MARCH 28. 1843 .11:1 1 •1r-heRev Mr. Sauter will preach in the South Cortirrinn Church this and to morrow night. Jefferson's Birth Day. t This memorable day will be celebrated 4k, tg with grand eclat in this city. The volun teer companies will all be out during the dip, and a splendid supper will be served h'by the prhprietor of the United States otel, Mr. Wm. B. Thompson, in the evening, to which all the friends of the Political Principles of the great founder of American Democracy will be invited. We hope that the Whigs will not allow mere prejudice to prevent them from hon "'"Wllaiss.the-Inemory of this great man. On -.Atbia occasion let us be "all democrats and ail federalists," to use the language ()four , distinguished fellow-citizen, Mr. Samuel 7 Rubley. We are gratified to learn that our friends 0. H. Browne, Erg ,of this city, has been itaaftimously elected an honorary member of the '.HICKORY CLore' of the city and County of Philadelphia. This club is one of the most important"political associations In the country, and comprises among its members a large portion of the leading jpiliticians of the eastern part of the state. re people going crazy?—A new pa r. A' per made its appearance called the "Weekly Journal," and we hear of several ether papers about to be started in this ci ;.,ty. What nonsense it is for men to en vie rn such a business at this time, when she old established papers can hardly get .01111*.org We. are told that some of the volunteer eiarnpaniea are preparing to turn Out on •-the gd of April for Jefferson's Birth Day. . - ..! . cateed of the 13tb,which is positively the 1115y. 7 , In some of the eastern cities they ~se gorin g to take the 12th and some the ,'but they are all wrong, —the 13th of .4n-if la the right day, and no mistake. .ass , --i2Voi scovered.—The man or womp alholeft the ithnt at the door of a gentle rlttin the 4th street mad, when it perish of cold, has not been discovered. Nichols' Amphitheat,-e.—Notwitlistand iing not much display is made by the pm printors. the bill nightly wtf•red draws re,. kably good audiences. Go then. il -4.,c,Aa went fun. - , The Oratorean (late Pittsburgh Thea tre.) pripmises io he a place &f rare amuse• went during the exhibitions of M.'ssrs :aronson and Natal. Persons who have -Abate -and ninney to srrnd could not find a ..mote Fatima, place for evening amuse. went. Lasties'llsir.— See advettisemeut of the - Weir of the Ladies of the sth ward Re •fbrmed Presbyterian Church, which is field in Wood street above Diamond al . ger: 'frt.—Yesterday morning about 6 o'. clock, a flame was seen issuing from a Chimney on Wood street, between sth and bistuond alley. Several bqys tried to raise an alarm, but they could tint. The Chrunicie says a person is suspect. ed for having set fire to a house in Me aty city, on Friday night last. Excruciating.—Th e Sun of yesterday morning perpetrated the following: Why is our pressman like very hot wa iter? Because he's Boylax. _,..wgr we never have any Spring"—is >• sentence which yesterday was in every postann's mouth. On Sunday we hid r: ther a floe day, though, a little cold, and WI kinds of people whose patience have been worried by waiting fur sunshiny weather, laid the flattering unction to their souls that the wiot-r was over for this timP; but yesterday morning they were greeted when they looked out by a about 2 inches of snow and more falling. They sneaked into their rooms again full of gloomy thoughts, Millerism, E srt hquakea and bad weather haunting them as they iJt by their blazing fires. But where's the aims in sighing? Spring will come in spite of moat and the predictions of Miller.— 'Doke our word ((nit., and make yourselves comfortable. Only fourteen churches at St. John's, ♦atigca, remain in sufficient repair to be 11100th RIVER NEWS► 3 feet water in the channel ' . .tirithes anti Deparlure t :ince our lasire;ort :'f: ARRIVED. APliallier of Pill-burgh, McCullough. Cincinnati, 4 :? - i:`,1Nerth Ckllef P. AteEean, Wellsville, ..,...altg, Deny, D.:an, Cincinnati, ~ ...L . eland, Hemphill, do., -4 ' ar lqktiehigan, Boles, BEaVer, ,14,....-- , DEPARTED. : 41 Piliehigatt. Bops. Bever, ~e. ' 'linker, Cincinnati. ,Ben ieu, do Poe, Wheeling I'' i litemphill,- do, it Ilk arc proviiten eithtlinn'it 115001 - -1 0 . 112 0 611 4.1 1 04~1100.111.. - 'NM r. , - 1100 Z AND 'WOE lixsa 11101161 ANL) EXCHANGE tasr. PRINTI OFFICE, conitrorrb bLicy, ter ALUM KIRAIttR, ir.xctAnot 11101/CGl' N. W. Corner of wood 4- lifih Sts. I Tae proprietors or the MORIVINU PINIT and MERCURY ♦so MANUIECTORRR respectfully Inform their friends and the palronsof those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment ol eTOB '3lCMirlia'3l'9o AND , &II Olt i nTat REA E a M111.3,4,Za Necessary to a lob Printing Office, and that they are prt pared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO?4. Books, Bills of Lading, Chet,tare, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, i Blank Checks, I Hat Tips* au twos of 'Blanks, Stage, Stemhaat, awd OHM/ Boat Bats, with apps. priate eats, Printed on Ihnshortest notice and mast reasonable terms. We respectfully ask the patronage of nor friends and he public in general in tills branch of our business. PittsbUrgh, Sep:. 39, 1643. PHILLIPS 4 SMITH, SHINN & SELLERS' CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, Stand Unrivalled by any Medicine known for the cure of the T• ; - N' SYMP I . OIIIS OF A DISEASED LIVER. General loss cid ppclite, sickness of the stom— ach, pain in the head, shoulders, back and sides sense of weariness, with sleepless nights, costive • ness of bowels, followed in some cases by looseness, slight, dry cough, low spirits, with disinclination to every duty, are prominent symptoms of a did eased slate of the Liver. The Liver i. , , however, often much deranged, when the most formidable symptoms are absent, and becomes sadly out of order before it is known. This celebrated m diciiie has been in public use for about seven years, snit has adpired a popular i. ty for miring the liver complain', v.hich is not sur passed by any remedy befoi e the public. I'Vlien the symptoms abase mentioned are I..reselit, and the di• reelions strictly followed, the proprietor IC perfectly willing to refu n d the money, if no bei.efit is derived /coin the use of the rills. IrrAs an Anti Billiiiicti nr Purgative Pill. they are not si.ruassell, and should be used m plat e et the don. monpills of the day. Thn following certificate is from Rec. G. L, Sis slot, of the Methodist Ep sciipal ( horch, and worthy t h e attention oftlinse similarly tiff. died. Gentlemen—Thee few Imes Will inform yell that during last spring I wes a tTecred o iiti disease of the Liver, indicated by the loos of appetite. Peing ad- rimed to made use of your `Liver Pill; I did so, and I , before using h tlf a ti .x I +t it..; i e:4:m ed to my ta•ual health. I feel boatel, therefire in eiiitside arum of the benefits I hat e revel , ed I , mi tne nn dicine, to re, I C , lnMeteri IT 10 others laboring finder similar a Illic- tiotti., feeling confident that they si I I that it a Cheap : and successful remedy. ltespectfully vnurs, itc, i Pitts. Dee, 30, 1836. G. L. 81:•:;SON. l j Shinn & Sellers' celebrated Lit. r Pills 770€ a Quack Medicinei Tbr rollovi leg tesbin mini !vial Dr. l'a , tello, I/I P i triSMOinh, (lh a, a graduated phpician,llllll all rd] prßctitinner, ra sllfficletit prttor fill' the til•N! lIICt rdli• 111711 3tlino & Sae. s , Celebrated Li% er Pitts, do, anti ca, , , relieve the affil c ed. Mritiirt. Silo & Seller s—Gentle men—ll me great pleaFtir, to sa v that I lyre oil le ,ep e a err itialmof y ,, or Celebrated er 1 3 .1.5, WO (ilia it, m better o•'apted to dte p..rro,e for WI ;el) aloe are titstiuted, (Liver dieot,ut •..) 11,2.1 a.l ii.Jlcy , t „ r "mhi„ation or I ha,e rvrr oNetl. They P are ill great dendinti here, 'and act well. l e olos, truly, R. 11. PA'ITELLO, M. D. Pertsmono , Ohio, J. 15 h 1836. Rend the following testimony and disbelieve you con. Cat michaellov, n, Greene CO. Pa. Sept. 20, 1812. Mr. FL E.•Sel'cr,—F or several years I was the subj:ct ol'a otog unyielding attack of the Liver complaint. It would he useless tor the to attempt to give y. II an account of in f suffering, as it could only be felt, not deserib , d. But such was the se verity of my disease, that for days and weeks t I knew not whether I should ever r. cov er my usual hcal h. I continued in tois wretched condaion, until the Christian Advocate fell into my band and upon comparing the symptoms of a if sea:•ed liver as Igiven in the advertisement u ith my own, I found that they corresponded in nearly every particular. From that eireinns twice I et as induced to try your justly popular Liver Pills, and you may be assu red that it is with !lie greatest pleasure that I in form you that the Leer Pills hove been of more serve. e to me than all other remedies I have ever used, and I now enjoy better health than I have done fir the last eight years. Signed, MACY BORHER. Pittsfield, Warren to. Pa., Der.. - 2.1, 1841. Messrs. Shinn &S. I;ent-1 enj reasonable tveahh atnresem, arid I must say that I hate 1:0. iverl (sore benefit from your pills than from any other medicine, and I believe them to be the best pill we have ever had in this part of the ronlit.y. When in Pittsburgh last Spring, I bought a hall box• re of your pit's, and when I reached bums I found my wife veiy it', with the doctors attending her.— The disease did not Abate until I gave her several doses of ihe Liver Pill; since that she has gained much, and is now atde to attend to tier usual wen It I a4mt of your pills, and desire you send me half a ifliET'boxes by malt; the half of the la.t Lit were distritlnted amongst my neighbors. I have bought your pil!a stow for titres years and shall continue to do so as long as 1 run lurnher in Pittsburgh, as I Ctin. cider tließt the best ;IN that has ever come be fore the public. Vows, truly, JOHN BROWN. Prepared ONLY, aml sold wholesale nod retail, by R. E. SELLERS, (Successor to Shit n & Selleis.) No. 20, Wood st, below Second, Pittsburgh. March 7. Birmingham di. Co ~ ACVT'S p)R STEAMER CLEVELAND March 2-2. A ud Cleveland Line. BACON. 9 0 000 I.RS Raton (lin.lround) just received, egoi 1 per Rieamer Evelnc, and for sale low for cash, by BIRMINGHAM 4. CO. mar 14 NICHOLAS D. COLZHAS..... • ..... LOYD IL COLSM•N COLEJIMAr CO.,c;mte;.l. Agents, Forwarding and Commission (11erchantA %ryes: St reel, Vicki Imre, MillS They reepectfollyso.tet t consignments. n22—t( SUGAR rIND 11101-,ISSES. 00N, 0 Sugar. WO bldg. N 0. innialacv. n prime order, just received I,y. S. B. A rcade,ana for ST.TRIMIDG 4- Co. mar 2 Water et. between Wood and Srnithflei FLOUR. 25 ..s.fiesti Family Flour. For sate by mar 14- JAMES MAY PIG IRON. 64 TO inaTenriesree rig Iron. Foroale low to eloseeonaignarent. by mar 14. JAMES 61A1 DRIED PEJCHE6'. BMWs Dried teeebear. For side low by .. ~.-. s li , utitpleava nt hk lk Far. 4- Mech. hk of Steil. it belmont bk cf St. Claire. 11 Marietta hk. Demand notes, 14 do Current- y notes, 1 Colombians I.k New Lis lion Demand, I} do Post notes, Ciorlostl specie pay hanks. Mech. 4 - ' Traders Lk of Cincinnati. 5 Clinton hk of Columbus, Demand note,,,, l Circleville, (H. Lawrence Cashier) Zaersville bk it Store and upper room: , of tie corny,' u 59Et it Markel:lnd 511114 reels, 110V1' occupied by Ilr =, R.E. l'orisf :Ode. • ALSO, .1 wu story Brisk lloustt nn ilts correr of and Union ,11,1• Is. a ()willing ; Grorsry Store, Enquirr i,f J.1 , 11 F.: 4 St A I.h. 21. 2 w 1. FOR REXT. -A comfortabl e new hark thVe; in... h0011.,,,4.111;1ie in Coal Lane near 711, Par fermi. which will linv w ono.lera:e.appl v to JOHN SI'CLOSK EY. Tlirte 8I: Door, Litre/1y TO 1. LET. 21 ',tor vof t lie build necti Ord by R. A ft:motion no an x i orr.--oxxxiorire know a, ••5,..11,1,1,',. Lon: Room,' Corner of %Von t ' rind Sit FI rr r.. I ' , quiteof . Morrow. sth xi, Jan To Let, A STORE 4- CELLAR on Market between 3d and .10 l /31. slreelrt, ALSO, Iwo spacious and convenient rooms in the sec and story opening by a Dalton Market street; well adapt ed for Law offices, or for any Imnincs. , requiring , a con venient mind ready access from n business street, A L' l o, a Dweiliag Daiwa on Market Street rontaittim: five rooms 4- comfortable kitchen. ALSO. the small store room on Third st nearly op [tonne the Pont office at present occupied by Brown 4- RayrliOnil an a Lamp %lore, • A LSO the light and airy office on 34 nt. al present oc. chpied an the Atheneum. A 1.80, fur rem, several small houses near the dwell. ing house off lie aohrscriher in Pitt town hip, with a few acres of Land attached to each. Jan 13—tf EDWD D. G I,ZZA M. No 51. Third Rt. OTS FOR LE.—Four Lois in Manche.ter. One 1 4 and a fourth Acres of laid on Ilolnies' Hill. Lots nos. 41, 42.52. &3. 54.181, 182 and 184, in Ceok'a plan of Lot!, on Hahne's Hill Alen, Lots nos. 26 and 27. in Cook's plan of Lots on High street, near the new Court douse. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON sepltt House .tgency. No. (; west of the riTarket House, Penn st. h %Yard, Pittkhurigh Pa. rrißE subscriber having for a number (years been en• gaged In renting cry property, collecting rents kr, and wit.hing to extend ilk business in this way. respect, fully offers his services to those persons owning, or who may have clorge of property as Executors, Administra tors or Guardians, in the city or suburbs, and who mny not have leisure to attend to it themselves,to rent dwell. ings, Warehouses, Farms, Lots, kr. Also, to collect rents, dividends, Ground rents 4'c. A register is kept where a description of all properties for rent will he en• leted free of charge, reference Is respectfully offered to the following gentlemen fur whom the subscriber has been agent for sonic years past—Messrs Michael Allen, P. McCormick and James S. Craft, Esq., Pittsburgh; Jas. Stuart, Esq. European Agent, Philad.; Mess. John Brown, Birmingham; 13. MeLenan, Cincinnati; Daniel Potter Steubenville; lo.epli Millar. Lawrenceville; Jame , Jones East Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Daniel Depot run, Sewickley, rub 23. J.%MES BLAKELY. FOR RENT. A XE possession :wen on the Ist of April next; a brick house on the lank onhe Allegheny river, two stories high, 4 comfortable rooms, besides cellar and kitchen. It is very pleasantly *Routed job' oto ride the city tine, with a full view of the eft y of Allegheny, and within 20 minutes' walk of the heart of the city—rent very low. JAMES BLAKELY, mar 13. House Agent,sthWa rd. For Rent. THE room occupied by Alderman Stewart, on Penn st., as an office—rent $36 per year. A Iso, twq rooms occupied as a Grocery sture,on Penn street —rent .S:l6 per year. TO LET. ripiVO store rooms and dwellings on Penn street (5111 ward.) Rent very low. Apply at the House Agency, Penn st, 5111 ward. March is. JAMES BLAKELY. TO LET. ONE brick dwelling house, containing a lar2e 'Silt hall, two partours, 4 ronms tip stairs, with fin 2 • 2 /shed garret, dining room and kitchen. with car. riage house, tc. This tiouse Is pleasantly located with yard in front and rear, on die canal bank, corner of Chesnut at rem, leading to upper bridge, now in the oc cupancy LfMr. McClurg. rent to suit the times-- Enquire of Dr. Whittaker, Allegheny (tty• mar 8, For Rent. F OR a term of years. Two building lotin on the hank of the A llegheny liver. adjoining the (.7 ty line. Apply at the house Agency, Penn street. sth Ward, mar 2. motes BLAKELY. Birmingham & Co. frODDLISSION AND FOR RDING arse. ONAJV7'B. No. 60 Water street. Plitshorgh Pa. Terms—Receiving and Shipping 5 ednti per 100 Its. Coornifssiona on Purchases and sates 24 per tient. soar 22. '43 111E8 . NAL PENNEYLVANtA. Dank or Plttsnorati. par March.. 4- Man. bk. par Exchange bank, par orGermanibtkm •• Easton tank, Lancaster bank, ells 1 Bank olChester Co. par Partners'bk Backs Co. " - • . Doylestown bk do 4 . Bk or Pi America f t,il. Rk of Northern Commercial bk. o f Pa. .4 Far. f Mechanics bk. 44 Kensington bk. 0, Philadelphia hk. .4 I Scbuyikllll)ll. ol Southwark bk. .• Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 7; Bk of Penn 'll.. par Man..t Mechanics bk. par Mechanics bk. par Moya manning bk. 3 Girard ba.,k, 451 U. Stales hank. 50, Lumbermens', Warren, --I Frank. bk Washington, par Miners bk of Poi tsvile, 5 Bk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. bk Brownsville, :1 Erie Batik, 5 Darrlshurgh bank. 5 Far. hk Lanraster, 111 Bk of Mlddleiown, 441 Bk. of Chambersburgh, 91' Carlisle bank, 91 Bk of Northumberland, 41 Columbia hk 4- Bridge t°. 2 Bk Susquehanna Co- 10 Bkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 4} Ceitysburgh bk. 4/ York bank, 91 •Far..i• Drovers bk. of Waynestatr t h, •• •• Currency notes, 8 tioneqale, 2 Wyoming bank, 18 Pittsh'gh Staie Scrip 5 Country do do Q Berke Co. back, Of Lewistown. 71 Towanda. 8I; Roston. IWestern Exchange. Cirreinnall, par 'Lonlevitle, DAT Cleveland, die Whetline, par COLD ANI) SILVER, par FOR SALE OR TO REST. TO LET. (.I r 30_-f 1. JAMES BLAKF,LY, !louse Agent, sth Ward 4 ~. Wooster, Masailon, 1 Sandusky, Ceanga, Norwalk, Xenia, Dayton, Scioto, Post notes, Chillicothe, Pram hk Columbus, LatteaSter, Hamilton, 1 ranville, Com. bk. Lake Erie, Far. bk:of Canton, Urbana • • INDIANA. Slate Branches n State Scrip, 40 KENTUCKY. Alt hanks. I LLI NOIS Stale bk Jr Branches liSbawneetown, 706° VIRGINIA. i ßank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia , Exchange bank, N. West, bank 1 Mer. tQ Mec. dn. MARYLAND. ! Baltimore Bank s , l eonntry Banks', DELAWARE. All Ranks, NEW JERSEY. All Banks, par and 1 NEW YORK.. City Rhnkr, par Country banks, (rarely fuhd.) a 1 Red Bark, lo j NEW ENGLAND Roston Ranks, Country • LOUISIANA. Orleans Ranks, EMU,, 3 NORTH CAROLINA Banks, 2i (SOUTH CAROLINA Banks, I'IS. COLUM !MA Batiks. ALABAMA Good Rank, TENNESSEE All Bank• MICHIGAN Bk. of Si. Clair, 10 Do. dn.J * ll.Smilb 10 CANADA ,Good hanky. Elto 10 Eastern Exc h a nge. Pfiliactelphia. Nrw Vark. fletirtiore, Regular Morning Packet FOR BEAVER. The fast running and well known 4P- Steamer CLEVE LAND, SH•RP IftYrlllLL, Master, will depart daily from Pitts. burgh at 9 o'clock, A. 11„ and Beaver at 1 o'clock P. For freight er" apply on board, or to BIRNINGIIAM & CO. No 60 Water street. N. !2.—The rent tar canalpacket Clevela, Greenville and Meadville P a r and in Mar illon d on O the Ohio Canat.eniinert,ng with vintner Cleveland at Bea ver,will he in operation immediately on openina of nay. gallon, mar !6—if. IijIHIF.NOAIENON IN CH.F..IIIS Pity—Last hdia Hair Die—tolots the hair and will not the akin This Dye is In the form of a Powder which in !Seib matte. of tact may be applied to the hair over night, the first night turning the lightest er fray hair to dark brown; and by repeating a second or third night, to a Jet black. Any person may, therefore, with the least possible trouble, keep his halt any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance that the powder if applied to the skin will not color It. There Is no coloring in this statement, as any one may easily test. These Code are warranted by the rite hist who manufactures It. For sale at TUTTLE'S, 86 Fourth sheet, where a large assortment of Patent Medicines may always be had at either wholesate or retail S l i 11 UGA'R RICE 4- MOLASSES. 12 DS prime N.O. Sugar. 10 Tierces Rice. 19 bbls. N 0.3 Macherel. For sale tow to close consignmenl, bq mar 14. JAMES MAY r WIRT LECTURES...THE LECTURE CCM • JorrP.P: OF THE H'IRT INSTITUTE takes pleasure in announcing that the Lecturer belbre the institute will be resumed on Tuesday evening, 28th instant, by PROF. RICHARD S. MCCULLOUGH, ef Jefferson Colteps , C bar,. Pa. I I. la contemplated that Piof. McCullough will deliver a full course on the "Rise, Progress and destiny ej trortomy." The Committee. in presenting this course, of from six Werner Lectures on a most Interesting rub ject of thought, a ndy, and selen ific research, feel as. lured that t heir exert lons will meet a lilt the general ap probation of the patrons of the...Wirt Institute Lectures." We deem it proper here to norm° or thanks for the patronage extended to this eourse, and to assure the public, that whatever delinquency may have occurred In the fulfilment of our original pro pecans, It cannot be at • Untitled to any want of attention or exertion on the part of the Committee, hut to the fact that e rcurnstanees which could not he controlled prevented those who had consented to lecture Cm.. fulfilling their engagements. Tickets for the course on Astronomy, $l. ooa single lecture, ZS ctn. S. C. HUEY, JOHN S. COSGRAVE, W. W. WILSON, JOHN B. SEMPLE ; WM. B. SCAIkE 4 mar 22: Committee, G '!e • 0 TONS Tennessee Pig Iron For Tale low to dose consignment, by feb 10 TOBACCO AND SE GARS. __ ...... , JUST RECEIVED, and on land , a good as 3 BaaMt 'Andersons' pound Nunit Tobacco of anterior of Nitta, Window tiara and Sasn, writing. Leiter qualify, together with 10 1 4 hosee hest flavours and Wrapptoz, paper, onper hart:Ones, "1. hovels, airs a n d ears for suit low to close, by IS 1A C CRUSE, handter,Roshris. Petits. et.. Brushes. Corn Flrr.ouisand mar 15. WHIP+, Angora. Casilep, Charm /48 Liberty ot , Buckets. Wooden Bowl', Carpet and Carps '. Chain. et., for male on ae. I BACON; . amused*, tom terms for cosh, Pitttlanrgh inuottfattnrcs or 1 500 Cottritry produce. ISAAC BARRIS. *eti be. new Estee. kW Weelyeed to , war*. Mar 25. and Cam . Moral __ _:- ''' ' ' - ' - - mum? anirthutre , . EINES 4 - 6. B 2 A 3 C hi K as S d d o rwd Apples, l 10 Sinks dried Peaehea. 41 tra^ka Feathers, Just rereived per steamboats West Point mud Ilarishargh,and fur pale nerf bno fur cash by 11.4ILMAN", J FINN/MOS 4-co . _ mar 21. 43 Wood at. 1 N OTICE to Steam Boat Onesers.—The subscriber, In consosuence of the difficulty of the times, has redu ced the price of hie &Very Girard/sr the prevention of the explosion of steam boilers, to $l5O per boat. It is hoped that all bvat owners will avail themselves of these reasonable terms, not only un account of the Perfect safety they error& but also In point of economy. Boilers with the apparatus attached will wear abou wire as long as those not provided with them. March 8-3nt C. EVANS 90 90 80 30 FOR SAFETY. E eo Travelers should select Boats provided with Evans' Safety Guards, for prevontiag Exploit** of Steams Boilers. I r would be well for the traveling eommtintty to bear In mind that their sectirity depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be al the Inman.e of procuring the above apparatus. And that every individual making such select lon is contribu ting towards a general Introduction of on Invention ad mitted by all men who undetstand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sure preventative against those dreadful disasters You have eet talnly , in the hundeeds of exptosions that have already taken plaee, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already licen lost, a sudirit nt warning, and Inducement to make inquiry for a Safety guard Boat, and in every case to give it the preference. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may be secure Ought you not therefore to meet them with a corresponding degree of tibetality, and by your preference show that yi.o appreciate their laudable endeavors to slop this ow NI 'amines of human life. They do not charge more than whet boats; their accommodations in other respects ate (viol, and in many cases superior; and as there is one leaving Pittsburgh every day, why wilt you run any risk, when it is so eon; tetchy in your own power to avoid those disasters. Att hums marked thus [it] In the List of Arrivals and net enures. in another part of this, are supplied with the Safety Guar List of Bootspseided .tit.t the Safety Ortord ALPS, MENTOR. AGNES, MICHIGAN, AMARANTH, MARIETTA. BRILLIANT, MA RC/VETTE, BREAKWATER MUNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MESSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMEY CANTON, NORTH BEND, CluEllo, NEPTUNE, CA HD°, NARAGANSETT, DUKE .4 oRLF,Ass, NIAGARA, DDQIIF.SNE, OSPREY, EXPIU;'sS MAD., ORPHAN (10Y, xi . 1, ji):::•:, 01110, POI: Mos.A. ORLEANS, FORT Prrr, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANA HA. G A Ltnt A. QUEEN 4 the SOUTH, J. H. BILLS, ROVVINA, JEWES.. RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, I \ DIAN QUEEN, s A nATou I, ILLINOIS. II A VANNA, LADY OF LYONS, TALLEYRAND, VICTRESS, VALLEY FORGE, WEST WIND. mar 21. BLANK LEASES. A new and much Improved form of Blank Leases, for ale at the Office of the "Atorninp, Post." GATHERS:--2000 pounds Feathers, a prime ar tide Just received and forsale by HAILMAN, JENNINGS 4. Co 43 Wood street “Don'tforget 86 Fogrth street I” EIMAM r^.~ Y.~% BhN:.sl7ar;hls day rec elvedperateamer Newtyk; jet4CcRDcN dee 10 N 0.12 Water at 20,000 L N .BS: Cotton Yarns, assorted 2,000 lb-4. Mining, 2,000 . 4 Candle Wick, 1,000 " Carpet Chain, and 500 " Cotton Twine. From the Eagle Facto ry. For safe by .S.—Just received from Ohio, per waves. 35 ribattels of ,ys enapples, consi-tiag of ..Pennocks ' 4- ..Blairs." Also 50bushik of dried apples. for tale by ISAAC CRUI3E, Who keeps eonetantly 13 11 hand Timothy and Clover seed of the hest quality. CO PARTNERSHIP. 14.11 RS w. HAILAMN JOHN F: JENNINGS J have entered tato partnership for the purpose of transacting a WholectleGrocr.ry; Produce and Commis trion business under the arm and style of HAILMAN. JENNINGS 4- Co.,ai No 43 Wood street, opposite the Merchants' Hotel, where a supply of Groceries sod Pitts. burgh Idannfaciurrd Articles can always he had on 114 at terms. March 17 '43- W ILLIAM C. WALL, Piaui awl Faucy Portrait and Picture Frani/ Jkianufatturer, Xo. 81, Fourth Street Plttsbarrh. —Canvass Ilruahes. Varondi 4.e..f0r Artists,tliWAVl on hand. hooking Glasser, kr, promptly framed loonier. Repairing done Lt the short eat notice. Particular attention paid to reOldfogand jolMilgarev ery description. Persons tititriff np Pleats Boats or bowies will find It to Itelradvantngeto call. rep 10 THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE B r rANDRETHIAN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS Caveat entered 9th June, 1842 Patent granted to Betij tmin ii an irett.2oth January, 1843. The extracts of which Branthetti's Pills are com posed are obtained by this now patented process, without tutilin g or shy a ppiieedon of Ilea,. Th.. ac tive principle of t he herbs is thus secured the same 3.1 it is in the • LIVING VEGETABLE' The Public should be cautious 4,r medicines rec.- commended in advertisments stolen from me, In which the CONTEMPTIBLE ROBBFRA steals my lan guage, merely altenn,t the name. Time will show these whulesaie decei , ers in their true light. THE MEDICINE OF THP,, PEOPLE. try- BR ANDRETH'S PILLS are the People's Medicine, proved by thou ands who daily reccorn mend them to the afflicted. .The BR ANDRETH 1 PILLS are growing every-day more poptihr, their vit tues are extending their usefulness. The sick of both sexes are dilly deriving benefit from them. No caue n( disease but they can be used with advan tage. Blotches or held lumps of the skin they speed ily cure, en with erysipelas, PO with salt rheum, so with indigestinn, PO a ith roughs end colds, so with costiveness, en with cancer, so with hot parched lips and canker in the month. Let "the of use this medmine, and they will find they require no other. So!d at 23 cents per box, with directions. Observe the new labels each having upon It two signatures of Dr. Brandreth. So each box of the genuine hat six signatures—three Benj unit, Brand reth and three B. 'transfera l upo n it. The ONLY PLACE in Pittsburgh where the Rk:AL Brandreth Pills CAN BR. OBTAINED, is the Doctor's own Office. No 98 Wood street, between Fifth and Diantniod Alley, illirrk, the GENUINE Brandreth Pi Is can never be nbtaii.ed in any Dane noes. The &flowing are the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed by Dr. B Brandreth, for the sale of his Vegeta ble enivereal Pills in Allegheny County. Principal Office, No. 98 Wood et. Pittsburgh. Mr John Glass—Allegheny, Robert Duncan—Birmingham. C. F. Diehl—Elizabethtown. H. Rowland—McKeesport. Pressly Irwin—Pleasant Hill. Jchn Johnsup—Noblestriwn. Chessman Sc Spatilding—.-Stevrartstown Asdell dr. Com ell—Maori . Robert Smith Pnrter—Tarenumt • George Power—Fairview. David R. Coon—Plum Township. Daniel Negley—East Liberty. Edward Thompson—Wilkie-burgh Wm. 0. Hunter--A Iton's Mills. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! 'EPROM PITTSBURGH TO B 4 LTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA United States Express Zaino • Leaves Pittelmrgh daily, at 3 o'clock. r Via Steam. boat to Brownsville, thence in splendid new co.tches to Cumhertand, over the grrat Nalionat Road, and front I here by RAIL RO,ll, D , in imperior new eight wheeled earn, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The shove Line Is,ented to the traveling public it being unequalled between the Ohio River and Eastern chtei for comfort and ecrie.lition, having made arrange ments to convey passengers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Rage or Railroad Cars.— l'ltink of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 miles less than the Wheeling route, and that in evert) new Candice. Fare throne). 510. Office In the Monongahela 1)001.1% A. El gN'ISBP 1301‘ 4 CO.. mar . 7 . 1 —d3m Siege Proprietors,. W 4XTED, as moon as poestme, places for a number of Mechanics, Bookkeepers, Salesmen, clerks, and boys in store, scht.ol teachers; Bp' laboring men, women, boys and girls for ail kinds of work. ‘lso, for coachmen, steam and canal boat men and hogs, collect. ors, etc. Also, wanted, a mbrigage on ?mod property worth four or tile tames the atniat.ll--(10. 70. 100% fe. For sale, twelve cheap tracts of La s nd; nnd o for rent. several small pieces of properly. Apply at HARRIS' Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 9.5 th el. WGROCERY STORE AT Accriox. ILL be sold,at the store of Stevenson 4. Aiken. thy. Alarchcorner of 'Maned and Penn streets, on tiaior• 25th, at JO o'clock, a. ii., their entire stock of Groceries: also, fisturev.countcrs and shelving. Sale positive. Terrea—cash. rnrrency. mar 23-2 t R. A. BhVditlAN, Anerr. SALT. 300 BBLS ) Salton t i v lis a n t l ß T it r i or P E a I 100124 Water st., het ween Wood add Smithdeld JAMES MAY EMIR , . Toothache f I T HE melt invelarale TO1111111:bli rUIPIII In - 40 MIN— A. ctrica--catt at Tv 1T1.C . 1 medical .genre, 116 Pnitrih Sf., ~t.talit IL is W.ifttl te,f I u eor ti.e money wilt be refunded. J CSI' RECEIVED, 'rwelve buses of thatkgca ;mei el Lemons, ul the flimsily:nifty. for sale wholesale anti retail, by 'MIN. THORN, feb 2:—tf. .53 Market St. FVIIL A Y FLOUR—Just received a few barrel: of A.` Snperior Flour, made expressly for family u3B. for sale by ISAAC CBUSC.I4B Llb, St. Is Store 50 barrels sup. flour. MOKERELAND . CODFISH.--4". q r. Codtisit;al4o,s barrel,' Nut Mackerel, and 15 half barrels, will he sold very tow, apply to mar 16. ISA AC CRUziIE. 148 'Aber!) , Pt. AjyrEn,n boy or from 14 to 16 year• or age. Application to be made before the 11,4 of March to F L SNOWDEN, 184, Liberty bend of Wood at HAILMAN, lENNING:& Co , Cotton Yarn War.•,hoosp, No. 43 Wood arrest miir 17 APPLE 1)..- BRANDRETH'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF VIE UNITED STATES. ,rte .~ ,~;;,. p":. , ''''- INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. Fine the Inctortrfifeeerivra. To the Edisor: I regret that yort.hat'esnriou--. ced it nreetintr albs friends of Industrial Assn. oiat'on t.e held I rib, we. k. I think, and I hale talked to on the suhj et ef n ,u r wi lr me. Mat it is I ()Allot. us to work away at the frame °four beautiful Seisms and have it as perfect as pant. hle, before we invito the tcruftley or the public. That the Exchange Company will success!, if we go at it in earnest, I haVe not the I. gist dumb', The great inducemeor s it offers to men or all classed; the adva..tages of Association over the present SylVet7) or cociery arc so apparent, that's* you observe, thousands vs ill dock from all dirti. !ions to j.,in it. Within the small circle of my acqtlainutOve t can count fifty families who are ready to join *bola we have perfected the Scheme, and otesintd a location. These are not poor families, as smile might suppose, but they a - e generally worth Arum 500 to 5000 dollars each, all of which they woalt be willing to invest in the stock ofthe Attociaftow. I therefore hope that you will reconsider tits call for a meeting and postpone it for a while, uc,i it we arc prepared to lay the plan before the put lie. FOURRIER. 66 DBLS. PLAN fATION - AIOLASSES. receives per Steamers Little Ben and Fein on, and for sale by J. 13. f A. GORDON. mar 2T. 12 Water stretit. MALE TEACHER WANTED. A gentleman clitailfied to teach the usual breathe* at Z 1 a goad English education. hi wanted in the Third Ward School of the City of Pittsburgh. A PPUtan". madc in Writing, to the Secretary or Presidekt E M ,. Adams) at any time before the 25th of April, considered. By order of the Board, mar 13 ' THOMAS HAMILTON, geOy 4,1-Iwd4vo Gazette copy once a week In daily three weeks. REVENUE CUTTER FOIL THE LAK - - SEALED PROPOSALS otsik - sisitsiiktd:ried - at this De nariment, until the 17th of April next, fur betiding the Hull of an Iron Steamer, to be used as a ntveaus Gutter on Lake Erie, of the following dimensions, sae. one hundred and forty (140) feet on tfeck,twenty-thred (23) feet beam, and len (10) fret hold. Itiodel,drst*frige and nioahle for building to be tarnished by lite Departs meet. It is exoected that these boats wilt he bottl e re. ference to Bunter or Ericsson's Propene?. The fro* used In construction must be American, and 0( lire vet? best quality, and is tube painted with Iwo good mate pf red lead, (One Lefute the work is pat Up - wird the Whet. after). The whole organ! iron work shall be weighed. after it is wrought and fitted to ils appropriate plate Anti "'- previous to Ns being finally put together: payment Will be made according to this nett weight per pound, Indies ding coal hunkers, water tanks and galley. They elude plates. bohatays and all )pan work necessary to the hull. ; spars, rigging, sails and guns will be included In the pro: posals, and the price for such work will be separately slated: A spar deck of white pine, 4 by 6 in., to be laid, secured from underneath, with the "wood screw halls" caulked and planed. Berth deck of arts or yellow Mae. 2s by 6inches, spiked and bolted to the berth deck. al so caulked and planed. Ceiling plank of while oak le the /looting heads, 5 incite. thick, thence yellow 4 Inches thick, to the lower deck clamps.all ofwhith wilt be estimated by the square superficial n et. The Mite hats and weight Used In tire const rection, to be aPnroved and the work to he Inspected by such officer as the Se cretor) of the Treasury may ap:eaint, and the work Ala he done according to the direction of the soperintendant. The vessel to he completed within