RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES • . . ' - '•grid . Auditors elected to adjust and settle the public accounts of the county of Alle -Shit% from the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and forty two, until the thirty first day of December or the same year, both days inclusive, having examin ed the same, respectfully lay before the Honorable Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, the following statement and report, viz: RECEPTS. &Lanes in Treasury, l D ec. 31, 1841, 816535 47i Receipts from Collectors, viz: FIRST WARD, PITTIMUBOII CITY. Charles Craig, 1842 6260 00 SECOND WARD, . .John M'Kee, 1841 in fu11,8197 80 1842 3897 15 THIRD WARD. * Wm.' M. Maraud!, 1842 FOURTH WARD. 1. Vandivender,lB4linfull,2ool 15 1842 511 00 FIFTH WARD. Jae. Dalzell, 1841 in 1u1i,1861 49 • 1842 U 299 00 660 49---2 FIRST WARD, ALLEGHENY CITY. Siim i l B Smith,lB4l in fu 11,1363 24 " " 1842 1119 75 SECOND WARD. J Ssnderson, 1941 to lull, Joseph Irwin, 1.!'_42. THIRD WARD. Wm. Benenn, 1841, in full 244 42 14 1 1842 . 252 00 FOURTH WARD. Wm Davidaon,lB4l,in full 2308 61 .2•111 Campbell, 1842 460 00 PIT e TOWNSHIP. WNS H IP. —2763 61 Ataa Boufher, 1840 395 15 Alex. Wilaon,lB4l,in full 2258 10 Jno—Gillmore, 1842 759 00 PEEIILES TOWNSHIP. L. Winebiddle,lB4o,iii full 147 16 Joseph Little, 1841 1,65 28 - Jas. Mitchell, 1842 1126 00 ILKINS TOWNSHIP. r7,hn Horner, 1841 419 00 R.. Donaldson, 1842 807 00 PLUM TOWNSIIIP Joseph Alter, 1841 George Rose, 1842 --1099 97 VERSAILLES TOWNSHIP. Jaws Penny. 1842 ELIZABETH ToWNSFIIP. Mat'w Shields,l94l 666 25 • H. Westbay, 1542 592 50 - . JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. 75 4. Jas. 111'Robert , .. 1841 '262 00 1842 502 90 MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP ----764 90 M'K Snotlgrne-, 1841 _m'l Hamilton, 1842 UPPER ST. CLAIR 'TOWNSHIP. Adams, 1841 509 00 ISam'l Conner, 1842 1532 00 . .rVais 4 •l OJ - LOA ER ST. CLAIR. ----2061 • -. 1774iht. Snodgrabs, 1840 32 (10 xtuehanan, 1841 538 00 144 Perkti,e, 1842 2295 00 —2865 00 410/11N Obi TOWNSHIP. Phillips, 1841 2.31 00 - 1414 et t Richey, 1842 940 00 —ll7l 00 FINDLAY 'TOWNBfllP itiacllklll:Pr. 1840 14 00 4 / 41;korge T. Eike, 1842 701 16 FAYETTE TOWNSHIP W. G Huffman, 184'2 :;._ MOON TOWNSHIP. _ McKlndlny.lB.4l,in full 436 42 11542 200 6:3 TOWNSHIP. * Crawford 1841 in full 157 09 *apes D uf f 1842 863 00 -----1020 09 AN LIN TOWNSHIP. Vm. Grossman,lB4l in full 53 47 -Behi. Sarver, 1842 444 54 -- 498 01 AiESERVE TOWNSHIP. 4eta Woods, 1841 323.2:1 n e rnese Mclntyre, 1842 303 00 BOSS TOWNSHIP. Editon - us Cooper, 1841 572 21 'J. 1114Ellienny, 1842 634 00 PINE TOWNSHIP. Georze Greer. 1842 kt - • WEST DEER TOWNSHIP. 'Henry Ha z, 1841 in tull 88 32 lobs Dickey, 184•'2 370 00 -- 958 32 •.i.EABT DEER TOWNSHIP. Joseph B. Miller, 1839 25 00 *I 71. Miller, 1841 304 00 L. Randolph, 1842 290 (10 -- 619 00 INDIANA TOWNSHIP. Peter A. Beliam, 1839 21 00 ~ ~.1 1 ohn • You g, 1842 1358 95 -.---1379 95 'T,AWRENCEVILLE BOROUGH. Irvip, 1841 100 00 D Moore, 1842 298 25 —— 398 25 BIRMINGHAM BOROUGH. -lobt.. Duncan, 1840 42 72 -. Ulu M'Kee, 1841 658 79 g el Hare, 1842 92 00 BONDS, Wilkins, Eeq., • ES. - u dexter, 10 00 FORFEITED RECOGNISANCES. .111Iughes& Wright. 50 SB4 PROTHONOTARY'S FEES. 'Araufluded W. 11. Lowrie. EA., _,...,% 4 REDEMPTION MONEY . - ktlatltt unseated lands, ItEN T. oeived of Yorick Ftelsach, for house in Jail alley. !MIES. •:"..iiiat oat Jail alley, R. S. Cassat, in --. part, 1200 00 Old ition pipe sold Mute!, Semple & Stevens, 369 00 " kitten " " S. Morrow, 21 35 - ~. TAXES .11 41ukeated lauds, ,EXPENDITURES. Anspvinia' id, viz. Aaseaactreefbair pay, -4* OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY, FOR 1842 S. R. JOHNSON, ----4484 95 5335 00 ----2512 15 -2482 99 1184 83 496 42 3412 25 -1438 44 --- 1226 00 118 97 991 00 563 00 - 713 16 1920 00 -- 637 10 --- 626 25 1206 21 673 00 --793 51 400 00 rxtra work at jail usns, &c., McKuwn & Jack, fur plas tering. 1365 Albert Brocket, iron rail ing on portico,' 1460 24 J. H. McClelland, seating Court r,oina. 168 43 James Wiley, Tin and cop per work, 119 Thomas Parnett,measuring Carpenter wuik, 25 04 Remeasurement of Plas tering work, in the case of McKown and Jack vs. Allegheny Co., viz: M. F. Irwin, S„Lothrop, Samuel Nesbet, Tin and copper work in • the case of Jaa. Wiley vb. Allegheny county, John Sheriff, 10 26 Robert Dickey, 10 155 27 705 05 V 4436 63 $1697 66 q. TREASURER. One over Peters Creek and one over Pine Run, —David Williams & C 0,1150 00 ---3272 Pg 3 BOOKS AND RECORDS. Recorder's office, 110 50 Index for Recorder's office, 40 Prothonotary's " 504 38 Register's " 775 Clerk of Qr. Sessions " 350 Treasurer's I/ 7 ---73 COUNTY COM 0 MISSIONERS' pay 13. John Patterson, Esq., $52.5 John Morrison, " 420 John Johnston, " 445 John Forsyth, " 80 William Lea, " bal. in full 2 -1472 CLERK TO COMMISSIONERS. 00 James Gunnly, *575 Sundry persons fur writing . doplscates of asse.ssment, lists of taxaldes, &c. 152 6.3 CORONER'S rEEs. John Ctiambers, et. al. 273 85 COURTS. Suprunf —Win. Hamilton, Crier, 53 75 Tipstaves, 27 District Court: 80 75 Aul't paid Geo.Kuiz-21,crier,15 " " Geo. Kyler, " 256 25 Tipsraves, 602 " " Jurors, 5993 50 " " l'ipstaves for '4l 13 " Jurors' board, 975 Court of Common Pleas —6590 50i and Quaricr Session.-: Atit't paid Daird Jewell, crior, _ 8238 75 Arn't paid T.pstaves, 580 " " Juror:, - 4658 12 Witnesses for Common ealih, • 1201 15 Deputy Attorney General tees 11. C. Mg.:head, 211 3J Conoahle's fees in criminal cases, 1 20 71 Clerk of Quarter Seasions, T. L. Millan, 258 30 Robert NlOl row, 15 10 Jurors B,ard, 67 93 interpreter's fees, C. Von B whom, A LI)Elt MAN and JUSTICE'S —7355 SI t ez:: James Thompson,late May or Pittsburgh, Alexander flay, prepent (flavor Pittsburgh, 768 82 Wtriam B Foster, present Mayor Allegheny, 102 6.5 Alderman's fees, :2 0 8 86 Justices 91 5;) Thomas Sample from 1..30 1262 4:3 : CCUNSEL To COMMISSIONERS3S3 93 E. Bradford Toll!, . 75 00' Dreco.fot on curroony t c - ' 256536 ELECTIONS. Exnenlerf of 631 16i FEJEL AND LIGHT. for Court [louse 522 23 FURNI I LIRE for C for' House. McKeraloin & C fur 61.,3we4, 190 A it'X. Hay If.r r-, .50 73 John Muliwauff.; fur C.binet work, 48 Sfdoniff Stoner fur Uplink sff , ry, 14 87 E Edmund:o f f, fur Uphol st.•ry, 3 6i) S. Morrow for fenderF, 4 301 1. - !•.2 FUGITIVES FROM JUSTICE. Paid xpenses lop; fugitives to the prison of the c, 132 871 11011 SE STEALING. Paid Inr deti ctinz thief per act of Assem bly. 29 80 Iti EREST ON LOANS. Paid interest on an out• standing warrant for $24,000, favor of Cot tart and Dilworth, 1440 Paid intete-t Bank of Pittsburgh, 156 24 Paid interest to indivi dual, 1163 14 ---2761 38 JAIL FEES and prisoners' allowancv. B. Weaver E:q. Sheriff Ist quarter ending 31st March 1842, 896 70 2il qr. June 30 1842 429 77 3d qr. Sept. 30 '• 355 24 4 , 11 qr. Dec 31 " 328 29 ---1510 00 273 00 93 33.1 41 90 17 86 22 63 17 50 John McKee assistant jailor, Clothing for prisoners, Major & Fox, soap and candles, Wm. Wallace, " Samuel Morrow, tin ware, James Herriot, salt, oil, &c., PHYSICIANS SALARY. C. L. Armstrong, M D. PRIN'I ING, PREMIUM On Fox scalps with probates, POSTAGE, PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Coltart and Dilwurth, 84000 00 727 68 166 10 75 00 283 12 i 110 00 2 39i 353 82 Balance due from Collectors a bove, $39,271 78 Benj. Weaver. Esq.' high sheriff, 1,136 61 James H Neal, Collector of 1111f flin township, for 16'34, as per last report, Wm. Drake, Collector of West Ward, Pittsburgh, for 1836, as per last repot t, 43.5 68 Joseph B, Miller, Collector of East Deer township, for 1639, subject to interest, 160 40 Petre A. Behan), Collector of In diana township, for 1839, sub-. ject to interest, James Leslie. Collector of West Deer, for 1836, as P- - r last report,subk.ct to interest, John McKee, Collector of minginun feT 1841, atitc.'. to wasp-- 61 90 61. 90 61 90 AUDITORS' pay, Erasmus Percival, Eeq, 1,75 00 Mtn Conner, '• 170 00 Jacob Tomer, LS 127 50 BRIDGES, for building, One ever Kilbuck, and one over Sewickly Creeks—Swan and Allston, One over Millers Run —S. Black, on ac't One over Millers Run, —A. Cubbage, on ac't, One over Sawmill Run --0. S. Palmer, & Co, —William Boggs and others for filling abut.. merits, 600 determined by suit. 23571 07 Interest on same until paid 664 23 --31821 08 COSTS in the case of Co'tart & Dilworth vs. Allegheny County viz 7 Attorneys fees, Walter H. Lowrie Esq. in full, 200 00 C. Darratth " " 100 00 E. B. Todd " " 100 00 Plaintiffs bill of coF4P, 84 76 Prothonotary's " 16 00 -- 300 76 ROADS, - Amount paid Co•nmissioners appointed to lay out State ruad per act of assem— b,y, via: J. M- Laird 88 61} Alex Mantis, Esq, 42 00 David Clements 22 09 James A. Gibson. Surveyor, 33 00 John Ebberhart, Chain Carrier, 14 00 John Robertson Axeman, 14 00 - 218 701 ROAD VIEWING. Am' t. paid Viewers appointen by Court of Quarter Sessioas 334 00 ROAD DAMAGES. Amount paid Thomas Kiddoe, Jefferson tp. 25 00 Amount paid John G. Gaemlich, Findlay township, 25 00 Amount paid Amos Fierce, Jeffer- _ sun tp Amount paid John A. Nesbet, Fayette tp. 125 00 BENJAMIN WEAVER, Eq. Sri in ac day of January to the thirty-tirst day o' DR. To cash for Jail fees and - prisoners allow ance viz: Amount paid fur quarter ending March 31, *396 70 Amounted paid for quarter Jone 30 , 429 77 Amount pa d for varier endmv, June 30, 355 24 Amount paid fur quarter endiog in Doc. 31, 323 29 89 Verdi its in District 356 00 19 VcI,IICIS I C ;Ur( l'f Ciuntnna P eas, 4.7 Vi•rilict, in Court of Q tarter Sutsions. Fines collected in Qua r ter 6.•szi,ons, B dance doe 31st Dec. 111, per last report, 426 54 --1991 90 B4llai a•, JOHN PATERSON, Efq whose term mire.' on the 15 I. of 0ct.,1842, served since the ist Jan uary, 21:3 days, 8532 50 Bal ince due hi in at last set tlement, 47 50 *5BO 00 Cad' paid him acc't 525 00 By 55005 JOHN MORRISON, Eq. by seryicP.s rendered in 1642, 218 d l ys. 15-15 00 13, lance dun him at ltFt seitletnent, 110 00 A N'OCNT OE TAXES As:esseil and raid, Cullectur's Fees, Lost Taxes and Balance due by Collectors for the year 1342. Districts Ain't Assessed. Collec's Names. Am't Paid. Comtnis'ns. Exonera'ns. Ain't Due Ist Ward,] ,_"? 88,358 15 CharlesCiaig, $6,260 00 $2,098 15 2nd Ward, I ,--;-; 5,733 45 *John M'Kee, 3.897 15 1,836 30 3d Ward, }F. 6,216 25 *Wm 51. Marshall, 5,335 00 881 2.5 4th Ward, 1 ,-.. 7.303 47i John Vandivcnder, 511 00 6,797 47i sth Ward, J F -, 3,229 66 James Dalzell, 1,299 00 1.930 66 Ist Ward, 9. 2,792 96 'Sam'! B. Smith, 1,119 76 1,673 21 2d Ward, ;I.' . 1,356 -1.5 Joseph Irwin, 3d Ward, , . 1 1 1,570 48 Willtatn Benbon, 252 00 1,316 45 1,318 48 ~,,..• 4th Ward, J •-:c - 3,"218 45 Nelson Campbell, 460 00 ~ ..,...,1 2,818 15 - , ... , F Pitt Township, 3,931 71 John Gihnore, 759 00 ..,,... 3,175 1 Peebles 2,307 89 James Mitchell, 1,126 00 113 36 40 63 1,027 97 0 Wilkins, 1,885 38 Robert Donaldson, 807 (X) 1,078 38 Plum, 1,558 261 'George Rose, 981 00 577 2 Versailles, 785 20 James Pinney, 568 00 37 53 34 50 145 1,,a Elizabeth, 2,656 49 Henry Westbay, 5f3•2 50 2,073 9 99 Jefferson, 1,461 46 John Payne, 502 90 Mifflin, 1,213 90 Samuel Hamilton, 961 56 UN er St. (lair, 3,238 06 'Samuel Conner, 1 1,213 90 ,552 00 110 88 20 99 554 68 Lower St. Clair, 3,290 8,3 • William Perkins, 2,295 00 5 Robinson, 1,648 04 James C. Richey, 940 00 81 50 18 13 60 99 8 41 88 Fayette, 2,279 77 *Wasn.G. Huffman, '222 1,920 00 112 75 '24 77 Findlay, 1,086 82i 'George T. Hine, 701 16 385 66i 25 Moon, 877 76 Wm. McKindlay, 200 68 Ohio, 1,178 46 James Duff, 863 00 677 08 Franklin, 477 67 Benjamin Sarver, 411 54 315 46 Reserve, 1,769 94 James Mclntyre, 303 00 Koss, 1 193 60 John I'Rlhenny, 6M 00 Pine, 1,020 07 *George Greer, 673 00 %Vest Deer, 646 83A John Dickey, 370 00 East Deer, 845 12, , , John L. Randolill, 290 00 Indiana, 1,487 65 John - Young, 1,358 95 Birmingli'm bo'ro, 1,33167 Samuel Hare, 112 00 Lawrenceville " 471 11 Wil l iam D. Moore, 298 25 --- $78,497 11i $37,395 88 $ 600 78 $228 67 , 78 Collectors marked thus, (*) paid the balance due on their duplicates during the sittis39ng27l of the Auditors, and all the Collectors for 1842, have paid less or more on the balances charged against them. OUTSTANDING DEBTS due the County ber, A. I -' • 4 Law 81785 05 296 78 Surrirnoniriz 838 Jutura for District Court Snromonimy, 460 Jurors for Quarter Sessions, Surritnetiing 290 Jurors for Cowmen Pleas, -1510 00 Costs in sending a forthwith for Robert Ruston summoned as a Gland Juror ! Conveying Elizabeth Davis to 1 toys,. of Refuge Philadelphia, 100 00 Conveying 20 convicts to Western Penitentiary at iFf2 50 each, Amount paid P. M. Coopert and S. C. o:rick, reward and expeu re= for the apprehension of A,gus lus Elml-on and (12. rae Johnson, %ilia escaped from Cie Jail of Alle gheny Count, Jar nary 27 1840, 165 co Amount paid for handbills and uxp nseA in Alk.glieny county, Fees i n Ciiuiivat ca-es at March, (ictobm- I),:cember Tern a last. Fees in suit of Colter' and I).1 %yeah vs. CoLiaty„ Balance due akilit c. 1842 ItB 00 913 36 *3174 90 $1097 23 COlll MISSION RS' ACCOUNT. To Ca -It octal him on acc't, 410 00 By balance, tir.23s 00 JOHN JOHNSTON, E-q. by services ren dered in 1812, 276 days, 690 00 By balance due him at lasst settlement, 10 00 iii7oo 00 To Cash paid him ozi acct, 445 00 By balance, ----$235 00 JOHN FORSYTH, E•q. By eervice rendered, trona 17 h of October, till 31st of Dec. both days inclusive, GO days, $l5O 00 To Cash paid him un acc't, 80 00 By balance, ---$7O 00 ,t,655 (10 of ) Allegheny, on the thi rty•firat day of Decem 1. Deer for 1837, as per last report, subject to interest' Asa Llougther, Collector of Pitt township for 1890 subject to interest, - 1,832 32 *Wm. J. Miller, Collector ofJef fei son township for 1840, as per last report. 23 46 Joseph Livingston, Collector of Main township for 1840, sub. ject to interest, James Vincent, Collector of Fay ette township for 1840, subject to interest. Isaac Miller, Collectorof Findlay township for 1840 subject to in. tercet, 179 30 Wm. Leckey, Esq., former sheriff, as per last report, subject to to terest, 888 39 John. Sharp, balarc..B no note. 4 924 Edward Moor's cote 1.4. #27 55 to the ease of Coltart and Dilworth vs. Allegheny Thomas Liggett and J. H. McClelland, Jacob Vodgea for Carpenter work, William Anderson, for paint ing Court house, 803 10 Samuel Patterson, for Ro setta, Robert Bowman, for a tran script of the measurement of Dome of New Court House, 10 00 Coltart and Dilworth, in specie funds, being the balance of their claim on court house contract, as REPAIRS in Court House and Jail. J. H. McClelland, repairing fume. cos and stoves in Court House and Jail. 255 45 Sheriff and Gallagher, pump for Jail. 87 30 Sheriff and Tate, repairing pump in Jail, 43 48 Edmund amid others for sun. dry repairs &c. to locks in Jail, 70 93 Clark and Cameron, for pad. ; lock s„ 2 00 - 459 REDEMPTION MONEY, refunded 141 58 REDUCTION on Loans. Bank of Pittsburgh. 81500 00 Individuals, 1063 95 RECORDER'S FEES. ----2563 Amt. paid William Elder, Esq. 593 SEWER FROM J Alf,. Amt. paid J. 11. M'Clell - and, in full, 135 19 SUPERINTEND'T of Court /kens°. George Kinzer, 1.4 00 John Barret, 302 50 50 TAXES' AND COSTS refunr:aid, -376 29 87i TREASURER'S SALE. For advertising same, 5 00 TREASUBERiS SALARY, S. R. Johnston Esq, 600 00 WATER TAX. City of Pittsburgh, 100 00 STATIONARY. For Commisqinner.s Office, 108 35 CONTINGENT EXPENSES, 1069;1 BALANCE IN TREASURY, 2796 96 ount with Alleeheny County, from the firs December, 1842 both days inclusive. CR. By jail frees and prisoners allowance viz: giai'r ending March 31, 84393 221 " " June 30, 429 32 Sept. 30, 355 141 Dec. 31, 328 811 —151150 i 23 40 9 73 553 Jo 57 18 $71,536 63 208 25 113 00 393 73 118 ul4 4 871 1097 !3 $3474 90 f 0 the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the coun ty of Allegheny. The petition of Antos Hottind of U. St Clair township, said county. respectfully showeth:— That he is well provided wit h house room and other conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, at the house now occupied by tittn as a tavern; and lieit.g lesirons to continue In that business he prays . your honors to grant him a license to keep an Inn or house of Public Entertainment. And lie will pray, 4- c . AMOS HOLLAND. The undersigned, ci.izNis of St Clair Township, re- Forel fit II y rer ify, that A. Hollond the above namlrd ap • 'Meant, is a gentleman of good repute for honesty and temperance, arid is well provided with home, room and convenience , for the accommodation and lodging of strap. gers and travelers and that said tavern is necessary for the accommodation of the public. John Fife, Daniel Blathro, Aaron Brawdy, M. F. Crookshank, Samuel Laughlin, Arthur Long, Wm Orr, Samuel Conner, Henry Holz, sr, Samuel Black, Matthew Reed. John Merrimar. March 15-3 t. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. 6 31 Boxes 'Anderson's' pound lump Tobacco of superior vPrivality, together with 1(1 1.4 boxes best Havanna ______ gars for sale low to clone, by is wic ceuss. 15. 148 Liberty at. 1110 the Honorable the Judger of the Court of General " mar 1 Quarter Scions of the Peace in and for the _.._, k it. DAA . I . E4 .41 , 31 x. ., or. Office on Pllth street County of Alleiheny. The petition of praneis Tobin, of Robinson Totynsiiip, , JU1P ,b., 171 1 , 0 , 1 . , 1 n y. v.'0 0 d and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. iii i he county aforesaid, humbly , iIIIVCIh-- That your petitioner barb provided himself wish ma - ____________ serials for the accommodation of traveler:. and others, Oi"e tv il'ho(esate Cash -Store at nig dwelling lionise in the tp, nfarcsaid, and prays IN PITTSBURGH. to keen a Public House of - Entertainment. And your that your Flonon: will be pleased to grant him a licence ~ ~ ~.., l . I JEIINAN AL' Mott , ts Joras, under the firm of petitioner as in duty bound, will pray, Tiernan de. Zones; rR A Ncis TOBIN. RE now opening, :it'd will have ready for =lc hs. We, the subscribers citizens of Robinson Township, A the 1 . 0 of April, at No. 99 WOOD STREET; do certify, that the abov e petitioner is of good a large nod well c'elctted assortment of Dry Goods. Pil , '" repute Bir lioneuly and temperance, and is well priest chased in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, at ix.. ded with house room and convenience:: for the accoimno D ink[7li : a l' n ß y l C O E i S i ,:tr) way a C y A Zna fort ld cananthhei,padrompoototlyn)feincidbasenldl: dation and lodging 01,strangers and travellers, and that said laver.. is necessary. Wm. n'enrmark. i they will sell at a small advance, and contidentiy believe 1,466 94 I 5.5960 273 gq John McCoy, John D. Brown J. E. nohiri w, 276 83A %VIII. '114:P1./a Wm. 11,-N1 mar 18- 3t 1,242 b 7 17 86i /110 the Honorable, the Judezs of the I •ourt of General 1. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the coun. ty of Allegheny, The petition of William Harrison, of Pitt Wisp shin. in said county, •espertfuliy showeth..— That he is well provided with house room and conveni. rncrc for the accommodation of strangers and travelers, at the house now oceupie.d by hint as a tavern: and be ing desirous to enntinue that business he prays your hon. ars to grant bin, e license to keep an Inn or house of Public Entertainment. WM. HARRISON. The undersigned, citizens of Pitt township, re. spectrally certify, that William Harrison the above named applicant, k a gentleman or good repute for honesty and tettiperaml'e and is well provided with house room and convenienrea for the aceommodation and lod;ing of strangers and trayelrry and chat said tay ern is necessary._ James Richardson, Thomas Booth. Thomas Farrow, John Farrai Wm Wiley, Henry Rea, March 17. ' EATIIERS:•.,•2OOO pounds Feathers, II prime ar tf cle].ud received and for sale by HA ILMAN, JENNINGS 4. Co. 43 Wood street. raoceville for 1841. subject to in terest. 290 37 Jose)*Little, Collector of Pee bles township for 1841, subject to interest, 59 51 John Horner Collector of V liking Township for 1841 subjecr to interest. 653 7.2 Mathew Shields Collector of E. lizabeib Township for 1841 subject to interest. 925 461 James Mcßoberts Collector of Jefferson township for 1841 subject to interest, 147 54 James M'K. Snodgrass Collector of Mifflin township for 1841 subject to interest. 666 651 Johnston Adams Collector of Up. per St. Clair township for 1841 subject to interest, 729 57 David Budhanan Collector of Lower St. Clair for 1841 sub ject to interest, 446 96 Jooathan Pbillipg Collector of Robinson towusbip for 1841 Subject to interest, 532 20 James Woods Collector of Re serve township for 1841 subject to interest, 271 40 Erasmus Cooper Collector of Ross township for 1841 subject to interest, 408 54 *John A. Miller Collector of East Deer township for 1841 subject to interest, 65 58 Daniel Shawhan Collector of Bir mingham for 1838 subject to interest, 129 44 Wm. Robinson's estate. as per last report, subject to interest. 186 52 Wm. Duncan Collector of West STATEJUEJVT of DEBTS and CREDIT To James Ross, EsqD., R for Court house lot, $2OOOO 00 " James Ross, Esq , for perma nent loan, 48000 00 " David Shields, for permanent loan, 3000 00 " J.O'Brien, for permanent loan, 1400 00 " Loan from bank of Pittsburgh; 2500 00 " " " Individuals at 6 per cent, 5646 05 " Outstanding warrant in favor of Coltart & Dili orth, at ti per cent, 24000 00 " Outstanding warrants without interest, 3369 781 " County Scrip, 28000 00 Amount u•drawn by commission ers, 615 00 Balance, $286,089 73 ~...S., 422 40iti1A , ~ : „V , . he Public Buildings being now fully completed, the Auditors have deemed it a aaNsit. which might be satisfactory to the people of ilia County, to present a statement by which the cost of those buildings could be known, as hitherto no such statement has ever been given. The follotving items have lieen ascertained, which will present as near as t gregate cost, making a total amount of Three Hundred and Fifty Th can ousand Su be Hun he dre ag d and Eighty three dollars sixty seven cents, Ariz: COST OF COUNTY BUILDINGS. Purchase of ground from James ' Albert Brocket, for Iron railing, 1,314 79 Ross, E=q, *20,00000 James W ileY, for copper and tin Paid Coltart 4.: D !worth under the work. say : 5.858 I* . Jail contractper settlement as Sundry persons for castings, 757 41 shown only bv a memorandum on Win. McCully anifeitbers for glass, 510 34 the minute book of the Commis- I J. H. NPClelland, for seating sioners dated March 15th 1838, 91, 167 25 Court rooms, 418 43 Paid Coltart & Dilworth un- Sundry persons, for measuring w0rk,294 43 dertheir Court House Con- JacobVodues for extra carpenter „, , tract per receipts, $170.134. 00 work,lic, Paid Verdict in district Collar( & Dilworth fair extra Stone Court in favor of Coltart work, , & Dilworth on stilt brought I John Haviland, for his ser against the County on their vices as architect, 650 00 contract for building the John Chislett, for his torsi- Court House, 23,571 07 i cea as arcyttect, 4,600 00 193,105`67 Mc Known &Jack, for plastering,l2,76l 00 Win. Anderson, et al, for painting46,soo 00 James Cochran, for Iron work, 11,269 07 Given stfid''' er our hands and seals, at the Auditor's Office in the City of Pittsburgh, this ninth da) of March, A. 1). one thousand eight hundred and forty three. JOHN CONNER. JACOB TOMER, Auditors% JOHN MAGILL, In conformity with the Mit of Arsembly in such case made and provided, the Commis sioners have directed the publication of the foregoing accounts to be made for the informa tion of the people of the County. )11 N MORRISON, .11.!est, J AMES GonmLY, Clerk, JOE-IN 'JOHNSTON,- Commissioners. Ccminissioner's Office, March 11, 1843,' JOHN FORSYTHE, March 16, 1843. Win. Brow n , yam el IE. Coy, l'hl:nic ‘Vrj o hl , I A Etk ing. John Aiken Wni ,Aiken, Jacob Tomer, John 1) ' James C Curnminr, James M'Kelvey 'worm from Oatcber 10,1840, 367 George King's note, subject to in terest, Wm. Fairly & David Foliart. note dated November 23, 1841, for 39 63 Win. Wallace, notes dated Jsn'y 22, 1842, with interest from date, for 101 82 John D...Maltion's note fcr 10 00 Cornelius Darragh Esq, for Neal Mcllwain, et al, as per last re port, subject to interest, 112 CO Hughes & Wright, balance on their rote as per last report, subject to interest from Janua ry 1.1842, P. McKenna, late auctioneer, bal ance due on sale of Old Court House furniture, subject to in terest, Samuel Kingston, Esq., for a Franklin stove, Wm. Wilkins, Esq., balance due on bond, with interest from Ju ly 20, 1842, 521 3() Forfeited Recoguisances in 1842, 2,850 00 SU• sed to be available, per lastp re port, United States, for one year's rent of Court and Jury rooms, due April 1, 1842, Yorick Fielsach, balance .of rent due on hobse io Jail alley on Ist April last, of the Counlyoll CR. By balance in Treasury, $2796 96 ißy amount outstanding as above stated, 57761 691 By public buildings including lot, 350683 67 By amount due from City district tor the expense of extending City limits as per Act of As sembly. By rent due by United States on Ist April, 1943, By bonds for sale of Old Jail lot payable in 1815 with interest, VCO 00 $122.620 56 5.450 01 Sundry persons for furnlture, 2,040 78 N tyriEE to Steam Boat Oloaers.—The subscriber. Is consequence of the difficulty of the tames. has redu erd the pHce of file Safety Guard for the preetatiss of the txp!osion of steam hollers, to $l5O per host. It ig hoped that :011,51 owners will avail themselves of thew. rea , omible terpr, uot only on account of ths perfect safety Thy a Word, hot also in Abu of econoolly- Boilers write lln. aptaarant.i attached will wear abot wt re as lona :14 hose out provided with them. Starch 6-3 m _ C. EVA NS F IL ES .4-VI) 1?-1SPS.—The subscriber bason kond a full supply of flat, half round and round handsaw files; and Pxpeelv in a few days a Tull supply of Rave s for rile by llied.,zen or single, low Tor cash Or elehaseo for goods to suit consignee. I. HARRIS, Agent and mar 15, Conimißaian Mer'ht, Minh at PIG IRON. 6 TONS Tennessee Eli; iron For sale tow t 'I close consignment, by feb 10 _l7 they can thil as low os goads or the same deserlptloa ago he varehas cum the Wbole ,, ale Houses In Pllllitigielfa• JONES, MURPIIT 4. Co. Are also receiving ;heir Spring assortrilent at their el 4 stacd• dVa• 43 Wood street, and are setting for Cann. and on their unto I credit to undoubted men, at reiweett pri ets. Miring determined to receive. htreafier, nothing but r"r money in payment. The Herald Steahenville, 0 ; Palladium, New Lisbon; .Jmireni Gatlipolla; Messenger, Zanesville; Repository, Canon; Gaut' p, Chayteatop;Kannwha; Parkersburg, Va. paper; Reenrter. IVa.rliinstnn, Pa.; Arens. Beaver; Lu. minary, if rcr, ; chronicle. Warren, 0., will each in. nen the a ,, ove to the amount of 32. and etiarge this of. flee. an.) paper containing the advertisement to Ti.r.ksa n ,c . ion( 3. mar I& CoP ItTNERSHIP. "FAMES w. HA I 1...1141N k JOHN' JEJIWIXOS al have entered iato ipartnershlp for the purpose of transacTlne a WholeraleCroeery; ['reduce and Commis. glen buefftess under the, firm and style of f/AILSIAN,, JENNING4 4. Co., at No 43 Wood eireei. opposite the af etch,' lye Hole!, where a supply of Orneerrea cad Pitts bare% Manafaeinred A rriciesean ativsyl; be bad oa titre. nil terms. Mara!; IT '43 HAILMAN, J ENNINGS & Co, Wholesale Grocers, Commission and IP*O - Merchants, Ani Dealer, it Pittsburzk, Nenvircturca No, 43 Wcnxt street, Pi t tAluqh H AIL:VAN, JENNINGS 44 Co„ Cotton Yarn '.rehouse, 43 W *tree. Aseatrfor the Woof the E4gbe Carr -ov wy nel a 1 0 % crag Marek 17, '4 '. 1,300 00 1;700 08 X 57,761 69 4778 24 3400 00 #350 ,6:33 67 JAMES MAV. - i