Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 23, 1843, Image 1

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    VOL 1.--N0.164
TERMS.—FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable in
tulvtace. Biagio copies TWO CENTS—for Sale at the
Affotielor of the office, and by News Boys.
'Else Mercury and Manufacturer
It published WEEKLY, at the same offire, on a double
medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad.
vases. Single copies, SIX CENTS.
Terms of Advertising.
One Insertion, 0.50 I One month, $5.00
Two Insertions, .0,75 Two monts, 6.00
Three Insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7.00
One week. 1.501 Four months, 8.00
Two weeks. 3,00 Six months, 10,00
Three weeks. 4,00 One year, 15,00
One Square. Two Squares
PIT manias, $14,00 Six months, $23,00
OAe year, 35.00 One year, 35,00
rrLarg•r advertisements in prorortton.
CARDS of four lines Sea DOLLARS a year.
Ctrt Pont Omer.. Third between Market and Wood
M Riddle, Postmaster.
Cos Toy( 110(73g, Water, 4th door from Wood at. Peter
eon's buildings—Major John Witlock, Collector.
4 IDITT TIM/AWRY, Wood between Firit and Second
streets—James A. Dartram, Treasurer.
Cooorr TaleAllelLT, Third street, next door to the
Thiel eteohyteriao.churelt—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
AllAirox's Orem', ?mirth, between Market and Wood
streets—Alexander Flay, Mayor.
EVaI.VIGIC. Fourth, near Market st:
Trressuaon.lretw,•en Markel and Wood streets, on
laird and Fourth street.t.
Mcinnorre ►aP M LSO/ ACTURERS. ♦no Dc•
Miser Balm, (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Mood and Market atteets.
Esc AAAAA , Fifth Arm, near Wood.
Moteownanat , a. floras, Water toreet, near the Bridge.
Etcmaims Horst., corner of Non and di, Clair
Nutczaprre floral., corner of Third and Wood.
Aautic►n Horst—corner of Third and Smithfield,
Stllti, corner of Penn street and Canal.
s Caot.r., Liberty 'tract, near Seventh.
.11113.s.sas Mixsiox lioust,Liberiy St. opposite Wayne
itykorstusaT lidirmon HOUSE, Penn St. opposite Canal
red to Bakewell's offices on Grant st., neatly opposite
tee new Court House, next rooms to John D. Mahon
Beg ,—First floor. sep 10
Taos. li. ELLiorr, JI. D.— office removed to
St. Chair street, bowed* Penn and Liberty St s •,
Pittsburgh. s' P 10
ja 13G H TONER, Atto , nes at Law, North East corner
A% of 43mithtield and Fourth streets. sep 10-1 y
ANDLESS & 11PCLUSFy Aitorneya and
NAL Cosinelion at Law Office in the Diamondsep lick
'illt* . old Court Ilonue,Pitlshurgh.,
SEUNK ¢ FINDLAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourthst
sear the Mayor's Office, Pht.thurgh. sep 10-1
OS. HAMILTON. Attorney at Law, Fifth, between
Wood and Smithfield sta., Pittsburgh. sep 10-1 y
V °Mee on the north iOde °fine Diamond,betweei
siarkstAnd Union streets, up stairs rep 10
-1k I. Attorney at Lavr, tenders
riC, Lis p r ofesvlanal services to the public. Office cur
oer.of VIM and Market Streets, above D . Ltoyd/r, Co's
itisie,Tittsharlslt, Pa. vep 10
EFSTI3II k 8114211.4 N k!sl, Attorney,' at Law, o.ce
removed from the Diamond, to •• Attorney'sßow,"
%sty aide of Fourth street, between Market and Wood
wheels Ben 10
. has removed his office to the corner of Fourth
street andCberry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant
streets, Plt talturg h. sep
GKORGE W. LA YNG, Attorney at Law, Office
No. 54 Fifth street, near the Theatre, Pit tsliurgh,
sop 27—ly
.111770AJrEY AT LAW. —Office in Bears' Bnilelin
eoerth street, rittsburgh. Nov . 5. 1842.
JOHN J. iIIiTCHELL--Atiorttay at Law, Whet.
corner or Smithfield and sth sts Pittsburgh.
fr:r Collections made. A•l nusitress entrusted to hie
care wilt be promptly attended to,
(eh 16---Ir
R E ""L.—
Nlorrow. Ahlerman: otli e north
side of Fifth et,, between Wood and Smithfield
Ms. Pittsburgh. sou 10
DR. S. R. HOLM Es, OMeein Second street, nest door
to Mglrony k Co's Glam. Warettottoe seri 10-1 y
JOHNSTON 4- STOCKTON, Booksetiers. Printers an
Paper Marreacturers, No. 37, Market Ft. ep 10-1 y
TORN ANTYERSON, Srnahfield Foundry, Water st..
nem ft Monongahela House, l'ittstursh. sep 10-1 y
room., s• YOUN . VILA NCIS I. YOUNG.
THOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware
Rooms, t.orncr of Hand st. k Exchange Alley.
Torstoos wishing to purchase Furniture, will find it to
t helradvantage to give us a, call, being Cully satisfied that
we tan please as to quality and price. sep 10
MUTTON ur received 160 caoice Glut
Hams, well cared and for sale cheap by ihe do
Mita retail, try
alp I. N 0.9, Filth st
Runt BAG A, -A supp'y of Landreth's Fresh It u•
to Saga, and other ditTerent varieties of Turnip
Seal, Just received and for sale at RV:nit]) PRICRS at the
Drug and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDN,
P 10 No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
WER.O CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe Id anuracto.
Irv. No. 83 Fourth St., next door to the U. States
East. Ladies Prunella , 1(1.1 and Satin Shoes made in
Ide neatest manner, and by the newestyrench patterns.
sep 10
GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of, Hoes. Fancy Spade
Tramp l'roweta. lidding Took, p, a ddin
Prilning KeWes, ruining Shears. etc., just cis
leelved sal tor sate by F. L. SNOWDEN.
sep.lo 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
3,III.OII3tRATES" (MA NES, for proceedings to .Re
tockstent ander Use late taw, for sale at this Office
F OR SALE.—Lois on th e Nor' East corner of Coal
. 11 Lane and fligh street. Apply to
sep 10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, sbenr 4th st.
100 LrßeeSt.iLveadadarnedticosrFeareinee
at t u lL a r D
r u Bee t g
and Seei ted
ittore of F. L. 6N.0 W PEN ,
.ep 10 184 Liberty et reel , head of Wood.
To be used in Bankruptcy proceedings, printed on
wood paper,and in the forms approved by the Couri for sate
at the Office of the Mercury and Democrat. sep lel
M. MJBBA.RD, fashionable boot and
shoe blanolacturer. No. 1111, Third wreet, between
'll o lll6li and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh sep 10
AB. PATTERSON r., Birmingham, near Pittsburgh,
Manufacturer of Locks, Ifinges and Bolts; To.
lhosicer, Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws; Houten Screws for
eolith* M .te. sep 10—ly
:JOHN DIPICLOSKEY, Tailor and Clothier, Liheror
VW street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side,
JW. BUILBILIDG E 4. CO., W holc.qa le Grocers and
Commission Merchants— Second street, between
Wood and Smithfield sts.,Pittabursh. sep 10-- y
JI CI. A. GORDON. Commission and Forwarding
• Merebauts, Waier at.,rittsburel, sap 10—ly
Wholesale Grocers, Commission and Pro
duce Merchants,
And Dealer* ir. Pittsburgh Alauufccturcs
No, 43 Wood street, 14114horai,
Cotton Yarn AVArehouse,
No. 4.3 V 17 ,0 ,l str,et.
Agents for the sale of the Eagle Cotton FaetorY Y•arns
March 17, '4l.
HANNA Fr 'CURNIII.7I.I,'S Cap er Warrl,oo.tt, No.
104, Wood fit .; wt , re may be'pad a ze„twral•upply
of writing. wrapping, printing, waif roper, ht.riik -hook.
school books, kc. sc i , to-- .
F^{ C. TOWN-4P.ND Er CO., Wire fro:- k res and
1.11.../.llfaurifucturero , No. Market si reel,
and 3d &trees% sea 10--1 y
EX(HAIN:GE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and Clair
g 2 treels. by Mc1i111131;s:
sep 10-1 y
Ju5%,,T.% mtiN Wr)lit::;•
ward Hu=ms. 6lanufaelurer of Iron and Kaye
Warehouse N.. 25, Wood st., Pifishurzh. sep 10 -1 y
NE"' Gro9i)S. —Preston 4- Mackey, wlii,lesale and
retail dealer, in French, at d Do west
Dry Goods, Xn. !:1, ket , p 11).
- 1 - 0119 31'1)EV ITT, ‘vhok.s.ale grocer P.rri if%iuz
Distiller, And Dealer in Prnduon and
ManticantUred Article, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pm,.
burgh. sep 10
WILLIAM H. V4111,1.11ms I cur+ S. Hlto.vortln
WILLI.%MS & inLwoßTH.—_wh , esarr.
Grocers Produce and Comm tA,IO II Id crcllanl4, and
Sealers In Piti.burgh Manufactured arti,le,, No. 29,
Wood street. sett It)
Jowl N. hIAN
QIIETtIFF & KEX'S, Planufacturers of Copper.
Tin, and Sheet Iron Mire, No 80. Front st F ots
,nt,th. !louse Spottlin and Steamboat work promptly
ext cute& sep 10
I, MAKER, No. 7, St. Clair street, Pitts-
SW; burgh,
sep 10
supply of Landreth 's Carden Seeds, always on
hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of
184 Liberty Eireet, head of Wood.
REMOVAL—Matthew Jones, earlier and Hair Dress
er, has removed to rotirt n !it reet , opposites he May
ors office, where he will he happy io:wait upon permanent
or transient customers. Ile suticits a s har e of public rat
rep 10
OIIN ZtVFAILL 11, Cpholaierer and Cabinet
.41-ker, Third at. between. Wand 4- .11ar!..et streets,
respectful informs his friends and the public that lie is
prepared to execute all orders for SOfaS,Sitirboards liu.
reaus,Chuirs, Fables, [led-leads, Stands, Ilatr and Sprink
Matdraws, Curtains, Carpets. alt sorts of Uphulstering
worlerMitch he will warrant equal .o any (Mle in the
city , and on reasonable terms. sep 10
RE if OVA L ...--T h e subscribers have removed to W.I.
ter between Wood aod Smithfield streets, where
they will continue theWhoiesale Grocery and Commis
sion business, and would respectfully solicit the pat roft.
age °flitch (fiends J.W.BURIMIIDGE4 . Co.
Dee 3
DIL.A. W. PAT FERSON. C.nficv on Smith fi eld et !tett l
rear tSixth. sett 10
110 Word Street, Fillabargh.—R. A. ttaliti111:111
Ikectione'tr and Commlssion Merchant, is now To &pore
to receive and sell all kinds 01 Goa,ts and Merchandtr
at hts larze and capacious ',tows, No. 110, North Ea,
Corner of Wood and rfthSt.eeir. Hitstturzlt •
Regular sales of Dry Goods. l'orttilure, Croce rts.. an,
outer :Ink' ICS, on !Mondays and ThUrsda y of( wrt
Hardware, cutlery. Dry Goods, and Paltry al tir:c,t, ut
Tuesday, Wednesday. auk' Thursday evenin;”..
Books, 4-c , ever y t'alurday ev en.
Liberal:illy:Litres wadi. 0.1 Consi..inirrents witen %vault,
effsrc. John D. Davi,.
smoti, 4- co
F Lorenz 4 Co..
•, J. V. Borhrtdr,e 4- co.
s. ee 4. co.
Cap , . James rtl'CurgiD.
•• C. I limsen, Es.q.
'4l 'FnAden Cs.i.
.• 4. Kennedy.
J. K. Moorhead 4. Co.
Jas. P. Finn rt E. 41.
C 4491.
McVay. Hanna, 4. Co.
S. G. Henry,
Small. 11,4:a!ey k Co
3 -Mll
18 .1a.7"." 43
FARE R ETWDET).—P. S. Matt, Ltst:or *I A fit G
RAIL ROAD CAR!, from Pltt , sltu rry.ll. cia Bedlorti
eliamberebur,e, Flarristiorg and Lancaster, to rlDiadot
phia, connecting with I lie Mail train of Cars to N V.
i.e. Only 150 miles •itaizirie. and 01111 night 0111.
Alpo, the Direct lioe to Ualtiniore.
Fare to Philadelphia $lO.
Baltimore, 9.
Lenare daily fit * o'clock A. M,
Office ncond door befirtv the Merchants Tlolel Wood st
M ENDELL, GI: All AM, W.\ 1:Gli 4- co
fel, 23,184:3-1y
Having been rifilleted for nearly
two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee.
which produced frisch pain, ind n , ed Yariou.t npplied
lions recommended by the Fautili).—till in yam wa
cu red completely by II)c use of one bottle of Dr . Brand•
reth'sLinament,or External Remedy.
Witness my hand J A M ES 'TAYLOR,
Ohio t p Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1841).
Dr. Brandreili's Extetual Remedy or Linament; sold
at his office, No. 9:=l Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE--
50 cents per bottle. felt R.
20 Chnsts Tea.
20 Boxes Tobacco.
15,000 lbs. Lu nit) and Loaf Sii;ar
20 Boxes Raisins.
10 •• Soer in Ca adle.g.,
10 k• Starch.
10 Kegs Ground Ginger.
100 Barrels Green An. , les,
Received on consignment and for sale cheap for cash
U. States; Line warehouse, Canal Basin, Liberty et.
mar 10, 1841
THE undersighed have associated themselves ti,geth
er lior one year front the Ist January, Ist (343. us
der the syleof Devine llcAnulty, cur the purpose on
ly of waiving and forwarding Goods.
mar 10. C ft. Mc'A NUM' 1".
ed a supply of choioe Loulwille Lime and pond
Beans by the bhl sekolesale or retail to suit customers .
mar. 16 rf, HARRfS, No 9, riftb .1.
6JAIMS. N. 0. Sugar.
40 bbls, Molasses,
Just received per Steam boat Ashland, and for sate by
mar 3, Water st., between Wood and Smithfield
300 BBL& Jr. 0. NOLASSES;just recd per steam
boat Little Ben, and for sale by
lab V.
WOO at. - between Wood g. Smithfield
:? h ...3•14ES fI.RNIII'L
W lig
i•iv !le
It 00 Rio Coffee. sale ocl 4. '7, •4- A COIU)ON
13111:ASE'S 110.11IIIOUX11 CANDY
ierrnvell ibis tiny frato New York. a ins!' supply o.
udove colehrnied cure for Couulis, Colds and Con
sulopi:no; and 18 ready In :nipply cusloiner , til tvliolettale
or relall. at Iris a ! Agency, 1111 Fourth mt.
:w 12
AA AVID Cl..\ e'a../nunablc Boot Aftsker,—
y reo‘or,d to Sn,3•l /larket street, between
Second and Third streeK, where lie %Nou'd he happy
to see his old cuilontets, and all others who feel dtspos.
ed to patronize him. Rn n,e: nothing but first rate
stock, and emelt!) , the best of workmen; and as he zive•t
his contWaht pe1,011:1i auentiun tObllSilleSS, he i rusist nal
be w~II dr , orvt , ;thd receive a fair share of patronise.
set , 10
rlPlitTs ICE:C1:1•:.,‘ NI, 4- CONFEI:TIuNAIPi.-- -
A reFpeet fully informs - Criende and the
public. that they can always !Ind Ihe 11,4 quality of icv
(7,,, am5 . 102(.1 iwr with al; kinds of conlecilonary and
frail,. in their i.t.to on. al his esinhli,liinvot So. 11,
Filth st Cel le iwc" it Wood and Nlarket,
6.—fu, nil Ibn Sill/Oct-I nolicr, Vt
Itr atl)tilltia Ia ht. line. Al,) fainilieg furnished
wnu 6r cad. SOP 10
11 4 1 . VANS , S CAMOMILE PILL ',S.-Ai:it A
a HAM J. CLEM Ell, re-orling at ti 6 Molt Slrt!pi,
New York. was afflicted with Dyspepsia in its most
aggravated Inc in. The cy niptono , were violent head..
ache, areal dehilil y, fever, to , Dveue. ,, ,
hum, pain in the clo,i and stomarli always alter eal i
impaired apputhe, sevsai ion of sinking at the ,oto,o
In. red tongue, equent vouPtirols, dizzinr:+a
too arils. night anti leslletie,. These hail coot jutted up.
ward of a Iwelvemonl 11, when, on conputtititi
EVIIIIS.ItIOChaIIrmn. - -Iref , , and submitting to his eve
sorees,tfu I and a, ( -cable mode of freal went, the patient
wns romplelely restored to health in the short space of
one moot It. and g ritoful for the Incalculable benefit dui,.
pd. 2ladly carve forward and volonleered the above state
For sale Wholesale and Retail I.y
it. C, SEI.T.r. , {S, Aeon.,
No 20. Wood str.•to,ioldw Second.
Cheap for Cash.
Prices Reduced.
Short reel Yarn. Lung Reel Yarn.
. . . .
No. :. at 16 uts. p.., 11. ' 1;611 at 11 its per dz.
6 at 16; ditto ! fild) it P. ditto
7 at 17 ditto . '7lO at 7 ditto
8 at 171 ditto 1 tat at 6. ditto
9 at it) doh , 1400 at : ditto
10 at 19A .!,t 0 1001.) at .1 ditto
11 a: 19 ~,nr, ,
12 at 19; ditto Cat dlowitk at 16 el= p. r 11,,
13 at :211 data I:out Raton;; • 9 ditto
14 .it - .2. 1 1 ditto !Enmity do. • I_t ditto
15 at 21 ditto l eant% Cliaitt • 2)) ditto
It; at 22 ditto corn Tr. inc • 25 ditto
17 at 23 ditto Plort;inz Yarn :old
11l at 21 ditto Coviirli t Yarn always on
19 at 25 ditto ii.ind
20 at 2r;
ditto ,Torino IrVar fl• Matte to order.
0:::Ir Orders ptoinpity .dtetolol ID, if 1, It at 3.. p C.
Painter'-. 1,,,11111 k Rem . ..lt 's. or theirora oilier, addri,-.
lei) 21. 3. t: NI riMi II EA r) A- Co.
5,, impsN, k ni.t: NI '1 Nur A(;Tort v.—Pat rick Cftwfield re-
VI 4 30 PAILS N. O. NI,. ;acses 1 7 1 s pfrt fully a,quaints his friends and the public gen•
40 Tierce: gibe. erally, that he has commertfed the Marble business at the
20 Mils No 3 51a-Lerci, Irorner of Fifth and Liberty stg..;where will be constantly
10 do No. - 2 do. lon hand. tomb stones, mantel ;Ores. monuments. head .
7 Tiereeir Sperm 0 , 1. it,t received per SS Express I and loot stones, table stabs for cabinet ware, and ererra
Mad and for little by J. IX. run tutli)Cm 4 Co . articiparof•wo,,i,z to the 1,1‘41 , 11P8i. 11e wilt warfaniltli
mar 4. Water ei between Wood and Smithfield. l wort: to he well done, and lik charges will be moderate.
re:.Peel ask.; a , lia‘e of oublir patronage. net) 10-
tl- -
WM. STEELE, (cncee ,, sor to H. IM'Clo.keyl rash
10.1a Me Boot Maker, Liberty st., 2d door from
Vi7flu Alley. The sah.r.ritier,re,mertfutly informs she
puliticttial lie iris rontineneed 'the above business in the
, hop formerly o , corl , d by Mr. henry M'Clostev,
nd lint Itr Is now prepared lo arto all orders in his
line of toot 'lei , with tifeapnleb anti Most res.:on:3lde
berm:. Frain bia Inns exnerletire in the mnnuntrinre of
Fti•hlonahle Pnol R. hp feel? conndent that nil articles
frnto Irk eon lot-hioeot st 11l i v 'art.:faction in Iris pa
iron, A ,:hriteol onione plironage i. reveri fall; <ntir rt.
sep 10
frill F. euhsriiher hav remov - d btk rasltionah!e Tiatorio:
F,~lablishtneut to the Mooongaltehr horse, :id door
from first et. nn %inn htield st.w here hisold oftotlll`fl , and
all other 3 who may favor hint with a vatl may defend on
having itivit work done ill :1 superior Sty'e. From lii'
long exmolehre lo the hn.ioerer in tltio city, and in
other f. r .hintial4e.ritiek in Dirope aud Arortsie4. Iw leetk
confident that Mt ran give katikhiclion to all oho iony
0h... to favor trim will 111111 enAotw, Its on net anent inn
to hti , l,,e- Ind superior ,vorktono,ho, no hope,
In uu•rin
111111 t a share of rithlir patrona2e. tle ‘rh•mt kve.,•inz.
oil 11.11 iii it gr)-nd: and .1101111 , 4, Sllti l ine
LI ink shiclt W lll bi. - , ,h; at very prif
N ,10,-cillort WC!I ;lAA !11, t t
hat ITIC C.' I T. 5y, , 4'111 4a prartt,wl 01, IC
CAIN; i-clll,O-; i.e,+onN I% 111,
.13‘ 1!11 nidrv, t
.1 0 ,e. d 1 t uur lt, iIII I I it ..A. knw4
;J:uul II 111.11 Ihry mold kkl er,.!: a - , p , 11 , 1 ,
tlo•y ate hart
r- a lallllliie. OW a, td . rrrttfica!es. r.
',IT,. A r..kr •u.ll a..are e1;11 y us , ti by goark , I
r.l I lirl rnn lliri kr-. I y 0111'11 .llccrr-d In 1,1 OtC
unsll-perlik_ rtkr'ollo, solilk Oki 111.11 Ikr
Inv Sri I , S ll 01r.,', Lulvcrlica,oi. are
only , Warr aad are• n roam r nil
tled l,t r re,lll 11111.11.. qet intithalde puldiraticons
;thou! •Irra I (.11'," • , rrr kr wl irk
I p , ,ainle 1,111 •!vt, y lIV hnn r.•aPt
a,. I %,,111.1 ••••
1. 11 • 1 • tehn vial lu hart' lllir
rlohlits I.t , rat, .t, It to make a 1,9111ty
they \VI:: find t hal Illif 11111 clllll4l 161 y ran
:leconliii"A-1 ,0
lin 7-31 c
1 r- la 'node or rntlu , r .Ifon razeie,,
who have opero :111‘.3 I,y 111 we , r shop y and who
1,111, tor t• nod lon or leo:thy ndver.
jr.: . i,,for1111 . 1111t: 11 . 111 ,. above (fol-onie, as Ihv v
ierm it) ha- nn r, ferenel , tll tIO , III %VhAtcver. The per•on
olioded 111 i-Itoll pil'.l•lll,rup'l.,Pr, nu .gfirrwrine. NAM
kreint a ...;or ,hop 111 1115 r liy . eon of ('tis Sala) 1.1
1,1,0 ly o'f 4 .1 , 1•11 wJlt 511C11 1,1,111- of loyalty from his
oil; so' jrri , , and no butt I't f1,V,1r41 thew by giv)ll2
them n G Iv Di ./.7,1100 Slllll eX1111i. , 111•/. Of 1:111k
frith whom 1141110 can COlll prtr, built trier 5(1,11 111011,
111111 not Lee Penne 01 liet way, as a little precantiMl
If 12 hi present an ID X
To THE PUBLIC, and }arriculvelu to to;
patrons o f this city:— 1,1v1,1.7. retired Irvin the
practice of Nlylicine, I may be peanut , ri 10 say, I hist it
has !alien itt the loi of 1 ill 11 , 11, prr , olls lu 11:1Vr enjoyed
or large a Tare id.siretts al piactiee as my
own has Len Coe iii lasi .01 or tears.
The experience “(111:11 11110 period of active life. end I l ie
fart of my hay ina hey, assorialed with
Dr. Id. 4.Wilsnn, in the pin(tire of medicine. (in horha
pcitioil of live yettr , .) tinal&is tne fully of the
nieros of
to convenient, so efficient. and yet so safe, did I esteem
these iiills, t hat for the last five yeats in my practice fur
the cure of chronic diseases, of whatever na rti;.. and those
of females in pari ieillar, I have used more 01 then) than
all other 1111'd11,1111•5.
' Like every other medicine, this must fail in conic in
stances, hut in my hands there has been less disappoint.
silent and ulore sn'istaction in lie administration of
one remedy ilufit of ail others; its good effects sotnetimes
quite astonishing inc.
If my pal legit required a safe aperient medicine either
'.fore or after parturition, the kVilson's pi Is 'Neff Pirt
flu lillll% I warned.
If a dyspeptic ae id condit ism of t he stomach, combined
with costiveness or lnarlivlty of the liver .conslituted the
disease of my patient, the pills wile lust the thing I
If t treated a ca.te requictog an einusenagogste, the
Wilson's; pills were just the thin, I Nvatopij.
If palpilatistn, heartache, flushed countenance. or other
difficulties - , indicative; a distuttance of the circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the guru
of life, the Wilsoles pill: , were jusd the thins, i wanted.
Thus, without resit tet to the name, a disease might
happen io wear at the time I have, had it under treat
meat, partictriar indications of s,t, 'Hinton- were
mo=t pruttilitly and ato,t happily met by the
That so veal a nil mner of iii,case=, and sometimes ap
parently opposite ones, in which I have tizreil therm pills,
should be Cute(' .more readily 4iy them than by any other
remedy, may ill tiro seem stranne and contradictory, but
why it Is so is as clear to my mind us that a gicat many
persons should become thirsty ft 0.01 4€l many different
catlifeS, and yet all require that common and greatest or
all blcssings, water to quench their thirst.
In conclusion, ills due the , cputation of tie medicine
and the nubile, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the ilson'a pills are tire only 'cOmbi oat ion I hare ever
met with in my longconrse of practice, that really po,
eessesanything curative or specific for sick headache
Ycntrake., DR. MILO ADAMS.
The above Pills designed particularly for the sick
liaed.A she, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the !towels ac.,
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for
sale, wholesate and retall,at his dwelling In Penn street,
below Marbusy. Oct 1
DR. GOODE , S Celebrated Female Pills. These
Pills are strongly recommended to the notice of
the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing
complaints peculiar to their sex. from want of ez•
errke, or general debility of the system. They obviate
costlceness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections. 'Purse Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Mil.
Led Slates, and many Not hers. For sale Wholesale and
by It. E. SELLERS, Agent .
sep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second.
--TtrTtr has
AV M. AD AIR., Boot and Shoe .Maker, Liberty St.,
V opposite the head of Smithfield 01., Pitteburgh.—
The Pu hscrlber having bought out the Stork of the late
Thomas Rafferty, deeeased, has commenced business
In the old stand of Mr. 11., and is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work in his line, in the hest manner
and on the shortest notice. Ile keeps corstantly on hand
a large assortment of shoe findings of all descriptions and
of the best quality. lie solicits the patronage of the pub
lic and of the craft. WM. ADAIR..
sep 10
and Arles for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, C and Ellptlc Sprinzs (warranted,) Jtmlata
Iron Axles, Silver and Bross plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Huh Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold steps, Malleable
Iron, Door (I andles and Hinges, c.. 4.e .
sea 10 St. Clair qt.. near tt e A nest - icily Ltridse.
1iD..9 ELM:RS, M. D ,once and dwelling in Fourth
near Ferry Aire!. sep 13—ly
The attention , 11111 e who have been somewhat seen-
Ilea! in reference to the numerous certificate , published
in favor of Dr. SWFlvr,p'g tom pound Syrup of Wild Cher
re, on :termini of the per , tollA being unknown in this see
lion of the State, is re,mectlitily directed to the following
certificate.t he writer of which has been a citizen of title
borough for several years.and is known as a gentleman
of Integrity and responsibility.
To the Agent, Mr. J. Kielty.
I havensed Dr. Svc:woe's Comp Lind Syrup of Wttd
Chet re rot a collalt, with which I have been severely of
Bided for nhout four and I have no hesitation
In saving that it ktilie most effective medicine that I have
heel, Billet° procure. It cornpo•ea all unen,lites. and
agrees well with my diet.—and mantains a regular and
good appetite. I can freely recommend It to all others
similarly afflicted. 3 . Miantrx, Borough ofChambersh'e.
March 9. 1140. sep 2.1
l'or by WI lAA M Tllolllsi So. 53 Market street.
PERVON: 4 desirous of proruring Ftnit. Shade. and
Ornamental Tree,. or Shrubbery, from Philadel•
phia or New Yn, k, are rrrinezted to make application as
coon ac pottAille, at the Dru z and Seed Finer or the Mb*
,riber. where enn be had ratalogaes, I . :MIDI - Mph'. of th•
mast rxerllcal "aneties. F. 1.. SNOWDEN.
set, 31 No 181 Liberty street. tired of Wood
1 - 1/RIIS•FEDS A C , upiklV of riFri reed., rim
kistim! . o t o nor; jnat rereivell l'y
foli F L SNOWDEN. 148 Liberty st.
alimill1111.: 0 YOUNG'S in proved Flay
••0 . form Smilee, manufaci tired he
IIIhe• ,lit.rr.l...rS, al their Mackin,
Shop, Snip i6rld street. l.r (wren Din
t • mood A Ilry and Fifth street, two
doors nliove Temperance Hall, rill.
hutch, w here they tunnufarlore nod
s o •rp ronstrinily on hand the follow
rtltt.:4l Platform SraleS on ‘N 111'11, lu wrigk 2,500 :hs, a
Ir. - ) 1111,
do do 2,005 at 11, 15 00
do do 1,500 at :15 00
do do 1,000 at :10 00
do do 500 at 25 00
V 1 h n 2 lever, an addition of $.; to each scale.
Dormant ,r 31,4 for the me of Warehouses, Flouring
Mots, k..t he same prices as above.
Iso,White's Patent Counter Scale, v‘ith 0. Young's
improvements. and a variety of oilier counter scales
whirh they will sell lor I . ruin 8 10 8
They sign manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring
Mill,. Saw Mills, Salt %Yorks, &c.. double and singe
r.d slide tat lies.foot and other lathe* , for wood turning
innchltitta for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door
and gash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without Ihrasbing enperior article; circular
saw shafts, machines for sawing 181 il, Tinner's mn•
chine, and tools 4011 descript ions, a Iso for making black
ing hones, a superior article; governors fur swain engine
..toel,s. laps and dies, colic mills, bedstead or joint hots
and insiritinery for making the same. cotton factory nia•
eliini•ry made or repaired; printing press plait ens turned
and printing presses repaired
JAMES MAY, A g,en"...
cep 22-1( YOUNG 4. BR ADBURY
TORN B. GUTTIRIE, Auctioneer and Commis
el Merchant, No. 106, corner of If 'nod 4.• Fifth ats.
Pittsburgh: Having been appointed one of the A uction-
Cr rs fo, the City of l'itslinrg h. tenders his services to Joh
hers, manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of this mar ket• Ile I; prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and irusis In satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy land favorable returns.
That the various interests which may be confided to
him, shall be adoqualely protected, lie kings to the aid
of his owu experience in business and acquaintance with
mercha !Mize generath , the services of Mr. SAmear.
r•IINICSTOCK; heretofore advantageously it flown, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
1.001: AT THIS
Mes.rs. M. Tiernan, Presh. of M. k M
Darlington 41.• Peebles,
James M. Cooper,
" Jame , May.
R. M. Riddle. Pittsburgh
Wm Robinson, Jr. Pres't 1
of Exchange Bank.
Hampton, Smith, 4
• John Davis,
Saltine! Churrh,
J. K. Moorhead.
•, Jas. VW. Brown 6f CO,
John H Brown, 4. Co
Smith 4. 11 holey,
•• Yardly ¢ ti . txrers,
•• John S. Riddle,
John Dalitell,
WAVSTIN, Attorney at Law, PI: tsi,oi 7. h. PS.
Office in 4th street, opposite Rurke's Bulldtrig.
W:LLIAIit E. A UYTIN, will Ore his attention to my
unfinished business, and I recomniend him to the patron •
age of nay friends. WALTER F•ORWARO.
sep 113-1 y
For publishing a new Daily Paper in the City of Pitts
rilHESuliscribers having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu
ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daify
pa per with the title of the Daily Morning rest.
The leading object of tire “PosT" will be the dissemina
tion and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore Leon maintained by the Editors, in their respective 1:
papers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the
advancement and success of those dbctrines.
Although, In politics, the paper will be thoroughly
democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic I iitelli;iencc. and brief notices of all mat•
ters arid occurrences that conic properly within the sphere
°Fa Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently in•
cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, ir
respective of party considerations.
In addition la the political and general news that will
be found in tire ...Morning Posr," the Editors will take
pains to furnish the linsinessm community with
the latest and most hittreSlilig COMMERCILL
cent from alt parts of the country, and to have prepa
red such accounts of the Markets and the Stare. of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several callings.
Terms.—The Pori will be published en a large imperi
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Journll) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum, payable In advance. It will also be sold by
newsboys at the low tate of Two CENTS a copy.
Advertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
Mr,* tv EN TY active lads are wanted to sell the Post,
who will he engaged on the most literal trellis
W. 11. SMITH.
Auvisl 31. 1842
itlt Morrison 4- Co. London, for sale only by S.
Wickersham, corner of Wood street nod Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10
M.'Closkey's Clothing Store
No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
li\HEsubseribcr Is just receiving at his well known
1 establishment, the largest, most varied and csgairerr
sxock or coons t hat had ever been offered in !his city.—
Every article wa: selected by himself in the eastern ci.
ties, and purchased at the Lowrxrr will PRICKS, and he is
therefore enabled to sell his articles much lower than
they can he had at any other establishment west of the
Ills articles :Ire all made be experienced workmen,
ft out the latest manufactured goods and In the most
He feels confident that all amsono who will call at
his establishment and examine his stock Will be satisfied
that BETTER BANG II NS call he obtained at the
than at any similar establishment In the city.
His stock ronsisis in par; of
Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders,
And every Mitre article of Clothipg of the best style
Front Lis varied stock of cloths he is prepared to
MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice,
Inn style unsurria.sed by any other Pittsburgh house,
and warranted to fit.
Hie SIOCk of Sprig And Summer (?coda is superior to
any prrviont importalloeli and he has on hesitation in
saylnr that for excellence. beauty and cheapness they
cannot he equalled in the west.
The sithseriber would once more returnhl: thanks to
his friends and the public for the nopreredenteit pat roil
ai2e bestowed on his estatilkhinent, and believing that
his customers had round ft to their orlvaritrze to deal
with him. he would repeat his invitation to all those
who wish to pinches - v. Clot hin_ of every ciescr'.ption at
lowest prices, to call at
..o. l" , 1 EERTY STR ICUT.
(-)14. ye Metal Plate in the Pavement.
Feb 22
Passage and Remittances,
iue cales(wri
ly Lolopos - ed 0
No 1, rt.)
Nev York and Li verp.mi Line.
puuude,ut sb,)
PERSONS i'e.irotis of friends to
come front any part of creat Britain, ore respect
Mille inforouid tlrit the subscrit, is at al/ tittles pre
pared to make lt c ugogi ti.. ill,' Ile is prepared
to remit mollies by drafts, whet arc made pnyalde at
any point throughout the l' Diced Kingdom on ores( ilia.
I ton; having been fur the lain 12 years engaged in the
business, he leek confident that hie arrangements on
holh Ades the Atlantic arc such :is %I.ill give satisfaction.
The Ships comprising the above line, are all .0 f the first
Hussain' are commanded by careful and skillful masters.
leaving Liverpool once each week during the season. --
ror Willie.: particulars apply if by letter to
No. 61 South street, New Yet
ur to J. KIR K TR ICK,
at Mestsr:ft Ualzcll er Fleming's, Rater street
March 3--2n0.1.
rrSHIS Line is prepared to commence business on the
opercin: of the canal, ft is composed (west of
umbia) of First Clo,o Portable Boats, chartered for tlic
i.enson, each boat being In charze of it: respective owner.
The tit l e has at a heavy expense 'obeli a PO 1.1.C1C or I -
FUR kNCIe from one of the most suhstant Lai and prompt
offices in the United Slates, covering all good: shipped
by it, (free of expense to the airrtere of the gocds ) Ship.
pore desirous of availing ihein.eives of this insurance
must give notice at the place of shipment of the value
o f their goods.
The rates of frei2ht will he low as by
.. any respon
sible carriers, and the facilit,es for giving sntisfartion to
oustomers in oil reaper's nre soroa,:sed by no lino on
the canal. Shipper, to and fioni the end are respect.
fully Invited to call,
file business will be conducted by
90 Front street and Canal Basin, Pittshoiret
March 4
M...INUFACTUR ER of Tin. Copper and Sheet Trot
'Ware, No. 17, Fifth st., between Wood and Mar—
Keeps constantly on hand a good assoi latent of wares.
and 110iielig a share of nalnic patronage. Also. on hand,
the following snicks: Shovels. Pokers. Tongs. Gridirons,
Skillets, Teakettles, Pots. Ovens, Coffee Mills kc. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves, as he is determined to sell cheap fur cash or
approved paper.
mar. 14—tf
1 aep 10
tone Blooms in Store and for rale by
Water betwtco Wood 4. Smith
Jan 2 1843
burgh, to be entitled the
f; '
41 1
4 4 .6 "1 j e,
/II •
Foot of Dock street, Phlladplph/a.
New York
A.L. LOW, Columbia.
Love of Jews for Jennetete.
With all this accumulated misery, with
all this insult and scorn heaped upon this •
Israelites here, more even than in arty
country, why, it will be asked. does he not
fly to other and happier lands'? Why does
he seek to rest under the shadow of Jere
salern's wall? Independent of that natu-
rat lave of country which exists among this ~.,
people, two objects bring the Sew to Jeru; ~•
saleth—to study the Scriptures and the
Talmud; and then to die, and have his ;,,,t,
bones laid with his forefathers in the vat- ,
ley of Jehoshaplaat, even as the Woes , of
the patriarchs were carried up to Egypt.
No matter what or how far distant the
I country where the Sew resides, be stilt :
lives upon the hope that he will one dlr .
journey Zion ward. No clime can chattel''. - -
I no season quench, that patriotic ardor with
which the Jew beholds Jerusalem, evert
through the vista of a long futurity, Od
his first approach to the cit , while Vet
within a day's journe p
best apparel; and when the first v,- ..
bursts upon his sight, he rents his gar.
ments, falls down to weep and pray ovet
the long sought object of his pligrimagiii,
and with dust sprinkled on his head, ho
enters the city of his forefathers. ;Rd
child ever retureed home after " - e. Torii tib-,
Bence with more yearnings of affection; 110
proud baron beheld his ancestral, tower*: ~ -
and lordly halls, when they htrbecorite.'` •
another's with greater sorrow, theali the 4 .
poor Jew when he first beholds Jerusalem
This, at least, is patriotism. 'lt is elitia. 9
ous,' said the learned author from ...whittil
I have already quoted, 'after surveying 0,
-almost total desertion of Palestine, to read"
the indications-of its fond attachment to— --
its very air and soil scattered :about ld, -
the Jewish writings; still it is said tba
man is esteemed most blessed who, even
after his death, shall reach the land of Pitf.•
estine, and bebtsried there; or even shalt
have his wishes besprinkled by a handful
of its sacred dust. 'This air of the land
of Israel,' says one, linakes a man wise;? -
another writes, 'he whet.walks four cubit* -
in the land of Israel is Sure of behlg a son
of life to come.' 'The great vise Men
are wont to kiss the Holy Land,- te4iiii--
brace its ruins', and roll themselves in kb
dust.' The sins of all the- • are forgiven
who inhabit the land of Is: ael."He who.i' s
buried there is reconciled with God, ,ii.
I though he were buried under the altars.
The dead buried in the land of Carlatal
first come to life in the days of the Mes
-Isiab. It is worthy of remark, as stela
by Sandys, that so strong is the desire this
singular people have always manifested for
I being buried within these sacred limits,
that in the seventeenth century large -
quantities of their bones were yearly sent
thither from all parts of the world, for the
purpose of being interred in the valley of
Jehoshaphat; for the Turkish rulers at
that tine permitted but a very small nums
ber of Jews to enter Palestine. Sandys
saw ship loads of this melancholy freight;
Joppa, and the valley of Jehoshaphat, are ,fr
literally paved with Jewish tombitones.-.
Wild's Travels.
Cure 07 roluntary Starvation.—A cor•
respondent at . Bi ompton lays before ua
the following anecdote of a cure singular
ly effected in an iusane patient, who had
obstinately refused to eat—related, he
says, by one of the must talented and pop
ular preachers in Naples, from the pulpit.
to a congregation of nearly fifteen hun.•
dred persons, in his presence, in 1832.
while illustrating the effects of mental hal•
lucination, a propos of the mystery of Ne.
buchadnezzar's transformation, which the
preacher referred to me ,tal delirium, quo
ting, in support of his view, the opinions of
several learned theological doctors:
`'Whilst residing at Rome,' said the
preacher, 'I paid a visit to a lunatic asy.
turn there; and, among the more retnarka-
He patients, one was pointed out to me
who had been saved with much difficulty
from inflicting death upon himself by vol.
untat y s:ervation in bed, under an impres. , ,: ;
@inn that:lie was defunct, declaring that
dead people never eat. It was soon obvi
ous to all that the issue must be fatal,
when the humane doctor bethought him
of the following stratagem: Half a doe .
zen of . the attendants, dressed in white
shrouds, and their faces and himds cover.
(ed with chalk, were marched in a single
file, o ith dead silence. into a room adjoin.
ling that of the patient, where he observed
I them, through a door, purposely left open,
sit down to a hearty meal. 'Hallo!' said
he that was (;eceased, presently, to an at
tendant, 'who he they?' Dead men, was
the reply. `What!' rejoined the corpse,
do dead people eat?' 'To be sure they do.
as you see,' answered the attendant. 'lf
that's the case.' explained the defunct,
'l'll join them fur I am famished;' and thus
instantly broke the spell.'—London Lan.
Of the present convicts in the Aubure
Prison, only two had received. a collegiate
education-12 an academic-500 could
read-210 could not read-167 had learn.
ed to read in prison-430 had been interns
perate-222 moderate drinkers-54 total
abstinence—in 290 cases the crime was
caused by liquor-370 left home before on
years of age-225 bad been boatmen 16
canals-160 sailors-75 soldiers-310 had
practised gambling-123 bad attended
Sabbath School-31 bad read the bible
daily-357 had been married. ."
Joseph Tricotti was sentenced to be
hung in New Orleans, on the 9th inst..
for setting fire to and robbing the office of
Messrs. Hollander & Brown.
:~:= . .