`~` ~_ . _ ~~'N ~:, ~ 'er picture of tlte true pililusophy of life? Genesee Farmer. It will be temerribe:ed tbit seine time last fall we publi s hed a letter or 'he Pus' . . master General t a gentieraan in Ken tucky, upon the subject of writing on 'newspapers and sending them through the The !Met 'was republished in many pa - pre, ai the soundness of the legal opin liane itftpresaed, in reference to, the 30th oectiern of the Post Office I. w of 1535, was Agerretally admitted and acquiesced in. There were some, however, who doubt ed their correctness, and we ioinember that a wild man, by name l3yington, a Member or the Onio Legislature, Alaced,,a resolution calling upon the Pres.i. *Otto dismiss the Postmaster General for entertaining.and publishing such opin ions, which be was pleased to characterize weak and puerile. 'These remarks are culled forth, at this time, in consequence .ailing the opinion of the United States il: rict Court f•n• the State of Mai yhtnd, ,-- We publish below. And we invite • inviteits publication in all other newspa . .- 'lKliowthat.the public may .s,e the Pos . - . .01100r, in this case, is it is his put pose in ''l4ll4;itlaer instances, made the Con , titution ltua the law of the land the rule of his utli - NO ON NEWSPAPERS AND PAMPHLETS. :).74 S. DISTRICT Comr —Marclt T. 1543. United States vs. Elder,—This was a ,`..10t.t0 recover the penalty imposed by the Piitt (Ace law of 1825, for a violation of thti3oth section of that law, by wti , ing or Orig a memorandum on the margin of Reirepaper ur pamphlet sent by mail. tit this case it was in proof that ihe de- Ant, Mr. Elder, oldie firm of Elder, - Oelatcn & Co., wrote on the back of a Alcti,ft.ted paper or pamphlet containing a '140E4 duties or Price Current, these - Wads: 'From Elder, Gelston 4- Co., 1.14 - Amore; and sent the pamt filet to a cor riallmodent in L uisville, who refused to pay letter postage :hereon. In compliance with the requirement of law it was returned here, and placed in the bands of the U. S. Attorn,y for the recovegy of the penalty. Fur the United Statba - It *as contended Ora such writing via within the prohibition of the 30th .iiiretie,g of the Act of 1825, and subject to ita . penaty. The opposite ground was - taken by the defence, and, alter argument • ..upon the construction of the law, the Ooitrt decided that it was a violation of the jai , to place on a paper or pamphlet, sera by mail - , these or any other words other thin the name of the party to whom the paper..was sent. Thu jory acttorlingly ieterned a verdict far the Ui i!ed St,.; es Z.:' , Collins Lee, Esq. U. S.Attoifley, for the plaintiff. N. Williams, Esq. for th defendant.— Bal t i wore .4merican. McADAMIZED ROAD TO UN IttNTO',VN. _ln compliance with tell if the Ala.:or meeting was held at the Curt !louse, on Sam - - day, and numerously ott, ttde d. Ttie meeting organized by calling «Viii I':;enbaum, E q t., the chair, and appointing NVni, 11,Camtle.. at.d J. W. Biddle as Secretaries. The chair was then tutor s•e.i to, Jr Wttltiti , Mr, Josiah King, Mr. tf. flan. I{,rtott: Denny and other gentlemen. t. The following resolutions w. then otTored br Mr, Josiah King, and uliatii.ottusly a loptud. Whereas, Owing to the present enitiarrassi•d state of public and private iloaticA s and credit, it is probable that no effort w ill be made for boino years, to extend the Cuinly.!rlan.l Valley 11.a.1 road • farther West; and withoot that: ,t is d, crped e,r itain that the travel and cart- frig trade iolt `Philadelphia or B.lltimore and the Ohio River iv !I be permanently diverted from its ancient chan nels to the Baltimore and Ohl° R til road, de l vin g the suspension of our c,nalb f r four or five 111.1: t!:, in each year. Wherea;' It i+ deemel t certain from the experience of this winter, that the tray,' und trade aforesaid will branch or diverge f , ttio the ; Ohio River at Wheeling and nut as herctultre at! Pittsburgh, unless some expedient be promptly a- dopted to restore to Pittsburgh the full advantage ; of her greater proximity to Cumberland. Whereas, The distance between UniontoAri, and Pittsburgh as measured by a U S. Civil Etizineer, _ has been ascertained to be but 41 mil's and stone perches, and the topography of the intyroirdiate country so exceedingly fa. orah'e for the tm-, atruction of a road having nowhere an ito•lititttion of more than three duress. ari I a , the dist mt-e from Pittsburgh to Comherl•tml v:1 U n'tty.-o, would therefore be mad.' altioat a:) miles letr, t': to -from Wheeling, thus redo , ,tg the rttst, itl r -portation by road to an am mot to:ti v.,i nt to Cie entire cost of freight Iroin tuns t Iltttiti totristrille, and thence c m r I ice J o l_i tos traveler or nu-reliant of ill,. I by any advantages of the Baltimore atitl nod I tai r (:,fl toad to the Cumberland route to p.m.:. to a ti the same by the way of a in! incidentally promote the, ret• ram aidw:li the manufacturers and Ira r it, in crease the rattle sod revonocs improv ed e-t itcs and largely benefit the coastry thr it would pass, by the improved entire of nf':ma. I lei '. ity of access to market, an 1 the t.t e' I ,t :agricultural and mineral lag or dormant. Therefore: ,f meeting it is ty.t ~.ep 'beret —loll of s, 7hrlt utility and imp ,rt:me , _. to lie i r „d, agree of Pittsburgh, and tCc,t,'rn i;nsv; n to ennatiuct with the ',ail p :i•1;1 . 2 a first rate AfcAdrinized Triropi.ke !l oud r; II l'itt•burgh to Uniontown, in Fay e:t.: ew.:7lty I' , Ipy .he moat eligible route. Resolved, That a memorial to Coo liw ith prepa redfor thea_ i ge.ature of mir lag the Legislature for an act 4,f inc , c - puration; - - tied that Messrs. P. Mu'vany, Wm. n e l i b.ai 0, 'rm. Wilkins, M. Allen, John P,irvcll , R . Thos Hakewell. W. M. Edgar, be a committee whose duty it shall be to forward the memorial to Harrisburg and take such other ineasur,s as they may deem neces4gry to expedite 1., , git.1 lily,: ac /idit and utherwirle promote the earPy accomplish nieut 4 of the proposed improvement. Resolved, That these proceedings be signed by the officers of the meeting and published in all the -papers friendly to the ,proposed improvement. WA1 1 1:1C11BAU1i, Chairman. : Me a l n e d , ! CRS, Secretaries Jul►A very ably drawn memorial was then prestmt lad and read by Jo fp Stealer, which was immedi ately adopted by the meeting and signed by all present. - The above Committee are requew,ted to meet at Ohs moms ofthe Baud of Trade on Tuesday eve ' Ding id. 7 o'clock, P. M. The following is the petition now circulating fra:sigqe tor Post Office Laws To the Honorable the Senate and. Houae of will get employment by this system,tut the pr n - eae !wives of the Commonwealth of benefit of the few who desire to engross, : as heretofore, all the benefits of our public Pennsylvania: The Petition of the undersigntd, citizens of \Val "' Pittsburgh and its vicinity, individual Liability. showeth. That the. Baltimore and „ Ihe people of Allegheny county have, ohio it-oha), I Comp ni,y have completed th roaO fr;oo city of ILltiinfare to the town 01- for the last few years, heard from the fed- Comb , rland, a di.-tanee of about one hundred and presses and leader-, frequent and vehe cia.!.ty st hat the pass..ge ov ,r this railroad. era! itcs , setiger Care, is usually completed in 'twelve ment declarations of Anti -bankism. In 1839 , hours. and tin.l burden trains hre propelled over it especially', we remember that the principal in a co.nalrati,..elv short p..!rred timr; That at Cumberland a jillietton is formed by this railroad aim of the writers and speakers of the par with the great National li , u !; That the I . :tallies • vas to impress upon the public m utl't'ren by this wade of' transportation and bade, ty renders it the most a ivent,gcous route tre'evecn that the Democrats were really the B ind ank the Eastern and ‘Vesie,rnboth far travel men, and that they, the whigs and antima. erns and especially afier the winter bas clo cud the Canal route threugh Beinisylvania, sons were in truth and in fact, anti-hankites. The client or the facibties thus afforded upon %Ve are acquaintediwith prominent and tine commetetal, manufacturing, and trading in tercsts of Pittsburgh and its vicinity, may b e honest Antimasons, who unhesitatingly de mote conectv , •d than described. dare themselves fur the ''individual liabil -In-tcu.; of Pittsblogli remaining as she has „ hitherto been, the great 'entr, pot' o r w„,. ern ity principle, and we believe a great por- Cmninuree, and the point at which passengers ur tton, if not a majority of their party, agree rice, and 1.11“.! their depa:ture towards the Lad • . , with them on the subj , et. It may surprise ,of West, Mo-eling, a town in Virginia, at which tho Na these persons to learn that the represents• road meets the river, is rapidly un• ' lives in the State Lemslature, who they tteiring the casters and we-t:rn traveling and transport t,;m, and ..oti; g the past winter we arc ;and elected, Messrs. Craig-, 641, :u acsi i tug ',hat the gre , it lulss of :be travel- H e !!:, and V,cridoti, have voted on two rig Ir4ve ab.:ndon , Pi•rinsylvani llior ,, u-btlires, p.es N 1 ,,, 031 I:, ; ad OcCai-ins against making the stockholders , •:b„ , 1• thc- Is now c-n-!' 1. C'e of binks individually liable for the debts of was. a: ,t r , ,n ' 1••• the institutions they own and coetrol. How. Ynerr perrtoners, iii', stare of wing ever hollow and false may have been the Lot per. tve tit it a nr.,t rato,m; i.,t1.1 , 1c , n 11 1 ,4 1.. ex- 1, of antebank expressmns of these represents rn priori,d Sta'e at large, "I•es' lives, and of s . one of the federal, leaders, 5 „,,,•• ;„ ,•,• +•.l - + Lto d nod t h e rank an I tile of the party, are sincerely ter, tr,vet and tr ur ; , ,gl.l , I,ltl to till- pi 112. anti•hank, and will frown upon the dupli- Ya ' lip .t th's Obj , Ct . can be 411. it; a 1 . r C'r;rig :,n' l Sheridan. and fr-I!"er.ly Mieak!atil:-ed ti Uniontox , :. even if it should happea that a me net di. et nil wite,h would tie,that Ptltshargil wrln!,l vof the federal party sh , aild approverof vionolly hee,,nie the :erinihni of tiro l`rati3O .1 joi i and ti,e grett• focus to which triv , l and the vote of thesc gentbAnen, it is cerliiiti transnottation wonlii be hitracied. tint a groat majority of their consitueriti Your e is 1.1:4 r',1141.• tr7ly ymn ti 'ra bic. Bodies to riv e , under I.olldetllll it. The united VOR'C of the t p.or wisdoin mat sn o rt and democracy will lb Flounce the iniquitous PH, sections of an act • ...X , iernbly 01 this C , nn• wonwealth,en , illei an Ant •In • the Gov attempt to deliv e r tile prosperity ofthe 0, Thyt. , c;' , r ; 0, runpie into hands of scheming bankers enpoy nflire R.,a•hi,z, pllrAta Turntolie 11,ad, and of i!o•Uniont ;ieu s u 1 mil hrukuis,w ithi•et having any guarans eittsb,,rgh thc their hoticstv wh..te‘er. And it the 1), NI), and t ants,i,z sneli mir rannasons who wilt the democrats with l'utioake •tn, , lne , ;die ,•:t ,ri,•,- r,t,d for the tors Ida r '.1.1 p rot s sLatt;rl the rouu:, as 111. y be ic'6lj'l,l; c. 11 tlitZ and trill not have And your ,thinners will ever pray, &^. IL twilter nl,pr rtui.ity to sliotA:thir kindness F,,e PRESIDENT, to paper speculators, by voting them privi• JAMES BUCUANAN, I leaps which the peopleare'not willing they Ul II of a Nai C4..orentirm DAILY )I(NINING . PiIST ' L The "LtOlolly” lianisburgh corrio , _ do f the Gazette, isvet y severeitt, I IPS ••S WM.II. SIIII 11, EDITOR AND PR Plllll/11,11 - 1 , the tiemcwrats; he c,4113 them ..federd loco• D tir Meseta. ClA)11S do net ht• WF,I)NESI) \Y, AIARCII !22, 11!..13 vcry,vety se ret , at yin armilti'ate. to Uniontown. etittiely. This same cot teriontletit does [ierrt„ruing; the .proceeil • not like Mr. Karns, tcyli, of sreF.ki lags of a meeting held at the Curt I.louse d'' " . "" der " t 1 " t " a o n last Satut•lay, for the purpose of coil- there "re but few "tt . the r,ous "ha stiletieg the propriety c,f emnstructing, a'e Ish the hionit ttutlis iur 11,•m•st. MoAd :rinsed ouiid fiont this city to Ijniott s'-' l ""t"'t "e can re"dd .. itmli!t"t:' that thy town, F.iyette county. The r,•riit mutt riitier he would keep quiet; ted by the meeting, it viii he seen, sliong t ” rarer' t ' the ly recottiii - iends the iiiojert. •' good d t at• te h the fur tie ud suflicient rerlS , ,ll9 I,OIV tile Th' ".." 1 " etH v"ta t" Pittsburgh should use r%ety ell: t to ac "unruly meu'l) the House comptish this important iihiei•t. It is fact known to all, that si,) t) of can 11 navl , 7 • kVltilei Hi Hi 1),1b loess. of our city spaic no prti , ;.s io their en deavols to turn the trade, heretofore en joyed by Pittsburgh,to the Wheeline , route. The completion of the Cumb'd It. It. gives them great ficdity in trig sit uggle, and if something is not done to counteract their riftts, the fort. arding business of Pitts• burgh will for three or four months in each y ear, b totally destroyed. It seems to he the opinion of our most shrewd oess men, that the construction i,ra road, such as is contemplated, to intercept the nation! I road at Uniontown, is all tilt is neces6ary to secure 1, our r.i;y, the fr.ule which is now )1. Wl',,! and e , tablish Pittibto 2,h. N',in I the ito.v. er of oput •:.-ition, as the great cotnictercill t 1 'pot I.rett.ve..to tit. etrit anti the wt's:. Wr }Jul) • .t!tat those who hive rn )vt d in the In r:t•tr, rflay iu4111. - tiu.• the r. lizensl,rnertilly, to [lke hol 1 of th e suh... j ct and arcwhplish an improvement of stwii vat impoitdtwe ti the interests of our An efisy s”ttltt!le I)llTienity t.. ;:,n~ui;h The pet s,,ns who ale orpostd to the see •t'it and wick st - stern, sly that fa voriH,rn is winced in this rnattit, nnd that those in that mode of transporta. toot, ,ze4 nut t njoyed f y the Lug •;•, If i t' is the case, the natural el;qUily elt to ev, nteresteri p, t si , n, ill be, 'why don't the large lines uoilthi,ur their old, expensive mode of (I , ,irig business and t,,ke to the section bo ts and trucks'? There is no law prohibiting them from doing so; the sysi ern i s Open to all, and We think it _should be just as satisfactory to these gentlemen to share the advantages of the system as to drive their more hum',lo competitors from the business altogether. The people at large are always in favor of that. mode of doing business, that will furnish employ ment to the largest number, and give a more general distribution of the profits of labor. The adoption of the section .boats and trucks, is well caculated to effect these objects, and those who believe so,can not approve of any schemes that would go to sacrifize the interests of the alaby, who J~C 6'ir t'az'. have —A sl,„ c k o f an „,,,0,, i • 1 ,,14; 0 was felt mpliis, on thu 011,1[1:1,2 , tic LOCH rn heiv,e , ..ll 10 11, , rc Ea, I hvwk pro! 11 r.. c: hht irlverit,)l ~1 the Plying :11achitie a:ssur,•6 the that hi it a man may tr.:\ lion) N. ()i!var.s tr. I.' lidtm, in Hie sirp-o o' one or two das, over a safer !mid that, the I,,nd or waft,- ca n p,, Bs ibly an,] surpass th, 1,11118 in his as much BS he oily now surpass the fishes in swiniu.iiig me3tis inir»qwit.—\\'e iuvi Ft the auenti '" of 11..ildets to the a 'velliseme•lt h)r ,Totials to build. six Ste 1!0 En"zines, and one Iron Steamer, pnblizihed in t,e(l3y's Pot.t. \Ve think there is hut little tl , Libt that the buildingi of the Cult,. r for 1 . 411:e Etio, and tine En2ines to ho do livered at the town of Erie, at least, will he 0 btalned in Il is city. f—This 'lame has been ad adopted by Mr. Van Buren for his taste ful vira iu !he ei vinws 1 . 1 Lind chunk. The inevitable r , solt ()Idle Assumption Project, says the N. Afe. Ilerahl, if it could I, brought ah ‘v,) , 11,1 he nut tai affect tip' States already hiiii!trupt, hut to invoke the whole Tinion in avowed insolvency. Tile papei say that t7, , natit. I3arato, Grecian exiie, the c ml,,tuiun anti associ— ate of Lord liyrdruit whose arms the poet lileatlied his last, has reached Augdsta, Ga., arid proposrs to deliver a course of lectures on Greece. liichatd Thornwion Esq., a lveallby eir izcn Rus.ell county, AluMina, way re. ecnt v killed while chasing, a (leer, by be, Inc; thrown from a young horse He was dashed against a tree and never spoke mot O. Pic. .litrinpt to rob a llaiik.—On the night r the 2,1 inst., an uniucces dui attempt was inade to brenli into the F. & M. Bank of Memphis, 'Jinn. The thief became alarm ed by a noise within, and cut dirt, leaving some of his tools behind: The ¯o's "are up and buckled on their armour" in Tennessee. .Hon. Tames 'K. Polk, is preparing for the campaign with energy, and we think that his success at the next August election can hardly be doubted. "Wu/king:into the River. Mrs. War , field, who resided in-" Meade county, Ky., put mt end to her existence on Saturday last, by deliberately walking into the Ohio river, somewhere near Leavenworth, and drowning herself. Her son diScovered her in the act, and attempted to rescue het He succeeded in getting her out, but not before the vital spark had fled. The people of England are more liable to insanity %ban any other nation except Not way. Com. Petry has been appoin'ed to the command of the African sqliadron,. The Kent it?.kiatt contains an advertise— ment,urpine people to emigrate to Oregon. Carlyle says that the saddest aspect the decay of civil libel ty can exhibit, has al ways appeared to me to be this, when hon• citable, honor-loving, conscientious dili• a ence cannot even find work, but must s'and with folded arms, lamenting his for ced idleness, through which himself and his family arc verging to starvation, or, it may be, actually suffering the pain of hun ger. "Two-thirds, if no! thrre four ihs, of the pro plr of the liniico States, in our opini , di, are in favor of winding up the banks as fast as their charters r xpire. it is most certainly ascertained th.l.t this can be done without creating any more oppression than has already been created by the rottenness and corruptionof the banks theinse:v••v; and if the work is taken hold .1* in right good , irocrit, there can be no r'oub' as to the result. Not many years will roll around until the United Sta!es, treed from the Ahicides oh a degrading bank Milo 'nee, h .ve a currency ruwre per manent and staple than any other country in the world."—Quincy (Pt ) If-redd. Some wags latey Net tiro to a ~ valehzuta's 1)0:: in Philadelphia. The p:»r Cn..rl y has to keep wak . all tiiona the 11‘.‘,. hymn, Millelitus, Plc t i n 1. t h f , 6,ruwing p,C , :,19113 mor4el: • I'll; wort .111 a fteting illusroh pail canoe-, we've gut hht I r ulon. ”r down bdov, There's no.kihg till , : but ilifilcrism! About bi]Ct.cn lita,u're I Enghshmen wetit 1. 1,, I:- 1:2 t gct , 1 w ,t,irobe of II•r. n rp.uic r :it'd I , the :113gotti , :f2t)e,vl his - ,(1 !it 11. Cole n in ha. ti,n4itt a ('Lunch in L itinwton h. „ ;Aid turned it ;1. Tq' Tine of the .I:ltd.—Miller ~,ys dint he is Odd the irld Wirl he destroyed b1):Ite time bi tteeesi the 21,4 of April 18-13, and the 21st of April 1844." A city in ft raviwr.—The entire city of Goan. ,ays Kendall, in one of his sketches, is buil t 111 II drt p SMIle IWO wilts In its ,i7reutc•t width is perlitip3 cot ui• re than 4 or 500 rardA .1 house struck by Lightninl, , .—A frame in Louisville was struck by lightning list wet k and shatter ea to pieces. A man who wai, in it asleep ht the time says that his 1,2,1 was moved from its place anti his night edit thrityvn from hi= head. A pimp was ,:unk s .) I.lw that only a few inches of the Irate ne ate to he se• u, and the watt r arc(' ;du A itcw body of iron tao (.1a very Pope- Irior hai been Wecuw, red a , . Re. d- lug Pu .1 Critastroplre. —A saits,tge catt. was upset in I; , i,:totl last MOiltlily. Th e l ate ea r th qu ak e in the West Indies did tiot afll.;t the islan , l of Jamaica. The -Gold Region Reporter" is dun— ning its patrons, with a double row nffists. 11. soit.-112.• Corn non Council 01 New York have passed a resolo.inn anthoriz.ng, the hoisting of the tlags On the City 11411, Battery, and puldie s, nn the l'2th of April, the centennial aniii- VCl,ry oral.: blithOdy Some blockhead in a New York paper talks of running Co'. Webb for Congress. W e should think that Mr. Marshall put an rif t etual stopper en Webb's running fur anything. it otiiitry Irvin is ridirc, iaLlit to Le I VS COOP A rita:k udvertiBe4 Temperancf yriit Itr roit, LI to cut will) , to •A y. ReApCCloliiiif!! lisCS,llO4 a..tucli 1401)1(111y t II) :I, i.c n J ke .11arge Fleece.—The New Yurk Ex ess , :ays that the fleece of wool from five thousand sheep, raised by one man in are Suite ~f" Michigan, was aokl in that city on Friday. A good Pastor will address your fears as well as your hopes. We once heard of a man, who had been aeandidlte for public office forty years, and been e!ec:ed once—elected only once! Like Dicky Dont's shirt-tail, he is more out than in!—E.r. paper. Lipscomb Norvel, sr, an officer of the revol Ition, died at Nashville, Tenn., on the 2d inst., at the advanced age of S 7 years. lie was engaged in the baltles of Brandywine, Trenton and Monm null, and was taken prisoner at Charleston. man sentenced to be hanged, prayed for a reprieve, the ground that he had a sore throat, 'which t end crud him unfit for going through the operation of hang ing; he le:ired, he sai•l, that the most alarming consequences might ensus if he was hanged in the present ,:ondition. They have a man in New Jersey who recollects so well, that he remembers the first sugar teat that the nurse put in his mouth. Col. Johnson, in a recer.t speech, said —"I will stand by the men when they are right, but I will stand by the women right or wrong." An Extraordinary sigx.—The. inn• land Tribune tells the followingTholl joke of iho MilleriteF; "It is well known that the planet Venus can be seen with the naked eye. It was espied by the Millet ites a few days since, who assembled with spy-glasses to see if they could discover other stars in the Heavens. ale old lady in looking th tough the glass, canted it a little too much, and gaping with anpzeinent, ex claimed: 'What do 1 see ! as true as I am a living soul, 'J.— P.-- Baker,' in large letters printed in the skies ! Tru ly he is a holy man !"Fhe glass had been brought so low, that the zealous old lady had been reading an extended sign in tie street.' Mennerisin.—Dr. Collyer gives the fol lowing important cautions to those who wish to examine this subject practically. Never allow yourself to be mesmerised by a person not in perfect health. Never allow yourself to he acted on by a pet son inferior in his mental powers. Never allow a rough, uncouth person to act upon you, he \yid frequently induce nervous diseases the most difficult to cure. Never allow a stranger, especially one the opposite sex, to mesmerise you. Never a'law yourself' to he acted on by mor e than one mesmeriser. Never remain in the mesmeric condition mu re than tt ittv minutia By all means never allow your brain to be tambered with by ignorant mesm ii— sers; in an evil h‘inr they !nay render you idiotic: for life. A good story is to!3 of a justice some— where in Erie county. Two men had a suit bel)re him, when the plaintiff, whom we shall call Brown, attemp•vd to state his case. The mm of author': cut short the opening plea by saying—. Don't yon say nothing, Brown, and as for you, Jones, (the defendant,) I know you, and 11l enter judgmeta agin you quicker nor lightning!' FROM 11AV A NA By the Cristoval Colon, we have Ilivana p:pe(s to the .Ith instant, c , Jatutining Vela Cruz dates the 151.11 Id' Eel,ruary. . . A woman n,lin , !l Catonnalll;-r died at villa on the s'h F •hrti,lry, it On grant age of on huildreb seven..cen yeals, ie was a native o f SI. VRA C I.l.—At gi) our ardent de.ina art culfisleb that the Goietinnent would pureha , e tic heantilid brig Sdlit'l Anna. Site has been pati“indized the u ual formali tit s. This tcssal has been placed ender command o' Capt. Inas and will afford important sei-vire in the operidians against Capeaeliy. Site was built in the United States. Fr.s. 15 —For ,everal year , : we have mit tixr rimmed Fo revere a noth , r ds that of is t night and this morning. Scone insas•ers Lave occurred.— W. Neared it said that the American vossel Samuel Ihgraham, which Failed yea e-rdey for Tampico, waa wrecked off Chaealacasi Ti ere were several passengers. including ,1110 eqw!strian ainpaity. It thi+ cornet it is to be lament d I e tent that dies , unfortunate pers ns may hate ecti s.red. Fur eina , tingt vessuls eriven iishoft. Birmingham & Co. COMMISSION ILVD FOR IVA RD I.,VG .41 ER. CHANTS, No. 60 VValer el rem, l'irs'kurgli Trans—flec,•!v in; and Shipping 5 cems per )00 II ( 01'1110s:0ot - 1, uo Putt:Lam, and sine+a pct. rent. mar 12. • -I.; I.Ali WEEKLY PACKET' FOR CINCINNATI, Steamer AS tit. LVil 'iatn 'Pinker !kJ:utter, tie ; art Yor thr above nod purls on l'hun!day. the 2.3t1 Iwo. A 10 o'c!' Aslttn.tol I at trt4 oiler 1.T1'11•411 repair: toir trltatt) and provittett Willi F. var.-',., , ,tie!t Coat.l--rao be re( orutoe,..led lot I, tt:,v 611 , 2 ro.l`llolllliy as a vire :Ind eviteditiotts float. For ft, lor pa- an,` rt , y on boaid or to BIRMINGHAM 4- co., No. CII, VU:ater s t rret. I' 1;01'(_):: A 1,-; FO SlEk NI 1.1 NI; I N ES. &c. DEI.A.RTMLtrr. iltZ , Orl. 17t1, March, 1343. St 1:.11,E1) PROPOSII-S will be received or this Dc partmeot onto in, 17111 April next, for six st.o i n tenders and propellers, constructed upon the plan known trs II nnter's Plan," two (2) of eat, wrings, boil era and propellers in Ice delivered on Lake Eric, as ric. signaled by lice Sevrtlary of Ilie Tre.l-10 y; the 011ter, n. place or p:a,e. on Inc era CoaBl, as the Serrelary of the TreaStiry may direct, ales, lwO (2) eivzii.l•9, kollerit and urepcl refs noir. the plan known as- Erirs , un'e Plan," to he Moir:credal ' , tine older on rho sett conet as the So cr.-it:try of the 'l'r. asury may dire, engine, hoi!ers and prom Ilrrs Inks treacle of lice very hest mallet ials, to hear the proof of !leo of ouch person of persons as may he selected by ihe Secretary of the Treasury.— The boilers to have not less than seven hundred (7:00) feet fire surface; working pressure. eighty (BO) pounds to the rum., iar.r.; proof, Iwo hundred and forty (240) pnu nd, Scx r;l4 liven ihcli wiled, re, %%Atli three (3) feet Si eke'. The w roil , io hp delivered on dlrtrted, fire Mo , thr from the time of recervieu toe drawregs. irrid preps tel butidin ; !. The proposals will slate the price for which the en2ine.. Imilrre d prnp, hers will Le deliver rd ate-I pin into Comply., ()per:Oh - In. lint a. !lie appli Callon:01 the en2ine+ tvorklrtt to elll.er oil be said plans tan var.( right, the proponal+ 0111 also Rlale the price inc/roire,7 the an,!,ri! v lo patent ri;),111, rd akr) lice price exclusive of said an. of ilv. mar 22-tall Birmingham &. Co ~ AG'TS Fox STEAM-ER CLEVELAND Aud Cleveld Llne. Ikl,trch 22, '.13, I,ir 112 T 1 if P: I,ECTURE CC.II - .311T1'1: If IRT plutt•urr. in :Inr.ouncin:z that the Lrentrr, h t , core lice ingtituit , will he 0.1 Ttte/ day (Vining_, lath hy PROF. RICH RD McCULLOUGH, 'f Jeffersoo College, Can nonsb ur p, P. Is contemplated That Pi or. Mcculionzli will &Ail, r a full course on tire "fti,-te. Prov.ela and deoeiny of -13 tronamy." The Committee, in pre , enting course, of from six tortoni' Lectures on a moot Interesting ;oh of I uily, and vcien i tic restarch, feel an. -slued that their exertion; will meet %N ith the general ap Pt ahatlon of the patron; of the"Wirt Institute. Lecture=." We deem it proper here to express o r thanks for the patronage extended to thin course, and to assure the public. UI it whatever deliiitinenev may have occurred in the folfilment of our or:gloat pro pectun, it cannot le at t Milted to any want of attention or exertion on the part of the committee, hui to the fact that- c rcittn,-itincer, which 1 - 0111 , 1 not It e . ctn.( rot led prevented !Inv,. who had canner:l.A to lecture fro„, fulfilling their engagements. 'rickety for Ihr course on Astronomy, a single lecture, 25 ems. S. C. HIJEY, JOHN S. COSGIAVF, W. W. WILSON. JOHN B. SEMPLE, WM. B. SCA} FE, mar 22 Committee, IBROPOSALS will be received by the subseri 2. he.r 'froth the 15th until2sth intd., for re building the Eagle Engine, plan and specifiedtiona to be seen at G. W. Jacicson'A and also proposals will be received for the inanufactnring of fifteen hundred feet. of Clipper rivited hose. nt22 —3 t W. V. ROBINSON. Chronicle copy. • GROCERIEs AT tercriodv.—Will be sold at J. 4. A. 3TEVENSON'I3, No. 152 Wood street near Liberty, on Friday, March ,?.4th, 1843,21 10 cec leek A. :11: their entire fito-A of Groceries, Produce, ke. This stock is worthy the attention of purcliaSerli. Sale positive. Tern.r, Caoi, R. A. BA L'SNIA N r - Awls-peer. Travelers should a elect Boars provided will Ertllle Safety Guards, for preventing Explosion o f &ea. Boilers. IT would he well for the traveling community to bear In mind that their security depends entirely upon their own encouragement of boats that have or may be at the cxpew.e of procuring the above apparatus. And that every Individual making such selection Is contribu ting towards a general introduction of an invention ad• in it ted by all men who understand the principles of the Steam Engine, to be a sttre preventative against thoie dreadful disasters. Yon have ce lainly, is the hundreds of explosions that nave already taken place, their almost daily occurrence, and the thousands of lives that have already been lost, a sufficient warning, and inducement to make inquiry for a Safety 7 nard [tom, and in every case to give It the prefer epee. They have went to an additional expense that your lives may he secure. Ought you not therefore to meet t I in with a corresponding degree of iihvality, and by your preference show that yr.o appreciate their latulabl e endeavors to stop this aw• ful sacrifica of humaa id.. They do not charge more than ot bet boats; then; .ieminttiodat ions In other respects ate canal, and in many casecsuperior; and as there is one leaving ptitshur,gli every day, why will you run any risk, when it is so com tetely in your own power to avoid thn, di sas t ers . Alt I,oai , marked thus a] in the List of Arrivals and Itelar,nnc n aanther part of this paper, are supplied frith t Ile Palel y Gain . J. (.7. SPENCE!: , Secretary of the Tre.l,l3rl mar 27 2t ! 'OR 'SAFETY. r-- •• - 0 af Boats provided mith the Safety Guard A Lr.:4, mENToR kr:NES, - I‘IICIIIG k ' N, A \IA It ANTfI, • MARIETTA. ___.....----- III: I ELI \ NT, Al A RQUETTE, BRE \ I;. A - ATER MCNGO PARK, CASPIAN, MEsSENGER, CECILIA, MONTGOMERY, ('AN'ION, NORTH BEND, CI . ERO, NEPTUNE, CADDO, N 1R AGANSETT, DUKE . 1 ORLEANS, NIAGARA, DUQUESNE, OSPREY. I.:XPRI'SS MAIL, ORPHAN BOY, EcLlesE 01110, FOR MoSA, ORLEANS, FORT P trr, PENELOPE, GALLANT, PANAMA, GALENA, QUEEN of the SOUTH; J. H. BILLS, lIOWINA, JEWESS, RARITAN, IDA, SARAH ANN, INDIAN QUEEN, S IIIATOG.t, ILLINOIS, SAVANNA, LADY OF LYONS, TALLEYRAND, VICTRESS, VAI LEY FORGE. .._ WEST WIND. Mar 22:1f REVENUE' cuTTBR F.)11. THE LAKES. TrreAQT-ItY DaPART.I4*!Cri 16th March. )343 - PROPOS:3LS vt ill he received at iltiape par 'mew., until the 171 h of April to xi, for bbildine the Holt or an Is on Steamer, to he used as a Revenue Cun er nu Lake Erie, of the following dimensions. fly: tine hundred and forty (110) feet on deek,twentrthree (23) feet bentn, ad leo (i 0) reel hold. Model. drawings and moulds for building to hr faro:shed "by the Pepsin let O. It Isestected that these boats will le high lit ie. fereeee to Punter or Eriesson's Propeller, The Iron used in ennsirlici ion must he A meri-an, and of tlite very hest Y. and is to he painted with two Rota : coats of red lead. (one before the %yolk- is pill up and the other aftei). The whole of said Iron work shall he weighed, brier it is wrought and filled to its appropriate ploee,and previnu , to its being lino Ily put t nest her: payment will he road , according to this nett weight per pound,inelti• I d ing !tont:erg, water tanks and galley. Tito chain phacs, bohslaj„s arid all iron work necessary to the Lull. ' spars, rigging,salls and guns will be Included in the pro. ! posits. arid the price for curb work will be separately sti :ova. A spar deck of white line, 4by 6 1n.,t0 be - laid, I scented from underneath, with the "wood screw bolts .. —. !caulked and paned. Berth deck of ash or yellow pine, .;!1 by It inches, spiked and bolted to the berth deck. al caulked and planed. Ceiling plank of yvhile'cak to the flooring loads, 5 inches thick, IlinfiCa yellow pine. 4 iorkes this k. to the Inner deck clamps, all of which will lie estimated I.y the square superficial ft et. The-wale., rinlsa id weight used in the eons! uction, to lie approved and the n ark to Le Inspected by such officer as the Se ! cretar: of the Treasury may appoint, and the woik to he done accorditig to the direct i on of the Fkiperintendant. The vessel to he completed within six months ft( m the day of delice ring lie moulds and plans of The workmanship to he inspected, previous to delive ry, by two competent judges; one to he chosen Ity each of the parties of the contract, who. in the event of their disavrement, rim l! selccl a third, who are to determine ! whether the work has been executed in all respects, le. , oiding to the proposal awl averment. mar -2---1:117 In the I)istriet Court of Allf gheny county, Ge(74e Vend. Ex. Nn. 104 S Jan'y Tenn, 1843. Isaac Evan. ‘ 0 , ""Ii, And nnw to wit; March . 21st, 1843. n..... .:.... —O n Mour n i-,f II r . Simpson, urn mut appoot li. S. Magraw, E-q. rt,iimr to dit , trihite prco t.,is of sale 13 ,thi: ease. OA, : el/41) ° '. `• • . '''''‘ ~,,,, r.c,na the Recent!. ATTESI: A. SUTTON, Pro. The auditor alio,e named will attend at Ilia office n u Fuon. =heel year :'Sruithfi..ki, for the piirpriee of Ins aniuMitiveru, on Wednesday. lice 21iih day of April cc xi, al 3 Inch P. M., whit cud where all P-ro imeres•rd HENRY S. MACRAW. Auditor. mar :22—(1 . 21,5,s 3t In the District Court of Allegheny county; F.:thyme &toy. .n, Al. l'i. Fa. No. 47 Jul, 1842. Jatnes Wilton. And no w to wit ; March 21st, 1843*. 4 .0 0 .1 rt. fr appointO u u ) : i f , i n s of Simpson, l s l l r ;griw t,sci . the Auditor, eilurt ii tz to dig?. ibtqr proceed- iiise'e in this case. ' Irmo the Record. ATTEISI: A. SUTTON, pro. The Atuli.or af:nva named.taill attend for the par: Pn'e of Its aPimito mem, at his office no Fourth street near Sinititfleid, on Tlittrclay, the 27th day of April ni.:it, at 3 „',:lntl( P. NI., whorl and %heir all per,otts in e e-led are no!ifi •,/ to - , attend. HENRY S. NAGRAW, Auditor. mar k .2 . 2 - dgt& W 3 In the District Court of Allegheny county. M DArragh, Vend. Ex. Nn. 175, April Gial!am . itx . re , And now to wit; March 21st, 1843. #,• A) .0 ,On million of Mr. Simpson, the Court z• • - appoint 11. S. Mag.tio , . Esq., Auditor, t . P. • • , .4. to disclbute proceeds orsa le it this oese. .4 , se:- .. num the 'Rectos!. Eitry i."'• ATTEV: A. ':•E'l TON, Pro; The A rutiUr o bove vain,d dr.eiLd at hi* office r,n Fourth street near Smitt fie!(l, t ri F r iday, the 28:11 day of April next, at 3 p•e:t.ek P. M.,whett and wt.ere all persons interer.tert at e Entified to ail. 4, 0 1 HENRY 8. NIAGRAW.; imae22 t tar-vt 3 t• ' Auditof: J. C. SrCNCER. Frertiaty t , libc TirarllTY