Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 30, 1843, Image 3

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Ray Mies Mary Ellen Richmond Miss Jane
Raymond W s
Rankin Charles R ddle J VV
Rhig•ly mrs Mary A,
RadettelV m
Rifisway Jacob
ankin* Horner Rife Abraham
Rg iliffe'Efi es
Rowland Rev Geo
Rey Kam
Rogers Rev Geo
Rose Rachel
Rogers lif ha Letitia
11. einhart H S
erh Rogers
son A
W m if
Rees Mies C
Rel R,bi ti C
, iteno Belli
Robinson David
Reed Von A
Robinson .I"hn
Reed W m
Ross Miss Nancy
Reed H
Russell Geo
Reed A W
Reynold s M
Bryan John
Rupth Jonathan
Sagner Mrs Laner Seweit John N
Sintple John ,
Stewart Miss jap e
ellv a ilk Fl
Stewart David M
s ess)eret
Stevet son James
Stsyr Mr If A
Stevenson Mrs Pliza 3
Genii James or Satallel Stevenson Alexander
Scott i_olutlif
St/ 110/) }lra Alice
Nnottlah rt
&Ili van Mich
Sehirearrz'J L
Sunclerhury S
&hover Sobtrnon
Stn,to MiSS Cornelia
lttirerborough Jame, Smith 31ts Ala ry 4nn
Seger /Ivory
Snyder Gear_ e
Seitz Danl
Sny.ter John 2
--, Seidel W F
Snyder Be,,jarnin F
Sevey Miss Cwharine Sprague Saml
She Edward
Steel David
Shale Mrs Margaret te Steen John
Shore M r
Stephens Edward
Shombgn osin/is do Co. Smith
Mackeya Dan ß iel
Smith J
Shuman Mrs Eli If p
zabeth Smith Mrs Laurette
-sok, Silverthorn John
Smith Mt, Ann
% Simmons Wm
Smith Mrs Eliza $
Suidenberger Win 3 Smith Miss Agnes R
Simpson G S
Smith S D
Smithers D T
Smith lames Smith Frederick
Smith Charles
Tru man
Thomas Th g r‘ j " h a
Tay& in •
T Banirt B
aYlor Ja mes
TaYlor Job
M 7 or V 97, aY/07 Miss A
n eTatum j oiwn
r ibs Charlesh
Vacket Wm V
Vara irk those/ Va ewickle
Von Bunhort C
• Van Lear Matthew
Wallace rhos 2
a/lace Abner 2
Walker James
- %Valiar Mrs Elizabeth
Walton/ tlaason AI
Wad e D r A,
Wakes° k slairleS
%tree/ Elisba 8 2
Walton Joseph
Watson Mark
Wayenan A. p
Walla ca ps 0 -
4* r
. ,
A and
. 4_
I WhltestA,
B tobt
WoiCtir A
Woad kriss Mary ,fil
Waltirres Ei iza bash
*II Wright John G
...Yoder o, a ,
ioun s ja,es
q otrISCEL
....• L4 trt %hens Court -ArTOU3
aptechutt Theo Seminary.
partnership her elleting between Oliver
P.eshi Jobe W. Maar, has been F ired ‘y the
• death orthe senior partner. The necessity of closing
the heelneme ofthe late firm, makes It n ecessary to re—
gion au Indebted by note or book account. lowlife the
new as soo n sie posaible, or the claims against them win
tile placed In the hands of proper officers for collection.
Surviving Partner.
The bailees of the 'ate firm will be continued by ibe
_Othileoreed, at ale °id stand, No. 120. wthod Street.
Re WO (save constantly on hand a large a Fsortinent
OW 'nano &mare, together with every
Vlliimehea„ of his
lkstery effThoe Findig. Combs, Variety Goods, +c., all
Or willich Will he gold at reduced prkes.
Nits Y7-3f.
Ytulzconvenient Cbtiage buiit frame ha aacc lott,4llo
:`, Oen distinct Delo*** canelM
. of - -
— 7 ;
rnm ~.
e i
,Attain Saran'
i - ,
i torslock Dievid'i
. ‘ Isabella - art:thy.Mrs AIM
.. 111Falttaalhott, -' ' Murphy Jainas
A. ifiginget Marten • Murr? Mrs M A
Meehan John A
Murph y 4. Spear
Md ealonah
Morgan Mrs Mary
Miehaw Widow
Morga n p
Miidwater Mrs Mary 2 Morgan Abraham
Might Saml
Morgan .1'
~..,,Milligan Thoa
Mortiand Thomas
,1/4,40e1/ Thomas Morgan Ean:ce
Mitchell Ann
Moodie }I M
Miller Joseph
Morton Robt
M4ler.Mitn Jane 2
Miller John W
M c
hiq4srteey Archibald Mclntire mrs Ma rgrei
Metrilele Mrs
McKnight Gordon
McCartneyHenryMcKee Samuel
Mc(,` McKni
Hastiin Harmer McKeown John
...krMCD,she George Mciciso n W m
9Clares Andrew
Afegibben James
nlerty John
McKeever Wm
Mc lin g 4. Rnßay McKee Mary Jane
McCMe arge Vathl McKee Dane
a rty Henry
31,1Cee James
aartJoseph I-1 McClelland H
• Agccaslin Menry McClelland
McCandleas Wm McFarlandmrs E
Afer"y Mr McFariand J
Af ceaarilttrgh
itic.Fa, /end James
McCully John W
McDlinsey Pose
y iel
Afcctilloii Thomas McGranahan Dan
rifeensinetJamee S
McCully Jonn AfcGuire Jane
Mcllwaine Cornelius
McCr acken:R(4 ;i
McDowell Charles
McCore John D McDonald James
MeCo nne/Hen r y
W m
McCully Sarah M,Donalrt
McCullough Cap
McDono t
ugh Margret
nJ McCulloch Rub{
McDonou,gh ''arah 2 McLaren Robe 2
McLauim a
McMillen Mary
McLochan 'Themnas Mc:Valet) Joseph
Nelson Ma r gret
Nich o l s Eli L
Olive; John El
0131 Cr e- r r /Zit: m
Orr David
O'Connor s II
Oak ley J M & Co
O'brien Mary I.
Ortnsey R G
Palmer lir
Pnllitt John
Painter R II
Probert Mary
Painter Joseph
Powell Catherine
Paint er R W
Pratt flenry
Patton 111.11 Susan C Polls James
Page Elder Joh n E" 2 Prr.r Silas I)
Painter Mist E j
Pt,g Ces
Patterson Forrester greoPeebies Rev A N
- --"".!•ptgr.oo Nathaniel
Platt Jeremiah •
a son 8 W
Philips Josiah
Patterson Samael
Phillips & Dunlap
Philips Nancy
Parker Angeline
Pentri Henry
ps Josiah
Pettibone Rev p C Philli
Pierre Wel
ham ter
Peaco c
Persian Abra
Pi ocror Wm •
Pearson Nathl
k Pev J A P
Pratt Francis
Trap Frederick
Toltnirsr Stephen
Toner Win
Turtielt James
Thompson Jamek 2
Thornburg .Incob
Thornhu,g Gen or Jas
Thornhill ..ilftb
Thurston George 2 ry
Thompson Wm
Whitpat.le Mrs E
Williams Jane
Williams Win 2
Wilson Jas G"
Wilson David
Wilson J,•hn S
iVilkins dr, Alf. Mastery
Wilco x J R
W infield W
Witlock W F
Wilily?) John
IVinstine Henr
WiiPs la 'at) y
W ingateller Sa ml
W omiworth W IV 3
IVoodbnro Miss /amp
Wolter Renj
Wright jihs Rachel
Wright Mrs G R
Yost Fred
Nock W m
Noy ton George
7'o 4E7',
ri li.e si.re and upper rooms Gf the corner
Gener f ,l I ~,,, of .f pp ( 1; / ,i-j , i S t- II
c‘•/,11'(1-s1), .1.1
ill Morn- Zil.. IFIL FII:1tr 70kt'i re
3 sire." '
""P'ed by
Lich, pain in Ow h, ad. ').o'll,'cf' hr k arid t.tdc , , ..1 ttr 0 - fur . t. itrn•k Houq, nn the orri or ill,
sens e nf we d ri ft • ,N, V% Ili v 'C. • .... l i gi t,. ,
~•,,, ' •1,%1f retion ,Ireets •,titt i'df. fo, d fft%ellinie finuse ;nd
Dy n e-
Or nowt /,, I.llotl cc' In arm( I
.1%1 • t,) loop nt qv, Grur"'
'"•"' Ll4/I,tt (a
J VIII.::, M A Y.
.llght thy cough, low ••;•tri ',• ttearl fi ,It to ht ' 2l 2 ' y "i•
to every duty, nre p r orntrit /I t ‘,I in oil••• rrl .1 di- - j-,.. hUR I? 1 ...1 - 1' _ . motor, ro'r 'reit Irro I, 1 II
eased slate of the Ltvt r. 'rise I,li Liver 1.., //sol% • ..( r ' 71,,., t : 1 ,tl ita re tt Coll . 1
i 7 ' we
often much derdn g , fi, whe n the rII •.t fo r ftl I (LI I) I &ILI f'''or term.
a ~,,, id ' 11l lop /:;1171,:l' 7; 11:::!:713.1
symptom., are ah,ent, and bte tut. • 1, 5 out of
iffllN 111 t,ost<Ey
I dee IU-- I I .
Three Hid Door, Lump
order before it is known.
Phis celebrated in di to,. Ira, yarn 1., ; ,,, t,1,,- 1 , e !
for at -foot quern vn 1,1, , tri I bd. art ~ lon,ol n , 1 I
7'o le r,
ty for euring the I , ve- Pottip'strtr ii It c t I , ~m ~,,.. 1 firlifs: - I•1 ~I• ri. oi Ihe hal flu,„7, fir/111110d fr; R. 1.
0 ,....... a by
reiti,l b oo e ~,,„
pithil, WI N , „al eido...win is. Iff An, op Ifore - hereto. re known
I.l'filpf dos abri e tor orlon,. f /ire I re-eot, ntel ,f,‘ ,it. a., • Nequilllt's 1 . 0 15.; Ro en,' / weer Cif li .0,1 Ind
Inkrinre or H liOrroll, i , il %.1
reclumn itricti 11( m e ~, the pr , 0,, tor is 0 /I, rh I .".""
tv.llio g to reinonl 11,,• mon. y, if no he, rig is der, % ed 1 "Is 1. "
) I and If
/Min ,he Use 4 th e p 114.
ass Arm Liottrt,ts ~, P urgative 1 111 Nu.). are 1 ""° 41 . 1 2 -:
not al rd isceq,
and gh 'old he ns,ect ti i lire ../ the (,n n ' .' 1 1.1, 'in "
or' oft 't• Wan
moo rill, .1 - i h, i ,,
Tho IZdintv, ce, 'lt - wal e ~ from R,., .G L , 5,... ( 'l'l'4' Fur
sort, of the 1fe.1,, dst 1, 1 , .. e 4,4 ( b.,r h, ~,,,,, wo,u, • ' ' l el ' '(.___ _ _
) f --
the acre sit,ori of, „ Haat ly a IT, ctr , tl
Howie i ~-elic
o,litien.e—ri,, 1, t'w Igoe. wi l l inform
.), MI that N o. 6 w 0,,, or , b ,.: I ~I s s
0 %11'7 ( 1.. 1 d p 1 :t ;: t h iit s,
l a i. or th i e 1 5i h ‘‘,,, rd, v ' i l i t :Wu finer.iipe;:. Penn S,
/11/iF: initti:rf tiler ild vin: for ,1 number Of s ears hero en
%ISt dto cared
use „r your 'LlVf`f 'i'l' I dids i o g a n d I
~, i
w t y ..1 iz ,,,,,
So r,e,:::1,...:T ,bli.,%hfrut,,:,,,,%rqi,,,,,nrioitili,•,,t,ne rent, 4•r,
before u.ir; hlir d 1.) "t 1 ll ag et% o'er] to toy 1.1•11
le I nonief, thei nrorrt In entl,ltte dllo' l ()/ I I llfil'nlll rs it). s.ervi,,, lo tlntt, persOns C:tvsniatie • rof.r'fnot
the benefits Iha % e 1 , , , i„td f•oni tile m,d,,/,,, lc , , e oomv have charge of tirope,le as Rxertitors, rlo'noni:f‘r
I fors or G oa •rhan , .. In th e cif 1.. or vol,tirlf., and who mdu
cominewl it t o n hen. Irilm i nog tinder SirMi.lt din c
„, 1 lied a
cher,p 1 ~,,t have leisure to al Icor, lo If q)(.llSeiVev. If) rent a veil)
tion feelin g r onfle, I that th ey
I :rigs, trarehonses, Farm. Lntc, ,te, A to co'lleet
and',sucee,4fill reined,.
I reins. divnlo title, Ground quo; 4-e. A r erl.ter I, kern
where a inscription of .111 properises for tent n ill !well
feted tree of char2e, f Weretu. is respectfully (tarred Ir
Ilre fotio u r Jog eiolieo,n fur whom I ile saftscrioer tia-
been avent for •orire to at, p 1.4- 11e,..rs ittrha o I Allen on
P McCormick an Jrnes g. Craft, F.l Psti.thur-I • la; -nu
.7,41 cit•ortrl itt A zent, Phildoi , 11, .. Join, I - fro . w it
Thp ro.lo.)og festal, nun! ,ro n Dr. Pn !elk, or
frirro.r.zriditt, ft. 151eLettan, Clriere n 1 r, D.lnie' Putt,.;
Portsmouth, Oh o. f 1 go idu toed phy•wino, Hod a n obi '
-, :eut,e, , ,v(, Jo eon ‘lfflar 1..1,i reNro`VltlP; J:lfile 'Jones
praent,one, ,s tithe,,,tit pr ,, of for the mon 1nc,,•,11 1
lous, that Shinn a: Selie,•,' Crlelo tte Liver P, . l '' '-' I"thert'' ain"
"a'l'", A IL It
'''Wn'hir'' D'l"er
55 "
i I,f p ur l , lit t'etVit kle •
. V .
do and en a elle, , qtr. . 1 f 1 1 ,, ”( 4
I, I. e i
.1 I lIEs EL 1 ii• ni,s-
Messs. Snit, 6:: Bellt.r c--.Gostrlftnirti---11 Rif tstt, -
tne gt nal pieaciii elo say Ina! ilttt e in,i le rpid-d ea I -----------
..."4,1011t iittp , - ;T.- - - -
Ili I`.
trials of your Celebrated ',Re, Alia, and find (hero 1 Nn
i „rikr.a,„_"--'" .1 ...
trA r Irk ° 46 0 .. : 1 h'i}i"n 100k °"I''
I "r
1 'NI
'''' ''
better adapted to the porpm, fret V% hid' the dr,.,
.: ro of IM. tile,:h.dr. rivet
demgtie, (1,1‘',.r diseases) that/ anv on divine o r ii l o .tortes higis k ,46s ,
combination or tnerlien,es 1 have ft. r r and. The). klleheo• I t Mir*" pleasantly ..itZtjerd. bejtjbilui;l7.ll,,trr .11;:i.'l
I Coy line, with it nal vie w or , b , •, ' n vof t flegf rot., Intl
are iii great deniand here, and, c t v , , well.
Yon's% (flay, within 0
minutes' walk of 1, . he-ttt Or Ine ,f; t —rt of
R'fl. P: ITTLLT.O, 1/. D very to w 0 -
i 1 11 - FL 1 IZI:LY
roar 13 ,
.. '
11,,11,,e . leer t
,5t I? Wird
POrtsmouth, Ohio, June
.15,12 islq
, .
Read Me following. teetimony and disbelieve' 2/ you
liPOr nen t.
THE ton f7l Orriltil d d It, A 4/171E131) SelV.lll, 011 relth
Cili al ichaeltou n, Greene co. Pa. '2 .
st , as an offiee-,,,,, 5 4t, per leir
:Sept- 20, .412.
3 i .1 i,o, wo roorns necit fort' as a G rocrr v 'flare, on Penn
Mr. R E. Selier,--For several years I ryas the .treet -rent SIG per year
SUbjlet Or a most unyielding alt.iek of th e Li lace
/ lit F:' PT, AKI:I.V,
etimplaint. It would be useles, ror me to attempt Inar 9
tintt.e Azent, 501 Wrd.
to give you an account olio ,i b uffering, as It cou'd t_
only be felt, not described. not sues was the se• i IllItyr.) store too and dweling. 0,1 P t nn street
verity of my diseaae that for days and 14 eeks to- 1 IL (siit ward.) Rent i.or fury. '
gayer, I knew trot whether I bhuuld ever recov- Apply at the House A. ,ey, Penn , f, 3th ward
itarch 15
3 1 irIES lit. 41{E1,1'.
er my usual heal It.
7'o 77,P7----"----------
I continued in this wretched cond,tion until the
Christian Advocate
fell into my hand 'and upon
6\ f•::hrlck flivolltng house, ,nmatninz, larse
comparing the bymptome of 4 diseased liver al
hal 1, two rrirlont,, 4 room. ; up st ifr, with fin
given in the advertisement Loth tny o awn, I f ound ,
;shed garret,thorm, room and Ithelien. with ea r
that they corresponded in nearly every pa rti-ular. rinze ifn //se. 4*c. This /01
ilispplcintzyntily I()Cated with
From that cireurobtaine I and induced to tr, • Y o ur vard in front and rear,'on"e, . Cana iank. corner of
Cheenut •,, reef. leadin g , tcf upper brulze, now In theoe
tartly popular Liver Pills,
cunanc v ( t it r 4leCturs. rent to sun Ihe times-- chquire
ed that it Is with the greatest pleasure that I in
on Dr Whithker, Allegheny City.
mar 8,
ern./ You that the Liver Pills have been of more I
service for e than all oth( r Para
I hove ever f
used, and now enjoy better health than / have f
Al i
For newt.
done air the law eight years.....
.. ,,,,,n. 1
on ter m of Years. Two building lots on the bank
, 1.: ,..4
pro oc y t
a h e t t
1, 1
t. I If
h ., 7 o h u e s t e t y A r : l
cr r i. .. , a‘d r J e o nt n n f .s rcg r
e t : L e , ( s. _‘ ,
i t:.
14 11 , f) ard.
Bigned..eiteSifeid, irah"en Coll.lP6'l2l:!Dttifj,4(4.tliEW4"l.
Metiers Shiqp b.. SellerEi--I enjoy reasonabl e i a
wealth atpresent, and I must say that / hale . erivert i
-lii riii in c 'halli & Co.
snort benefit from your pins than from any other / cloltfilllSS / ..4."' FOR IV4RDLIVG -VER.
medicine, and / believe them to be the best pill we N.---' c.itAt:Tl°N\raßo:Wi:aiterstreet, Pii:shurgh Pa.
have ever had in this part or the count's.. When Terms-Receiving
Commissions oa P urchase s a t'
in Pittsburgh last Spring, I bought a half dozen box.
e 3 or your pilis, and svhcn I reached hnnie I found ' at 22 ' '43
my wife rely n with the doctors attending her -----'----------------
e"t tiv4elrea2:letesriPPee:dreaeinn:r4tihbil.
TO-rtt -----------
The to
(lid not th e until I gave her
severs! 1 A STORE CELLI/Ron alanPdrk"
doses of the Liver Pill; since that she has ,gained Al, streetn
' s•ontn st in th
Much, and istlOw able to attend to her usual work I ALSO, two spacious and rorivoHn
lam Rot of your pih a , and dee.oe you teem] ire half '' s Dad r a ory opening bee Hai: 071 11,trket atreel• w e lt e d
half njthe lac
mt. w ere , ed for Law offices, or fora ~y hustne3,. req % w in e . : e a o T ) :
venter! arid ready acrs.se from a he'll*** strueert,'
dat:rtrbiatteunteb"d eamlnnbYgent'amii);rrfte,big }bor,. I have &Nth
ALSO. a Dwelilog !louse on 31arket Fri -eel contain/a
your Pilo no for three yeays And shell continue to
Rea rooms if. e oinfonatue itchen., ' * I,
do so as long as I run joint er to Pit ts!•urgh, eel eon-
ALSO, the coal/ store y oom o n' , Third et . nearly oPs
sides. for tbe best pill tha: ha; ever ecite wo re t i ) . 1
Posh, the Post /lace at pwseot occupied by Brown 4.
/ r "rir" 'true •.- Raymond as a Lamp wore
.-I°llA "' B ROW &• ALSO the .
prepared ggra.arrcijoht aide and retail, finpled as the 11141tcall:dAnE•r; °Mee
. °4": t
4 at
by. •. - f•• .. :1? 3EELEra I ALSO. far ikit,:iire,;al Bassin l'• saes laar 04 dwen
(.3 r 4 361 :.• It elel:z z ; !toe 41syso of !het a.rptse:thr to Pftr4htlYp. eilth a few
Aro. 20. Wood go - 4 tttlgob4r,lL , s* , of Land .attsehtti ft. sew. , '
Illareb 7. -- • ' f 12n TB-'ll.
Pitts. D ec . , 30,
Shinn & Sellers' releht wet/ llivrr ['ills 7701 a Quack
d0 4 . 11 1 . gt0 Diero gi
cis? eriiiiet rise at?'
It rises in di. 43til
ob tri
Idiae, as laid (low,/ in tie comic althanick.
/ v3itifJeCTibbhtLif kr ALLIM
Id J
, 1 P ENNSIFL VA Nll. VVoosier,
I Rauk of Pittsburgh. par Affitspion,
'Wen, where do i! set, /Jaz?' '
I Merch. 4- Man. bk. par Sandusky,
furr nee itga,
'Set? black. fool, it don't set zlowhere I e(r.hangt bank,
Rk, of Cerurantowr .' Vo • k
when y ou
i gets tired' ob shinin 4 ' I -
' n ' al '
g, I goes le ,Hs,t,,ti tank,
IS hole!'
f I,afir Ist. r bank. dm 11, Dayton,
man.l.la4n. kaluetrhcabneisci,er
pa pa r
it, S b c a t ir o ,k i . o . ,
1 Parmern' bk /hicks Cu. !,' Poet otes,
Doyiesto...n bk .do " tiblktruhe.
ink u 1..); A merrc4 Phil. " Frn. kk Col mhos
tlik of Northern Libeities," La..caster,
1 Cummercia/ hk. of Pa. -- kaniPtok,
li. panics bit ,Gran Ville,
i hen,ingion bk.
" Coin. bk. Lake Erie,
Philadelphia bk.
"Far, bk:of Canton,
Sch./Oka/ 1./t.
- Urbana
Southwark bk.
We atern'kk.
• State bk. 4-- Branches
Bk. of Pen naylva /r 1 I q, 7i State Scrip,
ilk of P O 10 Tl. par EENTUCK Y.
1 Ale•-hanir, It:
Mo.. a n/easin g bk
3 state bk 4- Rranches,
Ofrard ba..k,
4.sishawneetos, n.
j (7 Stases ban q 5
51.01 VI Rt.'INIA.
Lumbermen.% Warren, --illank of V•irzinia,
Ii Frank hk Wag bingion, par do V,lftey,
11 inert 14c of Poises -lie. 6 Far bk of 110 gsn!a,
1 'llk of Mum zoole! C.o. par rxcinloge bank,
Alon bk 8r0.% narille, ;) N. W.., bank
l i
Erie 111.1.1 k,
5 Mer. 4 Ilse. dn .
I Hanish 7f
51 11 ARYL A NO.
P: r. hk La ri easier, ii/Palliin'lre Banks,
f rn r
Rk bf Middletown,
.4,:icon RI ry Bank.,
I ii 2
Ilk. of Chain. eranurgh, Al DEL l IVA RE.
Ca rlnue bank.
41 ,111 kabk.,
i eltoklioinfil.N.,;noriklikuninbre,ri4denr..l(),.
2 6
Bk Sir,queltanna Co- 25 NE W 1 ORKp.ar 4"
kkof Delaware Co. par eke Ranks,
Lebanon bk.
i Ccunlry haukm,
Gell.ssburgh bk.
4} t , .1 felt fund.) 1a 1
York hank,
4} Red Hack,
!to I
Far. 4- Drover. bk. of
Ncw, alloL IND
Wa vne.l.... 2 h ,
7 0,,t0n Ranks,
in r
" • ' CUrroncy note,. 7 ....In.. v .•
Iln nr,fin le,
1.01.1,1.4 NA
it .ofomf: brink
10 Orlnd us Pi,,k, 101.1,FIlisl!'ull Slate ,:rrip 5 a 511 NH CA 11 01. IX 4
country do do 11 . l: , 11 .1.1- ''.
Z 4
Berke ( o. bans ,
79! SOPTII C.l ROL' N 1
L ews.row n.
7 inank,.,
To wanda.
1-,,N PIS I Of,t'll !II '1
3100ir AND 4 OD
iv. 1r Corner
,f' Prood (5- -Fifth Sis. 5
THY proprielots of the Alons,'stt 'Poir and Mencrav
•ND Af•NCF*CTURIIeIt resitertfurty Inform their friends
and the patrons or those ikapc.rs, rhat they have a large
and well chott.ell anurtinent 01
elirEpaElt '7lE""Mir, lll P"._ll -I - N,
41:1VP) AW- to 2.1)2};/,;;4;-11 , V.i.i'. A TaRY.,AgiZ
Necessary to a Joh Prim in g otnre and that they are pr,
pared to execute
IBill. of 7,o,tilig, circular,
Bill Heads,
i Black Checks, 1 flat l'ips•
I` funks' of blantts,
Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with app. -Q.
priale Cuts,
l'rinted on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms.
We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and
le public in general in Ilti, branch of our business.
Pittsburgh, Sep:. .39, 12.1:,:. PHILLIPS 4- SMITH,
P .trnph/et
Thor:way Inorni", %in.!) ,30lh,at 10 o'clock, trill
1._,/he sold at Bc,u.rnion's -Yuctiorl Store No 110 Wood
*bete, all Ili ten.alnlnz stuck of Dry Goods noon tv hick
a dvances hn ve been mad,
A Iso : ai 20• o'cio,k P.•
51., 1 paiunt Floor Scale, I hand
sme flee Tablr, ti 7.,r0,s Ron het Loa rds, !fur, on,. Ta-
Ides, C'hair.F,4. r ..- 11 0,1 and Brass Cluck., one ',love ;ma
p count,g. Slielving and of I),r fivures; 1 A ticlion
Flair, Bsiener llaßers, Chlmrts, 4.e. ti-e.
Owners of-goods Upoll Wh/rh adValleell huve heen rnadc
will oleasc lake notice that nli sorb gDods will In. potd N J
rile highest indder, If 110 l redeemed hefore one o'clock
Narch 30.
R.. 1. B/w—
-mop 41— °:.t
tria I
,G • ,
`• , ---• 9 Jrc
,ES TO- iL
r V,
4.0 .1.11 A
(Good Pr,r, Me,
1i I, Tir:.);SE,:iSLE.
'Alf flanks
_ ....
Marielli Irk 0 • n
The bet', rum B,,lerrhri passenzer e'en ow
. '''''
d nk. of S'' "air'
l't Do. do. J .5. D. Sum?,
ID, Moore, Master, %,,,11 leg ve for 1 above and infer- di': Currenry ;pores, I i
medlars laoilirras or, Yruirry tisi, 31,4 roNr. of 10 o' Volumbrana bk New Lis 1G.,0,1 !Jurors.
filo I
el. .M. Por fici:lit or poF.,:i.gP ;rpm, ro
bon De" r.d•
N Eristern Exchtinge
mar gip •
J 111 Es if A y .
, do PORi r11):,1
Tile Rowena is so pnbett with Evans' r t att-q t Guard to ' oructrinali s peCi ' e ~,~. I ‘;'\l:eh.t"'''ll:UrrrkA•
prevent ex._plosinri al with
; Ice, barrk.i.
li Itattmlore
SHINN & SET, L E RS' ---
---- i ',fedi. + Trad,r, lik of 00,ton
ar/EZRA TED rarrat Pr.tas. I ca n''' 5 li'et err/
i ninton hk of r„fornbi;s, it:inrirroar I,
&and Unrivalled by any iledicine known; Deman d doo m
ij Louisville.
for the cure of th,
r:lreleville, (ri. Lawrence /Cleveland,
I Caqhfer)
Ii Wlreelime,
Za nekvi/l e I, k .
IitGOLD AND sit.vrn
e ‘rfil'y
-• , .
I DANA' re . 4 " Nrirx
*Yr„ "
zu.Nak •ROtRR •
0 1110 .
Ilr.uni p l Plftarrt
Far. 4- 3 b.cti. 'k of !Ica
Relf.lol / t Lk cr St. Claus
vo R
/RSII.I Four in 118riip-ier.
;1) :1 rreq of 141.)1.1 nit 11•8/1),,' /1111, Lot
53, 34, 181, 182 4,14 113 , Po L'oo.'a plan
'I OI L 01/ne', Ili
.11,in, no, 26 and 27 . i n
on nigh sl reel . near the lielv Court j
lenity apply to Z. 11....1i1::111NG7'0N
L be sold,at the store of S tevenson 4- Aiken,
corner or Mown and Penn inreeta 15.2,ur
dajr. March 25th.at
N., theft entire EfOrk
of Groceries: also , fixtures. coontc rs and sheivlng. gate
Terms.....coth. currency.
mar 23--2 t
A. 84 VBlf 42V, A act'''.
'o 1 daft on hand and for salt FY rar
sate !ow to /300 '3" J. W. Brit REtIDGE
I m ar 24 Water v., between Wood add Smithfield.
and on rand. a good assortment ; gat Belies ,A °demon's' pound /am Tobacco of import",
-2"8, 'O",-ndian7B/agn and Sean Writing. Lemsr
teethe: With 10 1 4 bozo* '441 Rieman&
ana wrapping, pnper. fltaper bane:lnn, %oyes. ze s and
and' fo• sale /0w /0 0020 . kr 1814 C es vge,
kuldies, Bustuos, Psetre, 4a.. &rushes. Coen gramme •nd mar 15
1.48 •
Main, A ing-4e,r-Cmatoca, •Lbeftie. Soceeim Woodon .
• . _
Bonk Caron: and rpet Cneln-fiLa.. foseeiet_ tte
ateenetedientl2 itk.7:7refreih,ritikeiferi ilaniittLeTarelt Or
Oeuntre ptd.7
iC 11ARRIP. Ag't A
mar U,
and Cota-Miteh%
No. SI. Tbtrd it.
. ...
46 ,ii,‘Cl(.9driedAPP/ef, Th....11z' 47.--r----71 .------:•'`" •- be ti.--- -,....ertlier baron l-ht:1;:d:21:4414':-:-"''";/":- ---
- • - ''''':
. 1.:;':'-7-7:" ...'
. zzi blda do de
1 IV ' rird ie-irorfrat, tti; 77. ' • ' '
round 'and roil nd bin ' 1 884. LANT.4IIO-1, NOLAgiliat' • '
Pet Eitesfertii I.,;lttie 8401 add /Caltei; tiaif Sil
/0 Sacks fee Pearhes.
' 1 inoy% todexPectrin a few darart flitnito ; ty Of dirr 1
41 Sael‘,.. Beathers Just received pet. st4,s.r.eMboa.ls ; for :,,,ie 'by , the
con Or sing, '', • • .•
• 1128 `
a d i 1 144
-J. G. 4- A..20/#l,olt,
west Pot et and tilt ri sburg ' h.a od for sate ere, /vs, rur cash fur4onds trdr suit consignee: e'lawtlAl°llC},C`,''...-i: .4'r4r,ll:ll6,;„Ldv.c' 1 "I'
).2 IV•arror atrial
114.1 L AMA', E.V.i7
4,lle3G:vS ! d e
tr: 1,, rn,ar.,ls. Com riliggipa Ale' ~ ,t. 9. Hirt, / st
mar 2i,
in i j z .en.,nr o t
tho,,r,.teesai,oiwl. o.llorah,nfaelse
ATOFICE to 5te,,,,,, Boat
4. 1 consequence of the difficulty of the (Imes has do- t r e t a bY
1//111-- Ttl'ORN,
ced Ilre Price of itteSafety Guard/Or Nis r '-ei titre
A Irrir. rcoUtt —.fun received a
; web 22--tf.
s re .3 t l v i.l ij a a t
r a r e:: t. O r '
the czplosiou °is/trst boutral.o $l5O perPhoenatn n 6 / 1
p Soperior Flour, made exprestly for farinty ulre. For
It Is hoped that an t,at owners will avail themselves
of these reasonable reran, nbt only oh aceenAnt of the ,
.arre .315ettoo.
i /SAAC CatTSE,I4B.LIb, St.
Per rot , treaty th e). Word. but alm In point of ecooom- sal.
esti h
Boiler's with the Word. Attached 'wiitileizear als:u.
01147°°FrISZ.-•-•In since, 4 casks
tvi ce,4o tong as those net provixled with
Starch 9-3 m
C. EVANS ij -/-711of 1:70.111iih; al6o, 5 harco/ 8 Not. &hic .
Bret,to and 15
halfhariels; toil be-tO/d very lotv 'apply '
Fait kik-Ivry. ---------------------- i
mar 16%
ISAACCREIEte, 149 Liberty st
1, 'RAPPED, a boy of from 14 lo 161 years,
ar App/leation lobe made befoce the first of Marchio.
1 feh 3,
/84 Llliei4Y head of Vt'ood at.
Ir P O PIr
; gialp lms. N, O. fluaar, this dayrecefved perces leer New;
ICI ifork,and for sate by J. 0.4. 4. CORDON.
1 dee 10
No. 1!! ti'ater
1 - - --
Colt on Y a rn s assorted
202000 L 881
I ,ouo 1b... Baton N;
2,000 " Candle Wick,
, 1,100 "
500 " Carpet Chain, and
Colton Twine From the Eagle Ftictc•
f l
; ty.
.Pcr sate by
- il',_
:ar_ref: : 11 IL
A CN-c-rtloF:ulSlrrNa'GlV*4ajcrert;oouse,..:.
I Ina rl'
43 LV nn o
i PPLES.Just received from Ohio pry wa.ot t ., a"
“Blairs." AlS g o $
6 bxuaPiPileip, ec_tusts4Mg of ~ Pe it riocks''A
T,arelers should attect B
l ar annfes , for wale. by
Safe[ IVho keeps eonstanity oe.,
I st,edof the hest qualhy
____ _
g Ora ids, for prtrentine EZplooton of Steams" r4.41.E.9 W. ft. 7/
.....--..., t'ith
is/ have ent.red rum
. 4 tß.Ar 4- Joifir
ILI , , tri a l r o A th A e o l :kUsE,
. y. nil Clover
mar 'I E.'
P. JP V4 , 71.V . 0 S
B oilers.
parterership for the purpose of
t T would he welt fo r the irsvllit;cornittuary to bent 'trans:mit:7e a Wholeca
the Grocery • Ploctu'r• and '
1 in amid 11 th e i r 8, iii .• depends entirely opoo ; stun husine•ta u nd e r the fina l rt-u'd style .)'. f ann..--t. 11.)-i-7,119.N13.
their .wn encouragement of I or,. that hts or May be ) JBkNING-,1 ... 0 . . 4 t r No 43 tVood Al r
. he
i'd the expe,,e of
the aho.aalipnralus. A An d i kfercha Iva:floret, w here a suppiy of r; toce.rres and Ntis
lhat every ludrvidual maiony, yo'clt sulect. ton is eontribu- i latill,retti Iraoufactured A Slleltil cart attir e y. he had on floe, ,
„,.,, toward s a aerieral In iroillierroa of an toveorion ad- '
Tomei, 17 '43. i
mitt by all met. why Worley Wry the prlrieipt es of it 1 --------____
.. r.
1, i
intim Eiteinr, 10 I.e. a •Urf• lret.rola.e aza.in.i tha n e 1 1 , 1 7.- ''''" L. r" "' real' .""d F';" • I' '''' / " .a .'
sad Pieture air,
Jr/ ankfactu rer •
~ro. ; f ~
dreadful .11m,rrs You hare Ce.14,11,1v. /cr the 110 r 14. 4-4.',
zrntylo ( sj) B 4 Lie?. r'4,,jto ph
of ox plos ,, ,to tho I,aVf 4/I,a6V lake!' plat e, ;111.1r .;irnoFt -°"
,Ft Per"`"./71/* -Can vag* Br"hs• V' 1 CarTel6l44
1 cf•c•. for Art i.us, always on hand. I..rnakir-r 131 / 1 4,50 s 4. i moo mar 2 n---rea?
r - . 1 -
(ratty orTorretice, hi.rl the 111,11.1SarldS or 11,..es 11):111,ave
framed 10 order. Repairing don; ;. I (he Short l - ---.
airy.4/1y been tort, a •uffic i • ut wartime awl intim eOl 1 PrGUIRtrY
,5,67. c
~ t m___--...._______. ........_.......... ......
IV/ Jf0.1.,.1,YY.6'4'. -
PV ~,tire.
to make ~iry for a
fie). guard Poa I, and t u ewe r c
Particular attention paid 10 re:114;11 and jobbing ore', I 10 0 hh,is. IV. 0 Rugar.
ra , /,, 0 r.iv,. II 11,r. preferenre. They ILive went r/ a, '
r t r detterip'lnn.
12 Md., ikt n
acldltrelvflrSperi,r• ihai our lives outs Ire serum Ouzbl ,
Persons fittiog op Ficarn Boats or houses wPlond It le I t ' ° .- - 11"1"'
In pr i me Order, Just receie d /
you not th - relor e 10 ifirt.l them it hi, a correspormion l
Sep 10 i esf-e't}‘, e
, y S. S. Alreadriand rGe
helrativattm7e to coil.
deg/4.e of loin••fi My. and I•v yoht preference show thtl;
4. W. BUti 13q1DG E - Co.
1 __________ ar 14.
1 '
n 4 ,
pm appre,i4l.! /71vir lad
endeavors lo slop !his aw 1 ------- - -----
13RAN DRETTI , 1 F------------------z,-,------:. ILLS, I -----------------
roar ..• • IV__ aler it. between Iroedand-Sialibtlat
rut sant:le a of human life. 'l'hey do not chars,- store ,
than olhei !mate; Met,- acconimodlitions in Lehr:" re.7teet s ;
/ 1 25 Bbi.s. freah Family Ftour. Frn• pain hy
17 . 0 (. 7 .7/, ----------- 7-4.--
am ryttat, and in many Ca.sr, sI/perair: and as there Is I SECURED BY LE TTEfi'S P A TEN ' T OF
floe iraring ill..l,lrrgh , Very clay, why will you Eli ii i
any riot, when It is so con:, retrly In your ow t., power ' TEIR 1-77v117:1) srATEs•
"alB . if AY,
10 aVOld fIID,P ,114asIelii.
./ 2 901 - V: -.. ' -.. "'''''''''''.............
.111 float.; ;narked too., [•', in the List of Arrivals arlil Br!ANDR.ETIILAN VE43ETABLE EX- !
b eret - titre s , in a nu; her par( 1./1 (1-11 ,a °t
are 9 upplio r l I
64 To Peri nesarse Pt 11-4 n.
with the slirer V Glla 1.-
Liar of Boot s p,ovirtc,i rartit tit Saftty o u , d. 1
~, ..( : . . .i. . ea t entered 9rh -lune, 184:1- Patent gratif,d to . i r 'r sale Ivry to eloseconslParnent b ' . .
. JA AtZli MA l',
t.f , ino n r 'ln le+ "Oth J . 1843 n'--1.
. 4'
. .
• • r . ••. 31/1/,1,y, , ,
!hied Peaches. .
1 --_.___-__________z,osvß.4.s,
/..)/eitSCD E r .;/C ., ------ 5 ;" --- '"•-.7.4
. e x.r.ic, bids /1,-.lott,';P,lli are corn- i
11E'ATOR ,
, pnsed are 01-114ine.1 by this. t,otv Parent m, prneess, 111 00
A 11.1 It A N"l'ff,
.11A RfETT.A.
i t9tv‘,•erh,ll,ll,e.i''"llifltg;tll:?atar,Ps•Pytiv:l7o:isjerc'rui.l•;34'itiTe h' ;a 4 lr7; ; lone /4. Fl".'4!"°%. C
: TliVhT;cl7"---2; cu7/:7:Elt. l• - 't /it :4.:Kir,Ei:.
111111,1,1 AX I'.
. 1.11?0,1 :Errl.:,
BREA li . .1 . A Tr.R. AI eN(; 0 PARR I• •
1 as it is th the
1 1
'The Public s i n ' 1, -:;',. 1 . d r "; )G, e'll::(i;...:sr`,l,(l3ltt:•ri.ic in es I ec- t
.110 N TGO 1 1E Y
Wesiai -.1 '
C NTON : .
N-"lrril nEND,
i ll iy i: hf , aont i ;t.'
rf ft: unn a :
610,ehrSi/96/1/:7;r:o:lll,A,l:fnreir,:ur.i..,er,, e l i :z •im at , do
C irP,/:(1 ,
Ait.:Pl'l.l \.1•:,
C .1 Drp),
N A if 1r..% NS El' T.
.. :0 p
F: . 1 it...,,Ae.) hrtetodred and fo; (140' far On ..,,er"km,teseetesniutnyil.ba:a•Y°
DLIK I.; ..1011/,1,:,1N'5, N 1 1(; Alt .1
these wh,,lesu'e dec-t• Pr. in their true light,
et beam , an 4 ten (Tloob).6•;!oth,,,;l,l,;;;ed.'thflrs.-ter,iirtvaltrplaar_tat.
DVQ('/...5N1: 08PRP.Y '
spa nioulds for hurlding
1-....YQi.:N.S 11,111., 01?Pfl.I.N BOY. THE ,11F:DICINE: OP Tfil' .
•):::7- BR :AN DR ETU'S Plll,B are the people's i
Ime m. it i,exPecteit that thee bows ‘.llr he Ihe
1.;C1, ,p‘t,:::
o 'llo .
3 t tou-a nos tyhn dailr recrom
i ference to flunter or
,Erirstuirol PropBll..r 611111;.117r01.1.1
c.n.t.irticiion ihusl Do •Antetican and of !-
FOR 111 NA,
1 / 1 : 1 .1•:.“9 ,
Afecitt P, proyod b. f 1'
mend Olem 10 the afflicted 'PhPre./3.11np.f.";1?,t.c.1f i
~ •
'4::ke ns.".. thei r
,i 1 bast (Natoli,. and is to oet aa/Oked ...,th t'we anudiroltv:orfr.
ci_11:,.1.1i,..,::5;:i.14,::N1ir;):"Pt:11.1', , ,
,Phlti.l,o,L.,Saarereegxrieniti,d'i;,,gwelvile,rii: clilevio,:in:f.s.p.
4; I 1.1..-1 NI,
' t i ll :hi "' I, Orreldecl)e.adl 'f7lenetVti.leOrlUieufl'hei jun°
(;.-11 .F:NA ,
bout sexes ore daily tferiving benefit fret;
.1. ff . :311,1,8, itt)IVINA.
I /Vo ca of (I,s,tisre but 'rites ra n he ii,e4 with advert- I aner it ti ts roll,ol d Iderlirt'loo::??Oril7Ttirlie:l:"ll:e:l47.B4.thO474 '
1 Eli'ES
II 4 HIT, 1 N.
1.1y,e. Illocchi, or hard hi m ps rq . (Ito skin the , !
s.IILA 11 .4.IVN,
tly r•aret,;:t.-).triitt,h ery.lp,tas, so tvil) salt rheum. so
j sih.e, . NI t o lisi hein,.enall
\ 01.1. V (11,1•2 EN, 8 11? A ToG,I,
/be rim e '! tst ti„ordin t - h Y Pu"nirelher:
PlY't.l wilt
S k V I N,' :VA,
wtrh Int,si hei , - '
cosll re rt,i,“ , , •.0 1, i :I!, cash slitce'rc,",lo":hlst i7tah•:tilprt a''r c 7 ..l 4 lt f lp..hs l'or'dol:a::";:c..n::::1-::::::::::::::::":4:ir.:11:i.lc:',,:i::::w,k".::;;:":;44:1;:,1..".::::::;,:o'n;f6:drie.4:.11:114;
Par e 11 ror pii,h,itrvu.a:
4 k
1 :1.-, 11
it iecteatit,eralatetdly,
Vie Trz r , :ss,
rk I /_,El' PORti F. i ~ ,d o Inky, in the mouth. Let Ihe atil,c•e•l use th,.. 302:igzfhgo,,ii* ae I^ ' ' ""''
1 ' ' ' butt
mar 2.2. f Merl eine, and they 1, ill find they rerimre no otner.
0,,,,,,,t i .
I cored. f'cra'r tfodernearli, with rho ,•woOd Screw bola"
____________ I 1••-:wd al 2; cp.', per b,".-, wifh thre,,,„,,,.
I ohcerve the new .;,-,:hels each Laving itputi it N O
•irann to ' es or. Dr. IL awiretti. S'o eaqt t,, or the I .2 4 i hr Ei Ineh
ere hiked /Lid p'aned P ' '
es, spiked aird is-,ii e
. .erttt. tie ()fn.! ) or yiflolV pined
fl to the berth ek.
le A new and Hutch improved form of Thank I ease. for
' ' lgetioloe has SiX Qigli n tit i esthreP Beni 'min B '
-file,t the odire of the “31ortonsr Post."
calm • , ~, c., L.:used and waned. e, ili
k, lll enee veltow pin%
relit and three B. Brim; ~,, ~,-, ;
eads, 5
I ;f e ntat.k fit. while oak l e
Re;r1114111 tarn 1 Fig "'ticket i l'he oNLY PLACX in Pilr's'jirly,C;;-"w•!/;ere the Rr.:ar, :1 Inches OM k, ioa h e lot dirk elan, sr f
ivt. to j.. the 1)0,,,pc, he e,littiaied tiy ;he ryilarti rhherlitettliThi iaet.° 73 ;: h. e re i t 11 41 1 0 1 e
i lit-iiitireth PlllB CAS Be
v b .' , e ; r E w g e e r t a t n
,eti: "41 w';.ll l° `'d i n rhe cort"ru " f^"
.....,...,..,0 .
,_ ihe /..st re eetT... and well know n ;
7',1.1'.-1/rV /114 y :117;1010, Frt.! the work til
~ , , t1 the 1% [lk 10
i„., r , • e- rm• - •,,, nppro,t.., -.
_LT.> --
Slrarnr r
+Pi is' eh 11 never be obtaked Hi only:I-RUG sT , :ft:,• ,ei i•liir ) cif th e CI, uhy =itch PillePr at !holt&
r, ),,,,,, i , , , , , a , e the ()NL y A GEN,rs-, . ihe ,10r, ZICCIJI ( ill, .i 0 Ole tin- n ril
Cif;Vl-21, 1.VD ,
Sristur Flemrilict, Alasir•r will depart &tits. front Pitt , ' '
_ diiporitit
.. t orkiiinrishili in his Inspect,. peeulonlll '1
, er, o L v• Or B Bra mireift, for the side of I, is Veg ele• ,
(f.,7;10r• vd'eeals,,el,io,,,z4etct,.mmioc,,olded:awnidthi:c,nsll:.l:"MPenbrnettricin;:ria'dlhtte'
b orell al 9 'clock. A. Al„ and Heave r ,it 1 - ' I
of ;addle,
Por fn . /gill or ps.ige, amity oil hoard. or to °Ck
” -7ni'''r'ill
P II""
A .be
l'i ItIcIP,-,I 011iee NO. Ollll Si. PlitShUtel. l i t rv n t v ir 1‘.4,-,„, j„,t.,2„. ~e ic : h n*4 I" :
ot ihe Phil tit ii.,,,,trne,:
~ Job') (.;1,1,-- I'lee, s
dl..ts'eeteol. r•nalls•efert a 11/ii/Vdh°Wh)fi'il;ll::;o•l7.7l-t:ritb74nif'
; w.,,r r. P IVO,k ;la. he a erecu.ted'n ~71 restr,ects,llo.4,--
N,t 611 Water street. /,..oh,e.,t Ditoc to --..' 11 . r; Ithi,..°/,a"-:,..
N. fl,__The reyo lar nista' pat k t t to eer. , l W il li
Ot f • 1
eordin: to the pi °postai and azreertremt.
Greetiviile and ,lleadvtite Pa and Alassilloatt tto ;li n t: i /CI ilt •12-'''l7l..ll"..'l'.'l'. II"""".
Olti r • .
o 1 rill, i, rOnnerirliZ With s,lehnier Cirrebilid d al ti, I •--'- a , a -.110...,e5t...rt.
'n ' I 'rt“-' • •
ve rwill he in °potato:ll homed tairly on o tento,, t of n'av 1 • ''r
Ir'."-P‘l'll'ant 11,?1'
J. C. SPENctit
iti..._: 1 Jchn ,a,,,,a...r1-1‘..111,10w0.
noir ;22..._1a 1./
Sc ‘crPlar V of the pi..isilr
- ' ?.
1 e,rnin .V.. sp,llll.lioo--Stewarr4town
.4.,,!,.1 4: I.:',liir.cll-- C. 17404.
t li/obert Srnill/ Porter -Tare tu
fienrge Poer-paigyj,",. n ull;
David R Cot,n -Plm 7`,,Lt•ttsh.i.)
baitiei N.-gley--k,ist 1,,i,..rry. 1 .
1:(1.4.arrl Thompson -IVoktn•bp gb
li'm. (). Hilwer -4 It.th's Mils. r-
Ex c ha Lire.
E n t. :..211(0
fu.stp/thns e, pners, a prime nr
Zile received and for s - ele hy
t1.111.A1 iN,Jr..NN/NCB. 4. Co.
ijintwa r k; ; ; R v ., 674. , v0i h. sziey_. ___ ...7,,..,
i,,,,,,43 tr..] ~1 ra...
A 11,47- D ,, -- , ,In . :by basr and Wilt. nyt the skin
1 In.‘ 11, y I, in 11, 141,11111 i line Wll,, li'li,Cil 111 Ilinii, roallt.
or taA may be ;/1/1 hell to nal, °yrs nhon. the firs)
1/0!,•111.11.1/10r, the lig:nest or grey hair to dark hrown; and
by repeating a second or third night, to a Jet black. Any
per may. (hetet...re, with the 1er,,,l 0n,../I,le trouble,
personk hail I:Kw`d;irk mili,ie or a perfect black, with the
m: in agearaneei).,,l Ibe powder If applied to the akin
trill no cnlnr ft. Therg is ooe,doring in thin statement.
an hilly one may easily te.d. These far:s are warranted
by the elle.bist Pho manufactures 11.
FOr sale at TUTTLEG' llli Foo,tit
et' where a
larze a,:xortment of PatYnt Ile.licines 'nay ways be had
al either wholesale'or retail
"Don't forzel ' dt; F.,tirtA af•cet
SCG.9I? RI - , 1101 A S'S. ---- i -- c'
. ,f• 0 SU"ar.
12 1107 :,,1:'•I'll ;c . f... . -
it ii, i 4
19 Olole. No. 3 Prfartp,rel.
In stiperlor new eight tyln eled carp, to Baltimore.
I n
yi, y and plwarlelpipa.
For sale lo ut no cluse cons igninnit, by mar 14.
JA ,trEs „ .4 1,.. . The ahoy, Line. In r,pr,yyt Ohio he traveling public
as being, unequalled betwee n th River and Pastern
11Viirir LECTUREs„..77(F: LECTURE CC.af cities for ctimfort andevpedition, having made ar-range
_lfirr,Eß OF THE iIf7RT PrST/TUTE las
to convey psi. Pe
/Iprno./i In Itv day; and
takes pleasure in announrin; ?hal the Lecturra be fore no night travel. either by Ste rt..oat• Rallr°oad Cars...-
the Institute will ir.t. resumed on Tuesday evening, 28th l Think of its Only 7; t.ii'es 8 4 avel'ing, and 56
miles lens than the- Wheeflng retintee, airrd that in superb
instant, by
PROF. RIciIARD . .11eCLILLOUGH, se w coaches.
nj Jeifeepott College, Cannotteberg, Po,
Fare throu; h. 810.
tls enntemplatert unit Pi of. McCullough will deliver 1 Ofhce In the Monongahela H o use.
a full course on the ”Rise. Progvese and
of ..4.r. i
t''onomy." 7'he Committee, in presenting this coarse, I mar "7 -r13177
Stage Proprietors
.4"..A777.E0,as soocooßairotkpekoa,zierg„,;,p/aces far a hattlhal.
Or frOgkala lora/It Lectures on a most interesting soh 1 ov ---
JET+ oft hought, a udy, and on
tElc research, lePt as.
roB:letgarnhOrrnift : l tt e t r e kig n,
tared that their exertions wilt incel %lib the general ap
and hoyitolfnAlsetcot7e","acesh
wocnhen; b in
and girls for ail kinds°, work- 4 110, for
probation of the patrons of the" Wirt institute Lectures"
We deem it proper here to in
o ,r ihanks for the I
M ft, Sie4/71 alld canal boat men and boys, collect.
patronage extended to this course, and to assure th e 1 c°2e
* c_ o .
ti Au° %wanted. a mortgage on tood property
ptrblie, that whatever delingnency may have occurred in '
¢c o.nh P:or. sat oier.tittorveeittrielgeitthi:t raanet'snlonft--Lallosd%.n7d°°ll;r l r °% ent '.
the fulnirnent of our orlgiral pro.tpectos, It cannot be at
tributed to any Want or attrntinn or exertion on the part
severai Ethan pieces of property. Apply a t
of the Committee. hur to the fact that c rcumstanees ,
EIARRIb' A lefty and Inteltlienee °nice,
Which could not h e the
cants prevented those Who had I
mar 24
No. 9.5 th Pi
W h ich
ro lecture fro.e. ftrifiliing their engagement/.
Treel. for the course OD AEI rOflOalY,
U 1.....-...._-
.• a single lertnre.
.2.3 tut. I
S. C• fiUEy
Wm • a
Ar. ; il.l , etEi
mar 2Q
TONS Tr n.l
JO nesree Pig Iron
- cl eakirgiimeht,
ziriur itovliz.
; ,, ,„L vr .-,, ,, •
I,iir.r.vaßs 4.42)
traited States Express Zfad
Leaves Pittta.nreh dairy, at 3 o'clock. P Pf., Pia Steam.
boat to Rrnwnsv,tte, Il iencf• in Fp'etnii/1 new co.tches to
com,,,nd, ~,,,4. the zry.at fcacht,rat k Gad• and front
'her/. l,
Ll/4 ft,. asseit. n..ei Too by Irq:l4
fir4l4 Oh* 111:81:14 b,
Tor,frir borarerstiler. I
Trt'ag iTion .1710 mae', 7N4.3.
iliizz_ui.:D PRuPos.l49 wilt hp reteiied et this ne•
h.:- portmii: unit, iti. 7',u, Api.if ii-xt, r6l. gil str.grif
"eirtee, Oeilers and nronetipl4. eanfff rtlrlel UnOn fhr ran,'
,!nrrwn envie,/ titer's Plan, 'two (2) of
et:liner, da r n I and I,ropellers to he d etiverrd on Lake Pr,•,, as de.
1 ere t oared hy the S ecretary of the Tresr•u,y I,e clitttll'et
hilth Mar, or places OR the Ir.ar CO:fal n. ti, apr;rl.3.r7 Of'
i Ilie Trea:.l.lry ay direst,. .lso. 16 (2) enell. r•ollerE
and Fn'irvitt.ts i l pon Ihp olgrtlOP n a ry •Ericr,rin.. NA no".
tt. 11. dellZnr,lllf Form! 5i10gir,..,.. rhg li eon; sts tte PO
rri.la tar, of :he Trea,trry tostli.-46.49. Too enselee. hotter,
an 4
f n
lol,a rondo Wine vary hest mete. la's. to
hear the proof' otinept,eihtll of snob per.on or petvone
es /nay I,P velpeted by the Seertlary oftht Travfofirras
, I
The hniters to have nor his than ',gen ltnnefresl.oo)
rept Ere surlaes; working priquareealor for milk & ki,
the piittare torn; proof . , two inindrthl and fOrty, J 211411
pounds. a; r elz,hlean Inch ?winder With thtil CAI 41101
s' rak. 'the ho' , IO be delfirersif as litleelstie ittfttle
rtas arvPtat from the tittle of reeeivine the drarrioge 4114
P l ans a built:in:. nie proposals will rate the prime tile
h,ch the en:lne3. hoilere and propel wl he deltiper•
t) and nUf Ilan complere operation. Ba t s a the, :lOU.
e:llion or' the P /12 Irtea Working In either of he4l4i 041"111'
is a patent Tigit, ill," proosal. will alio rate the pries
asked, iscludiat the authority to hoe the patent frehti
and a +so the price eat roar vs orsald authority.
geeretary of til c.OriNCgit.
e Treater".
riuitoil to Lease.
ryinE underaiztted will Tease two Farms situated 14
-11. East beer to wnship, wn h the neceetter7 eenenenta.
and from 75 to Ifto Berea cleared on each, Aloe. and
fa MI attuetr:d ln,trest Deer townie:tin All nhen7 coololFr
(with from $ 1) to 75 ann.. cleared. TI e above &Petit:44
property is In reasohah/y ;pod repair, /a.vinif a kmin U
mitt., frOM ! Ile, oil y of Pittsbur:h, end within tvve alto
of the Pr•nn'a renal, and whl he /*ailed OP realibeila
terms for from I to .hree years, to good tette we. •
BArrRA.II 'mar".
March 13th_tr.
71. a. ieLIT
AUL P. raftatiest.
arcsalr 44 tiskontrore ~
GENERAL AGI:Nrs iod Conualislona hiettlitatik,
sr toms. Are,.
( blears. To rhett,
W. R. eamp4.ll ,. Potsvii,
e 0.% Todittinter. 4. co. $
,' Mol Vto. rt olebe t 4 Co- ?Ina.
.. Woods. Year arot, 4. Co, ?
Woods. Chriety 4. co C I te ll*
--mannagnana l
R. .12.klEZ, .41e.a1.R4Z, 4 illke on
Dbotworo 1,00.1 and Stnithaeid stUISII
th? 14-Iy.
...... "1111114141111114-
29, 000p4irrrlSriteqZ"
for cu.) Sy
mar t 4
1 / 4 wfroL A , C rlty
V4it,.v -1;r
7g: 'C
16.1 1.1117 evilP"
I:rotten:tan go/kilned to teach the usual bratutbal imil
a gOott wish educallon. Is wanted 111 IN Ir%ON
?Vara School of the City of Pittsburg. APPliOellsr4
!nak ,in writing to the Secretary or President (11e.
Adams) at any time before the 2,5-ti: of Aprll.-will bll
It, Order of the Board.
mar '44• • .
wd •
'THOMAS ti.istrt.totr; eft%
Z 3 .1
Gaxerte coPy once a week fn daily three weeks.
. ,
A.VD EP:EO4I" Jf4JIP RFS 0 ;IW 4/4M1,7".10 ?VIVA
Appitatal CeirqtrnsetiChts
air and apidylne Cat, equal to titer Otato_ja otamfatises
tared or used in this cettitiy, . anal now - he naikanew
Jefrersoo igwam, eorner of Pannalivaiella alio
and Liberty arreet, w h leh r 1 ePparaf WI; Was everted Soda!
the onperfnlendence or fer. (7. Z. Rtes. as 'too the foe
tar e hy !Hr. fiarripon Ta
. 1401 % , at th• sth "'art
The a rim rata* thronzhout la aimpie and Canoe/Vann"
attendetf with little di tnenlty in the dothnt of plantqaetul/4,,
isera Idgke oranperfor uality, ins! thin afforded at #
very Roza H expense to the propriehar..
Tile „operate., and prtcht Rillitit /b raising f boaanrei
wit! nut exceed Chilly do:tarn, and the cost per Psght eel
more hen on e ecru Aar each debt. ... .
l'he proprietor feels ih fattest asau.r.ance of the ,
cess or this G su rterCedin: !hilt which. is noWfarash•
ed by an irieorporated Co mpany.
Cl' en. eenora Sly Are reapeet folly li.ltuf tolho Jon
term' Wigwam (11r. !fairer, proprietor) and tekorrs elf
or: demonstrlttion or the rams. too ntimerooslo seeei 4r..:,.,
.nano the. Ware, when and wher e every ea t hitaellion t i --`
cie nod reason will be pi oznptly offe-r4d..
ai tft tA4 W.
met' 27-,-(T
A LT. ftrqort e tilde , ied ro the ire.ittk nf Othrer 1 11 ,„ 84
!X. tare or 11111 city or Prilehureh.deccue, are he .
hOilNd 1(.1 1101/11 Pai,llle//1 10 the andersignei 2111011 M, •
tot, lad 411 Iterinz era! ns wrainst said enatt arelretopil
ted lo prr.ent their iaceOurils plot
saihealfrared ill
.1011h1 W. Rh. 41R.
2,, GI.
. Afrmintsi noon
So N.
lg rooIRO, hot Nast, for 'ale br
ftrnr 8. l't
~:~ y f
. ' t