4llfir TOSM 1 - 4 0 ,T1CE.-Those of our subscri .etttrut to change their real ., deco -on the drat of April, will please &MVO notice of the change at the office. ilecidext.—Yesterday a drayman drove itie , borse into the river at the Monottgahe. la wharf to let him -drink, and carelessly permitted him to w out further than Was necessary . The rong current caught ithe horse and dray, and carried them out into the stream, and the man narrowly escaped by seizing a role that was ex. tended to him from a coal flat. as Present.—The most pmmi 'ent spectator of the Antimasonic Convention en Vredaesday was the Rev. Mr. Smith, of ',WdliprwiteC Liberty. He saw in the pro. • veedings a triumph of Abolitionism, and mo doubt considers Antimasonry and Ab , olitionism one and the same. He appear ed to be in good health and spirits. Mr. FLYNN has arrived in this city, and is busily engaged in making arrangements for opening the Theatre. We feel confirm dent that if he brings with him a company of actors as good in their respective "lines" as ha is famous as a manager, the eom• lug season wi'l ba profitable. A prize fight is to come off soon at Cin • •cianati, between Dillon and Phelan. This ,Phelan distinguished himself in Pittsburgh at one time, as those who frequent the Quarter Sessioni will recollect. Cot Diehl was present at the Antimasoniccon. vitiation. He thought the proceedings 'highly con eeatreted.' 7•.„.„ .. /hrribie.---Th e New Orleans Bee of's late date t says that a man by the name of ~ D rekStewart, living at Cypress Bend, in ''Ariciasas, recently shot a poor woodchnp. • per, who came to his house for a night's shelter, aid turned his dogs upon his cat. "'case to devour it. His motive for this brutal act was revenge for some other arbodchoppers having stolen one of his ne. groes. A reward 0f51,,000 has been of fered for the apprehension of the murder. er. The details are dreadful for rehearsal, end evince a degree of ferocity and bar Elitism almost impossible of b,lief. .1"" .Ittempt tt, assassinate a Presbyterian Preacher in his Pulpit. —Yrir. Dickie, Min icier of a Presbyterian church in Railifrie and (England,) was recently shot at by me person outside the church, while pray- IF A V*, Wenl Y:fiCe ellOt were ex tractiAl fron t lea ems, none having entered his head or . . 6ody. There is hope that he may recover. : 4 11'he person who fired had taken deliberate • by resting the gun upon the lower •stnee of one of the windows, and thus firing ;;Itteo44ll the lowermost square of glass. A very 'brief space nf time only elapsed before anifidaifilwas spread through the town, for ..thepoliee was immediately upon the spot, arme eogaged along with the members of the teontrogation and others in the pursuit of Ilse assassins, but no clue was afforded to • lheir retreat. Immediately before the .-,slams was given, four men were observed ,itianning up the street from the church has let); .botihe night was very dark, and the Atirettinstance did not attract much attention Itoto those who observed them in passing, Inplasters. 090 Messrs. Editors.—l learn that the $4O, new issue of scrip—decided upon by *tharfathers of our city, to be appropriated to pay for the expenditures of the water entnanittee has been ordered, and probe. lily is now in the city wanting but the prop. ereignatures, before it is put in circulation; many of our merchants and others of oor city who have got tired of receiving money upon which they have to suffer a heavy Amp in order to pay their eastern debts wee resolved,'to sue either the city corpo ration or the signer of the scrip, through whom of course they could t'..e more read reach the city, upon every note which tositi come into their hands. This matter droop} be well considered before the city is placed in the power ofevery individual who may be rich enough to obtain a dollar. The law upon this subject "imposes a pen. • sky (with costs) of three times the amount of the note (to favor of the holder) upon soy one issuing shinplasters, the holder having his choice to sue the corporation or the person signing the note." 4G , o•between.--There is not perhaps a nicire odious character in the world than A Nksit of a gobetween—that creature who carries to the ears of one neighbor every injurious observation that happens to drop fiwn the mouth of another. Such a per. • son is the slanderer's herald, and is alto. *gaff more odious than the slanderer litoself. By his vile officiousness, he ;makes that poison effective, which else Iwo inert; for three fourth of the elan sinters is the world would never injure #pii object except by the malice of go be 114smses, who, under the mask of double 4111 4 1.adehip,act the part of double traitors— , paper. . v* l E- rats are not all dead yet, as witness the w. „. . g, perpetated by a genius of the present ~ in one of our exchanges; - ... ._hitar's hoary head appears again, t r he ho e rn m e il s in r ir epai. , -. 11-1 herd at w ‘ nlk, in a.soriesarendernikwLieeiendpiiesiotcourort,:bLieit office, ~ - the corner of the Public Squa. e. - tivrr, frog has been held in New Orleane, , ,to y for the relief of the suffering inha6 • loupe. ROI-I 31, 1843 For the Post zoos Aft. aos PRINTING OFFICE N. W. Corner of Wood 4. lifth Sta. Tnt proprietoisof the Nommen Porr and tdractray •ND MANUrAcruar.R. respectfully inform their friends and the patronaof those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of arl l llolllllllll ZTED AU& OURIDEM latatagea Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prt pared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books, Bills of Lading, Circular*, Pamphlets, Bill ileitis, Cards, Handbills, Blank Choclta k Hat Tipr aft Ittrais of Slants, Slav, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, sof' app.'''. ?Hate Cate, Printed on the shortest notice and mast reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and he public in general in this branch of our business. Pittsburgh, Sep:. 39,1892. PHILLIPS tt SMITH, gaarwaLlk FOR LAFAYETTE, Frabaa new C, GKRGt CLARK: Master, wil T l he leave for Steamer the abov E e and CILTA Inter O me diate landing;, on Mcnday next, April 3, at 10 o'clock •. At, For freight or passage apply on hoard, or to mar 30-td JAMES MAY. The Cecilia is provided with Evans' Safety Guard. FOR NE ORLEANS. T HE NEW AND W SPLENDID STEA M BOAT OLIVE BRA NEU, C. Wiet.t.s, itlamer, wlll leave for the above and Intern*. dive landings, on Thorvday next, April Sth.at 10c:o'clock A M. For Frelaht or Passage. having superior aecont• niodationcapply on board, or to mar 30. JAMES MAY. Birmingham di. AG'TS roil STEAMER CLEVELAND And Cleveland Line. March 22, '43. Iturbridge dt. Co. A CENTS for the sale of Beatty's Powder. Waters between Wood and Smithfield. March 30, 1843. FOR ST: LOUIS, BOONVILLE GLASGOW AND WESTON .AIIB SOUR) RIVER. • The new and Splendid passenger 'learner ROWENA. J. D. Moore, Master, will leave for the above and Inter mediate landings on Friday next, Slot inst„ at ID o' clock A. M. For freight or passage apply to mar 28. JAMES MAY. The Rowena is au ppiied with Evans' Safety Guard to P revent explosion of Boller' SHINN & SELLET CELEBR.ATZID LIVER PILLS. Stand Unrivalled by any Medicine known for the cure of the I _ 01)fp • • T SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. General loss of a ppettte, sickness of the stom ach, pain in the head, shoulders, back and eider' sense of weariness, with elenpless nights, costive tees of bowels, followed in some cases by,looseness, dight, dr y cough, low spirits, with disinclination to every duty, are prominent symptoms of a dis eased slate of the Liver. The Liver is, however, often much del - ling-el, when the most formidable symptoms are absent, and becomes sadly out of order before it is known. This celebrated ru , diciiie has been in public for about seven yea's, and has aripired a polmlari. ty for curing the liver complaint, which is not stir passed by any remedy before the public. When the symptoms strus apeistioneti are pftseat,anti the (ll recttolis striciry followed, the peopt!etor is perfectly willing to refund the coon-y, if no beiielit is derived from the ti.e of the pills. 117'As an Anti lltJlinus nr Purgative Pill. they are not scrp.tsped, and should be used in place of the cum monpills of the day. Tho fidlowing certificate is from Rev. G. L, Sis son, oftlie Meduidist Epi , c.mal Church the attention nfil , and worthy n. e Iti m il ar ly effect e d. Gentlemen—'Po. oe few Imes will inform you that during lest spring 1 was affected with disease of the Liver, indicated by the loss of appetite. Being ad vised to made use of your 'Liver Pill,' I did so, and before using half a box I was restored to my - tistial health. I feel bniind, therefore in consideration of the benefits I hare received f , om the medicine, to re. er , rnmend it to nihers laboring under similar f.eling confident that they will find it a cheap and successful remedy. Respectfully you (Ste, ritlF. Dec, 30, 1836. G. L. . SISSON Shinn & Sellers' celebrated Liver Pills not a Queek Medicine; The following tetirnonial from Dr. Panello, of Portsmouth, 01) o, a gi %dusted phy-ician, and an old practitioner, is sufficient proof for the moat incredn. Inns, that Shinn it Belle's' Celebrated Liver Pills, do, and can, relieve the afflicted. • Messrs. Shin & Sellers--Gentlemen—lt affords me great pleasure to say that I have made repeated trials of your Celebrated Liver Pills, and find them better adapted to the purpose for which they are designed, (Liver diseases.) than any medicine or combination of medicines I hare ever used. They are in wear demand here, and act well. Yours, truly, R. H. PATTELLO, M. D. Pori.mouth, Ohio, June 15th IECJ6. Read die 'allowing testimony and disbelieve if you can, Cat michaeltown, Greene co. Pa.i Sept. 20, 184 rs 2. Mr. If . E. Sellera—F o r several yea I was the subject oirt most unyielding attack of the Liver complaint. It would be useless for me to attempt to give you an account of my suffering, as it could only be felt, not described. But such was the se verity of my disease, that for days and weeks to gether, I knew not whether I should ever recov er my usual-health. I continued in this wretched condition, until the Christian Advcicate fell into my hand and upon comparing the symptoms of a diseased liver as given in the advertisement with my own, I found that they enrresponded in nearly every particular. From that circumstance I ores induced to try your justly popular Liver Pills, and you may be assu red that it is with the greatest pleasure that I in form you that the Liver Pills have been of more service to me than all other remediea I have ever used, and I now enjoy better health than I have done for the last eight years. Signed, MARY HORH ER. Pittsfield, NW's,' cc Pa., D5e..24, 1841 r Messrs. Shinn & Sellers:-1 enjoy reasonable wealth atpresent, and I must say that I have derived more benefit from your pills . than from any other medicine, and I believe them to be the best pill we have ever had in this part of the country. When in Pittsburgh last Spring, I bought a hall dozen box% es of your pills, and when I reached home I found my wife very ill , with the doctors attending her, The disease did not abate until I gave her several doses of the Liver Pill; since that she has gained much, and is now able to attend to her usual work ago out of your pills, and desire you nod me half a dozen boxes by mail; the ball of the last lot were distributed amongst my neighbors. I have bought your pills now for three years and shall continue to do so as lona. I run lumber to Pittsburgh, asl con sider them the best pill that has ever come before the public. Yours, truly, JON BOWN. Prepared ONLY, and sold who H lesa le a nd retail, by R. E. SELLERS, (Successor to Shinn & Sams.) No, 20. Wood at. below &cunt% Pittsburgh. DMarch 7. ; A R. DANIELjc4I,64/.. Oillat ea rifib street .flootween Wood sod Siottaddid stoodso dee 16-19; ~ 7;,. - i. ME3I concern* ban?, Jr ♦LLtt UAW, PENNSVLVA NIA. Bank of Pittsburgh. par March. 4. Man. bk. par Exchange bank, pati Bk, orcermantowc .. Easton tank, 44 Lancaster bank, din li Baak of Chester Co. par Partnere-ilk flacks Co. .. Doylestown bk do 4. Bk of N America Phil/ .4 Bk of Northern Liberties," Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. 4. bfecbaniel bk. Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk (Schuylkill hk Soathwlrk bk Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 7t; Bk of Penn Tp.r Pei Man. # Mechanics bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moyamenaing bk. 3 Girard ba..k, 95 U. States bank. 50 Lumberrnens', Warren, --' Frank. bk Washington, par Miners bk of Potirvile, 6 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, 11 Erie Bank Flarrisburgh bank, Si Far. bk Lancaster, lei Ilk of Middletown, 441 ' Bk. of Chambersburgh, 411 Carlisle bank, Bk of Northumberland, 6 Columbia hit 4- Bridget°. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co- 25 Bkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 41 Cat t yaint rgh bk. _ .. York bank, 41 Pent Drovers bk. of Waynesburg!), . 7 .. .. Currency not.,, 7 tioneldato, 2 Wyoming bank, 10 Pltteh'gb Slate :Ault. 5 la SI Country do do Qa6.l Berke Co. bane, Lewistown, Towanda, 801 Motintpleaaant bk li Far. 4. Meeb. bk of Steu. benvllle, li Belmont bk of St. Claim vine, Marietta bk. De Bk. of St. Clair, .. 10 notes, 14 Do. dn. .1 4. R. Smith 5 do Currency notes, 14 CANADA 1 Columbiana hit New Lis Good banks, 81010 bon Demand, IS Eastern Exchange.l do Post not... 14 Phliadelphia. i i Cincinnati specie pay. New York: i log banks, 14 Baltimore, Meeh.f Traders bit of Boston, i I I Cincinnati. 5 Western Exchange. , l Clinton hit of Columbus,lClncinnati, Demand notes, li Lonisvitte, par Circleville, (D. Lawrence Cleveland, par i di. CaAhler) 14 siflieelinr. par Zanesville bk. I},GOLD AND SILVER, per FOR SALE OR TO RENT. TO LET. T he Store and upper rooms of the corner o in]Marketand sth streets, now occupied by Mr B . E. Constable, ALSO, 4 two story Brick !louse on the corner of sth and Union streets. suitable for a Dwelling House and Grocery Starr. Enquire of 1411E8 MAT. reit. 21. 2 Pr d. FOR RENT.- —A coinforiable new brick dwell E 3 in; house,allitate in Call Lane near 7th itreet Far term's, Which will he moderate. apply to JOHN %I'CLOSKEY. flee Three Rig floor s Liberty .t. TO LET. rplir. ad sanry the bending ormurned by R. A. 1 Bauman as no Auction atnre.--beretofore known as “riesmitter Lone Room," corner of Wood and sth streets. Inquire or B. Morrow. sth at. }an 23. Lots In llanehe.t er, One and a fourth Arres of Land on Holmes' Hill. Lots not. 41, -12,52,5 3 , 54.181,182 and 184, in ecok's plan of Lots, on Holine'i Hill Also, Lois rms. 26 and 27. in Cook's plan ,of Lot!, on High street, near the new Court douse For terms apply to Z. W. RESIINGTOI4I gen 111 ouse Agency. No. fi west of the Market House, Pena st. sth Ward, Pittsburgh Pa. /ME subscriber having for a number of years been en• gaged In renting city property, collecting rent. kr, and wishing to extend his business In this way. respect. fully offers his services to those persons owning, or who may have charge of property as Executors, AdmlnkUrs tors or Guardians, In the city or suburbs, and who may not have leisure to attend to It I hemseivcs,to rent dwell. ings, Warehouses, Parma, Lots, ite. Also, to collect rents, dividends, Ground rents rtc. A register is kept where a description of all properties for rent will been listed free of charge, reference is respectfully offered to the following gentlemen for whom the subscriber has been agent for some years post—Messrs Michael Allen, P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh; Jos. Stuart, Esq. European Agent, Philad.; Mess. John Brown, Birmingham; B. McLenan, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter Steubenville; Jow!pli Millar, Lawrenceville; JaincaJonee East Liberty; Daniel Rasher, kJ ifllin township; Daniel Depfitrun, Sewickley. feb 23 FOR RENT. A ND po.4session given on 1.10 Ist of April next; a brick house on Ike . bank untie Allegheny river. two stories high. 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar and kitchen. It is very pleasantly eltuutedjuat out side the city line, with a fall view of ['welly of Allegheny, and within 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the city—rent very low. IA 111 ES MA ICRLY, mar 13. House Agent.sthWard. For Rent. pHE room oecupeed by Alderman Stewart, on Penn ..S_ st., 'lran odSce—rents36 per year. Also, two rooms occupied as a Grocery store, on Penn street—rent *36 per year. TO LET. TWO store rooms and dwellings on Penn stree (sth ward.) Rent very low. Apply at the /longs Agency, Penn st, sth ward. March 15. JAMBS BLAKELY. TO LET. ONE lirick lo dwelling house, containing a ante hall, two parurs, 4 rooms upstairs w , ith lame lift• ished garret, dining room and kitchen. with car. Mtge bonne, kc. This house Is pleasantly located with yard In front and rear, on the canal bank, corner of Chesnut street, leading to tippet bridge, now in the oc cupancy uf Mr. McClurg, rent tomtit the thues_-Enquir e 01 Dr, Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar 8, FFor nt. OR a term of years, TRe keli nwo bag tots on the bank of the Allegheny river, adjoining the City line. Apply at the house Agency, Petra street. sth Wart! mar 2. JANES BEAKBLY. Birmingham itr, Co. COMMISSION AND FOR o'4 RDING AMR czwers. No. 60 Water street. Pittsburgh Pa. Terms—Receiving and Shipping t cents per 100 lbs Comminution/ on Purchases and salt? 2g per seer. ,• mar 222, ,'43 Ti E' . ASTORZ 4 CILL4III on Market between 3d sad 4th streets. ALSO, two spacious and convenient rooms in the pee owl story opening by a Halton Market street; well adapt. ed for Law offices, or for any businese requirin a care. vatic/nand ready wens front a business street, ALSO, a Dwelling House on Market infest eontaintng five rooms 4 comfonable kitchen. ALSO, the email store room on Third st.. nearly op. posits the Post office at present occupied by Brown 4 Raymond as a Lamp store, ALSO the light and airy Mike on 3d 'et. at present oe. cbpied as the Atheneum. ALSO,, for rent, several small haulm near the dwell. Ng house of the imbserther In Pitt townzbip, with a few acres of Land attached to each. jay 111—if EDWD. CIAZZA . M. St. Third at. OTC AND. ZXCHAN Wooster, 'Masailon, Sandusky, Ceauga, Norwalk, Xenia, Dayton, Coto, Post notes, Chillicothe. , Fran. bk Columbus, It Lancaster; • 40 Hamiltott, 45 i Granville, SO, Com. bk. Lake Erie, 301 Urbana nbak:of Canton, 45 67 INDIANA. State bk.* Branches 14 State Scrip,. . 35 KENTUCKY. All banks, 14 ILLINOIS. State bk 4. Branches, 60 iShawneetown, 70 VIRGINIA. Bank of Virginia, 1 do Valley, I Far. bk. of Virginia, I Exchange bank, 1 N. West bank 11 bier. *Mee. do 11 MARYLAND. 'Baltimore Banks, par !Country Banks, 1 a 2 DELAWARE. All Banks, ~, par NEW JERSEY. All Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK. City Banks, pot Country banks, (safety fund.) i a I Red Back, Ito I NEW ENGLAND. Boston Banks., par Country t• i LOUISIANA. Orßhain Steaks, mood. 2 NORTH CAROLINA Ilitatlnc,. BOUT!! CA ROLI NA 2i Banks. NS. COLUM ntA Banks. ALABAMA Good Bank., 2; TENNESSEE. AU Bank., 4 MICHIGAN JAAIEB BLAKELY JAMES BLAKELY, Il othoAltent,slh Ward P G IRON. 64 TONS Teneenees Mg Iron ?or s ale lone UP close consignment, br kb 10 JAMIN NA" , TOBACCO AND SEGARS. rusrAteltlVED, and on h and , • good assortment ' 3 Rotes , Anderson's• pound lamp Tobacco of superior aP of Nails, Window glass and dash, Writing:Utter ' quality, together with 10 14 hones Gent Ravanna and a ils, handles, Bu dirnaltels. Rite. and ears fqr sale to* to close, by IS AAC CRUSE. Wiens, Au shisk Pecks. ie.. Broltei‘ Corn Brooms and mar IS Mars. Castings, Chew. Rocket/4 Wood :48 ' , iSeitv .ea i ---11---------------------------------- Bowl*. Carpet and Carnet Chain, &e .. for POIN on ne- ' ' BACON. . commodaling termafoe morn. Pittsisnrwit maraleatlirsior 1 xiiirk ecei ved tiy waion /Ow. raw Barfly). Pi , t ' Country produce. ISAAC HARRIS. Aft 1 ....t,r1.1 haul Ohio, for saki by vaav 2.51 avid Coir. Mardi% , ISAAC C !ME MM= - 41a SACKS elkil Apaisa. UP 23 do. do 10 Backs dried Peaches. 41 Backs Feathers, Jost received per steamboats West Point and Elarisburgtr,and for sale any /ow for mall by IMILJIMX.JEXXIXOS tco . mar 21. 43 Wood at. N OTICE to &tam Boas Oriners.—Tbe subscriber, In consequence of the difficulty of the times, has redu ced the price orbit, Safety °needier Me eremitism of rho explosion of *term boiler., to $l5O per boat. It is hoped that al/ boat owners will avail themselves of these reasonable terms, not only on account of the Perfect safety they afford, but also In point 6f economy. Boilers with the apparatus attached will wear abon wi ee as long as those not ptovided with them. March 6-3 m C. SVANS Travelers eheold select Boats provided witk Rem' Safety Guards, for preventive Zzplooion of &ea* Boilers. I7' would be well for the traveling community to bear in mind OM. their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expewe of procuring the above apparatus. And that every Individual making such selection is eontriba ung towards, general introduction of an Invention ad. milled by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters You have ce. tainl y, Is the hund-eds OreiplOrlOnt that nave already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient learning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and In every ease to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your fives may be secure Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of libetality, and by your preference show that yuu appreciate their laudable endeavors to atop this aw• ful sacrifice of human life. They do not charge more then ocher boats; their accommodations in other reel:recto ate equal, and In many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk.when It Is to completely in your own power to avoid those disasters. Ali boats marked thus ts] In the List of Arrivals and Departures. in another part of this pat.er, are 'applied with the Safety Guar . Mot of Boats provided writ A t Air SofOf Chiargi• ALPS, MENTOR, AGNES, MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MARQUETTE, BREAKWATER. MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CICERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, NARAGANSETT, DUKE of ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY, EXPRESS MAIL„ ORPHAN BOY, ECLIPSE, ' OHIO, FORMOSA. ORLEANS, PORT PITT, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA. GALENA, QUEF.N of the SOUTH, J. H. BILLS, ROVVINA. JEWESS. RARITAN. IDA, SAAH ANN INDI AN QUEEN, SARRATOGA,, ILLINOIS. SAVANNA, r, N Err OF LYONS, TA LLE YRAND, VICTRFISS, VALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. mar 22- BLANK LEASES. A new and much Improved form or Blank Lessem, for sole at the office of the ••Morning Post.•• Regular Morning Packet FOR BEAVER. -••• - The fast running and well known Steamer CLEVELAND, Brtsar. Firsentu., Master, will depart daily from Pitts• burgh at 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver:lt I o'clock P. M For freight or pasp.m, apply on board, or to 13IR MI NC4FLA & CO. N No 60 Water street. Orienv B.—The rev, ler canal packet to Cleveland, Ohin: ille and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the Ohio Canal, connecting with steamer Cleveland at Bea ver,will he in operation itnmedlately on opening of nay. gatton, mar !6—tf. F, E THE RS:.•2000 pounds Feathers, a prime ar title juwt received and fur sate by lIAILMAN, JENNINGS 4. Co. 43 Wood in rest, Y/iF.JVOIWZMON CHIQIIISTRY—Eart iedra Hair Die—colors the hair and will not the skin This Dye is In the form of a Powder which In pia ih matte. of tact may be applied to the hair over nt.tht. the drat night turning the ll7lttest or peep knit to dark brown; and by repeating a second or third night, to a Jet black. Any person may. therefore. with the least possible trouble, keep his halt arty dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that flue powder it applied to the skin will eat color IL There is no coloring in this statement, as any one may empty test. These facts are warranted by the chemisi nufactiares it. For sale at: V, 86 Fourth street, where a large assost t i t Medicines may always be had at either w -.• • ta il 'ID' argot !86 Fourth Street r" SUG.BR RICE 4,- MOLASSES. 2 H DS. Prime N. 0. Sugar. 10 Tierces R Ice. 19 bbls. No. 3 klacherel. For sale low to close consignment, by mar 14. JAMES MAY W/RT LECTURES.... TEE LECruRE CON NITTEE Or THE WIRT INSTITUTE • lakes pleasure In announcing that the Lectures before the !Dentate will be resumed on Tuesday evening, 28th Instant, by PROF. RICHARD S. MCCULLOUGH, of Jefferson Collars, Comfit:burr. Pa, it le contemplated that Prof. McCullough will deliver a roil course on the untie. Prerress cut Sdatifty of Rs. &enemy." The Commktee, in presenting this eounie, of from PI.I to glom' Lectures on a most interesting sub• jeer Of thought, s udy, end scion Ilfc research, Ebel as. sured that their exertions will meet with the general ap probation of the patrons of the *Wirt Institute Lectures." We deem It proper here to eXpressour thanks for the patronage extended to Orli course, and to amen the public.. that whatever della/peaty may have occurred in the fulblutent of oar twig/oat prospectus, It cannot be at tributed to any want of attention or exertion on the pen of the Committee. but to the Ibet that c reumstaneee which each! not be controlled prevented (dose whorled consented to- lecture Aroma *telling their engagements. Ticket, for the comae on Astronomy, a single lecture. in eta. 8. C. FILMY, JOHN & COSGRAVE, W. W. WILSON, JOHN B. SEMPLE. was. B. SCAIFR, mar 22 ~. ~.,~~ FOR SAFETY. V V .LIVATItto, its soon as possible, places fora number of Mechanics. Bookkeepers, ealesnteis, clerks. and boys In store, school teachers; for labortnt men, women. boys and girls for all kinds of work. Also, for Coachmen, steam and canal boar men and boys, collect. Ors. 4c. Alio, wanted. a mortgage on :nod property worth four or dire times the amount--$500.700. 1000, k c or sale, twelve cheap tracts of Land; nod for rent. Neveml small pima, of property. A ppty at liAttltlts' Agency and Intelligence °Mee. NO. 9,50 ft. GROCERY WILL be sold,at the store of Stevenson 4 , Atka. corner of Walnut and Penn streets. on Satyr. day. March 28th. at 10 Waft A. ie., their entire *leek of Croettrkts: also, fixtures, countess and shelving. Sale positive. Terms—cub. rosseney. Mar 23-2 t R. A. BA tifiMAN. Abets. Constrsitift SALT. 300 me se 1 Salt on band and for race t-, Britin IDG CO.. mat 24 Water st., between Wood add Smithfield ._. ......,_, _ Fr"14.4,T, 121 11P8 , -11sWoliellber baron bawd a ra It sappy ottani. half round and round Windom for Sate bth Alen and strattni In a few day, a full supply of Rasps, y e d,,zen or Welk, low for eyed or eXchanged for gOuthli LO SUR Consignee. I. HA RRIB, Agent and mar 15. Commission 111e01:1, 9 Fifth at J UST .i,wret.,zwpoentnt gee sad Lemons, of the flaw quality, for vale wholesale and retell, by feb WM, THORN, 53 Market st FAMILY FLOUR—Just' received a few barrels of Snperior Floor, made expressly for family use. For sale by ISAAC CRUSH, 148 Lib, St. In Store 50 barrels sup, dour. pitrATIIERELAIIFD CODPISZ—In slam 4 mil /11.411" Codfish; also, 5 barrels Not Mackerel, and 15 hair barrels, will be sold very low, apply to sitar 18• ISA AC CR USIE. 148 Liberty rt. .A.AfTzD, a bud of from !4 to 1 lean of ale, Applleation to be made before the first of Search to F L SNOWDEN. 184, Liberty head pl . Wood at. I blis.N.O. Sugar, thlidayreeeived persteamer New 11 , York,ated for sale by J. C. 4. A. CORDON. dee 10 No. I! Water et 20,000 LBvt Cotton Tam, assortod 2,000 1b... Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine From the Eagle Facto ry. For sate by HAILMAN, Jr:NNING'z & Co , Cotton Yarn Warriontar, N.). 43 Wnnd torrer. rna r 17 A PPLES.—Just received from Ohio, per wheelie, 35 bit 'SIB Of green a opiev, rourwting of. Pen nooks" 4.• qbalre Alm. 50 bushels of dr led apples, for este by ialA AC CRUSE, Who keeps mordantly or . hal moth TI end Clover seedof the best quality sear 116/ COPAR.TNERSHIP. ,Pfat en ir te ' red irdi t i o i rf j p - V artter j oh O SX 1p for P t4 r po dir"ra rpop o 6; transacting a Wholesale Grocery; Product sod Edenatie don blettoesa under the firm and style of MAILMAN' JENNINGS 4. Co.,at No 43 Wood street, opposite the Merchants' Rotel, where a supply ofgrocertes and Plus . burgh Manufactured Artletescan alwayd he had on !the I at terms. March 11 '43. W ILLIAM C. WALL , Plain " d Fancy pwrsir and Pistare France Manufactures, Xe. 87, Fourth Streit Pittsbvreh.—Convais Rreshes. Varnish c., for Artists, always on hand. Looking 0 larh.es. r, promptly framed to order. Repairing done at the short eat notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing Misr ery description. Persons fitting op Steam Boats Or boozes will end it to heir advantage to call. sep 10 BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE BR ANDRETHIAN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS Caveat entered 9th June, 184:2—Patent granted to Benjamin Handreill,2oth January, /843. The extracts of which Brenrltate'e Yale are posed are obtained by this now patented wells, without boiling or any n ppficetion or heat. The ac tive principle of the herbs is thus secured the same as it is in the LIVING VEGTABE. The Public should be condon E e of L medicines rec— ommended in adrertismentg rolen from me, in which the CoNTEMPTIELE ROSSER*stealis my lan— guor. merely altering the name, Time will show these wholesale deceivers in their true light, THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE. Or BI ANDRETR'S PILLS are the People's Medicine, proved by thonwinds who daily rercom mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETEI PILLS are growiiiir every day more popular, their vii tuee are extending their usefulness h siek o both sexes are daily deriving benefit fro T m e them f' . No case of disease hut they can be need- with advan tage. Blotches or hal d lumps of the skin they speed ily cure, on with erysipelas, so with salt rheum, so with indigestion, so with coughs and colds, so with costiveness, so with cancer, so with hot parched lips mod canker in the mouth. Let the afflicted use this medicine, and they will find they require no other, Sold at 25 cents per b ix, with directions. Observe the new labels each having upon it two signatures of Dr. Binartreth. Se each Ilex el thtli genuine has six signatures—tlire BeW wsriii - "Brand ied) and three B. Brstodreib upnii it. The (wry Puget& Pittsburgh where the aut. Brand/v.oi rills cAN RE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's own Office, No 98 Wood street, between Fifth and Diamond Alley, Mark. the Geist:toe Brandreth Pills can never be obtair.ed in any DEVo Truk& The ftillowing ate the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed by Dr. B Brandreih, for the sole of his Vegeta. ble Universal Pills in Allegheny County. Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Pittsburgh. Mr John Glass—Allegheny. Robe, t Duncan—Birmingham. C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Trwin—Pleasaut f Jchn Johnson—Nohiestown, Chessman & Spatdding—Stewartstown. Attrtell & Connell—Clinton. Robert Smith Portal —Terenturn. George Power—. Fairview. David R. Conn—Plum Township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkin.burgb IVni. 0. Flunter—Alton'a Mills. NEW .11.017 COACHES! ENTIRE NEW OACHESI IT. -21 1itr.4 - 1, Knox pirrsso . Rori TO B4z7.tmoßE AND PHILADELPHIA. Vnited States Express Una Leaves Pitislmrgh daily, at 3 o'clock. P via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coacher to cumherland, over the g4at Nntional Road, and from there by RAILROAD, in superior new eight wheeled can, to Baltimore, Washington City and Philadelphia. The above Line is represented to the traveling public as being unequalled between the Ohio River and C.istern cities for eomfort and expedition. having Made arrange menus to convey passenger' through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars, Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and $6 miles less than the Wheezing route, and that In superb new coaches. Fare throttle'. $lO. Office In the Monongahela HIMSP. A. IieNDEREION 4- CO. mar .11 —d3m Stage Proprietor, INOUSTRIAIASSOCIA Persons at a distance who nsay desire to mar,mar, ' any communication to the &champ eett)Polia or get any information in relation thereto, ue los ~.i formed that all letters, post paid, adevamll ft :' James B, Thornburgh, Pittsburgh, 'rib be aim* 4 ed to, "3stiriZ Destiny et ifan."—...Th is is a book whisli should be in every man'. library. The amtbar e A, Br ishane,Rett.,shows himself to be a true Refeam i , er, who strikes at the root of all the evils that i exist, and does not Waste his time and Wars is the preposterous effort to effect political and soil. victual reform,. Our evils are social. His want clearly satisfies the impartial reader that the trelho cern of the Reformer is not with the state, um lilt individual ,but with society. The present systeof of Industry is false; it ix Vicious to the extreme. it is carried cm in INK+ (Oda, 'merest wastefislness, without any Meg tia render it attractive, cheering, enlivening. it 61 . incoherent. Man does not act in harmony with man. There is no union, notoncert, bat eremite* tition, estiangement, antagonism; exhausting 14 strength of individuals without yielding a tap* of their wants.' • In Mr. Brisbane. work the ti....tocts of the pPss. ent system of Industry—Production and Distri • bution—ate clearly and correctly pointed out. The remedy he proposes is Industrial AitaloNsik lion; in which state Labor inateattof being derv. ding and repulsive as it is now, would become at* tractive; mon would feel the same passion for tt that sportsmen do fill. the pleasures of the ohne. For the Industrial Cohn:ea. There are now atont fitly Industrirl Antoeht• titans, of one kind or another, in the U. 3.; awl so far as my knowledge extends, but two or three have failed. It is therefore, a great mistake in some people, who suppose that we are *bolt is try our 'experiment' in establishing the &eh ,_.'..... Company. A. pociation, in my opinion, hat * - fully tested in this country, Franca unrtt-Eng/and. ___ FOURIER. _ __ SUGAR riND AfOL.CYSE'S. 100 bhda. N, 0 Sem. 120 Mb, N. 0. NoMews. In prime order, lett received by 8. 8. iir ebde•And fir sale by .1. W. BURBRIDO2/ Oe. mar Water at. between Wood and analtbaki FLOUR. 25 BUS. fresh Family Floor. For oars by mar 14. JAMBS )lAT PIG IRON, 64 TOXB Tennessee Mg Iron. Poe sale low to stole eonsittrteentAy inar JAMBN Mitt. DRIED PE4CHES. 1.00 low BUSHELS Dried Peaehert. For eh le by REVENUE CUTTER FOR THE LAKES, Tertasuly DtPIItTJUJIT, Washington, 16th March. 1843. VElfL*b PROPOSALS will be Tecerved at 'hilt Elle• /0/ pertinent, until lift 17th or April nein, for bulldhall the Hull of an Iron Steamer, to be need as a Revolt* Cotter On Lake Erie, of the following dlmemstotta, nay, one inlndred and forty (140) feet on deek,twenty•threll (QI) feet beaus, and ten (10) feet hold. Model, don'ts., and moulds for building to be furnished by the ttepitt went. It ( *expected that these boats will tie Wirt% Sib ferenee to Sonia' or Erlcason's Propeller. The free used in construetfon most be Amerlrin, and of the best quality, and is mite painted with two geodes:lOW red lead, (one berme the work le put up and the elk*. afler). whole °timid Iron work shell be weighed, littler it I. wrought and hired to Its appropriate plana,andi ors•eions to us , heing finally put together: payment ISM he made according to this nett weight per pormd,lnsin dine coal hunkers, water tanks and galley. The! chain wales. bobataya and Ado wor,Lxiggagooo4 BPdrA,,,iiiii,ns he Included*the pee. :touts. and the print for sorb ] work soil be ] r ep a y ra Plated. A spar deck or white pine, 4by 6 In.,te be reenred from underneath, With the .wood screw cattiked and Waned. Berth deck ()rash or yettew 21 by 6 incher, spited end bolted to the berth deck. i 1• so caulked and planed. Ceiling plank of *hire oak I. the flooring heads, 5 incbe 4 thick, thence yellow One. 4 Inches thick, to the lower deck clamps, all ofwhltb will I be estimated by the Nnltre superficial f; et. The math- HMS end wale ht used ih the construction, to he apprbvsd and the Work In hi inspected by such officer as the I* trete'', or the Treasury may appoint, and the work t he done arcording to the di reet ion of the superintendent. Ph...vessel to he completed Within six months rrctutbe day of delivering It it mould's and plans of bolldinfo The workmanship to he Inspected, presto.' to &Mits. ry, by two competent judges; one to be chosen by each of the parties of the Contract, who, in the event or the& dlaax.eemenr, shell select a third, who are to detartlito. whether the work has been executed In all respect'. It cording to the proposal and a;reement. mat 4t--tait PROPOSALS FOR STEAM ENGINES, &a. TIMASIIII.7 DICINLITMIXT. Was ingtOn .17th March, 1843. VnEllikn PIiOPOS.ILS will be received at this Bd. 1.7 1 penmen: until the 17th April nest, for six atrial engines, bolters and propellers, constructed upon the plats known .ts "Hunters Plan," two (2) of salt entities, boil ers and propellers to he delivered on Latta Brier as di. 'lgnored by the Secretary of the Treasury; ti,b etherltat such place or places b n the sea coast, as the Secretary et the Treasury may direct, also, two (2) engines, herbal and prepellers upon the plait known as“Erietron'a Matti" to he delivered at some place on the sea coast, lathe Se cretary of the Treasury may direct. The engine, WWII and propel/ere to be made of the very best Materials. Ur hear the proof of inspeetion of such person or neutral/ as may be selected by the Secretary of the Treasaster. The hollers to have not less than fever. hundred Met+. feet fire surface; working pressure, ellrhty (80) pounds the square Inch; proof, two hundred and forty (24011 pounds, Bil eighteen Inch cylinders, with three Of hit stroke. The whole tb he delitrered Is directed, with* Ass siestas from the time of receiving the drawings 184 p la ns which of betiding. The proposals will state the price lb t the engines, boilers and propellers will be delflest• ed and pttt into complete operation. But as the spat. Cations of the engine, working to entiree of the said pane a patine riekt, the proposals will aloe state ths "OW asked, istchulfng the ant hortty to nee the patent rfirbls and also the price eselusivoofsaldanthortty. C. Pt PENCItI e Secretary of the Trinuarry.. m l, 22—rail7 Farms to Lease, Ii undersigned will lease two Fermi; eftnefed IS Last Deer township, with t he necessary tender/IW. and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on eech. Also. sae farm situated In West Deer township Alio:hefty county. with from 00 to 75 acre, cleared. Ve above described property 4 In reasonably good repair. laying *blot 15 miles from the lofty of Pittsburgh, and sidthln two mike of the Penn's Canal. and wit! be lensed on teurnalaSsr terms for from I to three mks, to good tenants. RAILTRAId M17111.r. Starch 13th—tf. s. s. shut. Attu. r. sitourosio• 21E1SAY di. TROgersoits GENERAL. AGENTS and Commission illerebitillie. sr. LC)C1111, Aloe Refer Id} Messrs. Tstfiett. Royer # 11etiowell.1 " W. 11. Campbell it co. Pittsburg.. tt Cope. Todeentsr.* Co. _ i.lis. ~ blorisn.fitotehti # Co. r tt Woods, Yeatissin 4- co.? i t Lomoi. .. Woods, Christy k co. 5 reit 4,—d3m BACON. 2Dooo9eLrllnStetra:ioernetrrenJ) rear**. 'ar etipt- by -difr CO. • MA, 2d Cvirencee 7.) ror.e. et • .. LOYD k . Cenaneve 01,.F.MAAt Ca.le Forweeitiptibli llfss cfamirdloe klietehante we. Street, Viititersiik Tkey tesponfelyno.kci t etosittguestits. 10114, , -,4; . .i l'w,. - :, , .1T..1 , •_ , .,,,,,,,, 'n::',-,,,,.77:7;i:;:,- . ,_ - ...• . , , '... , :1 , ,'.- ~.•;4., . , ~5.,',51.;...1,9 JAMB* MA,. J. C. Pr reeretztry or the Treanty `%. ": i .._ . 1.,.. . --41