Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 29, 1843, Image 4

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ft- lairs tress the U. S. *Beak. Wm Tr:
leilkaMiirviPoterstaker, respectfutly I nrovin g The public that h
MI removed his ready made entfin'watebouse to the
'tiding recently occupied by Mr. R. G. Berford,directly
."4'll diopetsite hie old stand , where he Is always prepared to at •
, end promptly to an y orders in his line, and by strict at.
tention to all the details of the liminess of an Undertaker
the hopes lament public confidence, Re Will be prepared
, at ALI.ROGRS to provide hearses, Biers,G ingest and
' esery'reedtsite on the most liberal terms. Calls from the
rawetry will be promptly attended tc.
residence Is in the same Wilding with his ware
where those who need ins services may And him
stony time.
M.W. towns, act , . JOAN IL&CE.D. D.
.1013611 ta.rl9X, sr/. ILLIKUSL WILLIAMS, D.
• leccuim, Aro. 30112 PH Ma,
1. 'imp 'lt Rev, T. v. /WITT.
xlass of individuals is very numerous. They are those
'who work in ananhealihy at mospaere. Printers, work-
Mau 'in leather stores, stone cutters, bakers, while lead
manufacturers. are all inure or lass subject to disease ac
sording to the strength of their ccmatitution. The only
method to prevent disease, Is the occasional use of a
medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete
.. rious humors, and expels them by the bowels. Tonics
in any form are injurious, as they only off the evil
Ray to make it more fatal. The use of Brandreth's Pills
ivlll insure health, because they take all impure mailer
' vote tite blood; and the body Is not weakened but
strengthened by their operation; for these valuable Pills
do not force, but they assist nature, and are not opposed,
bast harmonize with her.
• Sold at Dr. Brandreth't Office, No. 93 Wood street,
Pittsburgn. Price . 25 cents per box, with full directions.
-MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh where the
GENUINE Pills can be obtained,is the Doctor's own Of.
lice, N 0.98 Wood street. sep 10
nership existing be! wean James E. IC,lliourn and
David J. Morgan is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Tee conditions will be duly noticed, with the signal ures
,or both parties eaneged, and Barry flail will be continued
open by the subscriber until other arranetrients are per•
For sate, on the premises, 150 bbl.. choice winter ap•
pia", Irapplied for immediately. J AS. E. KILBOtIRN,
cep /9—tr No 9, Market, and 74. Frn„t al
BIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to
his old stand, No. 107, Smithfield Street,
where he can he consulted any hour during the day,
on his profession
EHOVA.T...—George Armor, Merchant 'Pallor,
MAL, respectfully announce, to his frtends and pa•
tront, that he has removed his establishment from his
94d stand, in Third street, to the corner of Front and
eon ithfield, in the basement story of the Monongahela
Abuse: where he intends kecpiim on hand a general a,
~,„stytatent of rash iOnable Goods, suitable for Gen
t temin's wear.
He hopes. by close application. to merit a share of the
easiness so liberally extended to him at his old stand.
N. 0. llavin•g made arranxements in New York and
Philadelphia, will, Ihe most Fashionable Tailors, for
the reception of Paris and Landon Fashions, customers
may rely on having their orders exnciited according to
the latest style. GEORGE: ACSIOII.
Sept 10
175 BBLS. w HIT e LIME, a superior uriir.le,lor
sale by J. G. - A. GrHIDON,
N 0.12 Water street,
La !what makes your teeth so untisually white?
Quoit' Josh's doh inia to limn Col her night,
To make yours look so, with a grin, replied !ono,
I've brought youa bottle of Thorne" Tooth IVitsh,
the hest now in use, so the gentlefolks say,
And slime they have tried this, cast all others away
But to proveit the hest, to make the teeth shine,
Look naafi', toy dear al, at the lustre of mine.
Then try II Is great tooth wash,
The l'ettherry tooth wash,
And see if this Tooth Wash of 'thorn's is not tine.
Having tried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,'
and become acquatuted with the ingredients of us compo..
sition,l cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as
it Is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wasl.es now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 DAVID BUNT, Dent ist.
1 take pleasure in stating, having made use of•iThorn's
il'ea Berry Tooth Wash," act. it is one of the best deli-
Wilms in use. Being In a liquid form, it combines neat
noti with convenience. White it cleanses the enamel
and removes t he tartar from tile teeth, its perfume vetds
fragranee peculiarly desirable. 3. P. TIBBETTS. M. D.
The undersigned have used ..Tho‘res Compound Tea
Berry Tooth Wash,"and have found it to bean extreme.
ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising, a most salutary intlit.
mice over tile Teeth and Gums; preserving muse Indis
pensable members from premature decay. preventing the
accumulation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. Hay.
Ing thoroughly tested its virtues, we take pleasure in re
comeending It to the public, belieeing it to be the, best ar
ticle of the kind new in use
Prtpared and sold tw WILLI %M THORN, 4 heca•
e? and Chemist, Na. 53 Market street,' mil; and
at all the principa Druggists`, and Tuttle'. Medical A rlen.
ey, - Yourth street. sep
EREsTING CUR E performed by Dr. Sind; yne ; ;
I NT Craspeusrd Syrup of Prunus Virgin ian a, or Wild Cher
ry. Saving made u! , a of t his invaluable Syrup In my family,
which entirely cared my child. The sympioind were
wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty of breathing,
attertded with constant cough, spasms, convid.ione, kr,
prwhich I had given upall hopes of its recovery until I
was advised to make trial of this invaluable medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon my child, and eon.
chiding to make the same trial upon myself, which en.
rely relieved me of a cough that! was afflicted with for
Many years. Any person wield* to see me can ea at
my house In Beach Street, above the market, Kensington.
We call the attention of the public to the numerous
certificates which have been in circulation in our paper
sad some others of this city, highly recommending Dr.
iliwarsra's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen the original certificates, and have no doubt but they
cope from truly grateful hearts, ex prsiva of the benefits
1 - which they have received front tl.at valuable compound.
We leave acquaintances who have frequently used the
above medicine, who can speak with confidence of its
virtues.—Ssturday Chrezicle.
Faxt.ow Crrmsts:—With sincerity I would advise
gm*, See and all, both sick and well, always to have a
bottle of Dr. Swirxe's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry
is your bouss = it Is invaluable to cases of emergency,
such as Spitting of Blood, Asthma, attacks of violent
oughlog, which is often the cause of spittingof hktio,
'Violent Nervous Affections, which occasionally come
from fright, and various other causes, producing great
alarm, sodden colds from Improper exposure, which
are Wen let run to an alarming extent, for want of
means being ready at hand;—aud as 1 have used Dr.
StraviteeCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
Mmy family, and always with marked success-1 can
recommend It with confidence, as being one of the hest
hotly medkines which has ever been offered to the
patilk.—Sateristy Carotids.
wakiiiebriVereVirertri-11/IThoiltnistritenitti, insfy agett l
llllllolllllll4figh. )Nis43 alaMtiftten. eV 10
3 • c",
t: SP (I'LL)
0 1000 TRIdILS, and Sti samwawfal prove
',ALLEM .M. 4010.41. MX EX.
TRACTOR inestimable, It not only eures quicker, bul
gives no additional pain, nor leaves a scar. Fire is plaid.
lively rendeted harmless. (810 has been offered six
months to any person returning an empty box, and saying
that all agony ou anointing is noCextracted In afew min
utes, yet not one froin thousands of trials since has claim•
ed the bonus.) Parents anxious to guard agalustgeneva
injnries, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent
their offspring from being disfigured by burns, or even
small pox pustules, (It possessing the enviable power to
replace thecellutary organs destroyed.) can do so by ob.
Mining Vtisinitnitable salve. Many deeply burnt cases
lathe city ran he seen, and one entire face burnt over and
wounded three distinct times in the same spot while heal
Ing, yetin no Me can be traced the least eicatrice or
markl For all kinds of hurts its rapid soothing effects are
also important;even sore eyes, all tnfiamationa amid bro
ken breasts would be nnknown. The toilet and nursery,
for clearing the skin of pimples, removing chafe, etc., w ill
find it indispensable. One using only will forever catta
ils!' it thesovereign BEAL-ALL quality. After this no
lice, heads of families allowing torture for months, and
ultimately di•ttorted features, can never wipe away re•
proach.jusity uttered by a disahied child, for neglecting
to trlumphover
‘• Entered according to ace of Congress, A. D. 1841, by
Comstock 4- Co., in the Clerk's office (tribe District Court
of the United Stales for the Southern District of New
Warranted the only genuine.
Comstock 4- CO., wholesale Druggists, N. York, have Ite•
come the sole wholesale agents for Mr. Dalley, in A nitr I
ca for 20 years. All orders must be addressed to them.
The genuine only to be had at TUTTLE'S Medical
Agency, 86 Fourth street. Nov 15
P' '9.
C°NWT-INTL Yon hand a superior article or Lard
Oil, warranted to Lure at any temperature, and
equal to the best winter strained Sperm Oil, without
its offensive qualities, and one third cheaper, man.
ulactnred by the subscriber at the old stand, Third st.,
nestrly opposite the Post Office. M. C. EDEY.
jan 4,1045
,rlwpormi - -
7 7:7, 7 "; 7 ; 77 .
rtfOrjr AND
_ _ .
riltirs is a safe, and certain cure for Couris, Colds
1 Asthma, Sore Throat, Pains and Weakness of the
Breast Whooping Cough. Hoarseness, Irritation of the
Throat, and many diseases leading to the Cunsomption.
Try it—only tif per roll—prepared and sold Whole.
saleand Recall by 11. I'. PRICE, Confectioner, Federal
st.. Allegheny City, and the principal Druggists of Pitts.
Be ,xtre you ask for Price's Compound Cough Candy
ROBERT PORTER,lntantey at Garr.—Office
on the cornier of Forill and Smithfield sit.. ger 10
Looking Glass Manufactory,
And House Furnishing Warehouse, 109 Wood
Street, near Sth.
1 FIE Subscriber having completed his arrangements
at his new stand, i, now prepared to otTer to his
friends, and the public, a large and com plete assortment
or Looking Glasses, and House.furnishing Hardware.
(at prices to suit the times.)
Pier and Mantel Glasses In Ciii and Mahogany
Frames, °tithe must approved and superior workman
Toilet Glasses with 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 drawers,
Common, stained, fluted, and p liar framed Glasses
for Merchants, (or those want In: cheap glasses.)
Japanned Waitersand Trays of all colors and patterns.
Ivory handle Knives and Forks, in setts or dozens,
Bock mid Bone handle Table Cutlery.
Carving Knives and Forks, du.
Dixon's Brittania Metal 'Tea mind Coffee Setts (su
perior quafliy.)
ineriran Manufariu ado, in setts, or single pieces.
German Silver Tea and Table Spoons,
Silver plated and Bras. Candles! irks, SnutTern do,
Rriltania Metal Lamps, for burning Sperm or Lord Oil.
Rra.s and Wire Fire Fenders, (various patterns.)
Fire Shovels and Tongs, Nand lions, c,
With a var ietc of other articles too numerous to men
ion, all of which will he offered at the lowest cash pri
N,Et. Port ratt,Miniature,and other Framing done at the
short eat moire, repairing of all kinds attended to. Look.
ins Glass plates.by toe box or single light, Prints for Fra.
ming conqantly on baud.
fob 23 THOS. A ITT LLI ER.
Headache! Headache!
A PE now known to thousands asa most extraordina
ry remedy for this affliction as well as the incon
trovertible fact of their curing DYSPEPSIA. Will those
QtifTering only ask among their friends if theyltiave not
known of lire positive effects of said Pills. and if they
do not hear them more warmly praised (and deservedly
loo) than any other, then let them net buy them. In
these few remark, all fancy or imagination is excluded,
and nothing will be said of their merits at any time
but what can be fairly proved by respectable me mt ers of
our community.
Read the following, certificate given by a tesneetalde
ciiizeu of Allogheny city, and attested by oue pithejudg.
es of the Court of Common Pleas of A Ileglieny co.
A LLEGIMNY CITY, January 9, 18-13.
Dear Sir-1 have for a number of yeurs past been af
flicted with a severe and almost constant Headache, a
rising from derangement of stomach and bowels and al.
though 1 have taken nearly every kind of Medicine re
commended for its cure, have never derived any mate
rial benefit until 1 used some of your truly valuable An.
ti Dyspeptic Pills. 1 have not taken quite two boxes and
consider myself perfectly relieved from that distressing.
complaint. 1 have no hesitation in recommending your
Pills as the best medicine I have ever need.
Yours, Respectfully,
J. R. TUfl NER,
I am acipm.nied With Mr, Turne-, I have no besila•
'ion In certifying that I consider the statements of Mr,
T. respseting Dr. Riud:e's as entitled to tire moss
perfect and entire confidence. MUCH DAVIS.
For sale. Wholesale and Retail al the Brodonian Pill
Establishment Pittsburgh Pa ; and by all authorised a
gents throughout tbe Union.
Alle'y city Jan 9 1f:45 jan
Adams' Patent "Itaughphy" Mills.
These genuine articles, oral! sizes, and most improved
varieties,coustantly on hand and for sale at very reduced
prices by the matufacturer, L. It. LIVINGSTON,
Front between Roseana Grant sta
mar 2. —tf
IJpholstery Furnishings.
THE sutneriher respectfully informs his Friends and
the Nettle that he has just opened the store No'
SO Fifth street. near the Exchange Bank. and adjoining
r. J. D. Will iams' G rocery—w here be intends to manu
facture in the hmt style, and have ready for sale a full
assortment of the first quality of Upholsterer Fttesisk
jags, Inches Hair, Shuck anuStraw Mattramm, Feath
er Bects,,Sackings, te.which he will sell for Carl at near
ly 100 per cent less than former pricer.
,IILSO;So fax, Chairs, etc, Upholstered. carpets made,
and Cattail's arranged after the newest of
which he offers to execute in a manner unequaled ht
thla or unsurpassed In any other etty.
mar 201' - .1011 N I'. STEWART.
TIFRVE now been before
he public 3 years du
ring which time several
thodsonirs have been sold
arid in daily use, We are
co,Otera of being sustained
in saying they are the best
Cutrve Mills in the United
States, any way you tfiz IL'
Several modifications are
madcto suit the fancy of
wives arid 'he purses of
Sold by the gross or dozen
at the manufactory,--
Malleable Castings made to
Platform Scales.
griro iNVAAJDB,43I
itr flow important It is that you commence without 1
toes online with Baannarra's Pmts. They mtldly but
surely remove all itnpurlties from the blood,aad notate
of sickness can affect the human fraMe, that these cele
brated Pills do not relieve as much as medicine can do.
Colds and coughs are more lienehtied by the Brandreth
Pills than by lozenges and eaaaica. Very well, per
haps.as paliatives, but worth nothing as eradicators of
diseases from the human system. The BRANDRICTII Pats
cure, they do not merely relitve, they cure diseases,
whether chronic or recent, Infectious or otherwise, will
certainly be cured by the use of these all sufficient Pills.
Sum &so, January 21.1843.
Doctor Benjamin Bratitirefk—Honored Sir: Owing to
you a debt of gratitude that money cannot pay, I am
induced to make a public acknowledgemhnt of the benefit
my wife has derived from your Invaluable pills. About
three year!' this winter she was taken with a pain in her
ankle, which soon became very much inflamed and
swollen, so mud, so that we became alarmed, and sent
for the doctor. During his attendance the pain and swell
ing increased to an alarming degree, and in three weeks
from its first commencing it became a running sore.—
She could get no rest at night the pain was so great.—
Our first Doctor attended her for six months, and she
received no benefit whatever, the gain growing worse,
and the sore larger all the while. He said if It was heal
ed up It would be her death, hut he appeared to lie at a
loss how to proceed, and toy poor wife still Continued
to stiffer the most terrible tortures. We therefore Fought
other aid Ina Botanical doctor, who said when he first
.aw it that he could soon cure the sore, and give her
ease at once, To our surprise he gore her RA relief,
and acknowledged that it battled all his !kill.
Thus we fell after having tried during one whole year
the experience of two celebrated physicians in vain, In
ahsolute despair. My poor wife's ronstitittion rapidly
failing in the prlme of her years from her continued
suffering, Under these circumstances we concluded that
we would try your Universal Vegettlile Pillsaletermined
to fairly test their curative efThrls. To my wife's great
comfort the tirst few do-es afforded great relief of the
pain. Within one week, to the astonishment of our
and every one who knew of the case, the asserting
and the inflammation began to ceases° that she felt quite
easy, and would deep comfortably, and, sir, after six
weeks' use she was aide to go through the house, and
again attend to the management of her family. which
she had not done for nearly 14 months: In a little over
two months from lite time she first commenced the use
of your invaluable Pills, her ankle was quite sound, and
her health better than it had been in quite a number of
years before. 1 send you this statement after two years
test of the cure. considering it only an act of Justice to
you and the public at large.
We are, with much gra itude.
Very respectfully,
P. S. The Botanical Doctor pronounced the sore can
cermet, and finally said no good could be done, unless the
whole of the flesh was cut off, and the bone acraped.—
Thank a kind Providence, thin made us resort to your
pills, winch saved us from all further misery, and for
which we hope t he thankful. T. 4- E. L.
r-Sold at 25 cents per hog, with directions.
Ofmerve the new Inbels.each haying upon It two sig
natures of Dr. Brandreth. each hoc of the genuine
has six signatures—three Benjamin Brandreth and three
B. Brandretla upon it.
The only place in Pittsburgh where the real Bran
dreth Pills ran be obtained, is the Doctor's own office,
N 0.98, Wood street, between sth and Diamond a ley.—
Mark, the genuine Br3ndretli Me can never be obtained
in any drug store.
The following are the only agents appointed by Dr. R
Brandreth, for the sale al' his Vegetable Universal POW
in Allegheny enmity:
PRINCIPAL Orates:, No 9ri, Wood street, Pittsburgh.
Mr. John Gras.•—Allegheny,
Robert Duncan—Birmtntham.
C, F. Diehl—Elizabethiown.
IL Rowland—WKeesport.
Pressly Intern—Pleasant Hill.
John Johnston—Noblestown.
Chessman Spaulding —Siewartstown
Arden 4- Connell—Clinton.
Robert Smith Porter—Tarenium.
George Power—Fairview.
David R Conn— Plum township.
Daniel Nerie, —Eart Liberty.
Edward Thompson—Wilk i o siqtrgit
Wm. o.liunter—Allen'A Mill
Judson tt - , Flanegin,
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Smithfield near 7th alrl'llt•
Colle lima made on modmale terms. relliioll,l
for widows /of old soldiers under the late act of roil_
:reel, °wain ed. Papers and drawings for the Patent of ,
flee.. prepared. mar 17—Iv.
A ,V
A. S!/OF, wontd respectfully inform his
friends and the public, that Ile has removed his estali
Ishment to the new building+ on Market m. one door
foam the corner of 3rd street. opposite Dr. Smyser's,
where he is prepared as heretofore to receive orders
for the manufacture of Boots and Shoes, and to make
them in a style not an. passed by any estahliiliment in
the city, Bis r rices are moderate to suit the flume, and
the workmanship ofalt his articles will ie wa ranted.
A -Attire of public patronage is respectfully rent:tette!
mar 73 —3wd.
DR. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, office Smith ,
field, between Second and Taird Ms., Hours of
hu4insso from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M.
Dr. E. M. manufact-res Procelain and Mineral teeth.
Dentists ran be supplied by the 100 or single teeth. Blocks
of teeth with a beautiful rum in full sets, or parts
of setts, will be made to order at the shortest notice, by
forwarding an exact Impression of the month. A lso,
for sale a few inarhines with emery wheels for grinding
and titling mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist—all
willbe sold low for cash. der. 23.
PILES cured by thet.seof Dr. liarlieles Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Aeency from you for the Min of your medicine, I
[boned an acqsaintance wi:h n lady of this place, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eielit or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her case so complicated,
that lie very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Throneli
my persuasion, she commenced using your Pills, and was
perfectly , cured. Yours, tte. JA hi ES R. KIRBY
October 3. 1840. Chambersbue, Pa.
rrOffice and General Depot, No. 19, North MOM
Street, Philadelphia. And by Smile! Frew, corner o
Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep 10
FOR carrying Merchantlize and Produce to and from
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York and
Boston, by the Pennsylvania Canal and flail road, on
entirely temperate principles.
Stock oft his line consistsof new large Tidewater boats
',Mill expressly for this route, with all roc modern Im
provements in boat building; of a impel abundant supply
of first rate cars on the Portage Railroad; and a full sup
ply of strong and commodious Pennsylvania boats bee
tween Johnstown and Pittsburgh; all of which will be
conducted by sober, Indust rictus and experienced captains
and superintendents. Charges will he paid on all goods
intended to be shipped from Pittsburg It to Philadelphia,
Baltimore, New York or Boston. and consiened to James
Dickey 4 , Co., Canal Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne
sta. and will be promptly attended to and forwarded with
All Goods and produce intended to lie shipped from
Philadelphia coastwise, or via the Delaware and Rari
tan Canal,tand consigned to Hart, Andrew and McKever,
will be received at their warehouse, first wharf above
Race street, Philadelphia, and shipped directly from
thence without additional handling or expense; a line of
Boston packets connects with the line at tills point-
Shippers are invited to examine thAtock of this line
and judge for themselves,beforeshipping by any other,
as their interest will be advanced by shipping by It, the
proprietors being determined to exert themselves to the
utmost of their ability for the interest of their custo
mers and prosperity oftheir line.
insurance can be effected cheaper by this line than any
o th er , as th e route is considered the safest•
Hart, Andrews ir 611cHever, from Philadelphia and Bal—
timore to Hollidaysburg,
Henry L. Patterson, from Hollidaysburg to Pittsburgh.
Hart, Andrews 4- Mcßeiter, Philadelphia.
Elder, Geliton k Co., Baltimore
Heury L. Patterson, Hollidaysburg
lessee Patterson, Johnstown
James Dickey 4- CO. Pittsburgh.
- ERNES IMlLlCELY,nontinues to exeunt all kinds of
ILP writings, suds asDeeds. illertgaces. Apprentices la.
dentures. AMMO; Of Pa rtillenblp, Letters Of Attorney,
4-,irt a neat and lead summer, aid at bagel
ranter charges, at His old stead Peso street, near the sth
ward' market bowie. felt , 26.
tsr- CIOITUIir WA RZBOUSR.-4ftt, 79, P•sva
Street, BetwessWeed moil istitkietd its.
wo doors from the corner of Wood street. Con.
tantly on hand an assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, of every site and description; covered
ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
...Walnut, Poplar, and Meet:Nl:ins.
ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages
furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered
that friends may requite.
A credit given in all cases, either of coffins or carriages.
requested. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker.
sep 10
T I N sl S_T T ß . U af Sl c E C N ar 'l t 'S hy !
critt SU ie, RG a le d
instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
Fhysicians: Dentists and Druggists can have their in•
struments made by the sabsrriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. Allarticles warranted of thebest quality. and
jobbing done as usual. aep 10
ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor.
nor of Wood and TAird Streets,Pittskurgk Pa.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes. bought and sold.
Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, collected.
Pittabashrh,Pa, Wm. Bell 4. Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz, J. Painter co., Joseph Woodwell, James May
PAiliaelphia, Alexander Bronson Jr Co., John D. Brown
Q' Co. Cincinnati, 0., James M'Candless. St. Louis,
Aro., J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pope, L•'sq.
Preset Bank Ky. NTH)
REMOVAL.—The undersigned he leave to inform
the public, t hat he has removed from his old stand,
to the corm .r of Penn and St. Clair st.t., opposite the Ex
change Hotel,w here be has fitted up a large Pus() Foal
WARS Roost, and now offers for sale the most splendid
assortment of Platter; ever offered in this market.
His plnnos consist of different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogany, beautifully finished and mo•
deled, and constructed throughout of the very best ma
tcrials,w hich,for durability, and quality of tone, as well
as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made arrange
me t als to supply the increasing demand for this instru
mld, he respectfully requests those intending to pur.
chase to call and 4 'amine his assortnient before purcha.
sing elsewhere, as he i■ determined to cell LOWER, lor
each, than any other establishment east or west of the
mountains. F. BLUME,
Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets,
igen 10 Opposite. the Exchange lintel, Pitisbureh. Pa
Evans's Camomile Pills.
CLRTIFICATIS.—Letter from the Hon. Ab'h'm M'Clel•
litn,Su Hien u County, EaSI Tennessee, Memberof Coneress
WASHINGTON, July 3d. 1838.
Fir—Since I have been in this city I have used some of
your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and satin
faction, and believe it lobesmost valuable remedy. One
of my sonsti tuents, Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county,
Tennessee. wrote to me to send him some. which 1 did,
and he line niployed it very successfully in his practice,
and says it is invaluattle. Mr. Johnson, yuiir agent at
this place," thinks you would probably like an agent in
Tennessee. If so, I would recommend Dr. A Carden, as
a proper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated
medicine. Should you commission him he is willing to
act for you. You can send the medicine by water to the
rare of Robert King 4. Sons, Knoxville county.Tennes.
see, or by land to Graham 4. Houston, Tazewell, East
Tennessee. I have no doubt but If you had agents in
several counties in East Tennessee. a great deal of medi•
eine would be sold. lam going to take sonic of it honte
for my own use. , and that of my friends, and should
like to hear from you' whether you would like an agent
at Bluniville, Sullivan County. East Tennessee; I can get
some of the merchants to act for you as I live near there.
Ycurs respectfully,
For sale Wholesale and Retail, by
R. E SELL. ERS, Agent,
sep 10 No. 20. Wood street.below Second.
This 104110.1 e remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, front convulsions. As soon
as the Syrup is rubbed on the ;.11 tn., the child will rem v.
er. This preparation is so Innocent, so elliceckpus, and so
pleasant, that nu child will refuse to let its gums be rub
bed with it. When infantsare at the age of four months
tho' there is no appearance of teeth, one bottle of the
Syrup should be used In open the pores. Parents should
lever lie wit hum the syrup In the nursery where I here
re young children, for li t child wakes tithe night with
pain in the gums. the Syrup immediately gives case, by
opening thepores, and healing the gums; thereby preveul•
ing 'ions, revere, 4c. For Sale Wholesale and
Retail by R. E. SELLERS, A rent,
sep 10 No. 20. Woml street. below Second
mar 23, 1543
gri 0 UG BS. COLDS and CONSU4IP7'ION—TIiesTa
‘...1 son for the above complaints is Row at hand, and all
persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the
weather are respectfully Informed that they ran rind.
COV6RT'S E;►LM or Lisa which is ell known to have
cured Tuortissos, who were in the last stages of C.n.
gumption. Certificates can he produced of its wonderful
for Liver Complaints. Cau:ks and Colds. II routes high
ly recntr mended by ail who have used it. and is pleasant
to take, and speedy in effecting a cure.
Asc's Hogs ROCS', is a highly valuable
and pleasant medirine;it will effect a pogttive and certain
cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption • and is an effectual
cure for the WHOOPING CotOllll3. This isa very picas
ant medicine, all are fond of it. and children never refuse
to take al; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber
hag a certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease 4• son,
so there can he no mistake. All persons who are effected,
are invited to call and 710 t delay, for the time to lake
medicine is at the commencement,
All the above medicines can always be procured at
WHOLES...Lit Olt RltT•tTal
7'UTTLE'S MEDICAL AGENCY. 86. Fourth Street
MO FEN ALES.—There is a large class of Females in
this City who from their continued silting, to which
their occupations oblige t hem,are affected with costiveness
which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and sound .an Inability of fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow•
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion Is used, as going quickly up
stairs; temprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at
once to a few dosesof the Urandreth Pills The occa.
sional uve of this medicine would save a deal of trouble
and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandreth Pills Just before dinner, arc of found
highly beneficial; ma ny use them very advantageously in
this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels
to a proper condition, entiven the spirits, impart clear.
ness to the complexion, purify thc blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Sold at Dr. ft-andretit's Office. No. 98 Wood street,
Pittshurgh_Price 25 cents per box, with full directions.
MARK—The only place In l'itlshoro, where, the
GENUINE Pills can he obtained, is the Dodoes own Of.
fice.No.9B Wood street. seri 10
LIVER COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. liar.
itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
Mr. Win. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa., entirely cured of
the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain
and weight in the left side, lessor appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations, a distension Of the stomach, sick head-ache,
furred tongue, countenance changed ton citron color, difls
- of breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough,
great debility, with other symptoms Indicating great de•
rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice of several physicians, but received no
relief, until using Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which 'ermine.
ted In effecting, a perfect cure.
Principal Office, 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia
For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of Litter
ty and Wood streets. sep 10
These Pills are romposed of herbs, which exert
a specific action upon the heart, give impulse ,or
strength to the arterial system; the blood Is quickened
and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels,
whether of the skin, the parts situated Internally.or tbe
extremities; and as all the secretions of the body are
drawn from the blood, there is a consequent increase dr
every secretion, and a quickened action of the absorbent•
and exhalent, or discharging vessels. Any morbid action
which stay have taken place is corrected. all obstruc
tions are removed, the blood lip unified. and the body
wurames a knitlteat Mate. Por3 ale Wholesale and Re
11111lay R E SELLERS, Agent,
eep 10 si ) Wood st. below Second.
rrnALLErs PAIN EXTRACTOR is certainly
the mom valuable ointment foir Burns, Sores, tc., ever
invented: no matter how badly a person may. be burnt
or waided—this will heal them homediately, without
leaving any scea. Every family should have a box is
their house, arturie should be without it.—Every one
who bra - tried* ratoiriamuls It To be had only at
TIITTLE*BBPaerth street. - dee 8
visrvrirra SZAITEIS
For lA. Transportation'of Merchandise and Prefixes
DEVINE it McANULTY respectfully inform the pub
lic that they have completed their arrangements
for the aboye Line on
The public has long wished for Individual'competition
in Transportation on the Public Works, by which nlone
it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to Its lowest rate•; that wish will now be realized; the
State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks on her Rail
Roads, Individums owning Portable Boats are enabled
to bid for the Carrying Trade and successfully to com
pete with companies.
This line iscomposed of Twenty new, Four Section
Portable Boats, owned by the Captains who command
them and well known as enterprising, industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boat
over every other mode of Transportation, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf
to say, that the detention, loos,separation and dam•
age to Goods, invariably attending tAree Transkipmeate
between Piosburgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable .
Boat moat iffectually removed
The Portable Boat possesses the great advantage too,
of being well amounted and 'cool in Simmer; which pre.
vents Floar from agoutis:, and Bacon and Tobacco from
Devine 4. McAnaltv, standing as they de,between the
owners of goodsand the Boatmen who carry them, and
eqaally interested in protecting the interests of botk, will
make no promises to the public they will not faithfully
They are now prepared to receive and forward Pro
duce to Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston
In the shortest time, and pledge themselves to enter into
no combination with other Lines,tml always stand ready
to carry out the prlncipicsof their Linc,and contract for
freight on the very lowest terms.
}-To give undonbted•eecurtty to owners and shippers
of goods an open policy of Insurance hat been effected.
by which all merchandise shipped by this Line will be
Insuted without an/ additional expense to the owner.
Devine 4. MeA nutty will receive all produce consigned
to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and charges to Steam
Boats and forward the same without delay to Philadel•
plila, Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any
charge for advancing or commission.
DEVINE 4. ItlcA NULTY. Aelits.,
Canal Basin, Liberty street, Piiisburgh.
272 Market street, Philadelphia.
mooRE 4- CHASE Agents.
Narch 10,1342 75 Bowley's Wharf, Baltimore.
;-:*" .17z.
NEW line of U. El. Mil Coaches for Washington. City.
Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York.
This line is in full operation and lravesPittsburgh daily
at 6 o'clock A. M., via Washington ?a. mull national
road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road
Co's. to all the above places: Travellers will find ibis
a speedy and comfortable route, ft being a separate sad
distinct Pittsburgh and Cumberland line, facilities will be
afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex
tra coaches furnished at the shortest notice, wito the
privilegr of going through direct, or taking cne night's
rest al their option.
Fare from Pittsburgh to Baltimore, $lO.OO
pin s / H e x to Relay house, $lO,OO I 1 2 .00
Thence to Washington 2,00
Pittsburgh to Philadelphia,
For through tickets, apply at our office at the corner
of Exchange Hotel, or at our office at the Monongahela
House. L. W. STOCKTON•
Fen. 3d—dtf. President of N. R. Stage CO.
.'p1.x..1E'5!: ., '41.T. - ,x,r.'A . 7.•,.:
"Wh y will ye live at this is)or
dying rater .40
44 4 4
FISSURES, cg -c.
o be, had at Turiur's Itlediell Agency. 86 Fourth 3t.
the only agent in Pittsburgh.
Feb 22.
IOHN At - CLOSED y. the old oriainal, has on hand the
o,t splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
Wee My stock is large, and lain disposed to sell at the
owt, t possible price My stock is heavy, and as the sea.
on is advancing, 1 will sell at lower prices than ever. I
ek only the pleasure of a call, feetins, confident that a
ok Is sufficient. Beware of Counterfeits. nernemher
Vg.tf ENT nov 23, 184
NOTIOE. —I have taken out letters of administration
II on the estate on. John Wilson, late of the City of
Pittsburgh, deed. All pet sons indebted to the estate of
the said deceased, are requested to mate immediate pay
ment to me at my residence in Penn st. near Marbury.a nd
those who have claims are requested to present them
duly probated. J P WILSON,
)nn 19- --61 w.
WILLIAM ELDER, Attorney at Law; Office in
Rakewell's Buildings, - scatty opposite the New
Court Douse. on Grant street. sep
LIBRARY of Rellgious,Htstorical,Political.and Id is
efllaneotre Works, will be open every day, Sa'alsath ex.
cepted, "rom 7 o'clock, A. M.,until 9, P. M., in the Ex.
change Building,corner of St !Clair streetand Exchange
alley, wnere punctual attendance will be given by
step 10 J. GEMMIIh.
Unrivalled Blacking,
MANUFACI USED and sold wholesale and retail
SIXTH STReET, one door below Smithfield.
Oel 21—iy.
JOHN RUT I'ER WORTH, Auctioneer and Couseia.
&ion Merchant, Louisville, Kr. will attend to thr.
sale of Real Estate, Dry Goods,Gt °caries, Furniture, /te
tte. flegularsales every Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri
day mornings. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made
on consignments. Pen 10
andersignrd respectfully inform the publietha t
1 after several years experience in the best shops in
the eastern cities. they have opened their New a la mode
in Third at.. one door from Market, and nearly oppositet
the post office, where they arc prepared to execute all
orders In the tailoring line, In a manner untotrpassed
by any other establishment In the city. Rini*unlade
arrangements for the reception of the most modern style
of fasnions, gentlemen wishing clothes made In asuper.
for style, would lind it to their interest to give them a
We wish the public to understand that this is not in
tended to rank among the fulsome gall advertisements of
the day; for as to style and / Workmanship they challenge
March 4 dly. SCULLY 4- MONTAGUE.
PITTSBURGH, Ocr. 22, 1842.
J. Deitutiro—On Friday, the3Oth alas*. month, about
9 o'clock at niebt.tbe Planing,Groovintrand !ash Man
factory, owned by Cay, Dilworth 4 Co, with a large
quantity of droned and undressed lumber, was all mum
med by fire.
The Iron Safe which I bought of you some time back
was in the must exposed situation during the fire, and
was entirely red hot—l am pleased to Inform you it was
opened at the close of the fire,and all the books, papers,
¢e.saved•—tbisis the best recommendation I can give of
the utility of your safes.
oet24_tf THOMAS 40 COTT
HAVE removed their Paper Store from Market
street to No. et Weed street, oae door from the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their usual as
sortmeat of WALL PAPERS, for paPerlag parlors. ea
tries, chambers. tc.IIIIIIITINS, WRITING
all of wMe they offer fin ea aeammsedathig WIMP.
feb 14, 1941-41 f
, rE subscriber has just received his annual supply wg
Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting In part oftka
following kladg—allof the law year.acrop 4' worum e d
Beams,' Egg Plant, Parseici,
Beets, Endive, Peas,
Leans, Kale, PettWe
Leek, Pumpkin, ike?:93,
Wituce, Radish, Borer,.le,
Mater Melon, Rhubarb, Cabbage,
Nuak, .. BsWry, Carrel,
nsturtium, Cauliflower, ailintOs
Squash, Celery, Okra,'
Tomatoes, Curled Cress, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber, Parsley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brown)
&e. &C. Sce.
Together with. variety of Pot 4. Sweet herbs and Bower
. fl4l""Orders for Seeds, Shrubs; Trees, ite Gin Garde..
erased others will be received and promptly attended
No. 184 Liberty. head of Wood sr.
HATS -W. 411. M. Doi/mery inform their frleridesed
the public that they have commenced massahete
ring Hats, and that they have now ready foe bait. Is
their Store,l4B Liberty street, - between Market and IMA
street, an assortment of the very b.vt Hale, wie,. Item
are an:lousy) dispose of on the cheapest and moat reams,
able terms. Their stock consist of the very best kinds.
vllE—Beaver, Otter. Neu' rta, Castors. short Nai ped Bar
Ma. Fur and Silk Hats.
W. 4. M. Doherty are both regular bred Hatters. tbeg
have had extensive expertence as Journeymen In Oahe,/
estahlishmenta In the country; their Hats are - all got op
under their own Inspection, and they he piling
that nothing but the-very-best articles on the most rest
Annahle terms will be offered for sale. sep 10
I -
T. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Baker, Coo.
LA. feel loner and Fruiterer, Federal street, mirth*
Diamond,Alleglieny city.
Every variety of Confectionary and Ornamental
tales, suitahte for weddings and parties; mattataciired
from the best materials, at short notice. novl6
10 A It NI FOR SA I.E.—The undersigned offers for salts
.ff 2 his ihrm, lying In Bo.* l'ownahlp 4) miles frost the
City of Pittsburgh, containmg 114 acres ofland Of Wkkb
60 ale cleared and node- fence, I tm 15 to 20 acres of
meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of Apples s few Peach *ad
Cherry trees—the Improvements are a ,arge frame Mesa
containing 10 rooms wellfarolsbed, calculated for Ta
vern O. private Dwelling, a frame Barn 28 by 60,1110air
baser:1.m, and stabling, sheds I nd other out hoooesorat.
able for a tenement;-2 good Gardens surrounded with
mum', bushes. end a well of excellent water, with a
pump in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and Allezheny market, I here is no place now offered for
sale with mnrcindricement to those wishing to putrAtaro
near Pittsburgh, the terms will be made moderate, for
further part Icolarsapply to the proprietor at his ChM dim
Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley.
N. B. Ifnot sold before the Ist of October nest. Ii
will be dieldedinto 10 and 20acre loss tosult patella.
serf. dais 10
JAMES HOWARD fr CO„ Manufacturers of Wan
Paper, No. 18, Wood Street, Pittseurdyk,
Have always on hand an extensive amnia/eat of itsilla
Glazed and Wain PAPER HANGINGS, 'Velvet sad
imitation Borders. of the latest style and handsome
patters*, for papering halls, parlors and ehambers.
They manufacture and have oti hand at all tigestur
Printing.. Writing. Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper.Rop
net and Fullers' Boards-Idt of width iheyofreribrote :
on the most accommodating terms: and to wbleb 110
invite the attention of merchants and others.
ALSO—Blank Books °fail kinds and the best laidiet.
Sehool Rooks, eie. always on hand and for Sale as ahem
N. B Ratss nd Tar ners' Scraps' takes la exebainge.
MAGRAW 4- HAMILTON, Attorneys at Lane. Kays
removed their Office to the residence of R.S. Mar
21 ow, on Fon rt!) PI, two doors above Smith field. orp JP
Cincinnati, February . 15. 1R441.
Dr. SwCfNE—Dear elr:— Permit me to take the liter rty
of writing to you at tkle time to express my a ppre.tadjore
and to recommend to the attention of heads of families
and others your invaluable medicine—the Compoant
Syrup of Prunes Virginians, or Wild Cherry Bark. I.
my travels of late I have seen IDA:teat many testament
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit.
dreit of very obstinate complaints, nuch as Coughing.
Wheezing, Choalung of Plite2m, Asthma:ilk attacks. .te.
e. I should not have written this letter, however. et
present, nit hough I have felt it my duty to add my tent
molly to It for some time, had it not been for a sate IN.
stance where the medicine above alluded to was Haling.
mental in restoring to perfect health an ••only Child,"
whose ease wag almost hopeless, in a family of my ae.
quaintance. ••1 thank Heaven," mild the floating oink.
er,"tny child isuaved from the laws of dem hl 0 how
feared the relentless ravager But my dandle islet le
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup
. 8(
Vi lid Cherry is the most valuable medicine In thy or any
other country. lan) certain 1 `save witnessed More than
one hundred cases where It hat been attended witticism.
Mete suceess. I am using it myself In an obstinate at.
tack of Bronckitis, in which it moved effectual in • •z.
ceedingly sitort time, considering the severity of the Case.
1 ran reromend it in the fullest confidence of its sttpericrs
virtues; I would advise that no family should he without
it; It is very pleasant. and always beneficial—worth
double and often len limes its price. The public areas.
cured there is no quackery about it. R. Samson, D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Chorea,
Sold by WM. THORN. wholesale tt retail, 0517 0 100 1 t
for Pittsbursh. No. 53. 51. , ket street. ep 10
"'kat 10111 destroy Life, and yen are a grail soda 4 .
"Discover what will proles: Life, and tam wand will
call you Inapostor."
lt ,
"There are faculties, bodily and inter twit, within us,
. with which certain herbs have a ffi sit z and net which
they lane power."
Dr. B. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Linitiobt,
which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pais or
Borenee; thus Sprains, Stiff Sinew.. White PoreHialso,
Rheumatic Paine, or Stillness, Stiffness of the /Opts,
Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat,
Droop, Contractions of the muscles, itcrOfolooli OW.
largements„ Tender Peel, and every description of
Jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Flame, are.
cured or greatly relieved by his neser•te he *officiate/7f
extolled rcssedy.
Csartric.Ts.—The following letter front Major Mos
erat Sandford, MI to the qualities of the External Reme
dy, speaks volumes:
Naw Yoax, Fels- 9,
Dear Sir—Will you oblige me with another botioOf
your excellent Liniment? It is certainly the bkat . orrua"*
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely Inv NMC's
knee, about which I woes° uneasy and I have found It
productive of Immediate relief in several cases of ester•
nal injury In my family. A few evenings since, my
youngest child wasseized with a violent attack of Croup.,
which was entirely removed In twenty utisftsts, by, rub
bing her cheat and throat freely with the External Rem
edy. I think you ought to manufacture this Lisalattailler
for general nse, Instead of confining the use of 1.. nit! ,
have heretofore done, to your particular atsarbeausseut.
Yours truly, C. VV. SANDFORD.
Da. B. BRLIMIRITH.24I Broadway, N. Y.
•For rale at 241 Broadway, New York, and •at lb
ofkes-,No. 98 Wood street,Pittsburgh. PRICE-50 casts
per bottle with directions. apple
THE subscriber would respectfully inform Meat/MN
of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and their vieir.ities,aat he
has cammenced manufacturing the article of UM di
and Candles. He intends making but one quality. Mi
will equal the best made In the Union and not auspillatti
by the best winter strained sperm oil either for maiihatery
or burning, without Its offensive properties, sad woe
ber wishes to impress distinctly on the public Whit tilt
it isnot necessary to purchase any new tangled lainips Oda
are daily palmed upon them as being requisite to Mara tie
lard oil in. Persons wishing a pare and hrtilisial Ned
can obtain it by calling at the old stand r ,34 street, starch
opposite the Post Mee.
The attention of Wholesale dealers, Churit C
ehinhas respeetrutly solicited.
N, 8.--All the barrels wilt bear the*abets
wa the*
Amuse. Jai 21, 1141116.44,t
i ci BBL& Spirits 'w .
r. . ' ' ' '' '4.:7
JIM ftlestiAlby , hir. , , 'I ' - c---
,ill-lii ,-'
. ' •'."' ' i .
- ::,, ~ i ;v4-. saft.'7'