Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 14, 1843, Image 3

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    immix EKOIEZIEffe TIMM.
MARV 14,
• loboi9ott- of: C.-S. Eyilter, Vog l ., Daniel M.
Carlible?)2ll4,..inkiddinifted ,to the...practice of the
law intlfeetreiport Comte of this County as altorN
ney er4tw.
Afore heft Steam Ships.—The Ameri
can says: "We learn from pretty good au-
. -
tbority that two more iron steam ships have
litlititetitrieted for, to be built in this city
as,resenue cutters fur the U. S. Lake aer.
vice. We shall give more of the particuN
larain allay or two. One or both are Baia
to be contracted for by Messrs Freeman &
K. 113 # s
-The Weather.—About four inches of
snow fell on Sunday night. It continued
to fin daring yesterday, but without any
prospect of lasting.
Almost a Fire.—On Saturday night, as
edme persons were making themselves
comfortable in Silbourn's, on Front street,
"the* were aroused by Borne of the plaster•
jig falling from the ceiling, when they dis.
covered that the floor above was on fire. It
canght front the stove, and was extinguish
ed without much injury being done. No
alarm was raised.
We are told that 'brother Fitch is about
getting a church in this city where he in•
tends to deliver a course of lectures on the
subject of the destruction of ihe world. We
question much whether there is a church in
town large enough to hold all who wish to
hear him. He draws immense crow( s
wherever he goes of persons who Pei anx
ious to know what he has to sAv. At the
the Ark last Sunday it was impossita fir
all to get in.
.12 greasy sight —Y esterday .we counted
I ,otiXteen drays "all in a row," each with a
bog — sliead ul bacon.
The citizens of A Ileghi ny must be a very
modest people. They are not crowing ov
er their success in getting up the first
Earthquake, or rather the firtst "hole in the
We know a man wno Ravelled for two
stionihs and only spent lour dollars.
has a way of doing - things, however,
Vlnch is partially original in :Ilia part of
ilte country—he walks off without paying
the landlords !
Exchange Company.—Heal the Cori ti'
tution of the Industrial Associatioti, on the
first page.
For the 11 ruing Pus
Mr. C. V. Jamisqn.
/I ..( iA S rrrttg Of.t ,
it:rto were at Philo Hall on Friday evening
last, to hear the reading,Q, ecuati: n-, &c.
of ars gentleman. I had offen heard VI , •
J a mison before, and of vayi with pleasure;
but, on the present occasion, his perh.l
- greatly exceeded my expect ati , ms
The andienee. ov.-ing to the cv,ninq heir;
wet and dteaureeable, was rmt so I.re,e a-,
41.1.1 the weather been lavot able, it on -
41mlbum:Hy would have been. Mr. J ,mi
eon is deservedly a fivor to with our citi
zens. and the manner in %%h elt he at cri
Led _ himself this evening is well calculated
1.4 tmalie him more so. His readings wire
easy. naturaL.Khastc; is recitations %vete,
as the Occasion reqoiced. animatcd. vehe
.in passioned or caltn, dignified and
pathetic. With a clear well modulated
Voice, anti a ills * Met and w. l measoted
iltelivery, Mr. Jamison herwrea, / •i• the
time, v, hat he should he. a faithild delifie
iztor of the scenes, and the feeling,.
his author intended to be pot tra, id. His
faddy in this respect, so stoldt my trails.
.Eery your attention ft om the .speaker to the
subject, that it requite. time and 1.441-c
li u Vt c,,nvirve yeu that the plea sty e
which- you in-oeirie was (lei ived hem the
- contemplation of the subject, sh.uld.
justice, be attributed to the vividness with
which it was presented by the Speoker.
I was pleased with his matter and manlier,
, , ,
anti. imaging f rom the mat Pppoilt
/If the audience, I think all win were for.
tunate enough to hear him, were equally
well picas , d
ki v E A a.: S.
10 feet water in the channel.
Aivivals and Departurss since our teat report
nnenanhela. -tape, New Oh leans
11 •Immit. Poe. IVtieun
.Mleglooly. Comae, New 0 , 1 ans.
"Se . •llow. Mds , n, d
dn.p •rn r, John,t , o. do
111ich.e.n, B heaver
icy O f le,na
DEP.4 R l'Ult
3ion•ncalir's e,
Ilie P. e, Wheeling
ilontezmn., Mortin, St Louis
luip,rter, JAnston, St Louis
i t ir•nn B Be
Tar kit Cil.tin 'au 6.1 , 1 h ethi )
log parav - aphs:
Last night the weather turned warm,
.stud 8 heavy rain let in, accompanied with
,ibunder and lightning. Spring is coming
• The Miami Canal is open again, and
twita arriving and departing.
There is every prozpect that the Queen
of the. West " ill be raked again.
The Gen P host, says the
Cin Si'. i t a hval loss. The passelig , -ra
Were all saved except one p.olig 'Man
The baggage. &e. was She lies alum!
six poles hrlt w I,nukport. Miss., 200 feet
from the shore. her hull bri , ken. Stitt ‘‘
rounding to at a wowl pile when she struck
susg—steam was put ran—the head
-formeg into the "treaty) to hopes to run 1. ,
the other Aare, but in the middle of the
*river she gave a lurch and sunk immediate
ly to the cabin floor.
- . - 73) - 36 --
W Corner of Wood 4.Fifth Sts.
THE prOprielOlS of the MORNING Pore and MiliCtßY
LND ANUPACTURZR respectfully Inform their friends
and the pat ronsof those papers, that they have a large
a nd well chosen assortment of
r3IC"JIinIIP•3IIM 430
Nece.4sary ton Job Printing Office. and that they are prr
pared to execute
It tfobs of 'Blanks,
Start, Steamboat, gad Callai Beat Bills, with app.-.
prials Cuts,
Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms
We respenifullystsk the patronnge of our friends and
he public in general in Ihls branch of our business.
Pittsburgh. Sept. 39.11141 PHILLIPS SMITH.
A new and much Improved form of Blank Leases, for
sale nt the office of the ••Morning Poet•"
Caveat entetel 91h Juor, 1342-- Paten' granted to
Beanßr•njru in lie,h,`23th January, 1813.
The extracts of which Bruodieth's Pills are cnnl
no.ed are obtained he this oovi patented process,
without ho line or any applicetion of heat. Tr, ac
tive plincipl , of the hot bs thutO •cured the same
as it is Pt the
• •
p„h. shim dbe C:11:10'‘,1 I er
eittniiieede in ad ei , i-item , woleo I.oin me, in
,diicit the l'ittyrt:mrrintitit Nonni Rs ste-tht my tan
tge. tncrrli :i;101-10.:, the n. 10,. Time w,ll show
w , ,,10 ,. / 0 dee i ers in their (rile light,
- -
THE 11.:1)1 , 21NE OP PEOPLE
(Ij•- B . : ANDRI'.7II . :' , F11.1.,S :Ito the People',. ,
:%le. l l. I 'e, proved by 1... wand.. %dm dady 11,•1 Wit.
men.l the I. to the atilleted. The !ill A :';DIZETIi
D11,r.5:,r,,,,,A.10g every dit more poptil •r, their l
,i,tues are I'VP , li g . .h.j; 11,e1..h,,5, Th, ,i, , r
1 , 411:1 ~• \ ... .r.• d.‘ily .1-rt. i. ;„,. lieu lit iron t ~ .m
N. ca ,-. ,C. d seose but .11.. t cat. he ........1 ~. Ill' :f.'%'311- 1
twee. 1;101.11111 h'll , llll . llps H V.. ..hot II CV Si‘":l
- v cit re, co w.th ery•T •' 4 , , Si) 01 1 1 `alt 'l,lllll. SO ',
Nc . l h i..di4e-ti ... .41 v l / 4 ~ l i .0.1 L 11.......1 ...I is, wo 01th
em ,,,,,,,,,, 0 oil' c,111!•'1', , .11 s , l li h 1 11.11C , e , i I i''
, 11 :I CI. ke. alt 41.• moil, 1,..t ti...1 . :11C e I ,s , Ih,
111e .1, e 1, e. and iii. y „ill tied i.e , r e l .,. e , r) other.
So d a . 2 - , c.o.- l e T ll 'x. ‘,1111.1,ie.-10 ..:.
(1 , ..e., \ e ILI. new 'at , e's e.o h I avii.o It; ,1 , . it to o
• of Dr. It. an +fel.. S i ea Ii b x of 01.
p•lnoi, e ha,l•ox -1141.1 , 11 . etc — t.lie • B tij .11.1 , 1 Bratid
-1 teth art Ito e.• B. j , ,, ~, ir, h ~i , ,) , 1 it.
The 1.N1.1 . P1.A , 1. in P.t.sherg.l i. , ...1.e e the REAL
Brall.i.eth ri.'s eAN BE 01:1T. , .1 , :t D j , the D.,-.or's
rrvo ()flier!. N•I 03 ‘‘....0d ..t.eet, he.weefi F.t l b
wel pi , m lid Alley. Mark. ~ lie lit..m. rii• - . B. an •reth
P I 1...a1l ii.ver be , in,i , cd in an, DH VG , T. fir:
The I 1...,A. rig rt. e toe IIN I,Y AGENT: - :, p..int
...I t.v I.li. II It l a IVlreli, for tile ih!e of ~ is \ egela
h'o 1.:1111 , 1 ,- : 1 1 P 11 , 1 , 1 Al:re' er•V C(1,111 . v.
l' , 111 , :lp . I ( )ill'e, NO 93 \V" ~I SI. l'it,ho , gi.
Ni. Jot , . i:,....-- A'i, , a 00 , y.
IZ.b". I ['n . e la - 13 roil ~ I,a 0
t! F l):• ! 1-1.:1H0e.1i.,..n0 11.
11. lI,Wil , d •.-11eN . e..... rt.
Fn , , , 1r ~,,-11 a-.to ILI.
joint .10 . 4.“; n—N ~.!, to'N n.C
irS-M .11 A.... S,....,ll.l.sg—S•eAarts'ol v r t .
Ii lie. I Siii...l I'..re.— 1'....-:l,ttut.
rvi cv.
I , R C n is).
1V ~, I) I I ,In e —1! I 14.
!ED sr.A.Tris
P t)111' A ISLE 1194 T LINE.
For rhe Trans port,t,on of Mere-handl:6 and Product •• • -
rhpiett tire hei.or
PIT I.SPC: (: .I.VD PHIL: EL ULM AND g l , a n, Grr re,ll, ,pyr•.ll gall I,nn:eq nenr the Awet:•
inc hon of rbr. ?,I',eri ,, or in r a few
arre= or I, ,11,1 rotacbcd to end:.
A N nosToN. j ,rr 13--ti F. G
N , l 51 Th rd Qt.
D EVI NI; Nlcl lini In toe pub _
'nor \ Lot, nni it r.
n!”.VP I. l ne 011 a .10 I,•ra•a 1,41,1.•1i 1:"It,f•-,' 1,1
0 ,, g• 41• 42.;_'..13.51, IRI. 1;;. -.1 1 ~6`, NI.
„I f, \ 1,1% 1,0- 26 :wit 27. is.
nn 1. 1 11 110 111211 11,
For tornts 10 Z. IX rIrl!I NGTON.
'l'w• p111•It; 11.1:! et i.“lp I fir
111 Tr:in-It-TIN , inn on tn.. tvi•icn :Orme
H earn Le %, , •••441rV rxpe•t+'+
In rale-; that will now It, IP.e L-d;
Peon.% Itt.tlint harm: pl iced k• on lint It ntl
no,nIF 1 a loeltut Ow nl. I'nrl Odle rw:,t , nip e• ;41 , ' , 11
lo lied !••r I lie l'artvitl2 l'ratint and ..uct, ,, olany to rout
p. 1.• wish
1,!“. I=rnmpn±rA of Twenty , B , CIIOI ,
por , 1.109?.. .0, tied by I h•-•
l he n , urrtl lnnrr t, ne ewer p. icing, inaust How+ .a. 1,1 1
xt n ryoyy,l l!onioo•o.
The so ,yriro:O and ..Iffs• of the Portnhle E10:11
over f•rt , V er no - b•le ono, ore too
k.k4111 , 11 In Innnfleff leflrCiii v.'o ryqovry comfort:l; Fill% 'I
fire it In e.er. I lint ' , et rain , lost.separal ion dais-'
ofifff PO (300/f. if.V.l,l”ik.v ;LI f nlin2 th ree Trans hipment s
het wytot Rod Vltildelphia are try the Puriehie
lion' effertoollo removed
The en „ :0 ,,,, rt,,.,, p he ?rent advantage Inn,
of le111.! n . 1•11 re;iti:atpl att.l eoel ;n Summer; which pre.'
van's Roar from soaring, n,,1 Baron and Tobaccu flow
Il t ,t,te 1. Mf Afill , lV, MA nti Itt2 a• I hey da,hrtween the
owner= a znad., tid Iha Mo;lttit,i who carer 'hero, and
eq ially jet, test. din pi too-tin-2 I 10. intereeia of both, %vPI
mak*: no plililli , Cii to the pubic they will not faithfully
They are now prepared to rarely- and f .rward Pro
,I t h•e I, Pi t ,;,l, I,,hi:t. I..illilliore, N. Volk, a , eil ternt ill
ie Itteidirir:e.o time and Me 121. 111(”0.1' , ‘'P , 10 , 11, 1,00 FOR RIENT.
„n c n„,...„ „in" with a' r r thir-i,. in iiiwny , ,tu e.,t r i m,ii. ik ..1 - /) nor:ewe:hut ti iv. el on I le• I -I. a A ••rit net' ; a
ear"' mit lire iirincipes. f 111-ir Lerc,and contract lOr t % hark Istin,t. ("1 i he. a..le. or it, A`roeheav river
frni7lll itti 1,1.,,,,t, St
lokrin.. I,vo atiiree: I evi. 4 enmfmi:ih'si roormii, Iteareln. r.•1 , 11f :rod
07't o n &ere 'p h enol , PI •Qpriirilv 1 ,- , 0, , P ,1,1 ,:hipp,,,, t0.Ct1e, v,,,, ~ ~, ea in ,„,, ~..
or 20 .ric la ripeti pole , of lo•nranre ha+ heett e fie., .1. flit , tine. WWI a In i va..w of lie• on y of i 11..., ~,y, and
, wi,n.l, nil nu. rho ~V,.• ~.,,,,,,,,i I, thei I, ir e wi ll h e within 10 onnutee' walkout the httr.et or 'I, r.,‘ —ft 1.1
very low, .1 1 AI Ed HI, AK I:I-V.
IP-need wino ut tin: nd lit luinal X11P.1. , . , 0 rhe t)ice,f
L),.v.w t At M e Nniili , will arrive MI PrWit. , ern , NiZurd n' n ' 13 Plooqe Agent sthWt,,d,
to theta at Piii , hitrcei. einv freicht wet chaichs to rehrotioi
Bonn- a.ill foruntri the a imp witlioile delis' In Philade , - i 0 'lie 11 .nornWe the Jud : 2‘s , of th, Cor of
phi., 0 'I , i..f.'. Nev York, earl Poston without any G..per,d Quiart• rSt ssion• , of the Peace in and
charge fur oda:kr:rine or oneonii-ision. fir the Couniy of Alleulicov:
DEvt VF'. ek- Ate A NULTY, Aentr ,
The pet:llion of :silos D Pryer, of Lloper St,
Canal Bast”, Liberty 6,P. 1 , Pi110 , 11 , ,1h.
Clair 'Township, in the county afore-aid, humbly
"I'llog Bort Rini; t•t, Agent,
.272 m n , l / 4 0 ~,,.• 1. Phitaoelphia. 84 " we ' h--
MoriliE CT! SSE kernis, I That your petitioner has provided himsel with
material , for the accommodation of traveler. , and
Narch lii. 1..".4i 75 flowley's Wharf, Baltimore.
whet's, at his dwellin.7 hmice in ,he town-hip afore
TO the lionornlile, the bot , zes of the Court of Gener - slid and prays th i' your I Iminrs will b , pleased
al ailarier 5 , -si:ioti, of the Peace, In and for the, t o Err , ,nt. him - t license to keep a Pu`dic Hose of
comity of Aite:tniy: E,tertainment. And your petitioner, a , in duty
The oetitton of Z. rah Wavden, of P.lizaheth Township
h-ip d, will pray. SILA 4 D. PRYER.
In shirt ffltPlly, reepecifitlty ,ho we it,_
We the s,i•ser iherg, citizen.. of U pp , r . 4 • . Clair
That lie o eiropi• , a I 011.1" nn the In rnpike road lead
j,., r . 0,„ Wien ite.thin to Tliie.ii.i,,,, w e it ch ea Wt.?! ra. ~ ccri,r 'hat 'he above poll torwr i- or ff,, ,, ri r, , -
ru at, d fir a 1 • 1 , 1. 1, 1 or le .114. ~i pnhl, t.,,icr.. le rit. hi, 1000 for hone• - tY and t mnoer •nec,..nd io well ~ro
.ind prays your 11Cenurs In grant lila, a licehee for th vide I with tion , e r unn and C ,11/t , 111'. , C.t . t1 tor the
accommodation awl Viri t ringe of ctr,overs and tray
ZER AH W AVDEN, eler and that said tavern 1 , iicccs-a , y.
Ti,.' ~,,4,,,,ivart riflr iis Of Ell7..lityl 11 '111W11.11 , 11. .a j o ho rowan, Pre-lev I , w'll,
aperefillea cerlifir• thet. Zer.th Waydeo. the :naive nom's ACm, Carlin, Fiaereinii I'anan,,
~r , ,,,„,. to a v t.,ll,..t a tt ~rl.,nd repine , Ilr honesty And 13 ~,,,, m e Amilty, D McKelvv,
,c,perance. ..eel h. we I iirnVi 1,1 with liniew room and , , p, , i Filth,. Kli tee
conveniences for the Ref.., 1111 l red:neon and lodaina of ''''"" ' ', '' k .
Jonathon W liter, Aletrander Lour,
a.rangere and tiavelere, and Mat li:lldt:evert to I.:aces-stir v. •
Henry We:4 ay, Zach-as neon, - J ,schh VV i con non,, Thuirsas Blucknnore.
111 , :th A :t.-Iceitte, Jahn lt,lie. March 13-3.."
..I.•s•p' , liatol.-0 1, A NT Kiril-y, _-- -- —
.Ih. Vanki , jr , • Writ MrK.fil•v, PIG IRON.
vemind, , wiison, . Thnroaa Wa , ran,
William Woods, Culbs , tM a ttis, 6 4 T9NI3 TannerP*l Pig flow Tor rate low to
Msrob 13,184 31 -- 41. 41 close• - •• 7 '' '..4
Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Bill Heads, Cards,
Blank Checks, Hai Tips'
c oßawrix alum, it ALLU rsalaß. ticaAllas
Rank of Pittsburgh. par
Merch. k Man. bk. par
Etchance bank
Ilk. of Germantowr.
flavton lank,
Lancaster hank, dig ii
Bank of Cheerer Co. par
Partners' bk Bucks Co. ••
Doylestown bk do ••
Bk of N America Phil. ••
Bk of Northern Liberties, ••
Commercial bk. of Pa. ..
Far. 4- Meehanica bk. •
1 Ren..lngion bk.
Philadelphia bk.
Schuylkill bk. •
Southwark bk. •
VVestirrn bk.
Bk. of Pennsylvania, ‘lll
Ilk of Penn Ti. par
1 Man. 4- Mechanics bk par
Met:banter hk
Moyamensing Lk
Girard ha, k.
U. :limier. hank.
Lumbermemo, Warren,
Frank. hk lA'asitin2ton, par
Miners bk of Pot tsvile. 5
Bk of Montt:ornery Co. par
Mon. hk Browessille, :I
Erie Bank. 5
Itarrislin rah bank, 51
Far. hk Lancaster, lit
Bk of Middletown, 44
Bk. of Chamitershurgh, dal
Carlisle hank, di
Bk of Northumberland, 44
Columbia bk .i. Bride cc. '2
!Bk Susquehanna Co• Hi
flkof Delaware Co. par
fiLebanon bk. 44
Celt shit reit bk. 44
1 York hank, 4/
Fat. tuovers 1 , 1:. of
Wayne:4 , ll , 2li,
•• •t Cu, (este) . notes, ft
0111111'4 hank.
COll O ll y do do
Ft r•rka 0 hank,
1..p0 . 1. , invY 0
TO W.ii ila
Mountpleagaot hk
Far. Mech. bk of Stem
(leitnont bit tl St. Claira
Mar trita bk. fleni:ind
Cto r 'row v no , e‹,
I'c in ffilo:11 , 1 New
Ao P“ct
Om , at. ~pt cif , pay
N 1 ec h. k lrr3.lors ni
-11,,,i0” Ilk ~r 1 .,,5,, m i,,,, , i • Ouri ,,, wi. po.
1),,,,a,t nn'. es. 1 i LoiIIAVI,,P. 11:11
I 'irrivVlll. , 01.1.3V:relief: reVf!laffil, i di ,
II NIII•Plitle, phr
101( - )1.D r 411 SILVER. D.,
t .° l
rr r S.. TO 3 "'t upl.f, ,nn,. a 11, 1-"rr.cr I.
• A i,,,1.,,., fl',i ~11 , 1,,,,1F. 1.0,v or:lpted by PI
A 1,-'O, A ~ v, ,lot v Ilrirk Mu's', nn the rorrt,, of
~,,i t-,,,,, .1,,...10, ..11 , 1 ...0 II" . a DO,lOlll
11.'11 , 1 . 1111 , i
6 nol,, v Si. , u• . . .... 171111111(V lf .111‘I ES 111 AY .
4-1.10, 1 F01 1 . RENT. -.‘ ,tpkv hr,rk
•• h.j5••, , ;11,1, It, C.lO lie;tr 7th .trnel
ror tcr,.., which v.. 111 titT,l, •.0111, to
dr , 30--1 f. Tllft , , Ht./ tWiMr4 1.0 el
, s. n• of tile orrooool 11. .1
Il:ul I
=III rn a A 11r , :On ...I .ro , know
i n Nesoo , Loo! Itoom,'• of xVoo.I ,1..1
!Yl reels I t.qu I,r f.f lolrow. 2 :
lro Le!
A CF.L.L.Vi tin U 3,1 :-. tt,l
i ,o,int, and runs in Ow'
' °rot .." I, try ',ltem"! “all on XI irk• I %trew; w••
I'd i'or Law• o ftlres, or for attv ttQtar. , . tetrttrm: a r u
atot rel.tv Drees. froth a ttli.ute ,, str , ro•
AL , O, a Ilwel inc [louse on ‘larlset street cottlai , .l , :
dry ronni. A. comfortable kitehett.
A L,c), 1,111 SifICP loom on Third at , ”ritrly op
n,..ite the Pr :t effirr at pr. , e,ent occupied 6. Brown A.
II ay n.md 35 a I.:1111'1 , 10re,
Al. , 0 the 1,11.1 :iod airy otheron '3d to. at ioestknt or.
Hotitc .% gcncy.
Nil. G wr.l ..f the Nlnr!...t Wm. - , Penn sl.
slli N.Vard, I l ott.bnrzit l'a. .
r„F., 4,ll,erilter hay ti. 2 fur a number of} ears I eel,et,
,:aa...1 In re. , i-g el v properls , etillevlttig ril's i re,
,lid 55,-.10112 10 e zio,d ht.: 6114:1,/e:, in (1.1,: n•Hy, rr-peel.
luay otkr , .. IttA ..erVieve to itiiii.e Ilfq.ollo 0W1.1..ff, or Wiwi
1,100 have riutrae ofororn . •iv as Ex , rniors. illinini-rrn
: tore or Gun dans. in the elly or vo t io rte., fled wli,i ii i i,v
nor have tel - ttre to Intend I , I , ‘l , ..inselve - sin rcill 1i.“11
111 , 20, IVA rellon , ,z. F•.l ,11S, I.ol+. .Fr, Al.t. I.) rollt,
ren . e. divi.'eolle, Groom) twit' k,.... A rei i i , tir i= leo!
where a rivi‘rriiit ion Of all Oriiiirrt tee for relit will br et ,
leteil free of ciotri!e, reiery lite In resiivri fully tiller( ii Ili
n. 4. follnuttie 2euilemen for t, lino the soli.eriiier bee
1 h„,„ 02,,,i fir :Dine velre p.p.ii_—%leptere \!irlinel Alb-it,
I ..
P. sir rortitieL , 1111 , 1 Little:a ii;. I 'raft. F., - .11., Pitt .'•iirg v; la..
siii,i.E,:q. Er, °peal) ,N e ....ki, rhii;,,t ; N 1.•.. Jolla Prows, \
oiriiiineliiiiii; 11. Nteleintin. l'itivittnit t l; ()lintel {Wit,
Strube'. pill, Jo.ppli Millar. Liiwretirevillei I , llle Thite 0
Petet Liberty; Daniel Rasher, Minn t0.v11211111 , , Dar !Pi
Der, ,,, r. ,. ,Fo.vick l ey,
' f. h 23. J XIME3 BLAKELY.
Post no% es,
Fran. 14 Columbus,
Com. bk. Lake Eric.
Far. bk: of Canton,
State bk.tt Stanches 1►
State Scrip, 40
Alt hanks,
State Lk k Branches, GO
Shawneeiewn, SU
Rank of V44441n1a.
do Vabay,
Far. bk. of Virginia,
EkrbanKe bank,
NI, Weal, hank,
Mer. 4-Mee. do,
Baltimore Banks,
Country Banks.
All Banks,
All Rant., par and I
City Rinke, par
,r,tintry Ilan I,s,
(safety ) it a 1
Red Rark, to 1
,Roston Ranks, p
'Country • .•
tht7lPl A N A
,Orlrnne Ran kF, 20n.1. 3
Bari ks.
I 'ls. CO LI; NI A
Good Prud;. , .
Mt. of St. f:,oir, 111
110. 0.. .t; 11. 5 . .1011] 111
Enst er E 1( lit it
New York.
- 1-1 11 1 11 M
HAVE removed their Paper Store from Market
street to No. G 4 Wood street. one door from the
corner of 4th, where they k•-epos hands their usual as
sort meht of WALL PAPERS, for papering pariors,en•
tries,ehamhers, tc. and also PRINTING, WRITING
all of which t hey offer fur sale on accommodating terms.
felt 14, 11143. —di f
CONVINCINO:— Having been afflicted for nearly
two years, with a hard swelling on the cap of my knee,
widen produced much pain, and used various appllca
lions recoininended by the Faculty--all in vain was
cured completely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand
ret Linament, or External Remedy.
Witness m!• hand .1 A NI E 8 TAYLOR,
Ohlo tp Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 1840.
Dr. ftrandreth's Este, ual Remedy or Litiament; sold
at his office, N 0.93 Wood street, Pittsburgh, PRI CE--
50 remit per bottle. fen 8.
Fmit.x n.ouß —last received a few barrels of
Soverior Flour, made exprea.ly for family rise. ror
by ISAAC CRUSE, 148 Lib, St.
In store 50 barrels pup. flour.
TUST received, 8 barrel■ fresh roll Butler. and 20
• kegs first rate Lard from Dover. Ohio. for sale by
148 Liberty st.
20(Maoe Tea.
20 Brae! Tobacco.
15,000 tbs.Lumpsod Loaf Sugar.
20 Boxes Raisins.
10 " Sperm Candle!,
10 " Starch.
10 Kegs Ground Ginger.
2 '• Swung.
4 •• Indic°.
100 Barrel! Green Apples
Received on ccrolgnment and for sale Cill'aP for cash,
State , Line warehouse, Canal Bain, Liberty
mar 10,1841
/111/E n.snrinted 1114,1.1-elvr.
or for on, vcrir from lice 1.1 Jnoonry, 1, , 134.3.1111
drr the sy le of I 1( viho 4- Vic I,llllly, for 11. e purpo.e
ty of toc..iviol.r arid forwarding Co
11. nECl'r.-
o,ar 10 C A. M CA. NULTY'
1) i t
1 :i w l e ) . " : 1 : \, : f i 1..1 I ;
and .‘r-i •- ,T E
rn . i ' t i t: t" . l e i ' d ) 6 2: re:;: ' l' r i ; : 1 • I t. h . 0 r ',l, tr: e'
iy o: A lieulteni:
, 'Pri it.. 1,1 hilt n( McClelland A. Armor of Fiedialp
-ITT 4 1+111:G41 0111'1Th STING AND R F.PP.R ENc c , .
.. . s •
~,,,.,. 7 .,...„,
~ ,„, v a ,•,,,,,, 1.1 ~ 1 ,; ~, ~r ~,,,. I I !..1 BR ‘ll , l of 11 eliziouv.ltivintira t ,Prill• lent .fl oft to .6 I , I ` l :" „ :' l ::' ,,, lo : , : ' ,' l d iu r o ' 3 ,„ . " . ' d ':::,• ,‘ " e i : t t r i. r o l : i u .e qY roo Bll . 'w . e n t d n e - otemid.
4 , 1
. 4,
i,,,, In , t. „ ...,, , „ ,,, her, ,,, ow n ,,, ~, dare,.,,) . , 1;1111,3114 Wnrl.v. will he open every day. '...- 1 101,:tili ex. ,
tr., fur Inc lecul m,wiatinti or vtrui rrs 4 Ild IlliVeierli -
Fl, tft',NOWl-11:•:, , revved, "inn) 7 n', lurk. A M..orii n 9. P M.. in IN. r .,. ;-: • • . , ---,
.i '-'• I 'll"i' sin " 1 : : " c d r i \ s ':::::: 2 ' ; I ,, t i r , ty l . , ii , , , ..5 i 1 i r ,.. ::.11:1 : .i t . , i l ,:rfu: . .r.. t l7l , :ii n r c e ri t , i , l e , i ' a e l t t r, ' : U h “1 , 11:? 1, 1. 4 1. 3 * h:e 1 rl i t. :::::: o r li n r y ; r 3 oo„ b r d hO bS se n:
1 1 ' 3. tf.1.4, Ltherty Ite-ol o f 'i'l oo t.t , ' ll, rig.' ntitiat o 2.enrn e r
.._ l 011ie V. nere iiinrlonl ;01r...tuner will be 21vriot In'
. , . ...----
- 1)E N XING'S FIRE: ['ROUE 111()), Ye . ri 10
C. I I F,S . I ' S.
„,,,,,„„ L,.,,.:.,„.,,nt.
l'ir r,:r•KG,i, ()Cr. 2:?,, Pr'..l 2. I
!. T),...,,,,N0_r),, r.,..,v. ~., 3011 , or t,,t ~,0,,,,, , ~, how 1
'l WO rk At lit , :iit. 'to. 1'1.0.111: C•orivite2 and reap Man 1
tii . :ir , nt V, 1/kV11...1 l'y 1:1, 1,1 1,1 W Orth k Co. With a I etr.:e 1
41,111111 y of ,ire , , , l and iiitiressed lumber, was ii' cutiNu
toil' ~, tire
'roe Iron Pal,. whit Ii 11.01110 of von girlie 11 - ne hark
1V,..t It, 11, 11.0-1 .Xl l lll=l,l Fllllll l ion ittililiZ blip lire, a,,,i,
V., 0. 1 1. 1 1, 1, ' r•.. 11,01 —1 :1111 y , e I-.,1 I” ihfor , i , lon it WAS
.kp.•1,1..111P...1-1.......11f 1111. fir... 11 1 111 :ill the 1 , 0 1 .1 1 V, paper-, 1
11--.1V1..1.:1111-1,1,111 hest rer.oninientlation I eat. goy,: ut
the 11, by ••I your cafe!.
o 12-I—'l
X 3-1.
F Br. Ent7nl.[ , ._e Else Or S . T.,CIC9 AND
AI. E.o ' , II P I:4111,211. vi 1 1 1 ,11 ., ‘1.
II ~,,.10,r;2 11,1 1 :Int . :L.-ler. 10 1 . 11/I‘o ,l
.10 0,11 , •t 11:11 . • II:1111 14 ~ r,I to NV.
1;1111111... 1 ,1,N0 :61..1 11!4::1
si ~',•. r ick A
0 d al \lore-him , : lIo Vp I 111:00i1, 1
41!firt RELs ”ot..issp.S.jqo recd per s!, am
Ity t Li: ,', r! d !or s”lv I , y
J 11' !'U^f It I 11C: F: !
Rt. 6,•!5ve..0 ,t,- Stioll fi Y.
Fry, 11 To!r, re:prrifil tly tp 10 , 11. 111 v 1 ha
7.'1, Vt.r:i }l'll - I X1•1•11..lif , in I , le h•,l Yllnll.l in
the tr.ooern ri , e- ey 1,3 p, 0.,..11,1114•ir Ns•ty a 1.1 11104 Ct
in '11,1,11 ,onv h ip frOlik Nl:irkfo, and io•ntly I 'nln l .. l et
no-t otfev, µ-11,v theV ;ire ort•pniefl 10 vv , r me all
.it I, h.. !hint , 110 e. 111 a n.a....er uu-nrin,..ped
fint n , Jet eja..ll-1.1....1 1 1 In the (Alt'. ninth•
cgir 111, pernilon of 111.. 111.tc1 ttro4 , 'roi Fl t.Je
POI I, 11 , PO Wit.litat! t• 101 lie, lltitle ill a , fit opt
could lid it to lit . ll' ittltll - ht to tic. I ',Ali a
%V. wi-h 11 i . rilthlir 10 understand thrit ttik I s l int in
len led 1 nitiouil I lip r 2 . 1 , 1 uls r
.t.t. as to style 111 , 1• c 1 ,111e.0.•
.1 1. r♦l
1, 1 ,0 N.11.,F, OR EX 'FIANCE FOR .4 GOOn
F 91. 2r. u. d "II Cost i 1..1 )101 , (~1
3,,g1 it 1011
1.1 , 11,$ ctu• 711 f„ 1
thf• (“1..•r bllll r , nl f r $42110•
" .1 1,1-e ;it r In..t 0 ,
r!lt. irrr it., Il is 1 .1.0;..• Iv , 111 Le ,tl , ll Ii.CV 11W ea , il I'.
••\ rt flr m.'...1 g (1(1 I III) it
o,e, r,l N•ch,4o, NV!..ollor 1. It i,-
1,0021.., Grr.eral A2PEIry Find
tir) 9 r“... fin 9.
o. arc
I*k day received by
S , eamrr NlassanuEetts. Atid for .a'e
J. G. 4. A. GrIIIIVIV.
mar 9 12 %vat., cl
, t t.. $101) .A pply Al TC r
N;• , ,i1,0 Avt.cy, 16 Ft urt h tlt'r et,.
,rri , 4
6-1 ha."' f",
lOC iltl,ltnee 1..M1L 1,.11
.Ilio I,t 4 3.. d 5 1if) , 1 ., 11 , 1 , 11rp1e tri3OW
71n.1'l i • r: OI I 11..7! II VII. .1 551111 ci.ep lAA d , w
11, .1 ti thdliw claY< lie t‘ ; 1 10 , 11 A..
..1 C ^ %CrQ. 7'l“ ,
ICi.k.•••vt•tle, Ty./ {{role., and Wier ras , ingi.; Cuunirt
Carpria, Corn Itrc,ngs and
IS %Al' 11,111111'., 41Pni.
11nre11 4. 4- Cons %ler 9, Fifits pt.
E romn nrconi,d ' I,•rru:ur Sot:v.l,r_ au renun
jill•frirt" - • -,, 1536
• •• •
A rn Pled at Pre , e"'
a ; a 14•11I”..-$ 4 I'C'I vP 3 r.
VtAf.,l.vo n-rni•wd ae n Grocrty store. nil Fen.
r t`vi tt.ji; oer year.
b e, a cm.itt nrlrC 11.1,4. in the rear of n . mole:toe
~rne, snti.il.reet--rentt $4 leer year. A iin!y no
Hoube ACeint. 5111 Ward.
Alt Gnoci. anti pro, ,re ildrneed In hn. shipped from
Phil:144;1411 or t'a :Le rt. law., le and R r -
tan Capal,.irrl riii.l:tied to it ,rt, A , idrew ono WiCe•er
pill be rerrAved at 11,11. • fir-t wharf ahoy.
fl ll= N Sit2nr, Paco street, i shipped diiiirtly fin..
a k , -2.30 ititi,S N U. Mritasses
Cience wit hoot 0..ne11 , 12 cafien-n; a linen;
41) Tierce: Hire. Pr, on packets coni..-ri: icl.ll C el p
211 ft 'Co 3 Mackerel, Shippers Ku' lhvilell to rxatn're!hastork of this thp
11) do NO 2 do.'" jtidiza for thetmelves.l oi,ippip b . , by an. other.
7 Tiereeo Sperm Oil. mina reeeveil per Ert Exprr-se !.
J. W. RIT RBR I DI; Cu. i 11
11 "*" . iw e r e " v "" "V'n' by It, tin
Ntsil and for sale by
whip, m
w.en kV
and smahh ,,, d. proorlr•tors 4 , 1112 (I..termi civet ed to civet theitisolv,. to lb.
mar 4. most of their ability for the intere,t of their cnsto
ntefg prosperity their line.
Conveyancing. insurance can be effected cheaper by this line than ally
11.9.1/ES BLYIKELY% towinfies execute an ch ,
other, as the reuse is considered the sorest-
Deeela nor':l:tees. Apprentices In PROPR I ET011.7 4 .
demo es. A rticlrs of 1 , 301 , v-oil , . Letters of Attorney, Bart, Andrews 4- NICKPVPI. r Philadelphia and Bat
iti a nent and Irgai manner and at half ot
boars to 14oilidaysl.iircr.
Ofinef c. a hi , tiltl sluod PCIIII i.treet , 11P 1 1 11.• 5111 '
(leery 1.. Peterson, front fladidaystiorg to Pittatiuro
nl r 14.1 enes,, AGENT.;
hurt, nrirviv , McKee.- Philadelphla
Et6d..r,G..l,,inp ,
Hem y I. Paoter.oo.
)..acne Pint J011. , 10 , V n.
Pit , -le , 'II
\lrpoL,s n
COL E.114X Cl) .11 P. F•erm.nii.g nal
Merril:l,i 4 r vrP 11 Tref. Virko.ltre,
Thety re4ttrel ()tilt' N. 4 t rettici!r 1 - 11•1 , 11 F. 1131-If
For It eat.
'lVpß?termnrtrwr Two burkti.t. 2 . Im=nn the habk • p o r N
or the ,ii, r. f.,„ y r i v r, :wpm tt r ty brte oak
AP I;; ;; l Iv at
11'3'124' Agency, P"" • s'b Just re ‘eived pest Stearn boat A F.hbrort, roc NNIe by
JAMES lILA K ELY. ' J. Vk'.l3Vl:PßlS'e;g4“ * . l
Water .t., betww.n 'None and B.riti I.llod
00 " ' .5" ' 'ticnr.
(J OHN J. MITCTIELL--minr. ey Lew. utrir,
20 N 0 7', cor-er Bn.ttbfisht /gut sth wig . Pittsburgh.
hi prime ordc.r. fast rect •vS. R. A rc-els, ar.el fort rg- Coliccitous made. A 3 eeeteole w o od to au
sole by 1. W. Putt re• care will he poo l s', o tteoded to.
Rater !I. between Weed and Sagt!rreald feb
Y fki(lNTAct•r.
For Rent.
--- ~.. .
FARE*REDUCED• 410 the Honorable, db• Jar* of hiiikapool
, -
was Hi -*
R • 1 J. Osn•rallassarterfostssiots• oftbf
Ow The GRIAT CrattrOtAll 24 " 1 ". ..., ' —.- :"...A 6 1. " " tir the conntv of Allegheny'
VIII 111.1.Tlitolta ant) Olito u•lt. ranks , ~..eare•
The Petition of Jonathan Peters. tf 61/ .44 ,
- 7 - i s Ar-- - -1,4 r,,., Township. respectfully shosteth, Thai bell if mirth
kg",,:; -1.7•
~ .‘,„...x1 1 ,-i,,,- . ., • .a.-,„ - c-- - 5Nk . ,... provided with holm roe and other ctantsalliew
- for the accommodation ofstrangere and tratabsra,sl
E i• line of U.S. Mail Coaches for waskisgtois.City ,
the house no* osrupied by him as a tavern; awl be
IA Baltimore, Pkiisde/pAta and New /ask. .'s. desirous to continue in that bushman, is •WO
This line
in fall operation and Iravealtlabargli daily It. .
at 6 o'clock A. aL, via wasiiim:sor, Pa. atd national your te.Triors to .. gr ant
_ Hirt a bronze to keepers Ina 4
road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road house or Foblic rAtertainment. And
AN he seldom
co's. to all the (those places: Travellers will find thin pray joNATET PETEKS.
a speedy and comfortable route, It being a separate and The undersign , d, citizevs to township tea
distinct Pinshuieh and Curritmrland line, facilities will he Opeellylly Cattily, Mint Jonathan Peters theabirs'osultet,
afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Eaed a pplkant,is a gooileman of good repute tor h onest*
era coaches furni'.hed at the shortest notice, wito the and • temperance, a n d is well provided lritti WOO
privile:r of acing through direct, or taking ene night's
room and conveniences for the ac'egaitnOdati da WO
rest ar their option. lodKing ofstronsmrs Anti traveler
Fare from Pittsburgh to Baltimore,
Plttshteg to Relay house, $lO.OO IS nece<Lare
y ( or the accommodation of the pudic
1 91102: . !Aid t bat said tagseiC -- -••"
Whence to Washimiton 2,00 S Robert McClinton, Andy . G Pitsipsetost
rittahttrea to Philadelphia, 13 • 00 Frederick Merriman, Peter Parke-
For through tickets, apply at our office at the corner Samuel Merriman,
N. MCPherson, H. Bowers,
of Exchange Hotel, or at our office at the Monongahela
George Heinle*,
Hoare. L. W. STOCKTON•
Feb. fht—dti. President of N. R. Blaze Co. Thomas &rich, D. O'Brien,
Wm. MeDnn - ild i :., , E. Warnet.
mar 11—Ste
JOILY C L. — /S EY. the old °Heine', hes on hand the
f OSI splendid assortment of Clothing ever offered
%VW; tit V -.lock is large, and Inm disposed In Sell at the
lowe t possible mire M yomek is heavy, and as the sea
eon is advancing, I will sell at lower prices than ever. I
a sk only the pleasure of a call, Pella. , confident that a
ook Is stadieierm Rewire of Counterfeits. Remember
F" F.; $f E NT . tkov -23.184
.ADIES OVER :"uots —'rhe Ladies can now do away
with all kinds of over shoes, can walk throneh the wet
streets with thin shoes, and hove their feet kept perfect•
ly dry; can wear tight shoes without having their corns
pain them; and can have their shots wear twice as lone
sa ever, they will flee theceehrsted Ono/ Tslllll•whfrh
will make leather water proof. and render it as pliable
and soil as kid. It's an article well worth their notice,
and one which they will all value highly,as soon as they
try it. To be had only at TUTTLE'S
Mantess. A OINCY, 88, Fourth reet.
Price, Si per holt'e. Jan 9
NoTI CE. —1 hove taken out letters of admini?trallon
on the estate on John Wilson, late of the City of
Phi•rhureli.tlee'd. All uelF.ons indebted to the estate of
the said deceased, are requested to make Immediate pay
ment to me at my residence in Penn st. near Marilry,a”d
those who have claims are. requested In present then
duly probated. J P
On 19 -r,isv,
AVI 1,1-1.9.51 h:L1)P:12 : .litorltev at Law; Otii , r , tit
itanPwr.ll•4 opprowe ihe New
C e,rn„,
VF-I,'-I'FA("11.71:Ell and 'old svilote,:ilp nod retail
1,1 b17(111 6rsesr one door below Smithfield.
Oct 21—iv
T. T. sTrAv A Uoitolxter , r 3"d l'a:.or .
Ik/ • N. , 49.1 7 11 , h r. el, het wepol 311(1 Smit hfirla
at.. 111(4 and • , 1 raw Alm., rn.Qpii al acs on hnod All
nrtlyr. f•Xerllled %%1111 Ilea!n.'s and arromnto
R EA %N" AS 11)N,
-17 . 7'ORXE )" AT 1-13". —Office in Rea,' B.ltolin7.
Fonn!i c%rert. Nov. 5. 1842.
Wll E AusTIN. Aiinrnry Pa
nal. , 111 4th pi rr 811rke 81111 , 1111 4 /
Wit 4.104 E. If , 4Toi. til 2ive his al lP,llan I.IIIIV
01 , 6'111'01Pd 1.11 , 1ne•Q,1, and I re , ..nm.Pnil him in 111...T170 , w.
aize of my r,ienrifi. 1,%* A LTC:I FORW A rj)
r,9.. w.„,..„ I Ell SON. ::':nr:1; on Bnini.fle!d.ornm
urn* £l,Ol.
rfi I' rr;,:tvr);: l';I. -I,trf ia,e'r 0,14 rprint:..
otond to
•,, , e• of Root v Porrtss Pors.rl orr„to.
S, nv r• l•ur-rl7ly ThorFday. nod l'ri
f00.0i02 , ..1 , o'eock. A• 'A!. Cl<h :1114'71w - es 1 , 0•00
n , 1 . 11 10
))'STERS.S.7 fi {,-F.S. iino
*tit le No 9 :WI 4,41 Scii , n .4*
t..eia: aro veot:emell
le , ~ trk WO 1 ot.recllotsary (Or
p 3 t iPa gale by
19-,r t. Flt7vl:r,r!.
rpEF. nte , d i,vrtorair . 1'. , • , t1m.- , l` 1111 , 11 In - wn
rries--rwt AI Tv rri.E's therliel! Aitnney, R 6
and oil tin ati ittte, it ii warranted to core or the
thonev will Ie ,f1r1111111•Ii.
. _
GP:Oft (3E H'. Allailq.v al Lew. Ofric,
r./ IVO( street. near the Titeat rP, Plitton.:ll.
ae;, :0— I v
QUG.II:. .11:3CKEREL, kc.-16 tidds. Prime N 11
IJ t n r
10 Tit ere. [l.or.
15 R .anried Ni.O
9.0 0 1 . 4 4 mn , kP , el
latlcli,g 1.,11) S. rt. t uler, and for sOe 'nw
j 0 F. 14 NI t,‘"
/1/.00,Art.t.. —25 10,6 ll;uoino f.tr Qal.
),N 1 11 It rll , (11.
.1 ." 2.. 4 I I . S. 41,01
E.. C. Jul'Nan,
T EY AT ti• smo ',a prat 7th arrrl
UM yin t!-muss and
l!enm r.• y.
i f LO .17V1) 71-4107'flY BFE Rlwl,rrm I.nnt
A.._J 1,1 10 , 10 9011 purchn,sri s, apply In I. (; , 'En
lei , 4 14!-1 1.01,1,1 v St
lUS l' WEI). Twe.ve h s,s of Ora”geo
a Lemnos, ut tun fitm,,t quality., for sale whol..eale tine
to , 22—tf.
3Peoni'.Mfa As • Iii••• • •
F i v,r, Carl' Prth:ll,ll7.l, and rrortn ^ e to and frut,
t•ll,.tt. en. r . ; oadoint , o, Itnlilrnore, New Fork 1i
hy t,e eylvittort Canal and It.til ruad,on
f3 , •lr k of ill'' , MI.! r. 1 ,8101 ,4 of neve ler^e Tideweier heat ,
• ttio for rioit e. with sill toe isiodi•rit iin
ionve sir nie hoilding; of
of arvf rre car,. iyo the R inioad; ni d a fen .sip
y 01,1,0,1 a... 1 cooinindionyi tl
Iw• en Jiiiiii-town en.l 01 of is town
. oedin-ied hy. y.oher risme And elne,innc d ra Plan ,
Loiden a, ellartiyi will lie raid no ail Lynod.
lo he r. to f'1 , 11:111.•!illiin,
New York or ^ o-sn rind riot nell To J ul,..
!DI kei ,-...Ci.nof 1,0,11 v mild Way,
I OA :Ind tqe prionipi iy ;IC cuded io ;ion' forward. d vent
vett 20 - iv
rodtt his. hp ! I
Wll. T
5:3 Mau ket Ft
r O the tiouurable the Judges of the Col*
JL General Qua, ter Sessmn, of the Peace ill MA
fur ihe County of Allegheny: •
The petition of Haigh Sweeny, of the 4tbsrarg
Alle4hetly cjry, in the e witty aforesaid, humblphowsl
. Thai You: petitioner bath provided hiensett dIM
inaieriols fir the accommodation of treveles4ll
- at his dwelling linitte in the ViLand Wahl
said, and prays that your Honors will be Veiled Id
grant burn a license to keep a Public House oir
tertainment. And your p.titioner a• in din) ,
will pray. HUGH SW t ffit
We, the subscribers, citizens of the dith Ivor
do certify, that the above petitioner is of good
for honesty and tmperance, and Is mill
with house room and convenience* fur the
datiou and lodging of strangers and travelers;
that said tavern is necessary.
James Kerr John Presizitif
Wnc. B. Holmes Jas. Laubie
W. D. It , ihinson Ebenrzor Derby
S niuol Patterson Wm. G. Alezentkl
Davidson Saml.Cooper
Isaac l'arto►aon Alex. Brackenridge
March 11, 1843-3 t
r glo the lihnorhhle, the Jurteee or the C ourt of Geherai
JL Qu st•abtons of we Nate, in and forte Cain.
,\Ic — I.r 7 ;LI,AND A. ARMOR..
The rilizenf of FlnJlry fe.
sprci fu: mrciesiand A. Amor.' ibar.
named apif'icit.•l, is a bf rood tepisie lbs
hoor , ty and I c nfMran.e. and k wril provided alai
hoose ff..d cobbenipnre. for the arrorariatitael
and lodlivir of strfinvri amid 'invelPrs, and ibai *aid - tat
ern fs ssary.
.1”Ifn I 'avit Charle!. Stuart 4
.131 , 11 M.gionia Joloi raitod
1 • 11/e9 M ininhia John Pollock
.1,1,n Toy f.-rd Vti tn. .1 Campton
J Times Hook
Jolla I) G. P. Nel=Ott
11. Is?43—:3f.
p 1.1.1 NI I'. WnLL. Plain and Paws, PiriNitil
74 en I Piltrl , S Frcone Jlinnufattrrei", JirCi . ,4ll6
F4,,rr:s .: reel Pt A. —Min7n.no Rrnslie, Varideit
jar on L0n4i9 , 2 0140001. *fig
prmop t V 40 ar..tor. elakiring dons Lt the short
r 3 !tie iitnr n”tollOn palA rt.,llClnvAnd oar
rt . r4 ,o li • ,/•.•!, Or
. tiorei! lAlnd W.
heir to call. sep TO
R• E. 'VS I?. ir r, :1-Evrigr,
b 2 fiet.i. h•lmte^ Sera. •;.• TRird vs.. liana of
ott:: 9 A.NI
Dr. p. n•attUrart• or , l•rt , •,lnfrt Find ‘llererall gosh.
I t, d l v;71.• tell or for gie eth. Bierki
ttir 1. , 1 a h.nutiful :.t.int it: fun ref P. IN part.
I I he a'n, 1. t" i ~,Pr e 1 the Otto ler•I oOtierl..hy
r•tro,-,r(11,:•• rx•trt trottre , piott of the 01,,13 , 11. °.lw,
for wile a lew w• 111 emery 1vb..11 . 3 for ell ridhill
an,111 ,, 1 , • minim] ter 0, xo useful lb llta Dvailm—ati
IHIP ( Or rash. r 1••••
H. P. pr'rciot Attic. P InoMPION.
1V1c11.4. 1 2' TIELO NIPS Olq•
E?ER.II. AGENTS and Merenagitik
-, ,,n•r•
Ti' l,, it, Rot rr k Mrt,owcll.t p litaberi.
.• VV. !I CR it.p' 4-
rm..% Tfyi liontrr &
.. 1t 0r , ,r,y,. cru.e ber lY I'n
-4. Vr:.tmln k FL 1.001,
nmk, Chrbly ro.
b 4 —43-)
•..? 1110, V.O .4, 1 , toll* day rel'el vita (Mr en ~ .er
(71 R."! for xal.. y J F..dp '.r:ORDQN
41 , e In Nn 12 Wit,pr.t.
tt . :1111211; ; ,11!. , 02 - 1 , 141g1
y .1.
4 4
O 1414 at To Tuts 6WWI+ genay. 1 , 18
e only anent lalshurgb,
re. ??
'atent. "Nang.laptiy =Ai as
lAAPR new been iwroTe
the puble yowl di.
rinz whisk time several
tb wands tdive been e 44
• d In daily nee, We aim
• ft lent ‘•f rein= ordained
r• limy are tie hest
Nina the [Tidied
stAl es, any way yrds•fiz
• ainallaredeas are
rzirbanks - eatent rlatform Scales.
1.! a. a . l FlEei. anti most fenprcow4
e..,en , ,.inrtly on hand and fore ,. al wail 'effaced
orire4 tite• mar i:P,pl.) ref, I. RLI VI NnFrotr.
n.:01 2. —lf 0,•a••11 0 - ant 04.
lkt 0 E tit Stffx rt B , r. t),ncr fUhser b er, It
C c•• • rintPx. has rirde•
11 t r,r., e rtr t S 14:y 014.cref J.., 18a preptitatirra
he cip!rosiott of's:rag) loiters. to slslllter boat.
1+ ;: . a , nII t*.at 01,11.0•1 wstl avail , !hermt',"
rlOl. n le 4111 11[01111ra or fb.
rte. le, I ••• fr y y xfrorri, 1 :u! trlcol.t pow of o t o o olim.
w.lll the atf.firtartf. 41? 1/ .. 1,1 wiN wiair atiog
w ?co ti; In: 'ii-re tot provided with thiliM.
"4:frt.! , Ft...'int Vlr AIMS
A n rstiR.ITO .I^OTICX —AO peruser iM
fl.‘hted nt - Konen Keenao.lallsOrWlMlll
IP - I • r (111 1 •1 1 11E 1 11 In mak.. Intnrlldhlllll
v !nem +I "no in t tro.: il-elerisi7n.tt, and al , per,
aviin4l OM I esi,t.l are sea Hied we
oreArnt tho 111111' Wl' I ,•nll , Mpal.
HP.4 4 Adiei
n DPI.•\NP4Ac, Alter.
CI it F, KA" -9 P P LS leg rrce , v.d frown Ilarsr.s4s.6.
kX 4i) priPs, compront PIVeTV 1,31 4 11111,
14 /11 , P order. ISA 41: CHUM.
frh 4. 14A 1.14.1 , 1 V irk
['arms to I.case,
rviTE tinder- d sill , e,se two n. 71,11 sitattrd
E Et. , It e y isairooestr.
from 751'. ICO at. re! C , ,rf...1 4.1 r4Cli• Alto. Of.-
, , ‘,..t••••
wit to7sa -rae. T , e , 4. ow silo , :
;r•lfvf•ri • y J r.. 4 1,1)13‘. 426 Miti l ,'
from tot , 4114 %11. tura. 4 0 ,4.
t'.• ^ no's t« n 1 tn , 1« tnefl 0.. ralksaiatalalki
tart] for from ; Ott,.t - as yratc.l., frond
• .
Sit 1a Ilr tattNACT.,...
*arab lin,a
1 1 1 . '
So'd by the:rrisa anon
t th. rt n
Nialloabte Matting! made la