Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 22, 1843, Image 1

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VOL L-NO. 163.
'VE31.314.--FIV6 DOLLARS a year, payable in
advance. Riegle copies TWO CENT=—for sale at the
*ouster of the-4*Ra, ant by News Boys.
The Mercury and Manufacturer
B published WEEKLY, at the sante office, on a double
medium ttlieet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad.
trance. Sinle copies. SIX CENTS
'fern's of Advertising.
One inflecting, 0,50 I One month, $5,00
Two Ineertiens, 0.751 Two mom e, 6.00
Three insertions, 1,00 Three months, 7,00
One week, 1.50 Four ;months, R,OO
Twu week.% 3,0(1 I Sit months, 10,00
Three weeks, 4.00 One year, 15,00
One Square. Tiro Square,/
Sir months, eIR.OO sir months,
Oar rear, 2.5,00 One year.
rf Larger advertisements in prtrortion.
e‘ttflii of four lines Stx Dot.. as. a year.
CITY relit Orrir.s. Third between Market and Wood
areets—R. M Riddle, Postmaster.
IN:11mm Hocee, Watet.dtli door from Wood et. Peter
son's huildin:t —Major John Willock, Collector:
CITY TRIMICILY. Wood between Fir 4 and Second
streets—!amts A. Bartram, Treasurer.
CoUNTT TIicASCRY, Third tome,. next door to the
Thitd, Pleabyterlan Church—S. R. Johnston,'rreasurer,
11'01 . 8 Omer, Fourth, between Market and Wood
ittrrets—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
al gaol:11111's Excit‘nott, Fourth. near Market al..
• - rttronottort.hetsveen Al arkct and Wood streets. on
rtitrd and Foorth streets.
Mutt. - ii.orre otP MIACIF•CTURERS . AND FARNItIIIe Ds.
?un-'. 11► NY. (I . orniefly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Arno(' rind Market stteeit.
Erna... Noe, Fifth street, near Wood.
.NowownariEtt Fur , near i lir nriAge
FAcitiOine 110 !., cur tivr of Penn and St. Clair,
MERC11.0473 . FinTxt., rorner nt - Tltird and Wood,
icRicAN norEt,,cortier at Third and Siniitifirld,
• VlKtrx.b Sr vitt. corner of Pr , nn , trenn and Canal.
RP "tau Eaatz, t. herty ,[reel, near Seventh.
Sitt.t.mts M castes liners, theriy ST opprlSilf! Vt'ayne
nasaunnasT M•nNtort Ilocar. Penn St. oppnine Canal.
.e.l to Rakewell's offices on Grant , opposite
tne new Court (louse, tieNt rooms to John 0. Malmo,
Esti .—First floor. . sep 10 ,
!PROS. 11. ELLIOTT, M. D.—Office removed to
St. Clair street, between Penn and Liberty St $•,
I , 10
OCO TONER, Alto , nr.v al I,inv. North Eat corner
af Smithfield and Four' troele. cep 10—I Si
,vc and
Counsellors at Law: Office .11 the Diamond, hack
Of the old Court Illottge.Pdislotp , ti. sep 10
SMUNK it FINDLAY. Attorney: Fourth rt.,
near the Ilnyer'a Office, Pittsburgh. cep 10-h,
HAM 11-ToN , A t torney at Law, Pit) I), between
JL • Wood and Smithfield Pittebur , :h. sep 10-1 y
'V: .04liee Olt Ike nOllll .ide of the Dintnot.4.l.eivvrP.)
illiarNa and tfoiou at reetg, upstairs .wp 111
— , toristty at Lau': traders
fti. - tics proieseloptal sery ices to t lit pubitc. Office cur.
arid Market Street.... nbove 1). Lloyd Co's
lingt:Tit4dlAtrell. Pa. sap 10
EYSTER 11151:11 'tN AN. dlftarneys at Law, office
imanivred from lb.: Diamoulloo At lor Ivey 's ow."
*lady sinie of rt)1111.11 street, bet weeu Mathet and World
el feet d
11. K
has removed Ilk office to the corner of Fourth
• nd Cherry Alley, betweeit Smithfield and Crant
ttreeii, Pittsburgh. t=ep
FORGE W. 1..4 'YAM , Attu! ney at Law, (MCI
ba.54 ['lilt% street, near tlie'rneatre, eittsburgh
asp 27-1 T
READE sisti t NG [ON,
ATTORNEY IV. —Office iu Krar. ID ildiiig
- POOrili street, pitisburali. N.v .5. 1542.
1011 N J. MITCHELL—AItorpey at Law, office
OAF cornet of SnOthfield and 511) F s. PiliFt.urztr.•
"irr ColleCtions made. A I busittels entrusted to hie
care will he promptly &Vended 10,
• - - (eh 16-1 r
I) EMOVAL.—R. Marrow, A iderman; nal e north
Ili side of Fifth st., het %Ten Wood and Smithfield
Os, Pittsburgh. FAT 10
pR. S. R. HOLM ES, Office i n Second street, next door
.10 Mulvany 4 Co's Class %Vareltouse eep 10—ly
JOHNSTkiN ¢ s I'OUKTON, Bookseller!. Pricier' an
Pfiper Manufacturers, No. 37, Market et. ."p 10-1?
TOUN ANDERSON, :AnaWield Foundry, Water st.,
AP near the Monongahela House, ['Risk urgh. sep 10-1 y
THOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware
Rooms, t.urnrr of Hand I. t Exchange Alley.
Persons whiling to purchase Furniture, will find It to
their advantage to give us a call. hying fully satisfied that
we car. pleaae au to quality and price. sep 10
MUTTONHAMS.-JuEt received 160 choice Mut
ton Ilarn, well cured and for sale cheap by the do
ten or retail, by ISA NC HARRIS,
Pep 10 No.9.Fittb st
RUTA. BAGA.— A sarip'y or etli's Fresh Ro
ta Bara, and other different varieties of Tornio
Real, jug received and for sale at RYDI'I3:O PRICILD at the
Orul and seed Store of V. L. SSOVt't)RN,
Sep 10 No. 134 Liberty street. head of Wood.
WEBB CLOSEY,S (tont and Shne 31nnu facto
er, Net. £1.3 Fourth St., next (19nr to t he 11. States;
fauk. Ladies Pruttella, Kid and Sate Shoes made in
itr neatest wanner, anct by the newest Prenr h patterns.
Jeep 10
G,RDEN TOOLS, coital:gine of Mort. Fancy Spades.
Ttansolanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding
tare', Pianing gnive, Pruning Shear. etc., Jost re.
eei►ed and for:ale by P. L. SNOWDEN.
Sepia 184 TAlerty street, head of Wood.
IGISTR A TES'Ilf, NKR, fur praceedin2a hi Al
& tack anent under the lace law, fur sale at this Office
OR SALE.—Lois on the North ELI r4rtter of COki
Lane and Digit street. Apply to
. aegt.lo BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market. tear
1:00 LBS. Landretkla French Sugar Beet Seed,idat
recelind and for sale at the Drug and Seed
134 I.the;ty rtreef, head or Wood.
giore or
sep 10
To be used In flankruptcy proceedings, printed on
food paper,snd in the forms approved by the Court.tfor sale
Al this Office of the Mereuriy and Democrat. «ep 14)
WM. ILUBISARD., Ladiete fashionable boot and
shoe Manufacturer, No. 1(11, Third a' reel, between
Wood. sod Smithfield streets, Pit tsbu reit sep 10
ir ms. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh,
-Pi.. Manufacturer of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To
bago*, Fuller, Millaad Timber Screws; floutten Screws for
11,0174; Mins. 4' c• Sep 10—ly
M 6 CLOSIK_EY. 'ra i for and Clothier, Latiesr, v
strwet, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South
seP 10 •
jIItYILBRIDC.E 4- co., Wholcsale Grocers and
I ti
k in* mse ho rt. Merchanti— Second street, between
Siblitetield Ms., Pittsburgh. sep 0-- 1 y
.•* A. toRDON.. Ceinuthsion and Forwarding
• Nesciaisim, Water stifitlabwrib• aep W--1/7
• . .
• ' -- - - --: -- _ • - ' ' --..-,,::. • • - - ::` - 'ct„, --- _ ,- ' -- - - : -;- -
- -
, .
_ .
. _
•. .
, •
. • . ..
. J.
•.,....,t. .....1
Wholesale Grocers, Commlstsion and Pro
duce. Merchants,
.oi'md Dealers it Pittsburgh Alaa aft:ceases
mar 17 No, 43 Wood street, Pluhkurg,ll.
Cotton Yarn Warehouse,
No. 43 Wood street.
Agents lot the sale or the Eagle Cotton Factory Yarns
H ANNA 4. TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse, No.
Witod si., where may he had a general supply
of writinz- wrapping, printing. wall paper, blank hooks,
school hooks, 4-c, c. sep 10—ly.
. I(l7 a . ne T r n t " t: -\ e '' T '\ N 'D o. s 3 ( ll " ;ke i t Ei . e :;eet W 7tr ir t e Zet "nd
and streets. sep 10-1 y
EXCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair
stretit, SMiTil.
sep 10—ly
ward H0t00.,. NT:toot - actor - or of !roll and Soils
Walelooi,e wlon Potsbor2ll. sop 10 —ly
. E 'IS' GOODS.—Preston) m
retail dralor4 in liu 71ie h, Prelich, and Domestic.
Dry rood:. No ['.l. i , ep 10
To p 3rpm - ftt, %VholeAalc Grorur ticCirf".
P fli,a ilirr, And Doale.r in Prodneh and l'ilNd.urzli
111Inu r.,clured A rtirlr,:, 22-b Liberty Street. Pat,
burgh. n , p 10
k V 0.1.1 istß 1 enN DII,WORI
X,17 I LLIA MS & DI LWORTII.--W hifiesair
T Produce a nd Cow mk , ion Mr!cltant , , and
lealers In Pnl , lnirgli Manufaci red a rti , . le, Sr. '9,
Wood street. ern 10
Jon?: R.Sflicrtirr jk , N. I:E.‘s
SIIMIFF & KEAN, NIA noiarlurers of l'or , per.
Tin, and Sil(!ei Iron ‘Varr, No Sti, Fronl st , nit s .
burgh. [louse Spouting and Ste;,inboat work p •ompi v
executed. cep 10
MAKER, No. 7, Si. Clair street, P,tis.
te.• , bu rah,
FINGER RINGS, C 11. 9 IXS, KEYS, C0.1.185,.5,c.
supply of .Lands el Ws Garden Seeds, always ou
hand, and for sale at liiiageony, Illy Ding 'no, of
F. 1.. SNOWI.EN,
184 Litquly sireta.liead of Wond.
RolovAi. —Mal'hew lours, flal I.er arid flair Dress
or, has 'colored to l oorltt st reel, n; poste)tie Mar
ors office, ri Imre he will lw ha ppy lolva it upon perliwient
ur transient customers. Ile aoitcli.4 a shale of public oat.
rotia2u. ,to II)
oityi m , FART,, N 1), (inhnlAterrr and Cabirlef
7'hird sr. barren Wood .11r/r4 et ,• , rretz
reep^ciful iolotn,• h;s IrieltdS ❑hd thr ptildle I hal he Is
prepared . 10 ex&Lite all older; f , ir
r;i Sr3la,•+Vil,hoard,,
lder..(l,l , teads,: 4 trind, , it and
Matiraww , s, Curtain:, ear pels, all -urn; of Upht , ktPrill2
won X, which he will to arrant equal .o any wade in !Ire
riff, and On rett.onalde trratr•
r s have.retoov. d t o
ter het wren ‘Vorol and Smithfield 6 . ! roPf wh e „
I hey will continue the Wliole. , alv Grocery and Comm:,
sion and would re , oertholly coltrit Ibe oAt roc
age ofiheir frieutld. J W. Butz r E Cu
Dec .3
D it. r . „ .. Ax,
~..._ p....,N• 2':itce on Snot i.nei: ( l . ....:
i r f i . l .• I ,
41100 ,
4e , I
C 0
3.IIIIERC I.v I. AUCTION 11071.315, .y.
110 Weed Street, Pilfstottrlfh.—R, A. Ita 0.,11.1 II .
.‘uciioneer and Conino,lou Mt reliant. le 110 W 11:01,,,i
to receive and cell all hinds of (1.0.:s and Vert it..n.lei...
at Ins laree and rap:le...is t non,. :'.o. 110. Sidi, L......
Corner of IN'ooti and r. 1 .111 St r,•eh , . F ni,.1.ur , .:11.
Relnilar sales of Dry Coull,, Fn mon' 4", Gineel ie-. s 1111
oilier articles, on MoodayF al,(1 Ti.n.,1 1 , o r ~.,,i, ~,.,.h.
Hard via .1., Cull lery, DI y Coon., :Did F. 11l 1; ;II I 'cif', oil
l'arsday. Wed iirsda. . and Thu 1 , ,1.1 y ,ve ~ I lin,
8.,,,k, ,i..r , eve., 5..0,1,1.1y .•v .11 Fk2
Liberal advances atadr 0.. ( .
t. 1 : 1 .:f,1111 . /t1, t, 111, H • ,l 111(.11
REF6RET.f 1,.
Alt.ssr,. Jahn D. Davis. E.,41_,
" li:12:111'y k s,illl h.
•• Ilampion, Stilllll, 4. Co..
•• F Lorvttz 1- Co..
.• J. \V. Inichridtte eli- Co..
4 , S. M'l4. re S-. Co. i
11.41,1. !anus 111'Gargill, rilkhiirgh
4 , C. Ihinsen, E...(1.
Jovn M 'Fadden Esq.
•• Logan iS• Kennedy.
4 , J. K. 51 tiorlirad 4- Co.
- • .in, P. Stitari, E-q.
'' Rl.lio, I ii:illVtly, E,I.
.. Cant. J.,.4. l)lar. I
' McVay. Fianna, ,li• Co. )
•, lVil'iam ezvoirns. i Wheeling
4 , S.C.. Henry, l Louinvllle
4 , Solo h. Ba:zaley ¶ Co y l'bila
Rep 10
Regular Nlorriinu Packet
The "°. ruuiu ny :11111 W 1•11 111111W11
SHARP IiFYINIILL, Master, Will depart daily
_from Pitt..
linrgli at 9 o'clock„k. M„ and Beaver at I o'clock P. M,
For freight er patia.ige, apply on board, or to
Mit 11l NGII.k & CO.
No (10 IValcr strret.
N li.—The rettutar canal packet to Cleveland, 0 11 in
Greenville and aleadvilie. ; and Mas . sillon on Ito
Ohio Canal, connect:on with gioaitier Cleveland at Ilea
ver.will he in opiiration immediately on oryetiiie2 of nay•
mar ,6—tr.
4 3
Rat. Rown l'Aus, from Piti , sliti rgh, via Bedford,
ellarnhershurg, IlarriAttrg and Lancaster, to Plithido.
phis, connecting with the Mail train of Cars to N V
ire. Only 150 milisstaging nod one night out.
Also. I lie Direct line to Baltimore.
Pare to Philade'phia QlO.
Baltimore, 9
Leave, daily at R o'clock A. l‘f
Office ~ e ,.ond door below the Merchants Hotel Wood st
1 . 1.11 23,1843-Iv. Proprir tors.
fla vi,, been atllirlrd far nearly
two years, with a bard swelling on ihe cap of my knee.
tv1.1:11 MOlllll rd rnw h pall), and it•red various apptica
Gains rkl4Mithelith'd Dy the ['actin --a It in vain wa.
cared ef.mide4, , ly I,v the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand.
relit's Littaaient, or External Remedy.
Witness sny kaad JA Mete TA YLOR,
Ohio to A Iteghen y en, Pa. Jan. 10th, 18.40.
Dr. Brand rot Extetual Rerordy or Littament; Aoki
at higoflice, No. 9R Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE--
50 cents per bottle. fch 0.
20 Chast s Tea.
20 Boces Tobacco.
15,000 Kw. Lump and Loaf Sugar.
20 Boxes rtaiSinF.
10 Sperm Ca nd
10 _ Starch.
10 Kegs Ground Ginger.
2 Nutmeg:4.
4 I °die°.
100 BrirreisCreen A
Received on consignment and for sate ritran for cash,
U. States Line warehouse, Canal Bath], Liberty at.
mnr 10, 1843.
THE nodersighed have associated themselves togeth
ercor one year from the Ist January, Ist 1843.un
der itie - syleof Devine 4- mcAnulty, for the purpose on
ly of receiving and Corwardb: Goods.
lido 19. A. afeANULTY
- •,
11 00 13:12s Rio For sale by
oci 4) ; s r A. CORDON)
EASE'S LIOARIIOU.N1) CM-VD.Y --Turrcr 'has
received this day from New York, a fri.sl) supply o.
the above celebrated cure for Conizhs, Colds and Con
AU mption; and is ready to snooty cio , tomers at wholesale
or rani!, Hi his .llediectl Agency, 2t3 Fourth st.
uov 12
DAVID CLARK, e'axhionable Boot JI
/la:: removed to No, 3-1 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where he %you'd he happy
to see his old cuz.toinets, and all others who feel dispos.
ed to patronize him. ❑e uses nothing lint first rate
stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as tie gives
ills constant personal attention to business., he trustctilat
he will deserve and receive a fair share of patronage.
sett 10
51a, ch 17, '4'3
111111111 TS, ICE CIL EA tTiNFECTION A 11. Y.—
A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the
public that they tan always rind the hest quality of lee
CrTallis, 1020 her with al; kinds of confectionary and
fruits. In their tLert on. at his establishment—No. 11,
Fifth street, hew': it Wood and Market.
N. o.—Parties supplied ou the, shortest notice, w iLlt
cake,. or dnyt long in his line. Also families furnished
wit n Bread. sum 10
II aNI J. CI, P;11 Eli , residing, at 66 Mott street,
Nice York, was afflicted with fryspep , ia in Its most
aggravated fol in, The symptoms were violent head.
ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
horn, pain in the chest and stomach always after eating i
impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the ~ o tnarh,
furred tongue, nausea, with frequent voinitings, dizziness
ion a rds night and restlettess. These had continued up.
ward of a I welvemonth, when. on consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 1110 Chatham street, and submitting to his ever
+urcecifnl and agreeable mode of treatment, the patienL
waR rempletely restored to health in the short space of
1,111. monl h. and grateful for the Incalculable benefit deriv.
ed. gladly name forward and volittiteered the above state
I'or sale Wholesale and Retail by
R. R. SELLEStS, agent,
sett 10 No 2.0. Wood street, below Second.
Cheap for Cash.
Prices Reduced.
Short Prel }urn. LOP 1: Reel Yarrt.
NO. 5 al 10 rlt. p/0 111 I 51)0 at 9 rte per dz
fi at I. ditto Ow) at. 1) ditto
7 at 17 ditto 70) at 7 ditto
11 at 17i ditto 800 at 6 ditto
9 at I I ditto 900 at Elmo
10 :It 19A (1;110 1000 at 4 ditto
11 ;it 19 uitlo
12 at Fti ditto Camileli, irk al It 3 ct per 11
1.1 :it 20 ildto 170111 Ilan it); • 9 ditto
1-I at 2":1 (Imo ['amity do. • 12.! ditto
15 at .11 dil o Card . ' ditto
IB :it ditto i'ol'n 'l'alue. 25 ditto
17 at 2.3 liun Siocitin2 Yarn and
I:. at 21 Linn coverlet Yarn altynys on
19 :it 2", liUu nand
41 :ti 2t3 ditto Warp: Made to order.
rr• e. nfrra rr rquio ly ;61. if 1.41 al J c
ram;p•r'-• R,medy. , . 0, •he l't,t ffiher. addrrss
Nlolll{ll EA I) 4- (....
O• 11 - .27
" - k ti 111)S N. 0. Sto,lar,
al/ 2:10 13131-5 N . O. N1,•;;A:..,;
40 Tierre, , Rif e.
311 1.30., No .1 Mackerel,
10 do No 2 do.
7 Tieropm Sorrot Jot received per S 11 E.T.orok+
ood for ~13. by J, 13E11131)1 E Co•
mar 4. Nlll., Al I.lween 11'no.I of smalitiew.
11l E ,i.er ha- (PlaClVll rilliOtjag
lilt' NI oiiaavihiiita tioa... :fit (tour
(row first st. on • mil her, 11ig,,•,1
all Miter. IA iio 111111,' t. 4 1111 a call may tie {l , 'llll 1111
h;lvin'.dick, viirstk (100, In t'r cr. Fe nn lac=
leer,' lillftlete, ,' lll 111 . 4 city, and u 1 wary
1,111,1 in f,..:19
(tint hit raft ,:rve sal ttl.lrnon 11. all ST lin may
a....t0 favor Win Pt' . 5 111.1 allertliotl
1.11 , 1 , 1, ,, anal -11 p, Il.r ,Vat k mall-Ilia la' il• p+• 1 01111'1'11
led ~ C 1•1%, a 01,1,01 allithe lialtanare. fir it I , lld
on lased w -.H a an' a,. of .:onalaa and 1 1 Ili.11111 , :•rallIa'Jle for I lie
1111:ti ll /MN" I ;lA. us 1.11 h will vory red., rd prirt!S.
N' II wi.ll a 1 are of 11.. extent
Ilia' Ilir I.i. prncti.eet en line en', in lllls
riollol,. parllenlai i, by p 1 eras to hii
way j 1. c he i.i.uder3 on the trade, who ue vlif
.in hoer I 0 and wll knot
about it t hal Ihr. could 1101 croef. a :pane r 04,111, find
Ihry arc ha min,-ed ~n oti2ll i 0 advertise
Inrs: ct la 104.010, and liy llie aid of 041 etrt yfieves, cute.,
ruff A• 4•. ,( - c curb as are. il quark.. to
rev 011011 ill iiiii111,110! 011 . 011
,11,(10nail li :0.11 liar the
I o,pm - hid article. Such peopie's advert 104 :tie
only c;.lcint.t.eil to gull Ihr l nblic and:vr' n more ern i
110(110 rrrd,l 111011 the I'o
0011 lip :101010: 11, , i ‘t
I pi Owns! et cry schoettinv inns head and
a.. I lo 10 have II rnr
clothes whiiir in firs'. rate style. in 'hake a ;Mlle iugl If y
and they w find hat this Is li.c place a here Ihry c.in
be It.
tu— tr.
- r -Tho:e la mode I)on,i.,llr=, or rather
V,llO Ilavt. °pen t ,' an 8 by 10 i o e r-e and who
evince such env od di-like to 1 , 11:: or lengthy adye,.
ii•etne,,l.. arc i or. ruled !IGO. 1 Ile above jolsoine, its I her
ru, tr. La, 110 rr II:r1.11,• to i IVICIteVer. Thr
~11,10,..1 to 1, obeli present (noolo an ...114 , rwrine. who
kr ens a shlp -hop in tlom city. '1•L• count ('lit
ly r-ed with such Cohen. of lot ally Croat his pig.
jrcl.., dint 1, doubt tvIII reward Hoorn by giving
heat a few 011.0 10 wake. Buell exquisit, or NITA
with whom none earl earn pore, had better Scull them.
seko s into nut ico some Oilier way, a little precaution
might o per vent an PXlllO,illll.
/11C) TILE PUBLIC, urrri I.nri,rulurqr, to my f,rmer
patrons city:—llavina retired from the
worth, of Medicine, I inny lie perninthd ro say, that it
h;i s ; ire lot of rot f e w pe4soris to have viiJoyhd
so liberal Or larV• a share of obstrell irul practice ¢d toy
own has been for th: hist ,;(1 or 40 year,.
The experhowe of hnt lona period "I ./olive life, andshe
filet of Illy has' i I a l wire, since I t1:30 as:tocialud wttli
Dr. ft . Wllson, In the practice of medicine, 1111
period or lice rears.) enables one to jlidge fully of the
merit , of 11' ,
So convenient, so efficient. and yet so sal,•. did 1 esteem
these piN.l hat for the last five year, in my pract lc., for
the cure nrrhronie ilisefltiC?, or wimiever na Inc. and those
of lethal, in pat ticular, f have used more on them than
all (II her wo domes.
Like every oilier medicine. this must fail in , orhe in
stance , , hilt in lily hands there has been ie. , s
mem a 1.1 ninr , I.tit e:lnt.t ion in I:le ndminixlrat ion of I hi,
one r. welly than of ad ;hod etfccls sometime,:
toile a<fOlti , ilirt:l UP".
II patient required a sale aperient medicine either
wrote or after pariurafoo, the Nl'iion'a pi As were i t i s t
the thine I wonted.
1(a if ‘4pepne arid rood it!ott ot' the qtomarlt, combined
% lilt cosi tvenr:s or inactivity of lie Herr. roeci Hi l ted the
diseace 11 my patient, the pills were ju,rt the lhnig I
If I treated a ra..e requirinc; an eninienagogne, the
1V ikou'e pills were just the thieg I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed count enatice. or other
ditricullies, indicating a disturbance of the circulatory
and secretory syienie,, an no t ed my patient at the .turn
of the 'iv loon's pills were just the thing I wanted.
Thug, wicliout resp2et to the name, a disease might
happen la wear at the time I have 11:,1 it under treat
merit, particular indirat:oll6 of at niptu no arihing, were
mo.t promptly and Joust happily met by the
Wilson's Mita.
That so great a nit tither of disea.qeq, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones, in Is Itch I have used these pills,
should be cut ed more readily by them than by any oilier
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is swis as clear to nit' mind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty. Iron) i.ei litany dilTricrit
causes, and yet all require that commuu and greatest r.i
all blessings, water to quench their iltirst.
in conclusion, it is due the •eritation of l'.e medicine
and the politic, toaay decidedly and unconditionally, that
the %V ilson'r; pitta are the only combination I have ever
met with In my lonarourse of practice. that really pus•
erases anything curative or specific for sick headache,
The above Pills designed particulatly for the sick
Haed.Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the Dowels kc.,
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for
sale, wbolessie and retail, at hisdwelflogin Penn street,
below Marbury• Oct
Ycm rs 4-c
- •
D R. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These
Pills arc strongly recommended to the notice of
the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in • removing
those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex
erci,e, or general debility of the system. They obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical anti Nervous
affections. These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Plrysicians In the Uni
ted States, and ninny Mothers. For sale Wholesale and
rtetnil, by R. r,. SELLERS, Avid..
Fefi 10 so. 20. Wood Sircel,below Second.
W ill. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St.,
opposite the head of Smithfield at., Pittsburgh.—
Vie subscriber having bought out the stock of the late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business
In the old stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work In his line, In the best manner
and on the shortest notice. He keeps corstantly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and
of the best quality. He solicits the patronage of the pub.
Ilr and of the craft. WM. ADAIR.
sap 10
and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The subscriber manufacture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach, tt and Eliptic Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Huh Bands, Slump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three raid Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. 4.c.
liD. SELLERS, M. D., office and dwelling in Fourth,
11- near Ferry sheet. sep 113-1 y
The atteni inn +fthn•e who have been =omewhat seep.
Beal in reference to the numerous rertifirairs published
in favor of Dr. Swavne'v 1 'i - impound Syrup ff Wild Cher
ry, on account of he persons belek unknown in this Pee,
lion of the State, is respert fully directed to the followl.is
cerlificnt., the wri:er of which hits been a citizen of !hie
'rough for severnl years, and iskngtyrt as a gentleman
'rt . e inte;rit v and re.rnons;bilit v.
7'o the Anent, ITe. J. K 11111 V
I have timed Dr Syva tine's Comp and Syrup of Wiiil
Cher ry for a cough, with which I have been severely afi
flicted for shoat four months, and I have no IiPciI;t11011
In S;IV I TIL , that it lathe 1116,1 effective medicine ilia! I have
beet , aittelct procure. It composes all unensitiess i and
Agrees well with my dies,—and mantains a regular cud
?ood appetite. I ran freely rerpinmend it to all others
similarly afflicted. J. liltirmrtr, Borough orCharuhersh'g.
March 9. In4o.
Rep 2:3
I'or sate ley WILLI . 1 31 THORN No. 53 Markel street .
P -
17.1tSONS desirous of prortirltta Fruit. Sha r *
Ornamental Trees, or Shrohherv, from •
oi:In or New York, are regnezted In make opplietalOtiiot -
g()Orl as onssllde. at the Dru I and seed Store of Ilic Fob.
Qrrilter, where Call be had ratalogurs . , .Trntidionsiv. of the
exrellent varieties. F. L. gNOWDFN,
pep - 21 No 184 Littert y - at reel. h rad of Wood
fyA RIME Si X NUF.AII'OR V.—Patrick Cawfielere- .
specifti Ily acquaints Ilia friendv and t he rodilie urn.
y. that he Ms eornmenr.ed the Marble business:it the
e . rof Fifth and Liberty sts..wliere will he constantly
' Ilrl, IMO!, viones, mantel pieeev. noommemsi. head
a foot stones, tattle slabs for rabinei ware, and every
all.telea poor, a irdwz to the InisinettA. Ere will warrant his
work folly well clouts and his rbar2ell wil t he moderate.
He retpret follyasks'a slia. e of ~,,i,tic patron:lite. set/ 10-
- --
M. ziTrElJr.. Cotetessor to 11. 1 41 'Closkey . , Fash•
toda 'I" Root Maher. Llio•rly st., 2tl door from
Vi..,:rin lilev . TITe. sollser.i.er respectfully informs the
1.11.1 i, I halt to- has rommertervl the above business In the
b.:* formerly ovrltipit..l hr Mr. Henry M'Cloßkey,
arif f h:11 he is now prepared to attend to all orders in his
p.,..,.fi01vi0e, wiilide , pid. h and no the 01051 1,- , a , ..thable
4,,,,,. F,,,,,, ! L i.: ton? eroerietire In the mantifartitre of
rusliiailitl.le T 1 ,1 ., R. he I , cl , confident that all art irlet
from hl: eslabli.:hilient will :ire sal isfact ion to his pa
Iron'. A ...ha re 01 ;/1111i /G. ii..t..0...Te Is respect r.dly solicit,
Pep t()
BI Ill) SEEDS .A 1 ,10,0%. 0f ft, r d s ee d,
•Irtt log :or too :sod 12 ripe:
Ad, :3. 2' I. SNOW 23F.N, 14R Liberty st.
'...••••■°: 0
- YOUNG'S Improved Play
- form Scale!, mnottfactured be
the soli.erMertt, at films fit ar !jot
Shop, t - -Itnlildleld to reel, in•twerm llim
mnnd 111/ y aMI fillh st reel, t tvn
tloora above Tent porn ore Hall, Pitt,
lot !Th. wie /e they tonotl fart ore and
d on-1;1;111y on lined the follow
tog ..c.dle,t(w tiro.
; No. 1, Port
lk. 0 , ,, , , ,,
; , x;' ,
.r.1) 1 ; ~, 4 ,7;; ' , , / 111 ‘s c I.; II 0 oil,
-.... '4' . 44". ..4 ' ,* 4..' .: pull J:th ~ .."."0,,,•
orl, Ti. ri.,,f4lr ill S 4 .I'CS Oil whruTE, t 0 l% 2,500
i 0 do do do 2,003 at ft.,..15 00
do ilii do do •1.500 at 3.5 00
ilo do do do 1.40 al ,;0 110
do du do do 300 at 25 00
NVith raising levers an addition of?.; to each seale.
Dormant scales for the ii-e of ‘Varelairres, Flouring
Mills. kr...tiles:me prices as above.
' A Iso,While's Paten( Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter stales,
whirli i My will sell for from fl to Sls,
i Thew also niantifaclore Strain Engines for Flouring
Mills. Saw Mills. Si It IN'ork3, ,i,.., double and singe
geared slide laihes,foot and other lathe , for wood turning
inachine,+ for tenaniing chairs, planing innehines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patrni horse power, will) or
witn,,,o I hrastiing machine:, a superior arlicle: circulat
saw shafts, machines for sawing lain, Tinner's taw
chine-and tools ofa II deSei ipl ions, also for making Mack
trig hones, a .iiilierior article; 2overnor , fur :lean, engille•
stocks. laps and dies, eulfee milk, lierl,learl or Joint hots
and machinery for making the same. cotton factory Ina
chinery made or repaired; printing press !flattens turned
and printing presses repaired.
Sep 22—tf YOUNG 4- RR ADBURY
J OHN B. GUTIIIt lE, Auctioneer and Commis
sion Nlerchant..Aro. 106, corner of Wood 4. Fifth sts.
Pittsburgh: Having been appointed one of the tietlom
yen , or the City of Plisburgh. tenders his services to JO' •
bees, ommilact (trees II rid dealer,. who may be di-posed
to make trial of this market. Ile is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
a n d h. iis t o 1 0 saii.ty correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy 'and favorable returns.
That the various intereAs which may ire confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid
of uwn experience in busintias and acquaintance with
mercha tidize generally, lbe services of Mr. Z3thlt.lit.
l'Anscsloca; heretofore advantactionsly known. as an
importer and dealer In Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
Messes. M. 'Tiernan. Pees';- of M. /- M
•• Darlington 4' Peebles,
•• Robert Caltvay.
•• James M. Cooper,
" James May,
• " R. M. } Pittsburgh
Wm Robinson. Jr. Fres'i
of Exchange Pang.
Hampiou,Ssnith, 4. Co.,
• • John D. Davis.
•• Samuel Chfirch. 1
.1. K. Moorlinad.
•i Jan. W. Brown 4. co.
.. John F 1 Brown. 4. co:
•• Smith 4- II italey,
.• Vardly 4. It puerg, Philadera.
John S.
John Dat‘elt. I sep 10
W hi. E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law. Pit tsba
When in din street, opposite florke's 61111diAlg.
WILLIAM E. Alums, Esq., will fay.e hisat to to my
unfinished business, and I reeommend him to ins patron
age of my friends. WALTER. FORWARD.
sep 10-1 y
Si . CI: 11r 0., !war I 1 e tie2heny Bridep
ly comr,oicti 01
For publishing a ;Ivo Daily Paper in the City of Pitts
Eltrifi; to be entitled Ike
E subscribers, having made arrangrmenis to merge
the A mei ican Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu.
ry into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title (tithe Daily Morning Post.
The trading object of the "PosT" will be thedissemlna.
lion and defence of the political principles that have hrre
tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective
papers, and their best efforts will still be devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
Although. in polities, the paper will he thoroug,hly
democratic, yet the Editors hope. by giving 811 110I1P.Si,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat
ters and occurrences that come property within the sphere
of a Public Journal, to make their naper sufficiently in•
erecting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, it—
respecr ive of party ronFiderai ions.
In oddillon to the political and ~e ncral news that will
be found in the ••-iforebig Post," the Editors will take
pains to flunk!' the busine=ss community with
tile latest and most intk.resting Commasciac Irratira-
CENet from till parts of the country, and to have prepa•
red Filch accounts of the Markets and the Slate of Trade
as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men in their several callings.
Terms.—The PosT will be published on a large imperb
at sheet of line paper, (manufactured especially for this
Joann!) at the urtufhally low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum, payable In advance. It will also be sold by
news•boyS at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
.Brlveritsements will he inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
mrTWENTY ;wive lads are wattled to sell the Post,
who will be engaged on the most liberal terms
Au2itsi 31, 1842
Morrison k (.7 0 . London, for sale only by N
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Vir2io
alley Pitishorgh Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is role n2.ent for Western Pennsylvania. Pep 10
.11'Closkey's Clothing Store
No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
fi\IIE subscribe r Is Just receiving at his well known
JI establishment, the Inczest, most varied:and cultilegsT
noes. OP annuli that has ever been offered in this city
Every article was selected by him elf in the eastern ci.
ties, and purchased at the LOWERT CASH PRICAI, and he is
therefore enabled to sell his erodes lunch lower than
they ran be had at any other estaullshment west of the
His articles are all made by experienced workmen,.
ri 0111 the latest manufartnred goods and In the most
Ile feels confident that all persons who will tall at
his esiahhshment and examine his atock.will fiepttsfied
that BETTER B RGAINS canlie- obliaill i pit the
THREE BIG 111,3 "t:-T'-`
than at any similar establighirteA
Ills stock conslstaln part itki:?,,'
Coals,Pantedoons, Ve fL L4
Cravens, qtocks, , :enders,
And every other article of Clothing of the hest style
From his varied stock of cloths he is prepared to
MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice,
in a style unsiirpn , sed by any other Pittsburgh house,
and warranted to fit.
Ills stork of Spring and Sumiaier Cif adz is Puperior to
any plf ill'' , importations and he has no hesitation In
saying that for excellence, beauty und rheaftnevs they
connot be rqualled in the west.
cu b_erilsr Wtlll Id once more return his thanks to
lii, friends and the public for the unprecedented patron
age bestowed on his m 4 :ll.llshrtietit, and believing that
his customers had fmitid it to their advantage to deal
with him, he would repeat his invitation to all those
who wl 5 l, to purchase Ciol ng of every ttescr',lstion at
lowest priee , , to call at No, 151, Li RGILTV STREET.
ijiii • J - 01.ervii. Plate in the Pavement.
Passage and Remittances,
#o t
li t ‘a 117 :
ii• F
14 ' !et
"."1 - 21*.
New York and Liverpool Line.
I:loEirsoNs iestrons of srnditm for tl Cl,* friends to
relic i rote airy part of (3 rrfit liritair,, eft' respect
fully informed tilt( the stiluscrtli..r N at all limes pre
pared to make Fur h engagers,/ tuts' lie is prepared
to remit teenier by drafts, which arc made payable at
any point throm.thout the Petted Ningdom on presents.
lion; having been fur the last 11 years engaged in the
husines:, he feels eorftilent that his arrangements On
both sides the Atlantic are such as will give satisfaction.
The Situps comprising the above line, are all of the first
eta, and are commanded by careful and skillful masters,
leaving Liverpool once each week during the s.eason.
l'or further particulars ripply it be letter to
No. el South street, New Yot k.
or to 1. k:IRKPATRICK,
at Messrs Dalzell Flemings, Water street Pitehgli
Match .3--2md.
PHIL3DELPIII3 (5- 8.11 . .,T1M0RE.
V 11118 Line is prepared ;o rominevire busineris on the
of the canal. li is rompr,.rd (wrio. of Col.
of Firsi Clain Pt , rtable t bartered for the
ear II 1'0:0 iieing r2ii in it. re•iperrive owner.
'rill line has at it heavy i a krn a Pout v OF IN -
SF R aft.: from one of the must substantial and prompt
offices in tho I'llllrd ati,, covering all Rood: shipped
by it, (free of expense to the owners of the goods) Ship.
iieto desiromi of availing theinielves of thin insurance
milst give prole.• at the place or blttflikle,)l of the value
o f their _nods.
The ra , e. of 1.,.1 , 110t will he a, hi,v as by anv re:pou
ra rrie,s, and the faei hi ies for givinz eatlsfart ion to
cost naser9 in all reeved. , are sorpassed hy no hue ou
the canal. Bhipprr, to and from the (711‘ , L e rennert.
fully invited to call.
Fite husine.ss will le condoned by
90 Front Rtrem and Canal Basin, PiitOirgh.
Foot of Dock street, Philedrlphla
New York
m.IXUFACTURF (7 or Tin, Copper and Sheet tror
Ware, No. 15'. Fifth between Wood and 11.ar-
Keeng eonstalltlyOlt hand a zood noltment of wares,
and aolichs a share of public patronage. A LSO, on hand,
the following f rticles: Shovels, Pokers. Tonga, Orldirone,
Skttlets, Teakettles, Pots, Ovens, Coffee Mina ke. Mer
chants and others are invited to call and examine for
themselves, na he is determined to sell cheap for cast or
approved paper.
mar. 14—tr
8400.5(5.- - 25 tons Blooms le Sto:e and for sate by
W. 1111711131:1 ME.
Water between Wood t-gjoitta
Jan 2 11143
Ila rrisburgh
A. Low, Columbia
From Allison's History of, Europe.
Modern history lots not so .spotless a
character to commemorate. Invincible in
resolution, firm in conduct, incorruptable
in integrity, he brought to the helm of. Et -
victorious republic the simplicity anclifi—
nocence of rural life. He was f0re04 0 640..
greatness by circumstance; rubel' tlsits
into it by inclination; and prevailed - over
his enemies lather by the wisdom 0, -- fita
designs and the persevetance of. hir,.chitr.
acter, than any extraordinary geirtue - fur
the art of war. A soldier from'neceadly
and patriotism rather than clispositi4,
was the first to recommend a returstier .
elfin co.insels when the independenist
his country was secured; and . bequWilid
to his countrymen an address, on , leagfet ,
their Government, to- which there •'isVisiri'
composition of uninspired wiscluM „tivkijisb.
can bearcaw f siiiii i .,_l4a..4 o .- istartb..,•
without diffTch•cr-,-•,t -- Marra' toil,_• .... -,...:1-
fame, without vanity; independent : land 'lg.
nified, without either asrerity or pt thr.
He was a Iriend to liberty, hut not haat*
tiousness; not to the dreams of enthgaim i ti t
but to those practical ideas which
ca had inherited from her EnglishAtAnt,
and which were opposed to nod:Avg.:lm
much as the extravagant love of porrlia•
the French democracy. Accordingly of
ter having signalized his life by stici.t.B2 2
I resistance to English oppression,' ,ha_i
sed it by the xat mest adVice °Alia*
the friendship of Great Britain; auttlilt
his casting vote, shortly before his ratiii. •
nation, ratified a treaty of friendly and
commet cial intercourse bet ween the moth :
er country and its emancipated ofreprins.
He was a Cromwell without his ambilluv
a Sylla without his crimes; and, after hav—
ing raised hiatconutry, by his exertions,'
to the rank of an independent state, c.kateci
his career by a voluntary :relinqathtLent
of the power which a grateful, peeplZ,hed
bestowed. It is the highest glory ofs4..
land to have given birth,
,even amid Ilrango ,
Atlantic wilds, to "such ainani and if lthe
cannot cumber him among tho.sof
have extended her provinces or eagiryin4
ted her dominions, She may at least feel ts
legitimate pride its the victories whieh - ba
achieved, and the great qualities w.isich he
exhibited, in the ca• nea=t with herself; and
indulge with satisfaction in the reflection
that that vast empire, which -neithly; the
ambition of Louis XVI nor Atm- poVver of
Nap ,, leon could dismember, received ra
first rode rock from the courage 'which
she had communicated to her own off
spring; and that, amid the convulsions and
revolutions of other states, real libetty has
arisen in that country alone which inher
ited in it veins the genuine principles of
British freedom.
The Fanner,
Of all the conditions of men, and I have
mingled with every variety, I believe.itt
truth that none is so independent as iheir
of an industrious, frugal, and sober farmer;
none affords more the means of content 4,
went and substantial enj 3yrnent—none
w here the education has not been ne;:lected.
presents better opportunities for mural and
intellectual imptovement—noce calls more
loudly. for religious gratitude—none is suit
ed to give a more lively and deeper imprea.
sion of the goodness of God. Sipe years
since, in the most ragged parts of New
Hampshire, among its craggy cliff's and
rnde bold mountains, I was travelling ort
horseback, end came suddenly upon a plain
and moss-covered cottage in the very bosom
of a valley, where the brave setler had
planted himself en a few acres of land
which alone seamed callable of cuitiva.
tion. Every thing about the residence be..
spoke industry and care. Being fatig ued,
I stopped to ask refreshments for my horse;
A hale•young girl of about fifteen, bare.
headed add barefooted, but perfectly mod .
est and virtuous, with all the ruddiness of
Haw, and all the nimbleness and vigor Of
Diana, went immediately for an armful of
hay and a measure of oats for ,my tor's;
and then kindly spread a table with a cloth
as wink. as a snow drift, and a bowl of pure
milk and brown bread for his rider.--
I never-enjoyed a meal more: I offered the
family pay fur their hospitality; but they
steadilylrefused, saying that! was welcome,
I was not willing thus to tax their kindness,
and therefore took out a piece of money tie
g i ve to o n e of the children that stood near.
"N o ," said the parents, "he must not take
it; we have Ito use for money tiere."- 7 ': - .
"Heaven i , e praised;" said I, "that I have
found a people without avarice."
- - .
Now *ere wi re these humble people,
with a hunic whieli, if it were burned down
Ito-day, tlicir neighbors would build up W
( morrow—with clothing made from their
own flocks by their own hands—with bread
enough, and beef, pork, butter, cheese,
I milk. poultry, eggs, &c, in abundanee,os
i goo d s ch oo l fur six months in the year,
where their children probably learn more,
because they knew the value of time, than
those who were driven to school every aay
in the week, and every week in the - year—.
with a plain religious meeting on Sunday,
where, without ostentation or parade, they
meet their neighbors, to gather the gossip
of the ii&ghborhotl, to exchange friAntily
salutations, to hear word. of good= m
counsel, and to worship Cod in the ' et
simple, but not the less acceptable ttitraq
and, above all, here were hearts at peace
' Wi:11 the world, and with each other, full of
hospitality to the passing. str,iner, uncap.
kered by avarice, and'nntliaturbed 'hy.)triabi
Lion. Where upon earth, in a humblepan:
dition, shall we look for a more I,eautifol
example of true independence, for a brie*.