Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 20, 1843, Image 1

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    < - _
. ...• .. • -:
TERMS.--FIVE DOLLARS a year, payable la
advance- Single copies TWO CENTO—for sale at the
emissatera the office, and by News Bays. '
Tke Mercury and Manufacturer
111 published WEEKLY, at the same office, on a double
medium sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In ad.
♦tece. Single copies, SIX CEN'I'S.
-Terms of Advertising,
Dimir Insertion, 0,50 One month,ss,oo
Two Insertions, . 0.75 Two moms. COO
risme insertions, 1.00 Three months, 7,00
One. week, 1.301 Four months. 8,00
Two weeks. 3,00 Six months, 10,00
time weeks. 4,00 One year, 15,00
, O. Square. Two Sinters/
ilis months, $lll.OO Six months, $23,00
Gee year, 25,00 One year, 35,00
'larger advertisements in prorortfon.
CAltDel of four lines Six DomAas a year.
,Crrr Parr Orrscis Third between Market and Wood
M Riddle, Postmaster.
: ILlSnVoSVOtterts Wnter,4th door from Wood el. Peter
s, n'a bindings—Major John Willock. Collector.
SAT" TILICASORT. Wood between First and Second
irtreets—Jaw A. Bartram, Treasurer.
VO/f/NTY WIICASURT. Third street. next door to the
Ftesbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer.
StAvit'sOrricr, Fourth, between Market and Weal
101Irttitit;—Alexander Hay, Mayor.
Iliaacwrr's Exca..nac. Fourth, near Market ru.
Prersatiarsa,between Market and Wood streets, on
• !hard and Fourth streets.
fllart , mAars' •ND ANTIN•CTURIFte AND FAR KERS' Dc-
SIIT BANC. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between
Need and Market streets.
Excnoras, Fifth street, near Wood.
Mosintraaaaca House, Water street, near the Bridge.
FormatAriats floral., corner of Penn and St. Clair.
lIIMCBANIT34IOTi6, corner nfTliird and Wood.
Aar:amid floett..corncr of Third and Smithfield.
111112 ND STATEN. corner of Penn street and Canal.
1.-.,....aineura Chace, Liberty street, near Seventh.
Mumtaz ktrorsins florae, Liberiy St opposite Wayne
fintormatntsr MANSION House, Penn St. opposite Canal.
COUNSELLOR AT 'LA W. —otrire remn
e 4 to Etakewelne offices on Grant st., neatly opposite
Me mew Court House, neit rooms to John D. Mnhon,
tog ,—First floor.
sett 10
I. ADS. 11. ELLIOTT, M. D.—office removed ( 0
St. Clair street, between Penn and Liberty Si s• ,
istr i rk. , p 10
N , w GOODS.—Pregtnn nckey, wholernle and
retail dealers in Enehth, French. at d Domern
Dylittoodo, No. RI, Market .t , Pittshnrch rep 10
A!(DLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and
:Vounimellrirs at Law: Office in the Diamond, bark
liplitill , Conrt House,Pitistnrgh. sep 10
YRIIII I IIO V A.L .—R. Morrow. Alderman; MB c north
- ofPlith sl., between Wood and Smithfield
rel. seP 10
• XPOEVITf, Wholesule Cron., Certif . .
• ninr, And Dealer in Produce and Pitigliurz
fltdietfifinn A f itle4, N•. 224 Liberty Slreet, Pitt.
Sep 10
LTAAYLS & Tili.woaTii.--whmes ,
-, , - likrieeri Produce and Cum miAsion Merril:, tn.: a,,,
-* llolllllol,lllli rotelinrgh Manufactured arti,le..., No. 29
4Fitsgareise. sep 10
OginA.R.I,IIOI3INSOIIS At tor val Law
t)ifice on UIP north 4111 e of the Dia mond.ltet wre
ecuwdUnionatrcets,npstalrot rep .10
Attorney at Law: lenders ,
.trAkw Ras otoiessiottaritervtees to tht•pahlic. Office cur
fleftectrlnt acid Market Streets, above D. Lloyd 4- Co's
are..ll,l9ititottOlt, Ts. sep 10
-41011*.B.Mnratirr J•s. N. Kterai
INF KBA.N, Manufacturers of Cooper
1m; and Sheet Iron Ware, No. 80, Front EL nits.
Whit Rouse Spoiling and Steamboat work promptly
Rep 10
firtEM B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware
itotnevi, toarner of Hand et. 4. Exchange Alley.
4wishing to purchase Furniture. twill find it to
Vantase to give ns a call, bei fir fully satisfied that
pietas as to quality and price. sep 10
wiTToN A AMS.--lost received 160 choice Mut
Lyll lianas, well cured and for sale cheap by ihe do
lisior retail, by ISAAC HARRIS.
—4410' N 0.9, Fitt!' st
• 1:11'A-BAGA.—A Pimply of Landreth's Fresh Ru-
A't la Balm, and other different varieties of Turnip
illterf.ll44 received and for sale at mere° mires at the
Sri 1101. Bea Store of F. L. SNOWDEN,
0 1 4 1 a No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
rOILEBB CLOSEY,S Bunt and Shoe Manulaeto
' '-TY.No. 83 Fourth St., next door to illy U. Stales
LialSast.Proikelta, Kid and Satin Shoes made in
Alpe itigpitilialatiner.and by the newest French patterns.
MORUS MULTICAULUS. in lota to suit
purchasers; tote disposed of by
No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
HOOl%, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev
il!. orydeserlptlon, can always be had at the Drug
Vied Med store of F. L. SNOWDEN,
10. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
'SOI. LBS. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for
nle at the Drug and seed store of
124 Litserty street, head of Wood.
for seed; just received by
No. 184, Liberty bead of Wood at,
A*91111:d TOOLS, consisting of Hoes, Fancy Spades
Tninsplatillng Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding
Caves, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears, etc., just re•
waved and for sale try P. L. SNOWDEN.
N*lo 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood.
CHIO4CII Venison Hams.—Just received a anion sup.
lOgyot very choice cured Venison Hams, on retail
ausit lota for current money.
MOO sod Com. Merchant
N>ITP Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Gress and
"Irssidtsieky Blue Grass, always on hand and for
N 0.184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
aft by
imp 10
Entltit 4' BUCHANAN, Attorneys at Law. office
Moored from the Diamond, to A ttorney'rnow,"
W. side of Fourth street, between Market and Wood
fillnents Ken 10
SIPWISTRATES'BIANKS, for prt*nedin:s In At
stilliszva szt under the late law, for sale at this Office
-pos-AALg.—Lots on the North East corner of Coal
Lille and Dish street. Apply to
.etre 10 MO. DARLINGTON, Market, near dth
04.11121. Landreth's French sugar Beet eteed.just
received and for sale at the Dreg and Seel
IR4 Liberty street, head of Wood.
feriblp heretotbre existing betnreen . IMJL-
Ala* HUMS snd BENJAMIN HOPEWELL is ibis day
•Bbissini* oasts& cossent. %Titan Digby is authorised
lssse ibeiNtosture oirtheisrat is settling up the business
askiriaa era. WILLIAM HIERV.
111 1 1"1 . 3 BEM. T.HOPEW ELL
4"7 . 7 . '77 ; , , .
J OHNSTON 4, STOCKTON, BoohmetlePt, Printers an
Paper Manufaetureta. No. 37, Market at. pep 10-1 y
J OHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water st..
near the Monongahela Haase, Pittnlurgh. sap 10-1 y
L EONARD S. .101 INS, Alderman, St. Clair streei,se
cond door from Liberty. sop 10-1 y
D R. S. R. HOLMES, Office in Second street, next door
to Mulvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 y
S UNK k FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth et.,
near the Mayor's Offlee, Pittsburgh. sep 10-ly
THOS. HAM I LTON, A ttorney at Law, Flflh, between
WMid . and Smithfield sta., Pitlsburcit. sep 10-1 y
H UGH TONER, Attot nev at Law, North East corner
Smithtield and Four! h streets. sep 1 0-1 y
HANNA 4. Tuarkrour.i..s Paper ‘Varrhott.e, Nu.
104, Wood st., where may he had a general supply
of writing. wrapping, printing, wall paper, blank hooks,
schoul books, 4-c, 4-c.w`plo-1y
ID C. TOWNSEND CO., Wire Workers and
sitanwfactarers, No. 23 Market street, between 2d
and :id streets. sep 10—ly
E I XCHANGE HOTEL, Corner of Penn and !='t. Clair
st reels, by MeI:IBMS 4- SMITH.
sep 10--1 v
BrtowN,:vir,r,r, JuNI \TA 110)N WORKS.--E.l
ugra•d 14.1 , zhn: MastlifarllirOr of Iron and .Nails
Vardionse N 0.25. W1!,.1 sl.. Pntist,nrgli. 10 —ly
I,IG META L.-77 tons soft Piz for sate b
ttr A. GOAD 3N,
.ep 13 No. 12 Water street
Shoulders, for sa'e he
AS. PA TT E 110.71, Jr.. Birmingham, near Pittsburgh,
di _Pa.,Pr of Locks, Hinges and Bolts; To•
li:teen, Fuller, Mill and Timber Screws; !loosen Screws for
Rolling Mills, se. sep 10—Ty
JOHN 31 9 CLOSKEY.Taiinr and Clot bier, Liber.y
meet, betweelt sixth and Virgin alley, south side,
sep 10
W. nurominak: 4- CO., Wholrsaie Crorers and
a Commission Merehants— SPCOIIIi street, between
Wood and Smithfield sts.,Piltshurgit. sep 10- 1 y
G. j• a. GORDON, Commission and Forwardinu
Merchants, Water st.. Pilishurzh. sep 14-1 v
ETA MS.--4cnsks hnms, n aood nrircln, received oer
13 Corsair, and for sale by J. G. 4. A. CORDON,
SUGAR ¢ MOLASSES.-40 With: New Orleans Se
Rr; 111.1 s New Orleans Nfoissttes; for sale Ity
Per/ 10 J. G. dr A. GORDON.
SUGA 1:11,14 prime N. 0. Solar, Terrier' orr F.
R. •tla inn. and for :ale by 3 G CORDON.
Fe p 10 No. L, Water Firer'
50C AS in order. on hand and for sale by
J . . A.CORDON, No. 12, 'Voter st
SOl4 11 SSES.-I.liiiitiq a ail 4 till.
Sill:Ir.:12 min: N.O. )Inlasse, , . received per Steamboat
Importer. and for ,ate by J. (1 4- COCOON,
,z-ep 10 N. 12. Rater qi reel
RIMS. LA RD 011, for sole
• B. A. FA 11 N ESTOCR .
sep 10 col ner o f h a nd Wood
' ' ' I,lllrl l' Or sa l e
by IS. N. FA I I
!rep 111 corner of Cilrond Wood
XOO rrepared roan,. furby
R. A . %UN Es /lA(' Cpl,
Petl 10 earner nr6lli and %Von., sr,.
CU(: R AND IDOL S'SSES,-6.0 111)(1s. N. D. *agar,
Ir oftski..4 -Matas.sem.
sale 1)F 3.G. 4- A . GOILDON •
sep l 3 Nu. 13 %Val si vet .
.] 0 be u,znirl In Min krttptey !woe:rotting.. prin ird on
good Raper.and in Vie approved Ibe Cohri e for sale
nt the Office of the Murrnry and ltetr.urxt, rep 10
,tai), ftstsionaltfe kept anti
Ape 51a norari urer. So. !ill, Third ,drcet,
Wood Rolf Sinitlifteld streets. Prtt..rurgt: sep lU
• has removed his office to the corner of Fourth
street a oft Cherry Alley, between Smithfield arid Grant
streets, r ill,burc h. RC 11 10
firMAKER, No. 7 , CI: it sir Pitt..
sep 10
supply of Laud' eth's Carden Seeds, always ou
baud, and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of
sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood,
DR. DAVID %YARD hat his °nice and residence
on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court house,
second dt; elline from Ross street. Ile will faithfully attend
all calls pertaining 1 0 his profession. IS it , ,ltt call shoo Id be
tirade at the door above the basement. sop 10
11 EMOVAT. —Man hew Jones, Barber and Italr Dress•
cr, has removed to Fourth street, opposite] he 111 ay
()mortice, where he will be happy to:wait upon permanent
or transient customers. Ile solicits a share of pliblic riat•
`?[J M. A. WARD, DENTIS r, Penn three
V door helot Irwin street, 'lours of littsillf,S, from
9A. M. milli 5 Y. M., :Icier which time he will attend
to no one except in rases or actual neccssity. Ile
would norther inform those who may think proper to
employ him, that he experts immediate payment, without
the necessity on his part of sending in bills. sap 10
J OLIN arFARIAND, Upholsterer and Cabinet
.41-ker, Third st. between Wood Market streets,
respectful in f)rms his friends rind the public that lie is
prepared to execute all orders for Solas, Sid , hoards. rti.-
tenon, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Stands, flair and Spring
Mattrasses, Curtains, Carpets, all ,ores of Upholsterin
work, which lie will warrant equal .o any made In the
city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10
R E.MOVR.L..—The sulyseriber have remov.d to Wa.
ter het ween Wood and Smithfield streets, where
they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commie.
sloe 1111.illCgt, and would re9,ertfully solicit the patron.
age of their friends. .1 W. BU P, -Co.
Dec 3 •
110 Word Street, Pittsburg 11.—R. A. Bailsman,
Auctioneer and Commi,Nion Merchant, is now prepared
to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and ftlerebanclize,
at bra large and capacious looms, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets, Pittsburgh.
Regular gado: of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and
other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week.
Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings.
Books, 4-c., every Saturday ev•ti.ng.
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted
Messrs. John D. Davis, Esq.,
Bagaley k Smith,
•, Hampton. Smith, 4- Co., I
F. Lorenz 4- Co.,
J. \V. Burbrkige 4- Co.. 1
. S. M•K ee 4- CO.
.' Capt. James M'Cargill. Pittsburgh.
C. !Amgen, Esq.
a .- Jonn hl 'Fadden Esq.
Logan 4- Kennedy.
. J. K. Moorhead 4- co.
. Jas. P. - Stuart, Esq.
. Robert Galway, Esq:
16 Capt. Jas. May,
. I
0 McVay.,Hanno, 4- Co.
. William Symms, Wheeling
. S.C. Henry, -
i4 }
Saaltb,llspley Co . ). ilo. ,
sop 10
. ., 0 1,0 • - .
16,000 W.I. Bacon
J. G. 4. A. CORDON.
N 0.12 water street
No. 12. Wnier surer
/1111 E has reinovi , d his Fashionable 'Motoring
Eulaiiiislinierd to the Monoti2allela house, 3.1 door
from h Qt. on %mit tifieht st.w here Manta customers and
all oilier: who may furor hint with a call may depend on
having !heed o'ork done in a superior Style. From his
l' ii tem,. in the Im:ines: ill 11114 ril y, and in many
ni her f rites in Europe and A nierica, he feels
rnolideril that lin ran uiv'. Sal 1.1 . r.r1 ion In till who may
plph,•lo favor him their : En:tont. fly:oriel attention
In I:u>iursc and superior .roritniarieldp be lie" to merit
and receive a stlArenrmihiie patronage. He iriend keepini tt
on hand a supply of goods and trimmings suitaNk! ror ilie
rusiOtnCf lraJe whirh wtit he Hokini very reduced prices,
' N. 11.. Th - snlsrihur 1..•1m2 Well aware of the extent
that Itte 6PLT. Fysleon i prneti , ed on 11, 11,11,1 j, in this
country, by ailverti-enient-; particularly icy persons who
may insity he called intruders on the trade, oho never
!Ferri d an hourto the his.iness, and who know so little
about It.tital they mold not crook a sponge cloth, and
they:ire 'armored enoll2ll In MivelliFe rhemselv,v as tai
lors it la triode, and by the aid of old certifier:l , es. ciao.
Off s er, Filch TO , are 2ctierally used by quacks to
sell their medicines. I hey often Fucceed in palming °lron
unFil zperlin_ ruts:oilier 'foment(' trash for the genii.
Inv impnned article. Such people's advertisements are
only talc:in:lied to "sat the Mille and are , a more ern i
lied to credit than I he filet Mow yet lau2hable publications
about the 2reat Gail—leer among the Lillipuliurix, Wilk!)
pre , itme almost every schoolboy has read and laughed
al. I would siozge.st 10 those who wish to have tl sir
clothes made in first rale style to make a little. inquiry
and they wi:: find That this is the place where they can
be arrnolinolialed: D. rt.
.110 7-3 m
113/1/.:XO.IIEXON by cak:.iitsrn Y—East India
r Hair Dir--colots the hair and will not the skin
This Dye is in the form of a Powder winch In phial mptter
of fact may tie applied to the hair over night, t he firm.
night turning the lightest or grey hair to dark brown; and
by repeating a second or third night, to a jet black. Any
person may, therefore, with the least poiniiiile trouble,
keep his hair any dark shade, or a perfect black, with the
positive assurance Dint the powder if applied to lire skin
will not color it. There is no coloring in this statement,
ns any nue may easily test These Carts arc warranted
by the rim list who manufactures it.
For , ale at 11T1"FLF.'8, lit; Fourth skeet, where
large as , ori mem or Patent Nledidnes may always he had
at either witole• - nle or retail.
rpo THE PUBLIC, and rartirularly to my forme ,
patrons of this city:—llaving retired from the
praci h., of Medicine. I may he permitted to say, that it
has tattoo Iu the lot of t ot low persons to have enjoyod
so liberal or larae a share of obstrettical practice as my
own has bee,, for the last ;30 or 40 years.
The experience Oft bat long period of art VP life, nnd he
(net o r ut y having hren t w ice, si Ore 1830. attancia led with
Dr. R. A. Wilson, In lie practice of medicine, (In I , ollla
period of five year , .) enables me to judge fully of the
merits of his 1,1115.
Soconvenient, so efficient. and yet so safe, did I esteem
these pill.,thot for the last five years in my practice for
Ihe cure of chronic diseasea, or wito , ever name, and hose
of female 3 in port ico!or, I have used more or them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine, this must (nil in some in
stances, t.ut in my hands there has been less disappoint.
ment and more sat i, , raet inn in the administration of this
one r,.medy than or ait others; its good effects sometimes
quite astonishing
If my patient required a:;0• aperient tneilieine either
...fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt.ls were just
the thing I wanted.
Ira dyspeptic acid condition of the stoinarh, combined
with costiveness or inactivity of the liver, constituted the
disease of my patient. the pills were just the thing I
If I treated a case requiring an enttenagogue, the
Wilson's pills were Jest the thing I wanted.
I f palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other
difficulties, indicating a disturbance oldie circulatory
and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn
of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
Thus, without respict to the name, a disease might
happen 10 wear at the lime 1 have had It under treat
ment, particular indications 01 Fyn/pions arising, were
al - rays mo.t promptly and most happily met by the
Wilson's pills.
That so great a number ortlisea,ies, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones, in which I have used these pills,
should be clued more readily by then] than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so Is as clear to my mind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty from us many different
causes,and yet all require that common and greatest of
blessings, water to quench their thirst.
In conclusion, it is due the reputation of the medicine
and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that
the Wilson's pills are the only combination I have ever
met with In my longceurse of practice,that really pos.
eessesanythlng curative or specific for sick headache.
Yount c., DR. MILO ADAMS.
The above Pills designed particularly for the sick
Haed.Ache, Dyspepsia, Constipation of mite Bowels 4c.,
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson. and for
saie,wholesale and retall,st his dwelling in Penn street,
below Matbury,'
• 001
l on Battsßio Coffee. For sale by
1.1 oct 4. ; • .!i• A. CORDON.
110111. EASE'S AOARHODND CANDY_—Torrcr has
received this day from New York, a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con
gumption; and is ready to supply cuntomersat wholesale
or retail, at his Medical Agency, Sti Fourth st.
nov 12
D AVID VASS . . Ag't, sonshionable Boot Maker,—
tias removed to No, 34 Market street. between
Second and Third streets, where he wou:d be happy
to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos.
ed to patronize him. lie uses nothing hut first rate
stock, and employs the best of workmen; and as he gives
Ins constant personal attention to business, he truststhat
he will deserve au( receive a fair share of patronage.
se - M 10
A Hunker respectfully Informs his friends and the
public that they ran always find the best quality of Ice
Creams. together with al: kinds of eonfecilonary and
(snits, In their senron, at his establishment—No. 11,
Fifth street, bet wc- n Wood and Market.
N. o.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with
cakes. or af” I hing in his line. Also families furnished
with Bread.
step 10
HAM J. CLEM ER , residing at 66 Molt street,
Sew York, was afflicted with ffyspep.la in Its most
aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head.
ache, great debility. fever, costiveness, cough, heart.
burn, pain in the rhea and stomach always after eating,
impaired appetite, seesation of sinking at the stomach,
furred longue, nausea, with frequent vomitings, dizziness
towards night and restleness. These had continued up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consultiug Dr. Wm.
Evans. 100 Chatham .t reel, and submitting to his ever
successful slid agreeable mode of treatment, the patient
was completely restored to health in the short space of
one mom 11. and riNful for the incalculable benefit dear.
ed. !Intik' came forward and volnmeered the abovestate
Fir sale Whole:mle and fipiatt by
E. E. SELLERS, Azeo!,,
rsio 20, Wood .:!reel, below Second
Cheap far Cash.
Prices Reduced.
Short Reel Yarn. Long Reel Yarn.
No. 5 at 16 cts. per lb. 500 nt 9 eta per dz
6 at 16} ditto 600 at 8 ditto
7 at 17 ditto 700 at 7 ditto
8 Ett 171 ditto 800 at 6 ditto
9 at 11 ditto 900 nt 5 ditto
10 at 19A dale 1000 at 4 ditto
11 a: 19 ditto
12 nt 191 ditto Candlewick at 16 ci. per it.,
13 at 20 ditto I Cool Bailin; • 9 ditto
14 at 20} ditto , Vomit) , do. • 124 ditto
13 at 21 ditto Carp't Chain 6 20 ditto
16 at 22 ditto Coen Twine • 25 ditto
17 al 23 ditto Stocking Yarn nod
I 3 at 21 ditto CoverhA Yarn always on
19 at 2 - / doto hand
'2ll nu 2f ditto ;rotlon Warrig made lo order
order., prom rn ly ~ttenthd to, tr left at J. 4. ('.
Ptlntr•r' , .l,r(tln 4. Kennedy's. or .11” P l , O l odi c ,. n dd re ,
27. J. K. MOOR 11E4D ,S•
- - -
1 Swirl Lh.. Ilf,Vleoll, received by wagons
aU1..1 from Ohio, for sale loc
Don't for ;et ! HE; Fourth street !"
DR. GOO DVS Celebrated Female Pills. These
Pilispvtrongly recommended to the notice -of
the ladles aa a stile and efficient remedy In removing
those complillite peculiar to their sex, from want of ex
ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate
costiveness, Lod counteract all Hysterical and Nervous
affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and
approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Hni
ted States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and
Ltetall, by R. E. SELLERS, Agent.
sep 10 No. 20. Wood . Street, below Second.
AVM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe ifaker, Liberty St.,
opposite the head of Smithfield st., Pittsburgh.—
'Plie subscriber having bought out the stock of the late
Thomas RaiTerty, deceased, has commenced business
in the old stknd of Mr. R., and Is prepared to execute
all deseripttOns of work in his tine, In the best manner
and 011 the Wiriest notice. He keeps corstantly on hand
a large assortment ofshoe findings of ail descriptions and
of the best finality. He solicits the patronage oi the pub
lic and of the craft. WM. ADAIR.
sep 10
and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Prices.
The subscribers manuilicture and keeps constantly on
hand Coach,Cmnd Eliptic Springs (warranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Sliver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass
and plated Nab Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable
Iron, Door handles and (tinges. itc..
D.SRLLERS, M. D., office and dwelling In Fourth,
-11- near Ferry street. ttep 13—ly
The attention dtho•e who have been somewhat seen
tical in reference to the numerous certificate• published
In favor of Dr. Swavne's (..:nmpound Syrup of Wild Cher
ry,on accoont of the persons twin?, unknown in this sec
lion of the Slate, fa respectfully directed to the (ollowler
rertiticate,the writer of which has been a citizen of this
borough for several years. and is know n as a gentleman
of integrity and responsibility.
To the Agent, Mr. 3. KIRBY.
I have used Dr Swayne's Comp typd Syrup of Wild
Cherry for a cough, with which I have been severely of
Mord for about four mouths, and I have no hesitation
In saying that it ist he most effective medirtne that I have
been ahle In procure. It composes all uneasiness, and
agree well with my diet.—and in:int:llns a regular and
good appetite. I ran freely recommend it to an other?
similarly afflicted. J. filtasica, Borough of Cliambersit'g.
March 9.11411, seP 23
Fors:tie by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Marker street.
D ERSON'S ile=irrius of prottirina Fruit, Shade. and
1 Ornamental Trees, or Ethrnhhery, from Philadel
phia or New York, are requested to make application as
!can as possible, at the Dm; and Reed Store of the Ftlilo
.rriber, where ran be had et:lllll°pr,, graluitoostr, of the
most excellent ‘mriei les. F. 1.. SNOWDEN.
seri 21 No 184 Liberty street, head of Wood
A RIME M A N UFACTOR Y.—Patrick Caw field re-
IVA spettfullyarquaints his friends and the puldic een
era ity, that he has rommenced the Marble Intstinessat the
corner of Fifth and Liberty sts.,where will he constantly
nit hand. foul, stones, mantel Were., mailmen's, heal
and (not stones, table slabs for cabinet ware, and every
art feted nrieri a Into"! to the business. He will warrant his
work to be well done, and bls charges will be moderate.
He respeet rally asks a share of ntildie patronne. sep 10.
W M. STEELE, (51tree*por to H. SlTPush.loskey) E•
io.la"de Root Sinker, Liberty at., 2d door from
VI-zin Alle.y. The subscriber respectfully Informs the
tmlilir that he has commenced the above hllSiftP9,l in the
slum formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Cloakes.,
and I bat he is 110 W prepared to attend to all orders in his
fin('Oft 1 nPg9 with despatch and on the most reasonable
Ternm ant his Ion?. exithricnee In the manufacture of
Pastime e rAnntß, be feels confident that all articles
from Ilk raftilialtitirtit will "rive satisfaction to his pa
irons. A *thereof public patronage is respect folly solicit:
I>.l AC 1:1117i 4 E,
ilvrt v 81
• - aoP 10
A f eso uoply of figr i Seeds, coo
1." Figtin;; of Canna, mp and R ono; jog, received I , y
fell 3. F (SNOWDEN, 149 Lihfrty
PortaMc Platform:Scales on wheels, to weigk 2,500 lbs, at
$55 00.
cln do do 2,005 at $45 00
do do do do 1,500 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at :30 00
do do do do 500 at 25 00
With raising levers an addition of $3 to each scale.
liormant scales for the m.e of Warehouses, Flouring
Mills, ,i - c.,the9ante prices as above.
A !so, White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's
improvements, and a variety of other counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to $l5,
They also manufacture Strain Engines for Flouring
Stills. Saw Mills, Salt Works, ri - c„ double and single
geared slide MI lies,foot and other lathes for wood turning
iliachirp•s for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without thrashing inachineso superior article; circular
saw shafts, machines for 'sawing lath, Tinner's ma
chine.' and toots °fall descriptions, also for making, black
log boxes, a superior article; governors'for steaist eng.ine•
s tocks, taps and dies, coffee mills. bedstead or Joint hots
and machinery for making the same, cotton factory ma
chinery made or repaired; printing press !Amiens turned
and printing presses repaired
JASIE3 MA V, Agent
scp 22-1 f fOUNG ¢ BRADBURY
NOIIN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis
slop Merchant, No. 106, corner of Wood 4- Fifth els.
Pittsburgh: Having beenappointed one of the Auction
eers roi the City of Pltsburgh. tenders his services to jo!.•
bens, manufacturers and dealers, who may he disposed
to make trial of this market- He Is prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities,
and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy land favorable returns.
That the various interests which may he confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid
of his own experience in business and acquaintance with
merchandize generally, the services of Mr. SAIIMILL
FAnmEgroca; heretofore advantageously known, as an
importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent engagement Is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, Presl. of M. 4.
Darlington 4. Peebles,
Robed Galway,
James M. Cooper,
James May,
R. M. Riddle. i Piltriburgh
.• Wm Robinson, Jr. Pres'i
of Radiant:a Bank.
Hampton,Smith, 4 Co..
John D. Davie,
Samuel Church,
J. K. Moorhead,
Jas. W. Brown it Co.
John H Brown. 4. co,
Smith 4. Bigatey,
Yardly 11.1111werti,
John B. Biddle,
John thdoeli
IN Store 85 ba th e," of good quality Clover Seed. Ala°
50 busbets prime Timothy for vale in lota to sult,
Who offers for tale 30 bushels Orchard l4B Grass feed
b Rt.
SI. Clair qt.. near e Allegheny Bridge
Improved Flay
lanufaci tired be
their Machint
et, between Pla•
inh PI refl, two
inre hall, Pitts
laniiractu re and
land the fol'ow
ly composed of
1, Port
ble Platform
Scaletsuoi N'll A la,
o weigh :3511U
1 01.111thi,:lt
geP 10
For publishing o nem Daily Paper in the City of Pitts
burgh, to be entitled eke
T HESubscribers having made arrangements to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mama
ry Into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title of the Daily Morning Post.
The leading object of the "Posy" will be I hedissemina-
Lion and defence of the political principles that have here
tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective
papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
Although, In politics, the paper will he thoroughly
democratic. yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest,
candid history of passing Political events, Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all ow
ters and occurrences that come property within the snhere
ofa Public Journal, to make their paper sufficiently In.
cresting to entitle it to the patronage of the public, Ir
respective of party considerations.
fn addition to the political arid general news that will
be found in the "Month, / Post," the Editors will take
pains to furnish the bustnems community with
the latest and must interesting Coktrazact•t, Irretad
evict from all parts of the country, and to have prepa•
red such accounts of the Markets and the State of Trade
as wilt be advantageous to our Merchants and Business
Men In their several callings.
Terms._The POST will be priblished en a large imperb
al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured especially for this
Jorirtml) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per annum,payable In advance. It wilt also ho sold by
newsboys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy.
Advertisements wilt he inserted at the lowcst rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
ity - TwENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post,
who wilt be engaged on the most liberal term'
August 31, 1842. W.H.SMITH.
1.00 MIDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. In store and
for sale by J. fl. 4- A CORDON.
Sep IS No. 12,Waler street.
B Y Morrison h Co. London, for sale only by S. ".
Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin
alley Pittsburgh Pn. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who
is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10
F AR M FOR SA LlL—The undersigned offers for sale a
tract of land situated 4 mites frog, freepost, In the
direction of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong
county, containing 100 acres, 05 cleared and under good
fence; 10 of which are In meadow-. a good square log
dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple
orchard of 80 bearing trees—and a spring of excellent
water convenient to the house.
FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the
Saltworks on the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free
ill'Closkey's Clothing Store:
No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
T HE subscriber is just receiving at his well known
establishment, the largest, most varied and CIIKAPUIT
STOCK or GOODS that has ever been offered in this city
Every article was selected by himself in the eastern ci.
ties, and purchased at the LOWEBT Cisil PRICKS, and be is
therefore enabled to sell his articles much lower than
they can be had at any other establishment west of the
His articles are all made by experienced workman,
flout the latest manufactured goods and in the most
fle f eels confident that all persons who will call at
his estahlisluttent and examine his stock will he satisfied
that BETTER B h RG h INS can be obtained at the
than at any similar establishment in the city
fits stock consists in part of
Coats Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders,
And every other article of Clothing, , of the best style
From his varied stock of cloths he is prepared to
MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice.
In a style unsurpassed by any other Pittsburgh house,
and Warranted to fit.
Ills stock of Spring and Summer Grade Is superior to
any previous importations and he has no hesitation in
saying that for excellence, beauty and cheapness they
cannot be equalled in the west.
'rhe siihscrilter would once more return his thanks to
his friends and the public for the unprecedented patrom
age bellowed on his establishment, and believing that
his customers haul found it in their advantage to deal
with him, he would repent his invitation to all those
who wish to patella, Clothing of every drscr4ition at
lowest prices, to call at No. 151, LI BICIITT STREET.
Dr-Oliserve Metal Plate In the Pavement.
Feb 22
Passage and Remittan et.,
ift, IF.,
At - ft.•• allrialp..:
• 6:ca..¢ a:0 ' ri#
New York and Liverpool Line.
P ERSON'S eestrous of sending for tlei,- friends to
come front any part of Great liritai n, are respect
fully informed llt it the subscriber is at all times pre
pared to make such ungagerne 015. He Is prepared
to remit ninnies by drags, which arc made payable at
any point throughout the United Kingdom on pre.. nta.
tion; ha viols been fur the last 12 years engaged in the
business, he feels emifident that his arrangements on
both sides the Atlantic arc such as will give satisfaction.
The Ships comprii.ing the above line, are all oft he first
clash and are commanded hy careful and skillful masters,
leaving Liverpoolonce each week during the season
For (Miller particulars apply if hv letter to
JOHN rinnrAtArg,
No. EN smith street, New Tot k,
at Messrs Dalzell 4- Fleming's, Water street Pits'legh.
March 3--.2mel.
II ill IS line is prepared m commence business on the
opening of the canal. It is composed (west of Col
of First Class Portable Boats, chartered for the
i.eanon, each boat being in charge of it; respective OWN er
The !Melton at a heavy expense taken a Pinder or In-
StIttINCIC from one of the moat substantial and prompt
offices in the United States, covering all goods shipped
by it, (free of expense to the owners of tire goods ) Ship.
pers desirous of availing themselves of Ibis insurance
must give notice at the place of shinnies] t of the value
of their goods.
The rates of fieisht will be a , low as by any respon
sible carriers, and the (mild tes for giving satisfaction to
customers in all respects arc surpassed by no line on
the canal. Shippers to and from the cast a - e respect
fully invited to rail.
file business will be conducted by
90 Front street and Canal Basin, Pittsburg
Foot of Dock street, Philadelphia.
New York.
A. L. LOW, Columbia.
March 4
TOR Tilt Mom!. Pon , -
Messrs. PHILLIPS & SMITH: You will
much oblige an old subscriber by inserting
~, .
the inclosed communication taken from this -/ '
Advocate of this day. It appears to Mak)r
that this is one of the most lucid and fair :i_
statements of the subject I have seen, and :„„
I think every body who reads it suiff sty,
that theta must be some sinister objciel ,• ,
the part of the Transporting "Old Coefissatts 4 :51
nies," in opposing, as they do so bitteititlf . 1
the "Portable Boat and Truck system e ' . i
adopted by the Canal Commissioners, by
the authority of the late Legislature.
In connection with this matter, I would
mention a fact which only came to my Mars i
the other day. The Portable Boat caucus
or freighters, have authorised their agents A
to contract, and engage freights to be care -!
tied by them either east or west, at 25 cte.
per 100 lb over the Tolls.
The fact should be made known. It
speaks volumes in favor of that sy.tem and
against the old Lines.
March 13th, 1843
F thd Advocate.
Pellitiqns to the Legislature.
It is well known that the business on the Nen.
sykania Canals and Railroads has heretofore '
been controlled by a few wealthy and motmapoe
hzing companies of 'Fratisporteis, who have year
after year dictated such high p:icea as to have
driven a vast amount of trade from the works.—
At the the last se•siun of the Legislature, a bill
i,vaA passed authorizing , the Canal Commissioners
to place trucks on the Rail roads for the purpose
of carrying over the section or portable canal
boat., with the hope of stimulating arid Sidi
copetition on the route. Thia movement wis le
mated to be wise and judieiou-, and was - . V'
approved of by the cit izens of the State general •::::
Under this law the Canal Commissioners have
caused such trucks to be constructed, and a very
large number of suitable lariats have been built by
individuals. The result will be that wagtail have
'a heal lay and active competitiou in the carrying
trade during the coming year, and for the grit
time the capabilities of our Internal Improve•
ments will be fitirly tested.
The rates of toll for the year were announced
&short. time since, andat!theugh they are notte;
lieved to be yet sthfielently reduced on heavy
goods parsing westward, something has already
been gained and more may ba expected as cape.
rieace shall confirm the policy of- further reduc
tion., and certainly the arranegment for tie intro
ducti. n ofindividual competition has given get].
oral satisfaction. Tee large transportation lines
dreading the competition and nat being able
from the size and construction of their boatirla
avail themselves of the new system seem deter
mined to destroy it if possible. We learn that
thihy are now circulaing petitions to the Let:
islature alledgiug that the Canal Commissioners
have given an unjust and iMpraper advantage in
the matter of tolls to the sect:un beets, and asking
that the rates charged on the section boats should
be advanced or that on theirs be reduced—and in
cidentally praying for a general reduction of tolls
These petitions ate extensively signed—a great
majority of the signers being under the imptes.
sMn ino,t probably that they are mearly petition- ,
ing for a reduction of tolls. Public opinion is en-,
tirely in favor of the new mode of transportation,
ant our citizens would cheerfully sign petitions
fig giving some decided advantages to the porta
ble brats. Our objects is to urge' the necessity of
some action on this subject as the petitions alma
ded to may otherwise be construed - into an ex
pression of public sentiment.
OH a fun and Careful examination of the new
toll list we find that no advantages are given
by II e n w raiei of P .rtable Boats. instead of
Navin„ 11 just advaoinges uvzr others, as is al
d by the edednes of the new system we prove
by the :oil wing table, that goods carried in these
boats pay a Ingner toll to the commonwealth, than
if earned io the common canal boat and rail
road cars.
Assuming the b .at had to be c-tfee,
The Section Boat pays—
Toll on canal 277 miles, at 2c p r mile. $5 54
Motive Power on freight on Railroucl
Tolls .56 miles at le per 1000 lbs per
mile, $l2 96
Toll 82 do 6 mills do do 17 71
---430 67
Direct toll on I". 277 miles at 3 m 1000 lbs
do du 118 do 6 do do 55 40
Truckage on boat on Railroad, at 62/ cents
per 1000 lbs. 22 50
The old b ,ats and cars pay—
Same tell as wbove on canal on boat $5 St
Toll oil 6 curs 118 utiles at 5 mina
per mile. 3 5 1
M dive power 6 cars 36m at .2/e per m. 5 40
d., do do 82m at lie do 738
d.i du on Freight same as above 30 67
Direct toll on :refight same as above 55 40
$lO7 93
I cavi,l against the section boat 141
els per ton or nu a boat load. $6 18
Each Section Boat pave on a trip front Phila
dePa to Pittsburgh, $6,18, and returning, the wise
sum more than is paid by the common boat.—
Each boat will muke 12 tripe in the season: and
consequently will pay 8148 32 more than the oth
er in the season.
As we have now 100 such boats on the canal.
and the difference will amount $14,832 in the year.
We chal.enge any one to point an error or ov
mission in this calculation.
It is literally and positively true that the trans.
p rter in section boats will pay more toll to the
commonwealth, than other carriers, by 34/ per
life hope the friends of individual completion
will tako proper measures to repres. nt their views
to the Jegi,l'out e without delay.
We thirOt they have much to hope for, and that
their I.6g4est nelicipatioaa will be reallzed--mo
;doubt not list wilt the increased competition and
reduced priees, the amount of business, will be in
creased to a; great an amouut, as can be done by
100 Portables over and above what was done 13114
der the old system, and which will amount io
creased tolls to the &We, tak;ng the foregoing as
a basis of calculation, namely 100 boats making
each 24 passages at 811411 to the sum of 105/73
864. 11.
Srrest for Debt.—Ths Judiciary Com.
mittee of the Massachusetts Legislature
have reported as follows:—“B e it enacted,
That when any debtor ishaq show sufficient
property, real or personal, that can be
taken fix- the full satisfaction of any oboe..
ution against him, his body *ball not be
liable to be arrested on said execution."
s:;; .c
.. ..., . ....
‘rIVIERMU.SX ( I .‘- - '•`'
36,000 lbs
Xll4 IL