Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 24, 1843, Image 1

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    • At .
TIM)S. PHILLIPS & IV. H. 81irrit,
nnt.LARs a Year. PaYein• in
adesstee. *lngle rupltm two CENT2 , ---for t4tle at the
7,,Aloninn , ( Olio Gate, aed by Nemo Soya.
l i iiiaiterctiry and Manufacturer
tai WiIsKLY, at the same otillez, on a doohle
• • easel. at TWO , DOLL ARS P l year, In ad.
14145e1. glntle copies. PIX CENTS.
- 'Terms of Advertising.
....... .. .
41" 104e:Mon. 0.50 One month, r.OO
R.! Insertions, 0.75 Two moms, COO
rirowlnetwtionn, 1.00 Three month*, 7,00
5...-AM week, 1,30 Four month:. R,OO
. Two weeks. 3,00 SI: months, 1001
.424 wee weeks. 4.00 One year, 15,00
• - . ‘•
One Arisen. Tkm Sf Altret
' • 115T1•011tillir. ' 1113,00 SI: months, 1123.00
wil* per, ' '. 23,00 One year, 35,00
, advertisements In prornrtlon.
• .4*6ifor roar tines Stx DOLLAItIi a year. ' I
IC 0 FPI C-E6-,--&C
=Mars Truhr Anstalt:Third between Market and Wood
streets—a. Riddle, Postmaster.
It:narenK Rowan, Water, lth door from Wood et. Peter.
Met heilengs—lllajor John W Mock, Collector.
Taltaltalrf, Wood between First and Second
-- wentish....lnites A. Bartram, Treasurer.
CAtiosrms`Tarssorti, Third street. next door to the
- Third Predbyterian Church—S. K. Johnston, Treatittrer.
allatrol's Orme, Fourth, between Market and Wood
areet , —A/eitinfler Ma?, Mayor.
illanowaires EVellaNTllt. Fourth. near Market et:
• Puri . mtuncret, twitry , ,n Market and Wood streets, on
!Mei and Fourth streets.
Stlme‘rs.sr - rs' men ' l l.Ol , 7lP•cTintERS' • ItlY F AttlifEßS' DE
?eV! Nadir; (formerly it.tving Fund,) Fourth, betwren
iond an* Market
1 249 *rink street. near Wood.
'. ll iiimalsoratat.s. Moose, Water street, near the Bridge.
it Milthoe floret., corner of Penn end St. Clair,
Melee sorra' floret., corner of Third and Wood.
itietteax liotn.,corner of Third and Smithfield.
o3rsTes.rorner of Penn “reet and Canal.
.SPlttaD eats, i.therty street, near Seventh.
i iittAdeltil3l4oestote Howls, Utterly St oppoQiie Wayne
RitmumitllLlT Manstoa Moran. Penn St. opposite Canal.
Lao , COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—Offire rrtno
' to flutrawall's °tikes on Grant At., neatly opposite
be neurGourt House, next rooms to John D. hinlion,
,—Ptret floor. P . l , 10
- "•••
03. R. ELLIOTT, M. D.—Office removed to
4 4 .
k ektir street, Archaean Penn mid Liberty Sty,
MGH TOVF , R, Aito.nev at Law. Nor th Eaq earner
of arottlfield sod Fourth streets. sep 10—ly
' I N:. EZ . ; i ' I orne.s and
''' Counsellors at Law: Office in the Diamond. hack
...,,,,,11146/1 ehl Court Donee. Pittsburgh. scp 10
`-NV FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law. Paterthat.,
'W -4 0- *ear the Mayor's Office. Pho:burgh. ;4 10-1 y
firt : os. AMlll.l'i IN. Attorney at Law, riflh , between
Wood and Smithfield sta., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y
A: •
Wter.lß. O'MARA ROBINSON, A tlorney al Law;
mAr:- Office on the nort h aide of Ihe Dia mand.between
aarkelind Union at reete, upstairs pep 10
I. DURIIOII4W, Attorney at Law; tenders
NIFIIIt, stroAumional services to tat. puhik . Otriee cow.
MIIM mut Market Stream, above 0. Lary,l4. Co'
sap 10
_ -
.„ . 111 1 13TER RUl'll AN AN. Aftroriseyß at Law. office
d19111111=`; 1 4 111troreff front tho Diamond. to ..Attorney'sßow."
.4 /44/teraittr "milt street,' between Market and Wood
i.pp 10
• has removed hit race to the corner or Fourth"
"tived mud Cherry Alley, between Smithfield and grant
pep 10
'comas W. Lar.wo. Attornnv- at Law, Office
lan. S 4 Fifth street, near the Theatre, Pins'our,gh,
asp 27—ly
.4P l '7"tniXEY AT LAW—Office in Rears' Boßding,
Vomit itreet. sitistsarch. Nov. 5. 1842.
_ Attorney at Law , office
slpt . corner of 15mtihtield and sth sta.. Pittsburgh.
.Iktr Collections made. A I business entrusted to his
tare will be promptly attended to.
feih 113-Iy.
- R. Morrow. Alderman; odi e north
iir - able of Fifth at., between Wood and Smithfield
et% Pfttetro rz h.
ReP 10
R. 8. R. HOLM ES, Office in Second street, next door
to Mwtvany 4- Co • s Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly
iimpter4)s 4. :4 I'OCICTON, Roo kptel lerP. Inters an
Paper Manufacturerg, No. 37, Ma rkri st. err) 10-1 A
OEN ANDERSON, Smallfield Pntlndry, Waier RI
wt/IT the Monongahela Holm, Plttßl ur2h. 'ter) 10-1
rpoklig. 4 TOTIN . FRANCIS L. YOUNG.
„THOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware
Rseatti, It/outer of Hand et. 4- Exchange Alley.
rtifsolul wishing to unfelt:ate Furniture, will find it In
Irkeir_advantate to give UP a call. heinz fully satisfied that
ilviblitan please apt to quality and price. ep 10
IUTTON ARMS.—irst received 160eholce Mut
lon HIIMA, welt cared and for ' , rile cheap by i to~ do
um or mail, by ISAAC HARRIS,
atm 10
N 0.9. Filth st
13A.GA.- snpp'y of Landreth's Fresh Ru•
to Bap, and other different varieties of Turnip
Real, Just received and for talc at REDUCED Patrc:4 at the
bens and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN,
Sap 10 No. 184 Liberty st reef, head of Wood.
WEBB CLOSEY,s Boot and Shc—Te-------falanullicio•
Ty, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to i h. U. Slates
Sank. Ladies Pflillelli, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n
Ile neateat manner, and by the newest French patierns.
ie. 10 _
G R01331 TOOLS, ennsuo it)! of Hoes. Fancy Spades
Transplantlna Trowels. P. , ldlng Tool:, Budding
Raines, Priming taints, Pruning Shears. fir., ins' re
a:rived and rot sale 149 P. L. SNOWDEN.
Pep 10 134 Liberty strect, bead of Wood.
I AC ISTRATES'RLANKS, for prarredintrt At
tueA■eet under the late law, for sale at this Office
111:11100. BALE. --Lots on the North East corner of Coal
Lane and 111;th gtreet. A pply to
ep 10 BENI, DA BLIND-PON, Market, near 4th Ft.
00 Lab. Landreth's French Sur,ar Beet eeed, just
received and for sate at the Dreg and Seed
F. L.
184 Liberty SNOWDEN.
r eet head of Wood.
store of
Kr le
JIE rernloNs, NOTIC
"! ES, &C—
-obe used In Bankruptcy proceedings printed . on
per.snd lathe forms approved by the Couri,for sale
at the OMee o 1 Phe Mercury and Democrat. cep 10
W M HIIIBBARD, tidies' fashionable boot and
shoe Manufacturer. No. 101, l'hird inreet, between
Weed mud Smithfield streets. Phtsburgb se t t
TAILMATTERSON, Jr„ Birmingham, near Pittsburgh,
4 Pll.,lllanufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To•
bitemt. Mier. m Oland Timber Screws House!' Screws for
*poi/ mms./te.
seri 10-1 g
M I CLOSKEY. Tailor and Clothier, Lib er . v
tl - street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, -death side.
Sep r 0
OCRBRIDGE k CO., Wholesale Grocers and
• Commission Merchants, Second street, Mel ween
Woodand Sinlthileld sts., Pittsburgh. sep 10- ly
G.* A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding
1. Witrebeatta Water st., Pittsburgh rep 10.—Iy
. .
, lit • .., . •
. .
.& .
po _
M_ NG. • . si r
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro.
duce Merchants,
And Dealers lr Pills bargh AP:craft:Pa urea
No, 43 Woof street. PlttAitirgli.
Cotton Yarn Warehouse,
No. 43 Wo •
Agentsfor the male of the Engle Cotton Fac o to d
ry Ya streo rns
March 17,
Tnoxrson nampA
• ........... ••.J•11111111L.
FIANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Wareho PßNlMl. use, No.
.104. Wood sl., where may be had a general supply
of wrltlnz. wrappin.prlntlng, wall paper, blank hooks,
school hooks, te, 4r.
scp 10—ly
C. TOWNSEND 4. CO., Wire workers and
ilionnfaernrers, No. 23 31arket street. between 2d
•ad 3d streets.
Sep 10--ly
- -
SGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and t , t. Clair
st reefs, by McKIBBIN t SMITH.
•ep 10-1 y
ward Hushes. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails
Warehouse N 0.25, Wood mt., Pittsburgh. Rep 10 —IY
vi 3 (;091)5. Preston 4- Mackey, tvholegale and
retail dealer., In rn.711811, French. and Domestic
Dry Coodg, No. Sl. Market A. , Pittsburgh. !ten 10
TOll 31'DEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Rertilbln:
CIP Dietill•r, And Dealer In Produce and Pittsburgh
Marnifartured Articles, NO. 224 Liberty Street, Pitte
scp 10
Wit.t.wit H. WILLI/KR felts S. Dit.wortin
LLIA 318 & DI LWO RTH—whotesalr
Groccr. Produce and Corn mission Merchant., anti
dealers In Pittsburgh Manufactured articles, No. 29.
MIN greet.
seer 10
Jour; Rslncßirr
JA.s. Kiwi
1111tIFF ICE.tN, Minnfactiirerg 'of N.
w. 7 Trn, and Sheet Iron Ware, N., SO. Front et., Flit!,
(louse Spouting and Steamboat work prom Pity
sep 10
fit MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pius.
.. burgh,
sep 10
sunray of Landreth's Garden Seeds, airvays on
hand, and for-Wept his nenry, the Ding store of
184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
MOVAL—Slatt hew Jones, Barber and Hair Dress.
r r, has removed to Fourth st reet , opposit elite May
ors office. where lie will he happy I.o;Wftil upon permanent
or transient customers. He 501i...1(1a share of public oat
JOHN 111, FARLANID, upeeteterte end Cabixet
TAird at. Sassiest Wood k Market streets,
respectful inflrrns his friends and the public that he is
prepared to execute alt orders for Sofas. Sideboards. Flu
realm Chains. 'Tables, Oedsteads. Stands, flair and Spring
Mattrasses, Curtains. Carpets, all sorts of Uphokterin:
work, which he will warrant equal .o any made In the
city, Cud on reasonable terms. se
E t EMOVAL!--The subscribers have remov, d to Wa.
ter between Wood and Smithfield streets. where
they srltf continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis•
pion Ind would respei tinily solicit the patron.
age of their friends J. W. BURR!: IDG E 4. Co.
Dee 3
D.. A. W. PAT PERSON alice on ehnlinneld street
near Sixth.
nen 10
110 Worit /tercet, Pittobstrek.- R. A:, Bauman,
A lidtioneeradd COnktnesslo'n Mere/tint, is Poke piepared
to mecejva and sell zip 14X5.„917,934111Lutid Merchnothae,
at hfra large a iiirearactiYas ohattlatio. 1 10:1td . etff !tie
Corner of Wood and Fifth Strect e , Eittsbareh.
Regular vales of Dry Coady, Furniture, Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and - Fancy articles, on
Tuesday, Wednesday, end Thursday evenings.
Hooks. Sec., every Saturday CVerlltig.
Liberal advances made on Consiztinierds When wanted
Messrs. John D. Davli, ikr EN. s. ,
Hasaley ¢ 9mlth,
" Hammon. Snail', 4 , Co
F Lorenz dr Co.,
" J. W. Ibisliridge 4- Co,
S. 51Chee 4- Co.
Capt. James M'Curgilt,
" C. Thorsen.
t. jarlfl M 'Fadden Esq.
i• Logan 4- Kennedy.
•• K. Moorhead 4- co
‘• Jas. P. Stuart, Esq.
" Robed Caiwny, Esq.
" Capt. Jo!. May.
" McVay, Hanna, 4. Co
Wil:lam Symms
" S. C. Henry,
Snllt.Bagoley d• Co
frpThose la mode Monsronrs, or rather ;Von-tarots,
'who hare opened an fl by 10 piece shop lately, and who
- -- -----
evince midi envy and dislike to long or lengthy adver.
,' ..i..'':' . .
11.5(u:rents. are informed that the above (fulsome, an they
/ S ' Mic l W.ll' t i: 4 1
term II) has no reference tn them whatever. The person
- ....-.....jtnii, T-F•
Whirled to I , their present employer, an 111.7to•rioe. who
Ran. RoAn rsas. from Pittsslnogh, via Bedford, k "" a ' I °P "op in Ellis riV• The count CHI said) in
hiet iy pleased with such tokens of loyalty from his pig•
Om mhershurg. Ilarrisliiir g and Lancaster, to Philadel.
niv sill kris. and no doubt will reward them try giving,
phis, connecting with the Mail train of Cars to .71 li"
• them n few at 7.7,11 as to make. Such exquisites of rank
,4- r. Only 150 notes ctaging and one night out.
with whom none rail emu petr, had twitter Scull them.
Also. the Direct line to Baltimore.
Fare to rhilarfe'phia $lO. serves into notice some other way, as a little precaution
9. night prevent an explosion.
Leaves daily at 8 o'clock A. M.
Office second door lief o w the Merchants Hotel Wood st.
rm, 23, 18.43-Iv,
CO.VrIATI.W7*- Having been afflicted for nearly
Iwo yea r%, with a hard swelling on the cap of mv knee.
which prodlieed much pain, ltoi il,fl earlott•r apptica
; Hone recommend e d by the Faculty -all in vain wa.
rii, - iHE pueL,.c, out( particle/arty to wry Turtle ,
patrons of tars eity:-finvina retired from the
practice of Medicine, i may be permitted in say, that li
has taller) to the lot of I ut few persons to have enjoyed
so liberal or large a share of ribs( ret i ical practice as my
; own has horn for I im last 30 or 40 years.
iThe experience of that long period (tractive life, and the
fact of having been twire, sifter 1830. associttled with
Dr. R. A. Wilson, in ihe practice of medicine, (in both Q
, cured completely by Ihe use of one bottle of Hr. Brand- 1 period of five yearn.) enables me to judge fully of the
o'er - its of his pills.
relli's Linament. or Exiernal Remedy.
Witness me hand JAMES TAYLOR,So convenient, RO efliment. and yet so sale. did I esteem
t' Ohio I p Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1 840. these pills, that for the last five yeatA in my practice for
Dr. Pa .
External Rentrdy or Linament; sold 1t he mire of chronic disease:, of whatever norm., and those
al his office. No 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh, prz I cE__ :of females in particular," have used more ot them than
56 cents per home.
10, -
t all other medicines.
Like very
hands medicine,there thas bhis meen ust f less ail In
disappoit. POMP in
/ stances. e hut in my
l, ment and more sat istlaction in tile administration of I his
one remedy than of all others; its good effccts sometimes
quire astonishing to , .
If my patient rept' '441 a safe aperient medicine either
"'fore or after pa rtit rition, the Wilson'it pt.ls were ust
the thing I wanted. j
II a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or inactivity of lire liver constituted the
disease al my patient. the pills were just the thing I
IC I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were just I he thing I wanted. •
if palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing P wanted,
Thus, without reap:let to the name, a disease might
happen to weary the itme I have had it tinder treat•
meet, particular indications or symptons arising, were
al - ays mo‘t promptly and roost happily Met by the
20 130%Ps Tohn^ro.
13,000 or,. Lump and Loaf So•4ar.
20 Boxesi RniNH , F .
0 Spend Candles,
10 KezP C rout"! Ginger.
2 .• No,mezg.
100 Barrel,. Green All •IRrs
ecelveo on consign mem a nti for pale cheap for cash,
U. State: Line warelions H DEVINE.
r, Canal 11.1.1 n, Libertymnr 10. 1:743.
rii HE: nodersieheal have aaaorlatell them,elve, Ineeth
'r for one year front the lal January, Ito 4843. in
der the II ylenf Devine 4- l lcAntiliy, fur the purpose on
Ivor receiving and furwarding
. .
-1-40(7/SVILLE 1.1.41 E 4.ND BEANS, Jost reeelv.
ed rt supply of choice Louisville Lime and pond
Beans by the bill wholesale or rein!! to snit ens; omen..
mar. 16 I, HARRIS, No 9, Fifth at,
- ---------
6t ' , MRS. SU ~
N. 0. Suuar.
GP 40 hhis. Molasses.
Just rerelved per Steam boat A shlanti.ard for sale by
mar 3. Water et., between Wood and Snatthfield
300 88L5...V. 0. A/OL4SSES;just reed per steam
boat Little Ben, and for rate by
J. W„ BUR BRIDGE ,11.41" o.
27. Water at. between Wood* Smithfield
. .
104-1 Bags Rio Co ff ee. For sate by
tl/ oct 4. ; •4- A. CORDON.
po r ß e A ce s iv E: d s
o f ,i l , o ; l a ß y / f l r O om UJI;;D e w
CY; r .. b l)l :Tre l t:h uT s i tept li y s .
, the above celebrated cure for Cotighs, Colds and Con
clarinet lon; and is reedy to supply cludomers at wholesale
or retail, at his Medical Agency, 88 Fourth at,
nov 12
jirt.7llTC, ifiTt . 77A ire l e 8, —..- et jikker,-
1 las removed to No, 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streebt, where be wou!d be happy
to see his old customers. and all others who feel dlspus.
ed to patronize him. He uses notinn: hnt first rate
steel., and empluys the best of workmen; and as be ;lye , '
but constant personal attention to business, he truststhat
he will deserve ar,d rceelve a fair share of patronage. •
vep 10
A thinker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they can always (Ind the hest quality of Ice
Creams, together with al: kinds of confectionary and
fruits, In their *Peron, at his establishment—No. 11,
Fifth street, betwe it Wood and Market.
N. B.—Parties supplied on the, shortest notice, with
cakes. or anything in his line. Also families furnished
wun Bread.
rep 10
HAM J. .CLEMER, residing at 66 Mott street,
New fork, was afflicted with Hyspepla In its most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head.
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain in the chest and stomach always affer eating,
impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at Hies:mach,
furred t ongue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dishiness
towards night and restleness. These had cominued.up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consultiug Er.Wrn.
Evans. 100 Chatham street, and submitting Jo his ever
successful and agreeable mode of treatment, the patient
was completely restored to health in the short space of
onemniult. and grateful tor the incalculable benefit deriv.
ed, glad, s came forward and vole nteered the above state
For sale Whole.sale and Retail by
R. E. SELLERS, A gen'
sea 10 No 20. Wimil street, below Second
Prices 1
Short Reel Yarn.
No. 5 at 16 cts. per lb
6 at ltit ditto
7 at 17 ditto
8 at 17i ditto
9 at 13
. 10 at 194 /lino
11 n: 19 ditto
12 at 19j ditto
1 3 at 20 ditto
14 at 20
15 at 2
16 at 2-2 ditto
17 at 23 - ditto
Ift at 24 ditto
19 at ZS ditto
211 at 26 ditto
Orders promptly all
Pninier's, Logan 4 Kennel])
!eh 27'.
50 HHDS N, 0. Susar,
250 SIMS N,O. ttcla.ses
40 Tierces nice.
20 Ends No. 3 Mackerel,
10 do N 0.2 do.
7 Tierce, Sperm 011. Jest: received per 8 a Express
and for sale by J. W, B URBRIDGE Co•
mar 4. Water At between Wood and Smithfield.
rriffE subset - 11 , er hit rernorill his Fashionable Tiaioring
1 &labliahment to the Mononzahers bons*. $4 door
from brat st, on 'mit 'meld sl i w here liWold enstomers and
all others who may favor .hln3 With a caftan,
.depend on
having their work done in a Minerinr, Fry le. ' Frain his
tong experience In the business in' this city, and in annoy
other fasbionahie cities in Europe and , Nhietiea. ho reels
comment that hn can ti VP satisfacliim to all who may
please to favor him with their custom. Ey Fillet ail enlkm
k9t9l-r,Rsisaiid sepertur vorkmansttlp he hopes 10 merit
and receive a ;hate or pilfilie net ronn re. He Ir.rend trnertng:
nn hand a qll pray of p onds and I rl mminzp puitaNfr fur the
rusinmer trade which w tithe sold at very reduced prirev, i
N. R. The sulwr fiber being well aware of the extent
that the Geht. system is practised on the public in this
country, by advert kement-; particularly by persons who
may juetty be called Intruders on the trade, Who never
served an hour to the business, and who know so tittle
shout it that they could not croak a sponge n 14101,11011
they are barefaced enough to advertise themselves is ta
iore a la mode, and by the alit of old certificates, eats,
puffs,,tr. 4.c such as ore seherally used by riimek e to
sell their medicines, they often succeed in palming off on
the tinsh,perl rt.hitOnter some old trash for the genu
ine imported article. Such people's advertisements are
only calculated in gull the public arid are e o more roll.
tied in credit than the I'4li:font yet laughable puldicatlons
about thegrent Gall—leer among the Lilliputians, which
I presume almost every schoolboy has read and laughed
at. I would suggest to those who wish to have heir
clot hts made in first role style in make a little Inquiry
and they will find that this Is the place where they can
he accommodated:
R. I).
in 7 Str:
That SO great a number tit - diseases, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills,
should he cuted more readily by them than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, hut
why it Is so is unclear to my mind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty front i,s many different
causes, and yet all require that common and greatest
all hiessinp, water to quench their thirst.
in conclusion, it is due the • eputation of tlte medicine
and the public, to say decidedly and uncondiilonally, that
the Wilson's pills are the only combination I have ever
met with In my longeourse of practice,that really pos•
eessesanythlng curative or specific for sick headache.
The above Pills designed particularly for the sick
Haed-Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Bowels itc.,
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson. and for
sale, wholesale and retail,at his dwelling in Penn street.
below Marne ry.
Oct 1
or Cash. -
Long Reel Tarn.
50() at 9 cis pow dz
600 at 8 ditto
700 at 7 ditto
800 nt 6 ditto
900 at 5 ditto
1 000 at 4 ditto
!Candlewick at 16 cli vitt
;Coin Baiting • 9 ditto
do. • 12) ditto
Carp% Chain • 20 diitei
Corn Tn ine • 25 ditto
Blanking Yarn and
'Overlct Yarn always on
'Cotton Warp made to order
ended to, if left at J. ¢ C.
or the rota office, address
J. K. MOCiftflitA to Co.
D R . 'GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These
Pllfla are strongly recommended to the notice of
the ladies as a safe.and efficient remedy in removing
those coMplaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex
' ercise.origeneral debility of the aystem. They obviate
costivenem and connteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affection/. These Pills have gained the sanction and
approballim of the most eminent Physicians in the. Uni.
ted Slat% and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and
aetail. by
R. E. SELLERS, Agent.
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second.
W ADAIR, Boot and Shoe
Xaker, Libe'ty St.,
OPPlPeite the head of Smithfield 01., Pit tsl
The subscriber haying bought out the mesa of the hate
Thomas-Rafferty, deceased, has commfoced
in the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepare./ to esecute
all denctiliptiona of work in his line, in the hest manner
and on the shortest notice. He keeps' cor stonily on hand
a large lissortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the beat quality. Be eolithe the patronage of the
lie and 'tribe croft.
sep 10 I.VM. ADAIR.
Mid Arles for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The stsfiscribers manufar(ure and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, C and Ellptle Sprirms - (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Aites, Silver and Brass plated Dash Primes, Rrass
and plated Flub Bands, Slump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver End Brass Lamps, Three raid Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Dandles and Hinges. ke ~kr•
St. Clair et.. near e A lieebeny Ilrldsr.
lID. EF:LLERS, M. D., office and dwelling. In Four
near Perry at fret.
.se) 13—Iy
The:Mention Ithwe LOOK
who T
have te e,, somewhat scerr.
tient in reference to the numerous certificates published
in favor of Dr. Swrivne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher
ry, on account of the persons twin?. unknown In this sec
Lion dr the State, Is respectfully directed to the following'
certificate. the•writer of which his been a citizen of this
hornufh fo rseverslyears, and is known as a gentleman
of integrity and responsibility.
To the .Igent, Mr. .1. KIRBY.
I have used Dr. Swayne's Comp and Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely nf.
}Meted for about four months, and I have no hesitation
In antring that it lathe most etrective medicine that f have
been 'Adel° procure. It composes all uneasiness, and
surreys well with my diet.—and mantains a rilgniar and
mid appetite. I can freely recommend it to all tubers
similarly c Mieled. 3. hi IPINICE, Borough ofehambersh'e.
M Veil 9. 7 44U.
rorsale hy Wl Fero 23
ur A M Til OR* No. 53 Market street.
1110111411SoNs desirous of procuring rink. Shade. and
11. Ornamental Treft-, or Shrubbery, from rihiladel
phlailr New York, are requested to make applicniion as
soon as possible, at the firuT and Seed Fiore of the sub.
scriber, where ran he had raialogues, gralullously, of the
moskrateititent •arle e n F. 1.. SNOWDEN.
ne# = No 19 4 1. Liberty istreet. head of Wood
llirtßLE. NUFACTORf--
.Patrick CaWfield re Ily n co tialnts his friendt4nd the p‘tille ech—
eratity, That he has commenced the Illitirble business nt the
(Writer of Fifth and Liberty tits,. where wtiti,e conststuty
on band. tooth stones. mu ntrl pieces, Monuments, hitad
and foot stones, table shitrs for cabinet mire. and every
n riklentmertntnin 2 to the [money,. He wilt warrant
work to he well done, and his clmrses will be modernte
He respect hilly asks ashare of nubile patronaixe. scp 10-
WM. BTEELiIii, (successor to H. M'Closkey', Froth.
lo.k . tle Boot Maker, Llberty Rt.. 2tl door fret*
Viroln Alley. The subscriber respectfully inform* ate .
publktllat he has cornmenceti the above Moline* lit the
ship ll:innerly occupied by Mr. Henry ht'Clookey.
4114 that he k *ow prepared to attend to ell orders in Ms
llajeofbasiiness with die" atth undo', the most reasonable
ip)3ns. From his lOW/ experiegne its the tnannfactnre of.
[ ParAlonable boots. he fete confident rbrit all ankles
from his establlsbrirent will gee satisfaction to his pi,
lt Ar•iip,—.4l,4l,oetts a igicikurnaitse IbLeesimeironi *elicit,
sep IC
ISD SEEDS A r ei., !go t ,' v
rhln; . ; of caner). ree.3ed Rape; kw received hy
reli 3. F I. SNOWDEN, 14R Libcrtv st.
Port.l'.le Platform Sealeg on «•heels, to weigh 2,500 1 1 , 9,
$55 Ot/. 8.
do du do 2.005 :it 145 00
--do do do 1.500 at 35 00
do do
do do do do 1,000 at 30 00
do do 500 nt
i %VII h raising levers an addit lon of 25 00
/3 to frormant scales for the me of Wareh o each scale.
uses, Flooring
Mills, 4,..t he name pricer as ahove.
Also, tVhire's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
I improvements, and a variety of oilier counler scales,
which they will pelt for frorrill to s!5,
'Pher also nrantifarture Stearn Engines for Flouring
Mills. Saw Mills. Salt Works. kr., dooble and singe
geared slide lal hes,foot and other lathes for wood turning
machines for tenanting chairs, planing marliines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patrol horse power, wig, or
without thrashing machines, a superior article; circular
saw shafts, machines for sawing lain, Tinner's mti•
chine-and tools ofall descriptions. also for making black
log boxes, a superior article; governors for steam engine
,,l orka • raps and dies, entree mills, bedstead or Joint hots
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma.
chinery made or repaired; printing preps platlens turned
and printing presses repaired.
sep 22—tr
JOHN R. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis
sion Merchan t , No.lo6.cerncr of Wood 4. Fifth ats.
Pittsburgh: Having beenappointed one of the Auction-
I' rersfoi the City of Pitsbnrgh, tenders his services to joi,-
hers, manufacturers and dealers, who may he ditposed
to make trial of this market• He Is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts to.salisly correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy 'and favorable returns.
That the rarloitiNterests which may i.e confided to
him, shall he adequitely protected, he brings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SAMIUIL
FAIINZOTOCE; heretofore advantageously known. as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is made-
Mears. M. Tiernan, Pres . :. of M. 4. Al
L. Darlington 4- Peebles.
.. Robert Galway.
.., James AI. Cooper, .1
.. James May, I
" R. M. Riddle. } Pit ' , burgh
Vt-m Robinson. Jr. Prev't I
.. of Exchange Bank.
" Hamptoo,Smlth, 4. Co
, • John D. Davis,
•• Samuel Church,
J. K. Moorhead.
.. Jas. %V. Brown 4. Co.
John H Brown. 4- Co,
,L Smith 4. 7I Inlay.
Verdi). 4. thwers.
.. John 8. tlitidie,
, John Woolf
W 6l. E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law. Pit tsburgh. Pa.
ee in 4th street, opposite Bnikes Building.
Witetast E. AUSTIN, Em., win give his attention to my
ageunfinished business and! recommend him to the patron
of my
sop 10-17 friends. - WALTER FORWARD.
nlitiproved Flay
in nocartured be
between Din•
n h street, two
nre Hall, Pitts
tnnrartnre and
Ina the follow
composed 01
No. 1, ror
....11CS On
~uuds.ai .56,3
} Phtladel'a
I sep 10
BLOOMS. -25 tons Blooms in more and for sale by
Water between Wood - 4. Bab
--- .
For joe li thin g io sus Dail, Paper is the City of Pitts
~... oo, o h, to be evtitled the
ITlllESuhscribers baying made arrangementt.to merge , Sect. 1. lie it enacted by the &mate and
I the American Illanufacture r and Pittsburgh Mercn• house of Representatives of the C ar lnto one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
morupealth of Pennsylvania in dire
paperwith the title of the Doily Mornin g Post.
The leading object of the "POST" will be the dlssemina 4ssembly met, and it is hereby efeaki 1 e
tion and defencAof of
t principles I hat have bele. by
authority of the same,
tofore been manilla ined by the Editors, in their resrweilv e
papers, and their hest etibris win still he devoted to the That it shall he the duty of the several Bank/
advancement and success of those doctrines. and Savings Institution's in this Commonweakk
Aithanteh, in politics. the paper will he thorough; ti addition to their returns, Gent eequired:lolllll
- yet the Editors hope, by giving an. honeit,
made by, law to the Auditor
,General, to serlbrtli
candid history of pa..sing Political events. Foreign .
specifically the amount of loans made to
and Do ic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat•
or •Corporations, together with an estimacitteltas
tern and occurrences that come property within the sphere
ora Public Journal, to make their papsr sufficiently in. actual value of the assets belonging to such Dinka
P to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it -or Sicv-Ings Institutions respectivety, and the a a
respective of party considerations. mount of losses that have been austainedtand Such
fn addition to the political and gencrul news that will additional returns shall be made under the oath or
be found in the "Morning Post," the Fditors will take affirmation of the cashier.
pains to furnish the husinesss community with sec. 2. f t it shall appear from such wait imolai
the latest and must iiitcresting cosine -eclat. leTtcr.l
- capital stock of any such Bank tit - Attila la
erscx from all parts of the country, and 10 have prepa•
red such accounts of the Market s and the State of Trade slily dun is impaired, it shalt hot be' lawful Ported
as will be advanfogeoUs to our Merchants and Cesium directors to declare any dividend until the amount
Men in their several callings.
of their profits shall be aufficient to make up AO
Terwee.—The POST will be Dow ished en a large Imperl- lobs.
al sheet of One paper, (manufactured esnecially for this See. 3. It &hall not bo lawful hereafter lot' iiiii
Joining at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS banking inslitution in this Commowealtb fitr:.
per annum,payaide In advance. It will also lie sold by
as , ~ , ~, , . .
cn e any stocas et any otner pans. OT CO
news.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
s i daartiaameata will he inserted at the iets „, rat „ ted company, or to sobstribe for any p lib tte
charged by the other daily papers of the cit. the capital stock of the same, tither die! s •
rj - TWENTY active lads are wanted to oell the Post, directly; nor to make azas. le4!...Diny bOter g
1 10 :
who will be engaged on the most liberal terms or incorporated company; nor to ahy no rnplin, oa
runs. PHILLIPS% individual upon a pledge of stock or any thiiciii.
. tion, nor, upon the security of mar 1 alltienl
lime; and alt directors assentincto 'ilia Ihrrinies•
tions. shall be liable to tbe stoekholderi ft* • malt
lOss that may accrif by reason Of any tieeli hew
... .
Le .
or investinent,and inagbe proecedetitagainatoint
ty and severally, by any, or all of the said vaili.e. -
holders: Provided. That nothing heteisi - i : emlitlfi elf
.hall he construed to prohibit any Bruit* - rir Sa
vings Innen mien from taking a mortgage . 'tes \ ste.. ?.
cure any subsisting debt here:ofore.rmentrtedid:'
See, 4. NO loans or discounts-shall Lereaftriric be
made to any officer or d i rector of any Bank :iter l fite
vings Insti, titian, tither directly_ or itidirtetli, to
an amotint above two pct cetlt. sio the actdatilspi.
ral,-telirre such mini's' tines not attesttaitistasTh
- .‘
died thoniand ifollers, end not:abet-0i -
one per cent
wi.ere the capital stela exe.ods that arnouptpjead
any/Within of this .prosisiomahait operate Ail'iss it,
immediate lot feiture of the character of suck" iii.
It tit ion.
Auzusf 21. 1R42
•ondon, for sale only by S. PI
•i Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
bi sole azent for Western Pennsirttrunta, 'rep in
iTll'Closkers Clothing Store
AT Tills
No. 151 Liberty street. one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
T HE subscriber fa just receiving al. his welt known
establishment, the targest, most varied and ettasessT
stock or GOODS that hail elle, been offered in this air.—
Every article was selected by himself in the cavern ci.
ties, and purchased at the Lowsirreistr PRICILS, and lie is
therefore enabled to sell his ,artiefes much loner than j
they can be had at any other estabP 1
shinent west of the
itounta Iti v. - ..."
His articles are all made by experienced workmen,
n obi the latest menu fart ?PO goods and i rt the most
He feels centident that all persons who will , call at
his establishment and examine his stock will he satisfied
that BETTER BA RG 4INS can he obtained at the
than at any similar establishment In the city.
His mock consists in part of
Coals, Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Glares, Suspenders.
And every Other snide of Clothing of tire hest style
From AN -varied stock of, clo th s he 111 Prepared IQ
i n a itAte nnsurpawsed by any other .tfMNabei nt b
111 9USe.
and seamatertts Jlt. ' rg
!He stock of spriest. and Snsterer., eras-6 anterior to
Y4 1 03,11mil Artgtortatlona and hcisas -no healtattoiellt
serer that for excellence, heanly and cites pneis they
cannot be equalled in the west.
The subscriber would once more return Ills thanks to
Iris friends •nd the public for the unprecedented pat ron•
age bestowed on his establishment, and believing that
his customers had found it to their advatitege in deal
with him, lie would repeat his invitation to all Muse
who wi s h to purchase Clothing of every descr!ption at
lowest prices,to rail at No. 151, LI DRRTT STREST. I
int-Observe Metal Plate In the Pavement.
Felt 22
p Passage and Remittances ,
/0 t%
4h 0'
•74 4
New York owl r.iverprml
pERSO.VS ['estrous of ,:endin g for tl ei. !stenos to
come from any part of Gre.[t Ilritain. are respect
fully informed that the suliscrill, is at all limes pre
pared In make turn engage rhr nts• Ile is prepsred
In remit monies by dra tls, which arc made payable at
any point throughout the rniled Kingdom On pre•crila.
lion: haying been for the last 12 year: engaqed in the
lousiness, lie feels eonfident Iliot bin a rrangements on
boi h sides I lie Ai Innlic are such as will glee ,atisfartion.
'rite Ships comprising the above line, are all oft he tina
cla , s and are commanded by careful and skillful most-rs.
If:lying Liverpool ( ) nee each week durirz, 1!:e sea,mt.—
ror further riarlirularsnoply ii by letter In
or In N 0.61 Srmlh strret, Now Yoi k.
treet TR DI:,
at Ale.ars Dalzell Fleming Water s Pitehgb.
March 3--2 ind.
PHIL.9DELPHM (5- 8.81,T11110.12E.
runts Line is prerlPred 10 rtlMlllenre bu loess on the
opening of the canal. It i: composed (west of Col
umbia) of First etas* Portablc Boats, chartered forthe
..eason, each boat beim: in charge of it: respective owner,
Th e line has at a heavy expense taken a Pot.icy or IN-
Fra knee from one of the most suh.ua mint and prompt
offices In t he United Stair,, COVe•rill 2 all Good, shipped
by it, (free of expense to the orcaers of t hr. goads ) Shin
pert desirous of availing thems.eive n or this insurance
itiu,:t give notice at the place of shipment of the value
or their goods.
The rates of freight will hr p, low as by any re:noo
ntide carriers, and the faciilti es for giving satisfaction to
rUstomers In all respects are surpassed by no line on
the canal. Shipper, to and Alain the east it`e respect.
fully Invited to
fie brininess will be conducted by
90 Front street and Canal Raftlf), PhtPhlllgh.
Foot arpnck siren, Philadelphia.
New York.
March 4
pper W
and sheet Tror
Ware, No. 17, Fifth et., between Wood and Mar
Keeps constantly 411 hand a good nest:tit/tient aware*.
and solicits a share of public patronage. A (so. on hand,
the following flick.: Shovels. Pokers. Tonga, Gridirons,
Skillets, Teakettles, Pota, ..)vens, Coffee Mills te. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves, as IS is determined lose]] cheap for cash or
approved paper.
mar. 14—tf
Jan 3 1843
J. Baal/nape
6,... P. MA fnti,
A. L. LOW, Columbia.
_ u ~
~._ _
es-- ,
- ... -
See 5 That, itnin - and after the passage ohit
Act, it shall .- nor be lawfbl . for any - tatockholi6r or "
any Bank or Savings Ihstitutinn within this 4tanta
monwtalth to vote for directors, except in'hie or
her own proper persontsand all laws now ifiralice .
authorizing 500/1 stockh - olders to vote by proshare
hereby,repeaTed:. Prnviderl, That this priyhtion
shall ri o t preventany zuardino of minor children, ..
or any bona fide ..rustee, who holds stuck in a fig
' duniary rapacity, from voting upon such stocks at
any such electi. ns.
See C. No Bank shell hrrrafier, g o int o ?rh, ,
Ilion until its whole capital stock shill . be:./ Vetifily,- .
subscribed and paid in sp, cie or se
any' violatihrt or. evasion of this - (
1 jecit al/ and eieiy Person aidin _or enTs _ _
the:sane to a prosechtion fur 10,. roiadoliw
(mon conviction thnreofshall he Ont4...in"
not lass than five hundred dollars, Oilier
by imprisonment in the ellate hit*
not less than one year. 4 ,
1 Sec. 1
.Nu Bank *tall lone; tir tiuseifii tOrtlia. • - , 4
1 culated any post nob*, tor arty itiiitriOrtna a t eillilr *-5'0...,
_eiccipt; Such as are-, poyal?le pa' ft--
mand.' - - -.... s -....s .............k..,.........ak- a.. -,, irk....::
See S "irony pre,steren - t, cashier; tit AOl 7l / l Altierr - ~.
officer rn. clerk of any Bank or Sav-ing laatitulion,—.
in this Commonwealth shall heguilly ol'a Ifiviailt-'
ortrust, or fraudulently embezzle or alliiate—.
to his own use, or t.ll the us?. of any
_t he
or persona, any money or other property belong-.
in g to any such institution, or left with` the Wine;
a. a sre..cial deposit or otherwise, without thaixtu.,
thoriti' of the direwor., he I r they, upon cenvic.
lion of anvil r fforlre, shall he fined in a sum not
less than — l - he a 1111/Ll'lt RI) appropriated or embezzled
and wolei go an imprisonment at hard labor ill the
State l'unitentiary, for any term hot less than one
or more than five years, at the discretion ofthe
emir': Provided, Th a t thi. shall mttprevent any
person or persons aggrieved from Pursuing his,
- 1
her or their civil remedy against such person or. .10
Sec 9. It shall he the ditty ofthe Auditor (lens
eral on the applicatiort, o r any Ave individliale tn.
'crested in a n v Rank or Savings Institution in this
commomyealth, as stockholders, note holders or
depo‘i'or ,, , rilin g Forth under their oath Or dB?.
matins, that they have jist reason to believe that
the ntilitrs of 41101 flank or institution have been
and are being mismanaged, or is in Rine, or in.
so!vcnt ci-rumstamee n n , has violated the law, trt
iostittre a strict and spa rehinfr, investigation of
Op • etfairs of - such Bank or Savings Institution:
and for ':11., purvee he sh .11 l'e authorized to cart
In lii, aid or as:ist-ree, it be deems it necelsary•
two cornerten t and distinguished pc•rtmna, who, to
-ticollnoecuwio r awf n u ith saidlluditor"GencVal sholl'hatret
po .:whorlty to investigate thorough.e.
ly the affairs .(such in ,tit il , i on; an d for thi, put .
po , , e it shall be lawful for tlictra to call upon the
officers and directera outhe same to answers!' •
que“,or s appertaining to its managem ent o r ir..
rnirs, and to demand the produe'ion of all book*.
vouchers and papers relating to the eoncerns,uf
•octi Banks or Institutions. And it shall be the
, duty of the Audi'or General, immediately after -
such investigation Is c:ost d, to publish the results
of the same, in at least one paper i
an I one
pn flarrisburg.,,,
r'ai'v paper in Phalndelphiao
c'ec. 10. If tb, Au •ttor General shall be antis*. •
tied fro m the re•ult of such investieo, that sochir.,.
rlat,k lim violated any provision of law, applica;:' -
hie to tbe h,,n;:ing iimtitolions of this Comtnons;—:
wealth, or that it is iii fail i ng or insolventcircum• -
stances, arid that its affair, are being mismanaged •
it shall be hi, du'y to apply to the Cutlet of Com• ' '
t,' a si Pleas of the proper county, If in session, or,
mete judge if in vacation, vetting forth the
Etch' ' - itettcd by such investigation: and it shall be
the duty o sown emirt, or Finglc judge, to whoa
i such applicatio n is made, to dire, t a citation to be
I!issued by the prnthor wary of said corm, in the
name and by the authority of the Commonwealth ~
of p.ennsvlvaria, against such Bank or Savings,
Institution, and "forwards the like proceedings
shall be had in all tespects as are provided for in-• ••„:. -
ti,e second svctie n of en Act entitled 'An Act -
. .
to provide fir the rsalimptiou of Proems, payments'
by the Ranks rr this Commonwealth, and for othei.
et purposes,' lassed the twelfth day of March._ -
A. D• one thousand eight hundred and forty-two. •
ISee, /1. ft shall b..' lawful fir fie Auditor chte. -
oral to employ compvent c , ens-1 to act on the i
lpart of the Commonwtalth, io ins itutiug the pro- ,
ceediege provided for in the tenth section of Iltio.''.."
ac; and the tx, eases of the sati.e . hal be paid by,
the Bank, or insiitution againet which such pro. T
coedings are instituted; and the Atali'or General.: i'-''
and his assistants, shall each be entitled to re.—
ceive a sum not exceeding three dollars per day.
for every day necessarily employed in such loves.
tiga'im, to be paid in like manner.
Sect. 12. The stockholders of every Sank - -
[hereafter incorporated, as well as every Rank . •
whose charter is renewed, ehail to !fable IQ tha•
creditors of such Bank in their l^dividtiatcapeel- .•.
ty. na an amount not exceeding the amount of -- •
the par value of their stock, owned and possessed
by them respectivtly, in any such Bank or Banks:
,}.:~^:: ~` .fit!! :~ k~ .a