ihtirslu , without Badt3.—lt seems.) frorn'the accounts we hear, that some new ideas are breaking upon the minds of the Buffsle people, while they have no banks ; among them. They find that they cap rrrYiv obtain at home, with ease, drafts on th east for three-fourth per cent. at:the very time when the Banks of Rochester, Canandaigua, anti Utica, are charging one per cent. for drafts on the same point.— They can readily make loans for seven per cent. and no questions are asked res peeling the use to which the money will be applied. 'Their, circulation of money, eqrtal to fhtSitt wants, and some more of it is specie l'han formerly. At the same time, we are told, that quite a majority of the business men nf the place are opposed to the establishment of a bank of any kind there. Indeed, they would consider it a greater evil than benefit to them, if a s a f e .. ty Rhea)-institpt-km were -incated in t h e i r midst, and in full operation. Free trade in money affords them greater facilities and advantages, and at a cheaper rate. than can .be obtained from incorporated inatittrions. The taunt, it is smd, throws' in the.faces of some of the offt.!ers of the Rochester banks that. in spite of all their PriiiierteA, private individuals in Buffalo catrundersell them on eastern drafts, one.. quartet per cent. We are disposed to believe that, if all restraining laws were a.so*ed, and the privileges restored to the &)tn munity, whi h have been taken frwit them and'given to the banks, private enterprize would give these institutions some such competition, as private express sea have riven to the Post office dei.rart ment.—N" Y, Evening. Post. h'ttainess.—Had Mr. Van Buren been to elected, the people would have settled ttuAvti undet.i permanent out] stable ' lifir4ingF; business would have prospered. labor remind its reward, and the affairs of the country generally been in a much healthier state than they now are ; AP thee happy results were frustrated by the success Of she Federalists, who came in to 'power upon a th , oisrml ploiniscs.— BLlBireas was suspended, and busines s meniand capitalists was ed for the action of the Whig Congress. The Federalists said very thing was wrong—that Demo ,eratierlsws must be repealed, and others matte. Every int. t est had been prom isedAvmething, aAI every interest ex• peettiea lawful it: own particular benefit. NDdijng colbl be done till the Whig Con griawhed made the necessary laws. The people were waiting fur the piomised bVs.sing.And they are stdl wai.inff, fir titiffting - ot: henefi, ill nature had been .The Indepeedant Treasury law, a sanitary and goon meagore, wts repealed, but nGthing was provid-d as a sub:tito . e. Much was pu! , ed n. and rpttlii , g up. A Cleat deal or evil, hut no irood wds accompli s -tr.d. Of course the business men were disappointed, and business grn. erally came to a stl , ,d—or near'y so. This is the result of Whig power.—Hart ford Times. Instead of the 'two dollars a day and roast Ire.4,' which the people were prom— i.:ed if lr:in wa4 defeal, J. charita ble ci izena are im.v obliged to establish , so u p soviet to feed the poor gratuitous ly !—[l3.)ston P..st. IVe hate so.-ne persons. because we do tint know them; and we wdl tu,t know t'tem, b-tcauie we hale them. The friendships that succeed to s,te r cottoex ions ate-utotai y fi, m. for those (rig i ies must h e F r ei - ina th at cud u t only QRitl our I ea , ta. but colp i o, , r unr plejudiceq. Bit the tni,f ',tune hi. that w.. Crrry th ose pr,j , obt e. into far more serious than our f i.•ttds; ips. Thus there a le trufhe which m,,tne in-ti , her., ti•FA they h ee rot x imi d, and wideh will 'lot exami they There i+ one strigle j , stat.r.. ott r•-cord, whete Otis ki"d jodice was ~ y . bye Miri( it"; hUf HIP age “ithir wit bast While th;it „r .'l Sef Tale olave! —At a rri-e•i Ole Sy ua,l of A'al> in a, 41 , 1 I e tl.i al r k last, c note ahu ia>tts t e d fart viirt•hase a rol , tred M ITI, a sh , exttaoidin .ty eh tre - tet. It wtti; that lie was a c,ood elsssteal seltohr, wholly se f tan.2ht. He i 4 R b'Rri,hrTl th; and it %%55 wired to the floor of the Sv. nod, hr members and ot . .ers. w Ito knew hint, that be firs t learned the letters r.t the alphabet by inducing hi- master's cluldren and others, to make the letter., at og r e time, on the door of his shop. In this way he familiarized himself with letters and their names. He then lest ned to put !teem together rind make words and soon was able to read. He then commenced the study of arithmetic, and then Engiish grammar and ze ,, graphy. • •ff was alar statedsehat he is now able to Greek Te?ttampnt with eRS.., frig 9 ,un i e kilo% led , ,f ., (if f. ein 1 , 19 e, ti t ze.led orris commenced the study of the Relit ew but relitiqtri.lied It or not having sultaitle 11,toka, It was stated that he studied at night till 11 nr 12 o'clock, and that in conversing with him. they found themselves in the presence O r th i equals He is between thirty and thirty-five years of age, and is willing to go out a missionary to Africa, under the Assembly's Board. Daring Robbery.—The Troy Whiz says that while Mr. Collin., clerk fnr J. De k er, jeweller, in that eity. was :nakina Up hie cash account on Saturday night, three villains v.terA, and tine of them strurk ettYeris bio:v on the, heal will) a .e 111 hi , ti hi tile fl.t. , r. 11040partfisilv plunder drive sh.p. arvl vill11410'stabbe;1111f1 wile-1.1640 i j•ired Mr. whose -11. re fi ir.glortted than s way. Mr. C. dativ•ronsly 'ill. The il4tigadou i,f the litilisifu river 14 t i'llkiktzliird_Wweeo Plettnciat.atid Al. ben - 2. Parioati ' Millei is in Albany:- . _ ip&o - - 1116diairk,- - I 111arr4eburg Correspusuaesee, J A MIMS BUCHAN AN, Flussunsvaas, March 6, 1843. subject es the decision of - it National - Convention. rz DA ILY MORNING POST. TllB. PHILLIPS 4 . WM. H. SMITH. ICHITOKS AND PP.OPlttfil,.iis MONDAY, MARCH I:3, 19T3 .ee First Page. Mr. Kidger And Snitil Note!. This gentleman's small note proposition' in the Senate, has got him into trouble with a enrtiola of his constituents, who, with democratic candor, express their disappro• bation cf his plan of reforming the cur rency by multiply iv the number of small notes in circulation. Mr. Kidder, who we believe to be an hottest democrat, but one who has unfortunately in a single instance yielded to the importunity of cunning stock jobbers, and advocated a measure at vari , ance with his former course, has written a letter to his constituents explaining the motives that impelled him to propose the small note measure, and justifying it by the best ar•gements he can use. The depreciated condition of the relief notes, is the leading argument of 'Air. K. in favor of his project, and he argues that an issue of small notes r•deenrable in spe— ' cie, will furnish the people with a corren. cy ouch preferable to that which they now have in the relief notes. But ho does not consider that such a step would have the tendency of depreciating the relief issues still further, and thereby plunder tile peo— ple and the State to a grrater event than they ate now compelled to endure. He thinks that as the relief ri.):es are cancel. led, a vacuum will be created i t the cot.. I rency, which can only be filled by an issue of small notes payable 0 , 1 demand in spc. cie. Does not Nlr. K• think that it would be more agreeabl 3 LO the people to have the vacuum filled ii it h specie itself, instead of its parer representative, and will he not admit that any bank Ciar c.,•r1,l leern its snail notes on demand, would run no risk in issuing specie %%11 , n ovcasion re. quire(' it? The danger whirih Mr• app e hen,lB fr .in the e!riall rpites Stat iwinu in upon us as the reli are withdrawn, is a conidumm ition devoutly to he wished, in, at least, this part of me tt:ta e. lug kin;_t at our exchange list it will be seen that the paper of . the neigh baring States, does not exceed 2 pet ern.. discount (in most cases but gne,) while the currency of , cir Slat,: ranges fium t o 8 per cent. It is nut to he supposed that t h is condition of affairs could be tin proved by an issue of paper of a char:y:ler metre in tit in that on which we are an a di-ic wit of 41 per cent.. an I which kir hive th , L.- (I.ncy of (hiving from circulation v:h lit le specie is now in the hands of the per Ile. The riAtr7,Pr appreherrkl by s r'n' of thr e.rr arrasstrents fir want of a cinculat- In /i 111 1 4 re'rof !rivet are wi •1 1 • drawn. is f tils•tio is, i{ , l • Wlitover Mr. Ki 'tl-r may think of it, is not li•liet;e Iby :Le cto r • I 0 1 3 .' 4 vhrit sirr all vil '1.4. Link •irti• .3 it •sh •Ikiwi, the ,•i-,t 11 out •n •lii 'I W e q•i:nl tot i•• I•n I, btt writ r•,. I‘.-an• 1.1. 4 -, that asih, a ni, st , ll/ lisiotieir • rl, • 1 1 •i 7 o' it s wr II I I t s too lied by tit •v, I '(I illy er, Tili4 is the va..;, n 'AI n• ati n the peo p!e. listen • I •.1 •p' t •th! • a•,10 ••ris of ,tor- in fav• r of a papor currency, and yteld-tri to the sugt.7••stions fir an in crPas of hanks. 1., a few ye ire, however, tliev a Al from the illusi itj , but not uth, til the; f, ra liii ntolves steeds lin u at debts. rolabs.l c'-. in I I 'fr. tvith a eirr• r•-ncy a buzdiel of which w rib/ n rt buy a peck oro its beyond the, borier s Luc St ate- This state of aT,irs was hi 'twin them by • filling ,tp v i i Lie cirea media /las," with p iper m inry. arid such willpath: C i 373 i I Pe 1 - -ay rvt ta bi - fore rn tuy ye IN it t't- pr,i4 •11 . _ sy.tt n artetrip•iiint t p itch tip roitt. , n hank ve•-•pioi, , 7!1 ell lir persisted in. But the people of have ret.'ortnei the evil alto2eth et; ill • ti inks have sin: t/71 I ot th • w of their o vn corropti nit their is ven from circulation. sod aold a i I silver Ia now the prevailing currency of the State. We woul I n it like to see the citiza ns of Pennsylvania purchase wiad ma as dearly as have the people of Miss - siippi, and the only wry to avoid it, is t..) fr.) vr) d iwn all such eirirts to -fill up viculms in the cir culating me lium,'! as is proposed by Mr. kidder. A 4 we slid befit.% his sut ill n schem •, if ado;)ted, will only add to the iii-tie-s of the pope and tie SL ii to, by tendering the r.di f i-sues still more worth. less than th-y- are at present. an I ta': • frim circulation the small amount of spe cie that is stillin the hauls of the peuple. General Porter and Mr. Wacker are go ing to have a dues in Vialtsburgii-- weather permitting.' G e lemrett, For the . last tVvo or three days there has bean more than the usual number of pri. bate bill.a disposed of. None of them, Never, we' uld interest the citizens of you!• county. The "Reform Bill," as it is termed, has occupied a portion of each day for some time. The bill, as it came from the Senate referred only to the two Houses of the Le gislature. It provides for a reduction in the pay of the members, officers and con.. tingent expenses of those Houses. Mr, Lowry offered an amendment which is in tended to reach every department of the Government; Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The question now pending in the House, is on the adoption of this amend. meat. Yesterday there was a sharp rencontre between Messrs. liinehman and Deford; Mr. H. roßtle some severe remarks upon course of the gentleman from Fayette.— Mr. Deford retorted with equal bitterness. Hinchman then stated that he would "pull the gentleman's nose if he could catch him out of the House," or words to that effect. To-day, immediately after the House ad journed, and before the Speaker had left the chair, Mr. Hinchman met Mr. Deford about mid-way in the main aisle of the hall of the Horne, and attempted to put his throat into execution. He did not succee 1, however, as he desired, and Mr. Deford struck him across the head with his um brella. Hinchman returned the blow with a similar weapon, and the two gentlemen belabored each other until they were sep arated. As soon as the House met in the after noon, a resoluti ,n was offered by Nit-. El t.in to expel Mr. Ilinchmln. Mr. Lowry m wed to amend the resolution by appoint• inp a committee to inquire into the farts of the rase, and report them to the House for its action. The amendment was adop• ted, and the committee will appear on the Journal to-morrow. A committee of a like nature has been raised in the Senate. to stettl , , a dispute be wern m e r r ily a nd Nit% Champneys, for words spoken in debate, Truly ''the 1 star razes." That happy period bong ed fur by religionists, when the li •n and the 'amb shod! lie down togeth ,, r, is not dkely , 0 commence until this 1. , -.gislat ore ad— journs. P. Q. \\re rejilice to learn Oral, thanks to Mr. Buchanan, the bill in favor of th e w id,,,, c2 , of ofF,cers and soldiers of the Revolution, passed hntl. Houses of Congress before the adjournment. PILING: UP THE: ACONY,- - Tht3 I.,rket) bray en—Deals f thunder shnnk the earth—the ro c k d the mouni,,i,is, an the rain ,1 s•en,le,l In stioh tor•en is that the (lochs coull sicim is? the glitters." 'fins %%as the ,if ~ f riits in this city the oilier day, but the I huntler, and the wind, and the rte Vie.idevicy. The St. CI drsvilh. Gaz , t4e, one of ihe he,t .1,111 , r.r4t, . papers in Ohi,e , ec : 4 a nu_ ul the clat , os and merits of the several per.i.ns r h ken of azi candidates fur the Presi lency in 1544. speaking of Nli. Bm3II4NAN, he makes the following re -11181 ks. "The leilritAr, who eXposys the Arnbi. ins Views of a ilangProui monopoly, and )I,lv)w:it).s in , tr:titi.)»f p)) rFoasive eloquent)°, t'm iitr.:(t4 or hi:, constituents and the Union, secure.) ii) a repinati 41 and a name too our° to be bla , ted by Vie mallets of the slandcrer. A M enrrnt 'He 'l.ll Wa.hingt to rourliv, Mi 1, pre.t. riled her lork! f )11 r pnp.i.ises at unr Ilirlh. There will Ito c ler 1 1 )Iii sr/taw-ling tlia' wi,z warn I ,r• time to come. nal't get mar? ie 1 in a hurry.— A sus. ce;, lblelouth down east lately led in love buxom damsel at fist stab!, and orieti her hef e he consideted the im• portuht results that i 'lit follow thls tusk step, The consequence was, that the third ittorntir2 ;it . er he committvil the hasty a ct, Lis angel give him a sound linking for not tatentlinl. to some househtill doles which he supposed were more appropriate to htq. sph, , re. Tots occut renee contains art its ortant warning to bachelors. Fees.—By a report !It the Massachusetts Legislature it appears that the counsel in the case of Rhode Island vs. Massachusetts, have been I aid as folio% a— Davie! Web ster...SlM; JarnPs T. Austin, 82,492; Jere miah 1I .n. 5 . 250; and Rufus Choate, 8300; making .S 012. ri ,, •ibtni Iratclonmx.--A watchman's I, x waA but tit III) a lew niuhts sine in l'n , 4lllelp! , ia. The snrni.iferous Cital.ley was fortunately rescued withturt sus aiuing mud' i jury. ex-t pt the 1,,54 of slovp. Mormous.—Thee lire 50,000 of them in the United States. How many Miller ites aro there? iaterfiom e brig , Forest arrived at New Orleans on the 27th ult., . (rum Sisal, bringing dates from Campeachy to the 14th. The two con tending armies were in stalu quo, and no engagement had occurred. The Mexican fat ces were stationed on the heights in the neat of Campeachy, had been compelled to abandon their position, in consequence of the want of water for the men. They had encamped at Lerma, where, it is said they were suffering dreadfuily for the want of this necessary article. Six hun dred volunteers had left Merida for Cam peachy. to aid in resisting the Mexicans. On the 13th instant, eleven of the traitors in the Yucatanese camp, had been taken out of their prison by the citizens, num bering some two thousand,and put to death in the most shocking manner. The au. dimities used every exertion to prevent the execution of the sanguinary intentions of the multitude, but without success. The names of the persons executed. as far as could be ascertained, are Valay Domioa guer, Celina, and the Curate of China. The Late Congress. The New York American gives a suc cinct history of the late Congress, from which we learn that eat four hundred and fifty days, passed more than four hun dred bills into acts, made more than two thousand reports, rejected more bills, had more hills vetoed, lost more members by resignation, lost more by death, than any previous Congres4. Thirteen have died; seven have lust theit wives by death do ting this Congress; nine have married since their election; twelve or more have lost their cloldien by death during that time; one had his leg broken; one had his ear bit ,s in a fight! Ode of its members had bsen President and one Vice Presidi nt of the United State,q two have been Secretaries of State, ore: S. cretdry of War, one Secretary of the Navy, one Pest Mast r Genet al, two attorneys General, fur Ministers Plenipo tentiary, two speakers of former Houses of RepresentatveQ, fifteen Governors arid Lieutenant Governors of States and Ter.. ritoies. Sox more have been the candidate of their parties for Govern.), s of States, three have been unsuccessful eau id,tes fir the Presidency, two others have in n , r per io liden the candidates of their party for the Vice Presidency of the tini• ted States, And the cost w;,s 82,031,03.1 - 60 cents, or about $lOOO por hour. 'Piehill im the Jl iryl.rn l I,;oialatore, to prevent colimed people forming crut sori , tie4, nioire.l in o.lr piper a 1 . ,-.‘v r. ain tom, hai pa-smi tenth hrenrlhrs and b e com e akw of the state. The colored p tpnlati .11 of Mir) Idn I psi I n ),v 1.);_! snronasoni. a %tell as aboli•iords'a, and thu.4 b /hiutily emleared to our neighbor of the Gaz tte. .111 for Llve.—.l. young man named Ja• flan, a tailor of 01 ißsboroulit, N J., halls in i z hew' rejc..ted in his suit, tuok an ounce of laudanum, slashed his arms in two pla ci.s and then attempted lo cut his !frost. Medical aid was called in, the laudanum was wiihdra%‘n through the agency of the siiimarli frump, the* a' 1714 had sticking plas ters applied to them. the IA utrids of the Throat w •re stitched up, and on Nlotiday the wretched youth was still aiivo, but iu a very precarious slate Can't Acme , Ahiq, tvll why it ii , that the price of exchange is hwer in Buffalo, where there is not a tingle Bank, then is the neizhheriaz culls where. they have Ranks? Th is is an iinti , •rt. nt in it ter, lint only as it relates to Pol :teal E , y. but as a guy:4ton of veracit y ; the whip 1140. 1 contended long and I•arti that banking in •titut a re allse!ot, ly re 'CS9 , ry to r , ;-„Tolate. t xella I , g is, 111 Ch the d li t )ratall4ve tv out le denied. Mr. fla.rinE.,, a mombrr of Congresp, from 0. hio, i 4 an Irishman, and has a brother whi is a member of the BlitiA 01Uommon•. li. is n yrr , rpf dem , crat, but we doubt much if his ran bo.t.t. of this. Nigh: 711(! new Cei fr, i nal Court of Philadul p':te • pri.oners in such a situation 38 to be exc!u ccl fr 11 , 11 . • of spectators. The N. Y. Mercur) can't see why it i 4 that j'hr,ey lien prin?Cf A t , CIIIO/11 Let rich, unkss it is beelto. , there so much niVi-mony in the typer. The Senate 0.11 twie pus d a bill fixing the lerl rate of iwerest et 7 nut'. rent A Fact.—Same public men every day sacrifice principle a which they esteem, through tear of be ii.g blamed by peop'e whom they despise. Blue birds have made their appearance in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. (g)-li is .dated that there were imported into Charleston, S. C. from Africa, in the years 1804, '3, '6 and '7, 3) 310 slaves. The, State of Illinois has agreed to receive h•r ,•hire of money, and land tuo, under the D.atribu- An ed.tor lately married, enquires of the rice 4 till ion cM3rgeti by Picayune the the S'oset Iron Band. If he would j ist encriirs at the corner of 4ih and Wood streets, some fi to Sunday, he would hear all about the Sheet Lou Band, as the members congregate there for theconve. nience of ladies. • • "'Z. -`nett • Togtaii The Collector TolllXt\thier - ge tit has - .• banded us the foll Owing extitact (ton! the minutes of the Canal Board; by which it will be seen that important reductions have been made in the rates on Seeds, Grain, Whiskey and Iron, since the pubiication of the Toll List, for 1843. A 9 this reduction does not appear on the List we deem its pub, lication of some importance to those later. ested in the Canal and Rail road transpor• cation. CANAL COMMISSIONERS Rooms, HARRISBURG, March 9th, 1843. On 'notion it was Resolved, Tnat the rates of tolls on the Canals on the annexed articles shall here• after be as follows: On Seeds—clover, timothy and other kinds—per 1000 lbs.. per mile, On whiskey per 1000 lbs. per mile, 3 mills. On motion it was Relayed, That the motive power tolls "on the Columbia Rail Road for all kinds "of loading in cars, passengers excepted, "per 1000 lbs. per mile," shall hereafter “he as fn'lows•— On Iron of every description, On grain of all kinds, On all other article., Extract from the minutes. THOMAS L. WILSON, Sec'y Cowhiding has become quite fashionable in Boston. Strike."—A manufacturer in Lowell reinsrd to pay his girls what he cwed them, and they beat him severely. A respectable young married man has been arrested at New Orleans for stealing the jewels from the grave of a lady who was buried with her ornaments.—N. Y. .iurorc. Only think of a 'respectable' young man robbing a grave ! They had a fiteman's riot at Pittsburgh. It was rather a poor 'show.'—N. Y. .11u rare. Nevrr mind, it's not all over yet. Well 'show' you what we can do some of these days. .3 Fortunate E)cape.—The New Or leans Bulletin state: that during Nit. Clay's passage fro n Vickshurgh to Jackson, (Mi ss ) the car in which he and his escort were sealed, ran of the track, whi'e the train \l as tinder full headway. and jomned ;Zona , the I to! - ‘63 timberF. for a Tiarter of a tittle, when it brake d •we withnut the s•lilhiest if jury to ally one, Mt. C. and his friends then took seats in another car and proceede'd s:dely to Jaek-on. Colt's Battery —The Picayune states that one sill, marine bAtetics was taken to Galv ston by the New \Thrk. It is intended to 1) • phtt teal in the h.o.bor at that place, tri.l s'ictsl,l either , f the i\lf-x -ican steamers happen areitlenta ly to be eruisin.tz over it, and an exph , sion should e.ke ;.lare, she will very prot ably be s ee n coming ',town in a shower of chips soon af— te r. Receipt for a Lady's Dress.—The t.) suit the hard times, is particu— larly recommended to the dear creatures: 'Let vour ear-rings be Attention. encir cled by the peirls of Refinement: the dia. m .ds or your necklace Tiuth, and the chain of Christianity, your breast pin Charity. ornamented with the pearls of Gentleness; ynur fi , tger rings be AlTection, set atotti,d with diamoud4 I.f Industry; your girdle Simplicity. with the tassels f Good Humor; let your thicker gat d be Virtue, and your drap ry Politeness, let your shoes he wisdom, secured by the strings of ?reservation.'' CELEBRATION OF ST. PATRICK'S DAY. nellerOgn(nl, C !MOM e Or A rrlngement<, in eerie, lir II trs ills 14 , 1 e s.e 1", tends ut civil and gimig 1,.t0r iy. v itbnnt distinetton of pal iv, to a pith.. it Supi.er to br , g ive a. I twel iif Mr. tin h y, in Meg, itmy c iy, On the es erring of is. 7 , .‘larch at ratty canine OIL It the ni the Committee nrtlln r to pri nut u r c, amt. a tier d having 4 Irll t co. the t tc lth the uinuhm4 of tie ha iirg pas airs of the Miy• Aa uo special invitations hive heel) given, all pet sotp: (lest, "rig nt piritiinpaiing in the te,tivit. e s of the evetn,g, a ill cun-id,r tn.%) -r lves thus personally h.- vited. John .%n&r:nti, 11. 11•1 . '”1 ntigh, J , erirto, C. ,Nl - 1(ililt .1. lin Bii .14 is-- Yeti! 11, AV 11. solidi, David Lvit,ll, J dot Niel)," i t I $. J Jtn 11 Guthrie, 111..%1.-('n 1 A ex. B. ask e ,, r 'age. Atwell 11, 813. SUGAR RICE 4- MOLASSES. 19, 11 , 11.5 Priu.r. N. U. bugar. Ir 4 10 "'mutes 111 re. 19 bble. No 3 Mnrlo rel For sale tow to close eoneignmnt, by mar 14. 1.111E'; MAY FLOUR. 25 BBLS. fr esh Fa intly Flour. For •nle hy mar 14. JAMES MAY PIG IRON. TONS TennesAce Pia Iron. CP't For sale low to cioaeconal:nment. by tnar 14. JAMES MAY BR 1E1) PERCHES. 1100 BUSHELS liried Peaches. Fur z‘itle low by .1,134 ES MIT RELS .Sp,rt'j Turpenti. , e. tiny rereived Rod frir by J G. 4 CORD 'N. r 8. 11 water AI reet. I"' 1" .. 1 A, FOR :.'T LOMA, rUg I,Uvr: FON. t- C• , .EN A and DUBUQUE. " """ • Tile figli , draught viratn-r I ICFRO, T C MAY Ma•ter, will leave for tae ahtlytt and all iptei• mediate peon on Wrditenda3 I.alli blurs ~ .. For freight or passage apply on bawd. or. tis feb t? JAMES MAY. *a.. Thu boat Is supplied with Ends Satiety Girard. DIED.—At the Mammoth Ceve Hotel, EgOM• eon county, Kentucky, on Thursday the 2nd hod, of pulmonary Consumption, Mr. OLIVER P. BLAIR, of thin ci'y, in the 29th year of hia age. PROF BRONSON'S LECTURES (marl.. TORY AND MUSIC, with dissectiei s is of, the MANIKIN:MN:May, Tuesday and- Thursday evenings, in Coscaarr 11w., at.. 7 o'clock.- - partioul.tra see the circulars. There win be Tangs or FJCR inxs, and F3Ol Of FIFA eppropri. ate SONGS by Mi. Nash, every evening:;A. mong the Recitations are—Genevra, or the •kiat Bridal; Majesty ot , he - Lais-AliiiitilAs and Ki ser; The W oiskers, or lite Power of Fashion; Aare& , Burr and Blannerhassett; Othello's Apology; the Nun: John Adam's S ? cech, &c.; and among the Songs, Rockaway; Old Seinen; &in is toy hoe** Life on the Ocean Wave; Mistletoe neigh; liisti• lore Grave: Miss Myra(; and a dozen others. Sea. son tickets $1,00; for a Lady and Gentlemsa sliso Admis•ion for one evening 25 cents. mar 13-4 r. OVERSEER OF THE POOR gal offer myself as a candidate for re-ehte- - , lion to the (Moe of overseer of the Poor; the ,du ties of which I have discharged the past year the best of my ability, and trust 1 shalt repsibir the cordial aupport of my felloar-eitizems. March 10—d lw W 31,,ALExANDER. 3 mills OVERSEER or THE POOR: The anhaeri' er respeetrully offers himself.lo fell , ko , ettizeno e 9 o candid tie for the laboveAClll at the el. ction to be holden on the 17th blot,. March 13: 1:3: 'AS BRITIGIC 3 mills 3 mills. 6 mills OVERSEER OF THE POOR. I offer myself as a candidate for the otric*of Overseer of the Poor, and reispectft.lly solicit tint support ofmy friends. mar 9—cite OVERSEER OF THE POOR. To .Hy offer ourself 's ativdt dale rnr hhe office of Overseer of the Poor, and If eleeled will fulfill the ditties of the office faithfully, to tr.e best of rny ntirity, rendering a tittle: account of allinauer raccierd and expended. 110etlitT P, STEEL. March 7.--10 t OVERSEER ()F THE POOR At the saheilati ,, tt of'several of his frienda f tho sub , +criher offers himself as a candidate forOwer. veer of the Poor, at the ensuing election, eked if elected will dNcharge his duty to Opt noble with fid, hty. JAMES BORBIDGE. AI drill 10—cite. OVERSitER OF THE POOR. I ctrer inystlaq a candidate I:,r Overseer of th Pcntr, and res;lectru , y ask the rupport of el 1-vv citizens March, 10th 1P43. EBENEZER KERR. OVERSEER OF THE POOR n ro authorized to announce lila t Capt. E. F. Pratt w ill he a c.,nriidate fur Overseer of the Poor at the en-nine election. mar 11—te. 50 Boxes Lemons. (IY l'u,-dav afternoon, Marc!) Ilth, at 2} o'clock, I wia sell 5() foaea• Lemons. J. B GUTHRIE. Auct'rl/4 Merck 11th, 1843 ini A N Toes•l,iy nett, March 14 h, at 3 o'clock P. ILPIPM. I will sell for c It‘h, par money, 18 duz Smith's 4 prong Manure Forks, 12 doz du 2 pr•inz flay do 1:2 .' C. tra. r 4pr Mg '1 anq re if G " do 3 pr,sz do do :"• 4 " do 3 prong 11..iy do 10 " i'n 2 iiriing do do . I:7 '• Go Myear's 4 pr ,ng :Vl , lnirre do. • March 10. J. 11. GLI 111111 Wo. Amx. CARPETS FOR SALE. ;-' y UST R E CEIVED aud for sale at H.tosnian'A AMlCtiOit R norm+, Sc. I 111 $,V.Otl st. A Ire lot of Floe nod Sloperfine lovnin Carpel', Cr , niu:ni stnl. Carpets, Oil Floor Cloth, Ituer,ke. Worth will he sold at privwe sal, 20 per rent cheaper 'than any ever I eftire oircred In 111 H market. Nlatch 7. it A. BAIT:4111N, Joe, , ale of Fr 1.511 Spring Goods will be coothimad at Buncznan's Auction Rooms, No 110 Wood ist' every day !hot weer, nt id A. At. and 2P. M. A rwe'elisise lirr Klrgainti is now offered ,n 5 the go de ofrere.l :Ire en— tirely new, the assortment complete, and the gitAlitilla of the very beet, March 7. R A. RAMS-4MM Ayer.. O N'E bride dwelling house, containing a time TIE:, halt, two parlours, 4 inning tip st ,tia a 11 } 1 iabed garret ,ihning room and ki.clien. with far• rhige inmsc. Sc. Tnis house is pleasantly tueaied rhh lard in front and rear, oil the canal hank. commie ClO-01.11 FlrPf:f fiO4 f 0 tipper briff2r, now la the ac• cif ry. I tlr. alci • torg. relit roan it tnrtintes Enquire m Dr. Whit!aker, A llo2hpoly r il s. Folitr 8, S. .tit)111101V 5 T,,,, and' Sheet Tarr. 1 Warr, No. 17, Fifth ~ between Wood Keep: eonsiantly on hand a 20.1(1164ra iment orWWares, ADA Rolicti. a .liare of puli'le p . I rnea;:e. A Iso.on *ad. o,l'oll win, r Pnki•re. l'oags. Gridirons, Skinet:, I'ots,,lvenr, Coffee M 11.114 ke. Mrr rhant, and ot tirr. invi ed In ran and. examine for I hemeelvea. us he to determined to sell cheap for, cash Ter approved paper. • mar. 141—If T(.) the honorable, the Judges of the Court. of General Quarter Seasione of the Peace, in PIN for lb , . count v of Allegheny; The petition ofJoo. Berry, 3d ward city of Meths y said county, reaiii showeib;-- - That he is welt pro.ided with house room and nrhercOnvenieuees for t,e ace onto idati• olvtrwu gi r• ti avelers, at the Itoosa hi.n ;isn tavern: a , 0.1 bent!, ries•rosis to continue in the to,sior.ss, he pouya %CM iI ,, IIOrS to grant biota license In keep ao Liu o, bon.e of Public liMar mittmeuti And ve will iliac &c. JOIIN BERRY. The uaderAirnpd, citiz ns cf the :2cl ward, Alla rliwt,y, I e•peetf:dte certify John Berry, the nam e l a l .pl,raat, is a person of 800 i re prrr fa, and temperance. and it arefti prow • 4,1 ahh WC mom a d e i ..cat f.r the acs eimmiorial,to and .o to lig .mr stra , g*, and Int a d twat Ali I Invert' to nes.. - es,ary for the aecaumne dari.n ..1 the public S. hi•am-1, J.a. .1 I , mIo rox, S. Ynn g, i Jolt.. u " 1.,. hit 31.* fro .r„ Jiniges of the Court, (.1 G.'nerd: Qu arter of the Peace, in and liir r P (.11101y f ezhcny. The petition of George Armstrong, of the 14 w .rd, Ci y cf Allegheny, in suit county, humbly shpivetk-- That he is wall provided with house room Sag other conventenies for the secomm-datioo alarms. eers and travelers, at tie house now ocoopied by him as a tavern; and being desirous to vinlatte it that business he prays you: honors to Knot him a license to keep on Inn or how° of Public Ea. tertainment. And he will pray, giro. G1 , 0..AR MS [TONG. The un''ers;ened, citizens of the let ward, do c t'i it George A , lIIR rune. the abate named applicant, is a gyot emsn g repute for hon. fi s tv and temorrauct, is well provided with hol , e room and conteni aces for the aecommeda% and 10,12ine. or gore and traveler., and oh ,c .air ievern is necessary. 1) vi i B Stritt,' Simo.7l Anderson, - Rohe , t 1).1 Ire% D. C. Scott, • T. T. Gi-o.n r, Dtiv,map, , George ' 4 ,proal„ Dep. Lae rge, . F 4 ampel BOyd. Wm. H anhibriTh- • j o b o .,B usse g. . • James 11'Conubslui , r4b mix 14—St, wm. ST EV ENSON- urti3ll Salvo. TO LET Jac. Ifarmon, ling' , Galla4her, b J 8. It. Lutikari, James Thorn.