.~.~.,..,.,~_w- ~ . MAIRCII 17. 1543 14:1W - mentherii Of • the Vigilant are in— dussiritCadyat work, day arid night, fixing up and repairing the Engine and appal a tus. They have found her in a very had situation. Every thing connected with .the establishment was upsidedown. The iiiittpeny will have a new uniform, some thing extra, of course, and in a few weeks , we will find the Vigilant itself once more. The Comet is creating a great excite ment in the eastern cities. Some look up. on it with admiration and others consider it 'a tale of terror.' Among the sedate inhabitants of this city but little is said a bout it—the fact is it can't shine about :these diggins. *. ' . rownson.—This really great -man says that at the age of eighteen he -could neither read or write. Now his style, says an exchange paper, "may be regarded as a model in strength and philosophical -clearness; and he gathers from the original sources all the treasures of French and Ger• man literature." There is encouragement for you, young men. There was• a false zlarm of fire last Wednesday; raised, we have no doubt, fur pugilistic purposes. The Treather.—Yesterday it snowel .during the day and was windy and cold. People aretetting uneasy about spring; its a long while coming. No Rows Yesterday, that we heard of 'lt gave the "vcienced" time breathe after th e grand campaign of the day before. 44 '"IELh e "Man About 9 .*0w0" got a fine ae sirtment of new cuts on WednesdAy even RIVER NEWS. 7 feet water in the channel Arrivals and Departures since our last report ABU] VA LS. Ashland: Tinker, Cincinna t i New York, Gri. utile° do Michigan, Boit s, Bracer. Link Mail, Gasknll , Brownsville Oolla, B m an, d u Cleveland, Bernplol, Beaver DEPA RTUR ES. Mingo Chief, Devinney, Wheeling, Belmont, Pce, Wheeling, Michigan, B 'at er, Cleveland, Flemnh:ll, do Cicero. May, St Louis he Mobile Herald of the 27th ult., -*aye: 'Oa Wednesday night, about 9 o'clock, 'the steamboat Geri. Gaines, when a few 'miles above the city. tan into a flat hf:at belonging to Capt. 11(Cullough. from the 'Cahawha river, with 259 bales rf conon, and damaged her very severely. 4. la tge part of (IL' cott on was lost. At the time -of the accident the Gaines had in tow a large barge fi eighti.d with goods, which, we understand was sunk. The boat her self was materially it by the shock, And .had part of her wheel house carried away,' ume fourteen boat 6 arrived on the Mi amt canal,- yesterday Steam Boa! Burned —E:len! Dale was entirely consunied at Vicksburgh lately by fire. Wednesday Evtnin., , , by Al 41eitnan Henderpon, Mr. Jch F &cis to Nit:.Ca, urine Green, all of this City. TEIII'ER _ NUE. The G. W. T. A. Sneiety of ill- sth Ward will be addri s.ed by'several distinaui,h ; d refor mers this Friday evening M trett 17th at the usual Once, the inembere arc earnestly reque,ted to he ;punctual in their attetiddnee n, businesi of rntr7ll tampon/nee will be presented to the meeting by order of the. Exte , itive Coin mittre. TWO CONCER I'S AND TWO LECTURES. Nor BRONSON, acsisted b%' Mr J. IL NA=ff,w ill give a Concert of ORATORY AND MUSIC this (Friday) evening, at 7b . o'clock, and another to :morrow (Saturday) cvei.ifig at th , same hour, in Concert Hall; there will be Twav ry Songs and Recitations each eife:;ing, ernbracinz no extensive :range el an'..jects, including Wind of the II inter might, the IVlaniae,the Wh:slcer4.the tragical piece -or Parrhasinq. 81.; &c. For particulars sec -mall bills on both rider. Oo Monday and Tu-s- Ally : evenings, the last two Lectures id' the Popu• lar Course will be given; including VEN CR L OQUISM,and the further dissections ul the MAN -AK-IN; interspersed with appropriate Recitations mid Soles, to illustrate the Principles of Mental and Veer! Philosophy. Adnai lance t o Concerts or Lectures 25 cents each. March i 7-4 t ST. PATRICK'S DAY. The Committee of invitation for the celebra. lion of St. Patrick's Day at the Washington Ho tel, respeettully invi'e the friends of Ireland to meet at the featrve board on the evening of the 17th ins. +M► The following resolution passed by the Commit. tee of Arrangement will I)3st explain the nature of the meeting: Resolved, That the festivities of the evening .mull not be interrupted by Ilia introduction of any political sentiments calculated to mar tit.: cum-iv iality ofthe evening. W Jackson, Michael Tracy, Wm Porter, Saml Keller &? WHO WOULD BELIEVE IT. — Tuttle haa just received from New York, a large supply of 4 1.; faud's Poudres Subtilcs," Blanc de &parte or Lily White, together with Anderson's Honey Dew floe Celt Tobacco. Persons requiring the above articles would do well to call soon at Tut. tle's Medical Agency, ,/ , 36 4th-street. FiLESAND RRSPS.—The subscriber has on band a roth supply of fiat, half round and round handsaw tiles; and expects in a kw dales a full supply of Rasps, for sale by the dJecn or slnve, low for curb or exchanzcd for goods to suit consignee. X. H g lRl{l.9, A gcnt and cpar 15. Csimrniq.ion Ch:. 9 st PIG IRON. 64 TONS Tenneiwe Pig Iron • For sole low to dose consignment, by Iteb 10. The mas J K Moorhead E D Gazza-n, March, 16 1843 JAMBS NAV, CELEBRATION OF ST. PATRICK' DAY. .. ••, PENNSYLVANIA N , Bank of Pltisourgli. . ;- - 7.: , ..,...., \ ... ~ •ii ' i!..:_ j y".: , , , - . Merch. 4- Man. bk. . \-v A , ~....., _ Ezeharnie bank, N ' ---7 'lite undersigned, Committee of Arrangements, in Bk. of Germant owt. F..i.in i emporiftill terms invite the friends of civil and tell.. Lancastcr bunk, lank, gious Liberty, without di6tinciton of party, to a pub. Bank of Co. lie Si - upper to he given at the Hotel of Mr. Hugh Farmers' likChester Bucks Co. Sweeoy, In Allegheny city, on the evening of the Doylestown bk do 17111 01 March at early candle light. it is the resolve Bk of N America Phil. Bk of Northern Liberties, i. ,1 of the Committee neither to permit tier countenance expieN•lonS Of pOlitical sentiments having a tenilecy 4 ;" r ln 1 4 " er ,Z l , l l b lc , • ic ' s ' f ii i k ' : • .„' 1,, ~ „ „iiii . l %vial the opinions of the leading parties °I K ' n e 11 . -I ' n ii 1o n li n k 1 .. the day. Philadriphia bk. „ A, no speei.tl invitations have been given, all yet- Ezehnylkill bk. . son. iirsil iirs it( Participating in the lestil ihei , of the s'oathwlrk bk. ~ rvettieg, %%in coniiider thetn,elves thus personally in- Wrsiern bk. %lied. Ilk. of Prnmiylvanin, 7t John Ander,,m, If. d'Coltottgli, ilk of Penn Tt . par John Fireman, C. M * Kibbeit, Man. 4. Mechanic, bk pia' J.-lin nil initiglium JdJamesFettin, Mr-21iatiic. bk. %V. 1.1, Smith, David Lynch, Moyamenslng bk. j Jolt,lichee w ift • II S. Magri, Girard oa.,k, John It Guthrie, M • Mi.Ctiiliitigli, tl states bank, War Alex. Black eiiridge. 31111 ell 1 .1 , 18/3- l.nloherniens', Prank. bk W.lnl)l,Qt ren on • ~...—...._—_ BRANDRETIPS PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STA FES. THE ME 11101) OF PR E PABING THE B r !ANDRETfiI AN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS Cliver t t emete.l filth Jtme, 184 --Paten) granted to Beaj tom) Mon he January, 1813. The eNtr ter. id t ' .Pills are corn- i 0;),...d a e obtained 1), mt.)) n. priented ot noes)), 1 wiMout la) hog or try pprieem m (wh eat. Th„ ac tive p ttlihe lie, M.) is OW , S , cured the same i[cain the LI VI N(; VEGETA FILE. erl.• ~ h ott'd te•erleilail s 111 n , e , f i cines rt,c— -ettitime.,(lp I in ail , tot ti-m , itt. s'olt•it lintn Inv, in ‘vhich the CO \ TrNIP1•1111r. 11'4 , ted My lan el% !term:, the ?ame. 'nine wdl show ihe,e (iLet erN in th, it tr,e light. THE. MEDICINE OF Tar:. PEOPI,E. t (Thin, fr.....• ILIA NI)RE T'll'.• PI 't .1.8 arc the People's 1 Motllllltir. , -ahl bk 1. A1.111:1.11.1 Medi, lee, proved lir to;•ii , iiiil , who d a ily ,e,-,,,,, I r.te. 4. Mech. ilk of Stit. Good i1n , 11:,. mend them to t:,e a:Meted. Til,i IL( AN . l)i: ET!' i I '"'l'lr , l i t, TEN N F. 5 .51217.. PILLS are grctuvi, g every day it ore poppl ,t, (heir : 1. - - r"'"" 1 "I'r ''''. Clair '• ." nank ''' '"(U.S are eximoli,g thoii tisei•,lni so. 'Elle si. kof i " IP ' 11. Mltillf3.ll Marietta Itk. Detrtlnd ,It k. of St. I ...I ri 10 hotli iiirixi's are d dly deriviii:, benetii Inuit to, in n.) do JS. If Quitlit t N o co,e of d,,,.,„. b u t dipy c::1, t'f' tO.Pfi with a , tvani ; r ,;,: ; " ; ; •.„ ; ; 111 ; (7: N ..% 1 ) .. 1 ) ;fOr V' 00;..... i 1 tar,e. Plotrhes or 11.1,'1 lumps, ~ f i.el skin they sdeed- ' (-„,,„,-„,,,,,, I , k . .s m . Li, !G oo d I, t o,: ' . jilt, in wiilv cure, so with erysip,:as, ~,n w ill salt , Moult .Fo I, Iran Iteatnr ,!. li i Easte ‘ ra . Ezell:trip , . th indi;esti.),,,, ql IA 1111 co it, i lis. iin'i uo:ds, • , 0 with I (1 ,- , POFI nt,; r. 1i / P110:1.!Plp i; ia. COS'iVenIISS, SO W ; 1:1/ C., ileel ,SO,III h 4 ii 'relied lip s i Cirwintiat. ~ 1..c1e ray. 'Neve York: A Find Canker in the mow!) Let th;i iOll co I :ion this ! lii. I ant.:, 1; 11:.iiiiionre, I meiliciiie, aml they will find het re , plite ioi °Myr. %I , f h• 4 - Trtrdertr. I , k of lloqo a , i 1'...:(1'd at 25 emits per b tx, with tit, ectititts. Cincinnati. 5 . western Exchange. tiritii it tan i Cliolon :ik or l',,lzinit,t.3, t'inetheati, par Ohiiierve the new Ititie!9 e, It I avtav i II Lotiatvit,e, Dar ste,tiatitres of Dr. litantireth. So ea h box of 11. e ; Demo tot no!i•i.. , i iriiii.v.ibi ii r liv rf tire rievriit, 4 1 dii geliiiii,e has six sigoatities—thre, 11, rij twin Brood- '' „ • '' . - iii,,,,,k,'-„,0-ii,n,,.,.: I trio reth and three B. Brii,dre , l l .tperit i: . . ztrot•=, to. lac li:1;101.it .. , ..‘it) Sit The ONT.I . PLACF in Pit , shor 2 , i where the Tl , A L ; Brami,,Th iri:':' 'IN BE OeT.,l\: 0 14 the Doctor's ' cr.vit Ofil , :e. No 9-t \\•,,, ,I -II P-I, hii;ii-ec ii 1-',llll and DIRIII nd Alley , If:7k. 'he r: : • i'is:i.: Ilan troth Pi Is rah or ver he i btoi- rid in any htzt.,-; 5 - t- or The fel:ow:lug are i:ie (INLy .AGENTs Ithp. , itit ed hv Dr. 13 ISrae gr .I,e , h, for the •:,'e of ~ i s Veia• bl e tvoi..i sal 1 11-- io hies' ~ , ,v Co try Pi iiii - m-I Odiee, N,. 9 , 4 1‘"6.,i1 ,:. l'iv - ,,bitrgt, Mr John 17, 1.1F.:-9'.e i gl.,, v. Rohe , I Ditocan-11 roii , ,Lliiio,. C. P. Diehl—l?iii,,lo 11. Ilttwinttd —11c.1% - t- or...port. Pre-sly Irwin—Pl-a-Int 111'1. Jchtt Johos oi—N.','le'lo,Vll. Cll. S.” 11 An An Spltil ime- S!..warl. OWO. Aqriell &.. C- , 71; ell—C..4(in . Robert Srni'ii Pero,' —Tareutoin G e o i y• 1',,-, ~r —Pil rvi- w: David II Coon— Piiim To , vesio,.. D , iiiiiii Neclev —Eio; I, lierty. Ed 'aril Toomosoti-11 . , , kiii limo ) Wm. t) . Hower—Alton'', lli Is. INDIVIDUAL ENTERPRISE. tTNI rra) sraTzs PORTABLE BOAT LINE. For the Transportation rj .Merrirandize and Produce PITTSE Gil -IND P1111.91)EL IT/S UR 011 R.VD, NEW YORK AND BOSTON D GINS 4- 31e.4 N I,'LT regpeci NUS' ;!Irirtn he pill, tic 1;121 they hota romp!rt,d Undr atrancerneid, fur IN. a t. , ve 1.1114. on INDIviDUAL A `: D INDEPENDE:%T The pular; Itas trw e n isrlicti fir I inlivirlmt I competition in Tr:111 , 11011mM,, on the Public tAliirk.. by t• hien alone , it can Ire freed Ito'. or:rte. - it—tars , PC pew, and r0.4(11r/.(1 to us lowi•st rare.; that wino with now be ressl.r.edSlh, &men( Pennsylvania Navin_ 1/I.lcEll Trunks on her Rail Road'. !HWY !Mims 0'41111.g Poi - tarot' ROO , are enabled to bid lor the Carrying Trade and succw-folry to cow ' Pete with COIIIII3 0 cS. l'iris lute is composed 01Twent y It' ,v, Friar Section Porable Boats, owned be the C. 3 pi.i t 3: with (:(11,1 ma mi then: and will known a. elver - rising, industrious and I yr r , rieored Boatmen. . , for 3 1 / 1 11111,Cr or year. toren mi• /11r/IT: Ii 'ravine The superiority acid ailvantaees of the Portable Boar ; gazed In renting yr' t: properly, roliciumg renr• 4. r, over every other mode of Tm ' , spoliation, we too well . and we-Writ , . to event( his lois', ni In 1.11 1 1 WII V. respect known to shippers :truer:illy, to require rommeht; ''. r - ' fully infer , 1114 se, we. S to those der -ow, oweing, to whit fice it to Nay, that the detcnt inn . loss,veparation and dan, way have charge 4 /1 - 1/n/pt 11 11. as U. ref lII , IrS. A t1111 1 1)1•11,1 age to Goads, invariably al twirling th7ec Trusts. Isespruessf a t orn or (.111 ofia,,,, 11l I.le I lIV , I, -1/..I!:". and who fu,,s between Pitislittrah and 1111100 ' 1 1 11,0, tire ill , 1110 POlll . lll /e I hot have rersure in 1 111 PItil 1.. 11 ' lit 111,,e1V115,10 rent 110111'11. Boat innst elfecintilly removed I imp, ll'aietion cos, l'a rohr, 1-ins, kr'. A 10, l'he Portable Bow paii,..r, e , th e ',mat ad vantaee 1,0, , rent.. dividends, lir °anti rt fits 4-c. ,t regieter Is kepi of being well ventilate,' and ens( in Summer; whir li pre. ,„ . 1. _r0 1 ,, dos „ .ip „ oo or . ,d 1 merit krill into ".„1 0,,, en. - '1 " 1 " vents Flour from soursni.r, and Bacon and 'l' obarro titan PWnaling. 1 trued five of char2e, relerence Isrespectfully orfored to the (Winn lie gen:ler:rim for whom the subscrirrer he. .I• Mc A nutty, gra nii I ne, a- 1 11 e r ‘ 10,11 " 1 "' 0 0 lie ; been :ieta for 'wile years pa-rf--.`rir-i•r• NI tic Noel A 1 1 , 1, own. , r, of 200 ( 1: :i lid I lir Boat It/e,l who carry therm and ; P. McCormir.k and -Line's S. Craf t, El.,' ~ POl,Onirvll; id. eqaally interested in prOlecliwg the interysis ~f bat 1,, wl!I wake no promise, to ihr public the will nut fail hfully, S. , Ilan. Esq. Itirf ropran Agent, Philad ; 1 1, - g. John Brown, perform. l ifi nr i nghaio; P. Ile I a'rran, Cincinnati; Barite, Pott er Stentreiiville;Jo.mili Millar. Lawrenceville; lame, Jones They are win- prepared lo receive and f 'nye, d Pro I Ea , ' Liberty; liamrl :la-Mei, cl olllri town:him D.; mei in the sherte time. a doer to Philadeltdria. Baltimore, New York, arid Boston ne r,,,,, ,, F , wl , 5! ,., y, ra and plertie themselves Jo enter into G ., -, ,L no combination with other Lincs,hut a lwaye stand really , -- in early out the principles of their Li tic. and contract for 1 freieht on they ry lowest terms. LlZ:irTra give ii iidootood•srir orgy to owners and shippers or goods no open policy or t ii•iiira ore has been effected. by which all merchandlze shinned by this La, will he Inched withmit an. additional ex pewe iii t lir owner. Devine if- 1 . 1, 1 e tool! v will ri.i.,iice ill zoodu, crolorigned to them at Pit rshurelm pay Freight and chiller. . to Steam Boats anti forward the scuttle , vilhow dila y to Philadel phia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston without any charge for advancing or rommi-isinli. DEVINE ity 11 c.INULTY, ACtlita-, Canal Basin, Liberty street. Pittsburttli. THOS BORBIDGE, Arent, 272 Market at rect. Philadelphia. ftiooßr. 31 - 4.7HASE Ageitts. 73 Howley's Wharf, Baltimore Nardi 10. 1:412 W I L C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame Atartatfeetterer, Na." 87, Fourtk Street Pettsbnrgh.—CanraYs Brushes. Variihdi 4 - c., for Artists, always on hand. Lookin GlasseA, promptly framed to order. Berairin; done the short est notice. Particular attention paid to regild Mg and jobbing °fey cry descript ion. Persons filling tip Steam Boats or houses will find it ti Iteiradyan!ine to call. D R. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, office in Smith. field, between Second and Third Sts., Hours of business from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. Dr. E. N. manufact• - res Procetain and Mineral teeth. Dentists can be supplied by the 100 or singleteeth. m oc k s of teeth with a beautiful gum In full sets, or parts of setts, will be made to order at the shortest notice, by g ,, vlrding an exact impression of- the mouth. for sale a few machines with emery wheels for grinding and fittins mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist—all willne sold low fer cash. dee 23. Q bads. O. Saar, this dayteceiveti per si sa mew Nest York, and for sate by J. C. .1.,0011 DON. dee IO: No, 12 Water at BANK. cORRECTIM.DLILT, DI ALLYN /MAXIM, ZXCFLUICIIt 11111-01(1111. Ilk ol Mont:4,mo, r Co. par Mon. bk Dro‘s nsci:le, ; I Erie flank, flarrirbritrgh Ira bk, 5l Par. Irk I.4l"r:trier, lii Ilk of NI latlierown, 41 Ilk. of Charnbersbur g b, rut Ca rltsle bank, 41 i Ilk ol Northookherland, 41 ! Colombia bk 4. Ilrbkze cc. 2 Ilk Susquehanna Co• 111 Rkof Delaware Co. par Lebanon Irk. 9/ Dell)sburall bk. 41 York !rank, 41 Far. 4- inovers IS. of Wayro , burtrh, fi I Currency note.. p.l Hone dale 11 1 oin I II fit h I N:~tr grip MIEN= du I 6( 11(trk3 1.0 hank /..rwkl ow it TOW.I _ _ LOU SALE OR TO RENT 4‘- m a i /11he "ore and upper fooforllS tor I ire fofPt t I. d: E . Y . Nl.lr ~ 1 and .3l.ti 14 tett+, Imo: orrupicil by 31r .. iL.X . z.... II .E. k •/,)1.:1. 1 we, A 1, , 0, .1:,,, gtol y Brick Noun , nn 1 ii, rrvr, el of .511, and 1',,,,, / , Like,•o•.. k.tikkla.liek fk. a ILA',h •k..: Ilk .1., on , / Crockery sin, Entiolire ~/I. . 1 _2 % 1 ES '.'t : .% V. lel, 21. 2 w il, FOR n E.VT ou.c , r To LET. /VIP: 4:14, 6at,11,1Z Oet , lll:Pd A. ”41,1 AnrliOn shirr._„ fir 11 cretor , rf• known +mi'te's Lim !tooto, • •rur .:rr of Wool aa .I+ l, R . rrel .1. I rfp, ...f N. Morrow. ",,;h , To Ze A STORE 4- CE i.L.I R brawn , n 3 , ! and .1!, A LSO, , wo.p:vrlnn, and rn.l, Ihe one siory 14 ft Itn'.l Oil ‘llrk.-1 .irrer; erl for Lao. riflire?,o r for :11, V !,11,1i04, tr(VI veniero Rill roady nerroil front. a r. rt, a fhvelling nr1,.•1 rent eoelnliiitt: five MOM.' 0./Ifortroo,. 1•`(), !f Op 11. e I n., 01h , ••• yr pr . `141.111 Orr I RaVri)oll,ll,4 1.7,v110 •lor ALS() Itie H.... o.riF, cot :Id yt nnpre.rent oe f bided Of the I h.. o 1,513, -ore r:il awri 'I it.° dwell ink m ice nflhr ovi , sc , rl,o r in I tit (own . 11171, 'rich a 6.vk . acre' of Lire! all ....h.,: in r.if )nn I En IV ) r;7.7, 411. %,) I Th•rd IF 4 , lo!)i A r res ni La .1 on If Int. 4f. ~ ,; . ;J, 1111 • .. tat 13.4. In l'fo'.'et Wan of 0:1 Ilr,!11,.•%. Hill A ko, 1,01, no. 26 ant/ 27. In Cook's ~,, 11/g:1 tor. r.. near Ilie 11.•tv (bur! ouge For LP/no:1;1ply 10 ZW. REIIINGTON. 11011 NC .tge!ICY. No. tt am.t of tho Ationrket floa , ', Penn at. sth %Yard, Pitt..tatrgh Pa. E 0 It, It IF, :V 'l'. 4xi) ZIVP/I 011 the 14. of I nrx , ; a AL brick how.• nu h.. ban,, of !I, lii2ltrnv rivrr. two stone, hi g h . ti roil:610,1111P MORlq brqidei vi:ar A.lll klichro. II hz v. r, e'rl j'l,l 00..4de Ihr city Ilnc, With :I full VIPW of yor Ile;tirmy, and wiililn 20 miliote.• walk of Iho her;rt (hr. vii v . —re ill very low. K mar 13 Ifoo.c A2eol.sll)Ward. JL or . runin occup F ied by itest t Siewari, on Pr on qt ofll-e—rent prr year. IN.), ttvo roomw occupied as n Crorery store, on Penn street—rent s.3(i prr year. I`k! ES BLAKELy. mar 9. Hou , Acent,stli Ward. TO LET. A THREE STORY Rrick rlivetlin7. noose on 6 , h. Illt.treet,•roirtaining six rooms, eomlurtably tin 141. cd with garden and yard room. Rent moderate. Alen, two store rooms and dwellings oe Pea o (511 ward.) Rent very low. Apply al the House A:;ertcy, Peon 0 1 ..i , 11 ward. March 15. .1 M Es EL IKELY. TO LET. r:lit ()NE brick dwelling houie, containtlit: a are 3i, ball, two prinurs, 4 monis upstairs, with fin lIIIN imbed garret, dining room and kitchen. with car. nags hutise,4*e. Thi.; house is pleasantly located with yard in front and rear, on the canal habit, corner of Chesnut street. lendine To upper brithlr, now in the or ertpancy . f Mr. 51ctiltirs. rrnt to .11t fit , timr;.— Enquire oi Dr. Whittakor, A Ileabetey city. mar 8. Fcior R vonn term of yeaN. Two h e uildi nt r . 1;;' lots ori _a. the or the 4 Ilegheny river. adjoining . ty I ine.bank Appty at the Douse Agency, Penn 'aim, 5111 Ward mar 2. MIMS: I 3 LAX ELY. an casr. Wooster, Mas.vilon, i•lantfusky, Gesuga, Norwalk, Xenia, Dayton, dis 11 par (Scioto, Post notes, Cbllllcathe, FrAfl. hk Colvmhve baecroter,... Hamilton, . Granville, Coto. bk. Lnkc Erie, Far. bk: of Canton, Urbana INDIANA Slate hk.4. Branches 1 Aiate Scrip, 40 ENTUCK Y All banks, ILLINOIS. Pat 3 45 50 Sta , eHi 4. Vrancileg, 60 .., S11:1 AV net" In w n, 70 VIRGINIA. 0,1n . /.c of Virginia, 1 do V4o,•y, I Par. hk. Virginia Exrhancc lank, Wr•-•, hank 17pr. Mer. tln, I,„h MARYLAND a I+ Bank s Country itnnkq, DEL itVA All Banks, par IN PAN' JERSEY. All IlatiL:4, par and 1 NEVI' YORK. Cliy like, nar Country ha nt:p, (za6-4v fund.) a R Heil Back, pio I INI:W ENOLA NI) Roston Ranks, pl r Country LO ClBl A N A. ( - Weans llarilo3, ,t 3.433031. :3 RTII CA RO LIN A 2A " 4 01' . 1 . 11 CA 110(.1N .1 fla ht; rfIf.TTNIBIA finNks. pnr FR, pa. TO LET. -A tomforl.ll,! , w tut , L,,.1 J. 4 !Nr• rt,.l,rato•.l Mk:l ;I/ ;:qIN `,•t . n.rf E:2 ! 4I J %NIES MAK ELI PHILIP ROSS - ' co , No. 0 ON ratß GREAT Calmest. Route. 1 yi Ant removed (rota his old stand to the store former- . MAILIY occupied by A. M. Chadwick 4* North west corner nf dth and Market sireets. Ile Is now receiving a hirer! and splendid assortment of -N3:-Ir.c‘.'ll:::ii'.. i DIVY: GOODS, to which the star--noon of hist:its - tomer+ and the pahltc Is - . - FARE' REDUCE - IY. , AND BALTutoer AND Outo R•it. ROAD CODPADY• 1 _.:14....tig.,:at4W via f44vion.r, ROAD ,z 4k k , ::Lz e.. . 5 1 , MEW line of U.S. Mi.il Coaches for irmr/iisirlox City, respectfully Invited. flaying recently i urrlitised his IN Baltimore, Phitrde/pAio and ..lv'eNt• Park. gcods in the eastern cities. principally for rash, he will This line is In full nacre:inn and IcavesPittsborgh daily beeline to Offer 111111PlIal induce:Lents in the way of rood at 6 o'clock A. it., via Washington ?a. aid national barzains mar 15-st. road to Cumberland, connecong here with the raft road ---------------------- Co's. to all the shove places: 'l'ra yellers will find thiff 31 JICK . ERELAND CODFISH. --In store, 4 casks a speedy and comfortable route, It being a separate and of Codfish; also, 5 barrels No 2 Mackerel, and IS distinct Pittsburgh and CumiTrland line, focllities will he half barrels, will he sold very low, apply 10 afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Es mar 16. ISA AC CR Gis E. 14R Liheri y st. tea coaches fare Heed at the shortest notice, wito the it E nt ------- il ---------- '''"'v Ai ' I. privilege of going through direct, or taking cne night's HOL DSHlPrent at their option. & BROWNE Fare from Pittsburgh to Rah i mere, ' 810,00 HA VE removed their Paper Store from Market Pit WWI; to Relay home, $lO 00 12,00 fAtreet to No. 61 Wood street, one door from the Thence to Washington 2.00 $ corner of cite, where they keep on hands their usual ns Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, 13,00 sort meet of WALL PAPERS, for papering parlors, en• For through tickets, apply at our office el the corner tries,eltambers, 4.c, and also PRINTING, WRITING or Exchange Ilotel, o rat our ntlire at the Monongahela and WRAPPING PAPERS, SONNET HOARDS 4-c, jjr,, e. I. W. all of which they offer for sale on accommodating terms. F,h, 3,1.....dir . felt . 14, 1543.—di f •President of N.E. St STCCKTON• Stage Co. ~.. _ .. LABOR SAVING MACHINERY. We trust that the public will not nth 3.14 * take our notions in what some term oar "crusade against machinery." We goo' tend that in the present competition sys tem of society, when capital controls ant ..i_. oppresses Labor. machinery is a curses and that in a proper system of society, v . when men are actuated by 'the spirit of.' true Christian benevolence, every acieetit.... fic discovery and inventho would be sT blessing to the whole mass of the people;;• This happy state of things will be realited in ASSOCIATION. In society as it now is, when a rnachioveA , is- invented which performs the work -u4' \ , men's hands, one half of the mechanics en. gaged in that particular branch, are thrown".,- out of employment, and the wages of other half reduced, and their hours u a increaser!. In Association, when a new machine would be introduced, the hours of labor would be decreased and the means of eat joyment augmented. Now, overproduction brings poverty and distress to the producer, but in the system of society which we propose, over. production would be beneficial to ail, Above we have stated undeniable fatter, to which we call 'fire lion (.)1110. men of every class, But let us refer t . the condition.of Ent. land and her popula . ion, caused by acieto tific inventions monopolised by capital, It :Vas somP years ago estimated that the amount of scientific poWer employed by Great Britain was equal to the manual la— bor of Iwo hundred mallions of men, at the very least. To set down the number of working men in Great Britain at 5,000;000. it follows that each.producer creates in ant given period of time, as much wealth as at ~ an earlier period of the world forty work. men produced in the same time. Great Britain is therefore forty times more wealthy than she was then, Cgb Yet at that early period of the world her papule:. COP.IRTNERBIIII'. LzEA D t'l ‘ l, ' ASH PiGTON, lion found means to subsist, and comfort ra iiiF: ender-121rd bow DANorian.d tlietm.etve: tnzeth ." 77.7 ' 01 rEY 4T , L.RW.-01Ree in Beare Reitdityr, N,,, ,- 1841 ' ably too; while now, they are starvingfor - is er for 0r., . %oar from the to January. lei fd4.3. 1111. , F " ri li ' I reet • P l"' 4 "E b ' _ -•-• -- the commonest necessaries of It e. der the sy le nf Devine 4- IIcA tinny, for 11,*. ptirpo.c on. , 44731. E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law. Pittsburgh, Fa. IY of receiving and forwardimg Cond . o. What does this glaring fact teach us? v ~, Orlire in 4.h street, opposite Burke's Building. 11, 11l N 1'... ' tVrt.t.tAx E. A rerrs, E-. 1., will stye his attention tomy To use the langsug-e1 a distinguished rear 10. C I k. Ildr'A NU LT Y , ot,floi.ohed lotoineos and 1 recommend him to the patron -31,.i. 4.A'TED. a hov of ; row 1.1 to 10 yeLirs of age. ' age of nn f. tends. WALTER FORWARD. writer "it tells us that_ 'One fortieth part of .4 r 4 Apply- wor, to he tudde before, the firer of March to Pep 10-ly ' " the present wea l thlitGreat Britain for. F I. SisWlll....'N. i,, ir o, w \'l' rEßsro.. ~ ,:are on Smithfield street, merly afforded ter population subsist re b 3. Ifl4, Liberty read or R', oil St• ' lil - • " , - - 4-P rear Sixth. nen 10 t ence and comfort. But that popura- DENNING'S FIRE PROOF IRON -- Too N RUT FER WORTfI, flortio;ter and COMMIS. " tion does not require more food god CII ESTS. J sia. Areeelhasr, I ..trierille. KY.. will attend to the . " c lo thing and other necessaries, (trials. riTTsnPacii, OCT, 9: ) , 1 , 34` . ?. Vale of Real E•ta ;e, Dry Goodo,“.orcries. Furniture, kc- J. Dr.x.rirro-o n F r id ay , th,..:30 1 b orta.t month about kc• negularsaln. every Tuesday, Tliiirisday. and Fri ; "more wealth) now, than they'did`them day mornin.t., al 10 o'clock, A. Si. Cash advances made rc ❑ as, then, a great number, of Bri ash la -9 9' , 1• , c1e. at nio.lit.the Planing ftronvlior and Res -h Stan see 10 . it foeiory, owned by Gay, Dilworth 4- Co, with a lor2e ----_- , " borers have not, at this moment, whereto on ron , ignmer,to _ qua nt.ty Of dre, , oed and 1 I Ire , o,rl itin.her. won nil or e. ---------- ar trsTERs, S.9RIII..VRS, ------ 4 - e.: served up---In thrbesl jr, with to subsist in comfort—the direct r-,,, ,f t.y Are. ,_ II.) , .n) le at .1. fit , ICHIR . O : No 9 Firili 'teen, Silitiede ' ; w The Iron garn which I honzh• of Tout aIOMP riser hack and necessary inference is, that by Some apartment. are appropriated to geotlemen accompanied 1 ' ....ro rii ihe likkno '[posed situntion dn. ink the fire, and hatsdio,. Ako all kir:door Cakeo and Confectionary for I “ means of other, A LARGE PROPORTION OP ..v:.< e , ' , r , 'lv , I 11, a -- 1 au - I We' . " ll9 i'd . ''"" 3011" woo , I.a.fieo. wed,lill. , . etc., for sale by . . " GrEAT BRITAIN.S WORKING PoPUL4TION nu.-rred .11 the Anne of the tlre.orld an the tool., paherkk, i ~,,, 1 ,_,,.. ' . A. 1-ICNK ER, I 5 . e. ,, ,,,,...:-tbi,,.... th e brat reempinendat not 1 can give of ' _______ T(4,thaci------wft---------------- 1 ' IS NOT BUFFERED TO ENJOY AS O WE as i • nil., ~ 111 !,olir ,ate.. 1 Timm .‘s x • c o TT rpHE ,nc., inveterate Toothache eared in Fwo Mir- ; " ONE FciRTIETEI P AP.T OF Talk ,WEALTH n. t. 2.1-1 f .._ . 11_, rE,. -rail at Tura-rt.:Cs medical Agency, 56 Fourth , es . THEY PRoDUCE. The other thirty . . Aline n 0 ., a n d 0h!,,,,. a home, it t... warranted to rare or the I . f., ~ ...v . ' • -3y: f ' fortieths are used, or dissipated, or des 1 8 f1.v.5ti 1, ,..::*.,,,:1.r.. 43 ninnii, will he refunded. -M, 17..:_E-.,:' -_,...414 -` • ti ,i;C—k.L:if.VT ---- .7.7crFrneit Ika — vr. - TTIITen I " str eyed in some way or other, by some F IRE 1 : 11 14.:I.W.1).--1.l S )1.4:t. Liar ..r STAGS. AND k 2" No. 5.1 Fari street. near the Thei:dre. Pitc,i,or g h. i ., persons other than the producers," , I , ~,, 1!„),,,,•„.„ . „ ~,,:,„ p,,,..,,,,n, rig it , troid. ; ADD C h i-1v (7 We ag;,113 most earnestly mars the l'oDotl, e 411., 0. , fr , 1 , 0r,.: and I.SOCarler, to l'illiarlDl St,ji-ii, Am es . EA , fr:L, 4 .,__ 16 td,1,4. pri ,-,-, ;;Tv -- (5. 1 oltla, I , ..pierl MI; with ID , ' V:111 train rd . Cnrn to N It% ~,,,,,,,,r. laboring men of every class to THINK . .; ~. i)..i. 1, - ,tt roil, ~...,,,!....- an I one kolglft out, 1.11 Tierees Rice. 1 for them4etves. Don't listen to the SO+ Ai... ih. , Dire, h”. , , IliCtim mr. 15 tz,z. , :t i nd. a 4 ,- weri Soc. l'irt 10 PliliDd•-• ;,to 4 $ .0. 20 Ith'N No :3 Mari...eel. I pillory of those who are interested—let 4 1 • , Oltoro, 9, I Nun InOV! from S. 11. r:utter. and for sale low I.v I your own reason be your monitor... • - 1.• ~,, . .1 , It al II O'clock . 1 k Id. Jan 2'd J Ail F• 3 MAY i intl..* , e'nokl door I, ,ow Ow Nler..l.an.k Dote, lA' , .ort :t , - . _ NI I,Nlii:l.l. (:13 ;II : 3 1, IV.',3:l;ti ,i- Co Et L. 0.„.. _4) Ton. 8,00.,i; in °iO/P and for title by il , 0 the lionorab!e the Judges of the Court of 1... ...' I. I:, / I . 1... Pror rirlorN J. tY OURBRIDEF, it General Quarter Sessions off lie Peace in 10.4 vraipr I:,•iwep e Wood 4. Smith for The County or Allegheny: Jan-? Is 4 1 1... , 'lco i REcKII - I , :D. Tweive boxes of Orate and 1 The petition of Jahn Cowan, of Upper 11: i 1 . 11 ; :2 rr....; ' . :1 ,.3..,,,.. F.,, I;1 , a ,1.,V rfCCIVe. lii , - . 1...1,1,. , ir.,.,1 ihr Ei d eil quality, fo r sale wholesale and I Clair Township, in the county aforesaid, haestair 5,., ~,,, V , ....,:,,,..0., ~,, for ....'e I v ret.lll hy WM,. TIIORN, r;.,3. A. Cr I RDON. i sitowelli- _ 1... 22-i. 12 11 . 1 , ,, curse, That your petitioner has provided himself , ikah t \ t.l El' EN is cx - r Ti DI: W A : 4 7 ER LINE. niaterialc for the accommodation of travelers -end' where, at hi:. dwel inc., house in the township affire- r 1 said, and - prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a I , cense to keep a . Public b onze of 1 , on tertain moot. And your petitioner, an in duty JOHN COWAN. b . 1. 1 1 .0 d , • t %: ; e i ! i s , I,; ay • i b ers, citizens of Upper St. Clair it-1,15 cousin; Alr r,handir.e and Frodure to and from Iti , " . ' Ido certify that the above petitioner is of ip 1 },1.1,0,111. i5t.,',1,41,1pft.1, hdlttinnre. : , ,ew York stir: 1 - - - tt„..,.„„, I. 1,,. p,.,....., I s a „, a L.,,,,,, 1 ~ ,,,i R,,,i road, ~,, pule for r:one...ty and temperance,, and is Well pro , , ~ ,,1%. ~,111•1;111• ill r l lf ill:Pi wider! with hou-sc room and convenlences for the . Si , 1 / 4 of Edo, lino c11y...t.!..: or new tare's Tolowaler ronts , LCI.OID01O,.:01011 ED,: i,, 2i117 . of strangers and tray ',uid expre-sly for i lin. route. won all tar modern int- I tier- and that said tavern I. In r, R- nry , nrovekurnk• in hod, Ikuilkling: or a annetalkundant supply 1 Jame. u n A„, l !,, , IL 11 IV araer., „r erot r.:te c r.,. 011 111‘) Portage Railroad: and a full sup ..... um ,' Ili. 4. n ,d ty, ( lelepll Curry, ill of NI roilL• and coninkndioug Pettuk.ylvnilla boats he. -""-- '''' Silas I) Pryer, II Armstrong, 1,, , ,,f, Joh ristowo and Fittstatig..; all of which wit b e eonducied it). ouher, imino. dims arid experienred captains Joseph Wilson, Rnbert laernilough% aird,operitilenden'P rldtrzrir 111 Ike 'aidl on all good: -WI Want Conan, Meleher Belizhoorer. Intruded to hr shipp,.l front rikl,lirdli lu Philadelphia, S. 1). Moore, James Bravery. Bad itunre, New York Cr no -ton, • and cono.l.:ned to James John Bra wdy• mar I d—' _________ Dirk „ ,s. 0,,,c,,,,, 1 113 i", rorner of Liherty and Warne _ - _.-- ,ao. and will he prompily at tended io and 1:4 - 3‘ arcl , d wit li drop yet.. - All C0 , ..1 , and produce hitettth.ri to he Shillprd VllllMlllplita r0, , ...v....., or via Ir 4 1):-bov i n e and R. ri filo Canni.lott CODNizned to Dart, Andrew and Al. - Keiser. will he received at !heir War. 11, , Dce, fir-: wharf above Rare otrect. Philadelphia, and shipped directly fioot i ..enee withont ad.i.t4o.al ha tiiiiiin! or cvpeitoe, a linen(' ftewon pockets cone IC: . II!, ll'e line' at Ih, rv,in , Shippers arc itlViled 10 , ;;Ital;flD the stock of this line and jkid 2 e for them..elt.es.lefore shipping by :1113 other, ax their Interest „ ill he advanced by shipping by It, the mop. into', brio:: determined to exert ilirinselve- to the nininst ni their :thinly fit' the intern t of their custo mers and Oftl , pr , thy 1,11 heir lint'. T 11311,1 nre edik he etrevted t Ilndker I.v i ht. , 'ins than Oily other, as the ionic to ronoider..d rile 'tru s t PP OP P lETt 1 0. 4 . , Fldrt. A ddrflV, ,c• ‘lst:rver. from rinlade,pi,;,, and net Itmore in IloOld. k -Intlg, Henry L. Pai ler-on, f.,0 Ilmitecy-inir g ;I, Pill•ldirgh AGENT, Ili r,, Andrew:,.i. MeNever, l'lniatleitil'ia. Cl,!,- r, 0, I.ton ,3- co , Vahimose. Henry I, Pan. r•nn. llntllkl.ksl,u,:r. Jo<:,, I' Mk., n, 1. , 1,, - tots it. .1.1 a.., 1.... t A FEW MORE STILL. ACTS SPE.4IC FOR THEMSELVES—TR VTR IS: JOHN... .111 rI.n.SR"F:i. theold original, has on hand the COXF/NCLNO:- Having been afflicted for early a bard swellingr ost splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered two years, Willi on the cap filmy knee. . Wes My ;lock is la rge, and lam disposed to sell al tho witch produced much pain, arid used varlons applica ' owe t possible price Afyon:irk is heavy, and as the sea. lions recommended by the Faculiy--all in vain was on isadvanciog, I will self at lower prices than ever. I rural romplpttly by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand- °n only the pleasure of a calf, feeling confident that a rell'. ' , lament, or Cxrcrnal Remedy. ok 15 sufficient. Beware of Conmerfeirs, Remember Wit fIPPA m!. hand JA MES TAYLOR, a THREE DIG DOORS, and the SIGN IN THE Ohio! p Allegheny co, Pa. jan.loth, I/I-lU. 'VE_VEXT . nov 'ZI '- Dr. Brandretles External Remrdy or Linament; sold i .___ ____________ at Ids office, No.BB Wood street, - Pittsburgh, PRICE-- 51; rents per bottle. feli 8. / ____.__ .., 0 T/CF.. —I have taken oat tellers of administmt lon .1.1 l on the estate on John Wii3on, live of the City of ___ ___________ ' pilioiereb, iler'il. All pet sons Indebted lo the estate of VANI I Ly FLOUR —Jo.t received a few barrels oi the sald deceased, are reqUested to mate Immediate pay. .1 So perior Flour, made expressly for family use. Fur ment.lo meat my resleterin in Penn sh• tibia Illatrbury. and ~r ll, , by ISA AC CRUSE, 14R Lib, St. those who have claims are requested to prevent them 1 In Store 50 barrels sup. flour. duly probated. .1 P WiLSO?I, . • ' Jan 13..--61 w. I BU'I"FER AND LARD. JLi :21:0 T received, n barrel s fresh roll (Sutter, and fel ke g ., Ili rate Lard Dorn Dover, Ohio, for stile ISAAC; by CRUSE.. LIR Liberty. st. Z.i 100 &ICS RIO COFFEE 20 Glinets Tea. .20 Itn‘e., Toha,•co. 15,000 lbe. Lump rind Loaf Su;ar 20 BOX^S naisine. g 0 Sperm 10 Snirrh 10 K. 7. Ginger. 2 ‘• Ntuniegv. 4 1 rulteo. 100 Roriek Green Ar. Ir , s, 11, reivoLl no ro”-Ignmera and fur gale cheanr.r rash I II DF:VINE. SLito-, trare!inn-r, C3ital Ga.ln, LP , erly rt mar 10,1843- 1 1 / 1 1) , Su fi. .2:tr. e-.lllVj NILS N Is. 11 Ti.,rp. '.2 , ; I: .'• 'I Ilarkrrri . Li 410 No do 7 T 1.•,,, ()I!. .111-1 omr vrlrp Cots reya.nciiag. d.vr. fll . 91(1.:1,1 q : rrid kind+ of • wrn.”74. N;nr r•zlifr,r. ilpfnntires in 0 lanirrot of , I mule.. r nod 31 . 1 , n1rnf Ortflnr F. h old ...laud inn Art'el, nc Thn.l.t h ket I I 'oLF:SIA ..... OS Y . N Ari oi, V o I .N2r , tls. rnrwa rditta, and 3irrr ha lle LrYe." Pl re ,, . Vick 0, :rIZI M ig4 Thry rr..mort SUG A R .I.Vo 10() _II N . , N in yr ordur, jitit rrroivorl !,1,• P. 1 rert , le.nnrl far J. I , l'. P1'1111; Of: co. Wntr, 1,1 tve., l I S. .410 it Itt/lIV, nod Irri i.VUF.4IcTUR F or Tin, rnrr ~ -'ll4, n t VI Warr, No. 17, Pifth helw Co ” , n Wood and 1/.1 r krl: ronclnrolv on hand a linen! nierdre., or poblit O,lroonEP. A! , .. on hand,i foil ; rir sfocal.. Poker.. Gridiron., Skilirt4. Teak.' itles, Ovene, Corree Mer rhoolo rood olliervi are invited to and et:indte far io ile!rr•ediwii to 4 1..1J cheap for ca,:h or appeared naeer. Ivor 14-11 - ---•----------- • 10 111:1,S. s Tarpt-:!i ire, nikdav rereived no( for n.Jr 6p J G. 4. ftlh r 8. l: Water :+treet. ,t+ run sE Louis, PrrzLENI;Tr)N • Taw GALENA nod DrIPUQE'r. • Tor lirtio ttratt•ztal gtennwr WT.:1;0 C mny tvi4.3 Ve i' , )r toe ;;hove and ;tit tot r mrolinte port , : on Wellot..olo Finn For frotjlit or paq.age 4tpply on lonard, or In G.?, 27 J A I1113:4 M . az!. Thi , tont ig -uplifted ii It F.van's Safety Clutra. -- FLOUR. RBLS.Cresth rnlly Flour. For .alr hy nal till mar 14. .% 111 ES 11 1} PIG IRON. 6 i TONS l'enn?s,ee ri7 Iron. For Irak:low to close consignment. hy mar 1 I. JANI ES MAY D lED P E 100 BUSHELS Dried Peacließ For low by SUGJIR RICE 4- MOLASSES 1 111 , 1 F IS N.O, Yom/ 10 Fie! r,s blils. Nu. 3 St:Otero( For sale tow to close consiguto.nt,be mar 14. TOBACCO AND SEGARS. 80.L.24 Rtiervron's. pound lump Tohacro of N.lpet 'or 14quality, together With 10 1 4 I .nle. hrPt Flararmn negate for Fs lOW to clone, by 1:3 IA C '(z11.3. roc - 15. 148 7t. DR. .1). 1 1NIF:L .11e .11E 4 Oth , e F , fgh WI wt.Pn '5110041 and Smithfield eireets, Pittabargh. dee trornv nt Lan — 0i714 In IV lL lt i4jr ket i ire,; 6: ri L 17:1fi . 1 d oppnall ' e the New Court Dosige. nu Crain el reel. seri CfRi":Df.A TING AND REFERENCE URI; A It V of keti7,loll ß.Hisforleal,l'olitientat i d kJ et- Ilaneona Works, will be open every day, Sa.iliaih rx. rePted. 7 o'clock, A. M.,unt II 9, P. M., In the Ex change Building, corner of St ',Clair sareet rind Esc:hart:Jr alley, w acre mactiia l atlerdanee will be alvell by Rep 10 J. GE:IISIIT.. y T. sTr.w,ilZT, Upholsterer and Paper Hanger, •Y • N. 49. Fifth , irrel, between Wood and Smlthti^ , d dt•. fink nnd Straw Mattraeces alwnyx on hand. .511 order3execnted w}th neatness and deepateh, on aceornmo ,ntinz Veit 20— I V _!.VD .1101-15,s'Es. N. It. bltmar. xya 40 pet Steam tom A , M In nil, ant for sale by J. W. runnrunnr.4-420. mar 3. I r het wren Wood and Sniff if tielo UN ..i:StiTcIiELL--Aly at Law, office ~,r,or of Bmitblield and sth stn.. Pittsburg:b. I'MiertionQ made. A I business entrusted to hig e.ir.• mill he ;qromptly attended In, frh 16*--Iy• NE \V A LA ATOE)E. Pry HE tioder.ogord respect ily info , NI in thr hit ha IL rifler several year= experience in tilt boil shops ict the en...tern rStirs.lkey are opened their New Aln mode in Third it., one door fron t Market. and to arty oottositEt flip pro 4 oilier, where th. v ;cc,- pr. pH Ire ute all milriQ in the 'aikido: a matmrr liti:Arrqs.rd by a n pnthrrestal.llolmenl ut the city. Psalm: made arrtingrairnts for iiio of', picnic of the rim :1 modern style .d faenione , aenilrtren lvirinite clothes made inn cope. for style. would find il to their It:tete/4 to givc t4m.in call. wp.4 The. rmlilic Dct , i3 , !r.r.sinnel that t hi, is urn to it oiled to rank amen, awl advert of t t o lny; inr a= to rinii'worisiiinnship the; ci , allenf2A .!arr'. J.- •!!y• JAMES MAY JAMES MAY MOLVSSES. aOO J nualifriGE 4, . - fab 27. 1" ter it beeneeu Wood 4- sallonew,, PILILINGWOZPS Uurivraited Blacking. and sold whols,ain ann ratap ITC Srvirei Srntaiir one door below Smithfield, act 21—,y. f " - f ) Y,S' INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION _ : . A. It -ay. *Up. P. ?Hohmann . • 8dc.11.49.3r &TaOllll2lllON, G ENERAL AGENTS and Comtnission lierchaalify, SF. LOUIS, Mo. R .1 , r es,tB Turbot, Roi er 4- McDowell-) W. H. Campbell ak Co. Tii , sLurz Cope. Tot hunter. 4. Co. 2 Morgan, Crutclier tr co. I 'r, . I ' l / a • woue,s, Yeatman 4- Co,/ Woods, Christy 4- Co, Si Loofa. 341 I, 1 4 -fi FIA‘7I4" Y -;; : 4 , 5 7:9 " I rl,l/ will 9.- Ilve at dying rate?' R: B. IIU III?E S 1 7 E GE' BLE, OINTMENT, FOR PILES'. FISSURES, (S.c. n I ,r hid at Pt ri,es A;eaey RS Fourth -at, c only nzt.ll. In Pit'skirgh. Fel, 22. .A.dams" Patcat slCEaughphy" Er.4l/.-E now been before the pidElc 3 yore da rinz which Ilion several have been sold and In daily • %Ye are ut of twirl; sintain ins.~y'in, a they at ed e ate *est ufl-^r , n the United States any way y.,u•fii Several nlealfica•inne are Fillt the rirICY or husbands lb., "wive* of Sind hr f",egrosv Pr dnmert at he - Ma ier;n „ lade to • Pairbanks , Patent Platform Stges, Tlirge _7.11111i:1C rwic IPS. of mi s , 2Ps, and most improved pariaho km hand and rordrafo at v.” relur.44 by 'bp mar t.i•lfollif,r. L 'R. LIVINGATON. ~ ....'f ! - n.•% '.l.••,ver 11 rtn , 9 a. o G:rll. si4, - 0 1'1 1 .. ;4, t - I' r, in ~ , t rg. hae rref.l p - rrextis. 4.1 Nlet. ' 1,11, `A. erives n .tv •ti stentint, °Fab. firt v +1 C.....111 w of viiiiirktivt, ; hfi w ire r as log as bout. uot ratu ; Druvideilwilhibas Slutth B,3in - ; , ,,1E of :t gr: