Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 11, 1843, Image 2
Lf wrist pßzslDENT,Firrren. Snushase few days since JAMES BUCI-14NAN, al"! °l . Philadelphia went to market, and bought elithiert to tin decis . en of n National Convention. , a fine, plump loin of veal which was cooked and , brought on the table, without the least suspicion being excited that it was not the luscius morsel it appeared to ie. As it appeared smoking in the 1.1i411, the httiii'y merited around th- ernicked their lips in anti, ipati nof Ito rich repast. The DAILY MORNING POST. Tn. 11121. LIPS .S" WM. 11. BM iTII, tVITORS PROPRIICTORi SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1843 bee First Page. -John Dowling, of Galena, a gentleman well known to many , f the citizens of Pitts burgh died at Washingt in, on the 15th tnst., under very singular circurnstanc.'s , The Globe says that he arrived in that city nn the 23th Ult. Ho took lodgings at Brown's Hotel. Next morniog, at break fast, he stated that he hail lost a check of five hundred and odd dollars, and appear• ed to be very uneasy ahout it. Ho left the hotel immediately after breakrast, and nothing mare was heard of him until yes terday morning, \diln some person men. tinned at the hotel that there was a well dressed stranger had diedat the house. The barkeeper supposed it might be Mr. Dowlinz, end went to the Poor's• house im.r.ediately to see thu Corpse. Upon opening the coffin, (which he found on the way to the Catholic burying ground, to be interred U ere.) he found it contained the body of Mr. Dowling. He learned that, on the night of the day which Mr. Dowling left the hotel, he was found standing against a fence near tho navy yard, about two miles from the hotel, so benumbed with cod as not to be able to speak. He was taken care of that night; and the next day he (being still unable to sFeak, and give an alLotint of himself) was taken to the Pour's-house, whets lie died. Upon examining the room at Brown's Hotel, where Mr. Dowling lodged on Tuesday Light last, a certificate of depos• ita for &i4l, made in the Bank of the Me tropolis, of the t city, on the 18th ultimo, by the lion. Henry Dodge, was found on the floor, endorsed in hank h) Gov. Dodge , whose hand writing they know. This cer tificate of deposite it is probable, is the "heck" which Mr. Dowling said he lost. Three pocl:t t-books were found on the chairs c•f the room - , containing notes of hand and other papers,'Lut no money. Impraebtnent of Gov. Porter Another attempt to impeach the Gover nor, by connecting him will) Brodhead in the famous "lumber" transactinn•, has met with a signal dt feat. Some time ago, a petition was forwarded to the Leeigla tore from Ph ladulphia, asking that th• Governor sh ou ld he imrached. It was referred to a committee who had power to examine whether there were any matters on which to base the proceeding prayed for. After having the matter under con sideration for some Om., ni it ,fter the petitioners to come forw.od and chow why their reqty st s hou;d be complied with, which cull they in si!enve, the majority of the cornrnile , ' reporied that there were no grounds \tiiter oti which to institute articles tf impeachment The minority of the comm;ttee, however, evidently actuated by party or personal malignity, prepared a counter Repttrt, i Cars!ti. , sulMite ha, heen.el, cted Presideat of which ie circulated far aid t.t. trle, itt the 1 the I epublic of Vetilui.la,in Sou.h A merit a, for the hope of injuring the Execuiive. It IS FI) f- 11 , xt fur years. ficienttodimcredit this ink •ra du ,titpourinJ, i , A leeiurer on the Korey, in Newark N. J., has of federal venom, that it talrt.s for a l a-is serious!y set himself to re ute M a dmaectuttitt n. the worn nut and ,ft r xplod d btoty ,t he We Lope he may auce.ed is satitng pe plc right 899,000 brib?. The rev trnidit.4 iit tiii-1 old on 11. c till jt.ct. invention Can affect I.otding. The I'+•"-: Limb 'lliadic, a celebrat..d c'iief or the Chirpe ple have repeatedly fry tuned it int, obi wa i.ribr, died a shut, time since at the S.iuit L. acurity, and this tie w al tem 1)I. t.) ~ , , i ‘ „ 1 : le Maria. Fur many yciiri h.: had been a enlilsl6 • , ill our %. , lc i, t and 1.. fluential clirtatian. threadbare fakehrtod curr ency, will recoil on the heads of the ,utlnt: e. It can : It is stated Mat the lion. Caleb Cudtinc, sl-ally lead to the Ilymt heal alter, a eery beau not obtain a moment's credence, tn. , iejure t.ful and weal.hy Roman Cath...lie la'y of Mill the Executive in the slig'iest degree IL 13 suppied the, Gov. Fairfield will he el. c- A man nan" h me 5...: , u,tm• iu the place of the 11 rn. Ru 1 with his wife fro,n a nuiihht% , i Co. Me., on the 15th tilt., the heart by a ruffian naru!‘:Jauk,un. - - ---• , MA,Fontun sat f: ...c hava go ,i n , 110, it) to Fay 1-nac F. H lime , , a dew ncr i r, h as ti e o n that the tn. , 1. i-It2. ,I,r t.. , ling 1.1 . 1 , 31.31 betw, NI thrl re•elected to Congrce.s 1 , ( 11l tile city o f Presi.icnt aril Mr. ro card.' Charleston, S. C.— -Pron. Ex. La Smith disclaims having a - 1y tl.i , g more to Mr. H. is truly a demovra', but not one 61 ‘1, , .:1 p.,lities. of your kind.—Prow. Chron. I he L. n ion Ihnit:•.'- , Circular ~+ioirite i tit .tin r It he'e of your kind, Mr.Chron.,we think thc mow!) ni - Mar next, at least 7,000,000 dollar% he's not much. ; w; i t is Fliipperi to America. Here is a chance.—A company has Of ihe interments in New York last year, been formed in Clarksbure, Va., for the 1250 were natives of Ireland purpose of hunting on the Rocky Moun tains A Nltller.te preacher was pelted with t'en eg.4s in Georgetown, D. C. A mar. and his wire have applioll for \‘' d iesdav week. the benefit of the b‘nkrupt 'aw in Worees Charles Kemple lost -£3OOO, during his ter. It is supposed thqt they mgdo a mis take—they went to be divot ced sh.l gut Wier management at Cover,' Gardenhea 'r into the wrong shop. trP Bank Burnt.—The Bank of Manche2 , ter in Yazoo, Miss., bus been dest7oyNl by fire. "The Land Mark" is the title of a new psper,devoced to the promul2ation of Dem ocratic Inineiplee, and to the re•nominatinn of M. Van Buten, to be published in Mt. Vetoon, Ohio, and edited by D. A. Rob ertson. = • • -,Cirk;/41/0p4..44 bodge has been or ganizif at Ellicat's.Milla. jamt was ei.t open, and, stra' ge to relate, Cu) whole interior was found to be comp nsed of old rags, (which had been stuffed in to give the veal a plump appearance) and . verlaid with a thin stratum of lean fa'; by whlcli scandalous contti vanea a tniserabie poor piece of meat watt made to appear beat ty. _ A Child locked up in a chest and starved to d-uth.—The. N w Orleans Republican relates horrid affair. It appears that a child had been ahandoned in n house on St. Anne wreet, between Claiborne nud Robinson: that it wan locked up in n chest, where it h..d remained tor several days , for the puepnee of earyinz it to death! On the strength of this information, the police repaired to the hou.e, and there found the child in the chest, the sparks of life being almost extinct. The prime mover of "this diabolical affair is a Degrees.— They were all arre,ted, and an investigation will be held forth wi It. With prop r care it is thutigr,ht the child may sii,vive The Cold Mania is: raping In a terri . )lo EX , CII " n Alabama. i'everal veins have been disrnver,d and vent preparations are making by companies of sp culdtors fur opening and working them; and hundreds of per..ons are daily searching new mines. The g -Id region lies on the north tide of the Tel laponsa river, rincipally, but we are informed That some gold has been found uo the oppn:lte side. nit far from the village of Dudleyvi'le. Within a couple of menthe the 11 Jul ;shiny vdlagu of Gob!- vale hats sprung up, and already has n considerd: b!e population; It is thronged, says repoit, with persons desirous of embarking in the gold spec ulation. How it will Look. —The following dr,cripti ,, n o f the appearance that will ho presentd on the last day 1 Painful Casually. is of our rea is from a sermon deliver,: I by Pir,ma M.lLr in ders who had the pleasure of his ncptsins Binnington Vt. Ile goca into the minutia) of the I vice, will 'egret to learn from an account the matter with much emfi , iencc that it will published thi- trimming, that the Rev. Mr. turns up O.K. Cord,iNs, of St. Xaviei Church, Cinvinna 'A small bright spot will first appear in the east, 11, was killed at the foe in that tit) on last which will radully expand as it appronclics the ..`i iturday I Veil 1111.— Pills. Post. earth. By aPd bye, a small cloud will spear And no one, we are well persuaded, will before the luminous hill and betwren it and th- more deeply regret and deplore this un earth. On this cloud will be sect' he Son of Man, timely and got title death than the Rev. stancing erect, his figure plainly vi , ible to the spectators on the earth. At the sound of it % rum .. Mr. Conixs himself—who is now sell and pet, (its some other signal.) the bright spot hitsing at home in this city, and was not even pie g radually illuminated the while heaven 4, the sent at the fire.— . Cin. Enq. rir,t‘teon. , dead and shall rise from thr;r re-ting plsc-s—ind ris, nan I.sinz saiids 'dial' t- g ether The Galla;in Signal of the 10th tilt. he caugnt up and meet the Saviour in the air, states that on Tuesday the 7th, two negro wipin they will instantly he ehanzed en) clothe d with immnrtnlity. The Saviour will then present tnen, be longin g to a Mt . Burnett , were for. them t.t the Father, whose prasenee is denot• dhv cibly tak , ,n Irom the premises of that gen fi'is luminous mass, perfect, %onion' spat er WI in- tleman, about seven miles south if that kle. The Father will then r ive the S its, by plate, and h.ingeo, withrtut tF.e biinefit of Th e marriage cavenant, as a bald . to hila clergy, judge or jury. It appears that the S a n. The; will then ha eon.tituted th- New negroi - s went to the house of a Mr.Nidand, Jerticalern, and Ws:ether with .he Saviour. will desce dto the earth, which, during their absence, a few days previous, ;Itod afterabusing his bee been purified, and oho wicked horned up, wife, rifled all ;he 111111 k ,, drawers, &c., where the Saints will dwell, wiih Chri.t fiats- about the house, and decamped. er.' , l'ovei IT. rhe i 9 one thilz, httvrev r, whin'i eh-irtiet,r It. trill he r collected, that Mr. Orrok,of ~ . „ i.e; the 'cite Congress ah , ve all other.— ,o- en I2oxhury, committed slilt•l'lt.' last wet k--'n , hey committed an error in L •gi.l ition, sad it v‘ a' a letter addressed to six 'tour clithiren," once dis , inet!y pointed our, they acttnn , lo:'ged ill. says. that lie never i .tniitittnaily wrong the fault. an I eitioced their penitence by repf.ittl- , a t , ~ ell elpiw man, al tl thld he ~ \.% es it to ids trig the measure.—Phyla Chroq flee children It, !gait, •..11.4. ftrir lather is y e a, afar they end their itiemil ha ,e taken 'coin every crime save lila! of povercrYr lioalOn paper. the benefit or t tror IA Ct. 2 11,11" ,t..n i e.,Lr,ne ,rn Werner, in ill • 1.a, , t. if the l'sr, s. an 111,,torical t'ac., or only one of vcr's cx rriste int: 0. ant he rd cf 13 ng a steam He wl'n in the same vrn tme enn produce np.re t,“An man; n• • {t 1114 vi2or: he w; , o (an prnruce tone aml b,tit r, 11.14 taten a: he NIP. C,lll pr-duc , ! what none else caa, has £ermine.—Ls• change Paper. And he who producra rr,th , ng has cunnin,T. .llr Fos -war] nd th^ bnili.:tLt-atign.—Thit There are five or siv hundred gambling houses in N. Y. 'What a pity it that men should make themselves miserable when t-ere is no ne— cessity for it.'—Boston Mail. Yes, it is a great pity; and a greater pity that men should be made miserable when there is no necessity for it. There are f.mr 'aril oil factories in Cin cinnati. This city may well be called modern Grease. ...—..................----- . . Savers, wiseacres, in different towns, V The Darof a Tark.:.-r4lte absence of , have seen the planet Venue in - the day evety kind ofpublic amusement makes one time, and proclaimed it as the discovery day the picture of another. A Turk of of a c omet. It is no uncomm :n thing for good condition rises with the sun, and as Venus to be seen by daylight, when, as he sleeps on soft cushions, divesting him now, she rises at 4o'clo•:k in the morning. self of but a small part of his dress, it costs —Salem Gaz him but little trouble at the toilet. He of- The Venus's in this neighborhood are fern up his prayer, and then breakfasts on seldom seers before ten in the morning, a cup ofcotiee, some sweetmeats, and the luxury of his pipe. Perhaps he will read and then the day must he very fine or they the Koran, or the glowing poetry of Ilafiz \ — We the subscribers, ...ROßEßT BIN-SIX-Y. - ' rititens of the sth ward, do will not be visible except through the and Sadi; rot the knowledge of the Persi— , CARPETS FOR SALE. certify that the above petitioner is °flood repute for - .UST it F. CEI VED and forsale at Bausrnan's 'friction smoked glass of their dwellings an is a frequent accomplisetuent of the ;as [looms, No 110 Woodhonesty and temperance, and is well provided with upper ranks of bath sexes. He then or- ; A large tot of Fine and Superfine Ingiain Carpets, lion-e room and conveniences for the aecornmoda- Oto aryl of . —Three cony ict ~ in the Alton peni•fim, and lodging of stratte,ers and travelers, and alai ders hiS-Arab hot se, and rides fur two or , Venitian sial: Carpels, Oil Floor Cloth, Rugs,4e. which tentinry made their escape on Sunday morning, will be sold at pr ivate sale 20 per cent cheaper than said tavern is necessary three hours, he exercises NNith the Jerrid, any ever before offered in this niarker. Robert Whiteside, James Hatn;lton. • the 26W ult. They were the cooks of the eslab- (throwing a sort of blunt javelia,) and af- Nlarell 7. ft A. BAUSM AS, Aut. Ceo. Porter, Daniel Hamilton, lishment. On the night following, thy entered terwardsdines about midday; on a highly the bolts eof the Rev. Mr. Arnold. of Alton, and seasoned pilaw. In the afternoon, the i f raf: sale of Fresh Spring, Goods %yin he colorion.d at Saturn an's .driction Rooms, No 110 WOO.l st every John Y 0 g, John Kearney, Samuel McKelvy, took his clothes, forty dollars, and some other nr• coffee houses, where the Eastern story. i day i his Weel:, al. lo A. es. and 2r. et. A rare chance Wm. Garr, John Lightner. ticks. A reward of one hund , cd dollars, fifiy I for harsains is now offered ,as the go ;is offered are en teilers resort, are favoiite pla , es id enter- i . , Jerem , all Fr ' ew. larch 10-31, dollars. and twenty-fire do lars, has been offored . tirely new, the assortment complete, and the qualities tamment, or seated in his cool kiosk, on the , for their apprehension. One is named Palmer, .0. me very beer. banks of the Bosphorus, he }fields to his k March 7, .. 1 vr_d e_. ° EL I " ' l_, i_ t _ .: E _ Y _ t : ph_ _„ .. . --- n hall, two parlours, 4 rooms itp etairs, withilif: • I --------- useless but delightful habil. of musing 1 .• A writer in the Philadelphia Ttit.e, , copits our . 0 hie 11,mm:ride, the. Judges rif (le Court or : • The decline of the day, however, brings , r , tAlteil earret,dinin. room and kitchen with r notice of the proposition to nominate Judge WO- the Turk's eog,,est joys; he then dines on 'r„ the count.' of Allegh eny yard in front and rear, on rhe canal hank, corner Of kips for Governor . in 1814, and the editor inserts a variety of seasoned dishes, drinks his , The petiO in iir Jonathan Peter., ef Olin Chesnut street. leading to upper bridge , now In them the article dins correspondent with the following iced shei bet, enjoys probably a part y o f 'To wit , tro. respectfully sheweih, That he is well rupancy .I . ill. McClurg. rent to suit the times-- Enclnlsic editorial remark: provided with house i 0 nn and oth , r conveniences or Dr. Whittaker, Allegheny City. mar 14 his friends, and alterwat ds visits the ha for present we will only permit ourself to say • tor ice a, a: iiiimuriation ufstrtiogerit and ti av e i e rs, at and his wife, or wiles, (be has more , eip hotr,:e now cc tyted by him as a ta; ern: anti be- DR. DANIEL AIcAIKAL, Office on Finn street r o i — ee i n Wood and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. th It the nomination of the Hon. Ilint. Wilkins . rem ' wou'd he received by the peopte, (piirlia l ie out by than one,) with her attendants and slaves, inz, diiisir•ins ta eolitinue iii that bosiness, he plays the po'iticians,) in this seciiun of the State with exett, all their powers of faseinati in for )'nit it it .r, t , gout aim n !reuse to keep an Inn rr Steam Boat Owners—The subscriber, in hoiote of Public Entertainment. And he will ever great sal i•ifaction. We have ben thinkinz ins their lord•—New illonthly Macrazinc. . pr 'I.Y JON ‘ THAN PETERS. tently upon the subject of the Golitorial 9001 i ill con.cnimace of the difficulty of the limes, has restt4- I'liP in.dersigii• d. citizeits t f Old i township re- red use pere of hot S3fery Guard jar the sere t' lion fur some tiiiiii, and in a few deys .'hall give 1 'With us to kill a ul tidneer,Qave jlag - ranti s d e,ofully ce , tiry , tha• J l inietliiiii Peters theabni e cam- the txplos s ion of st - eam b lers,to $l5O per boat. um .f our views at length delicto, iv hich cotnea into the category of ed applicautds a ' 4 eiitleinan of emit t repute for honesty 1t io hoped that all ti :a l t owners will avail themselves defensive homicide, is clearly murder, and ' and tempo , ance, and is well pro.' , !ell witil house of these rea , onairte terms, not only un account of t h e would certainly be punished as such, and ; rw i fa.' a"d f c:n""iemio! for n . h'' acrT",ll:::'"lnl.!""vand perfect nuilers safety I I h h e e y a a p ti p b a r r d , , tu li 3 u th7::ocilit:ipoin will t of w eLo r n a orny. %rangers anti t ieters,ai i f 1 tiat IA hoe wire as tong as those not pr o vided whir theni• even the sligl test corpJral punishment may 1 . .' n '' ,. „. 1 , 2.. .„ at\ It r tae accomino tatio. , it the ponlic as ti-ant C. EVANS nut b • inflicted without the authority of a ' . .Robert MclAintne, AritlW G Pinkerlon, • -- court martial, which gives as far a trial ;ts Frederick Nlerri tan, Peter Parke, any ti ibun si.'— Lit; Standard. SM7IU. I Merriman, II Bowers, , \\'h it then will be the punish.. N. Ni e Pliersou. George Ileinlee, Indeed! of !. Thomas Birtch, I). O'Brien, meta your regiments in Incl a, who, a 1\ In. 11cD.inalii, E. Warner, cording to their own acknowledgr merits. •, mar 11-51* murdered men,wouten,and children,friends - and foes, indiscriminately? Who heeded no Fri ( 1 Inc Honorable the Judge; of the Court n i. General Qua. ler Sessions of the Peace in and cry for mercy, whether it fell from the in- lir the Coon' vof Alleiiihein : nocent lips of infancy, or was uttered by The petition of lidgli Six, env, nithe itill ward the feehle voice of age—whether it sprung, Aileche"Y vifY, in the c linty a foresaid, humbly show. from the heart of a pE.rent, nr was heard to e/h ,7 Chat y•ur petitioner filth provided I irnself ia ht.' the ationizorr 901 M or a um 'IL, tor her hits- material: s lur tar 11 , comatodail io , ‘f II avetere and hand. or a husbsmi for b - H 0 ifel Great others, at tits dwthing Met -e in the Ward attire- Britain talk about 'the rdwlttest rorp,,ral id ! ,a.._, ant. p riIVS :Ivit voiii Horton.; will be pleased to it in a lieense to keep . .i Pirilic House of punishment!' A nation that has sit•nl hu- I V O . ii•••aittnivnt And pittr pi tit oilier aii in il tty hound man blood erntigh to fitiat its navy—filet A; way I HUGH SWEENY. i has set at defiance evert pi cute pits of honor Wc., the subccribers, citizens of dm 4th ward, justice, and mercy in its national pit aricts do cet ore. 'hat itie above pe itlooer is ht gond repute fur tel upon c !! the ocean. a.l its national murder- ilt use ti - ,esty u and rn a t iu Tpii , ratice, and a item'''s fur well provided lac and rohheries upon the land. Go to, by p- d iii,O. a -,I I 411; n t ; • I stritti4eri amt t.avele . ris ' ' t an oci . itical villai 'a.— Boston Post. ~,,,, ~i ! IS- rii i. i.ecessiity _ James lit, r J liti Freeman Evidences rf Distress —At the delivery w re.. I! Ilubuces its. Liubie office of the Pr ovii?er t Soei•-•ty, the appli- i iv. 0. Hot itt , ori Ebeo• zi•r Derby cations yestertlav fur wok, making shirts S olio. I Patters to Wm. G. Alexander at 12A- cents each, were about i 1 e..t.it, bon W tit. Dav , iier4. stn) Co, r Alex. Brackenridge deed. Tirt applicants were iv)mett . ‘i lilt I " l n t e tr l : a ti r"", . I, it-• 13 —.lt s uitable test irnitnials. This is a most mil —' ancholy evidence of the amount of positive 1.00 BAGS RIO COFFEK. 20(311:1,1A 'lea. (11 , 1 real of pressing want—among a yr ry 2.0 ttiit..a Tohii,ch. consiilet,i'tile iiiitti--ii or our population, —a 4 5,000 , bR. Lump and I.naiSugar 20 Boxes Raki,,. portl. in entitled to our keenest sympathy to •• Sperm fondles, arid most active charity.—Phila _Vorth .1- 10 " Staut, 1 0 Kevi Ornond 1;iov, another White, and the ct.her Congul Barnhart Henn is tiro Editor of th , • lowa I Territorial Gazette and Advertiser. He mist find it hard scratching to obtain a livelihood in .them digingi.'—Boston ' Ber. hope his patrons may not rob his I r,lost. The Great Western is daily expected Mr .( lay rtached Louiswile on the .sth inst For Puy!. Cll Trat.poruit It may well 1):r s that humbr,2 - , is the order of the d,iy. We have had the Co,m skit' liarnbut!„ the NI humbug, the Lumber h•irrihrig, aril at this time %‘e have the Miller huadm,g, But of all the hum bugs 1 have seen, the one which appear , et! in the Gazette of Ter,s•lay, over the sig• nature or Nl,..Dawell iL Co.vden, is the g nearest. There gen lernen and their cmtiliorms, pees , me greatly on the credulity of the public. \Viten by rnixiti!, up a few facts with a great deal of conjortur tt, they ex pect In raise a hue and cry against the Car nal Coinrnissi-tiers fir Simply carrying nut the views of the late Legislature in re ference to the l - iii able 13.1 at Sy-tern. These men, I am told, are now circulat ing petitions to the Legislature setting forth the injustice, as they ale pleased to call it, of the Canal Ciimmisisioners. ___ I would advise the public to scan well . OVERSEER 01 . "I' 11 E POOR. rilo the tlonarable, the ithizes of the Court of General the object ol those men before signing their We are authorized to 0 11 no'l 0, 1 0 that Cipt. E. F. Jt. Quarter Sessions of ihe Peace, in and for the coun pelltionerS, their ci 'Lane( as transporters Pratt will he a e.,n .idate fa O. er- er rof Vie 1',,. r tY or Quarter ! The nelo , of las, Crooks, of Robinson Township. ftr years, has been universally objected at the ensuing e:et Eton. mar 11—h r. ,-si.l count v, respe , irony showelh:— Li). But now they wish to take advantage -"-krirl'--651 CARPETS & DIZY GOODS CHEAP ~ 0,,,,,ip0pe, for the arronimodation of strangers and ill an excitement against the Canal Com missioners on entirely different grounds, FON. CASII. tanveller+, at the house now occupied by him as a tavern; , and heir g !estrous to continue in that business he prnys Al the Csrp i r i r o I hi Tare ; has , r of It'. .IfeChutack 4: (.0. ..\ - 0. , ,„,,,. h ,,,,,,, to Swell the torreot of abuse which they 10 grant hint a lirentiv to keep an inn or .ft street, Pittsburgh. house of Poi,lic Entertainment. And he wilt pray, 4-e. hope in iy even tcate i t abolishim2 the pie i rituE4ohletihent hi,viiio resolved to sell for Cash, now JAMES CROOKS . j 1 . u:71 d, :111 , 1 Om election liv the [aegis offer to ' lie ippoie their entire stock of Carpet,, The umlerslgned, ri•izr.res of Ro ., .insiir Township.*re !attire. of retie more congenial to their feel- (.) ,, ' , ' ,1 .1 ., '" t i 1 , 7 1 - , . 1 , ' , 1 f w, a . : 1,. 1 , 5 ,: c e , a , ,' , ° 1 , :' ,„ 7: . , oTr''.."'"'"2"!'°2e'h' ' - pert folly ,e i :ft , i hat Ja , , t 'roaks, the above namedap s r F 1-mo' ant: :tapir. pm,' :., , , ! ,.Mienian of gond reptile for honesty and togs, or perhaps, mote interesiel in their Dry conch, sill aide far the Sptin.z sales. temper:fur...and is well provided with hoti , e room anti They ie , pec.filllv solicit a call from :111'1101e wishing monopolizing VieWS. convenience- , for the iirconitiindatiOn and lodging or steno . 10 foriii , ll I licitorrik PS 111 their line , nearly the whole 'Messrs. \lcDowell & Cowden complain gen: nod traveler , , and that said tavern 1. , necessary stock liar Mimi our,. liiived w aid!, a ' few Weeks a t very the accommodation , f i t ,,, m ot, that the Portable Boat system of carrying, reduced prices to ii, C t -tern Cities. Robert G,b..,m, folo , M. Fudaen, 'ye,. 1 , 11.11.11 C ran rev upon having goods on fair Cash James Ti . ~.., trat has been and is to be favored by the Cd- Jonathan Plialips,, ti-,I Co I , MI ,sinners• Well. if such be the Pr Vi c i:. P . ' v n' t . i ' a . ve t Ilia il iv rc.:-,ved anon her large lot of Car• Joon 'Arriiiikey, ' A. Philiips,ir. fa'•r, Why iln they not adopt that systend 1,,t3, :out will coitilitte to Wive Midil ions all 1 los month. - 1. :" Ph Al'Ead Ina. J.imes C. Richey, ty, met:I.:STOCK ..t - Co. Joh. Y,,iiing, win n'corinack, they will then have all the advantages, N, r.__, •II persons k nowinq t hems( Ives to Ile indelkt. C . Irt a,%it,d J„„:itlia,, Phillips, ir which they say, is to occur to that system. ' t pi , either bp Pote or hook art:Mint, over Mx mmil liS, unr 10-3 ,' . w i s h win please cail and settle before the 1,1 of May, no But this is not what they want, they longer indulgence nil! he given. in have the Portabld Boats driven from the w. McCLINTOCK 4' Co. als and Rail roads, by lot ring them to mar 11.-3 e _------ - Can pay tolls, not on G :oils, but on the timber Filo the Iloooraltle, the Judges of the Con , t ,if General of which they ate constructed. All g•inds -i- Qm,rter ses:aoris or too r, ape, ill and I t the coun . carried on the Canals and Rail roads by ty °TlhAellie„.4,:m!e."‘' on of McClelland A. A r mar of Findley . Pot table Boats pay the same toll precisely, Toorisoto,ln said roomy, •espectrully showetn.- en T ,l, i , :i t ic : I r e , i h s e w , t r l c l o p i ro ,, v ,, i , d l o ,, , , t low:litotifli(tm c a n ce rs se room ani t i . conv ls e n I. that goods carried on other boats pay• — c Th, Portable Boats ate subject to an ad - at the house now occupied by him asa a n d tavern: . and ' IC. ilitional tax of 50 cents psr ton on the Inc desirous to continue that hUsiiiMrs lie prays your hog. ors to grant him a liemim to keep an Inn or house of Pomace Rail road, and 75 per ton the Co., rotate Entertainment. lumbia Rall road for truckage. iMe'7I...ELLAND A. ARMOR. Strip this b'tsiness of all extraneous The undersigned, citizens of FlndleY township, re. matter and it leaves this simple question.— sp namedlfllll\a• i.pi certify, ea, 1 that m . a McClelland e, i,n,, n A 0 . I .A .. t o ti o i Armor, r , r i ,, li p ii nt a o mi r 7 r , Sh ill the Portable Boats he charg e d tolls hoop.oy and te.i.pfiraii:T. and is well provided with nn the extra weight of timber they contain end room :led coeventenres for the aerotniondation ern r(l I s lod of n g ec u e .g ssa r s y t rangers and • raveierf, and that said lay over the weight of 8 common cars, the same as if that weight was goodsl If these John Cavit transporters cannot compete with the Port- Jahn Maginnia able _ Boats at an equal rate of tolls on James MaEit"ls Goods, let them retire, and I have no John T H uy ford od doubt the business will Brion be done by the ;O m hs Dickson Portable Boats. MERCHANT. I March 11, 1843-3 t, I tnert crin \l"() F.X . ( . 11.1 Lt'.(7 1.: -4 (I\i F'ilY - ;ll)L (1 GV kill do fiver an FA'Ta 't I.IC- It -." I I\, (. - 4alurd , o ) A tcr Imo , ' a' 2 I k ER r ;I 0„, ~• ;2:1. tt ,C C'tt ram., t ; ; t! „ etern,i. 1 e 11., .v. till 1.:111111daV C,`1111.;:. llt' e e r1n,r1 , 2 C cert 11nII at 7 cli, Ilc w! I It rat I'lllo with R. cl'ati , ll4 ,ho Si , gi for Inc 1:".1 , tit o' such ,s tanunt ;ait nd Its4t The ; t dmit , a,)te To coch I,,•eltro it 25 run's. 1•Ir,:n d treniklre of school; For s of his ork on hy ne...rly 100 cogravolz.., ,ee small ...Os. war 11. '1 11E KW. 1 nfrer myg. If IL- a ...0.01.1 for rho i trice n 1 Overseer of tl.c LoAl r solwit the 4,Ji.r , 11 - 1 of my liier.ds roar 9-3;0. ()VI. HSEEIti F l'Ot/R. At the sO.ctiati n Fi pct. lof his sobsciiher Wets hiinrcl as ri ()ver ri,,r or the rtor, at the t clection, ni.d if iilecied di-chargi: his • piih'ic with fid lily. LIORBIDGE. Match 10—tit r. OV ERS' ER OF THE 1 ,ffer my R-If as a cand Over,cer of 11, ro , ,r, and rC9i'l Ci'u'y !.‘liwort wy fel. ritizena Mary h, 16111 134.3 41 - 11 , 7 Tuesday mit, March l4th, at 3 o'clock P. NJ/M..1 will sell for cash, par money, 18 doz Smith's 4 prong Manure Forks, 12 dot do 2 prong Hay do 12 " do 4 prong .Manure do 6 " do 3 prong do do 4 " do 3 prong Hay do 1 10 " do 2 prong do do j 19 n Goodyear's 4 puma Manure do. March 10. J. B. GU rllm., Auc'r. NVII S I'EVENSON EBENEZEI: KERR Charles Stuart John Patton John Pollock Wm. J Campbell James Hook - G. P. Nelson R A. RA USAIAX, Inc, no 100 ,rreN 4;r••el U.( r :vr• un I 1111. i2lllale in a, d for vale cheap fur ec.~l 11. DF,visr.. Cal l3a in, Lil.criy st ir Ili. 1543. COP.IIITNEI'SIIIP 1(1/1/..: on Iv r.lgl iheingelveg cr Gar ins• icar from the Ist January, Ist 1243, der 11, le LA' Dcv;ne Nle.Nnolly, for 11:i:1)&1 , 0 4 4 on. Iv ill iv 1,2 and for wmtio.4 Coil . DEVINE. A. MCA NULTY 1110 t4e llonurasle the Judge; of the Court of General galrter Se, lions of Ott Prate in and for the I County of Alleghedy. The petition of Nlichvt.ll' a.rford, of 41 h ward A Ile. cher y city, in the county aforesaid, humbly •hewed h That your lan ironer luith !yrovhieol himself with Ma— Irrrils for the rirtioinunidal of travelers and others, at lit.: dwitilintt house in the ell y nfortsaid, and prays I lint y w II he p:e.1 , 1•11 to _rant him a license to kin a Public 11.inse of Elam taiiiinent. And your petitioner us in duly boon], wt I pray, hull %El, URA WFOrID IVe, the sith,crilier. rlioens of 4th ward Allegheny, do certify, that the anove petitioner is of good repute for lioneil y and temperance, and lc well provi ded with home room and convenience: for the aCCORIMO daiton and lodging, of strangers and travellers, and that said tavern is tier essay v. John 1.r017. Min Poer !him, H"t i ,zwrrny .1 P. Tiimtr G. : 4 , Km ten, mar 10—'3( WANTED --As soon as possible--places fur a eum• Der of Mechanics; Bookkeepers; Clerks; Salome* and Boys in stores; Reboot teachers—for laic:Hill: men Women; Boys and Girls for all kinds of work—also. for coachmen: steam and canal boat men and boys—eallOc tore; 4-c. A kn, wanted a mortgage on good properly. with four or five times the amount 3500.700, 1000 ifre. (or rate—twelve cheap tracts of land, and for rent, sev eral small pieces of property.—apply at Harris' Agency Honorable Jitl.t..a of the Court of Genera, and Intelligence office. feb r, 3t ji'.narter destine of the Peace in and for the county of 'Fite petition or .101‘.1 Fleck, of the ;oh ward. City of IV ness, will sell at Auction, at No. 140 Illberty R. BENJ. BO WN being allot': to decline bust- PittAtirgh. said county, hunitt'y 911tWelll: -- Thal your petitioner hat h provided himself with ma all his remtlaing stock in trade, fixtures Household fur trriak for theac..ammodation of travelers and others, at niture. 4-c. on Monday, March 13th. at 10 °Wort, A. his dive:ling house in the Ward aforesaid, and prays a. His stock consists of a great variety of °ROME. lint.k,pr honors till he pleased to .rant hint a license to RTES, of the very beat quality, and well stilted for fami- House of Entertainment. And your pe ly use. The fixtures consist of—i handsome Nest of as in duty bound, will pray. Drawers; 1 handsome show Window 1 Franann Stove; JOHN FLECK. 13 Tin Canisters; 4 doz Glass show Jats; 1 Stove and We, the 'on, niters, Cilitorls of the Fifth Ward, do pi?e.: certify., that the above petitioner Is of rood reptile for The Furniture consists of--Chairs: sofa; Astral and I.unesiv and temperance, and is well provided with Mantel Lamps; I handsome Rocking Chair; Dressing MA hone room and conveniences for thepecomniodation of We; C.:ai Siilehoned; Britannia Ware; China do. Ma. strangers and travelers,and that said tavern is PCCCS.fdIy. pi es Beheteads; Waht Siands; Looking Glasses; Oil Paint. 1) t .id tierwig, lo; Declaration of Indentndente. The rale will bo Rohe, t W Darnel P ass. F. ed Kreuter positive, and without reserve. Terms--Cosh,COrreney,, James Kearney, S. Such, . mrr 10. R. A. BAUSM AN, duet. Jain Young, James Gnslinu, Jo•eph hfait. Dr. Foster, Anthony Pfrangle, Aton Denim Merit 10,-3• . PIG IRON. 164 TONS Tennessee Pig 400 close consignment, by feb 10. TO the honorable. the Judges of the COOll of General Quarter Setaioni of the Pease. io and County of A llegheny. The petition of Robt. Bitmley, ni 5 h aAO Pitt.. burgh, in the. runty aforesa , d, humbly showeth, that your petitioner path provided Outsell . wi , h ittanwhis for the nr.continodat ou tr•welein and others, at bla dwelling house, i t the ward and county afore , - sa id, and prays th it your Honors wig be pleased In grant him a licen,e to keep a public house of entee taiiiin-lit .Ao.l your petitioner, as in duty bound will p. uy GREEN APPLES. Jo4t received from Marietta. 0. 40 iitiis Green Apples, comprising, every variety, In first rate order. ISAAC CRUSE, reb 4, 143 ',Melly at ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE —All persons In dein ed to the estate of Robert Keenan, late of West D •er township, deed, are ',Attested to make Immediate payment of the sAme to the undersigned, and all per sons having claims neainst said estate are notified to ;present the same duly aullienticated. NI A RG'T. KEEN A N, Ado's. RP.II.N IRD Ft...%:VEGAN,Adiner. 10 HE/.S. Sptry s Tarps tine, tbi3 day rere ve4. and for sale by J. G. 4- A. GORDON, ID r B. 12 Water 'tree'. TO the Honorable the Judges oldie Court of General Quarter Ses,iatis of the Peace in and for the l'oun•y of Alleg,heny: 'rho net tine of William Johnson, of the B•rottKla of Law eaceri.le in the county aforeFaid. humbly howeth— That "„, petitioner bath provided hit with ,naterittls for the accommodation of travelers and ot hers, at his dweihng lions, in the borough a lore said und prays that your Honors will be pleased to t rait him a license to keep a Pob ic House of En tertainment. And your petitioner as lo duty bound p, ay. W I ',LIAM JOHNSON. W.., t h e subt.r,ibers, eittzens of Law' ehth.ville, do rri iv i hatt he ahnve petiti tn. r is of good repute for nonesty and temperance, and s Weil provided with house room a. d conveniences f r , he a eototoutla lion and lodking of strangers aid tratele. a and that sai ta,erti Is necessary. Thorn •s Ki ,seph \Vainright, JohnO'Brien, Samuel Garrison, jun.!, V.-riier, A S. Fowler, Da , L'ovd. \V A Catchcort; _ . Thomas Gardiner SOIOIIIOII leghtra p Henry l'upps, o'lll C. Sr hnlii Z. Daniel fil'Lane, lieiir) KleLer, son Foe sale tow to JAMES MAY. TO LET. ONE hrlek dwrllin: house, enntainin: a lam war —fil w rabett, J Sine, ti 9-3 t 00 the ronorable, the Judge: , of the Court of General quarter Sts , lo::s of the Peace, iu for th.c mot Alleghem: ofJ,w.lnct , ilead 3d want e;ty of Pitts s %id co.ntv, resptrAfa;ly show' 'fiat he is o. 'hied with house runin and o:b,r i4,r t•.tt ..cconimodail 11 r, at.fl Ira% (tie,. at the hoorle now t,e,..opieti by as a ,aVer heist 4 des,roits to c00t.,,,,e ii the business :he prays y , lir ilorior- to grant hilly a license to keep an of Public EutrrtainCl3autS. Anil ' , lie will pia , ,&C The intdersig.md ri iztins of the 3d ward Pins borith, respectfully. certify John Loc.hheads the nbure named applicant,is a person of good re pute for honesty and temperance. and is well pi o vule,' with honse room and rouse iencet for Via act. commonoti , n and lo fgmg of strangers and. re't tir s attd tnat sai 'tavern is necessary for the accma n.o datin of the public. Edward Clak, Robert Carson, H en ry .NlcClo-key s Jtiiiti R. yor, %Vint tin Coliing, Ch.rbs Vick, John Boiler, Thomas Cl4lk, David R•ichey, Rirhard Welth, Thomas Elliot. George Kirkpatrick. AI licit 9 - 31... •r 0 the lion , uable the Judsrs of the Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Pea ce in sad for the County of Allegyheny: . _ . The petition of James flughes, of Pitt Town ship, in the county afiire.aid, humbly ehoweth-- That ymir petitioner has provided himself with materials for the accommodation of travellers and others, at his dwelling house in the township afore said and prays that your Honors will b I pleased to grunt him a license to keep a Pu'ilic House of Entertainment. And your petitioner as in duty bou-d, will pray. J.l HUGHES. We, the sal•scrihers, ettizlns of Lawrenct.vil le, do certify that the above Petitioner is of good res pute fur honesty and temperance, and is well pro vided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodging of strangers and tray eler•• and that said tavern i,. necessaty. John Sutton, Jas C. Cu in mins , Paek Wald. Jas. 51'Kelvy, John Farrel, Edw'd Foram, David Jones, John K. O'C.triell, J , ,hn Beatty, John Stewart, March 9-31 rt FOR ST LOUIS. BURLINGTON, GALENA and DUBUQUE. The light draught steamer CICERO. T C Mai blaster, will leave for the above and all inter• mediate ports on Monday 13th March: Portielght or passage apply cia board, twig kb 27 IttblZ3 att. This Boat is supplied with Evan', Barely board. James O'Brien, Joseph P. JOHN LOCHHEAD Hugh Brady, Chap. Stubbs