Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 13, 1843, Image 2

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    green bushes in the humid valleys. The
Fennlie. with rusting wings. flies rapid y
from tree to tr. e,wuue the Noctua Striz,
the largest of the moth kind, efts irnmova.
bly on the trunks with outspread wirgs
amaitlng the approach of evening. Myri
ads of the most brilliant beetles hum through
the air, or sparkle like jewels upon the
green leaves and fra2ant flowers. Mean
while agile lizards, remarkable for 'their
Term, size, and brilliant colors, venomous
, serpenis'of a dark hue, or harmless ones
which exceed in splendor the enamelled
,111-kwers, glide from the leafy -eovert, the
. hollows.ot ; the tree+ or from hdlei in the
ropnii, and creeping up the stems, bask in
the sun, and lie in wait for insects or birds.
•"!From this - moment al! is life and activ_ity.—
• Squireels. tromps of gregarious monkeys,is•
sue inquisitively from the interior of the
wands to the plantations, and leap whistling
and ehattering, from tree to tree. Doves
t . leave the branches and wander about in the
moist ground nr the woods. Other birds of
the roost singular forms and the most su
perb plumage, flutter, tingly, or in compa
nies, through the oiliniferous shrubs
Green, Hu°, or red parrots, tissemllled on
• the tops of the trees, or flying towards the I
• plantations or islands, till the air with Lhf it
seteainb. The toucan, Fitting (in the Px
tremitiee of the branches, rattles with his
large hollow bill, end in loud pl iintive notes
calls for rain. The busy orioles creep out
of their loner, perh'ent, ha,•-shaped nests to
visit the oranle trees,sod their ; sentinels an
* nuunce with locd screams the approach of
man. The flycatchers, sitting aloof watch
ing for insects, dart from the trees and
'shrubs, and with rapid flight catch the hov.
urine Menelaus or the, shiniinz Ili as thee
buzz by. Means
bile the amorous throsh
' cnnci in ilie thickct,p,,ur , cci le•rjoy
in a strain of heantifnl riivio'v ; the chlQ,r.
ing florn the close hush
- es, sometimes here. Sfilnil.lllli'S therein tht
full tones of then rho ',-
selves in tnisleadin the hiniteis; :in I the
woodpecker makes tLe iht
SOLin(L while he pe,•lis harts fro o the
trees. Above all thes • strat ,,, ' v 'irea, the
metallic notes of the oripowr i s mod
the tops of the hilzhe•t trees, ieseml ltr.g tho
strokes of tha harn , n-r op , ot in an vil,
which, or in Ire r route
according to , _he (II The scooter,
fill the wanderer w th ast.mishmew..
While thus eve!) , livin , creature, hv its
Wiens and voice, greets ihe snlend r If
day, the exquisite litimmin.r-bird , , iival
ing in beauty and lustre diemy end;,
raids and sapphires. 11.)v..tr round the
brightest fl ewers. When the sun goes
down, most of the animals re'ire to rest;
only :he slender deer, the sly pecati, the
timid agouti, the tapir still the N 3
t 1 a and the opossum, the cwt log at:int:3ls
of the fe'ine`race, steal thrmi , h the obscu
rity of the wood, waichili l for prey. tlll at
last the howling mo n k e y, t h e sloth, w i t h a
cry like one • distress,the croaking frogs
and the chirping gta-s hoppers, with their
monctomms note, conclud, , the day; and
cries of the iniictic, the capnetia, the goa'-
sucker, and the has toles of t I) , i
announce the apprnarh of ui At. 11y iaels
of luminous beetles now begin to fly about
like tgnes f&ui and the vampyres (yes.
pertilio bruziliciu:is,) hover I,k,e phantoms
in the profound darknes: of th e night,
Remarks of Ear. Runs,
OfAllegheny cou lob on a Resolution of
fere.l by himself the House of Repre
sentatives,prohibiting any member from
speaking on any one question, more than
20 minutes:
IdrlCirns coinmenced by observing. th the rose
to occupy the tine of t i Ilonse i) a feu mn.
lutes in the suooor , . oft e r, otutroi co he hail
just, offered, un.l w,.ieh hid for it.: object, !tie ss
'log or time, the .!1-piteti o! bo+ ness,end an ears
kr adjournment or the Le'risl.ture.
- I ask, (:aid Mr. e members of ibis
House, to take a reirns;,ective siew .r the letitisla
lion of the present ,•15.1,1,1. W, hay. , now been
in session nearly two months, and wait has been
done fur the benefit
. of
the propk? Toer. have
been brit two or three bills, of a genera
which have passed the two ['toast!, .nd be orne
laws. All the imp 'rant busing-s. a high we were
sent here In transact, has b , let; to slionb r
our table. while ae sit here, day after , say,
ing to long, tiresome, and unprofitable
not pertinent to the q iestions b I; re II
and which are only mid 1.1 b poini-hed iti the
newspapers, for t lectioneoring, pur,o , s I,n se.
Did the people only know. uta, roost .1' poc , l
es.which they soe in pri , t,,re
and not for tins liuu-e, th.y bc care ul awl
send nn man here, whi e Will not s' ,, p
when he hid asthing to se r
this House, th-se daily speeche- of an hoor
No one! the whole hu. Ile— or p n
pended; one is folding dominents to seiltl ii , or,e to
his constituents; another is w ri log I..!Len-: Toe
are talking, end others ate .s 1 e. i i ,-nil re to
drowsiness, by the apiat ;idol ~t a l
standing all this, the pros, r ..n.
the time of the Com monwn I :a ;,'io• ''if a .
-bout .1,000 per day. I :nit, K this o:
right? Is it not oar duly to poi no e,,d t o ~,d
to devote oursel, es, with di'igene,, to V.v.. pol,t,io
Du l et
us at 11f1 '1!
tioo. What dues it 1.7 n , 00? Any uurea , n
ab!e? Anything to rirtvant ins-inners t g'-•
their views on a.lbj •et-; No! It o , siv .)111
a man from lettinf thoughts, rx;oe•-t .1 in tin,
Haase, wonder, ‘like,th.: ey s 0 , •111
the ends of the earth. Ttie rillaa.a:.ce 01 tw cry
minutes to speak on any one sitti..ct, is c;,,-iog
no. Wan% mouth. It will have a t.ontor,ey, only
to make gentlemen con:lens+ their i , ices , and 4rl
- the (louse with wont directness ot purp ..se,
an lofbetter effect. It i -oat, caom,ble n:r mew—
berm to talk here be the hour, when Itie puYie and
private business is nrglecte There rye m
than ten inemb:-rs in the flou-e,wl. sic
upon subjects which are di-cadged. they
ail- speak, ev.n the tweuty minutes allowed by
the resolution, it will give titre,: hours dis
on every que.oion. Is this not latitude croorgh
for dieeeeAme? Now, an important question is
debated fur days, and that, no, without thrnerinz
any new light up•in the subject. Leen the most
trifling rest,' ition , uscas-ed, dur ni a whole
morning's sisssinn,and urea: end important husi
ass is delaeee, until the p.tio.tec of the people is
beginning to he exhaus,cri.
. .
But it seems that in off.:ring this resolution, to
cat off useless &bite, and confine men - then+ to the
business before the House, 1 have brought down
upon myself the indignation of the gentleman
from Fayette, and the ;:t.1111 , -man ( torn the eitc,as
Veil as from the county 11 en i!a iphi,• J ex iee
l e d thi s , es in offerinir the ree.ihu'ton. 1 have
*t ro dd en 'her bessoly upon their corns.' :'he
oellerrie gentlemen cannot deter me from
my coarse, I>Ehall do what I conceive to be My du•
ev U'i LHIM door, regarnlada oz uns mile or tams
or any one.
conchae, let me call upon' .the nvosbers of
this Housr, who desire eipedition 'the public
business—who wish to finish tint public business
and return home, to come, up is my assiinance
wi'h their vote i.Ous pass this resolution and
I put an end to u:eless, unprofitable debate, and go
to work in earnest for the g.).,d of the State.—
Havicg done this, e-e "hell be able to have an
early add urnmeot, and rear to our homes and
our families, Bu. i the contrary course s taken
if we arc to continue, as we have been engaged
fin Waiting our time in long speeches to the neglect
of the bu•oness which we are expected to do, we
shall soon hear from the pelide, as we did last
be.sion, a murmur of diFeintent.
gobject to the decision of a National Convention
MONDAY, MARCH 13, 1843
bee telrft Page.
Prospects of Trsde.-Cheering news from
New York.
The Journal Commerce gives most en—
c.ouraging account of the business prospects
of that city. k says:—There are tv‘o or
three features of the mrrket just flow,
which are wot thy of particular attention.
The xeresences of a bad currency have
been removed, until they are reduced with
in so small a compass, that that they have
no power to agitate the generel business of
the country. State stocks have come to a
pesiti in in which they can ig it.en nobo
dy, let them go which way they will.—
There is n no si le ary institution or in
terest liable to fall into dishonor, which has
sufficient importance to disturb the genet.
al peace. The basis of afriiis, therefore,
is firm and stahl.t.. la the second place.
there i, a great supel
Real specie ha, accumuleteil until it has
, rrie b.irtheniorne. The Ilan s aie
i,fspecie and deposits of (11.'lley lying id e.
Fiir a ilizen yews, ant tnigiit podia,
b!y as well !(,1
mu hoer. st, super:0)1.1,1(11w. ;,s now, Thu
wi!.ll such (-Tided i hung con
tinned. plenty. Li 411 the
In-s-s, y is ,fre;ed si six pf
boi.d arid mortgage, quite
wants of ti,irrovvers; and here, akin,' Ciat
particular kind of seem ity is nut yo, in
-vogue except ‘‘i.,ll a lee ni the rnot. w,hl
thy capitalis,s, yet money g,va a I , eizgin2
at five per cent on six n rintha p 'pet, and
temporary loans have been made ac
percent. Sidi Specie is p,airing in 'rum
all quarters. In the third 1 , 1a.u-, tic st,i( ks
of all sorts or forei4n E n.nle are wi , F nigh
Thls t. r rl 1 , -.llv if a,. ni
(Iry g0u.13. art I all utliPr mori h 111.1 i-e
At ti time yn 01u ‘rit
business, have the sripplies erf rnerch n
both on sea-b yard and through the intetior,
been an exeeeding,ly small. The filet is,
that of a large nernhet irfimportint artirle!-
there is but the smallest eptactity whi , h
can be ca led a stork, and there no great
supplies on the wry. S stands the cut e
jut at th, rum m•-• 11. e meat ttl the spring
trade: The products of uur own industry
as.unP are superabundant, and pressing up .
o t our ships to be carried abroad, that more
specie may he returned.
The Cabinet.
The Hon. .I)hu C. Spencer entered nu
his ditties as Secretary of the Treasury,
nn the Sib inst. (fin the same day Judge
Porter. of Peongylvania,took charge of the
War Department.
It was said at Washington that Mr Weh.
star would take a trip "d >wn east," and on
his return retire from the Cabinet, and he
provided foi u t some other way; perhaps
going to England, as Mr Ever, tt•s SUCCPS
snr, who is to he sent to the Celestials.—
There is mu-h excitement at Washington,
and the city is thronged with persons ask.
big office or o'd e President's
h ouse i s hoseiged by a standing army of
th se patri tic gent'eit en %Alto VI ish to
serve their reunify in a rivil raps , iiy, or
get their bards into the "Treasury it. some
other mat ner. The "Captain Itidds out
m nfoly, notwithstanding the annoyance
it'office hunters added to his mierotot "f
-ri ;di duties, he is i n fine heath and spirits.
Great aims in Boston—A cowhiding
ago r.—l'nif. Loveting of Cambridge. got
i,,to a difficulty on Saturday week, in Bos
ton, all for lute! The Pinfeasor. it up
pears, had been paving his att••utions to
to the young. beautiful and accomoliArd
sister of Dr, Hawes, hut ali at once with'
drew his attentions to another fAir one—
the brother of Aliss Hawes, (hating l ei r n ,
erl that the professor m ide a habit ufg:tia
big conquests in this way) ink a gn• d
cow-skin and nave the prolessm a superb
drer•ing! \Ve h , tite it may d r him gaud.
Another death fromfre—A little girl
daughter of Mr. Owtsuch, a hatter in Bal.
timore, was so severely burned on Monday,
by her clothes taking fire, as to cause her
death. When will we have done record
ing deaths by the grime distrest•ing means.
The Furt rade in Maine, amounts to .50,
000 dollars annually.
British PhifanthropytiThe N.Y.tou.
rier says, the British frigate Madagascar,
Capt. Foote, recently destroyed several
slave barracks on the Coast of Africa, and
had in the course of the proceeding, sever
al skirmishes with the natives. in which
some of the crew of the frigate were kill.
ed; bnt the English succeeded in capturing
about twelve hundred slaves, who were ta
ken to St. Helena, and and put to labor as
"hired apprentices."
Ex-Goy. Corwin was in New Orleans
pith Henry Clay, but it was not known
until after he had left. The colored gen—
tlemen surrounded him during his stay.
and the whigs could not distinguish bim
from them.
One hundred guns was fired on Boston
Common on the fourth of March, in honor
of the adjournment of the late Whig Con•
3 Strike at Providence.—The Journal
of Thursday says: "About a hundred block
printers, in the prit.t works of J. Dunnell
& Co., had a wrike a month ago nn account
of a new regulation introduced relating to
the wages of the boys. One of the men
left the compact and returned to his work;
and one evening last week as he was on
hi d way to his boarding house he was at.
tacked by six men and badly beaten."
A. fellow took laudanum in 13 t'titrfore•
lost week. Stroeter. says he took e.ract/y
the tight qtnintity!
A funny e,!itor says that a nimple o a
detect the presence of moisture on the sur
lice of the earth, is to wear huts with
hob's In the sol. s
i~iii Gar Ow relief of the heiri
Fultnn, vac , !el. alt.(' in the S,-..ate on the
115 t day S.•,4ion
1 :1 :, , us coin-eons to For
i-, a chizon ( , 1 the w,.11(1, and
that hi= h , art i 4 nn i , llnd cmt
et - lamlz3, hot a c toinent that j , ,Ms them.
The Phil ni , lphia Firr,;nel are prepay
ire a Is: nd I)l•le,c,ralion,linim
New k, lialtirnurt and ()o;er place,
I be prriPH'
A nt•wsp r Frit t4r . :11,11 cannnt keep
down any t xcitement %%..en tote,- it Ws
th-I,nl4hly hti:d of the I,!tx:). Bost.
Il is very ttli lent, hovev.•,,
I\l . B ho urderr•d E i.
l•'i•rrinv a Net t,f 1)1 arnatic
the s rys that Ow dr:cl
F,t , .fly L;1-s'et's rtilit-r is the, end ti.) al
tr 1)(23.
llcurs Editors
The communication of Mrp twell and
C•)‘‘tlen w. ich appeared in the Gsz,-tte
ihe 7th hie:. as a kutd of prel , ole to the
Transp , rtto s' petition t o !h e I gi,laLt i re,
conveyed ihe idea that great injustice Fad
been (lone the old lines, that goods carried
in Portable Boats were not to pay the u
sual motive power toll.
1 would therefore respectfully ask G r
the f,illowing from the (1 zlt to of the 10th
ins!., 811 111.7ef tifin in the
The item 0182200 giveir below unilcr
Eh:. heed of NFitive Power, is the one
which Messrs McDowell & C .wil in, by a
InrceJ colistructtim of their n. repre—
sented as not lieLg eliared. 1 will only
add that since the explanation of the Col—
lector at Johnstown appeare.l in in tile G.-
z-tte, 1 have seen letter from one of the
Canal Commissioners confirming his con—
struction. Ymirg, Z.
For the Gaze te.
MlLEDtrox:—You will confer a tav Jr on the
pu die bt, giving the htl...wing t, frmn the
CMlcel.'. at litinstown, a place in the (itzetti..
The impression nes been created by the c. tinmu
meat on of 11 ssrs. & Con,n!en,
I a p tr 111 the 7th inst , ih it !folds e niV yed iti 3 , c•
.ton Boars on he trucks inritishe.l by ilia Mute,
%ens r x /Live pow
httir Old enicut, rep , usent die coil, t•lora till
'Ace r,t 11 e tavoi sirwilltar
con-truct4on; and as Ule collector al Jo mitowi, Is
he only one fill this si.le th,..l his to act. uucl..r
rem).uti )it fixing the c large on rru ks, hid
e , instrm tiol, es elven in the x roc , , will ,ct the
public right upon :he stihj..et. Yours, &v., tttt,
JouNsi WN, Fe) 23, 1813.
Dear .Sir—Yours or the 21. st inst. is belore II) P
4-Itinv co - Istr nett in ortbe re„ relau‘o
to tI C e for thc or the trucks. I cannot
cum eivt. wAy a divers,ty oropinion enu'd be 1. ad
1.11 these re...lotions, for they tn a.. j Ist what they
say. Ca,.ta , n or 's section b tat, boat
and cargo are c.trried met' tit Allegheny
age IZadr.ad on tracks b loving to the Slate,
shall p.,y to tidaill.nt lu tbe lo I au t lissome pow
vr charge' on the cargo, :25 centA per 1000
This chili - geol . -23 cents per 1000 Ilia. no cargo
her the U3'l. Of t to tru include, the wheel toll.
now don oinin,ily ears. To aim ,
!..0 that i: cum° t he initttlttitell. I will
di...ranee f.ir the l'ortlgc Kailry ad.
A section boa.; has 300 bbl,. Fleur, and wank', a
clearance, that:
'rid! 011 3JUI \ldea Rate pr, loonrh,
The titoterolcneA nv or E•tz tLri h Tow p, re
*one. nth v certify. Hint 7.er.lh Wnyden, the above named
nphllr:utt. t, 11:40 1 111(M111f1 Or zooti renitte lor Ponefay and
,emn e r" ne e , "nd 14 w e I iwneeled with house room and
conveniences for the nem - minim - I.OMo and lodging or
',rattlern and t invelere, and that said tavern is ueces.Fary.
- I Henry We,,nav, ''/.a. hens Scott,
sse 25
This ele'araree passes the Beat and Cara() to , h
tioPt/kgille, jOhll 111 lie,
Hollniaydburgh without any further charge by I j ,iarrio na.IC ;son,
.14 V ' j r., s t A 11.-Kinley,
:gym. 31cKoilev,
'4Alexander Wilson, Thomas Warren,e resolution for the Columbia Railroad is n• Wi l li am W oo d s,
Culbert Mules,
don the fame pripeiple
. .ae the above.
March 13, 1843.7-3 t
b! , l+ ur, G 3 630 - 36
1vt..14 p,,w •
Toll !Or use
o; Trucks,
r . Thus car we have, giireral cases on the
authority orotheri; we tiew present !tiro
of oar own. The first is that of a gentle—
man . named L-- G--, a Scotcbman
by birth, but err.igrating early in life to Ja
maica, became from long residence, as it
were a native. Happening to be attacked
with fever, after a few days he was suppo.
read to be dead, and the body abandoned
by the medical attendant. From the rap—
id decomposition 7, hich animal substances
undergo immediately as the phenomena of
life cease to manifest themselves, in the
West Indies, interment generally takes
I place very soon after the breath leaves the
body; and accordingly, in twenty-four
hours cram the time of his supposed
death, tl.is gentleman was shrouded and
put in a coffin. Fortunately, however,
for him, the preparations for the funeral
were delayed for some hours, and when
the undertaker proceeded to screw down
the coffin, those about him perceived a
moisture on the skin. This led to further
examination, and it was discovered that
he was alive. Remedies ware instantly
resorted to, and lie recovered and lived
many years afterwards to tell the story,
A melancholy event, however, was con—
nected with his recovery. A young fe—
male who had assisted to make his shroud
arid cap, whether flout over•exertion, anx
iety, or the malignant nature of the fever,
tell ill as he recovered, died, and was bur—
ied in the same shroud which she had
made fir him a few days before.
Passing through Glasgow in 1525, we
fell in at a hotel with a gentleman whir
had been in the West loin , s, and as we
ha I left Jamaica hut use:ye months
lt , re, it naturally followed that a sort tif in
timdcy sprung up between us on the spur
f the m•rment, and we con vita d very
fr ee ly o n v..lions s'itijeets. He was an
man; and presuming', therefirie,
, in his Lrill)(1 sells'.', we took tI e liberty of
at,k hire the cause of a rein irlsaide scat
which he hail ,tmt his fotelie - “1. lie re9li%
ed, wi;hout in itali ln , th tr, u hen a youth,
he Irs l buen sent Lti a tuLtive in D,, m
ca. a gutter::l itiirchunt st , trukocrer
thole, :1 he be. atut: c:etk.At•
ter a short rusi , let - ,..!e in the i,laurl, thu re.
v‘lut lived s.r - tu , di..! urge f: ran
11, ti;‘, tt)-% a in Dr , mtili, a, rc s
sti-ILked with f o'er. and,
A , ! t ) eto , t , trn, Ittr, was.
ititlit a lee h sltm.uttle.l all.l
blued in tt tlaiiu, ill) I als tl, ti trial ,r is as
'he ott!y tvh.t p a c‘it,ldiPa—
h• rethuos , -.1 by the
vitro toul,ul; !171 , 1 The other alien
or toe s ro Sir. up
, 1 11, the rims t 1,) , ‘ aids
1 , 0 !elk. h•• laid his t...0l ulr 'my the t 1,10,
,I file h: ul tl.vards th,. the
Lim to 1115 li , j:11 a-1 , 1 into a
E ,, ' ,,, i1,1 hi , ,elwoll :ish , el) wi , en
'I.• was by 5 • 1 . .iti , 40 d
t.io 111. t“ hi- liiirt-r he heheld
he C ll. l r , esh!‘e/Ile., hIl ' , His grave
. 1 , 11 , e.. trirh'i,Lr t vet
rt ,, f ilil• h 1 ,2; I , d of!' th.• li I
li ern I uvut
vNtr me. for a
11l • • I • I •• i , ; Hit av Ili
i•(111),;,.! oie• le;, i , the agt Ilf
2eiting , 11.1! of Olt 1,1 , 1 1-th, , 'll,l'l'l
- him wi:h despertoe resoli t ito li , h e
rus.led to the door and plunged head long
,h, wt , th e stairs, a t the bottom of which he
lay tosen , itile, 'Fire noise of the fall,
hrough• all the inmates to the syg, when
they ilt.coveri•d that the gentleman was
not dead, hilt liad been entranced.
fle recovered p•ofecrl% in a few drys, and
lived many years after; whereas our narra •
:or had fractured his skull, and never thor
oughly ree,:vered his health until he re
turned to Scid'ditil.—.iliatomy of Sheep.
Lord Rirpeth.—The tiltirist, speaking
of the I , [lei of this gtoitlernan to Mrs.
Chapniari's rty lie I,' t•hys ih.at when
he had fi.d-hed it AM out f Ir v, a d sub..
serihed himself •Yonr most 116110i/I setv
Morpetli.' he turtird round in his library
chair, and ejaculated through his teeth,
'I) natiou to dear Mrs. Chapman, and
all the whole brood of trans-ailantie, low
bred, bustlitio,horing snobs!' NVe shouldn't
wonder! Flom the spacirr_ens of English
p liteness which have been vouchsafed to
us on this side the water, we should ima•
gine the st , qv very pr.hable.— [N. V. Au.
14 0 'he 1.1-ti-falf!e Jurig, sof the Court of
IL G. lit.r.d QuAr , r ihe Peace in and
fir the ClitilllV lit.:2111'11V;‘
The pets ril/11 Il( 7.ilas I) Pry r, of Upper St.
I.7ltair !he L...1,1.y aforesaid, litiinb:y
0 10kl VIII
Tu. y,,tir r h ts pnrcid d
inti64l .1 , 6.r die nc onun.,dulwn ol • lrilVt I r. arid
'ft:, el in lie
and rrays ./.. rnir h• pleased
hilt] enlist! 10 keep it 11111, , e or
E , itertilitirileol. A it your j. 1": HO ler, n. iti
()nu d , wilt pray. MLA i D. PRIER.
We II e sol•ectibers, citiznis ul Uppu S:. Ciair
do certtry Ova the att,ve pctuumer i. ut good re.
pate mho-Ay and t-tntcr nc. , and is We'd pro -
v,ded with hott.e r and c , niveniettees for the
accmtit,t.: thou an I,Llgin t r, 01.trangers and trait
el-r- and ftat ~,rn L. tit e.s•ary.
John Cowan, l're.ley I.win,
IVtn. Ca.tan, Samuel Cattail,
Janus M•Anulty, 11) .11f•lr,
JAI) Patri k,
Wi'soi sun.,
rpo the Ilonorable. the .Itlze4 of the Coo 01'f:eller •
1 nl umarter S. bo.mion4 of Ille Peace, for the
runnlp of 11h
'rho. ortritoit 1;111 LVakl;.n. of CHz 010th Town.4lip
iti K,, id rmoil y, re•perl 1%111 y sho%,
' l ' h Ile 4.1 . 10 al. • a liong no the la old ke road lead.
Ire \V 111,11'04nm to 11 0 1 inot, t w e , winch to trill ral
rillated ;or It Tavern or lyitioe of Ptiniir entertainment;
)our 1101111(. 10 grant 111111 a license for that
5 wills $ll d 5 i
10 6 2:2 90
Tuom BI,:elt.;:ore
Litifrom:Rio r hi4qtrii
Columbia, Capt. YoUng,, arrited at New
York on Monday evening, &cub firojane.
rio, brings intelligence: from that place to
the 12th of January, a few - days later than
our previous ad vices. Capt. Young re.
ports that when he sailed, the market was
dull for all kinds of American produce—
Baltimore flour $l4; Richmond $l6;, coffee,
prime quality, scarce
overnor.—The whig paper of Butler co.
has' ,7 nomicated Joshua Stoolfire or Spit
fire for Governor.
TORY AND MUSIC, with dissections of the
MANIKIN, Mondny, Tuesday and Thursday
evenirws, in CONCERT Hats, at 7 o'clock. For
particulars see the circulars. There will be TURIN
Or FOUR RFOTTATIONS. and /OUR or rtes appropri
ate SONGS by Mr. Nash, every evening. A
mong the Recitations are—Genevra, or the 10-t
Bride; Majesty ()film Law; Victim Bride and Mi
se-; The W .iskers, nr !he Power of Fashim ; Aaron
Burr end Blannerhasseti; Othello's Apology; the
Nun John Adatn'e S each, &c., and among the
Sw,ge, Rock ,w.iy; Old Sexton; Erin to my home;
Life on the OC !an Wave; Ylisdet , ie Bough; Sai-
I,.rs Grave: Miss Myr I ; and ad zm others. Si.a.
MO tickets SEA; 'in a Lady awl Gentleman $1,59
A dmis , ion for one evening 25 cents.
mar 13-4'.
711 off:T. myse If OR a randh.late for re-e'er
i to ihe ffice of over,eer of the Poor; the eit
ties of %%hid' I have di•eharged Vie past year to
the best of m v ability, ar.d trust I shall receive
the cordial support of my lel .W-citizens.
March 10—d 1w W M ALEXANDER,
The sul•seri er respectfully offers liiinst.lito his
full ,w ettizena ze n caneid e for the above office
at the ir;n to be holden o t h • 170 lost,
31a:cli 13. I. J. ASII BRIDGE.
I olTer toys( If as n candid rte for th (Alice of
Over , cor of the Poor, and respectfqly solicrt the
Support of my friends
To .31y Fe - 71, t.--Cat s:- -I off.-r my.r if na a cnndi
d'ti rt .nr the Offi.e orrlverseer of the Poor, and if elected
gill Collin the tfurie= r,I the eln.e faithfully, to Ito he,o
of roc y r erdt riT):: a St riot ne , nun! of all mOnpy
1 . 1.,V t•xpend,,l, IZOPEEtT P STEEL.
trch 7 -_lot
A: li,r :•11:1(1.141t1 11f Er ver..l of his frienriQ,
v • 11 , . r n.a camil,!:ite for Over
the , neli.!,Lf vleo on, af,il II
A ;1 cria;;; •hi F'u'v p. , h'ic with
. 1301:13IDG
11,in.h 10 —cif('
(r,'Elt:;t-1: 1 ; OF I lIE P,)t)IZ
I ttly, c:lcr! (I.le 1,1 Ocer-cer r,ftLe
if , ',•1.1 rt s,Pt c' . 11 v • tipport ot • fc!•
I z •r,
()N - 1.1;s1:1:it OE' fly. ',wit
r a ann , ,,lare Olaf C E. F.
Pr he a C.irl .idate t,r 0 .er- et r rrl th 1'0..r
ilm• ,I-t 1 id, , t 141. tour 11—se
3uction alf
.30 Boxes Leinous.
1 . 11,413‘ :Arlo rulmn, M,lrrh 11111, CCIOrk
Ilth, I ',ll
Jl4'l\: Tu, s i.,v nu< , Al ,r• h I 1 h, a 3 o'Ll , ,cli I'
4. 1 V. :-, i, ,u e r,ll, pa: 000 l y,
17-• d .z. -olli,,'s -1 p , o , r.;; . .latiore Forks,
1 . 2 ~ - r. do 7! wool lily d..)
1:2. • Cara !.- 4 -dog •I au ire , 10
I; " d. 3 prom;.; co do
4 "...',, 3 prm,g. !boy do
10 " do 2 pr, ng do d,
19 '• Go , dyear . , 4pr , ng Manure do.
March 10. J. B. GUTHRIE, Auer.
JUST I:k.CEI VEI) and for sale at Bauso,an's Auction
ltnom+, No 110 W,,n41
A lar z , lot 01 Fine and Snperfine Qin Carpet,‘,
fLtai • Carpeic 011 Floor Cloth, Ruge.ki.. which
will he a,nd at plea , e salt 20 per cent cheaper' than
any ever I , elote offered in unto market.
of ['remit gilriflC. I; 00114 tr ill he continued at
B. , s+ntou's Auction Roolms,No 110 Wood et every
duv ih,e weet.z, at 10 and 2v. x. A rare chance
Gtr it t•rrered,as the go thr offered are en—
tirmy new. I Ia aisortnieut complete, and the qualities
of lie vrrc he,
!Witch 7
Farms to Lease.
E nedersigned mill !else two Farms situated in
1. East Deer township, with rhe necessary teneaents,
and from 75 to 100 acres cluared on each. Also, one
farm i.ituated in West Deer township Allegheny county,
with from 50 to 75 acres cleated. TI e above de:tcribed
propetty Is In rea.onab'y good repair, laying ahmt 15
tittles from the city of Pittsburgh, and within two miles
of the Ponn'a Canal, and will he leased on real 'noble
term,. for from I
to lure years, to good tenant..
111:err 11 13th_if.
4 XD possession pat it on 1-t of April nev;
tl.rn k house on the i.k unite A iirgheny river,
Iwo stories high, 4 comfortable rooms. hes des teller and
kitchen. It in very pleasantly aitouied,llo out nide the
coy line, with a fa:l view or city of i Ilegheny, and
within 20 initintes' walklof the heart of the city—rent
Very InVv. J al ES BLAKELY.
r 13 house %ger i St hWard.
100 840 S RIO COFFEE,
20Ch.i•ls Tea.
20 Bow ru.,, ICO
/ 5,000 lw . I tlinp and Loaf Su;ar.
Boxes I:ll.ins
10 sperm Candles,
10 " rC h
10 kegs Ground Ginger.
2 nutmegs.
100 Rirrek Green A p lea
ceived on co 1-ign rue nt and for s tie clap for rash,
C. State , Lin • warehouse Ba-in, Liberty Pt
ir 10,1343.
/111 IF: undersiehed have nasoriatn,lthemseiVeß Ingeill
er for one year from the Ist January, Ist 184.3. nn
der the syle of Devine Sr \le %null)+, for the purpose on
ly of receiving and forwarding Coodn.
OV ,rick dwelling house, conlainim! nlnv/e
- M 11;111, Iwo parlours, 4 looms Ito St.lirS, wllh fill.
uret ~I,llinE: room and klichen. with car.
rI 12, nmem Is pleasantly located with
,n , d in front and roar, on the canal bank. corner of
711.-tit Iva i iog to upper bride, now is the. oc•
•II v f NIT. NlM'm rg. rem to suit Mellows-- liegulre
Dr. %Vhillaker, Allegheny City. mar 8,
DR. DANIEL -11c3f FAL, Office on Path gtreet
hotween Wood and Sinlililield streets, Pittsburgh.
dcc 10-Iy.
10 BELS. Spirits Turpentine, NI Any rereived and
for Bale by 1. G. 4- A. GORDON,
tna r 8. 12 Water sireet.
64 TONS Tegnewee Pig Iron. For rale low to
close eonsignmebt, by
reb 10.
R .f. 13.1 U5.V.4.7V. Auer
f O the honorable, the Judges of the Court of
General Qua r ter Seasons of the Peace, is and
for the County of Allegheny.
The petition of Robt Binsley, of 5 h wari Pinsk
burgh, in the courtly aim esaid, humbly sitowelh, that
your petitioner halt provi Ind himself wi.h
flir the a - cominodat on of tr iveler s and others, at his
dwelling house, i t the ward and County afore
said, arid prays th it your Flodors will be pleased to
grant him a license to keep a - publie hooter ofebtar
utiorn• nt And your petitioner, as in duty boned
will pray.
We the sobscribers,cirefettrefithirSth ward, do
certify that the above petitioner is ofgood repute for
honesty and temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the accommoda—
tion and lodging of strangers and tralriblers, and Use t
said tavern is necessary ' •;i:
Robert Whiteside, James Hamilton,. z,
Geo. Porter, Daniel Hamilton,
John L. McCormick, James Andrews,
Wm. Hamilton, John Kearney,
John Young, Samoa McKelvy,
Wm. Gates, John Lightner.
Jeremiah Frew. March 10-44
Tt he Honorable, the ledge. of the Conrt orgasm.
1. Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in end for theory : ,
ty of Allegheny.
.Al 4.
The petition of Jas. Crooke, of Robinson Township,
said count v, respectfully ehoweth:_
That he is well provided wit It house room and attest
conveniences for the accommodation of streams and
travellers, at the house now occupied by him as a ilkM
and belt : 'estrous to continue in that business he
your honors to grant hint a license to keep an We' ea
house of Public Entertainment. And he will prne,
JAMES CligtOkB i
The undersigned, ci , izens of Robin ion Township, re—
spectfully cert I fy, t hat Jaa, CrookP, (he above mimed aro
plicant, is a gentleman of good repute for honeety.and
temperance, and is well provided with house room call
conveniences for the accommodation and lotigintaf mem
Fern and travelers, and that said tavern is memory
the accommodation of the public.
Robert Gibson, John McFadden,
James H . Stewart, Jonathan Phillipc,
John M'(ln-key, A. Phillips, Jr,
Joseph M'Farland, James C. Richey,
John Y vng , Wm. M'Cortntrk,
C . M'Fa, lima, Jonathan Phillips, jc,
nr,r In-3c.
/110 the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Gene ral
Quarter Sessions of the Peace in aid far the
County of Allegheny.
The petition of Michael (~, a wford, of4lltwardAtte.
e bray city, in the county aforesaid, humbly stiewerh—
That soar petitioner built provided himself with ma—
terials for the nccoinnarelation of travelers and When ,
at Isis dwelling 110U,,e in the city aforesaid, and prays
11.1 y nr Urinal.. will be pleated to grant biro. a license
to keen a Public House of Csitellaintnent. And your
petitioner a- in duty Wind, will pray,
Ilits stitt , rilters citizens of 4th ward Allegheny,
do certtly, ittlt the attove petitioner is of good
repute l'or hont,ty rind h•utperauce, end in well provl.
del with house room and conveniences for the accornzno.
11,0 ton and It.king rtrangerg and travellert, and that
liiVeril is ne,etinary
John Long,
Philip 1 1el.riu;hlin
Pater Mann
J B. l'or,er,
G. S, Kof len,
mar 10—.31
r e lo the ilonorab! , . the Judge; of the Conk o
Gel , erit I Qua, ler SPSS4)IIB of the Peare in ant'
thf• Co..n:v of Allogilen
rr,e pPt,ti n ”rEti g h S.VI env, or the 41h ward
A IhNhet,y cin , in t 1 e c wity a foresia, humbly'show...
Ti.at y air petitioner hash provided Linuirif rritb
rn fir 1., Of traveler* Met
oth at his dwf i]ing ho , l-e in Ihe Ward afaro3-
,:dd, and prat , ;hat In ‘r ii , iteiri4 will he plegfed
gr n hin a 11"ellti.• to •Pp a Pu'ille House of En*
I.,i,:tnent And y ,, nr ii-utioner sui in dilly hoinid
We, the eittz-ns r the 4th ward,
d , ee,t4, Ow above p.• itia er is of gaud repute
for i) , nesty and t, race, and is well nrovid4
ith !poise , o m and roas,,,,invrs ror the BCC nur.
Idg lig l.f ttt-lers and ['Resters; MK
,ha: la recers.ry
Junco Err r J lin Freeman
Jas., Laulde
tV. D 112,hitison Eberle z r Derl y
Samuel Panerx . o Win. G. Alexander -
%Vitt. Dayttison
Isaac Patterson
March 11, 1843-3 t
.41() t'e Flounrahl,, the Jili'ges (he entirt/T
General Quarter Sei , ions oldie Peace. ill liLd
frr the Allegheoy
The petition .1 Jon I than Peters, cf Oki*
Tosvustuts. respectfully p.heweth, That he is well
provided with house room and othyr coneeniepeet
for the accommodation nf strangers and travetere, at
hue house only cc tyied by hint as a tavern; Rini be
desirut s to continue in that busines s , he pray*
hon In grant him a loceoSo to keep an Inn ft
house of Public Entertainment. And he will ever
• The Ohio township re•-•
soectiony ce.tify, tha• Jow,tliall ter*theabrire roast
ed apph - ant,is a gootioniano(good repute for honesty
and temoe,rince, and is well provided with bonnet
ron.n and conveniences for ttio accommodation nod
lodging. of stranger+arid traveleraoad ihat said own
is necess9ry for the acconinin ',mini, of the public.
Robert McClinton, Andw G. Pinkerton;
Frederick Merriman, Peter Parke,
Samos) Merriman, H. Bowers,
N. McPherson., Georffe Heinlee, -
Thomas Hirt, h, D. O'Brien,
Win. MeD )11:1 Id, E. Warner.
mar 11-31.1
ICFA , ' JIPPL IS. Jir.t r..eelved from ilorletta; O.
40 g Green .‘pples, comprisi ng every varrely,
tiro rnle order. ISAAC CRUSe.
rPh 4. 148 Liberty u*
BEN] . BO lON abort to der line ';eatil•
L ness, *vitt sell at Auction, at No. 140 Litterly.nis
all hts rentiA tiny stork in fade, (trot - es Fluinteboki fau—
kc. on Monday, Al arch 13111. at 10 olclue.k. A.
M. Ht. Mork rons•sts of a great variety of GROCE-
R/ES, oft very h.,0 gortlity. and 'nett mulled for foist.
Iv owe. Tire natures consict of--1 handsome Nest of
Drawer,: 1 handsome show Window, 1 Franklin Stove;
1.1 Tin Canisters; 4 doz Glass show Ja.s; 1 Stove and
The Furniture consists or—Chairs: Sofa: Astral and
!Bowel Lamps: I handsome Rocking Chair; Dreeeing
hle; Cernet4; Si teboard: Britannia Ware . ; (.'hina do. Va.
pie R.. Meads; Wall Stands: Looking Gins.es; Oil Palat
ine's; Melgnition or ndep , nrienee. The sale wilt lI
positive. end without reserve. Terme--eash, Cormbey,
m"r 10. R. A. RAUSMA -feet.
,o" P "ili Fort sT BUR LINGTON•
Th e Heit drneght stentnrr CICERO:
C MA' Master, will leave for the above and all 'lnter
mediate ports on Monday 13th Mari ii;
For freight or passage apply on board, or to
frth 27 J A NI ES M AY. qt.
TM, boat is =notified with Evan'. Safety Guard. ,
/elf) the tlonorshle. t he Judffes oft he COO rt of Minimal_
Quinn' Sessions of the Prace, in and for Inseam
ty 01 A Iteglien% :
The. petition of McClelland A. Armor of Findley
Tow dahi:,,in said county, • especifully showetn-- •
Thai he is well provided with house room and cameral.
enees for the zircon. ntridation of stranrers and trasefieni.
at the !muse now occupied by him an a tavern: and be.
ine desirous to continue that husil/PFff he prays your
ors to Brant him e lieet,se to keep an Inn or MOW CC
Public Entertainment.
'l'he undersigned, citizens Of Findley township, rc
spectfully certify, that McClelland A. Armor, the 11 60•11
named applicant, is a gentleman of good repent for
honesty and temiteran:z. and Is well provided *ICI
house room and conveniences for the accommodation
and lodzing of strangers and Iravelers, and that said lay
ern Is necessary.
John Cavit Charles Stuart
Jl4n Maginnia John Patton
Jirnep May.innia John Polio( k
John Toyford Win. J C*11314011
John Hood James Hook
John Dickson G. P. Nelson.
March 11, 1843-3 t,
Thomas Gardiner.
Solomon Lighicap,
Henry Coops.
John C. Schmitz,
['miry Kieler,zen,
Sam! Cooper
A!cx. Brackenridge