Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 22, 1843, Image 4

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    . - -
at. two doors from ail U. S. Bank. Wan Mr
Wile, Undertaker, respectfully informs the public that b
1111 removed Ills ready made codin warehouse to the
Lindley, recently occupied by M r. B. G. Berford,directly
opposite his oldstand, where he 1, always and h arepared to at•
end promptly to any orders in his I ille, y strict
tention to etll the detailA of the tutsine-.5 of an Undertaker
!Whom to merit putilic confidence: lie will be pi epared
at ALLA:roots to provide hearses, Biers, C iages and
every requisite on•the mos+, liberal let tni. from the
country will he promptly attended to.
Ells residence is in the same hitildimr with his wa re
home, where thoie who need his .. , ervices rn.iy find hire
atany time. RLFICRENCE,:
w. 3, ieCLURIC,
seri 10
yr, Tuost; STEN 0 TO
PRODUCE: Oft 1C1:11.1V.\ TU. 1/17' , E.1: 4 F..—This
class of tudividnals Is very on iterous. Tto•v are thosr
who work in an unheall Ity at in.olohere. Printers. work
men in feather stores, stone run yrs, bakers, White lead
mannfactitrers, are. all mart. or lust: subjert to disease ac'
cordinctoritestreit It of their constimi jolt The only
method to prevent tlisea 4 e. Is the or,rasimial use or a
medicine which abstracts front the t•lrculailuo all delete
rious huoior, anti expel , them by the bowels.
In any form are hiJuriotis, as they only ;,a1 ed . the evd
day to make it more fatal. The use of 13 , aroiret Pin,
will insure health, because they take all impure te.al ler
• out of the blond; and the body is not weakr,,ef but
strengthened by their operation, f the., Vaoutluable rills.
do Rol foree,but they as'i-t nature, a ed arc •
but harmonize With her.
S rt
Old at Dr. ttra,lret Office, No. 93
eel ,
Piti‘lotratt. Price 23 rents per l•ox, elll, fall lit CllO
51 Mtg.—The only place nt Piti,datreh wh. le the
GENUINE rite he ,d,tamed .13 the Doctor's own
dice. N 0.93 Wood streel.
ISSOL • — 7'7"
nersnip existinrz Indwer.n
11Vrd Iry L. Iltollrn
avid J. Morgan is iffittual
The tondilinos w 111 to duly mowed. with t h e
Of bulb p.lrliesnatieleti, IlArr.; he imtitinvd
open by the Sul.F.criber until ‘fl her ;11-(.ltl,4l`lllPutS ai e per
For on Ihe 1 - 01 I.hl np
pins, if applied for lin oledia:r - I v. J.\
at,., 11,11 N
sep =q—tr 9, Nl.trk l,
u 71. W-0
F. •.1
- _ _
in• 1111) 1) L SU 1 . 1 , r ,P ,r)r:r i tt,i)J9 10
1119 .Itd 51.:t(01, No tWtr :49i111,111.1,1 :"41fet•I,
where he can he consalle.l any hour du "e 111 R
— on Isis prOcesion
.--------- 7 ----_
41,F,VIOVAI,„—C•to7:e \ ro t or, Nir -, ituitt 'bailor,
respectfully annoottces to 11;4 icitools end tri• ;
I.ruuS, tint lie' has removed hi: e:lical,hilimit. from hi
old -tand, in Third :ivert, to thr r WIWI' of rtool aoo
Smithfield. in the tiaseitimit stoi v ,ii . ilm !110iiiim,:alii 1 , fl VII -,, .: a .3:ife ;1,1 cr. ttnin cm -, :.11 (' , rl, , 4i, ( - -,,71
Ili:Wit: where lie intend. keepi.rlo.l hand a ;relict - al a. , ll. A.14:11 , , S.re Thro4o, i'11,,,,s q sfi It r n), r 7, es ~ I . the
sortment of Fasitioitalfle Goods., suitable for Ge , i P,.i.i 11 . 1.. , . , F. , .4 ; roir.;. , S. Ijo,ree,", 1 e r t tot ,„, „, ;4,
ljemen's wear./ ' , a a', and malty ilt,eases I,ohne lo I h.. 1',11.5017111/1. ,
He hopes, hi; ela,:iiiati,iitiali. 1. , merit a •liere of 110 • Ti v 0 -oo'y ra t ; !or roll--or , 0.,..,1 tin 1 h ,
Utitetteeirk SO liberally eth.1:g1111 I , lllilll al hi- old stand. ...If ~'l 11 , a ,I 1. 11. T.
I I ( . 1,11 - r . ..t n., , 1 . .. d, 4:1 ,
N. B. H ar j u , „,,,,i, ari ,,,,....”,... , in N. n' Yo 4 I; :111,1 ; a ,...\ o.. z hell!, l',lt - .11111 1111. 111111(1/131 11ri1,,70 , 1 , a Vitt,-
Philadeliihia, with the 010,,i l'aAilmiatilii Taih.r., im i 1...i.,.1
the reception of Paris and I.dndon i'd,h..). , , , .1, - ..”. , . r i it.. 50 , . , ~ii ;1..... co, P. _
~ may rely on having their ordnrs CXlCllleli wo 1,1 : 1,1, 17-11.
';:l.lte latest style. (.31'.. 4 ,11C11:: .\ lIM olt -- - -. _ _
, • orwirr p () RTEß,,,.lttor.ey at tar.—Othr ,
onttreCATrilet of Forth and Smithfield sta. i.er, lii
.. .
.17 X MILS. WIIITE. 1.151 E, a superior article, for i - -
LP sale by J. G k A.G0111:10N, II
No. 12 Water street. I
Looking Giass Manufactory,
\,, , i 11 ~use Vurnkhltig Warehouse, 104 IVoed
str,, , , near stll.
La! what maltc , your 'eon) =o onw:ually
Qtlol ii Jodli's dulrinia lo Illi Pother night
To meice s ours , 00k ~.,-., with a grin, replied 10-
I've tiroughl rand hoille tlf Thorn , ' 'Youth 1C:1-h
'lle the hest tow in ii-e, -o t lie Vitt lefolli. say.
And shire they have tried Ili 14. ca-t all olliel , away. illeati:t elle 1 . Ileati:iclic !
But to pi owett Ihe 14,1, to make the reel 11 slo lII', Dr. PR ()I)/ /'S .I.V'l'l f)1'. , .1"F.1'7 V' I'ILLs.
Look main, my dear's', 31 I. In-Irtt 'II - wine. tli I: now I, sown in thou: int! , a-. a 11110-I t %1(11./1 . .1111:1
Then try II ix zreat wells wd.ll, : rN. 1,11...1% for Illi- affliction t - Me' , .1., 1111' 11 . 1r1/11-
, The Teaberr) tnol 11 n . . 1 - 11, ,,,,0f doe f ict of the, curio:: fiVii4PEPSI % %VIII taw-,
And See if ihisToolli Wash of 11,011,' , ,< ' t ot tit,.
-titre, iil.l Ott, 1,1, .1,11114 111 , 11 It it.titt- II ft.. ) is i ve ,„.,
Having tried Dr. •• • I'llorp' , Tea Ito' ry Tooth W - Is,' low, r , of thi• rtt,t/tre rlT,t , ~I ....,1.1 POI,. a. d it ti,..%
andbecome acquainted will' the inuictlieilli• of 11 , elntp , ,1., ~,,: I, it it, !It 1,1.)11 . ~ mutt, isr.ti .0.1 L ind d.....a re& i
m ithm, I c heerfully say, I con,ide, II 11 .1' Of I i1t....1 1. ,11, I, 10o: 11,11 ,1111 1111,yr tltt•tt bent t t•I Itti, the e m. Irt
II IS Ofie of the most pleasaol TO.O 111-I eS 11010 111 il.e. 'lieu,. jew ',mai 1,4. all i",,,, y iiiIII I
ima,iinei ion I. Ncl tided.
0, Pittsburgh Sep. 15,1842 1).1 VII/ lll'N I', 1) , ,,11.-!• ~n,l '1011,51 1011: It, -111 ttl ltitttr turn , :11 at, lime
1 take pledSure in idaliiili. haVill2 111J11C. 11,1. 1.1 .Tliorii i , but e, hale: il itt. I tilt, f1,,,, , i 1,, rt,:tet•l“ tlt• wend era to
Tra Berry Tooth Vl'n , ,lt, - 11. lit Is oil , of the Itt,t tit, our Clllllll/110 , N..
triflees In use. Belly! in a 1111.1111 corm, It 0051111 11 t.-. 1 . 00 1 Ile.1•1 111, I.IIIIW i It?, i erlitniale 'jet,. h) a re-rt ktltlt
ness with convenience. ‘Viille II 111,11. 1, SIC ("1 , 411... 1 elliZeti 01' \ Ilttglit lir 0 it, .attrl ;Merited b\ n. eof ilo Judy
an d removes t h e tartar (i ron , i I „. 1 ,.,.. h, i i oeriniiie veld , CO of L i iii l'..iirt dl''.,,,iono Vliiii. al' A 11,21. , or, , o
a frogranee peculiarly ile•Orii n le 1 I'. 'I I 1;11111"I'S. 'II.D. .11.1..!,uuL .,, , (:1 n', J,uu.iry 11, I.; 13•
The undersigned have ti-ea ~ "I'l,o ~',„ c. , ..), ,, a1.. 1 Tea De_ 1:.11110.
Berry Tooth Wash," and 1a.,. fan ad vto la:,, ii e‘ireine• Mar ~ , r —I hat , for a nit Itt.otr n 1 year • pa-1 1 ern al
II pleasant denti(ricii. esercisin: a 1,1, , 1 ,1 1 11101', 1111111. 1110,1 will] a -v.lc .4 oil illoreit 1 ..1.-1.1/11 11,111 t r he, ..1-
ence over the Tees!' aod Cunt , ; 1.11•,1"01.. 111.1 , . r.111',.. f1,t112 i,...1,, d rautzt•tut , til ct , -t 0111:II II 1101 I- apti al
pensahle toenther.fi..l prei,,,, II Ir. 11, .0 1.11 , ..1 i 011,1 11. .. I 1),,11 , ..01 I 11.1,1. 1. 1 1,1..1 111 AO, eVi.I"V klllll of 111,1, I' e is ,
acemmulation otTa rut,. and Pill 11 ., Toe the hr,•ili h. Ha 5 , ,0101 it.
l 'trr 1.. cur, li J vl• 111, vr 1 1, 1V...1 Al, guale
ing thoroughly Tc , t,d its , 101 W ,, ~, la Lf• plen-otr In rt.. ~ ,st I rto ll' no'' , I ii-iii iii iine ~f v.O, r I r .,',. v 0 ~,,,;,, \'l .
commending it to the Public, lulu , u , ... 0. itt ho I a , : b.-1 ar• 1 i 11 , -pep! le l', di.. Ive nie idkee q uite 1,,,, , 1
, 1
tiele of the-kind ttqW in u4r. coni•ider 11, y. , Cr . lie. :re 11, fetlVVl'll (1,111 I !1:11 1/1.11,41 , 2
JI ROBErtrso.v, J.llll's 1 , .1.71 W. ~,,,,,,ta:,,t, I 1.:1‘... 00 .•4:1:111011 111 01'1 01111111,(11117 your
1013'T HPEEEtI.F.S, ('(1'151: 5 , '1.."1.1.1", P."'s lii• tilt 1 , 0-4 i n c.:wit.,
ou have
Rev et
ec ii t
in l. il
C DJIRRAOH. 'I'M .11*C.4.%"1)1.1-;.,5, r., spv ,
J .11 MOORHEAD. .1.4.5 S CB 51'1'. J B TV P. N ER.
WndAl'T said. 1.
h,. Iry 1 1,1 N
. 1 ‘ N j i ' 1 ),1 1 1 1 - / V . S li . N C. ti Pol h' ca 1 I e l . a l
l i l l s i a r ' ir ri i s :l l. [l ',.. .: e I that I \ I I ii 3 O:l l*n'"
.t s ir:7l . i. l iri i ..i . it . :ln ' ir..;:i l ri. o u' r - '3"T a
Prepared and Riif
a °
gy nd Chemist, No 5.1 Markel :1,1,1, l'111. 1 .1; )t:lt, and 'l'.r , l -e.t , i.! Or. V ,, .1 ,, '' ,- l' 11, a... el,t,t led In tar 11100'
at a l the principa Dras.lNts',o , f Tat i,, NI.- lic.il .\• •n. perie , t 1,1,1 , 0 1. rf... , t ,t,.1, ~,, •, 111 . 1:11 1) \ Vis
ay, Fourth street. ,• p rt r . '5, CC;t t'. -.... tt, .1 1:t ttt,l at ll.rt .;rt - Itltt, ~,n Pll'
. l',1;1 1 .11./..11.. 111 Pit. 'll .1 l'. .11. 1 h, ..I , ,111 Ii tl ~
INTERESTIN(; tUR Ei , '' , ' '"'" ''i I'' '` , "a!o'r'''
.1. Compound Srirdp of PTII , n 1 V, r_., ~,,, ', • , . II ~, i ( . 1, (r•
ry. Having Wade ite ,f , hi- 1,,,...1”.•f.• - 1 1 . .. ii ii., I imil v
whichen t irely
entirely'' if tll, child. 1 .tt• •-, it.. 't.lt . ~,,t •
apelbol,o6l„_l.l' lililiii_ to. iii i iiii • .ii l i l eiliiiiu,
eeing and c
-'attended with COUvtanl cough, .pa 4 0, ,. ~, ,,, ,,k., ,, , ,, ~.
OfWhiell I had given upall hope:: of Its recovery El ittil I
was advised to Make trial of till, lovalualile medicine.
After seeing the ef f ects it had upon is, 0111 1 51, and can.
Chiding to make the Saute trial 1111011 Itlyt-tt,f, wllll.ll 011•
t igely relieved me ofa COllOl that I was afflicted with fur
- many years Any person wrihia2lo see me can i a at
toy house in BeaeliStreet, above Slim \tail:el. Kensington.
3. Wit.cox
'We call the attention 01 the public to the numeroir
cieriliicalea which have hetet' in circulation in our patter
and some others of this city, highly recommending Dr .
SWATtir.'s Compound gstrtio l'herry. — We have
Seen the Ofigilliii rertitii ui ond have no doubt but they
torte from truly grsicftil 111:411ti,( of the ininetli,
Which they have received I . lorn that camel , !'
We' have acquainianct , who littv , irctiut.tolly used the
above medicine. who can sitftak trill retilidence of it,
Wirt Ues.— Saturday Chrevicie.
FELLOW Cenzsss:— Wadi sincerity I would ad
you, one and all, 1 nih -.irk and well, alit II In
bottled Dr Ss% •Yhei.itritupitunil rup of Wild lie rr
in your hours--ii lc itivalnaliii in ca.',
path as Spitiiii.; of Mood, Asthwa, allacke of viuh.iit
Coughing. which is often the cause of ,pitting of liloor..
Violent Nervous A liections, wl , u 1. 4K , iiSionally Cowl'
from fright, and vs rum,. of her c;111,. r I.lthiuring %teat
Warm, outiden
co._ front ill] grope r cc pOS , Irc.
are often let run •to an alartniiez exlrnl, for want of
jo wls ' T ine ready rit linud;—and at, I I.ZI ye used Dr.
iittifilrettllCOmpound E'yrup of Wild Cherry repeatedly
family, and always with marked easel's— I c an
end it with confidence. as twine one of the best
alistity medicines which has ever Leen offered to the
1)111131&. —Saturday Chronicle.
ilictid.by.Wm. Thorn, Whotenate Remit, .only agent
l'itubargb. N 0.53 "Luke! Street. sep 10
RtV. RosiotT BRVCV., U. I,
10.1000 T Rmt.s. and all successful prove
DALLEY'S MAGIC)] L PAIN EX. ;gel' Ms vegetable and truly innocent medicine, row
efts TIM BLOOD, and immediately stays the further rim-
T R.IC TOR Inesttniaide. It nal only ewes quicker,but Guess or silexAsx, in the bodies of those whose powers of
give. , no additamal mon, nor leaves a scar. Fire Is post life arc not already exhausted. Where hunian means
I li'MY rl'oill.led harlilleilS. ($lO has been offered sit can avail, there scarcely I
VITI s any
kts comptaint nut r ,or form of
1110111119 to :wry' person I etuitilng an empty box, and , ay Ing sickness, BR•NeR l'ii do eli and
1 hat .01 avoty on anointing is not extracted 1.. a few min general'y cure. Although these pills produce ait sown
Illf•S,yo! iiid one Iron, thou,amds of trials since has claiut areacr,that effect is not io prostrate the body, as with
ed the bonus.) Parent , 0 nxiott , to guardagai oat genera other medicines. but the Ironic is invigorated by the re
itijnric-,. and save time, fortune arid life, and prevent inoval of the cause of weakiiess,the morliiil, the vitiated
11,0 - off:Trim! in.n tieing, disfigured by hums, or even humors from the blood.
small pox pm , : tiles, (it possessing the enviable power to Harmless ill themselves, they met ely
replace therellutary organs destroyed.) can do so.by ob. A 851ST N.run lc
mining t •ts inimitable salve. !Many lee fly burnt cases To throw out ihe occasion of sickness from the body,
iti the city ran ' e seen, and oneentie face burnt over and and they require no alteration in the dirt or clothing.
wounded three distinct times in the saute spot while heal In fact. the human body is better able to sustain with.
U l 7, vet it no case ran tic i r.tred the least eirai rive or out injury, the inclemency of the weather, white under
markt For all kinds of hurts its rap il soothing effects Are the influence of this infection destroying,disease eradica
also important ;even ,ore eves. all tothimations and bro ling SI edicine thart . at ally other time.
ken breasts would be sick now ii. 'l' he toilet and nursery, The, importance of Braid refit's Pills for seamen and
for cl e ariii7, the skin it pimples. removing chafe, etc., et, iil travelers is, therefore,self evident.
liml it indispensable. (Inn ll,lllog only will forever estal • By the timely uso of this Medicine how much anxiety
lish it thesncerrign 11.V.1/..• Ali. ellnilly. After this no and sickness, might we not prevent. Cold. Billions al'
tire, heads or r.,oiii,o, a110w,,,, torture for months, and feclions, Typhus, Scarlet ant feveci DS of all kinds, would
ultimately di.orted featur can ipe away re- be unnown! But where sicknesl does exist, let no
ti ei e d by aes,
child, w n
for eglecting tiine k
he lust, let the BR A N DRETI PILLS be Si once
proach.justly 01l
lo Iroospli ,ricer 111, sent for, that the Remedy may he app led, without fur
1.;,,i..,,,t ~,,,,,toi2 inset of Congress. A. D. 11141, by titer toss of iin c.—To 1111; 14.,4131P1ER XL,-
Com,: iCI, ,- lb ,is 111 , rim ll', offiCii Of I lie lii:trict Court That Brandrelli'A Pills have stood a seven years' test
of the United S:ates for 1111! : 4 01.1111ettl District of New inthe Unitedate Slates.
hat they a vegitable and innocent medicine, yet
Voris." T
all powerful for the removal it disease, whether chronic
recent; infect IOU!F or 0111( 1 1"WISP.
That they pt.rify the blood, and stay the Blither pro.
ere , r of disease in the human body. ,„..
Tlnii, in Ina ily cases, where the dreadful ravages of
tilretalmo had laid hare ligament and bone, and where.
to ;ill appearance, no human 1111 . :111S cowed save 11re, have
11a111!111 -I.y air Use of Ines(' pill , , been restored to
• be -nitely
Vlrlarranted the only !f!II111111'.
(.0111-00Ck 4- Cu., %c hi) ugelsi , , N. York, have he•
come Ihe ,ole wholesale npmnis for 11r. halle9, in A n, , :rl
ca for 20 yews. All orderS mist Le addril,Sl•li ,O Ihetn ,
The genuine only to Lc had at *Mr] . LE'S Itledlca
Agency, 86 Frotrth ktreet. Nov 15
Oil Di,: xf
1 HNST.I.‘"TL 011 It:111d a ,Ilpf`rilir It•it•
o 1 Lii
(1 , Oil, warratitvd to 1.11 r ;,t any tf li,l lire,
'llll.ll 10 tbe, best wilit••r Socrin I ill, W 1 ,11. 1 11
qtI3:II.IC,Z, :,11d 0110 thirdchx3por, 11101
tihullired by the sub, , rot.cr :it the old ,lonti. Third
opposite the Pu-t otilve• NI O. EDI',
- p•R IC E
y s
i,,v,r, I 1 , 111, 1 , 1 d 165 :Irrn,,r.rnoPil
fi i i-t t i tr i tl tt Lit _tit it• rt•-ttt Itltt t
iul Lotthttit! (;Itts-tt, ;Intl 11011,V.1,/flll,illlir 11,1 r[IV.%I(
(at prt , t, to slat (he ',me..
Pit r and Ntuntri C:111 and '111111n:an
Pr:. nc. , , ot I sut•r , n , r %,(.1
TOll,l v. ,It .1 4 ;.nd clras‘r.,.
and pllar f. a we'd Gia•,.
! ,, r 11.050 10: then p
oPti IV.tilor and Trays oi 011 r,olor. arr.' pan , r
Ivo,u ri I:Orr , rirrti Frlrk , 111 trr•tl'lrS.
11111 rtdri • Table I'lll icry.
tnl Kiss. and rod.:,
I UiS i t s ItrIIL, rlid ra and t'ulTer• :rett.;
ffier,a., Mam.,l“,•tu II • 1 1,:. or sin,),
I:ct mail Silver T, ntut Tattle :Z l kor,ny.
ltrks , iri Sooil Ile, lit).
1.a , -, vit.
Pra , 4 (I l'irr rend , 4, (vml/111r , pat , et us )
and '1%1 , 1:-. 4 - r.
%Vilh a VII,' ii•l MI., uoitlestm.l 4, men -
lton, ;111 of it Hell Ivi!I 111... 1 0/ . 1 1 ,1,1 hi ! loi%i. rank psi
t l
N rorl Fr:11111117. 11011 V I
.horlr , t 1110it'e,rvpatf l."`ok
plate-.hr Inr box lor
ly Ott Lahti
n 2,
Ills 1111'4 on qll.,
A I c" Y " " I
Adams' ratent '•ltaughphy" .
11-t 1.• • ri L. ',IT
p I 1.. f • (ill
Platform Scales.
I The9c 01 111/1•10,11
rieties,constantly on hat tti -,t'v :V v. c,l
prices by the untr.ttfacturt r. 1. 11. VIN (; N
I mar :. —tf Front het Ivt,t•tt lio , t t a ttnt t,
NEW ES TA 11 IS 11 E N 't,
Upholstery IFitrolishitigs.
THE ,uln-er,lo.r iiilorms his and
t lin l'uldir that he 1/3 , jklsl opeliCti more No
. 30 rirt I, tit met. hear the Exchange Rant:, and adjoining
Mr. J • 1.1 Wllli.tins'rtrocer)—tylwre he intends to manu
facture in the bait riyie, and have toady for vale a full
assortment of the lint quality of Up It ols: er y Furnish.
iir!N such a , hair, Shuck and Straw Matt noses', Feath
er Ileits,lSackings, 4.i...which tic tvi I sr II fur Cash at near.
ly 1110 tier cent less than former nriee 4 •
4/..X0: Sofas, eh:ilia, ei uptyl-lered. carpels n ad.,
and Cut mains arranged alter the iIeIVI at casldo , ..—Alt of
which he otTers to execute in ama liner unequaled In
all! or unaurpaused in any other city.
tour 20 ly JOHN T. STEWAI Ti
tr.itpotlii.l 1:011111:airk
11,,, i,"ll;i , rd I:1 Ii
polo! qual n.l
'1'11.1 4 HILLIER
I - I t
1.1 zl,lil -.•, VI• .1 11.
ir2 they are the feat
Cip!r , miter laded
a ii Wav youPlix
111011111,:11 nue 111
,11.1f1,1,1 •c.inry 01
bean H; the ing tikear , e liav in:
Tl.at earh JI the gcnUinC has upon it •rortEk. COPYRIGHT
r;‘,:i label lia,:two signatUreS of Dr. Ileojamio
t a lull li upon it.
Thal t 11.• re mu-t le upon rack box three .r,gnature,
11.1, -
Dn. ruNsKi.ri VS.
... t tenor levet <rvrr require 0 , 1 fie ••earnatmtt to bring
them ILI a percerl 151,4 and ,0110 1011, and that even by
witteb unnot I.• promoted by art when nature
dors not 41,, the Ittptittess Ottelf. tla this :text/Old, an I
111 'toted •ctopulonsaes-about the weal: nett , of the body
had ftlli,eqiirriCee; I - 01' It IS
to 1$1:1ke eVtlrtlatloll...4 necessary which nature atlempts •
af t er tile huttvor,nre tit to he expe ll e d , hnl is not able to
a, 11110 ph.il for the ut• - nst part in disra , o; and I can
alit nn, IWO I 11.1ve given a putts When the 10II•le hero
-0 1,0 Illt. l 11. nold hardly he felt, and the. d.. 1,1111 y I
yt•l lan It nee and I !.e her have been restored 10
" The Vinodo.. et , rfl In be derived front the liratolfeth
POI: have In Itt• experpon ed to be (filly believed.
1I,1•11 1 'nifty ISCILIICr the scarlet, the Iv plots fever Or
.o,3llpollxl~ni''lev.•r:,--hour their in:01211a irl.
.ale to e5.11nl .111 c
lIIZ Y N hll ET!i'S mno i c u-ed When
I lie 01II.1•"•,It Iltetn,elve, One
ht.n, a.l their good, rift fit' 0, 1 1 he felt throw.;:hot3t
a , ta. 4- I I is' 1,...t•t0 'I'M'S '11.115 11,1,1 I. Veal
e• el In 111, n in, of ail two,ll ante . .. of disease an-m:
. ' •oto 1.4.1 1.1e , 1111 11 ` there Ve f;,' at lit re<
1.J.0r tilsTarr, Illehnlr,r.
line.lle 1,:o./11 1, pure. Such (.11.4 . :1•II I I : I hay,
‘r I Irr i•.
that 4011 re bd read ibis may be twoefil led by so
I not ras.id,dloPy.
241 Itrolitway, N e w ar k.
Tilt; couNTrAtFEIT'S DEATH IlLt 111'.
The pub& will please oteferve that no Itralifif If rill_
are genuine unless life hos has three label. upon it.
CICII COW:Jilin?. a far similie Aernat ore of my band
o nine. Brindreth. TIICPC ar cogrd•
v,d wt Merl, Lentil llully ffe.ittffird, and done at no el
nenqr rat t linnsafol Jolla rn, It Ctneusl.Cl r l tic lot ,
—the sole—And I.lle
Cul r,•.1:,,r - rmiirle in ace of rni4rno, in Ilse s car 18.41.
by li, Fitnin andieth.,a Ws cup, •In Ilia DI •
of the Sof there Urrir.rl of New t.
Dr. e. No 91.11 - oil
Only Ow. r I h..
Pill- raf , hC obtaiurft lan , A 2,11 who r 4.11 I lie true'
tiff I , i If ha , an 4 1011:4 veil err 11114 - 3 , .. 1 , - It(
•rtcr,l even ar rive Wont anti halo mfferrd
m en I•ooA.
, Gl s iS - ,04 1 to -01 ftnric soiree rill, than :444 , ,e re, etst•if iron.
If It or hts Gellet.ll %.:4•111, Ma/it, Ure err !Ili
,- all n wCraved In 11(Klol's nanny. whorl, ,
1.1 , n,cn 11.1itri seem.. f ye, on et c h ref I faralfthere •
, an riari espy ur lite I line 1a1n..6 On each ku.l to
travel Thereon. Purr It., -rr. yr tint the ets:r.,vin2 of
toet.d.el.nn the r,-1,f1..11. -or 14,v)ild with I licl•e on I be
hol lir, 11.11.131.. in Branitrelh's %goat-
Inr thr 4,1. of kir Ilnivt r.:11 Fills, in
.11 roloy, are supplied will' the i.e.t.k
I' r ire
()fire, No. Wood St reci, riti,bur
111,,:tveny. 11111,1 I;I.ASP.
McKrevort.ll. ROW L.\ ID.
Stewart,• •HI6:II , MAP I k r , r•rt Dow
A Ito .‘011•1 it. ClllllO,l.
Fl , W4ltfl
11 , .straT Film 1 . 111111 , 1 , ., T. 1 1 ,41111111
1.1;17.:11111 , 111I 41 W 11 . I'.
E;1.0 Libert NIK(II.V.Y
Pitt:99l.V? 111%,. rlen4ar,l 1101.
0 . 111 It row( —l' 01. Too. o-100
st. O. Pon's ICI, 10
,p 1 r„r..,1 Ihoo• Or Dr. tt's i . olllll.lUlld
SII,II4IIIe I IIIIZ arid Ger 11 0 1) A perip. , t
Dr. Ifarlicti —Dear t 4 hurtly ;trirt I rervivrd tbr
.\:(tieo (tool you l'or the ',I, of r cur mcda ine. I
cht med an urgluluUanr(wr h a lady of tutu place, who
%V:t•qel`,l';y ,Vllll the POYft. 14111. Of it'll
Clll' lady wars tull,joet to frequynt painful attacks,
:aid Iter ulty,temn conFillvtrd her rage =o complicated,
hal hr very s(AdoLo otro1i!ool 111,1160 e ior tier. Through
my 1.11111,•111,1111,in2 tour rIIIS. and was
pelit'z'til 11114., VJtir,, JA M E:3 It. .
101.., .1. 1:;411. I'hambet.l)ll2, I'a.
1 - . , -(Hroo , Fol 41,•olora 1 llopot , No. i 9. North Eighth
Si ri•ct , Phikule!phi:l 101 by Sallow! Pre%v, corner of
I.lor y ‘Vorol reel, l'ittshor;:ll. sPp 10
1 4 1 , 1H1 carrying, Merelzandize and Produre to and Iron
riti,hor2ll, Ploi , adcliolia,l33llitnoro, NOW York our
Ito , i on, by the I'. on,!. Ivan la Canal and hail road, of
; Milo t vionerdi prilicip i ey
k of coosisis of new larize Tnicw.llrr iwais
pre—:ly tor ibis route. will i do modern int
TO , 111 1.1.11
net rioe cals.. , the l'oria.te Railroad ; 5.1 a (WI -1,11
I rly of Slid co11111oll0(15 rella,ylVatil.l 1111.11 S hem
1011.11 Joh 1,t0,v 11 51141 rill of winch lw
onducieit iliol ex pericii. d captains
Lind sun. , o; tonitcni r, t'ilargcs will lie 11111t1 Oil all
nlr null Iu Ire rhipp,l h In Philadelphia,
11;1't,,,, , tre, New York or 130,t0n. nod con,:i2ned to James
Itoy Canal I:3 s in. curlier of I.llleriy and %Vat no
an d;lllrudcd to and foryvardod w ith
%11 G 004 14 and produce Intended io be chipped from
Philadelphia road w No, or via the Delayvaie and
Inn l'anadland conFlgned to Hart, A lidre,v 11,Kever,
ry 111 lor received al their SV.lrelloll , e. first wharf above
It in r• slier', l'hilniletphia, and shinned directly from
' 1111,1 r wilhuul additional handling or expense; aline of
onnects with the Hue at this poin t -
N i t lire InViled Iu chock of this line
for I lll.twelore, brfurr shipping by any oilier,
; in r rra will br all Va by slopping, by It, the
poop, iors living determined In rll•II thillinelVe , to 1111.
then alkilily (Or the iule,rd of their erwlo
nu = . II (I pill peril v
u(l~rir line.
111 ,, ird n, e r,m be effected cheaper by Ihiu Hoe than any
nh ,as Ihr runty In votlnidetrli the sarest•
P OOP It I 1.:TC)11
11.11 1 „% ;Ct . l‘lel.cvtir, front Philadelphia nit' Ilal
timnre 11/ 110111111ty...htirg.
lh•nry L. PLitietsoo, front IltrllldaysbUrg to Pittsburgh.
Hart, .Andrews 11,1:ever, Philadelphia
Elder, I:glow' Ballisnore.
Henry L. lallersion. Hollidaysburg
lessedi Pallet son, Johnstown.
lames l)ickr . y CO. Pittsburgh
JAXES BLAKELY,^Autinueo to execute all kinds of
writings. such as Deeds, INortgages, Apprentices In•
dentures, Articles of Partnership, Lettere of Attorney,
Wills,tc. ¢',ln a Peal and legal manner, and at half of
ormer charges, old stand Penn Arcel, neer the Sth
ward mai het house. (0,25,
tCiorriN AV A REHOUSR.—Ne. 79, Fara
•—r Stria, Beta:Peen. Wood and Baykliad its.
Two doors from the corner of Wood street. Con.
mainly on baud au assortment of 100 ready made
COFFINS, of every size and description; covered
ones, with Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black
...Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins.
AO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses arid Ca rria g es
furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered
that friends may require.
A credit given in all ca , es, either of coffins or carriages,
requested. HENRY BEARES, Undertaker.
vep 10
S I' RUM ENTS!— I'. Mc Cart hy, Cutler and Cargiral
Instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the
Post Office, Pittsburgh
l'hysicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their In•
strunienis madehy the subscriber of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also natters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited.
N. B. A o.triicles warranted of the iteM quality, and
jobbing done as usual sep 10
4 I.LEN ti RA NIER , Erchonge Broker, No. 46, Cor•
ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.
Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and a old
Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts
notes and bills, collected.
Pittsburgh,Pa, Wm. Bell k Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz, J. Painter Jr Co., Joseph Woodwell, Jaws May
rhandriphia, Alexander Bronson trr Co., John H. Brown
Q co. Cincinnati, 0., Janie: , M'Candless. Sr. .Louis,
.710., J. B. 10'Donald. Lonisnii/e, W. H. Pope.
Pres't Rank Ky. .:ep
tEIIOV A L. —The undersigned! ... gslvaVr tlt mkt, III
the public, i hat he has removed from Ilk old 4tantl.
to the corn , r of Penn and tit Clair bt.., opposite the Ex
change Hotel, w here he has lilted up a lar;zit 1 1 1A.so PORI E
WARE Room. and now offers for .ale the most splendid
assort Meld of PliSo.s ever offered in Uti= market.
11121105 consist of different patterns, of superior
0, , e Wood and ltlatiogatiy.lieauillully. finished and mo.
detect. and constiueted throughout of the very Ire.t ma•
terlals,which, for durabtlitp,and gnalitc of tone, as well
I as touch, he warrants to he superior to any ever seen
As he has n'arged his otanufacterv, and node arrange
rtiv,,l4lo so poly the increa , in . 2 demand fr t losing
:11 , 11., he resprrt folly to:lite: o s those int o ending to pur.
rhage to Call Atoll xatnittello, as,ortmeot before porch:,
ill% he dell•rioloed to Fell I.ow KR, for
ra , 11,111:to any miter establishment east or West of the
,e,ountats.Corner r. Lu mE.
nf Penn and St. Clair streets,
cep 111 Oppnite he Exeltan2c !lute!. PitishorLth. Pa.
(;FNUIN 1 , .- 1 1 r. Williaat
IV A i r t v l- ",, A-.N.
Caotnutilr flits,
.¢ 71 I ri,,TE.B.-1,0 tri from the lion. Ablifin
tl,l- 1 II liVait I 'puma ,F. 1.31 Teniiennee.ftleoiliettif Vouttrenn•
h'. k StIINGTO7.r. July 3d.
Sir —Since I flare liven to ibis tilt I hove toted !tome of
sour Uv.pertlit WI infinite benefit and salts
f.o-t poi, arid hetieVe it to 'en utast valuable remedy. One
of my lir. A IJ.erden. of I 'Yotplieft enmity.
Tentieenre. wrote to tire to -end him ointe. which I did:
and lie has Iloilo', ell it very sticres.fully in his prilClir,,
and says It to invaluable. Mr. John , on, volt r tract
thin plate," think, yon would prohably like an aunt in
Tennessee. If so. I would e ecritiniv , n.l hr. A Carden. as
.1 'trope, i wr•ltit I 1 officiate for the sate or y• 111
r rClehraird
111,1 1,1 Ile. rleonld you COlll lit IS-.MI 11.01 he 111 WIIIiII7, 10
nil for t .l ran !mod I lir inetlif I.y water 10 lir
rare of Robert Kitt: k 2 ,1 011 , 1. Knoxville count y.Teritit•R
or by land to Graham liounton. Tazewell. Cart
Entine:nee. I have no doubt lint if you had azents
aetr rat counties to East Tenciesatee, a treat deal of
t tile Would tM sold. I alit gnliv4 10 take =note of it home
I for my tit," use, and that of toy friendn, and should
ilia 10 hear (tom you whether ton would like an azent
tt Itloniville. t'itilivan County. East Tr nne - see:l can yet
some or the titr.re 1,3111 , to act far you an 1 tire near I here.
Ycura re,pe,
Alt 111 \M 'EL EEL AN. of Ten tn,ssee.
, For vale Vi 1,01c5. , 1e Led Retail,
R C t't F. 1.1 ERS, A:..111.
apt, 111 No. 20, Wood street .below Second.
L)R. 1V11.1.1.% EV I Nr 4 'S SOOTIIING Sl'
.11114 1, t ( t .111,1t. "'turd y 11,1 ptrgrt yeti Ituntirrdr
,vhrn Innn4l,l pn•l V , l.,VerV. f , out roilVlll4lofl.. Ai soon
, 1 , 11. I , rIII.!4•41 nu Ili , V 111 1 4,1111! Child Win ref, V
"'hiph :rani t t , fer.,l ,i,n Intn•retit.vnrtfirarltl..aiLd out
1,41 u" with 11411 , in IPi ila 211(11A he nth
1.1,i iv I, hn, X% itv•l, II:r av of four inonthF.
tho' Ihne T• n.,.iooe.ir:sare of troll). nor hifille of the
Cup .I.„‘tid ...e t ! Ito open litt . port, rarritla
cyrr I , r willsotti Ike .t.rttit in the itur.ery whet !herr
.tte rl,ll.lrrn,lw if a child the with
pain In the ;:11111• St'rlin ittiott.lirilel t. 21Ve ,
n pri t i ap the tiorr,, .tittl ltenlinz t!te . ....urn-; thereby move.'
unn coovo noun. veiß. kc. Fir Salt. Wltttle..V.f. nitrl
(:r1.411 by R. E.
sup It) No. bl. Wo , ll •l rent, !union. Sect-mil
( - 10(701!3. COLDS a C .11 PTI era
roil idyllic above rompluints is now at bond, nd all
peff.ollB Who are imbjerled to the inclemency or the
weather are rettpeclfolly Informed I hal they ran find.
COVERT ' S BALM or I.ll`lC. which In sell known to hove
cured TnorsAnDS, who were in lite 10.1 ril:l2es of C,n
ettatittirm. Cerlificatel ran be ilfotAllifd 11ri 00inaCT1111
cure ,
ft.u.s.f,n or A NiCit WORT IA another remedy
t'orlArr, COfflidefiarS.CaUghl and Colds. It tome.
I. recommended by all who have n-rd it, and Is plcagani
to take. and sperdy in effectio?, a cure.
Ns-1,.0 1141 tit h triehly valuable
and pleasant mcdicincit %%All effect a pu-ttive and cc rl ain
nre Po Consumptrort,and N nn e tr. CI
hie f..ir the Witoorittr; Coe ans. This its very as
at medicine, all are fond lain. and children 'lever refuse
Ia l,mite 5 4 ; 0: riire to sure and posit ive. Thr vnbreritter
has a re , r Ifivate Of Agene) direct front J. Pence, son,
~, too re ca. lie 110 tniela tie. All persons n Ito are effected,
are trivded to full and 0,4 delay, for the litre In lake
niediripr It , al I lie cOninielicuniehl.
Ali 11, abate illeti,llll , tail alwap , be prorulcd
1X11,)1.1,•LC ET All lit
TUTTL E'S .41EMC.91-9 E.VC Y. SG Fourth street
V ill I'ENI ALF:S.—Thew is a large class of Females in
1 this City who from I heireontintied sitting, to which
their o t tli{‹..tiong oblige i hem,are affected with costiveness
w Inch gives rise to palpitation at the 1,11.11 on the lensi ex
ertnin, see of heaviness extending over the whole head,
intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the
attention to any mental operations; rumbling In i bow
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially - after
meals when any exertion Is used, as going quickly up
stairs; icitiore tickle; these are_sympionis which yield at
once to a few doses of the Bra niireth Pills orca.
sional use of {llls medicine won Id save a deal of trouble
and of slid - ming, One, or two, or even three of
the Bra nitictli just before dinner, are Olen found
highly beneii^ia I; many use i hem very advantagentisly
this tv; ; they aid :Ind assist digestion, iestore Ihe bowels
In 1 proper nnulhion.enlicrll Ilic 'pink, impart clear
nes: , io the complexion, nitrify !lie Mo.!, and promote
general feeling of heal; It and happiness.
Sold al lir. It allilrCIII • S 0111 , 1,. tin. ,)8 1V0,,,l sir, d i
25 cent; per box. ,ciilt full direi - 110, ,, .
11 - -The only place la u here th e
l'N \l' l'il's Ire olitlinot is Ibe Doctor', ow nul
!Ii; %Vont] street. ern 11l
IVEII I:0111'1,.IST cured he th e tt ,,, ti Itr . 11 ,,.
11 -
4 Pen', COM plllllld rel , 2 and A pei lent Pills.
11 r. of rlll , tliiirgh, Fo.. entliely cured of
the above ilt•ilre,ing synipionet were
and weight in the tef t side, le , of nepelite, vomiting, acid
erticiationF., n of the sioinach. =irk litiail•actii , .
furred longer, countenance changed tea citron
cults enter, didi•
of breathing. iliFtiortii it rr;t,an ended mill a cough.
great debility, with other sc niptoins indirating great de•
ratigenient of Itie functions of the liver. plr. R icliard
holt the advice of several but received no
relief, until won: Dr. Medicine, which lertnina•
toil in effecting it pe•feet one.
Principal °dice. 19 Nor E 12.11111 Street, Philadelphia.
For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Print., corner of I.lller
iv and Wood sep 10
These Ping are , 0111110Frd of het hs, winch exert
a specific action upon the heart, give impulse or
strength to the arterial system; the blood is quickened
and equalized in its circulation through all the vessels,
whether of the sklii, the parts situated internally. or the
extremities; and as all the secretions or the hotly are
drawn from the blood, there. I.a consequent Licrease of
every seuetion, and a quickened action of the abs.nrheni •
and exhalent, or discharging ver•srls. Any morbid action
which may have taken place is corrected. all obstruc,
dons are peuieTed, the blond is p untied. and the body
rEellmes aIP tut ctft!cate. For 3 rile Wholesale and Re
tail by R E SF LLERS. Agent,
sep 10 v.. 2 1 Wood st. below Second.
the most valnahle ointment for Burns, Korea, ke., ever
invented; no mailer how badly a person may be burnt
or scalded—this will heal them immediately, without
leaving any eic.ta. Every (amity should have a box in
their house, no one should be without it.—Every one
who hay tried it. recommends it. To be had only at
TUTTLE:S.BIi Fount, xtrccl. dec 8
°4111114-111118111----'—INDIVIDUAL, NTERrRISE. VANS' PATI
.12A Tits Exilic -cm&
° C‘ ‘
4 C) $
...Pis c.,C /
For the Transportation of .3 ferchandite and Produce
• -
DIWINE riIeANULTY respectioliy inform the pub
.lo. that they have roirwlctert their arraogenient 3
for the above Line i on
The public has leng wished for I ndividul competition
in Transportation on the Public Works, by which atone
it can be freed from unnecessary expenses and reduced
to its lowest rates; tbat wish will now be realized; the
State of Pennsylvania having placed Trucks ott her Rail
Roads, Individuars owning Portable Pouts are enabled
to bid for the Carrying "Frade and successfulty to com•
pets with companies.
This line iscomposed or Twenty new, Pour Section
Portable Boats, ow tied by the Captains who command
them end well known as enterprising, industrious and
experienced Boatmen.
The superiority and advantages of the Portable Boal
over every other mode of Tttansportallon, are too well
known to shippers generally, to require comment; suf
fice it tn say , that the detention, loss,separation and dam
age to Goads, invanably attending three Transhipments
between Pittsi tirgh and Phiadelphia are by the Portable
Boat most effectually removed
The Portable Root possesses the great advantage too,
of being well ventilated and cool in Slimmer; which pre.
Innis Flour from sourly:, and Bacon and Tota:eu from
D e vine 4. c A niCty , stand' iig as they de,bet wee n thr
owners of g nulls a lid the Ilnatmen who carry them, and
min:illy Int( rested in prniert Mg the interusts of bot h, will
make no moniker , to the public they will not faithfully
They are now prepared to rereivg and forward Pru
duce to Philadelphia. Baltimore, NPW York, and holAnt,
in the -diortest time, and pledge themselves to ender into
no combination with other Linesddit always stand ready
to rang out the principles of their Line, and contract for
freight on the very lowest term , .
y-To give it ndouliteMsertirity to o wnersamd shippers
of goods an open policy of Insurance has leen effected
by which alt nierchandivt shipped tryh tis Llne Hill he
Inured without am: additional Cam , -0 to the ow
Devine 4. Mc A nult y will receive ail o•mince consigned
to them at Pittsburgh, pay freight and cha,cts to Steam
Boats and forward the some without delay to Philadel.
phla, Baltimore, New York, and BOStotl without ally
charge fur advancing or commission.
DEVINE ti• SIcANULTY, Ag'ots.,
Canal Basin, Liberty street, Pittiltur?li.
THUS BornimcE, Agent,
272 Market st Pititaeetphia.
rgtll E CIIASE A2C(1 1,, .
Bowlcy's )Nharf, Baltimore.
Narcli 10, 1342
w s ati
NW uf IT. S. it Coaches for flashing tun City
1 Balt ;more. Phi:odelphia and New lark.
This tine w in full operation and Iravenrittshurgh daily
at ei o'clock A. NI., via Washington ?a. aal national
road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road
to all the :Move places: Travellers will find thin
a speedy and comfortable route, it twin¢ a separate and
distinct Pitisbnich and Cumberland (Inc. facilities will he
afforded which have not been heretofore eiijoyed. Ex
tra coaches fa rill-led at the shortest notice, wito the
privileer of king through direct, or taking coy night's
rest al their option
Fare from Pilistaireli to Pain more
to house, $lO,lOO t
"'lichee to ‘Vashingtoo 2,011 S
Piitslitirgh to Philadelphia, 13.00
For through tickets, nl,lO nt our office nI the corner
of Ex..-hunge hotel, oral our utrice at the Slottottgaltela
L. W. ST CC TOti•
Pre,itleni of S. R. Stage Cu.
• I'hy trill ye I itt3 al tit iN p.,;1
dying rater .t s .:l
0 be had at Tcrrt.L•a Medictl Agency R 6 Fourth st
the nnhe agent in Putisburgh.
Feb 22.
JOIIX M'CL'SICE Y. the old or;dinal. ha, on hand the
v r o t •,dendid iv,orlinent of Cledhind ever offered
We= Ply :lock is Id, de, and I ani dispoFed to sell at the
owl. I pos,dide price My stork Ia heavy, and as the
on is advancing, I µill gel, at lower prices titan ever. I
ek only We_ plea, , urt of a call, feelind confident That a
ok is miliesent. firworo. of roitnierfeiin. Remember
VF: .1f E .V7' • ". now 2.3.184
X OTI CE. —I have lakmi ont ieiters of ra I
II on the estate on John Wilson, ime of the City of
PlitAlurgh, dee'cl. All nelsons indebted to the estate of
deceased, arc requested to make immediate pay
ni In me at i.e residence In Penn Ff. near hi arhury,a
ihose who have claim: are requested to present them
duly probated. 1 PWI LEON,
WILLIAM ELDER Attorney at Law; Office in
Baker:W.4 rtnitaings, *warty oppoalie the New
Conti !louse. on Brnnt street. seri
MDR ARV of Pxligious,llistotical,Poliiical,and Df is
C.llaneotea Works. will be open every day, SaAnth cx.
ceined. 'tom 7 o'rlock, A. M,, until 9, P. M., in the Ex
change Buildlng,corner of St ',Clair street and Exchange
alley, tt. acre ?unrtual attendance will he given by
what will destroy Life, and you are s pastimes.
"Discover what will prolong Life, and the world VW
call you Impostor."
_ "There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within ne.
PI'LILINGTON'S . with which certain herbs have affinity, and ever 101114.1
then hare power."
Unrivalled 111aeliing, i Dr. R. Brandreth's External Remedy, or Liniment.
MANUFAc'I CD and PON! whnle;itle and retail: „A u d i, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts- Psis or
SIXTH SIELCE. r, one door below Smithfield. Soreue-s; thus Sprains, StitT Sinews, While Swelling, ,. -
net Rheumatic Pains, or Stiffness. Stiffness of th e Joentro"
JOON lil! Ll' Ett lV OR , Aar , ion( er arid C,,rnnts. Tumors, Unnatural Hardness, Star Neck Sore Thrall,
iron .11erchara, KY., will attend II) Ili. Croon, Contractions of the muscles, Scrofulous en•
.uile of Real E•I y Fit rnit ti re, &c• laraements, Tender Feet, and every description of to
1 1 '2' 111 Y T.e`da Y, Thursday. and Fri jury a I - recline the Exterior of the Human Fm note, are
day morninz , .:o 10 ,l'clor-k, a. M. Cosh advance , : made cured or err:lily relieved by his never-to be sefficiently
, vp 10 extolled rtrocda.
CERTIFI , ATZ.—The following letter from ?dolor Gen.
oral Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Rama
(13 speak:. volumes:
till consizlllllolllq
ur ,
~pec,luily in form he pnirlic Iha
after several years I' xp,ri,nre in the hest strops in t
the eastern rities.t hey have opened their New n Id mode
in Third sh• one door from Marker, and nearly oppusdet
the port office, where they are prepared to exec ule oil
orders in the iniloring liner, in a manner unsurpassed
nny other estaldh.hment in the city. Paving made
arrangements for the 'scent inn of the most modern stye
o!' fashions, gentl emen wir, hi ae ClOl lII'S made in a sn per.
idr style• wouid it lo their ihtetest to give them a
We wish the public to understand that this Is not in•
tended lo ruirk among, the ce r rhsome 2UII advertisements of
the day; for as to style and workmanship they challenge
Mardi 4- dlv
- Ns - 15E r:\ FIRE PROOF-IRON
Dentuao—On Friday, the 30th of last month, about
9 o'clock at Planine.Groovina and Sash Man
it factory, owned by Gay, Dilworth d• Co, with a large
quantity of dressed and . Indressed lumber, was all consu.
med by fire.
The iron Safe which I bour.hi of you some time bark
was in the moat eapoF.ed gituatino doting the tire, and
was entirely red hot-1 am pleased to inform you it was
opened at the close of the fire, and all the honkii, papers,
4-c.inved;—this is the bud recommendation I can give of
the utility of your safes.
0rt.2.1-11 TB 051 A S to COTT
HAVE removed their Paper Store from Market
street to No. 6.1 Wood street, one door from the
corner of 4th, where they keep on hands their usual os
sortmetit of WALL PAPERS. for papering pariora,en•
tries,chamhern. ker. and also PRINTING, WRITING
all of which they offer for =lcon accommodating term.
feb 14, 1843.—dif
'I I M - _
5C171.1.Y moNTAGITE
C 1-1 ES'I'S.
PITTSBU GII, OCT. 22, 1842
FH subscriber has just received Ids afinnal sappli
1. Landreth's, Garden Seeds, consisting is part oft*,
ktods—all of the last yews crop tt warraattal
_Egg Pinot, Parsnip,
Beeps, Emit% e, - - Pim, . _
Leans, 4 Kale, Pepper,
Leek, 4 Pumpkin, Broscolii
Wttuce, Radush, Borecoli,
51 AterMelon, Rhubarb, Cottage,
Nusk , tt Saisafy, Carrot,.
' asturtium, Cauliflower, Spinach,
Squash, Celery, Okra,
Tomatoes, Cu, led CI ess, Onion,
Turnip, Cucumber. Porkley,
Corn, Mustard, (white and brown)
&c. &C. &C .
Together wliha variety of Pot 4 Sweet berbe aid
-Orders for Seedv. Shrubs, Trt es, kr.. from 16.1r5,
ers and others will he received and promptly attelidieli
o. 1 t 4 Liberty. head of Wood 0;74
HATS—W. - M. DOHICRTT11110(10 their friends sat
the public that they have commented et***44lll
ring Dais, and Ord thcy have now ready for sehiosil
their Store, 148 Liberty street, between Market amitills
street, an a4soritnent of the very I,:st Hats, whiel tt.eir
are anxiousto dispose of on the cheapest and west rusts.
able terms. Their stock consist of the very best kinds.
y:z.—Beaver, Oiler. Neutria, Castors. short Nat ped pas• ,
,na. Fur and Silk flats.
W. 4. M. Doherty are both regular bred Halters, they
have had extensive experience as Journeymen In Unmet.
estaldishments in the country, I hell' tints are all gotop
under their own inspection, and they assure the public
that nothing but the very best articles on the most re*
-iiinrilde terms will be offered for sale. sep
HT. PRICE, Wholesale and Retail Baker. Con.
NAL feetioner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near iter'
Dianiond,Allegheuy city.
Every variety of rrnifectionary and Orianieklal
Cakes, suitable for n.. 4.1111.19 anti p s ties, maw:dictated
from the hest materials, at short notice. no 16
1 4 1 A It M Flllt SA 1.E.-I'lle undersigned offers for sale
hi; +a, lying in Roan 'row tish_ip 4f miles from the
City of l'itc;..ursh, containing 114 acres ofland of which
60 a.r cleared and unde - fence, I , nt 15 to 20 acres of
meadow, 2 %cod Orchards of Annie: , few Peach and
Cherry t rees—the improvements are a ,are frame'house
containing 10 rooms well furuishett, calculated for Ta
vrrti J. private Dwelling, A frame Barn 2S by 60,at e
and stabling, surds t nd other twat es stilt
_pide for a tenement!-2. con,' Gardens surrounded with
rurraii bushes and a well of excellent water, with rt
pump in at lie front door. In relation to the Pillsbureh
and A Ile.,:heny market, there is no place now offered for'
sale with more i ndurement to those wishing to purchase.
near Pittsburgh. the terms will Ire made moderate, for
further particulars:l pply to the proprietor at his Clothin:
Store, Liberty street, LAcorn f W
Vireln Ailey.
N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October next. It
will lie divided into 10 and 20 acre lore tomtit, pordm.
sers. du
JAM ES HOWARD k CO,. illastifact Wall
el Paper, No. 19, Wood Street, Pittebursi,
Have always on hand an extensive assortment
Glazed and pain PAPER HANGINGS. Velvet aand:! . .4
Imitation Borders, of the la:est style and bamboo*:
patterns. for papering halts, parlors and chambers.
They'manufacture and have or hand at all times--
Printine. Writing, Letter, Wrappinr and Tea Papmeon— •
net and Fullers' Boards—all of which they offer liorsathlr,
on the moi4 aecommodSling terms; and to whieblo74,
invite the attention of merchants and others.
ALSO—Blank Books of ail kinds and the he:signal*.
School nooks, etc. always on hand and for sale asahtsalth •
N. B anent nd Tarners' Scraps' taken In eselotigt..,
nie 6KO. P. 11•MILTOM!
ItI AGRAW k . HASIII.TO4, Atiorttevs at - Lave. haat
removed their Ottice.to the residence of H.S. Vin•
-Inw. on Fon•t't m, two dontf uhovP . Smitl field. sett I
CißClNnati, February 15, 184..
Dr..S.WAYSZ—Dear. r ir:- Permit me to take the lIIV, -
of writing to you at this time to express my apprt.battea
and to recommend to the attention of bends of familia*
and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound .
Syrup of Prunes Vtruiniann, or Wild Cherry Bark. in
my travels of late I base son in a :veal ninny instances
the wonderful effects of yocirr medicine in relieving chit.
drew of very obstinate complaints. such as Coughing.
Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Ast hmat ir attacks, 4c.
kr. 1 should not have written this letter, however, at
Foment, alt hough I have felt it my duty to add my resti•
mon) , to it for sonic time, had it not been for a late la.
stance w heir the medicine above alluded to was instils
mental in restoring to perfect health an "only cisild.". *
whose case was almost hopeless. in a family of my ae.
qua intance. "1 thank (leaven," said the doating moth.
r, i , my child issaved front the jaws of death! 0 how 1
feared the relentless. ravager But my childjs safe!
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound' Syrup of
Ix lid Cherry is the most valuable medicine in this or any
other country. I ant certain I t ave witnessed morerthan
one hundred eases w here it has been attended with corn.
pieta success. I am using it myself in an obstinate at.
tack of Bronchitis, iu which it proved effectnal in a ex.
ceedlngly sdorl time, considering the severity Of the else
! ran recomend it lit the fullest confidence of its supefior
virtues; I would advise that no family should be without
it; it Is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth
double and often ten times its price. The public areas.
cured there Is no quackery atom( it. R..liettson.D. 11.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church.
Sold by NV M. THORN. who , esate ¢ retail, onig-Ilnest
for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. 90 le.
Dear Sir—Wil you oblige me with another bottle of
your excellent Liniment'? it Is certainly the heat of 14 4
kind I have ever seen. It has cured entirely my son's
Luce, about which I was so uneasy.and 1 have found it
productive of immediate relief Inn several cases of exter
nal injure in my family. A few evenings since, — my
youngest child wassetsed with a violent attack of Croup,
which was entirely removed in twenty asissetes, by cult.
Wog her chest and throat freely will, the Esternat Rem.
pity. 1 think you ouvht to manufacture this Liniment
for general lIFC, instead of confining the use of it, as you
have heretofore done, to your particular acquaintances.
You s truly, C. W. SANDFORD.
Da. B. BR•NDRICTII , 241 Broadway, N. Y.
!Er For sale at 241 Broadway, New York, and at Ills
office ,No. 98 Wood street,Pillsburgh. PRICE-50 cents
per bottle with directions. seal°
yilliEsubscr 'her would respectfully inform the citizens
JL cf Pittsburgh, Allegheny anti their viririties, that he
has cemmenced tnanufacturflig the article of Lard Oil
and Candles. lie intends making but one quality. wYiW
will equal the best made in the Union and not surpassed
ha tile best winter strained sperm oil either for resehinery
or burning, without its offensive properties, and one.
her wishes to impress distinctly on the public mind that
it is not necessary to purchase any new fangled lamps that
are daily palmed upon them us being requisite to burn the
lard oit In. Persons wishing a pure and brilliant light
can obtain it by calling at the old aland,3d street, nearly
opposite the Poet Office,
M. C. BOW".
The la ttentlon of Wholesale dealers, Churches and
ebla has respectfully 'elicited.
N. B.—All the barrels wIR bear the esanuceetereiii
name. JAB% IB43—tf.
Nitw YORK, Feb. 9,1843.