Pig's CAN Be OCT ‘1 , 7F1) ()Am I. ) 111 n. !H ‘Vimd beliVee.ll Fulh ami Dialn. nut Alley. Mark, the lit.srive Bi an Irt.lll Pi I , rail never be , 10:6 ed in an.' nu 00 qTeRe. The I. iltiwina ale the I IN Ll ' .NGENTS ilopoint hv Dr . II Brand( ell), :Or die ;(.Ie of his Vegeta- Coiver-al P 11. io iler,lleoy Co,mly• ipsh ()tli , :e, Nil. !R st. Pittsburgh. J Ale John I;l;is,—Ali-glieny. , Robe( t Duncan—ldrolio4lotm. C. F Do.l—Elit.atiettuov.o. fl. Rowl;illd—McKr cvort- Pre•sl) Irwin—Pleasant Mil. Jelin Johos-n—Noldestown. Ches•nt (ti I..__Steuartstoww. A-.(1,11 tit Coo, .11— C iuton t Po r vett , um • Geoige David R mn— Rom Toviodlip. Ed ,ard Thompson —Wilk•o.horgh. Wm. I). Ilurre,--km.i.'s 1k133W ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! itila LFtt)3l PITTSR CRO II TO 11 41.T1.410RE .4 ND fiILADEL Plll.l. United States Express Line . PllO,l 111... h dal y, 01 3 noro co ,lips Io 1701111 IPTIAI.ti, Leer 1.1.0 :it k; :Id, Ul:d fruit, there by W .R.VT'EI),I3.‘ soon ns places roc:la tillrohei of Mechanics, frookkooners, Sale:men, clerks, and boys In wore, schr ol teachers; for laboring men, women, boys and _iris nil kflith; of work. Il.n , firr coachmen. slealo nod canal ho.tt men and b u y, , pon e , ors, tc. Also, wanted, n ronrlgrom on .2ootl properly worth four or lie.' time, the ;;;Lmnnt-854)0,700. tr. Fur sale, twelve 'lean truer:. Of loud; 01111 for tent. several pi"rrC oroptrly. Apply :it. Arency und liitelll;ettre Office. No. 9 . Sts; J.A!iftS MAY ANTED, a bur of frlmi 4---7i17----ip;ycnis of age. Application lobe made before the first of Morel, to F 1. tiNOWDEN, • 184, Liberty bend of Wood et . CCWARr.NERSHIP. THE UNFTED STATES. ISAAC CUtrsr, 66 Bstta. PLANTATION MOLASSES. reeelved per Steamers Little Ben and Fuiron, aid foe J. G. 4. A. GORDON. 12 Water etreei sale by ma- 27 MALE TEACHER WANTED. A !pollen:lan qualified to teach the usual branches of a Zoort englkh education, is wanted in the Third Ward School of the City of PittsbUrgh. Annlfentioas made In writinz to tire Secretary or T'reedent (Mr. Adams) at any tithe before the With of April, will us considered. Wood s 'by Order of the tion.rd, TI;IOMA9 HAMILTerii% Sec'y; roar 23 '43-1 wd4iv Gazette copy once a week In dollo three ticecki, - .RD: II INISTR.ITOR'SOII. ALL persons index ed to the ovate oft:Ulcer P. 11144 , , hie of the city of Plushursh.deceased, are hereby notliScd to make payment to the usdersigne.l adminttetra• tor,and ait having elalma afainq said estate are 'relates.. ted to present their accounts proncity nut henticated tOt emement. JO:1N flfAfft. mar 23—St. A Ilminfsfratiir.. PIG IRON. 60 TONS Soft Pig Iron, htit blait, tbr site by mar 23. JAMES bIAY. COTTON. etaton—Poraate tow, by Amid nre r23. JA NIES SUGAR r2ND _VOL, ?SSE'S% 101.1 hhda. N, 0 Suzar. UP I-20 t)11111, N 0. Mnte.. - In prune order, -just recelyed liy S. B. 4 rcadm,iil sale by J. W. eugaßloost Co. near :2 Water at. between Wolid and Sallibiel FLOUR. 25 BBLS. fresh Faulty Flour. For isle by near 14. JAMES 11.11" • 64 TONS l'enl,s;en n For sale low to c!oaiconsfratiferit, My marl. JAM'ER MAY. DRIEb P.E3CHES. .100 BUSHELS Dried Peaches, Fur sale low by REVENUE CUTTER FOR TfIE LAKES. TREA,CRII Deranzaseat, I Vrishinzton,l6ih March, 1841 Q.EALED PROPOSALS will Ire received 'et this De partment, until the 17th of A pill next, for building the Hull of an Iron Steamer, to I,C used as a Revenue Colter on Lake 'Erie, of the following dimension,, M. one hundred andTorty (140)feet on deck,twenty•three (23) feet twain, and ten (10) fret hold. Model, drawlage and moulds for building 10 I, furnished by the 'Depart ment. It is expected that these horde will be built in re fereece to (hinter or Ericsson's Propeller. The Iron used In CODSICIICI ion must be A oteriran, and of the very beat lionliTY. and is to he painted with two' good relate of red fruit, (one before Ole work is put up and the Other after). The whole ofeaid Iron work shall 1,0 weighed, rifler it i. wrought rind tweli to tta appropriate place,aad previous to its being finally put together: payment will be rontle according to thin nett weight per pound,lhalu • ding rani hunkers, water tanks and galley. Thol'Oinin water!, linhittayti and alt iron work neceeverY to the 11 11 11 , spars, rigr.2ine,.ail and guns will he Included in pro poortl,, and the prise for 'trio work will he separately Staled. A -par deck of white pine, 4by 6 in., to be laid. retired from underneath, with the "wood strew holt," rauiked and Waned. Berlh deck of nab or yelloW 'pine. qo caulked and planed, to the bettli detib. • to the fl ooring heads, $ inches thick, therice yellow 4 itictie,i thick. to the !oilier deck clarnfts.all Or Whirl vril I he estimated by the .•ituare superficial f.et. The mete risk and U•atd In the eon:traction. ro be a 'proyeat and the work to Ik, liripected by such officer na De Be. rrelar of the Treasury niay n ppoitit, and the work Irs tat done :ierdrtlift f: to the direction of the sizpeNnienda or, ye,..el 10 re rompteled within six toonths ff.( in has day or delivering ti • moll'aq and plans of bui Ming- Tin' workmanship to he inspected, preyionsto delletr rt., by two competent judertg; one to be rhott:n by each of the parties of the contract, who. in the event of their disaveenient, shallaelect a third, who are to deterrolo• whether the work Ilan been executed in all respects, as vordln: lo the proposal and tte,reernetit. roar 22-1:07 PROPOSALS FOR sTE3, M ENGINES. Ate, Tr EA.,1:11)," DEPARTMENT. 1,V;14 • j nizln R . 17111 NI n ri . ll, 1343. IQ EAL.EI) PROPOSALS wilt he received at . this De /•..-7 pnrtnient until elle 17111 April next, for six straws eußi !ICS% I.IIiIPI'S end ordpeller,, constructed upon the plani known ds "Bunter's Plan," two (2) of snit engines. 1,014 ' Cr' and propellers lo he delivered on Lake Erie, as de. signaled by theA , terretary or the Treasury: the others at such Ware or p!aie ß on the serLconst, as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct, also, Iwo (2} ette,tr,ev, toilets and nropellersupon the plan known as.,Ellerteen'sPletr'• le he deli=eredal .t.inie glare on the are roast, aathw Pit•! r rrlary of the Treasury may (Wert. The eneins.heitleew land propellers to Ire mode of the very heat wcwettain. hr I her! l' Ihe proof of Imperil' s /a of smell person or persona . I as toot' he Reireted by II:. Seeretary of the Tretrucry.--. The hollers to have not Rs. than seven hundred r 00) r, , e, fire nit/arc; working pressure. elghly (110) poodde td% the ,o.rare inch; proof, twa hundred and forty (24U pounds. Six ciliween inch ey !Indere, with three (3) few i s:rnSii. The wont,- to he delivered as directed, wiittfre flee menthe from the time el/receiving the drawings awl p i a no or I 'llthting. The propocala will stale the pike for which ter; engines. ?loiters and propellers wilt he deliver.. ed and nom into complete o 1 cal l peration But si the appii, i"I'; of the en working to ell her of the aid plane l• a 7Astent rieht, the proposals will .116 trate naked, iirchidi.e. The aitihnrily to ore the pates!. ttglis. —...,,0, I wad also the price exch.:sive oftaid authority. 1 1 , n l• -! 2- I - I 17 'anus to Lease. 191111 E nodersigned will lease Iwo Farm, situated I ia Mast Deer township, with the necessary lenenanra. and from 75 to 100 acres etrared on each. Alen, aim farm silnat,d in Went Deer township Allegheny county, I v o it from 50 to 75 aires 'crea red. TI e above deserthed propeitv la In reasonably good repair. laving 3 1 0.001 IS miles from the pity of Pitislitirch, and within twe miles of the Penn's be leaned or' reasonablit terms for from I to three years, to good tenants. BARTRAM 411,111 RT, March 131b_tr. • U. U. U * K_IT. ALM 7. TROXIIO2I% NICZAT &, WHOMPBOIV, Aril ENTERAL AGENTS and Comenleslon at,rfinnata, ST. LOUIS, Abp. ItcfPr In: Megers. Torbert. Royer 4- Menowen. ? ~ W. H. Campbell 4. Co. S- ripio ut, .. Cope. Tod Monti% ¢ co. .. 1 1 ! aryl n. Prut cher 4 Co . ( I , L ' il a. ~ iVPiHis. Yeatman 4 Co, •• Woods, ChrISAY t , z , ~.o al. . CO, '" Feb.'.-113 m BACON. 201000111;rraSteen2eg! gr i e n tl ' a p e nn a d, 2d iumr:et ;:efrieedW, for faRA, hy mar t 4 BIRMINGHAM. 4. CO, IfoLAR D Cor,gyr A R ..... - .....•), OTT R. Cm.ktitait ri ' 0 /..F C(1.,r1F!1..i A !Troia. Fbrn rdlllll t , rn..,ni“Onr.l,•tettrals- LrYPIP Ft f!,•t W Ck Vlibar ßi4 g 'r • I rfsc.l2 r- ,TFL 4017741 4 17olivern Si,cd end I-:m strewaii. riabibuWk dcc 10-11% IG IRON. JAMES SPE!.TCErt. Secretary of the Trenporp J. C. PrENCER. Ferrets ry of the Treasury