Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 14, 1843, Image 1
VOL L-NO. 156. PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, CORNER or WOOD 4. FIFTH rms. amS.--Fivs DOLLARS a year, payable in admit*. single copies TWO CENTS—for sate at the 0011111tilit Of the ogee, and by News Bays. The Mercury and Manufacturer wahlhtheill WEEKLY, at the nine office, o• a double ,•sdl•n sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in sta. .rare•. Single espies, SIX CANTS. Terms of • PER SQUARE OF TW :. °MI Ineertloe. 0,50 1 Tyro lneerilons, 0.75 Three Insertloos, 1,00 One week, 1.50 I fire weeks. 3.00 Atte week., 4.00 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS. at AT PI KAIOR I. Chu dviass. Try Squarse La Bombe, $19,00 I Six months, $23,00 eilirtar , 25,00 One year. 35,00 wirLarger advertisements in prorortion. CARDAof foar lines Six DoLt.Aite a year, PUBLIC OFFICES,&C. Cm Pore Omcs. Third between Market and Wood Streets—lt. M Siddle,Posturaster. Cerro* Moose, Water, 4th door from Wood at. Peter. sox's buildings—Major John W Mock, Collector. Cure Tastsuay. Wood between First and Second Streets—Jamcs A. Bertram, Treasurer. Counre Taarrsaay, Third street, next door to the Titled Presbyterian Church—S. R. Johnston, Treasurer. lillayou's °ems, Fourth, between Market and Wood wrests—Alexander flay, Mayor. Nstet•STY Bxcu&ass. Fourth, near Market st. riarmitotott, between Market and Wood street". on third and Fourth streets. klaarms.was' •RD MANuribcTimmtßs' &YID FARIIIRS . Ds• PUT Ban'. (formerly Saving Find) Fourth, between Afood and Market sheets. Bat , Slab street. near Wood. SOTELS. Monona',NELL Tiornta, Water street, near the Bridge. MICR/ 010 Z Horst.. corner of Penn and St. Clair. IlleacnAwre floret, corner of Third and Wood. Atesucia Horst corner ut Third and Smithfield. da illatingoSTaTi., corner of Penn street and Canal. Seats° Etats, LTherty greet, near Seventh. Mir..t.eas NtAvritex Souse, Liberty St opposite Wayne Blliamatioitorr blew:got" Sorsa. Penn St. opposite Canal. tenEl:Pa WOODS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR •AT LAW.—Offtee rem,' red to Ilakewell'a offices on Grant at., neatly onprante tne new Court (Witte, next ?now to John D. Mahon, &al ,—First door. "I , 10 Trios. H. ELLIOTT, M. D.- Office resnoved St. Clair street, between Penn end Liberty Pittebnigh. e - p 10 NEW GOODS.—Preston 4. Mackey, whi,lcsale and retail dealers In English, French, ar d Domestic Pry Goods, No. 'l. Market Pt , Puttslmr:ll. Pep 10 MCANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and Counsellors it Law: Office frit the Diamond, bock dlif the old Court Iloute,Pilishorgh. see 10 RE 11 0V A. —R. Morrow, Alderman; oft. e north side of Fifth st,. between Wood and Smithfield etc Pittshurei JOilN 111 , DEVITL, What...sale Glneur Ref DigWirt', And Dealer In Produce and Pitichutcli 1114annfrelured Article,:, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts• burgh. !en 10 1111/41.L.L.As $ Wtt.s.tar• lion■ Umwoa , .... WILLIAMS & DlLWOH.TH.—Wholegalr Grocers Produce nod Commission Mereliantv, and /salon le Pittsburgh Manufactured article., No, 29. Wood street. iseo 10 VIOL 0' fiA.RA. ROBINSOIV, Attorney at Law Office on the north aide of the Diamond.betwee• gd4ritei and Union sireet,t, up we're 'rep 10 A I. DURIIORAIV, Attorney at Law; lenders .0 - ‘ 6 WO proietAiolial 'lvry lees to Lht public. Office cur. weer of Fifth and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd Jr Co's store. Pittsburgh, Pa. sep 10 JOHN B. tittrAtrr... Jai. N. Kk hatiErtlFF dr. KEAN, Manor .acturers Or Cooper. " Till. and Sheet iron Ware. No. SO. Front it., Ftt tr burgh. House Spouting and Steamboat work promptly executed. cep 10 TUONA• X TWIN V HOS. B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware JL Rooms. t.urner of Hand st. i t Exchange Alley. Terseas within; to purchase Furniture. wilt find it to bait advantage In ;ive us a call, beim! fully satisfied that we can please as to quality and price. sep 10 UTICON HAIIS.—Just rece i ved 160 choice Mut M MI Flame, well cured and for sale cheap by th..do son or retail, by rap 10 ferrA BAG supp'y or Landreth's Fresh Ru• to Biqa, and other different varieties of Turnip NMI 411111 1 received and for sate at IttrIVCKD raters at the Drug sad Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN, pep 10 No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. E. 81.11 CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe biontascio ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next door to lhe U. States lank. Ladles Fruit&le, Kid sod Satin Shoes made in he ntatestinanner, and by the newest . French patterns. ,sep 10 ORUS MULTICAULUS. In lots Woolf. 5,000 bl purchasers; tote disposed of by F. L. SNOWDEN. No. 184 Liberty street. brad of Wood. DHLIA A ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seed, of ev• ery description, can always be had at the Mot aad stare of F. L. SNOWDEN. *es 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 115 Ark LBS. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for 1, sale at the Drug and Seed store of F. L• SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 4OOLBorS. NW JERS recei EY SWEET POTATOES, f seed E ; just ved by F. L. SNOW DEN. No. 184, Llberly head of Wood et GARDEN TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades Transplanting Trowels, Edding Tools, Budding Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., just re. celved and for sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. pm 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. CHOICE Venison Hams.--Just received a small cup. ply of very , oitte cared Venison Hams, oo retail /a mall tots for current money. ISAAC HARRIS. Agent, and Cony. Merchant WIIITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and Kentucky Blue Gran, always on hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. sale by sop 10 EYBTEB it BUCHANAN, Atterneys •t Law. office removed from the Diamond, to *Attorney'sßow," shady side of Fourth street, between Racket and Wood streets sep 10 aill AGIISTIXATES'EMANKS, for proceedinv In .Al Iti reaAanrat ander the late law, for dale at this Write FOR SALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coal Lane and Dish street. Apply to sap 10 BENJ. DARLINGTON, Market, near 4th rt. 100 LBS. Laedreth's Preach Sugar Beet Seed, Jost received and for sale at the Drug and Reda , P. 1.,.. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty urea, bead of Wood. Etorealf ,at P 0 DISSOLUTION OF PA.RTNERMIIP.—Tha tasartaerahip heretofore existing between Wile LIAR RIG ay ad BEN/ A MIN HOPEWELL is this day dissildeed by magi eossent. William Diguy is authorised tease dm' similar, of the Ara ia 'rutin up ills binillll.B 4 mud ata Om WILLIAM 01611 T. to is shift. T.IIIOPRIVELL -~ -. ~~:. =GM dvertising. LYE LINF:B OR LESS: One month, $5.00 Two moms. 6.00 Three months, 7,00 Pour months, RAW Six months, 10,00 One year, 15,00 BANKS I=l ISAAC CARRIS., No.S.Fitth st - ''D'AILY -- :MORNING' . POST J OHNSTON dr STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printer!. an Paper Manufaeineerp, No. 37, Market Fl. pep 10-1 y JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water et.. near the Monongahela House, Pittslurgh. sep 10-1 Y LEONARD 8. JOHNS, Alderman, St. - Clair strect,se cond door from Liberty. cep 10-1 y D R. S. R. HOLMES, Office In Second street, next door to Mulvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10-1 Y QM:IN K 4. FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., near the Mayor's Office, sep 10-1 y 1111110S.HAMILTON, Mornay at Law, Pinth, between Wood and Smithfield sts.,Pittshursh. seplo—ly HUG!' TONER, A ttot nay at Law, North &s=t corner of Smithfield and Fourth streets. cep 10—ly THOPIPION 111,NNA TURNDUL L. HANNA 4" TURNBULL'S Paper Warehouse. No. 104, Wood st., where may be had a general supply of writing. wrapping. printing, wall paper, blank books, school books, ite, 4'c. am) griP C. TOWN4END .4. CO., Wire Workers and Matiorfactursrs, No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. sep 10-1 q LIXCHANO IF: HOTEL, Corner of Penn And Si. Clair .C4l st reels, by MeK IBBIN 4- SMITH. pep 10-1 y BROWNSVILLE JUNIATA IRON WORKS—Ed ward flueliPs. Manufacturer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25. Wood at.. Pittsburgh. sell 10 -1y lIC METAL.-77 tons soft Pitt Mrtal for Pa le by J. G. 4. A. CORWIN, srp 13 No. 12 Water street 3 BS. BACON HAMS. 16.000 lbs. Bacon ,000 L Shoulders, ror ss'e by J. G. 4- A. CORDON, No. 12 Water street IFAS. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birminbam, near Pittsburgh, ell Manearturer of Locks. Fiinees and Rolls; To• ' , ace°, Fuller. Mill and Timber Screws: [loosen Screws for Roiling Mills, 4-e. sco 10-1 y JOHN iII'CLOSKEY. Tailor and Clot !tier, Ltter.y Vim, In:tweets Sixth and Virgin alley, South side, Eery 10 T W Brit BRIM:El 4- CO., Wholesale G roeers and Clllll,ffig.ion Merchants— Second street, between Wood Smithfield str.,Plttshorgh. Bert 10-.ly y G. 4. A. coltncol, Commission and Forwarding al a Merchants, Watir at., Pittsburgh, scp 10--1 y 1 M S.-4 casks horns, n food article, reeeived ner 1.1 B Corsair, and for salc by J. G. 4- A. GOR DON, se.p 10 No. 12. Water street SUGAR & MOLASSES.-40 hlida !s:ew Orleans Su :8r; 80 bbls New Orleans Niolam.e.; for ser e I.v UPI() J. G. k GORDON. Q.11:43. R.-7 Ithdi prime N. 0. Sinai, rereiveli per R. R. Maine, and forme by J. G. ¢A. GOR DON. mei) 10 No. 12, Water street 50 BACON CASK9.In o , der. on hand and for sale by seplo ). G. ar A.COlt DON, No. 12, Water et QIIG A R AND MOT, f litide and WI. N. 0. Soenr, 32 Mils Y.O. Mohave., received per Sienniiinat I lei porier, and for vale by J. G. 4. A. COl FiriN, p 10 No. 12. Writer =creel S BBLS. LARD OIL. filr tale hy B. A. PA II NF.STnrK r 0 rep 10 Corner of 6i h and Mind :I< 1631 PAPElZSGernidniowo Lamp l'lnt- 1 / 4 Cm. vile F.IIINE! 4 'II4:I‹ rep 10 corner of6ilia,,d Wood i• 200 L 8 Prepared ß C: A ialk F . r 4 , 0 1; r hr o .1< Co. Fep corner of 6th And Wrlncl 'ha QUDA Ft AND MOLASSES.--60 liltds. N. 0. Sugar 10 :25 bbls. do. do.. 100 du. Pia i•.II sale by J. G. k Gonnos. sep 13 No, 12 Water ill feet. BLANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, &C.— o he used in Bankruptcy nrocord,ncs, prnond on good pa per iu the foruiY apprn ye,/ hp i he Courl,for sale at the Office of ihe Merl ury and Democrat. ~ c l, It) WM. HUBBARD, Lvhe.. fz..l.o,,Thie hoot and shoe Manufacturer. No. lUI, Third ai reel, iicisti.en Wood audSmithfleldstreets. Pittsburgh sep 111 f BUCKMASTER, AVRINEY AT LAW, i has removed his °Mee to the corner of Fourth street andetterry Alley, between Smithfield and Grant it; eel•, Pittsburgh, pep 10 ey: 11 AVID SANDS, ATCH & CLOCK iJ MAKER, No. 7, Si. Clair streel, Pitts bu,gro, DEALER IX ivArcuEs. CLOCKS, BR EASTPLACS FINGER RINGS, CHAINS, KEYS, COMBS. ,i , c7 sep 10 LANDRETH'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A Nil supply of Landteih's Garden Seeds, always on band. and for sale at his agency, the Drug store of F. L. SNOWDEN, rep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood DR. DAVID WARD hal Wm office and residence on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House. second do elfin' from [IOAI street He will faithfully attend all calls pertaining to his profession. Night calls should be made at the door above the bnsement• sen 10 R EMOVAL—Matthew Jones, Barber and Hair Dress. er, has removed to Fourth st reet, opposue I he May ors office, where he will be happy to:walt upon permanent ur transient customers. He solicits& share of public rot. ronage. sep 10 AVNI. A. %VA RD, DENTIST, Penn et. three door below frwln street, Hours of business, from 9A. Y., until 5 r. x , afier which time he will attend to no one except In cases of actual necessity. He would further inform those who may think proper io employ him, that he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on his part of sending in bills. lap 10 J OAN WFARLA ND, oateittarer sad Cabinet Af-ksr. Third at. between Wood 4 Market streets, respectful inflrois his friends and the public that he Is prepared foment* all orders for Sofas, Sideboards, Bu ream% Chaffs, ra him Bedsteads, Stands, lialr and Spring Mattrasses, Curtains, Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering work, which he will warrant equal ,o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. aep 10 EMOVAL!--The subscribers have remov.-d to %Va. ter between Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis sion business and would respectfully solicit the patron. age or their friends. J, W. BURBRIDGE q• Co. Dec 3 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, No 110 Word Street, PittebargA.—R. A. Bauman, Auctioneer and Com nil...ion Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merehandize, at Ms large and capacious looms, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. Pittsburgh. Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and o th er articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware. Cutlery. Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday. Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Books. 4-c...every Saturday ev rntug. Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted. itaramancra. Messrs. John D. Davis. Esq., •• &matey et Smith, Hampton. Smith, 4. Ce.. _ _ .. F. Lorenz 4 Co., .. J. ',V. Burbridge 4. Co., " S. /4 'hee 4. C o . .. Capt. James hi'Cargiii, C. Ihmsen, Esq. ),. Pittsburgh. /lb w s. Jona M7adden Ear(. I .. Logan it Kennedy. i ~,, J. K. Moorhead 4. co. I a. Jas. P. Stuart. faq. ~ Robert Calway.Rav 4. Capt. his. May. " NeVa7.llanna, 4 co. «. William lilyman. Wheelies •• S.G. Rusty. Losiothe Smith. Pesk If Co Co night. PITTSBURGH, MARCH 14, 1843. on Bazs Rio Coffee. oci 4. pEASE'S BOARHOUND CANDY.—ToiTce has received this day from New York. a fresh supply o the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con surnption; and is ready to supply cipdornersat wholesale or retail. at his Medical Agency, 2 Fourth st. tiny 12 DAVID CLA RH, elishionable Boot Maker,_ Has removed to No, 34 filarket street, between Second and Third streets, where he would be happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize him. He uses nothing but first rate stock, and employs the hest of workmen; and as he gives Ins constant personal attention to business, be truststiiat he will deserve ar,d receive a fair share of patronage sea 10 lIHITtzt, ICE CREA M, ¢ COIVFECTIUNAH.Y.— A Hunker respectfully informs his friends and the public that they can always find the hest quality of Ice Creams. together with al; kinds of confectionary and fruits, In their tem on. at his establishment—No. 11, Fifth street, between Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes, or anything in his Ilne. Also families furnished with Bread. Oen 10 FVANWS CAMOMILE PILL L S .—A BRA HAM .f. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Molt street, New York. was aftllcted with Dyspep.da in Its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head• ache, great debility, fever, costiveness, crmb, heart. hu rn, pain In the chest and stomach always after eating, impaired appetite, sensation of sinking at the slontarh, furred tongue, nausea..with frequent vomltings, dizziness lowarda night and restleness. There had continued up. ward of s twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr. Wm. Evans.loo Chat ham street, and submitting to his ever successful and ag,reeahle mode of treatment, the patient was completely restored to health in the short space of onemont h,s n d Grateful fur the Incalculable benefit derly. ed. gladly came forward and volunteered the abovestate For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Agent, No 20, Wood Street, below Second Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON F.iCTORY, Prices Reduced. Short Reel nen.Long Reel Tarn. No 5 at 16 cti. per lb! I 500 at 9 cis per dz 6 at ditto l 600 8 • ditto 7 at 17 ditto 700 at 7 ditto 8 at 171 ditto I UN) at 6 ditto 9 at 13 ditto 91R) at 5 ditto 10 at 191 ditto 1000 at 4 ditto 11 a: 19 ditto 12 at 191 ditto ,randl , wick at 16 cot fort 01, 13 at 21) ditto 'ow. 9 ditto 14 at 20} ditto 'Family do. dill.) 15 at 21 ditto Carti't Chain thito 16 at 22 25 ditto 17 at 23 dill° :' , ..lockinz Yarn and lft at -...' 4 (lllto roverl(l Yarn ulways on 19 nt e.. 1; (11110 i linnd 211 n , 26 ditto ,t'orto n Warp. nandr to order. • OZr ()Hers promptly encoded 10. ir felt of J. ¢ C. Palmer's, Logan 4• Kennedy's, or the Post came. :Mares. feb 27: J. K. 1110 OR II KAI) 4- Co. BACON 1500 Lhs. new Baron. ju:t received by wagons from Onm, for sale by Itemoval. /VHF: P.er hay ninny d ra.klonalde T 1.110 rill JIL Fmaldlshn,,d in Iliiiionvitiere 'loose. 3 , 1 door r i ,,, , T. „„ hrida hero litsiThi costumiers and nil n , i , er. who may r., vor IJu, %silk a rail nine ch.! , nrl havlor huh work done in a superior Stile. From lor per irla ela 11, ha in el , y, and In many m he, 1,..i,t0nni,i.• tole• in and A inened, h. 1 , ... , 0 coofideoi shat ln, rail Ova oral iriatliwe 449 , ail who Mac pb n•.•tn favor him wst 11 'lid, etodcdo. flu nirlel attention to buci lim. and superior .vorkurinship lie Iv pry to merit and receive a pal ronare. Ile ir lend keeplor nn hand n supply of rondo and irlmniinrpnuitn'ile for Ilse rus , culer Ira,le a kick will he said 4 1 v er y red,,„,i DCINAGIIY, N It The twin?. n st . n re of the ...Alen' Thal The crt I. i..!,,le•rn n prnCli,il On file pulllie $0 lIIIh by ddverle.ernenl , ; particularly by In , Ann. who 'tiny Jan IN he ca lied ill( i'lliffirS Oa the rade, who nevcr s.rv, d hail , ' In Itir husiness, and who kno•s no lolle il lion] Ili., could not crook a •pn age (doll), and they are ha rr Cared enousli to advert I,e I henowlves as'ah lors a la mode, and by the aid of old certoficiVes, cuts, puff., r d r such an are screrally used hy gnarke to iwd hi. ir nude rune.,l hey ollen =urrrrd In palthlns off no s ome Old ',Bch Inr line Sneh peopir• • + advert inane rain are only calenlaf ed In gull Ihri Mille and are r n more (Mt 'led to rredd than Iltionr yet , anshalde pnldleations nlanr the gr✓at Oult-•ivrr among the f itliputiows. which I presnme almost every Frllo, - 111 , 0V ha• rend arid ienghed at. I wow,' Aa , .../eQt to thorn. who wish Co have tieir made in first rale Pt vle to make a Itllle Inquiry and they wig. And that this Is the place where they ran he accommodated; B. D. J in 7-3 a: DIIF.VOME.VOX ,ur CIIE.AIISTRY—East lodia Hair Die_--coloto t he hair and will not the Pb), This Dye to in the i'nrin of a Powder whetl In plalh matter of tart may he applied to the hair over ni2itt, the fi , sl. Ittrning the lightest ar , r -e q hair to dark brown; and by repeatinz a rerond or third night. to a Jet black. Any per,ott may. therefore. with the least prmihlc trouble. keep lii. hall any dark shade or n perfect black, with the Po.ltive ;I , l , w:ince that the powder if applied to the akin will not color it. There 19 no coloring in this atotement. as any one may en.ity tent There facts are warranted by the ...held,' who manufacture, it. For sale at TUTTLE'S, S 6 Fourth street, where a large nixporimeoll ar Palen( Medicines may always be had at either vritoteente or retail. "Don't forret ! 86 FuttrlA street. 1" T O THE PUBLIC, and particularly to my forever patrons of tilts city:—llaylog retired trout the premier , of Medicine, I may he permitted to say, that it has fallen to the lot of I tit few persona to have enjoyed so liberal or large a share of ohatretrieal practice as my own has been for the last 30 or 40 years The experience of that long period of artive life. and I he fact of toy having been twice, since 1830. associated with Dr. R. A. Wilson, In the practice of medicine, (in both it period of five years,) enables me to judge fully of the merits of his pills. So convenient, so efficient, and yet su sale, did I esteem these pill...that for the, last five yews In my practice for the cure of chronic diseases,of whatever name, and those of females In !wheeler, I have used more of them than all of her niedirines. Like every of her medicine, this roust fall in some in stances, but In my hands there has been tess disappoint. ment and more satisfaction In the administration of Ibis one remedy titan of ail others; Its good effects sometimea quite astonishing me. If my patient required n safe aperient medicine either .afore or after parturition, the Wilson's pits were just 1 the thing I wanted. it a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach, combined with costiveness or inactivity of the liver. constituted the disease lf my patient.. the pills were just the thing I wanted. If I treated a case requiring an emmenagogue, the Wilson's pills were jest the thing I wanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance, or other dtfficulties. Indicating a disturbance of the circulatory and •ecretory systems, annoyed my patient at the 'turn of life,' the Wilson's pills werejust the thine I wanted. Thus, without resp2ct to the name, a disease !nista happen to wear at the time I have had it under treat meat, particular indient)ons or symptom; arising, v ere sl—sys nick , t promptly and most happily met by the Wilsoll'apilla. That so great a number ordisences, and comet itnes np. parent ly opnosile ones, in Which 1 have used these pills, should he ailed more readily by them than by any oilier remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a treat many persons should become thirsty from Ls many different causes. and yet all require that commun and greatest hr all blessings, water lo quench their thirst. I n conclusion, It Is due the eputation or the medicine and the pubih-, tong decidedly and unconditionally, that the Wilthin's pills are theonly combination I have ever met with IN my Inneenwse or twactier.that really psi evaresanything coral ive or spacidc ro r skit headache, Yours 4-e., DR. MILO ADAMS. The above Pitts designed vart‘colairly for the sick Hoed-Ache. Deaperala,Constiparton or 'he Bowels prepared by the proprietor Dr. t. A. Wilson, and for sale, wholensie and ninan,at hiedwening in Pena etreall, new Inartnny, Oet I For sale by • 4- A. CORDON DR. GOODE'S Csiebrated Featsle Pills. These Pills arestrongly recommended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveneae, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections; These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Hni tad States, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and Betel!. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent. Cep 10 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Maker, Liberty St., opposite the head of Smithfield et., Pittsburgh.— The subscriber having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, hag commenced business In the old stand of Mr: R., and 11 prepared to execute ail descriptions of work In his line, In the beat manner and on the shortest notice. He keeps corstantly on band R large assortment ofshoe findings of all descriptions and of the hest qualhT. Re solicits the patronage of the nub. Ile and of the craft. WM. ADAIR, sep 10 IaIITTSBTTRGH MA NUFACTORY.—spring• • and Axle• for Carrtare• at Eastern Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (warranted,) Juniata Iron Axles, Sliver and Brass plated hash Frames, Brass and plated Hub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Handles and Hinges. le. ,ke. HD. sELLr:Rs, M. D., office and dwelling In Fourth, • near Ferry street. Pep 13—ly LOOK AT THIS. The attention 'flho,e who have been somewhat scep tical in reference to the numerous certificates published In favor of Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cher. ry, on account of the persona being unknown In this sec lion of the Slate, is resPeelluily directed to the following rem Skate, t he writer of whirl' hes been a ell lien of this borough for several years, and is know n as a gentleman of Inte;:rity and responsibility. To tAs Agent, Mr. J. KIRBY. I have used Dr. Bwavne's Comp and Byrup or Wild Cherry fore mash, with which I have been severely a 6 flirted for about four months, and I have no hesitation in sn yin: that it lathe moil efrective medicine that I have been able to procure. It composes all uneasiness. and aver.: well with my diet.—and mantains a regular and eood appetite. I can freely recommend It to all others similarly afflicted. J. M tamest, Borough of Chambersh'e. March 9. 152.10. seri 23 For sale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market street. FRUIT, SHADE. AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. Ullitr.RF-I)!Vr4 ti..tirotta of prneurine Fruit. Si*nde. nod Ornamental Tree., or Ethrobh.rv, from Philadel PI la or New York, are rerptealed In make applirni ton ne noon ntt 0n..11 , 1e, at the flea. and Seed Store of the nob prril , er, where ran he had rainlopee, eratuitooniv, of the most rx , ellent varlet hbn. F. 1.. SNOWDEN. Iwo 21 No 1134 Lihprty street, bond of Woo,l M AR TILT! M NTIFAITTOTI 11 .—Palrirk Ca wfleld re. !, per t fully:lento:tint, Ilk friend. the public zen• era llv, I hilt he haw rem menred ilie NI arble htipinePit at the rorner of Firth and Utter' v where will he ronMantly nn nand tomb stnn-it. mantel pirreg. mniintnente. head mt.d fool eirmes. fable , lake for ealiinnt warp, and every irie nrwrta the hiditepii. He will tvarra tit Ills wort: In heivelldniiP, a rid hi. eliarizes will he Moderalei He recpert fnitva.k. n oil re of nubile patronage. .en 11-1. isA r cßuizr„ 144 v s (..meressor in H. M'Cloakey) rash. tona 'de Flout Maker, I,l l terly PI., 2d door from ‘ 7 l-,in Alley . The sitherriher respectfully Informv 'he nnuti c h a t h e hap rommeneed the shove business In Ott .inn formerly nrcupied by Mr. Henry and that he is nnyv prepare.s 10 Pilerfittf) *it order. In hi. ine n 'left, with 111. 0 (11111C h and nn the flirtyl reasonable terms. Prnm his lon. ernerionce In the manufacihro of pyostonside Rows, he feels ro ll ndent 'hal all article* from 1114 estnidishment will Ore vatlsfaciion to hi. pa. 'runs. A shy' eof puldlc pal ronaze Is respeel fully solicit: ed. seri 10 13!RD SEFMS Ar nn supOlY or Hari Seed., Fon .coin;: of Canor l .Hemn and R a rw: jool reteived Fy fp!, 3. F 1, SNOWDEN, 14R Liberty wt. Porta , le Platform Scale!. on wheels, to weigh 2,500 Ibe, at 855 00. dodo do do do 2,005 at 145 00 do do 14110 at 35 00 do do do do 1,000 at 30 00 do do du do 500 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition of 83 to each scale. Dormant realm for the uce of Warehouses, Flouring Mills. kr...the same prices as above. Alen, White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's improvements, and a variety of other counter scales, which they will sell for from R In 815. They also manufacture Stearn Engines for Flouring Mitts. Raw Mills. Salt Works, kr,, double and single :eared at Ide lathesfoot and other lathes for wood turning I.rarhin”, for tenanting chairs, planing machines, door and sash machine. patsnt florae power, with or I without ihraahing 11 /3chine., a superior article; circular 'saw shafte, machine for sawing lath, Tinner's ma• chines and tools ofall deseriptioncalso for making black trig boxes, a superior article; governors fur meant engine. stocks. tang and dies, coffee mine , bedstead or joint hots and mar innery for making the same, cotton factory ma chinery made or repaired; printing arm.. platting turned and printing presnee repaired. JAMES MAY, Agent . sep 22—If YOUNG ¢ BR A DBURY !OLIN B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and COMlttill• Rion M ercha M. 106, corner of mpod rifeA ate. !Pitrshsekk: Having been appointed one of the A action errs frn the City of Pltsioursh. tenders Ills services to Jot, hers, manufacturers and dealer., who may he disposed to make trial of this market• He is prepared to make advance* on consignments of all saleable commodities, and trusts losrati,lv correspondents by quick sales, and speedy land favorable return". That the various Interests which may be confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in hitsiness and acquaintance with merchandise generally, the services of Mr. SANERILL F•arteiroca; heretofore advantageously known. as an importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement to made. REFER TO MeEdrs. M. Tiernan, Pres't. of M. ¢ M Bank. Darlington 4. Peebles, Roheri Galway, James M. Cooper. James Mny, • R. M. Riddle, Pittsburgh '.Vm Robinson. Jr. Pres't f l of Exenan e e Rank. •' Dampion,Smith, k co.. John D. Davis, •• Samuel Church, •• J. K. Moorhead, Ji.. W. Brown k co, Jnnn Fl Binwn. 4. co: Smith k It s• rardiv John B. John Iral,reit, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. 20 store 115 busbeleof rood quakts , Clover OW. Alm Aje bushels prise Tiasotby for seep Imo in Wt. I. CRTJ Liberty se Who offers for sale 50 *shots Orchard Grua seed Cab 0. JONES & rra.gmAx. St. Clair at.. near I 1 e A Ilegheny Bridge ,mnroved Flay innufaet tired he heir Machint I, between Ma ith s treet, two nee Hall, Pitts inurarture and flti the ronow itcaiaaow hot. ,y composed 01 'eta!): No. 1, Port Ie Pi:W.01111 "tee 3sou , uund.,a, i tiS. Ph I ladera I •.n io PROSPECTUS For publishing a new Daily Payer in the City oi:Pitts ===ff MB! DAILY MORNING POST. /11H ESubscrlbers having made arrangements to merge 1 the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry into one Journal, have concluded to publist • daily paper with the title of the Daily hist-Ring Post. The leading object of the .'Posy" will be the cilnemina• Lion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, In their respective papers, and t heir best efforts will still he devoted tb the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, In polities, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest, candid history of passing Political events. Foreign and Domestic Intelligence. and brief notices of all mat• ters and ocrurrences that come properly within the saber/ ofa Public Journal, to make their patter sufficiently In. cresting to eolith, It to the patronage of tbe public, Ir respective of party conskieratitihai In addition to the political ihd general news that will be found In the ••Movalsir Piet,"the Editors will take pains to Hunted the itheineses community with the latest and most interelning Coussamat, hritLl3. sauce from all parts of the country, and to have preps. red such accounts of the Markets and the Slate of Trade as will beadvantageolls to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Tema—The Porr will be published on a large al sheet of line paper, (manufactured especially for this 'minted) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance. It will also be sold by news.boys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Aderiiiseianits will he Inserted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. krTWENTY active lads are wanted to sell the Post, who will by engaged on the most liberal terms THOS. PHILLIPS, W. H. SMITH. Autos' 31, 1842. 100 HIIDS. KY. LEAF TOBACCO. In etnre and for sate by J. G. ak A GORDON. No 12. Water Parent. Y Morrison ir Co. London. for sale only by S. N 11 Wickersham, corner of Wood street and Virgin alley Piitahurelt Pa. and H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who Is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. rep 10 F ARM FOR SA LB.—Tae undersigned offs to for p*l. a tract of land situated 4 miler freepost, In the direction of Klitannine, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong county.contalning 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of whicn nre in meadow-. a toad eon/ire tog dwelling house and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple orchard of 80 bearing trees—and a wing of excellent water runvrnlenl tothe boom. FOR TER MR apply to the su i tscrilwere residing Pi the Saltworks on the Pennsrylvanta Canal, 1 in:le above Free port. sep 10 M'Closkey's Clothing Store FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF RERDY 111RDE CLOTHING THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 Liberty street. one door from the Jackson Foundry. T HE subscriber Is Just receiving at Ills well known establishment. the lateen. most varied and CIIZAPUIT STOCK Or 00001 tkat A AS ever been fitrild to this Mfg Every ankle wa• selected by Min•elf in itie esuperit el. ties. and purchased at the cowlarr emus mess, twirl* le therefore enabled to sell hie art.cles notch tower Than they ran be, had at any other establishment west of the mon °talus. His articles are all made by experienced workinen, from the latest manufactured goods aad In the mot MODERN FASHION. Ile feels confident that all portions who will tall at his establishment and his stock will he satisfied that BETTF.R 8.4 RG I:VS can he obtained at the THREE BIG DOORS than at any similar establishment In the thy. Itle mock consists In part of Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders, And every other article of Clothing of Ihr hem style From his varied stock of cloths he is prepared to MAKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at the shortest notice, in a style unsurpa s sed by any other Pittsburgh house, and totrraated to*. 111, mock of Spring' and tnitstater Gras is superior to any previous Importations and he luts 110 hesitation In gayinr that for excellence, beauty and cheapness they cannot be equalled In the west. Tire subscriber would once more return his tbanks to Iris friends and the public fnr the unprecedented pat ron• axe bestowed on his retablishment, and believing that Ms customers had found It to their advantrge to deal with him. he would repeat his invitation to all those who v. , 101 to purcliaan Clothing of every description at lowest prices, to call at No, 151, LIBISTT Freest. JOHN M'CLGSK EY. 00 - oheeree Metal mate in the Pavement. Feb 22 Passage and Remittance, TO AND FR, M GRZIALT BRITAIN. • • et. IA Oirr Naito 'JP it- New York and Liverpool Line. prEasoxs (estrous of sendlnz for Ital.' friends to tome from any part of Great Britain, ant retpeet fully informed that the subscriber Is at all time* pm pared to make .nth et cast tut nit• He le prepared to remit morns, by draft's, which are mad* payable at any point throughont the United Kingdom on pretwitla lion; harm; been for the last 12 year, engaced In the boNlness, he feel. confident that his arrangements on both sides rite Atlantic arc stark as will give satisfaction The Ship■ comprising the above line, arr. a'l oft be first claw and ere commanded rty careful and skillful masters. leaving Liverpool once each week du tins the sea.oll. ['or further particulars apply it b' tinter to JOHN HERfMAN. N 0.61 South street. New Yotk. Of to J. KIRKPATRICK, at Messrs [Mizell Fleming's, Water street Plts'bgh. March 3--2md. ME lee BETWEEN PITTSBURGH .4ND PHILADELPHI-1 4 BiILTIMORE. 111118 Line is prepared to comment., business on the openlne of the canal. It iA MINX/fed (avast of Col. unthia) of Arra Class Portable BOWS, chartered forth, season, each host tieing in charge of it. respective owner, he line has at a heavy expente Taken a Pow, or )x_ aretact from one of the moat sithstantial and prompt offices lathe United Stales, coverlet! all good♦ shipped Ay it. (free of sspnua to the owes>, of the gods) Shin pars desirous of availing themselves of this inseranee moat give notice at the place ofabiputent of the value •f their goods. The rates of freitht will he as low salty any restersn sihte cantata, and the facilities for giving satisfaction le customers in alt TPllprri• •re soroassed by DO. tine an the canal. Shippers to and from the east are respect. rally Invited to tall, rite business will be conducted by CL ARKE ar, THAW, 90 Front street and Canal Burin Plttansr: J. BUTLER & C. JAeltsON. Foot arDnek street, rbtladelohl,l„ W. M. MEREDITH. New York. 108. & ti.ll iurs, J. &P. MARTIN, illan~; A. L. LOW, Corm*. March 4. WM.* PHILIP Rillktß See 2.—Should a member perform leas labor than is squired by the standard year, then the amount of nail gain during said year which shall be plared to his credit, shall ba is proßortion fo the labor which he has performed; but us so Am. tingeney 'ball a member *Cele* mere *as mu equal share of mid gain. Sec. 3.—Sickness, outtalk) , Or death. 'ban is tti. case deprive a member, or his &gaity. of am, rigs ton of an equal dividend, and shou ld this smorpot not be sufficient fur the support of the family et the deceased members; then tech (Dreher sui shall be placed to their creait as will be a.nple fur that pdrpose. ARTICLE EL.—SUNDRIES. See. I.—Each ineriplber shall be provided with a convenient and coot rot table dwel ing for himself and family. which shall be built and kept in re. pair at the cost of the association, with a piece of land attached suitable for &garden, over which the association .hall have no jurisdiction. Sec. 7 2,—1 t .belt be the duty of the Directors 0 , wise a syitask of education to bo evtahlivbed,sa that the yolog at schools and those its tuatara life, By ills Sid of a suitable library and ecturoes of lea• tures. maj hakes aboodant opporlonitg to is. truss la useful knowledge and bappisege. Luse a oummedisSe hair int house shall L nde erected. bet iet with soy seettarianista, bot frist sod sipaa II wnrship Almighty God according to the diem. of their cosscsameesr, and uniform rules shall Be . evtablished, that the equal privileges of alLinem. hers May be Preserved inviolate. Ste Cenatitution may be altered or amoodod by arterdevir three fourths of all the mem. bere t !' two separate mowing; called for that par.. Mgr VP 2 t, except those portion„ whirit insfer /11 111 /entiee are epee/6'W, which shall sot aneved adopt by their own prkviriNts. - PRICE TWO CENTS INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. CONSTZIstrTiON OW THE Exchange • Company. The Object. - The undersigned, in order to secure to thenai selves and families the productions of their Indus. try, to guard against the evils inherent in the pro; sent forms of civil society, and to porlsll the means for improving in the highest degree the moral and intellectual faculties wherewith auk Creator has endowed us, do agree to, and eoliths lish this Constitution for our Association. ARTICLE I.—NAME. This associatiee Allan be called Tae ExcemeenCettrasi. AkTICLE 2 .--Meinbership. See I.—This association shail consist of ti m 4:who final signers to this constitution and such othei membets as may irom time to time be almitteti in conformity to the constitution and ortfinan4 ces. • Sec `L—\o person shall become a membei oti A this association who shall Dot at the Times of sigq log this constitution be free (rem all legal clitabli? ity to contract. See 3.—The votes of three-fourths of ill thal members at the time, shall be necessary to athitit a pawn to membership. Sec 4 —Each member on entering the ai4ollia-% tion shall pay the sum of five hundred dollars, of. wnet shall he deeined its equivalent which *bail constitute him an equal proprietor in the real ex. tate, and entitle him to one vole. ARTICLE 3.-oElieers: Sec I.—The cificers of this association . , _Skill be N President, Secretary, Treasotrer,ool Qf Directors, all of which shall be MP* by a majority of the members it asii-dtketat is such manner as shall be prescribed by mince. Sec 2.—Each member of the board of dimitont -hall be qualified to represent and superintend I separate division of industry. Sec 3.---The Aisoci.it'on shall deeLre by Ordi nance what duties shall be performed• by each one of the Offic_rs. ARTICLE 4.—Powei.s See I.—The board of dircetnrs shell have su preme judiciary, legislative,ant executive power. with the privilege of eelegatirg Laic executive power to such committees as it may appoint le. superintend each separate divistol of industry. Sec 2.—lf the beard of directors- shall pati any ordininbe which is Cipprea-ive or disptea to the theibberri.iny ten may call a meeiiiiiM the samywation, at whibb a majority of all lb, Atm bore shall have puwer to annul or email" J iriance. Sec 3 .—Certa'n causes fur expulsive OW declared bjt the Ordinance, so conviction iir a member may afterward be expelled by a 4 mlorily, but f , urt.fit - ths of all the members obeli have power to expel a member without the form of a trial, providea such expalsitna is nut a fraud upon this constitution. Sec 4.—This association Ehall not be thaeolved bat by the written consent of all its members. ARTICLE ts.—Property. San I.—The entire property or th:a rt.aticiation shall be divided into two cle.-ses, vq.:—Beal Es tate, and Personal Property. Sec 2.—The Real L•tate shall c,naist of the Land and Buildings, the Machinery sod 'fords in nee, and all other property; which, by a vote of three-fourths of all the members, shat: be derla• red such, all of which shall be forever inalienable, except by the written consent of all the members; and any menther ceasing to be etieh, by death, withdrawal, or expulsion, shall nut, by reps ser.la • Live or otherwise, be entitled to any portion thtres *for receive any equivalent therefor. Sec 3.—The Personal Property shal comprise ail the casette of the aeriiria!ion which have not been designated as Beal ket,ite, to accurate in. , 'entory of winch shall be made un the first day oo January in each, yea at fair trash value, and an e. qual amount of the nett lose or gain during the, yearehall be placed to the debit or credit pf each member, but while said property remains u ded, it shall be under the control of the ass .c•a• tiun, except in case of deaths - withdrawal, or expul. (lion, when a member so situated, or his repreeen (alive, shall be entitled to receive hie full propos.. tom thereof. ARTICLE 6 —LABOR. See: I.—The laboring of each member shall 'comprise two hundred and eighty days of eight hours each,which shall be the utediutn stan dard, but this time may be increased or diminish ed by Ordinance its Circumstance"; shall require. Sec: 2.— A1l other labor in the asscniathm shalt be classified by the Directors and such regulation.' adopted in relation to time and wages us shall operate equally upon all the persons of each cities . See. 3,—A1l members shall be entitled to equal pay foi what shall be rated a day's work, and an [account of debit and credit ah.ill be opened wilt each member, who may, with consent of Direa. tors, employ a substitute to perform the labor "al. lotted to nitn, see. 4.—The ssanciztion may declare by ape. clef Ordinance when a member, nn acc ,, unt ef ago or infirmity. shall fro exempt from further labor, with ou t prejudice .to bis annual dividend. ARTICLE 7 .-DI V [DENO. Sec. I. A dividend may at any Lhne be declared of such ■n amount of money as Lhe associatio n can spare fiorn is regular business whhaut dettio went.