Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 28, 1843, Image 1
T.HOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, x.Jr. W. CORNER OF WOOD 4. FIFTH 878. Teßlds.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in `• •Rinanefe. Single copies TWO CENTE 4 --for sale at the Oounter of the office, and by News Boys. Tke !Were:wry and Manufacturer is pettlisited WEEKLY, at the same office, on a thimble asedlnat sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, •in ad. trance. Single copies. MX CENTS. Terms of Advertising. rot SQUARE OF TWELVE LINES OR LESS: One insertion. 0.50 I One month, 5.00 ?Imo invartions, 0.75 5 e I Two moms, 8,0 ree inrtions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00 On Vevict---...„, , 1.50 Four months, 8,00 Two weeks, 3,00 Six months, 10,00 , - 'Three week.. 4.00 One year, 15,00 - • YEARLY A DVERTISEMENTS. CI7•NGIC•BLZ AT PI 0009 a. Oat Square. Tire Square: . Lx months, ' -, $lB.OO Six month., $23.00 /09.ivryear, 25.00 One year. 35,00 ~„.- 0 -- r Larger advertisements in prorortton. OA RDS of frier lines Six Dot.t.tas a year. PUBLIC OFFICE S, &C. CITY Powr °met. Third between Market and Wood mytett—lt. Ad Riddle, Postmaster. ecrarrost Room Waler.4th dour from Wood at. Peter ssn'a buildings—Major John Winock, Collector. `Veer Taassoar, Wood between First and Second iltreeis—James A. Bartram, Treasurer. ilouarry TREAWRY, Tl.lrd street, next door to the Whitt Preshstertan Chnreh-9, B. Johnston, Treasurer. ligaroe's Orrice, Fourth, between Market and Wood - Ilarnola—Alcsander Hay, Mayor. AiIIitCRIAT'S EXCMOIGIC. Fourth. near Market st. BANKS Purraautton. between Market and Wood streets, on and Potirth streets. Min 'KILN &NP MINRYACTURNRS' AND FARICCRII . Di. swam gym, (formerly Swing Fund) Fourth, between 1,1 1 11041 and Market intents. 4 1/01taartat, Fifth street. near Wood. HOTELS. hrostottaitatatt Musa, Water street, near the Bridge. E‘eitanor. Horst,. corner of Penn and S.. Clair. hiractreters' Horst., corner of Third and WoOd. IttoAm tiotr.t.,eorner of Third and Smhhfietd, t--- " . "17 - ntecn.-" , fArsa, corner of Penn street and Canal. Srec•D aest.t, Liberty street, near Seventh. alteuerts 51Aersion lionna,T.ilteriy Si oppo , ite Wayne Ratitonuttrr NaN>toN linnet. Penn St. oppoide Canal. OH ERT WOODS, ATTORNEY AND • COUNSE LLOR AT L A W.-01'fire remo iett to Bakewell'a °Meets on Grant at., neatly opposite The new Court House, nest rooms to John D. Mahon, itasi ,-First floor. sap 10 TROS. IL ELLIOTT, M. D.— Office renrevcd to Bt. Clair street, between Penn and Liberty St.• rim baulk. s p 10 I. 11 1813 TONER, Atlo.tteV at 411 W, North lEa, , t corner of Smithfield and Fintr,h strcela. srp 10—ly M'CANDLESS & 11PCLURE, Autoineys and Connseilors a.t Law: Office to the Diamond, back or the old Conn Dout.c,Pillsburgh. 'Rep 10 QintlNK k FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law. Poorthst. near the Mayor's (Mee, rithontrah. aro 10-ly 11 1 1110 s. tf Alt I.TI tN , Attoenee al Law, Fir] het ween Wood and Smithfield mc. sep 10-1 y ..,.. . lALTM. O'll ARA, ROBINSON, A ..tiorner•l 1..0w; 0 4" . 7.-Ir Office on the tiOrth side of the Diamnott,bet wren ."04,,sket !it'd TlttionlttrerVit nine _ Fen 10 414 F, c' ~...' i _iii n , nr i i i, i -. se-... .1.4.5ax.A.,2- ..Altnrney nt I.a.tv; tplido•rs • 4, Itht ornie2t:iatta I ..,ry ices to +hr. public. (hike cor er.: of rum and Market Street,. :above D. 1.1ny.1 4- I'n'. pliire„riii.o.llt et, PA. 5 ,, .r. 10 ET , w VAER,iII % N k N., Astorffeyx at La.. °thee retn..ve.l fr IhP Ihntootol, In ••Attorney'Aßnw," Witty vide of Fourtht street, het ween Market and Wood ,ervineti Pf.r. 10 pc BUCK RLISTER, A'r UtIVEY AT LAW, 4le • fro, r,oloved hot °dice to the corner of ("north Street and Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant aireets.Pitl.horeit. pep 10 GICORGE W. LA rXO. Attorney at Law, O ffi ce No.:A rim al rect. neat ihe Theai rilIM:)111P41). NM 27 I y R EA') PI .%SUI YG 0 • ArTORXET A T. LAW. —Office in Hears' Rnildin 'Oink street. P. 1100,131.01. Nov .3. 1842. JOHN J. mrricnELEs--Attoruey at Low, office corner of Smithfield nod sth etc. Pittsburgh. kr Collections 'wide. A t nusniess entrusted to Me (lire will be promptly attended to. feh 16-4 r RE 110VA.L. R. Morrow, Alderman; otfi e north side of Fiflh rt., between Wood and Smithfield ete,.Fh Isherg h. Pen 10 r 1 rt. B. R. HOLM E 3, Office hi Second street, next door JUIF to Illolvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep I (I—ly OHINIST.,N 4 S rOIIKTON, Bookoeilera. Prinieng en Paper M nufaci urem No. 37, Market at. rrp 10-1? TOEIN ANDERSON, Slnithfield Foundry, Waler st.. near the Nionontalwin lionse,Dst ur2h. seplO—ly s roux . PIiANCIS 1.. YOUNG. MHOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware Rooms, uorner of hand st. ¢ Exchange Alley. Fenton' wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to timir advantage to give us a call, being fully gat isfied that *P can please as to quality and price. sep 10 MUTTON HAMS.—Jost reretved 160 choke Mut INK ton flame. well cured and for sate cheap hy.ol. do ten or retail, by ISAAC HARRIS, Pep TO N 0.9. Fitt h st RUTA BAG A.— 1 supp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ro la Bsea, acid other different varieties of Turnip Peer:, Just received and for safe at RICOVCED PRICXS at the Dreg and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEV, MP 10 No. 184 Liberty street, head of t 1 ond. WEBB CLOSEYA Boot and Shoe No tiul;tcto• ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the IL Staten Sunk. Witte Prunella, Kid and Satin Sluice made in the ileatext manner, and by the newest French patterns. aep 10 A R DEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades ' l lOl Transplanting Trowels. Raclin, Tool., Buddi ng Eithres, Pretrial Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., Jam re• tetrad end for sale he F. L. SNOWDEN. iregt 10 IR4 Liberty street, head or Wood. 11,1 tigiffTRATES'IIL.ANKS, for proceedings lo At 1.1% teal/Hot ander the sate law, for sale at this Office P R SALE.—Loin on the North List corner of Coal Lane•nA 1110 street. Apply to •up 10 BENJ. DA LINcroN, Market, near 9th st. 100 LBS. Gandreth's French Sugar Beet Seed. just received and for sale at the Drng and Seed F. G. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. •tore of 1 S II BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, dr.E.-- 2o be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on Vet pamer.and in Oie Corms approved by I he Courtfor sale rit.the °Mcrae the Mercury and Democrat. imp 10 WM. HUBBARD, Lldies' fashionable hoot and shoe Ma nufactu rer. No. 101, Third erect, between Wood and Six ithield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10 . . A& PATTERSON, Jr., Birmingham, ..ear Pittsburgh, APia.. Manufacturer of Locks, ilin*es and Bolts; To ,koloso. Faller. Mill and Timber Screws; Hoarsen Screws for 410111og Mills , tc. eep 10—f y , ? UN NIPCLOSIKEy. Tailor and Clothier, Lther.y street, between Sixth and Virgin alley. South side, 4710 8 1711tBRIDCE el• CO., Wholuiali Grocers and -41 Commission Merchants— Second street, between and Smithfield sts., Pittsburgh. sep 10- ly A. GORDON. Commh ~slon and Forty rditr= .t Water at., Pittsburgh. - 10--iy 744053* PUBLISHED BY 7 - ' a • ;,`hti Y -4 . • • •. , . • . - , . • - , • . • * • . 7 4 11111.11.1.1...... 1 11 1 .111 1 1.1111. • _ . HALLMAN, JENNINGS & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro duce merchants, nd Dealers in Plitabstryk Alanyfacturcs No, 43 Wood street, Pittsburgh. N, JENNINGS At Ce., Cotton Yarn Warehouse, No. 43 Wod street. Agents for the sale et the Eagle Cotton Fac t ory Y arns March 17, '43. THONP!ON 11/01 yr/LAMS TURNBULL. H ANNA 4- TURNBULL'S raper Warehouse, No. 1114, Wood st., where may be had a general supra,' of writing wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank books, school hooks, 4f c, C. TOWN.4END 4. co., Wire Workers and R Xannfaetnrers, N 0.23 Market street. between 2tl and :id streets. sep 10--ly - 114XCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and Si. Clair et reels, by Mcl(IBBIN 4. SMITH. cep 10—ly B ROWNT. 4 V! LT,F, ward linghrs• Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.2.5. Wood el.. Pittsburgh • sep 10 —ly E W GOODS.—Preston 4- Alackey, wimlesnle and 11 remit denier. in English, French, nr.d Domestic Dry ( Inmis, No. !:1„ 11:irket .t. , Pittsburgh • sep 10 J OIIN 3I'DEVETT, wholesale croeur ne,tiron g Distiller, And Dealer In Prot - lure and Pittsburgh manufactured Arlie No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts burgh. sep 10 Wtt.t.t.ots JOHN R . DILWORIII %17 ILLIA MS & DILWORTH.--.W holesa le Grocers Produce and Commissio n Merchant!, and Jenlers in Piitslnirgli 6 Lanufachired article, Nn. 29. Wood street. sep 10 ionic R.Setrt err JAS. N. Klux SHERIFF eit KEAN, Illneinfarletrer: &Copper. Ten, need Sheet Iron Rare, No Rte. Front at., pills. burgh. Souse Spouting and Steamboat work vompelse exEcuted. Rep 10" DAVID .. SANI 7 N'V .. , IT L C ,I .I i I & CLOCK ,ri ; MAKER, 7 , e, burgh, D F.:41.1. ER L.Ar w.R TORE'S, CL . ONCS. B REA STPINS FINDER RINGS, CHAINS, jr E YR, COMBS. 4.c. sap ill .ANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A mitt Supply of handreiVe fThr.O.n So f •dg ntwap, on !mod, and for soleat his agency, the Zhu store of F. I.SNOWDEN, E.,ihertv street, head of Wood. R CMOVA L.—Matthew Junes, BD rher*nd Hair Dre g ,. et', has removed to ['Mirth sl reel, Oppopitel he Slay ors utliee, where he will lie happy to:walt upon permanent or Transient CllSluisierS. Ile aul is iisa slial. of pnblic pqt. J OHN M'FARLAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet M-ker, T4irel et. between ;food 4. Market streets, respectful inrirms bin friends. arid the public that he in prepared to •secute all order.. for Sans. Sidebodrd. renus, Chairs, ratites, Oe.i.teads, Stands. flair and Spr Mattrasser, Curtain., Carpels, all , ores of ITrairdocririz work, which lie will warrant equal .o any made In the city, and on reasonable terms. imp 10 EMOVRL:-...T10r etult4erillers have reinov. d to \\ ter between Wood and Smithfiettl street., wh e y,. they will eOIIIIIIIIP the Whole.mie Grocery and Comm,. ..ionand tvould re<Rtel cnlrrit prom, ar.r. of their friends. .1 W 1tt.71111 pc: E co. Dee $ DA. W. PAT I'ERSO\. k"rfiCe on S, tIL(INd .1 rev: nenr Sixth. COMMERCI AL AUCTION ROOMS, No 110 Word Strert, Pilldbar g h —R. ri,. Ilan:rut:in. Aunt homer and Comml.-ion M, !Thant, is now prepared to receive and ',ell all kinds of Goods and Nlerrhantite.T. at his larue and rapacious looms, No. 110, North E.t.a Corner of Wood and Fifth Si reels, f. ii him rult. Regular sales Of Dry Cond. , . Furniture. Grocerir. and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of early week. Hardware, Cutlery, I try Goods, and Fancy articles. on Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday reeninus. Rooks. /cc .every Saturday cv ruing. Liberal advances made Oln Cot , igollirfli. when wanted R crEREN( Ex. MeSsrs, John D. !bet, 1"q, ) tr harm ley 4' qmii 11. I - " Hampton. Smith, 4- Co. ~ F Lilrettr. i- Co., ~ J. W. rhirbri4e 4' co., " S. Ml. re 4' co. " Capt. James Ill'Car:ill, Eittshurgh tt C. I hmsen, Esq, o ion M 'Fadden Esq. I t• Loran 4- Kennedy. .• J. K. Moorhead 4- Co. I ‘• Jae P. Stu art, Esq. tt Hotter' Galway. EN. r• Capt. in". May, o McVay. Hanna, 4- Co. o Wiliam Symms, Wheeling .. S. C. Henry, Louisville SlllOll. Fhaviley 4' CO Phila. sep 10 I 8 - 4 3 F IRER EIM;DED.—U S. Matt. LINZ oY S . TAnics •ND Rap. Roxn CARP. front Pit tsAlitirgli via Redford, Chatithershurg, Fla rri.ilni tz and La nragter. to rititatteo. phia, connerting with the Mail train of Carp to N V . 4-r, Only 15(1 toilvii.itaglng and one night out. Alan. the Direct line to Rallimore. Pare to Philadelphia 310. Raltimore, Lenves daily at 8 o'clock A. M. Office second door befow the Merchants 11044 Wood st hi ENDELL, GRA!! A M, WAUGH ti• ro. felt 23. 1843-Iy. Proorielors. F ACTS SPE.II(' FOR 771 F:AISELVES--TRUTH ts CaMPINCING:— Having been of for nearly two years, wit h a fiord Awellio: on the cap of mV knee. witich produced much pain, and tired various orogen Hone recommended by the Factiliy 7 ...all in vain wag cored rompluirly by the rise of one bottle of Dr. Brand. ref Linament„ or aciernal Remedy. Witness my hand JAMBS TAYLOR, Ohio ip Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. lOtti, 1840, Dr. Rrandreth'tt Etiernal Remedy or Liniment; sold at hisoffice, No. 93 Wood street, Pill:burgh, , 50 cents per bottle. felt 8. - 100 BAGS RIO COFFEE, 20CMinia Tea. 20 Boxes Tobacco. 15,000 lila. L e nin and Loaf Sugar. 20 Boxes Raisine. 10 Soccm Candles, 10 Slate!). 10 Kegs Groun4Ginger. 2 •• Nutmegs. 4 100 Barrels Green Apples, Received on consignment and for tale cheap for cast tr. State,: Line warehourc, Canal Ba=in, Liberty D. DEVINE et. mar 111,1843. CO ARRTNEI?SHIP. MBE undersighed hove associated themselves Ingei h ee r oe on e year from the Isl January, Ist 1343. on der the syleof Devine 4- NicAntilly, for the purpose.on ly of receiving and forwarding Goods. mar 10. H, DEVIATE. C A. Mc'ANULTY. L OUISVILLE LIME AND BEAMS.- Just reselv. N I a supply of choice Louisville Lime and Bond Beans by Ina bbl Wholesale or wall to suit customers. mar. IS I, HA RRIS, No 9, Fifth at. SUILIIR AND 11101-4SSES. 65 BID'S, N. O. Sugar. 90 Mils. Molasses, last received per Steam boat Ashland, and for sale by W. BURBRIDGE 4- Co. mar 3. Water at., between Wood and Smithfield MOLASSES. 300 BBLS.X. O.. I IOLABSES;juit rec'd per steam boat Little Bea, and for safe by J. W. BUR BR TICE 4. fob 27. Water st. between Wood 4.. -Satitheild 0 0 Bass io Coffee. For sale by oci 4. ; ' A. GORDON. p 1104RHOUND CAXDY.—frrr-rwr has received thiii day from New York. a fresh supply o. the above eclebraled cure fur Coughs. Colds and Con sumption; and is ready to supply customersat wholesale orrelall, at his Medical Agency, 86 Fourth at. nov 12 D AVIT) I'I.ABK, ..9 10 ,A uter , — Has removed to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be happy to see hls pad customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize hint. He uses nothing hat first rate stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives his constabt personal attention to business, he truststhat he will deserve arid receive a fair share of patronage. imp 10 F RUITc4r, 11:B CREAM, 4- cONFEtrl'lt,i4itY. A Flanker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can afways find the best quality of fee Creams. io , gether with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, In their sesnon, at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, hetwc II Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. oranything to his line. Also families furnished with Bread. wep 10 EVANS'S CAMOMILE PILL LS.—AlittA HAM J. CLEMER, residing at 66 Mott street New York, wan afflicted with Dyspepsia / in Its most aggravated form. The symptom were olent head. ache. great debility. fever, costiveness, cough, heart. burn, pain in the chest and atomach always after eating, Impaired appetite, sersatlon of slnkina 31 the s:oniach, furred longue, nausea, wilit frequent vomitings,dizzinesa towards night and restleness. These had continued up. ward of a twelvemonth, when. on consulting Dr. Wm. Evens. iooChatham street, and submitting to his ever successful and agregahle mode of treatment, the pat ien: was completely restored to health in the short spare of one mu th. and g rat.fnl for the I n leala hie benefit (feria. ed. gladly canoe forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SFLIF. N 0.20, Wood street. below Second. Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON F.ICTORE Prices Reduced. Seort Reel Yuen. ' Long Reel nee. No. 5 'et 16 eta , per lb I $OO at 9 its per dz 6at 184 ditto GOO at 8 onto 7at 17 ditto i 700 at 7 ditto Bat 171 ditto 800 at 8 ditto 9at HI ditto 900 at 5 ditto 10 'at 194 ditto lOOO at 4 ditto 11 at 19 tilt 12 at IN dol li llkirwi e k at 16 ct.i'per ib, 1:3 at 21) ditto Corn 134111/0z • 9 ditto 14 at 2 11 1 ditto gamily mr . 1:4 ditto 15 at 21 ditto Carpet Chain • 20 ditto Iti at 22 ditto Cot 'n Tn toe • 25 ditto 17 at 23 ditto Stork inz Yarn and 18 et 24 ditto Covrrlrt Yarn alnalys on 19 at 21 ditto hand 20 at 26 ditto t.'idtirii Warn: made to order. fri- Orders promptly attended to. tr irtt at J. 4. C. Nimer'F. Logan 4. Kennedy',. or the Poet tqfir,, pd.ireqe: reh 27:_ J. K. %MORO RA n 4-Co, 54) 1111114 N. c) Sot.rtr. 250 13111.. S o. Mc ;:lcve• 411 Tierce" Rh,. 20 Hill,/ No :3 Nlarl.rrr 10 do No 2 do. 7 Tierypii sperm Oil. Jout received per F , It E:prcc, llalt null for Kale by J. W. Biro: yin nf: r 4- r - n• mar 4. ler at 100 Wrr 11 %%ood ;1110 M A It RLP M 1 154 P 410T011 r...—tPdtrirk Canfield re• epertrif It vactpla int* lite friend. and the retbtir ....Ni• rrAlly.lhal he line commenced the Marble linsturee al the rnreite of Pli Ais and I.lherty al...where will he retnetanlle on h%siri, tol', atwir... nianir I fir.rrs, nmatinlrtits,. head and (AM ,some. tahlr stab" In, rnlninnt %vat, and Incrs' aril, tentineelainloll o the !opines,. lie will warrant hts work to he well done, and hie rliarte* will he moderate I?entova I. i 'To -..n...•! col y rlvlr v. n , ilsa re int nliiitiC patrona:r. seri io• /11111 T: ‘uhertiher has rrinnyr.d his r.isinininablr Tialn.,rin,l IV A!, si•EF:r.r.. fenrrneerir to H. h ., .j rl.h• i E,,,,,ii?1,4 II" PRI In ibr llonot.l,%inr:a lionise. :irf dope V 10 t o ` l^ Root Maker, LliterlY el.. :2tl door f:now from firm .a. na ef o ii food,' at.w/tnir Ition , ll rtittlonterit all 1 - zin alter Tlic init.writice cc.inoctitille Inforrn. the ail oilirr• who may favor him with a rlii may depend ll Wit" Oki' ter ban entoomeneed the nnnve bnalne•ia In the line;n: !hair la ork done in a superior rte Ir. From- ! on roirrl y neronlrd hp Mr . li p " hi ici w ie, y. 1, t..: , Nortienpr lii lit. itti4nr, in Ink lily, and i. 4.a i f le now prepared to: Mead to el order. in his oilier ro.hirmaid e rill,. In Etiropr and d,nerlr.s, hr fut.l 'len eh:tr. wit li deepalch and oil the most rrissronnble ,_,,,,i,", that on ~.,,, .1,, , 010 . 4 ,,, ,,h iii all who mop teems. Prom hie lone pep...rim-a In the manufari tire 44 „ 7 , , ,1 . ,, ,, ,0 r ,,,,,, ,r hin, win ii .,„ r „,,„,„,. 1 „ x „,,,, ~,„,;„„ ra.liiiinahlr Ponta, he feele confident that all attletea In 101 , iorno and siipernor vorkninnwhip ha till,. 10 merle Irons lilt emaldiehment will fire satisfaction to hie pa and receive a Pharr tif 1.01.10. parrtmaay. Ile it tend kerine trona. A nitare of public it:Orrin/tr. I. reapect folly eolicit, ore land a =apply of ,04,11. anti ir I ammizs Polla'rle lic i t!.. " 4 . rti. 011 rlf a•le s% illr•il a Ili 11-6. sold at very I' lf ~ f , fi.! pr jet,. fen 10 inburn s yrr I' ps A ans , ;•utitly of rst.l Seed., con R. DOVACIIY. I) `lain ;; of cana,,, : nip ~0 1 nape; pito ref . ..lva/I hy N 11, The eulieerilier Lein; well aware of the r te ent r E .r, 3 . F I SNOWDEN. 141{ Lihrrty st. country, IT adeertieenient•; that the crt.f. ayairm I. practi , eil tin ihe 1 1 1111 . 1 t in thin _ particularly by rersrins %%lin man jo,oly he called int inter, On fur trade, who newer corn, 11 .1 , 1 inl , ll . In lb. hti.inv,s, and who kno• to Mlle 0 1 1011 11 111.11 the, mould not moot. a <cnn:,. 010111, nod they are lari•fitred .noll7li 10 adverttle Ihrmnelvo, an I ai• lot. a la mode : and by the aid or old certtf enfes. cats, palls, x• C. • - c such a. are Perrially Twit by quark. In se:11110r medic inn., t liny 0 nen anereed in (131(1.41z ofT on tile tinetrepeci in,. customer Nome old trash for line ;rim inn imported article. Such peopie's adrertiserrirot. Are Onli. ralrllllllol to Kid! flint WO jr, rind are, 0 more roll I led to reedit than the fi , lilintie yet lan:ltable publications about the vent flat(--.;err onion: Ilii. Lillipntivnx. which I presume nimnet every schoolboy has rend ;001 lan:hed at. I centlid en:raeet to those who wish to Italia it rim eloilite made in firm. rate style lo make a little inquiry and they will find that this le the place where they ran he arcontmodatedt U. It. tin 7 r.ttst ri•ThoAe la mode Itionsiourn i or rather Jtfon•teterri, who have opened an 8 by 10 piece shop lately, and who evince such envy and dislike to long or lengthy advt.r tisietnenls. are Informed i hat thrt nhove (fulsome, as they term it) has no reference to thrill whatever. The pertion Winded to I, their present employer, an Algeo-rine. who keens a slop chop In this thy. The count said) is higt ly pleased with curl, tokens of loyalty from Isis pig• my jects, and no doubt will reward them by givitig them n few erzzAso f to make. Such exquisites of rank with whom none ran ram pets, hod haler StUli them piety, s into notice some other way, as n little precaution n Ight prevent an explosion. O THI PUBLIC, and Farterulorly to my former patrons of this 61 w—flaying retired frorn the , rartfre of Medicine. I may he permittrd to say, that it has fallen to Ihe lot of Int Cew persons to have enjoyed so littera, or lar:P a share of ohtt reit !cal practice as m own has been for last 30 or .40 years. y The experience of that lone period of active life, and I be fsetsof my having been twice, since I93o.associaled with Dr. It A. Wilson, In the practice of medicine, (In bath a period rif five years.) enables me to judge fully of the merits pills. So convenient, so efficient, and yet at, %aie, did I esteem these pills, That for the last five yeats in my practice for he cure of chronic dlseases,of whatever mirth+, and those of females In particular, I have used more of them than all other medicines.. Like every other medicine, this must fail in some in stances, but in my hands there has been less disappoint. ment and more satisfaction In Lir adminkt rat Me) of this one remedy thanof ail others; its good effects sometimes quite astonishingme. If my patient required a safe aperient medicine either «fore or alley parturition, the Wilson's pt Is were just the thing I wanted. If a dyspeptiencid condition of the stomach, combined with costivenews or Inactivity of the liver. constituted the disease ar my patient. the !tills were just the thing I wanted. If I treated a case requiring an einmenagogue, the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other difficulties, indicalinz a disturbance of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing f wanted. Thus, without resruet to the name, a disease might happen to wear at the time I have had it under treat ment, particular Indications or symptons arising, were al - s•ays most promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pills. That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes ap. nnrently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills, should be clued more readily by them than by any other remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but why it is so is as c tear to my mind as that a great many persons should become thirsty from t,s many different anises, and yetatl require that common and greatest ~r all blessings, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, it is due the eputation of the medicine and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that the IVilsonho pills are theonly combination I have ever met with In my longcoursa of practice, that really Poo* eeseesanythiog curative or specific for sick headache. Yon rs DR. MILOADAMS. The above Pills designed particularly fbr tbe sick Raed.A che, Dyspepsia. Constipation of the Rowels ft., prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Moen, and for sale, wholesale and retail, at his dwelflng hl Penn street,. below lartaity. Oct I • D lt 00 13 E' 9 B Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills arestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladles as a safe and , efficient remedy in removing thrice complaints peculiar to their hex, from went of ex ercise, or general dehilijy of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract nil Hysterical and Nervous affections. These Pills bavo gained the sanction and ap Nation or the most eminent Physicians In the Uni. le , and many Mothers. Pointe Whele.ale and by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. Sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. W IC ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the head of Smithfield it., Pittsburgh.— 'Me subscriber having bought out the stock of the late I romil s nairerlYi deceased, has commenced business the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute all deScriptions of work In his line, in the beet manner and on the shortest notice. Re keeps eorstnntly on hand a law assortment °DMue findings of all denefiptionrand °film - best quality. He solider the patronage of the pub. Resift! of the croft.• WM. ADAIR. XlO prrrs: . -SEITT RG'IIIMANITFACTORY.—sprin es aped aztes for Carriages at Easter* prices. The subecribers menureeture 'end keeps constantly on band Coacti,C and Eliptfc Springs {warranted,) Jonlala iron Axles. Silver and Brats plated Dash Frame', Brass and plated Hub Rands. Stump !Wein, Patent Leather, Silver arid Brass Lampe. Three fold Steps, Malleable Trott, Door flantlica and Magee. lrc.okc. JONES h rt . /LEMAN. St. elm- et., near e Allegheny Srldoe. D.seLLlms, M. D.,office and dartlina in Fourth, all • near Ferry street. rp 13-1 Y LOOK AT • The attention if t ho•e who have been aornewhat %cep. ilea! in reference to the numernna certilleateit pithlistied in favor of fir. Svrayne'll l'ompound Syrup of Wild flier ry, on arreuat *rifle Deming being unknown in thiseer tinfl of the Slat r. Se resort., I o Ily direglimi to be following certificate, the writer of which hay been n citizen of ILI, horou:h forseveral yeara, and le known a, a gentleman of Inte;ro y and responsibility. To the Arent, Mr. J. Rifler I have pied Dr . Swavne*Q Contp and Syrup of Wild Cherry for a collet., with which I have been aeverely of flirted Gtr almot four month.. and I hive no heallation In saving that it lathe mast effective medicine Hint I have ben aide to prOCUrr, it comp:feel all uneasiness, And agrees wet! with my diet. --and mantaina a eremitic and aceldanninile. I CAT freely recommend It t all otheia slndlarav afflicted. J. Miaow a, Borough Of Chainhero4. Matt b 9. 1.440. It 3 For eat,. by MUMS, THORN No. 53 Market vireet. __________________ FRUIT, SIIADE, it,N ( ) ORN.ANIFNTAL TITRES. UIorIISONS dr...front of on:a-odor Fruit, S:t:ide, and 111. ;,ornamental Tree; nr ilthrobberv, from rhiladel. ph if or N.e•W Yr.. ll', are renneord to make application it 0 r •on a porellap, as lb. Dray and Armil Fiero of I hr. ach. arr whore ran bejtad ratalopre., froluitourtr. (litho m irrett.nt ~ 'artet le" F. 1.. SNOtc'lll7.ti, PCB 21 No 184 Libortjr atm.*. hem cl of Word rortnqc Platform Seale, on win ale, to weigh 2.50 X) lb.', at $55 00. do ,to do do 2.005 ot el; 00 do do do do 1.500 at 35 00 do do do 1,000 at :30 00 do do do do 500 at 25 00 With raising levers en addition of 83 to each Ft WC. Dormant stales for the u•e or Warehouses, Flooring ' Mills, rtr., l llePalua prices as above. Also, Whites Patent Counter Scale. with 0. Young's improvements. and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for from R to $l5, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills. Paw Mills, Salt Works. kr., dottlale and sing:e geared slide tat hes,foot and other lather for wood turning machines for tenanting chairs. planing nmeltines, door and sash machines. Haire patent horse power, with or without thrashing machines. a superior article; circular Saw shafts, machines for Cawing lath, Tinner's chilies - arid tools nfall descriptions,aleo for making black lag hose., a superior article; governors for steam engine• stocks. laps and dies, coffee milt., bedstead or joint bote and machinery for making the same. cotton factory ma chinery made or repaired; printing press plattens turned and printing presses repaired. JAMES MAY, Agent sett 22—if -FOUND. GIUTRRIE, Auctinneer and Comniis• CP sloe Merchant, No.lofi,corac e of Wood 4. FOA ate. Pitts bit,ol: Having been appointed one of the Auction• refs foe the City of Pitabargh. tenders lila services to Joh. I here, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed Ito make trial of this market. He is prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities, and Rosie in satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy land favorable returns. That the various interests which may be confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in business and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. Hammer. Faumarroca; heretofore advantageously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement Is made. REFE TO 'Messrs. M. Tiernan, Presl. R of lif . 4. M. .. Bank. 44 Darlington 4. Peebles, " Robert Galway, 44 James M. Cooper, 1 " James May, 1 ~ R. M. Riddle. i• Pittsburgh .. Wm Robinson. Jr. Preset . of Exchange Bank. 44 ffampion,Smith, 4. Co., I .. John D. Davis, 1 .. Samuel Church, 1 .. 3. IC Moorhead. .. Jas. W. Brown . 4 CO. j .. John a ittown. 4 Cot •• Smith 4lt tgolay. .. Yard!) , 4. U raters, •' John S. Illddle, .. John Dat,selt M. E. A LTSTIN, Attorney et Law. Piresburah, Pa. W Witare On E. filee In 4th street, opposite Buskers Bniftitna. Arens. Esq., wilt Ova his attention to m unfinished business, and !recommend him to the patron y age of my friends. WALTER FORWARD. rep 10—ty Improved Na,- inntlnurfitred be " I °u' Marblnt bt. between so, wirer,. two ore Ito 11, Pith amuraetrtre nod land the follow rig iraleNwhor, ty c° nPOSed of No. 1, Port life Platform Ull N'lol3, o ;35U1l •ounds,at VOUNC k BRADBURY t PhltadePi 1 rep 10 • PROSPECTUS For publishing a new Daily Paper is the City of Pitts burgh, to be entitled the DAILY MORNING POST. • T EBllbserthers having made arrangements to merge 1 the A met lean Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Matsu: ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Dail, &engin: Post. The leading object of the i.Potrc" will be l hedissemina lion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been ma intnioed by the Editors, fit their respective papers, and their hest efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, in linlities • the paper will he thoroughly demoordtic, yet the Editors (lope. h r giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events, Foreign an d Domestic tok'lligence, and brier notices of "all mat ters and occurrences that rome p, operly wit bin the Inhere ofit Public Journal, to make their papet sufficiently in• cresting to entitle it to the patronage oflhe public, ir respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news tlrat will be found in lite . ..Aforraibs. Post," the Editors sylll take pains to coml.!' the hoPinepsi. community with the latest and mosh•intcrerting COMILIICI&L lierstu• murex from all parts of the country, and to have prepa• red spell neenuut!nft he Markets and the Slate of Trade as will beadvailfagepua in our Merchants and Business Men in their several rallin.,;.s. Ternte.—The Porr will be published on a large imperi alsheet of fine paper, (manufactured espeeiatly for- tbia Journal) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS ' per nnnum.payable In advance. It wilt also be sold by news.boys at the low rate or TWO CENTS a ropy. Attvertieeteret• will he insert ed . at the loWeat rates charged by the other daily poperi of the city. itlr TWENTY netive• lads 3re *anted to cell the Post, who witibe cn;aged on the most liberal terms' August THOS. PHILLIPS, 31, 1842. AV./1. .9MITII. . ..n r o . London, for sate only by Wlrkershirn: rornpr of Wond strer.thod Vire'', alley rill%burzli Ps. and fl. Harwood, Ilenverla. who Is note seen' for Vt'e,tern Perim's:this. Rep 10 Nl'Closkeyls Clothing Store • FRESH ARRIVAL QF NEW GOODS SPLENDID ASSORtSfECNT OP 31.4bE CLOTHING AT TtIE THREE BIG DOORS,. Nq.. 151 Liberty street, one door from the Jackson Foundry. THE: suiewritrer ix just receiving at• hie well known e 4 nahllahrnent, I lin far:(Ki. rno:t ►nrind and enemies". since or (Mops that Acta ter bees offrreti in this city._ F,ve.r► arti.l aa , .. ,, ccINI by him,ll In it.e ea, , ern el. ties, and pa rtrm.rd at Mr tcrativr eAen pares, and he to 401 11,4 efft:eles march lower than they can le Itnit at any other celatil i ithment west of the tnonnt..i,ie_ °tide by experienced workmen. (ion) Islfni mann fa , -Itired :pods and In the ghost )I(MEWN FASHION. Ile ro:•: ti , at all persons mho will mill at his rin,1"..,111T1 10 a•id examine his stock will he satisfied that BETTY it 13 A RG 4. INg can he obtained at the THREE RIG DOORS than at any ahhi:.t. establishment In the city . Ob. /dock co..sisalt In pa , ' of Coats Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts; Cravats, Stocks, :Gloves, Suspenders, And evcry other artirle Ott:Joining , of the beat style From Ma varied stnik of cloths he is prepared to IRAK E CLOTRES TO ORDER at the shortest notice. In a style unsurpassed by soy ut her Pittsburgh holm, and trorrasted to fit. Ilia mock of Spring and Summer Gres Is vuperior to any previous importations and he has no hesitation in nayinr that ror excellence, beauty and cheapness they cannot he equalled in the west. 'five toth•criher would once more return his thanks to his Mends and the public for the unprecedented patron. age bestowed on hie establishment, and believing that lily ctintomeis had found it to their advantege to drat with him. he would repent hi.: invitation to all those who %slat to purchase Clothing of every descrtplion at lowest prices,to call at No. 151, I, lernTY STREIVre M'C LOSIKCY. I* - Ohnerve Metal Plate In theJOHN Pavement. Feh Passage and Remittances, TO AND FROM CLUZIAT BRITAIN. /V. I I 0-71 r - .1 ". = Aria e g't PNew York and Liverpool Line. ERSONS entrous of Rending for tbei,i friends to come from any part of Great Britain, are respect folly Informed Ihat the 4 11h 4 CrIber 14 at all, times pre pared to make euch eiTegi•ihrntA• HP is prepared to remit monies by drafts, which arc maths payable at any point throughout the l`nited Kingdom on precenta. lion; having been for the last 1.2 year., engaged In the hogirIPSS, he feel* eonfldent that his arrangements on both aides the Atlantic are Such us.will give satisfaction. The Slops comprising the above line, are nil of the first claw and are commanded by careful and skillful masters, teavleg Liverpool once carp week during the reason ,-- For further particulars apply it by letter to JOHN HERDMAN, No. 61 South street, New Yotic, or to J. KIRKPATRICK, at itleasra Dalzell 4- Fleming's, Water street Piia'bgtt. March 3--2md. N VORROUT IVI SN UFAICTVRER or Tin, Conner and Allem' Tror Ware, No. 1, , Fifth st between Wood and Mar— ket: Keeps constantly on hand a 7.60 d iIIINIIIMent orWATeS. and Wicks a sltsre or public ivitronage. A no. on hand, then:lulu-in! s rtieles: Shovels, Pokers, Tongs, Gridirons, Skillets, Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, Coffee Mitts ke. Men chants nod others are invited to call nod examine for themsetvee, tie he is determined tosell cheap for cash or approved paper. mar. 14—fr • LOOM tons~.as Is Fiore*. r isle by etriteal pat Water botwiromood Eolith Jana um TUE LITERARY POST. Prone , • I I ey's!an This World, at Ours. ay w. a. J. aaltaEa. This world ()tours, if free from sin, . Oh? Would it not he fair? Sunshine above, and flowers boueoth, And beauty everywhere': The air, the earth, the water, teem With living things at play; Glad Nature from an hundred throats Pours her rejoicing lay. Each balmy brecze that wanders by, Whispers some angel tone; And the cleat fountains &ye a voice Of music of their own. Even the leaves of tha forest trees, Moved by the zephyr's wing, Tu make a low murmur of content To little birds that sing. The busy bees o'er garden flowers A holy song attune, Joining, with never.tiring mirth, The minstrels! of June; . - • Arid the great Waves upon the deep, Leaping like giants free, AO, in their hollow monotone44l; The chi us of the sea. Theree beauty in summer sky -,ses..-,4201414111-1. When from from his ocean beds ` Like a strong man felrestr i et f y sleep ; . The Sun uplifts his I ead;— And tt !ten behma the western rocks . A: eventide he go , a • How beauteous n're the orimaon eloidta - That co; tain.his repose! r • Are not the grassy valleys fair, U. r•k'd in their spring array? And the high hill.a with forests el`ad s . How beautiful are they! 11- Look on the sea, that girdled vast, Wherewith the-earth is b6tind! F.ven in Fancy's wildest dreams Can aught more gad be found. • • . -• 'twere indeed a eadiant: . ',World i A paradise somp'ete,— cn redolent of lovely things, 8 , 16:1ed with voieew awee4,— If Sin had not in evil hour F 4 nter'd this pleasant Yielding them over unto Death,— Sad consequence of crime: ,;- • litndelis it that the choicest 13ovv`rs Fall by a swift decay, • And hopes to which wt. t7mdly cling Pats suddenly away; Yet. mid alLtrials °four life. • - Thin blessed thought is given, Earth is not our abiding place ; *Man's native clime is Heaven! Government of China. I The original plan cf the Chinese may. eminent was patriarchal, in altnoat the strictest sense of the word. .Duty and obedience to the father of each:family wan recommended and enforced in th. -mast' rigorou s manner; and the Emperor was considered es the father uf the whole.-- Since the invasion of the Tartars, it has become an, absolute monarchy, without being, however, 13esporical. The con querors have prescribed in a great meas ure, the fundamental principles of the federal Government. The fifteen ces of China, each of which is eqaivalent to a large kindom, (and all except one • larger than England, viz: Tchekiang) are divided into several departments, each un der the Edministration of a Mandarin, (an. awering somewhat to the Governors of our States and Territories,) subject to the Viceroy -of the province, who is himself under the Tsong tou, or Governorgbner. al. In the chief town of each province are two tribunals, one for civil, the other for criminal causes --all dependent on the six sovereign courts at Pekin. The first of these courts, called Lfjpou, superintend all the magistrates of the empire, and in• forms the Emperor of every vacancy, that the place may immediately be filled; the second called Hou pore, has the superinten. dence of the finances (answering to our Secretary of the Treasury,) the third na med Li.pou, has the care of the ceremo nies relative to the sacrifices, the recep. tion of ambassadors, public festivals, &c,, (answet int; in some respects to our Secre tary of State;) the fourth called Ping-pou„. is intrusted with the War Department, (amt swering to our Secretary of War;) the fifth, denominated Hing.pou, is the crimi— nal court of the whole empire, (we have none quite so extensive) but its capital sen tences must be confirmed by the Enver. or, (which is, in effect, merely the pardon ing power, exercised in capital cases by our Federal President); the sixth, called Gong pou, presides over public works, the repairs of the Emperor's palaces, the the n temples, triumphal arches, dykes, bridges, avy, &c. (a part of this duty belongs to our Secretary of Ole Navy, but the rest to various functionarie s of the Govern— ment.) These courts are subdivided into several branches, but are all .40,1rordivate to the supreme council of the Emperor (something resembling the functions of our federal cabinet) which is composed of Mandarins of the first class, who hold their sittings in the Imperial presence. • There is no hereditary nobility in Chi. ma, except in the family of Confucius, (their great philosopher.) and the imperial house; consequent'y all the (lignites are Me reward of personal merit and talent. in this respect the goternmett is but a 'model of our own Republic. The Mandarins or great offirers of state, form two classes, the Learned, and the Military. The latter are divid. d into nine classes, to the 'miner, it is said, of 150,000. From the two first classes are chosen the Colan, or Ministers of state. the officers of the sovereign courts, the Governors-general of provinces, those of the great cities, time Treasurers-eener a l of the provinces, and the Vice-rcyr- To- " avoid all spirit of partiality, no Menderiii te fou allowed to hold any o,pe ix his natirit t- . ng orprovwee. This is a singular, doubtless wise precaution. All pubffe'4l'? 40