Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 29, 1843, Image 2
`~= - New York Murder.—The Coro :Ty did not sit on Wednesday af -won owing to the occupancy of the Court of Sessions room by that court, in the trial of Timothy Mount, - for attempt. ing to poison his wife with powdered opi. -iim• The jury assembled in the Coroner's office at 3 o'clock, when the 'Coroner in formed them that there was•no place with • control suitable in diMensions to bola the investigation, except the See lions Court room, and therefore he recom. mended as adjournment till yesterday af" ternoon. No additional facts have come to•light, and the assassination continues to be involved in mystery. Several witnesses have been found—a. T ingong them a colored woman saw the shot 6ffred. She was passing along Leonard street towards Broadway, and noticed a 'man and woman on the side•vralk—the man in the act of leaving the woman and going towards Elm street. As he waived his band and turned towards the East, she — saw the woman with something in her hand, instantly heard the report of the pistol, Paw the man fall forwards on his face and the woman ran down toward Centre street. The colored woman cried out 'Oh Lord! here is a man shot,' and hastened up to Broadway. She describes the dress of the woman, but did not see her face. Mrs. Colton still remained in one of the apartments attached to the Lower Police Office, and was attended by her mulatto servant, under the charge of of &ers. Her mother, who is a woman of Wealth and family, and her brother, a la 1, arrived on Thursday from Providence, 8.. I. to see her. Mrs Colton appeared to be very much composed, and has been visited by a. number of friends. Mr. Col IZiralso occupied apartments in the prix• oo and was extremely cheerful and • sprightly.—Phila Sp. Times. Capt. illackenzie's Defence.—Capt. Mackenzie's defence was read before the ,Court Martial at New York on Wednes day. It is an able and well written doc 'itment, and decidedly preferable to Com. Mackenzie's first effusion. The decision 'olt the court is, no doubt, made up befure this, and perhaps on its way to Washing ton. The New York Herald speaks thus of the result. • "We learn that the Court Martial will exculpate and justify Capt. Mackenzie, and transmit their decision to Washington during the present week. 'the govern ment will then act on the retarn—but what that action will be, we have no means of knowing. The President and Cabinet will un questionable sit upon it, not only on ac count of its importance—but fom the vast notice that has been attracted to it, both in Europe and this country. The decision of the Goveretiment will come from the navy Department, and will be given to the public by Secretary Upshur. kilriwilrbe very important, and he looked for with anxiety. Coolness .—N othing is mph - MART - Mtge of thetentlemen than ennlnrsa ander awk— . ward circumstances at table; A fair tiotit ess the other • day, by soo.e Accident, drop ped a plate of broiled venison she was hand. ft,:osor one e t it hertfell against guests.t! e . r n h e e w a enti cashmere enml .quickly restored the ernekeny to the table, sad repeated the two first lines of the song— "Come, rest in this bosom, My own s . ricken deer," adding that he was happy to acknowledge the present from a lady of breast plate! A Queer Fox.—The lovers of tun in Harrison /ounty, Va., lately nd a Fox Hunt, at which bcrge numbers assembled,and proceeded to march until they closed at the fixed poilit, when they discovered a singular animal—orither fox, bear, woll, nor coon, (although of the latter species p litically)but a full grown man, with an iron hop pie around one of his legs. The fact soon became known that he was a prisoner, nulled Graham, who had broken the Carrollton jail, had been ar rested by the Sheriff of Cadiz, tut escaped, and was in this singular manner recaptured. .811 Right in Rhode Island.—The Prov idence Herald says, we receive a constant succession of favorable accounts from every part of the State. The Democracy is wide Awake, and determined to strike down the puree-proud tyrannicle aristocracy. The young cocks of federalism crow lustily—it will not avail them. Their game of brag will not again save them. The dem , cracy, if true to themselves—and who can doubt, •when so much is at stake, will carry every branch of the government, by a triumphant majority. ..71nother Reverend Seducer.—The Rev. 111 r, Griebeler, a foreign German, and pas tor of.a Lutheran Church in the upper part of Berks county, Pa., recently seduced a young girl, employed as a set vant in hi , family, and after having borrowed, various Plums of money from his neighbors, sudden ly left the neighborhood. He was tracked to Philadelphia tiy..a man of whom he had borrowed $5O, and who, on the money be ing returned, suffered the scoundrel to eg os. ft War Stores for the Grand Sultan.— Yestetday morning the schooner Unique, of Sunderland, 156 tons register, Captain Clerk, sailed from St. Calharine's Dock, for Alexandria, with a complete cargo of shot and shells for the Porte. The brig Bebe, of Leith, having on board a full car to of wins of late calibre (having a bore of ten inches,) shot and shells, is -ready for sea, and will also sail from St. Catbarme'e Dock for the same destination in a few days. Another vessel, the schooner Ra chel, belonging to Jersey, of 186 tons register, Captain Haman, is now on the berth in St. Catharine's Deck, loading for Alexandria. Yesterday morning 50 tons ofabot and shells entered the dock to be abipped on hoard the Rachel. To what Hotel should all travellers go who ex pie; wa tt soma tiev greet while characteri9— Afield co to CourAu on the bank of gk• • PON '..• . - JAMES BU - C.II.AN.A.N, Subject to the deoAstooof e Naliouel Convettitien. DAILY MORNING POST. T7lll. PHIL GIPS 4 Y W.W. iItITH, EDITOR. •RD raorixsTois WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1E43 See Vint Page. AntimaSouic Organization. We took occasion yesterday to notice the great movement among the Antimasons forthe purifica tion or rebuilding of their party edifice, which has become sadly dilapidated oflate, by the attempt to "work into" it a lot of Whig, material. which is nut thought to be of the soundest. By a further reference to the proceedings of the meetings in some of the townships, we see some strange matters, which we incline to think, are ominous of defeat to the "..rue.bluo" original Antimasons.— The Hon. Harmar Denny, for instance, who, al% though a nominal Antimasan, has not taken an ac' tire part for years, in any of their exclusive move. ments, attended the meeting in his township, and was chosen a (Megan. Now, this might seem to indicate that Mr. D goes in sincerely for the re organization of the Antimasonic party: but when we observe that oce of his colleagues, Mr, G. L Reis, is ain I son of the firmest kind, we are led to believe that Mr. Denny meditate. no gma to hie &aim :sonic brethren, but that he iftletidz, to thwart their views, by perpetuating the `'n ,ion" form .d with the Whig, last year, or in other words to tran.ii r Ewa' to the -whippable" party, of source, it is nu hu,,iiie.s of ours, what mischief is intended, or li rw things may terminate. hut, if we were old Antim,sons, we would keep a sharp eye upon the actions of Mr. D. and his masonic colleagues. People will naturally ininire what inducement Mr. D.nny has to act in such a singular manner? We can think or no other motive than a desire to procure a nomination for Congress from the Union I , Convention, if ho shall sty:ced in defeating the attempt to revive antinias ,nry. 'Pine, he might, perhaps, have done through whir, int3uence, if Mr. Forward had continued at Washington. But we think Mr. Forward's chance for a nomination from a Union Convention, would be far better than Mr. Denny's. The latter has been forced to take a part in this organization business, while Mr. F., owing to his opportune i absence, will, very luckily for himself,escape the alternative ofmaking up his mind on the matter, and cannot lose friends by being compelled to do so. However, we shall see, today, how far our speculations are correct. The Revolution in Hayti. I Open and Shut. --A gentlemen at Point A correspondent of the New Orleans Standard, Petre, Guadeloupe, states that during the who left Hayti, furnishes a full account of the re- i earthquake in that place, while attempting cent revolutionary movements in that country.— to escape, his feet and legs were caught It is so lett:resting that we copy it entire: • In one of the deep fissures of the earth,aud Ile Dictatorship of President Boyer, his utter { he thought he was fast, but another shock disregard of the laws: his systematic violation ori the charter of Ilaytien liberties, had for many came, and the crack opened again, and he years created discontent among the people, and , escaped. finally determined them to rid themselves of his despotic sway and government; and this resolu tion appears to be general amongst all, especial'y the enlightened classes of the Island. Put suant to this determination, the liberal party in Aux Cfr"i544P444,4:F1L440,4,c1uth, hav/43,g establish. cd =revert fences with their frienaiinilTtfib depettmente otitis island, i4sneid about the aim. inencement of the present year, a manifesto of the puhl:c grievances, and the resolution of that party to support President Bayer no longer. This doc ument contained the plan of organization of a Provisional Government, with a view to abroga ting the constitutions virtually established by the dictum of President Boyer. 'The intention of this new party, as concerted, was to make a general rising on the 20th of th present month; but the indiscretion or treachery of some individuals who revealed the whole plan to the military authorities, prevented the general movement. and caused a partial failure in Anx Caps?, from which place a portion of the party were obliged to fly, taking the route to Jeremie , without, however, losing a single marl, and stilt leaving numerous friends in Vie city. This event took place towards the latter end of January; in telligence wht.reof preced ed the refugees on the route to Jeremie; where it being rumored that steps were taken by the military authorities to ar rest some of the principal inhabitants, the parti, sans oldie revolutionary party assembled, and sent a deputation of seven persons to the General cam : mending that division, so ascertain if such melt. sures was contemplated by him. This the Gen• eral disavowed; which disclaimer, however, not having inspired the confi ence of the party, they took up arms, being joined by the national guards of the plaec, and declared openly in favor of rev. olutlunary Government. Meantime, Gen. Lazar commanding the district of Tiberon; marzhed at Ithe head of the forces under his command, 1000 men, and joined the revolutionists at Jeremie, Gait. Segretier, commanding at Jeremie, having taken measures to put down the insurgents there was attacked on the morn ng of the first February by the letter, and the town was taken by storm, and a orovisional government established. Gen t Segretier thereupon gave in his adhesion to the new J overnment, and accepted brevet of General of divtsi ,n wider it. Ths. officers and men of the 17 li regiment ,11:3 joined that party, as like wise about :200 i ,u .o lcoin Aux Cayes, who par , suei :.7 i tle. 1,1-I_:e 6, lint being met and opposed by Gen• L. zr, /.1111 all equal force, were persua ded to join. rhos 3000 troops are already ou the side of the revolutionists, and Gen. Jeffiard had been despatched with 1000 to Neppes, afloat• er district, 1., receive tee adhesion of the milita ry and - inhabitants who were awaiting his arrival Thus far had the cause progressed in the South up to the 9th inst , whilst President Boyer was abet up at Port au Prince, daily experiencing de fection from Isis troops and adherents., Important ditcoorry.—The N Y Aurora has discovered that the line 'Though native•here, and too the miner born,' is incorrect. It should be 'Though native here, and to the :wanner born.' It is hoped that writers will pay attention to this. Times in England.—Wilmer & Smith's Liverpool Times says that the gloom which hung over the trade of that country still COSItII4BII. The habit of tieing •ardent opirits by men in public amebas occasioned more I injury to the public service, and more trou• ble to me, than any other circumstance which has occurred in the internal con cerns of the country during my adminiso tratiun; and were Ito commence my ad. ministration again, with the knowledge I have acquired - from experience, the first question 1 should ask, with regard to eve ry candidate for public office, would be, "is be addicted to the use of ardent spi riter—Thornas Jefferson. From the above we find that Jefferson was a -Washingtonian" as we understand the word. We commend his declaration to the consideration of all who intend cel• ebrating the Anniversary of his Birth Day. Bill Johnson. It will be recollected that we gave an ac count some tine ago, in the Morning Post, of the Lynching of Bill Johnson, (not the Canadian hero, however,) by a gang of desperadoes, in Iowa; which was pronoun' ced a hoax, by a Canada paper. It turns out that be was lynched; the Express gives the particulars of the trials of the lynchers; they were four in number, and were convict ed of Burglary and riot, two of them sen. tensed to two years in the Penitentiary, the ' third one year, the fourth six months; three of them pay a fine of $lOO, and the other $2OO. The ringleader and five whites and as many Indians, who were in company. es caped. The Express sz,ys, Johnson is a very athletic man, evidently in the de' ine of lite, and possessing that nerve and spirit that nev cr cowered in danger or yielded in misfortune. His daughter "Kate," intelli gent and interesting of manners, retiring and agreeable, the "worthy daughter uf a gallant sire!" A man recently arrivied from Malaga at New Orleans, blew out his brains with a pistol, on the 15th, in the vicinity of the shell toad. He was said to be respectably connected, and to have brought letters of recommendation to several gentlemen in New Orleans. w Hard Case.—ln Philadelphia. on Wednesday, a respectable looking Ger. man, solicited and obtained from the Re corder a commitment to the county poison for thirty days, under the provision of the vagrant act, stating that he was without money, friends or home. Such cases are becoming common. It is bide's(' a hard state of affairs when tit- inmates of pri, sons fare better than the honest laborer. The democrats ;n the Massachusetts Leg. islature, in making efforts to reform the mode of voting in that stale, the present system being very loose and inefficient. The Alabama (Wetumpka) Times of the 10th, says that the lion. Dixon 11.. Lewis has been dangerously ill, but is now con- valescent h' Distinguished Plagiarist.—Lewis Fitzgerald Tasistro, has published, as his own production,in Miss Leslie's Magazine , an interesiing tale entitled "Genius in Fetters," which was published seven years ago in France. Vessels Vanted. —A paper at Wilming— ton, N. C., states that a number of vessels could find ready freight in that port. A Cotton Manufacturing Company has been chartered by the Alabama Legisla Without ft ugality none can be rich; and with it few would be poor. Men who want principle, live knaves and die beggars. Beauty is worse than wine—it it.toxi cates holder and beholder. A funny public meeting is noticed in a late Liverpool Albion. That paper says: "Not a single person honored the meeting with his presence." Ladies are now admitted to the London Glaciarium, and skates are provided, and also accomplished female teachers of the art of skating! A row was kicked - up in a ball room, at Mobile, Ala., by a gang of steamboat hands, in which the steward of one ofithe boats was shot, and supposed to be mor tally wounded. It is said that the Chinese lost in their late difficulty with England, about fifteen thousand coon, as many hundred pieces of cannon, and nearly their entire navy. There is a woman in Mobile whose ng. ly looks have withered a grape vine across the street from her door. Our exchange paper, are kicking up a itrernendous excitementabout their Com— iets. adr, Cornet has been kept in the itbade fore few nights past. , By felling the tram teat cover the tops and sides of mountains, (says Humboldt,) mania every clime - prepare at once toro i calamities for future generations—want o fuel, and scarcity of water. The Algerinee of Rhode Island ate en• deavoring to buy up voters by establishing "cold soup societies:" The circulation of the blood is said to have been known to the Chinese 2000 years ago, and that they were the first to intro duce inoculation! W. C. Bryant is on a tour South for the benefit of his wife's health. The Massachusetts House of Represen tatives have refused to abolish capital pun isbment-70 to 22. Booth, the tragedian, was to appear at the Holliday at. theatre, Baltimore, on 'rues. day night last, but as usual disappointed the audience by not making hie appearance. There was a great deluge of rain in Sa vannah on Thursday week, the day on which it snowed in this city with so much violence. The Boston Banks have decided to re ceive "levies" for twelve cents, and "fips" for six cents. The census of the city ()ISt. Louis shows the number of inhabitants in that city to be 28.357. Specie. —About $90,000 in specie arrived in New Orleans na the 11th, and about $32.000 on the 13th. C 7600,000 acres of govetnment lands were recently offered for sale at Chicago; of which only 70,000 were sold. A Mr. Steinbrook was killed about a fort• night vinee. in Ingham county, Michigan, by the caving in of a welt, in which he was buried, at the depth of about thirty feet! The worth of the steamboats owned in Cincinnati, is stated to be nearly $1,900, 000. The Baptist Church at Holland Patent, with its contents, was destroyed by fire on Thursday week. The last ac counts f..om Sir Charles Begot, Gov ernor General of Canada, render it probable the he is near his end. It is said that a large portion of the coffee now sold in London, is composed of burnt rye and chic" Col. Greene of the Boston Post, has been elec. ted state Printer. It is worth just 16 dollars 67i cents per annum. Miss Mitford, the highly gifted authoress, is said to be in poverty in London. Filmier:, read this —A farmer should never un. dertake to cultivate nt•,re land than he can do thoroughly. 11,11 f tided land is gruwi:ug poorer ; well 'tilted land is constantly improving. More hoppinp—A new danscuse is to appear on he English bualds. She is a Mille. Dumilatre , fronfttlp; "leaden:oc Ruyale,and is said to approach Taglinni In excellency. She is also very beauti ful. Sititian is to be with her. Drowned —Mr May, formerly editor of the Tuscaloosa Flag of Use Union, recently accident ally fell overboard from a steamer at Mobile, and was drowned. Five prisoners recently made their escape from the jail at New Orleans, by effecting a passage through the ceiling and roof, by means of ropes. An eastern paper calla the story got up by our neighbor of the American abaut a toad being found in a cavity of a cast iron roll, a 'Tough story' What queer men these eastern Editors are who can't believe that. It is estimated that 136,883,386 bu.hele of pots, toes were raised in the United States during the part year The wine crop of the U. S. for the year 1842, is estimatcd at 130,748 gallons. Queer.—The N. Y. Sun has an article headed , Attcmpt to remove New York to Albany!' A prisoner confined in the jsil at St. Albans,Vt. cut his throat with a razor, a few days since. They have a nego boy in Mobile 4 years old who has board, whiskers and all the other devel opements of adolescence, except stature. TheUS. Gazette says the Queen of the Wait sunk in Cincinnati river. We'll send the editor a geography Lesser says 'Christianity is the purest Democ racy on earth.' Since 1830, the European governments hav e expended in the organization of fleets and armies, 22,000,000 francs. Mysterious death.—Beinett's Herald alludes to the supposed mysterious death of a young lady Miss Sarah Devin, at a taverl on the Blooming. dale road, on the Third avenue, and suggests an in% ebtigation into the affair, The Albany Advertiser has received within a year, 14,000 dollars for publishing bankrupt no. tices. Fat! Upwards of 2000 persona have become profes sors of religion within the last few weeks in the city of Albany. The New York Banks have now more specie on hand than was ever the case before. Every arrival brings large additions from abroad. Good.—A witty paper, down east, credits all its notices of assaults, street fights, rows, &.c., to the Licking Gazette. The Boston Investigator says that were there to be no wars fox 500 years, the earth • could not yield food for its inhabitants and in a thousand years there would not be room to repose upon its bosom 1 War is the grestmeans of keeping down the pop• ulation of the world. The Demagogue is honored by the of fice, the Worthy man would do honor to itf Mrs. Wheutley Sae left the stage. Dr. 'CoOyer is lecturing in Providence ,17,- - Ti: . -Te, , J; ,, ..)7, - 7. - v.7 , ,..... , 1 : : , ,:,7-...: . ...•... - . , 7:-. , 77:74:e7J , T2 , :p;:'P 7 7; . 1•,,r1:E.;', • ~:.. 1-:,..,',..':',::‘:_ . • : , .•." -, .: 7 : , . - .•,i . 7: , :', - ! - ,:7, , :'... T:, : 7 : 7,.- . _: : , . i ..- '_ , , : . ..::: 1 :: . .:_ ~:.,,,'..,.,,,::.-:;:-.:.,.?-:,!::"7,,,,7.,;»,.,:?;.,.,..:.7,,,!•:.:,.,,k.:•;:,,,,._:!. • . . ' ........., _ - .... . , - from the foteawiaPstateM4% I t tattlliasbhl:.'4llePer appear bro°l3:ehrt fiinvteothicoeawsanydoqruk:rt(s)nrmf Monday W i tt u : marriages that "I.* witnellaed b y Mr..llAlgili°" by the New York and Erie Railroad. of Gretna•Green', ttbe eandsoit. of Mr, Paisley' _ _ ~ .... the reputed blacksmith.) from 1810 to 1839, that The freight list of the packet slip Xf . the Dissenters' Marriage Act has materially di. Hudson, which vessel sailed from ; minished his business. The followingthe num, New ber of marriages in each year; a York for London on Wednesday, is thet largest that any ship has had from that port 1811 s 8 11821 152 I 18 158 a numbe of ears. 1812 57 1822 178 1832 153 y 1813 59 1823 188 1833 160 . , . 1814 68 1824 196 1 1834 168 ' "— I Strong Temperance Argument..... 1815 87 1824 198 1835 124 Professor Silliman is reported to have sta -1816 89 1826 187 1836 98 led, during a recent lecture in Boston, the 1817 981 1826 188 1837 55 in the course of a few years it would be u 1817 109 I 1828 Is 6 1838 46 common a thing to see persona onehunifed 1819 121 I 1849 180 1839 \ 42 1820 124 I 1830 173 . years of age, as it is now to see those o seventy five years; and this probable teal Mitterient —An Albany paper says; 'A friend in favor of long life, he attributed to the tem from Utica informs that a number of deluded pro- perance movements of the present day. eelytes of this fanaticism, dressed in their 'ascend ~ion robes,' (angelic habiliments we presume,) on the night of the 25th ult., and ascended one of the church steeples in that city, declaring thai if the end did not come then, they would come down I i and burn their bibles.' Miller will make more Inflicts in one year, .han Tom Paine did in his whole life The quaintness of old writers is some• times very amusing. Johnson says, of the. farmers of Lynn, in its early settlement "T be chiefest corn they planted was Indi an grain. And let no man make a jest of pumpkins for with this the Lord was pleas ed to feed his poople, to their good con tent, till corn and cattle were increased." A writer in Boston who has made the calculation, says, if he is not mistaken, the world will he destroyed on the 3d of April. The New Orleans Picayune, says, "where a man pledges his honor to die, he ought to do so, or "perish in the attempt." The Comet has made its appearance in New Orleans. It was mistaken fur a lunar rainbow. The Philadelphia Mercury has got a new head. Good. .11 Good Joke.—The Northampton Cour ier states that while a fugitive slave was giving in his "experience" at an abolition meeting in the town, a few days since, one of the audience asked him if his master was a Christaix? 'No,' said he, 'he was a member of Congress!"rhis, of course, produced a roar of laughter. It is rumored that Macready. the Tra— gedian it , dead. The New York Mercury can't see why it is hat journeymen printers seldom get rich, un esti it is bediuse there is so much antimony in he types. The Hon. Richard M. Cooper, formerly mem ber of Congress from New Jersey, cried at illb residence in Camden. a few days since. Twentysnine different robberies were discover ed by the p aice officers col Philadelphia, by the ar rest of two boys, Eytioge and Leonard, a few weeks ago, and Blake and Williamson, the bur• glans, who were emoted but week. The Repealer* in Ireland are more active than ever. Large numbers of people no Stockbridge, Eng are subpisting upon turnips alone. Papineau.—This well known individual will shortly return to Canada. He has been allowed to draw. on the Canadian treasury f.r -£lOOO, the amount of his sal. :try as speaker of the House of Ftepresen.. tatives. remaining unpaid on the breaking out of the rebellion. High getting up.—Gen. William High has been elected Chief Burgess of Reading. Pittsburgh, March :24, 1843 Hort. W. W. !swim Dear Sir—A large number of your friends without distinction of party, desirous of manifest. ing their continued regard for you personally, as also their high sense of your unwearied atten• non to the interests of your district and constitu ents, have authorized the undersigned to invite you to an entertainment at the Exchange !Intel on Thursday next. In discharging this agreeable duty,we congrato ulate you in their names on your safe arrival at home, and tender their felicitations in view of the honorable and distinguished station as a minister to Denmark, to what you have been deputed by the President of the United States. Respectfully, &e. &., John B. Guthrie, S , W. Robinson, jr., Joseph Tomlinson, John Freeman, John Anderson, G. A. Bayard, Samuel W. Black, John Small, e. Darragh, Rody Patterson, R. M. Riddle, E Simpson, John Jack, A. N. McDnwell, James May, Wm. B. &Mum Pittsburgh, March 25,1843. Gentlemen—The king expression conveyed in your note of yesterday, comptla me to a•cept your invitation• I shall therefore be most happy in meeting my friends at the Exchange, vt,euch hour on Thursday as may be most couveniant for the Committee. Be pleased, gentlemen, 'o accept for yourselves undividually, the sincere assurance of my esteem. W. W. IRWIN. To—Mecsrs. W Robinson jr.,John Freeman an 4 others, Committee.. 7 feet water in the channel and tieing. Arrivals and Departures since our last report At the reqnest of many Gas con-umers a useelleg le called at the Westren Exchange, No 74 Front street, for tbe purpose of discussing the subject of coin= which have (been atedly ,laid before the .of IF Trustees without sail, or benefit, to the parties claiming an exam ) on into facts connected therewith; and as there are no other means of redress, it is Jso the preliminary steps will be immedlaiely lairs; by .15 ing a thorough discussion and Investigation of the [ The duty imposed on us now. and the course (or g m . * 'pursue it plainly Indicated by the vindictive gibe niijnit proceedings or our oppressors. ,fleote every meet t ; te.rested will be active In obtaltaus reliable testimony be laid before the meeting, preparatory to a more malice expression of the sentiments of.thoee aggrieved. And po the Gas Compiny have, through their tigeets, , * . d m y their position " and assumed an attitude of detest* their patrons, and manifest a determlannioo to 1 things appertaining to the same In their owe waver River at Ciacintudt—Falling and toll at ice.— ."L 'wil l to the r ie C 1 P 1 C 1 * 141.441114.41114 /0 11 ' - ? for acme one or more ttemenept thatrAlmulkujooolo o ' The Miami Canal remains closed. , Weather add, r redress before a legal ttilonnaL, - - - Oa , . :ha* it, is beta i 1111108:.— . 1a. 0 3 01 1 /4110 . _ . . . ARRIVED. sw ifteure, Robinson, Cincinnati. Zane vile, Duvall, Marietta. Mingo Chief, Devenny, Wheeling. *Cleveland, Hemphill, do., *Michigan' %yes, Beaver, DEPARTED. North Queen, McEean , Wellsville, Allegheny, oan, Cincinnati, • *Michigan, Boyer, Bever, Alpine,Cockbnrn, Brownsville. *Cleveland, Hemphill, do, Boats marked thugs are provide, with Evan's Safety Guard, to prevent the explosion of steam boilers. RIVER NEWS. River at Louisville-8 feet water Suction Saito. LAST SALE AT AUCTION.—a — ON Thursday morning, itril7:ll3oThltrierrock, Will Ibe sold at Baas NUM', -auction Store No 110 Weed street, all th ren.ainlng stock of Dry Goods !spoil which advances have been made: Also: at 2 o'clock P. M., 1 patent Floor Scale, I hand some Pier Table, 6 gross Bonnet Boards, Bureaus, 'la. hies, Cheire,dcr.: Wood and Brass Clocks, one stoornad Pifte,Counters, Shelving and other fixtures; 1 MIMI.* Flag, Hatchets, Mallets, Chisels, o r e. Owners orgoods upon which advances base born made will please take notice that all such goods will be sold to the highest bidder, if not redeemed before one o'clock, March 30. R. A. BAUSMAN, mor 28— 2t Auctloneerr. FRESH SHAD. AT THE WESTERN EXCHANGE. No. 9, Market Street. mar 28-31. TO LET. • A NEAT convenient Cottage (wilt frame house,alle. P 1 ate a short distance below the canal in Alletheny city- Enquire of JAMESIIIAY. tear 28. FOR ST. LOUIS, BOONVILLE. GLASGOW AND WESTOX,AIIIB. SOUR! RIVER . The new and Splendid passenger steamer ROWIPIA, J. D. Moore, Blaster, will leave for the above al* inter— mediate landinss on Friday next, Slat Inst., It le. o'• clock A. M. For freight or passage apply to mar 2fl. JAMES MAY The Rowena Is supplied with Evans' SafettAard to prevent explosion of &Mere. PIG IRON, Grk TONS Soft Pig Iron, hot blast, for sale by Ur mar 28. JAMES MAY COTTON. 1i) BALES Caton — For sale low. by • itat) mar 28. JAMESMAIT, U. S. MAIL. NTP-Ar O'CLOCK .MONDAY PACKET FOR CINCINNATI. The Aptendid fast rano' ne and well known stestagr SINIFTSURE, Robinson, Maatr.r.will depart IbV the'. bove and Intermediate ports, on Wedanday mon ing.tbe 291t1 inst., at 10 o'clock. For freight Or pal:raga apply on hoard or to BIRMINGHAM k CO., March 27.'43 No. 60. Water street. DISSOLUTION 0rP.71 - RTNEKSTOP. THEpartnership heretofore existing between Oliver P. and John W. [Hair, has been dissnised Ike death of the senior partner. The necessity of dosing the business of the late firm, makes it necessary to re— quest all indebted by note or book account. to settle the same as soon as possible. or the claims against them will be placed in the hands of proper officers for coltertlon . JOHN W. BLAIR, surviving Partner. The htimineis of the ale firm wilt be continued by the under.igned. at the o'd stand, No. 120 Wood Street. He will have constantly on hand a large assortment of Britslirs, of his own mann adore. together withrteMery variety of Shoe Findings,Coentrs, Variety Goods. *4llll of which will he sold at tedneed priers. roar /7—fir. JOHN W. 111,A11114 Elocution, Music - and Phystotonyl, IN THE OR E TOR RAN. FOR Lie I FITiTRE Monday. Tuesday. TiIIITIORY and Friday eyeninp...-- Prof. Bronson and F. fl. :gaol, have taken the Theatre and converted it into an OR ATOP.EA N, where they will give a popular course, of maim tscTunzo on . tiltere subjects, interaperred with three or four Recitations and as many approprinle pieces of Voral and Instrnotenlal Music each LECTORS. and dimcctions of the Alsatian. Of Art ilieia I men. commencing on the 27th at 71 o'cloek.P. M.. with an IrrritoourrokY ADDRESS on Amusements, and the stand to be taken by the Christian Church.— Each evenires entertainment is designed- for an Intel. lectual Feast. Sintle Season Tickets gl; or a Lady and Gentleman ;ISt and for a family of 5 93, may he obtained at the usual placer—For particulars see the circulars; one Lrcture 25 cents, children half price. N. B,—Class meets there at 5 P. 14,.27th lasi., 66 BRIX , . PLAN FATION MOLASigES. received per Steamers Little flea and Fulton, and for J. G. 4 A. GORDON. 12 Water street. sale by ma• 27 MALE TEACHER WANTED; A gentleman qualified to teach the coital branched -of a good English education, is waived in the Third Ward School of the City of Pittsburgh. Appreations made in writing to the Secretary or President (Mr. Adams) at any time before the 25th of April, will .he considered. By order of the Board, THOMAS HAMILTON, Bec'yi mar 23 '43—lsvd4w Gazette copy once a week In daily three weeks MERIDIAN LIGHT, Alm EVER P MAN HIS OWN MdiNflKttortheAlt. MR. WALKER'S Patent Appal-aima for generating and applying Gas, equal to that of any manufac— tured or used in this country, may now be examined at the Jefferson Wigwam. corner of Pennsylvanltt tittal and Liberty - street, whi•h k apparatus; was erectedumler the superintendence of Mr. C. . Kies, as alto the Hip motet)) , Mr. Harrison Taylor, of the sth ward. The apparatus throughout is simple and consequently attended with little chfficulty in the duties or manufactur• ing a Light of superior quality, and that afforded at a very small expense to the proprietor. The Apparatus, and Priest Rights for using the same. will not exeeed thirty dollar!. and the cost per night not more than one cent for each Licht. The proprietor feels th- fulle;t aysurance of the sae ern of this Gas so perceding that which is nor. Weld ed by an incorporated Company. Cirrzens generally are respectfully invited to the Jef ferson Wigwam. (Mr. Hoffer, proprietor) and who're" so ocular demonstration of the facts. too numerous to inac tion in ltihr place, when and wh e re every eatisfactinn in Light and reason will be promptly offered. 74ti mer 27—If WIGWAM. iIDMINISTRA'TOR'S NOTICE: ALL persons hider ted to the estate of Oliver P. Blair, late of the city of Pitishurgh. deceased, are hereby notified to make payment to the undersigned adscableiga. tor,and sill having claims against - said estate are tiquep.. ted to present their accounts properly authenticated hir settlement. JOHN W. BLAfil, mar 2&-6t. Adminittrator. GIVE US LIGHT ! ',.`