ValltAr;Of`,.!• . _ MAROR 1843 • The Working-mien. Ttie botrimittee _appointed by the meet • ing at the Court House, to prepare a Con stitution for the organization of a Work- ingmen's association, met on Monday Light, when :he project of forming an as , — lterriltrotro - Mme kind for the promulga tion of principles and measures, and the dissemination of correctinformation among the laboring classes, was considered the beet and only practicable means that could be adopted. That such an association woeld have a good effect, all must confess. Pittabrirgh, we regret to say, is far behind the age in such institutions, and we hope that the gentlemen now engaged in it, will 86.ieusly go In work and establish some thing of the kind before they abandon. If mechanics would be respected by others, they must respect themselves. If they 'desire political influence they must make themselves acquainted with the sci ence of Politics. There is no better mode of accomplishing this object, than by uni ting together for the purpose of mutually iutorchanging opinions on all subjects connected with their interests. We hope they may go-ahead. ight before last was bitter cold. All who made calculations for no more cold weather were thrown aback. Yesterday, however, was very fine and moderate False alarm. —OnAlonday night, abou t 10 o'clock, there was a filse alarm on the most extensive scale. The Du Quesne and Allegheny had a lace, thou h. There arc many who believe that the Millerites teach that the wicked are to be suddenly c'rnsurn ed, sometime in the year 1843. To correct such -erroneous impressions, I give you an imperfect sketch of the true creed, accorc'iug to Fitch.— Having previously proved to the satisfaction of all true Millerites,that the beginning of the eni would commence the prestnt veer; on Fixlay evening last he occupied the pulpit of the 1% sley chapel, in the sth Ward, in shadowing forth some of the principle events of this awful catastrophe. The saints are to stand secure on a sea of glass; then the Wicked arc to be covered with grievou+ sores, the sea and rivers and fountains are to be turned into blood, the wicked will be scorched hy the rays of the sun, and the earth will be covered -by she most appalling darkness. Inwead of horn. hiring themtielves befcre the Almighty or being disabled by their calamities, these eitra•irdinary -shaners will he courageous and powerful. Thoy will I- ke up arms and cross the Atlantic to attac . k thererstator of the Universe at Jerusalem. A hat tie Wilt. be fousht to obstinate that the tdonfi will reach the iiridtes o ihe horses (Iv the di •tt:lin of 10: 1 44tutted miles. mizht he reas , mal.dv p fed, the wicked nations will be Aided. After f.nga_enitnt, there Ibe great & hail stones descend w-ig`linu flrtin' sixty to nirfe•y-alz pounds each. firs tch - *ithgreat cloritiente arid power refor-td to -trni lar eken's that l'a•1 acre come In Trier ••11 a :mailer Peale Among other things he spoke of I ak hail atom %heir the storn•z: fell of the siz• n' .cannon balls, and very ju-I'y a.rme In III.: nch). sins that the "Deity could make hail that would I weigh a 'tonere err evei, a hutior“.l and twei ty poune.." whlt Would become of gerv.ration L after the I ail s . orm, he Aid not iiittrin ri+, but it may be suppose! that the war will be abandoned, and these wicked, but extremely courageou: diers, w.ll all return to then( anxious WORKING VIEN'S PROCEEDINGS. The Cotrioxiitee .ip u.n'ed at the mass meet ng .of the Farmer: tied Workinpmen of Al'eglieny entity on the 901 i, st , to draft a Constitution alai Ry-Law} for he g-vernment of the association, Wit on Monday evening the 13th inst, and pto. ceoded to business. John Ferral io the chair and 4. Dunlap secretary. -On 'Potion, it was unanimously Resolver!, That the Committee appoint the first Wednesday of May,18 , 13, at the hour 0110 o'clock 'A. M., fur the meeting of the Convention of tan delegates from each township, borough and wars, ,to meet at the new rutin Muse, to exam'ne and report to a mass meeting of the Farmers and Workjegmet,, to be holden on the same day and at tits earns plaiie. at 3 o'clock P, M., their views ots the said r. , onstitut ion and Byslaws. "Revolved, That the Commiftee earnestly re% vomit their fellow Farrn-rs and Workingmen to I Meet in their respective townships, boroughs and - wants and elect two delegates each to attend said Convention. solved, That the pr . -reedin g . ' of this meeting ba.pnblishect in all the pa l era in the county friend- Mitts Cause. JOHN FERRAL, Jna Doiniqp,Src. • RIVER EWS. ie feet water in the channel. Arrioale.aaul Departures since our tat: repoei ARRIVALS. Michigan, Boies, Beaver, Cleveland, Hemphill. do. DEPA lITURES. Boies, Beaver, 4.lavelartd. Hemphill . Beaver. ,'Swallow, Matinn, New Orleans, R. Clayton, lintigh, Nashville. OF BRONSON'S LECTURES ON ORA.. sos-'TORY AND MUSIC, with dissections of the !MANIKIN, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday leaussiegt„ in CONCERT H•LL, at 7 o ' clock. Fur Ipartioulars see the circulars. There will be TRIER Weans RiCITATIONS, and /OUR or rivir. appropri- Me SWIGS by Mr. Nash, every evening. A •g the Recitations are—Genevr a , or the lost Me Majesty ofthe Law; Victim Bride and Mi seit; Tie Wi,,iskers, or ibe Power of Fashion; Aaron illannerhassetl; Othello's Apology; the ohn Adam's Sosech, &c., and among the Ben" Rockaway; Old Sestun; Erin is my home; Lira on the Oc-an Wave; Mistletoe Bough; Sai lowa Grave: Mick , : Mgrt I.; and a dosen others. Seq. atm tickets SZ , UOi for a Lady and Gentleman $1,50 Admission for oneerenting 4 25 cents. -. mar 13-41. 41 4 1i4XSAND FLASPS.—The subscriber liss Oil traid a supp'y of flat, half round and roust' handsaw 1 11411d.expeets in a few days a full tupply of gasps, M inde by itseAdifcn or &Ingle, lovi for cash or exclltauged tint 'goods to soft consignee. !:11A FIRM Agent and Spar 15. Cummissien Mer'ht, 9 Fifth st TOBACCO AND SEGARS. m i tes A 'Worsen's; pousl4 Imp Tobacco of superior • 1 47. copier With 10 1-4 boxes best Ramses swan for sale jaw to slew, by 18,441 C CILTME. sau 15. • " 148 Lihertz.4.` For the Post Atillerism. CELEBRATION OF ST. PATRICK'S DAY. • The undersigned, Committee of Arrangements, in respectful' terms invite the friends of civil and reli. gious Liberty, without distinction of party, to a pub., tic Supper to be given at the Hotel of Mr. Hugh Sweeny, in Allegheny city, on the evening of the 17th of March at early candle light. It is the resolve of the Committee neither to permit nor .countenance expres.ions of political sentiments having a tendecy to conflict with the opinions of the leading par ties of the day- As in special invitations have been given, all pet sons destines of pat ticipating in the restivit,es of the evening, gill consider themselves thus personally in vited. John Anderson, Ir. vrCullough, John Freeman, C. M'Kibben, John Birmingham, James Fenlon, %V. 11. Smith, David Lynch, John McDe% i•t II S. Magraw, John B. Guthrie, M. McCullough, Alex. Brackenridge. Murch 14, 1843. 13RANDRE'FFI'S PILLS, SECURED BY LETTERS PATENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THE METHOD OF PREPARING THE B `ANDRETIIIAN VEGETABLE EX TRACTS Caveat entered 9tli June, Patent granted to Benjfliiin Mau I e+.23th January, 18-11. 'lie extracts of alien Riaiitetn's Pills are corn pn.,4ll ate obtained by this iii.w patented pipers., wi t h ou t boiling, or any appliriiiion of heat, ac tive p or thp herbs is thus s titled the same as it is in the LIVING VEGETABLE The Public shout dbe ettinous of medicines er commende in ad veriisments stolen bout me, in which the CONTEMPTIBLE ROBBI- as steals my ian- Teitage, merely a intrin; the name. Time w,ll s how hese whulesa'e dteei• ers its heir true light. THE MEDICINE OF TILE PEOPIA:. Onto. BIZANDRETH'S PILLS are the People's Mountpreasant Medi , i.e., proved by thon.ands who daily err D m _ I Far. ,* Mech. bk of Sirs mend them to the afilieted. The BR ANIMIETH PILLS are growing every day more poptd ,r, their ; net vii Wes are extending their nsebilness. The sick Toot tix of St. both sexes are daily deriving benefit from them ; Marietta bk. Demand No ea;-;e of disease tint they can be iced w i t h a dy ttn . notes. I Lige. Blotches or hard!nays of the skin they speed- do Currency notes. f 1 c o i„ n o, t ,„,, I , k New Li z ily core, so with erpipelas., so wi•li salt thrum, sa l bon Demand, 14' Wiak indi4eStiOn, so %Nil!) coughs and culls, so with I do Post iulleg. 14; enviveness, so with Cancer, so n h {irched lips Cinr !coati specie pay- and canker in the month. Let the alit c•tt I use this l inq tqlnlts, 11 medicine, and they will find the, requite no other. I mech. Traders bk of So'd at 25 teats per b.ix, with d.recions. Cincinnati. $ Obsei ye the new hihels each I.avteg upon it ice Clinton hit of C,,lumbes, sisnatnres of Dr. Brawl reth. co ea; It box of the ir n r e i e rn a t o l, d nose I genuine has six signatwes—thre , B.•rij Brand_ ,1 t "' ls " ; nrc and three B. Brandreili o M inn it. la=bier) i Zaneavitle hk. 14 The oxl.v PLACE in Pittsburgh where tt, Brand, pm PP s CAN BE OBTA i 1 the Donor's own Offiee, Nn (H I% . iitid street, be , t , eell Fifth and Diem nd Alley, Murk. the GENutse B. an Ireth Pi I, ran raver b, e.l in any man; The 1. 'lowing ate the ONLY AGENT:" appoint e.l by Dr. B Brandi el), for the sue of Vegeta h:e bait, r•ul P 111 to k!ivginn.y Pi incip..l °like, No. Itti y d st. rit'sbtr - g:t Mr JOin) y. H o b e , t Duncan—B.romtzfram. C. F H. ftowla. d—Melive , port. Pre•siv Iram—Pl-asant enesism in C 11.10 a Bobe t Pent.—Tar,n,,,o2. Ge- , tee —Fa reisvc. I)., Rn R 1) , ‘ , 4•1 I,•;,-,1, Ed'ar.t oi —AV: k n b 14 n. it. ntiler—..iton'.: INDIVIDUAL EN FEIIPIIISE utrz rrn s rATzs PORTABLE iitEtT LINE. Per the Tra,rportction vf erc.ei , idi:e and Product R.,:ne•n PITT , I3 UR AWD Plift..ll) El, 'lll.l -LVD E /I . T.S'a UR (F/ A.V BAL OR E, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. D E cNC I.TY respectfully inform Ihe puh. lir I hai lh'y have omplrted lhcir ra ngrmenfo , for II above f.t or Oil T __ ( iilLG,~PonrLot in 'klancile-ier, ( - toe INDIVIDUAL AND INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLES, 2 aol of 1,".0 nn flnlnrr,a' 11111. Lot. ; nog. 41. 42..52. 5:1. 54.181. L:2 ..lid 144, elan The pulilic 1114 long Wi4fied far I nditildu a l rompet it ion, of f.,ot•, nn ttoline*: Hill A !Ai), Loh; nen; 2.6 ;tad 27, in in l'ransportnt ion on the Public Wor by which alone Cool s 'y pio n or Loti, on High Ail-pet, near the new roitri it fan lie freed no it ti itne-eleiary esperise4 and redor.ii Howie. l'or app/ '/,. 117 RE‘i I NCTON. in lIF 10w..F1 roles; that tskili will now lie re,:lized; the ; „ e ,141 Slate of renneylvarda glared Track , ' on her Roll i - !loads, Indisiatini, owning Poriatile Roar- are enabled to Ind for lire r3rtylll4 Tradc and succnisfal , y 10 , 0111. Ptl42. with roinpan line I.enmpoerd of Twenty new, Pour Section Por'ohle Roots, ow lied hy the Captains who command them and welt known ati enterprisi 11,7, Indust Hilo, and experienced Boatmen. The superiority and advinra2es of U se Portable Goal over every other tootle of T - Ansportalion, are too well known to shippers generally. r 0 require comment; suf fice it t0p...y.1113i the detentiol. Lues.separation and dam affe to Gools, invariably ritienditr2 t hree Transhipments bet veer Pillsburzllttnit Phindeildtia are by the Portable Boat most effectually removed The Portatoe non! p Mi;e , S,Fl the prrat ndvn ware ion, of twin!: tvell renttlated and coo/ In Summer; tvhtrh pr•. vane Fiourfrom souring, and Baron and Tobacco how Devine Me null., sinful nz a.t hey de,be tween the rtwner4 nd Ito. Boat [vie. will carry then., and ma:l4ly interestid fn proiectioci the inter.Flp of both, will make no prottli,cs to the public they will not faithfully perform_ Their' re now prepared to receive and rirovard Pro. duce to Philadelphia. liallitnore, New York, and Roston in the shortest time. and pledge themselves to enter Into no conifilnat lout will, other Lineg,l.ut always wand ready to carry out the prinelple•ilf their Li ne, and contract for freight on tie very lowest terms. t." - To give andmtited•sernnty to owners and shippers of goodri an open policy of Tn.. ranee has tire,. effected, by which nil mercliandisq ►hipped by this Line will he fligilled without anf additlolial expense to Ilia owner. Devine 4- Me i null v will receive all produce consigned to them at PH /PbUrall, pay freight nod charge. to Stigma Boats and tossemot The ilium without delay to Philadel phia, Baltimore, New York, and Coition without any charge for advancing or commi , sion. DEVINE t Y fiInANULTT, - Canal Basin. Liberty street, Pittsburgh. THOS. BORBMEE, Agent, 272 Market street, Philadelphia. MOORE k CHASE Agents, Nara:111B, 1C42 J 3 Bowley's Wharf. Baltimore. T O the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Geier• al axarler Sessions of the Peace, in and for the, minty of Allegheny: Tltepetit run of Zssrah Waydßilt. Of Elitafiel Township in said county. respect fully 'home] h-- That he °envois s a Itoose on the turnpike read lead. Jag front Willi .nisport to ftoltottoten, which Is toe ra ciliated .`sr a Tavern or lesuse of Puhtle etitoriaintnent. and prays your Honors to :rant litui a licerstc for Lit purpose. ZEIRAff WAYDEN. The underelenert , itiEr-ns of,!iii 't ownship. re spectfufly certify, that Wavd..n. the ;theme named apptirant, I a gentleman of good repute for honesty and temperance, •od to we I provided wkh house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodainz of a:mincers and irevalere,and that cc Id tavern is wecesaary. Fiewry Westlay, Zarb...its Scott, Uriah Applegate. • John Bailie, Joseph Hatchison, ,A MrKinley; - Jas. Vankirk jr., .. Wm. McKinley, Alexander Wilson, Thonme Waitron. William Woods, Culbert Manes, Ml Rb 13,.1/343-41." Mai eallitiCTiD 11041 LT, DT ♦LLLR EILAMICR, igeflaxek ajgarinat PENNSYLVANIA Bank of Pittsburgh. par Merch. dr Man. bk. par Exchange bank, par rtk, of Germantotvc .. Ila,ton I ank, LancaMer bank, dIF 71 Bank of Co. par Farmerf , ' bk Bnck9 Co. Doylestown l b do Bk of N A mcrica Phil. Ilk of Northern Libel lies,•• Commercial bk. of Pa. Far. 4" Mechanics bk. Kensington Ilk, Philadelphia bk. bk. Southwark bk. t. Western bk. Ilk. of Pennsylvania, 7i Rk of Penn Tl. par Man. 4. Mechanics bk par Metilanics bk. par Moyamenaing bk. 2 Girard, 45, U. States bank, 50 Lumbermen:', Warren, -- Frank. bk Washington, oar Miners bk of Poi tavlle, 5 Ilk of Montgomery Co. par Mon. lilt Brownsville, 1} Erie Rank, 5 FIR rrishiirgh bank. 5j Far. Irk Lancaster, 1 Rk of Middletown, 441 Ilk. of Chambersiturei, 41 , Carlisle bank, 41 Pk of Northumberland. 41 Columbia Irk Bridge cu. 2 Rk Susquehanna Co- 10 Rknf Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 4i Cot sitar rah bk. 41 York hank, Far. ¢ Drove, bk. of Waynesburg ti, g l •• Currency notes. 8 flonesdai•, W vominz honk, iN Pltish':4l Hate ikrin Country do do Berke to. hank, Lew let o w TOM, 3 ndJ FOR %ALE OR TO RENT. V , P Si ore rind opts, rooms r JL Markel and s'f stre , l. uuw urriipird by Jti . co,r•ta A isvo 4tory . - arct•r of 5' and Union •ar , -raa ~1111 or 1,, a Grovi•rp Enquire c•t • 1,4111 M A 1" fr 6. 21. 2'v 4. itnimis FOR it E.Vr. ronif,rl7o,:, new >7: .1 , $.l C,LII Line hriir 71'1 eis4 Fur term:. whr_ll inolerntr.”Pply In 1()IIN u'cLOSI:LY. Three Hir. Li'a•tly der 30-1 f. TO LET. T IIE etery or the oer,lo , lrd ! R. .1. R•• Necm! , A'.2 Lon It onw r,,,ler l'Vood y I. q 11414. C. MOrr.:tv . it 91 To Z,er, 4 LSO. ;Ind ronvonii•id ro in a in I a " Pd for Las, •.s. Or n,any' htr9inr,: re.idv 7lrrPc. from it A 1...4), Flints,. On POW , fivr room. ,ninfortnide A I.szt 1. C., ante room on Third cl ,tlcat ra , oinve at pr -seal Oct an:ed h 3 Urolvti Raymond n , a 1,, , t;t -'Orr, A LSO 11.0 112.'0 :tad airy °lirr on s!. itreF.ohl or. r lir 4,1 as tilt. Ai 111" I. t s II ot I.Sf I, for re.o. r.ove , al smoil houces non r IIIC dwell. ing tina.o. of , Oo rninirr ihor !owl, ith a few noir, of lond ut , ac he EDIVI) D. G A Z - I. M. Ni 51 "1'11,rt1,4. Houme gency. No. Avert of Ihr Nt rtrhet If ofirr, 1 3 enui sl. 5111 Ward, I'll I r..Th Pit. /11/LE i'or a number of, ears Leen en. L.,71 Ced In renting ri'v properly, collecting ten , .1 and wi , hing to extend hie hil:iticrc In this Way. re-pert lolly offers hoi service, in those peri•otts owning, or who mac have rlifirlie rtiM o Pc'lV ne rXertitnr , , Adinlektra Into nr f;na dianf:, in lite city nr rn Lnrha, nod who net,' not have leisure To at tend to it titeniselve, to rent dwell invt. lt'arehonqe,„ Parma, tote. el.r . Alen, in eoil e c t retile. rlividendc, Ground rent!. 4.r. A reels:ter i: kepi where n dr,crlpt inn of nil proper' ivy for tent tt'ill he en. lewd free (if charce, ',fere err I 3 recpectiolly olfercil to the following gentlemen for Whoa. the Silber ban lien neriftlor rotor year, past--Altifwra M lrharl Allen, P.MrCorioirk fluid Jamey S. Cran, riiromr c h ; lag 9 , nn rt. Egg. Etropeon Agent, Plrtlnd ; klecg. John Prown, ttic,,,lnefin iii; ft, l itcf.rnan. elticinnnti; Dome! Potter Steubenville: Jo-roll Millar. Lawrenceville; Jame , lone, Mi.! Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Mifflin township; Demi iron, Pew iclsley, ((Ai 21. 3151E9 PLAKELV. FOR RENT. prksesoott liven on the 1•t of Aori I next; n brick home no the I ;ink of the A ile7.lteny river. two stories hhit. 4 romfortnige rooms, besides cellar and kltehen. It k very Weis:lofty &Bunted Jost ow klde the city tin.. with It fir I view of tlmelly of A Ile2henyond within 20 minute-:' walk of the lier.rt of the citv—rent very low. .1 A AlEet ISLA RELY, mar 13. florae As,ent.,st Ward. O the Honorable the Judges of the Court of , 1 General Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Allarrhowyr , - - The petition of D. Pryer, of Upper St. Clair Township, in the county aforesaid, humbly showeth— That your petitioner has provided himself with materials Air the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in the township afore said and prays that yiur Honors will be pleased to grant him a I , ceneie to keep a Public House of Entertainment. And your petitioner, as in duty bolted, will pray. :ALA i D. PRYER. We, the subscribers, citizens of Upper S.. Clair do eertiry that the above petitioner 1- of an , ,d re pute for Punchy and toinperance, and is well pro- vtdad with house reom and conveniences for the stee , immoriation anti hel2inz ofetrangers and tray, piera and that said tavern is neces , aty. John Cowan, Presley Irwin, Wm. Canati, Samuel r arum, James IVlcAnulty, D. Meßelvy, John Patri-k. Philip Kline. Jonathan Walker, Alexander Long Joseph Wilson sen.. Thom ea BI ekir or, March 13-31.* PIG IRON. g A TONE Tennessee Mg . Iron rer'rsteOw tff A.P-* dose eansfignisent, lot fob /0. IAII6IIST, OE LIST. Wooster, Massttun, Sandusky a, auza, Norwalk, Xenia, Dayton, Scioto, Post not ek. Chi Nicol he, Fran. t. k Colo nihua, La. , castrtr, flani IN on, •Graneiile, Coln. bk. Lake P.rle. Far. bk: of Canton, Urbana INDIANA State bk. 4. Branches State Scrip, 40 KENTUCKY. All banks, ILLINOIS. Slate nranches, t aha wneeiown, VIRGINIA. 'Rank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. or Virginia, Exrhange V. VVPio. hank Mer. 4-M4v. do. MARYLAND illaitimori. Ranks, Country Rank•, DEL{ iVAR E. • All Bankp, par NEW JERSEY. All Eanka, par and 1 NEW YORK. Gl.y par I:,..untry (gaiety folic!) i a I 11011 flack, Ito NEW ENGLAND Rot.lon Rooks, pzf COUntry .• LOUISIANA Oe 'Pang Ranks. eno,l, NORTH CAROLINA ißunkQ. 2). SOUTH CAROLINA Fthnlic, 21 I'l S. 4.701,U 7'l'A flutika. ALIBAMA Good Prtnks, TENSUSEE All Bank 9, MICHIGAN Rk. of St. Clair, 10 no. dn..' {• H. Smith 19 CANADA iCnnrl 1.:1nk.. /On 10 Eastern Exchange. rial...iriphia. NPW Vnrk. .1 fln.limore, i Iln.lnn. i \i'e6.tern Flchange. ir:inclio.ali. pnr 'Lollloyloe, nay. Cleveland, i 1111 N Imp 11 nt.., par GOLD r"' NI D SILVER, par TO LET. Vt r P7l :3 , 1 inn nEMOV A. L. HOLOSHIP & BROWNE HAVE removed their Paper Stoic from Market etteet to Nu. 64 Wood di 0”e door from the corner of din, where they It.-er, on hands their usual ne sort meet of WA LL PAPERS, for papering parlors, en trieg,eliamhers. ke. and also PRINTING, WI: ITIND and W RAPPING PAPERS, RON NET BOARDS, a ll of witch they orfer for sale on accommodating terms. feh 14. 111.43.—dt FACTS SP.E. 4 IK FOR TIJR.ISELVFS---TRUTH IS COYVI-VCIXO:- Having been afflicted for nearly two year:, with a hard hWellifrj, on the cap rattly knee, which produced mur h pain, and used various npplica Hone recommended by the Faculty—all in vain was cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand• Latament, or External Remedy. Wito4ss ni' hand JAMES TAYLOR, Ohio t p A Itrtzheny cn, Pa. Jan. 10th. 11 , 149. Dr. Brandreth's Extet ual Remedy yr Linament; cold at his Mike, No 93 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRICE-_ 511 cenis per bottle. feb R. F II.N" FLOUR —Just received a few barrels of IL' Superior Flour, made expressly for family use. Fur sale by ISAAC! CRUSP.,I•IB Lib, St. In Fiore 50 barrels sop. flour. BUTTER AND LARD • JUST rerrived, R barrels fresh roll flutter, and - 20 kr7o. 11, , t role Lard from Laver, Ohio, for Pale by 100 BAGS RIO COFFEE, 20 (Matta T. 20 Boxes Tolivieo. 15,000 rb.. Lump and Loaf - Sugar 20 Boles Raiains. 10 Etiwrrii Candler, 10 starch • 10 Keza Ground Ginger. 2 •• Nuime g a. 4 " 100 Barrels Green Apples, Received on con•ig ['went and for sale cheap for cash, nEviNe. Stalm: Line warehouse. C,rnal Ba•in, Liberty .11. mar 10,1811. COP.IRTNER SHIP. /111117 ivi C li!heil have nsntorlitted In:zet li X er for one veer front lhe tat Jatith-try. let 1343. tin der the cy of fir vine 4 nutty, fur the tiorpo•te on ly of recelcli.g rind furveardln.:. Good, 1)k. D,9JVIEL .37r,11 f: 96 , (ntive on Ftfin ,feint boto.npn Wood and t , rniihfleldPiretts, der 10-Iy. II ANTED, a boy of from 14 to lti I,ln of V - A itylirtntiort to Ite made before the ftrt r i !it archio Fl, SNOW I) , f" I' 3. li4 , Liberty tread o f 11 . 001 et DENNING'S Fl PROOF IRON L'EEESTS. PITTSBURGH, OCT, 2 - 2. 1 , =.4'..1. J. Dvnninn —On Fridn C , the Mill of tont moot h. nhoul 9 n'rtr , ck nt ni2ttl.the nanlnz Grooylol and Sanh Sinn tviar tore, owned by Gay. Dilworth 4- co. Wit 1, n Inrze nit:lto:iv of recsed and Ildretied vino alt concu. rurd tty tire. The Iron 9af, which I Itou:In of yon ROMP live hark nas to the hoed rspnnett nitnntion Awing the lire, and .ynn entirely red hot —1 oht lden cr d to toforrn you It wan opened nt the rinse of the tire, and all the 't001..., piper:, hi. , 4 the reeothmehdni 101 l I Cali of the n,roy 4 , 1 yOtit safes. 0 ,- t f - Mtn .NS 11 COTT 18 W- - t, -- ATt': 43 i ... , 13. F tP F.: l;F:rwr, :)I, _ t: s NIA.. 1.,,i, , ) ,. ! .... TaCc!! AND It ‘I,. roAD , '.ii, ,, , linen P i1“ ,, ,,tr , :h, vl.i lirdfor t l, 0,,, , , , , ' ,, , ,,, ,0r:t. 11.1fri.;4.1r7, nil I nor:l , ler. to Plohrtyl p!il.,, rnotito• , ,,T will, the Mail limo of , :It% to N V . • ' ', oil. ~,,, , . :•.,,n,, 3.11 nor olg , t OW. =IMENI Parr in rh,,h,:p 6.4 I.*ar• rhavr rti 3 u'rl.le.k A. NI, °M e e vet, i'oor Prr llo•r1 Wood St . NENIIELL.C:: 111 01, WArilll Ct.) ir.!.l- v. per .0r:I ABLS OMO rer',l 4 ,1 111tl Lt,l e nod for I , v 6„„ . 7, j :Inc• 1 • • gt. 10 T:o'ret.: Tire rj. (-1 2 0 1 h'•,. Irtn• Rent. /1n. , : t , .r, I'. , //111,4i I. v Ai,. rtlil, Slotir 4 il, ---,-------- . !..; ..C,l'. , n l. -- , • , 1.'',.;;; j.,, )r:l,. lA. (. .11tetisott . , 1 \ ;•=O, t.. , ro., nn l'e 11 ~, •••1, ocenrut.l at presttnl I Tron.A - Ey .1T L.lw, 5im11,11.,1 over 711 t Crert. ~ ,t 010, , I.rte ,111 $.l; ilo, 1',;,. , ... fotto—l•unc , iilir yin 1. 1.1 46 ) , —; ar.d nznical.:e , e.t- :Is°, (1%9 1, ,11. 01 ( 1 11 1 ,11 AS 0 Grilit.ry Hi., p,.r. T'enn t:eu t tuu.t. re'. 21--10. ______ _ i VS7' RECEIVED. 1 w , .re boor: or Orar,geF and 1 ej I.oinnns, of till' flnt,t gda'l . y. for Fa', wiird:-..Fate and 1 WM, THORN, 5.3 Market Ft. I tre,A—rcnt if; per r,of ,rl,: c: iirir lip relr n slim 011 s,h4treet- $4.! !tor tray A iipty In 91:1 I;ttr,3 N, 0. }I • .1(1 r: Ire, 2111 di N. 41 Alar ., , , tei lll , do No 2 do. 7 The rOO4 5,11 . 1,11 Ilil. .111,4 rero'ved nor Elprt-se 51a.. l' or hr 3. W. (Wit Hit I Ig; ro• 41 IV nit rAI he. , tvt.r., Wood II lid :401.114'1,4d Il i ,R carrying Verchandize and Produce in and f. imi i Pittsburgh, Pbilarielpiba, RiiHonore, New VI, k and Rosion, by tbe Pennsylvania Canal and Rail road, on entirely lemnftrate principles Sloe k of ilii. line consists of new large 'Pidetva ler boats i ',alit expre , rity for Its ratite, Willi till the modern irn l proven...lit. In lin..t hiiildine; of a siipeinhundnot supply of first( rate ears nn the Poriage Railroad; and a fun stip 1 ply ills - Irmo.; and tinionodious Pennsylvania hoots hni. ~ i,.,,,,.,,,s 0 i.,,,,,,,--,;--,-,- -- -! oyn R. cou,mAs i wren John .town 11.1,, Plt 1.1.11, !.• !I ; RII of Which trio he conducted hy. soher.intl,l4,rionh 310 I.Xpertnnet d radial', gr -- 4 0 '.. E.,1f./I.Ar k 0i) .1, n• t \L. c ',is, Pnrw:i riling anti , . , _ , ,_ . , ntid,..uoer ont,nden.s., Char::rs Will he Pak M. ell t , indt N...../ 'inniiiisminti Ilorr 11.1 I „reps s rep , vick. re, si,ss Thev re:pectfiiit t o in) 'o t rol-121.1nents n 22-11 i ,, nt " na " 10 . 1. " gis"'" I' ., " '" ll" ' hur " I" I'l'lll6'4'4in. na itionre. S ew York or 'O.lO Land urn! n t 'd In Jilitvs 0.,k, t , 4. f 'rt.. Canal Raman, corner or 1.1.,0r ty and war Ivo i -F-40 02 , lorn, of ,„ r ,. 1 , ,,„, t,iiii,i,„,,,, „ 1,, „ ~ b . „,„ 0 „, sts. and will be prornpity attended 1... , ~., ~ 11 fort-i t d...d with i ll'or --- 11{ eta t. de,tnatch 11_ 41( Ihe ~1 lloz.Vlrvvvy rive, Rrlirv t vtiht! lirl' ty l' ee % All Good , and produce intended to he chlpricd mar 2 iinm A pisv 'it the house A "CIiCV Penn clree, Sit, wa r d , ' JAMES BLAKELY. Philadelphia rnal.ll‘l , r, Or via the D..lawa in anti Hr - _ lan Cenalanil consigned le Hart, A ndrew a nri ' ll cKevcr, , SPGAR ./1...VD .21.10.L.ItS'SES. 4 will he received at their wareho t ase. a rt wharf above 1. 00 Mule N, 0 Sugar. 120 hl-!. N 0. Mcilio.anti. Rare •treet, Philaiiiilphla, end shtpped directly from thence without additional handling or expense; S line of in prime order, j , ist recellwil I.V 8. H. Arcade, and fOr Ilon'on packet, ronnreln WII h the tine at this 15,1nr. s ale by J. W. MIR 13 11 HI: E k Co. Shippers ere Invited to examlnc the stock of this line mar 2 Wale, .it. lieu were Won .I and Smithfield and Jildge fresh emselves, before ehlopleg by :lei other, ------.--.7-,-.. -----------------.---.....__._....._ as their Interest will he advanced hy shipping by 11, use Ss 7110 ItittriV pinprirtora iirin.z. determiner, to evert themselve. to the M.',IiiIIT.dCTUR YR of Tin, copp er ' Red sheet Irnr , wr.r. 11,1110 of their ability for Ihe interc.t or their eosin_ lit I: .... No. 17, 1 7 ,fitt pt , between Wood and nits .l ai d prosperity ot their line. Insurance be efreetra rhea por ht. Ink line than :Loy Ettep• etteiantty on hand a goad assoilment ofwares, warea. other, ae the roll , ev In r0n..16.,.red the start-l and anlittilse share of oolitic patronage. A Ito, on hand, PROP It I RTOR , s. ihe foll IvOtt t tildes; Shovels. Pokers, Tongs. Gridirons. Hari, Andrew: k 1 1cf(ever. from Plillarictrihhs and pm Skillet., terANtips, Pole, Ovens, Catree 4 1 i I let ke. Met, limner to lintloii,g . chants me others are Invited to Call and examine for Henry L. palt,r•o,i, from fraltday. , .l), R ,0 Pit!Stltar:h therriCeiVf., tie tic is determined to sett cheap for cash or Ar;rs-r . , approver Paper. Hart, Andrew. k Nit ((e.VPr, Piiiliielp,ity . war. '4.-If Cotivt'yancitag. qJrE.. flt,./i/iEL Y. tool+ to execute 01 kind., of DA1•114, lltirtgat7e.. prirenti••es In aPrilit,S, trtlrl, of l'arlper,l.lo. l.rtli•rm of Atioro , y, 4 — ,111 n Pea, nrinner . and at old ,titrol Penu , tivel, lie lho 5:11 k,o how., 1 Fild.. , ,cobiok, 4- Co., Halt two, 10 ror sale by J G tlensy r., Patterson, Itnititt.43 rt , urt; BLS. Sp' ell, Tu.rpvitive. ?Mg day received and I.6Set! Patterson, inhetelosen. 1. 4. A. coßrons, James Dirket, et- C.l Pitt.ltnr,7ll mar i. 12 Water creel. , _ ______ ' , • Ca:LENA and DuituauE. ...4git i tip 40 ht.h., Arnim•ev. --_______ - -..-- ' - SUlriff-7-ND .14019 S‘S'E (S'. mins. s. 0. tzuzar 4 FOR ST 1.0t115% nur LI vrrroN. '6x -•„,... -.. Tip, title draught steamer CICERO, Jmit received per Stearn boa! ichlanrt, e• a foe iille l T C YET Master, will leave for t lie above andall inter- I. w. BUR MU rx11 1 :4- vo cnoiliAe ports on Wedriesdat 1.111 March : mar k• Vrat.r sr., b. iVrt•n Wale 4 end Sat ii tille!1 , Fe rreiirta or passage apply on board, or to re 27 1 A NIES MAY. az' - . 4,1. boat i. - .- , 00plie.I wilb Cvan's Safety Guard. FLOUR. 0 ,to BBL S. fresh Family Flour. For rale by mitilb mor 14. J A %IFS MAY . ___ PIG IRON. 6 ,1 TON'S Tennf a-t.e Pis —I For e....1tc1Q14 , in close consignment. by mar 14. JA MEP 11.11- RIED 10R BUSHELS Dried peaches. guy Fur Ekle tow tntt 14 SUG 'IC ;AI LASSES 12 747 fl2ar' • 19 ktits. No. 3 Masheret. Poe safe tow toclooe eonstenormi . try %tar IC JAME* MAT , -t- - - . - - - - • - - ISAAC CRUSE. 148 Liberty at If, DEVI N E. Mc'ANULTY r. r,iv0..1 by J. G. M .A. noßDir; 12 uit r jk NI E.:4 fi N {lnu.r• A er,t. 5111 Wartf NE%V A (,A AlOt)E. T nr, nnrier