Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 13, 1843, Image 1

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101111011P1119"tritNER OF WOOD 4- FIFTH STS.
VICHNIst.—FIVE DOLLARS n year, payshie in
allivnee. Single eupiei TWO CENTS—for sate at the
IMPeuter or the office, and by News Bays.
. .
The 'Mercury and llatitufacturer
a published WEEKLY, at the same office, on a dle
teedissa sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In a
a b d.
'sauce. Sinsle copies. SIX CENTS.
Terms of Advertising.
One Insertkin, 0,501 One mom h, SE,OO
— lles iswet'ioos. 0.73 Two mows, 6.00
Vire* haserilona, 1.00 Three monthg, 7.00
--ewe R.OO
1,0.0 weeks, 1,50 1 Four mon' hs,
'3.0 :ifs months,
'ee weeks, 4.00 One year, 15,00
' OR. Spare. Tw. Squarer
Ili mouths, 812.00 tail months,
o.le rear. 25.00 One year,
IrTIAIIO4 adveriisementsin prorortion.
(Ammo( roar lines St: DOLLARS a year
VITT Pore Orme,. Third between Market and Vs
1011111111-1- MI Riddle. Postmaster.
COMER IthXlllll., Water, 4th door from Wood at. Peter.
May beildinzs-Major John Vt'lltack,....-ollector.
vizor TILIZLIID6T, Wood between Fir-t and Second
Nuts--Javues A. Bartrarn. Treasurer.
TI.CLICIIti, TlOrd Street, next door to the
and tesbyterian Chureh-S. ft. Johnston, Treasurer.
Mayon's °erica, Fourth. between Market and Wood
Streeta--Atesantler Bay, Mayor.
MartcMaser's Race swot. Fourth, near Mark." st.
Trersinflon,betareen Market and Wood streets, on
tided and Fourth streets.
Mlse-itsnrs' ore MsnerseTt.,lttits. A 1413 Fart:trite DIL•
seams Baas, (formerty Sarin: Fund.) Fourth. betwsen
"owl and Market streets.
Esc AAAAA Fifth street , near Wood.
MOTEI. -z .
Blonnsreanct.• !loess. hater street, near the Brldge.
Excnatios Borst_ corn , ' of Penn and St. Clair.
iicitstworrs• Floret., can,. r of Third and Wood.
--141sakestsatesst tlosst-corner ot Third and SmitCa h na l4l. l.
1114'iso ? T ares . corner of Penn .t.eet and
Sety.so &Lott, Liberty street. near Seventh.
Leas M Mouse, Liberi ySt opno-til e Carne
Sae •Utiiiirr tiorsz. rr Si. oppo,te Canal.
COUNSELLOR AT LA W .--ntri.e rcmo
eed to flattewelrs offices on Gan' et., neatly npoo , ‘Oe
toe new Court House, next rooms to John r).,.^1, Malolvm,
SAN .—First floor. ro
' nos n• ElLrr lit 15-47:14 - c - e
St. Clair street, bstweem Pen* and Ltber 0
ty ;O s '
riteetbselek. s r 1
N E 1V G001)3. Prest on 4- Mackey, wholesale and
lish, French, aw d llomeaw wc
retail dealerA in Eng 10
Pry Cooda, No !'.l. Mrtrket ,rtosthurch Frp
ArCANDLESS & M'CLURE, Attorneys and
Counsellors st Law: Office in the 10
Diamond. back
Of liar old Collti llouse,Pittsburgh. sep
iv, 'LOYAL. - it- Morrow, Alderman; offi e north
side of Fiala st,, between Wood and Smithfield
s,ri 10
31'DEVIrr, ‘Vhoiesate Grocer Recti(ki
JOll,l og
MAlller, Anil Dealer in Produce and Piticl,ur:ll
lilanufAciureil Y. 224 Liberty Street, Pitt*
sep 10
---------------- '. sea 10
11Ant.t.i os
H. %V 11..t.i•as trent ?a. Diy..vnaln ---------
WILLIVtIS 14r. DILNYOKTII.--vv 1,01,0, 0)00 [JCS Prenarrd (.I,ok. tor rato• Ity
Gr0C4.,.. Producr. and Coto Inntston Merchant., an d 'llO 11, A. rxoN Es ri )('K A. ill
ikalers in Pitlo3l.l all Ma MI faCIIITC(I 2fliCiP,, No. 29. co r tt er rtf tit It ;wit W.tttrt •I
se p to
VitleilhiXit IL - AMU tiSON, Attorney at Law;
Office on the north 4i , in ttf the Inatnond,letwee,
v of Alice and 'Onion streets, tip stairs seri 10
DUIRLIOILVW, Attorney at I.aw; troder,
• ... iIrOCC3SIOII3I ler/ ICC.I 111 tbt po olic .(Mire eOF
ierr of Firth and Market Streete, above G, 1.10y.1
, qt 10
store. Pittil.urf,ll, Pa. •
JongSIIERIFf ..................... .1•N. N • KAN
SIFIEMIFF & M3nufacturera or Copper
Ten, and Sheet Iron Ware, So $l3, Vront. Foi
berth. House Spouttn: and Steamloal work pser .oninik
itiecuted lll
rilosks I TWIN • FRANCIS 1..1'012NC
rruos. B. YOUS 6 & CO., Furniture War,
Rooms, I..,urner oC Hand O. Exl.hungc Alley.
Persons wishing to purchase F‘truitnre. will find it to
alter advntw4e to give us a call, bel hp fully , a ll.4ted that
Kt can please a 4 to q uality and prise. cep 10
roN ,Ms•—lust rece'ved Usochoice Mut
Mil T-ton Hams, well cured and for sale cheap by do
iliea or retall, by taAitc, HARRIS,
No 9, Fitt st
• all 10
ft trr A. G
A.. — A supp'y of Lacireth's Fresh Rh-
ta 611. -IL IO, and other different varieties of Turnip
4 Plea t, just received and for sale at natic es Sti rs
prat and Seed Store of F. L. w EN,
114...... 10 No. P
184 Liberty street,_ head of Wood.
VS,EBB CLOSEY ,s Boot and F•hue Maulac.;--
ry, No. 83 Fourth St., next t ight' to the U. States
ank. Ladies Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes tootle in
he nentestinanner, anti by the newest French patterns.
sep 10
MORUS Itit3LTECAULUS. tit lots tosu
5,000 purchasers; to be disposed (trite
sst) - wnws.
no. 184 Lit,e.rty street, head of Woo
DAHLIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev
ery description, can always tte had
F. L. at the
pod Seed store of SNOWDEN.
18-1 Liberty street, bead of Wood
sep 100
Silk LllB4lllirmie Anneal Mammoth Ooion Seed, Cor
Drag Sake at the Dg and deed eI F. I. ore of
184 Liberty Ftrcet, head of Wood,
for seed; jurd received by
No. 184, Liberly head of Wood id
GAR WIN TOOLS, consisting of Hots. Fancy Spades
Transplanting Trowels, Edding Took, Budding
taigas, Pruning Knives, Fruiting Shears. etc., just re.
m Wood,
mired and for vale by
sap 10 IR4 Liberty street, head or
"CHOICE. Venison Hams.--Just received a *Mall cop .
Myra very choice cared Venison limns, on retail
le Basil Maier current money.
and Com. Merchant
WHITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and
Kentucky Ilse Crags, always on hand and for
ile" F. L. SNOWDEN ,
PlO 11•. 124-Likerty street, head of Wood
E, - ..,,,,, t BUCHANAN, Attorney at Leto, otlict
Miaowed from the Diamond
w ,Attorney 'it wood
F aide of Fourth street, beteen Market an d
binds seplo
kGISTILATES'BLANKS. for proceedings in At.
teakaaaat under tem late law.for tale at Oita Office
SALE.—Lots on the North East corner of Coal
i f
Lane and lit:h street. Apply to
10 5E51.1. oetturic.roN, Market, near 4th at
---------- _
00 Lretil.avegatff:rFureterehatti.attLarDite:
aeLed .sjaietedk
y} 10 154 Liberty time. kies bead crf
r ill°
eopartanrsitin heretofore esisting between WIL
j. vai by soutual convent. William Digby is authorised
obits! tba Meantime of OM Cum in settling op the bastes=
*H WS aril. WILLIAM Blallif.
MARCH 13, 1843.
- -
JOHNSTON 4- STOCKTON, Booksellers. Priniers an
Paper Itianutaei 'tram No. 37, Market ft. pep 10-1 y
OHN ANDERSON, Scan Wield Foundry, Water st..
near the Monongahela House, Pittsturgh.. seplo-ly
t A IION AR D S. - .IOIINS, Aldermon,St,Clair street, sc
cond door from Liberty. sep 10-1 y
- -
I H.S. 11. Wa
to m HOLM ES, OffGla ice in Second st se reet, next door
r ovany Co.. ss reh ou rep 10-1 y
SPUNK & FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Frth pt.,
near the Mayor's Office, rltishorah. pep IG-1y
---- ou
11103.11 AM 11. TON , Attorney at Law, Fifth,bet ewen
Wood and Smithfield SI R.. Pltisburth. sep 10-1
- -
'UGH TO ER. Atto.nev nt I.nw, North Eat
10-1 corner
ar izinitlthettl Four It Fr i)
J ---------- ------
HA S.N A 4- Tllitti BULL'S Paper NVarelloo.e, No.
1114, Wood .1., where may lie had a general -apply
of wri.ing wrapping, printing. wall paper, blank hook..
, 41. 10--I y
eeliool hook., •r, 4- C .
- -
rip . 'POW Netfroli 11 4 - i'll., Wire Worker , and
i 11l . !Win ir raeturers, rs'io. 2:1 Market qlreet, Mit wi'en 2d
mq, o.ey 111--1 y
and 3d sire
‘XCHANGI-1 llll.lll,,l'ornpr of Penn nt,4l (lair
l i
st Irei 4, toy ItIcIUBBIN smrrii.
spin 111-1 y
- (1 Iltt2tut.. Manufrtrturer of Ron and Suits
N . onti .1., Pittsburgh. sr plO 1 y
FIG METAL —77 tons soft Pit Metal for sole by
.0 • 4- A .G 0121) - 1N
No. 12 water street
. .
3 - ,0 - 00 LISS B CON II NI S. 16.000 11,4. 13acon
zzlioulders, for sn e I.y
J. G & A. G Olt DOS.
sep 13 No 12 Water i‘trret
11A1A.PATTF.P•40S, Jr.. B.rmlrr:_liam, mmr Poi,oire
di -Pa.. Nlaoulactorer of I.orksr. Ilifeze , and Roll; To
Fuller. NI ill und Timber Screw.; lim,en Sir for
scc. 10—lv
JOAN :11'C LOS ET, Tal'or
s tteet , tit:tweet, Sixth alto Virgin :Wry, Souiti stile
s^fi 10
T IV Pr ::1,1:111G1-1 ,S. i'() ‘Vno,r.:lle Gro,,r , an
a 1.,n1,4n1n
%.I'no,l F.. 11011100 .1.,,i•0t..,u,1h,
G %. GORI)ON, Comnii•-lon and Forwa•A‘n,
T. rchact,, Miter VI.. Pillv1.11r:11. 111-1 V
- _
-- I \l cast,' ha nis, ;:oori art +r ie. vet, Iv 0...1 S
1-1- l'orsnir, Butt for Lib. by 1. G. A. RDON,
No. 12, % GO.a.r Orr,'
sep 10
Q.I7G Nl()l,kr?,ll..S* --40 I,hri: ‘s• (Wen., F.,.
:nr; ;10 I,llls Sew Orient". pa! , iv
G. k
spp 10 (1(11111()S
SUG.A prime N. 0. Sit:ar, rerrtvr•d tier S
and for wale by 1 C-¢ A. Cflti 1)( t`: •
Si , 12. Water Fi rem
Sep 10 •
0B A coS CASK S . i n order . Owl nand and r,,, , ~b. by
01 gen 10 I. G. sr A. C.CIRDON, No. 12, 'Val ,. Ft
S'''A ft A N Il 5101, 5 izitllS.-13 Ihil. anti 4 1,. N.
Sugar.:l2 1, his N. 0.111011,Fr, received per S,entni l
1 w porter, and fur SR it by I• G 4. A. Gon iv , N,
1 F,rp 10 No. 12. Water -, reet
PPI.S. I.\L)•. s•
P.. N. P;tI.III":ETzT/WK (•(
For OPT of 6%11 and " 0.3 Al,
rr 111
ft 3-1 A PER s
rornrr f fiih a rut 1V k.I
QuG it A M 01, ES--fill I,hda. \.,). Sus..
23 Wlts. du. do.. 1( du. 1•1,,t..11,n I
le I J(; ‘. 4:( city ,
12 \V alcr et .
_JP 'lob, ok r ;qr . prow 1•4 , 11.,!- I"
appri,e/1 h% I '.tlt ;tls•
Al the 01 . the \l. n ttr, au,l llet, +ci,
NV3I. 111;1313:11W, I. OW.* 1.11!1101..0.11• IN41,1:t011
M;111111:iCtIllf.r. SO 1111, Third N'lt.cl.,Cl,l•ell
IVood and Soinldirdd revts. 10
1.1 • 11,.. ol
Mutt al1111,•rry All, y, bet,/ ,
•treets.roihu r2 ii
nix------_ — ____
ial, IL" 11 Ali ER, No. 7, St. Cal(
'l_ hu,gli,
so 10 ------
supply 01 Laothe,li.# GlittlCll Seeds, iiiv,ays on
hand, and for sale at his nency, the DrU L 2 9 1 . ire of
IS4 Liberty street, head of Woou
DAVID NV ARD hat Itlr office and re , tdencr
un Fourth Street, nearly smolt 01
t Ito Court noose
second 1 14 , 111 frotn ttorstreet Ile ,v,llf.Liihrelly
nil calls pertaluin: t 0 hot profer,ion. N 400 calls should Id
made at the door nicer the basement.. rep 111
RENI OVAL —NI an hew Jones, Barter end fl e a t h e Nay
ir Dre , a
tr. Mot removed to rolirt ti street, opposii
ors office. where he will he happy to:wait upon permanen
or transient customers. He solicits a ciao e of public
10 pat
11110 THE PUBLIC, cud particularly to •ny J
patrons of (hit ctryt—Having retired front the
pea , tire of NI edirine. I man he permitted oh
•sy, that It
1 has I.fallenl., the lot of I tit few 01.1,00}10 enjoyud
kso liberni or large a share of oboretrical practice as my
own hos been for the last 30 or 40 ! ,. enrs
1 The experience of that loop period of arrive life, ands he
fort of my having been tw ire, nine e 1830 associated with
' Dr. ft °, Wilson in the practice of medicine, (in hot h a
period of five Years.) eitahlos toe to judge fully of the
. I merits alit , ' pills.
I Oir'S :11W A IIL t N 13, Upholsterer and Cabinet I So convenient. sn etTirierd :and yet so safe, did I esteem
t 1 ..if-her, Third a. bet merit Wood 4- ,Alair Act s treets, 1 OCR. pills, i hat for the lasi five vest oto my practice for
respectful inf irms his friepds and Ile public 'lint he to I rite curt` of chrome disease:, of whatever name, and tho•,
prepared to execute all older, far Solna, Sideboa•ile flu • , of females in particular, I have used mote ot them than
reaus. Cli:iirs, rabies, Bedsteads. r'doods, Ilair and , pri it:l all other medicines.
Matt Taws, Curtain., Carpets. all rorls of Upboishering biker oilier medicine. this moat fail in some in
work, wlibsh lie. will warrant equal .o aoy road,. in the sinnees, but in my hoods there has been lent di+3l , llolot.
city, and on reasonable terms. Rep jii !merit and more Fritisfact ion In I ;1c adinlitio ration or ilo,,
one remedy than of all others;
Its good effects sometimes
It EMOV.III,!—The subscribers have remov. II ho t‘ a. 1 quite ~,io„tyhmg inc.
ter between %% r ood and Stnitlideld streets, where If my patient required a safe aperient medicine en her
they will eatilinue the Wholesale Grocery and Corn mis• «fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pt Is were just
sian lim,inces and would re-pci i fully solicit t lie patron. the tiling I wonted.
age of their friends J. W. BLIP lIIIIDG F. k Co. I( a dyspeptic acid condition of the stomach. combined
Dec 3 will, costivew s. or mart Ivo y o fte liver . const noted the
ilisea.elf my patient. the pills were just the thing I
Vi7NV I R at DENTiST, Penn st. three
door below I r will street !lours of business. from
9A. N., until sr. alter which lime he will attend
to no one except in cases of actual necessil y. H
would further Inform those who may think proper
employ hini,tlint he expects Immediate payineni, wilhopt
r the necessity on his part of sendin; in bills. sep II)
110 Word Street, Pittsburgh.—R. A. Bailsman
Auctioneer and Comm I! 110 W prepared
to receive and sell all I.ituls of Goo , s and ftlerchandize ,
at his large nod capacious inonia, No. 110, North East
Corner of Wood and r.itu itistor.zh.
Regular sales of Dry Goods, Furniture, Grocerie- and
• other article:, uu Mondays a Thitreday of each week.
,e Hardware , Cuttery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday eveniins.
Books. ¢c, every Saturday earning,
Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted
it 1..•1
se' , 1U ly
Messrs. John D. Davis. Esq., 1
.. VaAatey k Smith.,
•-• Bunn -ton. Smith, k Go. i
I .. F Lorenz ii• Co.,
.. 3. \V. BnrhridAe 4- Co., i
~. ~ R. alls se k Co. I
Capt. James M'Gargi4i, , l i . Pittsburgh.
it .. C. I hmsen, Esq. I
ay . " Jo on M 'Fadden Esq. 1
.. Logan k Kaonety.
... j. K. Moorhead k Co.
. ..
Jaa. P. Stuart, En lq . 4
1B .. Ebbed Galway, Esq:
s. Capt. les. May.
.i ldeVaty,flaors, It Co.
.. William Symms, , Wheeling
.• IL G. Hear;. Lookrville
Smith,Bagsley s r Co Phila•
sap le •
1n" Bags Rio Coffee.
U oci 4.
P .
EASE'S 110 AROUND CANDY.—Ttrrmr has
B received this day from New York. a fresh supply 0.
the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con
mooth - in; and ready lo supplyu.lorners et wholesale
or Wail, at his s
Jtiedical Agency cat; Fourth at,
ILTAVID ktcta --- ble Boot Maker,—
/las removed to No, 34 Market street, between
Second and Third streets, where be wou!d be happy
to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos•
cd to patronize him. Ile used nothing but first rate
steel,. and employs the best of Workmen; anti as he give,
com.tant personal atletilion to business, he Iruslstilat
lie will deserve aid rccelve a flairithare of patronage.
wen 1
111:11"6, ICE Ri4 cotik . EtyritotAßY.
A Iltoilier ceppert fully inforina Ills friends and thin
puhiir that they can alwat lind the hest unlit of
enema. tottellihr with al: hinds of
crwit. II their 1,1%P. On, 01 hi= ...101 , 11F11 Mehl 11.
Fifth street, het vt.c . ti Wood and Mar Act.
N. ft Pa, .ni,pund 111 , . Flit" I et.+l not %via
rake., or anything in his line. Alan families furni,
whit) fltrad ivn
11 - 4 1 1` , ANWS CA)10:1111,E L1.1.:4 .—A Bit A
II AM J. (I.IINI Illt, residing at C 45 Mott street,
New York, o, .ts allllrlrA will Oyspep,in in its most
agaravated form. The symptoms wereviolent Itead•
ache, g rent debility, fever, costiveness, erot heart.
horn, pain in the and stomach a lways oiler eatiwz,
impaired appetne, sevsailon of sinking II the s!omorh,
furred ion,ltte, nausea, with frequent vomit ings, dizzinessed up.
inwards 111,711 1 1111 I csil..nr,c. These had continu
wand n %wet v emrottil, when, On consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 00 Chat 110111 ,1 reel, MI 111)mill Ithll big ever
,UCC,ST,COI sod ar.r,rnble mode of t real went, e
was completely restored to health in the short spare of
on , m oot It.a nd t rniefoi for I lir incalculable benefit deriv.
ed. 71;0 1, Cattle forward and •olunteered the above. state
For sale Wholesale and RetailF. by
8.. itELLTAS, Arco.,
No 20. Wood street . below Second.
Cheap for Cash.
Prices 'Reduced.
Short trel Yarn.l Lorg Rut Turn.
So 5 at 16 cu.i,r th , 500 at 4 ct, p i ,. d i
13 at It+s tlttlo OM A 8 ditto
7at 17 doto . 700 it 7 ditto
Bat 174 ditto 3,4)4 at 6 ditto
9at 11 Otito 900 at 5 ditto
10 at 19y ‘l , l . 41 1000 at 4 ditto
11 a: 19 II ttio --
12 nt I.i doto 17,indlcs, ;IA at 16 [ln p. r ti•
lial 20 4.0 a l'itio It olio?, • 9 ditto
14 at 201 ditto V.knitti; clo • 121 n i rt,,
15 at 21 ditto e.trili rtiniti •20 ditto
16 at 22 eitto Coen 'l',.liie• •25 ditto
at 23 ditto •rtiortiiiitz Yarn a iiil
111 at 24 ~iito Covell. t Yarn ateays on
19 :it 25 dit, 43.4
211 ai 2.0 ditto ,co•loa IVariii4 'oath. to °nil ,
a - 7 - iildern promptly ..iirtideti 10. 11 . It-ft al 1 ¢C.
Pa.11,1%,1,... II 4. Krtitiro ',I. nr the root office, ai m f ~.
1 t: ‘tio•inttr. , ND 4 Cti
al ARMS. ' % Nl'FAC'T.itlv.—ril,irk co.rioa re.
..‘ i kpcifullvlrrolAint. 111: frl•nr!• a nilhe pni.ne 2en•
er3llv.lhAt hr 1,3 4 enmnienred tlrr Marble boalner.ai Ott
etirner of F,At, and I.llienv •14.. where wilt he roe,' antiv
on hind Itolitt 011 , 1,1. tf11 , 111 . 1 niere+. monument., head
and root alder!, liiiile Oaks lOr fatiiiiet mite, and every
_ —_ --
1 arilele anriertlinin2 In the lin.ines•. He will ii ',mini bill
Itemoval. I.—L. lobe well Anne. :Ind tilt clinr2es ** ill he moderate.
rr il:1. , ~,,,V• II It , . r.i•lii , inn Y e TO`i.d.l Hr reaped ("Hy ;1.4. a shirr or ,liihlir pal rnilit , r. seo lib
11 ,...,..1, , ,,.0r.e0.t ra sbe 10iiiiii,alle:a liiiti.e. ire.r '
111 ..1 !Cr EEL E. r,itr. e..sor to 11. Pa 'Cloylkey) Fa• h .
l',lnr lire •'• , s , `os''''‘' i "' ' i '''''' l '' ''d rdi ' dd ' n and ir li' oraa , Ie Root Maker, Liberia at., 24 door from
.I'l osber , P' l . o 0 ,,, r.v .,, l o w w' , " ac a l ar. " dr " "nd ,VI -lii n %Iles. Ti,. atitiarriliee rpapert CON Informs the
i t ,,,, v ,,,,it0.i, w /I n a doe ip a .11p ,10, S i v il ''' r ' dr"
; ntiblic that lit lin, commenced Ih• above bn4lne. ,4 in the
1 riz expedet,t, In t h e,lt-ines , in this cII r. and In 'rally ! .
i..„ r,)r,,,,, ,
I occupier' be Air. Henry Mi'loakev.
111 ii, I f -loonaSars rilleil In Gump, 104 Ntreerrel. hr feels,
I end Ilint he Is new preper•it in :Wend In all ordera in hi•
1 r,..,6.: , • , I 11 , 0 lon ~,,, vs . " *3l"t'^-""n i" all "."""" 1,,,,,r11..1,,...vitti de...p,trh arid till the mn l l renyonable
5.' ,1,,, ir , ': 3 " h""' . ll ' ' hove "."""" I " . "' l ' d ""en"°" ; tet mg . F, on* hi. lon l ei me, tepee In the inn n0 . .10 ore a
to hi,- ,,,, -. - . ,,,,1 ,n1.,,10' c","'"`"11' he i '''P '• in merit hr rn.1”,,,,31,1, !tont.. I. r.,1. rnrindent that nll at, lele,i
e r n
" c .., ' • :' ":"' ''' '''''ii' i'''''''C'• the ir"-nd i"."'" ' '. Peons hi.. eatildi.binent *A iii line lint iiiniri ion in Wit pa
, 0 . ii.” Ii . ' l ' o, " " f ,"'''' "" ""'""'"'-'""3 '":
' 1
lens. A altare•i trublic • patrona::e is respectfultr • WWII.,
I , ...031;er t:aJe . tort; vb tit he ~,1,1,11 . Vet') flriil , 4-,1 lit i,,+. ,
„..i. Pen 10
n ows: 16111'. ' _ __----
ini)SEFfItS '1 fe• 1 ‘011!111. 01 1t4r.1 Seed., rrin
OW iheto I i. ,‘,,..ii, 1.4 i.rne ni•eo on 11, 111,1 r in this ', Nilo , : of Caner, Ai , i,,, ai,.l p ...,,iii . jai., ~d by
rotiiii r%, liN iilVerii•ettveill-; Virtlepi.iilii Lc I ri•eit, 01 , 0 1 f obl. FI. EN OW!IF.N, 141 i I.h en yr
.oas '3 , 1,0 , • be ‘.l e.l od 'who , iiii It, trade, v 61.0 t.. s • r
v•ti .111 1.011 , :0 ;1,. i11i...i1,11.,11, ;1,1 In ho li. ha* +o+oit 1,5 I ,
4 ,
atioat 0 ihni 11 er conld not rr g, , ,k a .4.10:.• dIOII, Ulna
they ,iiiii liiii lAi IA chi...lllW AIN. rt 1., ill , 11,40,1•4 a.: i ni•
'.l , r• a 1., ii,to,.e, and by the aid or old ter , oft W.f. Cia,, 1
puff A. S c. Sir ~,t1 a- are 2," etall*. liar a ~,, g0 .0.k, ,01
.. ; itio if chi 1iti.1151.....i..e) Ilfiro ..11. - 4 red 111 1.111.111 t oil on
11•`,11-1.4.,1". 11,11111.'1 ?WIT"' 01,1 ~,,all lot II ~ ~.„,,
revc received by lova:ono
_1 a.., Ir.„„ ( ).'to. for vale
1: 4 Alf! I'TII7 4 E,
l, 2 149
1000tt.,1 Sorh people'. ,olverit.toocci+
te 1.. 0111 the I 111.11 c ilte , 0 more roll
lhar , 111 , h. 'wood ),et hot:liable 1011,10,1100,
.011' 311100! Olt
0•1--.0101• every liar read and taushett
I t co.cil .ozgert to finite wliu wish to have tl rte
o•h r wade In Writ role sit It to make a little tea:toil
111. , it find ihat tiro. Is III!. glair wlterc they ran
U. 11
aernioit.oct i ;
.1 to 7 ire
- -----
11311//fNet.AIE-VON C111:.111STRY
Ind,a I
1. Hair Die--rolmi the Itair and will not the skin
is in the loan of a Powder which In Oath matter
offal torte he applied to the hair over ni7.111, the
night tilrolOg the hairiest or grey hair to dark brown; and
pearl_by peat a second or third night, to a jet black. Any
iterltOtt ilt:ty, therefore, with the react possible troublo,
beep 11, bait any dark shade or a perfect Itlack, with the
ptoit arvorance that powder if applied to the vkin
trill not color 11. There Itt no rolorina In t hit statement ,
Ira :111% lIIIP may cartly tect Three farts are warranted
t . t the Hie 1151 who ntanufacluies it.
h street, where a
Poe +ale di TI ' TTLE'S, sh; Fourt
large to,ort meat of Patent aledleinea ;tray always he had
al tither wholerale or relail.
o Don't forget' ft 6 F r urfh s trut !"
If I treated a etve requiring an emmenagcque, the
IN:limit's pills were just the thititt I wanted.
If palpitation, headache, flushed coo Mee:lore. or other
thfficulties, indiratim2 a disturhartee of th circtory
and secretory system., annoyed my patien e t
Cl th ula e item
of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thine I wanted.
Thus, without resmtet to the name, a disease mleht
happen to wiiar at the time I Wive hart itnr under treat
client, particular indications of symptom; IsIn;. were
al—ays mmt promptly and most happily met by the
IX ilson'e pills
That so great a numher of diseases, and sometimes ap.
parently opposite ones, in IVIIICiI I have used these pills,
should he titled more readily hy them than by any other
remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but
why it is so is as clear to my mind as that a great many
persons should become thirsty Dorn ~s many different
causes and yet all require that common and greatest 4.f
all hle,ssings, water to quench their thirst.
In cmclurion, it is due the ,eputation of the atedieine
and the public, to say decidedly and unconditionally. that
the kithsns pills are the only combination I have ever
met Wit In my lonecoorse of practice,that really pos
eesresanytittng curative or specitac fOr ski ll 4 ILOADAMS.t headache,
Yonrs ke., DR.
The above Fills designed partkularly for the sick
Haed.Ache, Dyspepsla, Constipation of the Bowels gre.,
prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for
sate,wholesate and retell, at his dwelling In Penn street,
Oct 1
below Marburg.
ng Celebratedm Female FiU... These
are stroly recommended to the notice of
te ldles as a safe and efficient remedy In removing
t h hose a complaints peculiar to their sex, from want of ex•
ercise. or genet al debility of the system. They obviate
costiveness, and counteract all Ilysterical and Nervous
affections: These Pills have gained the sanction end
approbation of the most eminent ?trichina In the Uni.
led States, and ninny Mother!. Fo salt
Wholesale and
nets il. by R. E. SELLERS, Agent .
sap 10 No. 2.0. Wood Strect,below Second
. ..
For pale by
1 . 4- A. CORDON
_oat avid Shoe ilaker, Liberty St.,
opposite the head of Smithfield at., Pittsburgh. —
Tbe stihserther havlog bought out the stock of th
e late
Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced
in the old tend of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute
all descriptions of work In Ills line, In the hest manner
and on the shortest notice. Re keeps constantly on hand
a large aisortn,ent ofshoe findines of all draeriptions and
of the hest gusto v. lie cloilelte the patronn of the pub
lic and of the cleft. W Mee .
13ITTS111 1 RCM )11U
NFACTORY. — Sp rin g s
and Axles for Carriages at Eastern Pries*.
The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on
bond I' oath, C and F,llptic ovarranted,) Juniata
Iron Axles, Silver and Bras* plated Dash Framer, Brass
and plated Flub Rands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather,
Silver and Braga Lamps, Three laid Pleps, Malleable
Iron, Door Handles and Hinges.
JONire • kr.
Pl 2 h rnI.EM Ati .
Ss.Clair st.. near tl e k Itetheny
D•FIEI,I.I:BS.M. D office and dweliin2 In Fourt
near Ferry wheel. tier) 13-1 y
The attention if tho.e have ',Pen somewhat c'ef+-
lir3l In reference to the nurne.rous certificat es puhlished
in favor of Dr. Svravne's Compound gyrup Wild Cher
rv, on account of the persons heir,: unknown in this are
lion of the State, Is respect directed tot lit rollowint
certificate, the writer of which line been a el , isen of this
hornokil for Pryers' yenta. soil known SA a gentleman
of Inlet:6l.y and respuiwthllit v.
To the .4remf. Mr. 1. KtntrY
I have turd fhr Pwayt.e's romp andl 4 vrlin of W1 . . 1
Cher, for a rrotTt,, with which I have herr, pevnrely
flirted for about (nor nit-toots, s od I have no Ile•IInI 10,1
In Cairo! that t t lathe most effect lye medirtne , 11111 have
horn attic to prom re It comrowes all nneasitie•s, and
3 stees ssyll with my dial.—ayd manialns a regular and
f ond tir-4411e car freely recommend It In all others
simitarly afflicted. J. SI t RSV'S, ISOrOtlzh of Channivr.W.,!.
March 9. I'l4o p iss.;
For Aalr, by W 11.1.1 THORN No. 53 Market PI rrei
-- _
E::. •
nor.rtFos4 fießlTnlll of promirlor Fruit, F..“: Ade and
U Ornamenial Treea, or Ftigulollerv. from Plnlotlel
TO i, or Sew y,,,k..,, tnr e.i.qi In make /1 prOirni ion as
•0011 as pneelMr. nt the Pro! and Semi Flo.. of the col,
to row!. where rml I.e had ratatneoe., rratonott. l, . of the
n! opt px,rtlettl tt3ttPltprk F 1. SNOW DEN
eep 21 No Ifl4 Litteriv pt reel .11Pltt of W nn ,,
rot ta`.le Platform Scales on wltuele. to e I. 2.500 ibe, ni
1155 00
do do 2,005 at $45 00
do do 1,50010 35 00
do do 1,000 at 30 00
dodo do 500 at 25 00
With raking levers an addition of $.l to each scale.
Dormant scales Inc the tea of Warehouses, Flouting
Mills, kr.,the same prices as above.
Also,Whire's Patent Counter Scale, with .Yo u ng'*
iMproventrills, acid a variety of oilier unt
which they will sell for from R In $l5,
1 They also manufacture Steam Engines for
nd Floueirlring
Mills. Flaw Mills. Salt Works, tc.c.. double aee
geared slide tat hes.(not and other lathes for wood turning
Ittachin" , for renaming chairs. planing ainrillileS, door
nod sash marlines. Dall's patrol horse iloWer, Will or
without I hraidilog in:whines, a superior article., circulat
saw shafts, machines for sawing Mill. Ti note's ma
chine, arid tools nfail descriptions, also for making blank
Ing boxes, a .aiiirrior article; governors for Flei crige
001 kit. tops and dies. coffee mills, lied.o ead or Inuit hots
land mar hinery for making the same. cotton factory Ina
cliiocry made or repaired; printing press platten* turned
and printing incomes repaired
JAMES MAY, Agete..
1 See 2.2—rtf
JOIIN B. GUTHRIE, A llflinn , et' and Commis
RlO.l Merchant, No. 106, corner of Wood 4- Fifth tits.
Pittabargh: Having been anointed one of the Auction•
errs the City of Pitsliarah• lenders his gerVICNI 10 .10 1 '.
bets, DlP4lufaciiirers and dealers. who may be dippoaed
to make trial of this market He I , prepared to make
advances on consignments of all saleable commodities ,
rind trnsts to sail , lv correspondents by quick vales, and
speedy 'and favorable returns.
That the various interests which may be confided to
him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid
of his own experience in business •11.4 acquaintance with
merchandise generalli, , the services of Mr. S•MILL
F•REKSTOCC heretofore advantageously known, as an
Importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery. with
whom a permanent engagement is made.
Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pres't. of 111 .4 111
‘‘ Darlington 4 reehies.
Robert Galway.
James at. Cooper,
o James Mny,
•• R. M. Biddle.
Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't I s
of EICII•Of_P Bank.
sfamploa,Smith, t r co..
John D. Davis,
Samuel Church,
o J. K. Moorhead, 1
Jas. W. Brown 4 Co.
o John H Brown. 4. co:
.. Smith 4 ft igisiey,
reardly 4 fS•rarers,
0. Jute S.
John Nadel!.
N Store 85 Isishels of good might, Closer Rend. Also
150 bashels prime Timothy for 'oleic lots tn
142 lAbert7 se
Who offers for sate SO bushels Orchard Onus seed
feb 2.1.
For plaiiShille a nett Daily Paper in the Cit y of Pitt*
iod.rgh, to be entitled the
TllESutwtrlbere having made arrangement! to merge
the American Manufacturer and Pitishurgh Mercm
ry Info one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily
paper with the title of the Daily ./Iforsing Post.
The leading object of the erorr" wil t he the dissemina
lion and defence of the political pripes that have here
tofore been maintained by the Editor!, in their respective
papers, and i heir heat efforts will still be devoted to the
advancement and success of those doctrines.
Although, In politics, the paper will he thorhonestoughly
democratte. yet the Editors hope, by giving an ,
candid history of passing Poliileal event., Foreign
and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat
tereand occurrences that come properly within the sphe
of a Public Journal, to make their paper suriciently •
treating to entitle it to the patronage c( the public, it
respective of party considerations.
In addition to the pelbh al and genrral news that will
be found in the ".Morning rust," the Fdiiors will titke
pains to furnish the communitybusiness!
the latest and most intt.resting COMMERCILL IKTELLI•
CT.IMIC from all parts of the country, anti to have prepa
red Su ch accounts of the Market! and the State of Trade
as will be advantageous to OM Merchants and 1:11161Den
Men In their several callings.
trateins.—The POST will he published oo a large Imperi
al sheet of One Paper, (manufactured especially for this
Jonrn'tl) at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS
per nnnum,payable In advance. It will also he sold by
newsitoys at the low rate of TWO cENTs a copy.
Advertisements will be inserted at the lowest rates
charged by the other daily papers of the city.
I irr-TWENTY active lade are wanted to sell the Post,
be engaged on the most liber term!
Awzust :31, 1R42.
100 MIDS. KY LEAF TOBACCO. In Fiore and
for gale by J. C. Pr A CORDON.
No 12,Water st rert
BY Morris.n A- Co London. for salr only by 5. N
Wickersham, coiner of Wood same and Virkll
alley Pitlshurzh l'a. BOA 11. Harwood, Braver Pa. l'lll
s sole seem for WesternPenasi,lvania. p 10
F,fit ft M FOR S A I,l2.—Tite it ridelqianed um rq for Pale a
tract or land situated 4 mile' frt.... e'reepot I, In the
direction of Kittanning, finlalo bow itqliip, Armqtrona
county. containing 100 acre!, 65 cleared end under Rood
fence: 10 of whim are In meadow- n food equare he:
dwelling have end cabin barn erected tbereon—an apple
molter,' of 80 beet In", treeft—and a s ;prin of excellent
water convenient to the bointe.
FOR TERMS npply to the gahscrihers reeiding at the
Saltworke on the Pont') lvama Canal, 1 mile above Free
lli'Clotikey's Clothing Store
•T Tlie
No. 151 Liberty Ftreet, one door from the
Jackson Foundry.
rVII I: su , th - rther is ill.l receiving al 1115 well known
1. estahli -hutent. the larlc=t. Ino,st v0ri. , .1 ili.ii , Illi•PliST
limit or 00C ,D4l that Moe ever begot offered in this city
Every noir os tva , =fleeted by lilm Atli ill Ibe ea.,.ero Cl.
ties. and purchased a' the I owt:sr c•. 11 er.irks, and tie is
1 lo•rejore c l aio,.l 1,, Si li 11.. net run 11111 4 7 1 1 lower ilsai‘
they ran N. had at any other estahth.loooot west of tile
Ilip article!. are nll wad.• by exporenced workmen
(tons the latest MiliPtfat t turd t iooda and i o the moat
Ile feels ronftdent that all pereoup who will call at
M. e gtabltAtment and examine lit, s,o‘ k N 11l he panelled
lhat BETTER 113 % RG 01 Nilit ran he obtained at the
111011 at ally similar eslablislitnent in the city.
Ills stock consists in part 01
Couts,Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts,
Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders,
And evrt v other article of l'loilph of the lit.-1 !'lle
From Ida varied stork of cloth, he Is prepared to
M AKE CLOTHES TO ORDER at ilie phones' I , llliCr.
in a itt,le unstitieh.sed by any other P 11,144110 house,
ind war -pasta to fit.
111. stock of Spring and Simmer Or oda is !II per inr to
ally prririous importations and he has in hesitation in
savior that for excellence, I , Cauly and the:twirl-A they
ehnnot he reintilled In the west.
'lse suttee-ober would once ware return his thankv to
hi! friends and the public for the unprecedented pal ton
age bestowed on his e‘talilliihnie.iit, and believing that
his cuptoinri a bud found It to their advantr ge to drat
)". W . 1 , 11 Inn), hr would repeat hie tovitalion ro e all those t
who wh,h to purrliaee Clothing of event dsripiion a
iowest prices, to call at No. 151, Li seitili S-ractr.
ry—Ohserve Metal Plata in the Easement.
,li 22
proved Pirav
Uferiored ix
•v Mao-hint
e flall.r
nrarinr• and
he fornw
tollllGdeli 01
No, 4, Pull
/I e Platfurni
U clglk JJUU
1 gap 10
NV11.4- 19111.1 P BIKER
Pay.sage and Itemittance,
e • - eA,
it 1%. it
Nit , ll'
New York and Liveryriol Line.
PERrSuONfSro ml e a st ny o u pa r o t f
” s c e G nd r i ., n o g f o l . . rl 11t1r1'ei. .• 7
ref respectr
fully informed th il the subscriber is at ail IIIOCII pre
pared In make run ti et engr it • me. He is prepared
to remit mottle!' by drnfts, which arc innda payalt
Priv point throutzltont the United r•itigdom on presht e aMa.
lion; Navin; been for the Ins' 12 years enzai!eci in the
business. Inc feels eiri.eitent dint big nrrat.grinents on
both older , the Atlantic are Filch no witl give satisfartloo
The Shtp • colllPTil.illg the em c ee hue, are al nft he (list
ciass and are comm otonce eachanded Ity ca week during k It e u
seareful and stilft ma ,oo sters,
leavli g I.iverpo .
riar further particulars apply it by letter In
N 0.61 South street. New York,
\J or to
at Messrs D.Ozell gr nettling's. Water street Plis'b:h
March 3-2.nid.
rIIIIS Line 1.• prepared ;o commence business on the
I.- open\ 11Z of the canal. It l: composed (west of Col.
umbia) of First Class Portabie Boats, chartered fort he 1
.eason, each boat heinz In charge of its respective owner,
The line has at a heavy espen.e taken a POLICY Of IN—
svuoica from one of the most substantial and prompt
offices in I he United States, covering all goods shipped
by it, (fret of expense to the osonsrs of the goods) Ship.
pers desirous of availing
lace themselv
of shi es of this i the value
must give notice at the p pment of
or their goods.
The rates of freight will he as low as by any respon
sible carriers, and the facilities for giving satisfaction to
customersin all respects are surpassed by no line on
the canal, Shipper. to and from (h e east are respect
'oily invited to call.
rise haziness will t,e conducted hy
90 Front street and Canal Basin, Pittsburg
Foot of Dock el reet. Philadelphia.
A.L. LOW, Columbia.
March 4
A Forest in Braze.
The following luxurious description ofi \ e,„„ e
virgin forest in South America, is from the
travels in Brazil of those di s tinguished nit,
uralists, Von Spix and Von Mastitis;
The primeval forests, which stand as tea.
timony of the creative energy of the new
continent, in all their original wildnesteancl
still unprolaned by human hands,are called
in Brazilian, virgin forests, (mato virgem.)
In them leer -newel coolness refreshes the
} wanderer, and, at the same time, the image
Hof the most luxuriant profusion—the never.
, ceasing power of vegetation makes the
I trees shoot up to a majestic height; endless
I contented with these gigantic primeval
monuments, nature calls forth upon every
stem a new creation of numerous verdant
and flowering parasitic plants, instead of
the monotonous uniformity of species its the
forests of Europe, especially in the north,
}there is here an infinite diversity to' the
forms of stems, leaves and sums.bl Al.
most every one of these sovereigns of A l .
forest, which here stand near to each other,
is distineuiThed in the general effect of the
picture from its neighbor. While the silk.
cotton tree, (Bombax pentancirurn. Ceiba,)
partly armed with strong, thorns, begins, at
a considerable , height from the groundi to
spreat out its dense arms, and its digitated
leaves are grouped in light and airy tosses'
es, the luxurious lecythis and the Brazilian
anda, shoot out at a less height, fanny
branches profusely covered with leaves,
which unite to form a verdant arcade. The
jacaranda attracts the eye by the lightness
of its double feathered l e ar,es; the lifirge gol.
} den flowers of this tree, and the ipe dazzle
by their splendor, contrasted with the dark
green of the fteiage. The spondias archeit ..
its pennated leaves into light oblong forms.
A very peculiar and most striking effect in
the picture, is that of the mellifluous pilule
limas, of the flaming rlde-charnmas and the
hauhinia, with its curiously lobated leaves;
strings of the leafless mi ky bindweed,which
deece..d from the highest summits of the
trees, or closely twine round the strongest
trunks.and gradually kill themeastlyehose
parasitic plants, which invest old trees as
with the garment of youth; the grotesque
species ce the pothas aid arum, the superb
flowers of the orchelete, the bromelias,
which each the rain, the hanging meant!•
sia, and a multiplicity of s eat's:Ay formed
ferns: all these retest kable productions of a
soil so young, combine to form a scene
which fills the European naturalist with al.
ternate delight and astonishment.
When we attempt to sketch a picture of
the interi e of a tropical freest, we must
not forget to call the attention of the reader .•
to the relative situation of each individual
plant with regard to the tendency of self.
preservation. Weh such fulness of life,and
such a vigorous striving for developereent, .
even a r r ics and lerti'e a soil as this is not
capable of furnishing the necessary rider ,
ishment in sufficient abundance;hence those
gigantic trees are engaged in a c onstant
struggle for their own preservation, and
impede each other's gro•ver :noel) more
than is done by the trees in our c ountry.--
Even the steams which have retched a core •
siderable height, and require a large sups
ply ol nourishment, feel the influence of
their more powerful n eighbors, are sudden.
ly arrested in their growth by being depri
ved of tie requisite juices,and thus become
in a short time subject to the general pow*
ers of nature, which lead them to e rapid
decompositlon. We thus see the noblest.
trees, after suff_eing a wasting of some
months' duration, eaten away by ants and
other insects, struck weh death from the
roots to the summit, till, to the terror of the e.
inhabitants of the forest, they fall with a
tremendous crash. In general, it is rev
marked by the farmers, that trunks which
stand singly, am Dog several othere of a difa
ferent kind, are mire easily kept down by
the latter. W hen at some further period a
regular system of finest cultivation, which,
indeed,hae not yet been thought of in these
thinly peopled woods, shall be introduced,
it will be found me c'ssary not so much to
promote the gees th of the atijoiering trees,
as to take care that they stars. at a sufficient
1 dist ance from each oth••r.
But tee animal king om whisk peoples •
i these ancient forests is not leas remarkable
than the vegetable world. The naturalist,
who is here for the first time, does not
kn w whether he shall most admire the
formethe hues,or the voices of the animals.
Except at noon, when all living creatures
in the totrid zone seek shade and repose,
and e hen a solemn silence is diffused over
the scene. illumined by the dazzling beams
of the sun, every hour of the day calls into
action another race of animals. The niers
Irene is ushered in by the howlings of mon
i keys, the high and deep notes of the tree
frogs and toads, the m onetonous chirp of
\the grasshoppers and locusts. When the
Irising sun has dispersed all the mists which
I preceded it, a I creatures rejoice in the re.
turn re dad . The wasps leave their long
nesiewhich hang down from the branches,
the ants issue ft um their dwellings curious•
ly built of clay wi It which they coves the
trees,and commence their journey through
paths which they have formed for them
selves, as is done also by the termites,
which cast up the earth high at.d far
around. The gayest butterflies, vieing
in color with the splendor of the rainbow,
especially the numerous Hesperia, flutter
from flower to flower, or seek their food 1s
the roads, or collected in separate comps'
nies, 3n the sunney sand.banks of Lilt COOl
streams. The blue, shining Menelaus,
Nestor, Adonis, Laertes, the blueish white,
,Idea, and the large . ICeryieehes - with its o
`eellated wings, hover like birds among the