Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 25, 1843, Image 2

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    Lia7ities of Stockholders.—The
eipies of individual liability, says the N.
Y. Evening Post, hes been recognised in
the Legislature of Massachusetts. In the
Senate, a motion was made to amend a
bill of incorporation, by adding a section
-making the stockholders individualy liable
for the debts of the corporation. It was
opposed by the Whigs, and adopted by a
-vote of twenyt-three to nine. The same
principle came under consideration in the
United States Senate, when the bill to re
charter the District Banks was before that
body ; An amendmen, was proposed,
mthich put the stockholders on the same
41 rboling as the partners of unchartered co--
parnerships. All the democrats, and Mr.
Henderson a whig, voted for it. All the
other whig members opposed it. There
is no doubt `6l the correctness of this prin
ciple in its fullest and broadest sense. In
deed the time has passed to raise this in
quiry. It la the progress of the principle
which we are gratified to notice. Sever
al State Legislatures have already riot only
expressed their opinion decidedly for
but there is beginning t 9 prevail in the
community a strong and deep feeling in la
ver of its adoption. This feeling is in ad•
vance of the public expression that lies
been made. It is a duty of the demccrat
ic party to di-yelope and establish this
principle in its full strength
i Coineideucea.
The Senate, to-day. passed the Bill to Mr. Craig, the "sally" member in the
elect Canal Commissioners—first by the i House from this county, is a man who has
Legislature, and afterwards by the peo- I made and noted more "singular coinciden
ple. The majority was large—yeas 20, i ces" than any other man living. While
nays 10.—Absent Messrs. Eyre, McCully editor of the Gazette it was an imtortant
and Black. I part of his editorial duty to note "remark-
In the House the Bill to apportion the ; able coincidences," and since he has with-
Senators and Representatives among the ' drawn from that concern to make way for
several counties passed a final reading— a rough of masons who did not kill Mora
yeas 52, nays 30. I enclose you a synop- gan, but who believe that the order to
sis of the Bill. You will observe that which they belonged did, the publie have
Allegheny is annexed to Beaver to make been sadly in want of a snapper up of such
a double Senatorial District, and that she , trifles. While an editor,it was really pleas.
has bet n allowed b u t ee rr members el the ; ant to observe the many little scraps of this
House. This is wrong. Sh e i s just l y kind that he scraped together for his read
entitled to another member—inasmuch ss eis, but at the same time it would have
From the... National inimicencer.
The couventiou with illextco. there will be a large_ fraction unrepresenta puzzled a Philadelphia lawyer to discover
A convention has been concluded at ed in Congress, and in the Senate also, ; any thing coincident in the events noticed.
Mexico, between our minister, Ge n• should this Bill
pass. In poring over his exchanges, if he should
ThoMpson, and M. Bocanegra, and M.
Mr. Karns moved to strike a memb er chance to discover on the same day. 1 hat a
Gorostiza, the Mexican ministers of For.
sign Relat'ons and Finance. The f ollow , from Philadelphia county, (whi c h h a d one , woodcutter at Penobscot had cut his great
ing are its provisions: allowed in the Bill upon a small fraction) too, and that a litt'e nigger at Shirt Tail
ART. 1. On the 30th day of April, 1843, and add it to Alle g hen y. Th e House a-
Bend had been chased by an alligator, he
the Mexican Government shal pay all the
greed to take a member from the coon- 'would regard it as a rernatkable coinci
interest which may then be due on the a
ty, but at this 'particular juncture,' a fight dente; a rise in Puckery creek arid a storm
wards in favor' of claimants under the con•
vkation of the 11th of April, 1839, in gold arose between the east and the west, an in on the Atlautic, were events of the same
or silver money, in the city of Mexico. place ofgiving the member to Allegh en y, kind; and the publication of new disclu
ART. 2. The principal of said awards, they gave it to Philadelphia city. Failing sores by a renegade mason, who hail made
and the interest accruing thereon, shall be' . , .
1° this, Mr. Karns eedeas en e d to lip off a his m isoeic oath a matter of merchandise,
paid in five years, in equal instalments ev-1
months; the said term of five member from Northampton and Monroe, and an addition to his subscription fist on
cry three
years to commence on the 30th d a y of A., and transfer it to Allegheny—but th e same tire same day, was a "wonderful coinci.
pet!, 1843, aforesaid. { influence, a jealousy that the West might deuce," on which Mr. Craig woul t l dwell
ART. 3. The payments aforesaid shall get coo strong a r epresen t at i o n, prevented with much pleasure.
be made in the city of Mexico to such -..
him from succeeding. The Bill three, pass But the latest and best with which he
person as the United States may author
ed—ihe Allegheny members vu ing against has beeti connected for some time past, oc•
ize to receive them, in gold or silver mos
carted while the District bill Has under
ney—but no circulation, expert, nor other it.
duties shall be charged thereon; and the i The 'Reform Bil .' next came up.— consideration in the House, When the
Mexican Government to take the risk, There was a short disc melon upon the bill was called up, many of the coons, for
charges and expenses of the transportation ',
. proposition to reduce the salary of the : certain reasons, were in raver of it, but
of the money to the city of Vera Cruz.
ART. 4. The Mexicau Government sot !state Treasurer: That officer has to give ; then they feared that by voting for it they
slimly pledges the proceeds t f the direct ; $30,000 hail, and it was contended that [Light i . icur the displeasure of their party
taxes of the 'lexicon Ropublic far the
!no safe man would undertake the revers- at home. Here was a di ffi culty that both
payntent of the ins[. rotors and interests :
sibility, and perform the duties, now im. ered them. In most cases Mr. Craig has
aforesnid; but it is node roefel that, whilst i
nei other fund is thus specifieally hypothe-
: posed upon the Treasurer, for $l2OO per managed to make his temperament the
v-Aed,the Gevernment oldie United States,, asnum. A motion was made by Mr. scape-goat of his censurable conduct; but
by 'aCepting this pledge, does not incur Hancock to refer the Bill and amendments this was a eaae in which his temper would
any obligation to Ink for payment of those , ,
c ommittee on Ways and Means. 'not answer as an excuse, and he was com•
instalments and interest to ilia: fend alone.
'0 t h e
ART. 5. As this new arrane,erneet,
Before this motion was disposed of, the Ipletely nonplussed until the happy thought
which is entered into fir the accommoda. , Hu:ise adjourned until three o'clock. struck him of making a "singular coinci-
Lionarges of fof Mexico, will invol
ioven, additional : In the afternoon, after the presentation ' deuce" and thereby Budging the vote.
chreight, commiss &c..
Government of Me co herebyof petitions was over, Mr. James offered ,Ile was accordingly "confined to his room
agrees to e xclude a resolu ti on to the report of the by indisposition," during the discussion
add two and oneshaf per centum on each ;
minority of the Committee, upon the sub-of the aforesaid payments, i n account of, of the hill. and the coincidence is made
_said charges. ' ject of impeaching the Governor, from still more remarkable by the fact that Mr.
ART. 6. A new convention shall be en•' the Journal of the House. There weredi ate
tared into for the settlement of a!I claimsiseveral speeches delivered upon this rev- .1
ad be C imme
en takly recovered after the vote
of the Government and citizens of the Uni•
lotion, and then a ,notion made to post- . By this fortunate coincidence Mr. Craig
teS Steles against the Republie of Mexico,
the j o i nt pone the whole subject indefinitely: The
which 'were not fleetly decided by has avoided the unpleasant consequences
commission whic'i met in the the city of . hour for adjournment arrived, however, that his anti•masonic colleagues must ens
Washington, and of all claims of the Gov • before any action was had upon it, and ' counter for having riven one honest vote,
eminent and citizens of Mexico against j I presume the whole matter will come up' and although it would not be very honora
the United States.
again on to morrow. We to escape responsibility by "dodging,''
ART. 7. The ratifications of this con
vention shall he exchanged at Washington I observed by an article in the 'Post' re- i hi s parry will certainly excuse him when
within three m , nths after the date thereof, ceived this morning that Mr. Craig has !
they understand that by a "singular coin•
provided it shall arrive at Washington be- published 'a card' in the Gazette in refer.lcidence," he was very sick when th 2 Dl,_
fere the adjournment of the present ses.
ence to the statement which he made up- • trict Bill was under coesi I ration.
aion of COngress; an I, if not, then within ,
on the floor of the House, that not more
one month after the meeting cf the next The Gazette cautions the public not to
Congress of the United States. than one hundred barrels of salt annually I confound Mr. Craig of Washington, wino
We do not know whether it be necessary descended the Ohio River. Mr. C. does voted fur the District bill, with Mr. Crain.
to add, that the convention, as concluded, not, it appears, deny having made the
of .
Allegheny, who Juin. ''
t vote at all, as he
was substintially approved, before its con- : statement; it would surpise a great man
y was at the time under the influence of a
chision, by the representatives of a large
: d h and were astonished at' it,
majority in value of the parries immedi• w h oif very "singular coincidence." We would
ately interested. The day, is not far di s . ; he did. It is true that shortly afterwards
tent, it will be observed, (30th April,) he made a correction, but such a correction I ask our neighbor did Messrs. Sheridanand Holtz confound the Craigs when they
when the first payment under the convert. as did not remove the impression created s: • -
voted for the bill, and while imitating the
so besmade in the city of Mexico.
: by his original statement, that the amount
conduct of Walter Craig of Washineton
Virginia and Small awes —The Terris. ' shipped down the river was miserably
suppose they were following the lead of
iature of Virginia has rejected a bill pros
small. He said that he believed himself Neville B. Craig of Allegheny? What a
vidingfor a c mtinuance of the law authori
mistaken in t he quantity, but made no "singular coincidence" that would be !
zing an issue of small notes by the banks of
ihat State. The law expires in Deeember, further estimation. He left it to be in-
1843. Th'El is a sign of returning reason, ferred that the quantity was a little above The Gazette says the Apportionment bill
in, political economy.is
of the most iniquitous bills ever
that—it might be one hundred and fifty or -1
, !passed in this or any other country"—
Honor to the memory of Jefferson two hundred barrels. So far as the elect
and speaking of Mr. Champneys, declares
The Councils of New Vol k have passed a on the audience was concerned, his car and
votino• for this "infamous Gerry.,
resolution authorizing the hoisting of the ; section did not amount to any thing.
mander," will no doubt consign his name
the flags on tire City Will, 11 ,eery, and 1
public places, on the 12Th of April, th e ! P ' Cl ' to 'merited contempt.' Dr-es the Gazette
centairt i a l anniyetsary of the birth illy of . know that Maltz and Sheridan voted for
ferson."Father of Democracy," Th omas aye_
the it gerrymander. Would the Ga
The ff deral comments upon the passage
of the App•iiti.iiiment Bill are as ludicrous
as they ale coo e -I,!:ilei. It is a fact that
Mesmerism has at lest been pot to a Bill
%% . ,
the A 1311111 !1 , 1 li ,v,. ! been carried in
practical use. A bachelor ir, N. Orleans,
has brought it to his aid ia pr ,, e/ir i tig a : either liou,:e, v. :t hoot. " big votes. And
wife. He says he has never y e t succeed..' those ~olio detiouni:e it, necessatily con.
ed in his matrimonial speculation on sc. demo all whli sided in passing it. The
count of the interference of the old folks; burden if the blame, however, seems to
he therefore proposes to put said old folks
be laid by the coons on the shoulders of
into a Mesmeric slumber while he is 'do-
Walter Craig, Senator fro-1-2 Washington,
in up his courting' with the young ones.
We would caution all grave and reverend I who is held responsible fir. the while
seignora why may have only daughters, 1 0 mischief. The inconsistency and cruelty
be cautious of any good fellow who shakes
lofselectincr Mr. C. as the scpae goat, is so i
them unusually hear!) , by both hands, and! - c .•
apparent to the wings them-ielves that 11111evistn. —The Worcester ..Egis says that e.
batiketherr. unnecessarily string in the eyes. ' ' haven insane persons have been comet
itt ' to he
Beware of Mesmeric's. they attempt to show he alone is culpable, „,.
l'e Ihs , ) iti l . tl in ‘Vorcest , :r for derangement, rn rep
and his fellow whigs who voted as he did
rcsen.ed ~y their friends as resultingfrom attens
in the other House, are innocent in the I itince on the lectures of the Nfiller sect, and a deep
business. They say that the whigs voted! interest in his O , ries and doctrines.
for this bill for fear ofhaving a worse one r Business is quire brisk il Bost -0, cintiiderirz
adodted.,, They thus virtual'y admit that a the "id weather
hiss tri. k WhS attPm' led. in wt•ich Mr. 1 .;
Dean Swift says that a %t °loan inly knit
her stockings but not hrr brow—she may
chum her hose, but not her eyte—curl her
heir, but not her lip—atlt', threw. . her needle,
but.nat the public streets.
nu who pays his tiehtF; arid is
and regular in his attendant , upon the
wokes of the Tempe of God; .will boon
become an ornament to it.
:-‘' P R PIULSWIINT, fair one, and he sappot tett it on its uterits
JAWES BUCHANA N 7 —haying, besides, in sustain him the votes
Sehjeet to the decision of a National Convention. ' tif a large numberuf his party in the Low
er fionae.
ATURDAY, MARCH - 25, 1843
See First Page.
Harrisbuig Correspondence.
HARRIFBIIRO, March 20, [843
t•-• .lo , . esr• or 1,4 ) %id f 40 be. pr e,t.es in the Union with :nf.c.: :atm 1.1111
e:Ytne a r,art:•, lie kris a , the L i ll was ,al enthusitt-,tri•
There is no use however, to attempt to
account for the inconsistencies a id aberra
tions of the whigs. A set of men so cross
and crazy as to growl, and say they are
cheated, when they have got 13 of the 24
congressional districts in the state, should
have impunity to say what they would.
zetle consign Me-s. Huttz and Sheridan to
‘'merited contempt." We wait :with
some arxiety to know what punishment
the Gazette will impose on the antimason
ic represent atives.
.1 woman burned to death.—A woman
named Towden, in Cleveland, fell into
the fire while drunk, on the 13th inst.,
ami was so badly burned that she died in
a few hours.
A safe business is digging gold out of
the earth; and there appears to be a great
many engaged in it at the south. In Geor
gia the mines are in full blast, and every
person is making a splendid fortune. In
Moore county, North Carolina, n new
mine has been discovered in which the
'stuf' is found in rude lumps just below
the surface. One lump worth SIG was
found. In Stanley cow).- a rock mine is
worked by machinery with great profit.
Illwphy, the celebrated "Broad
way Cottage" girl was married to Musta—
pha Ali,a native of Vreece. The Bride—
groom was entombela bout ayear ago for
larceny, and during his imprisonment he
contracted a marvellous love for the place,
where he has been ever since, and where
he became acquainted %%rub his bride.
Seven Horses Burned —A stable and
two small buildings in South street, New
York, were consumed by fire un Friday
night. Seven horses were burned to the
Mr. Calhoun arrived in C.iarlesron, nn
the 10th inst.,
The editor of the Mobile Herald has
been favored with a bt.autiful arid interest
ing tooth ache.
if you hear a man denounce any partic
ular art or accomplishment, with peculiar
bitterness, know at o:Ice, teat he dues riot
possess it, but secretly admires it above
all things !
A ennd man rarely finds fay . or with
Po'ef'r;;`le ling. 2 •::r;:z,N it,g,
for Clay.
- esstof d and doper,
_i'eateit.--;:The N. York Aurora
gives an account of a melancholy occur
rence that occurred on Friday at the Brook
lyn Navy Yard. A laboring man, employ
ed in the yard, by the na.ne of Dougherty,
had been notified by his landlord that he
would be turued out of his house, unless
his rent was immediately paid. The wife
of Dougherty was confined about 2 weeks
since, and had been lying ever since in a
state of stupor, speaking to one, and man—
ifesting no sign of life save breathing.—
The expenses attending this domestic ca
lamity had exhausted the man's means,
nd he saw no way of providing a shelter
for his sick wife and helpless children
in a moment of plirenzy, he seized a pis
tol, and rushing out, sought his landlord
and shot him, although it is believed that
the wcund is not mortal. Dougherty then
returned to his house, and catering his
wife,s 'm, took a razor from the drawer
and cut his own throat. His wife sprang
from the bed and held the wound together,
calling for help. In a few minutes sever•
al pers )O5 rushed in—the surgeon was cal
led, who sewed up the wound, and the
wife was conveyed back to bed. The
scene was a heart -rendin; one—the woun
ded man, faint from loss of blood, and
frothing at the m.loth, Ivry welteriug in a
large pool of blood upon the flo - i, while
the mother, again relapsed into idiotcy,
was surrounded by her children moaning
and screaming most piteously.
Dougherty has been taken to the hospi
tal prison, and is expecte 1
to recover; and
the wants of his family have been provided
The - Missouri Statesman" is the came
of a new democratic paper ‘‘ hick has been
started in St. Lonit., to supply the place
abandoned by the Reporter.
The rffect f Revival.--A merchant in
Columbia county last week, received the
annexed note, cont3inin 2 the change:
"Sir:—When I was a boy I was in your
stor e and sa w a Hymn Book, which pleased
me, and I took it, nor knowing, in a meas
ure, what I w thing, and that restitution
must be made for such things. I now send
you 621 cents fo r book because 1 wish
to m ike int. wry to
ihrm City abolished.—ln the
in•inois Legi,lature on the 27th ult., the
Senate_repmled the law creating the Nau.
von Legion I ntitiry corps. They also re•
pealed the Charter of the Mormon City of
Nanvim. The vote in favor of the latter
was 22 to I I. Members of the Senate were
very free in their expression s of iiisgust at
Mormonism, and, from appearances, we
judge that Smith and Lis dupes ill not be
stipported any longer by special legislation
in their favor.
The thief who robbed the Mechanics'
Mutual Insurance office, Boston, was dis
coverrl and arrested ou Saturday. His
name is Edward DessaulT; he is a French
Canadian, and has been employed fur some
time past as porter for some of the offices
in the Building.
The Bangor 1V [IT says, that on Satur
day night week, the Eastern Bank was en
tered by a robber, who first broke into an
office above the bank, tote up the floor, and
descended into the banking room, where a
watchman, who had marked b;s movements,
secured him, and marched him off to jail.
He said his name was Farrell, last from
The star gazers, anilliteY have beam:"
very numerous during a week of - so in this
city, will be interested in Opt following
from Prof. Olmsted of Yale College:
"As soon as the moon is absent from
the evening sky, i favorable opportunity
will be afforded fur reviewing this long
known but mysterious phenomenon. It
will be seen immediately after evening
twilight, rising in a broad luminous trier'.
gle, from the western horizon nearly to the
zenith, crossing the seven stars. It is not
however, as some or the papers suppose,
to be confounded with the "Comet," but
should the latter remain visible until the
moon is gone,the Iwo will be easily and ad
vantageously contrasied with each other."
The Vicksburg Whig states that a man
was killed a few days since, just above
Columbia, Ark., by a Mr. Stewart. The
man, a wood chopper, stopped at Stewart's
house to stay during the right. In the
evening an altercation took place, and
Stewart kille I him, as he rkiys, in self-de
fence. He was then thrown out in the
yard, where he lay until some time next
he way it works.—Col. Webb, who a
short time since. received a certificate of
of bankruptcy, has purchsed a splendid
house, in Union square N. Y. at a cost of
813,000, and which ho intends to furnish
at a cost of 810,000 more! When he pre
sented his petition to he declared a back-1
rupt he solemnly swore l:e was not worth
one cent more than the law allowed him ! I
How is it possible that he is now able to
spend 528,000 for a house and furniture
If there is not some hocus-poens about
this transaction it is very stran g e But
such transactions as the above have not
been unfrequent since the psssage of thel
Bankrupt Law.
A London paper says that Gold is the
only article for stopping thr teeth, upon
which a southern paver remarks that it is
very good for stopping the mouth. Silver
and gowl redeemable bank paper are also
very efficient fm this latter purpose.
3 new Tray to raise the Wind.—The
yankee girls of Rochester, N. Y. in one of
these enterprises called fairs, in aid of a
church, lately hit upon a new prom
ject. They announced 'perpetual motion,'
rut it behind a screen, and charged a shil
ling admittance rxtra. But one person
was admitted at a time, who come Out
looking so full of the matter that all the
rest had to follow suit, and take their turns
in se,ing a demure nigger turning a
grindstone. N.iw, we would like to know
if it would be right to appropriate the
money so raised to buildinQ a chola?
The Urntli. , : e Conre)d• —The ill intros,
duced in the Massachusetts Legislature.
making provisions fir an ir'quiry into the
destruction of the Convent, with a view to
ultimate renumetation for the acts of the
mob by which it was destroyed, wiis re—
jean(' by a vote of 63 to 204.
The Storm at New Fork—The N.
"otk Commercial of Saturday evening
gives accounts of sundry marine and oth
er accidents which occurred at New York
o n account of the severity of the storm of
Thursday night. Many vessels were
much injArcd, but none lost.
Before daylight nn Friday morning a
brick wall blew down, and fell upon a
house, near the corner of Carlisle and
Washington streets, occupied by a Nfr:
Walker. His wife was killed and himself
and two children much injured.
The snow was so deep in the streets as
to render many of them impassible.
The railroad connecting Boston and
Buffalo, was built at the cost 515,624,•
Mr. \V. Roper, a temperance lecturer,
was mobbed and brick-batted at Owen's
Station, Missouri, a couple of weeks since.
He escaped with his life.—Bait. Sun.
Some of the swell-heads. we presume,
thought Mr. Roper wanted to rope them
The New York Union has been mer•
ged into the Aurora. They were both
Tyler papers.
The Illinois Legislature have passed a
law making it a crime to entice negroes
away from their masters, and the punish
ment is imprisonment in the penitentiary,
and a fine of 500 dollars.
It is said there is a man in Connecticut
who walks so fast that it puts his shadow
out of breath to keep up with him.
A French paper tells us of a Miller's
daughter so -pretty. and so cruel, that the
sighs of her admirers would he sufficient
t turn her father's mill.
'Ain't you a dsciple of Fonrier's?'—
'Not exactly; but father has a tenant n•hn
goes on the Owen (o \sing)sys!em.'
The innocent and good of all religions
shall have no reason to tremble at the r,ec
ond sound of the trumpet.—Miller.
Lar , e. donations to charity, do not con
stitute piety, any more than large profes
sions constitute friendship. Both ar of—
ten mere DEVICES
A vci y goad man reproves wickedness
more by his life than his words.
Large Damages..—Eight thousan 1 dol
lars damages were given to a girl in Ithaca,
New York, a few days ago, against her
lover for breach of marriage promise.
A street fight occurred in Apalachicola,
Florida, i•ri the 29,h nit., h rate:, t
rvi me 1 E v f ,f 1 :1"'" n.
" i_tt
ti-. 1 -Ist 4 m.ln }is
~r; =u„ at, eVt: port,
Nand, has at last been restored to Itberty.
Comet,' dec-*
To awe Elerroit* OF THU POST :
Genritutm:—Arnong the published proceedings
of the late St. Patrick Celebration. at the Emmett
Hotel', I find the follo,sing Toast attrilmated It*
"Hy Jahns:With — aeb g io us intoletim cen-Ms
record upon the page el hi tory is ►rained !tots
the blood or martyrs, gorged with rapiaeotelft
with crime, and rendered eternally infamoodily
fire, award and
. fagrat, ■s instruments of comer.
sion to a narticular sectarian filth."
It is, I presume, unnecessary forme Wm..
tiop, that theldeas conveyed in the tailgate&
timent, I utterly denounce and antitely eon a-
Tilos who are acquainted with me, knower t o
be incapable of giving either insult or injury.*
the religious feelings. of any person, or ilentint*
ing any "particular sectarian faith." Th•LiNet
was manufactured by some ignorant earlitlit,
who thought proper, at my expense, and whito*.
my authority or consent, to palm it off on the
public as emanating from me. lam anxious that
all men should enjoy the same privilege I claim
for myself—the right to believe in whatever sys.
tern of religion they please, without referenestlo,
or calling in the assistance of either "rwardart
or faggot." I gave no toast at the supper, au
thorized none; and the fabrication of a tout t
me, was without my knowledge or comont.
author I may yet discover! The toast g
first appeared in the Post, and being the me In
of its publication, I am anxious that it shonlitio
the source of its contradiction. I will thank y"u
to publish this card in the next number of thin
Post and Manufacturer.
Messrs. Editors—Aa one of the aeoretatien o
the 17th March celebration at the hotel or
Sweeny, on whom devolved the reading orthietlir
titnents nfterad by the gentlemen preepii,:pero44
me to correct an error inadvertently madi hfl prig-;
paring the toasts for publication. The name aar
Mr. B McDonald should have appeared to • the
sentiment ascriFori to Mr. Jahn Smith. Thertaliti
of Mr. Smith was, 'Domestic induste.y.'--ThiAita.
source of health, wealth and prosperity to dui *is
The following toist was also omitted iO,Ollll
publication of the procnedings:
Pp Mr, Hugh Polaw!
The Irish Harp --Before the foot oethe Epp
am inv dcd ti.e `lsle of science and °Tsang,' every
hill an 1 dale reverberated to the heart stirring
strains -if •E n bra;h.' Ai: lariatophereila
;cye '
The it to Glory in Michigaw--
ALL'od, the smartest man in the-Allighlim
Hou e of Representatives, is from 1110. k.•
inick. He ar am ther member came
through :he woods, on fn t,:300 miles te
Detroit. Thi y dr( ssed in Wickets, and'
like Indians, had to ca - ry their prob..
visions, and make rafts to cross the rifer...:
This was the only way they could.travel
after the close of navigation. How link
do the members of our legislature hno'ilt
of the privations of such a journey.
- .
Mrs. Wood in a Convent.—Mrs. w0 .. 4-.
the peerless songsres', has been c0.95.10ra
go t
tad to the Catholic reli4iiin, and is nor',:
a C rnvent at York, England:• The. -.
cumstances of her conversion are givie in e.
paper put , ltshe3 in the district where itt4.
and her husband have lived for years.
1836. while on a professional visit to tb
country with het husband, she gave- her.
gratuitous services to a religious Catholic
society in Boston, and af:erwarris she hid .
a'small testimonial presented to her.sigge
lady and beautifully written on tinted (V
per. The following is a copy:—`l4laditst
—This is but a slight token of the orphiiii4
gratitude—but it is hallowed by the cs
phan's prayer. Whatever is happiness e*
earth may it be yours!—and when earthlts
labors are done, may those exquisite and
thrilling tones which have relieved out
wants, be blended with the seraph voices-
around the throne of God in Heaven!
Written by an orphan.' ,
This affecting testimonial has preyid
upon her mind ever since, and often hip
she expressed her admiratitifild the To&
gion and beauty which she there bacon.
more directly conversant with. To the
impression this circutumstance made upero
her mind is attributed the change in bec , ,
religious views.
Arrival of the Columbia.
Twenty one days later from England.
The Steamer Columbia arrived at Beaton
on Monday, e'er a passage of 14 days i2l
hours. She brings little news of in:you-AM
lance. •
Rt. Hon. C. Metcalf•, the new Gower
General of Canada, and suite, came in ".
In Paris, a ministerial crisis, is the theme,
as usual.
Trade and business in England is in a
most gloomy condition. The ministry it,
about to introduce the measure of admittioe'
Canada wheat and flour,and U. S. wheat and
flour, by way of Canada, into the eotnnri
free of duty.
Capt Ross's South Pole expedition is a' •
pected home in May.
Mr O'Connell had not proceeded to Lon
don at the opening of the session.
. The N. Y. Express contains a genealogy
of Queen Victoria, occupying upwards
column, [prepared expressly for that pa:i
per. The Pennsylvanian thinks that the
genealogy of a blood horse wont . more
useful to the American reader.
A man named Giltee has been arrested
in New York for stealing. He must rrcrrS,
himself not Giltee (guilty) if he waive Ito
get off.
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zLa: - ..t - doitx s tilt
' %ad CiaLliettat
. ,
Country produce
mar 26, '