Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 25, 1843, Image 3
__ _ _ Nr=== iFeisoll!seiffo Pity Tie rosoiit,o: - : 1)f• Arrangements will recollect:the meeting to-night in the office of Thomas Hamilt.,n,_ Esq., in sth street. The following are the names of the gen- Vtlemen composing the Committee: Thos Phillips, Rody Patterson, John Birmingham, D M Curt y, Rlll Hartley, R H Kerr, Isom Findley, Wm B Thompson, Ise D Thornburgh, Jacob Hunker, .W`H Smith, J B Guthrie, Tims Hamilton, W J Ankrim, Russell Et reit, M Edgar. professor BrOflgntl This gentleman finding it impossible to -procure any room large enough to accom cglateilLhey4o multitudes that desire to '-Mod - `his lectures, has tented the Thea- Ars,.whi t* ch he has christened "TI e Ora rorsirk." and on Monday will commence a third "Course of Lectures on Elocution and Music, h recitations and tinging, in con auction with Physiology and the Laws of Life and Health. The universal appro totiori with which the Lectures of Proles -tot B. and the singing of Mr. Nash has ~ l ocen.. received is sufficier t to ensure them crowded audiences at the ' Oratorean." Particulars Will be given in his advertises merit on Monday. Fire in Itlinersville.—Or Thursday !light, between one and two o'clock, a fire :litoke out in the office of Jacob E wart Esq., 'Which was totally destroyed with his books, papers, &c. The flames communicated to a blacksmith shop ajoining which was also destroyed. It is supposed that Mr. 7 44 likart's office was set on fire by some ms 1100 - u - ii - person. Look Sharper.—A police offt.er the other day made a slight mistakes in tap. ping a very innocent man on the shoulder. koking him for a hard customer. The 'poor man looked daggers until the man clothed in authotity discovered his foror. Look sharper next time; this is Out adyice to all police officers—and we : nhink' that men in other pursuits mig . ht , profit by the admonition too. Msreh has been almost mantel opted)? co!d —Snow is now on the ground, ds iii Feb - r=„Not the least sign Of Spting yet. Statesman. We have several signs of spring hi re— signs with green treesenn Mr. Fitch, the Milletite. has been preaching at Pittsburgh. to large audten ges. We shall soon hear ofs. , me suicides in that quarter.—Phila. Inquirer. No you wont. People here are not ti) o bis humbugged in that way. There may .be 'tome who would like to be out of the hnd of the living, but on account of bard rAimes, and not Millerisro. Jefferson's Birth Day come on the 13th ofAptil. - We have ascertained this to a ~O,tiitainty—there Leing some dispu'e on dialisubject. sasterday was spring like; but if it 't Snow to-day it will be something re .-:.teerkable these times. South Ward. At a meeting of the Duquesne Fire Company, on Monday eyeOpg the 20th inst., the fullow ., jog olacilra were et cten for the balance 01 the year, in accordance with the new Constitut.on 114 , 4 adopted by the Company. president.—James A. Bartratn. • ~Vice. President I rwin. Sure:Atty.—fumes E. Dickson. Att. Secretary.—W m. J. Howard, jr. Treasurer.—Jamcs A. Bartrain. Delegates. —NV m. T. Bartley, D. B. Sutton, C. Barnett. . Caplain.—John T. Whitten. itt. Lieueinant.—Ww. T. Harrey. end. do John D. Morgan. Set Engineer.—Joseph () liver. 2nd do Jamey Stuart, jr. • :,.3rd do David Lupton. • eh do L. Buster. Engineer.—J. F. Seibert. to( , do James Gordon. • thie.Direetory —lst James C. Barclay; 2nd, W. r-.Z.ll3kilds; 3d, Jamos Keller; 4 , 11, J. Dickson; stl. John Irwin; 6th, R. A. Bousnum. Hope Engineers,-Ist, Joseph Bulford. 2nd Ed , win 11111. Plug Guar:lc—lsaac Pope, S. Frc•:. Aremen.—J. W. Mel ane, M. Marshall. • Fire Wardens —George Fortune, J. Stuart, Jahn • Irwin, James A. Baruarn. Election Commit" ee.—.l ospph Oliver, J. C. Bar - *by, W. T. Hanky. RIVER NEWS. 4 feet water in the channel Arrivals and Departures since our last report ARRIVED. Areads, Bennet ,Cincinnati, Herald, Dawson, New Orleans, • *Michigan, Boyes, B- aver, DEPARTED. ; *Michigan, Doves, B ever , Ewliae, Jack, Cincinnati. Soots =larked thus • are provided with Evan'e Safety t rd i to jrceeet the ex plo.•tton or steam hollers. , The river at Cincinnati was f a lli ng o n cribs 2181, there was plenty of water for the .opiargetat boats. Oft#. •ited ft irer.—Tr c i._ .0 Ro. , r :':epuY. ran •) Atilt„ ~ . St4ieF, c :.! . Mir 4 - '2 C • 1 S teti 1840, and no: m re ,i - 1., nr t There fm': - n-" pitied, aP WS i. .1:! - .2 "In A's C. Jr:cc e 411112 ever it Vies known before, but not as SOOS AVID OS RINTI N G_ OFFICE , Corner of Wood 4 , Rya Ste TEM proprietois of the MORAING POST and MIERCTRT AND erlaxeracroara respectfully Inform their friends and the paironsof ihose papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of ariCeolEit r3firlikr.lllE 21 '3111M" TE ZEII OUX2 , TID. Re - rAu7A2.g.z.m Necessary to a Job rrinting Office, and that they are pre. pared to execute LETTER PRESS PRINTING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Bills of Lading, rimlar , , Bill Heads , Cards, Blank Checks, Ilat Tips' Pamphleig, Handbills, Ittnb,s of 131anits, Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with apr-v Printed on the shortest notice and ina , t rensonnble terms We respec!fully ask the patronaue of our friends and Ile public in general in ibis braneh of our buginv,.. Pillsburgh, Sep:. 39,1342. PHILLIPS 4- SMITH, SHINN .R; SELLERS' CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, Stand Unrivalled by any Medicine known for the cure of the 710 - 4.1 r • - _ ;-„ • ()F DISE \SEI) LIVER General I.),; Of a pre;ite, sickness of the stom— ach, pain in tlic head, lack and ski( S sense of weariness, with sie , pb ss uiglrts, c , ,stive ness or bowuts, Idlowed in SMIIC. S by ion?, tiess, slight, dry edugh, low spirits, wilh di , inrl nati n L'i every duty, are prominent mp , ows 01a di , - eased st4re ot . the Liver. The Liver howe-..er, often much throng d, when tic mo , t rorinidat4 sym;.toms arc ab-ent, and becomes sadly nut at order before it is knot' p. This rel.ebrateti nr &vier hr< he,•n r•C•Le for ahout sov,tt )tt.its, has a. ir , f, 4 a i•o; ty fot curing tire I r stn., „ h t• • passed by Any remedy ticeo., 1.;,• W:,,t the ‘yryiptoins ab,,se ntenti u , arc rip.l ilia li rec:lt)nv.trlrlly in•n, tie pr,., ilv w IJ , k.rf to rrirvel the n.on-v, nei.ent I 11-P < f the pr, O:TA. an Anti l'or_ : 1; 1 % • i not st nod s'a,t:ici be es-11 o,li e ~ • to Incmonpilt. of td:l% Tao FJliowing , - from (:. I„ n-f the lieWptip:t :II r b r n, an. 1 ,%.t. t' V tine :iiteletrn of , b-se ly Gent:etnen F•-• nk 1 , r y ,•• !hat i I I 'ast spring I %c. s :I;T' , trd Laver- it. 'tt- .11,1 by the I es el • g a d• to tn.: ie tt,t• , • Lver 1'0 . 1: before using ill fa h.s lin ,t 4 el n , s fn-rd•h. 1 ler•lf imt Ole benefits I !ra. e f the 11,"11. in,,• to I e c. , mrnettti it to others I in" P.- fre . ,111, 1 , Pohti,let l 111:1I fit,: II ent,p t, nil 511 C, toned c. Pitt'. Dec, 30, 1&36. G. L. 61:••'0t1 Shinn E.? Sellers' rriebrated Liv , r nit n Q7:' c': .11014rine; T/ fa 1,, !e,t In "gal n Dr. I'a t, (_?i, o, I , lllgr. dpi') •Iri in, lid an p• • .t 4 .1111.11" cur ul •••• inc • tl II 9, ttlat S,.ino 6 (2rl , :laaled do, a.•(! C elleve the atU r ed. Mess, Fire ,g , e4t ple.,,ure 1,, sae den I I,rre ilia le t ,al4 of Celebr 1,, Live, Is, an'. ii 'lter tO the p 10. WI 0•11 , Iris Ire drgZ , e(l, (Liver diseases.) wail any tordic , oe or e e eatibrati.in of irrediet.es I ~are ever used. are in great dem., nd here, HIM act well. Ynti a. trulr, Rr TELLio, m. D Port , enntlt', Ohio, .1, n- 1.1 , 1-::1 , ;. Re-d the lo.lozoing testimony on.l dis!elpyr it you c:. Cal ritiehaelti)% n, Greene Co. N. A I.,“). ,WO .1,0-10 , 1% and roo vs , h- nr ro.of.s in the. sec ;Sept, QII It 4•2. .s and .I,lly JponilO4 I„ fl I INII Of! %%Ail, I .1rOv1; , 01 adapt }tr. R. E. - ••••iil'erii--iiFiir aeacial v , ars I w.,-. thf• ' rd i - , ,, T.:IIN iirib-r—. Of lii n , 0 ru-ifi,s- ,f 1111,1,,: a r o il subj . et Of . a moNt tin Vieldlo ~,' attick 1)1 the Liver i "" k ". 11 '. ..: " 0 3": 1 1 ::„ : ' " e l l ',. .. a :71 .5 0 . 11 f O r" 0 " 11 3, 1 h 1 " :{:::l e' f! r s t:1 7 1 .n r:;„Ilii„ill.1 et,(1111.1a Int. It Wwild bl. USCICS, .or Ole lA, ti!trinpl A 1 IoVM room= k eronfarTallh. lolensn. ' ' to give y 0 nn nerount or 111 V ' , Oft fl.;.::, as ii t'W ' d ALSO, iho .:nal! 510, row° on '1'10,14( . nearly Op iirily be Celt, ri , it desei ib d. But ~,c., was tho se no,Or I In. Po-i ntii, r a l to, , ,,nni .n.r0 1 0,,i by BrOvvil k verity of Inv disease, 111.0. for (lily!: a• it wrt ks to- Raymond a+ a Lain! , •lore, gether, I anew am whether I should ever r,cov- A toe s eltpletl ,tc the Al hereon, er my usual heal h, !,:go, far rent. •everiti sots'( houses near the dwelt. I continued in tais wretch -,1 c sodh.lois, until th , , . , ne , lloll-s• 01 111/. ~1 1 ,, r1Ies in , lOWI. 'lllp, %%11113 few Christian Advocate fed into hood and "P" ae - res Of Land attached to each. comparing the symptoms of a dteeat-eii liver as t I.:CAVU D. G.% ZZ M. given in the advertisesnent nith my ntvn, I fulltid So hi Thsrd that they corresponded in nearly csery tcache ular. I - (rs tium ',ft.—Four Imis tit Nlattette-t, From that eire.unt , tanre I a 11; , iii,!LlCed to Irs your %rot a fourth ken.. of I,riatl on Holmes' lii!t. Lots justly populdr Plibb , Int you may Le 0 -+m - • nos. 41, 42, Tet. 5154,181. Itt.l and 181. in reol,'R Man red that it is with the a reate,.t pleasure that I ;n- of I,le, on !Solute' , um kn.. ) , Lon nos -2#l an d 27. In form you that the Liver Pills have been of Inure ' Cook's plan 01 . 1.0 , 45 - in High street, near the new conri semi. - c to in*: than all other rets•edies I have ever ; How,: For lerioF ,ipply to Z W. ItESIINGTON fiscal, and I now enjoy better health than I have . "P 1 " done for the I ist t ieht scars. 11011*C r,evicy. Signed, F.Y 110 R Il ER. I ,(I,ficld , (f",,„„ 0 r„ ., No. (1 xve , t of the :%tarket Ito use, P en n sl„ 'Alessrs. -Shinn & Len:-1 rea•Orla!,hill R l'lttr.burglt , Tf/F.: •.11,,r11-er 11341.2 Sir ;mother of years liven en• wealth mutt atesent, and I t sav I e e'ired resoi ery i,opertv, ettlieethig rents sours benefit rs , oll yr)or pills than Irmo ,inc Other exist S, In lot , way, vespeet iner(irittm, and I believe the in In be bestßill w " sully nlhrrs to init.(' person: owning, Or who haVt! eves had In this p Irt or she r otiut.y• \1 le - 1) nil% have charge of prone•ty as Ex,rotors, In Pittsburgh last Spring, I ;sought a ball (1' V II ht-a• tors or Gua . dians, In 1:10 Illy nr suburb and who may Is of your pills, and wit. II I N.aei,. , l r,w,ti not have leisure to :Mena th is 'lient.elve4.to 1 , 0 lI.V I-11 • my Wife yes . ) , with the doctors atlealitta eer hoz , . Warehouses, Farms, Lots, A ., . Also, to collect The disease rib] not isb.s , s; until I gave h,-s sev-s al rents, dividends, Groniol resits ,Ste, retJtsi'er lull ( doges of the 1;1,a r, since that she las ,ff.sined "1:"Ti properties for !CIO 0 . 01 s•II• 11.1141 ._ (ree 01 charge, teterettre re , ilfrifitllv °tiered In muds, sort is now ogle t , alters I to her , the tollowing nentletnen for whom the stiln.eritter lam out of our pins, and dernre volt sell,' sne I.ait . - he•or agent for tome years Miehat•l n dozen boxes by mail ; the half of the la IIA were P. McCormick and .I:lfilmit c, ('raft, Esq.. PitiomrzlnJas distributer) UtTl,Ogt h ove bought s , oart, Esq I , m-one:in Agent, ;\Lea. John frown, your pill,: ttt•vv I - „r to , ee tears shall r..ulinllC to , eirwlezn.ins; li. met,erein, cis.eiessati; Daniel Polley do SO as ',mg ag I rota Ho)' , er Its aS I •' Jo•rph MIII4Ir, !...,vroareville: Jame Joaes shier them tne bc , t r that tia , es er ceme befne the lssst Liberty; Daniel Rasher, township; DllllOl Dena Inn s Sew irk ley, GI. 2.1. I‘ur t t,,t v . BIZO\VN. Prepared ONLY, and sold w‘ , .,1—“.1.. retail, E SELLELS, (Sticces•nr to Shi, n ` 4 e 1.1'16.' I'l6. N. 20. \Vuod st, below Scc Pltt4blirgh. :11a,eli 7. Birmingham & Co ~ AG'TS r.)11 SIE ANIE C LEV I.: L AND And Cleve In tid Lim March 22, 'l3 ‘.l 1100:= N. tt. 20 bills Plasttat mitln==ett, thi= day rrcciv.l by Steamer Ma9FacltuFetts.alol for =ale by J. C. 4- A. Gnn nos. 12 Water slreet. rllO the Honorable Judv , a of the Cott rt of Geloo., Quarter Sessions of the Prlre in and for the coo Lit y of A Ile2hen v. Th e p e tition of Bernard Grant, of the I'l wartl.Coy of Fail county. nototoy .netveth. That your petitioner bath provided himsell with Ina terlals for the accommodation of t rd vemr, and others. his dwelling 11011. c In the Ward anireFalif, and pray , that yniir bu:int , WEI to. 7 , !urzed ro 2ran! bun d license , I 1 keep a public How, of Er And our pc litioner,as in duty bootie, will pray. Iv,. the si'.,srrilters, citiv•ns of Ihe F'n Ft Wn id, Chi , er w s , , ,l, H i 11,1 nI.I)VP oefolor.r , it, r , .. f, REIM IZISIZI 20 600peF' r - N luta recrcti ' , L rst .4.. eamer Eveline, and for sale low for cash. by - BIft.IIINGHAId 4 CO. tam 34 priate Cuts B ERNA B I) GR INT =MIMI Min= r:. LAC)N. :TrM''lll'l.lA commeT2DDLILT, DT •LL2III KRAMER, ItSCIIANCIN-*Mill. PENNSYLVANIA,. Rank of Pittsburgh. par March. 4. Man. bk. pan Etchangc bank, par, Bk, of Germantowr. Easton tank. Lancaster bank, die le par Bank of Cheerer Co Farmers' bk Bucks Co Doylestown bk Bk of N America Phil. Bk of Northern Liberties, Commercial bk. or Pa. Far. 4. Nler banks bk Kenslagion bk. Philadelphia Ni Schuylkill hk. Soul hwark hk {Western bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, Bk of Penn M.. par Man. 4- Mechanirs bk. pnr Mechanicc bk. par Movninensing bk. 3 Girard U. F , tales bank, 50 Lumberrnen:+% War' no, -- Frank. bk Wasblii2ton, par Miners bk of Poit.vile. .5 Rk of Moni2otner% Co. par Mon. lik Brownsville, :1 Erie Bonk, florrisnitri:.l% hank, 5 Parr. bk Lane:icier, i Rk cf . 431 lik. ni Chanil erstiorgh, Carlisle honk, 44, 411 Columbia Bride re. 2 Rk.`'a:quchannaCo- 10 Rim(' Dplawore Co. par Lebanon Go?! %oitiriti bk. 44 York ,lank, .11 Car. Drover , 'ik MI% 0111 refit y notes,S not,-11l 1\ , ,in 1' i [ h 111 (7(11101'V tin Itrrk:+ 1 n. ban 6 IMES (Mit/ p'r, , ITO , 4J ly Nlrr!; ttv !qt., ISr loin n! tok SL- (Taira. M 11,1141 I k. lip wand do Cot' y no .cc, i. r.,., „ ‘'irlf - 1111:31 , , p 1 etc NlF•ch rid-r. Or =SEM Dr ,rrio v Ole , 11. I.a ref,. MEE FOR !liA LE OR TO RENT. TO LET. /I F•:,.rn and iirtiort rn.nyr< rornrt 'Ott S!ro•t 4 4. 1110% 01'1111114d Ay V. . C. Ce 3, 1 ,1 1,, A . ll dor v llon.t•• th, co l t-rt . of -dnt G, i Iha.,linc 11..1,0 and F.n/Iti!rn • 2M A. ll=l P26S r( 2 4 RE.VT. br to j(,IjN f.()FK EY. DUO,. y 'lair Ir. 0,,1 I,ra. dr , 01 TO 'LET. 11/ , F; 3,1 .1, th e ti1.v4116,z ore, 01.,1 A. ,111 A itc• ~clf ticrelol,,re know,: Room: Corner of Vl'uod aad 311, ja n 2 I WI I fl orr.,v To Let. oisTo I. I.: 4- t. 1.-111 on Jl.tt .st t. t ern .d 3n d 4th nt ,rid airy 011 3d RI. al pre•enlcoe FO R R NT. i , ,,• 1-i of ‘Pri *, 11 , 7': hrtek lIWIjI. , 111 ~I '. 4:10, lin 11, AHO'ljieflV I .an chino; 4 ronnit., beside k'irl.en. 1 , . is -.hinted any. -life the etry fnl view or 1t,,•,111. of A Ile,ther.) :111t1 1V) 11111...0 • ‘r.iik II ilii liet,rt of ill, .I.i nt J 1:11ES K 13 0 .1-e AtZetil..iiii‘Vtirtl. lli v, ar 1 romit orrllpii•d titewatl. Perm I.an Off' •e $36 per iso, 111., ronals orrapied a: a Grocery MOT, Oil Penn rect nt 536 or year. TO LET. [IWO Ire rooms and dweHings on Penn strew : ;iI ward.) Rent very 10. v. .111;4k al the y, Penn at, 51h ward. March 13 )'M1.1,1 BLAKELY. N ononiniir.i. a ittre wu itariruirs, 4 un tits, ri W . t 9 l ishcd gam I in roam and nwit h car. This tinit-e Is lucaieil a .11 in front and rc.,, 011 lit• t‘a chr,aiti siroal •i; • : . : r /Ir. ~_.,: i a 7.: Vii.ii'il irl 4 el. a m & Co. -- . i k-1 1 6_ , INISUN NI AND FO F.A WRDING MJC,A CH,IXTS, N,.. 6o Watrr Fl reel, Pittsburgb Pa. Terms—Receiving and Shipping 5 nenla per 100 'MIL COMMIPSIONI on Pura - Pay.% and 'Nam 24 "er "Nl* inn , '22.'4- Wobster, - Masaifun, du Sandusky. do Ceaup, do Norwalk. do Xenia, do Dayton, do Scioto, 30 Post notes, 1 Chillicothe, S Fran. hk Columbus, 11 I,a,,caster, 40 Hamilton, 40 80 Com. hk. Lake Crie, 30 Far. bk: of Canton, 45 tirliana 68 INDIANA. State bk. - Branches II State Scrip, 40 KENTUCKY All banks. 11 ILLINOIS. State bk Branches, 60 wneeinwn, 70 VIRGINIA. Rank of Virginia, 1 do Valley, 1 Far. bk. of Virginia, 1 Exrlian;se hank, 1 Wes:. hank 11 Viler. Mer. dn. 11 MARYLAND Van imp, Country D AR All Ranks, par NCW E.RSCY. All Raul,?, par and 1 NEW YORK. CO Ranks, par (':,tint ry ltanlot, (cal, t v bot.d.) a 1 Red !lark, to 1 NEIN' V.NCI. A NI) E , ion Hatik4 •l tt pi t Country I,lrltt , l.lN . ), l any Rank., ! low!. :1 NORTH C ROl.l N . S , :)(71 . 11 CA it 41(.1N A 11.9 commiri Ban lot. I. \ 111 M 1 and l'a • 23 T S 1:E. , hank-, 4 ~iirnlCAN Pk. of S. 10 1T... Ti.T. fl. Smith 10 =RID Exchange. I'..rk. ‘V , '`teril Lxclian:ze. -a I t, par I,otipavp'e, rar t love I:1 par ,t11)1.1) ' v 1) :=11.V1:11, 1):), —{ I - tI1111,.• ti is ! J %MEP! V .- K ELY For Rent. jAME"; BLAKELY, /1011,e Age!11,5111 Ward TO LET =ME eiutersatiA47'lt , 1 15 23 bids do. ' 10 Racks dried Peaches. ' 41 Ela , ks Feathers, Inst received pet steamboats West Point and Harleburgh,and for sate der, lots for cash IMILMAN, JENNINGS ~CO , 43 Wood st. NOTICE to Steam Boat owners.—The subscriber, in consequence of the difficulty of the times, has radii der'. the price of tile Safety Guard for *As prevention of the explosion of steam boilers, to $l5O per boat. It is hoped that all boat owners will avail themselves of these reasonable tering, not only on account of the perfect safety they afford, but also in point of economy. Boilers with the apparatus attached will wear abou wice as loog as those hot provided with March fi-3in C. EVAN'S FOR SAFETY. Travelers should clew Boats prnrided with Frans' Safety Guards, for preventing Explosion of Steam Batter'. 1-T would be well for the travellal. e r omiaiiripy to bear In rmind ihat their seentil v depends entlre'y upon their own eneopr.ozenient of loan Tat have or may le at the expenwi nr prircorin: II aliove And chat ewe, y ind,viduac making ile?) ion rib), - tow auk a eede-al Tirol of at, loviiiitlon Is d ti by nll men who nily,st.,li t In lII r a sure 1% , 1i.2 . 11,0 I, f , airdy, 114 the ,Irf•;‘0 taken ,0111.,11.vir datly oceu.tence, and the thousands rd lives that have airendy hero lost. ft sullicirnt warnittl. and I aducentent to make ImpOry for a Snceiv guard Volt, And In PVI, ra•e to _lv' It the preference. They live WI 1.1 In ;en ,“jddjor.,l rcprn.e flint ,1.111 . lives moV ..‘•I II!. t)u±hl von 11,./rill', In 11, them with a eo , re, ornit,g degree of libe,nlit y, nod by your I , refereof e show 11 a , tilt appreciate (heir e ,, deay.ds to sip thin n.e fact VII . rifle/. of 1111111:1A life. They do net eh' rze • store titan other /Kraig: thelr urrommodations in other re.pects ro, arc (fu .1, and in want . ra.,...ciiiwtinr: and i• nne let,vine (very dav, wily will von nu n ii.k.wlien It 1, ...I am: lenely In your own power to tlytt'ol rho. , 1114a.tertt Ali hoe, mnthed ttoo.:!. 1 in the Li:l of Arr.lrak and another part of l hie pnl er, are Eppplied with the , 7 areth (7,9ar Li, , ! of Boots r rondtil with t.t Sarety Guard. mrvron, \N, .AM A RANT'', MARIETT BRILLIANT, M A RQUE I"ff., RitEmov ATER 7\lllNt-:0 PARK, cAspiAN. F>SENI:EI2. ('I:( ‘, \ NT‘;(1‘11.: ICY A riPl'o s RT BEND, cI('ERo. 1I)1)(). N 1R VGANSCTT, DuKr. MZLEANS, NI k All A, OSPIIEY. EXPRLsS M All ORPHAN BOY, 'LI 0:110, r()1;11(),AA. (11;1,1:1\S, FORT PITT, PENELOPE, x LI, INT, PANAMA. LEN %. QLEEN athe.SOUTII 4. li. BILLS, ROW' VA. IEWESS. RARITAN. ID A, S ARAII ANN, \ DIAN QUEEN, S RATOG ILLINOIS. S AVANNA, L (th' LYONS, TA Li.Ey R A ND, V I rTft v.%1 LEY FORGE. EST ‘V I N I). war :21.- BLANK LEASES. A lICAV and marl, Improved form oi Blank Leaseg, for •air at the oilier of the •Horning 1'091." MN - FOR LAFAYETTE, watasA 71.t 4 '-44efar - The new Framer CECIL! k,GILORGE ieave for the ohm, and toti•rme dove looitiogc , on ‘l,nilay neKi, 27 , 11 Ina. at o'clock a. NI, Fin freight or pa.PII:C apply on Loo rd. or to MK' '2l-'1 %I AY 'Put 1 cc iI ri i. pro% d with Et ttriq • Sajety Guard, 411 %. Regular Moraine Packet FOR BEAVER. Th, taut runnio, and well known Si ea nier CLEVELAND, SHARP lleMrutu.. Mt .ruf r, will 0.-p - if' .I,lv from Pitt, Lnr2il ni 9 o'clock. A PI lid Itryvrr ..t I u'c luck P. 11 For ft, 1:111 f`r oply nn l,oaid, nr In \ \I & Co. No 60 Wa , er str,ct N ft.—The re2v la r canal park, t to ('leer land, Ohio: rVf`l , vi I l,• and Ntriartrilir Ptt ; and Nliitistlion on the Ohio with Wainer ("ti velanit of verivrtil be in operation hunted talc ly oil of nae :ri inn, mar 'ti-- if. NOTICE. --A ring hunt will lake place Ott the south side of Peebles township, on Tuesday, ati h inst., at 9 o'clock, A . M. The line will be formed. beginning at the ntcuth of the 4 mite run, on the Monongahela ri ver thence n o the left branch of said run to U,e f arm of John Murdock, sr., !knee by the divnllinis of Judge Wllkinn and Wm Noble to nraildock's Field road,t hence along sold road to Swilzhelin'i !till illetire In Troy Farm on the Nlonongahrin river; to rlmie in the valley of 9 toile run, near the Salt Works. The Maraliolo chosen are. John Hutehinenn, George W, Irwin, Walter D. For ward, Thus B. Butch. Jos. T,ylle, Sain'l K. Fleming Thos. finschinson, and 1. 5, Deniiitnn. I', Si. No dog.. will he pervitted In run at large, or fire arms to he taken on the ground. No horsemen al lowed in the ring, except the officers. m r 31-31. L. J. FLE I NC, Sr Cy. 1-41 r. t potinr.f. Feathers, a prime ar tir le Jost received and for by 13 /1E.V0.1/EXON /-V CHE.IIISTRY—FaRt 11,1,0 Ilair Dit--c.nloo the hair and will not the skin 'Phi. live is in t he form of a Powder witch in plaii, matte. of tact may lie iipelied to the hair over the first night I the li2litest nr Fre!, hair to dark brawn: and by repeatire4 a second or third night, lo a jet le ße k. A n y person roar. therefore. with the least posAhle trouble, keep his halt any dark shade or a perfect black, with the positive assurance I hat the powder if applied to the skin trill not color 11. There is tin coloring in this statement. as any one may easily test These raels are warranted by the e. he nisi who manufactures it. Fornale at TUTTLE'S, 136 Fonrtii street, where a larze assortment of Patent Nlecticines may always Le had at either wholesale or retail Don't for:et ! Bfi F•lurtA street f" PITTSBURGH HIGH SCHOOL, Conte , ' of Third and Wood Streets I=l M. Y. Eaton n. J B. PrOci.l=. A. B , Teact , or `v. .. ay rannnne next, at () Dirge .r)-1:11Plittlf tic , ods.rnn , i , tinc Czg rHprPi Jeans; Ontirne.s. Sl)Pptirgs nn,! q vlriel ~f AtEn , at 2 o'r'n-k 40 11 ,-, xen J. GU Pi CI C. Ano. St/G.4R RICE L MOLASSES a Wins . Prime N.O. Sugar. ./.4,0 10 Tferees Rice. 19 bbts. No. 3 listacherrl. Pnr sale tow to close consignment, by JAMES MAY J ESN! NGS Co 43 Wood st r rot =MEM :In B t.,..,Pntr• I=l - • - - _ 2 l= - - TO be rail! invetarate . Toodtaene eared In rwo xts visa--eatt at Tut - rues medical Agency, R 6 Fourth at., and obtain %bottle. it it !warranted to rare or lbe money will be refunded, JUSE Ich;CE, VED, Twelve boxes of Orange* had Lemons, of the them qualtiy. for sale wholesale and retail, by yyy . TOORN, feb 53 Market at. FAMILY FLOUR—Just received a few barrels. of Snperior Flour, made expressly for family use. For sale by ISAAC CRUSE,I4B Llb, St. In Store 50 barrels sup. flour. MACKE,REL AND- CODF/Sg--..1n store, 4 casks o ric o dfio ;a lso, 5 barrels No 2 Mackerel, and 15 half barrels, will be sold very low, apply to mar 16. ISA AC CRUSE, 148 Liberty et. ANTED,a boy of from 14 to 16 years of age: Application to be made before the first of March to F L SNOWDEN, 10,3, IR4, Ltherty head of Wood at BMids. N, 0. Snlar, this dayreceived per steamer Nen t York, and for sale hy .1. O. it A. GORDON. der: 10 No. 12 Water st 20,000 IBS. Cotton Yarns, assorted Nos. 2,000 lb.. Batiin4, 2,000 " Candle Wick, 1.000 " Carpet Chain, and 501) " Cowm Twine From Cie Eagle Facto ry. For a-de by LIMLMAN. JE,NNING . ; & Co , Comm Yarn I,Var,i..hoir, mar 17 No. 43 Wood street. A PPLFS.—Jest renewed from Ohio, per wazonS. 35 Llitinrrt.k of preen apples. rou,i , ting of “Pennocks ' “Blairs.” Alto, 50 bushel' of dried apples., for gale by I~AACCI;I'9E, Who ko”pq ronoantly on hand Timothy and Clover . eed of the hem quality. mar 16 CoP KSIII P. FAMES IV. H.91L.M.1f Jr 4 . . 1 0//N r' s ENNL I r O S el have entered tato partnership for the purpose of transacilw! Wl i tatesaleGroc ry; °duce and Commis huglness under the firm and r•tyle of II AMMAN. JENNINGS 4 - C0.,n1 So 43 Vinod ; tire/4, opprkilte the Merchants' lintel, where a t.itt poly of Crocerte, and Pitts tturt2ll Itanufar tun d Ari ;cies ran allvey_ he had on !the !Itarrit 17'43. IV I '; acrd Purtra , t Pilture Fra .11arrufacturer, 87, Fourth St re;! Ptrlr bur C. 113 HMS ile•\'arnivh fir., for Own, on Oand, Look 1 , ' 0, ”1 ,, 1y framed to order. Repairing done .l the short cs I nut ire. l'alticittar attention paid to re , ;Etllng and jobbli,g of.:v rrV dcurip• inn Persons fitiinl op Ficain Boats or houses Kill find II tr hoir2.lVall.r.lP to cril. scp 10 BRANDRETIPS PILLS, SECCRE.O BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNI FED STA ES. TUE METHOD OF PREPARING THE IY:ANDR ETU! AN VEGETABLE EX \ CTS Ca:ear e0t,,.0 9th .lone, Patro granted to r3,,.;ioiiti The extrle , - or . N•ll,e-ti tirao , treto'k i',lla corn a,e tIPS . II , IW parented Process, WI • 1101). I 'll ling ter y ;ipplr-e(ion of heat. The ac -1) (.Ithe herbs is thth seem ei the same at it is In the LIVING VEGETABLE Tur P,ms, , limerl hr caiiiimig medicines rec 00111'llellde 1 In ;1 , ! , 11%111.'11N 6'0!1 , 1 (t Om me, in which the CoNTILNIPTI OLE RODDEMS steals my lan an4ge. metrir allerinz the name. Time will show wtmle , ile dperi•ers in their true lioht THE MEDICINE OF THE PEOPLE 11:: AN Dlt F. I'N'S PILLS are the People's Medtriye, proved by then -ands who daily receoto "rend the, to the afflicted. The BRA NDII ETU PI ',Ls are Kr.,wi. , g every day more pornil ir, their tues are exteedipg their welolnes3.. The sick or both sexes are daily deriving benefit from them No case &sense btu lies can be WPM With advan tattle. Blotches or held lumps tit the skin theyspeed ily cure, so with erri pelas, so WI h salt rheum. so with indi4estion, so as id) roughs and colds, so with roviventss , ., sa whim cancer, so W jib hot parched lips nd c h iker In the mouth. Let the ;lace I use this ned.rine, and they will find they reluiro no other. :•=Mcf a: 21 cents per b .x, with dtrec!ions. ObcerVt . OW new hthek each having upon it two ‘l4nithire. or Dr. Br andreth. Sn each box of the gennt.e hat. sot signatures—three Bet - linnet Brand reth and three B. Brattrire.h r~pon it. The (O;M' PLACE in Pittshttrgh where the REAL Bran:treth raw Be OnT‘INFD, is the Doctor's own Otrre, No 93 Wood street, between Fifth and Dilm ,- nd Alley. :ifark. the GENI:IIF. B anAreth ran never be übtait.ed in any DRUG ST,RE The ( * .Towing are the ONLY AGENTS appoint ed tiv Dr. B Brandreih, for the 'tale of his Vegeta ble Loiscr , al in Allegheny County. P. locio4l (Mee, No. 9? Wond st. Pit!shorgh :11r John 41ass—Allegheoy. Robe. t Duncan—Birmiog,hnot. F [I. Rowlami—Mclie e•d...rl Pre•sl lir,rn—Pkfts..to 1101. Johogon—Nohle•town. A:. lion—Strwarts•own. Chou I:..be. t Por.e.—Ta. en. ' , tn. George Pon er—Fa.rvi. w. 1)d.i.l It Co..n VPShiP• 1) 4.6..1 N. , 4l.w—E—, rd), v. rd ti To omoson —lVilk•n-h ..gh. u. Howe. —A Iv. NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE NEW COACHES! 8 1: -411/4- FROM PI7'7'SBUROII TO . 13.11,T1.V0RE AND PHILADELPIII.I. United States Express Line , LC:IW, Pius! th at 3 0010, k, P M, V1:1 Ql prim. hunt In Brownsville, !hence in spl en did new rotch , •s 10 CUITIIWri3IIII, osir ilw great Nronsi n d Road, and front there hl R A I I. R 0 A I) in ..nrer•.ir new 4,211! wli , ••',l arn, In ,mm :11111 Toe tlo 4 , l,nve!ir, as: !win, hot,vvn I h r (1! , In ;1,1.1 , ` l el , l ril le , for having 111'1 :e . arr:ll%;k! h 111 11\'..) 1113., :1I•41 110 b1;111 1121,1, r,ll.er r‘r Rmlrmiti rat L— . of it' (1 It t• 4 ‘4,, , i..q. ,I rd ofi miles the %V h , r. 1,4 tvule, 4,1 rtt ite‘r cmtritts. Fare t hron2ll. $lO Office In the Motiongalwk, House. A. SON ,t; CO., Stage PrOprit•ti.l.9,. . W.4.VTED, a a ..1101 ;.. plares for a iturpl.-1 of Mecham,. ltookk,mer-, : , ,tle,imt it, clerks, and lots In sore, qrlii ol teachers; fur laboring men, women, lioys and girls for nil hinds of work. 11FO, for coachmen, SiPAIO And canal boat men and boys, rol:l,ri ore, d.c. Also. wanted, a mortgage on gond property worlh four or titr titnec the amount--$5011.700, I pen. For sal., twelve rhea I n t,arta of Land; nun for rent, several small pi of nroperly. Apply at II A ;eviry and Intuillgooro (Miro, No. 9, h ct. 4 REG ULAR WEEKLY P.ICZ;;T ioR CINt2IN NAI I. SteamerASHLAND, Vl9l lain Tin her Mlieter,wi'l de part for the utiove and iniermedßie poop no Ire 25H: at 1 0 c he •••—• '^e. •• ••• OMliiiiill rrnc'itr a Foal. For is eV. L nr paSt:I,S,C apply 613 oatd or 14) in RN! Nnft A 4- co_ CO, Rater street 513 rch 24. '43 R y sTcPik. UCTI \VILA, be enLl, nl th e, of ,tev. , !olrl Sr A kr.n. rnrli.•r or 'A'atioli nn4 rnnn s„ d .v. at 10 n'r !II the , r noure stork of rntilliPrS ..nd mar 23-21 SALT. 300 BMA No 1 Solt j o w r n ho u rd ß aro o d n fh i mat '3i- Wojer ot., bet Wen Wood add Sad Id. =MEM 'urrency. A. BAUSNI AN. Atierr MALE TEACHER WA :" Agentleman qualified to teach the amid brenetcs of a good English education. is wanted in the Third Ward School of the City of Pittsburgh. Appl' ,4ll ^". made In writing to the Secretary or Presideta Adams) al any time before the 25th of April. Win he considered. By order of the Board. THOMAS HAMILTON, Feel" mar 23 '43-1 wd4w Gazette copy once a week In daily three weeks• REVENUE CUTTER FOR TUE LAKES • TRZIATTICT DILPAATMZPIT, Washinalon, IGth March, 1134.3 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this De• partment, until the 17th of April next, fbr building the Hull of an Iron Steamer, to be used as a Revenue Cutter on Lake Erie, of the following dimension", Ws,, one hundred and forty (140) feet on deck„twentrthree (2:3) feet beam, and ten (10) feet hold. Model, drnwingt and moulds for building to be furnished by the Pepart• ment. It Is expected that these boats will be built In Ir.. ference to Hunter or Ericsson's Propeller. The Iron used in construction must he American, and of the very best quality, and is to he painted with two good costs of red lead, (one before the work Is put up and the other after). The whole ofsaid Iron work shall be vedettes!. after it I. wrought and fitted to Hs appropriate tdeee,ilind previous to its being finally put together: payment will he made according to this nett weight per pound,irtelui• ding coal hunkers, water tanks and galley. The chain plates, bobstays and all Iron work necessary to the hull, spars, rigging, sails and guns will be included in the pro. pools. and the price for inch work will be separately stated. A Friar deck of white pine. 4 by 6 In., to be laid. secured from underneath, with the "wood screw bons"' caulked and planed. Perth dark of ash or yellow pint. 2i by 6 IncheA, spiked and boiled to the berth deck. al so caulked and planed. Ceiling plank of white oak to the flooring heads, 5 incites thick, thence yellow pine, 4 Inches thick, to the lower deck clamps, all efwhiehwill he est intnted hy the square superficial fret ills male rink and welyht used in the constrUction,lo be apprewsd and the work to be Inspected by 'melt officer an the Sr cretar; of the Treasury may appoint, and the work to he done according to the direct ion of Ihe superintendent. Tbevessel to be completed within six months frctntb. day of deity, ring t. e mou!rf, and plans of budding. Thr workmanship to be. Inspected, previons to delive rs, by two competent jodgek; one to be chosen s. of the parties of the contract. whc, to the - ent of their lq.i nlPrit khcringe4r....,* - ricirric 4 orti:a are to determine whether the work nas been executed in all reaped:ll,4le. cording to the propoaal and a:zreettient. Try-, '2--1;.17 F ROPOSA DS FORS \I F. \ 1V,:.. Sex Tee ‘PORY DIPAtITYKI.T. Vt'as Inatnn. 17111 NI arch, 1343. W i IEJ3 LEI) PROPOSALS will he received al thht De• nortment I hi. 17111 A prit next, for sIX strain ierg and nroneller.., eons' mete,: upon the plan nrn,vn ns •• it nl er',. Plan," two (?) of <lit engines, ers and propePers to he delivered on Lake Enc., es tie• siXttated by the Serer tare or the Trea•ury; the miters If such ;dare nr on the sea roast, ai the SerretarY of the 'Treasury may direct, alert. two (2) rtielties, hollers and fr , Meilers II pon the plan known as-Erirs.wn's Pl•n," to he delivered at some !dare nn the pen coast nethe rretary of the Trra , ury may direct. The ensitte, bolters and propellers to he made of the very hest msterials.lo hear Ihe proof of Inspection of such person or persons; It. may - he pe'rrted by the secretary of the Treasury.— hoPerg lo have not lea, than seven hundred MO) feet fire surface; worktn:s. pressure.elality (80) pounds to the proare Inrh; proof, two hundred and forty (24112) pounds. Six eighteen inch cylinders, with three (Weld stroke. The whole In he delivered as directed, wtl3l4lk five mon th. from the time of receiving tile drawint`b brit plans or Int IldinT. The proposals will stale the pelt* fbr which the en.Tlne!. hollers and propellers will be deliver. rd and put into complete operation. But as the uppli• It:tilling of the etteine+ working to ell her of he said plans I. a patent eieht, the proposals will also stale the ones asked, inc/pdi , ,,, the authority to use the patent right s and also the price exclusive of said authority. mar 22_1a17 Farms to Lease. frIDE undersigned will !else two Farms situated in 11. gist Deer township, with the nce.essuy tenenents. and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. Also. one fern* situated In West Deer township Ai hmbeny county, with from 50 to 75 acres cleared : Tie abglikiescrlhni propPrt v is in reastorible good repair, lay ah rut 15 mites from the city orPittshurzh, and within two metes of the rcnil'a Canal, and will be leased on reasonable terms for from 1 to ,hree years, to good tenants. Mare' 13th—if. 11. E. IIeX•Y. ALES. P. ITIONPSON ibteltAlLe & TUOTYLPSON. G ENERAL AGENTS and Commission Merchant", ST. LOCIIS, Ark Wet to: Messrs. Torbert, foyer 4- Mellowed! " Pittsburg. W. H. Camplsell co. Cone, Todhunter. Co. Morgsn,Crotcher 4. Co. Woods, Yrsatmon R Co " St Louis. • Woods, Christy 4. CO, Feb. 4.—d3m Refer to DO. DANIEL .11eME-4L. Office on Fifth street Iyotween goad and Smithfield streets. Pittsburgh. FILE'S AND RASPS.—The subscriber halloo bands Nit .ripply of flat, half round and round handsaw tiles; and expects in a few clays R full supply of Riot*, for sale by the &aril or .Ingle, low for cavil or exchanges" for goods to snit consignee. 1. HARRIS, Agent and mar 15. Commission Mer'ht, 9 Fifth at PIG IRON. 6 4 cl Tro:s Tunnesste ri: Iron For ree low to roe consignment, by TOBACCO AND SEGARS. CI Ilexes , Antlerson'ar pound Immo Tol•acco of sappr?c• 1 , 1 quality. member with 10 1 4 Apse* befit Naraaa• ears for Fah.' tow to close, by IS LAC CRUSE. mar 15. 148 Liberty Pt BACON. xfir k Lb p. I'PW Baron, in , tt reeetred worms _ll CPU UV from 01110, for gale by IS.A AC crtur:r... - ret, 2 14Ft Liberty lA. N:trhat.•B D. rncrm.m..... • I oil) R. ent.ntAX CI. E.,if A' C 0 . t A zemg, Fortra rdleg art4 l l commi,gian er,ban , ‘ Levee Street, Vteksbuer. M ieg They re4reetfitltysa trt t rongt2tmeros, net—tlr SUGAR .I..VD .3.IOL.ISSES. 100 hi,dx. N. o i„ p ifll*. order, r(!nerved 1.) , a, n. Irellidr.aad for snlr I,t .1. W. PURIM lOC E en. r 2 W a! , r mot. I. Neon Wood and Szmithtsl FLOUR, RALS. 0 , 11 rionr, rm. !at. nowt) 11,r 1.1. JAMES MAY. PIG IRON. T F (2 O .A v -. l 3 o .l :v el l ' ; ' n r .7t: '' c l: c l ar il e: r oo n t:ig v vot.tv _ JAMES MAY. 11111 E 1) PE.rICHE S. 100 PUSH Vi.S Dried Peaches Fur !um by `]`DIRT LECTURES.•. THE LECTURE et X U!TI OF THE WIRT INSTITUTE lakex plea ,fie ht annon.triwz Ihni the Leffurts twfore the 1, -, ollnre witi be resumed o”Ttiesdoy eirrnin:,2llb MIMEO PROF. RICHARD R. McCULLOUGP, nf Jeff erJOA CoUsge, Cinznonavria. Pa. ti. contemplated that M,Cnitnt,:ll will deliver a 'ln r,,tir.t. cot to.: "Thse. Prozrers and drati..l, of drr. Tr. , Corm litre. lit pr. •r r 11P,: or f,c.r.. •1 i. Ern.o7 a• Ir .rrtior- wi Irt , 4. n ilu r pet , .al a a-pcior of I Ile rntront of the..tVirt Ittott..te 7. 4 .,,„ ren, •• Vtie (*.rein it proper here to eipre r 10 8 1 3 k. for th e entroonce extenthid to this rourFe, nod to nnewe the public. that whatever delinquency ;Lay ', n e t t em--",."44 In the folnlm•nt of nor or situ! rr n crime, lit o , ' It rtotO to not wattt of ntte On or r‘rrtinn 00 Ihr, tart of , but the f tett teat r tettiot*tareeit wit eon t. - 1 not or root rot tea rtir t. tett II %tot et I , ^nonrntrd to lecture fro... :1.. l• netl',V Ticktto for tile COUTPC on •trot,onty, 37. t• a sin,* lertote. JOIIN S. COSGRAVr, JOHN B. SENcLI7, WM. B. SCALFF., 11311 r 22 J. C. grF:N'VER. s,trrmn, ”rthr. C. SPE:ICER Serrentry or the TrenParr BARTRAM MURRY JAMVI)IAY. J.ISIns MAT It el Ai