Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 29, 1843, Image 3
jefkraotirs Btrik Day. Tbe g:iitinsltirmappeinMdlor tbe'litirpose has appointed the following tmoera to preside at the C ntennial Celebration of* Thomas Jefferson'. Birth Day, on the evening of the 13th day of A r-Pril tiext, at the United States Hotel in this city: t,..f.,•• President—HON. WM. WILKINS. 4Vice Presidents—D r James Power, Elizabeth; iime Sill, Versailles; Alex Carnahan, Lower St Aalr;,Robert Hare, Ross: William Sturgeon, ,Terstte; Thomas Gibson, Pine; John Stevenson, ' ' 4pi D: Beeler,Peebles; Jno Johnston, Wilkins; XlMatah Stewart, Plumb; John Anderson, P. tthj . eity;Major Jno Andregg, Pitt; Dr Jno Pol. hck,Findlay; William Kerr,Upper St Clair ; Col James .Patterson,Mifflin; Thomas Neal,East Deer; Wm. Gribben,Robinson; J. Sarber, Lawrenceville , _. , Beetetaries.—Thom as Hamilton, R.H. Kerr,Jno Money, Andrew Burke, Chas Barnett, H. S. - --Magraw, B. H. Hartley, James D Thornburgh, --- eig"John Birmingham, George Fortune. fiesits*. : —HON. CH A RLESSHALER. The Workingmen—W e have heard of none of the movements of the workingmen •in this city. We hope they have not grown so reckless of their interests as to abandon the project of establishing en in. ettittition for the promulgation of the princi „plea (or what should be the principles) of their party. An Institute for the discus• 'ion of the social and political measures which now agitate the public mind, is a great desideratum in ottr city. It is the only means which can he adopted with success by which the working classes can ascertain the cause of, and remedy for, the ,evils which now afflict them We say let the workingmen associate to .getber forthwith; the columns of the Pos, will be open to them. Afore of the counterfeiters.—W e learn 'from the Sun that on Saturday night last named Hart, of the sth ward, passed Ato auffer, of the Wigwam, a counterfeit - $5O note on the Bank of Sandusky. He bed previously offered the note at a bro keys office, and wes informed that it was, counterfeit. The note is supposed to be the same offered at Larimer's by Mrs. ',Night, alias Frichee, the woman arrested in this city some time ago, for passing Counterfeit money. Hart has been the confederate of this woman, and her ae ' compliee Mrs. Brown, and succeeded in get,tinJudge Patton to release them on an. With the change he got for this note, he with Mrs• Night, alias Priscliel 'islttl Mrs Brown, started for Cincinnati, the next morning, Hon ~ TV Irwin.—Th e friends of • .I.thistentleman, without distincri ot , of p ar :ty, have tendered him a din-trer, which fie has accepted, to be given at the Ex change Hotel on Thursday evening. We are told that an attempt was made no Monday to tire Lipincott's s'aughter imam on the 4th street road, which provpd it failure, We do not know that the in , eendi odes are suspected. :.Tom Flyna.....E„ery person eppPars So anxious to get a glimps e ef this distin r•gaished actor, that 3.. sorts of rumors are ro cireulatiAn about him bring in town and preparing to open the Theatre. Several persons have seen him in the Amphjtha• up, in their imagination. THE CanoNtct.E.—Mr..T. H. Foster has retired from the Editorial departm ent of the Morning Chronicle, Mr. W. H. Whit ney being now soie editor. ' • poor solitary rat walked over the floor Ofthe U. S. Branch Bank; in 4th sit eet, one slight last week, and remarked in despon. dency: '•1 feel like one who treads alone Some bankrupt hall dePerted." Professor Bronson hada good house on Monday night last at the Oratorean. His enterprise '•will take," as the saving is, end We hope he may find it as profitable to Ihintselfas it Will be instructive and a mu— `sink to his patrons. Miss Ritchie.—W e are told that this un • (Maul* young woman, who lost her life by fire at the house of Mr. Jas. Gormley in Allegheny last Saturday night, was sub tit fits. It is anppnsed that she fell upon 'Op floor while in one of these paroxysms, astlaenal afire fPII upon her dress, which (mused the dreadful accident. ,The Rev, Mr. Smiley preaches again this ' evening in the South Common Church,— .nesei who have heard him,pronounoe him *'truly eloquent speaker, Gin. We are about to have a great guar rot 'boo gas; the gas consumers are going ,inmtbel against the gas producers, and a new gas invention is now exhibiting at Holl'er's Mich Will, it is said, eclipse the gas com /my, over. Some person will catch gem before We got two arms full of papers yester sky, which required considerable diligence wade through. We wiah the mails yronld get along some how regular once Yesterday was rainy and gloomy. Look odacikbigh water. 01121 HAGUE, (News Boy) is requested 10,404 at this office and settle. 'ed people should always • "patiipe, stetabited &ate* Hotel. 1 3 7110141411.611 lINDOW 11 29, TSt3 DRIED PE,RCHES. • 100 BUSILIELSDnwnsea, , , .R. For side low by ' - JAI= itAT. • add IC .110011 t Ala Jen PR.INTINQ OFFICE., -N. if; corner of wood 4- _Myth Sts. Tan proprletotsof the MOMCISO POST and Mehemet' ♦no MAnurge-roamt respectfully Inform their friends and the patronsof those papers, that they have a large and Well chosen assortment of IWO IBM r AICWriIIP•3IM go ABSVD ANThal &OMER FiE2EMAILIMI Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are pre pared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Books. Bills of Lading, Circulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips' ttittbs of Blanks, Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, With appro. priale Cuts, Printed on the shortest notice and mast reasonable terme. We respecifully ask the patronage of our friends and he public in general in Hits branch of our business. Pittsburgh, Sep:. 39,1942. PHILLIPS 4- SMITH, SHINN & SELLERS' CELEBRATED LIVER PIL knLS. Stand Unrivalled by any Medicine own for the cure of the , . lIWER ,i/ .., til? Nir•' ' a ....---..,„..----- „_- _______—_,---==2----= i s' . 7'-- ' LAI SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASED LIVER. General loss of appetite, sickness of the stom— ach, pain in the head, shoulders, back and sides sense of weariness, with sleepless nights, costive ness of bowels, followed in some cases by,looseness, slight, diy cough, low spirits, with disinclination l.i) every duty, are prominent symptoms or a dis eased slate of the Liver. The Liver is, howe7er, often much deranged, when the most formidable symptoms are absent, and becomes sadly out of order before it is known. This celebrated m , dicitie has been in public u3e for about seven years, an I has acoored a populai i ty for curing the liver complaint, which is not stir passed by any remedy before the public. When the symptoms above mentioned are present, sod the di rections, strictly ft , llowerl, the proprietor is perfectly willing to refu n d the money, if no bei.ent is derived from the use of the pills. ICTAs an - Aliti Billion s or Purgative Pill. theyltire not si.rpassed, and should be used in place 01 the cum monpills of the day. Thn following certificate is from Rev. G. L, Sis son, of the 'Methodist Eyt , copal Church, anti worthy the attention of those similitily aft', eted. Gentlemen—This," few lilies will inform you that during last spring I was affected with disease of the Liver. indicted by the loss ot appetite. Peiog ad vised to made use of your 'Liver Pill,' I did so, and before using hail a bo a I v% as res:nted to MY 11•1/ ai hellish. I leel boliud, therefore in conside, Wiwi of i the benefits I have received from the medicine, to i e. crdnmend it to others laboring under similar salte tion, feeling , onfirfpw that they wil find it a cheap and successful reinedr• Pitts. Dec, 30, 1836.espectfully your., 4C'7 .G. L. ;SISSON TO LET. 11111 e Store and upper rooms of the corner o . Markerand sth Aretts, now occupied by Str Shinn i.ci Sellers' celebrated Liver Pills not a Quack ;•1 B-E- ' ' '''" l "" . - At..,0, d i Iwo s o rry (trick noose on the rorrer of sth llfeelicine; and Union streets. siti,a..ie for a I/welting lion.. and The follorving testint• inial Irmo Dr. Partello, or Grorers , store. Enquire yr J.4M ES MAY. Portsmouth, Olt o, a graduated phy•ician, and an old Irk 21. 2tv if. practitioner, Is sufficient proof for the 111 , :st ittc,e•iii _ _ loos, that Shinn & &Pe's', Cclebrate.l Lit ,!r. Pd!s. 4 .{ - r..31k FOR Er.l - 7*. -A coinfortaid e new ',lrk dwell_ 0 'ISE' 1i0..: I.ouge,slloale in Coal Lane near 7 1 Itstreel do, and cap, relieve the alit c•ed, ror term.:, which will be mu.lerate. a pith- In Messrs. Sin & Selle,s—Georlemeo—it ,I.E . ,rds JO/IN 11'L-LOSKEY. ne great pleasure to Soy that l have male t epea ed ~,,, F ., i _ Three Rez Door, Liberty st. trials of your Oelebrdted Liver Pills, and find mem .'_ e . "-- I. - -- better artaptrird to the porposc for Which they are 71'0 LET. • desigt.eds (liver diserre,,,) than any ttidicuie or cooshinstitni of tiredreores I have ever used. They rr „ 3d afore of I lie building occupied by R. A. Ira as An Aucgor, Allorr.--h.reinf;ire known are in g, cat demund here, sod HCI Wril. lille 5, Mill', its"Nesnlllll's Lon% Honor,' corner of Wood and sth viredio. Inquire of R. Morrow co sr inn 23 R. IL PVITELLO„M. I). - - ' Portsmouth, (Thin, Jun- 15 h f8:lil. To Let, Rend the lollowin g le:Union y and disbelieve i/ you A STORE 4' To on Market between 3d and 4th tun. .i:M. steer;;, Cal michaellor, n, Greene ro. Pri... A i.SO. Iwo spacious and roneeriient moon; in the sec Sept. 20, 184'2 , and story openinz 1;‘ , a flan on NI., diet "(reel; well adapt • ed for Law otriep, or for "Ifi • 11 -ri e - • Mr. R E. Sel'er.-___For several yea re I was the ~,,„i . ,„, .„ 4 „ 4 • .„ ". a '' "I"in'a4 a " a* a r r hy . pi t: it a ,g er ui rr a ss a f r : i t . a m t a rti r s k -r e n t ei; rrircet, i . ~. subj :et nett most 110 vieldiuz attack of the Liver :. rest coma nit - ALSO, Corn plaint. It would be uncles: for me to attempt five rooms keen's-or:ante kitchen. to Aire you an account of in y stiff, ring, as it could ALSO, the small store ro om on Third et , nearly op. roily be felt, not direct - lb:rd. But site:, w a s the se• posile the Post offlre nt pr.seol occupied by Brown 4- verity of my disease, that for trys aod weeks to- Raymond as aL. store, A LSO the liglit and airy office on 3d ,11. at present oc. gether, I knew dot whether I should tver recur chided as the Atheneum. er my usual hr al h, A LSO, for rent, seyemi sinall houses near the dwell- I continued in l'i is wretched condition, until the Christian Advocate fell into m inn house of the stitiserilwr in Pitt township ,'with fe. sores of Land attached to each. y hand d comparing the symptoms of a diseaKA an liver upoll:,n tan 18-41 EIWYD D. GA ZZ.I M. given in !fie advertisement with my own, I found No 51Third st. that they corresponded in nearly every particular. ir - OTS FOR SA Four Lnta In r 7.. From that cireutnHarie.c I vas induced to try your .I / and n fourth Acres of !And on liolmes ; 11 il . . justly popular Liver Pills, and you may be assu- nos. 41, 42,52 , 53 .54,131, 182 and 184, In Cook's red that it is with the greatest pleasure that I in. of Lots, on Flolme's 11111. Also, Lots nos. 26 and form you that the Laver Pills have been of more Cook's plan of Lots on Hi g hst reet, street, near the new )louse- For terms apply to Z. W. R EMING' serve, e to methan all other reMedies I have ever used, and I now enjoy better health than I have _ sett" lone for the last eight rears. • , House Agency. Signed, NtAEY HORII ER. I PittAfietd, Warren co. Pa., Dec.. - " 24, 1841. 1 No. B WPst or the Market, rinnse, Penn st I " HE ~,shlrio.N,e'tr'artl, Pittsburch Pa. Messrs. Shinn, & Scliertg—l enjoy reasonable having for a number ofyears been en. i gaged In renting el's , propert v cottectin rents 4-r 'it utirresent, And I most say that I have ,:e, ived 'sore benefit from your pills than from any other and wkiling to extend Ili Ens i ' n th is w u a i :v i. . , ' r o e r si i i v e l c l t o , medicine, and I believe them to be the best pill we I fully offers los services to those persons My have ever had in this part of the COUIIIIy. Wheti may have charge of prope•ty as Executors, AdMinistra lots or Guardians. in the city or suburbs, and who may in Pittsburgh last Spring, I bought a hall drez-n box• ! not have leisure to attend to it ,iICIIII4AVPS to rent dwell. es of your pills, and when I reached home I (Mold hies, Warehouses, Farms, Lots, 4-r, Also, to collect my wife ver y ill, with the doctors attending ber.— , several , 'Tints, dividends, Ground rents 4-c. A register is kept The disease chid not ohate until I gave, h-r t w ei te d re f a dra t :redid ion of all properties for rent will be en• doses of it - e Liver Pill; since that she has gained eoewoincha,ergiiet je r m el e e l r l e t u ,r ce Is respectfully offered to the e roll pa,i when ie,„ l , I s le s s i tili h scr i l be A r ll ha: much, and is now aNe to attend to her usual uni k I ani4)ntstif your pills, and deelre you send me hall been agent for g some years a dozed boxes by mail; the half of the la-t lot were r. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pit l i c sb a :rgh; J e a n s: distributed amongst my neighbors. I have bought Btuart, Esq. European Agent, Philad.John Brown your pills now for tore" 3 ears %int shalls continue to Birmingham; B. McLennn. clocinnaii; Daniel pone; do so as Im o as I run lumher to Pit th as I co, Sieubenville;Jo•cpli Millar. Lawrcncevitle; Jame-Jones d rier diem the best pill that has ever come befo re t h e East Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Daniel public. Y ,, iirs, truly, Deptitron, Sewickley, • JOHN BROWN. felt 23. - - - Prepared ONLY, and sold wholesale arid retail, by R. E. SELLERS, (Successor to hie o & Sellms.) No. P.O. Wood st, below Second, Pittsburgh. March 7. Birmingham & Co . G'TS F,,11 STEAMER CLEVELAND And Cleveland Line. March 22, '43. 20,000 BACON . p r S creamer Baconivicoilcrocuand.)djuna,tr srerieleeivioedw. for cash, by mar 24 BIRMINGHAM 4. CO ICBOLad D. COLdt►X•••••• • ..... LOYD R. Co tekt A pi C OLEMdix • CO ~Genera Agents. Forwarding and Commission Merchants Levee Street. Vicksburg, Miss They respectfullyso lei t consignments. n22—,r ----- SUGAR ./11VD 1110L.ISSES. 100 6 1 11 2 d 0 4. b N 1,1. ;ONB4O. Suga r. r A4 ()laws. In prime order, Jost received by S. B. 4 rcade,and for sale by J. W. BUR BRIDGE 4- Co. mar 2 Water at. between Wood and Smith het FLOUR. 25 Bias. fresh Family Flour. For rale by mar 14. JAMES MAY PIG IRON. 64 TONS Tennusee Pig Iron. Fermate lOW to ClCNlooollllllplattat. mar 14. JAMES MAY. liiiMil ,` ` .. ,j1, _ FOR RENT. A ND possession zioen on the Ist of April next; a brick house on the lank of the A Ileaitenv river, two stork.. earn rorlable rooms, besides cellar and kitchen. ft is very Pleasantly Aitunted.just outside the city tine. with a full view of the city of ileabeny, and within 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the City— very low. mar 13. JAMES BLA RELY. House Agent,sth Ward. For Rent. FIIHE roem occupied by Alderman Stewart, oil Penn 1 st., as an office—rents 36 per year. A No, turn rooms occupied as a Grocery store, on Penn street rents 36 per year. TO LET. T WO store rooms and dwellings on Penn stree (sth ward.) Rent very low. Apply at the House Aseney, Penn et, sth ward. March 15. JAMES BLAKELY. TO LET. I ONE hrick dwelling house, containing, a large ! sag ball, two parlours. 4 looms upstairs, with fin- I'l hilted garret,dMing room and kitchen. with ear. Inage hoase4c. This house is pleasantly located with Iyard in front and rear, on the canal bank, corner of Chesnut atreet,leading to upper bridge, now in the oc cupancy of Mr. McClurg, rout tomtit the times—Enquire of Dr. Whittaker, All eg h eny City. mar 8, / e.FOR a term of y For ears: Two building lots on the hang of the Allegheny river, adjoining the My fine. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street, sth Ward. mar 2. JAMES BLAKELY, COM MISSIBirmON in AND gham & FORIf4RDI Co. NG NE& CH4YTB, No. 60 Water street, I ,ittaburgh Pe. Terass—Reseiving and Stripping 5 cense per 100 The. Coegathadons on Purchases and sales 21 per cm. ma 0.154 '43 iIERiMI MEI i;colutacTlD DilLy , Sty •LLltlf MUM, PENNSYLVANCA. Bank of Pittsburgh. Par' March. k Man. bk. par Exchange bank, par Bk, of Gerrnantowc Easton Lank. Lancaster bank, ills 14 Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. " Doylestown bk do " Bk of N America Phil. " Bk of Northern Liberties, Commercial bk. of Pa. " Far, 4- Mechanics bk. Kensington bk. Philadelphia bk. Schuylkill bk. 41 Southwark bk. t• Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 7e Bk of Penn Tv. par Stan. 4- Mechanics bk. par Meg.hanies bk. par Moyamensing bk. 3 Girard ba,,k, 451 If-Stales bank. 50 Lumbermens', Warren, --I ) Frank. Mc Waslitioston, par Miners bk of Pot Isylle, 6 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. hit Brownsville, 11 Erie Bank, 5 rrisbursh bank, .51 Par. hk Lancaster, 11J Ilk of m Iddlelown, Bk. of Chamhershurgh, 411 Carlisle hank, 41 Bk of Northumberland, 6 Columbia bk 4- Brid g e co. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co• 25 Bkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 41 Gettysburg!' bk. York bank, 41 Far. 4- Drovers hk. of Waynesbursh, I •• Currency notes, 7 Floneqa), , , 2 Wyoming bank, 10 Pittsh'sh Slate scrip 5 a 511' Country do do 6a6t Berks Co. bans, Lewistown. Towanda, 01110: Muuntraleasant bk Par. 4- Mech. bk of Steu Belmont bk of St. Clairol vine, ALABAMA Good Ranks, 23 TENNESSEE. All Banks, 4 ...._ MHIGAN Marietta hk. Demand 11: Bk. of St. IC Clair, 10 notes, 11 Do. dn. .1 4. H. Smith 5 do Cnrrency nines, li. CANADA Columbiana bk New Lis a 01)4 hanks, Bto 10 hon Demand, It Eastern Exchange. do Post notes, li, Philadelphia. 4 Cincinnati specie pay. 'New York; in : hanks, 14 Baltimore, 1 Mech. k Traders bk of Boston. Cincinnati. 5 Western{ Exchange ar elhoun bk of Columbett, Cineltinati, Demand notes, 14 L pnitievit'e,, par Circleville, (11. Lawrence Cleveland,CaA ills .tbier) 14 Witeeline, par Zanesville bk. I VGOLD AND sit.vr.R, par FOR SALE OR TO REN T. OTS FOR Lr. , —Four - Loi s In Manchester. One 1 and n fourth 4 errs of Laid on Holmes' Hill. Lots nns. 9►, 42,52, 53.54, 131, 182 and 184, in Cook's plan of Lots, on fiolme's fill I. Also, Lots nos. 26 and 27, in Cook's plan of Lots on High streri, near the new Court 'louse- For tertuF apply to Z. w. REMINGTON sett 10 JAMES BLAKELY, House Agent,sth Ward Z LIST. Wooster, Masailon, Sandusky, Geauga, Norwalk, Xenia, 'Dayton, Scioto, Post notes, Chillicothe, Fran. hk Columbus, Ij La,.easter, 90 Hamilton, 45 Granvil/e, 80 Com-bk. Lake Erie, SO Far: bk: of Canton, 45 Urbana RI INDIANA. State bk.* Branches 11 State Scrip, 3.5 KENTUCKY. All banks, 11 ILLINOIS. stat 6 hk 4- Branches, 60 iShawneelown, 70 , VIRGINIA. 'Rank of Virginia, 1 do Valley, 1 Far. bk. of Virginia, 1 Exchange bank, 1 N. Wes'. hank 1I Met. 4- Mee. do. II l MARYLAND. /Baltimore Ra n k s, Nlr Country Ranks. Ia 2 DELAWARE. 'All Banks, par NEW JERSEY. All Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK. City Banks, pr Country hanks, (Wyly fund.) i a Red Back, 1 l NEW ENGLAND Boston Banks, !Country t• LOUISIANA. Orleans Banks, Food, NORM CAROLINA Ranks, 2 SOUTH CAROLINA Ranks, I,IS. COLUMBIA Banks. pENDA:I:NON IN TR Y :East Joel - WI Hair Die_ colorsthe hair and will not the skin This Dye is in the torn of a Powder which in plalh matte. of tact may he applied to the hair over night, the first night turning the lightest or :rev hair to dark brown; and by repeating a second or third night, to a jet black. Any person may, therefore, with the least possible trouble, keep his hair any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that the powder if applied to the akin lOW nor rotor it. There is no coloring in this statement. y easily test. These carts are warranted who manufactures it. PUTTLE'r - t, St; Fourth sheet, where a large assortment of Patent Medicines may always be had at either wholesale or retail 81 nlay our ma by the rite nisi' SUGsiR RICER MOLASSES. 1211111)S Prime N. O. Sugar. 10 Tierces Rice. 19 hbls. No. 3 Mackerel. For sale low to close consignment, bq mar 14. JAMES MAY JAMES BLAKE ,„/ IRT V mirrEE OF THE WIRT INSTITUTE taken pleasure in announcing that the Lectures before tlie Institute will be resumed on Tuesday evening, - nth instant, by PROF. RICHARD S. McCULLOUGH, of Jefferson College, Cannonslourg, Pa, it is contemplated that Piof. illeCullotmh will deliver a full course on the "Rise, Progress and destiny of trononsy." The Committee, in presenting, this course, of from six to atom. Lectures on a most interesting suit ject of thought, s udy, and scien ifie research, Mel as. sored that their exertions will meet a ith the general ap probation of the patrons of theoWirt Institute Lectures." We deem it proper here to expresso I r thanks for the patronage extended to this course, and to assure the public, that whatever delinquency may have occurred in the fulfilment of our original prospectus, It cannot be at. whaled to any want of attention or exertion on the part of the Committee, but to the filet that c reamatanees which could not be control led prevented those who had 'cinsented to lecture from fulfilling their engagements. Tickets for the course on Astronomy, o a single lecture, 25 eut. S. C. HUEY, JOHN S. COSGRAVE, W. W. WILSON, JOHN B. SEMPLE, WM. B. SCAIFE, mar 22 PIG IRON. 64 TONS Tennessee g Iron For vale lore in close consignment, by feb TOBACCO AND SEGARS. LUST RECEIVED, and-on hand, a good assortment dal Boxes . Anderson's' pound lamp Tobacco of superim al of Nuns, Window glass and Sash, Writing. Letter quality. together with 10 1-4 boxes best Bavaria / and Wrapping paper, paper bangtnes,, Shovels. axes sod ears for sale low to close, by IS AA CCR trSE, nasiSeS, Bushels, Pecks, 4-c., Brnelies, Corn Brooms and ; mar 15. 148 Liberty at Wilma. Augurs, Castings, Churns, Buckets, Wooden Souris, Carpet and Ca rper Chain, kc.. for sale on se- BACON. oollornadating terms for ?Stature' for eel 104111, Country produce. IS.A AC HA Agl 1511* illeidleit-*" tildo.hr - sad Com. Marti% .rn.,,,,,.. - 46 SACKSdriedApidel, 23 libisdo. do 10 Sacks dried Palettes. 41 Sacks Feathers, 'just received per steamboats Wein Point and flarisborgh,and for sale very logo for cash by HAIL M4JV; JENNINGS 4- co , mar 21. 43 Wood st. do do do ao so TILTOTICt ro Stem Beet Owners.—The subscriber, In .LlcenreUitence of the dr:Unity of the times, hoe rede' ced the price of his Bc4f4ity Guardive tarprevention ej tAs explosiot of steam boilers, to *l5O r t• It is hoped that all boat owners will a Pe va bee il themselves of these reasonable terms, not only on account of the perfect safety they afford, but also in point of economy. I Boilers with the apparatus attached will wear abou wice as long as those not provided with them, March 6-3 m C. EVANS FOR SAFETY. Travelers shoed select Boats provided with. F:vans' Safety Guards, for prevential Explosion of Steam Boilers. I T would be well for the traveling comraunity to bear In mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the expense of procuring the above apparatus. And that every Individual making such select ion is eontribu. tine tovvards a general introduction of an invention ad• milled by all men who understand the pfintipieP of the Steam Engine, to be a sure nreventarive against those dreadful disasiers You have cei tainly, is the hundreds of extflosinni that have already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning. and Inducement to make inquiry for a Safely guard Boat, and in every case to give It the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of ilbeiality, and by your preference show that you appreciate their laudable endeavors In stop this aw ful sacrifice of human life. They do not charge more than othet boats; their accommodations In other respects ate equal, and in many eases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why will you run any risk, when ft is so eotni letety In your own power to avoid those disasters. Alt boats marked thus [a] in the List of Arrivals and Departures, in another part of this paper, are supplied with the Safety Guar i. Lid t of Boats provided with the Safety Guard. A I.PS, MENTOR, AGNES, M I CMG kN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA, R I LLIAN'I', M A RQ,UETTE. BREAK W A TER MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOM EY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CI EllO, NEPTUNE, C• N A R AGAN S ETT sI ' KE ORLEANS, NIAGARA, "117I',NE. OSPREY. •••:•S tit.;if,, ORPHAN BOY' , ••LLIP-I,_ FOR t 105..-1. Fo 1311"1., G A LL A NT, G t LEN t, BILLS, J EVVES-4. I '` DIAN Qv c EN, ELLINoIs, r.YONS, VICTREB , I, WEST WIND. --------- BLANK LEASES. A new ;and tnurli improved form of Blank Leases, for - neat ill° Mike 0111111 "Morninr, Post." • -".%. Regular Morning Packet FOR BEAVER. rzt., .unni,l : and well known S learner SHARP fekri C L E t V er, E wi I L I de A pa N d D, y from Pitts. btireh at 9 o'clock, A. 61„ and heaver at 1 o'clock P. M For freight er pats,,ge, anply on board, or to BIRMINGII.IIII & CO. N. No GO Water street. B.—The rent tar ca nal parket to Cleveland, Ohio; Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and /Masai/lon on the Ohio Canal, connect ;;11 will, steamer Cleveland al Rea ver,will lie in operation immedlatcly on opening of nay. gation, mar i6--lf. EA Tll EllS;-.20(X) pounds Feathers, a prime ar tide jinit received and for sale Icy flAl I.IVI AN, JENNINGS 4- CO. 43 Wood street. Far ”le "Don't forget ! 86 Fourth street in 01110 ORLEANS, PENELOpE PANAMA QUEEN of the ROWINA. rir' RARITAN. SARAH ANN SA RATOGA: SAVANNA, I :ALEEI , I2 A ND LLEy FORGk NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! ..,gyp INFROIIf PITTSBURGH TO HILTIMORE AND PH ILIDELPIII,9. United States Express rafttft • Leaves Pitisl , nrgh daily, at 3 o'clock, P. 14, via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in sp!efOld COaC CUMiiPrland, user the great Nitllunal Read, arid f PS to there byrom It A 114 It 0 A D in superior new eight win•eled cars, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The alms, Line Is ripresented to the traveling public as being unegna Hell between the Ohio River and eastern cities for comfort and expedition, having made arrange emote to convey passengers through in two day; and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.-- Think of ill Only 7.1 miles Singe traveling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that In.superb new coaches. Fare throush. RIO. Office in the Alonongabela House, A. HENDERSON CO, mar:l —d3m Stage Proprielors. WANTED, as soon as pervaible, pines for a aoloho t of Mechanics, Rookkeepers, Salesmen, .clerks, and boyar In store, school ( cutlers; fur Laboring men, women, boys and girls for ail kinds of **Lit. A Igo, for coachmen, steam and canal boat men and boys, collect. ors, 4.c. Also, wanted. a mortgage on good property worth four or live Hines the amount — 4 5 00,700. 1000, 4 - c. For sale, twelve cheap tracts är Land; and for rent, several small pieces of properly, Apply at HARRIS' Agency and lotelllgence Office, mar 2,4 No. 9,5 th et. IGROCERY STORE AT AUCTION: WILL be reotord,:altonhetsatomirepoefottevureeeneoten on A lI Plater. 1 d 4 l , Match tride.at 10 o'clock ,a. x., their entire rtoek of Grocerter ill*, fixtures, counter, and shelving. gale positive. Ternm—cas h. currency. I ma.. r 23,2 t • R. A. BAUSMA N. Atterr. -.........L...._:_______________ Committee SALT. BBLS No I Sail on hand and for Pate Vy 300 J. W. se BIYRBRIDGE it co., mar 24 Water it.. between wood add Smithfield JAMES MAY kiltEd aza.exn At&P.R..-Tbe antalertlier boson band a j INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. full supply of fiat, half round and mind handia* Ales; and expects in a few nays a fall bogy of Ravi', ataximma lt for sale by the d.rzen F innic, low far crom NJ, each ~,t•r'd one Thing inevitabis. for go.nis to auk consignee 1 17ent I Society cannot long exist as it at pew. mar 15. Commission Mer'ra, hail nt 1 • 1 ent organized; tins is inevitabk. A. sin is approaching—there must end will be a change. Whether that change wi!l be for better or fur worse, depends upon the action of the people.- NOW, while they have it in their power togrectlre theta• selves against impending ruin. Th e tendency of the age is to tI.NIVER&ILL MONOPOLY; labor saving riatchinery and capital united, aided by legislation. is fast delivering the wealthy produced by laboring manses into the clutches of the nor - producers. The hard fisted liberal' merely gets enough to keep soul and body together, while the capitalist is amassing wealth. What wealth? Does be produce it himself? No, for he only *peculates on the produce of other's toil. Look around and ask who has created every thing of value; and who enjoys the benefits thereofi Not the workman ! How long will it be until the 'wily few' gain possession of alit A very few years, indeed, if this tendency is not arrested. Can the laboring masses look to legit* lation for succor? Alas ! the hope ii vain. Every act of legislation is intended for the benefit of those 'who toil not, neig ther do they spin.' The interests a dui million are forgotten. But what could they do, were they in all earnestness make an attempt? Absohlte:y, except airy attempt to effect a re-orgaai • cation of society, *thich will be a socia4 4 hot op/if/cat, reform. rrom politics we must look for nothing, until society,, shall be so organized that competition and all the vices and frauds inherent in the present state, shall be unknown. Then the allratr' of state will be right for it is the mere .:, creature of society. As we said before there must be a change—and that change will be either to .dssociations or Bandittis. The callous and unthinking may sneer at the assertion, but to all men who have bestowed thought upon the subject it must be evident. Under these circumstance s what is the duty of every citizen? Go into .associ a - lion. There has been na ofh.r means dim , covered by which men can secure them• selves against the impending ruin. J UST ./iE(3x",* Oranges and Lemons, of the finesa quality, for sale wholesale and retail. by W feb 22—If. M, THORN, 53 Market st. FAMILY FLOUR—Just received a few barrels of Snperior Flour, made expressly for family use. For sale by ISAAC CRUSE, 148 Llb, St. In Stone 50 barrels sop. flour. ILLACKERELoLVDCODRISEf in stare, 4 crisis Coddsta; also, 5 barrels No 2 Mackerel, and 15 half barrels, will be sold very low, apply to mar 16. ISAAC cause, 148 Liberty st. A.hrywn, a b o y (4 from 14 to 16 tra of age. A pplieation to be made before the first of March to F L SNOWDEN. 184, Liberty head of Wood at: Q N, 0. Sugar, this dayreceived per steamer Newt York,and for sale by J.C. it A. CORtION. dee 10 No. 12 Water at 20,000 LES: Cotton Yarns, assorted 2,000 Ibm. Nos. Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For sale by HA tEMAN, JENNING'z & CO., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, Nn. 43 Wood arrest. mar 17 A PPLES.--Juit received from Ohlo, per wagons, 35 barrels of green apples, rousleting of "Pennocks" ¢ "Blears." Also, 50 bushels of dr apples, for sale by ISA CCBUBE, Who keeps ronatanityoh har , Timothy and s eed of the best quailty, Clover m - - • _--- -- 1 COP AR.SIVERSEIIP: : J 4NES W. 11.511 4114 N 4- JON F: - 1 1"....NWINGS have entered tato partnership for the purpose of transacting a Wholesale Grocery; PtOdUce and Commis, sion business under the firm and sly/leaf lIAILMAN JENNINGS 4- Co.,at No 43 Wood street, opposite the Merchants' Hotel, where a supply of Groceries and Pitts burgh Manufactured A rticles can always he had on line. al terms. March 17 143. XVILLIA 31 C. WAGE., Plain and Fancy Poill'ait and Picture Frame ilanitrectscsr, Xe. 87, Fourth Street Pats burgh. —Canvass Brushes, Varnish 4 . c., for Artists, always on hand. Looking Classes. 4.r, promptly framed in order. flepairing done i.t the short est notice. Particular attention paid to regliding and Jobbing °rev ery descripilon. Persons (juin; up steam Bowser houses will find It to heiradvantrse to call. sep 10 BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE Br:ANDRETHIAN VEGETABLE EX— TRACTS Caveat entered 9th June, )842—Patent granted to Benjamin Bianire,h,29lh January, 1843. The extracts of which Brandreth's Pills are corn— posed are ohtaineri by this now patented process, without boiling nr any application of heat. The ac— tive principle of the herbs is thus ereureci the same as it is in the LIVING VEGE rA BLE- The Public should b« cautions of medicines rec cornrnende I in adyertisments stolen from me, i'n which the CoNrEste-riat.F. ROHBFRA gteals my lan guage, merely altering the name. Time will show these wholesale deceivers in their true light, THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE. Ci--- BR A NDRETIFS PILLS are the People's Medicine, proved by thousands who daily rercom mend them to the afflicted. The BRANDRETH PILLS are growing every day more poptil tr, their vii rues are extendin g their uselidness. The sick of both sexes are daily om them. deriving (i benefit f w r No case of &sense but they ran he ced ith advan tage. Blotehesn r hard lumps of the akin they speed ily cure, so with erysipelas, 50 wh i t , salt rheum , so with indigestion, so w ith coughs and colds, so with costiveness., so with Cancer, so ii ill! hot parched lips and canker in the mouth. Let the afflic:ed use this medicine, and they will find thee require no other; Sold at 25 cent per b-ix, with diremintisi Observe the new 'abets each having upon it two signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the genuine has six signatures—three Benj i min Brand reth and three B. Brandreth upon i:. The ()PLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the 'cyst. Brandreth Pills CAN BE OBTAINED, is the Doctor's OWT) Office, No 98 Wood street, between Fifth and Diamond Alley, Mark, the GENUINE Brandreth Pi Is can never be obtaked in a n y DRU G wrote. ' The followinw are the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of his Vegeta ble Uoiversril Pills in Allegheny County. Principal Office, No. 98 Wood st. Pittsburgh. Mr John Glass—Allegheily, Robert Duncan—Birmingham. C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown. 11. Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. John Johnson—Nohlestown. Ches.man & Spaulding—Stewartstotvni Asdell & Conhell— Clinton . Robert Smith Porter—Tarentum. George Power—Fairview, David R. Coon—Plum Township. Daniel Neeley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkim.borgh. Wm. O. Hunter—A llott's .Mills. Wilde MIS% REVENVE CUTTER FOR THE LAKES: Ta ennui?. T bliPaßTatarr, Washinelon, 16th It.J PROPO SALS r e c e ived l %111 be at thida• the H ul l of an t, limn until the 1711rof April ned es a xt, r hoildires Steamer, to nc Imefb Imam Cotter on Lake Erie, of the fonowing dimensions, one hundred and forty (140) feet on deck,twenty.guriak (23) feet beam, and ten (10) fret hld. Model.dsawAiles and moulds for building to h. furnished by the' PeliesiOr ment. It in expected that these boats will be built In eiler.' ferente to Hunter or Ei.lcsson''s Propeller. The Iron used to torfstrtmilon inlet he American, and of the very best quality, and is to he painted with two Said coats at red lead, lone before the work is put op and the other after). The whole of said non work shall he weighed, after It is wrou,;(lit and fitted to he a npropriate plaeremid previous to Ira !vine finally put together: payment will be made according to this nett weight per pouted, ding coal bunkers, water tanks and galley. The:lobelia platten boliet , ys and 'ell fron work necessary fb the hall. spars; destlig, sails and guns will be Included In the pre. peso's, and the price for nleh work will be separately' stated. A spar deck of White pine, 4by 6 in.,to be tat . secured from underneath, with the "wood screw bolls" caulked and p l aned. Berth reek of ash or yellow Mee., 2} by E Inches ; spiked and hotted to the berth deck; -at ,so csulked and planed. Ct lithe plank or white oak to the flooring heads, S Inches thick, thence yellow pine. I 4 inches thick, to the lower deck elatopt.all of which wil be estimated by the square superficial fr et. The male. rialto and wel 2 ht used in the construction, to be approved and the work to be Ifinpected by such oficerits the Bs. crater) or the Treasiory may appoint. and the work tai he done aceording to the direction of the superintendent. The Verso to be completed within Az months frt mtty day of tteirverir g ti e moulds and plans of building. The tiMrktnanahip to be inspected, preen:lo2ln delive ry; by two competent judges; one to he chosen by etch of, the part les of the contract, who, in the etch of their dleaereement, shell select a third, who are to deterwloe Whether the work has been executed in all respects, so cording to the proposal and agreement. mar 22--toll PROPOSALS FOR STEA 11 ENGINES, at.a. tilltsSt•lty Daes.RTMENT. Was ingion .17th March, 1343. `PALED pR0p08.11.5 wilt be received al this pg. pertinent until the llth April next, for ala siesta eosines, hollers and propeller.. constructed upon 'be ton known as "Ilunier's Plan." two (2) of salt engine*, er. and propellers to he delivered on Lalce Erie, as de. sts,nated by the Secretary of the Trea , tiry: the others at Lurch plane or (daces on the Sea coast, as the Secretary of Treasury may direct, also. two (2) enelh to and crepelicrs upon the plan known ase . Ericsso es n' i s Na holtens n." he delivered at some plare on the sea coast, as the Se cretary of the Trenmry way direct. The engine, hotter, and propellers to he made of the very best materiels. 4 hearth proof of Inspection of such person of remote as luny he selected by the Secretary of the treasury,. The bolters to have not less than seven hundred (71)(1) feet Bre surface; Working prenure.eighty (90) petted* le the square Inrh; proof, two hundred and forty C 241,1 pounds. Six eighteen inch cylir , ders, with three (9) feet stroke. The whole to be drliveted as directed. "Mina / 0 4 IllioNias from the time of receiving the drawings and plans of building. The proposals will slate the mire for which the enalnes, boilers and propellers wilt he deliver ed and put into complete operation. But as the upon. cations of the engines worklixe to en her of the sold plane Is sr patter sled/. the proposals will also stale the Priest asked, iltsisding the authority to use the patent right, and also the price exclusive of said authority. J. C. SPENCER. - Feerefary of the Treasury. m - 22_1,2 2 Farms to Lease. Friss undersigned will lease two Farms situated lit But Deer township, with the necessary tenenents. and from 75 to 100 acres !geared on each. Aire. 041 farm situated In Wert peer township Aliesheny county, with from 50 to 75 acres cleared. Tt e above described property la in restos/01y good rerir, laying ab m itat is miles fro the city of Pittsburgh, nod within I'm', mn of the Penn's Cann{, end will be teased on ream:me terms for from Ito three years, to good tenants. ld* EA EtTIIAM MARY. Marsh 13th—tr. a- a. Wahl .41XX. P. T1MX720414 IiecICALY TROJIMPSN. GzNERAL ACIINTri anti Commission- lieretnia4,, 87'. LOU/S, Ns. Refer to Stearn. Tdrheti. Royer j MeDolveo.) B. campbot 4- co. 5 P!" , birr " Cope. Tod h0w1.% c o . Norgati,Crutc her 4' Co Woods. Yeatenan Co r ) ". Wood., (3 0 ' 01 ,4. co. Loot". rob. 4.—d Sis g .7134#7ZZ, .116.1mtz„, NW or ?Mr OW , . 3. c. EirittvcCit. Secretary oftbe Trranny $ ,I