Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, March 11, 1843, Image 1
~• I.lr VOL I._NO. 154 PUBLISHED BY THOS. PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, N. W. CORNER OF WOOD ¢ FIFTH STB TglaMIC,--FIVE DoI.I.ARS a year, payable in IStngle copies TWO CENTC.S.--for sale at the DO!Wet Of the office, and by News Boys The Mercury and Manufacturer le rnatilithed WEEKLY, ai the game office, on a double medium sheet, at TWO nor,Luts a year, In ad. stance. Slottle copiei. SIX CENTS Terms of A PER SQUARE OF TW E Owe Insertion, 0.50 I ir *a insertions, 0.75 Three insertions, 1,00 Oct week. 1.50 1 Nc f ro weeks, 3.00 Tam weeks, 4.00 YEARLY ADVERTISEM ENTS CIiaXOLABLR ♦T PlikSUßt. Oas :timers. Tye Sqatares lin annths, $151,00 I Si: months, Ode year, 25,00 One year, rrLarter advertisements In prornrtion. Cl\ lindof four linen Etc DOLLkIIA a year. PUBLIC OFFICES,&C CITY POST Orstc•. Third between Market and Wood at re 4s—it. M Riddle, Postmaster. Carroll Haase, Water, 4th door from Wood st. Peter ana's liefilding4—Aajor John Wlllock, Collector. Ctrr TISSMICIIT, Wood between Fir-t and Second atreets—James A. flartram, Treasnrer. VOCtitTY TRICLICRY. Third street, next door In the Tbiti riPshyterian Church—S. R ..1011OSI on, Treasurer. M lacrei Orme, Fourth, hetween Market and Wood tR r...10,—.% lesa nder Ray, Mayor. Excuatios. Fourth, near Market BANKS Prreassoarsa,heivreen Market and Wood streets, on hard aad ronrth streets. Matymitsrirs' ►an I.IIOICFACTCII.ItRe aND FARICERS . Ds• Mott Baum. (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, betwien Aroesi and Market stieeto. 13.2 Fifthotreet, near %VGOd. HOTCIf4. Itinitounarrays. florae, Water street, near the firld:e. nien Horat.. corner of Penn and St. Clair. 11.11tIRCHorrs'llorst,, co, oer of Third a nd Wood. A stsmicAll ficitzt..cornor of Third and Smithfield. --"ThWtrZIII.TATC,I. corner of Penn street and Canal. tirailak 16.0te, Liberty ctreet. near Seventh. IMILLIOIS MANSION lioUsz,T.illerir Pt opposite Warne thas.aortotivT Maaroon Horac. Penn St onoo.iite Canal onEar WOODS, ATTORNEY AND al6 COUNSELLOR AT LAW.—offve n•mo sea to Bitten/en . , offices on Gant et., neatly opposite Me new Court (louse, next mono; to John IL dig .—Firgt floor. !r , i. 10 ELLiorr, M. D.--(l.ffice removed L. St. Clair street, between Penn and Lairerig S' Pittsburgh. s P 1 0 NEW GOODS.—Fulton dr Mackey, wliulesnle and retail dealers in En2lish, French, and Domesur Dry Conde, No !:I..tinrket +t r•itqlnirzlt !ter, 10 NrCANDLESS & 111"CLURE, Attornet,s Rod Counselors al Law: Office in the Diamond, hack sr the old Court (louse, Pitisliurali. seo 10 rt. Morrow, A bierm.in; olfi c north side of Fifth at„between Wood and Smithfield eta, Pittsburgh. son TOIIN lIPDEVITT, Wholesale Grocer Itectift In: • Distiller, And Dealer in Produce and Pitlstiorgh Manufactured Article>, Ns. 224 Liberty Street. Pitt, bur Eh. sep 10 I Wil.41% 111 ( H. W1L1.14.7(311 1 - 1 ?I S. DI LW Oltll WiLTA %MS & Grocers Produce. and Coin m es on Mricitani.:, and dealers in Pitt burets Manufactured article., No. Wand street. se it 10 W WIl• O'IIIRX ROBINSON, Attornes al Law; Offtee on the north Aide , 4 t he Lhainond.bet wee dolLtrket and Uoion al reels. Up si airs ____ tit' P 10 _. __ I. DURBORAW, Attorney - St Lao; truth,. A. Ilk 11(01.C51.1,311315..rviers to Ilit public. ()dice cor er of Firth and Market :4treet2 , , above D. Llny i ife Co' a... 0 10 store, PiitAitreh, Pa. JOHN B. Sitzutry .. . SIJERIFF & KEAN, SI I ttoltcluri•rs of Copper T. and Sheet lion Ware, No 80. Front tit , Fitt, burgh, 'louse spouting a titl Steamboat work p. - ompilv sett II) eiceuted, ------ THOMAS B YoUN . FItANCIS I .YOUNG ! IJOS. B. YOUNt. & CO., Furnanie Ware ft 0,11119., I ,Or.ier of 'laud .41. 4- Exch.)uge Alle y . reraotta wirtitn; to purchno. Furniture. will find it 111 t heir advatitaue to .41V11 11. a call, het. r fully ~allifieti that vre.'c.an ple:Lre a:t to quality and Imre. F,r , 10 MUTTON El rece'ved ItiOcltutce Mut too tlams, wull cured and tor 5:1 le cheap by 'bp do ten or retail,by ISAAC lIARBIS, 10 No. ').filth st up RUTA BAGA•— supp'y . t..anureth's Fresh !lu ta 84:3, and other different varieties of Turnip Seal. Jost received and for sale at REDUCED PRI , an HI the ()rug and Seed SR,re of F. L. SNOWDEN:, rep ie No. 184 Llbert y 11.% reel. head ot Vuod. W EBB CLOSEY,S Boot and Shoe alai all. t1:10• ry, So. 83 Fourth St., nest 1190 f to I h.• . States Bank. Ladies rruneila, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n he neatest manner, and by the newest French patterns. tep 10 5,000 MORUS Mt' LTICAULUS. in 101 l tosuit purchasers; to be disclosed of by F. L. SNOWDEN, No. 184 Ltherty siree.l. head of Wood. DAHLIA ROOrS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev• ery deseription, can always be had at the Drug and Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN. se, 10 134 Liberty Rime, Itrad of Wood. 15ft LBS. Illinois Annual Mammoth Onion Seed, for 1V sale at the Drug and Seed store of F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. 400 L fo ßS .see NE JERSEY SWEET POTATOES, r d; J W ust received by F. 1.. SNOWDEN, No. 184. Liheriy head of Wood et. GARDEN TOOLS, consisting or Hoes, Fancy Spade, Transplanting Trowels, Edding TUOI9, Building Calves, Pruning Knives, r runing Shears, etc., jilgi re• tetrad an 4 far sale by F. L. SNOWDEN. Rep 10 184 Liberty street, head of Wood. CHOICE Venison ilams.•—Just received a small sup• ' ply of very choice cured Venison Hams, un retail in small lots for current money. ISAAC H %HMIS. Arent, and Coin. Merchant WHITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grass and Kentucky Blue Grass, always ow hand and for F. L. SNOWDEN, N 0.184 Liberty street, head of Wood. sale by yap 10 VIIMITSI * BUCHANAN. Attorneys et Lars, office rtmosed (rum the Diamond, to • Attorney'sltow," ready eille or ?earth street, between Market and WO treets sep 10 AGISTRATES'SLANKS, for proceedinzn in At NUL tackaoot under tioelate law,for sate it thill Office 'OR SALE.—Lakta oa the North East corner of Coal LASS and High street. Apply to asp 10 ElgNi. DARLINGTON, Market, near 41h at. 100 LBS. Landreth's Preset S.egar Beet exeed.just received and for gale at the Dreg ■nd Seed F. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Giimecty street. Dead of Wood. atone of oep 10 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.—Tbe copartnership heretofore existing between Wile LISA =SY and BEN/Alegi! NOPEWSLL istbisday dissolved by mutest consent. William Digby is authorised tease the signature of the Otto in settling up the business 4 "el US Sri. -mu WILLIAM RIGBY, yep VMS/. T. HUPSWELL dvertising. LVE LINES Oft LESS: (inc month, C.. 00 Two moats, 6.00 Three months. 7,00 Four months. /1,00 Slx months, 10,00 One year, 15.00 N. RYAN DAILY MORNING POST JOHNSTON 4. STOCKTON, Bookfellera. Printers an raper Manuraciurers, No. 37, Slarkri vt. !Pp 10-1 y JOHN ANDERSON, Smithfield Foundry, Water et.. near !he Motiongalipla H ouee, Pliiel ur¢h. Re p 10-1 y LI:ONARD S. JOHNS, Aldertnan,St.Clair street.se cond door from Liberty. sep 10-1 y DR. S. R. TIOLSI ES, Office in Second street, next door to Mulvany 4- Co's Glass Warehouse Fep 1(1-1y SIIUNK 4. FINDLAY, Attorneys at Law, Fourth st., near the Mayor's Office, Pttistm rgh. sep 10- 1 y /11HOS. HAM ILTON Attorney et I.aw, Fifth, between %Vood and Stniihrleld sis.,Pol,4lnirrzh. .ep 10-1 y HUGH TONER, Atto.nev at Law, North 1 7 .a , t corner of Smithfield and Foorlit strreir.. nen 10--ly HANNA 4 TIIIINIII.II.I,'S raper Warehouse, No. 1114, Wood At., where may be had a general •tupply of writing wrapping, printing, wall paper, Wank books, school books, kc, Qc. rep 10—ly 110 C. TOWN3END dr CO.. Wire Workers and EL. Ma 71 afael , No. 23 Market street, between 2d and 3d streets. sop W-1 y EXCII ANG E 110 TEL, Corner of Penn and Clair Pt reel 3, by McKIBBIN 4 SMITH. 'ep 10-1 v B ROWN,RVII.T.F. .111!'“ IRON WORKB ,1 .--E ward tiothoA. Maonforturer of Iron and N;11 1 3 Warehouse' !To. W Doti 41.. I'lllo_lllTel. otro 10 -1y IG META L —77 tons soft Metal for sale by A.CORD I N, No. 12 Water greet elo (1011 I.IIS B %CON A MS. 16,000 ll.s. flacon •kir Shoulders. for so e Ity J. G. A. Go n BON. No 12 Water street pr AS. Jr.. urar Poisburch, SlantilM hirer of r,orks iiirulris and Bons; To I.areo. Flitter. Mill and Timber Screws; House's Screws fur Rolline Milk, kc. rep 10--Iv JOHN fI'CLOSKEY• Tailor and l'lolh,r, Lil rr. v etteel, between Sisth and Virgin nile), South We. I.'lllo T W ttl' It URI DC: E 4. (20., Wholewrtle G roof., and •V ftlerclinratt— Second it rert. I.ot wren Wood ..tl.l Smithfield IP e., Pittsburgh. cep 10— 1 Y G ¢ GOCUOV, Cornizilo4lon ■nd Forwarding S , M rchn r.ro, Water at.. Pitialiurgh. kp 10--1 y la A'd rast,s haniv, a good article, received per B AA. R Corvalr, and fur sale by 1. G A. GORDON, M.!) 10 NO. 12. 11 a'vr .trees QITGA ft k• Mtn. AS: f —4O Nrw Ortplus Su lor; 80 elite New OrIC:11.1 1 Mninwe-r; for I,y Serllo 1.G. %. Got; Dos. SI.TG .--7 10.34 !mu, N 11. Si.!3r. re , Pive , l B Maine. and for calf by J G. 4 - A CrIR rooN. oep 10 Nn 12, %Vlter bitreri „ck BACON (7ASKS.in nrAMr, nn hand and for . 1 1e by fJ 1 , 10 J.(.¢ A. GI) fl , 12, 'V 9t Stie; All A NI) NOLA S . :AL:S.-I.i and 410 N. I) S un ,. $ N.O. MolAl.te•, rcreived per s,ertrutmat impori , r, mill fur SOP by J. G s r A. Gr )17 114". N RCP 10 No. 12. Water <I reel 13131. S ',AEU) Gar 1 , 1. 00 11. A. FAIINF.STOUK ¢ 1.,) ciutler of 6i h and %V ood er• 1631 PA PEES Germantow n Lamp Mark ior male by R.A. rmisEsTorK , corner of F,r h a n d Vy 700 LBS Prepared C 1.11:. for mi.., by A. FAHN rOCK 1.0 CT; AND 01/1. %S.SES —OOl ithilg N. .r. 17 5 23 btou do. .1... 1110 d... tor S tie l y •rp 1 F LANK PETITIONS, NOTICES, 1 11 be i , ld In itnnArtiory procretiell2, p oo.led Bond irtnermod in lilt rOriliq approved by i Ile COUr:,l , or :ii I lie Ohio of lite Merrnr% and Denlorrat. nen II) 111 IIIJB11.111.1), L 1 . 3,1114,1ta , dr 14 , 1 :toil • • ,Itor ouf..clorer No. HO, 'Hurd s. reel. %Wood aotiS,orilifield BUCI()IASTER, AT'RN EY AT LAW, liars rrru~~r iI lib. office io the I,llllel ul Firm sl. Greet brl,cru lid CrAnt f.liUk AV I I) SI N DS, 11 ATCII A/ CLOC' li Cl' BY MAKER, No. 7, r_tt ci.,ir or. el, r,tiv ",. im•ch, DE.11.F.11 IN iCATCII FS C LOCKS. BR FASTPIXS FINGER RINGS, cifillNS, KFIS. COMBS vr . ,e, 10 LANDREI'II'S GARDEN SEEDS.- A OM etopply ( - 0 Land,!leg Gar,len Seed-, niu.Ays ou haul, and for ialr ;it 1114 3gettc y, Ilse I), u:! ~rr of F. I, 'ANON:DES, Liberty cirect, head of VVood Dlt• DAVID %VAR') NU his office and I,liieliCe• on Fourth Fa reel, nearly wow', of the I 'mint 11ougr .cond t,om llo•a,tr,el Ile will Cm Molly a , tend all rally Inn ill. prole•-tuil. Night calhw should lir unite til I h.. door shove the hscenu`u 1. Fell 11l REMOVAL —Mart hew Jonra, Bariser and Hair Dre‘s• er, has removed to ['mirth at reel, oppositei he May ors office. where he will be happy to:walt upon permanent ur transient customers. He solicits u share of public pat• Pep 10 WN. A. W A RD, DENTIST, Penn et. three door below Irwin street, Flours of business. from 9k. M., until 5 P. K , after which time he will attend to no one except in cases of actual necessity. He would further inform those who may think proper to employ hint,t hat he expects immediate payment, without the necessity on hit: part attending in bills. sep IU JOHN WFARL4ND, Upholsterer and Cabinet Third st. between Wood 4. Market streets, reek' ciful friends and the public that he is prepared to execute all orders for Sofas, Sideboards. Hu. roans, Chairs, rabies, Bedsteads, Stands. Hair and Spring Maurasses. Curtains. Carpets, all sorts of Upholstering wont, which he will warrant equal .o any made In the city, and on reasonable terms. sep 10 ItEJUOVA 14—The subscribers linve retnot , d to Wa. lee between Wood and Smithfield streets, where they will continue the Wholesale Grocery and Commis. sion hu , iness and would re.pertfully solicit the patron. age of i heir friends J. W. BUR B RIDGE 4. Co. Dec 3 COMMERCIAL AUCTION ROOMS, No iio Word Street, Pettsborgdi —R. A. Itaiesnitin. A net looter and Coin Merchant, is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Merchandtze, at Ins dar=e and rapacious looms, No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Filth Streets. Fitishurr.h. Regular sales of !try Goods, Furniture, Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of each week. Hardware, Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy articles, on Tuesday, Wednesday. and Thursday evenings. Hooks. kc., every Saturday ev ming. Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted Messrs. John D. Da►ts. Esq., Baßatey 4 Smith. •• Hampton. Smith, 4. Co., •• F. Lorene k Co., •• J. W. Burbridge 4 , co.. S. M'Ree 4. Co. Capt. /awes ArGargiii, .• C. ihmeen, Fag. ka ... ipso M 'Fadden Esq. • Logan 4. Kennedy. .• J. K. Moorhead 4 Co. Jas. P. Stuart, bq• Robert Galway, Esc Capt. Jas. May, NeVai , Banns. it Co. William Symms. Wheeling .• B.G. Beery, Louisville Smith, Dagraey 4. Co Philo r•lrrierr.• nl,ll LC fm.l .1 J lj A. 1 1:i o11,1,(iN. N.. 12 Wall, 1,1,, R CE Pittsburgh PITTSBURGH, MARCH 11, 1843. l on Ba:s Rio Coffee. oci 4. 11010 ERSE'S 110.9RHiRIND CANDY --Turn./ has 1 received this day from New York. n fresh supply o. the above celebrated cure for Coughs, Colds and Con gumption; and is ready to supply cus.tomersat wholesale or retail, at his Aledica/ Ap ency, St; Fourth et. nov 12 DA, I) CLARK, ..9g't. e'askionable Boot JVakee,— tias to No, 34 Market street, between Second and Third streets, where he wood be happy to see his old customers. and all others who feel dispos. ed to patronize hint. Ile uses notion:: but first rate Steck. and employs the best of workmen; and as lie gives los constant personal attention to business, he trusisthat he will deserve at.d receive a fair share of patronage. son 10 1it.11 . 1'6, ICE Cit fti • h CONFECTIONA RY.— A Hunker respectfully informs Ills friends and the puldic that they can always find the hest quality of Ice Creams. to2ether with al: kinds of confectionary and fruits, in their ser•on, at his estahlishinerit—No. 11, Fifth street, tieiwc n Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes. or anything to his line. Also families furnished with Bread pi , A NS , s CAMOMILE PILL L .—ABRA. L 4 HAM J. CLEM ER, residing at 66 Molt street, New York, was afflicted with Dyspepsia In its most aggravated form. The symptoms were violent head. ache, great debility. fever, costiveness, cough, heart. horn, pain In the cheilt and stomach alwt”it after eating, appetite, serration of sinking at the stomach, furred tongue, nausea, with frequent vomiting*, dizziness towards night and iestleners. These had continued Up. ward of a i w etre:llol,lh, when, on consuhiug Dr. Wm. Evans.looChAlhatil i•lreet, and submitting to his ever succeuful and agreeable mode of treatment. the patient was completely restored to health In the short space of O ne moot h. Nod grateful for the incalculable benefit deriv. ed. r. tad' v canto forward and volunteered the above stale For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. eEI.I.P.R B. Agent, No 20. Wood street. below Second. Cheap for Cash. UNION COTTON F3CTORY. Prices Reduced. .kii.rt Bret}'a rt. Ltn( Retl Yarn. No 5 at 16 eta. per th 500 tit 9 eta per da. 6 at 161 ditto 600 at 8 ditto 7 at 17 ditto 700 at 7 ditto 8 at 171 ditto 800 at 6 ditto 9 at lx ditto , 900 at 5 ditto 10 at 19i Auto ' 1000 at 4 ditto 11 a: 19 ditto 12 at 11 ditto ;Candlewick at 16 cis vt 13 at 20 d tin Com R.Otinz ' 9 ditto 14 at 2 , 1 ditto rantilv do (Midi 15 at 21 ditto t'arp's their, 10 ditto 16 at 22 ditto toe • 25 ditto 17 at 23 dttttt .siorkinie Varii 111 nt 21 ditto rov•rtrl Yarn 21)1 on 19 :it 2' ditto hand 26 ditto .roi too Warp.. made to order under* proo.ptly 641 at J C grntrerly'r. or rlfign.l nddre, BACON •JP ,_ .. o•ch X o o l,n. now flacon, jo , t retched t,y wagons J IJF from Ohio, for vale I,V Removal. rpit er hag recline .d Fashionaliie Tiatoritig 1. Fri atiii•linierit in the %Immo:site:a bons.. door from .1. on stun tnieltt losold customers and all outer. 110 nay favor him wills a call may depend on havntrz their work done in a superior yie. Flom his limg experience In the i,trinese In this city, and In many of het r...l.,onahie CAIN , 111 Europe and America. be hies eol,fldenl Mal In can ;Vv. satisiaciion to all who may „N.., o 4, 0 , him watt itieit rnelolll. He Meld attention to but, refs and SLlpc nut 1,01111141101110 lie ht :X . , 10 currn led rrrrlvr a slirtrir of politic pal roe:att. Hr tr lend keeping nii .111ti.1, for situ 41 , 7111ntd111.1118' 1• ivr the Cil cl trajc U 61[ Ir M 111 be 15.4 ti Ji Very trtlll4 rd pr o“ , fF .1611 thr rn'erti N Tli, I itllt , the I:1'11. .y-,t•iii i. 1., nr I nn Illc pill. IC In Ito. cnuntrv. I y tarrrtt , emenl . : pirlirtil3(ll, b iwr.nll , alio mil, pt.,: hr. rand nil furl, hr rade, Who t r y. 41 0. Dour lU 1110. 1 41.01 , 044. I , lll{l kw)" .o II ilr 11,11 l hey 10.1 d POI rrQJG n .portgr rbOh, rod hj,•lniTd rhoo,:h to advrrih, ificto•rlvor art 121 tor. f. 04 1 ., and by the or old crrrJfiroVits. ruts. r Ar korts no are frt rrally used I,y rittheigr io Writ 1111' di( II" I hey n On. ~ .- f red in pal Mint , otr In , tin..11 , p, , 10_ ril•infllel SoMe 0 1 .111:011i ler lie people'. poierfl iti- are pl gun 11. e i nlrlle nod are rnore ( till Iled 1. r trplti in.le I 1..• lii Ilium+ ',el 111.1:1,11. 1 ... pill. liri1110e• (lull •.rer among l lie I 11/rye/ides. wnich I p, every 11, rea.l pi. I W.W.I 4.7.1..0 11l timer 1.0 *tett to hove 11 1-11 f marts h r p , nit mile make n tulle 11,411 fry 4,1 !Ile,' thin Is 11w Warr %%here lUry ran he ncronlisibalated; B. 0. J ui 7-- 3ur DU Lit Y.V6).: I.X CII 1-..111S TR r— Fast I”fita the It ,ir and will trot thr akin Thl+ lit I' lit 111 the form of 11 Powder rh ell in of Incl Indy he notdird to the hat , over nt:td, lornl tic the 1121itent or errs hair to dark brown, and by repeatlng n i.erond or third ni2h l , to n jet hiaek. Any . peroon Ina y. therefor e, w tlh the lOntailda TOUtdr, I.ten 1114 hat, any dark ,bade or a per6 - el block, with the tlo•ltive n , ruraver Ilmi if n pptir , t to Ilia Pain will not color It. There la flirtorin! in odatetnent. AP :I , IV one 111:1 Vra. , ly lost far , s are warranted by she the r INI Maio tonna:Win, 11. Far vale at TUTTI.F.*:‘, 86 Fourth whore a 13r7e afgAorlfnenl of Patent Mediclnet tray always be bad at either whellegnle nr retail. Don't forget ! BG Fqurth arrect rpo TIIE PUBLIC, and rartionlarla to **V !urine* 1 patrons of this city:—Having retired tront the practice. of Medicine. I may he permitted to say. that a hat fallen to I lie lot of t of few persons to have enjoyed so iowral or lanze n .eliare of obstretrical practice as my own has been for thc lain 30 or 40 yearn. The experience °filial long period of active life, and i he fact of my having been twice, since 1830,as.ioc.iated with Dr. It. A. Wilson, In the pu-lice of medicine, (In kph% period of live veers.) enal,los me to Judge fully or the nierlts of Ills pills. So convenient, so efficient, and yet su safe, did I esteem these pills, that for the last five yea?, In my practice for the cure of chronic diseases,of whatever natia, and those 0( (euates in particular, I have used more of them than all other medicines. Like every other medicine, this most fall In some in stances, but In my hands there has been Inca disappoint. ment and more satisfaction In Cie administration of this one remedy than of all ot hers; its good effects sometime■ guile astonishing m•. If my patient rentilred a pare aperient medicine either .erore or after parturition, the Wilson's pi Is were Just the thing 1 wnnted. It a dyspeptic acid condition of the toomach. combined with costiventtss or Inactivity °Nile liver conga 'tilted the dipeape of any patient. the pills were Just the thing I wanted. If I treated a CAM! requiring an emmenagogue, the Wilson's pills were just the thine I wanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed counienante.or other ihficuhtea,indiralin!a dkdurhanee of the circulatory and secretory systems, annoyed my patient at the turn of life,' the Wilson's pills were just the thine I wanted. Thus. without resn,et to the name, a dtsentte might happen lo wear at the lime I hilve bad It under treat mem, particular indications or symptons arising. were al — ay■ toot promptly and most happily met by the Wilson's pills. That so great a number of diseases, and sometimes np. parent'', ormoslte ones, In which I base used these pills, should he ented more readily hy them than by any other remedy, may at first seem strange and contradictory, but why tt is so Is as clear to my mind as that a great many persona should become thirsty from is many different anuses, and yet all require that common and greatest of all blessings, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, it Is due the eputation of the medicine and the pabitc, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that the Wilson's pills ars the only combination I have ever met with In my tongcourse of practice, that really pos• eesresanything curative Of specific for sick headache, Yours 4.e., DC MILO ADAMS, The above Pills designed particularly tbr the sick Haed.Actie, Dyspepsia, Constipation of the ,Bowels prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Wilson, and for sale, whotaraie and retail, at hie is Petra WNW, below illarbary. Oct 1 For sale by • k A. GORDON DR. GOODE'S Celebrated Female Pills. These Pills arestrongiy recommended to the notice of the ladies as a safe and efficient remedy in removing those complaints peculiar to their eel, from want of ex• ercise, or general debility of the system. They obviate costiveness, and counteract all Hysterical and Nervous affections: These Pills have gained the sanction and approbation of the most eminent Physicians in the Uni ted Slates, and many Mothers. For sale Wholesale and rtetall. by 11. E. SELLERS., Agent WR• ADAIR, Boot and Shoe Afaker, , Liberty St., opposite the head of Smithfield si., Pittsburgh.— The subscriber having bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, deceased, has commenced business In the old stand of Mr. R., and Is prepared to execute all deeeriptlons of work In his line, in the best manner and on the shortest notice. He keeps cot - stantly on hand a large assortment ofshoe findings of all dessriptione and of the best nnalitv. He sati?ilif the patronage of the pub lic and attic erect. Wltt. ADAIR. sep 10 J %MI 1.:A1) 3. Co I-A AI: I'ItUAF:, 14R I..rwriv .1 No. 20. Wood Street, below Second PrICTSBURGITMANUFACTORY. — Springy mad Axles for Carriages at Easters Prices. The subscribers manufacture and keeps constantly on hand Coach, C and Eliptic Springs (warranted.) Juniata Iron Axles, Silver and Brass plated Dash Frames, Brass and plated flub Bands, Stump Joints, Patent Leather, Sliver and Brass Lamps, Three fold Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Bandies and Hinges. ike ,kr. JONES lr rn LEM A N St. Clair it.. neat *1 e Allegheny Brtdte. HD. SP.LLERS. M. D , office and dwelling In ?north • near Ferry street. :en 13—ly LOOK AT THIS The attention •fthme who have been somewhat veep. neat in reference to the numerous puhtished in favor Of Dr. Rent v ne's Compound Syrup of W lld Cher ry, on account of the persona being unknown In this ape lion of the State. is revx.ololy directed to the following rent iffrate, t he writer of which hap been a ell ken of !WI borough for neveral . • end In known an a gentleman of integrity and responsthilli V. To tke Agent, Mr. 1. tires• •I have used Dr Swavnee Comp and tayrup of Wl'a Cherry for a rough. with which I have been aeverely Al flitted for ntrout ftaur month., and I hive no heattntlon in toying that It leihe mom effective medicine that I have brim alar to procure. It compotes all unesalnenno. and agrees well with my diet.—and manialns a regular ■nd good onrwtoe. I can freely recommend It to sill Whigs dmlhrly enllrled. J .11ftwwi, Borough orChuonherst.f. March 9. IR4II. fp On rer rale by WILLIAM THORN No. 53 Market Frani. FRUIT, SHADE. AND ORNAMFNTAL TREE -1 ThEftt 4 ONS desirous of proeurink Fruit. shade. and Oreemenial Tree.. or Shrohtmrs, from Phlladel pl Is or No•Vir York. are regneried to mike appliret ea •null 01 pnip.l ), lP, at the Pru! •nd Steed Fiore of t he sub eerlher, where can be had catalogues, f rattil , nugl V. of the n:Ostre , enent •ertel{ra. F. L. SNOWDEN. IMO 31 No 184 T.ther, y street, held of Wont lor A 1181. F. M SHP 'lC'r‘ Y --Patrick Cos field ,e• II 'pert fully acquaint, hi, frlend• and the public! ...so erally, that he ha. romtnenred the Marble ttualneyk al the earner of Falk a nd Liberty •t... where will be rourtanily nn hand. tomb atone.. mantel wet monument.. heed and fool stoner. table Oohs for cabinet n ore, and every officio nopertolelny to the htt•in•aa. Ile will warrant hla work tube well dnute, and hl• rliarcek be moderate. He respect fully ark, a elsofe of outtllc pot ronate. ter/ 10- , WM. STEELE. :.mereettor to H. M'Clorkey) Faith• to.ta In Rout Maker, Liberty at., id door from VI-yln Alley ! The subscriber respectfully Inform, the pantie that he tt.hi commenced the above Ittwlnetwt In the cthoo formerly occupied by Mr. Henry M'Cloakey, land that he I. now prepared to wend to all order, In his ! line of Itunlnekk with de•patr h and an the most reasonable lyrrew. From tit. Inn: eniwrlener In the montifocitire of rashinnell• !loots, tw few+s runndent toot all arttcles from bit estobileltment 111 Ore eat htfortlon to ht. pa vrOlil. %hereof public pal rona.:e I. respect I,oly nollett, A srp 10 S171.:1)S ( •upply of nor! tare.* c.o. of Cann,. H..-nn Rat , •: Juo recited 19 fvl, 3 1' I. SNOVV9F.ti, 14R Liberty sl. ['Littoral S, xle. uo to In 0..1., we : igh , I.r. a' 113.5 00 do do du d o 2 . 005 at 845 00 do do do do 1,510 at 35 011 do du do do 1.0110 at :in no do do do do 5110 at 25 00 With raising levers an addition of $3 to each scale. Dormant scales for the tve of W•reitouses, Flouring !tills. 4.c.,1he 'rime prices as above. A lan, White's Patent Counter Scale, with 0. Young's improvements. and a variety of oilier counter scales, which they will &ell for front R to $l5, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mitts. Saw 111111/. Salt Works. 4c.. double anti singe geared slide lathes foot and other lathes for wood turning machines for tenanting chairs, planing machines. door and sash machines. patent horse power, with or Without I hrashing machines, a tit perior article; circular w shafts, machines for sawing lath, Tinner`a mu , chine , and tools ofalt deseriptions,also fur making black log boxes, a superior article; governors for stertm engine. Ouch*, raps and dies, coffee milli , . liedatead or joint Clots and inarhtnery for making the same, cotton factory ma ehincry made or repaired; printing press Warrens turned and printing presses repaired JAMES' MAY. Agent. sep 22—tf YOUNG .fr BRADBCRY J OUR B. GUTHRIE, Auctioneer and Commis Won Merchant,Ne.l.o6,cornsr of Woad ¢ Fifth ate. Pritt•batehrA: iiavina been appointed one of the Auction• eers fot the City of Pitsburgh. tenders his services to lo'.- bets. manufacturers and dealers, who may be disposed to make trial of this market• He is prepared to make advances on consignments of all saleable commodities. and frusta to salkfy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy land favorable returns. That the various interests which may he confided to him, shall be adequately protected, he brings to the aid of his own experience in hitsiness nti acqnaintance with merchandise generally, the service* of Mr. Eason FAnicirrocc; heretofore advantageously known. as an Importer and dealer in Hardware and Cutlery, with whom a permanent engagement is made. Messrs. M. Tiernan, Pree•t. of M. 4 M • flank. •• Darlington 4 Peebles, Roberi Ratway, •• James M. Cooper, •• JIIIITIPP Mn,r o R. M. Riddle, plttsbuegh •• Wm Robinson. Jr. Pres't of Exchange Rank. Himpion,Smlth, 4 Co., John D. Davis, gamtielChnteh, •• J. K. Moorhead, Jag. W. Brown 4 co. John H Brown, 4Co &oh,' 4 Thole,. Verdi, 4 Slime. John d. Mild% Jobe Delaell, CLOVER AND TIMOTHY SEED. Ts mons 115 basbeleet teed goality Clew Seed. Ales j.. 50 ember prime Timed," fed pie is leis to mitt. J. CURIE. lee Liberty *- Who **nu for iale Se bushels Orchard Gramo feb it. mproiretl Etas tnufaciored he 11 , 9 T M tHIWeI.II Dia ,nhi .oreet. two ore It'll!, Pitta toufartore and trot the bow y compbeet.l of No. I, Purl AhIO Platiorso Otaial Vu " Rs/111. TO IblladePa I up 10 PROSPECTUS Far publishing a nem Daily Paper in the City of Pills burgh, to be entitled the DAILY MORNING POST. E Subscribers having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Mercu ry Info one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily paper with the title of the Daiis Alsrraisg. rest. The leading object of the ' POST" "Nil Ibe the dtssemlna tion and defence of the political principles that have here• tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, In politics, the paper will lie thoroughly democratic. yet the Editors hope, by giving on honest, candid history of passing Political events. Foreign and Domestic Ditellintrice. and brief notices of nit mat ters and occurrences thnt come properly within the sphere of a Public Journal, to make their papet sufficiently in• erecting to entitle It to the pal ronage of the public, ir respective of party considerations. In addition to the politteal and general news that will be found in the ...Morning Post," the Editors will lake pains to furnish the business.; commOntly with the latest and most lott.resting Commitincist. ttrtiit• grace from nil parts of the country, and to have prepa• red such accounts of ;he Markets and the State of Trade as will be advantageous to our Merchants and Business Men In their several callings. Terms.—The PosT will be published en a large imperi al sheet of fine paper, (manufactured eripecially for this Murrill) at the nom:natty low rate of FIVE 11IILLA per annum,payable In advance. It will also be sold by news.hoys at the low rate of TWO CENTS a copy. Advertisements will be Inverted at the lowest rates charged by the other daily papers of the city. Otr-TWENTY active lads arc wanted to Fell the Pott, who will be engaged on the moat liberal terms Auzust 31, 1942 100 MIDS. KY LEAF TOBACCO. in pt nre and for lair t.y .1. G. ¢ A GORDON. sop 1 , ..S No. 12, Water street. BY Morrisnn k Co. London, for telle only by S. IS Wickersham, corner of Wand street and Vitali, alley Pit tsburtth Pa. ■nd 11. Norwood, Beaver Pa. who Is Pale scent for Western Penns!, tvanla. sep 10 FAR Al FOR SA IS —The undersivied offers for PliP R tract of land situated 4 mile; rm... freepriii, In the direciion of liiitannine. Buffalo hownwhip. Armetrone county. ronielning 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; lit of ‘whicn are In meadow— n food equare lot dwelling hnuseand cabin hero erected thereon—an apple orchard of 80 bearlnz trees—and a Raring of eitellent water convenient tothe house. FOR TRAMS apply to the subscribers residing et the Saitororks on the Penn•ylvantn Canal, I mac above Free port. 111'Closkeyls ClOihillg Store ! FRESH ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF E.l Y 31.111) E CLOTHING THREE BIG DOORS, No. 151 Liberty street, one door from the Jackson Foundry. qui; subser.her Is just rece:ving at his well known establishment, the largest, most tinned and CHIA/4MT ITnCL OF GOODS tact Aids seer been offered en tats city Every article wa• selected by himself in the eastern ci. ties, and purchased at the °were cash PRletl, and he is therefore ensOled to sell his urttcles Hied] lower than they can he had at any other establtsitinent west of the Monntal.m. His articles are all wade by exper.enced workmen. 6 out the latest menu fa. lured goods and I n the wool MODERN FASHION. Ile frets confident that all persons who will call at his est abliediment and elalnihe Ind rut k will be satisfied that BETTER I 3 %RG ylNs can be ohtaisied at the THREE BIG DOORS than at any similar establishment in the city. II in stork t ot , sists in part 01 Couts,Pantaloons, Vests, Drawers, Shirts, C'ravals, Stocks, Gloves, Suspenders, ".1 ever , : other article of Clot hung of the bent sit le From his varied stock of cloths lie is rewired to MAK E CLOTHES TO fill DER at the shortest notice, „cedeln nittorpa , sed by Sul other Pitiddirgli and warranted to fit. pluck of Spring and Summer ("?‘ ad: k superior to an y prr vioun imeortallollll and he has no hesnat 101 l in that fur exceilenee, ienuty a ri d clieapnrrs th e y cannot he equalled In the west. 'I ire sithi:crther would 00Cr! more return hie thanks to hie frirride and the public for the unprecedented pal roll. . i 2O bestowed on he , i.• OMM nod believing that hit , had fund it to I tit ir advantr ge to drat ti hill.. he a fold repeat hie invitation to till (lure t. 60 u.i ii la iturche,e dlotetrig of every de.cr7ption ut biwent pi it ,to call at So 151, Li tIVATTSTREni. JmIN NI'CLO.SKEI Viate in the Pavement. Fel, 22 Passage and Remiltance, TO AND FIL M GREAT BRITAIN. _ ...1., ..... , -- - \ ,„... ‘ 01 .. 4 . .. A . ... i il , t gill* t 1 i i a it, * Cti le ‘ , --- - -..- New York and Liverpool Line. PERSONS eesirous of itendin..; for 0 el; friends to route from any part of Great lir 'tato, are respect frilly informed that the sole:crater is at all times pre pared to innke such erieser n.rnta• He Is prepared to remit motors by drafts, which are, made payable itt any point throu2liont the United Kingdom on priest nia. lion; hayini4 been fur the last 12 years enr,aized In the hitt:mess. he feels eut•flitent that bin arratteriments on both olden the Atlantic are such as will give , atisfactiott. The Slops comprising the above lire, are all of the first class and are emit ntanded by careful and sklllfol masters, leaving Liverpool once each week dutlniz II e season.-- For further particulars apply It by letter to JOHN lIERDMAN, N 0.61 South street, New Yolk. J. KIRKPATRICK, at Messrs Wizen 4. Fleming's, Water street Piis'bgh March 3--2md. MERCHANTS') LINE. BETWEEN PITTSBURG!! lIND PHI L.l DE LP Hl.l 4 , B3LTIMORE. r Ntilr3 Line /A preoared ;o commence huslitera on the openNii2 of the canal. it 14 compoFed (west of rol umbia) of First CUSS Portnole Beata, chartered fertile -eason, each boat tieing in charge or AA respective owner, The line has at a heavy etpttn.e taken a Pours or In— ISDIWICII from one of the moat suhstanital and prompt (Aces in t he United Stamen, coverinp all good.; shipped by It, (free of expense to eke owners of the goods ) Ship. pets desirous of availing themselves of this insurance roost give notice at the place of shipment of the value Of their goods. The rates of freight . will be HA low as by any respon glide carriers, and the facilities for giving satisfaction to customers in ail respects ■re Faro:ward by no line on the canal. Shippers to and froth the east ace respect. fully invited to call. the business will be conducted by CLARKE & THAW, 90 Frani street and Canal Basin, Piltshorg d. BUTLER & C. JACKSON, Foot of Dock street, Philadelphia. W. M. MEREDITII, New York. /OS. HARNISfI & S. MILLEN, laiusbore. I. & P. NIA CZIYN I ;Barriebergh; A. L. LOW, Coluatia. March 4 PRICE TWO CENTS rims. PIA I.LIPS W.A. SMITH. WM.* PrilLIP RAKER THE LITERARY POST. There is much Imaginative delicacy and genes ine feeling in the following litres by a fair con tributor to the Dublin University Magazine. THE EMBROIDRESS AT MlDNlcrfiTi DY MRS. GRAY, LATE MESS M. A. MROSOCE: She plies her needle till the lamp Is waxing pale and dim; S.ie hears the watchman's heavy trampi And ahe inuA watch like him: Her hands are dry, her forehead damp ; Her cia , k eyca I( ndly swim, Look un her w.,rls! her blossom flowere t Tue lily and the 1 osp, Bright as the toms of bummer hours, But not to die ' , lie those; here, fadeless as in Eden's bowers, Forever they repose. Once, maiden, thou wart fresh and flir t As those sweet flowers of thine; Now shut from sunny light and air, How cans't thou choose but pine? Neglected flows thy raven hair, Like the uncultured vine. Look on her work:—but look the more On het unwearied heart, And put aside the chamber-doJr Thut duth the daughter part From that deer mother, who before Taught her this cunning art. She sleep!—that in , ,thet eiek and pale-4 She bleeps—and little deems That she, who doth her features veil Ail day, in flitting gleamy Of anxious hope, this hour doth hail; But not fur happy dreams. God bless bcr in tizr lons empldy, And fill those earnest ey,cs With visions of the coming joy, W a iting h. q. sacrifice, When they who gave her this cmployi Pay her its stinted price! Think how her trembling hand will clasp The treasure it will hold. With that which seems a greedy grasp..: Yet not for love of gold; That look—that sigh's relieving gas,' Its deeper hprings unfold. Think how her hasty feet will Loom The market uhd the a reit, To purchase fur her humble home Th e 1:, o d and clothing meet, And with what glethle,o; s he will corm) 4 Bac:, to this poor retreat. Poor maiden! if the lair ones who Thy graceful tirnidery bu . , Only 0. - fr half thy struggles knc.v , r, And filial piety, Met.,inks same drop ut pity's Cow Would gem the proudest ey e. It ia nut here its Intl reward Thy gentle heart will prove, Here er r roust Ih, lot be hare, But there is One above Who 9, vs, sod will not disr, bard, Thy consecrated kyr ; THE HOSTESS' DAUGHTER. Flom THE GERMAN OF UHLAND Conrad—Udel—Leeline, Students three have crossed the Rhine. 'Turning from the road aside, Tu the title inn they ',lied, Hu -tern, bring ub wine and he..r— Send y nut hale daughter here. My beer and •eine are fresh and Jeat- M child is i ne r bier. the row' w 10 n cent they, Where the black pall u'er her lay. Th e h drew aside the ve.l, And gazed upon the feature:, pare '.lh well. thou Vivi nz stlll, sweet Niny, 1W wwld l love tbec Frow thin did the i.ecorid spread 'Elie veil and wept—and turned I,ls head 'There art thou upon thy bier, Whom I leived this !tidily a year.' And the third the veil uprist, And the dead white !ilia he ki't 'Love t) thee long yea7e I bore, Love thee now and ever more!' Specie in ilintion.—The Peoria R.egia.- relates the following incident: 'Two wa gons with specie arrived at Pr inceton, Bu. rt au county, on Monday of last week, in the midst of a heavy allow storm. The landlord of the house at which they stop, ped, anxious to oblige his guests, nommen* ced helping in with the boxes, but being unpractised ih the art of handling sp#eie, he let the first one fall, and the half dull lets rolled nut like marbles. Here ties it pretty kettle of fish, The snow was near ly a foot deep, and the wind blowing with merciless severity. The receiver (Judge Garnaey) observing through an open door that there was a large kettle of water on the kitchen file, order. ed it to be brought, which being poured upon the snow, removed it almost instant. ly. The money was Rathered up and oft being counted it was found that only two half (1 , 11 - .. rs out of thirty hundred were mis% sing. Th e son found next moriiing, when all was made right again: It appears that in the great gale in the Gulf of Mexico, in September last, three vesse's of war were lost, ae they were in the Guile! the tirne,and have not since been heard (rum. They were the English brig of war Victor, the French brig of war Du nois' and the Texan schooner of war San Antonio. Nearly or quite three hundred men perished with thew vessels. The Dunois was from Havana for From). the Victor from Vera Cruz for the West los die; and the San Antonio from Galveston to blew Orleans. There is . village in Georgia, where ant a ainetedveraf ardent apiritsia sald.—Pitita. einretre. 2'